Old New Year. Dreams on the Christmas holidays and on the New Year: the interpretation of prophetic dreams A dream on Christmas Eve when it comes true

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Prophetic dream on New Year's Eve

Dream in the new year is considered special, because on the eve of the holiday we subconsciously wait for something new that will noticeably improve our life. And indeed, dream on new year's eve it is considered prophetic, as are those dreams that will visit you from December 25 (Catholic Christmas and the Solstice holiday among the ancient Slavs) until January 19 (Baptism).

Are dreams prophetic for the new year?

We often hear the question: what are our prophetic dreams? If this applies to the New Year holidays, then on the night of December 31 to January 1, you really see prophetic dreams. They are always full of special meaning and, as practice confirms, they have a great influence on our lives.

The same applies to dreams on the eve of a birthday, because on these two nights they are sent to us by guardian angels, like original gifts. Each of us twice a year is given a chance to receive a hint, warning or guide to action from our heavenly patron. Therefore, it is so important to correctly interpret what you saw in prophetic dreams.

How to make a wish?

What is beautiful about New Year's Eve is the opportunity to ask for something or make a wish. To do this, you just need to write them on separate pieces of paper and hide them under your pillow. After you wake up, take out any one at random and read it - it is this desire that will come true.

Girls usually on New Year's Eve and Christmas Eve guessing on the betrothed, because such a dream will surely come true before the end of the year. Therefore, try to fall asleep and be sure to remember what you dreamed about.

Prophetic dreams the New Year can be divided into two categories. The first are those that come true literally, and the second are symbolic, requiring decoding of the images and events seen. Direct dreams are understandable, because we see certain events and specific people, so we immediately know what will happen. Symbolic dreams are much more complicated and require correct interpretation, but they give a unique chance to fix something in life.

How to interpret a New Year's dream?

I bring a small dream book for the interpretation of New Year's dreams:

Music, fireworks, garlands and festive lights - these symbols on New Year's Eve have no meaning;

If you have flown to New Year's dream, traveled, planted a tree, drank well water, climbed up the stairs, washed their feet or beat flies - career growth awaits you;

We saw ourselves sleeping on New Year's Eve - you are guaranteed success in financial matters in the near future;

We saw ourselves wallowing in the mud, starving, killing lice on ourselves, pouring wine, boiling linen, eating an ear, overgrown with hair, or at least saw a rake, nuts, kittens, a bear - you are guaranteed profit and financial well-being;

Who dreamed of warm gloves, fried meat, flowering linden, birch, snow-white teeth - happiness is guaranteed in the new year;

If a New Year's dream was about a hunchback - the greatest happiness awaits you;

Their dream products became, brushes, chickens, and also if you saw how you ate boiled beef, scratched, made a fire, shopped, dug a well, beat bedbugs or shaved your beard - to worsen your financial situation;

When do dreams come true?

It is said that dreams on Christmas Eve, Christmas and Epiphany come true. Every dream matters. After all, the spirit of the holiday hovers around.

New Year's dream from December 31 to December 1 shows what lies ahead for us in the coming year. So we remember what we dreamed about and analyze our dream.

Christmas Eve will help to look into the future. So, if you dreamed that your wishes came true, then they really will come true, most importantly, at what time. If you dreamed that you would find the job of your dreams in the summer, then in the summer this desire will come true.

Christmas dreams are the most important. After all, fate tells us what needs to be done to make our desires come true or how to act in order to avoid trouble. Therefore, Christmas dreams need to be given due attention, they always come true. They can be completed within a month or a year. The main thing is that they are prophetic.

Dreams that were dreamed at Christmas time are fulfilled within six months. These dreams reflect our actions and emotions. We will understand what we are doing wrong and what actions need to be corrected. They are not associated with serious problems. They simply predict our ordinary events. For example, you receive a bouquet from your loved one or your car breaks down.

But dreams at Baptism will be of interest to everyone. After all, this night will dream of a prediction for life. This dream may come true in 10 years.

When dreams are not prophetic?

There are days when dreams do not carry any information in themselves. It's just a dream and all. Many thought that prophetic dreams on the Old New Year, and you can determine your fate from them. But in our time, the Old New Year is no longer a holiday. We live according to a different calendar. And this holiday is just an occasion to meet and celebrate. Therefore, prophetic dreams should not be expected.

You should not interpret the dreams that you had from 1 to Christmas Eve, and from 8 to Christmas time. This is the time when your dreams are just dreams. And you don't need to look for subtext. Just enjoy your holidays and sleep well. May you have sweet, soft and fluffy dreams.

New Year's dreams

You don't need to remember every dream. If the dream and the truth are worthy of attention, then you will immediately remember it. And when he is about nothing, then the dream will immediately be forgotten. So do not worry, important dreams will not go away from memory. Sometimes they remain in our memory for several days. When a dream remains in memory the next day, then it is worth describing it in all details and thinking about its meaning.

If in a dream you see the events of the past days, then it should not be taken into account. An ordinary dream that showed us the past. It contains no information. But if there was a person who in reality did not participate in the event, then this is worth thinking about. Most likely, he will participate in your life. A good role is given to him or a bad one, you will need to find out.

When a person sees nightmares on New Year's Eve, this means that you are doing something wrong in life and it's time to think about it. You must find yourself and the right path. You need to correct the mistakes of your life. Of course, the horrors in a dream can also be caused by ordinary intoxication. In this case, you should not take them literally.

If in dreams you see dead relatives, then you need to listen to what they say. Usually these are messengers of the future and they tell us what lies ahead. Maybe they will give worthwhile advice, which is worth using.

See what mood you wake up on New Year's Eve. The meaning of sleep also depends on it. If the soul is heavy and not good, and sadness was dreaming, then perhaps its meaning is negative. And all the images will need to be interpreted differently.

Prophetic dreams

On the New Year, symbolic and prophetic dreams can be dreamed. Symbolic dreams should be interpreted according to dream books, but prophetic ones will come true exactly as they dreamed. So we remember what we dreamed about during the holidays, and we begin to look in the “book of dreams”.

A dream that is based on real events and people from your life can be considered prophetic. About 80% of the fact that the dream will come true and fully come true, nothing can be changed. You can only slightly correct the reality and wait for the fulfillment of the dream.

But symbolic dreams can be from the fantasy world. We can walk through the layers of reality and jump over the expanses of time in a dream. We meet non-existent beings and animals. We talk to them or run away ... We do strange things. All these symbols mean something, and they need to be looked at in the dream book.

If anyone remembers (although it is unlikely, because so much time has passed), Old New Year 2012 coincided with Friday 13 ... More precisely, New Year's Eve (according to the old style) fell from Friday to Saturday, which for some turned out to be not a very good omen, in particular, for especially superstitious and believing that the number thirteen is a “bad number”.

They returned to the rumors about the imminent end of the world, which, according to Nostradamus' predictions, should come in December 2012. Is it because 2012 is followed by 2013? But, after all, the year 1913, nevertheless, passed, like all the previous ones, ending in the number 13 ... Russia is the only country in the world that celebrates the new year twice. This began to happen from the moment the Decree on the introduction of the Western European calendar in Russia was signed in 1918. It was prescribed that February 14 be considered the first day after January 31 ...

This is how time moved. And, although more than one century has passed since then (January 1, the New Year in Russia began to be celebrated by decree of Peter the Great, since 1700), Russia still celebrates the new year twice. According to the Julian calendar (the times of Peter the Great) and the Gregorian, still in force today.

According to old Russian customs, after Christmas, Christmas time came, and, accordingly, Christmas fortune-telling. It must be said that Christmas fortune-telling was not much different from Christmas fortune-telling. And most often young girls (and even married women) fortune-telled on mirrors. Young girls tried to see in the dark void the mirrors of their narrowed mummers, while women tried to find out if they could give birth to an heir ... especially if the young family was still childless, or only girls were born in the family.

It is now that science has proved that neither in childlessness, nor even more so, in the "formation of the sex" of the future baby, only a woman can be to blame. But, then, in those distant times, all the responsibility fell on the woman. Therefore, it is quite understandable that any fortune-telling of a married woman boiled down to whether she could give birth to a son. Often, her position in the family also depended on this, but I must say that families at that time were patriarchal, which speaks for itself. The woman was absolutely powerless.

But here is another (very uncomplicated) fortune-telling that girls resorted to without risking going crazy with fear, which sometimes happened when fortune-telling on mirrors.

On the night of January 13-14 (new year according to the old style), the girl had to put a comb under her pillow, and said three times: “Narrowed - dressed up, come to me dressed up, ask for a comb, and fix your hair” ... After saying these words, it was no longer possible to speak ... And if a girl saw her beloved in a dream, this meant that matchmakers should be expected.

Many believe that New Year and Christmas dreams come true. Maybe it's time to believe in magic? Dreams will help you understand what year awaits us ahead. You just need to correctly interpret dreams. The interpretation of holiday dreams is different from the usual.

When do dreams come true?

It is said that dreams on Christmas Eve come true on Christmas and Epiphany. Every dream matters. After all, the spirit of the holiday is hovering around.

New Year's dream from December 31 to December 1 shows what lies ahead for us in the coming year. So we remember what we dreamed about and analyze our dream.

Christmas Eve help you see into the future. So, if you dreamed that your desires came true, then they really will come true, most importantly, at what time. If you dreamed that you would find the job of your dreams in the summer, then in the summer this desire will come true.

Christmas dreams are the most important. After all, fate tells us what needs to be done to make our desires come true or how to act in order to avoid trouble. Therefore, Christmas dreams should be given due attention, they always come true. They can be completed within a month or a year. The main thing is that they are prophetic.

Dreams that were dreamed in Christmas time are completed within six months. These dreams reflect our actions and emotions. We will understand what we are doing wrong and what actions need to be corrected. They are not associated with serious problems. They simply predict our ordinary events.

For example, you will receive a bouquet from a loved one or your car will break down.

And here are the dreams for Baptism everyone will be interested. After all, this night you will dream of a prediction for life. This dream may come true within 10 years.

When dreams are not prophetic?

There are days when dreams do not carry any information in themselves. It's just dreams, that's all. Many thought that prophetic dreams on the Old New Year, and you can determine your fate from them. But in our time, the Old New Year is no longer a holiday. We live by a different calendar. And this holiday is just an occasion to meet and celebrate. Therefore, prophetic dreams should not be expected.

You should not interpret the dreams that you had from 1 to Christmas Eve, and from 8 to Christmas time. This is the time when your dreams are just dreams. And you don't need to look for subtext. Just enjoy your holidays and sleep well. May you have sweet, soft and fluffy dreams.

New Year's dreams

You don't need to remember every dream. If the dream is really worthy of attention, then you will immediately remember it. And when he is about nothing, then the dream will be immediately forgotten. So do not worry, important dreams will not go away from memory. Sometimes they remain in our memory for several days. When a dream remains in memory the next day, then it is worth describing it in all details and thinking about its meaning.

If in a dream you see the events of the past days, then it should not be taken into account. An ordinary dream that showed us the past. It contains no information. But if there was a person who in reality did not participate in the event, then this is worth thinking about. Most likely, he will participate in your life.A good role is given to him or a bad one, you will need to find out for yourself.

When a person sees nightmares on New Year's Eve, this means that you are doing something wrong in life and it's time to think about it. You must find yourself and the right path. You need to correct the mistakes of your life. Of course, the horrors in a dream can also be caused by ordinary intoxication. In this case, they should not be taken literally.

If in dreams you see dead relatives, then you need to listen carefully to what they say. Usually these are messengers of the future and they tell us what lies ahead. Maybe they will give worthwhile advice, which is worth using.

Look with what mood you wake up on New Year's days. The meaning of sleep also depends on it. If the soul is hard and not good, and the dream inspired sadness, then perhaps its meaning is negative. And all the images will need to be interpreted differently.

Prophetic dreams

On the New Year, symbolic and prophetic dreams can be dreamed. Symbolic dreams should be interpreted according to dream books, but prophetic ones will come true exactly as they dreamed. So we remember what we dreamed about during the holidays, and we begin to look in the “book of dreams”.

A dream that is based on real events and people from your life can be considered prophetic. About 80%the fact that the dream will come true and be fully realized, nothing can be changed. You can only slightly correct reality and wait for the dream to come true.

But symbolic dreams can be from the fantasy world.

We can walk through the layers of reality and jump over the expanses of time in a dream. We meet non-existent beings and animals. We talk to them or run away ... We do strange things. All these symbols mean something, and they need to be looked at in the dream book.

The world of dreams can open the curtain of reality for us and show us what lies ahead. Maybe a loved one will break our heart or a friend will betray. But we will be ready for it. There is no need to be afraid of the meaning of sleep. They guide us on the right path and prepare us for the future. You can change your life for the better if you know what to expect.

The New Year's time is approaching, so to speak, when we pay special attention to dreams.

It seems to us that they have a sacred meaning, they carry information that applies to the entire coming year. We stare intently at vague images, get frightened or rejoice, try to interpret them. And, in general, we are doing the right thing. That's just not worth it to everyone, without exception, dreams to attach great importance. Yes, and in the interpretation of "holiday" dreams have their own nuances. That's what we'll talk about today.

When dreams come true

It is rightly believed that dreams on New Year's Eve, Christmas Eve, Christmas, Christmas time and Epiphany have a special meaning and are often prophetic. Only they come true in different ways, each dream has its own special period and its own “sphere of influence”.
New Year (from December 31 to January 1) - dreams refer to the coming year and come true, respectively, during the year.
Christmas Eve - focus on dreams in which there is a fulfillment of desires, this will be an indication of the time frame. That is, if you see in a dream that you, for example, received a promotion in the spring, then the dream will come true in the spring. And if you see yourself getting married, but at the same time you look a few years older, then most likely you should not wait for the wedding in the coming year - it will “complete” in a few years.

Christmas - these dreams can determine fate, they carry a hint of what is best to do and what is best not to do. Pay special attention to these dreams - they most often turn out to be prophetic. Such dreams come true in a period of a week to five years.
Christmas time - dreams come true within six months. Such dreams also relate to our actions, to right and wrong actions, as well as to entertainment and emotions. But, unlike dreams at Christmas, they do not define some global things, but relate to everyday life.

Baptism - dreams are related to all life, to Fate and can come true even after 20 years.

When dreams are empty

It seems to many that for the "old" New Year's dreams, too, must certainly be prophetic. But it is not so. The fact is that we have been living according to a different calendar for a long time, and this holiday is not even a tribute to the old style, but just another reason to have fun. This is just a date, so on the night of January 13-14, dreams can be completely non-prophetic. Another thing is that these are already Christmas time, therefore, if some dream especially sunk into your soul, then it can come true, but if you didn’t dream of anything so outstanding, don’t rack your brains and don’t expect dreams in the “old” New Year special revelations. Although it is not forbidden to guess that night, even in dreams. Here is such a paradox.

Also, “empty” dreams are dreamed: from January 1 to 2, and further until Christmas Eve, then - from January 8 until the beginning of Christmas time. We can say that we are given a certain respite so that we can again perceive the "tips" that await us in the near future.

In general, this is all purely individual, and sometimes, in special cases, Heaven speaks to us even on those nights when dreams are not prophetic. This happens when you need to urgently warn about something. However, this also applies to any other time, and not just the "New Year's time."

What to pay attention to

Do not try to remember all the dreams that come to you at a designated time. There is no need for this, since you, if you want, do not miss a significant dream. The fact is that such dreams are so clearly engraved in your memory that you remember them not only immediately after waking up, but also a week later, and often several years later. If the dream has not “evaporated” by the evening, then be sure to write it down - in as much detail as you remember. And only after that start to analyze.

Do not look for meaning in those dreams that almost completely repeat the events that occurred the day before. It's just a reflection of events. But, if in such dreams you constantly encounter the same person, which was not really the case, then this person will play a significant role in your life. But positive or negative - it depends on what kind of relationship (benevolent or hostile) you were associated with him in your dream.

Particular attention should be paid to dreams in which dead relatives come. Try to remember what they told you - often the words of the departed not only turn out to be prophetic, but also carry a ready-made guide to action.

If you are tormented by nightmares on the days indicated above, this is an occasion to carefully analyze your life and try to understand what you are doing wrong, what you are mistaken about or what mistakes you are making. And, accordingly, try to fix it. Otherwise, very soon the wrong direction of movement will cause major troubles or troubles. True, there is one nuance here - if alcoholic libations and overeating always cause you disturbing dreams, then don’t be scared right away, but fast for one day, see what they “show” you, and only then draw the appropriate conclusions.

You should not leave without attention the mood in which you wake up on the above days. That is, try to remember what impression your dreams leave behind - this also affects the interpretation and the tone of the predictions. For example, if you saw a frightening dream, but at the same time woke up in a great mood, it means that either unpleasant events will turn into positive changes, or the symbols of sleep should be interpreted exactly the opposite.

Shine, lights, loud sounds in New Year's and Christmas dreams do not carry such significant meaning as at other times - there is too much of this in reality - tinsel, fireworks, crackers, garlands - and all this without a twinge of conscience enters our dreams, without carrying any semantic load.

In the same way, you should not expect immediate profit after dreams in which you are very, very fat - this is the body and subconscious mind reacting to an abundance of goodies, that is, the calorie counter turns on, and fear of gaining weight begins to “talk” in your dreams.

Prophetic dreams and symbolic dreams. How to distinguish and what to do

Dreams that come in the "New Year's time" are divided into prophetic - those that come true "word for word", and symbolic - vague, incomprehensible, requiring competent decoding and based on a set of characters. It depends on whether the event is already defined or you have just started building the prerequisites for some event to happen.

In the first case, dreams are understandable, they relate to a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200byour life, real people participate in them, actions and actions are performed that can actually happen. And the probability that everything will happen, that everything will be as you saw in your dream, is somewhere around 95%, that is, you only have a small chance to fix something or at least correct it if you orient yourself in time .

But in the second case, dreams can be completely fantastic. You can easily find yourself in some kind of surreal world, encounter strangers or strange creatures, you can do those things that you never did in reality. But you, one might say, are the mistress of the situation, that is, it depends only on your future actions whether the symbols that you saw in a dream will become reality. Therefore, if something does not suit you in them, if after interpreting the images you were horrified and clutched your head, then immediately start changing course - perhaps you have set yourself a goal that leads to the abyss, or you are trying to achieve a person who will bring you to your life pain, loss, chaos and devastation. Or maybe you were going to start some business that, having taken your strength, time and money, will not bear any fruit. Therefore, translate the symbolic language from the "enraged reality" into a language that is understandable to you (using a dream book, or by contacting a specialist) and act according to the interpretation.

Be attentive to your dreams, which will surely come to you on New Year's Eve, Christmas, Christmas Eve, Christmas time and Epiphany. But do not be afraid of them - they are usually just tips, following which you can avoid many troubles. The main thing is to adequately respond to what you see in a dream on such symbolic days and nights. Do not let the events with which your dreams will be associated take their course, and then everything will be fine for you. Have a nice dream!