Mair classification of chemical carcinogens. Formation of carcinogens during frying

Carcinogenic substances, depending on their ability to interact with DNA, are divided into two groups:

By origin, carcinogens can be:

According to the nature of their action, carcinogens are divided into three groups:

Also, the classification of carcinogens can be made in accordance with the nature of the toxic substance:

  • Chemical origin (aromatic hydrocarbons);
  • Physical origin (ionizing radiation);
  • Biological origin (hepatitis B virus).

Effects of a carcinogen on warm-blooded animals

The complex mechanisms by which chemicals induce malignant growth are not yet fully understood, but there is evidence that there are four main stages in this process, starting from the moment of adequate exposure to a chemical carcinogen in a mammal (including humans):

Some carcinogens appear to be responsible for only one step in this process and are not considered complete carcinogens. For example, many chemicals that interact with DNA and are therefore mutagens are likely to initiate this process due to primary DNA damage. These are the so-called initiators, and the damage they cause is usually irreversible.

Other compounds interfere with the expression and progression of the original DNA change and are referred to as tumor enhancers. Some of these compounds do not interact with DNA, they are not mutagens and act as so-called tumor promoters. The third group includes chemicals known as complete carcinogens; these substances appear to be capable of both initiating and promoting malignant growth. All substances damaging DNAs leading to mutations or cancer, including initiators of carcinogenesis and complete carcinogens, are considered genotoxic.

Carcinogens are certain factors under the influence of which a person increases the likelihood of the formation of malignant tumors. The rate of development of the pathological process depends on the state of health of people, the duration of exposure to organic and inorganic substances or ionizing radiation. carcinogens in in large numbers found in food and household chemicals, they are part of some pharmacological preparations. It will not work to completely protect yourself and loved ones from compounds that provoke the development of cancer. But to reduce the amount of carcinogens in environment, as well as minimizing the consequences of contact with them is quite possible.

Classification of carcinogens

The list of carcinogens includes several thousand substances of chemical and organic origin. Scientists were unable to collect them in one classification due to the lack of a unifying feature. Carcinogens were systematized as follows:

  • according to the degree of action on the human body: clearly carcinogenic, slightly carcinogenic, carcinogenic;
  • on the danger of developing oncology: compounds that are obtained at certain stages technological processes with a high, medium and low probability of the formation of cancerous tumors, as well as substances whose carcinogenic properties have been questioned;
  • if possible, the formation of several tumors: under the influence of chemical compounds, a malignant neoplasm develops on a particular organ or on different areas human body;
  • by the time of tumor formation: carcinogens with local, remotely selective, systemic effects;
  • by origin: carcinogenic substances that have developed in the human body or penetrated into it from the surrounding space /

Classification chemical substances It is also carried out according to the nature of the pathological process caused by them. One type of carcinogens changes the gene structure of the cell, while others do not affect the body at the gene level and provoke tumor growth in other ways. Compounds that affect DNA are especially dangerous - the natural death of cells is disrupted, they begin to divide uncontrollably. If this pathological process affects healthy tissues, then a person is subsequently diagnosed benign tumor. But with the division of defective, damaged cells, the likelihood of a malignant tumor is high.

Types of carcinogens

Carcinogenic substances are not only chemical compounds that are produced by various industries. They are found in food, plants, they are produced by viruses and bacteria.. Prolonged exposure to substances hazardous to the body leads to the formation of tumors not only in humans, but also in animals.

Carcinogens are part of natural substances, which, when correct use very beneficial for health. But it is worth exceeding the dosage recommended by the doctor or the duration of treatment, as soon as a favorable environment for division is created. cancer cells. These compounds include the well-known birch tar, widely used in folk medicine.

In order to be well versed in the types of carcinogens, one should understand why these compounds are dangerous. First of all, you need to pay attention to nutritional supplements, medicines, insecticides and plant growth accelerators. That is, something without which it is difficult to imagine the life of a modern person.

natural carcinogens

This term combines factors and hazardous substances that are always found in the environment. Their appearance was in no way influenced by humans. The main cause of most diagnosed cases of skin cancer is solar radiation, or ultraviolet radiation. Doctors do not get tired of warning about the dangers of sunburn. In an effort to acquire a beautiful chocolate skin tone, women and men spend a lot of time on the beach or in the solarium. Under influence sun rays in all layers of the epidermis, a pathological process of cell division with an altered gene structure can start.

Tan lovers are more likely to develop cancerous tumor higher by 5-6 times. People should be especially careful fair skin living in northern latitudes.

Radon is one of the most dangerous compounds for the human body.. It is an inert gas contained in earth's crust and building materials. The risk of developing cancerous tumors is higher in people who live on the first floors of high-rise buildings. A significant content of radon was noted by specialists in houses located in countryside. In such buildings there is an underground or cellar, that is, there is no protection against inert gas. Radon is also located:

If the house or apartment is poorly sealed and there is no ventilation, then the concentration of radon in the surrounding space is high. This situation is typical for northern latitudes, where the heating season lasts most of the year.

Carcinogenic effect on the human body is exerted by:

  • hormones produced by glands internal secretion: prolactin and estrogens;
  • tyrosine, tryptophan, bile acids, which are in the form of metabolites;
  • polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons contained in brown and hard coal or formed during the combustion of forests.

To biological compounds, whose carcinogenic effects are still being studied, experts include some viruses. They cause the development of severe liver diseases - hepatitis B and C.

Helicobacter bacterium pylori cannot directly influence the formation of a cancerous tumor. But it can provoke a stomach ulcer and duodenum, erosive and chronic gastritis. Doctors refer to these diseases as precancerous conditions.

Anthropogenic carcinogens

The appearance of this type of hazardous substances in the environment was the result of human actions. The following carcinogens are included in this category:

  • compounds that are part of carbon monoxide and exhaust gas, as well as those contained in household or industrial soot;
  • polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons released during the combustion of petroleum products, coal, waste;
  • products remaining after the processing of wood or oil;
  • formaldehyde resins, which contains the smog of large cities.

Ionizing radiation is extremely dangerous for the human body.. Even in small doses, this carcinogenic factor causes in humans radiation sickness, causes radiation burn. Depending on their type, the rays penetrate into different layers of the epidermis and provoke changes in the skin. cellular level. Sources of ionizing radiation can enter the body with food or by inhalation. Gamma rays are deadly to humans, from which only a thick layer of concrete or cement can protect.

Cancer causing foods

Many people, when visiting stores, carefully read labels, trying to evaluate the carcinogenic effect of products. But manufacturers carefully hide food additives that can cause cancer. incomprehensible capital letters With digital designations remain a mystery to the average buyer. This is how compounds are coded that increase the shelf life of products, improve them appearance and taste. The buyer, of course, guesses that natural milk cannot be stored for months. But finding a replacement for it on the supermarket counter is quite problematic - food additives are in all dairy or fermented milk products.

A significant amount of nitrosamines is part of sausage products and meat products. It is nitrites that give them an appetizing pink color, provide a long shelf life. These chemical compounds, when directly exposed to the mucous membrane gastrointestinal tract can lead to the formation of cancerous tumors.

It should be borne in mind that, despite the unproven carcinogenicity to humans, some dietary supplements have caused malignant neoplasms in animals. These are the widely known and frequently used saccharin and cyclamate. When buying, you should pay attention to the content of these sweeteners in curds and yogurts.

Even healthy foods become carcinogenic if fried in large quantities of any vegetable oil. In a crispy fried crust, toxic compounds are found:

  • acrylamide;
  • fatty acid metabolites;
  • various aldehydes;
  • benzapyrene.

The effect of carcinogens on the human body is the stronger, the longer the product was in the oil. This doesn't just apply to regular fried potatoes. Toxic compounds are found in:

  • in pies and donuts;
  • in potato chips;
  • in charcoal grilled meat.

Some cafes and eateries neglect established by law norms and do not change the oil before cooking the next portion of food. In such chebureks and pies, the concentration of carcinogens is so high that it can cause serious harm to health.

Coffee, without which many people cannot imagine their lives, contains the substance acrylamide. Experts could not confirm the likelihood of tumor formation when drinking coffee. But the presence of the carcinogen acrylamide in its composition does not allow us to refute this possibility. Therefore, you should limit the number of cups of coffee to 4-5 per day.

Carcinogens in food are not only found as food additives, they can form there over time. Aflatoxin is especially dangerous for the human body. It is produced by mold fungi, the spores of which can be found in cereals, bran, nuts and flour. Products with aflatoxin are easily identified by their unusual bitter taste. The carcinogen is not destroyed by heat treatment and in large doses often causes the death of animals. In humans, aflatoxin can cause liver cancer.

The most dangerous carcinogens

There are many compounds in the environment that have negative impact on the human body. But substances that a person encounters in everyday life and at work are of particular danger. Here is a list of carcinogens:

  • Asbestos. A fine-fibrous mineral from the silicate group is often used in carrying out construction works. If asbestos was used in the construction of residential premises, then in their air space there may be the finest fibers. This carcinogen after penetration into the body causes the formation malignant neoplasms lungs, larynx and stomach.
  • Vinyl chloride. Contained in many varieties of plastic that are used in medicine. It is used to manufacture consumer goods. Tumors of the lungs and liver are often diagnosed among employees of such enterprises.
  • Benzene. The compound with prolonged contact provokes the formation of leukemia.
  • Arsenic, nickel, chromium, cadmium. Derivatives of these compounds are found in exhaust gases. Carcinogens contribute to the development of prostate and bladder cancer.

Interesting fact: if the potato is stored in the garage, then it absorbs carcinogens from exhaust gases. The medical literature describes cases of diagnosing rectal cancer due to the use of pieces of newspapers as toilet paper.

How to get rid of carcinogens

Remove carcinogens from the body regular products nutrition. They will tie dangerous compounds by using chemical reactions or simply absorb them on their surface. These products include:

  • cabbage, carrots, beets and freshly squeezed juices from these vegetables;
  • cereal porridge: buckwheat, oatmeal, rice;
  • green tea, dairy products;
  • dried fruits compote.

You should include cereals and vegetables in your daily diet. They are not only capable of removing carcinogens, but are also excellent prophylactic from the formation of malignant neoplasms. It is possible to clear the gastrointestinal tract from carcinogens accumulated on its mucous membrane with the help of absorbents and enterosorbents ( Activated carbon, polysorb, smecta, laktofiltrum). The course intake of these pharmacological preparations will significantly reduce the negative impact of hazardous substances on the human body.

Sanitary rules are a regulatory legal document in force throughout the territory Russian Federation and determining the carcinogenic hazard to humans of chemical (excluding radioactive isotopes), physical and biological factors habitat, as well as production processes, established based on the results of epidemiological and experimental studies. Sanitary rules set hygiene requirements to the organization and implementation of sanitary and anti-epidemic measures aimed at the prevention of oncological morbidity.

Designation: SanPiN 1.2.2353-08
Russian name: Carcinogenic factors and basic requirements for the prevention of carcinogenic hazard
Status: valid
Text update date: 05.05.2017
Date added to database: 01.09.2013
Date of entry into force: 28.06.2008
Approved: 04/21/2008 Chief State sanitary doctor Russian Federation (27)
Published: Bulletin of normative acts of federal executive bodies (2008 (23))
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3. Occupational exposure to radon and its short-lived daughter products in the mining industry (work in mines, mines, etc.) and in underground structures

4. Production of isopropyl alcohol (strongly acidic process)

5. Production of coke, processing of coal, oil and shale tar, coal gasification

6. Production of rubber and products from it (preparatory, main and auxiliary production of rubber, tires, footwear, rubber products)

7. Production of carbon black

8. Production of coal and graphite products, as well as baked anodes, anode and hearth pastes using pitches

9. Production of iron and steel (sinter processes, blast furnace and steelmaking), hot rolling and casting of iron and steel

10. Electrolytic production of aluminum using self-sintering anodes

11. Industrial processes associated with exposure to sulfuric acid aerosol or aerosols containing strong inorganic acids

12. Production of 1,1-dimethylhydrazine

13. Oil refining production (main and auxiliary production)

(Changed edition. Rev. No. 1)

14. Production processes that use the substances and products listed in section

15. Nickel production (mining and enrichment of nickel-containing ores, smelting for matte, converting, fire and electrolytic refining).

16. Production processes associated with coating (painting, anti-corrosion and other works) using materials containing carcinogenic substances .

(Introduced additionally. Rev. No. 1)

17. Processes for the production of leather, leather products and their repair, accompanied by the formation of leather dust and / or the use / formation of compounds included in these sanitary rules.

18. Manual arc and gas welding and cutting of metals

(Introduced additionally. Amended on 12/22/2014)

2.1.3. Household factors (Excluded. Change No. 1 )

2.2. Physical factors

1. Ionizing radiation:

1) Alpha and beta radiation (when radiation sources enter the body)

2) Photon (X-ray and gamma) radiation

3) Neutron radiation

(New edition. Revised on 12/22/2014)

2. Solar radiation

3. UV radiation (full spectrum) (100 - 400 nm)

4. UV-A radiation (315 - 400 nm)

5. UV-B radiation (280 - 315 nm)

6. UV-C radiation (100 - 280 nm)

7. Radon and its short-lived daughter decay products

2.3. Biological factors

1. Hepatitis B virus

2. Hepatitis C virus

3. Human papillomavirus (type 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 68)

(Changed edition. Revised on 12/22/2014)

4. Epstein-Barr virus

5. Herpes virus (type 8)

6. T-cell leukemia virus

7. Human immunodeficiency virus type 1

(Changed edition. Revised on 12/22/2014)

8. Helicobacter pylori bacterium

9. Liver trematodes:

Clonorchis sinensis

Opistorchis viverrini

Opistorchis felineus

10. Trematode:

Schistosoma haematobium

2.4. lifestyle factors

1. Tobacco smoking, including passive

2. Use of smokeless tobacco products (snuff and chewing tobacco)

3. Abuse of alcoholic beverages

4. Using artificial sources of ultraviolet radiation to get a tan

(Introduced additionally. Amendment No. 1, Amended on 12/22/2014)

III. The main measures for the prevention of carcinogenic hazard

3.1. For legal entities and individual entrepreneurs organizations whose activities may lead to a carcinogenic hazard, it is necessary to take measures aimed at eliminating or reducing this hazard. existing and planned facilities, as well as production processes, using carcinogenic factors, must comply with the requirements of this document, as well as the requirements of the relevant sanitary regulations.

3.2. The main measure is to exclude the possibility of human contact with carcinogenic factors in the industrial and domestic areas. Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs should use technological and production processes that do not lead to the emergence and release of carcinogenic factors into the production and environment.

3.3. If it is impossible to eliminate the impact of carcinogenic factors included in the sanitary rules, organizations take measures to reduce their impact on humans, including the establishment of MPC or MPC taking into account the carcinogenic effect in accordance with the criteria for establishing hygienic standards. Compliance is regularly monitored. The frequency of control over the content of carcinogenic substances in various media is established in accordance with the current regulatory legal acts.

3.4. The number of persons who may be exposed to carcinogenic factors is limited as much as possible.

3.5. The design of a newly created or reconstructed facility, where the use of carcinogenic factors is supposed, provides for: the maximum degree of automation of the technological process, equipment sealing, the use of waste-free and low-waste technologies, the replacement of carcinogenic substances with non-carcinogenic ones, etc.

3.6. As part of social and hygienic monitoring measures, in order to ensure sanitary and epidemiological well-being in carcinogenic organizations, sanitary and hygienic certification is carried out, based on the results of which a database of carcinogenic organizations is formed.

3.7. Materials of sanitary and hygienic certification are taken into account in the sanitary and epidemiological examination of the types of activities, works and services carried out in such organizations.

3.8. Persons entering work, as well as employees of the organization who may be exposed to an industrial carcinogenic factor, are informed about the danger of such exposure and preventive measures, and are also provided with personal and collective protective equipment and sanitary facilities in accordance with the requirements of current legislation.

3.9. Employees hired for work related to exposure to carcinogenic factors are subject to preliminary (upon employment) and mandatory periodic preventive medical examinations according to established order.

3.10. (Excluded. Amended on 12/22/2014)

3.11. When using and disposing of carcinogenic substances or products, measures are taken to prevent pollution of the human environment and protect human health.

3.12. In the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, in order to prevent and reduce the incidence of cancer in the population, measures are being taken to develop and implement regional preventive programs.

3.13. Information about carcinogenic factors included in the sanitary rules is used in preventive and educational anti-cancer work among the population.

Many have heard the word "carcinogens" and know what it means substances that cause oncological diseases. It is believed that only fried, fatty foods are “rich” in carcinogens, which means that by excluding it from the diet, you can protect yourself from carcinogens. Is it true?

Formation of carcinogens during frying

Many have heard about the carcinogens formed during frying. They appear when the pan is very hot, and the vegetable oil begins to burn and smoke. In vapors above the pan, aldehyde (a representative of carcinogens) is formed, which, getting into Airways, irritates their mucous membranes and causes various kinds of inflammation.

Other harmful substances released during frying in oil and its smoking are transferred from the vapors to the finished food. Its use can lead to cancer.

Knowing the dangers of carcinogens when frying, people still continue to cook in this way. Many of them find it difficult give up fried potatoes and meat with a ruddy crust.

Products containing carcinogens

  • For example, in smoked meats. The smoke used to process products during smoking contains great amount toxic substances. So smoked sausage or fish can more than “feed” the body with them. Enough carcinogens in long-term storage products. If at least one chemical additive is indicated on a jar of canned food from category "E", then such a product should be consumed in small quantities or completely excluded.
  • Perhaps coffee lovers will be upset, but they should know that this drink contains a small amount of carcinogens. Coffee lovers who drink more than 4 cups a day should seriously think about their addiction.
  • Very dangerous carcinogens found in yellow mold. In humid conditions, it affects some products: for example, cereals, flour, sunflower seeds and peanuts.
  • Many carcinogens - or rather 15 of their types - found in cigarettes. They are not related to products, but it is impossible not to mention them. Every day smokers get a huge amount of poison. When the immune system the body can no longer cope with its onslaught, lung cancer develops. Therefore, it is worth getting rid of such a bad habit as soon as possible.

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Sesame oil - composition, benefits and harms

How to reduce the harm of carcinogens

Of course, you should not smoke and abuse smoked meats, if possible, exclude canned food with chemical additives from the diet and protect stored products from moisture. It is also possible to avoid the harm caused to the body by carcinogens in fried foods. You just need to know how to cook it without carcinogens.

There is nothing complicated here. When frying All you have to do is keep the pan hot. and use only refined oils, and do it once.

If you still fry in a very hot pan (for example, meat), then you should turn it over every minute. Then “overheating zones” will not form on it, and carcinogens in the finished product will be 80-90% less compared to the meat that was turned over every 5 minutes.

Harmless preservation methods include freezing, drying, and the use of salt and vinegar as natural preservatives.

You can remove carcinogens from the body, permanently using flour products coarse grinding , grapefruit juice, black and green tea, sauerkraut, sea kale and, of course, fresh fruits and vegetables (especially citrus fruits and tomatoes). Products that remove carcinogens contain substances that neutralize the effect of negative elements. However, in this way, harm from carcinogens can be reduced only if smoked, fried food and canned goods.

  • Peroxides. Formed with strong heating of any vegetable oil and in rancid fats.
  • Benzopyrenes. Appear during prolonged heating of meat in the oven, during frying and during grilling. Many of them are in tobacco smoke.
  • Aflatoxins- mold fungi that produce a toxin. Grow on grains, fruits and seeds of plants with great content oils. They damage the liver. Once in the body large dose can cause death.
  • Nitrates and nitrites. The body receives them from greenhouse vegetables grown on soil fertilized with nitrogen, as well as from sausages and canned food.
  • Dioxins. Formed during the incineration of household waste.
  • Benzene, which is part of gasoline and is used in the production of plastics, dyes and synthetic rubber. It provokes the development of anemia and leukemia.
  • Asbestos- dust that lingers in the body and prevents cells from functioning normally.
  • Cadmium. Able to accumulate in the body. Cadmium compounds are poisonous.
  • Formaldehyde. It is toxic and negatively affects the central nervous system.
  • Arsenic, all compounds of which are poisonous.

Carcinogens are chemical compounds whose impact on the human body is one of the main causes of the appearance and development of malignant tumors or benign neoplasms.

Properties of carcinogens

A carcinogen is a harmful agent that, due to its own chemical and physical properties can lead to irreversible damage to the genetic apparatus, which contributes to the loss of control over the somatic development of cells by the body. Harmful toxic substances lead to changes in cells at the genetic level. As a result, a previously healthy cell ceases to perform the functions assigned to it.

Saturation of the body carries a danger to health and life, regardless of their nature and concentration. In this case, the negative impact may not appear immediately. However, carcinogens are not only harmful chemical constituents, but also numerous physical factors, invisible radiation and some microorganisms.


However, every year the concentration of such chemicals in plant foods is increasingly subject to regulation by sanitary and epidemiological institutions. Among other things, there is whole list highly toxic pesticides, the use of which for processing is strictly prohibited.

You can protect yourself from the consumption of plant foods containing harmful carcinogens if you follow the following recommendations:

  • Before buying vegetables or fruits, you need to ask in what conditions they were grown.
  • Buy better environmentally clean production despite the increased cost.
  • It is worth consuming thoroughly cleaned vegetable food without peel, as carcinogens are concentrated on the surface of vegetables and fruits.
  • It is recommended to pay attention to animal products of farm origin grown on pastures.


One of the most harmful, potentially dangerous substances for human health is benzene. Benzene poisoning can occur not only by inhalation, but also through the absorption of the substance through the pores of unprotected skin.

Even exposure to the substance in the body in small quantities can lead to irreversible changes in its structure. If we talk about chronic poisoning benzene, then in this case, the carcinogen most often becomes the root cause of such serious illnesses like anemia and leukemia.

Benzene poisoning can occur when inhaling gasoline vapors, which is not only a fuel for machinery, but is also widely used in various fields industrial production. It acts as a raw material basis in the manufacture of plastics, dyes, rubber, etc.


Every day, the human body is exposed to an impressive amount of toxic nitrate compounds found in water, vegetables and fruits, and animal products. Such harmful toxic substances are dangerous, first of all, by the ability to transform into various nitro compounds, which lead to the formation of tumors of various internal organs.

It is possible to protect the body from the carcinogenic effects of nitrates by reducing the consumption of canned food, as well as products with an artificially extended shelf life.

As for water, a person consumes about 20% of nitrate compounds from it. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to use spring, mineral or carbon-filtered water.

The process of converting nitrates into dangerous chemical carcinogens is significantly slowed down during storage food products frozen or chilled.


Dioxide carcinogens include wide list potentially harmful substances, which are included in the group of persistent pollutants. In this case, carcinogens are dangerous man-made substances that are practically not excreted from the body, splitting into toxins from adipose tissues.

The negative impact of dioxide carcinogens on the body:

  • suppression of the protective, immune properties of the body;
  • destruction and alteration of the genetic cellular structure;
  • increased likelihood of developing tumors and the occurrence of mental disorders;
  • level reduction male hormones, impotence.

Reducing the risk of accumulation and breakdown of dioxides in the body allows you to reduce the consumption of animal fats, dairy products of dubious origin. A balanced, varied diet helps to reduce the accumulation of dioxides in the body.

Heavy metals

Carcinogens that are present in the environment in the form include lead, nickel, mercury, arsenic, cadmium, cobalt, asbestos. A photo this kind Pollution simply can not be seen everywhere.

Main sources of education heavy metals that enter the human body are industrial enterprises, in particular, for the processing of plastic and metal containers, cars, tobacco smoke.

Saturation of food products with carcinogenic heavy metals occurs both from air and water. Metal carcinogens are primarily substances that cause skin cancer, malignant tumors in the lungs, liver, and other vital important organs and systems.


To separate category carcinogenic substances include biological substances - aflatoxins. Their source is certain types fungi growing on cereals, plant seeds and fruits with a significant oil content.

Aflatoxins are the most powerful biological carcinogens that lead to the destruction of liver cells. Chronic saturation of the body with aflatoxins or their one-time intake in a concentrated amount leads to lethal outcome within a few days as a result of irreversible liver damage.


Carcinogens are also various food additives, preservatives and dyes. It is strictly not recommended to consume foods containing monosodium glutamate. To avoid causing irreparable harm to health, it is enough to avoid buying products that contain substances with the designation E.

Currently, glutamates can be present in the most unexpected foods. Through saturation food products glutamates, manufacturers are not only trying to enhance their taste and make them more attractive to the consumer, but also to "addict" the population to certain types of new products. Therefore, when buying food in supermarkets, you should familiarize yourself with the composition of the products and always remain vigilant.