How to prepare melt water? How to prepare melt water at home.

People have known about the miraculous properties of melt water since ancient times. In the Caucasus and Altai, the local population always took water from glacial rivers for cooking. Newest Scientific research confirmed beneficial features such water. And the reason is that its molecules make up a semi-crystalline structure, which penetrates through the cell membrane much easier and contributes to the activation of metabolism.

What is useful melt water?

This amazing water will also help those who want to get rid of excess weight, as well as people with a weakened immune system and low stress resistance. It has a beneficial effect on the body of children and adolescents. It also energizes the child, helping to endure the academic load, regardless of age.

There are no contraindications to the use of melt water, and side effects missing.

How to drink melt water.

If you drink two glasses of melt water a day, then your health and well-being will improve significantly. You need to drink such water correctly: on an empty stomach in the morning and an hour before meals during the day.

How to prepare melt water:

1. Pour water into a bowl, place on a sheet of plywood and leave it in the freezer. Defrost frozen water before use, but, of course, with this method there will not be much benefit, because it loses many useful properties and contains harmful impurities.

2. There are more effective method: pour ordinary water into the dishes, leave to freeze, but after a while remove the ice crust formed on the surface. After all, it is this crust that contains deuterium - a harmful mixture of substances that negates all the benefits of thawed water.

After removing the crust, leave the water to completely harden. When ice appears, take the resulting piece of ice and rinse it well under running cold water, this will help remove harmful impurities, and the ice will become crystal clear.

3. Another way to prepare melt water. Divide the water into two halves, let one half freeze and drain the unfrozen part onto it. For application, use exactly the half that has had time to freeze. The benefits of such water will be even greater if you freeze pre-settled water.

Repeat the procedure for removing the ice crust indicated in the recipe above, divide the remaining water into two halves, drain the water that has not had time to freeze, and defrost and drink the remaining frozen part. It is this most troublesome method that is the most effective and allows you to get crystal clear water.


  • To prepare melt water at home, do not use metal utensils for freezing.
  • Drink water without any additives and in any case do not heat!
  • The freezer must have a tight-fitting lid, otherwise dust and germs can get into the water.
  • Defrost water only under a tight lid and at room temperature.

Of course, thawed water will not be able to help in solving various health problems, but many people know that many centenarians of our planet use it. They, like our ancestors, found a source of health and youth in the water of glacial rivers. Give your body powerful support with ancient traditional medicine.

How to make melt water at home:

Even a schoolboy is familiar with the formula of water. It is surprisingly simple and is amazing that two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen are capable of giving life to all living organisms. A simply arranged molecule provides turgor (elastic state) of cells, is the main component of blood and lymph. But more unique are the properties of melt water, the benefits of which are difficult to overestimate. By changing its crystalline structure, it gives a person additional strength and energy.

Water turns into melted water after defrosting. Manipulations are simple: they took tap water, froze, melted and received the same liquid molecules, but with a different structure. They become smaller, which makes them look like cellular protoplasm - the main internal semi-liquid substance of the cell. In addition, for some time it retains the structure of ice crystals.

What are the properties of regenerated water?

She is capable of:

Internal processes go more smoothly, since the melt water molecules work "at the same frequency", without making chaotic movements. Due to this, the body produces more energy and the person becomes more active.

The revived liquid does not contain "heavy water" or deuterium, which is a heavy isotope found in tap water. It has a negative effect on the work of a living cell. Its disappearance stimulates the vital activity of the body, releasing additional energy.

The phenomenon of melt water is its purity. After defrosting, it is cleared of compounds harmful to the body:

  • salts, including chlorides;
  • isotope molecules;
  • other impurities.

On a note! Our ancestors have long noticed the purity of melted snow or ice. They put a trough in the yard, collected snow, melted it and used it for drinking and washing. The water of mountain glaciers was drunk by people living in the highlands. Their health was strong and life long.


Water, changing its structure, has a positive effect on the functioning of the body, regardless of biological age. Frozen ice and melted ice are used in the form of compresses, dousing, washing, drinking, massage. He carries general health improvement body:

  • there is an increase in metabolic processes;
  • decrease allergic manifestations;
  • unnecessary "stale" decay products are removed;
  • the immune, protective barrier is strengthened;
  • improves the work of the digestive tract;
  • with fullness there is an active weight loss.

Against this background, the growth of working capacity, strengthening of memory, deep sleep are no longer surprising. The biological rhythm may change, which leads to an increase in the time of wakefulness and a decrease in the duration of sleep, which in no way affects general condition person.

Noted positive influence for cardiovascular activity

  • blood concentration and its composition are normalized;
  • rhythmic work of the heart muscle is noted;
  • the amount of "bad" cholesterol is reduced.

Helps modified water and skin problems: eczema, neurodermatitis, dermatitis, psoriasis and others. If to complex treatment add a "healing source", then they are removed faster unpleasant manifestations: itching; irritation; hyperthermia.

Important! Melt water slows down the aging process. Due to the acceleration of metabolism, young cells grow and divide faster. There is an improvement and rejuvenation of the body.

At prolonged use a new source of fluid a person needs less medication during the course of medical procedures. And the use of designated medicines becomes more effective, they have the maximum effect on the body. It is especially useful to drink such a liquid after operations: wounds heal faster, the healing process accelerates.

Beauticians for the elastic state of the skin, its healthy appearance are advised to wipe the face with ice cubes in the morning. From the cold, blood circulation increases, tissues receive more oxygen, regeneration processes (epidermis restoration) are accelerated. Washing with melt water also brings tangible benefits.

Possible harm

Melt water is not capable of causing harm if the technology of its preparation is not violated. With proper freezing and thawing of ice, its benefits are fully manifested. Contraindications and side effects melt water was not detected.

But you should not abruptly switch to a “new drink”: 100 ml per day will be enough. With continued use, modified water makes up a third of the total fluid that is consumed daily. The rest is filtered or bottled water.

On a note! Melt water retains its beneficial properties for up to 12 hours, after which its structure changes and becomes the same. Biological activity is also disturbed when heated to +37 ° C or defrosted hot water. It is advisable to use it immediately after preparation.

How to prepare melt water?

Do not use plastic containers to freeze water, as dioxin is released from plastic into the liquid - quite dangerous carcinogen. In addition, plastic products are artificial, so the water in it loses its healing properties.

How to properly prepare melted water?

Option 1

  1. Pour the filtered and purified water into the selected dishes and place in the freezer.
  2. After about 30-40 minutes, we remove the surface film of ice containing deuterium.
  3. We put the container in the freezer for 9-10 hours and then take it out again. Ice will form, in the center of which will contain unfrozen liquid.
  4. We drain the liquid, it is harmful, because it contains heavy metals. If it is not possible to drain it, then you need to pierce the top layer of ice.
  5. The remaining ice cylinder (cube) is melted naturally and use for drinking.

Important! The freezing time depends on the size of the container and the power of the freezer, so the given approximate dates manipulations with the liquid and its defrosting.

Option 2

The method is similar to the first one. We freeze the water for 40 minutes until an ice crust forms, which we remove. We subject the water to a long freeze and the liquid freezes completely. We melt the water, in the center of which there will be an opaque piece with harmful impurities, which must be removed. Then you can use the "healing source" at your discretion.

Option 3

We do not monitor the transformation of water into ice and the composition freezes completely. We take it out and look at those parts where the ice cube has lost transparency. jet hot water Wash away opaque areas. Melt the rest of the ice and drink a healthy liquid. Or just wait until the transparent ice melts, and discard the white core.

Option 4

It takes a slightly different approach:

  1. We bring the water to the boiling point, its temperature should correspond to approximately +94 ° C.
  2. Cool quickly by placing the hot liquid in a bowl of ice water.
  3. The cooled composition is placed in the freezer and frozen whole.
  4. During defrosting, an unmelted piece of ice remains in the center, containing components we do not need, which we remove.
  5. The water is ready to drink. We drink and gain strength and energy.

On a note! You can not use the "snow coat" that freezes over the freezer as a source of melt water. The melted liquid has bad smell, contains refrigerants and a number of harmful compounds.

How to drink melted water?

Reception of revived water does not require special special schedules, specific recommendations. It is important to take it immediately after defrosting at temperatures up to +10 ° C. You need to drink, taking small sips and briefly holding water in your mouth. It is not recommended to add juices, drinks, decoctions to water, it should just be clean.

It is usually taken on an empty stomach after sleep and before breakfast, in the evening an hour before meals. If the liquid is used during treatment, then it is used inside half an hour before meals for a month.

The melted "healing source" dries up after 12 hours, losing its beneficial properties. Melt water is prepared regularly, using the rules of freezing and thawing, not forgetting to remove the surface film and remove harmful compounds.

Melt water (video)

From the video you will learn the opinion of a scientist about melt water and his method of preparing it.

Modern people consume a lot of products that contain impurities, ranging from preservatives to sweeteners or flavorings. There are harmless additives, and some cause significant harm to health. Against this background, the use of melt water is not just a cleansing of the body, but also its revival.

Mosin O.V.

The technique for obtaining melt water consists in different freezing rates clean water and water containing impurities. It has been established experimentally that slowly solidifying, ice intensively captures impurities at the beginning and at the end of freezing. Therefore, when obtaining ice, it is necessary to discard the first formed ice floes, and then, after freezing the main part of the water, drain the unfrozen residues.

Fresh melt water can be obtained at home. But for this you need to follow some general rules.

Melt water is prepared from previously purified drinking water, which is poured into clean, flat vessels to 85% of their volume.

Dishes for preparing melted water are tightly closed and placed in freezers until completely frozen.

Should not be filled with water full vessel, because if it is glass, it can break, it is better to use a plastic vessel marked “for drinking water”.

Ice is defrosted at room temperature in the same closed vessels, immediately before use.

Frozen vessels can be put out of the freezer before going to bed, and in the morning it turns out required amount such water.

There are several ways to obtain fresh melt water. Due to the fact that the data available on the Internet for the preparation of melt water is incomplete and contradictory, below are the main detailed methods and instructions for obtaining melt water at home.

Method #1

The method of one of the active popularizers of the use of melt water A.D. Labs: Pour into a one and a half-liter jar, not reaching the top, cold tap water. Cover the jar with a plastic lid and place it in the freezer of the refrigerator on a cardboard lining (to insulate the bottom). Mark the freezing time for about half the jar. Choosing its volume, it is easy to achieve that it is equal to 10-12 hours; then you need to repeat the freezing cycle only twice a day to provide yourself with a daily supply of melt water. The result is a two-component system consisting of ice (actually pure frozen water without impurities) and an aqueous non-freezing brine under the ice containing salts and impurities that are removed. In this case, the water brine is completely drained into the sink, and the ice is defrosted and used for drinking, making tea, coffee and other food items.

This is the easiest and most convenient method of preparing melt water at home. Water not only acquires characteristic structure, but also perfectly cleared of many salts and impurities. cold water kept in the freezer (and in winter - on the balcony) until about half of it freezes. In the middle of the volume, unfrozen water remains, which is poured out. The ice is left to melt. The main thing in this method is to experimentally find the time required to freeze half the volume. It can be 8, and 10, and 12 hours. The idea is that pure water freezes first, while most of the impurities remain in solution. Consider sea ice, which is almost fresh water, although it forms on the surface of a salty sea. And if there is no household filter, then all water for drinking and household needs can be subjected to such purification. For greater effect, you can use double water purification. To do this, you first need to filter tap water through any available filter, and then freeze it. Then, when a thin first layer of ice forms, it is removed, because. it contains some harmful quick-freezing heavy compounds. Then the water is re-frozen - already up to half the volume and the unfrozen fraction of water is removed. It turns out very clean water. Method propagandist, A.D. Labza, in this way, refusing ordinary tap water, cured himself of a serious illness. In 1966, his kidney was removed, in 1984 he almost did not move as a result of atherosclerosis of the brain and heart. He began to be treated with purified melt water, and the results exceeded all expectations.

Method #2

A more complex method for preparing melt water is described by A. Malovichko, where melt water is called protium. The method is as follows: An enamel pot with filtered or ordinary tap water should be placed in the freezer of the refrigerator. After 4-5 hours, you need to get it. The surface of the water and the walls of the pan are already stuck with the first ice. Drain this water into another bowl. The ice that remains in the empty pan contains molecules of heavy water, which freezes earlier than ordinary water at +3.8 0C. This first ice containing deuterium is discarded. And put the pot of water back in the freezer. When the water in it freezes by two-thirds, we drain the unfrozen water - this is “light” water, it contains all the chemicals and harmful impurities. And the ice that remained in the pan is protium water, which is necessary for the human body. It is 80% free of impurities and heavy water and contains 15 mg of calcium per liter of liquid. You need to melt this ice at room temperature and drink this water throughout the day.

Method #3

Degassed water (method of the Zelepukhin brothers)- Another way to prepare biologically active melt water. To do this, a small amount of tap water is brought to a temperature of 94-96 0C, that is, to the point of the so-called “white key”, when small bubbles appear in the water in a multitude, but the formation of large ones has not yet begun. After that, the dishes with water are removed from the stove and cooled quickly, for example, by placing it in a larger vessel or in a bath with cold water. Then the water is frozen and thawed according to the standard method. According to the authors, such water goes through all phases of its circulation in nature - it evaporates, cools, freezes and thaws. In addition, such water has a lower content of gases. Therefore, it is especially useful because it has a natural structure.

It should be emphasized, however, that degassed water with a large energy reserve can be obtained not only by freezing. The most active (5-6 times more than usual and 2-3 times more than melted water) is boiled and quickly cooled water in conditions that exclude access atmospheric air. In this case, according to the laws of physics, it is degassed and does not have time to re-saturate with gases.

Method #4

Another method for preparing melt water was proposed by Yu.A. Andreev, author of the book “Three whales of health”. He suggested combining the two previous methods, that is, subjecting the melt water to degassing, and then freezing it again. “The test showed,” he writes, “that such water has no price. It's for real healing water and if anyone has any disturbances in gastrointestinal tract she is his medicine.”

Method #5

There is one more new method obtaining melt water, developed by engineer M. M. Muratov. He designed a plant that makes it possible to obtain light water of a given salt composition with a reduced content of heavy water in it at home by the method of uniform freezing. It is known that natural water is a heterogeneous substance in its isotopic composition. In addition to the molecules of light (protium) water - H2 16O, consisting of two hydrogen atoms (protium) and one oxygen atom-16, in natural water there are also heavy water molecules, and there are 7 stable (consisting only of stable atoms) isotopic modifications of water. The total amount of heavy isotopes in natural water is approximately 0.272%. In the water of freshwater sources, the content of heavy water is usually about 330 mg / l (calculated per HDO molecule), and heavy oxygen (H2 18O) - about 2 g / l. It is comparable or even exceeds allowed content salts in drinking water. A sharply negative effect of heavy water on living organisms has been revealed, necessitating the removal of heavy water from drinking water. (Report by A.A. Timakov "The main effects light water"at the 8th All-Russian Scientific Conference on the topic "Physico-chemical processes in the selection of atoms and molecules" November 6 - 10, 2003) 2006 began to "facilitate" water for cooking and drinking by uniform freezing.

According to the method of M.M. Muratov water was aerated and cooled with the formation of a water flow circulating in the tank, until the formation of small ice crystals. Then it was filtered. Less than 2% of ice containing heavy water remained on the filter.

According to the author of this method, the 6-month use of light water showed: When consumed in food and drink in the amount of 2.5-3 liters per day, a significant improvement in well-being on the 5th day of use. This was expressed in the fact that drowsiness and chronic fatigue, "heaviness" in the legs disappeared, seasonal allergic manifestations decreased without the use of drugs. For 10 days, noticeably, about 0.5 diopters, vision improved. A month later the pain was gone. knee joint. Symptoms disappeared after 4 months chronic pancreatitis and passed small pains in the region of the liver. For 6 months, the pain associated with coronary artery disease and pain in the back and lower back disappeared. one viral infection passed in very mild form, "on foot". Decreased manifestations varicose veins veins. There was also a marked improvement palatability and water, and foods prepared with treated water. The latter fact is confirmed by the tasting commission of an industrial enterprise, and is clearly visible to ordinary water consumers.

Method number 6 - "talitsa"

There are also recipes for external use of melt water. Enthusiast healthy lifestyle life, the national inventor V. Mamontov, knowing about the special properties of melt water, invented the method of massage with melt water - “talitsu”. He added rock salt, which contains all the vital trace elements, and a little vinegar to the melted water, and used this solution for massage rubbing into the skin. And the miracles began. Here is how he writes about it: “After several rubbings, the heart, constantly reminding of itself with tingling, lumbago, sharp pains, ceased to disturb, the work of the stomach improved, sleep returned to normal. The veins began to disappear, which had previously acted like ropes and tourniquets on the legs and arms. After the normalization of metabolism, the vessels that are close to the skin began to recover. The skin itself on the face and body became elastic, soft, tender, acquired a lively, natural color, wrinkles were noticeably smoothed out. Legs warmed up, chronic periodontal disease disappeared in a few days, gums stopped bleeding.

A solution of "talitsa" is prepared as follows: 1 teaspoon is diluted in 300 ml of melt water. a spoonful of rock salt (preferably unrefined sea salt) and 1 tsp. a spoonful of table vinegar (preferably apple or other fruit).

For baths oral cavity(for sore throats, diseases of the teeth, gums, periodontitis) the "talitsa" should be kept in the mouth for 10-15 minutes, carrying out several procedures a day for 7-10 days.

Water and massage treatments using the "talitsa" can be diversified by replacing in various water procedures ordinary water on the "talitsa". Procedures with "talitsa" are generally available, do not require special equipment and training, have no contraindications, and give the body a general tone.

Melted ice at first glance represents the usual drinking water. But since ancient times, the benefits of such water, which improves the work internal organs, and also helps to lose weight without exhausting stress and diets. The main secret is that the composition does not contain harmful impurities that negatively affect the state of the human body. Ordinary tap water contains various substances that are added for cleaning.

A useful property of melt water - if you drink it regularly - significantly affect the rate of metabolic processes in the body. This is due to the fact that the molecule of this state of the liquid is somewhat smaller than in the usual one, therefore it penetrates into the cells much faster and easier.

What is useful melt water?

Preparation of melt water can improve the condition of the body at any age. Cell replacement occurs much faster, since dead cells, when exposed to such a substance, leave the body faster.

It should be noted that melt water prolongs youth and allows you to fight against irreversible aging processes.

Significantly improves the immune defense of the body, lowers blood cholesterol levels, increases brain activity and human performance, allergic and other diseases pass faster. The beneficial effect of melt water on the work of the digestive organs leads to the fact that weight loss becomes more effective. By limiting the consumption of fatty, floury and high-calorie foods, there is a noticeable benefit in the fight against extra pounds.

Preparation of melt water at home

To get high-quality melt water, you need to learn how to properly prepare it. Exist various ways freezing water.

The main condition is the choice of a suitable container so that it does not deform during the freezing process. Therefore, it is preferable to choose a plastic that adapts at low temperatures. Most fast way to obtain melt water is to place it in the freezer, then take it out and defrost at room temperature. Gradually, the water in the ice bottle begins to thaw, and the resulting liquid is ingested.

But this method of preparing melt water has salient feature: some of the harmful impurities remain in it, since partial purification occurs during freezing

Types of water. Which one is better to drink?

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The second way to prepare such water at home is to fill the container and place it in the freezer for a short period of time. No need to wait for all the water to turn into ice. After the formation of the first ice crust, it is necessary to separate it and throw it away, since it is in this part of the water that the main part of harmful substances and contaminants is contained. Place the rest of the water back in the freezer. Part of the water must remain unfrozen, as it also contains harmful impurities. Eat only ice, which is most beneficial for the human body.

To freeze tap water, you first need to let it settle for several hours to release dissolved gases.

  • it is preferable to choose plastic dishes, since metal negatively affects the quality characteristics of melt water, and glass can crack when frozen
  • homemade drink from melt water is advisable to use in pure form without adding any additives in the form of sugar, fruit juice, etc.
  • you can’t cook food on such water, since when heated, all the beneficial properties disappear
  • storage involves sealing, otherwise foreign odors are absorbed
  • it is impossible to defrost ice artificially, since help for the body is possible in the event of natural ice melting

Melt water for weight loss

What is the ability of melt water to fight overweight? Primarily, regular use water leads to an acceleration of metabolic processes, so it is recommended to drink a glass of liquid before each meal. Another technique is to drink a glass of water in the morning on an empty stomach.

No need to deny yourself frequent use water, since with a large amount of pure water drunk, the body quickly removes harmful substances, toxins and salts. For summer, the amount of water can increase significantly, due to increased sweating when exposed to high temperature.

But the benefit is achieved if water is drunk immediately after it has been defrosted. With prolonged storage, the properties gradually decrease. To this end, the freezing container should not be large, which allows you to enrich the body the maximum number useful substances.

Myths and facts about the benefits of water

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A lot of people have heard about the benefits of drinking melt water, and would like to try this way of healing. But not everyone lives in the highlands, and not everyone can afford to go to such a resort. However, useful melt water without extra hassle can be cooked at home.

Preparatory stage

You can take any water for freezing, but it should be remembered that in ordinary tap water there are many components that are harmful to health. First of all, it is chlorine, which is used for disinfection. To get rid of it, it is enough to defend tap water in an open container for several hours. Within an hour, the content of harmful gas in the water will decrease significantly. Optimal use.

The second way to prepare for the preparation of melt water at home is to boil the water to a “white key” state. desired stage can be identified by sight and by ear. The noise of the kettle when reaching the “white key” begins to decrease, and the water appears white because it is full of small bubbles (as opposed to a full boil, when the bubbles are large). Then the heated water must be quickly cooled. To do this, just put the kettle in a large container with cold water (bucket, basin or bath).

This method is good because it not only removes harmful gases and causes many impurities to precipitate into scale, but also contributes to the aeration of water, that is, its saturation with oxygen.

How to make melt water at home: the easiest way

For this procedure, you only need a plastic bottle for drinks and prepared water. It is important to remember that the bottle cannot be poured full (water expands when it freezes!). The bottle is placed in the freezer. It is better to put a piece of cardboard under it so that it does not freeze.

You need to defrost water only in a natural way (in no case do not heat it!). It is better to put the bottle on a saucer or in a container - a lot of condensate will drain from it.

You will have to calculate the amount empirically, taking into account the time of freezing and defrosting, the daily routine and the desired amount of water. It is better not to store it thawed for a long time (up to 16 hours) and not to consume too much (up to 1/3 of the daily volume of liquid).

How to prepare melt water at home without impurities

Defending water does not relieve it of all harmful components. To get the most useful water it is desirable to remove the so-called "heavy" fraction containing deuterium, as well as a solution of various salts that are not necessarily healthy.

This can be done based on the different freezing rates of different fractions. For cooking in this case, you will need an open dish (like a bowl or a plastic food bucket).

Heavy water freezes first. Therefore, it is advisable, as soon as a thin ice crust appears on the water, remove it and discard it. Salt water is the last to freeze. Here you can do different ways. For example, wait until the water freezes by 2/3, break through the ice and pour out the remaining unfrozen water.

You can freeze the ice completely, but discard the last piece (about ¼ of the volume) when defrosting. In some cases (if the dishes allow), you can remove a completely frozen piece of ice (for this you need to moisten the container with hot water) and beat off (or “wash off” under the tap) those areas where the ice will have a whitish color and will be opaque.

simple and accessible way to recovery - melt water. Cooking at home this product is easy, and the result can be excellent.