Will a cream with aminophylline help with cellulite. The use of aminophylline for cellulite: homemade recipes and a review of ready-made creams Which weight loss creams include aminophylline

This medication can be purchased without a prescription at any pharmacy in the form of tablets ("Aminophilin"), or in liquid form in ampoules ("Eufillin"), and it should be understood that the best option for using the drug is, of course, external.

This recommendation in the introduction was not given by chance, because many women at their own risk use aminophylline for cellulite orally, neglecting the information that the drug is most often prescribed to patients with pulmonary asthma. Not to say that someone complained about some serious side effects, but in this article, the internal method of application will not be considered, so as not to expose potential readers to a possible risk, especially since at home you can do it on aminophylline-based anti-cellulite cream. Moreover, the mixture prepared by oneself will not carry any health hazard at all, and its regular use in problem areas can give no worse result than the internal use of the medication.

Now about the problem itself and about the method of influencing it with "Euphyllin" in ampoules. The fact is that cellulite, popularly known as "orange peel", is not so much a cosmetic defect as a full-fledged disease that can occur not only against the background of the special structure of female skin or genetic predisposition. The basis of this disease is always weak blood circulation and insufficient blood circulation in the vessels located in the upper tissues. For this reason, the fat layer, which can often be observed in areas such as the thighs, buttocks, legs, abdomen, sides, becomes loose, dense and bumpy. Especially often, such an extremely unpleasant phenomenon makes itself felt in case of serious hormonal disorders or bursts of hormones contained in it, which can be observed during pregnancy and lactation.

The problem of "orange peel" can be completely solved only through an integrated approach, which includes proper nutrition, physical exercises (running, jumping rope, stairs), swimming, special massage, sauna and, of course, all kinds of cosmetic procedures, including the use of natural scrubs, ready-made creams, as well as regular wraps of problem areas. Now about the "Eufillin" itself, because it's not immediately clear how exactly a tiny ampoule can act on such a powerful enemy as cellulite.

The fact is that the internal intake of "Aminophylline", as an effective diuretic, helps to remove excess moisture from the body, because latent edema almost always has an extremely negative effect on the appearance of the skin and provokes stagnation of all vital processes in the tissues. Since in this article we are not talking about the internal use of the drug for an effective fight against cellulite, it is advisable to point out the nuance that its external use also helps to draw out excess fluid from the body through the opening of the pores. In any case, in order not to harm the natural water-salt balance, during the period of application of "Euphyllin" you should consume as much liquid as possible (we are talking about high-quality purified non-carbonated water), but this recommendation is only relevant for those women who do not suffer from latent edema.

Among other things, the drug includes active substances that most remarkably affect many hormonal processes that occur in the female body, and in fact they are often the root cause of cellulite formation. It is also impossible not to note the contribution that "Eufillin" makes to lipid metabolism in the body, removing excess fat cells from it, through their effective splitting. Well, one of the most, perhaps, the main advantages of the regular external use of this medication is that it miraculously contributes to a thorough smoothing of the skin and restoring its natural elasticity.

And as you know, it is thanks to the gift of the skin to stretch and contract without the formation of cracks, striae (stretch marks) and micro-bursts, it becomes possible to completely restore its turgor (density, elasticity of soft tissues) and its former appearance. Women who decided to experiment with "Eufillin" also noticed the fact that the skin became much more tender and at the same time embossed, and a similar result can usually be boasted only after a course of special anti-cellulite massage. In fact, we are talking about an ideal option for those women who, for certain reasons, cannot afford regular visits to a massage therapist.

Now it is advisable to devote a few phrases to the very formulation of the preparation of anti-cellulite products based on Aminophylline, which distinguishes four main options. The simplest of them is considered to be a mixture of an ordinary cream or petroleum jelly with a drug in a ratio of four to one, and you can use not only liquid "Eufillin", but also crushed tablets of "Aminophylline". The second recipe involves mixing this medication with Demixid in proportions of five to one.

To prepare the third recipe, you need to mix two equal parts of Eufilin in an ampoule with essential oil based on citrus fruits such as orange or grapefruit. Well, as the last option, there is such a universal mixture, which involves adding powdered "Aminophylline" or liquid "Eufillin" to any home-made scrub made from natural products designed to combat cellulite.

The most popular combinations are coarse coffee beans with heavy cream and liquid flower honey mixed with sea salt. These funds will become even more effective if you add "Aminophylline" to them in a ratio of one to three. An effective wrapping procedure with this drug is also quite acceptable, the main thing in this case is not to overdo it with its duration.

Causes and stages of cellulite

Cellulite is a pathological change in the subcutaneous fat layer, accompanied by a violation of the lymph flow in the vessels and fluid retention in the tissues. Most often, cellulite appears on the thighs and buttocks in women and the fatty roller on the abdomen in men. The causes of cellulite are varied. Among them are: hereditary factor, lack of daily routine and physical activity, malnutrition, hormonal imbalance, chronic diseases.

There are four categories of cellulite:

  • Edema (first) stage. Changes are almost not visualized, they are observed only when squeezing the problem area with hands, there is a slight flabbiness of the skin.
  • The occurrence of seals. The effect of orange peel becomes noticeable without pressure, the sensitivity of the skin is reduced.
  • Liposclerosis. The changes are more pronounced (the skin has an uneven structure, bumps and pits, nodules). There is a violation of sensitivity, lack of skin reaction to temperature changes.
  • inductive stage. Cellulite becomes a pathology, its signs have reached a maximum (knots and potholes, cyanosis of the skin, soreness).

What is aminophylline and how does it work on cellulite?

Aminophylline is a drug used in classical medicine for the treatment of diseases of the bronchi and lungs. It is available as tablets, solutions for injection or electroiontophoresis, and creams for topical application.

In cosmetology, the value of the drug is explained by the presence of theophylline alkaloid in it, a synthetic analogue of a natural substance obtained from tea leaves or coffee beans. Its presence causes the accumulation of cyclic adenosine monophosphate, which, in turn, reduces muscle contractions and reduces the tone of smooth muscles, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin.

A cream of this kind can be used daily, preferably twice a day, but more often, an overdose is excluded. Injections also require strict adherence to the recommended amount of the drug. Its amount is determined by a specialist, which is why you should not independently prescribe injections of such a drug.

Anti-cellulite creams with aminophylline

To eliminate the effect of orange peel based on aminophylline, special creams have been developed (BodyLift, Turboslim and others). Reviews of such products are very controversial and often contain information about low effectiveness.

The thing is that to fight cellulite, you need a powerful effect on internal processes in the body, increased blood circulation and lymph flow, improved metabolism, removal of excess fluid and fat accumulations. It is impossible to achieve a similar effect only when using formulations with aminophylline for surface application. The active particles of the drug are presented in a minimum concentration, and, most importantly, they are not able to penetrate the skin (i.e., they are not absorbed).

Aminophylline injections

Aminophylline injections are more effective. They are carried out intravenously (it is possible intramuscularly, but the result will be worse). The principle of action of the drug with this introduction is the formation of the following positive changes in the human body:

  • Relaxation of muscle fibers.
  • Improvement of local blood circulation.
  • Increased urination and reduced swelling.
  • Vasodilation.

A complex effect can effectively reduce the severity of cellulite in the initial stages, but do not forget about contraindications to the use of the drug and possible side effects.

Usage restrictions

Aminophylline has many contraindications. Before using the product, be sure to read the instructions for it and make sure that you do not have the following diseases or features:

  • Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
  • Ulcer.
  • Renal failure.
  • Cardiac pathologies.
  • Chronic diseases of the liver, kidneys, intestines in the acute stage.
  • Gastritis (at any stage).
  • Increased body temperature.
  • Hypertension.
  • Oncology.
  • Alcoholism.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Acute respiratory diseases.
  • Stomach upset.

If necessary, the above list can be expanded, but when using creams, it usually decreases. It is not recommended to apply formulations to the surface of the skin in case of violation of its integrity and allergies to the components of the product; in all other cases, its use is permissible.

Possible Complications

Before starting a course of procedures against the “orange peel”, you need to conduct a small allergy test. It implies applying a small amount of the selected cream to the skin of the inner side of the elbow and waiting for 15 minutes. During this time, either nothing extraordinary will happen, or redness and burning will appear - signs of an allergic reaction.

Even if there are no contraindications to the use of such drugs, the following complications may occur:

  • unmotivated, sudden increase in blood pressure;
  • dizziness, accompanied by temporary darkening in the eyes;
  • intermittent noise and ringing in the ears;
  • severe weakness of a general nature.

Such signs indicate that you should stop anti-cellulite procedures and seek qualified medical help.

Instructions for use

Aminophylline is available in the form of tablets, ampoules with injections, and it is also part of anti-cellulite products. Regardless of the form of release, theophylline acts as an active substance. In order to prepare an anti-cellulite cream on your own, you need to use aminophylline in ampoules. One ampoule should be mixed with olive oil, baby cream, any anti-cellulite remedy.

Intramuscularly or intravenously, the drug is prescribed for diseases of the pulmonary system. Doses of aminophylline should be calculated by the attending physician. The drug is also used to treat children from 6 months. The dose may be increased in the absence of side effects, but also on the advice of a doctor.

Aminophylline as an anti-cellulite agent can be used daily. It is advisable to apply it on problem areas of the body before physical education. The desired effect can only be achieved by combining the use of aminophylline with dietary restrictions and an active lifestyle. Using aminophylline for cellulite, it is desirable to exclude sweets, muffins, fatty and fried foods, fast food from the diet.

Possible side effects in the form of vomiting, heartburn, nausea, dizziness, headaches, tachycardia, fever, excessive sweating, chest pain, pain after injection.

Anti cellulite remedy

The drug is produced in two forms: in tablets and in the form of a solution. Both options are suitable for the fight against cellulite. It is only necessary to use the medicine correctly.


Some girls suffering from cellulite take the drug inside. In principle, there is nothing shameful here. If there are no contraindications, then aminophylline tablets are a good diuretic, quickly relieves swelling. But we must warn that, together with edema, it relieves the body of calcium, which also affects the beauty of the skin.


Such Aminophylline can be used without the addition of a cream or gel. To do this, use a cotton swab or gauze to rub the solution into problem areas until completely absorbed. Any anti-cellulite agent can be applied on top. After that, cosmetologists recommend starting sports in order to improve the effect of the solution. Fitness is the best option. But an ordinary walk or, for example, cleaning will also give its effect.

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Cellulite cream with aminophylline

Pharmaceutical companies do not produce the drug itself. But it is part of many cosmetic products (aminophylline cream). Therefore, before using any remedy with aminophylline, consult your doctor.

This tool in the composition of creams and gels allows you to effectively burn fat and smooth the skin, improving blood circulation.

When using the cream, no preparation is needed. Aminophylline is a potent substance, so care must be taken to ensure that the product does not deteriorate. And if you buy a cream or gel in a cosmetic store, carefully read the label. If the shelf life has expired, do not use it under any circumstances.

To make the cream work more efficiently, cosmetologists give several recommendations for better absorption of active substances.

  1. The cream is best applied to clean and steamed skin. You can also use a scrub to exfoliate areas of skin, as well as a cellulite washcloth.
  2. It is best to apply on the problem area of ​​​​the skin with smooth movements.
  3. Rub in until completely absorbed.
  4. After the procedure, cosmetologists recommend a light massage.
  5. The cream must be applied daily. Breaks may not have the desired effect.
  6. The duration of the procedure takes up to a month, unless otherwise indicated in the instructions.

The cream is an additional skin care product. Doctors recommend combining use with a special diet and exercise. It is necessary to remove fatty and unhealthy foods from the diet. Flour and sweets will also have to be abandoned.

Risk group

Despite the attractive properties of aminophylline in the fight for smooth skin without flaws, cosmetics based on it are not recommended for use during pregnancy and lactation. Restrictions on the use of anti-cellulite creams apply to patients with chronic diseases of the following nature:

  • kidney failure;
  • Heart failure;
  • Gastritis, peptic ulcer;
  • Gynecological disorders.

Anti-cellulite massage with a mitten: all the subtleties

Individual intolerance to the active ingredient additionally prevents getting rid of cellulite with products containing aminophylline. To understand the degree of sensitivity, it is enough to apply a small amount of cream to the crook of the elbow or the inside of the wrist. If there is no reaction on the skin during the day, the full use of the product is allowed according to the instructions.

Cream Aminophylline from cellulite: principle of application and effect

If you still decide to try such a remedy, you can pay attention to the drugs presented in pharmacies: the most affordable creams with aminophylline from the standpoint of active distribution are:

  • Turboslim;
  • Amilian;
  • ProThin Neways;
  • ShapeUp Oriflame;
  • Reflex Minceur Lancome.

Some of these funds are presented in perfumery and cosmetics stores, the price of creams with aminophylline for cellulite ranges from 200 to 4000 rubles. depending on the manufacturer's brand. The effect depends more on the additional components than on the concentration of aminophylline.

  • There are also home-made recipes for such a remedy, for which pharmacy ampoule aminophylline is used, mixed with a regular anti-cellulite cream (proportion 1: 5). Or it is advised to combine it with olive oil in equal proportions.
  • Dimexide (5:1) can also be an aminophylline transporter, and some sources suggest immediately combining 10 ml of Dimexide, 40 g of baby cream and an aminophylline ampoule.

An important point: aminophylline is a water-soluble substance, however, when preparing the cream, fatty components are added to it, which in no way reveals its medical properties. The effect is about the same as nibbling a carrot without oil and expecting the intake of vitamins A and E in the body.

But for those who want to try to act on cellulite with aminophylline cream, there are still several schemes for its use:

  • Lubricate with a small amount (so that the layer is very thin) areas that bother you before physical exertion, including ordinary walks. It is advisable to put on clothes after half an hour so that it is absorbed.
  • Massage with a cream containing aminophylline 2-3 times a week. It is advisable to study the technology of anti-cellulite massage so that the effect is more pronounced. After that, you can wrap yourself with cling film on top and wait an hour before washing off the remnants of the unabsorbed mixture.

Keep in mind that due to the thermogenic effect, it is undesirable to use the remedy with aminophylline before bedtime.

The course of using aminophylline for cellulite is set individually: its minimum duration is 2 weeks, since it is impossible to see the result in a shorter period. But even longer than 2 months, provided that the drug is used every other day, it is also undesirable to use it so that there are no adverse reactions.

In addition, drugs containing aminophylline are prohibited in persons suffering from hypertension, heart failure and gastritis; their use is also undesirable in pregnant women, as well as with frequent diarrhea and kidney problems.

Mechanism of action

The composition of the drug includes the synthetic alkaloid theophylline, the natural analogue of which is found in coffee beans and tea leaves. The presence of theophylline gives aminophylline properties similar to the action of caffeine: the drug is able to relax muscle fibers. This action is used in the treatment of bronchial asthma, when the removal of spasm of the bronchi and blood vessels allows you to stop the attack.

In addition, aminophylline accelerates the work of the heart and, as a result of the circulatory system, has a slight diuretic effect. Interestingly, the molecules of this drug are quite large and cannot penetrate the skin pores. But when interacting with the skin, aminophylline acts as an irritant, provoking a rush of blood and an allergic reaction, which is manifested by burning, redness, tingling, and occasionally swelling.

For those who decide to fight cellulite with this medicine, its property to prevent platelets from sticking together and improve the quality of red blood cells is of great value. Thus, aminophylline leads to the normalization of blood microcirculation in tissues and an increase in oxygen supply to the cells. And as you know, it is a violation of the blood supply to cells that leads to the formation of cellulite. Another anti-cellulite property of the drug was discovered by an American researcher more than 30 years ago - the ability to accelerate the breakdown of body fat.

Cream with aminophylline

Thoroughly mix 1 ampoule of the drug in 50 ml of low-fat baby cream. You can add 2 teaspoons of dimexide solution and 3-5 drops of citrus essential oil to the mixture. It is most effective to rub the prepared cream into problem areas at night, before going to the gym, walking, or at least before house cleaning. Additional physical activity will only speed up the elimination of cellulite. Prepare a new portion of the cream before each application, as aminophylline quickly loses its properties after unpacking.


You will need 50 ml of any cream, it is better to take not too greasy, 1 ampoule of aminophylline and a third of a teaspoon of olive or any oil for the base (almond, peach, wheat germ, etc.). Mix all the ingredients thoroughly and rub the mixture into the skin. Wrap cling film on top. Unlike most procedures, in which it is recommended to relax under the covers while wrapping, in the case of aminophylline, it is extremely important to be on the move. Go for a walk, do cellulite exercises, or at least spin a hoop.

There is another version of this wrap. This is one of the rare cases when the drug is applied to the skin in a pure, undiluted form. Having rubbed the problem areas of the body with aminophylline, massage cream is applied on top with a thin layer, and then the skin is covered with plastic wrap.

Regardless of the recipe chosen, the aminophylline wrap lasts about an hour, after which you can remove the film and take a warm shower. It is recommended to perform the procedure after 1-2 days.


By mixing in equal proportions aminophylline and massage or olive oil, you can prepare a mixture for anti-cellulite massage. In principle, you can use the cream, the recipe of which we gave above. Since there is no big difference between homemade recipes with aminophylline, you can safely use one mixture for both wrapping and massage.

It is recommended to perform massage with aminophylline daily or every other day. According to reviews, the result becomes noticeable in the first week. Provided that after the procedure you will not wash off the product, but wearing warm clothes or anti-cellulite pants, leave the mixture for a few more hours.

And so, we proceed to the preparation of the cream:

- Recipe 1

Dimexide - 2 mg, aminophylline -10 mg, mix everything. Rub the mixture into the orange peel.

- Recipe 2

For this recipe, we will require your cellulite cream and 1 ampoule of aminophylline. We mix everything and apply on the skin before playing sports.

- Recipe 3

Add 1 ampoule of aminophylline to any vegetable oil in a ratio of 1:1. We also add baby cream, petroleum jelly and glycerin. We mix everything thoroughly. This recipe can be used by people with sensitive skin as it is milder.

- Recipe 4

To prepare the mixture used for wrapping, you will need any non-greasy body cream. We add aminophylline and dimexide to it in a ratio of 1: 2 and a couple of drops of citrus oil. Mix everything and rub into areas with problem skin.


The ingredients of an anti-cellulite cream with aminophylline, depending on the manufacturer, may be different. Most creams are produced by well-known pharmaceutical companies, their products are of high quality ingredients. Aminophylline is only one of the components. Better if it is at the top of the list.

Other possible components:

  • caffeine;
  • kelp, algae;
  • plant extracts;
  • essential oils;
  • vitamins.

Based on aminophylline at home, you can independently prepare a composition for cellulite.

The following recipes are offered:

  1. Mix any anti-cellulite cream (50 grams) with an ampoule of Aminophylline.
  2. Combine 10 milliliters of Aminophylline and 2 milliliters of Dimexide.
  3. Such combinations are used for application to problem areas before training and for body wraps.


The drug can not be used for:

  • epilepsy;
  • problems with the cardiovascular system - myocardial infarction, arrhythmias, hypertension, paroxysmal tachycardia, heart rhythm disturbances;
  • renal failure (acute and chronic);
  • gynecological diseases;
  • cor pulmonale;
  • varicose veins;
  • respiratory tract infections;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • hormonal disruptions;
  • violations in the liver and thyroid gland;
  • prostate adenoma;
  • alcoholism;
  • individual intolerance.

Important! You should consult a doctor before using this medicine.

Storage conditions and shelf life

Store the drug aminophylline in a place protected from the sun and children. The air temperature should not exceed 25°C.

Do not use the product after the expiration date:

  • The shelf life of a homemade cream with Aminophylline is 1-2 days.
  • The shelf life of the Eufillin solution is 3 years.
  • The shelf life of Eufillin tablets is 5 years.

Application instruction of Aminophylline (Way and dosage)

The scheme of taking the drug is often individual, developed depending on age, clinical picture, indications, the presence of nicotine addiction.

Perhaps intravenous or intramuscular injection. Adults are administered intravenously slowly - 240 mg once or twice a day. Children are administered intravenously or intramuscularly: up to 3 months - 30-60 mg, 4-12 months - 60-90 mg, 1-3 years - 90-120 mg, 4-7 years - 120-240 mg, 8-18 years - 240-480 mg per day in two or three injections.

DIY cream

You can buy a ready-made cream with aminophylline, but you can also prepare it at home. There are several recipes.

  • Mix 10 g of baby cream with 5 g of dimexide and one ampoule of eufillin (drug for bronchial asthma). Add 10 drops of citrus essential oils. Mix the ingredients well, achieve a uniform consistency. Apply to the dermis 2 times a day.
  • You can rub pure aminophylline into the skin where there is an "orange peel" problem. After that, a massage cream is applied and the problem area is wrapped with a film.

We prepare anti-cellulite cream on our own

Since aminophylline is rapidly destroyed when exposed to room temperature, the cream should be prepared in small quantities and stored only in the refrigerator. You need to use the finished mixture daily, the best option is rubbing it into the skin immediately before playing sports.

The recipe for the preparation of an anti-cellulite agent based on aminophylline:

  • base - any cream: moisturizing, children's - 50 g;
  • drug - 10 tablets or 4 ampoules;
  • essential oil (any) - 5 drops.

Tablets must first be crushed into powder, and if a solution of the drug is used, then it will need 2 ml. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed, then the finished mixture is applied to the desired areas of the body.

A cream with Dimexide also has an excellent effect, for the preparation of which you need to mix 10 ml of a solution of the main drug with the same amount of the drug and 50 mg of any anti-cellulite cream (preferably with caffeine in the composition). The last ingredient can be replaced with regular baby cream and 1 ampoule of caffeine.

For information on how to prepare a cream based on aminophylline (Euphyllin) at home, see this video:

Wraps against "orange peel"

They will be more effective than the usual application of the cream. The procedure is as follows:

  • the skin should be well steamed under the jets of a hot shower or in the bath;
  • it is not necessary to dry the covers, you can immediately apply a cream with aminophylline - a thin layer, without active / aggressive rubbing;
  • the treated area is wrapped with cling film so tightly that air does not penetrate the skin, but without pulling the body.

The duration of the procedure is 15 - 20 minutes, if the sensitivity threshold is high, then the specified period can be increased to 30 - 40 minutes. It is advisable to do wraps immediately before playing sports.

After the end of the procedure, you need to wash off the product from the skin with warm water, then lubricate it with any moisturizer. Such wraps are recommended 2-3 times a week.

Recipes for homemade creams based on aminophylline

You can buy an aminophylline-based cream for cellulite at a pharmacy, but it is not cheap. Therefore, we suggest you make a cellulite cream with aminophylline at home. As they say cheap and cheerful

The cream should be prepared in small portions, and stored strictly in a cold place. Because heat quickly destroys aminophylline. The finished product should be used every day. Do not use the cream before going to bed, it is better to do this procedure before going to the gym.

Before you start making aminophylline cream, you should familiarize yourself with a few rules:

  1. Before and during the use of the cream, drink more water or any other liquid. Thus, you protect your urinary system from stagnation of aminophylline in it;
  2. Go in for sports, do not be lazy. Especially after applying the cream to areas with "orange peel";
  3. Eat right. The use of foods such as sweets and carbonated foods contributes to the appearance of an "orange peel".
  4. Only following these simple rules will allow you to achieve positive success.


Children under 3 years of age (for extended oral forms for children under 12 years of age) are prohibited from taking the drug. Do not use Aminophylline rectally in children.

The use of Aminophylline cream is successfully combined with an anti-cellulite wrap, which can be done at home. For this you will need:

  • food film;
  • citrus oil (any);
  • dimexide;
  • emulsifying cream.

All ingredients are mixed and applied to problem areas. Then the body is wrapped with cling film. In such a pretty package, you need to start doing active physical exercises. After classes, to enhance the effect, cosmetologists recommend doing massage with silicone cups for two weeks. The skin during this time is smoothed, and the legs become slimmer.

The course of getting rid of cellulite with the help of the active substance Aminophylline is up to two months. It includes a different set of diets and exercises. In order to avoid consequences, it is necessary to consult with specialists about the course of treatment.

Store and pharmacy cosmetics

Modern manufacturers offer a large selection of gels and creams with Aminophylline against cellulite. Consider the most popular and effective.

Advice! When choosing anti-cellulite cosmetics, be guided by the type of your skin. Creams are suitable for dry, and light gels are suitable for oily.

Price and where to buy

Some people prefer to buy aminophylline creams exclusively in pharmacies. Someone orders funds on the Internet or purchases them in cosmetic stores. One of the most common is the cream "Turboslim". The price is approximately 200-250 rubles. It must be used on problem areas of the body in the morning and evening. In Chinese online stores there is a wide range of such products. The average price is 500 rubles.

Another well-known remedy is Amilean, which includes aminophylline. Manufacturers recommend applying the gel every day so that tangible results are noticeable after a month. Cellulite will become less noticeable, and the skin will tighten and become more elastic. The price of the gel starts from 1100 rubles.

Many people prefer to buy cosmetic products of famous world brands. Now many cosmetics manufacturers have creams and gels with the addition of aminophylline in their product line. These are such famous manufacturers as Lancome, Neways, Oriflame, Lierac, Sisley, Biotherm, Thalgo and many others. Prices range from 300 rubles to several thousand. Much depends on the brand, because everyone knows that the products of well-known cosmetic manufacturers cannot be cheap. But when buying a cream or serum of well-known brands, you can be sure that the product will match its price.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the tools that help remove the "orange peel", there is an anti-cellulite cream with aminophylline. It is made according to the technology developed back in the 70s of the last century.

Such a product allows you to solve several problems at once.

  • Warns and eliminates manifestation of cellulite.
  • Moisturizes the skin, helps to produce collagen and elastin epithelium.
  • Gives elasticity to the dermis, tightens the contour of the figure.
  • Improves blood flow and lymph flow, which destroys stagnation in the fatty layer.
  • Promotes the breakdown of fats which results in weight loss.

Also, aminophylline, present in anti-cellulite creams, perfectly tones the dermis, activates metabolic processes in cells.

But this substance also has contraindications, in which it is strictly forbidden to use such a cream.

  • Cardiovascular insufficiency.
  • Gynecological diseases.
  • SARS.
  • Varicose veins.
  • Disturbances in the work of the kidneys, liver, thyroid gland.
  • Individual intolerance.

Will aminophylline in any remedy help to lose weight, or will complex therapy be needed

Despite the good reviews about aminophylline products, most users are inclined to believe that one gel or cream will not be able to remove cellulite. All cosmetics help only with mild cellulite manifestations.

But even then, they need support in the form of physical activity and dietary changes. Cellulite is more common in women who lead a sedentary lifestyle and abuse sweets and fast food.

Complex therapy includes:

  • giving up bad habits - excessive consumption of flour products, carbonated sweet drinks, smoking, etc .;
  • daily intensive walking or cycling;
  • transition to rational nutrition;
  • sports, fitness.

If you follow these rules, the effect of any anti-cellulite remedy will be more tangible.

Features of using products

It is better to buy anti-cellulite products with aminophylline at a pharmacy, since the offered product is guaranteed to be certified and the likelihood of acquiring a fake is minimal. The effectiveness of the cream is predicted by its composition: you can count on a positive result from the use of products if aminophylline is at the beginning of the list of active ingredients. Conversely, the closer the name of the substance to the end of the list, the less its effect on the skin is manifested.

The duration of the course and the scheme for using the products are indicated in the instructions for the purchased product. Creams and gels are applied to cellulite formations twice a day, in the morning and in the evening. The action of the funds is enhanced if getting rid of the "orange peel" is accompanied by regular training and dietary adjustments.

Products with Russian-made aminophylline are represented by Turboslim Day and Turboslim Night creams from the Evalar trademark. The average price varies between 300-350 rubles per 100 ml.

The choice of creams and gels from foreign manufacturers is also diverse: AmiLean (Epic Nutrition), Body Lift (Lierac), ProThin FirmUp (Neways). The cost of each of the funds is about 3000 rubles.

How aminophylline fights cellulite

What is the effectiveness of aminophylline in the fight against "orange peel"?

Aminophylline cream in combination with other drugs, has the following actions:

  1. It acts as an irritant on the skin. Thus, starting blood circulation in organs and also tissues. Making the tissue drainage mechanism work faster;
  2. Prevents platelets from sticking together and improves red blood cells. Normalizing, thus, blood circulation and saturates tissues with oxygen;
  3. Breaks down fat;
  4. It has a diuretic effect, thereby removing swelling. The skin becomes more toned and elastic.

All these properties help the tool to successfully fight cellulite.

Indications and contraindications

Solution for injection intramuscularly and intravenously is used in the following cases:

  • breathing problems;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • in case of edema caused by renal insufficiency;
  • asthma.

Aminophylline - use in tablets for:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • chronic bronchitis;
  • stopping breathing.

Cream, gel, serum and other aminophylline-based cosmetics are designed to get rid of cellulite or reduce its external manifestations, depending on the stage of the disease.

There are a number of contraindications in which this drug is strictly prohibited to use:

  • allergic reactions caused by the components of the drug;
  • duodenal ulcer;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • gastritis;
  • diseases of the heart, kidneys, liver;
  • diseases of the rectum;
  • alcoholism;
  • feverish state;
  • Heart arythmy;
  • BPH;
  • colds;
  • diarrhea.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, the drug is highly undesirable. In the second and third trimester, the risk of harming the health of the mother and child is reduced, but still you should be extremely careful. Consultation with a doctor before taking aminophylline is required.

What preparations and products contain

Aminophylline is available under several trade names:

  • "Eufillin-Darnitsa";
  • "Pharmafillin";
  • "Aminomal";
  • "Aminophylline".

These medicines can be used in the self-production of the cream. Cosmetics with aminophylline for cellulite are produced by several well-known companies:

  1. AmiLean is Epic nutrition's popular fat-burning and cellulite-removing gel.
  2. Reflexe Minceur is produced by the well-known company Lancome.
  3. Shape-up is produced by Oriflame.
  4. Celluli-Zone.
  5. Salin de Biosel.

The most famous remedy is Turboslim cream, which has good reviews and is widely used against cellulite.

In the fight against cellulite, there are no bad remedies, there are not yet tested. It is not surprising that in an effort to restore elasticity and smoothness to the skin, women know no bounds. Even very unusual methods are used, if they are at least slightly able to remove the ill-fated orange peel. One of the recruits of the anti-cellulite war, however, already with 30 years of experience, aminophylline for cellulite is used not only in the vastness of our homeland, but also abroad. But in official medicine, this drug is prescribed for those suffering from bronchial asthma.

Aminophylline is also available under the trade names eufillin, theophylline. The drug is prescribed for diseases of the lungs and bronchi. But at the same time, the substance is quite popular among cosmetics manufacturers, who like to include it in anti-cellulite products.


Serums, gels and creams with aminophylline in the composition are quite a lot. The most widely known of them is slimming gel. If you decide to use one of these ready-made products, choose the cream on the tube of which aminophylline will appear at the beginning of the list of ingredients. According to the rules, the components line up in the order of percentage, that is, the closer to the end, the lower the concentration of this substance, which means that the sense of its presence is also insignificant.

A cheaper, but at the same time more effective way (and this combination, you see, is extremely rare) is to buy aminophylline at a pharmacy. On average, for 60 rubles you can buy 10 ampoules. The drug is also available in tablets, but for home treatment of cellulite it is more convenient to use the solution in ampoules.

Mechanism of action

The composition of the drug includes the synthetic alkaloid theophylline, the natural analogue of which is found in coffee beans and tea leaves. The presence of theophylline gives aminophylline properties similar to the action of caffeine: the drug is able to relax muscle fibers. This action is used in the treatment of bronchial asthma, when the removal of spasm of the bronchi and blood vessels allows you to stop the attack.

In addition, aminophylline accelerates the work of the heart and, as a result of the circulatory system, has a slight diuretic effect. Interestingly, the molecules of this drug are quite large and cannot penetrate the skin pores. But when interacting with the skin, aminophylline acts as an irritant, provoking a rush of blood and an allergic reaction, which is manifested by burning, redness, tingling, and occasionally swelling.

For those who decide to fight cellulite with this medicine, its property to prevent platelets from sticking together and improve the quality of red blood cells is of great value. Thus, aminophylline leads to the normalization of blood microcirculation in tissues and an increase in oxygen supply to the cells. And as you know, it is a violation of the blood supply to cells that leads to the formation of cellulite. Another anti-cellulite property of the drug was discovered by an American researcher more than 30 years ago - the ability to accelerate the breakdown of body fat.

Anti-cellulite use of aminophylline at home


As a rule, aminophylline is mixed with some kind of cream, dimexide solution (sold in a pharmacy), vegetable or massage oil. Thus, mixtures are prepared for rubbing and. An indispensable condition for such procedures is the use of more water. This is necessary so that the drug does not linger in the organs of the urinary system.

Thoroughly mix 1 ampoule of the drug in 50 ml of low-fat baby cream. You can add 2 teaspoons of dimexide solution and 3-5 drops of citrus essential oil to the mixture. It is most effective to rub the prepared cream into problem areas at night, before going to the gym, walking, or at least before house cleaning. Additional physical activity will only speed up the elimination of cellulite. Prepare a new portion of the cream before each application, as aminophylline quickly loses its properties after unpacking.


You will need 50 ml of any cream, it is better to take not too greasy, 1 ampoule of aminophylline and a third of a teaspoon of olive or any oil for the base (almond, peach, wheat germ, etc.). Mix all the ingredients thoroughly and rub the mixture into the skin. Wrap cling film on top. Unlike most procedures, in which it is recommended to relax under the covers while wrapping, in the case of aminophylline, it is extremely important to be on the move. Go for a walk, or at least spin a hoop.

There is another version of this wrap. This is one of the rare cases when the drug is applied to the skin in a pure, undiluted form. Having rubbed the problem areas of the body with aminophylline, massage cream is applied on top with a thin layer, and then the skin is covered with plastic wrap.

Regardless of the recipe chosen, the aminophylline wrap lasts about an hour, after which you can remove the film and take a warm shower. It is recommended to perform the procedure after 1-2 days.


By mixing aminophylline and massage or olive oil in equal proportions, you can prepare a mixture for. In principle, you can use the cream, the recipe of which we gave above. Since there is no big difference between homemade recipes with aminophylline, you can safely use one mixture for both wrapping and massage.

It is recommended to perform massage with aminophylline daily or every other day. According to reviews, the result becomes noticeable in the first week. Provided that after the procedure you will not wash off the product, but wearing warm clothes or anti-cellulite pants, leave the mixture for a few more hours.


Before applying homemade formulas or commercial aminophylline cosmetic products, make sure you are not allergic to this drug. Apply a small amount on the wrist or inner crook of the elbow and observe the reaction of the skin.

Do not forget that aminophylline is primarily an asthma medicine, which has its own characteristics of use and contraindications. Read the instructions carefully before using this remedy, even better - consult your doctor.

The drug can provoke a sharp increase in blood pressure. If you experience weakness, dizziness, headache, blackouts, or tinnitus after using Aminophylline, wash off the mixture immediately and refrain from using this remedy.

It should also be abandoned in case of violations of the functioning of the organs of the cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive or urinary system, tumors, gynecological problems, varicose veins, high blood pressure, hormonal disruptions, dysfunction of the thyroid gland, pregnancy and lactation.

Cellulite is a violation of microcirculation in adipose tissue, as a result of which fat cells increase, accumulate fat and toxins. The reason for its development is the action of female sex hormones. Cellulite is observed in 95% of women and is practically absent in men, so the weaker sex has to make a lot of efforts in order to get rid of this cosmetic defect. One of the known and effective methods is the use of Aminophylline.

What it is

Aminophylline is a drug containing theophylline alkaloid, which belongs to the group of methylxanthines. It is synthesized in the laboratory. In its natural form, theophylline is found in tea and coffee beans. It affects the human body in the same way as caffeine.

Inside the drug is taken in the following cases:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • bronchospasm;
  • cerebral vascular crises of atherosclerotic origin;
  • To improve renal blood flow.

The trade name of Aminophylline is Eufilin. Ampoules or tablets with this name can be purchased at the nearest pharmacy at a very affordable price.

The drug is poorly absorbed through the skin, so for external use it must be combined with other components, such as Dimexide, which serve as conductors.

Video: Feature of the problem

How it works

The drug relaxes the muscle fibers that are the sheath of the walls of blood vessels, resulting in:

  • improves blood circulation in small vessels;
  • vasospasm is eliminated;
  • reduces the tone of blood vessels;
  • improves blood microcirculation in tissues;
  • tissue edema is eliminated as a result of a decrease in the degree of readsorption;
  • evens out the skin, eliminating the "orange peel"


The use of Aminophylline in the fight against cellulite is not recommended for people with the following pathologies:

  • hypersensitivity to the drug;
  • epilepsy;
  • paroxysmal tachycardia;
  • low blood pressure;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • severe impairment of kidney and liver function;
  • cardiac arrhythmias.

How to use Aminophylline for cellulite at home

Aminophylline from cellulite at home can be used in the form of special creams.


Mode of application


Dimexide - 10 ml.

Mineral water without gas - 20 ml.

Dimexide must be diluted with water, otherwise it can cause a burn. Then you need to add Aminophylline. Apply the product on previously cleansed skin, cover with polyethylene and a piece of cloth and leave for 40 minutes. Rinse with warm water, then apply a moisturizer.

In order to achieve the desired effect, the procedures must be carried out every other day. To obtain the desired effect, you will need at least 10 procedures.

Aminofilin (Eufillin) - 2 tablets.

Baby cream without additives - 25 g.

Vaseline - 5 g.

Dimexide - 2 ml.

Squeeze the cream into a glass container and add pre-softened vaseline (it must be melted in the microwave). Mix the product thoroughly. Grind the tablets into powder and mix with Dimexide. Connect all components. The skin must first be washed and steamed, then apply the product, rub it with massage movements and leave for an hour. Wash off the rest with warm water. The finished product should be stored in a tightly closed jar in the refrigerator for no more than 5 days.

The procedure should be carried out daily at bedtime, for 10 days. The skin will become taut and elastic.

Aminophylline (Eufillin) - 2 tablets.

Rosehip oil - 20 ml.

Grapefruit oil - 5 drops.

Mix lightly warmed oils. Grind Aminophylline tablets into powder and stir with a small amount of oil. Then pour the resulting mixture into a container with the rest of the oil. Apply to previously thoroughly washed skin with soft massage movements, rubbing in for 10 minutes.

The procedure is carried out once a day for a week. The tool will help not only get rid of cellulite, but also improve the condition of the skin, relieve minor damage and acne.

Aminophylline (Eufillin) - 5 ml.

Camphor alcohol - 30 ml;

Dimexide - 3 ml.

Mix all the ingredients and rub into the previously cleansed skin with light massage movements for a quarter of an hour. Then rinse first with warm and then cool water. The solution must be prepared immediately before use.

The procedure can be repeated every three days for two weeks.

Aminophylline (Eufillin) - 1 tablet.

Refined sunflower oil - 30 ml.

Grind the tablet into powder and add to slightly warmed sunflower oil. Rub into previously cleansed and steamed skin. Wash off after an hour if necessary.

Apply the product every other day for two weeks.

Overview of creams containing this substance

Cream with Aminophylline from cellulite can not only be prepared independently at home, but also purchased at a pharmacy or store.

Name and manufacturer



Turboslim day cream (Evalar)

Glycerin, caffeine, menthol, D-panthenol, carbopol, Tera-active, aminophylline, vitamin E, extracts of ginkgo biloba and fucus, butcher's broom and horse chestnut.

The cream has lipolytic activity, accelerates the metabolism in the body, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and improves blood circulation. The tool smoothes, tightens the skin and improves its tone. It also has a healing, moisturizing and smoothing effect.

Turboslim night cream (Evalar)

L-carnitine, aminophylline, hyaluronic acid, Tera-Active, caffeine, vitamin E, extract of ficus blister and butcher's broom.

The drug improves metabolism and promotes the rapid breakdown of fats and their burning. Improves the external condition of the skin, gives the skin elasticity and improves its tone.

Silhouette Refining gel (Tralgo)

Natural seaweed, enzyme complex, aminophylline, caffeine, colaspheres.

Promotes rapid weight loss, saturates the skin with minerals, evens out its tone, restores elasticity and improves tone.

Phyto-gel Minceur (Systel)

Capsicum extract, green tea, algae, licorice, quinine, essential oils, aminophylline.

Reduces the amount of fat deposits, makes the skin even, improves elasticity. Effectively stimulates blood circulation and moisturizes the skin.

Celluli-Zone (Biotherm)

Aminophylline, corralina extract, ginkgo biloba, escin, caffeine.

Actively breaks down fat and affects the body, stimulating the production of substances involved in lipolysis. Improves blood circulation, reduces swelling and removes toxins from the body. In a month, it helps to get rid of cellulite and reduce the volume of the hips by almost 3 cm.

AmiLean (Epic nutrition)

Aminophylline, caffeine, geranium extract.

Significantly reduces waist and hips. It has a powerful anti-cellulite effect, makes the skin supple and toned.

Phuto-Complete Ammincissant et Resorbant (Sisley)

Aminophylline, caffeine, enzyme complex.

Improves the condition of the skin, makes it smooth, supple, toned. Quickly eliminates cellulite and prevents its further appearance. Leaves skin healthy & hydrated.

Side effects

When using drugs based on Aminophylline, the following side effects may occur:

  • itching of the skin in the area of ​​application;
  • redness;
  • rash;
  • burning.

Redness of the skin and a slight burning sensation may indicate an increase in blood circulation, so you should not be afraid of it.

But if it persists for a long time after the remedy has been washed off, or is accompanied by other symptoms, then the use of the cream or mask should be stopped, and if necessary, seek the advice of a dermatologist.

In rare cases, there may be side effects such as lowering blood pressure or heart rhythm disturbances, in which case the use of Aminophylline should be abandoned.

In order to get rid of cellulite with Aminophylline while not harming your health, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • for one application, no more than 1 tablet or 5 ml of Aminophylline per 70 kg of weight can be rubbed into the skin;
  • before starting the use of Aminophylline, it is necessary to conduct a sensitivity test. To do this, the prepared product is applied to a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin on the wrist and left for 12 hours. If during this period red spots or noticeable itching did not appear on the skin, then the remedy can be used;
  • before using the drug, you need to pay attention to its expiration date;
  • when buying a cream with Aminophylline, you need to pay attention to the composition, namely which item it is on the list. The farther from the beginning, the less it is contained;
  • products with Aminophylline are not fast-acting, so the positive effect of their use can be seen no earlier than after the fourth procedure;
  • it is not recommended to apply products with Aminophylline to damaged skin;
  • at the first signs of an allergy to Aminophylline, the use of the drug should be discontinued and seek medical advice from a doctor.

Despite the fact that drugs with Aminophylline are safe enough for external use, they should not be abused, and if there are serious contraindications, their use should be agreed with the doctor.

Cellulite is an insidious enemy of women. Trying to cope with it, the ladies do not spare money for medications, including those that initially serve other purposes. The use of some is justified: a quick effect is evident. These drugs include Aminophylline, it treats respiratory diseases.

In medicine, Aminophylline fights against bronchial and pulmonary diseases (for example, asthma). The effect is based on warming properties. The drug relaxes the muscles and blood vessels, helping to heal the respiratory organs. The principle of action on the skin of Aminophylline is similar. The warm-up effect allows you to quickly achieve the following results:

  • improves blood circulation in the area of ​​application of the drug;
  • the skin becomes tightened;
  • excess fluid is removed from the tissues (drainage effect);
  • the skin is smoothed out.

Therefore, Aminophylline is part of some popular anti-cellulite creams. The action of any is based on warming up and, as a result, increased blood flow and lymph flow. And Aminophylline successfully copes with this.

Table: anti-cellulite products

When comparing funds with Aminophylline, the difference in price is immediately noticeable. The composition of an expensive product contains more ingredients, but mostly they are auxiliary and do not enhance the effect of a cosmetic product.

How to prepare remedies with Aminophylline at home

Aminophylline-based anti-cellulite medicine is easy to make at home. First of all, buy the drug in a pharmacy. Released without a prescription.

When buying Aminophylline, you should pay attention to the fact that it can be sold under a different name: Eufillin, Diafillin, Aminomal, Farmafillin.

Aminophylline is available in tablets and in solution. Both forms are suitable for home preparation of anti-cellulite composition.

General application rules

Products with Aminophylline, which will help reduce body fat, are easy to make on your own. The main thing is to follow the rules:

  1. It is necessary to prepare anti-cellulite products based on Aminophylline 1-2 times. It is advisable to use immediately. The maximum that you can afford is to leave the resulting composition in the refrigerator for a day.
  2. Aminophylline is a drug that accumulates in the body. Therefore, you need to take care of its removal: drink as much liquid (water) as possible.
  3. After applying an anti-cellulite agent, the skin should not cool. It is recommended to wear, for example, warm pants (if the product was applied to the thigh area).
  4. Cellulite will not disappear and will not decrease if there is no integrated approach in the fight against it. During the period of application of anti-cellulite products, you need to eat right, excluding foods that cause the formation of an “orange peel”: sugar, carbonated drinks, flour dishes.

Preparation of anti-cellulite cream from tablets


  • 300 mg Aminophylline (1 - 2 tablets);
  • fat baby cream - 20 ml.

Grind Aminophylline tablets to a powder state (mortar). Mix the powder with the cream and apply to problem areas, rubbing thoroughly and making massage movements. Do not rinse. To achieve the best effect, treat the skin before this with an anti-cellulite scrub bought at a store or pharmacy, or with a homemade anti-cellulite scrub. The simplest is ordinary salt mixed with soda in equal proportions.

You can apply the product daily, observing the reaction of the skin. After a couple of weeks, take a break for 1 week. If necessary, repeat the course.

Preparation of cream from a solution


  • 10 ml Aminophylline (1 ampoule);
  • 50 g fat cream.

Take the most oily cream and mix with the solution, then apply to problem areas. Do not rinse. It is recommended to do this procedure daily, preferably before sports, for 2-3 weeks.

Aminophylline solution is applied to areas with fatty deposits and in its pure form.

Preparation of anti-cellulite oil


  • 20 ml olive or sunflower oil;
  • 20 ml Aminophylline.

Mix the oil with Aminophylline and apply to problem areas of the body. After that, do a massage. The greatest effect can be achieved by using this oil before cupping vacuum massage. You do not need to rinse off the skin, it should be absorbed. It is recommended to do the procedure every day for a month.

To combat cellulite, Aminophylline is used only externally. Taking pills in this case is ineffective. Sometimes, however, women take Aminophylline orally, as it has diuretic properties and to some extent reduces swelling, creating the illusion of weight loss. But in fact, this does not affect the skin and fatty tissues in any way. In addition, Aminophylline tablets can harm a healthy body. It is forbidden to take them in the absence of medical indications.

Anti-cellulite cream based on Aminophylline and essential oils


  • 50 g of baby cream;
  • 10 tablets of Aminophylline;
  • 5 drops of essential oil.

Grind the tablets to a powder. Combine with baby cream, add an essential oil suitable for solving cellulite problems, or a mixture of several oils.

Which essential oil is best? Each has its own characteristics.

  • citrus (for example, orange or lemon);
  • juniper oil;
  • rosemary;
  • cypress.

If the goal is to increase skin elasticity and accelerate the regeneration of epidermal cells, then fit:

  • neroli essential oil;
  • roses;
  • ylang-ylang;
  • jojoba;
  • grape seed.

And finally, to improve lymph flow and reduce swelling, they use:

  • grapefruit essential oil;
  • sweet dill oil;
  • green and black coffee oil.

After the essential oils are selected and the cream is made, apply with massage movements to problem areas of the skin and rub in for 10-15 minutes. Do not rinse. The procedure is carried out daily, at least 2 weeks.

Anti-cellulite wrap

Probably, every woman at least once in her life tried body wraps using cling film. In our case, it also fits. To begin with, prepare a solution from a teaspoon of olive oil, 30 ml of Aminophylline and 50 g of baby cream. Apply the mixture to problem areas. It is not necessary to rub until completely absorbed, light massage movements are enough. After that, wrap the area with cling film. From above, put on special anti-cellulite breeches or warm woolen leggings.

Wrap time - 60 minutes. After that, wash off the remnants of the product with warm water. Wraps do 2 times a week.

Contraindications to the use of Aminophylline

From funds with Aminophylline should be abandoned when:

  1. Individual intolerance and allergic reactions.
  2. Pregnancy and lactation.
  3. Sensitivity of the skin and a tendency to irritation.
  4. Varicose veins.
  5. Thrombosis.

With hypertension, Aminophylline is not contraindicated, but it should be used with caution.