Pediatric chiropractor. Children's manual therapist

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Who is a manual therapist?

Chiropractor- is a specialist more often with medical education), who received training in manual therapy. This area of ​​medicine is a combination of various methods of diagnosis and treatment, which are carried out by the hands of a manual therapist.

Some believe that the professional activity of this specialist is similar to the work of a chiropractor. But this opinion is erroneous, since the chiropractor specializes in setting bones and joints, and the work of a chiropractor is more like a massage.
Since during manual therapy there is a direct effect on the nervous system, bones, muscles, manual therapy is inextricably linked with such disciplines as neurology, orthopedics, traumatology.

What is the job of a manual therapist?

The main principle of the work of this specialist is to conduct therapeutic massage. Manual therapy differs from conventional massage in that the doctor affects only certain areas of the body, using special techniques for this.

Most often, people with pathologies of the musculoskeletal system turn to a chiropractor. Also, this doctor provides professional assistance to those who suffer from diseases of muscle tissue, circulatory or metabolic disorders. The impact that a specialist has on muscles and joints helps to improve blood supply and tissue nutrition, due to which a healing effect is achieved.

Most often, a chiropractor is treated with diseases of the following organs:

  • Head. Headaches due to impaired blood supply in the neck are a common reason for visits to this doctor. The massage performed by the therapist normalizes blood circulation, resulting in an improvement.
  • Joints, bones. Patients often come to this doctor in the direction of other doctors after fractures, dislocations and other injuries. Manual therapy promotes rapid and proper bone growth.
  • Organs of the digestive tract. With some problems of the gastrointestinal tract, therapeutic massage can significantly improve the patient's condition. This is due to such positive effects of manual therapy as the acceleration of metabolism, improved intestinal motility.
  • Back. Frequent patients of a chiropractor are people who spend a lot of time at the computer. Prolonged sitting in a sitting position leads to curvature of the spine and, as a result, pain. Muscle strengthening through manual therapy helps to correct posture and keep your back straight in the future.
One of the distinguishing features of manual therapy is the absence of drug treatment. This doctor does not prescribe drugs in rare cases, vitamins), but may prescribe physiotherapy, physiotherapy exercises.

Manual Therapist Courses

Manual therapist courses are educational theoretical and practical classes that allow you to gain the necessary skills to work in this specialty. The duration of training depends on the initial preparation of the student. So, for classical massage specialists and other people who have massaging skills, as a rule, courses are held that last no more than 24 hours. In the absence of any skills, courses can last from several weeks to several months.

Upon completion of training, diplomas are issued, allowing you to work as a chiropractor. The entire learning process can be divided into three main stages. The duration of each stage depends on the type of course.

The first stage of manual therapy courses
At the first stage, students receive a general knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the human body. This knowledge is especially important for compliance with the principles of safety during therapeutic massage. They also help chiropractors in the future to correctly interpret patient complaints, determine the presence of contraindications and take an anamnesis ( medical history).

At the first stage of the course, the structure and functions of the following body systems are considered:

  • bones, joints, ligaments;
  • circulatory and lymphatic systems;
  • muscles of the head, neck and other organs;
  • organs of the chest, abdominal cavity and small pelvis;
  • innervation ( nerve supply) organs and tissues.
The second stage of manual therapy courses
The second stage is devoted directly to the techniques on which manual therapy is based. Students learn the basic methods of therapeutic massage, the rules for their implementation and the situations in which they will be appropriate. Theoretical knowledge is supported by practical exercises.

At the second stage of the course, the following manual therapy techniques are studied:

  • Cranial. This type of therapy involves the impact on the bones of the skull and the sacral spine. The main technique of execution is soft stroking movements.
  • Visceral. This direction of manual therapy involves the impact on the internal organs of the abdominal cavity, chest and pelvis. Visceral therapy is based on soft pressure, point pressure, squeezing, weak twisting.
  • Structural. This technique is used for problems with the musculoskeletal system and involves the impact on the bones, ligaments, muscles. Structural therapy is performed with pushes, blows and slaps of medium and high strength.
  • Myofascial. This type of manual therapy is more often used in the diagnosis. The therapist presses with fingers or palm on soft tissues in order to find painful areas on the patient's body.
The third stage of manual therapy courses
At the final stage, much attention is paid to the psychological aspect in the work of a manual therapist. The ability to make a positive impression, establishing contact with the patient, mechanisms for preventing conflict situations - all these points are considered at the third stage of training. Also, specialists who conduct manual therapy courses touch upon issues of professional ethics, sanitary and hygienic rules of massage, safety measures for both the therapist and the patient.

What does a chiropractor treat?

The competence of a manual therapist lies in a wide range of diseases. These are mainly diseases of the musculoskeletal system and the muscular system. Manual therapy is also recommended for diseases of the cardiovascular system, metabolic disorders, flat feet. At the same time, there are limitations to manual therapy.

As already mentioned, the main indication for manual therapy is musculoskeletal pathology. The essence of this method of treatment is to eliminate pathological phenomena in the musculoskeletal system. Such a phenomenon can be displacement of the vertebrae, osteochondrosis, hernia. Correction of these pathological phenomena occurs with the help of the hands of a chiropractor without the use of drugs. At the same time, manual therapy is most effective when combined with reflexology and physiotherapy.

Manual therapy for osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis is a chronic disease of the spine that affects the elastic intervertebral discs. These discs play a big role in the cushioning function ( softens the load), make the spine flexible and elastic. With osteochondrosis, due to impaired metabolism and blood circulation in the spine, dystrophic processes begin to develop in the intervertebral disc. As a result, the disc loses its elasticity, strength and resilience. It dries very quickly, becoming thin and less durable. Such a disk ceases to carry out its main function of depreciation and cannot withstand the load from the spine. In the future, if no action is taken, the disc ring may protrude, forming a hernia.

The main causes of osteochondrosis include:

  • irrational physical activity with improper distribution on the spine;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • congenital anomalies of the spine;
  • chronic infections of the body;
  • trauma;
  • metabolic disorders.
Osteochondrosis can affect different parts of the spine, and depending on this, its symptoms will differ.

The types of osteochondrosis include:

  • Osteochondrosis of the cervical region. The main symptom is aching or sharp pain in the neck, pain when turning the head. Associated symptoms may include blurred vision ( flies before eyes), tinnitus, dizziness.
  • Osteochondrosis of the thoracic region. Manifested by aching sensations in the chest ( most pronounced with deep inspiration), pain between the shoulder blades, between the ribs especially while walking.
  • Osteochondrosis of the lumbar. It is the most common type of osteochondrosis. Manifested by lower back pain, which can be sharp or aching. Pain is aggravated by physical exertion and may radiate to the coccyx or leg.
With the help of special manual techniques, the chiropractor separates the surfaces of the joints of the vertebrae from each other. The basic treatment for osteochondrosis is to relieve stiffness ( blockade) of the spine, after which the therapist proceeds to relaxing techniques. Before proceeding to the spine, the chiropractor gently warms up the muscles without sudden movements. Further, by directly pressing on the vertebrae, the specialist restores their previous position. As a result of deep warming up of the muscles, the natural curvature of the spine is restored, the discs are inserted into place, and the pain syndrome is relieved. It is important to know that manual therapy is recommended in the first three stages of osteochondrosis, when there are no bone growths.

Manual therapy for hernia

Lumbar hernia is a common complication of osteochondrosis. It is a protrusion of the intervertebral disc into the spinal canal. In turn, this leads to infringement of the nerve roots, which is manifested by a pronounced pain syndrome.
It is important to know that manual therapy is used only in mild cases of herniated discs that are not accompanied by a ruptured annulus. In other cases, medical and surgical treatment is indicated.

With a hernia formed, a manual therapist acts with his hands on the projection site of the hernia, preheating the muscle. This creates a negative pressure that allows the hernia to retract back into place. Next, the therapist works on the entire spine, which improves circulation in the cartilage and bone tissue and contributes to their restoration.

The chiropractor must necessarily review all previous examinations of the patient, and if they are not available, appoint them. So, it is recommended to consult a neurologist, take an x-ray, and sometimes magnetic resonance ( MRI) . If examination shows ligament rupture or protrusion ( bulge) disc, against the background of displacement of the vertebrae, then this is an absolute contraindication to manual therapy.

What is the difference between an osteopath and a chiropractor?

An osteopath is a doctor who has specialized in alternative medicine with a focus on osteopathy. In turn, osteopathy is a branch of medicine that considers a violation of the anatomical relationships between organs as the cause of the disease. An osteopath and a chiropractor, first of all, differ in their approaches to treatment. The main task of the chiropractor is to eliminate any symptom, while the osteopath treats the whole body. It can be said that manual therapy is the "daughter" of osteopathy. What is common is that the healing tool in both disciplines are the hands of a specialist.

So, an osteopath, like a doctor, works with the whole body. In his work, he uses such techniques as relaxation, normalization of blood flow, drainage of the lymphatic system, restoration of micromotion. The manual therapist mainly uses indentation and reduction techniques.

Chiropractor for children

Manual therapy is a method of non-drug treatment, which is also indicated for children. In his practice, a children's manual therapist uses non-aggressive methods of influencing the child's body.

What does a chiropractor treat in children?

A chiropractor treats a wide range of childhood illnesses. First of all, these are diseases of the musculoskeletal system and muscle pathology. Recently, however, manual therapy is increasingly recommended for somatic ( bodily) diseases, for example, with bronchial asthma.

Indications for manual therapy in children are:
  • birth trauma in infants;
  • scoliosis or kyphosis;
  • children's torticollis;
  • muscle pathology.
birth trauma
Unfortunately, birth injuries are not uncommon in pediatrics. The reason for this may be the incorrect presentation of the fetus, rapid or, conversely, prolonged labor. With rapid childbirth, the upper cervical spine is most often injured. If unskilled actions of an obstetrician join the pathology during childbirth, then this is complicated by the mixing of the vertebrae, the development of torticollis and plexitis ( brachial plexus injury).

First of all, birth injuries need manual therapy. The sooner assistance is provided, the fewer complications will accompany the child.

This is one of the most common pathologies of the spine in children. Most often appears in preschoolers and school-age children, when the spine is under load. The spine does not always cope with this load, which is manifested by its deformation in various planes. Scoliosis is a deviation of the spine in the frontal plane. This disease can be either congenital or acquired. Depending on the stage of scoliosis, various treatment tactics can be used. So, with severe curvature, surgical treatment is carried out, which consists in installing special metal structures that fix the vertebrae between themselves. In addition, corset therapy, anti-scoliosis gymnastics and manual therapy are used. In manual therapy, much attention is paid not to the spine itself, but to the muscular frame. So, if the muscles are weak for any reason, then they cannot support the spine.

Pediatric torticollis
Torticollis is a common childhood pathology that can be congenital or acquired. The most common is acquired post-traumatic torticollis.

Symptoms of torticollis may include the following:

  • The head is always directed to one side. Moreover, this is always observed at rest, in motion, in a dream, while swimming.
  • Turning the head to the other side is difficult. When you try to turn the baby's head, he resists.
  • When the child is positioned on the stomach, an s-shaped curve of the spine is visible.
  • In a dream, the child squeezes only one fist.
  • Sometimes cranial deformities are seen.
Treatment of torticollis should be carried out immediately, as it does not go away with age. The main treatment, which should begin at two weeks of age, is reduced to manual therapy, gymnastics, electrophoresis. During treatment, it is important to pay attention to the whole body, and not just the diseased muscle. So, massaging the muscle should be combined with massage of the chest and back of the baby. The sore muscle must be massaged from the place of attachment behind the ears to the collarbone and back. It is also important to relieve tension from the muscles, for this it is recommended to put the child on a fitball ( fitness ball) and, holding it by the legs, let it go down. It is important to consider that a healthy muscle also needs massage, but more energetic.

In parallel with manual therapy, daily exercises are recommended for children with torticollis. It is best to spend it in the pool, where the muscles relax as much as possible.

Muscular pathology
Muscular pathology is also an indication for manual therapy. However, here it is necessary to take into account the nature of the disease. In newborns, due to perinatal trauma, hypertonicity is most common. This condition is characterized by an increased tone of all muscle groups, as a result of which all the muscles of the child are constantly tense. This violation occurs quite often - in every tenth child.

Manifestations of hypertension in a child may be the following:

  • the baby behaves restlessly, constantly cries;
  • often bends;
  • throws his head back;
  • constantly requires breasts, as he is constantly hungry;
  • screams monotonously and piercingly;
  • during sleep, the limbs are tightly pressed against each other, and the head is thrown back;
  • gait on tiptoe, not on the whole foot.
Before starting treatment, it is important to find out what caused this condition. After all, hypertension is a symptom, not an independent disease. The most common cause of this is birth trauma and pathology of the central nervous system. Treatment in this case is complex and, in addition to manual therapy, includes other methods.

Treatment options for hypertension include:

  • manual therapy;
  • gymnastics;
  • aquatherapy;
  • physiotherapy.
Manual therapy courses are carried out continuously with breaks of 4-5 days. At the same time, the massage is relaxing.

The reverse state of hypertonicity is called hypotonicity - a decrease in tone in all muscle groups. The main manifestation is muscle weakness. As a rule, it is a consequence of past infections or congenital anomalies.

Causes of hypotension include:

  • birth trauma and, as a result, insufficient blood supply;
  • unbalanced nutrition of the baby;
  • chronic infections;
  • hypotrophy ( underdevelopment) child.
With hypotonicity, the sucking reflex is impaired; during breastfeeding, the child often falls asleep. There is no flexion characteristic of newborns ( bending) limbs. When the baby sleeps, his legs are fully unbent. Also, such children move little, do not cry, and sleep more often than others. The main treatment is massage and gymnastics.

Manual diagnostics

Before starting treatment, a detailed manual diagnosis is necessary. It consists in collecting anamnesis ( medical history) and examination of the child. Anamnestic data are very important, as they allow us to find out what caused the injury and the development of perinatal pathology. It is important to know how the birth went ( were they long or fast), how the pregnancy proceeded, whether auxiliary manipulations were used to extract the child. Important is the information about the birth of a child and about his early development, namely when he began to hold his head, roll over, take his first steps.

After a thorough history taking, the chiropractor proceeds to examine the child. The examination should be carried out in a well-lit room.

Principles of examining a child by a manual therapist
Initially, the therapist pays attention to the proportionality of the development of the child and the general physique. A newborn child is characterized by a slight hypertonicity - the arms and legs are in a flexion position, the hands are bent into fists. While in the supine position, the child can turn or throw back his head. The facial expression of the baby is noteworthy - it can be gloomy, suffering or calm.

With various perinatal and congenital pathologies, the child can take various pathological postures ( like the frog pose). Next, the chiropractor must evaluate the upper and lower extremities. They can be sharply bent, straightened or brought to the body ( like a soldier). Determination of muscle tone should occur from head to toe. In this case, symmetry, tone and the presence of edema should be taken into account. So the muscles can be in a state of hypotonicity or hypertonicity, and it, in turn, can be unilateral or bilateral ( i.e. symmetrical). In parallel with the assessment of muscle tone, an examination of the skeletal system is also carried out. It is important to assess the condition of the ribs, the position of the clavicles, the structure of the sternum.

Tests used in manual diagnostics include:

  • Head flexion resistance test. The result can be normal, low or high.
  • Traction test. From a supine position, the child is gently taken by the hands and pulled towards him. There is some moderate resistance.
  • Hip abduction resistance. The lower limbs of the child, also lying on his back, are moved to the side with a moderately sharp movement. There should be resistance to this.
Sometimes a correct diagnosis will help identify existing problems before they even appear. After all, birth injuries can manifest both immediately and after a certain time.

Manual therapy in pediatrics is considered one of the official methods of treatment. Its value is also very high. This is explained by the high plasticity of the musculoskeletal and musculoskeletal system in children.

Appointment with a manual therapist

An appointment with a chiropractor is no different from other doctors and is a visit by the patient to the doctor for the purpose of diagnosis and subsequent treatment ( if needed). At the initial consultation, the therapist listens to the patient's existing complaints, and also conducts an examination with the use of hands. First, the doctor visually assesses the patient's figure and posture in order to determine if there are spinal curvatures and other pathologies. Then, to determine muscle tone and other deformities, he performs palpation ( fingering), which can be superficial, sliding, plucked, deep.

Based on the data obtained, the doctor makes a conclusion about whether the patient needs manual therapy sessions. Often, in order to make a decision and exclude the presence of contraindications, a chiropractor prescribes instrumental examinations or consultations of related specialists. Of the most prescribed studies by this doctor, radiography, magnetic resonance or computed tomography can be noted.

Himself a manual therapist

Breathing through the nose is very important for the health of the child. After all, the nose is the only organ that can warm, moisten and purify the inhaled air. Respiratory nasal gymnastics is designed to ventilate the nasal cavity, sinuses and improve metabolic processes in the child's body. When and how it should be carried out, and most importantly - what exercises should be performed, read on ...

The history of manual therapy has its roots in ancient times. Even Hippocrates believed that treatment with manual therapy methods could help prevent the development of many serious ailments.

In our country, this technique is quite new, it is about 20-30 years old.

What is manual therapy?

Manual therapy This is hand treatment. A manual therapy doctor with his own hands doses the joints, muscles, ligaments and fascia of the child in order to restore the function of the musculoskeletal system.

Manual therapy improves blood microcirculation in muscles, metabolism, strengthens muscle tone, makes ligaments and muscles more elastic.

There are no age restrictions for manual therapy methods.

Indications for manual therapy:

1. Birth trauma.

During childbirth, several points are important:

So that the head of the child freely passes through the birth canal of the mother and nothing interferes with her;

So that the diameter of the head matches the diameter of the mother's pelvic ring;

Smooth delivery.

If it is clear with the size of the baby's head and the mother's pelvis, then what does the "smooth course of childbirth" include?

Childbirth should proceed harmoniously in accordance with the individual characteristics of the mother and her constitutional rhythms. In modern medicine, for one reason or another, the natural rhythm of childbirth can be disturbed. Childbirth is carried out too quickly, artificially stimulating the pregnant woman, or too slowly, stopping in labor is possible. In such cases, the head of the child experiences excessive loads, which cause a mechanical imbalance in the bones of the skull of the newborn. And if this balance is not restored in time, then the child later has a delay in growth and development.

Rapid labor, long anhydrous gap, umbilical cord entanglement, abnormal position of the fetus, stimulation in childbirth, caesarean section, pregnancy pathology - these are the main reasons to show the baby to a chiropractor. And the sooner you come to see the doctor, the better for the health of the child. Manual therapy will help get rid of a number of problems that are not visible to the eye: improve the functioning of the intestines; "release" the kidney pressed during childbirth; injuries of the cervical spine; clavicle and shoulder girdle injuries; hip dysplasia; hematomas, etc.

2. Diseases of the spine. From the first attempts to walk upright, the child's spine experiences stress. If a child has a weakness of the muscular corset, then there are violations in the formation of the musculoskeletal system (postural disorders, flat feet, etc.). Weakness of the muscular corset may be congenital, or it may be acquired, malnutrition. If you help the child in time with the help of manual therapy and exercise therapy, then you can avoid such serious diseases as osteochondrosis and scoliosis, which are already found in primary school children.

3. Injuries. Children get hurt every day. This applies not only to children involved in sports sections. You can even get hurt at home.

4. Diseases of the muscles. This group of diseases can include both traumatic muscle injuries and inflammatory ones. It is important to show the child in the acute (painful) period of the disease, since acute pain can turn into chronic pain, which is much more difficult to cure.

5. . Often headaches in children are associated with problems of the cervical spine. There is a violation of blood circulation and hypoxia of brain tissues, hence the headache.

Contraindications for manual therapy:

On the eve of the planned vaccination, it is better to refrain from conducting a manual therapy session. It is absolutely impossible to carry out treatment on the day of vaccination.

With all febrile () and infectious diseases.

In severe forms of malnutrition, atrophy.

With purulent and other acute inflammatory lesions of the skin, subcutaneous tissue, lymph nodes, muscles, bones: eczema, pemphigus, impetigo, lymphadenitis, phlegmon, osteomyelitis.

With mental disorders.

Contrary to popular belief, manual therapy should not cause severe pain. If your baby literally cries from pain during a treatment session, then it is better to contact another specialist.

For the prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, it is necessary to show the child to a specialist doctor during periods of rapid growth of the baby. As a rule, it is 1 year, 3 years, 6-7 years, 13-14 years. These age periods are, of course, very individual. If your child periodically complains of back pain, he began to stoop, the mobility of the spine or joints is impaired, then with these symptoms you need to contact a chiropractor, vertebrologist, orthopedist or neuropathologist.

Manual therapy- This is a set of techniques aimed at restoring mobility in the spine and joints, relieving muscle tension with the help of manual action.

Currently, manual therapy is used both in complex therapy and as an independent method of treating diseases. Manual therapy is effective in the treatment diseases of the musculoskeletal system, pain syndromes in muscles and joints, as well as in the treatment of a number of diseases of internal organs.

Features of children's manual therapy

The uniqueness of manual therapy lies in the fact that the therapeutic effect on the child's body occurs without the use of medicines. This is what makes manual therapy a very attractive technique in the fight against various childhood diseases, especially for frequently ill children, whose parents are severely limited in the choice of methods of therapeutic exposure.

Profile education and many years of experience of manual therapists "SM-Doctor" allow our specialists to successfully apply manual techniques for the treatment of children.

In the skillful hands of a doctor, manual therapy becomes an excellent therapeutic and prophylactic tool for children and adolescents. The course of manual therapy is selected for each patient individually, taking into account the nature of the disease, the age and condition of the child. In our clinic, manual therapists use gentle, gentle techniques effects on the body adapted especially for children.

Indications for manual therapy

Manual therapy at SM-Doctor is carried out only as prescribed by a pediatrician or other specialist (neurologist, orthopedist, etc.) after the necessary diagnostic examinations (X-ray or MRI for scoliosis and back pain; rheoencephalogram or ultrasound of the vessels of the head and neck with headaches and vegetative-vascular dystonia, etc.).

The symptoms that are most often referred to a pediatric chiropractor are as follows:

  • pain and discomfort in the back or neck
  • pain in the muscles of the arms and legs
  • postural disorders in a child, stoop, curvature of the spine
  • headaches, vegetative-vascular dystonia, pain in the region of the heart of a stabbing character

Pediatric manual therapy can successfully eliminate these symptoms and help in the treatment of a number of diseases and pathologies.

Services of a pediatric chiropractor

In the clinic for children and adolescents "SM-Doctor", the doctor performs manual therapy of all parts of the spine, joints of the arms and legs, as well as post-isometric relaxation of the muscles of the back, neck, limbs. The professional work of a pediatric chiropractor helps to quickly restore joint mobility, relieve muscle tension and pain.

Manual therapy provides excellent opportunities for the treatment of injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system, the elimination of various muscle pathologies, and the treatment of a number of diseases of internal organs.

In the clinic for children and adolescents "SM-Doctor" manual therapy is used as a treatment in the following cases:

Diseases of the spine. Most often, chiropractors deal with scoliosis and osteochondrosis - these diseases are actively manifested in children at school age. It is during this period that the child's spine begins to experience an increased load, which, in combination with a still weak muscular apparatus, causes spinal deformity.
At the SM-Doctor clinic, chiropractors have extensive experience in treating this disease. Therapy for diseases of the spine is most effective in childhood, at the initial stage.

Muscular pathologies in children often occur due to injury or hypothermia. Traumatization of muscle tissue leads to morphological changes and the appearance of fibrous nodules that cause pain. In order for the pain not to develop into a chronic form, it is necessary to undergo a course of manual therapy in time to help correct muscle pathologies.

Injuries of a different nature. Pathologies of a hidden nature are very dangerous, which do not manifest themselves in any way while the child leads a normal life. But when there is increased stress, for example, when playing sports, these pathologies can cause serious injuries. In some cases, the acquired disorder can be corrected with manual therapy.

Headache very often are the result of diseases of the cervical spine. This pathology causes circulatory disorders, which is the cause of headaches. However, thanks to just a few sessions of manual therapy in our clinic, the child experiences significant relief and reduction of pain.

Diseases of the internal organs can be associated with a clamp on the nerve coming from the spine. Each organ of the body is connected with a certain section of the spinal cord, therefore, by loosening the nerve clamp in the spine, one can indirectly affect the disease and improve the condition of internal organs.

Bronchial asthma. With the help of manual therapy, you can alleviate the condition of the child, reducing the number of asthmatic attacks. The manual impact of an experienced chiropractor allows you to eliminate functional blocks in the spine, which are directly related to bronchial pathology.

The therapeutic effect of a manual therapy session at the SM-Doctor clinic

The high professionalism of our chiropractors allows little patients to feel significant relief after the first session. During the course of treatment, pain decreases in children, joint mobility is restored, muscle tension disappears, posture and anatomical structure normalize, general well-being and self-awareness improve.

Sessions of children's manual therapy conducted in our clinic are completely painless and do not cause any particular discomfort to the child. Doctors use sparing techniques that are selected taking into account the age and condition of the child, while the specialist carefully measures the degree of their impact on the body at each stage of therapy.

In the skillful hands of the specialists of our center, manual therapy for children and adolescents is a unique means of treatment and prevention. If there are indications, it can be recommended for carrying out almost from the first days of a child's life. Such treatment, in contrast to the methods used in adults, includes mainly soft methods of exposure.

The main indications for manual therapy in children and adolescents

birth trauma

Such pathologies are often found in problematic births, including breech presentation of the fetus, cord entanglement, etc.

  • When passing through the birth canal, a child often suffers from the upper cervical spine.
  • Widespread birth plexitis (damage to the brachial plexus),
  • With difficult childbirth, torticollis (displacement of the vertebrae in the cervical region) and much more often occur.

A course of manual therapy at the Free Movement Center will get rid of all such pathologies and will not allow them to become chronic. With timely treatment and timely treatment, our chiropractors will prevent many health problems that your child may have in the future.

Diseases of the spine

Osteochondrosis, scoliosis and other pathologies of the spinal column are perhaps the most common diseases in children that our specialists deal with. Most often, such problems appear at school age, when the load begins to increase in the child, with which his spine is not always able to cope.


Children receive them regularly not only during sports, but also in everyday life. But our experts know that the child's body is extremely responsive to treatment with manual therapy methods for injuries of various kinds. This is explained by the fact that children have much more extensive compensatory capabilities and adaptive mechanisms than adults. Therefore, the results of our work with children are much better and more effective.

Muscular pathologies

The cause of myositis and other muscle diseases in children can be even short-term hypothermia. With such pathologies, the muscles contract reflexively, which leads to the appearance of inflammatory changes and pain in it. All these disorders are perfectly treatable by manual therapy methods, preventing them from becoming chronic and complicating the child's future life.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia and headaches

Often the cause of such problems lies in diseases of the cervical spine, causing circulatory disorders in the brain. Influencing problem areas, the specialists of the Free Movement Center bring relief to their little patients literally within a few sessions.

Our chiropractors are well aware of all the features of the child's body and have rich practical experience in treating young patients. Before starting therapy, they necessarily study the child’s medical history, conduct manual diagnostics and, if necessary, prescribe additional studies.

The use of manual therapy in children in combination with such methods of treatment as acupuncture, reflexology or massage in our center gives excellent results in the treatment and rehabilitation of various somatic and neurological diseases.

A chiropractor for children in Moscow in the center "Human Health" (metro station "Otradnoye", North-Eastern Administrative District) is not a whim or a whim, as it may seem to ignorant parents. This is a complex of physiotherapeutic measures aimed at the treatment and prevention of diseases associated with the musculoskeletal system. Severe torticollis, lordosis and scoliosis can be detected by a neonatologist already in the maternity hospital in the first hours of life. Timely therapy in combination with other treatment minimizes the development of anomalies and reduces the likelihood of intervention by the surgeon.

Features of manual therapy for children

The main reasons why a pediatrician prescribes manual therapy for children are the following:

  • Birth trauma. Breech presentation, entanglement with the umbilical cord, rapid childbirth contribute to trauma to the upper cervical spine in babies. In such cases, treatment should be carried out as early as possible, since an untreated or undertreated birth injury will turn into a serious health problem in the future.
  • Anomalies of the spine (scoliosis, osteochondrosis). Problems with the spine usually begin at school age, when the baby begins to sit at the table for a long time over the lessons, and the growth and development of the muscle corset is often not given due attention.
  • . One of the hidden causes of pain may be subluxation or circulatory disorders of the cervical spine.
  • Injuries. Unsuccessful jumps, falls, active sports - all this seems to test the baby's spine for strength.
  • Diseases of the internal organs.

It is important not to wait until the disease fully manifests itself, but to turn to a pediatric chiropractor in time. Under certain conditions, pathologies of the cervical and spinal cord give severe complications in the future: from paresis of early osteochondrosis to cardiac arrhythmias.

Parents should pay close attention to the periods of growth of babies associated with a sharp change in the work of the muscular corset and spine: how the baby begins to sit, crawl, walk, run, hold his head. During these periods, there is an active formation of the natural curves of the spine. In adolescence, there is an intensive growth of the child and the load on the spine increases due to age.

Indications and contraindications

Therapy is indicated for babies in the following cases:

  • scoliosis,
  • torticollis,
  • lordosis,
  • kyphosis,
  • osteochondrosis,
  • displacement of the vertebrae, hernia,
  • spinal and skull injuries,
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract,
  • muscle pain,
  • pinched nerves,
  • bad posture,
  • incorrect positioning of the legs during active walking,
  • protrusions,
  • clubfoot.

Separately, it is worth mentioning scoliosis. If the disease is caused by tumors, compression of the spinal cord or infectious diseases, therapy is contraindicated. With scoliosis in severe forms, therapy is also undesirable. A pediatric chiropractor in Moscow will refuse to work with a small patient if he has the following diseases:

  • obesity,
  • heart failure,
  • lung failure,
  • hypertension,
  • inflammatory processes in the spine,
  • oncology,
  • acute pain
  • infection,
  • recent surgery or injury.

Also, a professional will not work in case of an unclear diagnosis or difficulties with its formulation. Therapy in this case can do harm.

How is the session

First, the doctor must collect all the necessary analysis and data on the disease of his little patient. Depending on the diagnosis, the baby will be prescribed tomography, x-rays, scoliometry, and lung volume is measured. In our center, the session usually begins with massage actions such as stroking and kneading, and ends with methods of active influence on the muscle corset and relaxation. The pain usually subsides after the first session, but this does not mean at all, but you can stop the sessions. The final result will be noticeable only after the end of the course, which usually includes 7-10 sessions.

Popular questions

Can scoliosis be cured by manual methods?

It is important to understand that in the conservative treatment of scoliosis, one cannot stop at one method of correction. Doctors often recommend combining physical therapy, massage, swimming pool, manual therapy, etc. Treatment only with manual therapy methods will not bring long-term results. Also, the effectiveness of therapy depends on the degree of scoliosis, the age of the patient, the cause of the occurrence. The most beneficial effect of the technique is on people under 25 years of age with scoliosis of 1-2 degrees.

At what age can a chiropractor be treated?

If necessary, manual therapy is prescribed for the baby from the very first days. Immediately after birth, the doctor examines the baby and already at this time can diagnose congenital pathologies, such as torticollis. In such cases, it is important to treat the baby up to 3 months, since it is during this period that the likelihood of deviations from development programs is high.