If you freeze water in a plastic bottle. The benefits of melt water and harm

Water is vital for every organism. An adult and a baby, a plant and an animal - everyone needs to drink every day. However, not all of it is useful for our body. Relatively recently, we drank tap water, but today no one wants to trust its purity. We began to buy various filters, jugs and multi-stage cleaning systems. Unfortunately, they are still not able to completely remove impurities - chlorine and other harmful substances. It remains only to buy it in bottles, because industrial filters cope with these tasks much better.

However, not everyone can afford to buy water for drinking and cooking every day. But this is not necessary. Today we will talk about the preparation of melt water at home. This is a simple, fast enough and effective way to maintain your health.

For daily use

You must have heard about it from your grandparents. They most often cook it at home, persuading the household not to drink any other. And they are absolutely right. The preparation of melt water at home does not require much time, and even more so financial costs. In doing so, the benefits are enormous. This is the perfect drink for daily use both for adults and for children, even infants.

Pleasant taste

This is another nice bonus that will give you the preparation of melt water at home. She has a great taste, somewhat sweet and very mild. She is the best way balanced in composition. In addition, the Internet is full of information that such a simple remedy can heal the body and give hope for getting rid of chronic diseases, the path of even the most difficult.

Scientists' opinion

Surprisingly, the preparation of melt water at home is a process that is also recommended by doctors, known for their skepticism. The fact is that it contains much less impurities. However, there is another, somewhat pseudo-scientific explanation. Esoteric experts say that in this case, water changes its structure, becomes closer in its own way. biological indicators to our body. This is what many healers explain its positive effect on a person.

Conducted research

Not only scientists, but also ordinary people are interested in whether ordinary melt water can really treat the body. Cooking life-giving moisture at home is so simple that it immediately raises certain doubts. So easy and cheap - it can't be that effective! However, studies have shown interesting things. This water is informationally pure, because the process of freezing completely erases all the information load that it has managed to take.

As it turns out, water is able to "remember" everything that happens around. Emotions seem to be imprinted in its structure. Therefore, when she reaches our faucet, she absorbs so much negative energy that no filter will remove it. Most simple studies can be done at home. To do this, take two pots of plants and put on the windowsill. Now pour water into two buckets. Over one of them every day you need to say different bad words, and the other - to praise. By watering the first plant from one vessel, and the second from another, you can observe how their state changes. In about a month, the result will be noticeable. One plant turns into a lush bush, and the second dries up.

Secrets of our great-grandfathers

Previously, there were no water pipes, and people from autumn to spring went to the river for ice. Melting it at home, they got the most healthy water. Later it became known that it removes toxins and toxins, and also allows you to get rid of excess weight.

In the old days, it was especially recommended to drink it in the spring season. At the same time, it was enough to go to the outskirts of the village and collect ice. In the city, such raw materials are not suitable for use. After all, we need only pure melt water. Cooking at home (there will definitely be benefits from this drink, especially if you use it regularly, but you also need to cook everything according to the rules) will require a little more time and effort, but it's worth it. It should be clarified that simply freezing and thawing will not be enough to get the full benefit.

Necessary equipment

It's time to consider ways to prepare melt water at home. Let's start with a choice necessary equipment. We need a plastic container. The best choice of dishes round shape. Depending on the needs, you need to look at the volume. If you use water only for drinking, then two containers of two liters are enough. At one time you can prepare two liters of drink. This is exactly the amount that doctors recommend drinking every day.

In addition, you will need a freezer. AT winter time you can put the vessels for freezing on the street or on the balcony. And for the final part, you need a decanter.

First step

Proper preparation of melt water at home will require some time from you. First of all, you will need to pour ordinary tap water into the prepared container. Now we remove the vessel for freezing. Here it is worth once again emphasizing that it is plastic that should be used, and not glass or enameled dishes. The temperature difference does not affect the plastic in any way, the most important thing is that the container is made of high-quality material. Therefore, you should buy them only in specialized stores.

But plastic bottles are not suitable for these purposes. If the neck is not cut off, then it will not be possible to extract precious ice from it. And with the top cut off, it turns into an open cup without a lid. In this case, the ice will absorb odors.

Miracle number one

From this moment, the preparation of melt water at home begins. The instruction emphasizes that you should not go far, because the process will need to be constantly monitored. The time will have to be determined empirically, depending on the volume of the vessel and the temperature in your freezer. On average, you will need to wait from 2 to 5 hours. First of all, the heaviest part, containing the most harmful impurities, freezes. So, when the first ice formed, it is necessary to drain the unfrozen water into clean vessel and discard the ice. Now pour the clean residue back into the working container and put it back in the freezer.

Miracles continue

So, we have removed all the most harmful substances from our liquid, now it is time for a finer cleaning. After about 8-10 hours, the water in the container will freeze so that it forms transparent ice around the edges. And only in the middle will a small lake of liquid collect. It definitely needs to be drained.

Why is it so? The fact is that all salts, minerals and dirt are forced out to the center when freezing. This is very convenient, as it becomes possible to remove these impurities without using filtration. After that, clean and transparent ice remains in the vessel. This is the final raw material, which remains only to melt.

With a lack of time

In fact, in this case, it is also possible to prepare melt water at home. The harm that your body can receive from salt and other impurities can be minimized as follows. The formation of the first ice will still have to wait, and it must be thrown away. But with repeated freezing, you don’t have to worry too much: if you didn’t have time to remove the “salt lake” from the center, this is not so scary, because when it freezes completely, it will turn into a cloudy tubercle.

Two ways to remove it

In the first case, you just need to leave the ice to melt slowly at room temperature. The flowing liquid can be drained into a carafe or immediately drunk. But as soon as the melting reaches the border cloudy ice, the process must be stopped. However, this method is not convenient. As soon as you get distracted, the pure ice will again mix with the displaced residue.

There is another way - for those who do not have the desire to spend several hours near the container. Just use a knife to hollow out the cloudy ice from the middle, and then rinse it warm water. You will be left with the purest "bagel", which you only need to melt.

Possible harm

In principle, we have fully considered what such a procedure is as preparing melt water at home. The benefits and harms of this water are regularly discussed in the media and on specialized forums. One thing is certain: your body will suffer only if you ingest the result of melting city snow or ice. Then you will get the entire periodic table in one glass. In other cases, melt water is a great option to quench your thirst.

How to make the most of it

To get a healing effect, you need to drink it just thawed. It is at this moment that melt water has the highest biological activity. But, of course, fanaticism is useless. Consume life-giving moisture followed by small portions at intervals of 10-15 minutes. It is recommended to drink from 1.5 to 2.5 liters per day.

When drinking such water, the blood liquefies, which contributes to better cleansing every cell of the body. In this case congestion are eliminated in the blood, now it cannot serve as a medium for the development of infections. By the way, the beneficial properties of this drink are significantly reduced when heated. However, it still retains its purity.

Melt water = distilled?

This is another question that interests many people when they read about how it is made. In fact, the difference between them is very big. Distilled is dead water, which should not be consumed, as it is completely devoid of salts and draws calcium from the body. Melt water is alive. Yes, you remove harmful impurities and salts from it, but at the same time, it retains all the properties that are beneficial to the body, as well as minerals. Moreover, they remain in it no more and no less, but as much as necessary. Therefore, it can be drunk every day without harm to health.

Different from regular tap or bottled. But it may seem to many that special, complex equipment is needed to prepare living water with miraculous properties. Scientists have developed such equipment, but we can do without it. cook living water not difficult at home. The main thing is that you must first let it stand for at least half an hour in an open container so that the chlorine disappears. If the water clearly smells like bleach, then you need to defend longer. If the water in your area is not chlorinated, but fluoridated, you cannot use it to prepare structured water, you will have to buy drinking water in bottles and carry out all further operations with it.

Here are a few ways, which one is the best, decide for yourself.

Preparing living water at home

1. Freeze ordinary raw tap water in the refrigerator. Fill the pan by placing it in the freezer on a piece of cardboard or a sheet of plywood. After the water is completely frozen, let it melt at normal room temperature. You can take a plastic bottle, but you only need to fill it to 80%, because when it freezes, the ice expands greatly, and the bottle may burst. For the same reason, you can’t freeze water in glassware, it bursts, even if you don’t cover it, it’s checked. Moreover, I even burst plastic containers for storing food. I freeze water in 2 liter plastic Norwegian ice cream containers, covered but not tightly sealed. Very comfortably. After defrosting, such water can already be drunk, but in order to be treated with water, or to lose weight with water, this is not enough.

2. This method completely removes the deuterium. We do everything as in the first case, but when the water begins to freeze, you need to remove the completely appearing crust of ice. It contains deuterium, it freezes earlier. After freezing the bulk of the water, you need to rinse under running water. cold water frozen piece. It must be transparent, because the most harmful impurities are removed from the surface of the ice. Then you can melt all the ice and drink the melted "living" water.

3. We heat up to 94-96 degrees the amount of water we need. Before the first signs of boiling appear, remove the pan and cool the water sharply, then freeze, then thaw. In this way, prepared water goes through the phases of the usual natural cycle: evaporation, cooling, freezing, thawing. And although this method is much more complicated, such water is especially useful - it is rich in extraordinary internal energy. I haven't tried this method, I've only read about it.

4. With this method, water, in addition to acquiring characteristic structure, but becomes more pure from many impurities and salts. To do this, we keep it in the freezer until more than three-quarters of the volume of water freezes. Unfrozen water will remain in the middle of the container, which must be poured out by carefully piercing the ice with a metal object heated on fire. The remaining ice should melt. The time it takes for your container to freeze can be set experimentally. It can be from 6 to 16 hours. My 2 liter container freezes to this state in about 12 hours. The meaning of these manipulations is as follows: pure water freezes faster, the bulk of unnecessary compounds slower, so all the dirt accumulates in the center and is in solution.

I used this method while we had old rusty plumbing. In the center of the ice block floated black flakes of dirt, which were not visible in unfrozen water.

I also want to talk about the object with which you will pierce the ice. I use a heated spoon because sharp objects such as a knife or an awl is not recommended, because they carry the energy of aggression and destruction, and we need to restore health, not destroy it.

5. To receive best effect double cleansing should be applied. Let the water settle, then freeze. We remove the first thin ice layer that forms, in which there are quickly freezing harmful compounds. Then re-freeze, three-quarters of the total volume, and remove the remaining unfrozen fraction of water. We get much cleaner and structured water.

Here five ways to prepare water structuring. Choose the right one.

Melt water should be consumed immediately after the ice melts. You can cook food on it, however, when heated, there is a loss medicinal properties. In any case, such water is much cleaner than plain filtered water, and if you have a freezer that can hold water for both drinking and cooking, then I can only congratulate you.

How much living water to drink daily?

For drinking, a person needs at least 30 ml per kg of body weight. That is, if you weigh 60 kg, then you should drink at least 1.8 liters of pure living water daily, without any impurities or additives.

Such living water is ideal for drinking and maintaining. good health. What to do next with frozen and thawed water so that it acquires healing properties necessary for losing weight and getting rid of health problems, I will tell you in the next article.

Yes, it's just ice! And melted ice is water, twice as useful as itself before freezing!

No one will argue with the fact that water is life (the human body consists of 85% water), and a person can live much longer without food than without water. These days, when water travels a long way through the water pipes, filters, chlorination, ancient treatment facilities What kind of water do we get to drink? Have you personally ever taken tap water to a laboratory to analyze its composition? Or maybe you know the reports of the sanitary services of your region on the composition of local water? Do you know the real data? Even having a serious, expensive filter in your apartment, having tested the methods described below, you will be able to receive great gratitude from your body for what new forces it “breathed” into you frozen water.

As part of plain water there are always different impurities:

  • dead or heavy water in which hydrogen atoms are replaced by deuterium ( D 2 O). The freezing point of this part of the water is +3.8 o C
  • brine(soluble salts, pesticides and organic compounds). The freezing point of this part of the water is -7 o C.

True living water (H 2 O) has a freezing point of - 0 o C
Impurities are deposited on mucous membranes, joints, vessel walls, internal organs person. These processes can lead to various diseases which one might not even be aware of.

Water after simple freezing and thawing changes the structure of its crystal lattice. From chaotic it becomes more structured and orderly. Getting into the human body, such water replaces curved molecules throughout the body, providing beneficial effect to the life of the whole organism. It sort of repairs the entire body, correcting all of its “liquid” content. It is possible that the secret of the highlanders' longevity is that springs of melt water constantly flow next to them.

To obtain greater benefits, you can not limit yourself to simple freezing of water, but achieve purification of water from the mentioned impurities (deuterium and chemical brine). Such frozen water will be called protium water. Here are the rules for its preparation:

  1. Pour water into a pot or jar. Water expands when cooled, so do not pour it to the top of the container to avoid overflow.
  2. Let it stand for several hours to “weather” the chlorine.
  3. Place in the freezer until water forms on the surface thin ice. To prevent the pan from freezing to the freezer, use various layers (wooden stand for hot, potholders ...).
  4. Break the ice and pour the water into another container.
  5. Throw that ice away! It will contain the same deuterium.
  6. Put the water back in the freezer and freeze everything. Freezing time in all freezers is different - it is better to leave it overnight. The brine will be the last to freeze - it will be the most cloudy place in a piece of ice.
  7. Left to thaw vivo the resulting ice, but not completely. The cloudiest part will take longer to thaw clean water. This piece must also be discarded, although it may take up half the original volume of water! It is important not to miss the moment when the muddy ice has not yet melted.

It is possible in paragraph 6 not to wait for the complete freezing of water. When frozen water will occupy more than half of the volume, it is necessary to get rid of the unfrozen part of the water. And use the remaining ice after it melts.

Also in point 6, when the brine is already “seized”, but still fragile (it always moves closer to the center of the pan), you can remove it with a stream of water from the tap, gently directing it to the center of the ice.

Under a microscope, the resulting water will have a crystal structure. correct form. Melt water retains its properties even during the day. You can save its structure even when brewing tea, but only if the water temperature is not more than 85-90 degrees. When boiling, the structure of water is destroyed, but it remains purified from deuterium and salt impurities much better than filtered. You can cook food on it.

Surely everyone knows that the human body is 90 percent water and this is the absolute truth. Thus, the quality of water that a person consumes directly affects his state of health. It is also known that water has a special crystal lattice, which can vary from external conditions environment. The more harmonious the molecular structure of an inorganic liquid, the more valuable its properties for the body. To date, quite a lot of tools are known that allow you to change the molecular network of a substance, one of them is the freezing method.

Melt water - what is it?

It is necessary to start with the fact that the water that is considered drinking and flows through the pipeline is a homogeneous system. In other words, tap water is a substance in which several substances are evenly dissolved, which are part of each other. The liquid has such a structure because it is affected by special chemicals that are aimed at destroying the bacteria living in it. Thus, specific inorganic matter can be divided into:

  • "living" water, which is fresh, the freezing point of which is 0 degrees;
  • "dead" water - in its structure, hydrogen atoms are replaced by deuterium and tritium atoms. It freezes at a temperature of 3-4 degrees;
  • brine is soluble salts and pesticides that freeze only at temperatures from -5 to -10.

Thus, during freezing, “dead” water freezes first, then fresh water, and only at the end does the brine freeze, consisting of chemical substances. This state of affairs makes it possible to separate layer from layer, thereby purifying "living" water from other harmful components.

Melt water is water, which has been thawed after freezing. A feature of such water is a change in the molecular structure, which, when defrosted, begins to resemble the structure of human blood protoplasm. It is obtained by systemic freezing of the liquid with the removal of the first ice (“dead” water) and subsequent thawing in order to remove the brine and various impurities.

Thanks to modern technologies, one can quite clearly see how ordinary tap water changes its molecular lattice under the influence of cold, which is similar to the structure of ice molecules. When defrosting, the molecular structure of water remains ideally correct for some time, but this condition directly depends on temperature indicators. If you resort to using a microscope, you can see that the melt water has the shape of regular crystals.

The dimensions of the crystal lattice of melted water are much smaller than tap water, respectively, such a liquid will be much easier to absorb, passing through cell membranes. The described modernized drink promotes the activation of metabolic processes, as well as the renewal of the body on cellular level. It is also important that with the help of properly structured water it is possible to carry out effective cleaning organism from harmful deposits.

The benefits of melt water for the human body

It should be rightly noted that melt water is the best tool for preventing diseases of all organs and systems in the human body. Such water perfectly tones, increasing the physical resource of everyone. At the same time, experts say that melt water is a recipe for longevity and eternal youth.

Thus, it is necessary to allocate positive properties melt water for human health:

  • increases the barrier properties of the body, enhancing general level immunity;
  • rejuvenates the body;
  • cleanses the blood of cholesterol;
  • promotes the removal of toxins from the body;
  • reduces the risk of developing dermatological disorders with daily washing;
  • accelerates metabolic processes;
  • is an excellent method of toning gastrointestinal tract, having a beneficial effect on the digestive process;
  • raises the level of endurance and performance during the day;
  • favorably affects mental activity and development mental processes, including attention and thinking;
  • acts as a guarantor of normal blood circulation, taking part in the process of its formation;
  • makes the body more resilient and less sensitive to external changes such as extreme heat, high atmospheric pressure, etc.;
  • acts as a natural fat dissolver, due to which it is used to lose weight, etc.

How is it useful for weight loss?

Melt water, as noted earlier, is extremely useful for people suffering from overweight or just trying to lose some weight. The specifics of the action of water in this case can be divided into two active areas: the dissolution of fats and the removal of harmful deposits from the body that disrupt metabolic processes, including the absorption of valuable substances.

According to the recommendations of experts, in order to get rid of extra pounds, must drink melt water daily. If desired, the described substance can be used as a tool for unloading or cleaning with it. During a specific event, intestinal plugs are softened and waste accumulated on the intestinal walls is removed.

General rules for freezing water for purification

Oddly enough, but in order for the melt water to be truly effective tool, with its proper properties, it is necessary to follow the basic rules for its preparation. Most experts believe that it is best to freeze water in glass or enamel containers, avoiding plastic containers, as they can be toxic. Others, on the contrary, say that best vessel for freezing is food plastic, since it is in it that it is easiest to prepare melt water.

It is also important to take into account the fact that water freezes gradually, for this reason it is impossible to uncontrollably send a vessel with liquid to the freezer and forget about it. It is necessary to constantly control the freezing process, removing layer by layer, so you can get high-quality, clean and structured water.

Methods for preparing melt water at home

There are several ways to prepare melt water at home. Each of the options has its advantages and disadvantages, but the process does not always matter, because the main thing is to get good water. Usually, all approaches are divided into sequential freezing with the removal of each subsequent layer and complete freezing, in which the separation of harmful deposits occurs through their separate removal. That is why below are several options for creating melt water.

How to freeze water in a plastic bottle

It is known that the freezing point of each structural component of water is different. Thanks to this, you can achieve the desired result. In order to prepare melt water in a bottle, you need to collect in a plastic container cold water from the tap. Then send the container to the freezer for about 5 hours, but this is not exact time and it must be corrected by constantly monitoring the freezing process.

After the contents of the bottle are covered with an ice crust, the water must be poured into another container, which will facilitate the process of removing ice, which is heavy water. After it was possible to get rid of the ice into the bottle, it is necessary to return the liquid again and again send everything to the refrigerator. Now you need to wait until the total volume of the container becomes two-thirds of ice - this is the very pure water. Now you need to pour out the rest of the liquid from the bottle and, after waiting for the ice to defrost, start drinking melted water.

How to make melt water in a drinking jar

According to another method, it is necessary to prepare a jar with sides that do not taper towards the top, so that the ice can be removed from the container without changing its shape. As part of the approach, you will have to collect running water in a jar and send it to the freezer. To do this, set the temperature to approximately 1-2 degrees. After some time, the ice that has appeared is thrown out, and the unfrozen liquid is sent to the freezer until completely frozen. As a result, you need to get a jar and substituting it under a stream of hot water, melt cloudy, opaque areas from it - these are deposits harmful substances. The remaining ice is purified water, which should be drunk after defrosting.

Freezing boiled water

According to experts, it is the water that was originally brought to a boil that has great useful properties. This is argued by the fact that such water passes through all natural states: steam, water and ice. However, there is a little trick. In order to prepare melted water from boiled water, you need to fill a pan with running water and bring it to a temperature at which bubbles begin to set on its surface, but the boiling process has not yet begun - this is a temperature of 95-96 degrees. Heated water should be cooled as quickly as possible, and then frozen by passing it through the steps described above.

Video: how to prepare melt water

The video offered for viewing is informational material explaining the specifics of the formation, action and preparation of melt water. A specific video is presented by a TV show, in which a specialist describes in detail the features of the effect of crystallized water on the body, giving answers to the most interesting questions.

How to drink water from the freezer for the purpose of treatment

Doctors say that you need to drink melt water throughout the day, starting with a glass of water on an empty stomach. It is also recommended to drink liquid before each meal for an hour. There is one significant rule: you cannot defrost water using artificial temperature increase. Water should melt at room temperature and be stored in liquid form for no more than 7 hours, since after this time the water will lose its beneficial properties.

Possible harm from the use of water

Melt water is an inorganic substance that has a regular crystal lattice, due to which such water is better absorbed. For this reason, there is no reason to argue that the agent in question can adversely affect the human body.

Many do not believe that water purification by freezing is possible in principle. This is true, melted ice is water that is much cleaner and healthier than itself before freezing. How to clean the water in the freezer?

Freezing is one of the simplest and effective ways cleaning

The water has done long haul through sewage treatment plants, water pipes, chlorination. But if a good cleaning filter is installed in the apartment, you can prepare melted water for yourself in order to evaluate its effect on the body. People who are interested in freezing cleansing claim that the use of such a liquid improves the functioning of the digestive and excretory system in addition, a person becomes more calm and balanced.

What is the essence of freezing cleaning

There are impurities in the composition of ordinary tap water. This is heavy water, the hydrogen atoms are replaced by deuterium (D2O). To freeze such a liquid, it is enough that the temperature drops to 3.8 degrees C. It contains various soluble salts, organic compounds, pesticides. The freezing point is -7 degrees C. Part of it with deuterium will freeze before water with brine. A good living thing freezes at a temperature of 0 degrees C. This is the basis of water purification by freezing. First you need to wait until the water with deuterium freezes, drain the clean one, throw away the ice, put the water back in the freezer, wait for the clean liquid to freeze. The part that is not frozen is poured out. This is a brine - water with soluble salts. The remaining water is thawed and consumed.

Even after normal freezing (completely frozen in ice) it changes its structure. Its crystal lattice is no longer chaotic, but ordered. Once in the body, the molecules have a beneficial effect on all organs, correcting their "liquid" content.

It is believed that melted water has a beneficial effect on the human body.

Methods for preparing defrosted water at home

According to some sources, it is necessary to freeze half of the container with water, and after pulling it out ready ice put him under hot water so that it breaks the cork and flushes out the deuterium. According to other sources, it is recommended to remove the ice immediately. Here are the most common authoritative methods.

Interesting Facts

Purification according to the method of A.D. Labs

Pour into a 1.5 liter jar from the tap. But do not pour to the top so that the jar does not burst. Cover with a lid, refrigerate with a piece of cardboard underneath (to insulate the bottom). Note the freezing time for half the jar. You can choose for yourself convenient time or the volume of the freezer vessel. Well, if the time is 10-12 hours, then you will have to repeat the cycle only twice a day. This will allow you to provide yourself with a supply of water for the day. You will get a two-component system, which consists of ice (pure frozen water) and brine (non-freezing water under the ice, which contains impurities, salts). Water solution drain into the sink, defrost ice and use. In winter, you can withstand water on the balcony.

Freezing is a process by which harmful impurities are separated

Preparation according to the method of A. Malovichko

Pour tap water filtered by a household filter into an enamel pan. Take out the pan after a few hours. The walls of the pan and the surface of the liquid will already be stuck with the first ice by that time. Water that is not frozen must be drained into another pan. The ice remaining in the first pan is heavy water, which contains various impurities and freezes at +3.8 degrees C. Throw away the ice, and put the pan back into the freezer, the water will freeze by about 2/3. Drain unfrozen. This is light water, which should also not be consumed. The ice left in the pot is the frozen protium water. It is 80% free of impurities, but calcium in it is 15 mg/l. Melt and consume throughout the day.

How to purify water according to the method of the Zalepukhin brothers

A small amount of tap water bring not to a boil, but to the “white key” - about 95-96 degrees. White bubbles appeared in it, but the formation of large ones has not yet begun. The dishes in which the water was heated must be immediately removed from the stove and quickly cooled using a large vessel with cool water(for example, a basin or a bath). After it is frozen and thawed according to the schemes described above. The authors of the methodology claim that such water goes through all stages of the water cycle in nature. It contains less gases (that's why it is called degassed), has a natural structure.

In his book “Three Whales of Health”, the author suggests combining the two previous methods, and then freezing and thawing again. According to him, there is no price for such water. It is especially useful for those who are concerned about any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Freezing cleaning according to the method of M. Muratov

Engineer M. Muratov offered his new method getting clean water. He designed a special installation that allows you to receive light water of a given salt composition by the method of uniform freezing. Water is aerated, cooled with the formation of a circulating flow until the formation of small ice crystals. Less than 2% of ice, which contains heavy water, remained on the filter.

To prove the benefits of the resulting liquid, engineer M. Muratov conducted a study that confirmed his assumptions about a significant improvement in well-being, thanks to purified water. The author used at least 2.5-3 liters of such water per day, and noticed positive changes from the 5th day. Disappeared chronic fatigue and drowsiness, decreased heaviness in the legs. After 10 days, vision improved markedly (by 0.5 diopters). After a month, pain in the knee disappeared, and after 4 months, the manifestations disappeared chronic pancreatitis. Significantly decreased symptoms in six months varicose veins veins.

Video: how to prepare defrosted water