Why does it press on the temples? Pain in the temporal region of the head, all causes and effective methods of treatment.

It is one of those that cannot be tolerated. Yes, it can be caused by sudden overstrain at work, increased nervousness that arose due to spontaneous problems, but often we put off finding out the true causes of pain in the temples.

You should not panic if you do not know why the whiskey hurts, but you need to take action in time. Indeed, in the temporal regions close to the surface there are many nerve endings, blood arteries, vessels of the main brain. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the influence of external factors on these areas.

Causes of pain in the temples

Various causes cause pain in the temples. In this regard, we can prevent some, and we cannot stop the influence of some without medical help.

  • Emotional stress, mental and physical fatigue, increased sensitivity to weather changes can cause painful spasms.
  • The effect of sudden temperature changes on blood vessels, at the same time, and on nerve endings.
  • Sleep deprivation, starvation, elevation.
  • Head injuries affect both soft structures and craniocerebral areas.
  • Viral and bacterial diseases contribute to the production of toxins, which change vascular tone. The swollen tissues shrink, the pressure changes, the temple begins to ache strongly.
  • Intoxication. Poisoning after taking alcohol also negatively affects the functioning of the main brain. Lack of oxygen, glucose, etc. cause pain in the temples.
  • Increased influence of external stimuli on the functioning of the receptors of the sense organs (an abundance of odors, loud sound, light).
  • There is no unequivocal version of the origin of migraine, but experts say that irritation trigeminal nerve leads to spasms and vasodilation, and as a result - short-lived sharp throbbing pain a couple of times a day.
  • The most common cause of temple pain is high blood pressure. Hypertension may be caused by a genetic predisposition, high cholesterol in the blood, overweight, hormonal disruptions. The neglect of this disease affects cerebral circulation and possible further complications.
  • Biological rhythm deviations become the main cause of cluster, which appears several times a day over a long period.
  • Adrenal pheochromocytoma - increase hormonal tumor accompanied by excessive production of hormones, which leads to arterial hypertension. The latter causes throbbing pain in the temples.
  • Hormonal disruptions in adolescents, pregnant women, women before menstruation.

Symptoms of diseases in which whiskey hurts

There are a number of symptoms that indicate serious internal diseases, due to which there is pain in the temples.

  • Decreased work capacity.
  • Sharp pain in the temples on both sides (aching, penetrating).
  • Increased irritability.
  • Dizziness.
  • Swelling of the tissues of the head.
  • Muscle weakness.
  • Sweating, nausea.
  • Noise in ears.
  • Difficulties in breathing.
  • Blurred vision, bruising under the eyes.
  • Convulsive seizures.
  • Nervousness.
  • Depression.

What to do with pain in the temples?

You can independently undertake acupressure, which will relieve tension from swollen tissues. Be sure to create comfortable conditions: limit noises, let the patient lie down. Applying cold gauze has a relaxing effect. Sometimes, no matter how trite it may sound, a sound sleep or a cup of coffee will help the patient, which normalizes low blood pressure. You can drink chamomile tea, orange juice, rich in vitamin C, eat some chocolate, which is a good migraine catalyst. In the end, take a walk in the fresh air and take an anesthetic (no-shpa, revalgin).

But if the pain in the temples is combined with alarming symptoms, do not delay going to a specialist. The doctor will diagnose. Most often prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs.

Folk methods also sometimes have a healing effect. For example, if the pain is electrostatic in origin, the glass will help remove the charge. To do this, lean your forehead against the glass. A compress cap of grated fresh potatoes mixed with milk will make the main pain disappear for a long time.

All information on the site is provided for informational purposes only. Before using any recommendations, be sure to consult your doctor. Self-medication can be dangerous for your health.

When the head hurts in the temples, it does not bring very strong discomfort, unlike other types of headaches. At the same time, this problem can be very serious consequences or be a sign of serious illness. In this regard, you need to consult a specialist and find out why whiskey hurts and what needs to be done about this problem. An interesting fact is that pain in the temples can manifest itself at the most inopportune moment. Occurs very often early morning directly during sleep, which leads to the fact that a person wakes up.

At the same time, experts studied this issue quite well and came to the conclusion that if whiskey hurts, the reasons may be different - multiple diseases, which provoke the appearance of this unpleasant symptom.

Most of infectious diseases accompanied by pain in the temple area. These include fever, sore throat, flu and many others.

Migraine often causes intense pain that radiates to a person's eyes, and can occur in one part of the head, or in both. In severe cases, it is also combined with nausea and even vomiting. During a migraine, which affects the quality of vision, everything irritates a person, there are problems with walking, it reacts painfully to bright light, taste sensations smells better. A migraine attack can disturb both half an hour and several hours. Most people suffer from migraines, but they do not suspect it, and therefore cannot cure the disease. If you notice suspicious symptoms, then it is advisable to contact a specialist, because only with the help of doctors can you make an accurate diagnosis and determine the cause of the pain.

Poisoning or intoxication of the body is very often accompanied not only by severe indigestion, but also by the fact that the pressure rises, the head starts to hurt. In addition, there is severe nausea up to and including vomiting. Most often, a person is faced with alcohol intoxication. It is in connection with this reason that in the morning the head hurts very much in the temple area, or even in all its parts.

And in those situations when a person has little rest and lacks sleep. As numerous studies show, given reason headaches is the most common, it is especially relevant for those people who suffer from insomnia.

Quite often, a headache in the temples of women immediately before the start of the monthly report. As practice shows, during pregnancy, attacks of such pain become more frequent, after childbirth in most women they completely disappear.

Can cause a problem hormonal disorders in organism. The pressure changes and the head starts to hurt when, for example, menopause occurs.

If a person has a pheochromocytoma, then this means that headaches in the temples will disturb very often. Such pain has a strong pulsating character, the attack has different length- from five minutes to several hours. If a person suffers from this disease, then too much adrenaline begins to be produced in the adrenal glands. As a result of this, the pressure rises very sharply, the person becomes pale, he is worried about sweating. And, of course, the head hurts in the temples. If you do not have any problems with blood pressure, then there is no reason to worry. Otherwise, it is advisable to contact a specialist for examination and advice.

Causes include low or low blood pressure. During this problem, not only does the head hurt in the temples, but hearing becomes worse, a buzzing or hissing can be heard in the ears. Every year the number of people who suffer from this problem is increasing and some of them have a severe form of intracranial hypotension (low blood pressure).

Recently, they began to talk about such a phenomenon as idiopathic intracranial hypertension, which is one of the benign diseases. In this case, painful sensations can occur both in the temples and on both sides of the head. High pressure will call bad feeling when a person is lying, and therefore it is desirable that he be in a reclining state - at an angle of 45º. The most important symptom of this problem is a whistling type noise that is heard in the head. Most often, intracranial hypertension occurs in those people who have problems with excess weight, so it is important to monitor your kilograms.

Sometimes the temple can hurt due to the influence of some external factors. Quite often the reasons are the following:

  1. A person can be poisoned by carbon monoxide. In this case, it presses on the temples, and painful sensations occur in both parts of the head. This phenomenon incredibly dangerous to a person's life, and he needs to be provided with immediate medical attention.
  2. Sometimes the pain in the temples has a pulsating character due to the fact that a person does not eat food for more than 24 hours. At the same time, his health worsens, he becomes irritable.
  3. Pressing pain in the temples occurs when a person is at an altitude of over 4 kilometers. In this case, it becomes enough. Some experts believe that at such a height a person does not have enough oxygen. Approximately 30% of people in such situations experience a feeling of depression and anxiety.
  4. About 4% of people have pain in the temples during an airplane flight and for some time after that. If we talk about people who are associated with flights and spend a lot of time at altitude, then about 20% have constant pain in the temples, it presses on the eyes and brings discomfort.

To date, experts have conducted quite a lot of large studies in which people descended to a sufficiently large depth and climbed great height. As a result of such experiments, it was found that pain in the temples often occurs when climbing to a great height. Most likely, this phenomenon is associated with rarefied air at a height and a lack of oxygen that a person experiences.

In the event that the head hurts, for some people it is enough to massage the temples with index fingers. This helps to make the pain less intense or even completely eliminate them. The process of such self-treatment must necessarily consist of approximately 6-12 not very strong pressures on those points where pain is felt, which in most cases also presses on the eyes. If it is necessary, then medical procedure should be repeated several times throughout the day. Acupressure when the head hurts in the temples, it is advisable to perform with subdued light in a calm and quiet environment. This will slightly increase the effect of treating the problem.

Massage is not the only way self-medication and getting rid of severe pain in the temples. In addition, you can apply a compress, hot or cold, directly to the temple area. With this manipulation, you can quickly help the muscles relax, which will ease tension and make the headache less intense. It takes about 10-15 minutes to influence the temporal region with cold or heat. This will be quite enough so that pains of a different nature cease to be felt in the temples, and the eyes get rid of pressure.

Throughout the day, do not forget that your eyes should rest from time to time - this will avoid pain in the temples.

Few people think about the fact that the eyes can get tired if you read for a long time, be at the computer or drive a car. As a result, the head starts to hurt. If this is repeated regularly, then the questions will be quite logical. Try to blink often enough and let's rest your eyes for at least a few minutes.

In addition, very important role plays the amount of sleep, because it directly affects the well-being of a person. If you sleep less than 6 hours a day, then a person will constantly feel severe fatigue. At the same time, severe pain appears, especially in the temples, it has a pulsating character. Some people talk about how they can sleep a little, but still feel great, but as a rule, this ends very badly and leads to serious problems with health. Each person should have the most comfortable and cozy conditions for sleeping and sleep preferably 8 hours every night in order to remain healthy and active.

What to do if the head hurts in the temples? In order to quickly eliminate unpleasant symptom you can drink some coffee. This will help relieve stress. Do not get too carried away with these drinks, do not use a lot of sugar substitutes, because this can cause pain in the temples. In order to relieve stress and fatigue - it is better to drink some green tea.

Very good in this unpleasant situation helps chamomile tea. Some people prefer to get rid of a headache in the temples with vitamin M, orange or cherry juice. A great way to relax and calm down is a walk on fresh air visiting yoga.

With a pain syndrome, when it presses on the temples, almost every person has encountered at least once. This problem considered one of the most common in those suffering from excruciating cephalalgia.

If the patient complains that he often presses in his temples, the doctor will try to find out the following factors:

  • what pressure is exerted on the head, the severity of the condition;
  • the intensity and nature of the headache;
  • because of what there is a squeeze in the temples, which could provoke pain;
  • on both sides or on one side it presses whiskey;
  • what accompanies - a person may feel dizzy, may feel sick, stagger when walking, pulse becomes more frequent, etc.;
  • localization - a feeling of pressure only in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe temples or at the same time presses on the back of the head, forehead, parietal zone, presses on the ears, etc.;
  • duration of discomfort and discomfort.

There are complaints of this type: whiskey burns, but without pain.

In any case, only after describing the entire symptomatic complex can a preliminary diagnosis of a developing pathology be made.

Main reasons

The source of pain in the temple area can be both internal and external factors.

Internal causes are the most dangerous, as they indicate the presence of a pathology or malfunction of specific organs, such as the spine, liver, kidneys, blood vessels, and others.

In some cases we are talking about the development of serious diseases - the formation of a tumor, stroke, hemorrhage.
An external cause of headaches can be a change in weather, a long stay in a noisy place, hypothermia or overheating of the body. In this case, the pain is intermittent.
If, when the external factor is eliminated, the pain disappears on its own, then internal causes require a qualified medical approach.

Let us dwell on individual reasons that require special attention and detailed consideration.

Violation of the tone of cerebral vessels

A change in tone is a narrowing or expansion of the arteries and veins of the cerebral grid. This results in a violation cerebral circulation and nutritional activity in any part of the brain.

Angidistonia of cerebral vessels is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • aching whiskey, Blunt pain can appear both on the left and on the right;
  • simultaneously presses the forehead, while the eye may twitch;
  • dizzy, memory is disturbed;
  • attacks can occur every day at any daytime or;
  • sunken temples, numbness of the fingers appear;
  • heaviness in the head, insomnia or sleep disturbance.

Such symptoms are an alarming bell for the development of a serious pathology.

Headache or migraine

Main hallmark migraine or hemicrania (scientifically) is a high intensity headache that is localized on one side of the head.

Associated migraine symptoms:

  • paroxysmal severe pressing pain;
  • pulsation in the temple, upper jaw, frontal and occipital region;
  • a feeling of fullness in the head, while the eye of the affected side often hurts;
  • reaction to external stimuli (light, noise, sounds, smell);
  • drowsiness;
  • unmotivated mood swings;
  • the patient feels sick, vomiting, dizziness, general weakness appears.

A migraine attack can last from 1 hour to several days. It is believed that hemicrania in most cases affects women.

The first remedy for migraine temporal pain is rest, silence, rest in a dark room without extraneous sounds(knocking, music, noise).

Migraine is often confused with cluster pain, which has similar symptoms - unilateral pain on the right or left, radiating to the orbit. At the same time, it presses the top of the head, ears, forehead, the area inside the eyes.

A characteristic symptom is nasal congestion and tearing, while the fundus may turn red. However, tension pain is more common in men.

Changes in climatic conditions

A lot of people are overreacting to changes. weather conditions. This is especially true for people suffering from meteorological dependence.

Such pains can occur even if a person feels normal and the pressure is normal. For example, the ears are often blocked and there is a pressing pain in the temples after the flight.

An abrupt change in time zone or climate (for example, from cold to hot) can cause pressure in the temples, nausea, dizziness, even vomiting.

Fluctuations in intracranial and arterial pressure

Whiskey and forehead hurt, the back of the head hurts, the head hurts badly - these are the main symptoms of intracranial hypertension. In this case, bursting pressing pain is accompanied by:

  • nausea, vomiting, constantly wanting to sleep;
  • fatigue, decreased attention;
  • high blood pressure or low blood pressure;
  • appearance dark circles under the eyes, blurred vision;
  • fainting, pain in the collar zone;
  • state of excitation, constant irritability.

With movements (with tilt, sharp turns of the head and neck), pain in ICP intensifies. Varieties of intracranial hypertension depend on the nature and cause of the appearance.

Infectious or viral diseases

A pressing headache in the temples is considered one of the main symptoms of a virus or infection in the body. These diseases include meningitis, encephalitis, brucellosis, influenza, SARS, frontal sinusitis, sinusitis and other respiratory problems.

Associated signs of onset inflammatory process:

  • strongly aching whiskey;
  • there is a cough, while it hurts to swallow;
  • there is a laying of the nasal sinuses;
  • tonsils may swell;
  • you may feel dizzy if you lie down or get up abruptly;
  • there is an increase in temperature, fever, chills, convulsive or febrile conditions;
  • sometimes there may be nausea, vomiting, aching bones.

What to do in these cases will be prompted by qualified answers from doctors. Even adults (or children) who develop mild colds must remember that it can turn into serious inflammation in the body.

What pressure if whiskey hurts

Temporal pain often causes vasospasm even with normal pressure. But more often the cause of the appearance of cephalalgia is the presence of cervical osteochondrosis or VVD (vegetovascular dystonia).
At risk are people with diabetes, kidney problems, hypertension or hypotension. Many are interested in what pressure temporal pain usually appears.

According to the answers of doctors, it can be argued that an increase in blood pressure is noted much more often.

Concomitant symptoms of vasospasm:

  • strongly throbs in the temples, the pain increases when pressed;
  • presses on the head;
  • presses the nose, while some complain that at the time of the attack they had a lot of pressure on their ears;
  • reduces cheekbones;
  • there is a violation of the heart rhythm, or attacks of a feeling of lack of air;
  • there is dizziness, tinnitus, fainting, nausea.

Usually appear upon awakening, not leaving a person throughout the day. You can normalize the pressure with the help of painkillers or aids: relaxation, massage or exercise.

Menstrual cycle

On the background hormonal adjustment the body of girls and women often suffer from pain, in which it squeezes the temples and forehead.
This happens in the following cases:

  • during ovulation or PMS ( premenstrual syndrome), with age, the frequency and intensity of attacks decreases;
  • during pregnancy, after childbirth, these symptoms usually disappear;
  • for menopausal women it is characteristic that they often have whiskey pain.

Incorrect work of the autonomic nervous system

Trigeminal neuralgia is classified as a chronic pathology. It usually occurs in people older than middle age.

Related factors:

  • sharp pain when pressing on the temples or touching the skin (even when applying makeup on the face or brushing your teeth);
  • the syndrome is described as an electric shock, more often it pierces the temple on the left;
  • the attack begins from the temporal region, then the pain passes to the cheekbones and bridge of the nose, gradually descending into the lower jaw;
  • veins in the temples inflate when chewing;
  • often the patient voices complaints following character: numb whiskey when chewing solid food;
  • it is difficult to bend over, you can not make sudden movements;
  • seizures can torment a person for several days.

Chronic pathologies of this type should be treated only with the help of doctors in medical institution. Attack-like pains are usually severe, completely paralyzing the normal rhythm of the life of the sufferer.


At which whiskey knocks and the feeling that you have a heavy head.

What causes intoxication:

  • eating spoiled food;
  • if you inhale carbon monoxide or strong odors;
  • use of low-quality household items (toys, clothes, decoration or building materials etc.);
  • after alcohol or after smoking, especially when abused bad habits.

These factors cause severe pain on both sides, in which it compresses the temples, the back of the head and forehead hurt. In this case, irritation of the mucous organs (nose, throat, eyes) occurs, as well as nausea and vomiting.

It is recommended to immediately call an ambulance and completely put yourself in the hands of professionals. Severe intoxication can provoke a violation of the vital important organs and systems, for example, immune, vascular, cardiac and others.

Horton's syndrome (temporal arteritis)

With this pathology, inflammation of large and medium arteries located near the carotid artery occurs.

Main symptoms:

  • temples pulsate to the right or left;
  • pain can be of a different nature - dull monotonous or sharp and sharp;
  • often the pain syndrome extends to the collar zone;
  • the affected temple can swell with tension, up to severe swelling;
  • when pressing on the head, when talking or when chewing, the pain intensifies;
  • vision is impaired, the temperature rises.

Temporal arteritis often affects the elderly. If the disease is not treated, then complete blindness may occur, and subsequently a cerebral stroke.


This pathology usually occurs in people young age. The disease may be accompanied by periodic crises:

  • colitis whiskey and heart;
  • flies before the eyes;
  • unpleasant sensation of a lump in the throat, numbness of the extremities;
  • unmotivated feeling of panic and fear;
  • trembling, dizziness, increased sweating;
  • the attack ends with copious urination or loose stools.

During a crisis, it is recommended to take calming herbs or medications prescribed by the doctor.

Stress and nervous tension

Pressing pains in the temples after stress, doctors define the term "helmet of a neurotic." This is a condition in which the head is as if in a hoop.

Prolonged neurosis can provoke serious disorder psyche. Nervous tension is exacerbated by overwork, bad habits from cigarettes or alcohol abuse.

hereditary predisposition

Genetic predisposition is one of critical factors, which is taken into account in the study of any pathology or disease.
If the family already has a steady development of vascular or neurological problems, then the child automatically falls into the risk group.
Idiopathic cephalgia may occur, but this species is quite rare. Pain usually occurs in the temporal region, gradually spreading to the forehead or in a diffuse manner.

Atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels

Atherosclerosis is an insidious pathology that has the property of plaque deposition on the inner walls of blood vessels. If the lumen of the vessel is blocked at least half, then the following symptoms will appear:

  • headaches of varying duration and intensity in the frontal part and temples;
  • dizziness, nausea, tinnitus;
  • anxiety, irritability;
  • sleep inversion, feeling tired;
  • decreased memory, attention, performance.

People who suffer from hypertension, overweight or kidney problems are especially prone to the disease.


A sensitive headache is characterized by attacks on one side that last from a few minutes to 2 hours.

Similar attacks of temporal cephalgia are stopped only by indomethacin. However, if the pain is persistent, then a complete medical examination is necessary.

Brain damage

Regular increasing pain when it presses in the temples can be quite dangerous symptom serious illness.

For example, benign or malignant tumor varied nature:

  • developing from brain tissue (neurons and epithelium), these include benign ependymoma, glioma, astrocytoma;
  • formed from the membranes of the brain - meningiomas;
  • growing from cranial nerves (neurinomas);
  • origin from cells of the pituitary gland (pituitary adenoma);
  • dysembryogenetic tumors that occur in the prenatal period when normal tissue differentiation is disrupted;
  • metastases from organs outside the cranial cavity, entering the brain with outflow of blood.

There are other brain lesions as well. It is believed that malignant tumors have the most rapid development.

Timely appeal to early stage allows for drug treatment. Advanced cases require surgical intervention.

Diets and malnutrition

An unbalanced diet, constant diets for weight loss, as well as certain foods can provoke pressing pains in the temples.
What products should you be careful with:

  • nitrates;
  • tyramine, which in large numbers prevails in chocolate;
  • monosodium glutamate, which prevails in crackers, chips, spices, sauces, sweet carbonated drinks;
  • abuse big amount coffee.

Pain from malnutrition accompanied by tension and pain in the temples, as well as spasms of the muscles of the face.

computer vision syndrome

This pathology is the scourge of modern times. This is especially true for programmers, office workers, managers or people who are used to being at the computer for a long time.

In this case, complex symptoms develop:

  • presses whiskey while sitting at the computer or after work;
  • deterioration of vision (both general and evening);
  • dryness and redness of the eyes appear;
  • there are pains in the spine or cervical region.

Must be accepted Urgent measures so that the syndrome does not turn into chronic pathology. It is enough to change position more often and do relaxing exercises to relax the body and eyes.

To what doctor and when to go?

If attacks of temporal pain bother you more than 3 times a week, then it is recommended to urgently contact a specialist for diagnostics, clarification etiological factor and receiving further treatment.
Specialists in this field are a neurologist, a therapist, a psychotherapist, an otolaryngologist, a dentist and an ophthalmologist.

At the consultation, the nature of the seizures is established. The doctor excludes psychosomatics (stress, troubles in life, severe nervous shocks) and is given a referral for examination.

Diagnosis and treatment of pathology

To establish an accurate diagnosis, the following procedures are prescribed:

  • delivery of general and biochemical analysis blood;
  • EEG (electroencephalogram) to check brain activity;
  • x-ray in cases of injury, dropsy;
  • coagulogram to check blood clotting;
  • MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) to determine the presence of neoplasms;
  • CT ( CT scan) for diagnosing strokes, hemorrhages, inflammatory processes;
  • Ultrasound or angiography to detect vascular disorders.

According to the results of the study, an individual drug treatment is selected.


The main task of physiotherapy treatment is to stop seizures, as well as regulate the work of blood vessels.

Popular procedures:

  1. Circular shower.
  2. Laser therapy of the cervical-collar zone.
  3. Contrast and carbonic baths.
  4. Electrophoresis.
  5. Darsonvalization of the head.
  6. Combined schemes: magnetotherapy + drug electrophoresis.

All procedures in required quantity appointed strictly by a specialist.

Medical therapy

With severe pain in the temples on your own at home, you can take painkillers.

Affordable over-the-counter pain pills

In any case, what to drink for pain in a specific pathology should be determined by a specialist.

Self-relief of an attack of pain

For the relief of single attacks, light painkillers are taken. And you can also use auxiliary tools:

  • massage on certain points;
  • accept cold and hot shower or relax in a warm bath with the addition of herbs or your favorite essential oils;
  • do cold compress(with reddening of the face) or hot lotions on the temples (with the appearance of pallor);
  • go to fresh air with a lack of oxygen;
  • try to sleep in a quiet place.

Folk remedies

Folk methods proven over the years help well.
Recipe with valerian root.
Grind 20-30 g of valerian root, pour a glass of boiling water. The mixture should be kept for 15-20 minutes in a water bath, let stand for about 40 minutes. The decoction helps with migraine attacks. Take on an empty stomach 2-3 times a day for a course of at least 1 week.
Massage your temples with lavender or peppermint oil if you experience pain. It is also useful to breathe in ethers.
Recipe with cabbage.
Crush the cabbage leaves so that the juice comes out of them. Attach to the temples, fix with improvised means.

Possible Complications

Temporal pain should not be ignored. As a rule, they do not pass for the body without pathological changes.

  • in some cases, visual impairment occurs (sometimes to blindness);
  • constantly haunted by ringing or noise in the ears, up to hearing loss;
  • possible change in the psyche, confusion;
  • pain causes unmotivated mood swings, irritability;
  • appear depressive states before losing interest in life;
  • pain in the temples often indicate the presence of dangerous pathologies.

Painkillers provide only temporary relief. Therefore, you need to seriously approach the treatment of your own body.

Disease prevention

Preventive measures can not only alleviate attacks, but even get rid of temporal cephalgia forever. First of all, you need to analyze your lifestyle and correct the missing items.

Follow simple rules:

  • choose a diet enriched with vitamins;
  • eliminate foods with tyramine, such as chocolate, smoked meats, cheese, nuts;
  • ventilate the living space daily;
  • you can not be nervous or panic, try to focus on the good;
  • periodically undergo a course of physiotherapy, acupressure, acupuncture and other useful procedures;
  • go in for sports, yoga, Pilates, swimming, gymnastics help a lot, the main thing is that classes are regular;
  • plan your daily routine, go to bed, wake up and eat at the same time;
  • an eight-hour good rest is required;
  • give up cigarettes, alcohol, drug abuse;
  • see your doctor regularly.

Periodic pain in the temples occurs in every sixth inhabitant of our planet.

According to the World Health Organization, it is this disease that is the main cause of temporary disability for workers of any specialty.

How to protect yourself from the appearance of unbearable pain in the temple area and what to do if the problem has already overtaken?

Why does the head hurt in the temples: causes

Pain in the temples can spoil the mood so much that instead of communicating with children or grandchildren, you only want one thing: to lie down and endure unbearable torment. Official medicine is known There are several reasons why a person suffers from such an unpleasant ailment:

Violation of the tone of venous or arterial vessels

Migraine or intracranial hypertension

Blood pressure (especially in the elderly)

Infectious diseases: tonsillitis, flu, etc.

Headache in the temples can after alcohol intoxication, in the so-called hangover syndrome

Mental fatigue, disorders and stress

Complications of the menstrual cycle (especially during puberty)

Menopause in women

Inflammation of the arterial walls

Violation of the nerve canals of the craniocerebral zone

Pathology of the temporomandibular joint

Very often, patients with the problem of "headache in the temples" do not find true reason diseases. Competent doctors, considering this ailment in detail, in some cases cannot establish an accurate diagnosis. This state of affairs, of course, does not please patients.

What is the peculiarity of pain in the temples?

“Head hurts in the temples” - this is how thousands of men and women complain to each other, but only a limited dozen of them decide to visit a doctor. Many people decide to eliminate acute pain in the temporal part with conventional analgesics, while muffling the pain, but not eliminating the problem itself. Some are afraid to go to the hospital, others are afraid of revealing a more serious illness. Whatever the reason for not attending medical workers- it is incredibly false. Only an experienced neurologist can deliver correct diagnosis, cure your body completely, especially since the earlier the cause is understood, the more chances for speedy recovery.

Home self-treatment cannot be compared to prescription drugs. The results of self-treatment are such complications as allergic reactions, gastrointestinal disorders, stress on the liver and kidneys. the most ideal and the right option, of course, there remains an appeal to a highly specialized doctor. This will help prevent other side effects.

Pain in the temples during pregnancy

Pregnancy is the period when the causes of pain in the head as a result of hormonal fluctuations are practically eliminated. However, often pregnant women complain that their head hurts in the temples. Why does this painful symptom occur?

Migraine is the very first cause of soreness in the temples. During this illness, it is simply not possible to avoid headaches.

Diseases associated with visual impairment.

The use of foods that provoke pain in the temporal part: chocolate, cheese, citrus fruits.

Temporal headaches can also be caused by changes in the weather, bad smells, bright lights, or annoying sounds.

At early toxicosis many pregnant women have low blood pressure - this applies to the first trimester of pregnancy. Because of this, unbearable headaches in the temples may appear, which often help to get rid of rest and sleep. If headaches in the temples are the cause of toxicosis on late stage, it is worth taking an analysis for protein in the urine, since at this time there should be no toxic intoxications.

Migraine and pain in the temples. How are they interconnected?

Migraineneurological disease which is mostly chronic. In addition to nausea, dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, drowsiness, irritability and depression, a person also suffers from headaches. Usually, with a migraine, the pain is localized in one half of the head and is pulsating in nature.

A headache in the temples with a migraine may be due to sensitivity to bright light, loud sounds and smells. About 70% of patients diagnosed with migraine notice that a headache in the temples creates incredible suffering, since attacks can last from 2 minutes to 2 days. With migraine, there is no decrease or increase in blood pressure, the presence of head injuries or brain tumors also does not affect the diagnosis - the causes of pain lie in neurological abnormalities.

Neurologist- a specialist who helps cure pain in people suffering from migraine. It has been noted that migraine is hereditary disease which usually suffers female half population. Not every patient succeeds in thoroughly recovering and completely getting rid of periodic pain in the temples. In such cases, the doctor prescribes analgesics, antidepressants, receptor and channel blockers.

How to avoid the appearance of headaches in the temples?

main reason headaches in the temples - prolonged tension of the ligaments, upper shoulder girdle, muscles and tendons. Every day a person makes such a number of "forbidden" movements that the receptors and nerve endings begin to get irritated and an unbearable headache occurs, including in the temporal part.

"Correct" postures and movements, as well as useful advice that prevent soreness of the head in the temples:

Never press your chin to your chest

It is necessary to sleep only on a soft, comfortable pillow so that the spine does not bend, but is perfectly even

Do not slouch and lean on the armrests of the chair as little as possible. Take breaks more often, walk around the office if you are at work, or around the room

If you cough, then remember that long cough can cause unpleasant pain in the temples. Take cough medicine during this time.

Try never to frown your eyebrows or wrinkle your forehead.

Take regular walks outside

Do exercises every morning, including turning your head, neck

Include in your diet foods rich in B vitamins (sprouted wheat grains, liver, bran, legumes, oysters, brown rice)

Avoid eating foods with preservatives food additives and flavor enhancers

Avoid strong tea and coffee

Lead a healthy lifestyle - completely eliminate the use of alcohol, nicotine and narcotic substances

What to do if the head hurts in the temples? Folk remedies

Traditional medicine, as always, has several useful tools, which will help someone who constantly has a headache in the temples:

When pain occurs in the temples, the most effective method is to warm up the legs. It is in the legs that most of the receptors, points of "life" are contained. Warm baths will help to relax, the pain will go away by itself

Leaves of burdock, cabbage or coltsfoot will help you reduce severe pain. It is necessary to impose them on the back of the head and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe temples

It is also useful to stroke the head clockwise or from the forehead to the back of the head.

You can drink a nettle decoction if you want to get rid of headaches as soon as possible. One tablespoon of nettle should be brewed with half a glass of boiling water. Decoction take three tablespoons three times a day

Cut the lemon into rounds and apply to the temples. The resulting irritation must be lubricated with any baby cream. The same procedure can be carried out with beets.

For pain in the temples caused by migraines, lingonberries can help.

If headaches are caused by stress, prepare an infusion of equal proportions peppermint, valerian and motherwort.

Official medicine goes to the aid of those who have a headache in the temple area

Any medications should be taken only after a complete examination, which will be prescribed to you by the attending neurologist, who will also prescribe a prescription for medications.

The most popular drugs used in case of a painful condition in the temple area are analgesics. Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Analgin, Citramon- here are a number of pills that can stop the pain and improve your condition a little.

In order to avoid a stroke (which can also cause pain in the temples), the doctor may prescribe vascular smooth muscle blockers, for example, Vasobral. The action of the drug is aimed at reducing vascular permeability, reducing the possibility of thrombosis, increases mental and physical performance.

Although these pills help to cope with pain, they cannot eliminate its cause. In order for the drug to act purposefully on the source of pain, it must first be identified. This will help you with examinations, for example, MRI, ultrasound and others.

If the pain in the temples makes it difficult to live - go to a specialist, do not waste your time looking for miracle remedies!


According to the observations of doctors, in 80% of cases of headache discomfort localized in the temporal regions of the patient's cranium. This symptom is rarely the only one, it is usually accompanied by a number of additional manifestations. A headache in the temples does not appear for no reason, it necessarily indicates some kind of organic or physiological failures in the body. Taking painkillers against this background can give temporary relief, but it is better to immediately identify the source of the problem and eliminate it. Otherwise emergency measures assistance will soon cease to bring results, and the pathology occurring in the body will worsen.

Diagnosis of pathology

When identifying the causes of a severe or annoying headache in the temples, it is important to assess the features of the clinical picture, the presence of additional symptoms. It is necessary to pay attention - the manifestations occur spontaneously and abruptly or in response to some kind of stimulus and at the same time gradually increase. Characteristic sensations are localized only on the sides or give to other parts of the skull. Soreness torments from time to time, appears systematically or pursues every day.

A person who suffers from a headache in the temples should consult a neurologist. After the initial examination specialist will send for analysis and diagnostic studies. The list of basic manipulations includes: blood sampling for general analysis and biochemistry, MRI or CT of the brain and cervical spine, ultrasonography vessels, radiography and electromyography.

Depending on how the whiskey hurts and what it is accompanied by, you may need to consult an ophthalmologist, ENT doctor, endocrinologist. If the pain is sharp and unbearable, it is better not to take risks and call an ambulance.

Why does the head hurt in the temples

Soreness in one temple or both cannot be regarded as independent disease. This is just one manifestation of the complex pathological process. Only by curing the underlying disease, you can get rid of an unpleasant symptom.

If your head hurts in the temples, you should not try to drown out the sensations with the help of analgesics. There is no guarantee that they will give at least temporary relief, and if abused, drugs can cause abuse pain.


The disease is characterized by attacks in which the head hurts severely and for a long time. They can last from 2-3 hours to 3 days. Sensations are usually one-sided, pulsating, growing. Often they are localized in the temple on the left or right, spread to the entire half of the head, press on the forehead and eyeball.

In addition to headaches, migraine is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • increased sensitivity to light, smells, sounds;
  • nausea and vomiting that brings relief;
  • dizziness, problems with orientation in space;
  • lethargy and drowsiness or elevated degree arousal;
  • irritability, attacks of aggression, depression.

In this case, temporal headache is not associated with trauma, changes in arterial or intracranial pressure, tumors and organic lesions of the brain. Usually, attacks occur 1-2 times a month, but they can disturb every week. The lack of specialized treatment and attempts to endure can lead to psychosis and neurological disorders.

cluster headache

Pathology is characterized by a series of seizures. Each lasts from 15 to 60 minutes, appears several times a day and continues for weeks and even months. This is followed by a long period remission without any symptoms. A harbinger of the beginning of a cluster (series) is congestion in the ear. Soreness occurs on the same side of the head in the region of one of the temples and behind the eye. The sensations are strong and painful. They are accompanied by lacrimation, redness of the mucosa and face, increased sweating and nasal congestion. Smoking men with a large weight are predisposed to the disease.

Tension headache (tension cephalgia)

In 1988, the concept of "tension cephalgia" replaced "tension headaches" in the international nomenclature of diseases, but this is one and the same pathology. Today, such a problem is diagnosed in 21% of the world's population. Patients note that they have a headache in the temples and the back of the head. Soreness usually occurs at the end of the working day, against the background chronic fatigue or long stressful condition. It is caused by impaired blood circulation in certain areas due to increased tone muscles.

Patients describe attacks as constant and strong pressure all over the head or in a separate part of it. The sensation is similar to the result of wearing a narrow headband or tight headgear. They are symmetrical in most cases. If the temple begins to hurt on the left or right, then soon the sensations pass to the second half of the head. When you press on the problem area, the symptom intensifies due to increased muscle tone and the onset of the inflammatory process. In severe cases, a bursting type of pain is noted.


Inflammation of the meninges can be serous and purulent. In the first case, the symptoms are slightly smoothed out, in the second they are growing and painful. Patients report pain in the temples and bouts of nausea. If vomiting occurs, it does not bring relief. Pain sensations are sharp, bursting, aggravated by pressure on the eyes, the back of the head, areas near the outer ear canal. The patient reacts violently to light taps on the skull and sharp tilts of the head.

intracranial hypertension

Increased CSF pressure inside the skull leads to pain in the temporal regions and other parts of the head. They are accompanied by nausea and vomiting. With prolonged persistence of the symptom and the absence of treatment, a decrease in the quality of vision is noted. The patient takes a forced position, designed to alleviate his condition. Often it is fixed and persists even under normal pressure, which leads to overstrain of the muscles of the neck and head. A significant increase in indicators is fraught seizures, respiratory failure and heart rate, hypertension.

Traumatic brain injury

Pain in the temple area is typical for head injuries, and the blow does not have to fall on this area. Additional symptoms depend on the degree of tissue damage and the affected area.

Manifestations are not only acute, but also delayed. Delayed pain complicates the diagnosis, therefore, with this symptom, it is important to collect a detailed patient history.

Soreness in the head is often the result of damage to the masticatory muscles or displacement of the disc of the jaw joints. This is observed after injury and against the background of malocclusion. The symptoms may be so severe that clinical picture resembles the development of a migraine or brain damage.

Temporal arteritis

A disease of the elderly, in which the membranes of the carotid and temporal arteries become inflamed. The sensations are strong, throbbing, appear acutely and are accompanied by signs of general malaise. Often, characteristic pains in the temporal zone appear after suffering infectious disease. The patient has a fever, and sleep problems are not uncommon. Symptoms increase during the day, reach their peak in the evening, and are aggravated by chewing and talking. Palpation of the affected areas causes pain, seals are felt under the fingers.

trigeminal neuralgia

Chronic disease occurs due to compression of nerve endings. It affects people over 40 and is characterized by headache attacks. The sensations are very intense, shooting, lasting from a few seconds to 2 minutes. A person has such intense temporal pain on one side of the head that he freezes and is afraid to move. Sometimes he begins to rub the problem area and cheek, but this does not bring relief. In rare cases, a unilateral pain tic is observed.


A decrease in the number of red blood cells in the blood leads to oxygen starvation brain. The pain in this case is dull, constant and pressing. It weakens a little if you take a horizontal position.

The clinical picture of anemia is supplemented by dizziness, fatigue, shortness of breath, decreased concentration, increased heart rate even with slight physical activity. As the disease progresses, the symptoms intensify and make it difficult to focus on current affairs.

Cerebral angiodystonia

Pain in the temples occurs due to a violation of the tone of the walls of local arteries and veins. It is dull, aching or aching. It can appear at any time of the day, lasts an arbitrary amount of time. Pathological condition accompanied by insomnia, dizziness, drops in blood pressure, numbness of the fingers, tinnitus. Sometimes patients note a decrease in memory, a change in the quality of odor perception, depression, and difficulty in controlling their emotional background.


Deposition cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels leads to a narrowing of the lumen of the channels. This creates an obstacle to the flow biological fluid, leads to oxygen starvation and tissue ischemia. Soreness in the temple area against the background of this condition is usually due to damage to the vessels of the brain. The diagnosis indicates a predisposition to stroke and requires the initiation of specialized treatment. In advanced cases, the condition is accompanied by changes in the psyche, deterioration intellectual abilities and memory.

The likelihood of atherosclerosis is indicated by pallor and coldness of the extremities, irritability, fatigue, problems in the work of the heart.

Brain tumor

Pain in the temples and nausea may indicate the appearance and growth of a neoplasm in the brain. The combination of symptoms, if present benign tumor is due to the pressure exerted by the mass on meninges. In the case of cancer, this is joined by the toxic effect of atypical cells on healthy tissues. Depending on the localization, type and size of the formation, the clinical picture is supplemented by functional disorders in the body, changes in the psyche and emotional background.

How to get rid of a headache in the temples

Doctors do not recommend independently deciding what to do with the symptom. It is better to undergo a diagnosis, identify the source of the problem and engage in specialized treatment under the supervision of a specialist. If you need to escape from a sudden single attack, you should drink a choice of Ibuprofen, Nurofen, Aspirin or Imet. In the absence of results, it is better to refuse to re-take the drug or increase the dose.

Medical treatment

The fight against headache is carried out by eliminating the cause of the symptom. This can help medicines, apparatus physiotherapy, physiotherapy, massage. If the doctor insists on taking medication, do not refuse. Sometimes only with the help of medicines it is possible to improve the functioning of blood vessels, get rid of organic or physiological disorders.

When choosing medicines for headaches, it is important to consider the cause of the symptom and its severity:

  • with a reduced tone of the walls of blood vessels and problems with blood flow, "Cavinton", "Pikamilon" will help;
  • elevated intracranial pressure"Diakarb", "Glycerol" will be brought back to normal;
  • for migraine and cluster pains NSAIDs help: Tempalgin, Ketorolac, Clofezon;
  • high blood pressure will be reduced by Enalapril, Anaprilin;
  • for inflammations and infections, "Ingalipt", "Streptocid", "Sulfazin" are indicated;
  • with minor painful sensations it is worth limiting to "Analgin", "Nurofen", "Indomethacin";
  • a symptom of moderate intensity is removed by "Solpadein", "Caffetin", "Tatralgin";
  • a painful and persistent attack can be muffled by Zaldiar, Zomig, Amigrenin.

Before a visit to the doctor, the listed funds must be taken strictly according to the instructions. The specialist can draw up an individual treatment regimen, depending on the specifics of the situation.

Folk remedies

In some cases, the use of products and approaches is sufficient to combat temporal headache. alternative medicine. But they are applicable only for weak single attacks. Some of the options may enhance the effect of drugs, so when undergoing drug therapy, this point must be agreed with the doctor.

Ways available and safe disposal for pain in the temples:

  • inhale the mint aromatic oil or dilute it in vegetable oil and rub the composition into the whiskey;
  • knead cabbage leaves before the appearance of juice, apply a wet mass to the sore spot and bandage for 40-60 minutes;
  • drink tea made from a teaspoon of chamomile and a glass of boiling water;
  • press the lemon peel to the problem area with its light side and hold until appearance of a lung burning sensation;
  • moisten a woolen cloth in a solution of vinegar and sunflower oil, taken in equal amounts. Squeeze out the matter, fix it on the head, capturing the forehead and temples.

In the presence of a specific diagnosis, do not try to replace folk recipes traditional medicine. natural remedies can only act as an addition to basic therapy.

Our readers write

Subject: Got rid of the headache!

From: Irina N. (34 years old) ( [email protected])

I dealt with it with the help of painkillers. I went to the hospital, but they told me that most people suffer from this, both adults, and children, and the elderly. What is most paradoxical is that I have no problems with pressure. It was worth getting nervous and that's it: the head starts to hurt.