The most harmful products that you can buy in almost any store. The most unhealthy foods List of junk food

You can talk endlessly about the dangers and usefulness of various foods. We are what we eat. This truth has been known for a long time, but not everyone, unfortunately, remembers it.

We present to your attention a frightening rating of the 10 most harmful foods. This is not about controversial products (such as soft white bread is harmful to the figure), but about those products whose consumption causes undeniable harm to the body, without bringing any benefit at all. Those. about foods that you should never eat AT ALL NEVER, no matter how hungry you are.

There is only one truth that is paradoxical: each of these products is dangerous for our health and we love it equally.

Enemy #1: Snacks, chips, croutons

Chips were originally a 100 percent natural product: they were the thinnest slices of potatoes fried in oil and salt. Yes - high fat content, yes - high salt content, but inside the package there was at least what was stated - potatoes, butter, salt! However, chips, invented in New York State in 1853, and modern crispy slices in bags are completely different dishes. There's a big gap between the two, as chips these days are made from cornmeal, starch, soy, food flavors, synthetic flavors, and flavor enhancers. They often include genetically modified substances that are not only harmful to the stomach and other organs, they generally need to flee.

Regular consumption of snacks, which are made with the addition of trans fats and the most popular flavor enhancer E-621 (monosodium glutamate), may well put you in a hospital bed, because you are provided with problems with the cardiovascular and nervous system. And besides this, you run the risk of getting along with the "snacks":

  • Atherosclerosis,
  • heart attacks,
  • Strokes
  • hormonal dysfunction,
  • Problems with potency in men,
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract,
  • The development of cancerous tumors
  • Obesity and other "charms".

The worst thing is that these products are madly in love with children. And this means that from childhood, eating chips or crackers, they can receive constant blows to the body, acquiring many chronic diseases at an early age. And then we wonder why heart attacks and strokes are so “younger”?

What to replace

If you do not want to poison your body with such dishes, and children require goodies, try cooking them yourself. For example, chips can be easily cooked in the microwave. To do this, wash a few potatoes and cut them into thin slices with a sharp knife. Put them on a dish covered with a napkin to dry, and then put them in the microwave at maximum power. It only takes a few minutes to make chips. They will be ready when the slices begin to “twist” a little and become covered with a golden crust. Just sprinkle some salt on top and enjoy.

Enemy number 2: Mayonnaise, ketchup and various sauces

Do you really think that ketchup is made from freshly picked fresh tomatoes from the pristine fertile fields of the nearby area? We hasten to disappoint you: ketchups and mayonnaises in their composition are able to fit a huge amount of sugar, transgenic fats, flavorings and preservatives.

If you are told that only homemade eggs are used in mayonnaise, most likely, they mean dry yolk or a special substance called “egg melange”. Neither of these have anything to do with a real chicken egg. Yes, and the indicated olive oil on the label of store-bought mayonnaise can be only 5% of the total mass of the product, if not less.

Vinegar and sugar are added to most sauces. Store-bought mayonnaises, ketchups and sauces like "Tartar" or "Satsebeli" can provoke the appearance of diabetes, cancer, food allergies, and also kill enzymes in our gastrointestinal tract in the bud.

What to replace

To replace store-bought mayonnaise, you can use plain sour cream or yogurt. It is also very easy to make mayonnaise with your own hands. To do this, you need to take an egg, a little mustard, sunflower oil, lemon juice, salt and sugar. All you need to beat with a blender to the consistency of thick sour cream. That's all - natural and absolutely harmless mayonnaise is ready and is in no way inferior to any store-bought mayonnaise.

Enemy number 3: Sweets with dyes and sweeteners

Jelly candies, chocolates, lollipops are killers of your children's immunity. Why, you ask? Yes, because they are produced with the addition of a huge amount of synthetic dyes, thickeners, animal and vegetable fats, sweeteners and antioxidants. All this "explosive mixture" can lead your son or daughter to gastritis, stomach ulcers, serious allergies, tooth decay, obesity, tumor growth and diabetes. And all this at an early age.

Many people know that a healthy intestine is a strong immune system. Therefore, it would be better if your kids from a very early age learn to eat natural honey instead of chocolate, dried apricots, prunes and other dried fruits instead of jelly sweets. Believe me, if the child does not see store-bought bars in the house, it would never occur to him to ask for them.

What to replace

And if you really want to please your child with caramels, cook them yourself. Pour 4-5 tablespoons of sugar with 2-3 tablespoons of water and put on fire. Once the mixture boils and the sugar dissolves, add a teaspoon of lemon juice to it. Cook caramel for about 8-10 minutes until a slightly golden hue is formed. Then you can pour it into teaspoons, previously lubricated with sunflower oil. Once the caramel has hardened, it can be eaten.

Enemy number 4: Sausages and sausages

So often, advertising demonstrates to the viewer facts about sausages and sausages that are extremely beneficial for active sales: “100% natural product!”, “Without soy and GMOs”. As well as mentions of their own farms, from where, in fact, the meat is taken, or of the maximum compliance with European standards. Alas, most of these slogans do not correspond to the truth. The composition of sausages, as a rule, includes only 10% of meat products, and even then, you can’t even call them “meat”:

  • pig skin,
  • chicken skin,
  • crushed bones,
  • tendons,
  • Offal (offal!).

Otherwise, the ingredients inside are water, flour, starch, soy protein, flavors, flavor enhancers, preservatives, and flavors. For young children and pregnant women, such food is categorically contraindicated, because it leads to thyroid diseases, problems with the nervous system of the fetus, as well as pathological changes in the liver and gallbladder.

What to replace

Replace artificial store-bought sausages with natural homemade ones. It is very easy to prepare them: Take chicken fillet or pork loin, twist into minced meat, add chopped onion, salt and pepper to taste. Form sausages, wrap them in cling film and boil in boiling water for about 15-20 minutes. Then you can pull out the sausages, cool and fry in a pan. Believe me, a homemade dish will bring much more benefit to you and your children.

Enemy #5: Fast food

Such food is usually used by those who need a simple and quick snack. It is enough to pour boiling water over noodles or mashed potatoes, wait 5 minutes and you can start eating. But how healthy and balanced is such nutrition? Exactly zero percent. You ingest rather dry powders, monosodium glutamate and other additives that cause intestinal disorders, blood pressure disorders, vascular problems, and even brain damage. Naturally, there is no question of any natural additives (mushrooms, meat or vegetables) in this product.

What to replace

Looking for a quick bite to eat on a business trip or travel? Take simple oatmeal and dried fruits, pour yogurt or boiling water over and leave for several hours. It is very convenient to make such a dish in the evening so that in the morning you can take a full breakfast with you on the road. Believe me, you will get enough of it perfectly without harming your stomach.

Enemy #6: Margarine and Spread

Everyone knows what butter and margarine are. Spread is a mixture of vegetable and animal fats, so the range of fat content in it is much wider than in oil. As a rule, butter has a fat percentage of 50% or 80%, and the spread can be 35% or 95% fat. In the composition of the spread, in addition to milk fat, you can also find buttermilk, palm oil, trans-isomers, and, according to tradition, preservatives and thickeners. Cholesterol plaques in the vessels are formed precisely due to the frequent use of butter, spread and margarine.

Moderate use of these products will not lead to dire consequences, especially if you lead an active lifestyle, are young and full of energy. But older people are not recommended to eat such supplements daily.

What to replace

It is better to replace them with vegetable or olive oil of decent quality.

Enemy #7: Smoked meats

Quite a deceptive impression is made by smoked foods: ham, fish, cheeses. On the one hand, hot and cold smoking kills many of the microbes that are contained in products and cause decay processes. In addition, thanks to smoking, a person does not eat trans fats, but unchanged fats in the form in which they should enter the body.

But there is another side to the coin: very often, smoked meats laid out on store shelves are smoked using liquid smoke. The product is simply dipped into a special liquid, after which it acquires a certain color and aroma. Liquid smoke is just POISON! The most dangerous carcinogen banned in all civilized countries of the world. It is often imported into the territory of European states illegally, which only confirms its danger to humans. In addition, liquid smoke does not kill helminths contained in meat or fish, but you populate your body with these “guests”.

What to replace

Smoked food in any way is unhealthy. Even in a home smokehouse. Even on super natural wood chips. The product is in any case extremely saturated with combustion products. The right way to cook all kinds of foods: boil, stew or (in extreme cases!) fry.

Enemy No. 8: "Fast food" from a stall

About chains of fast food restaurants like McDonald's or Burger King - a separate issue, any nutritionist has claims to them through the roof. But now we are talking about street stalls - to which there are even an order of magnitude more claims. Remember: You will never know from what ingredients this dish was prepared for you, with what hands and what quality they were. The unsanitary conditions of fast food eateries leave much to be desired in the vast majority of cases, so you are at great risk to your health. Just imagine how long any ingredient or finished product can lie in a warm place waiting for the buyer. It's scary to even imagine what will happen to your stomach after you eat it.

What to replace

Make the best tasting burgers at home. It's simple: take a bun, lettuce, meat, some rice, an egg and cheese. The meat must be twisted into minced meat, mixed with boiled rice and an egg, formed into a flat cutlet and fried in a pan. We cut the bun in half and assemble our burger in any sequence you like. Optionally, you can add fresh cucumber or tomato.

Yes, and excellent quality shawarma is easy to cook at home. To do this, fried pieces of meat or chicken should be mixed with any chopped vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce, cabbage) and wrapped in pita bread. It's amazingly tasty and healthy!

Enemy #9: Sugary sodas

Have you noticed that after drinking Coke, the thirst does not recede, but only intensifies? So it is, because aspartame is present in many sweet sodas - the most dangerous ingredient for the body, a sweetener of synthetic origin, which provokes brain and liver cancer, irreversible changes in the nervous system, insomnia even in children, headaches and allergies. Combined with caffeine and phosphoric acid, which mercilessly leaches calcium from our body, a sweet carbonated drink is just a storehouse of substances that kill your body.

What to replace

It is quite possible to replace sweet drinks with compotes, cooked with their own hands from fresh or dried fruits, or ordinary mineral water, from which gases should be released beforehand.

Enemy #10: Foods labeled "low-calorie"

Thinness is a fashion trend that many young ladies in the world are chasing. Unfortunately, very often they are led by unscrupulous food manufacturers who attribute the terms “fat-free” or “low-calorie” to their products. In most cases, they contain sweeteners, starch and other harmful impurities that absolutely do not contribute to weight loss, and also interfere with the normal functioning of the body. In addition, our brain is very easy to deceive. Seeing the inscription "low-calorie", for some reason he believes that he can consume more of such a product, without any harm.

What to replace

It will be much easier to lose weight if you eat exclusively healthy foods: steamed vegetables, wholemeal bread, lean meat and fish. Sour-milk products are also useful, only it is better to cook them at home, buy a liter of milk and starter, mixing everything according to the instructions and placing it in a yogurt maker or a thermos.

Drawing a conclusion from all of the above, I would like to add only one thing: most people learn, unfortunately, not from the mistakes of others, but from their own. Remember that getting into a hospital bed after a meal with such products is as easy as shelling pears. But restoring health later is much more difficult. In order not to reproach yourself for rash acts, try to learn from the mistakes of others, listening to our advice.

Over the past thirty years, the number of obese people has doubled. According to WHO statistics, 1.9 billion adults and 41 million children under the age of 5 have extra pounds. Scientists predict that by 2025 the number of overweight people on the planet will be 40-50%.

Excess weight spoils the appearance, worsens the quality of life, increases the risk of premature death. The main cause of obesity is junk food - drinks and foods containing carcinogens, preservatives, artificial colors and flavors. Dangerous for health is food that increases the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood, causing allergic reactions.

The list of the most harmful products, including for vegetarians, can include:

  • fried potatoes and chips;
  • ketchup;
  • canned food;
  • candies;
  • corn sticks;
  • margarine;
  • popcorn;
  • fast food;
  • sugar;
  • salt.

Some of these foods should be completely eliminated from the diet. Candy, ketchup, and popcorn can be eaten as long as they are home-cooked without harmful additives. Salt intake is desirable to simply reduce.

Harmful without any reservations

Potato tubers contain organic acids and nutrients, potassium, phosphorus, vitamins A, C, group B. Nevertheless, nutritionists recommend reducing (not giving up at all!) The consumption of this vegetable, as it is rich in starch. Especially harmful are fried potatoes - french fries and chips.

Starch and fats clog blood vessels, provoking the development of atherosclerosis.

Store-bought chips contain monosodium glutamate and chemical flavors. In fast food establishments, vegetable oil for deep-frying is used repeatedly, which contributes to the accumulation of carcinogens. Scientists have found that frying carbohydrate foods at high temperatures leads to the formation of acrylamide, a toxic substance that causes cancer.

The list of harmful products naturally includes canned food - long-term storage products that have spent most of the vitamins during heat treatment. Sterilization for 70–95 minutes kills pathogenic microflora, but, as practice shows, not always completely. Botulinum bacilli are present in swollen canned food - microbes that can develop without access to oxygen. Once in the body, the contaminated product causes a severe infectious disease that affects the nervous system.

Corn sticks, beloved by many children, can also be classified as harmful. Airy, crispy snacks are made from refined flour, which means it is poor in vitamins. But the miraculously preserved remains of useful substances are destroyed during the heat treatment. The result is a food product that is poor in micro- and macroelements, seasoned with sweeteners and flavors. At the same time, in terms of carbohydrate content, corn sticks overtake popcorn. They cause increased gas formation, interfere with the work of enzymes, and slow down the movement of food through the intestines.

Invented 1.5 centuries ago, a butter substitute, margarine, consists of vegetable fats (80%) and water. The rest of its ingredients are corn syrup, stabilizers, emulsifiers, flavor modifiers and colorants. In order for the emulsion of water and vegetable oil to become a solid product, the fatty acid structure undergoes hydrogenation.

As a result, trans fats appear in the product - toxic substances that our body cannot process.

Australian scientists have proven that the use of margarine negatively affects the intelligence of children. Harmful nutrition leads to cardiovascular diseases, oncology, and diabetes. It is noteworthy that in Russia only 7% of the population buys margarine. The main consumers of ersatz butter are ice cream producers, bakery products and confectioners.

The most harmful food products are instant products obtained by sublimation and dehydration. These include: snacks, breakfast cereals, soups and noodles in briquettes, bouillon cubes, powdered mashed potatoes, packaged cereals. All instant products retain their taste for a long shelf life. However, they do not contain any vitamins or fiber. But there is monosodium glutamate, which causes food addiction in humans.

Harmful, but there are useful analogues

Health hazards are factory-made sweets: chewing sweets, lollipops, bars. These are the most harmful products for the figure, as they contain shock doses of sugar. The sweets contain trans fats and chemical additives. Lollipops and "toffees" spoil the enamel of the teeth. Chocolate bars lead to psychological dependence on sweets and obesity. Dyes used for glazing dragees cause neurosis in children, anxiety, and increased excitability.

Undoubtedly, junk food is store-bought ketchup. Even high-quality tomato concentrate is contraindicated for people with digestive tract problems, as it causes heartburn and exacerbates gastritis. Additives and spices contained in ketchup are dangerous for health. They can provoke allergy attacks. French scientists have found that the use of ketchup leads to impaired spermatogenesis in men. Cheap concentrates contain bright colors, modified starch and a high dose of sugar.

Popcorn can be attributed to the category of both useful and harmful products. On the one hand, puffed corn is rich in fiber and proteins, B vitamins. It is low in calories, contains polyphenols, cleanses the intestines, removes carcinogens. On the other hand, popcorn is sold in cinemas and shops with flavoring additives that provoke gastritis. A snack sprinkled with caramel is high in calories. Salted maize disturbs the water balance in the body. The most unhealthy food is popcorn in oil. In the process of its preparation, unscrupulous manufacturers add diacetyl in order to give corn a sweet flavor.

The dangers of salt and sugar have been talked about for a long time. Excessive consumption of simple carbohydrates disrupts metabolism, reduces immunity by seventeen times, and causes premature aging of the skin.

The absorption of refined sugar requires a huge amount of calcium, which contributes to the development of osteoporosis. "Sweet poison" creates a feeling of false hunger and is addictive.

Salt tends to accumulate in the body, which causes fluid stagnation in tissues, problems with joints and bones, kidneys, heart, and blood flow through the vessels. In some cases, salt-free nutrition allows you to get rid of edema.

What products can replace junk food? Here is a list of useful analogues:

  • homemade sweets made from dried fruits and nuts;
  • fresh tomato sauces with paprika, basil, garlic and onions;
  • honey, dried and fresh fruits instead of sugar;
  • pure homemade popcorn without oil and flavorings;
  • garlic, onion, parsley, dill, seaweed instead of salt;
  • sodium rich foods such as spinach, celery, carrots, beets, cucumbers, oat grains.

However, here it is important to observe the measure. So, the daily intake of honey for an adult is up to 50 ml. Bee products should not be given to children under 2 years of age. In addition, it is harmful to heat honey to a temperature above 40 degrees, put it in boiling water.

20 g of nuts per day is a healthy snack that replenishes the energy reserves of the body. At the same time, it is impossible to abuse hazelnuts, cashews or pistachios, as they contain a lot of fatty acids. The maximum daily dose of nuts for women is 50-70 g, for men - 100-150 g.

Dried fruits are also high in calories. Without prejudice to a slender figure, you can eat up to 75 g of raisins, 100 g of prunes or 300 g of dried apricots daily. The norm of dates is 18 pieces, figs - 20, apricots - 30 per day.

Drinks to Avoid

The most useful liquid for a person, without a doubt, is pure water. It is necessary to drink it in large quantities between meals. If there is a shortage of any salts, you can use natural mineral water without gas.

Green and black teas contain caffeine, theobromine and theophylline. These substances actively affect the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

The list of the most harmful foodstuffs complements the list of drinks in the best possible way. Among them:

  • alcohol. This is the cause of disease and destruction of the personality. In fact, it is a drug, therefore it causes a rapid addiction, which can later be difficult to get rid of;
  • sparkling water. Contains carbonic acid, which destroys tooth enamel and irritates the intestinal mucosa. Soda with sugar (lemonade, Coca-Cola, Pepsi) contributes to obesity;
  • coffee. Causes addiction, washes out and makes it difficult to absorb trace elements. It has a negative effect on the nervous and cardiac systems. Abuse of drinks with caffeine (more than 5 cups a day) leads to dehydration;
  • juices. Stimulate the secretion of gastric secretion, cause heartburn. Can cause allergies and diabetes;
  • energy. Combine all the disadvantages of the drinks listed above. They contain carbon dioxide, alcohol, caffeine, alkaloids, taurine, extracts of mate, ginseng, guarana. Energetics act excitingly, thus knocking down the body's natural biorhythms.

Unhealthy food causes irreparable damage to health, so the most logical solution would be to refuse drinks containing sugar, psychostimulants, alcohol and carbon dioxide. Instead of juices, it is better to consume fresh fruits and vegetables. They have more mineral salts, vitamins, fiber and less sugars.

Proper and healthy nutrition is the key to a happy life, beautiful appearance and energy.

Why do acne occur from eating? And how can you get rid of them with food? You can find the answer to these and many other questions in this article.
Body rebellion
Our digestive system is amazing. She can tolerate mountains of chips, crackers and liters of sweet soda. True, there are limits to everything. One day, unable to bear all the unpleasant surprises for her, she decides to rebel. Her anger is evident, or rather, on her face. And it is expressed in the form of a rash, blackheads, acne and other bad things. What exactly causes pimples to appear? Let's talk about the most unhealthy foods and their impact on our body.

Sugar, chocolate, candy, cakes, cookies, chips and ice cream cause acne. And this also includes juices with a high sugar content. It is unlikely that it will be possible to completely abandon all these temptations, and it is not worth it. It is better to look for compromises, replacing, say, unhealthy drinks with water and teas, and sugar with dried fruits and honey.

2. Fats

It seems that there is no such body that would not suffer from fried and fatty. Replace animal fats with cold-pressed vegetable oils.

Also paramount is vitamin A, which is found in dark orange and dark green vegetables. It could be carrots, sweet potatoes, or spinach. If you regularly eat these vegetables, the result will not keep you waiting - in just a few days your skin will be young and blooming.

3. Dairy products

It is not necessary to infringe on yourself in the use of low-fat kefir, cottage cheese or milk, but the amount of cheese or ice cream must be reduced. Dairy products, due to the progesterone and steroids they contain, increase the activity of the sebaceous glands. If it is difficult to live without a large amount of dairy, lean on live yogurts containing acidophilus bacteria, which will improve metabolism.

4. Chips and soda

Due to the peculiarities of cooking, a lot of carcinogens (that is, substances that provoke cancer) are formed in the chips. Plus, they contain hydrogenated fats, which increase blood cholesterol levels, which in turn increases the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

As for soda, it has way too much sugar. In the meantime, studies show that many people do not perceive the liquid as a source of any nutrients, that is, they think that you can drink as much as you like. And this is not so - excessive consumption of sweet soda can disrupt metabolism. In addition, the abundance of dyes can cause severe allergic reactions, and carbon dioxide (these are bubbles) increases the acidity of the stomach, that is, causes gastritis.

5. Fast food

The most harmful "fast food" is all kinds of belyashi, pasties, french fries, shawarma, and in general everything that is fried. Because it's all fried in the same oil, it changes, God forbid, once a day. The result - all the same carcinogens.

6. Margarine, cakes and cereals

Margarine is a solid trans fat - the most harmful type of fat. Accordingly, all products with its content are harmful. As a rule, these are cakes, cakes with cream, puff pastry products. In general, an excessive love for these foods rich in sugar and fat almost guarantees metabolic disorders and excess weight.

Cereals - in particular, white bread - made the list due to the fact that they often cause intolerance. The disease is called celiac disease and occurs quite often - in 0.5-1% of the population. Symptoms range from bowel problems to diabetes and infertility.

7. Nuts

Fried, crispy, raw, delicious nuts. Almonds and pistachios, peanuts and walnuts - they all cause acne. However, we tirelessly repeat - acne appears when overeating! And there is a little bit of nuts - it's good.

8. Sausage, smoked meats and mayonnaise

Sausage sausage, of course, is different, but the one that we most often buy contains more flavors and dyes than meat.

The main ingredients of cheap sausage products are synthetic, and their safety for health has not been proven.

Smoked meat and fish, although they do not raise doubts about their natural origin, were ranked for their high content of carcinogens. Those are formed during processing in the form of a substance benzopyrene.
Mayonnaise is full of trans fats, which are carcinogenic and cause an increase in cholesterol levels.

9. Coffee

A million articles have been written on the benefits of coffee and on the topic of its harm. We will only say that it can be included in the list of products that cause acne. Coffee increases the production of the hormone cortisol, which is responsible for stress. And he is one of the main causes of pimples in middle age. Portions of sweet coffee on an empty stomach are especially dangerous - after that, not just a small red bump, but a raspberry inflamed mountain can pop out! What is your maximum - is unknown. It could be three cups a day, or maybe a whole jar.

10. Vegetables and fruits, foods with preservatives

Do not be surprised: even the most healthy and natural products can become harmful if spoiled. In this case, vegetables and fruits deteriorate under the influence of industrial emissions and fertilizers. Eating cucumbers grown near a highway or some factory will give you a fair amount of benzopyrene and other cancer-causing substances.

As for preservatives, some of them may contain monosodium glutamate. Poisoning with this substance can be manifested by headaches, vasospasm, and even metabolic disorders. That is why manufacturers are so proud of the inscription "Without preservatives", which they put in the most prominent place on the label.

10 healthy foods that we DO NOT eat, but in vain ...

There are a number of products that we very rarely or never buy. Let us recall at least those vegetables and fruits that our mothers and fathers forced to eat, but we stubbornly refused. It's a pity! They help to improve health without a doctor's prescription. The benefits of such products have been proven by many years of use, and some - literally for centuries.

These foods are extremely rich in antioxidants, polyphenols, vitamins and minerals. They can reduce your risk of developing chronic diseases and prolong your life. They are also more beneficial in terms of being overweight. Read about 10 of these foods and the benefits they can bring.

1. Cauliflower and Broccoli

Inclusion in the diet of cauliflower and broccoli reduces the risk of developing severe forms of prostate cancer. Eating these vegetables weekly reduces the risk of tumors by 50 percent!
It turned out that broccoli and cauliflower, differing in appearance and taste, contain approximately the same complex of vitamins, which not only successfully participate in the metabolic process, but also have an antitumor effect. Cabbage, both of them, has a high protein content, which lacks only a few amino acids to become equivalent to animal proteins. In terms of carbohydrate content, they are equivalent to other vegetables.

Glucose and fructose are easily absorbed, carbohydrates carry energy into the body. Pectin substances, getting into the gastrointestinal tract, form gels that envelop the walls of the stomach and intestines, which prevent the absorption of toxins into the lymph and blood, and reduce inflammation of the mucous membrane. Trace elements are represented by zinc, manganese, and iodine necessary for the body. According to experts, a diet high in cabbage can serve as a prevention of prostate cancer, one of the most common cancers in men.

2. Tomatoes

3. Kiwi

This exotic fruit has become a common guest on our shelves in recent years. One kiwi a day covers the daily requirement of vitamin C, which, as you know, strengthens the immune system, blood vessels, increases the body's resistance to all kinds of infections, and helps the body fight stress. In addition, kiwi contains a lot of magnesium, potassium mineral salts and fiber, which helps to eliminate cholesterol from the body and normalizes digestion.

4. Blueberries

These berries are rich in phytonutrients that neutralize free radicals (compounds that cause aging and cell damage). The antioxidants found in blueberries may also protect against cancer and reduce the risk of age-related diseases such as Alzheimer's disease or dementia.

5. Raisins

Delicious and nutritious product, has many useful properties. Raisins have a strengthening effect on the nervous system, help suppress anger, and strengthen the heart. Raisins contain substances that stop the growth of bacteria that cause tooth decay and gum disease.

6. Black beans

A glass of black beans has 15 grams of protein and, unlike meat, none of the saturated fats that clog arteries. Plus heart benefits - fiber, antioxidants and iron.

7. Cranberry

This berry is indispensable for colds - it has an antipyretic effect, kills viruses in acute respiratory infections. The use of these medicinal berries lowers blood pressure in hypertensive patients, strengthens the gums, enhances the secretory activity of the pancreas.

8. Salmon

Salmon contains omega-3 fatty acids, which our body cannot produce on its own. They reduce inflammation, improve blood circulation, increase “good” cholesterol over “bad” cholesterol, and may reduce the risk of cancer. Salmon is rich in selenium, which prevents cell damage, and several B vitamins.

9. Common white cabbage

Why? Because in addition to carbohydrates, it contains fiber that is beneficial for the intestines. It removes cholesterol from the body and prevents the development of atherosclerosis. There are also a lot of mineral salts in cabbage, among which potassium salts are especially valuable, which helps the heart work and strengthens the muscles of the body. Heads contain phosphorus, calcium, manganese, magnesium, iron, without which the body cannot do, since they are necessary for the normal composition of the blood. The main healer - vitamin C - is preserved both in fresh cabbage and sauerkraut. And all this, taken together, puts a reliable barrier to cancer and heart disease. Scientists found that an additional serving of a salad from any type of cabbage reduced the risk of stroke by 32 percent, and from leafy vegetables - spinach, dill, parsley, celery and others - by 21 percent. Just do not forget that 40-60 percent of the vitamins contained in greens are lost on the first day of storage. So it’s better not to buy sluggish greens!

10. Bow

It, like garlic, contains substances that kill pathogens. Onions also contain carotene, vitamins, including C, mineral salts and sugars. It is famous for its essential oils, which have a bactericidal effect. He literally treats many diseases, lowers blood sugar levels. Behind these leading vegetables in the list of healing are carrots, beets, potatoes.

Do not forget that much depends on the correct preparation of vegetables in which nitrates accumulate. Therefore, it is better to buy medium-sized potatoes. In carrots, nitrates accumulate in the stem, especially if the root crop is large. The central part is better to separate from the rest. But the beets must be thoroughly cleaned, fresh or boiled, removing the skin in a thick layer. Do not spare the top of the head, cutting it to one-fifth the size of the root crop. Do not pre-soak vegetables in water. Peel root vegetables just before cooking. It is believed that it is better to cook in the peel, so vitamins are better preserved. Boil vegetables whole, not in pieces. Otherwise, the loss of vitamins will increase by 15-20 percent, and for vitamin C - by 30. Salt the water as late as possible, as salt draws vitamins from vegetables.

Food is the only way for the body to get all the proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins, and harmful substances it needs. Many substances do have a detrimental effect on the cellular level, while others, such as fats and sugars, are necessary for the body and have a bad effect only in diseases, overuse and various syndromes. It is possible to divide products into harmful and useful only conditionally, in the event that harmful additives that are obviously dangerous are not used in their production. Your attention to the list of harmful products for health, descending rating - from "naively" harmful, to the most dangerous carcinogens. So, the top 10 products by harmfulness:


Chocolate makes its debut in the top 10 most unhealthy foods. And what's wrong with him? In general, everything is the same with him if he is made from grated cocoa, cocoa butter and sugar, except for white, which does not contain cocoa. In general, chocolate is contraindicated for diabetics, overweight people, and allergy sufferers, as well as for those who can’t stop - they are ready to eat it endlessly. Excessive consumption of chocolate is fraught with a violation of carbohydrate metabolism due to increased blood glucose, insomnia (because it contains caffeine and theobromine), caries. Chocolate is recommended to be taken before mental or physical activity, in a bad mood. In any case, before buying, pay attention to the composition, if chocolate does not contain cocoa in large quantities, although 50-60%, then this is not chocolate.

Biscuit cupcakes and rolls in packages

Cupcakes and sponge cakes on the supermarket shelves are not cupcakes or cakes. Pay attention to the shelf life, composition, and behavior of an open cake: it does not dry out, does not harden, does not grow moldy. Despite the fact that this is a biscuit dough, any pastry is stored for a maximum of a day or three, then the “mold” begins to eat it instead of you, and actively breeds on the surface and inside the product. Suppose that E422 is added to the cake - it's okay, because it's just glycerin, which is added everywhere in factory baked goods to prevent early drying. Glycerin does not cause much harm, only people with diseases are not recommended to use it, but the fact that the cupcakes do not get moldy is already worse, especially if the composition contains butter, which simply should not be in the biscuit. In general, muffins and biscuits are very high-calorie foods, so they are not recommended for people with overweight problems.


Mayonnaise, when consumed within the daily norm by healthy people, is harmless only if it is natural, made from butter, eggs, without the addition of thickeners, dyes (beta-carotene), flavor enhancers and other unnecessary additives. By the way, 100 grams of high-calorie mayonnaise satisfies the daily need for fats. A participant in the top of the most harmful products for a figure will be an “unnatural” factory-made product, while natural mayonnaise will be left at the mercy of nutritionists screaming about the dangers of mayonnaise. So, what is harmful in "unnatural" mayonnaise? All! Firstly, mayonnaise is made exclusively from eggs, vegetable oil, salt, lemon or vinegar, and you can add mustard - you get Provencal. That is, if you see something else in the composition, this is an “unnatural” product that is 100% unhealthy, because. it most likely contains stabilizers, flavor enhancers, starches, dyes, emulsifiers - all this obviously will not improve well-being. If you are not overweight, then simply do not use mayonnaise in large quantities (only natural), and you will not be in any danger.


The honorable seventh place in the ranking of the most harmful food products in 2018 is awarded to snacks "crackers". Crackers contain a lot of minerals, trace elements, and fiber - this is the only plus. As a rule, the “crackers” snack is advertised with beer, or simply to satisfy hunger by having a snack on an empty stomach, which is highly discouraged even for healthy people without gastritis, although in fact you should not even sniff this product. Why crackers are dangerous: firstly, they contain a “bucket” of glutamate and chemically synthesized flavors that mimic “bacons”, “red caviar” and other expensive goods, which are actually zero in the composition - they are not; secondly, a large amount of added spices causes increased acidity in the stomach, so never eat this harmful product on an empty stomach; thirdly, the presence of the E220 additive or sulfur dioxide in the composition - a toxic ingredient causes the destruction of proteins and vitamins in the body, plus there is a group of people at risk in whom this additive causes allergies, pulmonary edema, asthma attacks.

Instant noodles

We all know that noodles are harmful, but we still use them. In fact, the regular use of instant noodles can be compared to the recklessness of "drug addicts", it is for the addiction caused by it that noodles are included in the rating of the most harmful products. What harm does noodles cause:

  • it contains the lion's share of sodium guanylate (E627) and sodium inosinate together in conjunction with monosodium glutamate - these are all taste enhancers that are addictive, and in some people headaches and asthma attacks;
  • the second packet of oil is pure trans fat - the source of real health problems, a kind of ticket to two doctors at once: a cardiologist and a nutritionist.
  • any noodles, regardless of the manufacturer, contain propylene glycol to give the product shape, by the way, this chemical is used to disinfect rooms, and in the production of plastic bags, as a plasticizer. Enjoy your meal!

Corn sticks

A favorite product for children, it ranks fifth in the ranking of the most harmful foods for children. Sweet corn sticks are considered especially harmful, because. they usually do not contain beet or cane sugar in their composition for several reasons: first, crystal sugar or powdered sugar melts at a temperature of 150+ degrees Celsius, which may exclude the possibility of using natural sugar in production technology; the second is that it is much cheaper to use a sweetener. Harm of corn sticks: as a rule, after heat treatment, the initial raw materials lose useful vitamins A, E and beta-carotene, only vegetable proteins remain; the composition uses stabilizers, flavors, flavor enhancers and sweeteners; often leads to increased gas formation; sticks "melt" in the mouth, become sticky and thick, getting into places inaccessible to toothbrushes, consequently - caries.

Red caviar and fish with the addition of urotropine

In fact, neither the first nor the second food product is harmful to humans, but on the contrary, it brings tremendous benefits to the body, only if the manufacturer has not added hexamine. In general, since July 2010 in Russia, this additive has been on the list of banned ones, but not all countries share this point of view, so you should pay attention to the composition if canned food is brought from abroad. Urotropin usually has its serial number in the classification of food additives - E239. This additive is still used in Russia for growing some types of yeast fungi. So, why is it harmful: when it enters the body, it is absorbed into the blood, then, reaching the kidneys, urotropin decomposes into formaldehyde, which “twists” proteins, especially bacterial ones - this effect is used in medicine in the treatment of genitourinary diseases, but with constant use of formaldehyde causes harm to the body, reminiscent of the harm of regular use of antibiotics. It affects the nervous system, provokes cancer, depresses the kidneys, liver, lungs - this is not all, but the most important thing. By the way, "dry fuel" is made from urotropine.

Sugar substitute

A sweetener is that member of the list of harmful products that people absolutely should not use, especially those who do not sit on low-calorie and low-carb diets, and are not diabetic (because they simply have no other choice), and here's why: first, the sweetener is a carcinogen, i.e. a product that increases the likelihood of cancer; second, often sweeteners cause allergies, or rather, more often than regular beet sugar; thirdly, it does not contain carbohydrates - on the one hand, this is good for some categories of people, but on the other hand, it is a deception of the body, which, having felt sweet, is “already ready” to break down carbohydrates, but it wasn’t there ... Sweeteners are different, aspartame is considered the most dangerous. In no case do not use it, because. it breaks down at a temperature of +30 degrees (in the mouth) into formaldehyde, methanol and phenylalanine - the strongest carcinogens, provocateurs of nausea, vomiting and other problems in the gastrointestinal tract. It is better to use xylitol or sorbin - they are safer.

Fried potatoes, french fries and chips

Fried potatoes add to the list of harmful products for the figure. Excess weight is not the worst thing that happens to the body when eating fast-food french fries and chips, which are successfully added to the legal "drug" - monosodium glutamate. It is because of him that those who have ever cooked French fries at home have noticed that under no circumstances, even after pouring a ton of spices, it is not possible to get this unforgettable taste of potatoes served in fast food restaurants. So, why are fried potatoes harmful: first, they are very high in calories, saturated with fats and carbohydrates - no healthy proteins; the second is trans fats, which appear in vegetable oils under the influence of high temperatures. The latter, in turn, are very dangerous for health for several reasons: they disrupt metabolism, cause obesity, increase blood cholesterol levels, cause atherosclerosis, lead to blood clots - blockage of blood vessels, negatively affect testosterone levels in men, reducing its production and etc.

Monosodium glutamate

Monosodium glutamate has been used for over a century as a flavor enhancer food additive. Monosodium glutamate was first used to enhance the taste of meat in Asia, in Japan, but later it was noticed that the miraculous additive enhances the taste of anything. Since then, resourceful entrepreneurs and businessmen have taken advantage of the human weakness for tasty food, and began to shove it into everything they can, including chips in crackers, hamburgers, and the like.

In general, monosodium glutamate is a natural component found in beets, shrimp, and even synthesized by the human body.

According to some reports, glutamate was previously considered completely safe and even useful for people suffering from anorexia syndromes, apathy for food, or no appetite at all in various diseases, tk. glutamate awakens appetite, food seems "divinely" delicious. And everything would be fine if resourceful entrepreneurs, trying to reduce losses on the extraction of glutmate from natural products, again did not “scratch their heads” and began to “synthesize” artificial glutamate, of course, not without the help of chemists. This is precisely what became the turning point, after which the world's "minds" were worried about the dangers of "psychological addiction" to food flavored with glutamate.

So, firstly, the synthetic analogue causes “drug addiction” - consumers cease to enjoy the natural taste, secondly, this unforgettable, incomparable taste remains in memory for life, thirdly, taste buds atrophy occurs, and fourth, pregnant women suffer - the toxin enters the body of the child in the womb. And this is not the whole list of side effects with regular use of products from this supplement.

The manufacturer, sometimes, as part of his product, "encrypts" glutamate from "don't know", I call it officially - the additive E621. That is why E621 ranks first in the ranking of the most harmful products for humans.

Unhealthy food has a detrimental effect on the health of adults and children. With harmful nutrition, mental and physical development worsens, the ability to resist the effects of negative environmental factors decreases. Nutritionists are sure that it is nutrition that determines the quality and length of human life. Improper and harmful nutrition leads to various diseases.

The most harmful food

Food products that contain a lot of substitutes and dyes gradually poison the human body, in parallel causing addiction. People very often eat food products with biological and aromatic additives, with preservatives.

Harmful foods disrupt the body's metabolism, contributing to the development of cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the digestive tract. The most harmful foods shorten a person's life. Harmful nutrition is primarily associated with excessive consumption of animal fats. Such nutrition contributes to an increase in the number of people with obesity in various forms. When eating a large amount of fatty junk food in people with obesity, the function of the signaling mechanisms of the stomach, which are responsible for transmitting information about satiety to the brain, is disrupted.

Experts have identified the ten most harmful foods. The first place among harmful products is occupied by lemonade and chips. Chips are a highly concentrated mixture of carbohydrates and fats, coated with flavor substitutes and dyes. In the process of cooking, a large amount of carcinogens is formed in the chips. And hydrogenated fats lead to an increase in the concentration of cholesterol in the blood plasma, which significantly increases the risk of strokes and heart attacks. Obese people should not eat chips, because two hundred grams of this product contains about 1000 kcal (half the daily calorie intake for an adult).

Lemonade is a mixture of chemicals, gases and sugar. Due to the presence of sugar and gases, such drinks can disrupt the acid-base balance, which can lead to the development of various diseases. Lemonades contain aspartame (a synthetic sweetener). When used in high doses, aspartame contributes to the development of panic attacks, violence and anger, manic depression.

Preservatives and food colorings contribute to the accumulation of resistant substances (xenobiotics) in the body. The accumulation of xenobiotics in cells leads to a decrease in immunity, as well as to functional disorders of the body (skin diseases, constipation, cancer of the esophagus).

The second place among junk food is occupied by the so-called fast food - chebureks, shawarma, french fries, hamburgers. Over the years, regular consumption of such food can lead to gastritis, constipation, colitis, heartburn.

The third place in the ranking of unhealthy foods is occupied by store-bought sausages, meat products, and smoked meats. This product contains a large number of emulsifiers, thickeners, dyes, flavors and stabilizers.

Smoked fish and smoked meat are among the most unhealthy foods due to the high content of benzo(a) pyrene, a substance formed during their processing. One piece of smoked sausage contains the same amount of phenolic compounds as it enters the human body in a year when inhaled from the surrounding air.

The fourth place among junk food is shared by margarine and confectionery. In the manufacture of margarine, transgenic fats act as the basis. Products that contain transgenic fat are very harmful to the body (cream cakes, puff pastry products).

Fifth place in the ranking of junk food is occupied by canned foods. Canned foods do not contain vitamins and enzymes. For canning, many manufacturers use genetically modified raw materials (GMOs).

Sixth place is occupied by instant coffee. Instant coffee significantly increases the acidic environment of the stomach, which can lead to the development of gastritis, heartburn, and stomach ulcers.

Sixth place was shared by waffles, chocolate bars, marshmallows, chewing sweets, chewing gum. These products include chemical additives, genetically modified foods, flavors and colors.

Eighth place in the ranking of the most harmful foods is occupied by ketchup and mayonnaise. Mayonnaise contains carcinogenic trans fats. Mayonnaises in plastic packages are especially harmful. Vinegar, which is usually added to mayonnaise, sucks carcinogens out of plastic. Ketchups, dressings and sauces contain artificial flavors and colorants.

The ninth place among unhealthy foods was shared by yoghurts, ice cream and milk. During the manufacturing process, antioxidants, stabilizers, flavors and thickeners are added to these products. All these components slow down the metabolism of the body.

Experts gave the tenth place to store-bought vegetables and fruits. Even natural and healthy foods can become harmful if they were grown, for example, near a factory or a highway. For quick ripening and long storage, store-bought vegetables and fruits are often treated with monosodium glutamate. In case of poisoning with monosodium glutamate, a headache, vasospasms, and metabolic disorders appear.

Dangerous Diets

A negative impact on the human body is exerted not only by harmful nutrition, but also by long-term deprivation of the body of some kind of food (dangerous diets). So, there are long-term dangerous diets in which a person eats mainly only carbohydrates or only proteins.

With such dangerous diets, the vital food ingredients do not enter the human body, and an excess of other food components is created that the human body uses for other purposes.

Protein diets are especially dangerous. With such a harmful diet, you can lose weight, but it can cause significant damage to the kidneys. With proper nutrition, proteins are used to build body tissues, and carbohydrates provide energy for these processes. If carbohydrates do not enter the body in the required amount, then proteins or fats are used as an energy source. If proteins are used as an energy source, then poisonous toxic products accumulate in the body. After a protein diet, the body begins to intensively store energy material, storing reserves in the form of fat.

With a harmful diet with a lack of proteins, immunity decreases, the skin ages prematurely, nails and hair become brittle and dull. With a lack of fat in the body, metabolism is disturbed.