What to drink for a severe headache. Tablets for severe headaches - drugs for various types of symptoms

Modern rhythm of life, unfavorable ecological situation and the inability to pay attention to one’s own in a timely manner physical state made a constant companion to so many people. Each patient complains of different types of pain, which can occur for a variety of reasons.

A headache itself can have about 40 symptoms internal pathologies, however, in most cases it is a sign of significant, excessive nervous tension, . Constant worries cause a response in the nervous system, consisting of spasm of cerebral vessels and accompanying painful sensations.

To choose the right effective and safe medicine for headaches, you need to consult a medical specialist to find out the cause of this unpleasant condition.

Causes of headaches

Depending on what triggered the headache, the doctor prescribes the most rational treatment. U modern man similar condition may occur for the following reasons:


For regular headaches, you should comprehensive examination to reduce the risk of developing more difficult-to-treat diseases.

How to choose the right pills for headaches

To ask a doctor for help choosing headache pills, you need to carefully listen to your condition and determine the following factors:

  • The intensity of pain and discomfort and how they manifest themselves are very important: tingling, squeezing, Blunt pain or sharp, pulling or sharp, constant or paroxysmal;
  • determine in which part of the head the pain arose - , crown, ( top part or closer to the neck);
  • understand why this problem suddenly began: the weather changed, stress levels increased, the headache was the result of taking new medications;
  • pay attention to the symptoms accompanying headaches: a feeling of constriction in the stomach or throat, fear, panic, and in the head, clouding of consciousness, fear of falling into;
  • especially important factors are the patient’s age and the condition of his blood vessels in the body. In addition, it is important to remember that any medicines, aimed at pain relief, have a rather negative effect on gastrointestinal tract, therefore may be contraindicated in pathologies digestive organs. That is why most of them recommend drinking milk.

When choosing a medicine for a headache, the doctor in every clinical case selects the drug based on negative factors not only the internal, but also the external environment.

Classification of head tablets by action

The effect of a drug on the cause of a headache largely depends on the active substance it contains. Various pharmacological substances can have one or another effect on the body, its functioning internal organs and systems. They can increase or decrease intracranial pressure, relieve spasm, reduce inflammation, etc. This is why doctors recommend undergoing a thorough examination before choosing headache pills. Often, relieving spasm from blood vessels alone may not be enough, or, conversely, this effect seems unnecessary and even dangerous.

According to the method of influencing the causes and symptoms of an unfavorable condition, experts classify drugs into the following groups:

Analgesics-antipyretics . Active ingredients with a short-term but strong effect. They help reduce pain and lower temperature. Helps reduce pain caused by early stage diseases. Analgesics-antipyretics include the following active substances:

  1. (Mig 400, Nurofen, Imet);
  2. ( , );
  3. acetylsalicylic acid (C effervescent, Upsarin UPSA);
  4. metamizole sodium (Baralgin, -Ultra).

Psychostimulants . Of all medicinal substances, affecting directly nervous system, caffeine is used in the treatment of headaches. It significantly shortens the time various reactions body, thus stimulating quick release from spasm. Improves the functioning of striated muscles and has an antispasmodic effect on smooth muscles, relieving pain. Caffeine is not used in pure form as a headache medicine, but is found in many effective combination medications because it can significantly speed them up beneficial effect on the body.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs . They directly affect the enzymatic processes occurring in the body, stopping the cause of headaches at the biochemical level. They have a pronounced analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. The most popular medications for headaches are from the NSAID group with the following active ingredients:

  1. naproxen (Motrin, Nalgesin, Nalgesin Forte);
  2. ketorolac (Ketanov, Ketalgin, Ketorol);
  3. ketoprofen (Ketonal - most often in the treatment of headaches caused by injury or pathologies nervous activity in the cervical region).

Antispasmodic drugs. They are used in cases where analgesics cannot cope with a headache and it is necessary to relieve cerebral vascular spasm, which causes discomfort. Antispasmodics reduce the tone of smooth muscles, significantly slow down their activity, and have a vasodilating effect. Such drugs include:

  • drotaverine (No-shpa, Drotaverine);
  • papaverine (Papaverine).

Medicines to combat migraine pain . Active ingredients that can cope with pain syndromes caused by migraine are placed in a separate class, since their mechanism of action is significantly different from the effects of other headache medications. Antimigraine drugs cause stimulation of serotonin receptors of smooth muscles, constricting the blood vessels of the system carotid arteries, since it is their pathological expansion that most often provokes migraine. They are used strictly after a doctor’s prescription, in doses determined by a specialist. For example: sumatriptan (Amigrenin, Imigran, Rapided).

Combination drugs . Despite the pronounced effectiveness of monocomponent drugs, in cases of rare headache attacks, medical specialists recommend using combination drugs to relieve discomfort. They contain several active substances, capable of influencing various organs and systems, comprehensively relieving the patient of the problem. Among the headache remedies on the pharmacological market, due to their effectiveness, safety and speed of action, the following drugs have long proven themselves.

Headaches can occur quite suddenly, even in healthy person and cause a lot of trouble. Uncomfortable sensations interfere with thinking, working and relaxing, and sometimes can completely disrupt all plans. Frequent and severe pain is usually a manifestation of serious illness. Therefore, you should not take this problem too lightly.


Head pain can occur due to various reasons. Doctors distinguish between primary and secondary headaches. Primary ones are caused by the presence of a problem directly in the head, and secondary ones are a manifestation of other diseases of the body.

Headache can be different.

Headache classification:

  • episodic, caused by external factors,
  • tension headache,
  • post-traumatic head pain,
  • secondary headaches (with hypertension, intoxication, infections, diseases of the sinuses and teeth),
  • facial neuralgia and neuropathy,
  • migraine.

Each type of headache requires its own approach to treatment. Incorrectly chosen medications will not only not help get rid of discomfort, but can also significantly harm your health.


Pharmacies offer many various means to combat headaches. Every day, from TV screens and street banners, manufacturers persistently recommend their drug as the most effective and safe. But you need to remember what to choose effective scheme Only a doctor can treat.

Classification of tablets for the treatment of headaches:

  1. simple non-narcotic analgesics,
  2. combinations of anti-inflammatory substances,
  3. drugs for the treatment of migraines,
  4. medications to treat the underlying disease.

Treatment of episodic headaches and tension pain

To eliminate episodic, post-traumatic and tension-type headaches, it is best to use simple non-narcotic analgesics or combined anti-inflammatory drugs.

Simple analgesics for headaches:

  1. acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin, Aspeter, Upsarin Upsa, Asprovit),
  2. paracetamol (Panadol, Rafidol, Efferalgan),
  3. ibuprofen (Ibuprom, Imet, Nurofen, Ibunorm, Faspik),
  4. analgin (Metamizole).

Analgin, which we all know, is not a harmless drug at all. Doctors around the world have already abandoned the use of this substance, since its use is associated with a toxic effect on the body. One tablet of analgin will not harm you great harm, but you should not constantly use this drug.

Combined anti-inflammatory drugs may, in addition to an analgesic, contain caffeine, antispasmodic, antiallergic and sedative components. Caffeine relieves spasm of blood vessels in the head, helps increase blood pressure when it decreases, and tones the body. Combined preparations with caffeine are good for tension pain and headaches associated with low blood pressure due to vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Painkillers in combination with antiallergic drugs ( antihistamines) substances cope well with headaches during colds, flu and hangovers.

Phenobarbital has a mild sedative effect and enhances the effect of analgesics. Combination painkillers with phenobarbital work well for tension headaches.

Combined painkillers:

  • Askofen, Copacil, Citramon, Citropak, Farmadol (acetylsalicylic acid, paracetamol and caffeine),
  • Fervex, Combigrip, Gripex, Amicitron, Helpex, Gripgo (paracetamol, vitamin C and antihistamines substances),
  • Tetralgin, Tempalgin, Sedalgin, Sedal, Pyatirichatka, Pentalgin, (paracetamol, analgin, caffeine and phenobarbital).

The listed medications relieve symptoms quite well headache. On the pharmaceutical market they are represented by conventional and effervescent tablets, capsules and soluble powders. Soluble tablets and powders have a faster effect. The capsule shell protects the stomach from negative influence active substance. Painkiller tablets in capsules are recommended for people suffering from gastritis, high stomach acidity and peptic ulcers. Regular tablets are convenient for use in any conditions.

Treatment tactics for secondary head pain

Secondary pain in the head occurs as a consequence of the development of the underlying disease and is only a symptom of it. In such cases, remove discomfort Ordinary analgesics will not work. Secondary headaches can be eliminated only by treating the underlying disease.

Often strong pain in the back of the head bothers a person when he rises blood pressure. Indicators that do not exceed 139/89 mmHg are considered normal. At constant increase Pressure higher than normal can indicate that a person has hypertension. Headache due to hypertension is easily eliminated by taking pills to lower blood pressure.

Deep caries and other dental problems can cause headaches. Unpleasant sensations will bother the person until the tooth is cured. In order to temporarily relieve symptoms, you can take a regular analgesic tablet.

Often headaches can result from alcohol poisoning. In cases of strong hangover syndrome can be accepted acetylsalicylic acid or its combination (Aspirin S, Alka-Seltzer, Alka-Prim).

Aspirin C

Discomfort in the temporo-frontal region can be a symptom of sinus diseases - sinusitis, sinusitis and sinusitis. An ENT doctor treats these diseases. The problem will be solved as soon as the sinus inflammation can be cured.

Tablets for the treatment of migraines

A characteristic feature of migraine is regular attacks of pain on one side of the head. A person suffers from headaches with regularity once a month or week, and is also sometimes provoked by external factors. These symptoms cannot always be eliminated by a regular pain reliever. Migraine patients are buying more and more strong remedies, take several different tablets, but the pain does not go away. In addition, constant reception large quantity potent analgesics have a very negative effect on the health of the liver and stomach.

List of drugs for the treatment of migraine:

  1. combined analgesics with caffeine (Difmetra, Citramon, Citropak, Copacil, Askofen, Farmadol),
  2. ergotamine (Nomigren),
  3. sumatriptan (Amigren, Antimigraine, Imigran, Migranol, Stopmigren, Sumamigren),
  4. zolmitriptan (Rapimig, Zolmigren),
  5. rizatriptan (Rizamigren),
  6. gabapentin (Neurontin, Neuralgin),
  7. pregabalin (Lyrica, Algerica, Gabana).

Migraine medications are also used to treat trigeminal neuralgia.

Substances for the treatment of migraine include strong tablets and are available with a prescription. It is not recommended to prescribe them yourself. To select the correct and active tablets If you have a migraine, you should definitely consult a neurologist. Timely and correct treatment will help prevent the progression of the disease and its complications.


Acetylsalicylic acid.

Doctors do not recommend using acetylsalicylic acid for pain relief and fever reduction for colds and flu. In such cases, it is better to use paracetamol or ibuprofen in combination with vitamin C and an antiallergic component.

Acetylsalicylic acid and its combinations are absolutely contraindicated in children under 14 years of age. Aspirin can cause serious irreversible liver and kidney damage in children.

People who have bleeding disorders should not take acetylsalicylic acid frequently, as it can cause severe bleeding.


Paracetamol (acetaminophen) in permissible doses is enough safe drug and is approved for use even in children. But while taking paracetamol, drinking alcohol is contraindicated. Acetaminophen and ethanol processed by one liver enzyme system. Taking these substances together will increase the toxic effects of each on liver cells. Based on this fact, you should not use paracetamol and its combinations to eliminate hangover headaches. In such cases, it is better to use acetylsalicylic acid or its combinations.

In many countries, analgin is prohibited for use due to the risk of developing hematopoietic disorders. You should not use this drug often, but it is better to completely replace it with a safer analgesic.

Almost all painkillers have a negative effect on the gastric mucosa. It is worth limiting the use of analgesics for people suffering from gastritis, peptic ulcer And increased acidity stomach.

Headache is a common symptom of a nonspecific nature, which manifests itself in the form of pain of various nature in the head area, often spreading to the neck. Ignore this one pathological process This is not possible, as it may be a sign of the development of a life-threatening illness. It should be noted that this condition can be provoked by any disease, the pathogenesis of which involves an impact on pain receptors human body. The periodic and short-term occurrence of such a symptom is not always a reason to see a doctor, while frequent headaches require immediate medical intervention.

Depending on the type, painful sensations indicate various problems in organism.

Headache in temples can be caused by a number of reasons - from sharp changes blood pressure before intoxication or infection. For some diseases temporal pain is a symptom that allows for early diagnosis.

Reasons headache in the back of the head most often are diseases such as cervical osteochondrosis, cervical spondylosis, thickening (increased tone) of muscles cervical spine, hypertension.

Emergence headache in the forehead area may indicate inflammatory diseases, such as frontal sinusitis, increased intracranial pressure, pinching occipital nerve. This type of pain accompanies such serious illnesses, such as meningitis, pneumonia, malaria, typhoid.

Pain in the eye area may be a symptom autonomic dysfunction, migraines, as well as glaucoma and a number of other eye diseases. Failure to see a doctor promptly can lead to serious vision problems.

Severe headaches often caused by reasons such as migraines, pressure changes, sinusitis, traumatic brain injuries and infectious diseases. If painful sensations increase - this is a sure sign of abnormalities in the functioning of the body.

Reason throbbing headache Most often it turns out to be a migraine. But this does not exclude others possible diseases: otitis media, eye diseases (for example, glaucoma), sinusitis, problems with cerebral vessels (vascular lesions of the brain, impaired outflow of cerebrospinal fluid, impaired venous outflow), various infections. The degree of danger of this type of pain depends on its location, strength and duration.

Severe headache often caused by spasms of cerebral vessels during cervical osteochondrosis, hypertensive crisis. The most dangerous are vascular accidents - rupture of an aneurysm, intracranial hemorrhage. In addition, the cause of pain can be stress, nervous strain, taking certain medications and using harmful products nutrition.

What symptoms should you get tested for?

In the cases described below, you should contact a neurologist or therapist:

  • sharp throbbing pain in the temples;
  • nagging pain of an excruciating nature in the back of the head;
  • a feeling of heaviness and tingling in the eye sockets, brow ridges;
  • a feeling of numbness in the neck and shoulder girdle along with constant migraines;
  • profuse nosebleeds accompanying migraines;
  • if the headache starts from the very beginning early morning And night sleep does not have any effect on it;
  • In parallel with migraine, nausea, vomiting, and short-term loss of consciousness occur.

All these symptoms are characteristic of different serious illnesses. This is how osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, arrhythmia, hypertension, and organic brain damage can manifest themselves.

During pregnancy and lactation, headache medication must be chosen especially carefully. For pregnant women and already established mothers (with breastfeeding) it is important not to harm the child, so it is necessary to give preference to safe tablets.

  1. Paracetamol and drugs based on it (Efferalgan, Panadol) are the most harmless tablets during pregnancy and lactation. The daily dose should not exceed 3 tablets, and the duration of use should not exceed 3 days.
  2. No-shpa (analogue of Drotaverine) – safe remedy for headaches, if not abused. You can take it 1 tablet per day.

It is recommended to take medications for headaches during pregnancy or lactation in extreme cases. It is better to take a harmless herbal decoction (chamomile, oregano, mint). Similar means gently relieve spasms, improve blood circulation and produce a sedative effect.

Headache may result from: nervous overstrain and fatigue, and point to possible problems with health. To decide on painkillers, you need to understand the nature of the pain and associated symptoms. It is important to remember that correctly selected medications help alleviate the condition and forget about the unpleasant problem for a long time.

  • To reduce the amount of medication you take for migraines, you can use folk remedies, helping with headaches;
  • Massage and self-massage. To relieve tension pain, you can rub your neck, occipital part skulls;
  • A compress is applied to the head, warm or cold, depending on what brings relief;
  • Walks in the fresh air, frequent ventilation of sleeping areas;
  • Water procedures - taking a relaxing bath, preparing a foot bath with mustard;
  • Helps relieve nerve pain medicinal decoctions from herbs: anise, motherwort, lingonberry, hawthorn, coltsfoot leaves, bearberry. You can prepare a decoction from one type of herb or a mixture of them.

Remember, you can rarely take pills for headaches, no more than once a month. If discomfort is observed frequently, or discomfort does not go away when taking medications, you should seek the help of medical professionals.

Video: 8 ways to quickly relieve headaches

Pain always comes uninvited, and our task is to help get rid of it. The reasons for its appearance are very diverse and headaches can occur in different ways. All the nuances need to be known and taken into account so as not to make mistakes when purchasing medications. When communicating with a pharmacist or pharmacist, you can hear a large list of painkillers for headaches, and the list is confusing. But this is only at first glance. The same chemicals or combinations thereof may have different trade names drugs. The classification is not that complicated, and once you understand the main thing, helping yourself will become much easier.

Should I take pills for headaches?

When you have a headache, you need, first of all, to understand the root cause, whether it is a signal developing disease? If chronic course there is no process observed, and there is no need to visit a doctor; it makes sense to figure out which painkillers are used for headaches at the moment.

Episodic pain that does not cause discomfort does not require special treatment. But if such a situation affects the quality of life, and in order to work productively, you just need to take a painkiller, is it worth suffering?

Medicine is moving forward, studying the features of the course of various processes for headaches. Old drug formulas are being improved, fundamentally new combinations are being created that selectively act on specific areas of pain, be it migraine or tension headache.

Headaches are provoked by various factors, and only a well-chosen medicine is almost 100% likely to hit the target.

Classification of painkillers

Pain is the leading complaint when visiting a doctor for most patients. Divided into chronic and acute, respectively, stopped various types medicines. Migraine, tension headache and cluster headache also require individual attention.

Painkillers for headaches have the following classification:

  1. Analgesics. This is a group of drugs that suppress pain sensitivity by acting on receptors and suppressing symptoms. They, in turn, are divided into subgroups:
    • narcotic;
    • non-narcotic.
  2. Antispasmodics. A group of drugs that eliminate spasms of smooth muscles of internal organs and blood vessels.
  3. Alpha adrenergic receptor agonists. Ergotamine, an ergot alkaloid, belongs to this group. Based on it, specific painkillers are made for the treatment of migraines.
  4. Selective serotonin receptor agonists. Created in the 90s a new group drugs for the treatment of migraine and moderate high degrees gravity is much more effective than the previous one.
  5. Muscle relaxants. Used in complex therapy with antidepressants for tension headaches.


The analgesics group occupies the largest sector from total number painkillers prescribed by a doctor.

  1. Non-narcotic painkillers are represented by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, not addictive and do not have a hypnotic effect. Successfully eliminated inflammatory processes. Drugs used for headaches in this group boast a variety of convenient release forms (tablets, capsules, caplets, drops, syrups, ampoules, suppositories).
  • NSAIDs with low analgesic activity:

A drug

Indications for use

Mode of application


Mefenamic acid 0.5 g


Symptomatic treatment of pain syndrome; feverish conditions - as an antipyretic agent

1-2 tablets 3 times/day after meals.

Reception up to 20 days

Children under 5 years of age; pregnancy; lactation; peptic ulcer and 12 duodenum; liver and kidney dysfunction

Analgin 0.5 g

Metamizole sodium

Pain of various origins: headache, neuralgia; feverish conditions, rheumatism

1-2 tablets 3 times/day

Bronchospasm; hematopoietic disorders; children under 14 years old

Paracetamol tablets 0.5 g;

tablets 0.2 g;



Headache; toothache; myalgia; neuralgia; arthralgia; febrile conditions

Adults: 0.325-0.5 g 3 times/day.

Children 9-12 years old - up to 2 g per day.

Children 3-6 years old - 60 mg per 1 kg of weight 3 times / day

Severe liver and kidney failure; Individual intolerance

  • NSAIDs with high analgesic activity:

A drug

The drug with the same active substance

Indications for use

Mode of application


Acetylsalicylic acid 0.5 g

Headache; dental; articular; muscular; periodic pain in women; febrile conditions

1 tablet 3 times/day.

No more than 10 days

Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum in the acute phase; I and III trimesters pregnancy; lactation; children under 15 years of age; individual intolerance

Etodolac 0.2 g and 0.3 g



Headache; dental; osteoarthritis; arthrosis; arthritis

1-2 twice a day with meals

Children under 15 years of age; peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum; bronchial asthma; pregnancy; lactation; individual intolerance

Ibuprofen 0.2 g; 0.3 g; 0.4 g

Solpaflex; Moment

Headache; dental; radiculitis; osteoarthritis; gout; neuralgia

1-3 tablets 3-4 times/day

Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum in the acute phase; hematopoietic disorders; severe renal and/or liver dysfunction; childhood up to 6 years; individual intolerance

Flurbiprofen 0.1 g

Headache; dental; neuralgia; dysmenorrhea; osteoarthritis; arthralgia; arthrosis

1 tablet 2-3 times/day

Children under 15 years of age; peptic ulcer or gastrointestinal bleeding; pregnancy; lactation



Migraine; headache; toothache; myalgia; arthritis; arthrosis; febrile conditions

2-4 tablets/day. For migraine attacks - 3 tablets at once. If necessary, increase the dose

Exacerbation phase of gastric ulcer, duodenum; tendency to bleed; children under 13 years of age; pregnancy; lactation

  1. Narcotic analgesics. Used only for severe chronic pain syndrome. Tablets for headaches of this group can be addictive, so dispensing from pharmacies is strictly according to a doctor’s prescription. These are the so-called opioid narcotic analgesics: Morphine, Omnopon, Codeine, Promedol, Methadone, Fentanyl.

The prescription of painkillers during lactation, pregnant women and children is strictly under the supervision of a doctor.

Group of antispasmodics

The analgesic effect of drugs from the antispasmodic group is no less strong than that of analgesics, but is based on different mechanisms of action. They eliminate attacks of spastic pain by acting on the muscular wall of blood vessels. Influenced chemical substances their walls relax and they expand, improving blood circulation. Pain and noise in the head go away, especially if they are caused by high blood pressure or stress.

No matter how effective and efficient analgesics are, they do not help if you need to relieve spasms and relax vascular muscles.

Classic representatives of this group:

  • No-spa tablets (1-2 tablets 3 times/day);
  • Spasmalgon tablets (1-2 tablets 3 times/day);
  • Papaverine tablets (1 tablet 3-4 times/day).

A specific group of drugs for the treatment of migraine

When migraine headaches occur and proven analgesics no longer help, a specific group of drugs designed specifically for the treatment of this disease comes to the rescue.

  • Alpha adrenergic receptor agonists. This group includes the substance ergotamine, an ergot alkaloid (uterine horns). Ergot is a fungus that lives on the ovary cereal crops, in particular, rye. In pharmacology, the form “ergotamine hydrotartrate” is used. Use 1 tablet 3 times a day.
  • Selective serotonin receptor agonists (triptans). Sumatriptan (50-100 mg 3 times/day), Naratriptan (2.5 mg 2 times/day), Zolmitriptan (2.5 mg 2 times/day, but not more than 15 mg).

Muscle relaxants

In cases where headaches are to blame muscle tension, is appointed complex therapy using muscle relaxants. Therapeutic effect, an order of magnitude higher than that of NSAIDs.

Representatives of this group:

  • Mydocalm tablets (50-150 mg 3 times/day);
  • Tizanidine tablets (2-4 mg 3 times/day);
  • Baclofen tablets (10-25 mg 3 times/day).

The painkillers presented here have been designed to make life easier and more comfortable. For each type of pain you can choose your own pill. But we should not forget that pain relief is a temporary measure, symptomatic therapy, which does not eliminate the very cause of the pain syndrome.

IN modern world You rarely meet a person who has not had a headache at least once in his life. Starting gradually, the headache soon becomes unbearable, forcing you to postpone everything for a long time. Therefore, it is very important to have medications on hand and know how to use them correctly to relieve this pain.

First aid for headaches

So, the headache took you by surprise. Let's try to cope with it on our own, without the help of pills. Let's say. You are lucky and you are in a comfortable home environment. The first, the simplest and often the most effective treatment What you can afford is to completely relax. To do this, dim the lights or close the curtains, remove all noise stimuli, or, conversely, turn on light, pleasant music. If possible, open the window slightly and let some coolness into the room. Lie down on the bed, lie down with eyes closed 10-20 minutes. You can also do a head massage: stroke yourself from the forehead to the back of the head, smoothly going down, not forgetting about a light neck massage. In addition, you can take a warm bath with your favorite foam and do aromatherapy. Or just go to Fresh air, take a short walk.

If the pain does not go away, or you cannot put things aside and relax, the only thing effective method treatment becomes reception medical supplies. Depending on the cause, experts distinguish several types of headaches. Why is this important to know? The fact is that medications that are effective for one type of pain in another situation may not only be useless, but even cause harm. Therefore, next we will try to tell you about the types of headaches and the most effective methods to ease it.

Medicines for headaches

Migraine. In most cases, the pain is severe, lasting from 4 hours to 3 days. The head hurts on both one and both sides, mainly in the forehead or temples. The pain is throbbing, accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and worsens with noise and bright light.

Tension pain. Occurs as a result of prolonged exposure to uncomfortable position, due to psycho-emotional stress, with severe fatigue. The pain is rarely intense; as a rule, it is dull and aching, as if the head is clamped with a hoop. But there is no nausea or vomiting. Such pain lasts from 30 minutes to several hours.

Tension pain and migraine make a person extremely irritable and nervous. Therefore, you should not endure such pain. Properly selected medications help to completely relieve pain in just a few minutes. In this case, the most effective are nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

So, from this group the following can be appointed:
Aspirin tablets (acetylsalicylic acid) - maximum single dose is 2 tablets, but not more than 6 tablets 3-4 times a day.
Ibuprofen tablets (ibuprom, ibuprom max, imet, nurofen, brufen) - maximum single dose of 2 tablets, but not more than 6 tablets 3-4 times a day.
Naproxen tablets - maximum single dose is 2 tablets, but not more than 4 tablets 2 times a day.
Diclofenac (Ortofen) tablets - maximum single dose is 1 tablet, but not more than 3 tablets 3 times a day. Can be used in the form rectal suppositories: 1 candle 1-2 times a day.
Indomethacin tablets - maximum single dose is 1 tablet, but not more than 3 tablets 3 times a day. Can be used in the form of rectal suppositories: 1 suppository, 1-2 times a day.
Piroxicam tablets - maximum single dose is 1 tablet, but not more than 3 tablets 3 times a day. Can be used in the form of rectal suppositories: 1 suppository, 1-2 times a day.
Ketoprofen tablets - maximum single dose 2 tablets, but not more than 6 tablets 3-4 times a day

All drugs in this group must be taken after meals with a glass of water. big amount water (not milk, juice or alcoholic drinks). The effect develops 0.5-2 hours after administration, the duration of the analgesic effect is approximately 4-6 hours. Duration of treatment: up to 4 days or until pain disappears.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are contraindicated:
in the presence of allergic reaction to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
with active or suspected hidden bleeding (exception: menstrual);
with peptic ulcer of the stomach or intestines in the acute stage;
during pregnancy and lactation;
with significant impairment of liver and kidney function.
in the presence of severe heart failure or hypertension.

Used to treat migraines
dihydroergotamine preparations (Ditamine, Dihydrergot);
selective serotonin agonists - sumatriptan (antimigraine), zolmitriptan (zolmigren, rapimig), naratriptan, rizatriptan, almotriptan. The drug is effective only if taken at the beginning of the attack. If the pain doesn't go away, readmission possible after 2 hours. Drugs in this group often side effects, therefore they resort to them only according to doctor’s indications.

If the effect of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for tension headaches is insufficient, combination with them may be recommended antispasmodics.

The group of antispasmodics includes:
Papaverine tablets - 1 tablet 3-5 times a day.
No-shpa tablets - 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day.
Halidor tablets - 1 tablet 3 times a day.
Buscopan tablets - 1-2 tablets 3-5 times a day.
Drotaverine tablets - 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day. Maximum daily dose- 240 mg.
Duration of treatment: up to 2 days or until pain disappears.

Antispasmodics are contraindicated:
at renal failure severe;
for severe liver failure;
with severe heart failure;
at hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
at arterial hypotension(due to the danger of collapse);
with glaucoma (increased intraocular pressure), except for No-shpa.

Vascular headache. Occurs when excessive expansion (hypotension) or, conversely, narrowing (hypertension) of the blood vessels of the brain. Correct treatment in this situation there is an increase and decrease in systemic blood pressure. Such drugs are taken only in consultation with a specialist. Relief from this type of pain can come from: analgesics.

This group includes the well-known tablets Analgin, Baralgin, as well as Minalgin, Nebagin, Nobol, Novalgin, Optalgin, Piretin, Ronaldin, Spazdolzin and others. Use 1-2 tablets 1-3 times a day, but no more than 6 tablets per day. The analgesic effect reaches a maximum 20 minutes after taking the first dose, the duration of action of the drug is on average 2 hours. After taking the drug, your urine may turn red - do not worry, this is normal.

Metamizole sodium derivatives are contraindicated for:
hypersensitivity to Metamizole sodium;
pronounced violations liver and kidney functions;
hematopoietic disorders;
bronchial asthma;
hereditary disorder - glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency.

Has a good effect in some cases Citramon - combination drug, containing acetylsalicylic acid, paracetamol and caffeine. Apply 1 tablet every 4 hours until pain stops.

Liquorodynamic pain. In this case, the pain is intense, bursting, as if the brain is becoming crowded. cranium, worsens during coughing. This pain is a manifestation serious problems, including trauma, meningitis, brain tumors. As a rule, pain decreases only slightly after taking analgesics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. See a doctor immediately if you experience such pain.

Medicines for headaches during pregnancy

Doctors do not recommend this during pregnancy or breastfeeding. uncontrolled reception medications. If the headache is unbearable, then drugs such as no-spa (1 tablet 3 times a day), citramon, paracetamol in minimal doses are allowed. Strictly prohibited: aspirin, analgin, nurofen.

Headache medications for children

In children, only drugs containing paracetamol or ibuprofen are used. These drugs are recommended in the minimum effective dose, taking into account the child’s weight. Ibuprofen for children is inferior in pain-relieving effect to paracetamol. It is recommended to use it only in cases where paracetamol is contraindicated and only in consultation with a doctor.

In any case, before using one or another medicinal product It is recommended to read the instructions carefully.

Folk remedies for headaches

Along with traditional medicine as aid The following herbal remedies can be used to treat headaches.

Common anise (fruit) – 1 tbsp. spoon, common lingonberry (leaves) – 1 tbsp. spoon, heart-shaped linden (flowers) - 2 tbsp. spoons, common raspberries (fruit) - 2 tbsp. spoons, coltsfoot (leaves) - 1 tbsp. spoon. One tbsp. Pour one glass of boiling water over a spoonful of the mixture, boil for 5 minutes, strain. Drink 1 glass before bed (hot).
- blood-red hawthorn (fruit) – 2 tbsp. spoon, valerian officinalis (root) – 1 tbsp. spoon, motherwort five-lobed (herb) - 2 tbsp. spoon, bearberry (herb) - 2 tbsp. spoon. Take 0.3 cups as a decoction 3 times a day, an hour after meals.

A headache is not only a severe discomfort that significantly reduces the quality of life. Headache is also a formidable symptom that indicates the presence of a particular disease, including hypertension, vascular abnormalities, head injuries, meningitis, encephalitis, brain tumor. AND therapeutic measures, described above, do not eliminate the cause of pain, but only have a temporary analgesic effect. In addition, many drugs, such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, long-term use worsen headaches. Therefore, to prevent unpleasant sensations from returning, a comprehensive approach to the cause of the pain is necessary. Only a specialist will help you with this, who, after a comprehensive examination, will prescribe treatment aimed specifically at the cause of the disease.

General practitioner Sirotkina E.V.