Stars at the beauty bachelorette party of Ekaterina Dibrova. Secrets of successful people with Katya Liepa: owner and president of the RHANA corporation Ekaterina Dibrova What does this franchise project give the patient

President of LLC Medical Corporation "RANA" (owner)

She received a higher economic education, graduating with honors from the Moscow Aviation Institute. Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical and Technical Sciences and the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, full member of the International Academy of Sciences, candidate of economic sciences.

He is a member of the Expert Council on Health under the Federation Council Committee on Social Policy.

In 2019, she became the Ambassador of Health Tourism of the CIS countries, authorized by the Business Center for Economic Development of the CIS countries.

He is a member of the All-Russian Organization for Quality as part of the Committee for the Quality of Medical Care of the Russian Federation.

He is a member of the Japanese Medical Society for Clinical Placental Medicine (JSCPM).

She registered her company in December 1999. For more than 20 years she has been the founder and head of RHANA Medical Corporation. The corporation includes: a network of clinics, distribution, a pharmacy, a training center, Laennec-Academy. Dibrova Ekaterina Alexandrovna has been distinguished by an active life position all her life. She is an outstanding, enthusiastic woman who loves people and life. Its interests are inextricably linked with the interests of the nation, namely, to give everyone the opportunity of a new quality of life, active longevity. In search of the best methods and preparations for preserving youth, health and beauty, Ekaterina created a medical institution that brings together the most progressive domestic and foreign developments in the field of anti-aging medicine.

Dibrova Ekaterina Alexandrovna - organizer of medical affairs, co-author of many scientific articles, an active participant and popular speaker at various conferences, such as: International Congress "Health of the Nation - the Strength of the State", All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Health of the Population of the Russian Federation. Problems of legislative support”, Conference “Formation of a healthy lifestyle as a personal and national priority” under the auspices of the Federation Council and others. He is the organizer of regular scientific and practical events, round tables, including in 2010 - the initiator and organizer of the International Scientific Conference "Medicine against Aging" with the participation of the Nobel Prize winner in medicine, Professor Luc Montagnier, leading domestic and foreign scientists and specialists. Laureate of the contest "Persons of the Year-2004" held by the media holding "Sovershenno Sekretno". In 2014, at the reception of business circles, held by the Parliamentary Center “Science-intensive technologies. Intellectual Property” of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Dibrova Ekaterina Alexandrovna was awarded the gold star of Mechnikov I.I. "For an active life position, a fruitful contribution to improving the health of Russians and promoting a healthy lifestyle." Awarded with the State International Ecological Prize "EcoWorld" in the nomination "Ecology and Human Health" for outstanding achievements in the field of environmental protection and environmental safety in the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

In 2018, for active participation in the preparation of the "Eurasian Women's Forum" in St. Petersburg, she was awarded the gratitude of the Chairman of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Matvienko V.I. Also, the President of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences awarded Dibrova E.A. silver medal named after I.P. Pavlov "For contribution to the development of medicine and health care."

It is believed that the Japanese and Europeans are not easy to find a common language because of the difference in mentality. Our heroine managed not only to reach mutual understanding, but also to create a successful business with Eastern colleagues. She was able to transfer the principles of the famous Japanese longevity to Russian soil. In the process, another pleasant bonus was discovered - the general improvement of the body miraculously began to be reflected in appearance.

On the issue of Japanese longevity, some look for a secret in a special style of eating, but they immediately disprove themselves: there are countries with a similar diet, but with much worse average life expectancy. And rice instead of bread, and a limited amount of sweets, and green tea - all this is preached by many nations, but at the same time they cannot boast of such a number of 100-year-old citizens. One of the secrets of Japanese longevity is that in the "Land of the Rising Sun" great importance is attached to biomedicine, including the widely used "Laennec" therapy. What it is?

As they say, there would be no happiness, but misfortune helped: after the tragedy of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the Government of Japan set the task for scientists to develop a drug aimed at restoring the health of the nation. More than 50 years ago, Doctor of Medical and Agricultural Sciences Hieda Kentaro got acquainted with the doctoral dissertation of V.P. Filatov. The young professor was fascinated by the idea of ​​a Russian physiologist. Hieda Kentaro realized that Filatov's approach does not contradict the canons of Eastern healing and in many ways harmonizes with its traditions. This helped him create and bring to life the idea of ​​a placental drug for the treatment of various diseases, putting the body in order, rejuvenation and increasing stress resistance. Not so many years have passed, but today it is the Japanese who are breaking all records of active productive longevity, and largely thanks to Laennec therapy. Of course, proper nutrition, a healthy lifestyle, and a special spiritual mood of the inhabitants of the "Land of the Rising Sun" play an important role.

Ekaterina Dibrova, often visiting Japan with her husband, a doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, a biophysicist, a well-known scientist in the field of oncology, became interested in the secrets of longevity of the Japanese, and when she found out, of course, she wanted to transfer the positive experience to Russian soil. It turned out to be difficult. Firstly, there are differences in the requirements for preparing documents for drug registration, and secondly, it took time and real results to gain the credibility and trust of partners. But Catherine has such a character that the more complex and important the project, the more energy and efficiency it causes in her. As a result, both the authority of her husband in the scientific world and her own good name, earned in the course of international economic activity, helped. But even the most positive recommendations were not a guarantee - before starting cooperation, Japanese colleagues came to Russia and meticulously studied the methods of work of Ekaterina Dibrova. Everything suited them, and now patented procedures are carried out only in the RHANA network of clinics, and among them there are, without exaggeration, revolutionary solutions using placental therapy, apparatus-based face and body care techniques. Today, RHANA Corporation, which includes clinics, a training center for personnel training, and a pharmacy, is the exclusive distributor of Laennec and a number of other Japanese brands, which allows Russians and residents of neighboring countries to receive Laennec therapy in more than 5,000 clinics or purchase a prescription drug in pharmacy chains. RHANA Corporation is seriously engaged in research work together with specialized Russian institutes and foreign partners, leading world experts in the field of anti-aging. But behind 17 years of hard work. What was the cost of going to different authorities... It was not enough to bring the Japanese model of active longevity to Russia, it was necessary to go through a thorny path from concluding a contract to obtaining registration of a pharmaceutical product in Russia. As a result, the hydrolyzate of the human placenta is registered as a hepatoprotector and immunomodulator and is included in the state register of medicines of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

When you find out the amazing success story of some business woman, for some reason, at first you imagine a stern woman, ready to stop a galloping horse and enter a burning hut, and then you see ... a beautiful fragile blonde. How???

In the case of Ekaterina, of course, one should have expected a very well-groomed appearance, since she regularly works out revolutionary technologies on herself, and on her relatives. But after all, happy eyes, calmness and self-confidence cannot be achieved by any medical methods. It turned out that Catherine not only adopted advanced healing procedures, but also became saturated with Eastern philosophy, while remaining an Orthodox person. When asked about the reasons for her success, she replies: Don't block success. Any person can do this if he leaves fears. Life is Beautiful! Every day should be celebrated and thankful for it. Every next day is the best. It brings fruits, results and lessons. As it says in the Bible, do not build obstacles for yourself, do not look back, always go forward, and then you will get what you want. The main thingWhat settings do I make? Not the results you expectedthese are just lessons to be learned. It is important to understand what is happening to you. Japanesethis is a completely unique nation. They listen to themselves, they build their habits in accordance with the needs of their own body. The Japanese work hard, but they will never spend money on fur coats and diamonds when they have health problems. First of all, they make investments in their own development, health and vitality. I am constantly learning from them. I myself would wish to add a little Japanese to my Russian mentality: to address myself, listen to myself, think. When I get into the car at the end of the working day and go home, I remember this. But the morning comesand I'm back in the fight! We are Russians,winners by nature!”

When Catherine first came to Japan, it seemed to her that this was a different world. People there are very open to communication, very attentive to trifles and details, they have amazing self-organization and discipline. Of course, the Japanese are workaholics, but they also know how to relieve the tension that has been accumulated during everyday work. Another feature that captivates is that they are very respectful of each other. They will never talk on a mobile phone in a public place, even in an electric train. If the call is important, then they will simply go to a place where they will not disturb anyone. In Japan, amazing cleanliness all around. For example, taxi drivers work there in white gloves. And this purity is not only external, but also internal. If they promised something to their business partner, then you can be sure that they will keep their word (a rarity in the modern world). In the first place, the Japanese have health, and only then - beauty. They are always surprised at how much attention Russians pay to appearance. After all, even if a woman does not have a single wrinkle, but at the same time, the spark in her eyes, the energy of life, has disappeared, then age is still visible.

“But no matter how many positive moments I see in other countries, I still remain a patriot of Russia. I am very grateful for the education, and for the broad outlook that I have acquired here, and for the opportunity to implement my projects. My mission is the return of bioplacental medicine to our homeland, because it was our scientists who became the founders of a preventive approach to diseases. And the Japanese, by the way, do not hide this and are even proud of the fact that they picked up and developed the ideas of our great doctors. I am sure that modern Russian scientists will also contribute to this cause and surprise the whole world.”

This is how she is - the heroine of our portal - with a truly Eurasian business and the same mentality. A person who takes the best of all cultures and combines it harmoniously. The ideal businesswoman, mother, wife, public figure, leading serious charitable activities. By the way, in the Year of Japan in Russia, she is launching a large-scale scientific and educational cultural project “Culture to live. Active Longevity. I'm sure we'll hear a lot more about him.

With her activities, Catherine refuted some clichés (“beauty requires sacrifice”) and confirmed others (“after 40, life is just beginning”). The fact that in Russia the tendency to achieve external beauty to the detriment of one's own body has been replaced by a fashion for a healthy lifestyle, there is also her merit. Despite the very effective methods used in her clinics, she encourages her clients to “get ahead of the curve”: to introduce a culture of regular visits to the family doctor to learn about potential problems and address them in a timely manner. By the way, before carrying out procedures in RHANA, diagnostics are carried out very scrupulously. Thousands of people have already used the services of the clinics, including very famous ones, such as Andrey Malakhov and Olga Kabo. The result, as they say, is evident on the face. After all, even if you are just trying to get rid of chronic fatigue syndrome, you will look much better after the procedure.

By the way, we are not only adopting Japanese experience in technology, in our country it is also becoming expensive and unfashionable to get sick. So you have to learn to set life priorities correctly, lead a quality lifestyle, consume exceptionally healthy food, regularly see a doctor and take preventive measures aimed at active longevity with placental drugs.

The right way of life includes, among other things, the observance of ethical standards. And in this sense, the placental preparation is an absolutely correctly created product, because it no longer belongs to either the mother or the child, and most importantly, it is neither stem nor embryonic cells. Moreover, only an absolutely healthy woman can be included in the state program for the removal of the placenta in Japan - all participants undergo a number of tests and analyzes, the selection is very strict. But even after all these conditions are met, the placenta is considered suitable only if the birth was successful, the gestational age is complete, and the woman in labor has never left Japan. This is the attitude to the quality of raw materials. Then, when it enters the plant, it is processed in strict accordance with GMP standards and in an environment of absolute sterility. The drug received by patients does not contain cellular material - it is only useful vitamins, minerals, etc. This is the best thing that was sent to the child, but due to the change of his “place of residence”, it turned out to be unclaimed. For Catherine, these nuances are very important. And our heroine is also sure that it is important for every woman to realize the talents that she must find and feel in herself: “I am a believer and I know that St. Catherine is always with me, and I always feel where mine is and where it is not. It is important not to sell your soul for desires. For material things, for Bentleys, planes, yachts. Because everything will come back like a boomerang, and then I don’t need anything, just give me back!”

And in conclusion - according to tradition, advice from our heroine:

“The main thing is love in everything, and in business too. I am sincerely passionate about my project, so I have enough energy for everything. I chose my destination not because it was promising, but because it was very important for me and my loved ones. My father was operated on for rectal cancer, and he was not given chemotherapy because the prognosis was poor... 7 years have passed, at 84 he leads an active lifestyle, goes fishing. Helped our method of treatment.

Another secret of success is not to criticize anyone, especially those who are doing something. It destroys yourself, you have to translate everything into a constructive one, it doesn’t work right away, but then it brings real results. And you should be grateful. I am grateful to God, my family, the team of like-minded people who allow me to achieve such success, business partners. And, of course, I am grateful to my country.”

Tatyana Vorozhtsova, news agency of the Eurasian Women's Community

Ekaterina Alexandrovna Dibrova- President of the RHANA Medical Corporation, Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical and Technical Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Full Member of the International Academy of Sciences, Candidate of Economic Sciences. Dibrova Ekaterina Aleksandrovna is the founder and head of RHANA Medical Corporation. The corporation includes: a network of clinics, distribution, a pharmacy, a training center, LAENNEK-ACADEMY.

Ekaterina Alexandrovna is a co-author of many scientific articles, an active participant and a popular speaker at various conferences, such as the International Congress “The Health of the Nation is the Strength of the State”, the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference “The Health of the Population of the Russian Federation. Problems of legislative support”, conference “Formation of a healthy lifestyle as a personal and national priority” under the auspices of the Federation Council, etc. Initiator and organizer of the International Scientific Conference “Medicine against Aging” with the participation of the Nobel Prize in Medicine Professor Luc Montagnier, leading national and foreign scientists and specialists. Laureate of the contest "Persons of the Year - 2004" held by the media holding "Top Secret". Ekaterina Alexandrovna was awarded the gold star of I.I. Mechnikov "For an active life position, a fruitful contribution to improving the health of Russians and promoting a healthy lifestyle." Awarded in the State Duma of the Russian Federation with the state international environmental award "EcoWorld" in the nomination "Ecology and Human Health" for outstanding achievements in the field of environmental protection and environmental safety. He is a member of the All-Russian Organization for Quality as part of the Committee for the Quality of Medical Care of the Russian Federation, a member of the Japanese Medical Society for Clinical Placental Medicine (JSCPM). RHANA is a partner of the Liniya Zhizni Charitable Foundation for Seriously Ill Children within the framework of the Culture to Live. Active Longevity.

— Ekaterina, 2018 is the cross year of Russia in Japan and Japan in Russia. Your medical corporation has been cooperating with experts from the Land of the Rising Sun for two decades, introducing the most effective Japanese healing technologies in Russia. Tell me, what, in your opinion, should Russians adopt from the Japanese in order to live longer and get sick less often? Well, besides technology?

— Starting our project dedicated to the Year of Japan in Russia, we specifically named it “Culture to live. Active Longevity. The key word here is culture. Because, without understanding that the basis of Japanese longevity is not only developed health care, but also the internal culture of the nation - respect for each other, for the world, for nature - it is impossible to come to longevity. We have been working with Japanese medical colleagues for almost 20 years, and our area of ​​interest is not just medicine, but biomedicine, and not just biomedicine, but the biopharmaceutical industry. The latter may contain preparations of animal origin, plant origin, and there are also preparations from human organs and tissues. We work with Japanese drugs developed on the basis of human placenta hydrolyzate. They were developed more than 60 years ago, and the idea was based on the theory of the Russian academician Vladimir Petrovich Filatov, who dealt with tissue therapy back in the 1930s and 40s. In the early 1950s, placenta-based drugs were developed in Japan, they began to be included in the state medical program, and since 1956 the same Laennec drug began to be used almost en masse. In those years, the average life expectancy of a Japanese was 63 years, and today it exceeds 82 ...

- Do you think that this method of recovery should become part of the program provided under the CHI policy? Will you work in this direction?

— Yes, and it's nice that the state supports us. The project is officially included in the Year of Japan in Russia program and organized with the support of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Culture, the Moscow Public Relations Committee, the Embassy of Japan, the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (RANS) and RHANA Corporation. I initiated and organized this project to share experience and create an active aging system, since RHANA is developing and implementing anti-aging medicine technologies in Russia, which is based on Japanese placental biotechnologies included in the Japanese state insurance medicine.

I also head the biomedicine section at the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, where I am a corresponding member. Therefore, I speak on the part of the academy, and on the part of a private medical organization, and on the part of the government, because I am a member of the health committee under the Federation Council. And of course, at every level and from every angle, I will explain and take the initiative to increase the use of biopharmaceuticals in medical practice, including them in clinical guidelines and treatment protocols, as well as in the public health insurance system (CHI), so that it is available to the maximum number of Russians.

- "Laennec" therapy and related methods of recovery - is it rather a prevention or already a solution to existing health problems?

- Let's start with the question: how does this or that component affect active longevity? Any medications are tools. If we compare a person, a "biological machine", with an ordinary, metal machine, we will find a lot of similarities. In order for an ordinary car to take you for a long time and not break down on the way, you need to arrange maintenance for it from time to time: lubricate it, fill in oil, look at gears, change brake pads, etc. You can, of course, do nothing of this, just drive, and even then it will pass as long as it passes ... The same applies to health. But, unlike mechanics, a person has a more important component - consciousness. It includes culture, spiritual values, and attitude towards oneself and one's body. The Japanese, working on the drug, used as the basis this idea of ​​a conscious attitude towards oneself. The Japanese named the drug in honor of the French doctor Rene Laennec, took the ideas of Academician Filatov's theory (she later left the field of view of doctors), learned how to purify the raw material - the placenta - from all unnecessary impurities and made a drug ultra-thin in its structure.

By the way, about raw materials. Where does this very human placenta come from? After all, this is a temporary organ that is formed only for the period of pregnancy, neither before nor after it is needed by either the mother or the child ...

“That’s right, the placenta doesn’t belong to anyone. Therefore, in Japan, pregnant women optionally enter the program, according to which, after giving birth, their placentas go to the production of the drug. They do it willingly, because they know that it is not the first generation of Japanese people who use these drugs for treatment, and they also contribute to the health of the nation. Having entered the program, a woman undergoes thorough examinations on a regular basis; she is repeatedly checked for all infections throughout her pregnancy. Doctors make sure that she is absolutely healthy. Only an absolutely healthy mother at the birth of an absolutely healthy child takes the placenta. The placenta is an intermediary organ that is needed to nourish the fetus, it contains vitamins, proteins, amino acids, minerals, growth factors - everything necessary for the fetus to grow and develop. A few words about growth factors that illiterate doctors scare: they say that if they are used, then something unnecessary will grow in a person. But this is a completely ignorant understanding of biochemical processes, biological processes of the body. Also, the placenta is an organ not only for building new organs and systems of the fetus, it also provides regulatory processes in the body. So, a healthy placenta received from a donor enters a completely cosmic process, where multi-stage low-molecular fractionation takes place. As a result, a standardized drug is obtained that is absolutely free from hormones, from harmful impurities, from proteins of a large fraction, which can be used for various types of injections. The placental drug is a medicinal product and has clear and reasonable indications for use.

- How does Laennec work in the body?

- Officially - as a hepatoprotector and immunomodulator. The liver is known to be the most important filter in the human body. If we want to live long and high quality, we must keep our liver in good condition. In Japan, this method is used in the treatment of more than 80 diseases. But we also have research on anti-aging medicine, on chronic fatigue syndrome. The Japanese consider the drug "intelligent" because it finds the "weak link" in the human body and works there. I saw how some Japanese doctors just talked to the drug as if it were a living being! But this is easy to explain, knowing the Japanese worldview.

- You said that the drug is part of the Japanese state program of active longevity. Will a similar program work in Russia?

“I don't doubt it. I brought a ready-made model of active longevity from Japan to Russia, based on preventive medicine. At least once a year, any adult should do a minimum of examinations - general blood and urine tests, biochemical blood tests, ultrasound of internal organs, x-rays, and, for women of a certain age, mammography. And then it will be clear what measures should be taken to maintain health and which organs and systems need help and prevention in the first place. However, all this should take place against the background of a change in one's consciousness, getting rid of "mental garbage" - anger, revenge, envy. Only by cultivating an “ecology of consciousness” within ourselves, each of us will be able to achieve both physical health and live a long, active and happy life in peace with ourselves. Believe me, we can all live up to a hundred years, nature has provided all the resources and all the opportunities for this.

A photo: Jan Coomans
Thank you Metropolitan Hotel for help in organizing a photo shoot

Ekaterina Dibrova,

being a bright, energetic and ambitious person, a personality, of course, strong, at the same time she remains a tender and somewhat vulnerable woman. We talked about how she achieved such amazing results, what is the price of success and what a woman needs for self-realization.

Ekaterina Liepa: Ekaterina, you are a woman who has taken place in all respects, a mother, the wife of a successful man, who, it would seem, could just enjoy life. Where do you draw inspiration and strength for self-realization?

Ekaterina Dibrova : This is the source that does not dry out. As it says in the Bible, do not build obstacles for yourself, do not look back, always go forward, and then you will get what you want. The main thing is what settings I make for myself.

It feels like your life is a conscious choice of positive thinking, that you are in control of your feelings and thoughts. How do you do it?

I never set blocks for myself: neither in my personal life, nor in my career, nor in work. The more ambitious the project, the more I want to participate in it. It happens that at first they tell me that I can’t - then, as a rule, it’s someone close, they do it with love, take care of me. But I always listen to what I need, and if I understand that it is mine, then go ahead!

You told me that even waking up should be grateful. But if difficult situations arise in life, is it not at all easy to do?

I always think that failures are just lessons to be learned. It is important to understand what is happening to you. Let's say I come to work, and the team starts talking about alleged problems. I always say that the word "problem" does not exist for me. There is an issue that needs to be resolved. Some action that leads you to the desired result. I am a person who consists of a sequence of actions. Thought, consciousness, action and beyond - the expected result, which I enjoy. And this principle helps me a lot in life. Every day I face both envy and condemnation.

Often this can be found in the women's team. You yourself are primarily a woman, not only a successful businesswoman. What is the best way to deal with jealousy?

First of all, love the person who treats you this way. For example, I am explosive, I am Aries, Fire, but I make decisions just as quickly. Speed ​​and at the same time switching to the positive are important. Psychologists have such a name - reframing, when you can find a positive even in a negative situation, and this is art. You can change the situation with the power of thought. I've lived like this for quite some time. I can even direct important projects in the direction I need.

Did you learn this or did it all come from the family?

Certainly. For example, I come from a family that did not use such rules of life at all. A certain life situation led me to this in order to find these methods and move forward. Mom is from Poland. They came to Russia in the late 50s. Parents loved each other and were not afraid that dad's career could go down the drain. Therefore, genetically I have a core of purposefulness.

Where was your childhood?

I was born in the Urals. Then we moved to Moscow. At the request of my father, I graduated from the Moscow Aviation Institute. That's probably why I'm so disciplined. It's important for a career. Despite the fact that she studied at the Faculty of Economics, being a creative person, she has always been a mass entertainer, she is always the first in the Komsomol ranks. This initiative of mine led me to creativity. I organized and participated simultaneously in all the activities of the institute.

Did you want to become an actress?

Yes. From a young age I had a blue dream of learning to play the guitar and sing. But my parents always influenced my desires, even in my first marriage their recommendation prevailed. And so I constantly had the feeling that somehow something was wrong, that something was always being decided for me.

Was it a marriage without love?

There was respect, sympathy, a worthy family. But when I met true love, there was nothing I could do about it.

Was it already a conscious adult decision?

It was a completely new story for me. Because I am from a “prosperous family” and Boris (Boris Dibrov - a famous scientist, biophysicist, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences - ed.) was from a prosperous marriage. Such seemingly prosperous two people fall in love with each other, and can do nothing about it.

What was the main difficulty?

In our first marriages, we were both "carried" and idolized, and we got used to it. Here are two people who are absolutely enamored with the other halves of a person who meet and expect that they will begin to admire.

Marriage is work. Do you agree with this statement?

This is work on consciousness, thoughts: how to act wisely? But, most importantly, love does not tolerate lies. He does not tolerate when you are in discomfort for a long time. I need to resolve the issue right away. If we don't find an answer, Boris says: "We need to think about it consciously." And he taught me to calm down and make an informed decision. I realized that if I want to become a business woman, I have to work on my mind. All this came to me because I began to receive feedback ... .

You often talk about the correct formation of your desires, at what point did this realization come?

I clearly understood the system of how consciousness works, when I began to get not the result that I expected and set myself as a goal. It was impossible to break down: at that moment my team was created, to which I was responsible.

You cooperated directly with the Japanese. Were you afraid of such a large volume of work?

For me, if you take, then the best, but if you do, then only five. It turns out that my ancestors were zemstvo doctors, only then I realized why I was so drawn to this direction. And so I began to approach the Japanese topic - there is a serious concern, medicine, which deals with longevity. I realized that I want to live long, and that my parents live long. And I began to look for certain ways for this. The Japanese at first tore up the proposals that I sent them, they have such a mentality - no one will listen to you without a high recommendation. Then I went the other way. I found a Japanese trading company, thanks to which I achieved what I wanted.

Have you thoroughly studied the products then?

Certainly, from all sides. Now I am a member of the "Japan Association of Placental Therapists". But this is coming from Russia, the Japanese took the development of the Russian scientist Vladimir Filatov! And they are proud of it. The most interesting thing is that Boris still asks me why I took such a difficult topic. He understands how difficult it is for me to move this direction. I can't take on other tasks. I need to do something in the name of something big, serious. With Boris, it turned out like this: my competence is the organization of the process, and his is science.

We are now talking about a successful, albeit difficult, business, and your words about how much everything was on this thorny path are involuntarily recalled.

Each round of my success is accompanied by the simultaneous solution of new tasks. But I understand that there is a different reaction of people and you should not take it close to yourself. Otherwise, you take it upon yourself. If you want to stay on top, you need to forgive. Do not sing praises to the enemy, but forgive and let go.

What made you think that way?

The construct as a result came through tests. God loves to send trials. If you don't have them, then he turned away from you. Do you learn lessons so that you don't repeat them later? So, passed the test. In all situations.

Let's say that in every family there are disagreements, they sort things out - stop, but for what? Whether it is necessary? So fate will send you something else, and it will be “fun”. I still love my husband, but it's different. Boris is self-sufficient, whole. And I have always loved men with male charisma. A man should be reliable, and a woman should be wise and self-fulfilled.

Often a wise woman hides her strength from a man, tries to adapt, be gentle and defenseless, what do you think?

Unique in our history is how Boris is "admired". He never shows his feelings. Doesn't he sing praises to me? I catch myself thinking that because of this I am always in good shape and try to keep myself always in great shape.

Our “competitions” are also stimulated. The husband says: if you want to be in business, you must participate in the family budget. Or our "family traditions". Boris, for example, likes me to set the table when he comes home from work, he will even wait until I put the child to bed, he will sit hungry. Although there is an assistant and she can cook everything.

This also manifests female wisdom!

Yes, life is made up of such little things. When something big comes up, he is calm and tells me everything is fine. But he pays a lot of attention to the little things.

Katya, do you think that the success of a man and a woman are different concepts?

Certainly. It is important for a woman to realize the talents that she must find and feel in herself. I am a believer in my soul, I know that St. Catherine is always by my side, and I always feel what is mine and what is not. It is important not to sell your soul for desires. For material things, for Bentleys, planes, yachts. Because everything will boomerang back, and then I don’t need anything, just give me back to me!

To the question of self-realization. We talked with you about some personal things, and if we return to your work: we now have a great opportunity to learn from you the details about placental preparations. What to fear for people who want to use these drugs? There are so many opinions on this matter.

Great question, because it's my life's work. You have to understand that, first of all, I did it for myself and my family. The placental drug Laennec has been included in the insurance medicine of Japan for more than 50 years, after the tragedy with Hiroshima and Nagasaki. This is a breakthrough in technology, the placenta is also the placenta in Africa, but how to make it in order to leave all the useful substances? Imagine how high-quality cleaning it is, which is even injected into a vein and does not cause allergies!

But do not confuse cell preparations, stem cells, and so on. The placenta does not contain cells and genetic material. Only vitamins, proteins, minerals, amino acids and everything that a child receives when he is in the womb. This is his milk for that period. And this is milk for the cell, so that it functions well. The cell lives a certain cycle. The drug contains low molecular weight regulatory peptides that affect cell regeneration. To restore hepatic resources.

The donor woman receives a subsidy, is observed according to the standards before childbirth, and after their successful resolution, the placenta is taken from her and goes through several stages of testing for viruses and bacteria. And then there is already a multi-stage process of molecular fractionation. Only vitamins, peptide sequences, amino acids and other active ingredients remain. I know that everyone is now afraid of stimulants. But Laennec is not a stimulant, but a normalizer, so there is no dependence on the drug. If we talk about the course, then droppers should be done from 3 to 10. Laennec - can be safely attributed to the category of "intelligent" drugs. The action of its active components falls precisely on the system of the body that needs treatment. He himself reveals the weak links in the body and proceeds to restore them at the cellular level, replenishing internal resources. It has a positive effect on metabolic processes, restoring physical strength, working capacity returns the body to its young state. I personally use this drug on myself for 15 years and am very pleased with the result. And, of course, my family and friends also use it.

What does a person who wants to get to you need?

You come to our clinic (Rhana - ed.), get a consultation. Without analyzes and assessment of well-being, we do not prescribe the drug. When preliminary preventive diagnostics were introduced, acute and chronic diseases were revealed in a mass of people. This once again confirms the lack of medical examination. Therefore, we are especially sensitive to the assessment of the health of the patient who came to us. We work with many institutes, and if we see a sick patient, we send it for further examination.

Let me give you an example that is very important to me. My dad was operated on for colon cancer. He was discharged without chemotherapy, because. doctors had not very good prognosis about his health. The Rhana clinic prescribed a course of Laennec therapy droppers. After her, dad has been living for six years and feels great, goes fishing. And I thank God that I have such opportunities.

Why is it important to get to you, because Laennec is now sold and used in many clinics, pharmacies?

Because innovative Japanese patented technologies are only found in RHANA. Yes, of course, we do not sell them, and these droppers can only be made in the network of our clinics. I want to emphasize that the drug Laennec works great as a monotherapy, intramuscularly sometimes even better. This is decided by the doctor. The only thing is that the packaging must be Russified. This is a requirement of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Officially, the drug can only be imported by our company, because. the marketing authorization is owned by Rhana Corporation. And we are the exclusive distributor in Russia and 14 CIS countries.

What is your main desire?

To help as many people in Russia as possible stay healthy and beautiful with the help of the Japanese active longevity program Laennec Therapy. Introduce a culture of regular medical examinations in order to be proactive and prevent possible changes in time.

And now my traditional business blitz:

Do you agree with the phrase: "Trust is the foundation of a successful business"?

I trust, but I verify.

What makes a successful person different from others?

It does not block success.

What words do you find for yourself in difficult situations?

Everything will be as it should, even if otherwise ...

Are you a superstitious person?

I don't like being embarrassed. Superstition is confusion. I don't recognize embarrassment when it happens, I only listen to positive news.

How do you rest?

Active: skiing, dancing, traveling by car. But you can also lie down with a book - I will choose something from the field of psychology or philosophy.

What are your favorite places while traveling?

Ischia, the sea hotel L’Albergo della Regina Isabella, a chic pine grows there, in our favorite “extreme room” we have a geyser bath right on the balcony ... Also the Ischgl ski resort and the Trofana Royal hotel.

Favorite restaurants in Moscow?

I love live venues like the Yacht Club and the Shore House Restaurant. There are a lot of beautiful things in the city center too, I like Erwin.

What is your main weakness?

Short temper. I'm "hot", but I immediately leave.

What is love in your understanding?

This is all - children, husband, but first of all, you must not forget to love yourself. This is always difficult for me, but I'm working on myself. It means this: do not criticize, forgive, do not condemn.

What is happiness?

To love and to be loved. To be in harmony with oneself, in the family, in business and, of course, inner self-realization.

Personal secret of success?

We must often say: “I am successful” and do everything for this. Any person can do this if he leaves fears. Life is Beautiful. Every day should be celebrated and thankful for it. Every next day is the best. It brings fruits, results and lessons.

wish for his daughter.

Find yourself! I really want to help her with this, not to block my own desires, to try to develop in myself what she wants, even if she makes a mistake. The main thing is to help in development, and not to build its path. You see, even in the kitchen a woman must be successful!

Secrets of successful people with Katya Liepa: