Is it possible to completely cure tuberculosis of the closed type. True or myth: is tuberculosis treated or not? Folk methods of treatment

Tuberculosis responds fairly well to treatment, but it can take a long time. Basically, the course of treatment lasts about six months. The patient begins to be treated in a tuberculosis hospital and ends at home. Sometimes the disease develops without any prerequisites for this and the symptoms are not pronounced. This leads to the fact that the disease is diagnosed in an already neglected state. That is why a number of steps have been taken at the legislative level so that a person undergoes a preventive examination every year. Tuberculosis can be cured, but for this you should follow all the doctor's recommendations.


The source of tuberculosis is Koch's wand. The spread of mycobacteria occurs by airborne droplets. The main reason for the spread of the disease is people who suffer from an open form of tuberculosis. Infection can occur when talking, coughing and sneezing. There is a high probability of becoming infected through products that have not undergone heat treatment - these are milk, eggs and meat products. You can also get sick if you used dishes, towels or other accessories of a sick person. Most often, the disease affects the lungs, but there are also cases when other organs suffer from Koch's wand.

To fully recover from the disease, you need to start the treatment prescribed by the doctor in a timely manner. It is important that the patient eats well during treatment, using vitamins and minerals in sufficient quantities.

For the timely detection of the disease, adults should undergo an annual fluorography, and the Mantoux test is shown to the children.

Clinical picture

Tuberculosis responds well to treatment, but therapy should be started as early as possible. A disease of 3-4 degrees is treated worse than 1-2. In order to recognize the disease in a timely manner, it is necessary to know the main symptoms. Should be alert:

  • Violent cough or regular coughing, often with viscous sputum that contains blood.
  • The person quickly gets tired, abnormal weakness is felt.
  • Appetite is reduced or absent altogether, the patient's weight is rapidly decreasing.
  • A tuberculosis patient sweats profusely, especially at night. The sweat is profuse and cold.
  • Body temperature is kept at subfebrile levels, but for a long time.
  • A characteristic so-called feverish gleam appears in the patient's eyes.

The prognosis of the disease depends on the general state of the immune system. For the timely detection of sick children, a Mantoux test is done, and adults undergo fluorography.

If you observe at least one of the listed symptoms for a long time, you should consult a doctor. If Koch's bacillus is detected, then an additional sputum sample is taken from the patient to determine the sensitivity of the pathogen to drugs.

Reliable protection against tuberculosis is possible only with the help of BCG vaccination. The first vaccination is given to children already in the maternity hospital, and then revaccination is carried out according to age.

Can tuberculosis be cured?

It is quite possible to recover from pulmonary tuberculosis, although it will take a lot of time. But even despite the modern development of medicine and the availability of various methods of treating this insidious disease, tuberculosis remains a deadly disease. In general, tuberculosis can be cured by taking special antimicrobial drugs that help the body fight the pathogen.

Even 15 years ago, when asked whether tuberculosis can be cured, doctors gave a positive answer. At that time, this dangerous disease was actually defeated and questions in the treatment were rare. But now phthisiatricians are faced with a new problem. Mycobacterium began to mutate and developed resistance to many previously effective drugs. Therefore, it has become much more difficult to choose a comprehensive, and most importantly effective treatment.

Now the treatment regimen for tuberculosis has been significantly adjusted. To permanently get rid of Koch's bacillus, the patient needs to take several strong antimicrobials at the same time. Treatment is selected by the doctor individually, depending on the severity of the patient's condition and the characteristics of the course of the disease.

If the patient follows all the recommendations of the doctor and takes medications according to the scheme prescribed by the specialist, then in most cases the prognosis is good. Due to such therapy, it is possible to cope even with resistant forms of the disease.

Features of treatment

Just a hundred years ago, consumption was considered a deadly disease, and treatment was hampered by the lack of effective drugs. Now the pharmaceutical industry has stepped far forward, so it has become easier to fight tuberculosis. But it should be understood that the treatment will be quite long and will take more than one month. Especially difficult to treat advanced cases of the disease.

The main treatment is aimed at fighting the infection and restoring the body. In addition, during the recovery period, all activities are aimed at the speedy restoration of the patient's ability to work and his status.

If the case is very severe and the disease is already very advanced, then there may be no talk of a complete cure. In this case, the patient is prescribed medications that can slightly alleviate the symptoms and prolong life. In some cases, such patients can even partially restore working capacity.

Treatment of lymphodiosis tuberculosis can be considered effective if the following conditions are met:

  • The clinical and laboratory symptoms of the disease gradually decrease.
  • According to the results of the analyzes carried out, one can see the absence of bacterial excretion.
  • According to the results of the x-ray, it is noticeable that the foci are significantly reduced.
  • A person is gradually restored to working capacity.

To cure a patient of tuberculosis, it is necessary to prescribe several anti-tuberculosis drugs at the same time. Preliminarily, a number of diagnostic measures are carried out aimed at determining the sensitivity of the pathogen to a particular drug. Prescribe treatment taking into account such data:

  • Age and body weight.
  • General health and a history of chronic pathologies.
  • Features of the course of the disease.
  • Indicators of the population of mycobacteria in the body.
  • The clinical picture of the disease.

It will take a very long time to treat tuberculosis. The recovery process is especially delayed if the disease has an extrapulmonary form. To fully recover from pulmonary tuberculosis, an integrated approach should be followed. The following factors are very important:

Previously, pulmonary tuberculosis was treated according to a three-component system. The patient was prescribed Streptomycin, Isoniazid and para-aminosalicylic acid. Now such a treatment regimen is considered ineffective, therefore, a four-component or five-component regimen is resorted to. In the first case, the doctor prescribes Rifampicin, Kanamycin, Ftivazid and Pyrazinamide. If the treatment regimen is five-component, then the patient is additionally prescribed drugs from the group of fluoroquinols.

In most cases, tuberculosis is cured completely and no longer reminds of itself. To increase the effectiveness of treatment, additional methods should be used, which include:

  • Rational nutrition containing only natural and fresh products.
  • Treatment of anemia and leukopenia.
  • Measures aimed at normalizing the patient's weight.
  • Activities aimed at strengthening the immune system.
  • Breathing exercises.
  • Rest in health resorts located in a pine forest.

It will take a lot of time to fully recover. You can recover, but only by following all the prescriptions of specialists. Only a couple of months the patient will be treated in a closed anti-tuberculosis dispensary, after the indicators stabilize a little, the treatment continues on an outpatient basis. Surgical treatment is used extremely rarely, since the effectiveness of this method in most cases is low.

Even after the operation, the patient must take anti-tuberculosis drugs for some time.

Folk methods of treatment

By agreement with the doctor, it is possible to supplement medical treatment with traditional medicine methods.

In the treatment of tuberculosis, drugs prepared on the basis of birch tar help well. If desired, you can simply drink tar 2 drops per day.

Tuberculosis is curable, especially in the early stages. If the disease is severely neglected, then the patient will need a very long, complex treatment, using medicines and traditional medicine. On average, treatment takes up to six months.

There are many treatments for TB, yet people continue to die.

So is TB curable, is the disease deadly, and how effective is the treatment?

Despite prevention, vaccination against tuberculosis and modern methods of early diagnosis, new infections are constantly recorded. Why is it so difficult to completely get rid of this disease?

Causes of tuberculosis

It is also useful to inflate balloons.

You can treat tuberculosis at home only after consulting with your doctor, under his supervision.

It is necessary to consult a doctor at the first signs of the disease: fatigue, prolonged cough, feverish gleam of the eyes and a painful blush should alert.

The disease cannot be ignored. If you do not take measures to treat tuberculosis, then it will continue to destroy the body, progressing. Illness or complications can cause death.

Disease prevention

To avoid undergoing a course of treatment for tuberculosis, it is recommended to carry out its prevention.

Vaccination is a preventive measure. The use of the BCG vaccine contributes to the development of an immune response without infecting the child. The duration of immunity is 5 years.

Adults are advised to undergo an examination every year in order to identify signs of illness. When the doctor has the slightest suspicion, the patient takes sputum for analysis and an x-ray is taken. For a thorough examination of the patient can be sent to the dispensary.

Other preventive measures are the improvement of industrial and residential premises, a healthy lifestyle. Very high risk of TB infection in people with chronic malnutrition.

Interaction with infected patients should be avoided. It is necessary to increase the protective functions of the body by physical exercises, water procedures and hardening.


Tuberculosis is one of the most common infectious diseases. In most cases, the infection affects the lungs, but it can also occur in other parts of the body. In this article, we will look at the main and auxiliary methods of treating tuberculosis.

Diagnostics. At the first stage, tuberculosis may not manifest itself in any way. But over time, the symptoms will definitely appear. These include: dry cough (possibly with bloody sputum), fever, high fever, chest pain, severe weakness, weight loss, increased sweating. In most cases, an x-ray of the lungs is used to detect tuberculosis. A person with suspicious symptoms should first have a chest x-ray. Stationary. Treatment of tuberculosis lasts about six months, and if the virus is resistant to drugs - up to two years. If this disease is detected, the patient is admitted to the hospital for about two months. During this time, doctors manage to prevent the active isolation of tuberculosis bacteria. When the patient ceases to pose a threat to the health of others, he is transferred to outpatient treatment.

Treatment. To combat tuberculosis, there are special drugs that can only be selected by the attending TB doctor. For each patient, individual drugs or combinations of them are selected. The patient must take them for several months while in the hospital. If the drugs do not bring the desired effect, doctors adjust the therapy. They prescribe new drugs or change the route of administration. In the case of a positive effect, the number of drugs used is reduced. Special forms of the disease. Some forms of tuberculosis are resistant to drugs, so treatment is delayed for a longer time. Once every few months, doctors are forced to change therapy and look at the result. In some cases, it is necessary to prescribe potent and expensive drugs. General therapy can cost $10,000-20,000. Self-treatment can result in complete drug resistance of the bacterium, which leads to incurability and death. Proper nutrition. In the treatment of tuberculosis, proper nutrition is of great importance. Doctors recommend eating fresh vegetables and fruits, calcium, milk, butter, eggs, nuts and cheese. As for meat, it is better to exclude it from the diet or eat it in small quantities. It is also recommended to exclude white bread, strong tea and coffee. Alcohol and smoking are strictly prohibited. It is important to take foods to stimulate appetite (in patients it is absent). These include fish oil, curdled milk, rosehip infusion and kefir. Folk recipes. Some folk remedies contribute to the recovery of the disease under the condition of complex treatment:
  • Garlic helps to cope with purulent sputum. Boil a head of garlic and 100 g of beans. The patient should divide these products into two parts and take them during the day. Garlic stops the growth and development of Koch's sticks. The patient is allowed to eat a clove of garlic every two hours.
  • For the following recipe, you will need a mixture of leek juice and honey. Mix these ingredients in equal proportions. The patient needs to take a mixture of 1 tsp. three times a day. This recipe is useful not only for tuberculosis, but also for bronchitis, pneumonia and other respiratory diseases.
  • Aloe is a unique plant that helps with tuberculosis. Grind the leaves of a medicinal plant and fill them with boiled water in a ratio of 1:3. After a few hours, juice is formed. Add 300 g of honey and 500 g of chopped walnuts to the strained juice. Stir the mixture thoroughly. The patient should take it three times a day thirty minutes before meals and drink it with warm milk.

Drug treatment takes a long time, so for a speedy recovery it is important to fight the disease in all ways. The patient is advised to eat right, use folk remedies as an additional therapy, regularly ventilate the room and be in the fresh air.

Despite modern medicine, which has great potential, the question still arises, is tuberculosis treated? This disease is of an infectious nature, and, as you know, infections can be not only dangerous, but also unpredictable. The causative agent of the disease is Koch's wand. It can also be present in the body of animals, it is easily transmitted from domestic cattle. In the external environment, the pathogen may be present for a long time. Dies when boiled and under the influence of ultraviolet rays. Tuberculosis does not accept seasonality and periodicity.

According to clinical manifestations, the disease is divided into 3 categories:

  1. The first group is tuberculosis intoxication in very young children and adolescents.
  2. The second group is tuberculosis of the lungs and other respiratory organs.
  3. The last group includes infectious processes in other organs - the bladder, intestines, prostate, bones, etc.

Symptoms and routes of infection

The main symptoms of tuberculosis:

  • constantly elevated temperature, but not higher than 38 ° C;
  • headache;
  • weight loss;
  • loss of appetite;
  • cough, it can be different: dry and with sputum, as well as with blood impurities;
  • dyspnea;
  • sweating, especially at night.

A sick person becomes irritable, performance decreases. The listed symptoms may not be present, or 2-3 of them appear. It is not always a cough, therefore, if signs of tuberculosis appear, immediately consult a doctor, timely diagnosis of the disease will save you from further consequences.

You can get this infection at any age. Most often, tuberculosis is transmitted by airborne droplets: when a sick person coughs, sneezes or talks. Kissing, sharing utensils with the patient can also cause infection.

Another possible route of transmission of the pathogen is placental. This happens during pregnancy, when the disease is transmitted from mother to fetus. Even if tuberculosis is mild, there is a danger of catching an infection, especially if the contact is long.

Sources of infection:

  • a sick man;
  • meat of a sick animal;
  • milk of sick animals.

Tuberculosis is curable if treated on time. The infection is usually diagnosed in people with weak immunity, drug addicts and alcoholics. In the absence of normal living conditions, hygiene, etc. there is also a risk of contracting tuberculosis. Teenagers who are trying to find new sensations in life without thinking about the consequences are especially susceptible to infection.

Healing conditions

To the question: “Is tuberculosis treated or not?” - you can confidently answer - yes, but subject to its early diagnosis. During this period, the lungs are slightly damaged, therefore, if all doctor's prescriptions are followed, after a certain time, lung functions will be restored.

It is worth remembering that the immune system plays an important role during the recovery period. If the stage of the disease is advanced, then the immune system cannot cope, and therapeutic measures come to a standstill. The person being treated begins to slowly die. Death may occur.

The specialist dealing with this issue must choose the right therapeutic course, which is developed individually for each patient. Several antimicrobial drugs and agents for the healing of affected organs are selected.

Diagnostic measures

To detect the presence of tuberculosis, you will have to undergo a complete examination using the following diagnostic methods:

  1. Tuberculin test, it is also called Mantoux.
  2. Passage of x-rays of the lungs, spine and joints.
  3. Ultrasound examination of the kidneys, bladder, prostate.
  4. MRI and CT.
  5. Bronchoscopy.
  6. General analyzes of urine, blood and feces.

Since the first signs of the disease may go unnoticed, all children and adolescents are given a Mantoux test. During the diagnosis, similar diseases are excluded.

Even with a positive Mantoux reaction, it is necessary to determine exactly where the pathogen is located. It is associated with various forms of tuberculosis. If tuberculosis of the kidneys is detected, there is a possibility of infection of the bladder and prostate. If pulmonary tuberculosis is detected, an analysis is made for the presence of mycobacteria in saliva and sputum from the bronchi.

How to cure pulmonary tuberculosis with medication?

Initially, a course is conducted to recover or to eliminate the progression of the disease (if it is not possible to completely get rid of the disease). Depending on the individual characteristics of the body and its sensitivity to drugs, it will take from 6 months to 2 years.

Due to the fact that a person is a carrier of infection, he is placed in a special hospital for 2-3 months. During this period, doctors seek to stop the active release of microbes, after which the person is transferred to an outpatient regimen.

The usual form of tuberculosis is treated with the following drugs:

  • Isoniazid;
  • Rifampicin;
  • Ethambunol etc.

Drugs are prescribed in a complex in each individual case in different ways. In some cases, medical procedures do not bring the desired results, or the prescribed medications are too weak. Then doctors will be forced to prescribe stronger drugs, this course is called chemotherapy.

With positive dynamics of therapy for 4 months, the patient takes only 2 main drugs - Isoniazid and Rifampicin. After completing the course, repeated tests are given. If Koch's wand is found in them, then the disease acquires a drug-resistant form.

Can resistant pulmonary tuberculosis be cured? It will take several years to heal. This form, albeit with difficulty, is treated. We'll have to pick up drugs from another group. They belong to the 2nd row:

  • Capriomycin;
  • Pask;
  • Entionamide;
  • Cycloserin etc.

It is very important to correctly develop a course of taking these drugs. Therefore, this issue is dealt with by a specialist in this field. Otherwise, tuberculosis in a stable form will remain untreated.

What determines the success of the treatment?

During the treatment period, the nutrition of the patient, as well as maintaining a proper lifestyle, is of great importance. Recovery will come faster if you follow these recommendations:

  1. Stop smoking, especially with the pulmonary variant of tuberculosis.
  2. Exclude the consumption of alcoholic beverages.
  3. After stopping the infection, it is worth doing physical exercises.
  4. Sanatorium treatment is also indicated during the recovery period.

If you return to a healthy lifestyle in time and start treatment in the early stages of the disease, then you should not ask the question, can tuberculosis be cured? The answer will be obvious, just take your time. Cured TB can come back if you don't lead a healthy lifestyle. In addition, a person will be forced to undergo an annual examination for life. But all these activities are in his own interests.

Judging by nutrition, you absolutely do not care about immunity and your body. You are very susceptible to diseases of the lungs and other organs! It's time to love yourself and start getting better. It is urgent to adjust your diet, to minimize fatty, floury, sweet and alcohol. Eat more vegetables and fruits, dairy products. Feed the body with the intake of vitamins, drink more water (precisely purified, mineral). Harden the body and reduce the amount of stress in life.

  • You are prone to lung diseases at an average level.

    So far, it’s good, but if you don’t start taking care of it more carefully, then diseases of the lungs and other organs will not keep you waiting (if there were no prerequisites yet). And frequent colds, intestinal problems and other “charms” of life accompany weak immunity. You should think about your diet, minimize fatty, starchy foods, sweets and alcohol. Eat more vegetables and fruits, dairy products. To nourish the body by taking vitamins, do not forget that you need to drink plenty of water (purified, mineral). Harden your body, reduce the amount of stress in life, think more positively and your immune system will be strong for many years to come.

  • Congratulations! Keep it up!

    You care about your nutrition, health and immune system. Keep up the good work and problems with the lungs and health in general will not bother you for many years to come. Don't forget that this is mainly due to the fact that you eat right and lead a healthy lifestyle. Eat the right and wholesome food (fruits, vegetables, dairy products), do not forget to drink plenty of purified water, harden your body, think positively. Just love yourself and your body, take care of it and it will definitely reciprocate.