Eruption of molars in children. Schedule and symptoms

Each person goes through the stages of eruption of the first teeth, the development of milk teeth and their subsequent replacement with permanent ones. Despite similar appearance and the function performed, temporary and permanent teeth have differences, which we will talk about, at the same time we will consider the timing of the appearance of the main teeth, possible problems with them in their development.

In the photo - a diagram of the structure of human teeth

Teeth are not only intended for the mechanical processing of food, but also necessary for the formation of speech, respiration, and affect facial features. To navigate what dentists advise, how to take care of your teeth, what are the risks of diseases, it is useful to know how they work.

Anatomical structure

3 parts that make up a tooth:

  • Crown. Used for chewing, the visible part of a tooth. FROM outside covered with durable enamel that protects it from bacteria, chemical substances contained in food, water, saliva. Surfaces have their own names:
    • Facial (vestibular) - in contact with the lip or cheek.
    • Lingual (lingual) - the opposite of the facial, involved in the formation of speech.
    • Occlusion - the upper surface in contact with the tooth of the opposite jaw.
    • Contact (approximal) - in contact with adjacent teeth.
  • Neck. Area of ​​the tooth with a slightly noticeable narrowing. Serves to connect the crown and root of the tooth, for which connective tissue fibers are used.
  • Root. It is found in the jaw bone (alveolus). The number of roots varies for different teeth and can vary from 1 to 5.

Milk teeth, having a largely similar structure, have differences in anatomy:

  • They are noticeably smaller in height than the permanent ones.
  • The crown is much wider than the root.
  • The enamel is thinner and more fragile.
  • Roots are more round.
  • The erasure of milk teeth, as well as their independent loss, is a normal physiological process.

Histological structure

The structure has several layers:

  • Enamel is the most durable fabric. When a tooth first erupts, the cuticle is located on it, which is gradually, under the influence of saliva, replaced by the pellicle.
  • Dentin is a highly mineralized tissue that resembles bone, but has better mechanical strength. Instead of enamel, the root part of the dentin is covered with cementum.
  • Pulp - the central part of the tooth, is a soft connective tissue, which contains a large amount of blood vessels. , inflammatory processes "owe" pain to the pulp with its large number of nerve endings.

Milk teeth are characterized by dentin with a lower degree of mineralization, which weakens their protection against caries. The pulp by volume occupies most tooth, and small protective layers (enamel and dentin) protect against the penetration of bacteria, the development of inflammatory processes.

Types of teeth

There are 4 groups:

  • Incisors. 4 chisel-shaped cutters. The largest ones are a pair of upper central incisors, and the situation is opposite from below - the lateral incisors are somewhat larger than the central ones.
  • Fangs. 2 on the top and the same on mandible. Their length is greater than the rest, the front wall is convex.
  • Premolars. 8 in total, prismatic, upper surface with two tubercles (buccal and lingual). There are 2 roots in premolars. The second premolar has a larger buccal surface. There are no milk premolars.
  • Molars. The first molar (large molar) is the largest tooth in the upper jaw. The chewing surface has four tubercles, 3 roots. The second molar is smaller in shape, and the buccal tubercles are larger than the lingual ones. The third (“wisdom tooth”) is in many ways similar to the second, but does not appear in everyone.

dental formula

In order to improve the convenience of describing each tooth, their numbering, filling out maps, it is customary to record the order of the teeth using a special formula. There are several varieties of it.

Zsigmondy-Palmer system (square-digital)

Arabic numerals are used, numbering starts from the central incisors in each direction:

  • 1 and 2 - incisors.
  • 3 - fang.
  • 4, 5 - premolars.
  • 6-8 - molars.

Milk teeth are designated differently - using Roman numerals:

  • I and II - incisors.
  • III - canine.
  • IV and V - molars.

Viola two-digit system

Tooth numbering uses 2 digits. The jaws are divided into 4 quadrants. The first digit shows its number.

For adults it is:

  • 1 – upper jaw on right.
  • 2 - upper jaw on the left.
  • 3 - lower jaw on the left.
  • 4 - lower jaw right.

For a similar description of milk teeth, the numbers from 5 to 8 are used.

So, there are 8 teeth in each quadrant, its number is shown by the second digit. Thus, the first molar of the lower jaw on the left is designated 35, and the canine of the child from the bottom right is designated 43. Therefore, the phrase that “treatment of the 48th tooth is required”, or, for example, the 55th, does not indicate the unqualified doctor or what - or pathology in your child, who suddenly acquired so many teeth.

Tooth development

The differences between milk and molars begin with their number - only 20 milk teeth, 8 incisors and molars, and 4 canines. This is explained by the fact that more Children's teeth simply have nowhere to fit. In this regard, there are no milk premolars. By the time the permanent ones appear, the jaws of a teenager are already sufficiently developed for the appearance of all the teeth.

The formation of the rudiments of teeth in humans begins at the 6th week prenatal development, and on the 14th, hard dental tissue appears. The crown develops first. Development of rudiments permanent teeth comes in the 5th month.

By the time of birth, the formation of the rudiments of both milk and permanent teeth in a child is already almost completed. The process of development of permanent teeth, which have no analogues among milk teeth, begins one year after birth.

If the first teeth can appear even at 4 months, and their eruption may be delayed up to a year, the permanent ones erupt in everyone at about the same age. The sequence of their eruption is the same as in the case of dairy:

  • 6-7 years old. The central incisors appear from below.
  • 7-8 years old. The central incisors are replaced from above and the lateral incisors from below.
  • 8-9 years old. The lateral incisors of the upper jaw appear.
  • 9-12 years old. Canines are replaced, as well as premolars.
  • From 12 years old. From this age, molars begin to change, and from about the age of 14, teeth appear that were not among the dairy ones.

Signs of the imminent appearance of molars

You can determine the moment that you should soon wait for the beginning of the change of milk teeth with permanent ones, according to several signs:

  • The gradual growth of the baby's jaws leads to the fact that the gaps between the teeth increase.
  • The tooth starts to wobble. This is due to the fact that the already small root begins to gradually dissolve, which is why the fixation of milk teeth is significantly weakened.
  • The dropped tooth indicates that the formed permanent one, which is about to appear, pushed it out.
  • There may be swelling, redness on the gums at the site of the eruption of a permanent tooth.
  • Pain in the gums, where a permanent tooth erupts, fever, bad feeling the child indicates problems that have arisen, and it is imperative to see a doctor. The process of eruption of molars should be painless.

Possible problems

At the time of the appearance of molars, certain dental problems are possible. In order to take timely measures to eliminate them, parents must have an idea about them.

The molars do not erupt

A situation is possible in which the milk teeth do not fall out in due time, or they fell out, but in their place the molars began to appear. The reason for this should be established by the dentist, who must be visited by all means, without putting it off indefinitely. A plain x-ray is usually taken to show the extent of development of the molars.

Among the options for the lack of eruption in due time of the molars, one can indicate:

  • hereditary predisposition that causes possible delay appearance of primary teeth. If the x-ray shows that the process of forming the rudiments of teeth is underway, then you just have to wait a little for their appearance.
  • Adentia. Violations of the processes of formation of the rudiments of teeth during the prenatal development of a child, inflammatory processes can lead to a similar pathology - the absence or death of the rudiments of teeth. The way out is prosthetics.


The first time after eruption, the tooth is poorly protected from caries and exposure to various bacteria. This is explained by the low degree of enamel mineralization. initial stage. Almost nothing interferes with the development of caries, tooth tissues are destroyed, pulpitis occurs, with a subsequent risk of its transition to periodontitis. There may be severe pain, a change in body temperature and a deterioration in well-being.

It is highly desirable not to start the situation, not to bring it to severe pain, but immediately, as soon as pain, visit the dentist. If there is a predisposition in a child to caries, it is better to carry out preventive procedures, for example, fissure sealing. The folds on the chewing surface are covered with a composite material that protects such natural cavities from the accumulation of food debris in them, the development of bacteria, and inflammatory processes.

In the worst case, you can lose a tooth.

Teeth grow crooked

A common situation is when the molar tooth has already begun to erupt, but the milk tooth does not want to fall out. Result - new tooth is looking for alternative ways of growth, which leads to its displacement, a change in the direction of growth. Hence, violations of the bite and evenness of the dentition. Requires treatment.

If such a situation is observed, you should not remove or loosen the milk tooth yourself, you should visit a doctor.

Loss of molars

An alarming symptom of the presence of diseases (caries, etc.) in oral cavity, or there are problems with the whole body (diseases of connective tissues, diabetes and etc.). A visit to the doctor is a must.

This is necessary to develop a strategy for restoring a lost tooth. This is necessary for the proper growth of the remaining teeth and the formation of the maxillofacial system. Given that the tissues of the jaw are still in the process of growth, prosthetics are only possible temporarily, which must be adjusted as the jaws develop. Permanent prosthetics will be available only after the completion of their formation.


The first few years after eruption, teeth are prone to increased risk injury when exposed to them. Sports injuries, falls, impacts can lead to chipping of parts of the tooth, cracks. Be sure to contact a dentist who will restore the lost part with modern materials.


Permanent teeth are not subject to regeneration, they are given once and for life. Attentive attitude, especially in the process of their development, careful care, timely visits to the pediatric dentist for treatment and preventive procedures will help to keep them.

The process of changing milk teeth in children is individual, but generally fits within the framework of 6 to 14 years. Despite the fact that this process is natural, it requires control by parents and specialists. If suddenly a child has problems with the appearance of molars, the easiest way to prevent their consequences is to early stages. The stages of teething in children and the problems that parents may have to face will be discussed further.

What are milk teeth in children?

Milk teeth in children appear in the period from several months to three years. At the beginning of the third year of life, children should normally have 20 milk teeth, ten each in the upper and lower jaws.

Milk teeth are less tuberous than permanent teeth, their roots are much wider, since under them are the rudiments of molars.

What kind of teeth fall out in children?

All milk teeth in children are replaced by molars. The process itself is usually painless. If the appearance of new teeth in a child is accompanied by pain, he can be helped by purchasing a special paste, for example, dentol, or by giving him painkillers. Before taking these drugs, you should see a dentist so that he checks if the process of teething is accompanied by inflammation and recommends the drug that is best for your child.

Loss of milk teeth in children begins when the embedded molars come closer to the exit to the oral cavity. Baby teeth begin to loosen and usually fall out painlessly.

The order of the exit of teeth in children

The prolapse of milk teeth and the emergence of molars usually occur in the same order as in infants. First, the middle incisors fall out and cut through, followed by the lateral ones, then the canines, the first and second molars, instead of which small and large molars appear. Usually, by the age of fourteen, the number of molars in children is 28. There may be 32, but most often the last four, the so-called wisdom teeth, grow at the age of 20 years. In some people, wisdom teeth do not form at all.

Oral care during teething

Since tissue breaks occur periodically during the loss and eruption of new teeth, children need to carefully monitor the oral cavity.

Teeth must be brushed twice a day. After each meal, the child should rinse his mouth. Special conditioners can be purchased, or you can constantly prepare herbal decoctions. Such measures will help reduce the risk of infections in the resulting wounds and reduce pain, if any.

If the child's milk teeth are affected by caries, it is imperative to treat them, since the emerging molars will be affected by the same disease.

Currently, the procedure for covering only erupted molars with a special paste is available for children. This paste protects the still thin enamel from caries. The procedure is called fissure sealing and if the child does not yet clean the oral cavity of food debris well enough, it can be an excellent prevention of this disease. In addition to caring for the oral cavity, parents also need to monitor how permanent teeth erupt in children. It happens that they do not have enough space, and they begin to grow crookedly, or, on the contrary, the child's milk tooth fell out, and the molar long time does not grow. Both cases require intervention by an orthodontist.

If the teeth grow crooked, it is not worth delaying a visit to the doctor, waiting until everything appears. It is often easier to correct misaligned teeth right away.

In the case when the molar tooth did not appear within 3-4 months after the loss of the milk tooth, it is necessary to find out the cause. It can be a disease, for example, rickets. In rare cases, it happens that there is no germ of a permanent tooth. If the radiograph confirms this, then the child will have to do prosthetics.

What are molars? They mistakenly believe that these are teeth that grow in place of milk teeth. From them, a permanent bite of the child is formed.

It turns out that dentists distinguish permanent and milk molars. Dairy appear at the age of six months. They help the baby grind food. The molars that make up the milk bite grow up to 2.5 years. These are central and lateral. There are four of them on the upper and lower jaws.

Molar teeth always climb with accompanying pain. Pain, burning cause a desire to scratch the gums, respectively, the kids pull into their mouths all the objects that come to hand. Sleep in children during this period is very restless, they are often naughty. The irritability of the child affects his appetite, most refuse to eat. In rare cases, the baby will constantly demand the mother's breast.

The first molars in a child can cause cough, runny nose, temperature (sometimes very high) and nutritional disorders (colic and abdominal pain).

From which it follows that the cutting period will be a turning point for both parents and children.

The first teeth appearing with such difficulties are only a temporary measure. After a few years, they will be replaced by permanent ones. What are the differences between these types?


  • smaller in size;
  • thin enamel;
  • special bluish translucent color.

This color resembles milk, hence the name itself.

Permanent teeth:

  • strong enamel;
  • grow from the age of 5;
  • grayish or yellowish;
  • twisted and spreading to the side roots.

Therefore, when a milk tooth begins to stagger, it is removed or it is expected to fall out on its own. Permanent teeth are treated differently. The child is taken to the doctor to find and eliminate the cause of the stagger.

permanent molars

But even in adulthood human teeth are still growing. At 28, and sometimes at 30, you again have to remember: what is it like when a tooth erupts? So late appear "eights". People call them wisdom teeth. It happens that until the end of life, the eighths never erupted. They remained in the jaw (as dentists say, impacted). The dentition in this case consists of 28 teeth. They are all visible, but the row is considered incomplete.

Tooth "shift"

First, the milk must fall out so that a permanent one appears in its place. There is a rule for the order of teething. In what order the milk ones fell out, in the same order the permanent ones will appear.

The first tooth to fall out will be an incisor from the lower jaw. The child's first permanent tooth will also grow at this site. Much later, dairy roots begin to fall out. This difference can be several months or even years.

Dentists remind about the importance of the unhindered growth of permanent teeth. It often happens that dairy ones hold on tight, not wanting to leave their place. Constants grow. To avoid curvature, the milk will need to be removed with the help of doctors, in other words, to pull out. Therefore, in case of staggering, milky roots are quickly removed.

There is no single scheme for the growth of teeth, but nevertheless, this process must be carefully monitored. This responsibility lies with the parents. In case of a delay or shift in the timing of the change of bite by 3-4 months, you can start to worry and seek help from specialists.

An arbitrary sequence of tooth loss and growth is natural, but a delay in the process will be an alarm signal. Sometimes it indicates some diseases, for example:

  • the metabolism in the child's body is disturbed;
  • avitaminosis.

Even in the womb, the baby receives formed permanent teeth. The process ends in the last months of pregnancy, at the same time the program for changing milk constants will be laid.

If the eruption period of permanents is delayed, it will be standard practice to order an x-ray. It allows you to determine the stage of development and predict the period of appearance of teeth. In the event of deviations, a snapshot can be used to determine the cause of the delay and eliminate it if necessary.

To keep your teeth beautiful, you will need to monitor their health from the first days of their appearance. Then you can form a beautiful and correct bite. This is important, because the permanent ones will serve a person all his life.

The first step to staying healthy is prevention. Why treat when the problem can be prevented? A simple step along the way is limiting your sweets. Sugar promotes the release of lactic acid. It also has a great destructive effect on enamel. By destroying or simply damaging it, the acid negatively affects the dentin (the inner component of the tooth). The result of such exposure will be the appearance of caries on the newly erupted permanent teeth.

Then it is important to accustom the child to personal hygiene. Teeth should be brushed twice a day. Evening cleansing is much more important than mornings. IN night period the action of microbes and bacteria in the oral cavity is enhanced, and the process of destruction becomes more intense. It is wise to rinse your mouth after every meal, especially when you can. As for visiting the dentist, it is optimal to go to the doctor twice a year. It's about about preventive examination, not about treatment. By carefully looking after your teeth, it will be possible to refuse from visits to the doctor for the purpose of treatment for a long time.

You can also strengthen the enamel with the help of special toothpastes that contain elevated level calcium and fluorine.

As a person grows older, the number of teeth constantly increases. In a child, only 20 can be counted. When the constants begin to grow, their number increases and the result is 28.

The first twenty consists of 8 incisors, 4 canines and 8 premolars (small molars). All these milk teeth will be replaced by permanent ones, 8 more molars (large molars) are added.

Premolars, or small molars, are not considered dairy. They grow after the incisors and canines, but before the rest of the permanent ones. Without knowing about these features of growth, you can lose sight of the growth of premolars and reap the fruits, that is, teeth affected by caries.

In a person in adulthood, the total number increases by another 4 molars, called wisdom teeth.

Each species has its own functions, except for the latter. They are extra in the jaw modern man. This is explained by a change in the composition of food. The food has become much softer, because it undergoes a long heat treatment.

The incisors are responsible for cutting food and grasping it. Then the fangs tear it and hold it so that the molars can grind it completely. Why, then, are the "eights" needed, what is their function?

If the last molars have grown without interference, have taken their place and do not cause discomfort, it is better to leave them, because they will come in handy over time. Otherwise, when the tooth does not fit, grows in, or periodically aches, you can get rid of it.

Bone formations require constant care. The state of the whole organism depends on their health, and this cannot be neglected. First, their health is monitored by parents: it is necessary to teach their children to be independent and responsible. In adulthood, they continue this process on their own.

Prevention, cleaning, visiting the dentist on time and proper nutrition will keep your own teeth healthy for a long time.

It will also reduce the risk of prosthetics or refuse it. In case of problems, you should contact the dentist urgently in order to save your own tooth, preventing damage from penetrating deep into it.

The true adornment of every person, bestowed on him by nature, is considered beautiful smile with white and healthy teeth.

What teeth change in children and in what order? It is considered erroneous that the entire dentition changes in a child. During a person's life, only 20 teeth change. Initially, 8–12 erupt as permanent. "Sixes" - the first molars in children. They appear before the prolapse of the central milk incisors.

Milk teeth fall out: when and in what order?

Deadlines may vary. They depend on individual characteristics development. This process is long and most often painless, asymptomatic. The milk root gradually resolves, then it begins to stagger and falls out. What do you need to pay attention to?

  • Dentists recommend loosening, swinging milk teeth during their change. Children can perform this procedure on their own.
  • A milk tooth can sit tight and interfere with the growth of a permanent one. It is shown to consult a dentist and remove the interference. If this is not done in a timely manner, the permanent may grow crooked or in the second row.
  • After treatment, milk roots dissolve slowly. More often than not, they have to be removed.
  • If the wound bleeds after falling out, let the child hold a tampon, a piece of sterile bandage and hold for several minutes. It is advisable not to eat for 2 hours after a tooth falls out or is removed. Let the child refrain from hot, cold, sour, salty foods. Do not allow to actively rinse the wound! A cork is formed in the well, which protects against the ingress of microbes.
  • It happens early. What can this lead to? The free space in the jaw leads to the displacement of the remaining milk teeth, then the permanent ones will begin to grow crooked in due time. Here you need to consult a pediatric orthodontist.
  • The pattern of loss of milk teeth in children is always the same. Usually, in what order the teeth are cut, in the same sequence they fall out. In most cases, the process of prolapse begins with the lower jaw.

Baby teeth Beginning of root resorption, age Duration prolapse, age
Upper and lower central incisors from 5 years old 2 years 5–7 years
Upper and lower lateral incisors from 6 years old 2 years 7–8 years
Molars small (upper and lower) from 7 years old 3 years 8–10 years
Fangs upper and lower from 8 years old 3 years 9–11 years old
Molars large (upper and lower) from 7 years old 3 years 11–13 years old

Comparative analysis of milk and permanent dentition

Permanent teeth: features of eruption

Eruption order Name Age in years
1 Lower central incisors
1st molars, upper and lower
2 Upper central incisors, lower lateral incisors 7–8
3 Upper lateral incisors 8–9
4 lower fangs 9–10
5 1st premolars upper 10–11
6 1st premolars lower, 2nd premolars upper 10–12
7 Canines upper, 2nd premolars lower 11–12
8 2nd molars lower 11–13
9 2nd molars upper 12–13
10 Third molars upper and lower 17–21

The eruption of molars in children also occurs according to the scheme. What do you need to pay attention to?

  • Vulnerability. In a child, permanent teeth have a larger pulp than in an adult. Wherein hard tissues are just being formed, so they are easily exposed external influences. This is especially true for the "sixes". They suffer the most. Elementary precautions: the exclusion of too hard and viscous food. This includes nuts, candy, toffee.

  • Period. Between the loss of a temporary tooth and the growth of a permanent one, 4-6 months can pass. This is the norm. If six months have passed, and a permanent one does not appear in the hole, you should definitely contact a specialist. Perhaps the tooth does not have enough room for eruption.
  • Growth rate. The front incisors grow rapidly. Much slower - fangs. The growth of premolars and molars can be difficult and lengthy. The reason is in large area teething.
  • Terms of eruption of permanent teeth in children: violations. Terms depend on heredity, developmental features, past infections. Eruption delay can be explained physiological cause: Tooth germs have not yet formed. There is nothing dangerous in this. This is an individual feature. It is also possible that the tooth is not properly positioned in the bone tissue. These and other abnormalities can be detected by a doctor with the help of X-ray diagnostics. What can violations lead to? To various defects: location outside the arch of the dentition, malocclusion, inclination, rotation, etc.
  • Molar teeth in children: temperature. Sometimes children may complain of soreness, swelling, itching of the gums, and general fatigue. Most often, the temperature rises when molars are cut. The reason - in a large area of ​​inflammation of the gums. Pain syndrome also increases in this case. If the temperature during the eruption of molars exceeds 38 ° C, it is better to give the child an antipyretic.

Nutrition Features: 4 Important Points

During the period when molars climb in children, it is necessary to maintain high-quality nutrition. What should be in a child's diet?

  1. The need for phosphorus. Not without fish! For cooking, use low-fat varieties of sea fish.
  2. More calcium. A variety and abundance of dairy products is desirable.
  3. Vegetables and fruits. First, this is the source essential vitamins. Secondly, solid food accelerates the process of loosening milk teeth. It is important to load the jaw during this period.
  4. Limitation of sweets. A deplorable item for children. However, it is sweet foods that lead to the formation of lactic acid, which negatively affects enamel and hard tissue.

Changing teeth in children is an additional burden on the body. It will be useful to take a multivitamin complex.

Loss and teething is a self-regulating process in the human body. It actively participates bone tissue, endocrine and nervous systems. Orthodontic problems are possible here, which, with a variety modern methods corrected successfully.

The structure of permanent teeth

In each permanent (molar) tooth, 3 parts can be distinguished:

  • The crown is the upper protruding part of the tooth, in which there are several surfaces (vestibular, occlusal, contact and lingual).
  • A root that goes deep into the alveolus (the bone part of the jaw) and is fixed in it by connective tissue bundles. Different teeth have a different number of roots, and can range from one (in canines and incisors) to five (upper molars). It depends on this how many nerves and canals the tooth will have, and this is very important in the treatment.
  • The neck is the part of the tooth that is located between the root and the crown of the tooth.

Tooth tissues are characterized by heterogeneity. The top and most durable is enamel. Immediately after the tooth erupts, the enamel covers a thin transparent ball - the cuticle, which after a while is replaced by the pellicle - a film that is a derivative of saliva.

Beneath the enamel lies dentin, the main tissue of the tooth. Its structure is very similar to bone tissue, but differs from it in higher strength due to high mineralization. Dentin in the root part is covered with cementum, which is also rich in mineral compounds and is connected to the periodontium with the help of collagen fibers.

Inside the tooth there is a crown cavity and a root canal, which are filled with pulp - a connective tissue of a loose consistency, where nerve endings and blood vessels are located.

How are milk teeth different from permanent teeth?

Although the structure of permanent and temporary teeth is the same, they have a number of differences:

  • Milk teeth have a whiter shade of enamel, while permanent enamel is light yellow.
  • The molars have a greater density and degree of mineralization.
  • Pulp baby tooth large sizes, and the walls of dense tissues are thinner.
  • Permanent teeth are larger in size, their length is greater than their width.
  • The root parts of milk teeth are shorter and thinner than those of the same permanent ones. In the process of the formation of the roots of temporary molars, their divergence occurs wider, due to which a permanent germ can grow without obstacles in free space.

In the photo, the structure of a milk tooth

Tooth development

Teeth are laid and develop in the future baby during fetal development at the sixth week. Their source is a special dental epithelial plate. Already in 1 fetus at 14 weeks there is an active formation of hard dental tissues, first in the area of ​​the crown, and then near the root of the tooth.

The initial rudiments of molars appear at the 5th month of the intrauterine life of the baby. On the upper jaw, they are located higher than the future milk teeth, on the lower jaw - lower. Before the birth of the baby, in the tissues of the jaws there are almost completely formed rudiments of milk teeth, as well as permanent ones from the replacement group (corresponding to temporary teeth).

The teeth of the additional group, which does not have milk predecessors, are laid a little later - after 1 year from the moment of birth ( large molars). This is due to small size children's jaw and lack of space for them.

How many molars and milk teeth does a person have

Since in children the jaw is much smaller than in an adult, the number of milk teeth they have is only 20 (10 in each jaw). Both above and below are 4 incisors, 4 molars and 2 canines.

By the time the period of tooth replacement ends, the dimensions of the maxillofacial system in a teenager reach the same dimensions as adults, so it can already fit all the permanent teeth, which at this age are already 32. An adult has 4 incisors, 3 large and 2 small molars, 2 canines.

What is the form of the dental formula

To be able to conveniently describe the number of teeth in the human mouth, dentists use the so-called "dental formulas"- each tooth is assigned a specific number, which corresponds to its location on the jaw on the left or right side.

In the formula, in order to describe the milk bite, Roman numerals are used:

  • incisors - I and II;
  • canine - III;
  • molars - IV and V.

The "adult" formula provides for counting teeth from the center to the sides:

  • incisors - 1 and 2;
  • fang - 3;
  • small molars - 4 and 5;
  • large molars - 6, 7 and 8, while the eighth tooth is always a wisdom tooth and not all people have it.

For example, if the dentist wrote down that "no 6 upper tooth on the right”, this indicates that the patient is missing the first large molar on the upper jaw on the right side.

There is also such a version of the formula, in which, before indicating the number of the tooth, it is written purely from 1 to 4, which indicates a certain part of the dentition:

1 - upper jaw on the right;
2 - upper jaw on the left;
3 - lower jaw on the left;
4 - lower jaw on the right.

Therefore, if the dentist made a record that the patient does not have a 48 tooth, this is not evidence that he has a dental superset, but only that he does not have a lower wisdom tooth on the right.

The timing when milk teeth change permanent ones is the same for almost all children. Molar teeth begin to erupt at the age of five, large molars appear. Then the replacement takes place in almost the same way as when teething milk teeth:

  • first, the central mandibular incisors are replaced;
  • further, the lower lateral and upper central incisors erupt almost simultaneously;
  • by the age of 8-9 years, the lateral maxillary incisors are replaced;
  • about 9-12 years old, small molars (premolars) are replaced;
  • at about the age of thirteen, fangs change;
  • after 14 years, the eruption of the second large molars occurs, which were absent in the milk kit;
  • at the age of fifteen, third large molars may appear, better known as "wisdom teeth". But it often happens that even in old age there may not be such teeth, since they remain in the gum.

In the photo how the teeth erupt

What indicates the appearance of molars in a child

There are some signs that indicate that permanent teeth will erupt soon. These include:

  • An increase in the milk bite of the interdental spaces. With age, the baby's jaw grows, so the teeth are more spacious on it.
  • Milk teeth are loosened. This happens because the temporary root of the tooth gradually dissolves and can no longer be well fixed in the jaw tissues.
  • If a temporary tooth has already fallen out, this indicates that it was pushed out of the gum by a molar tooth, and it will soon erupt itself.
  • In some cases, there is slight redness and swelling on the gum where the permanent tooth should appear. Sometimes it is possible to form small cysts with transparent contents.
  • In the process of eruption of permanent teeth, pain in the gum area, a violation of the child's well-being and an increase in body temperature cannot occur. If you experience these symptoms, you should definitely consult a dentist.

Possible problems

Although children's permanent teeth are just emerging in the mouth, there are many dental problems that parents should be aware of.

Absent molars

Sometimes it happens that all the terms have already passed when the change of milk teeth occurs, but the permanent ones do not appear for a long time. Temporary teeth either fall out or remain in place.

In this case, the child must be shown to the dentist, who will help to find out the reason for which there are no permanent teeth. He will advise you to take a survey x-ray, which will show the children's skull and emerging molars.

If the child did not grow permanent teeth in time, then the following options are possible:

  • Physiological delay in the growth of teeth, which occurs due to hereditary predisposition. In this case, all the rudiments of teeth can be seen in the picture, so parents need to wait a while.
  • Adentia is a pathology in which the baby does not have the rudiments of permanent teeth as a result of a violation of their laying even during fetal development, as well as death through inflammatory processes in the oral cavity. In this case, the child, and then the adult, undergoes prosthetics.

Pain in a root tooth

Immediately after a tooth has erupted, the enamel does not have a sufficient level of mineralization. That is why the period when its maturation occurs is very dangerous, since often at this time a carious lesion of permanent teeth can occur in children.

With caries, a deep destruction of the tooth tissue occurs, first pulpitis develops, and eventually periodontitis. The child in this case may experience constant toothache, body temperature often rises, sometimes the general condition of the child is disturbed.

What should parents do if a child has a molar tooth? In this case, you should immediately contact your dentist. Which will qualified assistance. In such a situation, there is no need to hesitate, as serious complications may arise, which may even end in tooth loss.

If the child is predisposed to caries, fissure sealing is performed - deep natural pockets on molars are closed composite materials. This measure will be an obstacle to the accumulation of plaque and food debris in such recesses, so the chances of developing this pathology will decrease.

crooked grow

Sometimes there are cases when the permanent teeth began to grow before the milk teeth fell out. Because of this, their growth process and location on the jaw are disrupted.

In the event that a molar tooth grows behind a milk tooth, there may be a pathology of bite and the need for treatment by an orthodontist. In this case, it is necessary to pay a visit to the dentist to remove the temporary tooth and consult about the possibility of straightening the molar tooth.

Started to fall out

If in childhood a molar tooth fell out, this is the first wake-up call that something is wrong with the child's health. Such a situation can lead to such diseases of the oral cavity as caries, pulpitis, inflammatory diseases gums, as well as pathological changes throughout the body (for example, diabetes mellitus, systemic diseases connective tissue).

A serious problem for a child is the loss of a tooth from a permanent bite, since in the future it will be necessary to decide how to restore it. This is especially important for the front teeth. For proper development in a child of the maxillofacial system, instead of a lost tooth, he must definitely put a temporary prosthesis, which will need to be changed as the small patient grows.
Only after the complete formation of the jaw tissues, it will be possible to carry out permanent prosthetics.

Traumatic lesions of the molars

Children and adolescents are very often exposed to various injuries due to pronounced mobility. Therefore, for several years after the teeth erupt, their tissues will continue their maturation process, therefore, with bumps and falls, there is a very high risk damage a tooth. Often, such children come to the dentist for an appointment who have a split, broken or cracked tooth even after receiving a minor injury.

In the event that even a small piece of the tooth has broken off, a correction needs to be made. Often carry out the build-up of missing dental tissues with composite materials.


Very often, parents have a question whether the molars can change again and whether new teeth will grow in children if they have lost the old ones. In dentistry, there have been cases when in old age there was a repeated replacement of the dentition, but this case is a rare exception. Therefore, it is necessary to protect permanent teeth, making every effort for this.

Symptoms of teething first teeth

The central incisors are the first to appear. It is very simple to understand that a baby has begun to cut a tooth: he is accompanied bad sleep and appetite, irritability, the desire to stuff everything in the mouth, biting the mother's breast with gums.

The mucous membrane of the oral cavity at the site of the eruption of the first tooth becomes reddened. When he is ready to be born, white spots are clearly visible through it.

The sequence of eruption of milk teeth in children

Note: the chart is indicative. The timing of the appearance of teeth varies among researchers and depends entirely on the individual characteristics of the baby.

So, by the time of birth, the child already has a foundation for 16 permanent and 20 temporary teeth. Over the next six months during breastfeeding minerals and other nutrients that continue to form the jaw. In 50% of children, it is at this time (six months after birth) that the first tooth erupts. The teeth appear symmetrically and in pairs: lateral canines with lateral ones, central incisors with central ones. If the pairing is broken, most likely the child will have a malocclusion, and you should discuss this with the orthodontist.

During the first year of life, the baby grows eight incisors. Only then do the first molars, canines and second molars appear.

Delays in formation may be caused various factors. For example, in geographical areas where the water contains a lot of fluoride, the teeth are cut more slowly: the delay can be 2-3 months. Accordingly, if there is little fluorine in the water, the teeth are cut faster. But this is far from the only reason.

Eruption of permanent teeth

At the age of 4-5 years, baby teeth begin to fall out. This is a natural process that should not be rushed. Forget about barbaric methods like thread and a doorknob. Instead, take your baby to pediatric dentist, which will tell you whether it is necessary to pull out a loose tooth and how to care for the oral cavity.

Milk teeth are replaced by permanent ones within a few years, which will remain for life.

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Temporary bite

In the period from 6 months to 3 years, the child has 20 milk teeth. They form a temporary bite, which is noticeably different from the permanent bite that we are dealing with now. The teeth at this time have a pronounced anatomical shape, they fit snugly together.

The enamel is thin, and the risk of caries is much higher, so you need to start brushing your teeth immediately after they appear: for this, dental wipes are used first, and then a special fluorine-free toothpaste. Preventive examination It is recommended to visit the dentist every 3-4 months.

After three years, the period of reduction of temporary occlusion begins, which lasts up to six years. At this time, the jaw is formed and grows, gaps appear between the teeth, the sharp edges of the incisors are erased, temporary milk teeth become more mobile. They begin to fall out already at the age of 4-5 years.

Why is teething such a difficult and unpleasant process?

Before being born, the tooth passes through the bone membrane, and then the mucous membrane of the gums. This is a very slow and therefore painful, irritable process. You can relieve inflammation and discomfort, make this period more calm. We will tell you how to do this in the article How to help a child when teeth are being cut.

Number of teeth in children

The appearance of milk teeth in babies is a purely individual process. It depends on many factors. This is heredity, the health of the baby, the quality of nutrition, ecology and much more. But there are approximate dates for their appearance, which doctors and parents are guided by.

Erupted teeth in children under one year old are the norm. By 12 months, mothers can have up to 8 teeth in their baby's mouth. Although someone at this time they can only start to cut. By the age of three, children usually have 20 teeth. It is these milk teeth that are changing. The rest come out once and for all. Their number can vary from 8 to 12 pieces. The first molars in children come out even before the first milk tooth falls out.

Scheme of changing milk teeth to permanent ones

Milk teeth in children are temporary. When a child begins to stagger, it can cause panic. It is important to prepare your child for this process in advance. To do this, mom herself must know when milk teeth fall out and what problems may arise in connection with this. Around the age of 6 years, milk teeth are replaced by permanent ones. The scheme of loss of milk teeth in children and the growth of permanent teeth in their place is approximately as follows:

In the above diagram, it is worth clarifying some concepts:

  • A premolar is a small molar located between the canine and the large molar. Each premolar initially erupts as a milk premolar and then changes to a permanent one.
  • Molars are the molars of the milk and permanent series. "Fours" and "fives" are located behind the premolars and initially come out milky. In children, these pairs are changed to permanent ones. "Sixes", "sevens" and "eights" appear in a place where there have never been milk teeth. They come out once and for all.

Data on how many years milk teeth fall out are only a guideline. Normally, the sequence of eruption of a permanent row of teeth should be as follows:

  • The first permanent molars in children appear at the age of 6-7 years. These are molars, or "sixes". They come out in places where there were no teeth yet, and erupt until the moment when milk teeth begin to fall out.
  • The change of teeth in children occurs in the same order as eruption. The milk incisors are the first to loosen and fall out. Permanent ones appear in place of those that have fallen out. Next in order is the change of the first molars, canines and premolars, the second molars.
  • The second and third molars appear later than the others. "Sevens" erupt at about the age of 14 years. And the "eight" and even later, but may not appear at all. People call them "wisdom" teeth.

One can simply say about what teeth change in children - temporary milk teeth. Quantity - 20 pieces. Usually the change is painless, but takes several years. The entire dentition is formed by about 20-25 years. But there are also exceptions to the rule.

What to look out for

Loss of milk teeth in children usually does not cause much trouble. None painful symptoms process is not followed. Everyone knows how milk teeth fall out. The root gradually resolves, the tooth begins to stagger, then falls out. And yet, when children change teeth, parents should pay attention to the following points:

  • What milk teeth are about to fall out can be seen immediately. Dentists advise them to specifically swing. Parents can show their child how to do it on their own.
  • Milk teeth in children can hold tight, interfering with the growth of permanent ones. In this case, it is better to seek the help of a dentist to remove the interference. Then the permanent teeth will be even and grow correctly, in their own row.
  • Parents should know which teeth fall out easily in children and which can be difficult. The milk root resolves longer if the tooth has been treated. Most often, these teeth have to be removed.
  • When baby teeth fall out, bleeding wounds form in their place. The child should be given a cotton swab and shown how to apply it and how much to the sore spot. Must be conveyed to the child important information about the fact that for two hours you can not eat, drink cold or hot, try not to eat sour or salty for several days. Often rinsing the wound is also not recommended, as a cork forms in its place, preventing the penetration of microbes.
  • If baby teeth change too early in children, it is worth consulting with a specialist about this. Early replacement can cause other baby teeth to move out and take up space. Under such circumstances, permanent teeth in children most often grow crooked.
  • Knowing at what age milk teeth fall out and when permanent teeth begin to come out, it is easier to follow the process. Any irregularities are a reason to consult a dentist.
  • Molar teeth in children, such as molars "six", "seven" and "eight", come out immediately permanent. Therefore, their health should be given Special attention. After all, the change of these molars to new molars does not occur. During their eruption, special attention should be paid to the child's diet, excluding solid and too viscous foods. After all, dense tissues of molars are formed for a long time and at the same time are easily injured.
  • The time from loss of a milk tooth to the appearance of a permanent tooth can last up to six months. If a new tooth does not come out for too long, you should consult a doctor.
  • Parents need to know how different teeth change. The front incisors fall out and grow faster than the others. Canines grow more slowly, and premolars and molars grow even longer. This is explained by the fact that they have a much larger area of ​​eruption.
  • Do all milk teeth change? Everything! But each child has their own timing. It depends on the past diseases, physiological characteristics, heredity and other factors. It is important to detect the wrong location of the tooth in the bone tissue in time and correct the situation in time. This will help to avoid malocclusion, curvature of the tooth, location outside the main dentition.
  • Pain, swelling of the gums, feeling unwell, temperature are the companions of the eruption of molars. This is explained by the fact that the area of ​​damage to the gum tissue when cutting large teeth is quite large. If there is pain and the temperature exceeds 38 °, the child should be given an analgesic and antipyretic.

The processes of loss and eruption of permanent teeth cause a serious burden on the growing body. The process involves both bone tissue and the central nervous system, as well as the endocrine system. To support a child during this difficult period, you need to diversify the daily diet with foods containing phosphorus and calcium, enrich it with seasonal fruits and vegetables, and limit the consumption of sweets. should not be neglected and vitamin complexes if recommended by a dentist.


Parents who encounter tooth loss in their baby treat this process with some excitement, as they understand that the child has begun to grow up. This article will discuss in detail the scheme of loss of milk teeth in children.


How do milk teeth change in children? The fallout pattern (photo below) indicates that the natural process of renewal in childhood occurs constantly, starting from 6-7 years. At the same time, the child does not experience discomfort; however, there may be some nuances:

  • in sensitive children - pain;
  • in rare cases, the occurrence of an inflammatory process.

The given scheme of loss of milk teeth in children will help parents prepare for such an important process and avoid unforeseen situations.

Which teeth fall out first? Why do not grow immediately indigenous? Why do people need milk teeth? What role do they play in human development? Let's try to answer all these questions more specifically in order to fully understand all this difficult process. The “falling out of milk teeth” scheme can be used to help. In children aged 6-7 years this process is very active.

The main purpose of milk teeth is to preserve space for future molars during the formation of the child's jaw.

Functions of teeth

The baby is born without teeth; the first erupt at six months. During this period, caring mothers begin to introduce complementary foods, gradually transferring their child to solid food. The child's mouth is still small, and the teeth appear also small. By the age of 5, there are significant gaps between them in the mouth. And by the age of 6-7, the change of milk teeth to permanent, permanent teeth begins to occur. The pattern of loss of milk teeth in children is the same for everyone, but individual characteristics make their own adjustments.


The prolapse occurs due to the fact that the milk roots begin to dissolve, lose their strength, as a result of which the tooth falls out of the hole. Then another one, and more until the complete filling of the oral cavity with molars, with which the child will walk for the rest of his life, occurs.

Tip: During this period, it is very important to properly follow the requirements for oral care.

Formation of teeth

The laying of future teeth occurs when the baby is in the womb: milk teeth - at about 7 weeks of gestation; the first rudiments of permanent ones - at the 5th month. Calcium is necessary for the proper formation of future teeth, therefore expectant mother supplementary vitamins must be included in the diet.

Eruption order

Baby's teething process:

  • in the center on the lower jaw;
  • in the center on the upper jaw;
  • upper lateral incisors;
  • lower lateral incisors;
  • upper first molars;
  • lower first molars;
  • fangs (lower and upper);
  • lower second molars;
  • upper second molars.

The most active eruption of milk teeth is observed from 6 to 12 months from the moment the baby is born. By the age of three, a child should have 20 teeth, which are the main ones. Parents should not worry about the absence of premolars (“fourth” and “fifth” teeth), their appearance will occur at the age of 11-12 years.


Also, do not worry about the location of the teeth in the baby's mouth. Each organism is individual, and everything that is laid down by nature will definitely appear on time.

If, nevertheless, a situation has occurred that up to a year the teeth have not appeared, urgently go to a pediatric dentist. Such a deviation from the norm must be examined by a medical specialist.

The order of loss of milk teeth in children (the scheme is described below in the text) has great importance for the timely appearance of constants.

A little about milk teeth

Milk teeth are very sensitive, so they should be taken care of with great care. With the appearance of plaque or specks on the enamel, you should definitely contact a pediatric dentist. There is no need to be mistaken that milk teeth can be left untreated, as they will fall out anyway, giving way to permanent ones. The teeth that appeared in their place will already grow affected and infect the entire body with harmful bacteria. Decayed baby teeth can lead to a malocclusion.


Like molars, milk teeth have roots, only slightly different in structure: short, capable of thinning.

Teeth (molars and milk teeth) vary in size and color. Dairy - small, characterized by white with a blue tint; indigenous - often yellow, with thicker enamel.

The main function of the dairy is that they indicate the place of germination of the molars. It is worth paying attention to the following fact: if a tooth is removed ahead of time, for various reasons, this may affect the condition of the molar, which may grow crooked or cut through the gum incorrectly.

So what is the order of loss of milk teeth in children? More on this later.

Tooth change mechanism

All parents know that children grow up quickly. They were just taken in a wheelchair, and they are already going to school. During this period of their life, the main change of teeth occurs. They are cut through in almost the same sequence as the milk ones. Although there are kids who do not fall into common list due to individual characteristics. Parents should not worry about this.


Here are the approximate terms for the loss of milk teeth in children and their replacement with new, already permanent ones:

  • 6-7 years - renewal of the first lower and upper molars, as well as incisors in the center of the lower jaw;
  • 7-8 years - eruption of the lower lateral and upper central incisors;
  • 8-9 years replacement of upper lateral incisors;
  • 9-10 years the appearance of the lower fangs;
  • 10-12 years eruption of the first and second upper and lower premolars;
  • 11-12 years old canine growth from above;
  • 11-13 years old second molars are cut from below;
  • 12-13 years old - second molars from above;
  • 18-25 years old occurs last stage- “third molars” appear from above and below (popularly “wisdom teeth”). By the way, in many people they may be completely absent.

This is the sequence of loss of milk teeth in children and the appearance of molars.

Some secrets

By the change of teeth, one can judge how the child develops. When new teeth appear pain, since the place is already prepared for them by milk teeth. Parents should not pull out a loose tooth from a child, over time it will fall out on its own. But you should be careful if the tooth has not yet fallen out, and a new one is already growing. Contact a specialist immediately to remove a delayed milk tooth.

Causes of delay in the appearance of molars

Now it is clear how the loss of milk teeth occurs in children. The age when the first molars should appear is 6-7 years. But sometimes given term can be shifted due to the individual characteristics of the body, so doctors attribute another one or two years to the standards. There are also certain nuances when replacing teeth:

  • gender of the baby - in girls, the process of changing and the appearance of teeth is faster than in boys;
  • the impact of childhood infectious diseases;
  • nutritional diet;
  • the quality of the liquid used;
  • adverse events during pregnancy;
  • genotype;
  • breastfeeding (also affects the quality of future teeth);
  • climatic conditions;
  • disruption of the endocrine system;
  • chronic diseases.

A lost baby tooth is a simple crown with pulp particles, there is no root on it. Shallow planting depth and low degree of strength contribute to the natural resorption of the root of a milk tooth for several years.


After a milk tooth has fallen out, try not to let the child eat for 3 hours. This measure prevents particles of food from entering the vacated hole and preventing inflammation.

If a child is being tortured severe pain When teeth appear, immediately consult a dentist. You should not expose the baby to suffering, as toothache negatively affects the physical and mental state child. Your doctor will prescribe an ointment to help relieve gum pain.


During the period of teeth growth, the child's diet should be completely changed. It is required to exclude a number of products that can have negative factors for the growth of new teeth:

  • nothing salty;
  • sour food is prohibited;
  • spicy food is also banned.

Explain to the child that it is impossible to touch the formed hole either with the tongue or with the hands. This can lead to infection in the mouth. And this leads to negative consequences. If, after falling out, the hole bleeds, then it is necessary to rinse the mouth. wonderful folk remedies considered soda solution, a decoction of sage or chamomile.

After a tooth falls out, the baby may have a fever. If she slept on her own, then do not panic. And if it persists for a long time or increases further, then rather call a doctor. Perhaps some kind of inflammatory process is taking place in the child's body.


In this article, we have considered the scheme of loss of milk teeth in children. It is important not only to control the indicated terms, but also to carefully monitor the hygiene of the baby's oral cavity, to conduct regular conversations with him about the need for daily brushing of teeth in the morning and evening. Do not be too lazy to check how your baby brushes his teeth. Many children believe that the sooner they clean it, the better.

If the baby is very small or just learning, then show him how to do it, on personal example. Carry out hygiene procedures with your child every morning. Try not to break the regime, then the child will get into the habit of brushing his teeth regularly.

At what age do children lose their teeth

At the end of the exciting and painful period of the eruption of the first incisors, the canines of the parents begin to worry about another problem, at what age, how, when the milk teeth in children change to permanent ones, what complications and difficulties may lie in wait on this segment of the life path.

Knowing the approximate number corresponding to age periodization makes it possible to understand how many milk teeth fall out in children for the entire period allotted by nature for this.

Their presence can be independently calculated by subtracting the number 4 from the age (in months). Therefore, a baby can have 8 erupted milkmen per year (12 - 4). Of course, it is difficult to expect such accuracy in reality, each baby is individual. Therefore, he can demonstrate all twenty young teeth at two and a half, and at three years.

Change of teeth: the essence of the process

Milk teeth appear in children for a relatively short time. Already by the age of six, their loss begins, due to the natural course of growing up. In a normal course, gaps are formed, indicating the imminent start of an important stage of farewell. In this case, the permanent canines and incisors that come to replace will easily be placed in their rightful places.

Scheme of loss of milk teeth and eruption of permanent teeth

If gaps are not observed, difficulties may arise due to lack of space.

The process of changing types of teeth in the ideal course of events does not cause difficulties. The shallow root gradually resolves, which is accompanied by a pronounced wobble. Children actively help by constantly touching the tooth with their tongue and fingers. This often leads to the fact that the milkman falls out before his permanent counterpart hatches.

Approximate terms

In the theory of medicine, of course, patterns have been developed for the course of the entire process of changing teeth, given that it begins with the front incisor, which is lost at 5.5 ÷ 6 years. Further, a certain sequence can be traced, which makes it possible to understand at what age the milk teeth in children change to permanent ones. The scheme, up to what age the process of forming a permanent smile is stretched, demonstrates this clearly. It builds up like this:

  • 6 ÷ 7 years - central incisors of the lower jaw, first molars - lower and upper;
  • 7 ÷ 8 - upper central incisors, lower lateral incisors;
  • 8 ÷ 9 - lateral incisors of the upper jaw;
  • 9 ÷ 10 - fangs from below;
  • 10 ÷ 12 - premolars - the first simultaneously with the second on both jaws;
  • 11 ÷ 12 - upper canines, second premolars from below;
  • 11 ÷ 13 - lower second molars;
  • 12 ÷ 13 - second molars on the upper jaw;
  • 18 ÷ 22 - "wisdom teeth" - do not appear in every person.

Such an algorithm is considered the norm, which allows it to become an approximate guideline that determines when, at what age, a child's milk teeth - fangs, incisors - change.

If any violations of the order are found, it is imperative to seek consulting help from a dentist.

Scheme - until what age do milk teeth change to permanent

Oral hygiene

In order to maintain the excellent condition of the enamel of the permanent incisors and canines for many years, careful monitoring by the parents of the child's compliance is necessary. hygiene procedures. For morning and evening cleaning, varieties of brushes with soft bristles are selected that are not capable of damaging the gums.

Pastes are purchased recommended for children with structural formula calcium and fluorine. Children do not like lengthy procedures and without parental supervision may not be thorough enough. Therefore, control is necessary to form the habit of proper cleaning of all dental surfaces.

An important component of hygiene measures is rinsing the mouth with decoctions of herbs - chamomile, St. John's wort, yarrow, weak saline solution or just water after a meal. This simple and accessible method for a child, which has become a familiar ritual, will prevent Negative consequences in the form of inflammation, with the accumulation of plaque. Every six months it is advisable to visit the dentist even in the absence of visible violations.

Sometimes children's teeth, when they change, leave a bleeding hole. It is necessary to attach a piece of sterile bandage to it, which the child bites and holds for about ten minutes. With the duration of the appearance of blood for more than twenty minutes, it is imperative to get the help of a doctor. Eating stops for two hours immediately after the tooth falls out. The child must be aware of this and independently accept correct solution if there are no parents around at that moment. It is not necessary to consume excessively hot or cold foods, as well as sour or spicy foods during the day.

At what age, how when do children's milk teeth change to permanent ones?

The necessary vitamin and mineral complex, which contributes to the formation of healthy and strong enamel, the duration of the course intake, the frequency is determined by the doctor.

Violation of deadlines

The length of the period, determined by the natural course of the child's growing up for complete replacement temporary milkmen, long enough. They clearly show which teeth change in children, a diagram, photos that are presented on the site.

In some cases, however, violations appear, the cause of which can be consulted by a dentist. Most often, anxiety is caused when everything has already passed allowable terms, and there are no permanent analogues. Milkmen by this time can hold their positions, or they can already fall out. A survey radiograph prescribed by a doctor is capable of clarifying the picture. Analysis of the resulting image will reveal the stage of formation of all teeth.

The child will experience the most difficult discomfort when losing milk teeth, which makes chewing difficult. Parents should organize a complete diet prepare various types of cereals, pureed soups and vegetable purees.

"Shark teeth" - the reasons for their appearance

In a normally proceeding process, a loose milk tooth first falls out and a permanent colleague growing next helps it in this. However, not all children follow the algorithm in full, and the real representative is in a hurry to appear before the milkman gives way to him.

It is especially alarming if, in a similar way, a number of permanent analogues that have come to replace are erupted in parallel with temporary teeth that have not fallen out. It is this position, outwardly similar to the three-row jaws of a shark, that caused such a figurative name for the wrong course of replacement.

Timely rendered dental care in the form of the removal of belated milk teeth will avoid the manifestation of unaesthetic growth of permanent changers. If the teeth continue to grow crooked, you will need the help of an orthodontist who will select a special device to help prepare favorable conditions for continued growth. The action of such a device expands the growing jaw, creating enough space for new teeth.

How many baby teeth fall out in children

They resort to the forced removal of a milk tooth in a situation of a serious inflammatory process on the gum, at the site of the swaying that has begun. You will need to see a doctor if the baby is hindered by the mobility of the incisor or canine, causing inconvenience and even pain when chewing.

Features of the change of molars milk teeth

Due to confusion with concepts and terms, many parents ask topical issues whether all milk teeth fall out in children. the roots change. Which are chewy and which are not. It should be noted that the word root is not synonymous with the concept of permanent. Root milk is a tooth, which is entrusted with the function of carrying out chewing movements. These include four milk jugs - the last in a row on both jaws.

When they appear, pain and other negative manifestations occur. During the change to permanent types of problems, if they are observed, they are not so acute. little pain, local inflammation, low temperature pass quickly enough.

Factors affecting tooth stability

The stability of permanent teeth required for long-term use depends on a number of factors:

  • heredity;
  • conditions for laying rudimentary dental tissues;
  • correct formation of primordia;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • milkman injuries;
  • compliance with hygiene procedures;
  • complete diet.

Causes of misalignment of permanent teeth

The sometimes observed crooked arrangement of growing incisors is explained by the fact that they did not have enough space, since their milk predecessors did not part in a timely manner, and there were no gaps between them.

When are milk teeth replaced by permanent teeth?

The reason for the growth permanent species in a curved direction can be bad habits, consisting in the developed constant sucking of a finger, tongue, any objects. Corrective measures are appointed only by a specialist, who must be contacted immediately when negative situations are identified.

Sometimes parents have a question - the 5th tooth is milk or permanent, since it appears quite late. It must be understood that the fifth molar in a row is the last milk representative. If redness begins behind it, the gum swells, then these are manifestations of the imminent appearance of the sixth tooth, which will settle for life, as it is permanent.

Modern dentistry has such an innovative arsenal of techniques that it is able to level almost all the deviations observed when changing teeth in children. It is important not to miss favorable terms by visiting a medical institution in a timely manner.