Erysipelatous inflammation of the hand. Local treatment: powders and ointments

Erysipelas on the leg is a fairly common disease that has an infectious nature of origin. The provoking factor is group A hemolytic streptococcus, which causes intoxication of the body with external manifestations of inflammatory processes on the skin.

On a note. According to medical statistics, erysipelas of the leg in terms of frequency of manifestations ranks 4th among infectious diseases.

Causing factors that cause disease

Doctors say that the causes of erysipelas on the leg for many are associated with professional activities. For example, in men aged 20-30 years, whose work requires the constant transfer of weights, is associated with construction, the use of sharp objects, the disease is diagnosed more often than others. Injured skin is quickly contaminated with construction debris, therefore, for streptococcus, optimal conditions- it penetrates and spreads rapidly.

In women, erysipelas on the leg appears more often after 40 years. In all cases, the reasons may be:

  • weakened immunity;
  • frequent colds or infectious diseases;
  • violation of the integrity of the skin;
  • allergic reactions to staphylococcal infection;
  • abrupt and frequent shifts temperature regime indoors or at work;
  • previous injuries or severe bruises;
  • sunburn;
  • frequent stress, depression, constant psycho-emotional overload;
  • diabetes;
  • obesity;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • foot fungus;
  • alcohol abuse.

It is important to know! Erysipelas can also occur in children. Most often, the cause is stress or sunburn, which was treated incorrectly.

information to read

Clinical picture of the disease

Symptoms erysipelas legs are directly related to the type of disease. To date, doctors classify the disease depending on:

  1. The severity of symptoms:
  • light;
  • moderate;
  • heavy.
  1. From the frequency of manifestations:
  • primary;
  • recurrent;
  • secondary.
  1. From the area of ​​lesions:
  • wandering;
  • localized;
  • common.

If an erysipelas on a person’s leg appears for the first time, then on the first day after the activation of streptococcus in the body:

  1. For no apparent reason, the body temperature rises to 40 degrees.
  2. There is strong muscle and headache.
  3. There is marked weakness.
  4. In case of severe intoxication, there may be nausea, vomiting, convulsions and confusion.

A day later, the symptoms of erysipelas on the leg are supplemented by burning, bursting, redness of the skin. The skin in the affected areas becomes hot, swelling appears.

The disease itself got its name because of the external manifestations on the skin. A bright red color appears on the lower limb, the focus looks like a flame, has clear edges.

The acute phase of the course takes from 5 to 15 days, after which the inflammation subsides, and signs of peeling remain on the surface of the skin.

If the disease is severe, then after exfoliation of the skin, the affected areas are filled with serous or hemorrhagic contents.

Given that the disease can be recurrent in nature, the symptoms and treatment of erysipelas on the leg cannot be ignored in order to avoid consequences.

Remember! Erysipelatous disease is contagious and can be transmitted through the household.

Treatment Options

Symptoms of erysipelas of the leg and treatment are always closely related. Doctors during visual examination and conduct laboratory tests determine the severity of the disease and choose best option treatment.

In the case of a mild course or relapse, the treatment of erysipelas on the leg can occur on an outpatient basis, if the disease has become severe or advanced, the doctor will definitely suggest hospitalization.

First of all, regardless of the form and course, the doctor will recommend which antibiotics to take for erysipelas of the leg. Drugs can be administered orally or intramuscularly. Medications remain the most effective and effective in the fight against streptococcus penicillin group("Amoxicillin", "Ospamox"). Furazolidone, Erythromycin can be combined with them to enhance the effect.

Treatment of symptoms of erysipelas of the leg with ointment has its own characteristics. It should be applied only to the prepared area of ​​​​the skin. It is recommended to pre-treat with a solution of furacilin, which will help to avoid secondary infection and the addition of an additional infection.

To help the body resist the disease on its own, it is necessary to treat with immunostimulants. It can be vitamin complexes or biostimulants that provide fast healing wounds and recovery of the body after severe intoxication. To strengthen the nerve endings in the affected limb, B vitamins are prescribed.

If the patient rises heat, inflammatory processes on the skin begin, it is recommended to use antipyretics ( Aspirin, Ibuprofen), anti-inflammatory ( "Baralgin", "Reopirin", "Diclofenac").

If the signs of intoxication of the body are pronounced and long time do not disappear, then the patient is given an intravenous glucose solution, it is recommended plentiful drink and diuretic drugs.

In case of frequent relapses, treatment may be supplemented hormone therapy with " Prednisone."

Remember! Erysipelatous disease requires a lot of time for a complete cure, while therapy should be aimed not only at recovery, but also at preventing serious complications.

In addition to drug treatment of erysipelas of the leg, the following procedures are prescribed:

  • ultraviolet irradiation;
  • weak discharges of current;
  • high frequency current;
  • laser therapy.

If the lymph flow is disturbed in the limb, then it is recommended to carry out:

  • ozocerite;
  • magnetotherapy;
  • electrophoresis with "Lidase".

The use of these methods avoids the development of elephantiasis of the affected limb.

In the case of a severe course of the disease or a high likelihood of complications, surgical intervention may be used. The doctor performs an autopsy of watery vesicles and removes the accumulated fluid to the outside. After that, the resulting wounds are treated with an antiseptic. After surgery, an ointment with an antibiotic and analgesic effect can be applied until the wounds are completely healed.

Surgery is the last resort prescribed by the doctor.

Home treatment options

How to treat erysipelas of the leg at home? First you need to consult a doctor and determine the severity of the disease.

Remember! Application of recipes traditional medicine possible only after consultation with the attending physician!

Among the most popular and effective recipes distinguish the following:

  1. A decoction of bloodworm. It is made from 100 grams of water and 1 tablespoon of grass, previously crushed. The grass is poured with water, boiled for 10 minutes and cooled to room temperature. In a decoction, gauze is moistened and applied to the affected areas of the skin. Such a compress helps to quickly get rid of redness, relieves severe itching, burning. For treatment, doctors can recommend not only a decoction of this herb, but also an alcohol tincture for treating wounds.
  2. Those who often suffer from recurrences of erysipelas of the leg can be treated with cottage cheese. It is imposed thin layer on the affected area and removed immediately when it dries. Such procedures will avoid visible marks on the skin after recovery, improve the regeneration of the skin, strengthen metabolic processes in cells. Homemade cottage cheese contains a large amount of nutrients, therefore it saturates the skin and body with vitamins and microelements.
  3. Black root compresses. This plant is sold in dry form in all pharmacies. Before preparing the compress, the root must be thoroughly crushed to a homogeneous mass and mixed with water. The finished gruel is applied to gauze and applied to damaged areas of the skin. Such a compress helps to reduce body temperature in places of inflammation, removes swelling, pain.
  4. Chamomile and yarrow ointment can be used to reduce inflammation and pain in erysipelas. For its preparation, the juice of these herbs is taken (1 teaspoon) and 4 teaspoons butter. When the ointment is ready, it is applied in a thin layer to the affected area until completely absorbed.

Remember! Chamomile and yarrow ointment avoids frequent relapses and speeds up recovery.

  1. Good for celery disease. It is passed through a meat grinder until a homogeneous slurry is formed. It is laid out on a cotton napkin and attached to the leg. Cabbage has the same effect.. Keep the compress on the affected leg for no more than 30 minutes.

  1. Bean powder can be used as an aid for redness and pain relief. With the help of food processors or coffee grinders, the bean grains are crushed, and the limb is sprinkled with the resulting powder. Keep this powder for no more than 30 minutes.
  2. Many believe that erysipelas can be cured with chalk and red cloth. It is the last attribute that is required. A layer of crushed chalk is applied to the red cloth and fixed on the affected area for the whole night. By morning, redness and swelling will decrease on the leg, and the temperature of the limb will decrease.

What threatens ignoring the disease?

Medical practice has proven that ignoring proper medical care can lead to serious complications. Among common complications doctors distinguish the following:

Among the locals:

  • the formation of ulcers;
  • necrotic processes of the affected areas;
  • abscesses;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • sepsis;
  • elephantiasis of the affected limb.

Remember! Any of these diseases can pose a serious threat to health and lead to disability.

Prevention of erysipelas on the leg

Taking care of your health and the condition of your skin is the responsibility of every person!

Prevention of the development of erysipelas is possible if the treatment of inflammatory processes is carried out in a timely manner, and the factors that will contribute to the appearance of the disease are eliminated. It is extremely important to carry out timely therapy diabetes mellitus, disorders of the vascular system in lower limbs, fungal infections of the foot.

Unfortunately, erysipelas is characterized by frequent relapses. If the disease manifests itself more often than 2 times a year, then doctors are already talking about the presence of a chronic form. To avoid frequent relapses, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Avoid hypothermia sudden changes temperature indoors or at work.
  2. Respond early to start inflammatory process.

Remember! By starting the treatment of inflammation of the skin, you can block the spread of the disease at the initial stage!

  1. At the slightest suspicion of fungal infection feet immediately contact a dermatologist to select the necessary medication.
  2. Daily wash feet, body, observe personal hygiene.
  3. Constantly strengthen the immune system, play sports, walk in the fresh air.
  4. Follow a personalized treatment and recovery plan that your doctor will recommend.
  5. Use long-acting drugs that prevent the activation and reproduction of streptococcus in the body. These medications can only be taken with a doctor's prescription. The course can vary from several months to a year.

Erysipelatous inflammation of the leg is quite frequent illness, which has bright and unpleasant symptoms. To avoid the development of the disease, it is necessary to systematically monitor your health, engage in spores, eat right and not self-medicate. A consultation with a doctor will always help to avoid the development of serious complications and health problems.

Erysipelas or erysipelatous inflammation of the skin is one of the manifestations of an acute common streptococcal infection. This disease is manifested by a predominant focal lesion of the dermis and underlying subcutaneous fat and proceeds against the background of an intoxication syndrome. Erysipelas is common mainly in countries with a temperate and cold climate, most often an increase in the incidence is observed in the off-season.


Erysipelas is a skin infection caused by group A β-hemolytic streptococcus. It is also called pyogenic. Moreover, any strain (serovar) of this bacterium is pathogenic for humans and can, under certain conditions, lead to erysipelas.

β-hemolytic streptococcus is an immobile spherical gram-negative bacterium that forms a sufficiently large amount of substances toxic to humans. They belong to exotoxins, because their isolation does not require the death of the pathogen. It is these substances that form the basis of the aggressiveness and pathogenicity of streptococcus, determine the characteristics of the reaction of the human body to the introduction of this pathogen. They have pyrogenic, cyto- and histotoxic, hemolytic, immunosuppressive effects.

β-hemolytic streptococcus has a fairly high resistance to many external physical factors. It perfectly withstands freezing and drying. But the increase in temperature negatively affects his life. This explains the lower prevalence of all forms of streptococcal infection in countries with a hot climate.

How the infection is transmitted

The penetration of the pathogen occurs by airborne droplets. The contact-household method of transmission of infection is less commonly noted. Entrance gates can be microdamages of the mucous membrane and skin, scratches, abrasions, insect bites, open calluses, wound and postoperative surfaces.

β-hemolytic streptococcus is also the cause of not only erysipelas, but also many other septic conditions. The causative agent of any serovar can lead to the development of various. And this does not depend on the route of entry and the clinical form of streptococcal infection in the patient who became the source of infection. Therefore, erysipelas can develop after contact with a person who suffers from any form of streptococcal infection or even is an asymptomatic carrier.

β-hemolytic streptococcus causes tonsillitis, sinusitis, rheumatism, acute rheumatic fever, scarlet fever, (including ecthyma). Streptococcus is often detected in patients with sepsis, pneumonia, non-epidemic meningitis, myositis, osteomyelitis, necrotizing fasciitis, food poisoning, acute glomerulonephritis, nonspecific urethritis and cystitis. In women, it is the most common cause of postpartum and post-abortion endometritis, and in newborns - omphalitis.

Streptococcus is a fairly common and aggressive pathogen. This leads to a natural question: is erysipelas contagious or not?

A significant number of people in contact with the patient do not get sick. But since the face is one of possible manifestations common streptococcal infection, transmission of the pathogen from a sick person to a healthy one is not excluded. This does not mean the unambiguous development of erysipelas in him. Perhaps the appearance of other forms of streptococcal infection or transient asymptomatic carriage.

In most cases, clinically significant pathology, and especially erysipelas, developed when a person had a number of certain predisposing factors. In general, patients with erysipelas are considered to be slightly contagious.

Erysipelatous inflammation of the leg

What contributes to the development of the disease

Predisposing factors are:

  • Immunodeficiency states of any origin. Insufficient reactivity immune system may be due to HIV, hypercytokinemia, radiation and chemotherapy, immunosuppressive drugs after transplantation, some blood diseases, glucocorticosteroid therapy. Relative immunodeficiency is also noted after recent or ongoing protracted infectious and inflammatory diseases.
  • The presence of chronic venous insufficiency lower limbs with varicose disease. Erysipelatous inflammation of the leg often occurs against the background of stagnation of blood and accompanying trophic disorders of the soft tissues of the legs and feet.
  • Tendency to lymphostasis and the so-called elephantiasis. This also includes violations of lymphatic drainage due to the removal of packages of regional lymph nodes in the surgical treatment of malignant tumors.
  • Violation of the integrity of the skin in dermatitis of any etiology, mycoses, diaper rash, chafing, trauma, excessive sunburn. Some microdamages of the epidermis can also lead to occupational hazards(working in an excessively dry, dusty, chemically polluted room, long-term wearing of tight, poorly ventilated overalls and individual means protection). Of particular importance is the injection of narcotic substances. They are usually produced under aseptic conditions and contribute to the development of phlebitis.
  • The presence of foci of chronic streptococcal infection. Most often, these are carious teeth and concomitant gingivitis, chronic tonsillitis and rhinosinusitis.
  • Diabetes.
  • Chronic deficiency of essential nutrients and vitamins, which is possible with irrational diets and starvation, diseases digestive tract with predominant bowel disease.


Erysipelatous inflammation can occur both in the zone of primary penetration of streptococcus, and at a distance from the entrance gate of infection. In the second case, the key role is played by the hematogenous and lymphogenous pathways of the pathogen from the primary inflammatory focus. It is also possible to activate a pathogen that persists for a long time in the thickness of the dermis, while erysipelas often acquires a recurrent course.

Penetration and subsequent reproduction of β-hemolytic streptococcus leads to a complex of local and general changes. They are caused by direct cell damage, the action of bacterial exotoxins and the inclusion of an immunopathological mechanism. All organs are involved in the process to one degree or another, while the kidneys and the cardiovascular system are among the most likely secondary targets.

Streptococcal infection is characterized by fairly rapid generalization, which is explained by the peculiarities of the local immune response at the site of the pathogen and the high activity of the substances secreted by it. Therefore, with insufficient reactivity of the immune system, sepsis may develop with the appearance of secondary septic foci.

Of great importance is also the inclusion of an autoimmune mechanism, which is characteristic of infection with β-hemolytic streptococcus. This is accompanied by insufficient efficiency of natural elimination mechanisms. Under certain conditions, a person who has recovered from any form of streptococcal infection remains sensitized. And the re-introduction of the pathogen will trigger an active and not quite adequate immune response in it. In addition, it can lead to the development of secondary diseases with autoimmune mechanism: glomerulonephritis, myocarditis and a number of others.

Features of local changes in erysipelas

The massive intake of exotoxins into the blood contributes to the rapid onset and growth of general intoxication. This is aggravated by the active release of inflammatory mediators due to the triggering of allergic and autoallergic reactions, because erysipelas usually occurs against the background of an already existing sensitization of the body to streptococcal infection.

The introduction of the pathogen, the action of its toxins and the cytotoxic effect of the resulting immune complexes triggers serous inflammation in the reticular layer of the dermis. It proceeds with local damage to the walls of the lymphatic and blood capillaries and the development of lymphangitis, microphlebitis, arteritis. This contributes to the formation of an edematous, painful and sharply hyperemic area, clearly delimited from the surrounding healthy skin.

The serous exudate formed during erysipelas impregnates the tissues, accumulates in the intercellular spaces and is able to exfoliate the skin. This can cause the formation of blisters, the cover of which is the epidermis.

As a result of inflammation and the action of toxins, paresis of blood capillaries occurs and sharp rise their permeability. In this case, erythrocytes go beyond the vascular bed, and serous exudate can become hemorrhagic. And massive toxic hemolysis of erythrocytes exacerbates microcirculation disorders and can cause activation of the blood coagulation system. The formation of blood clots sharply impairs the blood supply to the inflamed area, which can lead to tissue necrosis.

Migrating to the site of inflammation, neutrophils phagocytize bacteria and die with them. The progressive accumulation of such destroyed cells, leukocytes and proteolyzed tissues promotes the transition serous inflammation into purulent. At the same time, secondary immune disorders and a decrease in the barrier function of the skin contribute to the attachment of a secondary infection, which aggravates and complicates the course of the disease.

Involvement of the underlying subcutaneous fat in the process exacerbates the violations of lymphatic drainage and contributes to the transition of the disease into a phlegmonous form. In this case, the causative agent gets the opportunity to additionally spread along the fascial cases of the limbs.


Erysipelas disease has several clinical forms. It is classified:

  • By the presence in the body of a focus of streptococcal infection: primary (occurring when the pathogen is introduced from the outside) and secondary (when bacteria spread by the hematogenous or lymphogenous route).
  • By the nature of the inflammatory process: erythematous, bullous, phlegmonous and necrotic forms. In fact, they are successive weighting stages of erysipelas.
  • By the prevalence of the process: local, migrating, creeping, metastatic.
  • According to the type of course: acute primary, repeated and recurrent. They say about repeated erysipelas if the disease of the same localization occurs more than a year after the first episode. And about a relapse - with the development of inflammation in the same focus in less than a year or with a 5-fold lesion of various skin areas.
  • By severity: mild, moderate and severe forms of the disease. In this case, it is usually not the severity of local changes that is taken into account, but the general condition of the patient and the manifestations of his intoxication. Only with a progressive widespread lesion they speak of a severe form, even with a relatively good condition of the patient.
  • According to the severity of symptoms: the classic form of the disease, abortive, erased and atypical.
  • By localization: erysipelas of the lower extremities and hands is most often diagnosed. Erysipelas of the face is also possible, while the eyelid lesion is taken out in a separate clinical form illness. Erysipelas of the torso, mammary glands, scrotum, and female external genitalia are quite rare.


Erysipelas begins acutely, with general non-specific signs of intoxication appearing 12-24 hours before local skin changes.

The body temperature rises sharply to febrile figures, which is accompanied by chills, headache, weakness, palpitations. In some patients, against the background of severe intoxication, oneiroid or hallucinatory-delusional syndrome develops. Sometimes already in the prodromal period there are signs toxic injury liver, kidneys, heart. Possible excessive sleepiness, nausea with unrelieved vomiting. So that initial stage erysipelas is nonspecific, the patient may mistake its manifestations for flu symptoms.

Local changes are the main symptom of the disease. In the classical current they wear local character and are clearly demarcated from adjacent areas of the skin. Erythematous erysipelas is characterized by the appearance of a sharp bright hyperemia (erythema) with clearly defined edges and even with a small roller on the periphery. The lesion has irregular jagged borders. Sometimes it resembles the outlines of the continents on a geographical map. inflamed skin looks dense, swollen, as if stretched and slightly shiny. It is dry and hot to the touch. The patient is worried about burning pain, a feeling of tension and sharp hyperesthesia in the area of ​​erysipelas.

Bright redness can be replaced by a bluish-stagnant shade, which is associated with increasing local microcirculation disorders. Often there are also diapedetic and small hemorrhagic hemorrhages, which is explained by sweating and rupture of blood vessels.

On the 2nd-3rd day of the disease, signs of lymphostasis often join with the development of lymphedema (dense lymphatic edema). At the same time, blisters and pustules may appear within the focus, in which case bullous erysipelas is diagnosed. After opening them, a dense brown crust forms on the surface of the skin.

Resolution of erysipelas occurs gradually. At adequate treatment temperature returns to normal within 3-5 days. Acute manifestations erythematous form disappear by 8-9 days, and with hemorrhagic syndrome they can be stored for 12-16 days.

Puffiness and hyperemia of the skin decreases, its surface begins to itch and peel off. In some patients, after the disappearance of the main symptoms, uneven hyperpigmentation and dark congestive hyperemia are noted, which disappear on their own. But after a severe bullous-hemorrhagic erysipelas, it can persist for years and even decades.

Features of erysipelas of various localization

AT clinical practice most often (up to 70% of cases) there is erysipelas of the lower leg. It proceeds in an erythematous or hemorrhagic-bullous form and is accompanied by a pronounced lymphedema and secondary thrombophlebitis of the superficial veins of the lower limb. In most cases, erysipelas on the leg develops against the background of varicose veins, less often -.

1. Bullous-hemorrhagic form of erysipelas
2. Erysipelas, lymphostasis and ingrown nail on the background of fungal skin lesions

Erysipelatous inflammation of the hand has a predominantly erythematous form. Almost 80% of cases are in patients with postoperative lymphostasis after radical mastectomy for breast cancer. Relapses of erysipelas on the arm at the same time aggravate the condition and lead to an increase in elephantiasis. This further disrupts the woman's ability to work.

The manifestation of the disease on the face can be primary and secondary. Often, its development is preceded by angina, otitis, sinusitis, caries. Facial erysipelas are usually erythematous and have easy current or less often moderate. Sometimes it is combined with streptococcal lesions of the mucous membranes. The erysipelas of the eyelids is accompanied by severe edema.

Possible Complications

The most likely complications of erysipelas include:

  • extensive phlegmon or abscess;
  • thrombophlebitis of nearby veins;
  • infectious-toxic shock;
  • sepsis;
  • TELA;
  • arthritis;
  • tendovaginitis;
  • myocarditis;
  • nephritis, glomerulonephritis;
  • acute infectious psychosis.

The main consequences of erysipelas are persistent hyperpigmentation and elephantiasis.

Principles of treatment

Since it is possible to treat erysipelas at home (according to modern recommendations of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation) with a mild and moderate course of the disease, in most cases it is possible to do without hospitalization of the patient. He is under the supervision of a local therapist and receives the treatment prescribed by him at home. In the presence of blisters, a surgeon's consultation is required to open and empty large bullae, and select local therapy.

Indications for hospitalization are:

  • advanced age of the patient;
  • the development of erysipelas in a child;
  • severe immunodeficiency in a patient;
  • severe course of the disease: pronounced intoxication syndrome, sepsis, widespread bullous-hemorrhagic lesion, necrotic and phlegmonous forms of erysipelas, the addition of purulent complications;
  • the presence of decompensated and subcompensated clinically significant somatic pathology - especially diseases of the heart, kidneys, liver;
  • relapsing course.

In the absence of indications for surgical intervention The patient is admitted to the infectious diseases department. And when placed in a surgical hospital, he should be in the department of purulent surgery.

How to treat erysipelas

In the treatment of erysipelas, the form, localization and severity of the disease are taken into account. Important points are also the age of the patient and the presence of concomitant somatic diseases. It also depends on which doctor will treat erysipelas, whether surgery is required or whether conservative methods can be dispensed with.

In any form of the disease, a full-fledged systemic etiotropic therapy is required. Proper treatment of erysipelas with antibiotics is aimed not only at stopping current symptoms, but also at preventing relapses and complications. After all, the task of antibiotic therapy is the complete elimination of the pathogen in the body, including its protective L-forms.

β-hemolytic streptococcus retained high sensitivity to antibiotics penicillin series. Therefore, they are used as a first-line drug in the treatment of erysipelas. If there are contraindications to penicillins or if it is necessary to use tablet forms, antibiotics of other groups, sulfonamides, furazolidones, biseptol can be prescribed. Properly selected antibiotic allows you to improve the patient's condition within the first day.

In severe cases, antistreptococcal serum and gamma globulin may be used in addition to antibiotic therapy.

As aids NSAIDs are used (with analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory purposes), antihistamines (for desensitization). With severe intoxication, infusions based on glucose or saline are indicated. For the treatment of severe bullous forms and the emerging pronounced lymphostasis, systemic short-term glucocorticosteroid therapy is additionally performed.

In some cases, measures are taken to activate the immune system. This may be the use of thymus preparations, biostimulants and multivitamins, autohemotherapy, plasma infusions.

Local therapy is also shown, which can significantly improve the patient's well-being and reduce the severity of inflammation. AT acute stage wet dressings with dimexide, furacillin, chlorhexidine, microcide are used. A dense ointment for erysipelas is not used at this stage, as it can provoke the development of an abscess and phlegmon. Powdering the focus of erysipelas with powdered antibacterial agents and enteroseptol, treatment with antiseptic aerosols is acceptable.

Treatment of erysipelas with folk remedies cannot act as the main method of fighting infection and cannot replace the complex therapy prescribed by the doctor. In addition, when using herbal preparations there is a risk of increased allergic reaction and blood flow in the affected area, which will negatively affect the course of the disease. Sometimes, in agreement with the doctor, irrigation with infusion of chamomile and other agents with a mild antiseptic effect is used.

Physiotherapy is widely used: ultraviolet radiation in erythemal doses, electrophoresis with proteolytic enzymes and potassium iodide, infrared laser therapy, magnetotherapy, lymphopressotherapy.


Prevention of erysipelas includes timely treatment of any foci chronic infection, dermatitis, mycosis of the feet and varicose veins, the achievement of compensation in diabetes mellitus. It is recommended to follow the rules of personal hygiene, choose comfortable clothes made from natural fabrics, wear comfortable shoes. When diaper rash, abrasions appear, they must be treated in a timely manner, additionally treating the skin with antiseptic agents.

Erysipelatous inflammation with timely access to a doctor and strict adherence to his recommendations can be successfully treated and does not lead to permanent disability.

A common disease of the mucous membranes and skin of an infectious nature is called erysipelas (erysipelas). Both healthy carriers of infection and chronically ill individuals are sources of pathology, so the disease is one of the most pressing problems for modern health care. How to treat erysipelas, the doctor decides in each individual case, because this skin disease has many symptoms and forms, so it develops in different ways.

What is erysipelas

Erysipelas have been known to people since ancient times. Description of skin pathology was found in the works of ancient Greek authors. The causative agent of pathology, group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus, was isolated in 1882. Erysipelas is a skin infection characterized by symptoms of intoxication, fever, the appearance of red inflammatory foci on the epidermis and mucous membranes. The complication of the disease is characterized by severe infectious lesions of soft tissues, which are rapidly progressing, accompanied by severe intoxication of the body.

Group A streptococci are not only the cause of erysipelas, but also other skin diseases (osteomyelitis, boils, phlegmon, abscesses). Bacteria enter the skin from outside. Wounds, abrasions, abrasions, cracks or minor injuries are the gateway for streptococcal infection. The two main ways of infection with erysipelas are airborne and contact. The inflammatory process affects the dermis - the framework of the skin. The disease is localized on the mucous membranes, trunk, arms, legs, face, perineum or scrotum.

What does erysipelas look like

Women suffer from erysipelas more often than men. In 60% of cases, the disease develops in people who have reached the age of 40. How does the face look like? First, a small red spot appears on the mucous or skin. In a few hours, it turns into a well-defined inflammation with edges in the form of teeth. The epidermis in the affected area is hot to the touch, moderately painful on palpation. Along with redness, lymphedema develops, spreading beyond the spot.

Further, bubbles develop in the focus of inflammation, which spontaneously burst after a certain time. Fluid leaks out of them, after which superficial wounds appear. If the blisters retain their integrity, they gradually dry out, forming brown or yellow crusts. Residual phenomena erysipelas that are observed for weeks and even months are pigmentation, swelling of the skin, dry dense crusts in place of blisters.

Treatment of erysipelas of the leg with medication

The disease of erysipelas is usually treated with medication. Simultaneously with antibiotics, immunomodulatory and / or desensitizing therapy is carried out. Because during their lifetime harmful microorganisms produce toxins, they can cause allergies in the patient. To prevent the development of allergic reactions during the treatment of erysipelas, patients are prescribed antihistamines.

Often the pathology develops on the lower extremities. How to treat erysipelas on the leg? If the disease has affected the limb, then the acute onset of the disease can occur only after a week. A person may suddenly develop such symptoms of the disease as muscle aches, migraines, high fever (up to 40 ° C), general weakness. Often, the diagnosis is made without analyzes based on a combination of visual signs. Treatment of erysipelas of the leg is carried out with medication, both inpatient and outpatient.

Antibiotics for erysipelas

According to statistics, erysipelas is the fourth most common infectious disease. How to treat erysipelas? Antibiotics have been and remain the priority in the fight against infection. The course is calculated by the doctor, depending on the form of the disease and the antibacterial drug. Immediately after the start of taking antibiotics with erysipelas, the development of infection decreases, body temperature returns to normal. Used to treat erysipelas antibacterial agents 1 or 2 generations - cephalosporins (Cedex, Suprax, Vercef) and penicillins (Retarpen, Benzylpenicillin, Ospen).

Ointment for erysipelas of the leg

In the treatment of erysipelas on the leg, which is at an early stage, pastes for external use are not used. When the form of the disease becomes cystic, then Ichthyol ointment or Vishnevsky is prescribed. Excellent results at the stage of recovery are given by Naftalan. Ichthyol ointment for erysipelas of the leg quickly helps get rid of itching, softens keratinization, provides effective wound healing, provoking fast regeneration skin.

The medicine has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic action. It is necessary to apply the remedy for erysipelas to the affected area, but not in its pure form, but in equal proportions with glycerin. The mixture is rubbed in a thin layer, then covered with gauze folded in 3-4 layers. The bandage is fixed with a plaster. It must be changed at least three times a day. The procedure is carried out until the open wounds heal.

How to treat erysipelas with Vishnevsky ointment? The local drug is also called balsamic liniment. The product contains three components: xeroform, birch tar and castor oil. Now the latter substance is often replaced fish oil. Ointment Vishnevsky has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. In the treatment of skin pathologies, it helps to restore the epidermis, accelerates the healing process, has a drying, antipruritic, anesthetic property.

In the absence of relapses, Vishnevsky's ointment is prescribed for the treatment of erysipelas. The drug promotes exudation and rupture of the blisters. The ointment is applied to a gauze bandage with a thin layer, after which it should be applied to the affected area of ​​​​the skin. The dressing is changed once every 12 hours. Since the remedy is able to dilate blood vessels, doctors do not recommend using it in severe forms of erysipelas.

Treatment of erysipelas with folk remedies

In the primary period of erysipelas, as soon as blisters begin to form, you can try to remove the infection folk recipes but after consultation with a specialist. Treatment of erysipelas of the leg at home is carried out with propolis or pork fat. These substances should be lubricated on the affected areas and another 2-5 cm of the skin around to stop the spread of the disease. Also, the treatment of erysipelas with folk remedies includes the use of such means as:

  1. Frogspawn. It has pronounced wound healing, antimicrobial properties. During the breeding season of frogs in the spring, fresh eggs should be collected and dried in the shade on a clean cloth. For the treatment of erysipelas, the dry matter must be soaked, put on a cloth, and compresses should be made at night. It is believed that erysipelas will pass in 3 nights.
  2. Kalanchoe juice. In the treatment of erysipelas, the stems and leaves of the plant are used. They must be crushed until a homogeneous rare mass is formed, then squeeze the juice. It is defended in the cold, filtered, preserved with alcohol to a strength of 20%. For the treatment of erysipelas, a napkin is moistened in Kalanchoe juice, diluted equally with a solution of novocaine (0.5%), then applied to the inflammation. After a week, the symptoms will go away.
  3. Plantain. The leaves of the plant should be finely chopped, kneaded, then mixed with honey in a 1: 1 ratio. Then a couple of hours you need to boil the mixture over low heat. Apply during the treatment of erysipelas with a bandage to the inflamed area, changing it every 3-4 hours. Use the remedy until recovery.
  4. Burdock. Need to pick up fresh leaves plants, rinse in water at room temperature, grease with fresh homemade sour cream, apply to the wound, bandage. Compress, regardless of the degree of intoxication, change 2-3 times / day.

Prevention of erysipelas

Treatment of erysipelas is difficult if the patient has a disease such as diabetes mellitus, in which the death of small blood vessels occurs, the circulation of lymph and blood is disturbed. You can avoid getting and manifesting an infection if you follow the rules of personal hygiene, especially in the treatment of skin pathologies. Prevention of erysipelas includes:

  1. Timely treatment of foci of inflammation. When spread through the bloodstream, bacteria can weaken the immune system and cause erysipelas.
  2. Shower often. A contrast douche is recommended at least once a day with a large temperature difference.
  3. Use a shower gel or soap with a pH of at least 7. It is desirable that the product also contains lactic acid. It will create a protective layer on the skin that is harmful to pathogenic bacteria and fungi.
  4. Avoid rashes. If the skin in the folds is constantly wet, you need to use baby powder.

Photo of erysipelas on the leg

Video: Erysipelas on the leg

Erysipelas is one of the most common infectious diseases of the skin and at the same time is on the list of the most dangerous diseases caused by infection. Complicating the situation is that erysipelas in some cases has various symptoms and intensity, which makes treatment difficult. Also, the disease can be caused by surgery, such as a mastectomy, and act as a complication.

Erysipelas can be contracted directly from the carrier of the infection, therefore, even with minor skin lesions, it is recommended to limit contact with the patient.

Symptoms of erysipelas of the hand

Symptoms of erysipelas of the hand depend on the intensity of the course of the disease. In most cases, the disease first manifests itself through chills, which quickly increase. It is also accompanied by lethargy, weakness and drowsiness. Despite the ambiguity of the signs of the disease, it is still worth worrying when they appear and go to the doctor for an appointment so that you have the disease detected in time.

Sometimes the patient, in the first hours after infection, may feel more obvious symptoms:

  • severe throbbing headache;
  • nausea;
  • gagging;
  • muscle spasms;
  • heat.

This condition of the patient cannot be ignored, so you should not wait until the condition worsens, you must immediately call an ambulance or go to the doctor, if possible.

In some cases, the symptoms of erysipelas of the hand can be even more unpleasant - convulsions, impaired speech and delirium. In this case, the count goes on for minutes, if you do not immediately seek help from medical professionals, then there will be a threat to the lining of the brain, which may suffer from irritation.

If erysipelas of the arm occurs after a mastectomy (removal of the breast), then the affected arm begins to hurt very badly. In this case, erysipelas acts as a complication, and since the woman is under the supervision of a doctor, the disease is usually detected in the first stages.

Erysipelas with lymphostasis

The most dangerous complication of the hands is erysipelas. The disease develops due to ulcers, trophic disorders in venous and lymphatic insufficiency. The trigger for erysipelas is a decrease in immunity, during which an exacerbation occurs. In this case, when erysipelas is detected, the severity of the disease is determined and the question of the need for hospitalization is decided, since erysipelas can also have complications in the form of:

  • abscess;
  • septicemia;
  • deep veins.

How to treat erysipelas of the hand?

First of all, when erysipelas is detected, the patient is hospitalized. Next, the course of therapy begins. which can last from seven to ten days. The course of treatment for erysipelas of the hand is based on antibiotics and detoxification drugs. If the drugs are prescribed correctly and taken in accordance with the instructions, then the chills and fever disappear after a day, and the patient's condition improves significantly. Immediately after this, inflammation decreases and the level of pain decreases.

Erysipelatous inflammation of the hand and fingers is unpleasant because these parts of the body are always in motion - it is difficult for a person to do ordinary actions without their participation. It is recommended for the period of treatment and until complete recovery to move your hands less.

Three days after the start of taking antibiotics for erysipelas of the hand, the diagnosis is reviewed and the severity of the disease is determined, after which the course of treatment may change.

Erysipelas or erysipelas- a common infectious-allergic disease of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, prone to relapse. It is caused by group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus. The name of the disease comes from the French word rouge and means red. This term indicates the external manifestation of the disease: a red edematous area forms on the body, separated from healthy skin by a raised roller.

Statistics and facts

Erysipelas takes the 4th place among infectious diseases, second only to respiratory and intestinal diseases, as well as hepatitis. The incidence is 12-20 cases per 10,000 population. The number of patients increases in summer and autumn.

The number of relapses over the past 20 years has increased by 25%. 10% of people experience a second episode of erysipelas within 6 months, 30% within 3 years. Repeated erysipelas in 10% of cases ends with lymphostasis and elephantiasis.

Doctors note an alarming trend. If in the 70s the number of severe forms of erysipelas did not exceed 30%, today there are more than 80% of such cases. At the same time, the number of mild forms has decreased, and the period of fever now lasts longer.

30% of cases of erysipelas are associated with impaired blood and lymph flow in the lower extremities, with varicose veins, thrombophlebitis of lymphovenous insufficiency.

Mortality from complications caused by erysipelas (sepsis, gangrene, pneumonia) reaches 5%.

Who is more likely to suffer from erysipelas?

  • The disease affects everyone age groups. But the majority of patients (over 60%) are women over 50 years of age.
  • There is erysipelas in infants when streptococcus enters umbilical wound.
  • There is evidence that people with the third blood group are most susceptible to erysipelas.
  • Erysipelas is a disease of civilized countries. On the African continent and in South Asia, people get sick extremely rarely.
Erysipelas occurs only in people with reduced immunity, weakened by stress or chronic diseases. Studies have shown that the development of the disease is associated with an inadequate response of the immune system to the entry of streptococcus into the body. The balance of immune cells is disturbed: the number of T-lymphocytes and immunoglobulins A, M, G decreases, but an excess of immunoglobulin E is produced. Against this background, the patient develops an allergy.

With a favorable course of the disease and proper treatment on the fifth day the symptoms subside. Full recovery occurs in 10-14 days.

Interestingly, erysipelas, although it is an infectious disease, is successfully treated. traditional healers. Qualified doctors recognize this fact, but with the proviso that only uncomplicated erysipelas can be treated with folk methods. Traditional medicine explains this phenomenon by the fact that conspiracies are a kind of psychotherapy that relieves stress - one of the predisposing factors in the development of erysipelas.

The structure of the skin and the functioning of the immune system

Leather- a complex multilayer organ that protects the body from environmental factors: microorganisms, temperature fluctuations, chemicals, radiation. In addition, the skin performs other functions: gas exchange, respiration, thermoregulation, release of toxins.

Skin structure:

  1. epidermis - superficial layer of the skin. The stratum corneum of the epidermis is keratinized cells of the epidermis, covered with a thin layer of sebum. This is a reliable protection against pathogenic bacteria and chemicals. Under the stratum corneum are 4 more layers of the epidermis: shiny, granular, spiny and basal. They are responsible for skin renewal and healing of minor injuries.
  2. The actual skin or dermis- the layer below the epidermis. It is he who suffers most from erysipelas. The dermis contains:
    • blood and lymph capillaries,
    • sweat and sebaceous glands,
    • hair bags with hair follicles;
    • connective and smooth muscle fibers.
  3. Subcutaneous adipose tissue. Lies deeper than the dermis. Represents loosely arranged fibers connective tissue, and accumulations of fat cells between them.
The surface of the skin is not sterile. It is inhabited by bacteria friendly to humans. These microorganisms do not allow pathogenic bacteria that get on the skin to multiply and they die without causing disease.

The work of the immune system

The immune system includes:

  1. Organs: Bone marrow, thymus, tonsils, spleen, Peyer's patches in the intestine, lymph nodes and lymphatic vessels,
  2. immune cells: lymphocytes, leukocytes, phagocytes, mast cells, eosinophils, natural killers. It is believed that the total mass of these cells reaches 10% of body weight.
  3. protein molecules– antibodies must detect recognize and destroy the enemy. They differ in structure and function: igG, igA, igM, igD, IgE.
  4. Chemical substances : lysozyme, hydrochloric acid, fatty acids, eicosanoids, cytokines.
  5. Friendly microorganisms (commercial microbes) that colonize the skin, mucous membranes, and intestines. Their function is to inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria.
Consider how the immune system works when streptococcus enters the body:
  1. Lymphocytes, or rather their receptors - immunoglobulins, recognize the bacterium.
  2. react to the presence of bacteria T-helpers. They actively divide, secrete cytokines.
  3. Cytokines activate the work of leukocytes, namely phagocytes and T-killers, designed to kill bacteria.
  4. B cells make specific to given organism antibodies that neutralize foreign particles (areas of destroyed bacteria, their toxins). After that, they are taken up by phagocytes.
  5. After the victory over the disease, special T-lymphocytes remember the enemy by his DNA. When it enters the body again, the immune system is activated quickly, before the disease has had time to develop.

Causes of erysipelas


streptococci- a genus of spherical bacteria that are very widespread in nature due to their vitality. But at the same time, they do not tolerate heat very well. For example, these bacteria do not multiply at a temperature of 45 degrees. This is associated with low incidence of erysipelas in tropical countries.

Erysipelas is caused by one of the varieties of bacteria - group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus. This is the most dangerous of the whole family of streptococci.

If streptococcus enters the body of an immunocompromised person, then there is erysipelas, tonsillitis, scarlet fever, rheumatism, myocarditis, glomerulonephritis.

If streptococcus enters the body of a person with a strong enough immune system, then it can become a carrier. Carriage of streptococcus was detected in 15% of the population. Streptococcus is part of the microflora, lives on the skin and mucous membranes of the nasopharynx without causing disease.

Source of erysipelas infection carriers and patients of any form of streptococcal infection can become. The causative agent of the disease is transmitted through contact, household items, dirty hands and airborne.

Streptococci are dangerous because they secrete toxins and enzymes: streptolysin O, hyaluronidase, nadase, pyrogenic exotoxins.

How streptococci and their toxins affect the body:

  • Destroy (dissolve) the cells of the human body;
  • Stimulate T-lymphocytes and endothelial cells to produce an excess amount of cytokines - substances that trigger inflammatory response organism. Its manifestations: severe fever and blood flow to the site of injury, pain;
  • Reduce the level of antistreptococcal antibodies in the blood serum, which prevents the immune system from overcoming the disease;
  • Destroy hyaluric acid, which is the basis of connective tissue. This property helps the pathogen to spread in the body;
  • Leukocytes affect immune cells, disrupting their ability to phagocytosis (capture and digestion) of bacteria;
  • Suppress the production of antibodies needed to fight bacteria
  • Immune vascular damage. Toxins cause inadequate reaction immunity. Immune cells take the walls of blood vessels for bacteria and attack them. Other tissues of the body also suffer from immune aggression: joints, heart valves.
  • Cause vasodilation and increase their permeability. The walls of the vessels pass a lot of fluid, which leads to tissue edema.
Streptococci are extremely volatile, so lymphocytes and antibodies cannot “remember” them and provide immunity. This feature of bacteria causes frequent recurrences of streptococcal infections.

Skin properties

State of immunity

Streptococcus is very common in the environment, and every person encounters it daily. In 15-20% of the population, he constantly lives in the tonsils, sinuses, cavities of carious teeth. But if the immune system is able to restrain the reproduction of bacteria, then the disease does not develop. When something undermines the body's defenses, the bacteria multiply, and a streptococcal infection begins.

Factors that suppress the immune defense of the body:

  1. Reception medicines immunosuppressive:
    • steroid hormones;
    • cytostatics;
    • chemotherapy drugs.
  2. Metabolic diseases:
  3. Diseases associated with changes in blood composition:
    • elevated cholesterol.
  4. Diseases of the immune system
    • hypercytokinemia;
    • severe combined immunodeficiency.
  5. Malignant neoplasms
  6. chronic diseases ENT organs:
  7. Exhaustion as a result
    • lack of sleep;
    • malnutrition;
    • stress;
    • vitamin deficiency.
  8. Bad habits
    • addiction;
To summarize: in order for erysipelas to develop, predisposing factors are necessary:
  • entry gate for infection - skin damage;
  • violation of blood and lymph circulation;
  • decrease in general immunity;
  • hypersensitivity to streptococcal antigens (toxins and cell wall particles).
In what areas does erysipelas develop more often?
  1. Leg. Erysipelas on the legs can be the result of a fungal infection of the feet, calluses, and injuries. Streptococci penetrate through skin lesions and multiply in the lymphatic vessels of the leg. The development of erysipelas is facilitated by diseases that cause circulatory disorders: obliterating atherosclerosis, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins veins.
  2. Hand. Erysipelas occurs in men aged 20-35 due to intravenous administration drugs. Streptococci penetrate the skin lesions at the injection site. In women, the disease is associated with the removal of the mammary gland and stagnation of lymph in the arm.
  3. Face. With streptococcal conjunctivitis, erysipelas develops around the orbit. With otitis media, the skin of the auricle, scalp and neck becomes inflamed. The defeat of the nose and cheeks (like a butterfly) is associated with streptococcal infection in the sinuses or boils. Erysipelas on the face is always accompanied by severe pain and swelling.
  4. Torso. Erysipelas occurs around surgical sutures in case of non-compliance with asepsis by patients or due to fault medical staff. In newborns, streptococcus can penetrate the umbilical wound. In this case, the erysipelas proceeds very hard.
  5. Crotch. area around anus, scrotum (in men) and labia majora (in women). Erysipelatous inflammation occurs at the site of scuffs, diaper rash, scratching. Particularly severe forms with damage to the internal genital organs occur in parturient women.

Symptoms of erysipelas, photo.

Erysipelas begins acutely. As a rule, a person can even indicate the time when the first symptoms of the disease appeared.
Complicated forms of erysipelas.

Against the background of reddened edematous skin may appear:

  • hemorrhages- this is a consequence of damage to blood vessels and the release of blood into the intercellular space (erythematous-hemorrhagic form);
  • Bubbles filled with transparent content. The first days they are small, but can increase and merge with each other (erythematous-bullous form).
  • Blisters filled with bloody or purulent contents surrounded by hemorrhages (bullous-hemorrhagic form).

Such forms are more severe and often cause relapses of the disease. Repeated manifestations of erysipelas may appear in the same place or in other areas of the skin.

Diagnosis of erysipelas

Which doctor should I contact if symptoms of erysipelas appear?

When the first signs of the disease appear on the skin, they turn to a dermatologist. He will make a diagnosis and, if necessary, refer you to other specialists involved in the treatment of erysipelas: an infectious disease specialist, a general practitioner, a surgeon, an immunologist.

At the doctor's appointment


In order to correctly diagnose and prescribe effective treatment the specialist must distinguish erysipelas from other diseases with similar symptoms: abscess, phlegmon, thrombophlebitis.

The doctor will ask the following questions The doctor will ask the following questions:

  • How long ago did the first symptoms appear?
  • Was the onset acute or did the symptoms develop gradually? When did the manifestations appear on the skin, before or after the temperature increase?
  • How fast does inflammation spread?
  • What sensations arise at the site of injury?
  • How pronounced is intoxication, is there general weakness, headache, chills, nausea?
  • Has the temperature risen?
Examination of lesions in erysipelas.

On examination, the doctor discovers characteristics erysipelas:

  • the skin is hot, dense, smooth;
  • redness is uniform, against its background, hemorrhages and blisters are possible;
  • uneven edges are clearly defined, have a marginal roller;
  • the surface of the skin is clean, not covered with nodules, crusts and skin scales;
  • pain on palpation, no severe pain at rest;
  • pains mainly along the edge of the focus of inflammation, in the center the skin is less painful;
  • nearby lymph nodes are enlarged, soldered to the skin and painful. A pale pink path stretches from the lymph nodes to the inflamed area in the direction of the lymph - an inflamed lymphatic vessel;
General blood test for erysipelas:
  • the total and relative number of T-lymphocytes is reduced, which indicates the suppression of the immune system by streptococci;
  • increased SOE (erythrocyte sedimentation rate) - evidence of an inflammatory process;
  • the number of neutrophils is increased, which indicates an allergic reaction.
When is a bacteriological examination prescribed for erysipelas?

With erysipelas, a bacteriological examination is prescribed to determine which pathogen caused the disease and to which antibiotics it is most sensitive. This information should help the doctor choose the most effective treatment.

However, in practice, such a study is not very informative. Only in 25% of cases it is possible to establish the pathogen. Doctors attribute this to the fact that antibiotic treatment quickly stops the growth of streptococcus. A number of scientists believe that bacteriological examination in erysipelas is inappropriate.

Material for bacteriological examination from the tissue is taken if there are difficulties in establishing the diagnosis. Examine the contents of wounds and ulcers. To do this, a clean glass slide is applied to the focus and an imprint containing bacteria is obtained, which is studied under a microscope. To study the properties of bacteria and their sensitivity to antibiotics, the obtained material is grown on special nutrient media.

Erysipelas treatment

Erysipelas needs complex therapy. Local treatment is not enough, it is necessary to take antibiotics, drugs to combat allergies and measures to strengthen the immune system.

How to increase immunity?

In the treatment of erysipelas, it is very important to increase immunity. If this is not done, then the disease will return again and again. And each subsequent case of erysipelas is more difficult, more difficult to treat and often causes complications, which can lead to disability.
  1. Identify foci of chronic infection that weaken the body. To fight the infection, you need to take a course of antibiotic therapy.
  2. Reestablish normal microflora - consume dairy products daily. Moreover, the shorter their shelf life, the more they contain live lactobacilli, which will prevent streptococci from multiplying.
  3. Alkaline mineral waters help to remove poisons from the body and eliminate the symptoms of intoxication. You need to drink them in small portions 2-3 sips throughout the day. During a fever, at least 3 liters of fluid should be consumed.
  4. Easily digestible proteins: lean meat, cheese, fish and seafood. It is recommended to use them boiled or stewed. Proteins are needed by the body to create antibodies to fight streptococci.
  5. Fats help the skin recover faster. Healthy fats are found in vegetable oils, fish, nuts and seeds.
  6. Vegetables, fruits and berries: especially carrots, pears, apples, raspberries, cranberries, currants. These products contain potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron and a complex of vitamins necessary to strengthen the immune system.
  7. Fight against anemia. A decrease in hemoglobin in the blood has a bad effect on immunity. In this situation, iron preparations, hematogen, apples, persimmons will help.
  8. Strengthening the immune system. For one month, 2 times a year, it is recommended to take natural preparations to stimulate immunity: echinacea, ginseng, rhodiola rosea, eleutherococcus, pantocrine. Other mild immunomodulators are also effective: immunofan, likopid.
  9. Fresh honey and perga– these bee products are rich in enzymes and chemical elements needed to improve health.
  10. UV irradiation problem areas twice a year. Sunbathing must be dosed, starting with 15 minutes a day. Daily increase the time spent in the sun by 5-10 minutes. Sunburn can provoke a recurrence of erysipelas. You can go through the UFO and in the physical room of any clinic. In this case, the radiation dose is determined by the doctor.
  11. . Be outdoors daily. Walking for 40-60 minutes a day 6 times a week provides normal physical activity. It is advisable to do gymnastics 2-3 times a week. Yoga helps a lot. It helps to increase immunity, stress resistance and improve blood circulation.
  12. Healthy sleep helps to restore strength. Set aside at least 8 hours a day for rest.
  13. Don't let fatigue, hypothermia, overheating, prolonged nervous tension. Such situations reduce the protective properties of the body.
  14. Not recommended:
    • alcohol and cigarettes;
    • products containing caffeine: coffee, cola, chocolate;
    • spicy and salty foods.

Treatment of erysipelas

Erysipelas is an infectious disease, so the basis of its treatment is antibiotic therapy. Antibiotics, together with antibacterial drugs other groups, destroy the pathogen. Antihistamines help to cope with allergies to streptococcal toxins.


Group of antibiotics

Mechanism of therapeutic action

Drug names

How is it prescribed


They are the drug of choice. Other antibiotics are prescribed for intolerance to penicillin.

Penicillins bind to the enzymes of the cell membrane of bacteria, cause its destruction and death of the microorganism. These medicines are especially effective against bacteria that grow and multiply.

The effect of the treatment is enhanced when used together with

furazolidone and streptocid.


Injections of the drug are done intramuscularly or subcutaneously into the affected area. Having previously pinched the limb above the inflammation. The drug is administered at 250,000-500,000 IU 2 times a day. The course of treatment is from 7 days to 1 month.


The drug is taken in the form of tablets or syrup, 0.2 grams 6 times a day.

With primary erysipelas within 5-7 days, with recurrent forms - 9-10 days.


Assign for the prevention of recurrence, one injection 1 time per month for 2-3 years.


Tetracyclines inhibit the synthesis of the protein necessary for the construction of new bacterial cells.


Take 100 mg 2 times a day after meals, drinking enough liquids.


Violate the synthesis of the protein necessary for the construction of bacterial cells. Thus, slow down the reproduction of streptococci.


Apply 250-500 mg of the drug 3-4 times a day.

Duration of treatment 7-14 days depending on the form of erysipelas


Macrolides stop the growth and development of bacteria, and also inhibits their reproduction. In high concentrations cause the death of microorganisms.


Take orally 0.25 g, 4-5 times a day one hour before meals.

For speedy recovery and prevention of recurrence, it is necessary complex treatment. In addition to antibiotics, other groups of drugs are also prescribed.
  1. Desensitizing (anti-allergic) drugs: tavegil, suprastin, diazolin. Take 1 tablet 2 times a day for 7-10 days. Reduce swelling and allergic reaction at the site of inflammation, contribute to the speedy resorption of the infiltrate.
  2. Sulfonamides: biseptol, streptocide 1 tablet 4-5 times a day. Drugs disrupt the formation of growth factors in bacterial cells.
  3. Nitrofurans: furazolidone, furadonin. Take 2 tablets 4 times a day. They slow down the growth and reproduction of bacteria, and in high dosages cause their death.
  4. Glucocorticoids with emerging lymphostasis: prednisolone, the dose of which is 30-40 mg (4-6 tablets) per day. Steroid hormones have a strong anti-allergic effect, but at the same time they significantly depress the immune system. Therefore, they can only be used as prescribed by a doctor.
  5. Biostimulants: methyluracil, pentoxyl. Take 1-2 tablets 3-4 times a day in courses of 15-20 days. Stimulate the formation of immune cells, accelerates the restoration (regeneration) of the skin in the damaged area.
  6. Multivitamin preparations : ascorutin, vitamin C, panhexavite. Vitamin preparations strengthen the walls of blood vessels damaged by bacteria, and increase the activity of immune cells.
  7. Thymus preparations: thymalin, taktivin. The drug is administered intramuscularly at 5-20 mg 5-10 injections per course. They are necessary to improve the functioning of the immune system and increase the number of T-lymphocytes.
  8. Proteolytic Enzymes: lidase, trypsin. daily do subcutaneous injections to improve tissue nutrition and resorption of the infiltrate.
Without proper treatment and specialist supervision, erysipelas can cause serious complications and lethal outcome. Therefore, do not self-medicate, but urgently seek help from a qualified specialist.

Treatment of the skin around the lesion

  1. Applications with 50% dimexide solution. A gauze pad of 6 layers is moistened with a solution and applied to the affected area, so that it captures 2 cm of healthy skin. The procedure is carried out 2 times a day for 2 hours. Dimexide anesthetizes, relieves inflammation, improves blood circulation, has an antimicrobial effect and increases the effect of antibiotic treatment.
  2. Enteroseptol in the form of powders. Clean, dry skin is sprinkled twice a day with powder from crushed Enteroseptol tablets. This drug causes the death of bacteria in the affected area and does not allow the attachment of other microorganisms.
  3. Dressings with solutions of furacilin or microcide. A bandage of 6-8 layers of gauze is abundantly moistened with a solution, covered with compress paper on top and left on the affected skin for 3 hours in the morning and evening. Solutions of these medicines have antimicrobial properties and destroy bacteria in the thickness of the skin.
  4. Aerosol of oxycyclosol. This remedy treats areas of erysipelas up to 20 The drug is sprayed, holding the balloon at a distance of 20 cm from the skin surface. You can repeat this procedure 2 times a day. This tool creates a protective film on the skin, which has an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effect.
  5. It is forbidden to use synthomycin or ichthyol ointment, Vishnevsky liniment. An ointment bandage increases inflammation and can cause an abscess.
It is not recommended to use traditional medicine recipes on your own. They are often presented in a distorted or incomplete form. The components of these products can additionally allergize the skin. And the components that warm up and accelerate the movement of blood contribute to the spread of bacteria throughout the body.

Local hygiene for erysipelas

The patient is not dangerous to others and can be treated at home. But remember, during the period of illness, it is necessary to carefully observe the rules of personal hygiene. This contributes to a speedy recovery.
  1. Change your underwear and bedding daily. It must be washed at a temperature not lower than 90 degrees and ironed with a hot iron.
  2. Clothing should provide air access to the affected area, it is advisable to leave it open. Wear clothes made from natural fabrics that prevent sweating.
  3. Showering is recommended daily. The area of ​​erysipelas is gently washed soapy water without using a sponge or washcloth. Failure to comply with this rule may cause the attachment of another infection, since the affected area is very susceptible to bacteria and fungi.
  4. The water should be warm, hot baths are strictly prohibited and can cause the spread of infection throughout the body.
  5. After washing, do not dry the skin, but dry it gently. For this, it is better to use disposable paper towels.
  6. Wash the inflamed area 3 times a day with a decoction of chamomile and coltsfoot. Herbs are mixed in a 1:1 ratio. One tablespoon of the mixture is poured with a glass of hot water, heated in a water bath for 10 minutes, allowed to cool.
  7. At the healing stage, when peeling appears, the skin is lubricated kalanchoe juice or rosehip oil.
  8. Erysipelatous inflammation on the face or genitals 2-3 times a day can be washed with a decoction of string or calendula. These herbs have bactericidal properties and reduce the manifestations of allergies.
Physiotherapeutic procedures for the treatment of erysipelas
  1. UFO on the affected area with erythemal doses (until redness appears on healthy skin). Assign from the first days in parallel with antibiotics. The course of treatment is 2-12 sessions.
  2. High frequency magnetotherapy to the area of ​​the adrenal glands. Radiation stimulates the adrenal glands to secrete more steroid hormones. These substances inhibit the production of inflammatory mediators. As a result, swelling, pain, and the attack of immune cells on the skin are reduced. It is also possible to reduce the allergic reaction to substances produced by bacteria. However, this method depresses the immune system, so it is prescribed at the beginning of treatment (no more than 5-7 procedures), only if autoantibodies are detected in the blood.
  3. Electrophoresis with potassium iodide or lidase, Ronidase. Provides lymph drainage and reduces infiltration. Assign 5-7 days after the start of treatment. The course consists of 7-10 procedures.
  4. UHF. It warms the tissues, improves their blood supply and relieves inflammation. Treatment is prescribed for 5-7 days of illness. 5-10 sessions are needed.
  5. Infrared laser therapy. It activates protective processes in cells, improves tissue nutrition, accelerates local blood circulation, eliminates edema and increases the activity of immune cells. Appointed in the recovery phase. Promotes the healing of ulcers in complicated erysipelas.
  6. Applications with warm paraffin applied 5-7 days after the onset of the disease. They improve tissue nutrition, contribute to the disappearance of residual effects. For the prevention of relapses, repeated courses of physiotherapy after 3, 6 and 12 months are recommended.
As you can see, on different stages illnesses need their own physiotherapy treatments. Therefore, such treatment should be prescribed by a qualified physiotherapist.

Prevention of erysipelas

  1. Treat foci of chronic inflammation in a timely manner. They weaken the immune system and from them bacteria can spread throughout circulatory system and call a face.
  2. Observe personal hygiene. Take a shower at least once a day. Recommended cold and hot shower. 3-5 times alternate warm and cool water. Gradually increase the temperature difference.
  3. Use soap or shower gel with pH less than 7. It is desirable that it contains lactic acid. This helps to create a protective layer on the skin with an acidic reaction that is detrimental to fungi and pathogenic bacteria. Too much frequent washing and the use of alkaline soap deprives the body of this protection.
  4. Avoid rashes. AT skin folds where the skin is constantly damp, use baby powder.
  5. Massage if possible, take massage courses 2 times a year. This is especially true for people with impaired blood circulation and lymph movement.
  6. Treat skin lesions with antiseptics: hydrogen peroxide, iodicyrin. These products do not stain the skin and can be used on exposed areas of the body.
  7. Treat fungal infections of the feet in a timely manner. They often become the entrance gate for infections.
  8. Sunburn, diaper rash, chapping and frostbite reduce the local immunity of the skin. For their treatment, use Panthenol spray or Pantestin, Bepanten ointments.
  9. Trophic ulcers and scars you can lubricate 2 times a day camphor oil.
  10. Wear loose clothing. It should absorb moisture well, allow air to pass through and not rub the skin.
Erysipelas is a common problem that can affect anyone. Modern medicine with the help of antibiotics is able to overcome this disease in 7-10 days. And it is in your power to make sure that the face does not reappear.