The population of the largest city in the world. The largest cities in the world by area: rating, list, description and features

In addition to the wonders of nature, our planet abounds with man-made wonders - created by mankind. These, no doubt, include the largest cities in the world - the grandiose capitals, occupying an area of ​​​​thousands of square kilometers, and the most densely populated cities, where tens of millions of people live.

The largest cities in the world by area

In the first place in the list of the largest cities by territory is New York. New Yorkers like to call their city "the capital of the world" - and in a sense they have every right to do so, because New York, being the largest city in the world, covers an area of ​​​​8683 square kilometers.

The second largest city in the world by area is Tokyo, the capital of Japan. A record 33.2 million people live in an area of ​​6,993 square kilometers, making Tokyo also the largest city in terms of population density and population.

In addition, the Japanese capital is distinguished by very expensive accommodation - the cost of living in Tokyo is much higher than in other capitals of the world.

The top three in the list of the largest cities in terms of area in the world is closed by another American city - Chicago, whose area is 5498 square kilometers.

In the photo: the famous skyscrapers-"giants" of Chicago

Chicago boasts many interesting facilities - for example, O'Hare International Airport, the second largest airport in the world served by passengers. And in Chicago, once was born Michael Jordan, the legendary basketball player, known even to those who are not fond of this sport at all.

In the photo: O'Hare Airport in Chicago, one of the largest airports in the world

In the top five largest cities in the world in terms of territory were two more American cities - Dallas (3,644 square kilometers) and Houston (3,355 square kilometers).

22.6 million people (!) come to Dallas annually - for work or for tourism purposes. Indeed, there is a lot to see in the fourth largest city in the world - from the giant Cowboys Stadium, so tall that even the entire Statue of Liberty could fit there, to one of the first copies of the American Declaration of Independence, which is kept in the local public library.

In the photo: the famous Dallas Cowboys stadium

Houston, the fifth largest in the world, is located in Texas, the oil capital of the United States. Like the rest of the largest cities in the world, Houston boasts many attractions. Here, for example, is the Lyndon Johnson Space Center, where you can go on a tour and even have lunch with the astronauts who train at the center.

Surprisingly, apart from Tokyo, there is not a single city in Europe or Asia in the ranking of the ten largest cities in the world. The first European city on the list is only 14th, Paris, with an area of ​​2,723 square kilometers, while Düsseldorf, Germany, is in 15th place with an area of ​​2,642 square kilometers. Moscow, the largest city in Russia in terms of area, occupies only a modest 23rd place in the list of the largest cities on the planet with an area of ​​2,150 square kilometers.

The largest cities in the world by population

The fact that the city is distinguished by its large area does not mean that it occupies any noticeable place in the list of the largest cities in the world in terms of population. In the ranking of the 10 largest cities on the planet Earth in terms of the number of American cities living there is none at all, and Shanghai, the largest city in China (and, at the same time, the whole world), takes the honorable first place.

As of October 2014, 24,150,000 people permanently live in Shanghai - that is, there are almost 4 people per square kilometer. This is an extremely modest indicator: for comparison, in Tokyo, which ranks second in the list of the largest cities in the world in terms of area, the population density is almost 15 people per square kilometer.

In second place in the list of the largest cities in the world in terms of population is Karachi - the largest city in Pakistan, but, surprisingly, not the capital of the country. Karachi has a population of 23.5 million as of 2014 and a population density of 6.6 per square kilometer.

Once Karachi, the largest city in the world by population, was a modest fishing village of a few hundred people. In just over 150 years, the number of city residents has increased hundreds of thousands of times. For a not too long history, Karachi managed to visit the capital of Pakistan - until Islamabad, the modern capital of the country, was built in 1960.

Another Chinese "giant" is Beijing, with a population of 21 million and 150 thousand inhabitants. Unlike Shanghai and Karachi, which are the economic, trade centers of their countries, Beijing is the capital of China in every sense: culturally, educationally, and administratively.

More than 50% of the world's population are city dwellers. Based on the fact that 7 billion people live on the planet, there are approximately 50 people for every square kilometer of the earth's surface. However, there are places where the accuracy of people is amazing. For example, the largest favela in Rio de Janeiro has a density of 48,000 people per sq. km.

We present you the top 10 largest cities in the world in terms of population. All the given data on the number of citizens are taken from Wikipedia, Worldatlas and other open sources and are relevant for 2017.

Population: 13.5 million people

Guangzhou is the educational, economic, technological and cultural center of southern China. Its location on the banks of the Pearl River has contributed to its growth as an important port city.

The population of Guangzhou is replenished mainly by foreign emigrants, as well as illegal migrants from the countries of the Middle East, Southeast Asia and Eastern Europe. Thanks to this, the city has earned a reputation as the "capital of the Third World".

Population: 13.7 million people

Japan's capital is known for its modern design, dedication to cutting-edge technology and crowded streets. In 2010, a population boom began in Tokyo and for the first time in its history, the population exceeded 13 million people. The city authorities attributed the population growth to the intensive construction of condominiums and the increase in the number of foreigners.

Population: 14.8 million people

Istanbul is a tourist city that attracts visitors from all over the world. However, in addition to this, it serves as the focus of the Turkish economy.

Now the construction of the new Istanbul Airport is in full swing, which will be able to receive 150 million passengers a year. It should become the largest airport in the world. The opening of the new air harbor is scheduled for 2018. After that, the old Ataturk Airport will be closed.

Population: 15.1 million people

The commercial center of his country and one of the fastest growing African cities. Lagos is also famous for being the center of Nollywood (Nigerian film industry).

Population: 15.4 million people

Tianjin is located in the northern coastal zone of China and has over 15 million inhabitants.

It is curious that in this Chinese port city until 1919 there was a post office of Russia. Or rather, the Russian Empire.

Population: 16.7 million people

Delhi is an ancient city located in northern India. According to the UN forecast, by 2030 the population of Delhi will grow by almost 10 million people.

Population: 21.5 million people

By 2030, the population of the Chinese capital may reach 27 million people. And as the cultural center of China, Beijing boasts seven UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

In addition, Beijing has established itself as an industrial sector since the communist revolution in 1949. Automobiles, textiles, aerospace and semiconductors are just a few of the products that are produced in this city.

Population: 23.5 million people

It is hard to imagine that once this multi-million dollar city was a small fishing village. Currently, Karachi is the economic and industrial center of Pakistan and its population is constantly growing, mainly due to migrants from various countries of South Asia.

Karachi has a reputation as a center of higher education in South Asia and the Muslim world.

Population: 24.2 million people

Shanghai's population is expected to reach 50 million by 2050, driven by economic growth and rapid urbanization.

Population: 53.2 million people

The largest city in terms of population is one of the 5 national central cities of the People's Republic of China (PRC) and is located in southwest China.

Such a large number of residents is due to the huge number of migrant workers, many of whom live in Chongqing for less than 6 months a year. At the same time, less than 7 million people live in the urbanized area of ​​the metropolis.

For comparison: 12.4 million people live in Moscow. And taking into account the Moscow region - 16 million.

Like the rest of China, Chongqing has a demographic problem. While the labor force is still fueled by economic growth, the effects of the one-child policy have taken their toll. The labor force is shrinking, while the elderly population is growing exponentially. As one analyst said, China could be the first major country to get old before it gets rich.

The largest city in the world in terms of population has a large gap between born boys and girls under 20, and this threatens to cause problems in the future. For example, this can cause a drop in the birth rate and, accordingly, a shortage of labor. But the majority of Chongqing women are unlikely to face the fate of remaining an old maid "with 40 cats."

The largest cities in the world by area

Many Russians to the question "what is the largest city in the world?" proudly answer: "Moscow". And they will be wrong. Although the Russian capital is the largest metropolis in Europe both in area (2,561 km2) and in terms of population, it is inferior in size to foreign million-plus cities.

We present you the largest cities in the world, if the territory controlled by the city administration is taken as the main parameter.

Area: 9,965 km²

Most (namely, 60%) of the capital of the Republic of the Congo is occupied by sparsely populated rural areas. However, it is included in the administrative boundaries of the city. Crowded, but small urban areas are located in the west of the province.

Kinshasa is among the cities with the most large quantity French-speaking population (in the first place, of course, Paris). And if the current demographic situation continues, then in 2020 Kinshasa will surpass Paris in terms of the number of inhabitants.

Area: 9,990 km²

In Australia, one of the most urbanized countries in the world, 89.01% of the population lives in urban areas. With 4.44 million people living in Melbourne, it is only slightly behind number seven on the list. But all the big Australian cities have one thing in common - they are located near the coastline. The coastal areas encouraged the growth of the first European settlements, which quickly developed into modern bustling metropolitan areas.

Area: 11,943 km²

Tianjin - the "commercial gateway" of Beijing - began to develop as a trading center after the Grand Canal was built during the Sui Dynasty.

The city especially grew during the reign of the Qing Dynasty, and during the existence of the Republic of China. The most dynamically developing sector of the urban economy is the seaport of Tianjin.

Rosneft and China National Petroleum Corporation have also agreed to build an oil refinery in Tianjin. The signing of the construction schedule became known back in 2014. The start-up of the plant is scheduled for 2019.

Area: 12,367 km²

The city of 4.84 million expanded rapidly following the development of the Harbor Bridge. Its residential areas are surrounded by beautiful national parks. And on the extremely indented coastline there was a place for numerous beaches, bays, coves and islands.

Area: 12,390 km²

The city, which was once famous for its brocade, and at one time was the capital of China, in addition to its impressive size, boasts the world's largest Buddha statue. The height of the Big Buddha, carved into the rock, is 71 meters. According to the locals, "Gradually, the mountain becomes the Buddha, and the Buddha becomes the mountain."

Area: 15,061 km²

Once the capital of the state of Eritrea was 4 villages founded in the 12th century. And now it is the largest city in the country, which is called the "New Rome" due to the Italian spirit in architecture. In 2017, Asmara was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

The name of the metropolis was previously pronounced as Asmara - "flowering forest" in translation from the Tigrinya language.

Area: 15,826 km²

The administrative center (and once the capital) of the state of Queensland was not always a city. He "gathered" from 20 separate municipalities and acquired the status of a city in 1925.

Now Brisbane is the fastest growing Australian city, and at the same time one of the most multinational in the world.

Area: 16,411 km²

More than 20 million people live in the capital of China. The Beijing urban area diverges in circles that are between the concentric ring roads of the city. The largest of them is the Sixth Ring Road, which runs even through the satellite cities of the Chinese capital.

In 2020, Beijing will host guests and participants of the Winter Olympics, and in 2008 it hosted the Summer Games.

Area: 16,847 km²

During the Southern Song Dynasty, Hangzhou was the most populated city in the world. It is still rather big, the number of citizens has exceeded 8 million people.

The city is famous for its natural beauty and tea plantations. As the Chinese proverb says, “There is heaven in heaven, and on earth there is Suzhou and Hangzhou.”

Area: 82,403 km²

The largest and most populated city in the world is Chongqing. Most of the population lives outside the urbanized zone, the size of which is 1,473 km². And the total area of ​​the city, together with suburban and rural areas, corresponds to the size of Austria.

There are a huge number of different large cities on our planet. And in this article we will talk about the largest cities in the world in terms of population.

1. Tokyo, 37.5 million people.

The capital of Japan, Tokyo, is currently the largest city in the world with a population of 37.5 million. It contains multiple cultural, financial and industrial centers throughout the country. It is located in the southeastern part of the island of Honshu.

2. Jakarta, 29.9 million people

The capital of Indonesia, Jakarta, confidently ranks second in the ranking. More than 29.9 million people live in the city, located on the coast of the island of Java.

3. Delhi, 24.1 million people

One of the few cities that can boast of its historical value and together with this population of 24.1 million people is the Indian capital of Delhi. Throughout the territory there is a huge number of monuments, ancient architectural structures and places of cultural heritage. More than 60 thousand of them belong to places of world importance.

4. Seoul, 22.9 million people

In fourth place is the capital of South Korea - Seoul. At the moment, 22.9 million people live there. The city is one of the largest industrial and financial centers located on the Hangang River. In addition, 5 palaces of the Joseon Dynasty can be found on its territory.

5. Manila, 22.7 million people

The Philippines is one of the most densely populated countries in the entire world. Therefore, it is not surprising that its capital - Manila - is one of the largest cities in the world with a population of 22.7 million people.

6. Shanghai, 22.6 million people

In this rating, of course, China cannot but be located. However, instead of the capital of the state, Shanghai, a financial center of world importance, got into the rating. In addition, the entire Chinese elite is located here, as well as all culture and fashion are concentrated - the center of the social life of the whole country.

7. Karachi, 21.5 million people

The Pakistani port city of Karachi is not only the main concentration of all corporations in the country, but is also one of the largest cities in the world. It is home to about 21.5 million people. At the same time, Karachi is also considered an important center of higher education in the Islamic world.

8. New York, 20.6 million people

The American city of New York is known throughout the world for its multiple financial, economic, architectural and political centers of the country. 20.6 million people live on its territory. In addition to financial and economic centers, the city is the most important cultural asset that has made a significant contribution to world cinema and theater.

9. Mexico City, 20.3 million people

Mexico City is the capital of Mexico and also the largest city in the world. The city is home to 20.3 million people. Mexico City is the main cultural, economic and political center for the country. The city itself was built on the site of the ruined city of the ancient Aztecs, who were destroyed by the Spanish conquerors. One of the main problems of the city is overcrowding, which is expressed in constant transport collapses.

10. Sao Paulo, 20.2 million people

Closes the ranking of the largest cities in the capital of Brazil - Sao Paulo. The city is the largest settlement in the entire southern hemisphere of the Earth - 20.2 million people live in it. It is considered one of the most modern cities, which is completely built up with business centers, skyscrapers, high-rise buildings, etc.

AT recent times more and more people prefer to live in urban areas. The largest city in the world in terms of area, Chongqing has a population in 2010 of about 28 million people. According to various estimates, about half of the world's population now lives in cities. At the same time, the total area of ​​the world's cities is not so large - just over 1% of the land area.

Modern urbanization, that is, the process of growth of cities and urban population, began in the middle of the twentieth century and especially affected developing countries. It is characterized not only by the growth of the population, but also by the growth of cities, the formation of large agglomerations. This leads to the fact that modern megacities become colossal in size, which is confirmed if we consider the largest cities.

The largest cities in the world

There may be several answers to the question of which is the largest city in the world in terms of area. The reason for this is the uncertainty of the borders and the very concept of “city”. However, the Chinese Chongqing is considered the generally accepted record holder, which extends over 82,400 km 2, which is comparable to the area of ​​Austria. On the site of this city, people began to settle, according to local archaeologists, as early as 3000 years ago.

It is not surprising, because it is in this place that the Jialing River flows into the Yangtze, and to the west of the city lies the Red Pool - the breadbasket of China. Among other things, the city is surrounded by three mountain ranges like a fortress wall: Dabashan in the north, Wushan in the east and Dalushan in the south. Despite the fact that the process of urbanization is in full swing, only about 2% of the territory is urban development with all the characteristics of the city, while most of it is in suburban and rural areas. That is why in terms of population it is not even included in the top twenty largest cities on the planet.

In recent years, China has been developing rapidly. Therefore, it is not surprising that the largest cities in the world are located here. Not only the aforementioned Chongqing, but also the largest in terms of population, Shanghai, which is ahead of Tokyo in its growth. The largest city is also located in this country and is its capital.

Beijing extends over 16,800 km2 and, unlike Chongqing, is heavily urbanized and constantly growing. In early 2005, the government adopted a plan that aims to halt the city's sprawl in all directions by concentrating it in two semi-circular lanes to the west and east of the city centre. The example of Beijing clearly shows the negative aspects of growth and increasing urbanization: traffic jams, air pollution, violation and destruction of architectural monuments.

The famous Beijing smog has become the hallmark of the city along with the Forbidden City. Traffic jams in Beijing are no longer inferior to those in Moscow, despite the fact that the number of cars in relation to the population there is much less. The city is not saved by the constant expansion of highways, the construction of new roads and the introduction of more stringent parking and travel rules in various urban areas.

China in the future has every chance of becoming a leading country in urban planning. In recent years, the PRC government has been talking about the need to increase the level of consumption within the country for economic growth. This requires urbanization and migration to cities from rural areas. Therefore, it is not surprising that it is here that the largest cities in the world are located, which will continue to grow in the future.

Already now, ahead of time, the country is developing construction technologies and implementing various projects to optimize urban space and improve the quality of life of the population. And the cities themselves and urban areas are being built ahead of schedule. This has led to the fact that the largest ghost town in the world is located in one and a half billion China.

New Ordos is the largest city with high-rise buildings and developed infrastructure, but without a population. It extends over 355 km 2 and is designed for more than 1 million inhabitants. People actually live there, but there are not many of them - according to various estimates, from 30 to 100 thousand. This does not prevent the university, libraries, municipal services, public transport and even the tourist office from fully working. All this is here and even functions, except perhaps for no one.

But local officials do not despair and gradually move people from the surrounding villages to city apartments, reviving the city. This is generally characteristic of Chinese ghost towns: they are gradually filled with people, because every year about 10 million people move to cities. The most typical example is Shanghai's Pudong district, which has become a landmark of the country thanks to its futuristic skyscrapers. Even 15 years ago, it was an abandoned city. Now it houses many offices, shopping centers.

There are more than 200 different countries in the world, in which there is a huge variety of urban settlements, differing from each other in area and population. In our article you can get acquainted with the list of the largest world cities.

Rating by area


Chongqing is a large and ancient city in China, even though it is not the capital of this country. Its area is 82400 sq. km, so it is among the top most densely populated cities in the world. Chongqing was built about 3000 thousand years ago. The architecture of Chongqing is quite peculiar and unique, because it combines two eras at once: modern skyscrapers and buildings, as well as ancient buildings and structures of the Ming and Qing dynasties (for example, the rock reliefs of Dazu, the temple of the arhats, the Diaoyu fortress, Furong cave). Chongqing has a fairly developed infrastructure, there are about 5 automobile manufacturing plants, many small factories, famous world companies.



Hangzhou is one of the provincial cities of China, located 200 km from Shanghai. Hangzhou ranks second in terms of area - 16,900 sq. km. Currently, this city is the main supplier of tea in all of China; the main number of tea plantations in the country is concentrated here. Also, when coming here, you can look at the unique Xihu Lake, visit natural parks and reserves, for example, the National Tea Museum, the flower and fish contemplation park, Songchen Park, as well as historical architectural monuments - the city's railway station, Liuhe Six Harmonies Pagoda, Baochu Pagoda .



Beijing is the capital of the People's Republic of China, as well as the third largest city in the world - 16801 sq. km. Beijing is the largest railway and road junction, the largest political, economic and historical center of the country. The architecture of the city is striking in its diversity: here you can see a huge number of ancient buildings, monuments and national parks, for example, the Forbidden City, the Temple of Heaven, the National Museum of China, the summer imperial palace, the Beijing TV tower.



Brisbane is the largest Australian city with a total area of ​​15,800 sq. km, located in the state of Queensland on the banks of the Brisbane River of the same name. This city is considered an important economic center. The architecture of Brisbane combines modern houses and skyscrapers, as well as an old colonial style. Here you can see, for example: the Story Bridge, the Brisbane Botanical Garden, the island of sunken ships, the Sir Thomas Brisbane Planetarium.



Sydney is a large administrative, political and economic center of Australia with a total area of ​​12,200 sq. km, located on the southeastern shore of Sydney Harbor Bay, which is part of the Tasman Sea. This city is the capital of the state of New South Wales. The architecture of Sydney is made in the colonial style, but there are also modern monuments and buildings, as in any other metropolis. In Sydney you can see, for example: the Opera House, the house of Queen Victoria, the Royal Botanic Gardens, the Maritime Museum, the Taronga Zoo.



Melbourne is the capital of the state of Victoria, Australia. The total area of ​​the settlement is 10,000 sq. km. Melbourne is located in the southern part of the country on the banks of the Yarra River. The city is the "sports and cultural" center of Australia. Melbourne's architecture combines Victorian and modern styles. Tourists can visit many museums, national parks, gardens, see the most beautiful buildings and structures, for example: the ring tram, the Royal Botanical Garden, an open zoo, Federation Square, a monument of memory, princess theater.



Kinshasa is the capital of the Republic of the Congo, located on the banks of the Congo River. The area of ​​the city is 9960 sq. km. About 60% of the urban area is occupied by poor rural buildings, as well as green spaces. Tourists visiting Kinshasa can visit the following attractions: Albertine Rift Crater Lakes, Bonobo Chimpanzee Nursery, Lukaya Park, Kinsuka Falls.



Naypyidaw is the capital of Myanmar, located near the former capital city of Yangon. The total area of ​​the urban district is 7060 sq. km. Naypyidaw's informal name is "Royal Country". The architecture of the city is built in a typical Asian style. The main historical monument is the "Golden Tower" - a Buddhist temple. Also tourists can visit: Mahabodhi temple, zoological garden, botanical park.



Istanbul is located on the shores of the Bosphorus Strait and is one of the largest cities in Turkey, with a total area of ​​5461 sq. km. This city is considered the former capital of the Roman and Byzantine empires. Istanbul is a famous tourist center. There are a huge number of palaces, mosques, historical churches and other places of magnificent beauty, for example: Hagia Sophia, the Blue Mosque, the Suleymaniye Mosque, the Golden Horn, the Bosphorus.



Anchorage is a city located in the state of Alaska, USA. The area of ​​the city territory is 4415 sq. km. Anchorage is the northernmost city in the United States and is the largest transportation hub. The main attractions of Anchorage are: the deer farm, the village of Ekluta, the headquarters of the Iditarod.



Karachi is a major port in the southern part of Pakistan with a total area of ​​3530 sq. km. Karachi is the financial, banking and industrial center of the country. Several automobile plants, textile factories are located here, and publishing activities are well developed. The main tourist places of the city of Karachi are: St. Patrick's Cathedral, the railway station, the Three Swords monument, the Ranikot Fort.



Moscow is the capital of the Russian Federation with an area of ​​2500 sq. km. The city is a major economic, industrial and educational center of the country. In Moscow, you can visit quite a lot of interesting and unique historical places, for example: Red Square, the Kremlin, the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, the Bolshoi Theater, the Circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard, Novy and Stary Arbat.


Ranking by population


Shanghai is one of the most populous cities in China, with a population of 24.1 million. Shanghai is located on the banks of the Yangtze River in the eastern part of the country. The city is one of the most important economic, industrial and cultural centers of China, as well as the world's largest seaport. Famous sights of Shanghai are, for example: the Oriental Pearl TV Tower, the French Quarter, the Bund, the Jin Mao Tower.



Lima is the capital of Peru, located on the Pacific Ocean at the foot of the Andes. The population is 11.9 million people. Lima is the economic, political, cultural and historical center of the country. The city has a well-developed tourism industry. Millions of tourists from all over the world come here every year. The main attractions of Lima are: the Cathedral, the Lima balconies, the government palace, the Larco Museum, the University of San Marcos, the memorial cemetery.


Sao Paulo

Sao Paulo or "Latin American Chicago" is a city located in the southeastern part of Brazil, with a population of 10.8 million people. São Paulo was formed by a group of Jesuits (members of the Catholic society). The city is named after the Apostle Paul. Sao Paulo has a huge number of modern skyscrapers, offices, industrial zones, as well as various architectural monuments and reserves (the most popular are the Singing Sands, the Cathedral, the Butantan Reserve).

Sao Paulo

mexico city

Mexico City is the capital of Mexico with a population of 8.8 million. This city is the main political, economic and cultural center of the country. Mexico City is a very beautiful and colorful city, which is rich in a wide variety of attractions, for example: the Palace of Fine Arts, Chapultepec Palace, Constitution Square, the Cathedral of Mexico City, the Basilica of the Virgin Mary of Guadalupe, the National Palace.

mexico city

New York

New York is a large US city located on the Atlantic Ocean. The population is 8.5 million people. New York City is sometimes referred to as the "Big Apple" and is an important economic, industrial, and tourist center. The most popular cultural and historical sites of the city are: the Statue of Liberty, the Manhattan district, the central station, the central park, Broadway street, Brighton Beach.

New York


Bogotá is the capital of Colombia and one of the oldest cities in the country. The number of inhabitants is 8 million people. The city is divided into 4 main areas: northern, southern, central and El Occidente (part of Bogota, which is inhabited exclusively by wealthy people and billionaires). Most popular places: National Museum of Colombia, Bogota Cathedral, Faenza Theatre, José Celestino Mutiz Botanical Garden.



London is the capital of Great Britain, located on the banks of the River Thames. The population is 7.7 million people. London is the world's leading financial, industrial and cultural center. The main attractions of the city are: Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, British Museum, Tower Bridge, London Eye Ferris wheel, Tower, Westminster Abbey.


Rio de Janeiro

Rio de Janeiro is one of the major cities in Brazil with a population of 6.4 million. "Rio" is located on the coast of the Guanabar Bay, which flows into the Atlantic Ocean. Rio de Janeiro is a city of colors, carnivals, dances and endless smiles. The main attractions of the city are included in the list of objects protected by the World Organization of UNESCO: the statue of Jesus Christ, Sugar Loaf Mountain, Copacabana Beach.

Rio de Janeiro

St. Petersburg

St. Petersburg is the "northern" capital of Russia, one of the top largest cities in the country. The population is 5.3 million people. St. Petersburg is rich in history, only here a huge number of architectural monuments built in the style of early classicism and modernity have been collected. The most famous places in the city are: the Catherine Palace, the Winter Palace, the Church of the Intercession on Blood, the Kazan Cathedral, the Hermitage, the cruiser Aurora, Peterhof.

St. Petersburg


Barcelona is the capital of the autonomous republic of Catalonia, Spain. The population is 2 million people. The city is also the largest Mediterranean port and a tourist center in Europe. In Barcelona you can enjoy the views: Sagrada Familia, Park Güell, Tibidabo, Casa Batllo, National Palace, Casa Mila.


In our article, you got acquainted with the largest cities in the world in terms of area, as well as in terms of population. We also described the most famous sights of each city, which are usually visited by tourists.