Tattoos on the eyes: features of a terrible procedure. A new trend - a tattoo on the eyeball! Eyeball tattoo

The term "eyeball tattoo" means the introduction of ink using a special syringe into the outer protective layer of the eye.

The first to undertake such an experiment was a resident of Brazil, who wanted to make his eye whites darker. The operation was successful, but the man himself claims that ink poured from his eyes for several days after the said procedure.

Then the idea was picked up by other tattoo lovers, giving their eyes an unnatural color.

Bright and saturated colors are especially popular: yellow, blue, red and, of course, black.

As already mentioned, this is done in much the same way as a regular tattoo, only instead of skin, ink is injected into the eye. From a medical point of view, such a procedure is considered very dangerous, because along with the pigment, an infection can easily be brought into the eye. Such manipulation can cause severe or even worse - loss of vision, but this does not stop those who wish. Moreover, the masters say that this procedure is much safer than a regular tattoo! While all surgeries went well, the only downside was that the eye watered a little for two or three days after the injection.

Before the procedure, the eyelids and the area around the eye are carefully treated with antibacterial agents. Then you need to keep your eyelids open during the operation. To do this, use special devices or simply use your fingers.

Liquid is drawn into the syringe and, making a small puncture, ink is slowly injected. The use of any painkillers is not implied, so the action promises to be quite painful or, in extreme cases, unpleasant. Then you should wait until the ink is evenly distributed throughout the entire eye protein.

After the injection, you will need to drip your eyes with an antibacterial agent several times a day to prevent infection.

The first such injection was made in the 19th century. And one can assume that if such procedures were successful then, then with our technologies and capabilities they are even safer. Many people think that it looks creepy, but despite this, such tattoos are becoming more and more popular.

Before you decide to take such a step, you should carefully consider everything. The eyeball tattoo is not an ordinary tattoo that can be removed over time. It is impossible to completely remove the ink from the eye of the tattooed.

Previously, such a procedure was done to patients in order to improve their vision or to change the color of their eyes. On the forums dedicated to the topic "Tattoo on the eyeball" they believe that it will be much easier to insert an ordinary colored lens into the eye than to subject yourself to such a procedure. But lovers of this kind of extreme do not think so and stubbornly follow the fashion trend. It should be noted that the tattoo on the eyeball is especially popular among young people.

Today, the question of where to do it is one of the most popular among young people. Although this procedure is relatively new, but since the tattoo on the eyeball is not considered difficult, it is offered by many tattoo parlors in Moscow, Kyiv and other cities in Ukraine and Russia.

Tattoo on the eyeball is a new fashion trend. Eyes after its application look very unusual. Often the practice of performing a tattoo on the cornea is used not only for cosmetic, but also for medical purposes. But to decide on such a procedure is quite difficult, because it has quite serious consequences.

How is a tattoo made on the eyeball?

The first tattoo on the eye was made a few years ago in the United States. Tattoo artist Luna Cobra performed it by painting his white eyeball blue: he wanted this tattoo to make him look like blue-eyed characters from the Dune movie popular in the 80s. This experiment was very successful and did not cause any side effects. Therefore, the very next day, Luna Cobra found three volunteers and filled them with the same tattoos.

To make a tattoo on the eye, a coloring pigment is injected into the eyeball, right under the thin top layer called the conjunctiva. Literally one very small injection will be enough for the ink to cover about a quarter of the mucosa. Luna Cobra has done such unusual tattoos to hundreds of people. He dyed their eyes green, blue and red. But black tattoos are the most popular all over the world. After its implementation, it becomes difficult to determine exactly where the pupil is located and in which direction the person is looking.

Why you should not get a tattoo on the eyeball?

Before getting a tattoo on the eyeball, it is worth weighing the pros and cons, deciding exactly whether you need such a “decoration”, because it is impossible to get rid of it. According to the masters, applying the pigment is a painless process. A person feels only a touch to the eye, dryness and some pressure. They argue that the only downside is that many people experience pain after getting a tattoo that doesn't go away for a few days. But in fact, this procedure causes serious side effects, which is why it is banned in many US states.

The most common consequences of a tattoo on the eyeball are:

  • headaches;
  • increased lacrimation;
  • vision loss.

To date, there is no paint certified for use as an injection in the eye. Each tattoo artist chooses the composition that he considers necessary. Ophthalmologists have found tattoos in their patients made from inkjet toner or car enamel. Very often, after such a procedure, an infectious infection or an allergic reaction occurs.

To show their own individuality, to show society their true "I", some people are ready for a lot. And one of the latest experimental and extreme trends is the eyeball tattoo, which allows you to change the color of the whites or even the color of the eyes. This cosmetic procedure still shocks others, which is what people who are ready for it achieve. Immediately after the end of the work, the appearance of a person becomes similar to the hero of a horror or science fiction movie.

The history of the eyeball tattoo

Back in the 2nd century BC, the physician Galen from Ancient Rome performed the first operation on the eyeball. Using an instrument with two thin needles, he removed cataracts in order to save a person's sight. Despite the high risk, the patients had nothing to lose, and they agreed to the operation.

Only in the 19th century, doctors abandoned such treatment, replacing the device with two needles with a special tool that “stuffed” the cornea of ​​​​the eye and protected it from deformation. At the same time, special injections were performed that prevented the destruction of the organ.

At the end of the 20th century, this method of introducing a substance into the eyeball began to be considered as an ornament for girls and boys. Doctors Shannon and Howie Laratt proposed to the rich and famous people to change the color of the iris. The method was accurate and minimally invasive, well tolerated after surgery.

In 2007, the tattoo procedure was fully legalized and received all the necessary licenses of world importance. Protein has also been added to the iris, the color of which can also be easily changed from white to any other, this has become relevant for men, representatives of marginal cultures. One of the first to actively resort to such a procedure were gang members, bikers and rock musicians who wanted to add more intimidation to their appearance.

How is an eyeball tattoo performed?

  • A special pigment is selected in advance, the color of which corresponds to the desired sketch.
  • The substance is injected with a special syringe into the sclera (into the outer shell of the eye), the pigment is evenly distributed over the entire surface.
  • The needle is carefully removed, the master removes the remaining ink with a special swab.

Many say that the procedure on the eye is almost painless, reminiscent of the action of sand that got into the eyes. But sensations completely depend on the pain threshold of a man or woman.

The effect of the tattoo is visible immediately, but the final result will appear in a few days, when the pigment is evenly distributed under the sclera and "does" its job. Of course, like any other tattoo, it takes time to fully heal.

In order to get a high-quality result, you should contact the professionals of the Syndicate Tattoo studio, who have experience in working even in such an extreme form of tattoo. On the site you can familiarize yourself with and.

Do you think that it is already unrealistic to surprise you with any tricks with your appearance? It is precisely at this moment, when you already think that you have seen everything, and an interesting and terrible innovation appears - a tattoo on your eyes. Not on the eyelids, but on the eyes. A regular tattoo, like those done on the skin.

The founder of a site that is completely dedicated to various body modifications recently decorated his eyes in this way. Despite the abundance of experiments that he conducted with his appearance, the guy said that the fear of the procedure was present and he would prefer to give the championship to someone else, but there was nowhere to go.

The procedure did without the use of cutting-edge technology - the eye was fixed with two fingers, and the pigment was sent straight into the eyeball of the so-called test subject. He entered under the upper layer of the long-suffering eye - no one has ever done this before, even for medicinal purposes.

The guy believes that the eye is a strong organ that copes with any pollution in life, therefore, despite the fact that it sounds intimidating, tattoos on the eyes do not pose any particular danger. However, he still doubts that this paint does not affect the eyes in any way - it is quite possible that over time the consequences may not be the best.

When this pioneer was looking for something interesting about this, he found papers from the century before last, which said that this procedure was applied to patients with poor eyesight, and a little later they changed the color of the eyes in this way.

All medical reports from that time are safe and sound - as it turned out, this is one of the oldest types of tattoos. And those very reports say that it is even less dangerous than classic skin tattoos. It was this information that inspired the bold pioneers of our time with confidence in the success of the operation. It’s just not known whether it will be possible, if desired, to remove this spot from the eye, like the hero of our post

Photo from:

Filling the eyes is a new generation tattoo. Unlike decorating with a leather pattern, this direction is not so popular. The pouring procedure requires a master of medical knowledge, a surgeon and an ophthalmologist.

The pigment is introduced into the scleral cavity, filling the space with a certain color. The operation is irreversible, it requires full awareness from the future carrier.

How to make a tattoo on the eyes or eyeball

Filling the eyes - the procedure for introducing dye into the sclera. In fact, it's more of an injection than a tattoo. The eye tattoo was originally invented as a cosmetic treatment for people with loss of lens pigment.

FROM HISTORY: The first safe tattoos on the eyes were made by Dr. Howey and Shannon Larat. The operation took place on July 1, 2007. The pupil area was filled in the patient with consequences of cataract.

Filling eyes with paint began to gain popularity since 2007-2008, when photos of Singaporean tattoo artist Chester Lee and Dan Malett from Toronto got into Instagram.

The first white of the eye is completely black, the second celebrity of the tattoo world filled the sclera with colored dyes - blue and yellow.

Eyeball tattooing is a surgical procedure. It requires specialized equipment and skills. The needle is inserted into the apple, the dye is gradually introduced.

The composition has a partially organic origin. There is a possibility that the carrier's body will give an allergic reaction. Before the procedure, it is necessary to undergo control tests for compatibility with the pigment.

The tattoo on the eyes has no direct meaning. Each carrier chooses for himself what the eye tattoo means in his case.

How is eyeball painting done?

To carry out a tattoo of the white of the eye, needles with a specialized tip structure are required. In order to fill the eyes with paint, the master has to squeeze the piston gently in small portions for a long time.

Eye filling procedure, photo from:

The tattoo on the eyeball is carried out without anesthesia or painkillers. During the tattooing procedure, the patient arrives in full creation. Feelings in the process depend on individual characteristics.

Canadian Instagram star Kylie Garth commented on her eyeball tattoo procedure: “Feelings like something was poked in the eye. Then only unusual pressure is felt. There is also a feeling as if sand has got into the eye. It doesn't hurt at all."

Paints for pigment in the white of the eye are still under development. So far, there are few specialized resources. Some sources claim that these are car dyes.

However, no certified tattoo artist will contact dubious materials, as this can cause irreparable harm to human health.

Possible consequences of introducing a coloring pigment into the eye

The consequences of the introduction of the dye into the eye are different. As those who have undergone the procedure write, the first days and until complete healing, a strong burning sensation is felt. In some carriers, after a similar procedure, the upper or lower eyelids swelled.

Examples of filled eyes, photo from:

If the procedure is performed clumsily and mistakes are made, it hurts even to look at. Since the operation takes place on the eye, all devices and the room must be sterile. Otherwise, after the procedure, the eyelid swells, as an infection begins.

With illiterate handling of the needle, the paint can get deeper than the technology of tattooing allows. In this case, the eye loses transparency, the light does not pass and the person goes blind. Infection threatens with inflammation of the lacrimal canals. Poor quality paint also causes an allergic reaction and rejection. The dye is brought out, the person loses his sight.

The operation causes injury to the eye. There is a temporary visual fear of bright light, contrasts. You should wear tinted glasses for a while.

It is very important to exclude any interference to a minimum. The corneas should not be exposed to dust and dirt. Ask the master for a list of procedures that he recommends to adapt the eyeball to the pigment.

Filling eyes, photo from:

Eye care rules:

  1. care mode. The first 2-3 weeks do not lift more than 5 kg of weight. During sleep, the position of the head should be on a par with the body. You can put a cushion under the base of the head instead of a pillow. Sleep at least 8 hours.
  2. Prohibitions. Do not drink alcohol, do not smoke tobacco products, smokeless cigarettes for about 2-4 weeks. Try not to tilt your head often. Girls should refrain from wearing facial makeup.
  3. Hygiene products. Avoid getting soap or hygiene products in your eyes when washing. If, nevertheless, contamination has got, rinse with a solution of furacilin 0.02%.
  4. Care products. It is recommended to use the drops prescribed for operations on the apple. Most often it is "Indocollir", "Naklof" (anti-inflammatory); "Floxal", "Tobrex", "Ciprofloxacin" (disinfection), "Tobradex", "Maxitrol". The course of taking drops is prescribed by your master.

Until complete healing, it is necessary to visit the ophthalmologist regularly and check the state of vision.

Video, eye filling procedure