How to lay a water pipe underground. Installation of sewerage in a private house How to lay pipes under

One of the most important aspects in ensuring a healthy microclimate in the house is the design of the heating system, and in particular, the laying of heating pipes. The durability of the entire system depends not only on the quality of the pipe materials, but also on the quality of its installation. In this article we will talk about the types of pipe laying, and also dwell in detail on the technology of hidden installation.

Installation of external heating pipelines

The main types of pipe laying for connection to the heating main:

  • Underground installation.
  • Overhead laying.

Laying pipes in the ground

This most common type of gasket is divided into:

  1. Channel laying, which makes it possible to protect pipes from external influences. The channels are:
    • Pass-throughs designed for laying a large number of pipes and providing quick access to them for repair and inspection.
    • Semi-through, which are arranged when access is rarely needed.
    • Non-through, used for one type of pipeline: return or supply.
  1. Channelless installation, which significantly reduces the volume of excavation work, construction time and costs. Such laying of heating pipes in the ground will complicate repair work, but the use of modern reinforced casings for pipelines can guarantee their reliability.

Methods for laying heating pipes

Regardless of the type of pipeline system used (collector, two-pipe, single-pipe), pipe laying can be done in the following ways:

  1. Open installation carried out along the perimeter of the walls (usually along the baseboard).
  2. Hidden gasket in the walls.
  3. Laying heating pipes in the floor.

More often, when choosing a method for laying and connecting pipes to heating devices, the factor of aesthetics plays a big role (the ability to visually monitor the condition of pipes when laid open is less common). On the technical side, if installed correctly, the installation method does not significantly affect the reliability and performance of the system.

There is a dependence of laying technology on the pipe material. For example, the thermal expansion of steel pipes is minimal; they can be practically walled up during installation. The likelihood of their rupture or deformation in the structure is low.

Metal-plastic pipes have completely opposite properties. For safety reasons, they must be protected with sleeves with a diameter larger than the pipe cross-section. This insulation gives the pipe additional space to expand and reduces heat loss.

Open installation is carried out using special clips that secure the pipes to the wall. What such a finished system looks like is shown in the video:

Hidden heating pipes

Pros and cons of hidden gasket

The undoubted advantage of this method is that there is no need to fear that when designing the room, the heating pipes will not fit harmoniously into the interior.

Disadvantages of hidden installation:

  • Labor intensity.
  • The presence of heat loss, since even with high-quality pipe insulation, part of the heat is spent on heating the structure, which simultaneously performs protective and decorative functions.
  • Difficulty of maintenance associated with the need to dismantle protective and decorative structures to access emergency areas;
  • High price due to the need for more material.

Hidden heating pipe technology

Installation of heating pipes is carried out after installing all radiators on the walls. During finishing work, the original packaging of radiators is not removed.

Stages of work production:

  1. Preparation, including choosing the type of heating. To install a forced circulation system, it is best to lay heating pipes under the floor or in a wall structure. With natural circulation, the discharge pipe is placed behind the suspended ceiling, and the riser drains and the lower pipeline are laid in the wall.
  2. Pipeline markings made on walls.
  3. Execution of grooves. First, using a grinder, its boundaries are set, then the groove itself is knocked out with a puncher.

  1. Wiring laying. The heating pipes are secured in the groove using clips.

It must be remembered that the use of detachable connections, such as connections with detachable nuts, collet connections for metal-plastic pipes, is unacceptable for hidden wiring.

  1. Connecting the pipeline to heating devices.
  2. Crimping is carried out, in accordance with current standards, under pressure.

For hidden wiring, pipes must be filled only after a hydraulic test (pressure test) of the heating system.

  1. Decorating or walling up. Before starting work, the pipes must be insulated. Decoration can be done in the following ways:
  • Plastering - sealing the groove with a low-strength solution of sand and cement or gypsum-based plaster.
  • Heating pipes in the wall can be decorated with plasterboard. Strips of drywall are glued using gypsum plaster. The subsequent putty completely masks the groove.
  • Boxes made of plasterboard, which do not require damaging the walls. They are used quite often, since their use eliminates the need to destroy the finish when problems occur.

The sealing of the pipeline should only be carried out when the entire heating system is under pressure, which emulates its “behavior”. Making the necessary adjustments allows us to achieve minimal impact of deformation forces on the decorative finish.

The construction of communications brings real comfort to country life, but their open location does not have the best effect on the aesthetic component of the site. It is a completely different matter if the sewer pipeline is buried in the ground: it is not visible, the pipeline does not interfere with movement.

However, for the underground installation of the system, compliance with rules and regulations is necessary. They should be studied, don’t you agree?

The fundamental laws and subtle nuances according to which sewer pipes are laid in the ground are presented on our website. Based on the information we offer, you will build a trouble-free external sewer system.

A pipeline constructed in accordance with our advice will work perfectly at any time of the year. The article presented to your attention scrupulously describes the technology for constructing the underground part of the sewer system.

The material describes the nuances of design and installation details. Recommendations are given on the implementation of preventive measures and compliance with sewerage operating rules. To make it easier to understand, the information is supplemented with photo images and video instructions.

Today, almost every household has the necessary set of amenities for a comfortable stay: washbasin, sink, toilet, shower or full bath, washing machine and other amenities of civilization. Many houses are equipped with not one, but several bathrooms and bathrooms.

This entire facility, when fully operational, produces a large amount of waste and wastewater per day. According to standards, the amount of liquid waste per person per day is from 5.4 to 9.5 liters, which must be discharged somewhere.

As a rule, country houses where people live permanently have many different plumbing fixtures, which makes it necessary to equip an autonomous sewer system

Therefore, the drainage system is an obligatory part of the engineering communications of an individual house. It consists of an outlet from a residential building and an external sewer network laid on the site.

Many owners of private houses, paying special attention to the intra-house system, for some reason do not always properly approach the arrangement of external networks.

Indeed, the process of laying a pipeline seems simple; it is enough to dig a trench, connect the pipes to each other, the intra-house system and the collector, and then cover everything with earth.

But this is only at first glance. In fact, in this, as in any other work, there are many nuances that must be taken into account. Failure to comply with technological standards and improper installation of the pipeline may in the future lead to siltation and other significant problems.

If the site has a natural slope that exceeds the recommended standards, it is possible to lay a sewer system with several vertical transitions. In this case, on horizontal sections of the pipeline it is necessary to comply with regulatory indicators.

Actions to take when the sewer freezes

If you have not insulated your sewer pipes, or have not insulated them sufficiently, and they are frozen, first of all, you need to identify the damaged section of the pipeline in order to choose a method to solve the problem. Metal pipes can be heated using a blowtorch.

If the pipeline is made of plastic, open fire cannot be used. You can pour hot water into the sewer, in which you have previously dissolved salt (2 kg per 10 liters of water). You can direct a stream of steam or hot water to the revision closest to the frozen area.

If the damaged pipe is located in the middle of the main line, you can use a steam generator to warm the soil. However, this process can take quite a long time. It is best to prevent the system from freezing, and when laying pipes, provide them with high-quality thermal insulation.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

This video covers the process of laying external sewerage in great detail, and also provides regulatory indicators that must be adhered to during installation:

This video shows how to lay sewer pipes in the ground:

Despite its apparent simplicity, the work of laying sewer pipes requires a competent approach and knowledge of regulatory laying rules. Only if the necessary indicators are observed and the work is carried out correctly, can a truly effective and durable sewer system be installed.

Are you trying to install sewer pipes yourself? Or maybe you don’t agree with the material presented? We welcome your comments and questions – the contact form is located below.

The development of industry and modern urban economy is completely impossible without the use of pipelines for various purposes. Uninterrupted operation of heating systems, water supply, sewerage, gas, oil pipelines, etc. can be ensured only if the required technologies and standards are observed during their installation. There are many ways to assemble pipelines.

What technologies can be used

There are the following main methods for laying pipelines:

  • The open method involves assembling pipelines along supports, as well as in non-passing and flowing collectors.
  • Closed or trenchless method. It involves laying pipelines underground without first opening the soil.
  • Hidden way. In this case, the pipes run along dug trenches.

To assemble pipelines, depending on the characteristics of the transported medium, installation methods and external conditions, pipes made of different materials can be used: concrete, metal, plastic, ceramic, asbestos. In cities, water supply pipelines can be laid in the same trench with other communications (heating lines, cable systems, etc.). In this case, the use of both trench and channel technologies is allowed.

Features of the open method of laying pipelines

Using this method, heating, water supply, sewerage, etc. pipelines can be laid. The use of non-passable channels under highways in comparison with the trench method has one undeniable advantage. The pipes laid in them are not subject to soil pressure during heaving or movement, and therefore last longer. The disadvantage of this technique is that it is difficult to access highways if they need to be repaired.

Laying pipelines in through channels is more expensive. However, in this case, specialists from service companies have the opportunity to access highways without the need for excavation work.

Pipes are usually laid above the ground only in undeveloped areas of populated areas, as temporary highways, etc. Various kinds of concrete and metal structures, overpasses, walls of buildings, etc. can serve as supports for them.

Methods for laying pipelines in cities can be different. But in any case, highways through populated areas are drawn outside the zone of pressure in the ground from structures and buildings. This helps to preserve the foundations in the event of a breakthrough. All underground cities are divided into three large groups: trunk, transit and distribution. The first type includes all the main communication networks of a populated area. Transit pipelines pass through the city, but are not used in any way. Distribution lines are those that extend from the main line directly to buildings.

Hidden laying method

The construction of pipelines using this method is most often carried out. The main advantage of laying pipes in trenches is its relative cheapness. However, the assembly technology in this case must be strictly observed. After all, access to the pipes in this case is difficult and it should be ensured that the pipeline requires repairs as rarely as possible.

Rules for carrying out work with hidden installation

Trenches for highways can be shallow or deep. In the first case, the pipeline is laid at a depth of 50-90 cm. When using the deep method, trenches are dug below the freezing point of the soil. Laying can be done at a depth of up to 5 m. The following rules are followed when laying highways:

  1. If the soil is dense, the pipes are laid directly on it.
  2. When laying at a depth of more than 4 m, or if the pipes are made of not very durable material, an artificial substrate is installed. The same is done if pipelines are assembled in difficult hydrogeological conditions.
  3. The bottom of the trenches is prepared in such a way that the pipes are in contact with it throughout. Existing voids are filled with local soil or sand.
  4. If there is groundwater in the lowest places, pits are installed to pump it out.

Hidden installation method: technology features

The technology for assembling pipelines is selected depending, among other things, on what material the pipes are used. Polymer ones are welded in several pieces (up to a length of 18-24 m) directly near the storage facility, and then delivered to the installation site. Here, in the summer, they are collected in a continuous thread, after which they are placed in a trench. Installation is carried out using mobile welding units. In winter, the pipes are laid in a trench one at a time and connected by gluing or using rubber rings.

The construction of ceramic pipelines along a slope is carried out from top to bottom. Before installation, the pipes are inspected for chips. They are connected using the socket method, sealed with bitumen strands and a cement mortar lock. Concrete pipes are laid in approximately the same way. In this case, a rubber ring can be used as a seal.

Asbestos-cement couplings with a pressure of up to 0.6 MPa are assembled using double-shouldered asbestos-cement couplings, and with a pressure of up to 0.9 MPa - using cast iron flanges. are carried out using cylindrical couplings. Steel lines are laid using welding.

Trenchless method

Laying a pipeline in this way is used mainly when assembly using hidden technology is impossible. For example, this is how highways are laid under busy highways, railways, external utilities, etc. The following methods for trenchless pipeline laying exist:

  • puncture;
  • pushing;
  • horizontal drilling;
  • shield penetration.

Puncture gasket

Using this technology, main pipelines are pulled on loamy and clayey soils. When using it, it is possible to lay pipelines up to 60 m long. This technique consists of the following:

  • a steel tip is put on the pipe;
  • at a certain distance from the obstacle, dig a pit and install a hydraulic jack on supports into it;
  • a pipe with a smaller diameter pipe inserted into it - a “ramrod” - is lowered into the pit;
  • The soil is punctured in stages.

When using this technique, the earth is not removed. During the puncture process, it is simply compacted around the circumference of the pipe.

Punching method and shield penetration technology

These technologies are also quite often used when it is necessary to assemble pipelines under obstacles. Laying a pipeline using the pushing method allows you to overcome obstacles up to one hundred meters long. In this case, the open end of the pipe is pressed into the ground. The earth plug that forms inside it is removed.

Consists of a support, knife and tail parts. The second ensures cutting off the rock and deepening the structure into the massif. The supporting part has the form of a ring and is designed to give the structure the necessary rigidity. The control panel is located in the rear section.

Directional horizontal drilling

This method is considered the most expensive. But it has one unconditional advantage. Using this technology, you can pass even the most dense soils. Drilling in this case is carried out with special rods connected by hinges. Drilling can be carried out at a speed of 1.5-19 m/h. Unfortunately, this technology cannot be used if there is groundwater on the site.

Thus, the choice of pipeline laying method depends on the characteristics of the soil, the material used to make the pipes, and production needs. In any case, highway assembly technologies must be followed exactly. A high-quality pipeline is a guarantee of uninterrupted operation of industrial enterprises and city utility networks.

The sewer system is an important component of a modern home. If apartment residents do not need to worry about making sewerage from scratch, then owners of country houses should take care not only of installing internal, but also external pipelines.

To save on the services of professional craftsmen, residents of houses undertake installation work with their own hands. But there are cases when you cannot do without the advice of a professional. This applies primarily to drawing up a sewerage project, because here you need to think through everything down to the smallest detail.

You should think about installing a sewer system at the initial stage of building a house, when laying the foundation. If a special hole is made for the pipeline, you can save yourself from serious problems, because the passage is much more difficult to drill when the house has already been built and lived in.

Laying sewerage under the foundation

Note! The sewer line can be installed either in the foundation or under the foundation. The first option involves the presence of a hole in the base of the house; it is used if the foundation is deep enough. Laying the pipeline under the foundation is necessary if the foundation does not go deep into the ground. Pipes are laid below the freezing level of the soil.

The sewer pipe goes through the foundation from the house to the street directly into the trench for the sewer pipeline. The outlet is connected to the outer pipe using the “socket” method or using fittings. The material from which the pipes are made plays an important role here. Pipeline elements must be reliable and resistant to significant mechanical stress. It should be taken into account that the pipes will be affected not only by the earth, but also by the concrete foundation of the house. As a result of foundation subsidence, the pipeline may be damaged and the sewer system will cease to function.

Laying a sewer system with a shallow foundation

The following pipes are used to lay sewerage under the foundation:

  • Steel. Their disadvantages are their high susceptibility to corrosion, high cost, and heavy weight. But the products are durable and reliable, able to withstand significant physical loads.
  • Cast iron. They are used more often than steel ones, however, they are also subject to corrosion, are expensive, and cannot be installed without the use of special equipment.
  • Plastic. Only products with a dense structure and improved technical characteristics are used. Ordinary plastic pipes cannot support the weight of a concrete base.

If plastic products are used to lay the pipeline, the channel must be strengthened, which can be done using strong and durable asbestos pipes. Alternatively, you can use large diameter plastic products.

Note! Sewer pipe in the foundationnot laid if the foundation is too deep, for example, when there is a basement under the house. Also, such a solution is abandoned if the house has thick walls. In these cases, a deep excavation is made under the foundation of the house.

For the efficient functioning of the sewer pipeline laid in the foundation, it is imperative to make a slope of 2-5%.

Drilling a hole in the foundation

If the owner did not think about installing a sewer system when laying the foundation of the house, he will now have to make a hole to lay the sewer pipe. To do this you will need the following tools:

  • hammer drill - without it you can’t do anything at all;
  • punch - metal rod;
  • electric drill with drills;
  • diamond rig if simpler tools fail to make the hole.

Do not expect that the drilling process will be easy, as you should work with a concrete or reinforced concrete base. In some cases, a grinder is used to cut reinforcement. The material from which the base is made is durable and strong. It will take more than one hour, or even a day, to reach the goal.

Sewerage inside the foundation

The first step is to mark the location of the pipeline in the foundation, draw a circle there, the diameter of which is slightly larger than the diameter of the sewer pipe with the sleeve. Now, using a hammer drill, we drill out the concrete as deep as possible. The reinforcement is destroyed with a grinder or electric drill.

Note! If you need to make a hole of a large diameter, for example, to install a sewer system that will serve a house with two or three floors, you cannot do without using a drilling rig.

First the sleeve is laid in the finished channel, then the pipeline. All gaps should be sealed with polyurethane foam, which will act as a heat-insulating material. The question of how to remove the sewer pipe through the foundation has been successfully resolved. Now you can begin installing the internal and external pipelines.

Laying a pipeline under the foundation

A sewer pipe is laid under the foundation if it is not possible to drill a hole in the foundation. This is, for example, with large wall thicknesses, or if there are additional extensions. Installation work is carried out in the following sequence:

To lay a sewer pipeline under the foundation, a lot of effort must be made. A beginner will not be able to do this without outside help. If you are not confident in your abilities, consult a professional for advice.

When installing a sewer system, every stage of installation work is important. A mistake made may affect the further functioning of the sewer system. Saving on materials, haste, and neglect of expert advice are the main causes of problems and decreased efficiency of the sewer system.

How to lay communications, how to do it so as not to “brick up” millions without the opportunity to change something. FORUMHOUSE users share their personal experiences.

Users of our portal have accumulated extensive experience in the construction of USP foundations and monolithic slabs. Many successfully constructed and operated foundations of these types, with “tightly” sealed communications, confirm the reliability of the structure. But novice developers are thinking about how, if necessary, to repair buried communications underground. In addition, force majeure circumstances cannot be excluded, which may lead to the need for access to sewerage and water supply pipes.

Therefore, in this article we will answer the questions:

  • Is it necessary to ensure the maintainability of communications under a slab foundation?
  • How to correctly lay “non-removable” communications under a slab foundation and USP.
  • What engineering solutions allow you to repair or replace sewerage and water supply pipes buried under a monolithic slab.

Repair of communications under a slab foundation: pros and cons

If you study the topics on FORUMHOUSE related to the laying of water supply and sewerage pipes under slab foundations, you can conditionally divide the users of the portal into two camps. The first are those who believe that engineering communications must be suitable for repair. The latter believe that all problems with the “engineer” arise due to violations of building codes and regulations, the use of materials of poor quality or used for other purposes. That is, if you do everything as it should, then you don’t have to worry about communications.

We should not forget that an emergency situation can arise even with well-conducted communications that have already worked for more than one year.

аzemskovForumHOUSE Member

I know of a case where furniture assemblers damaged the pipes of the heated floor of the USHP foundation by drilling them in 2 places. They simply forgot to warn the installers who came to install the wardrobe that they couldn’t drill into the floor.


I will share my experience. A year later, the customer decided to connect the water supply himself. The “specialists” came and connected to the pipes that came out of the foundation slab. What and how they pressed it, under what pressure, no one looked. The next day, the pressure in the system dropped, and then a fountain of water began to appear from under the blind area.

If broken heated floor pipes can still be restored by opening the floor covering and gouging out the top layer of concrete, then what should you do if a diaper was flushed down the drain (especially with branched routes) by mistake? After all, the pipes are “buried” under the foundation.

Or, due to mistakes made at the pipe installation stage, over time a leak formed in the route, and water began to soak the soil base. No one is immune from mistakes. Even experienced homeowners can overlook workers who, for example, while changing tiles in the bathroom, flush leftover glue and debris down the toilet. Or during repairs, the mixture for self-leveling floor will get into the pipeline.

There are many options. Each of them can lead to expensive repairs and complex work associated with digging under the foundation slab. Moreover, this is often impossible to do without destroying the carefully compacted sand cushion, which then (after the accident has been eliminated) cannot be further compacted to its original state.

Of course, you can be guided by the rule that the optimal solution to the problem of utilities under a slab foundation is their complete absence. But there are other options:

  1. Competently design engineering communications. This will allow water supply and sewerage pipes to be used throughout the entire life of the building, without the need for “engineering” repairs. We do not consider emergency situations that arose due to the fault of users who grossly violated the rules of operation of the system.
  2. Construction of cases in which pipes are pulled, and pits providing direct access to communications. In this case, if necessary, the user can clean or repair communications. This option entails a complication of the slab design and an increase in construction costs.

Features of installation of utilities under a slab foundation

The debate about whether or not to make repairable communications under a slab foundation is reminiscent of the battles associated with the installation of electrical wiring in wooden and frame houses by laying cables in metal pipes.

It is a mistake to think that by installing utility lines in special sleeves and arranging a pit in the slab, 100% reliability of the system is ensured. All efforts and expenses are meaningless if mistakes are made at the initial stage of installation.

Defects in construction most often arise either due to the “crooked hands” of the performers, or due to low-quality materials.

Therefore, first we will tell you how to properly install utility lines under the slab without using cases.

First, let’s remember the main rule: it’s hardly worth hoping that the hired workers, even under the supervision of a foreman/foreman, will do the installation of communications correctly. Only personal control by the developer of each stage or completely independently completed work (based on acquired knowledge) will save you from problems in the future. Secondly, let's list basic principles of laying sewer pipes and water supply routes under a slab foundation:

  • Trenches for pipes are dug into an already compacted sand bed.
  • Before laying the pipes, the bottom of the dug trench is compacted.
  • Pipes are laid in the trench with a certain slope specified during its construction. We run the network via direct routes.

The slope of pipes with a diameter of 110 mm is 2 cm per 1 linear meter and 3 cm per 1 linear meter for pipes with a diameter of 50 mm.

  • We avoid laying sewers in the form of complex branches with many side branches and turns.
  • We minimize the length of the main line before entering the septic tank. To do this, all water consumers are grouped as compactly as possible, and not placed at opposite ends of the house. In two-story houses, bathrooms are designed one above the other.
  • The pipes are joined using liquid soap. We make sure that the rubber seals do not twist or tear. The pipes are not inserted into each other all the way, but with a slight play, which ensures movement in the connection.
  • The laid pipes are covered with sand, which is also compacted.
  • Before and after filling with sand, the laid pipes are checked for leaks by filling the route with water for 24 hours with the outlets plugged.
  • Before pouring concrete, the outlet of the sewer pipe through the body of the slab is wrapped with isolon, which, due to the elastic insert, will decouple the structure.
  • A drain cleaning facility is installed above the stove.

The correctness of the maintained sewer slope can be checked in the “old-fashioned” way. Take a handful of clay, crush it into a ball, wrap it in newsprint and lower it into the pipe. Then pour 5-6 liters of water into the sewer. The “ball” must come out from the end of the track. If this requires more than 10 liters of water, or the bun does not roll out, then errors were made at the stage of assembling the pipes or forming the slope.

We add water to the stove like this: we take a HDPE pipe with a diameter of 32 mm and put it in a sleeve made of a HDPE pipe of a larger diameter.

As for the service life of the system, manufacturers usually provide a guarantee of 30-50 years for sewer pipes. This is subject to operation in an apartment building. In private housing construction, the load (wastewater flow) is several times less. Those. The service life of the pipes should be longer. If a blockage occurs, the sewer is cleared with a plumbing cable through inspection hatches located in the bathrooms.

al185FORUMHOUSE user

In my opinion, the idea of ​​laying pipes in sleeves with pits does more harm than good. The developer, hoping that this will save him, forgets about the main thing - competent design.

Let’s also turn to foreign experience in constructing an insulated slab foundation with a water heating circuit (USHP came to us from there). In Sweden or Germany, they simply bury communications (water supply and sewerage pipes) without any cases or pits, and the system works for many years. Moreover, all houses are built strictly according to the project with the participation of technical supervision specialists.

Features of the installation of repairable communications under slab foundations

Having examined the basic principles of laying communications in a slab foundation, we move on to methods for constructing maintainable utility networks. Why is this being done? If we exclude the option: the builders made a mistake during the installation of the “engineer,” then the driving force behind the complication of the construction of a slab foundation, with pits and cases, becomes the service life of the building and the pipes themselves.

We comply with the principle of reasonable sufficiency. That is, if the manufacturer indicates that the service life of a polymer pipe is 50 years (and this is documented), and when building a house the developer expects that the cottage will serve him for this period, then the system is balanced.

If the owner of a house decides to build a building with a service life of 100 years or more, then concern arises whether communications (even well-built ones) will last the entire period. Or at some point (already in old age or children) you will have to think about what to do with clogged/leaking pipes buried under the stove. We also cannot rule out the possibility that we will have to think about repairing communications much earlier.


I believe that a problem with communications may occur in 10 years, so I plan to make them repairable. I think that the additional costs are justified provided that maintainability is achieved in a simple and reliable way.

It is possible to install a repairable system if sewer pipes and water supply pipes are installed in cases - sleeves made from pipes of larger diameter. Communications are led out into a pit (caisson, manhole), which is installed in the boiler room/technical room and covered with a decorative lid.

Typically, asbestos-cement pipes are used for the casing, and the pipe is led out beyond the perimeter of the foundation and insulated blind area, into an additional pit. If the line leaks, water or sewage will flow through the casing/sleeve into the pit, and not under the foundation. Also, a pipe in a case (for example, for water), in extreme cases, can be re-stretched. The technical nuances of such a system are interesting.

Mihail1974FORUMHOUSE user

I believe that the pit under the slab, although it complicates construction, allows you to set up a simple and reliable, maintainable engineering system. With a pit it is much easier to repair or replace a pipe under the house; if something is clogged, clean it by disassembling the elbows.

The pit is a monolithic concrete box with a bottom (or, as an option, fill the bottom with crushed stone) measuring 700x700x700 mm. First we fill the pit, then we build a foundation slab on top of it. Cases are placed in the pit - asbestos-cement pipes with a diameter of 160 and 110 mm, for sewerage and water, respectively.

According to the rules, sewerage and water supply pipes are not carried out in one casing, but are carried out on separate routes.

An alternative to a monolithic pit can be additional well rings with a diameter of 0.7 or 1 meter and a height of 0.6 m. Or the pit is welded from metal, like a caisson for placing pumping equipment for well water supply. An option from a 200-liter barrel, embedded under the stove, is also suitable.

Main requirement during pit construction – reliable waterproofing and decoupling the structure from the foundation slab. To do this, an insert (the so-called expansion joint/gap) made of an elastic material that can compensate for the movement of the structure is installed on top of the pit. For example, 5 cm thick EPS, or you can wrap the well ring several times with 10 mm thick polyethylene foam. This will ensure separate operation of the pit and the foundation slab.

It is important to remember that the pit opening significantly weakens the slab, and its construction increases the risk of cracks in the corners. Therefore, the location of the pit should be carefully considered and its placement in the zone of maximum stress should be avoided. A separate calculation of the correct reinforcement is also required.

Having organized the pit, the following tasks are solved:

  • Maintainability of communications is ensured.
  • If necessary, the pipes can be replaced.
  • A pumping station can be installed in the pit.

Instead of an asbestos-cement pipe, water can be supplied through a HDPE pipe with a diameter of 80 mm, smoothly bending it at the entrance to the body of the slab and extending a pipe with a diameter of 32 mm inside the HDPE.

It is advisable to lay the pit near the wall in order to minimize the length of the routes under the slab and to install one drain riser in the house.

The fewer routes under the slab foundation, and the shorter they are, the more reliable the utility network.

Another option for laying sewerage under USHP is from FORUMHOUSE user with the nickname Alexandr1974. The participant suggested using a corrugated polymer pipe with a diameter of 10 cm as a sewer pipe. The pipe is installed in an insulated foam box, which is wrapped in reinforced polyethylene film.

In this version, because The corrugated pipe is flexible; sewer repair is simple: you need to dig a trench, take out the pipe, insert a new one through the sleeve into the pit and bury the trench. The main thing is to maintain the required slope of the route.

Another scheme for maintaining repairable communications.

Dmitry 777FORUMHOUSE user

I’ll tell you how I installed repairable communications under my stove. The sewage system under the slab is laid in an asbestos-cement pipe. A pit measuring 40x70 cm is made in the slab. Water (in the HDPE pipe) is brought in through an ordinary red sewer pipe. In the event of an accident, the water will flow through the red pipe into the connecting well, and the soil will not be washed away. The last option is to install a pipe of a smaller diameter, and the sewer pipe can be replaced through a casing or accessed by digging from the side of the garage (there is less load there).

To ensure a smooth turn of the route, we connect two pipes not at one angle of 90 degrees, but using two angles of 45 degrees.

DiomedForumHouse user

I am also in favor of maintainability of communications under USHP. I don’t understand how the pipes can be secured so they cannot be removed. Anything can happen in life, and the cost of a pipe replacement system is not commensurate with the cost of the risk of a ruined foundation and house.

The user made a micro-subfloor in the foundation, insulated with EPS, measuring 3500x4500x90 mm, under the entire bathroom and boiler room. A water supply from a well was installed into the mini-basement, and water supply was supplied to the garage and bathhouse, along with cables. On the other side, there was a sewerage system and hot and cold water outlets. We also made backup cartridges.

All communications from water consumers - toilet, sink, shower, washing machine) were lowered down through the subfloor slab. Access to the micro-subfloor is through a floor hatch disguised on top with tiles matching the color of the floor.

In addition, the second floor bathroom is located directly above the first. Communications to the kitchen are made through a HDPE pipe with a diameter of 50 mm. A pit with outlet to a well is mounted on the basement floor. In the event of a leak, this will avoid flooding of the micro-subfloor.

Of course, this is not the cheapest option, but the system is fully maintainable.


The final decision - whether or not to make repairable communications under a slab foundation or USHP - is the choice of the developer and designer. Each specific case should be considered individually, depending on the design of the house, its design, the bearing capacity of the soil and the possibility of careful control of all construction processes. Any mistake made when installing communications in a slab foundation is more expensive than, for example, in a strip foundation.

When installing an “engineer”, we remember: communications are a complex of systems where each element is closely interconnected with each other. To hope that by making cases and a pit we have protected ourselves from problems, and we can install the water supply and sewerage system carelessly is a deep misconception! A competent project and quality work are always put at the forefront.

In the topic on FORUMHOUSE you can ask a question and get an answer from specialists on installing maintainable communications under a slab foundation. Our portal also contains detailed recommendations for the construction of a USP foundation.

We recommend reading articles that tell you which foundation to choose for a house, how to calculate the formwork for the foundation so that it does not burst when pouring concrete, and how to conduct concreting at subzero temperatures.

And from the videos you can learn what a “box slab” foundation is and how the USP foundation is built.

Communications in the foundation

Comfortable living is the dream of every homeowner. Comfort is created by the communications provided and arranged in the house: water, toilet and bath. It is best to carry out communications at the stage of foundation construction, since after the construction of the structure, carrying out work of such a plan becomes difficult, and in some cases simply impossible.

Basic rules for sewerage

When drawing up a layout of pipes and sewer outlets, the following factors are taken into account:

  • Number of residents and frequency of their stay.
  • Type of sewage storage facility.

It is necessary to carry out sewerage work under the foundation of the house or through holes made in it in compliance with certain rules:

Sewerage installation

  • The laying of sewerage under the foundation is arranged taking into account sanitary and environmental requirements.
  • Water intake points in the house should be placed in such a way that the waste liquid can be drained freely.
  • The location of the storage tank should be convenient for regular pumping of sewage. At the same time, the septic tank is not allowed to be built close to the foundation and sources of drinking water.
  • The sewer riser must have an inspection fitting for periodic inspection.
  • Sewer pipes must be laid below the freezing level of the soil. This will help prevent the liquid inside them from freezing in the winter. If this is not possible, then the pipes are laid on a sand cushion arranged in a trench, and covered with heat-insulating material on top.
  • Before filling the sewer with soil, it is necessary to check the tightness of the system connections and its strength.

Preparing for sewer installation

Before the actual installation of sewer pipes, a number of preparatory measures are carried out:

  • Select pipe products and fittings. Sewage pipes can be made of plastic, metal-plastic, steel and galvanized. The cost of each type of product has significant differences, and pipe installation is also carried out differently. Polymer products are very popular because they are lightweight, durable and practical. They are practically not deformed or destroyed. When choosing sewer pipes, you should pay attention to the color of the material from which they are made. Pipes for indoor sewage systems are gray in color. External sewerage, from the house to the septic tank or storage tank, is made of brown or red pipe products.
  • Calculate the optimal value of the diametrical cross-section of the pipe. In this case, the maximum volume of fluid passed is taken into account. In most cases it is sufficient to use a pipe with a diameter of 32 mm. However, in large private houses, it is better to lay proper sewerage under the foundation using pipes with a diameter of 100 mm.
  • Determine the optimal slope of the pipes being installed.

    Experienced craftsmen claim that in order for sewage to move under the influence of gravitational forces, each meter of pipes being laid must be lowered by 2 cm.

  • Determine the depth of laying sewer pipes. In most cases, it is calculated as follows: about 40 cm is added to the freezing depth of the soil, which is necessary for arranging a cushion from a mixture of sand and crushed stone or sand and gravel.

Options for sewerage depending on the type of foundation

The complexity and method of laying sewer pipes largely depends on the type of foundation.

Sewerage and columnar base

The simplest method is to install sewer pipes through a columnar or pile-type foundation. Such a foundation allows communications to be carried out both before the installation of pillars and after completion of the construction process. When carrying out work, it is important to ensure that the trench is located at the optimal distance from the pillars. In this case, there will be no weakening of the soil around the supports, which can lead to a decrease in their bearing capacity.

Sewerage in a columnar foundation

However, when laying sewer pipes under a columnar foundation, it is worth remembering that the underground space in this case is not heated. Therefore, sewer pipes need to be provided with reliable thermal insulation or additional heating must be provided with cable heating elements.

Sewerage through a strip foundation

It is better and easier to plan and lay sewer pipes before the process of pouring the concrete base strip. In this case, the method of laying communications depends on the type of strip foundation:

  • With a shallow foundation, the pipes are laid below the freezing level of the soil, directly under the foundation. It is recommended to dig a trench before constructing the belt. Moreover, it is recommended to place the piece of pipe that will be located under the tape base in a sleeve, which is a piece of metal pipe.
  • A deep strip foundation requires actions of a different nature. A hole is cut into the formwork into which an asbestos-cement or steel sleeve is inserted. It is fixed in the formwork and filled with concrete mortar. Communication pipes are subsequently inserted into this sleeve.

A strip foundation allows you to lay sewer pipes after the foundation has been poured. Carrying out this type of work requires a lot of effort and expense, but everything can be done with your own hands. The process can be carried out in two ways: a tunnel is made under the foundation and pipes are passed through it, or a hole is drilled in a concrete strip.

Sewerage in strip foundation

The first method is used if the foundation is thick. In this case, they dig a trench in the place where the sewer pipes are planned to be brought out. To make work easier, the inclined drilling method is used. The drill is driven under the foundation to a certain depth and at the desired angle.

The second method is done as follows:

  • A mark is made on the foundation where the sewer pipe should pass. The hole must be large enough to allow the pipe protection sleeve to be inserted.
  • Using a hammer drill, a hole is made in the concrete.
  • Occurring reinforcement bars are drilled out using a drill.
  • A sleeve is inserted into the prepared channel and the space around it is sealed with cement mortar.
  • A sewer pipe is passed through the protective sleeve, and the gap between them is filled with foam. It serves as a good heat insulator.

Sewerage in a slab base

The answer to the question “how to make a sewer system in a slab foundation” is simple. If the project provides for a base in the form of a monolithic slab, then sewerage must be carried out before pouring the concrete solution. The process looks like this:

  • According to the layout of sewer pipes, trenches are dug.
  • Select pipe sleeves.

    It is not recommended to lay pipes under a monolithic foundation without a protective sleeve.

    Firstly, it will not allow the slab base to put pressure on the pipe, and also prevents damage to communications in the foundation slab when pouring concrete. Secondly, if an emergency occurs, for example, in the event of a rupture, you can pull out the damaged pipe and replace it with a new element. The absence of a sleeve does not allow such actions to be performed. In this regard, you should choose sleeves made of particularly durable material.

  • Place the pipes in protective sleeves.

Sewerage in the slab

The sewer system makes living in the house more comfortable. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the communication so as not to damage the foundation and ensure the flawless functioning of the sewer system. When performing this type of work with your own hands, it is important to take into account all the features of laying sewerage in the foundation, depending on the type of foundation under the house.

To make a sewer system in your own home, you need to solve many related problems. The biggest difficulty is getting the pipeline out of the house. The reason is quite simple. The house always stands on a strong foundation.

It is poured to different depths, so there are several methods for removing the pipe:

  • Laying a pipeline under the foundation;
  • Installation through walls.

Sewer pipes are mainly laid under floors. This is due to technological necessity. Therefore, the installation of such a pipeline has to be done across the entire foundation area.

How to remove a pipe directly from the house

Having a finished house, the question immediately arises: how to remove the sewerage through the foundation? To remove the sewer pipeline from your own home, it is necessary to install a boundary system that connects the septic tank to the outgoing pipes.

The pipe outlet passes through the foundation. Moreover, the installation depth must exceed the freezing value of the soil. The work is performed in the following sequence.

Stage 1. A trench is being dug in which the external and internal systems will be joined.

Stage 2. A hole is made in the foundation for the sewer. To work you will need:

  • Hammer;
  • Metal punch;
  • Electric drill;
  • Set of drills.

If it is not possible to make a hole with such tools, a special diamond installation is used.

The drilling process is always quite complicated, because you have to drill through a concrete foundation. If a reinforcing mesh was made, you will have to use a grinder. It is easy to handle the fittings. Sometimes you have to work for several days to get the hole you want.

First, the location where the pipeline will be installed is determined on the surface of the foundation. A circle is drawn in this place, and its diameter must exceed the size of the sewer pipe, together with the sleeve.

A hammer drill drills concrete to maximum depth. Any reinforcement bars encountered are cut off with a grinder.

Important! When it becomes necessary to create a large-diameter hole, for example, to install a sewer system in a large house, use a drilling rig.

To make a hole in a concrete foundation, builders use several methods:

  • Diamond drilling. It is considered the best option. The foundation material does not receive damage during such work. This technology is one of the most expensive, even if you rent such a machine;
  • Hammer. Percussion drilling is in progress. The negative side is considered to be chiselling, which causes the appearance of microcracks. Concrete begins to peel off from the reinforcing mesh;
  • Impactless drilling. One of the safest methods, which requires a lot of time. A large number of smaller ones are drilled around the entire perimeter of the desired large hole. The concrete plug is knocked out with a sledgehammer, and the reinforcement is cut off with metal scissors.

Advice! The installation of the sewer pipe must take place at a slight slope. To do this, the diameter of the hole is made slightly larger (10-20 mm).

Stage 3. The sleeve is first placed in the made channel, then the pipeline is laid. The resulting cracks are closed with polyurethane foam. It also becomes a good heat insulator.

Undermining under a concrete foundation

If the septic tank is located close to the house (within five meters), and the thickness of the foundation does not exceed one meter, the simplest option for installing a sewer system is to create a tunnel in the place where the pipeline intersects with the base of the house.

The trench is not very deep, which reduces the complexity of such an operation.

Before starting to lay under the foundation, marking work is carried out. The point where the pipe coincides with the future sewer passage is marked.

When performing such work, the thickness of the walls, which is the reference point, must be taken into account. If this rule is not followed, the trenches may not line up. Their connection will not occur in a specific place. We'll have to start all over again. This will cause additional financial costs.

When the trench is ready, a sewer pipe is laid in it, maintaining the required slope.

If the pipeline is shallow, the sewer passage must be insulated, prevent freezing of the channel and the formation of ice. It can cause blockage of the entire space.

Backfilling the trench is carried out carefully, small portions of soil. Thus, the removed pipe is not allowed to move, and its slope is not allowed to change.

An additional pipe is passed directly under the foundation, the diameter of which is much larger than the sewer pipe. The length of this segment is made equal to the width of the foundation of the house. It plays the role of a sleeve in which the main pipeline is laid.

This device protects the sewer system in case of unexpected subsidence of the foundation. When repair work is carried out, it is much easier to replace the damaged area.

Slab foundation and laying of communications

This type of foundation requires very precise calculations at the very beginning of the project.

After pouring such a foundation with errors, it will be impossible to lay the necessary communications.
Therefore, a trench is dug first. All communications and sewer pipes are laid in it, dressed in special protective sleeves.

In a slab foundation, the sleeve plays a very important role. It protects the monolithic slab from high pressure and also facilitates the process of replacing a damaged section of pipe. If the sleeve is missing, it is simply impossible to replace the pipe in such a foundation. The pipe can also be damaged when the foundation is being poured.


Pipeline installation requires special attention. It is imperative to take into account the type of foundation and use only appropriate technology. Only in this case can we talk about correctly performed work, which will facilitate sewerage maintenance in the future.

Gone are the days when in country and private houses all amenities were located on the street. Now, to create basic comfort, it is necessary to lay a sewer system in a private house. This very important task is not difficult.

To lay a sewer system in a private house with your own hands, you need to start by creating a competent project. When constructing a new building, it is important to design drains not on a residual basis, but in conjunction with all systems, since sewerage is one of the most important life support points for a modern home.

It is also necessary to first clarify whether it is possible to connect private housing to a centralized sewerage system. This will save money and time on construction. You need to know what soils may lie near the house; geological exploration will help with this.

A project for the sewer system of a private house should include the following items:

Installation of external sewerage

According to SNiP 2.04.03-85 “Sewerage. External networks and structures”, the type of cushion for the sewer pipeline depends on the bearing capacity of the soil. In trenches in rocky soils, a cushion with a thickness of 100 mm or more is provided from carefully compacted sand or gravel. In peat, silty and other weak soils, an artificial base is made. For other types of soil, it is sufficient to thoroughly compact the immediate bottom of the trench.

The depth of the pipes depends on the level of soil freezing in the area. The top of the water supply must be below the freezing point. When the height of the soil layer is less than 700 mm, drainpipes must be insulated and protected from damage if ground transport is expected to pass from above.

The bottom of the trench must be cleared of debris and large stones, and the base is prepared. The pipeline must be led to the house from the sewer discharge point with a minimum number of turns. If they cannot be avoided, then smooth pipe bends are used. Pipes and fittings are connected to each other using sealant.

The sewerage supply to a private house must be as required:

  • for a pipe with a diameter of 160 mm, a slope of 0.008 is required;
  • for a supply pipe measuring 110 mm – 0.02;
  • a pipeline with a diameter of 50 mm must be laid at a slope of 0.03.

At the exit from the building, a metal sleeve is inserted into the foundation hole to lay pipes in it. The remaining space must be filled with insulation, for example, mineral wool.

By fulfilling these simple conditions, you can protect yourself from a sudden break in the external sewage network or its freezing in winter. For example, the process of repair work during the cold season is complicated by digging a trench in frozen ground.

Collection and storage of wastewater

If this is not possible, several options for a local system for the discharge, storage and treatment of wastewater are used:

  • cesspool;
  • septic tank

Traditional cesspools are not the best option from an environmental point of view. But they are the most economical way to organize an autonomous storage facility for household wastewater. When choosing this method, it is important to correctly organize the placement of the pit:

  • The distance between the cesspool and the well should be more than 25 m.
  • The well for drainage should be located further than 5 m from the house.
  • With a sewerage capacity of 8 sq.m. meters the distance increases to 8 m.
  • The distance from the cesspool to the border of the site must be at least 1.5 m.
  • The cesspool is located downstream of the groundwater to prevent wastewater from entering the wells.
  • The sewage well is located below the level of the house.

The material for building a cesspool is traditionally red brick. If access is possible, special equipment will construct a pit using ready-made ones with a pre-concrete bottom. The structure is covered with a slab with an inspection hatch and a built-in pipe for ventilation.

A more progressive solution for organizing wastewater collection is a septic tank. It usually consists of two or three chambers. In the first chamber, the solid fraction settles and decomposition occurs with the help of bacteria. The filtered liquid is sent to the next tank for further purification. In the last chamber, the purified liquid seeps through the gravel base into the soil. The septic tank must be equipped with a ventilation pipe with an umbrella. The structure must be emptied of settled solid waste every 5–10 years. Such designs are purchased ready-made.

Internal wiring

In addition to arranging external sewerage, it is important to know how to properly lay pipes inside the house. There are many nuances:

  • Water intake points should be located as compactly as possible for optimal organization of the sewer system.
  • The toilet is connected to the riser separately from other appliances to prevent them from sucking up drainage from the toilet.
  • Drains from sinks, sinks, showers and other plumbing equipment must be brought to a common riser higher than the drain from the toilet.
  • The slope of the pipes should be 2–9°.
  • Every four meters of the riser, revisions must be installed at a height of more than 1 m from the floor.
  • If the sewer pipes are not hidden under the floor, then inspections must be installed before each turn.
  • The riser is equipped with a ventilation pipe with its outlet above the roof level from 70 cm. This will protect the home from unpleasant odors.
  • In unheated rooms, the pipeline must be insulated.
  • Parts of the pipeline at the joints are coated with sealant.
  • To organize drains from sinks and sinks, a pipe with a diameter of 50 mm is sufficient; for toilets, bathtubs and showers - 110 mm.
  • The diameter of the riser must be at least 110 mm.
  • The smaller the diameter of the pipe, the greater its slope should be.

Connection diagram of the riser with the external sewer pipe

It is advisable to soundproof sewer pipes (this will increase the level of comfort of the home) by arranging a plasterboard box and filling it with mineral wool.

If you choose a sewage system under the floor in a private house, then additional conditions according to SNiP must be observed. In addition to the fact that with such installation the height of the room is lost, it is not possible to install underground sewerage everywhere. It is prohibited to install it:

  • in food storage rooms;
  • in living rooms (bedrooms, guest rooms or children's rooms);
  • in rooms for long-term stay of people (offices, classrooms);
  • into rooms with installed electrical equipment.

Important! The configuration of the underground sewer system should be as simple as possible, without unnecessary turns, transitions and fittings.

When installing a drainage system under the ceiling, a number of rules must be observed:

  • The diameter of the pipes should not be more than 110 mm.
  • The fittings are mounted at an angle of 45°.
  • The fasteners are installed at a distance from each other equal to the pipe diameter multiplied by 10.
  • The presence of underground wiring in the bathroom should not create an excess of the floor above other rooms.
  • Increased demands are placed on the quality of the materials used, since repairing the laid network will require breaking the ceilings.

Installing the internal wiring of sewer pipes in a private house with your own hands is quite a simple task, but it requires care and a serious attitude to the details that distinguish high-quality repairs.