The role of cereal plants in human life. What is a living? The role of cereal crops in human life

The importance of cereals in human life is so great and varied that it deserves special consideration. The first place should be given to grain and cereal crops, of which wheat, rice and corn are rightly considered the main food plants of mankind. In terms of the area occupied by their crops - according to 1980 data, about 225 million hectares - wheat ranks first among all cultivated plants. Although it is mainly an extratropical crop, the development of a number of new varieties (especially Mexican ones) has significantly expanded the area occupied by this crop within the tropics.


The number of wheat species (Fig. 215) in their narrowest scope reaches 20-27, the vast majority of which are known only in cultivation. The most ancient and, apparently, ancestral for all other wheat species are wild diploid (with 2n = 14) einkorn wheats: Boeotian (Triticum boeoticum) and Urartu (T. urartu), common in Southwest Asia (including in Southern Transcaucasia), in the Crimea and on Balkan Peninsula and having ears that easily break up into single-spike segments. In addition, the grains of these wheats are tightly enclosed in lemmas and are threshed out of them with great difficulty. In the process of cultivation of Boeotian wheat, einkorn wheat (T. monococcum) was formed, which differs from it in non-decaying ears, but still retains poorly threshed, so-called filmy grains, with a small number of them in the spikelet (1, rarely 2). It was the grains of this wheat with a small admixture of the grains of its ancestor - Boeotian wheat - that were found during archaeological excavations in Iran and Turkey, dating back to the 65-54th century. BC e. It is assumed that much more productive tetraploid (with 2n = 28) and hexaploid (with 2n = 42) wheats arose not only as a result of the continued cultivation of einkorn wheats by ancient farmers, but also as a result of their hybridization with diploid species of the closely related genus Aegilops ( Fig. 215, 10). At the same time, tetraploid wheats were first formed, which are divided into a group of two grains, or spelled, and a group of durum wheats, which got their name because of the glassy consistency of the protein-rich endosperm of caryopses. Among the spelt there are still wild-growing species with decaying ears: two-grain wheat (T. dicoccoides) and Ararat wheat (T. araraticum). The once widely cultivated emmer wheat (T. dicoccon) is now only occasionally sown as a cereal crop and in experimental plots. Durum wheat includes only cultivated species durum wheat (T. durum), from the grains of which a protein-rich flour is obtained, which is used for the preparation of high-quality pasta, fat wheat (T. turgidum), some varieties of which have branched ears (the so-called branched wheat) , and other, much less commonly cultivated species. If spelled still have filmy grains, then durum wheats already belong to the number of naked wheats with easily threshed grains.

The most "young", hexaploid wheats are represented by exclusively cultivated species, of which spelled wheat (T. spelta) and macha wheat (T. macha) are the oldest and still retained membranous grains. Like spelt, they are currently cultivated mainly in experimental plots. Finally, naked hexaploid soft wheat, or summer wheat (T. aestivum), which is a kind of pinnacle of wheat evolution, is the most productive and is cultivated almost throughout the globe. It is currently represented by more than 400 cultivated varieties, the number of which is increasing due to the ongoing selection of this wonderful crop in almost all countries. It should be noted that the experimental plots of the All-Union Institute of Plant Growing (Leningrad) have the richest living collection of wheat species and varieties, begun on the initiative and with the participation of the outstanding Soviet biologist N. I. Vavilov.

Like wheat, such important grain and cereal crops as rye, barley and oats originate from the Mediterranean countries, although they have retained closer ties with their wild relatives than cultivated wheat. Sowing rye (Secale cereale, Fig. 213) has been known in culture since the end of the Bronze Age, and currently occupies a relatively large areas in Eurasia, North and South Africa, North America, southern South America and Australia. It is believed that rye was introduced into the culture by man due to a peculiar natural selection. With the advance of wheat crops to the north and to higher mountainous regions, it often died and was replaced by more cold-resistant field weed rye (S. segetale), which had previously been a weed in wheat crops. Farmers were forced in such cases to collect grains of brittle-eared weed-field rye, from which later, through unconscious selection, sowing rye with non-decaying ears was formed. In addition to the two species of rye mentioned, several closely related perennial species, often combined under the name mountain rye (S. montanum), are found in the mountainous regions of the Mediterranean and Western Asia, including the Caucasus. It is worth noting that in recent times stable hybrids between rye and wheat - triticale (Triticale) have been obtained, which open up new possibilities for the selection of these crops. Cultivated common barley (Hordeum vulgare, fig. 213, 6-11) and two-row barley (H. distichon) are not only food (giving pearl barley and barley groats, flour, as well as raw materials for the brewing industry), but also the most important fodder plants . The closest ancestor and probable ancestor of both cultivated barleys is wild barley (H. spontaneum) with ears splitting into segments during fruiting, distributed on the stony and fine-earth slopes of the countries of the Eastern Mediterranean and Western Asia, often found there as a weed in crops of cultivated barley. In the archaeological finds of barley of the most ancient age (about 7000 years BC) in the territories of Jordan and Iran, only wild barley grains are found. Later, forms with partially decaying ears begin to occur, and then grains of the two-row barley that arose in the culture. Common or multi-row barley (all 3 spikelets in groups of 3 spikelets are sessile and fully developed), which is the most valuable economically, apparently originated from two-row barley by mutation in a relatively more humid climate. Currently, over 200 varieties of cultivated barley are known, the main areas under crops of which are in Eurasia, North Africa, North America and Argentina, and in Tibet barley is cultivated up to an altitude of 4600 m.

The economic use of cultivated oat species, of which the most important is sowing oats (Avena sativa), is in many respects similar to barley. In addition to such valuable dietary products like oatmeal, cereals and oatmeal, oats provide the best concentrated pet food. In addition, like barley, it is often sown in mixtures with or without legumes to obtain a very valuable forage green mass. Of approximately 25 wild-growing species of oats, wild oat (A. fatua), a common weed in oat crops, is closest to and, apparently, its ancestor. It is distinguished by an axis of spikelets that easily breaks up into segments along the joints and much more developed, articulated awns (Fig. 212, 1-4). It is likely that, like rye, oats entered cultivation as a weed in the earliest cultivated wheat species. Currently, oats are widely cultivated in Eurasia (in the north to 69.5 ° N) and North America.

Sowing rice (Oryza sativa, fig. 196, 1-5) is the most important food plant in tropical and subtropical countries. How great its importance can be judged already because it serves as the main food for about 60% of the total population of the Earth. The areas occupied by this crop are especially large in East, Southeast and South Asia, which is probably the birthplace of sowing rice, since it has been known here since the Stone Age. In the oldest written sources of China, it is mentioned that already in 2800 BC. e. rice was widely cultivated and was listed among the 5 sacred plants, which also included millet, wheat, barley and soybeans. The ancestors of rice for sowing, probably, were species of this genus with spikelets falling off at the fruit at the joints, for example, wild rice (O. rufipogon) - a malicious weed of cultivated rice crops. Rice provides cereals and flour, as well as raw materials for the production of starch, beer, rice oil and other products. Rice straw is used for various crafts and paper making. Thanks to the development of new, early-ripening varieties, it became possible to expand the rice culture on the territory of the USSR. It began to be cultivated in the Kuban basin, in the Crimea, in the Volga delta, in the south of the Far East.

Rice is a moisture-loving plant, as a result of which its fields must be periodically flooded with water. True, there are also so-called upland varieties, but they are much less productive.


Another most important food and fodder crop of mankind is corn, or maize (Zea mays, Fig. 209). Maize crops are found in almost all tropical, subtropical and warm temperate regions of both hemispheres, but the main areas of its cultivation are Central and South America, the USA, South and Southeast Europe, China, India and South Africa. Unlike all other cultivated cereals, corn is of American origin. In the southwestern United States, in Mexico, Central America, Peru and Chile, it has been known since ancient times, being one of the objects of worship (Fig. 216). The remains of cobs from the caves of Mexico and adjacent countries have an age of 3400-5000 years, determined using the radiocarbon method. The cobs of that time were small (often 5-7 cm long), the grains in them were also small and dressed with well-developed lemmas (i.e. membranous). Obviously, corn has since gone through a long evolutionary path towards increasing yields through unconscious, and then conscious selection. With regard to the origin of corn, not everything is clear yet, but it is very likely that its immediate ancestor or one of the ancestors is a weed plant common in Mexico (often a weed of corn crops) Mexican teosinte (Euchlaena mexicana, Fig. 209, 4-5) outwardly similar to corn, but having not cobs in the axils of the upper stem leaves, but two-row ears with an axis splitting into segments. The genus teosinte, which includes 4 species, of which 2 are perennials, is undoubtedly the closest relative of corn and often even joins this last generation. In addition, Mexican corn and teosinte have the same number of chromosomes (2n = 20) and easily interbreed with each other. It is assumed that the evolution of maize could be constantly promoted by introgressive hybridization of its primary forms with teosinte species, and possibly with species of another closely related genus Trypsacum (Tripsacum, Fig. 209, 7).

It is worth noting that only recently in a remote mountainous region of Mexico, an American-Mexican expedition discovered a second perennial species of teosinte, called "diploid perennial corn" (Zea diploperennis; its author, X. Iltis, combines the genus teosinte with corn ). This species, in contrast to the previously known perennial teosinte - Euchlaena (or Zea) perennis - with 2n = 40, like cultivated corn, has a diploid number of chromosomes - 2n = 20. Thus, this finding opens up the possibility of successful crossing of corn with its perennial cousin in order to create perennial cultivated corn, as well as to give corn other useful properties, in particular, greater cold resistance, since diploid perennial corn can grow at altitudes up to 3000 m. The economic use of corn is very diverse. Flour and cereals are obtained from its grains, and not quite mature grains and whole cobs are eaten both directly and in boiled form or in the form of canned food. In addition, corn starch is obtained from grains - a valuable raw material for the production of alcohol, glucose and other products, as well as corn oil. Corn cobs and green mass, both fresh and ensiled, are the best pet food. According to the structure and consistency of grains, numerous varieties and varieties of corn are divided into a number of groups that have various applications: siliceous, dentate, starchy, sugary, waxy, etc. Small-fruited group of varieties, the so-called "popping" corn, is used to obtain a special delicacy called "snow flakes". Especially high yields of corn are obtained when sown with seeds of intervarietal and interlinear hybrids.

The cereals also include a number of crops that are of great nutritional and fodder importance. In the USSR, the most famous of them is sowing millet (Panicum miliaceum), apparently originating from the inland regions of Asia, where the weed subspecies of this species is predominantly distributed with spikelets falling at the fruit at the joint - probably the direct ancestor of cultivated millet. In food, millet is used mainly in the form of cereals (millet), which is also an excellent concentrated feed. In South Asia, another species is used for the same purpose - Sumatran millet (P. sumatrense). Suitable for human nutrition, cereals and valuable concentrated food are also provided by many types of sorghum (Sorghum), the culture of which is especially common in Africa, South and East Asia, mogar, or chumiza (Setaria italica), African millet (Pennisetum americanum), caracana, or dagussa (Eleusine caracana), teff (Eragrostis tef), some species of barnyard grass (Echinochloa), rosichki (Digitaria) and buckwheat (Paspalum), already mentioned above when summary tribe Apparently, the grains of many other cereals are also suitable for food, from which, through selection, new economically valuable crops can be obtained.


Of the cereals in which other parts of the plant are not used as food, the first place is undoubtedly occupied by sugar cane (Saccharum officinarum, Fig. 210, 1, 2, tab. 45, 1), which gives more than half of the world sugar production. The homeland of cultivated sugar cane has not been precisely established, but it is most likely that it was first introduced into cultivation in India. In Europe, they learned about sugar cane only after the campaign of Alexander the Great in India. Asia (including Central Asia) the most common and wild relative of sugar cane is wild sugar cane, or kalam (S. spontaneum), which is probably its ancestor. In East, Southeast and South Asia, significant nutritional value have young shoots of many types of bamboos. Thus, one of the factories on the island of Taiwan receives about 150 tons of shoots daily. Young shoots, zizania, cane and some other cereals are also used as a vegetable.

In second place in importance can be put the use of cereals as fodder plants for domestic animals. It has already been noted that many food grains, especially corn, oats and barley, provide excellent concentrated fodder and high quality green mass. In addition, cereals are the main components of natural hayfields and pastures, especially meadows and steppes of various types. The best wild-growing species in terms of their fodder qualities are not only introduced into the culture, but also represented by a number of cultivar varieties. Especially widely cultivated are meadow timothy grass, cocksfoot, meadow and reed fescue, awnless brome, perennial and many-flowered tares, meadow foxtail, giant bent grass, meadow bluegrass, high ryegrass, and in forest-steppe and steppe regions - comb, desert and brittle wheatgrass. Among fodder cereals introduced into cultivation in tropical and subtropical countries, naturally, species from the tribes of millet, sorghum, and hogweed predominate.

Many of the forage grasses listed above are also used in ornamental gardening as lawn plants. In the USSR, lawns made from species of chaff, fescue, bent grass, wheatgrass, ryegrass, and bluegrass are especially common. In the parks of the subtropics, such species that form dense mats as a one-sided narrow-furrow (Stenotaphrum secundatum) with blunt or even notched leaves at the top and fine-leaved zoysia (Zoysia tenuifolia) with very narrow bristle-like leaves are very good for arranging lawns. Large densely soddy species - pampas grass, Chinese miscanthus, whose shiny, pinnate feather grass, etc. - are planted in single plantings in parks, squares, gardens, and roadsides. Large moisture-loving cereals - reed, manna, zizania, etc. - are suitable for planting along the banks of reservoirs. Many of the ornamental grasses have variegated varieties (usually leaves with white longitudinal stripes), of which a variety of meadow grass cane (Phalaroides arundinacea) is especially often cultivated in the USSR, the shoots of which are added to bouquets. Maned barley (Hordeum jubatum) with drooping long-awned ears, ovoid haretail (Lagurus ovatus) with hairy hairy ellipsoidal or ovate spike-shaped panicles, golden lamarckia (Lamarckia aurea) with one-sided golden panicles, large shaker (Briza maxima) with large , slightly swollen spikelets in a panicle and some other species. Some wild-growing cereals with beautiful panicles are also suitable for bouquets, for example, types of shakers and bison, winding Lerchenfeldia (Lerchenfeldia flexuosa), etc. For the manufacture of beads and other ornaments in South and Southeast Asia, the common cob (Coix lacryma-jobi, rice 210, 7-9). Beads made from its false fruits are found during excavations in Central Asia.

In gardens and parks of tropical and subtropical regions, as well as in greenhouses, bamboo culture is very common. In the USSR, on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus and Crimea, species of phyllostachys, Japanese pseudosaza, bluish bamboo, and species of perennial are especially often cultivated.

Cereals are also used to fix moving sands, various kinds of embankments, and mine dumps. On the coastal dunes of Northern Europe, long-rhizomatous species are usually planted for these purposes - sandy sandy (Ammophila arenaria) and sandy grate (Leymus arenarius), and in the sandy deserts of Central Asia - cystic grate (L. racemosus) and selin species. The most “active” and unpretentious cereals with long rhizomes are suitable for fixing embankments and dumps of mines, especially creeping wheatgrass, awnless rump, ground reed grass, and in subtropical regions - pig fingered.

Only a few types of cereals contain aromatic substances used in perfumery, Food Industry and medicine. In the USSR, the best-known coumarin-containing bison (Hierochloe) and fragrant spikelet (Anthoxanthum) species are used to flavor various drinks. Used in perfumery and medicine (as antiseptic) essential oils are obtained from widely cultivated in the tropics species of vetiver (Vetiveria zizanioides), lemon beard (Cymbopogon citratus) and white beard (C. nardus). If the vetiver essential oil- vetiverol - is found mainly in the roots, then in species of shuttle beard the essential oil with a strong citrus smell is found mainly in the leaves and scales of spikelets. All 3 species were originally introduced into cultivation in South and Southeast Asia (India, Burma, Sri Lanka, Malaysia), and the lemon beard is not known in the wild. Stigma branches of corn, rhizomes of couch grass and some other cereals are also used as medicines.

The technical application of cereals is very diverse. As building material and for various crafts in tropical and subtropical countries, strong and light bamboo stems are widely used. Often they are used even as water pipes and other pipes. In the USSR, in Western Transcaucasia, there are also small plantations of leaf-grate, the stems of which are used mainly for the manufacture of ski poles and fishing rods. In non-tropical countries, reed stalks are used as a building material for small buildings, both directly and in the form of a compressed mass called "reeds". Reed stalks are also suitable for various crafts, in particular as a material for weaving. In addition, the fast-growing stalks of bamboo, reeds, and some other large grasses growing in large thickets are an excellent raw material for the production of paper, replacing the more valuable wood of slow-growing trees. Paper of especially high quality is produced from the stems of the Western Mediterranean esparto feather grass (Stipa tenacissima), the fibers of which are also used to make ropes, strings and coarse fabrics, and more recently also artificial silk. Similar uses can be found in other large cereals with very tough stems and leaves, such as koi shiny, Ravenna woolflower (Erianthus ravennae), cylindrical emperor, etc. Some varieties of sugar sorghum (Sorghum saccharatum) with fan-shaped panicles, sometimes isolated in special kind technical sorghum (S. technicum) is widely cultivated in many countries, including the USSR for the production of brooms. The very strong roots of some grasses, especially the Central American long-tailed epicampes (Epicampes macroura) and the Mediterranean cicada golden beard (Chrysopogon gryllus), are used to make brushes.

Cereals also have some negative significance in human life, although, of course, it is completely incommensurable with the benefits they bring. Among the cereals, there are many weeds of crops and plantations of various crops that cause significant damage to them. In non-tropical countries, the most common field weeds include creeping couch grass, rye brome, wild oats, field broom (Apera spica-venti), species of foxtail, blackberry "chicken millet" (Echinochloa crus-galli), annual bluegrass. Rice crops are often severely damaged by specialized weeds such as rice barnyard grass (Echinochloa oryzoides) and woolly hairy weed (Eriochloa villosa). In the fields and plantations of tropical and subtropical regions, the number of weed grasses increases significantly. The most famous of them are Aleppo sorghum, or gumai, Alang-alang emperor, pig fingered, two-eared buckwheat, Indian eleusine (Eleusine indica), many types of foxtail, barnyard and millet. Some damage to forestry is caused by ground reed grass and reed reed grass growing on forest fellings. The "weeds" of our northern meadows are considered to be of little nutritional value, soddy pike (Deschampsia caespitosa) and white-beaked pike.

Plant life: in 6 volumes. - M.: Enlightenment. Edited by A. L. Takhtadzhyan, Chief Editor Corresponding Member USSR Academy of Sciences, prof. A.A. Fedorov. 1974 .

Hello. Today I want to talk about proper nutrition. And for him, cereals are the most suitable product.

Every tree has roots. The tree of knowledge about nutrition is very ancient, and its roots go back thousands of years. In the ancient Indian teachings of Ayurveda, there are no foods of animal origin, and most of all in food - cereals. The diet of the ancient macrobiota of Japan looks similar. Grains make up from 30 to 100% in the diet of sick people, and the higher the severity of the disease, the more cereal products in the diet. As a person recovers, the amount of cereals can be reduced by replacing them with plant foods and vegetables.

Cereals provide a significant part of the ballast content (fibers) of food. They provide thereby the mechanism of peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract. Bread, cereals, crackers - the engine of moving food from the higher located sections of the gastrointestinal tract to the lower ones.

Bile entering the duodenum, most evenly impregnates food only from cereal content. When food moves along the length of the gastrointestinal tract, bile sterilizes the intestinal wall and creates a peristalsis mechanism. Grain-free foods can cause spastic colitis.

Feeding children with grains contributes to the growth of a longer small intestine, and therefore a more powerful immune defense apparatus. The longer the small intestine, the longer the life of a person. People who eat a lot of meat and avoid grains from childhood have a short small intestine.

Cereals are the suppliers of the most essential silicon for sustainable human health. The skin of the grain contains organic silicon, and grain foods must contain the skin. Unfortunately, modern technology grain processing most products gives out peeled, without skin, thereby impoverishing human food with silicon.

The lack of silicon in the human body leads to a generalized metabolic disorder. 76 elements out of 104 are not absorbed, numerous microelementoses occur (M. G. Voronkov “Silicon Organisms”). The lack of silicon in the body is replaced by its antagonist, more active calcium.

This is how diseases arise - decalcification of blood vessels (sclerosis), arthrosis, polyarthritis. Hair weakens and nails soften, skin diseases occur. Silicon is the element of life. Through it, as through a piezoelectric element, it manifests itself in human body intellectual start. There is no silicon - instead of harmony comes chaos. And this is a lot of diseases.

Among the hundreds of foodstuffs I would especially like to mention three. People have long attached special importance to them. They were consecrated. They were blessed. They were valued the most. They are the subject of chapters in Holy Scripture. It's forever necessary for a person- bread, butter and wine.

Bread - essential product nutrition, the beginning of all beginnings. A grain of wheat contains everything that a person needs for life. Bread made from grain is a source of the element of life - silicon. Without silicon, "no living organism" can live.

Bread is a supplier of the most important carbohydrates - fructans, which provide nutrition for the symbiotic microflora in the human intestine and inhibit the non-symbiotic microflora. Bread provides intestinal motility, which means cleanliness and health of the gastrointestinal tract.

Attitude towards bread harmful product nutrition approved by experts official medicine in the 70-80s of the XX century, did not correspond to the truth and led people into dead ends of disease.

The result of these delusions was for many a formidable disease - intestinal obstruction - atony, constipation, hemorrhoids.

Guests are greeted with bread and salt in a Russian house. A festive loaf is baked for the wedding day. Elegant bread baking forms decorate any table, any home.

When choosing bread, you need to give preference to bran varieties, in order to consume such bread to saturate your body with silicon. Avoid white bread, flour products from premium flour - this is the path to disease and degeneration. Nowadays, crackers in a large assortment have appeared on sale. They are loved by adults and children. A good sign in assessing the role of cereals in nutrition. The assortment of breads baked from flour with bran is expanding more and more. It is gratifying that the sale of dark bread is much faster than white bread, and its sales volumes are growing from year to year. Such changes indicate a change in the consciousness of people. And this means that silicon will come into the human body naturally.
Cereal products are excellent protectors, that is, they remove radionuclides from the body.

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The grass family (bluegrass) is a large family of monocots, including about 10,000 species. Cereals are evenly distributed throughout the globe, forming a grass cover. One species is found even in Antarctica. They are mostly annuals and perennial herbs. Shrub and tree forms (bamboo) are rare. This family includes the most important cultivated cereals - wheat, rye, rice, oats, corn, barley, millet, as well as many wild cereals - timothy, bluegrass, foxtail, etc.

slide 3

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In addition, cereals include different kinds cane and bamboo.

slide 5

All types of cereals have a fibrous root system. The stem is a culm, hollow at the internodes and filled with tissue at the nodes. At the base of the internodes there is an educational tissue, due to which the stem grows in length. This growth of the stem is called intercalated. The leaves of cereals are narrow, simple, and consist of a long leaf blade and a sheath clasping the stem at the nodes. The leaf venation is parallel. Grasses branch by tillering, that is, they form new shoots in the lower part of the stem, near the ground. A cereal flower consists of two flowering scales - external and internal, which replace the perianth, three stamens with large anthers on long filaments and one pistil with two stigmas. One of the lemmas is sometimes elongated in the form of an awn.

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The structure of a cereal flower

Flower formula O2 + 2T3P1

Slide 7

Flowers in cereals are collected in inflorescences - spikelets that make up complex inflorescences - a complex spike (rye, wheat, barley), panicle (millet), cob (corn), sultan (timothy grass) Spikelets consist of two spikelet scales covering one or more flowers.

Slide 8

Cereals are pollinated by the wind, some (wheat) are self-pollinating. The fruit is a caryopsis. Cereals reproduce not only by seeds, they also have vegetative propagation by shoots and rhizomes.

Every tree has roots. The tree of knowledge about nutrition is very ancient, and its roots go back thousands of years. In the ancient Indian teachings of Ayurveda, there are no foods of animal origin, and most of all in food - cereals. The diet of the ancient macrobiota of Japan looks similar. Grains make up from 30 to 100% in the diet of sick people, and the higher the severity of the disease, the more cereal products in the diet. As a person recovers, the amount of cereals can be reduced by replacing them with plant foods and vegetables.

Cereals provide a significant part of the ballast content (fibers) of food. They provide thereby the mechanism of peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract. Bread, cereals, crackers - the engine of moving food from the higher located sections of the gastrointestinal tract to the lower ones.

Bile, entering the duodenum, most evenly impregnates food only from cereal content. When food moves along the length of the gastrointestinal tract, bile sterilizes the intestinal wall and creates a peristalsis mechanism. Grain-free foods can cause spastic colitis.

Feeding children with grains contributes to the growth of a longer small intestine, and therefore a more powerful immune defense apparatus. The longer the small intestine, the longer the life of a person. People who eat a lot of meat and avoid grains from childhood have a short small intestine.

Cereals are the suppliers of the most essential silicon for sustainable human health. The skin of the grain contains organic silicon, and grain foods must contain the skin. Unfortunately, modern grain processing technology produces most of the products peeled, without skin, thereby impoverishing human food with silicon.

The lack of silicon in the human body leads to a generalized metabolic disorder. 76 elements out of 104 are not absorbed, numerous microelementoses occur (M. G. Voronkov “Silicon Organisms”). The lack of silicon in the body is replaced by its antagonist, more active calcium.

So there are diseases - decalcification of blood vessels (sclerosis), arthrosis, polyarthritis. Hair weakens and nails soften, skin diseases occur. Silicon is the element of life. Through it, as through a piezoelectric element, the intellectual principle manifests itself in the human body. There is no silicon - instead of harmony comes chaos. And this is a lot of diseases.

What is the role of cereals in the life of living organisms?


Cereals are the suppliers of the most essential silicon for sustainable human health. The skin of the grain contains organic silicon, and grain foods must contain the skin. Unfortunately, modern grain processing technology produces most of the products peeled, without skin, thereby impoverishing human food with silicon. The lack of silicon in the human body leads to a generalized metabolic disorder. 76 elements out of 104 are not absorbed, numerous microelementoses occur (M. G. Voronkov “Silicon Organisms”). The lack of silicon in the body is replaced by its antagonist, more active calcium. So there are diseases - decalcification of blood vessels (sclerosis), arthrosis, polyarthritis. Hair weakens and nails soften, skin diseases occur. Silicon is the element of life. Through it, as through a piezoelectric element, the intellectual principle manifests itself in the human body. There is no silicon - instead of harmony comes chaos.

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