Normal blood pressure for a woman 30. The norm of blood pressure in adults and children

Blood pressure refers to the force with which the flow of blood acts on the walls of blood vessels. The values ​​of its indicators are related to the speed and strength of the contractions of the heart and to the volume of blood that the heart is able to pass through itself within a minute. In medicine, there are certain norms for blood pressure, according to which a person's condition is assessed. They reflect the degree of efficiency with which the organism as a whole and each of its systems separately functions.

Blood pressure is individual indicator, the value of which depends on various factors. The main ones are called:

Under the influence of all these features blood pressure a person may differ from the norm. Therefore, normal blood pressure is relative concept. During the examination, the doctor needs to take into account not only the norms, but also the characteristics of the human body.

There is also a dependence of a person's blood pressure on his age, the time of day when the measurement was taken, the patient's lifestyle and many other factors. Age causes changes in every organ and system, and blood pressure does not avoid it. Therefore, the norm of blood pressure takes into account differences according to age.

Features of measuring indicators

To find out what pressure is inherent in a particular person, it must be measured. For these purposes, intended special device, which is called "tonometer". There are several types of them, the most convenient of which for home use considered automatic.

Blood pressure is measured in adults and children in millimeters of mercury (mm Hg). As a result of measurements, two numbers are obtained, the first of which reflects the upper (systolic) pressure, and the second - lower (diastolic).

According to these figures, as well as the norms of blood pressure according to age, it is possible to draw conclusions about how the patient's pressure corresponds to normal values.

It should be borne in mind that for each person, the normal pressure may differ from that of other people. To determine your own blood pressure rate, you need to take several measurements in different time. It is even better to consult a doctor who will explain at what time it is better to measure this indicator and help draw the right conclusions.

The following circumstances may affect the measurement results:

Therefore, having discovered deviations in this indicator, you should not immediately think about how to normalize the pressure. The procedure should be repeated several times, it is likely that the increase in pressure was the result of an error or its cause was the patient's condition.

What results are considered normal?

In adults and children, blood pressure indicators differ, which is quite explainable by the difference in the functioning of an adult and child's body. However, there are also differences in blood pressure values ​​in patients whose age is mature. Therefore, norms for people according to their age are derived. And although these values ​​are considered to be optimal, one must be aware of individual differences.

Blood pressure the norm looks like this:

Since age causes various changes in the human body, they should be taken into account when measuring pressure. Children and adolescents can often have low blood pressure, while the elderly are characterized by a higher value.

However, there are cases when BP does not rise in older people.

Which normal pressure in humans, will reflect the table below.

According to the table, it can be seen that the higher the age of the patient, the higher this indicator can be.

When exactly are there problems?

The pressure of a person should be as close to normal as possible. If these indicators deviate, you need to find out the reason why this happens. If you are sure that the deviations are not the result of erroneous actions during the measurement, you need to make sure that such a blood pressure value is not an individual human norm. The doctor will do this best by spending a daily allowance.

If the indicator is not normal for this patient you need to find out what is causing this problem.

The fact that the body is not functioning properly is evidenced by how high pressure, and low. The situation is especially dangerous when normal performance AD is accompanied by other symptoms due to which the patient cannot fully function.

Elevated blood pressure may be accompanied by:

  • Headache.
  • Pain in the region of the heart.
  • Labored breathing.
  • Insomnia.

The main diseases that occur with high blood pressure:

Low blood pressure is often associated with the following symptoms:

  • Increased fatigue.
  • General weakness.
  • Sweating.
  • Problems with memory and attention.

Although low blood pressure does not cause serious consequences, it negatively affects the general tone of the patient, therefore, it also requires attention from doctors.

Do you need medical help?

Despite the fact that blood pressure should be normal, the patient should understand the pointlessness of going to the doctor with the episodic appearance of this disorder. You should be wary when blood pressure deviates systematically from the norm and is accompanied by other signs of problems with the body. In this situation, you need to get the help of a doctor. Will be held necessary diagnostics and the doctor will prescribe treatment.

It is also necessary to consult a doctor with a sharp change in blood pressure, due to which the patient's well-being has deteriorated greatly. If there have already been such cases, and the doctor has recommended any drugs, you can use them to relieve an attack. But if this happens for the first time, it is better not to use any medication without the knowledge of the doctor.

Normal human arterial blood pressure and pulse. The value of normal blood pressure and pulse depends on the age of the person, his individual characteristics, lifestyle, occupation. Blood pressure and pulse are the first signals about the state of human health. All people have normal blood pressure and pulse.

Blood pressure is the blood pressure in large arteries person. There are two indicators of blood pressure:

  • Systolic (upper) blood pressure is the level of blood pressure at the moment of maximum contraction of the heart.
  • Diastolic (lower) blood pressure is the level of blood pressure at the moment of maximum relaxation of the heart.

Blood pressure It is measured in millimeters of mercury, abbreviated mm Hg. Art. A blood pressure value of 120/80 means that the systolic (upper) pressure is 120 mm Hg. Art., and the value of diastolic (lower) blood pressure is 80 mm Hg. Art.

Increased numbers on the tonometer are associated with serious diseases, for example, the risk of cerebral circulation, heart attack. When chronic increase blood pressure increases the risk of stroke by 7 times, chronic heart failure by 6 times, heart attack by 4 times and peripheral vascular disease by 3 times.

What normal pressure? What are its indicators at rest and during motor activity?

Blood pressure is divided into: optimal - 120 to 80 mm Hg. Art., normal - 130 to 85 mm Hg. Art., high, but still normal - from 135-139 mm Hg. Art., 85-89 mm Hg. Art. A pressure of 140 over 90 mm Hg is considered high. Art. and more. At motor activity Blood pressure rises in accordance with the needs of the body, an increase of 20 mm Hg. Art. talks about adequate response of cardio-vascular system. If there are changes in the body or risk factors, then with age, blood pressure changes: diastolic increases up to 60 years, and systolic increases throughout life.

For the accuracy of the results, blood pressure should be measured after 5-10 minutes of rest, and one hour before the examination, one should not smoke or drink coffee. During the measurement, the hand should lie comfortably on the table. The cuff is fixed on the shoulder so that its lower edge is 2-3 cm higher than the crease of the elbow. In this case, the center of the cuff should be over the brachial artery. When the doctor finishes pumping air into the cuff, he begins to gradually deflate it, and we hear the first tone - systolic.

The classification of the World Health Organization, adopted in 1999, is used to assess the level of blood pressure.

Blood pressure category* Systolic (upper) blood pressure mm Hg Art. Diastolic (lower) blood pressure mm Hg Art.
Optimal** Less than 120 Less than 80
Normal Less than 130 Less than 85
Increased normal 130-139 85-89
1 degree (soft) 140—159 90-99
Grade 2 (moderate) 160-179 100-109
3 degree (severe) Over 180 Over 110
border 140-149 Less than 90
Isolated systolic hypertension Over 140 Less than 90

* If systolic and diastolic blood pressure are in different categories, the highest category is selected.

** Optimal in relation to the risk of developing cardiovascular complications and mortality

The terms "mild", "borderline", "severe", "moderate", given in the classification, characterize only the level of blood pressure, and not the severity of the patient's disease.

In everyday clinical practice adopted classification arterial hypertension World Health Organization, based on the defeat of the so-called target organs. This is the most frequent complications arising in the brain, eyes, heart, kidneys and blood vessels.

What should a person's normal blood pressure be?What is a normal human blood pressure? The correct answer is: for each person there is a norm . Indeed, the value of normal blood pressure depends on the age of the person, his individual characteristics, lifestyle, occupation.

Normal pressure in newborns is 70 mm Hg.

Normal pressure in a child who is one year old: for boys - 96/66 (upper / lower), for girls - 95/65.

Normal blood pressure in a 10 year old child is 103/69 for boys and 103/70 for girls.

And what is the normal pressure for a person who has already matured?

Normal pressure in young people 20 years old: in boys - 123/76, in girls - 116/72.

Normal pressure in young people who are about 30 years old: in young men - 126/79, in young women - 120/75.

What is normal blood pressure for a middle-aged person? In 40-year-old men 129/81, in 40-year-old women 127/80.

For fifty-year-old men and women, pressures of 135/83 and 137/84, respectively, are considered normal.

For older people, it is normal next pressure: for 60-year-old men 142/85, for women of the same age 144/85.

For older people who are over 70 years old, the normal pressure is 145/82 for men and 159/85 for women.

What is the normal pressure of an old or elderly person? For 80-year-old people, the pressure of 147/82 and 157/83 for men and women, respectively, is considered normal.

For elderly ninety-year-old grandfathers, 145/78 is considered normal pressure, and for grandmothers of the same age, 150/79 mm Hg.

With unusual physical activity or emotional stress the value of arterial pressure increases. Sometimes this prevents doctors from examining cardiac patients, who are mostly impressionable people. American scientists even talk about the existence of the so-called "white coat effect": when the results of measuring blood pressure in the doctor's office are 30-40 mm Hg. Art. higher than when self-measuring it at home. And this is due to the stress that the environment of the medical institution causes in the patient.

On the other hand, in people who are constantly exposed to heavy loads, such as athletes, the pressure becomes normal 100/60 or even 90/50 mm Hg. Art. But with all the variety of "normal" blood pressure indicators, each person usually knows the norm of his pressure, in any case, he clearly captures any deviations from it in one direction or another.

There are certain guidelines for blood pressure that change with age (standards for 1981):

However modern ideas about normal blood pressure are somewhat different. It is now believed that even a slight increase in blood pressure over time can increase the risk of coronary heart disease, stroke and other diseases of the cardiovascular system. Therefore, indicators up to 130-139 / 85-89 mm Hg are now considered normal indicators of blood pressure in adults. Art. Norm for patients diabetes the pressure is considered to be 130/85 mm Hg. Art. An arterial blood pressure of 140/90 refers to high standard. Blood pressure over 140/90 mm Hg. Art. is already a sign of hypertension.

normal pulse human

Pulse (lat. pulsus blow, push) - periodic fluctuations in the volume of blood vessels associated with contractions of the heart, due to the dynamics of their blood filling and pressure in them during one cardiac cycle. The average healthy person normal resting heart rate is 60-80 beats per minute. So, the more economical metabolic processes, the fewer beats the human heart makes per unit of time, the longer duration life. If your goal is to prolong life, then you need to monitor the effectiveness of the process, namely the pulse rate.

Normal heart rate for different age categories:

  • child after birth 140 bpm
  • from birth to 1 year 130 bpm
  • from 1 year to 2 years 100 bpm
  • from 3 to 7 years 95 bpm
  • from 8 to 14 years 80 bpm
  • average age 72 bpm
  • old age 65 bpm
  • with illness 120 beats / min
  • shortly before death 160 bpm
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The cardiovascular system plays a significant role in the functioning of the body. Deviation of blood pressure (BP), heart rate from the norm signals the development serious illnesses. You need to regularly monitor your health. heart attack, stroke, ischemic disease, heart failure, angina annually claim the lives of millions of people. The norms of pressure and pulse by age are determined, which will help control the health of the heart, blood vessels, including at home.

What is human pressure

State human body characterized by physiological parameters. The main ones include temperature, blood pressure, pulse (heart rate). In a healthy person, the indicators do not go beyond the established limits. Deviation of values ​​from the norm indicates the development of stress or pathological conditions.

Blood pressure is the pressure of blood flow on the walls of blood vessels. Its value depends on the type of blood vessel, thickness, position relative to the heart. There are the following types:

  • cardiac - occurs in the ventricles, atria of the heart during rhythmic work. It differs in value in different departments, due to the contraction phase;
  • venous central - blood pressure in the right atrium, where it enters deoxygenated blood;
  • arterial, venous, capillary - blood pressure in the vessels of the corresponding caliber.

To determine the state of the body, heart, blood vessels, blood pressure is used more often. The deviation of its values ​​from the norm is the first signal of a problem. They judge the volume of blood that the heart overtakes per unit of time, the resistance of blood vessels. The following components are taken into account:

  • the upper (systolic) pressure with which blood is pushed out of the ventricles into the aorta during contraction (systole) of the heart;
  • lower (diastolic) - recorded with complete relaxation (diastole) of the heart;
  • pulse - determined by subtracting the value lower pressure from the top.

BP is due to resistance vascular wall, frequency, force of contractions of the heart. Numerous factors influence the cardiovascular system. These include:

  • age;
  • psycho-emotional state;
  • health status;
  • taking medicines, food, drinks;
  • time of day, season of the year;
  • atmospheric phenomena, weather conditions.

For a person, based on individual characteristics, a “working” standard pressure is set. Deviation from the norm in big side indicates the development of hypertension (hypertension), to a lesser extent - hypotension (hypotension). Increased and decreased blood pressure requires attention, with strong changes - drug correction. The reasons for deviations from the norm are the following factors:

Causes of hypotension

Causes of hypertension

stressful condition

stress, neurosis

some conditions environment(heat, stuffiness)

drastic changes weather conditions, weather dependence

fatigue, chronic sleep deprivation

smoking, drinking alcohol

some medicines

excess weight, unhealthy food, sedentary lifestyle

accompanying illnesses(osteochondrosis, VVD)

comorbidities (atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus)

Age-related features of blood pressure

For people established norms of pressure and pulse by age. This is due to the characteristics of the development of the organism, physiological changes as you get older and older. With age, there are differences in the performance of the heart muscle, tone, thickness of blood vessels, the presence of deposits of various compounds, plaques, and blood viscosity on them. The kidneys, endocrine, nervous system, the functioning of which undergoes a change in different periods time.

Normal blood pressure and pulse

The norm of pressure is the average value of blood pressure at rest, derived for people of different ages, gender. Lower and upper bound values ​​characterizing the optimal state of the body. Ideal pressure taken equal to 120/80 millimeters of mercury. Under the influence of individual characteristics, this value fluctuates. Normal human pressure (deviation from the indicated data by 5-10 mm Hg does not indicate pathology):

Age, years

Minimum normal blood pressure, mm Hg. Art.

Maximum normal blood pressure, mm Hg. Art.

Pulse - rhythmic pulses of blood flow felt on the walls blood vessels. Characterizes the heart rate (HR). This indicator also differs in people of different age categories. So the heartbeat in a child is faster than in an adult. Normal heart rates are shown:

Age, years

Pulse is normal, bpm

In children

In a child, from the moment of birth to 10 years, a significant increase in blood pressure is observed as the heart and vascular bed develop. Children's heart rate drops. Normal blood pressure by age:

Age scale

BP is normal, mm Hg. Art.

Pulse is normal, bpm

up to 2 weeks

2-4 weeks

79/41 – 113/75

2-5 months

89/48 – 113/75

5-12 months

89/48 – 113/75

98/59 – 113/75

98/59 – 117/77

98/59 – 123/79

The high rate of heart rate in newborns, infants is due to the great need of the growing body for energy. The minute volume of blood during this period is lower than necessary. To compensate for inadequate oxygen delivery and nutrients to the tissues of the heart, it is necessary to contract more often. With an increase in the minute volume of blood with age, the pulse decreases. In infants, vascular tone and resistance are also reduced.

As the body develops, the walls of the arteries thicken and become stiffer. muscle cells hearts and blood vessels function more intensively. BP rises gradually with age. Indicators in children of school and preschool age are close in value, but the maximum allowable limits are expanding. Big influence Enrollment in school and the associated psychological and physical stresses affect the body.


Significant changes in blood circulation occur during adolescence. Indicators for this age:

High school students come first puberty, hormonal changes. Intensively increases the mass of the heart, volume. In puberty, there are sex differences in the functioning of the heart. In young men, the myocardium is able to contract more strongly and powerfully. In girls with the onset of menstruation systolic pressure rises, heart rate falls.

In adults

The norm of pressure and pulse by age for people over 18 years old is presented in the following table:

Age, years

Normal blood pressure, mm Hg Art.

Pulse is normal, bpm

80 and older

By the age of 25, the cardiovascular system matures. Further changes in functions are associated with aging. With age, heart rate and minute blood volume decrease. The formation of plaques from cholesterol narrows the lumen of blood vessels. Reduced contractility of the heart. Atherosclerotic changes cause an increase in blood pressure, the risk of developing hypertension. Women during pregnancy and menopause may develop tachycardia. When carrying a child, menopause occurs hormonal changes. Estrogen and progesterone affect the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

With age, there is an increase in blood pressure until old age, then a decrease. In older people, the heart muscle weakens, cannot contract with sufficient force. The blood becomes more viscous, flows more slowly through the vessels, stagnation occurs. The elasticity of the walls of arteries and veins decreases. Vessels become fragile and brittle. The development of hypertension at this age causes the occurrence of heart attacks, strokes.


Article publication date: 11/26/2016

Article last updated: 12/18/2018

From this article you will learn: what pressure is normal in different ages. When a deviation from the norm is considered a pathology, and when it is not.

Normal blood pressure (abbreviated blood pressure) - an indicator good health. This criterion allows you to evaluate, first of all, the quality of the functioning of the heart muscle and blood vessels. Blood pressure can also be assessed general state human health, since blood pressure can rise or fall due to various diseases and, conversely, increased (low) blood pressure provokes various diseases.

Blood pressure is measured in millimeters of mercury. The result of its measurement is written as two digits separated by a slash (for example, 100/60). The first number is the blood pressure during systole, the moment the heart muscle contracts. The second number is the blood pressure during diastole, when the heart is at its most relaxed. The difference between blood pressure at the moment of systole and the moment of diastole is the pulse pressure - normally it should be 35 mm Hg. Art. (plus or minus 5 mmHg)

An indicator of 110/70 mm Hg is considered ideal. Art. However, at different ages, it may differ, which does not always indicate any diseases. So, in infancy, such low blood pressure is considered normal, which in adults speaks of pathologies. More details can be found in the tables below.

A normal pulse (heart rate or heart rate) is 60 to 90 beats per minute. Pressure and pulse are interrelated: it often happens that if the pulse is increased, then blood pressure also rises, and with a rare pulse, it decreases. In some diseases, the opposite happens: the pulse rises, and the pressure decreases.

Norms of blood pressure and heart rate in children


At this age, it can be different: in infants it is lower than in children of preschool and school age.

Table No. 1 - normal blood pressure in children.

As you can see, normal blood pressure increases as the child grows older. This is due to the fact that the vessels develop, and at the same time their tone increases.

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Slightly lowered blood pressure in children may indicate a slow development of the cardiovascular system. Most often this goes away with age, so you should not do anything right away. Once a year is enough preventive examination at the cardiologist and pediatrician. If other pathologies are not detected, treatment of slightly lowered blood pressure is not required. It will be enough to make the child's lifestyle more active and revise the diet so that the foods consumed contain more vitamins, especially group B, which are necessary for the development of the heart and blood vessels.

Elevated blood pressure in childhood also not always indicative of disease. Sometimes it occurs due to excessive physical exertion, for example, if the child is seriously involved in sports. In this case, there is also no need special treatment. It is necessary to undergo regular preventive medical checkup and, if BP gets even higher, reduce exercise levels.


The pulse becomes less frequent with age. This is due to the fact that with low vascular tone (in children younger age) the heart must contract faster to provide all the tissues and organs with the substances they need.

Table No. 2 - pulse rates in children.

  • A fast heart rate may be indicative of a malfunction. thyroid gland. With hyperthyroidism, the heart rate increases, with hypothyroidism, on the contrary, it decreases.
  • If the pulse is faster than it should be, this may also indicate a lack of magnesium and calcium in the body.
  • A rare heartbeat occurs with an excess of magnesium and with cardiovascular diseases.
  • Also, heart rate may increase or become less frequent overdose medicines(never leave them within the reach of children).
  • The heart rate can be higher not only due to the disease, but also due to normal physiological reasons: after physical activity, when the emotional state changes both in a negative and in a positive direction. This applies not only to children, but also to adults.
  • But less often than it should, the pulse can be during sleep and when falling asleep. If the pulse does not slow down during sleep, this is a reason to be wary and undergo an examination by a cardiologist and endocrinologist.

Norms of pressure and heart rate in adolescents

Table number 3 - normal blood pressure in adolescents.

At this age, the norms of pressure practically do not differ from the norm of adults. However, adolescents often have deviations from the norm - this is due to the peculiarities hormonal background during puberty. If your child has high or low blood pressure, the doctor will first order a more detailed examination of the heart and thyroid gland. If no pathologies are detected, no treatment is required - with age, blood pressure normalizes on its own.

Table No. 4 - normal pulse teenagers

Slight increase in heart rate adolescence may be a variant of the norm, since the heart is still adapting to a rapidly growing and developing organism.

A rare pulse may be in young athletes, as their heart begins to work in an economical mode. The same phenomenon is observed in adults, leading active image life.

Adolescents who exercise regularly may have a slow heart rate.

Normal blood pressure and heart rate in adults

Table number 5 - normal blood pressure in adults.

Gradually increases over time, which is associated with age-related changes in the body. Diastolic rises in the first half of life. Closer to old age, it begins to decline (this is due to the loss of strength and elasticity of the vessels).

Deviation from the data indicated in the table by 10 mm Hg. Art. up or down is not considered a pathology.

Often deviates from the norm of blood pressure in athletes. Unlike children, in adults, with stable high physical exertion, the body adapts and blood pressure becomes lower than normal. It can rise with a one-time heavy load, but in this case it quickly returns to normal.


Heart rate in adults should be between 60 and 100 beats per minute. An increase or decrease in heart rate indicates cardiovascular or endocrine diseases.

Particular attention should be paid to the pulse in the elderly. Periodically measuring heart rate is not difficult, and the benefits of such a procedure can be enormous, since changes in the pulse are the first sign of heart failure.

When does a deviation of pressure from the norm indicate a disease?

What is the normal pressure of a person at different ages - you already know. What can a deviation from the norm mean?

The pathology is indicated by a deviation from the norm by more than 15 mm Hg. Art. up or down.

Raise pulse pressure(difference between systolic and diastolic) may indicate hyperthyroidism (increased production of thyroid hormones).