How to cure a cough quickly at home in a child. How to quickly get rid of a cough in a child How to treat a small child for a cough

How to cure a cough quickly at home in a child using folk remedies? This will be discussed.

We treat a cough in a child at 1 year old

A cough in a child at 1 year old can be cured with folk remedies, but they must be used as carefully as possible.

  • high body temperature;
  • inflammation of the skin in the area of ​​application of the compress.

The safest, but at the same time effective compress, is from a boiled cabbage leaf.. It needs to be kneaded into gruel, wrapped in gauze and put on the baby's chest. Keep until the morning.

If we talk about how to cure a cough quickly at home in a child, then you can use milk. There are two options for making a drink:

  1. put soda on the tip of a knife and a little honey in a glass of warm drink - the recipe can be used if the child is not allergic to bee products;
  2. dilute warm milk "Borjomi" in a ratio of 2:1.

These are all permitted methods of folk treatment of cough in such small children.

  • radish and onion juice, since delicate mucous membranes can get severe irritation and even burns;
  • potato inhalations are also prohibited, as hot steam can provoke bronchospasm.

2 years old child: we treat cough with folk remedies

2 years old child - how can he be treated at home? First of all, you can not prescribe any medication to him without the consent of the pediatrician. Only a doctor can choose a drug, taking into account the symptoms. With the development of dry cough, the child should drink as much as possible. At this age, it is allowed to offer tea with chamomile or linden blossom, rose hips or milk, which will help to make the cough productive.

The use of folk remedies is allowed.

  • Can be given to a child breathe over potato broth. But the procedure should be short in time, since hot steam can cause the development of bronchospasm.
  • Give good result inhalation over a decoction of thyme, chamomile or coltsfoot, as well as over a soda solution.
  • At 2 years of age, it is allowed to use radish juice with honey. You can give the remedy three times a day - in the morning, afternoon and evening. Treatment with radish juice should not be carried out if the child is allergic to bee products.

If the doctor allows, then you can soar your legs. To do this, put a little mustard in hot water. The duration of the procedure is not longer than 20 minutes. It is allowed only at normal body temperature. At the end of the session, you need to put on warm socks on your feet.

The use of mustard plasters also contributes to a faster cure for cough. But they are contraindicated at high body temperature.

Dry cough in a child - we are treated at home

Dry cough in a child can be successfully treated with folk methods. Inhalations with coniferous oils have proven themselves well: a few drops of ether can be added to an aroma lamp or simply to a container of hot water.

If we talk about how you can cure a cough quickly at home in a child, then we received excellent recommendations:

  • Decoction of licorice root. You can buy a ready-made preparation, but it is better to prepare it yourself from the dried roots of the plant. They can be purchased at any pharmacy. The duration of treatment is a week.
  • ginger drink. A small piece of the root is brewed in boiling water, then a little honey is added to it. Take it warm. The tool has excellent expectorant and immunomodulatory properties.
  • Radish with honey. Inside the vegetable, a small depression is cleaned out, which is filled with honey. The released juice is mixed and given to the patient in a large spoon 4 times a day before meals.
  • Milk with boiled onions, honey and butter. It has enveloping and expectorant properties.

Before going to bed, the baby, so that he did not suffer from night cough, it is recommended to give mucosal soothing agents:

  • milk with honey;
  • milk with banana pulp;
  • herbal tea with milk added.

Wet cough in a child - folk remedies for its relief

A wet cough in a child differs from a dry cough in active sputum discharge, so the remedies chosen for treatment should stimulate the liquefaction of bronchial secretions.

The following recipes give good results:

  • Althea root decoction. Dry product can be purchased at a pharmacy. The drink is prepared in accordance with the attached instructions. To improve its taste, it is allowed to put a spoonful of honey and pour in a little milk.
  • Turnip. It is necessary to clean the root crop and grind it in any way possible. Squeeze out the juice and then combine it with milk and a spoonful of honey. Give the resulting drink to the child in a warm form.
  • Horseradish with lemon. A small piece of the root of the plant should be grated and poured with warm water. Leave for 4 hours. Then filter. In ½ part of a glass of milk, stir a spoonful of the resulting liquid and the same volume of lemon juice and honey.
  • Aloe. Grind the leaves of the plant to the state of gruel and add honey to them. Mix and give the baby a teaspoon after the main meals.

Good for wet cough compresses. Often used to warm the chest badger fat. In order to enhance the therapeutic result, it is recommended to mix it with melted honey. The duration of the procedure is 45 minutes.

A similar effect is produced by overlaying warm boiled potato compress. Spread the cooked puree on a soft flannel-type fabric and put it on the baby's chest for 1 hour.

Severe cough in a child - treatment with folk remedies

How to relieve a strong cough in a child with the help of folk remedies?

There are several effective recipes:

  • oatmeal broth. Pour a glass of washed oats with two liters of milk. Put the chopped head of garlic into the mixture and simmer it in a water bath for 2 hours. Filter the drink and drink it hot before going to bed.
  • Take equal parts honey and olive oil. Mix and give the patient a small spoonful three to four times a day.
  • mix 2 tablespoons soft butter and mix it with two egg yolks. Put two tablespoons of honey and a spoonful of wheat flour into the mixture. Eat the resulting mixture during the day.
  • Boil in a liter of boiling water 2 tablespoons dried barley sprouts. Infuse for 4 hours and drink the strained broth to the child ½ cup four times a day. To improve the taste, you can add a little honey to the drink.
  • Boil in a glass of boiling water raisin(50 grams). Insist 30 minutes. Then add freshly squeezed onion juice (3 large spoons) to the drink. Give your child one drink at a time before bed.
  • Boil in 600 ml of boiling water wheat bran(100 grams) and simmer in a water bath for 10 minutes. Then insist eight - ten hours in a thermos. Filter and give the child ½ cup three times a day.
  • Boil in a glass of milk two dried figs within 20 minutes. Drink a drink twice a day after meals for a full glass.

How to cure a cough in a child quickly in 2 hours

How to cure a cough in a child quickly in 2 hours - is it possible? In such a short time it will not be possible to do this, but here alleviate the situation quite realistically.

Helps with dry cough freshly squeezed cabbage juice with sugar. It should be given to the child in a teaspoon. But you can cook a decoction of vegetable decoction. To do this, boil 4 leaves and add honey to taste to the cooled drink.

To improve expectoration, warm milk must be diluted with Borjomi in a ratio of 2:1. Stir some butter into the drink. Drink to the baby ¼ of a glass up to 8 times a day.

Now you know how to cure a cough quickly at home in a child. But before you start taking it, you need to consult your doctor. You can read reviews on this topic or write your opinion on the forum about the treatment of folk remedies.

Doctors distinguish various types of cough, which becomes a frequent companion of childhood diseases. We treat a cough in a child at home, depending on the disease and the type of cough, so as not to harm and bring recovery as close as possible.

Why does cough occur?

Cough is one of the ways to protect the body from getting into the respiratory tract of foreign bodies, pathogenic microorganisms, excess sputum, which is produced in the body for some reason.

A series of sharp, involuntary exhalations occurs as a result of irritation of the cough receptors located in the pharynx, larynx, bronchi, and lungs.

Types of cough and treatment depending on the symptoms

Experienced mothers know that a child's cough is different, and treatment should be chosen depending on the type of cough, duration, strength, productivity, type of sputum and associated symptoms.

According to the duration of the symptoms, it happens:

  • acute, up to 2 weeks;
  • protracted, up to 3 months;
  • chronic, from 3 months

Based on strength, they distinguish:

  • coughing
  • expressed
  • severe hysteria, to vomiting spasms

If you evaluate the outgoing sputum, then the cough can be:

  • dry, characterized by itching and sore throat, raw, obsessive. Usually he greatly disturbs the child, interferes with sleep. Sputum is either not separated at all, or its discharge is difficult due to its high viscosity;
  • wet - accompanied by the release of a large amount of sputum. Phlegm is a secret produced in the bronchi, lungs, therefore, with an excess of sputum, squelching, gurgling sounds are heard when coughing.

Productive wet cough is also different:

  • SARS, bronchitis in the acute stage, bronchial asthma is accompanied by the separation of colorless viscous mucus from the respiratory tract;
  • Chronic bronchitis and pneumonia are determined by viscous sputum with yellowish or greenish mucus and pus, in addition, in childhood it may indicate the pathology of the ENT organs;
  • In a severe viral infection aggravated by a bacterial component, blood streaks may be present in the clear mucus. They appear as a result of microtrauma of the mucous membrane and capillaries of the respiratory tract;
  • Serous foamy sputum indicates developing pulmonary edema. Need immediate medical attention;
  • Blood clots, a shade of rust can become a messenger of pulmonary bleeding, it is required to carefully examine the child urgently

Bronchial asthma is accompanied by spasmodic attacks of coughing. Due to the sharp narrowing of the lumen of the bronchi, the flow of air into the lungs becomes difficult, the exhalation becomes long, whistling, with wheezing. In a child under 2 years of age, similar symptoms indicate obstructive bronchitis.

But if there are no catarrhal manifestations, and the spastic attack began suddenly, then a foreign body is most likely to enter the respiratory tract.

How and how to treat cough in children?

Having gained experience while communicating with pediatricians and therapists, parents roughly know how to cure a child's cough at home with the help of medicines and folk remedies. However, this symptom occurs in many diseases. Therefore, you should distinguish between types of cough and know how to successfully treat at home.

Pharmaceutical cough suppressants fall into three main groups:

  1. Mucolytic drugs, the purpose of which is to make sputum less viscous and facilitate its discharge;
  2. Expectorant drugs for removing sputum from the respiratory tract. Such substances increase cough;
  3. Drugs that act on the cough center of the brain and reduce its activity.

The main task in the treatment is to make a dry cough wet, i.e. - productive, and then rid the body of excess sputum.


The beginning dry cough with upper respiratory tract lesions is painful and intrusive. The child has a sore throat, he sneezes, sleep and appetite are disturbed.

If the disease proceeds without fever, then it should be treated with plentiful warm drinks and inhalations, including hot ones, with herbs and soda-saline solution. The child should do inhalations only under the supervision of an adult, after eating at least 30 minutes should pass.

Parents should be sure that the little patient is not allergic to natural medicines. For treatment, infusion or tea with chamomile, sage, calendula, lime blossom is most often used.

A child who coughs for a long time must be examined by specialists. It is necessary to exclude helminthic invasions, allergies.

After a complicated infection, residual cough may continue for several weeks. Treatment, with a productive discharge of sputum, consists in plentiful warm drinking and massage at home.

Tracheitis, bronchitis

The cough that accompanies these diseases is dry and unproductive. The main goal in its treatment is to achieve sputum discharge.

At the initial stage, it is necessary to take drugs that have a mucolytic effect:

  • Lazolvan
  • Bromhexine
  • Ambrobene

As soon as sputum begins to be produced, expectorants are shown for 4-5 days, and then the child should be given warm fruit drinks, dried fruit compote, diluted juices and chest massage.

If the child has a temperature, then hot foot baths, warming up are contraindicated for him.

Obstructive bronchitis

Accompanied by shortness of breath and cough with prolonged exhalation. The sputum that forms in the bronchi is too viscous, and therefore is not expectorated. It is very important to achieve its liquefaction, and after discharge.

It is important to drink plenty of water for the child. If the condition worsens, shortness of breath increases and spasms become more frequent, emergency medical attention is needed.

Whooping cough

Cough treatment with folk remedies

Traditional medicine is replete with recipes to help get rid of a cough. With a dry cough, thinning of the mucus is necessary, making it easier to cough it up. With a wet cough, effective sputum removal is required so that it does not "flood" the child's lungs.

Leaning towards any of them, it is worth making sure that the child is not allergic to the components of the medicine. What can be recommended to a child of 5 years old is not always suitable for a baby in a year.

So, what can you give a child with a cough?


A safe and very useful remedy - cough mogul for home treatment - is prepared from sugar or honey with the yolk of a chicken egg (or quail).

It is necessary to wash the shell, before breaking it, make sure that the product is fresh, the protein and yolk are free of foreign inclusions, do not blur.

The yolk is beaten with sugar to make a homogeneous mass. Give the remedy to the child 3-4 times a day, one teaspoon.

Oil rubs and compresses

Cacao butter cough for children is used as a massage - rubbed into the chest and upper back. For rubbing children older than two years, add 4-10 drops camphor oil in melted unsalted lard or goat fat; you can add the same amount of honey.

Plant elecampane suitable for the treatment of acute and chronic inflammatory processes, infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract. A decoction is prepared from the dried roots, which has an antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and expectorant effect.

Herbal remedies for coughing remove sputum, relieve swelling of the mucosa. Tea with sage, anise and thyme, inhalations with these herbs help to thin viscous mucus and expectoration.

anise drops cook at home or buy at a pharmacy. The drug causes an expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect, well tolerated by children.

Anise-ammonia drops in pharmacies are made from anise oil, ammonia and ethyl alcohol. At home, the remedy is diluted with boiled water, 3–5 drops per 50 ml of water for a child of 3–5 years.

It is important for parents to understand that herbs and medicines from them are not harmless. They can provoke a deterioration in the condition, so you need to approach the choice carefully.

Home recipes for cough relief in babies are complemented by other measures that do not require much effort. Sometimes it is enough to raise the child's head higher during sleep to help drain the mucus and clear the airways. Place an extra pillow under your head and shoulders or a terry towel between the mattress and the pillow.

Cough in children is different, so the treatment should be directed, removing the cause, and not just affecting the symptoms. In each case, parents should consult a pediatrician. However, self-education allows you to evaluate the prescribed treatment and will not be superfluous.

When a cough occurs, accumulations of viruses, allergens, and foreign bodies act on the mucous membrane. It is this process that frees the airways, clears them.

Cough is dry and wet. Dry usually occurs with ARVI, the initial stage of pneumonia, pleurisy, bronchial asthma. Wet appears in most wet bronchitis, pneumonia and some forms of tuberculosis.

Nutrition and care of the child during illness

Regular airing of the room in which the sick child is located, the absence of tobacco smoke in the room, humidification of the air in the room, laying babies on the stomach (this stimulates the process of expectoration of sputum), vibration massage of the chest, breathing exercises will help to cope with coughing faster. You can ask your child to inflate balloons, blow through a straw into a glass of water, so that bubbles float to the surface.

It is useful for coughing children to eat liquid oatmeal, mashed potatoes with plenty of milk. An effective remedy for such a disease is grapes, as it heals the lungs, promotes expectoration of sputum. You can drink grape juice with one teaspoon of honey. Do not give your child sugary drinks, especially carbonated drinks. Also, try to eliminate candy and other sugary foods from your baby's diet.

Of the drugs in the fight against children's cough, Linkas, Gedelix, Sinekod, Bronchipret, Erespal and other means will help. However, they have age restrictions and contraindications, so you can use them only after consulting your doctor.

home remedies for cough

Althea infusion is a fairly effective remedy for children. A spoonful of a small leaf of medicinal marshmallow should be infused in a thermos for one hour, pouring a glass of boiling water. Give a sick child a teaspoon every 6 hours.

Eucalyptus leaves or oil can be used for inhalation. Brew the infusion in a mug, roll up a sheet of paper with a funnel. Put the wide end of the funnel on the mug, through the narrow end the child should inhale the steam.

A strong cough will calm and mineral water with milk. Pour hot milk and alkaline water in half into a glass. Hot milk with a spoonful of honey will help when coughing starts to tickle in the throat. For babies, it is better to add figs to warm milk.

Another delicious medicine will delight children, for the preparation of which you need to mix 100 g of honey and butter, add a bag of vanillin there, mix well. Let's take 1 teaspoon of this a day.

Turning to pediatricians, parents often ask questions about how to alleviate and how to treat cough in children 3 years old?

How long does this symptom last on average and much more. The article discusses the features of the treatment of young children.

Cough is one of the most common reasons for seeking medical attention, and also occupies one of the leading places among all the symptoms that are caused by damage to the bronchopulmonary system.

Children are considered the most vulnerable link, since they often get ARVI, bronchitis, pneumonia, and not all pharmacological preparations are allowed for them.

The main causes of cough in a child

Cough shocks are understood as a protective and cleansing reaction of the organs of the respiratory system, during which the receptors of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, the pectoral muscles and the diaphragm, as well as the corresponding centers of the brain, are involved.

The rare appearance of a short-term cough in young children is considered the norm. This may be due to the flow of mucus along the back of the throat during a night's sleep, hypersalivation (increased saliva production) during teething.

Pathological causes of the symptom:

  • Influenza, respiratory syncytial, adenovirus and rhinovirus infections, which are characterized by the development of severe catarrhal syndrome in the trachea or bronchi.
  • Laryngitis (most often a viral lesion of the larynx), in which parents are worried about a barking strong cough in a 3-year-old child.
  • Bronchitis, or inflammation in the lining of the bronchi.
  • Bronchial asthma, obstructive bronchitis, characterized by paroxysmal cough, forced position of the body and shortness of breath.
  • Pneumonia is an acute or prolonged lesion of the lung tissue, which can be either an independent disease or a complication of acute respiratory infections.
  • Postnasal drip is a fairly common cause of this symptom in young children. It is realized through the flow of mucus through the nasopharynx.
  • Sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, hemisinusitis are diseases in which inflammation is localized in the paranasal sinuses.

Much less often in childhood, the cause of coughing can be a severe anomaly in the development of the bronchopulmonary system, congenital heart disease, hereditary pathology.

As you know, with a banal ARVI, symptoms such as nasal congestion and cough will go away on their own, after some time (on average, after 7-12 days). However, self-medication can delay the healing process or lead to the development of complications.

Treatment of cough in children 3 years of age should begin with the observance of important and effective recommendations:

Increasing fluid intake(700-1000 ml, depending on the age and body weight of the child), which not only allows you to reduce intoxication, but also quickly turns a dry cough into a productive one, dilutes sputum. Thus, the more a child drinks (dried fruit compote, regular tea without additives, water), the faster an unpleasant symptom will pass.

Regular ventilation of the room(at least 4-5 times a day during illness). A sick child needs fresh air.

Preservation of normal humidity and the temperature in the room in which the sick baby is located (for the first indicator it is 40-60%, for the second it is 18-20℃). This can be done with the help of special humidifiers or by simply hanging wet towels in the room.

It is important to understand that a 3 year old has imperfect thermogenesis and underdeveloped sweat glands, so he loses a lot of fluid through breathing, and overdried mucous membranes lead to the fact that the child does not stop coughing.

Activity restriction. Emotional or physical overstrain during illness only leads to aggravation and intensification of symptoms.

Frequent mistakes of parents during self-treatment:

  • non-compliance with the diet in children prone to allergic reactions (most often activated against the background of the disease);
  • the use of antitussive drugs of central or peripheral action with a productive cough, which blocks the discharge of sputum and significantly slows down the healing process;
  • the use of several unidirectional drugs at once (mucolytics, expectorants, codeine-containing medicines);
  • inhalations with ACC, mineral waters, which are not sterile, and when inhaled only contribute to the spread of infection.
Source: website If a child is 3 years old and has a prolonged cough, as well as other catarrhal and intoxication symptoms, it is recommended to consult a pediatrician or for examination and competent treatment.

When should you see a doctor immediately?

In order to cure a cough in a 3-year-old child relatively quickly and without the risk of complications, it is advisable to consult a doctor in any case as planned.


Children with symptoms of respiratory failure need urgent medical care. These include shortness of breath, palpitations, blanching of the skin with simultaneous acrocyanosis.

You should not postpone a visit to the doctor or call an ambulance in case of an asthma attack that is not stopped by short-acting beta2-adrenergic agonists.

In this case, the child takes a forced position (leaning on a flat surface with arms wide apart), shortness of breath appears with difficulty exhaling and does not go away.

In some cases, laryngitis is a reason for the emergency hospitalization of a child in a pediatric or infectious diseases hospital.

This is due to a sudden stenosis of the larynx, mainly at night (inspiratory dyspnea, blue nasolabial triangle, pronounced hoarseness).

First aid for a child. How to relieve a coughing fit in a child?

In the event of a severe paroxysmal cough, you can help the child at home. For this we recommend:

  • ensure the flow of fresh air into the room with the help of ventilation;
  • give the baby an elevated position (put pillows under the back and neck);
  • with a banal attack, you can let mint candy dissolve to remove irritation and dryness of the mucous membrane;

  • in case of severe coughing (whooping cough, laryngitis), distraction therapy can be used: rubbing the limbs, hot foot baths;
  • in case of exacerbation of bronchial asthma, it is necessary to allow the child to inhale a short-acting selective bronchodilator through an inhaler or nebulizer (berodual, salbutamol).

It is equally important to calm the child by talking, stroking. If the attack does not stop, and the symptoms of respiratory failure increase, call an ambulance team.

If the child has a dry cough and a temperature of 39

With a temperature of 38-39, acute viral infections of the respiratory tract, bronchitis, and pneumonia often occur. Treatment depends on the established diagnosis and the nature of the course of the disease.

If a child has a cough and a temperature of 39, which lasts more than three days, then it is imperative to consult a pediatrician, because such a condition may require an X-ray examination and the appointment of antibiotic therapy.

In this case, in order to get rid of dry cough, it is necessary to ensure sufficient water regimen, take mucoregulatory combination drugs or prescribed by a doctor.

A prolonged cough and a temperature of 37 for two to three weeks may indicate a protracted viral infection, atypical pneumonia, which is caused by intracellular microorganisms, and the activation of the tuberculosis process.

Therefore, it is important to take a detailed blood test and make a plain chest x-ray.

Treatment of wet cough with sputum

What to give cough to children 3 years old is a hot topic, especially for parents. The choice of drugs should be made on the basis of the underlying cause of the symptom, its nature and duration.

A wet cough means that phlegm and mucus accumulate in the bronchi, which is coughed up, especially in the morning. Treatment of wet cough should be aimed at changing the physicochemical properties of sputum with its increased viscosity, as well as helping with its removal.

For this, expectorants, or mucokinetic, and mucoregulatory agents are used. They are available in tablets, capsules, mixtures and syrups. In addition, it is necessary to observe the general recommendations described earlier with particular strictness.

If there is no temperature

Without signs of intoxication, stenosing laryngitis and an attack of bronchial asthma most often occur (if it did not occur against the background of a viral infection).

  • In the first case, the baby is worried about a rough, frequent cough of the “barking” type, which intensifies at night and can be complicated by stenosis of the larynx.
  • In the second case, the child coughs strongly at night with sputum difficult to separate, experiences expiratory dyspnea (difficulty exhaling) and “wheezes” remotely.

First of all, drug treatment of these pathologies is aimed at stopping bronchobstruction, swelling of the mucous membrane and shortness of breath. Use intramuscular or inhalation administration of hormonal agents, bronchodilators, which quickly remove spasm.

If necessary, antiviral and antihistamine drugs, expectorants are added to the therapy.

Cough remedy for children from 3 years. From the pharmacy

To choose how to treat a cough for a child of 3 years old, you need to know the composition, indications, dosage regimen of the drug. It is also important to take into account the contraindications to the appointment given in the instructions. Not all medicines are allowed at an early age.

Cough tablets for children from 3

Consider what helps and what medicines are allowed for coughing for a child of 3 years in tablet form:

- light brown tablets, which consist of marshmallow extract, 0.3 g of excipients (calcium stearate, sodium bicarbonate, tartaric acid). This is a good herbal remedy, which is prescribed for expectoration of sputum, 1 tablet three or four times a day, preferably after meals.

Bromhexine - combined tablets(mucokinetic + mucolytic), containing 8 and 4 mg of the active ingredient. Safe enough, therefore, children from 2 years of age are allowed to prescribe 4 mg three times a day.

- consists of antibodies directed against morphine, bradykinin and histamine. The medication is indicated for bronchospasm, painful dry or productive cough. It is used three times a day, one or two tablets, which must be dissolved in the mouth.

Ambroxol is an effective remedy, helping to get rid of a wet cough, reduce the viscosity of sputum in the bronchi and bring it out. It is taken orally, after eating food, 22.5 mg per day (in three divided doses).

In tablets, you can also use Codelac Neo, ACC, Doctor Mom, Tusuprex.


What is better to give children three years and older in liquid form:

And at the same time, a mucolytic cough remedy for children 3 years old based on acetylcysteine. Drink inside 2-3 times a day, 5.0 ml of syrup.

- A German herbal remedy made from climbing ivy leaves. Used 5-7.5 ml three times a day.

Broncholitin - has a bronchodilator and antitussive effect on the pulmonary system. Effective when taken three times a day, 5 ml.

Omnitus - is indicated in the treatment of dry cough in a child of 3 years. Due to the content of butamirate, the drug depresses the cough center in the cerebral cortex, reflexively expands the bronchi, and activates expectoration. Assigned to 10.0 ml three times a day.

In addition, Alteyka, Sinekod, Codelac, Erespal, Lazolvan, Stoptussin, etc. are produced in liquid form.

Treatment of Dr. Komarovsky

Dr. Komarovsky, being an adherent of evidence-based medicine, recommends regular airing and wet cleaning in the room where the sick baby is.

He also advises to delimit the child from sharp and new smells, tobacco smoke, to maintain the optimum temperature and humidity in the room. Do not forget to give the patient plenty to drink.

In his opinion, with a mild form of SARS with a productive cough, the appointment of mucolytics is not justified, and in some cases even increases the severity of the symptoms of the disease.

Antitussive drugs with a central or peripheral mechanism of action are indicated only for painful paroxysmal cough, such as whooping cough.

Folk remedies for cough for children from 3 years

It is recommended to use any folk remedy at an early age with extreme caution, since allergic reactions and other undesirable effects are most common in children.

In the absence of indications, you can use:

  • Boiled warm milk, which moisturizes the mucous membranes and helps to stop attacks.
  • Infusion of medicinal herbs (cumin, coltsfoot, fennel, marshmallow, plantain).
  • Breast collection, which can be easily purchased at any pharmacy.
  • Aloe juice, radish.


Helps the child to cough better morning postural drainage (lying position, when the legs and pelvis are slightly higher than the head) and vibration massage of the chest.

Physiotherapy is often used in pediatric departments:

  • massage;
  • magneter;
  • electrophoresis on the chest with medicines.

The nature and number of procedures is determined only by the attending physician, who regularly examines and auscultates the child.


Inhalation is a fairly effective way that helps get rid of an unpleasant symptom and bronchobstruction. For this procedure, you can use stationary devices, nebulizers, baby hailers, aerosol inhalers.

Of the medicines for inhalation, a physiological sterile solution, selective bronchomimetics (salbutamol, berodual, ventolin), inhaled corticosteroids (pulmicort, flixotide), and some antiseptics (decasan) are used.

Choose a rubric Adenoids Angina Uncategorized Wet cough Wet cough In children Sinusitis Cough Cough in children Laryngitis ENT Diseases Folk methods of treatment of sinusitis Folk remedies for cough Folk remedies for the common cold Runny nose Runny nose in pregnant Runny nose in adults Runny nose in children Sinusitis Cough Treatments Cold Treatments Symptoms of Sinusitis Cough Syrups Dry Cough Dry Cough in Children Temperature Tonsillitis Tracheitis Pharyngitis

  • Runny nose
    • Runny nose in children
    • Folk remedies for the common cold
    • Runny nose in pregnant women
    • Runny nose in adults
    • Runny nose treatments
  • Cough
    • Cough in children
      • Dry cough in children
      • Wet cough in children
    • Dry cough
    • Moist cough
  • Drug Overview
  • Sinusitis
    • Alternative methods of treatment of sinusitis
    • Symptoms of Sinusitis
    • Treatments for sinusitis
  • ENT Diseases
    • Pharyngitis
    • Tracheitis
    • Angina
    • Laryngitis
    • Tonsillitis
Most often, at a pediatrician's appointment, parents are interested in how to cure a cough in a 10-year-old child. The pathological process disrupts the usual way of life. The child does not sleep well, there is no appetite. Paroxysmal cough contributes to impaired cerebral circulation. It negatively affects the overall health of a small patient.

Experts say that in most cases, a cough signals the presence and development of a cold of the respiratory system. Pathology is accompanied by hoarseness, fever, vomiting. To fix the problem, you should find out the cause of the symptom. Having established the correct diagnosis, the doctor competently prescribes complex treatment, the positive result of which is observed after a short time.

Respiratory pathological processes, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, allergic manifestations, neurological ailments in children aged 10 years occur with cough symptoms. Coughing, the child is freed from dust and dirt that has fallen into the trachea and throat. Coughing is often observed after a night's sleep, which is explained by the accumulation of mucus during the night in the respiratory tract.

For many years of medical practice, pediatricians have identified a number of main reasons for the formation of a pathological process:

  • 90% of cases of manifestation of pathology in children of 10 years old are recorded during acute respiratory diseases. The infection penetrates into the lower and upper respiratory tract. According to the clinical picture of the course of the disease, it is determined how deeply pathogenic bacteria are located.
  • Cough in 10-year-old children appears with bronchitis. Untimely treatment of pathology leads to obstruction of the disease. Less often, doctors detect bronchial asthma in a child. Pathology torments patients paroxysmal, provoking shortness of breath, suffocation rarely occurs.
  • With bronchiectasis, which is rarely diagnosed, the bronchi are deformed, purulent formations accumulate in them, cough is accompanied by hemoptysis. Increased body temperature, complaints of weakness, chest pain, pale skin, a sharp decrease in body weight are signs of the disease.
  • A dry cough of a superficial nature, shortness of breath, wheezing, high fever, and malaise indicate the possible development of pneumonia in a child. At the age of ten, the respiratory rate is disturbed by inhalation above 45 times. The doctor can diagnose the pathology after a visual and laboratory examination.
  • When the bacterium enters the nasal, maxillary sinuses, trachea or larynx, the child begins to cough. Diseases of the ENT organs require special supervision by a narrow-profile specialist.
  • The 11th year of a child's life is a very important period for the development of the body. With a manifested cough, a number of diseases associated with cardiovascular pathologies and gastrointestinal diseases are diagnosed. Pathology that occurs against the background of other symptoms cannot be treated independently. Only after a complete examination, the pediatrician determines the type of pathological process and prescribes therapeutic measures.
  • Psychological illnesses are sometimes accompanied by a cough. The child is trying to get attention. Observing such a picture, parents are advised to visit a psychologist.
  • Dry indoor air, foreign smells of tobacco smoke or household chemicals can cause pathology in children. After elimination of the causative agent of the pathological process, the cough disappears on its own without therapeutic intervention.
  • Contribute to the formation of cough individual characteristics of the organism, genetic diseases. Chronic attacks are possible with an incorrect structure of the nasal sinuses, larynx in a child. There is no cure for this symptom. The task of parents is to reduce discomfort, soothe the child.
  • When the plants bloom, some guys start coughing. The symptom is accompanied by redness of the eyes, manifestations of a runny nose. These signs signal the development of allergic reactions in children. Similar reactions are possible to animal hair, household dust, products that contain allergens.

For children of 10 years old, there are many drugs of medicinal and folk type. The patient should be treated according to the recommendation of the doctor. In case of a difficult situation, the pediatrician refers the patient for a consultation with a specialist in a narrow direction.

The types of pathology recognized by specialists are diverse. The disease depends on the characteristics of the symptoms. Cough by nature is divided into dry and wet. Unpleasant, obsessive, irritating is the dry type of cough. It proceeds without sputum discharge with a constant tone. The provocateurs of education are:

  • sudden change in temperature;
  • laryngitis;
  • lymphomas;
  • tuberculosis;
  • entry into the respiratory tract of a foreign body.

With a wet cough, sputum is released after coughing, expectoration. Pathology appears after inflammatory processes in the body. The causative agents of the symptom are:

  • bronchitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

About what causes a cough in a child of 4 years old and how to treat it, read this article.

Sputum production according to medical research is classified as a pathology. A healthy child should not have any secretions from the respiratory system. Distinguish:

  • mucous sputum with a clear viscous liquid;
  • purulent sputum with a greenish-brown tint;
  • foamy serous sputum liquid consistency;
  • mucopurulent sputum;
  • bloody issues.

For proper diagnosis, pediatricians take into account the timbre of cough. It can have a barking character, in which the false vocal cords are able to swell. Pain is accompanied by short bouts. When the vocal cords become inflamed, a hoarse cough is diagnosed.

Attacks are observed in each patient at different times, depending on the disease, general condition and individuality of the organism. Acute appearance with complex therapy disappears after 14 days. The chronic type of pathology returns to the child at least four times during the year. Attacks continue to torment the child for up to 20 days, sometimes the healing process drags on for up to a month.

Danger signs when coughing when you need a doctor

Before treating a cough in a 10-year-old child, the cause of its appearance should be determined. The symptoms accompanying the pathology will help to find out what kind of disease attacked the baby. Experienced mothers often do without medication. They practice traditional medicine, inhalation, heating. But it is important to know that there are cases when medical care is needed urgently. If it is timely, recovery comes many times faster.

It is recommended to call a doctor or visit a clinic for examination and consultation when:

  1. Cough appeared unexpectedly and is accompanied by convulsions.
  2. If the pathological process does not stop within 5-7 days, or is not eliminated after the disappearance of other signs of a cold.
  3. During sleep, attacks of pathology begin.
  4. When sputum is released, bloody impurities are observed.

Pay attention to the condition and appearance of your child during the period of attacks. Sometimes the baby's skin becomes pale or takes on a blue tint. Do not delay the examination by a pediatrician so as not to aggravate the formed pathology and to carry out the correct treatment of the disease.

Medication for dry cough

The main task during the treatment period in ten-year-old children is to alleviate their condition. With the help of medicines, it is important to convert a dry cough into a productive, wet, sputum-producing one.

Quality remedies are antitussive drugs. Among the large assortment, Glauventa, Sinekoda, Tusuprexa deserve attention. Prescribe medications by specialists. Their use is required in severe cases of the pathological process.

Mucolytics dilute sputum, remove it from the respiratory tract, do not contribute to an increase in mucus. Syrups are prescribed for children 10 years old, which include marshmallow, essential oils, licorice root. "Ambrobene", "Bromhexine" have proven themselves well over many years of medical practice. If the child is negative about the use of syrups, pediatricians prescribe lozenges, Strepsils, Travesil, Doctor Mom lollipops.

Folk remedy for cough for children

Our ancestors treated children with folk methods. Recipes for healing decoctions and tinctures have been passed down for generations. More effective folk remedies are in combination with other methods of therapy.

Effectively fight against dry cough inhalation with saline or herbs that thin sputum. Modern medicine recommends using nebulizers for inhalation. Unlike thermal procedures with “grandmother's methods”, inhalations using nebulizers can be carried out with a slight increase in temperature.

Mustard plasters help with dry cough. For children 10 years old, the duration of the procedure should not exceed five minutes. When a child has a fever, this method of therapy is strictly prohibited.

It is necessary to follow a diet during an illness. The diet should be rich in vitamins and minerals. An effective product in the fight against cough is grape juice and the berry itself. To strengthen the immune system and enhance the expectorant effect, there is a simple recipe:

  • a glass of grape juice;
  • 1 tsp natural honey;
  • 2-3 slices of lemon.

Mix the ingredients and drink ¼ cup 3-4 times a day after eating.

There are many recipes for eliminating pathology using onions and honey, black radish, carrot and birch sap, viburnum fruits, warm milk and medicinal plants. Do not forget that traditional medicine methods should be discussed with the doctor during the treatment period so that their actions do not harm the health of the little patient.

It is the direct responsibility of parents to look after the health of their beloved son or daughter. It happens that custody of the child is very strong, with slight sounds of coughing, the mother stuffs the baby with medicine. Care can harm the health of the child. Coughing is not always a sign of illness. According to statistics, a healthy child coughs up to 10 times a day during the day. Thus, there is a protective function of the body from foreign bodies of the respiratory system.