What to do if your leg hurts above the knee. Physiological causes of leg pain

Pain in the hips can be constant or intermittent, and can be combined with other symptoms, such as loss of sensation, swelling and redness. In some patients, pain appears during movement, making it difficult to walk; in others, pain in the legs persists even during moments of rest.


If the leg muscles above the knees and buttocks hurt, the reasons may be the following:

  • injuries - bruises, sprains and torn ligaments, joint damage;
  • osteochondrosis lumbar region;
  • vascular pathologies – thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, atherosclerosis;
  • pinching sciatic nerve, neuritis;
  • connective tissue diseases;
  • inflammatory processes in muscles;
  • muscle strain after physical activity.

The most common cause is intense training, heavy physical labor and soft tissue bruises in the hip area. In most cases, muscle pain goes away quickly, but if the condition worsens, medical advice is necessary.

Muscle inflammation, or myositis, can occur due to injuries and hypothermia, as well as due to infectious and autoimmune pathologies.

Violation venous outflow and vein problems can also be a cause of pain in the legs above the knee. Stagnation in the veins lead to compression of surrounding tissues and deterioration of blood supply. Thrombosis is a very dangerous condition in which there is a possibility of a blood clot breaking off and blocking a vital artery.

Pain in the thighs and buttocks often occurs after training, especially when performing certain exercises. Squats, lunges, and leg lifts from a lying position put a lot of strain on the muscles, and lactic acid accumulates in them. This symptom is completely harmless and lasts no more than two days.

Aching pain in the muscles above the knee can be caused by an inflammatory process in the knee or hip joint. For any joint diseases, you should consult a doctor, since the absence adequate therapy leads to devastating consequences, including disability.

The exact diagnosis and cause of pain is determined by the doctor based on the examination. Immediately, treatment and supportive therapy are prescribed - exercise therapy, massage and physiotherapy. Self-medication and the use of folk remedies for joint pain without the approval of a doctor is strictly not recommended, as the risk of complications is high.


It should be noted that pain in the legs above the knee can be characterized in different ways. Detailing the pain syndrome has priority when making a diagnosis. The pain can be local or covering the entire length of the femoral muscle, and in terms of intensity - sharp, aching, dull, bursting.

Hips may become sore due to intense running, jumping and race walking.

To determine why your legs hurt above the knees, you need to pay attention to the accompanying symptoms that accompany the pain:

  • swelling indicates an inflammatory process, vascular disorders or tissue trauma. Swelling can be localized in the front or back, in the area of ​​the knee joint or closer to the hip joint, as well as on the side of the leg. If swelling persists for a long period, damage to the femur can be assumed;
  • Loss of skin sensitivity and pins and needles sensation are usually observed on outer surface thighs, and means irritation of the peripheral nerve endings at their exit from the spine;
  • the appearance of redness in the form of a strip is characteristic of acute thrombophlebitis of the great saphenous vein of the thigh; local redness may be a sign of a purulent-inflammatory process in the tissues lower limbs. Solid redness covering the entire thigh is one of the symptoms of erysipelas or fasciitis;
  • increased body temperature is a nonspecific sign that can accompany any pathology, but is extremely rarely observed in diseases of a neurological nature;
  • a dense neoplasm in the femoral segment in combination with pain is highly likely to indicate a tumor process. A tumor under the knee could be a Baker's cyst - benign education with joint fluid inside.

Sharp and burning pain

Long lasting pain acute nature is a sign of a serious problem in the body. It could be:

  • purulent-inflammatory process in the femoral tissues and nearby areas. In addition to painful sensations, swelling, redness occurs, body temperature rises, and with any movements of the legs and walking, the pain intensifies. Symptoms become more and more pronounced, and within a few days they reach a critical level;
  • joint trauma, ligamentous apparatus, muscles and bones located in the hip area. The consequences of injuries may not appear immediately, but after some time. Accumulated fluid or blood causes bursting pain in the back of the thigh. When establishing the cause, it is necessary to take into account the fact of injury and its main symptoms - hematoma, bruises and abrasions.
  • An intervertebral hernia that progresses often causes sharp pain in the corresponding part of the spine. As the hernia increases in size and instability, patients feel a nagging pain in the leg that occurs along the pinched nerve;
  • acute thrombophlebitis is characterized by severe pain and rapid increase in swelling of the limb. The body temperature rises to 39-40°, the swelling of the thigh is so strong that the difference in the circumference of the diseased and healthy leg can be from 8 to 15 cm. The skin temperature in the area of ​​the foot and toes is 1.5-2° lower, the pulse in the arteries of the affected limb greatly weakened or completely absent. Acute thrombophlebitis can develop into purulent stage with the appearance of phlegmon and abscesses along the veins.

Aching, chronic pain

Pain that bothers a person for a long period is most common. It can appear suddenly or under certain conditions, be aching or stabbing in nature, and go away on its own or after performing any actions.

The leg may ache for the following reasons:

  • as a result of severe physical fatigue and overstrain;
  • with tunnel-fascial syndrome;
  • due to osteochondrosis of the spine;
  • with varicose veins of the lower extremities;
  • for degenerative joint diseases.

Varicose veins of the lower extremities

The location of varicose veins can be any part of the leg, and the thigh is no exception.

The main causes of varicose veins are hereditary weakness connective tissue and prolonged exposure to an upright position, pregnancy and obesity can also provoke this disease. Symptoms: burning, itching and pain along the veins, as well as swelling during the day and evening time. After a night's rest, the swelling subsides. Due to the accumulation of blood, veins and vessels become increasingly deformed, their walls lose tone and elasticity, and contractility decreases.


The lower extremities may hurt due to diseases of the spine, when compression of the nerve endings associated with femoral area. Osteochondrosis of the lumbar or sacral region is a very common cause of pain in the legs above the knees. In this case, the main focus of pain is in the lower back, but muscle weakness and numbness in the lower limb are observed.


Inflammatory and dystrophic changes in the knee and hip joints, old injuries with damage to the menisci and tendons can cause pain in the muscles of the thigh and buttocks. This occurs because the tissues that support joint stability become inflamed and become overstretched. In addition, fluid may accumulate in the inversions of the joint capsule. As a result soft fabrics find themselves squeezed and react with aching pain. Usually the areas that hurt are those located near the knee and hip joints, but often the muscle of the entire thigh hurts.

Physical activity and overexertion

Muscle pain after intense exercise or physical labor familiar to everyone, the reason for this phenomenon is a high concentration of lactic acid. This substance is formed as a result of the breakdown of glucose into lactate and hydrogen. The discomfort caused by lactic acid in the muscles lasts several days and goes away on its own.

Fascial tunnel syndrome

The femoral fascia is the connective tissue covering the muscles, nerves and blood vessels of the thigh, located on the outer surface. If one of the muscles that stretches the femoral fascia is under tension for a long period, then compression occurs nerve fibers, and blood supply is disrupted. The result is an unpleasant nagging pain, accompanied by a feeling of numbness and goosebumps crawling across the skin.

It should be borne in mind that pain in the sector from the knee to the hip is not specific sign, and can be a symptom of many pathologies. However, certain differences in the nature and intensity of the pain syndrome are still present. If the patient describes his feelings in detail, it will be easier for the doctor to make a diagnosis and refer him for the necessary research.

What to do when your leg hurts above the knee

Pain in any part of the body that does not go away over time is only a symptom. To find out the cause, you need to visit an orthopedic doctor, rheumatologist or surgeon. The therapist can also write out the necessary directions and conduct an initial examination.

When visiting an orthopedic doctor, you need to describe the symptoms in detail - when the pain began, how long it lasts and what its nature is.

In three cases out of a hundred, the cause of aching pain is arthrosis or coxarthrosis of the hip joint. These pathologies are characterized by slow development, but under the influence of psycho-emotional stress and high physical activity, the pathological process accelerates significantly. Arthrosis and coxarthrosis of the hip joint are more common in females after 40 years of age.

With coxarthrosis, one limb or both may be affected; the cause of the disease cannot always be determined, but most often it is injuries and damage to the joints. On initial stages the disease can be stopped, but in advanced cases only surgical treatment is possible.

The cause of pain in the leg above the knee may be necrosis of the head or infarction of the hip joint. These two diseases are very difficult to differentiate because bone death occurs in both cases. Necrosis develops rapidly, its characteristic symptom is pain in the thigh muscles, but the mobility of the joint is preserved, and there is no crunching during movements.

It is characterized by muscle pain, which can be pulling, cutting and tugging. This pathology is quite rare, mainly after influenza, and is accompanied by fever, weakness and muscle stiffness.

A characteristic symptom of any type of arthritis is pain and limited mobility, which manifests itself in morning hours. IN daytime, by doing various actions these signs are not observed.

Diseases of the skeletal and muscular systems

These reasons are the most obvious, and the pain is directly related to the damaged organ:

  • bursitis is an inflammatory process in the knee joint, accompanied by pain above the knee. The disease occurs as a result of constant and prolonged physical activity involving the knee joints, as well as under the influence of pressure on the joint area;
  • myositis can occur in acute and chronic form, in the first case, muscle pain is accompanied by redness of the skin, swelling and fever. At the same time, muscle tone decreases, sometimes to such an extent that the patient cannot walk. Myositis is treated by a neurologist;
  • Systemic arthritis is an autoimmune disease that primarily affects the joints. Its symptoms are difficult to confuse, because in addition to pain, there are a number of accompanying signs - skin rashes, disorder heart rate, lung lesions in the form of pleurisy and pneumonitis are often observed;
  • Infectious lesions of bones provoke inflammation of surrounding tissues and are accompanied by severe pain.

Leg pain during pregnancy

When carrying a child, body weight increases and the position changes pelvic bones. If you add to this low physical activity, it becomes clear why your legs hurt above the knee.

The extra weight creates a load that is unevenly distributed. The situation is aggravated by changes in posture and gait. A large belly makes it increasingly difficult to keep your back straight and you have to lean back. This has an extremely negative impact on the lumbar spine, and can lead to pinching and other problems.

Pregnancy is a real test for the whole body; the spine and joints are subject to increased stress

Diagnosis and treatment

Since pain in the legs can be caused by various diseases, it is necessary to establish the cause and undergo diagnostics. Based on the results of the examination, it will be clear what the cause of the pain is and what needs to be done to get rid of it.

Standard diagnostic measures that will determine treatment tactics include:

  • general blood analysis;
  • biochemical blood tests for electrolytes, urea and creatinine (to assess water-electrolyte balance and its possible disturbance);
  • blood test for sugar (to exclude or confirm the presence of diabetes mellitus);
  • biochemical blood tests for uric acid and cholesterol (indicators increase with gout and atherosclerosis, respectively);
  • microbiological studies - scraping for chlamydia if reactive arthritis is suspected;
  • radiography;
  • studies for oncological markers for suspected oncological pathologies;
  • blood test for rheumatoid factor;
  • puncture bone biopsy is performed if signs of bone tuberculosis and osteomyelitis are observed, biomaterial is collected by aspiration of purulent contents from bones or soft tissues, as well as by bone biopsy;
  • Doppler ultrasound, duplex and triplex scanning are performed to identify vascular diseases in the early stages;
  • angiography of leg vessels is indicated for patients who have symptoms of chronic venous insufficiency, atherosclerosis, etc.;
  • MRI, CT are necessary for diseases nervous system, lymphostasis, etc.;
  • Rheovasography of the leg arteries is a diagnostic method for chronic arterial insufficiency;
  • bone scintigraphy – newest method radiology diagnostics, allowing you to evaluate the functioning various organs and tissues and used to identify metastatic foci of malignant neoplasms;
  • Ankle-brachial pressure index, LPI is measured to find out if there is narrowing in the arteries of the lower limb.

Scintigraphy is one of the techniques of nuclear medicine; it is highly informative and absolutely safe.

It should be noted that directions are given by the doctor only for those tests and studies that are necessary in the specific case. Therefore, a detailed description by the patient of all symptoms can greatly speed up the diagnostic procedure and begin treatment.

For various pathologies Treatment may vary dramatically. For infectious diseases, antibiotics are prescribed; anti-inflammatory drugs cope well with pain and inflammation. non-steroidal drugs. Properly selected medications will help quickly relieve uncomfortable symptoms and cure the primary disease.

At muscle spasms muscle relaxants are prescribed, certain cases You can’t do without diuretics. In parallel with drug therapy Physiotherapy is carried out; electrophoresis, magnetic therapy, laser and UHF are especially effective in treating pain in the thigh muscles. In this way, it is possible to relieve pain and inflammation and improve blood circulation in the shortest possible time.

During the rehabilitation period, exercise therapy and massage are prescribed to strengthen the muscles and improve the functioning of the damaged organ.

If conservative methods do not help, and in advanced cases surgical intervention is performed. This could be replacing the joint with an artificial one or removing a blood clot - thrombectomy. Modern operations for removing blood clots from vascular system are performed using the endovascular method without excision of vessels. Endovascular thrombectomy quickly alleviates the condition of patients and restores normal blood flow.

If the patient sees a doctor on time, undergoes an examination and follows all the doctor’s recommendations, the prognosis is almost always favorable. However running forms and complex pathologies can cause serious complications, which can be dealt with with great difficulty. To prevent this, you need to monitor your health, listen to your body and not self-medicate.

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Questions and answers about: sharp pain in the leg above the knee

2011-10-24 05:41:28

Vika asks:

Good afternoon My mother (58 years old) has had circular trophic ulcers of both legs for about 7 years, she was treated for a long time on her own, her legs hurt, but she worked and behaved relatively well. active image life. In February of that year, a putrid smell appeared from the ulcers and I persuaded my mother to go to purulent surgery, after treatment there (streptococci and staphylococci were found), the condition only worsened, lymph constantly flowed from the ulcers, she could no longer walk long distances, sharp pain appeared , constant putrid odor. My mother categorically refuses to go to purulent surgery again, they called a vascular surgeon, he said that the department vascular surgery They won’t take her, since they don’t deal with trophic ulcers, although the ulcers formed against the background of postthrombotic syndrome. Drug treatment constantly: Detralex or Vasoket, Trental, Cardiomagnyl, antibiotics, metronidazole + IM solcoseryl, two days ago she turned red rear end legs above the knee, leg as if scalded. Please tell me what this could be and which hospital department is competent in the treatment of trophic ulcers; my mother does not have diabetes.
The bandages are applied with levomekol, before being treated with peroxide and chlorhexidine. Is it possible to use Solcoseryl ointment or gel on weeping, infected trophic ulcers?
Thank you.

2010-12-05 08:57:23

Alexey asks:

Description of the problem:
I am 37 years old, height 187cm, weight 80 kg (with the course of the disease my weight changed, minus 9 kg). The appetite is excellent. But due to the exacerbation of gastritis on a diet.
In 2004, I was examined and treated for dysbacteriosis. Post-treatment testing was not performed.
Next: in 2007 and November 2008 two severe stress. I felt somehow wrong, bad, but did nothing.
In November 2008 I caught a cold and in the evening I felt aches and pain in my lower back (T-37). In the morning the urine turned red. The doctors said that it was the flu and prescribed appropriate treatment, but after a couple of months they said that it was not the flu and they lost the card with the research and diagnosis! The tests showed salts, casts, red blood cells, and white blood cells. The blood contains high levels of soy, urea, and uric acid.
Since October 2009, my legs began to get tired. In December 2009, my ankles were swollen and my feet and heels were very painful (there was an x-ray). All physical methods only relieved the swelling of the ankles. Further pain in the heel (similar to that caused by needles or Kuznetsov’s applicator). Also, the pain was very concentrated just above the heel (5-6 cm from the floor). Now she is on her left leg.
There were a lot of treatment diagnoses: 1) rater; 2) Trichomonas and Staphylococcus aureus; 3) today - osteochondrosis (spondyloarthrosis); connective tissue diseases; synovitis and neurositis of the ankles; polyostearthrosis of the knee joints; calculous prostatitis (not a concern). Possible hematuric glomerulonephritis (cannot establish a diagnosis). Perhaps the reason for everything is some kind of bacteria or intestinal infection(have not yet reached this part, but there are suspicions, see blood for sterility). The urine tank/culture yielded nothing!
Symptoms for today: stiffness, crunching and pain in the left ankle joint, stiffness and sharp pain in the knees (painful to straighten and bend), pain in the left wrist and shoulder; all joints in the body crunch; gastritis worsened 12 duodenum; makes itself felt by the liver and kidneys. Osteochondrosis since the age of 13. Flat feet today, degree 2. Rash on the face and neck area behind the ears.
Last course of treatment (Reiter's or Bekhterev's): prednisolone; xefocam; methotrexate (once a week); canephron; quercetin (1 pack/2.3 rubles per day); flax seed; collection of herbs yarrow + knotweed + St. John's wort + calendula + echinacea + sea buckthorn leaves; furomag; folic acid(1 ruble per day 3 days a week); mydocalm; neurovitan.
I'm not taking anything today.

P.S. Before the treatment, only my legs hurt, but now everything is crumbling, and it’s only getting worse.
Tell me, which clinic is dealing with my problem and how can I make sure that the insurance company pays all the costs?
All studies are available in electronic form and can be forwarded.
Thank you!!!
Please respond to email: [email protected]
As of December 1, 2010. Blood:
COE-42; Hemoglobin-112; Leukocytes-6.7; Red blood cells - 4.39; Lymphocytes-29.5; Protein-60;
Urea-6.8;Uric acid-359;C-react/white-positive;Rheumat/factor-negative;
Creatinine-101; Total bilirubin-13; Antistreptolysin O-400.
An.mochi, everything is negative, but this is only this one, all the previous ones:
with red blood cells (both changed from 20-60, and unchanged from 3-30),
protein from 0.066 to 0.33;
cylinders (hyaline/single;hyline, granular, leukocyte/single; granular, epithelial, blood/single);
squamous epithelium(1-3),
mucus from insignificant to significant;
salts - urates/amorphous. Moderate quantity; oxal/large; fibrin/somewhere; phosphates;
no bacteria.

Answers Agababov Ernest Danielovich:

Hello Alexey, in Kyiv one of such centers is the Center for Modern Rheumatology, tel. 537-1912. Considering your current condition, it is necessary to undergo a course of “maintenance” treatment, which will significantly alleviate your condition. Insurance medicine pays for honey. services to people who entered into a contract while healthy and subsequently fell ill.

2009-05-26 16:05:09

Elena asks:

Good afternoon The shin of my right leg hurts a lot, inner part. Immediately below the bone of the foot there is a throbbing pain up into the calf of the leg, and in different directions. There is also a venous network there. It is present on all legs. Not only the right one, but also left leg numb, crawling sensation. The right leg hurts both when walking and when sitting. Recently there was something like inflammation under the skin on the opposite side of the calf, maybe the veins or arteries were inflamed, or maybe a muscle or nerve, you can’t touch it, the pain is like after a bruise. It hasn’t gone away for two weeks, even though I constantly apply ointments and foot balms based on gingko biloba and horse chestnut. When sitting, there is a feeling of pinching of either a vein (or artery) or a nerve above the knee at the back, while I constantly feel numbness along the entire leg from top to bottom. The leg suddenly begins to burn inside, then cools down. I don’t know what’s really wrong with the legs. The spine also hurts - osteochondrosis. There was a bruise in the lumbosacral region 3 years ago. I want to do an ultrasound of the blood vessels in my legs. On rheovasography they said that the blood flow in the legs was normal. There is an X-ray of the lumbosacral region, but the neurologist at my clinic did not want to help me. I don’t know where to go to a competent neurologist and vascular ultrasound in Kyiv. They also told me to do an MRI of the spine, but it was so expensive (600 UAH for each section). Tell me what I might have, where to go and what to apply? Thank you in advance for your response.

Answers Tarasyuk Yuri Anatolievich:

Hello, Elena! You need to see a neurologist! And quickly!!! And put vascular ultrasound last in your schedule.

2009-05-19 15:23:22

Elena asks:

Good afternoon
For the last year I have been having problems with my right leg. The lower leg hurts severely when walking (sharp, searing, throbbing pain in the calf). I'm limping. Standing on your toes (on your toes) hurts your calf. It’s difficult to sit because I feel numbness all over my leg, as if either a vein or a nerve is being pinched above the knee, I don’t know. There is also a burning sensation above the knee, although the whole leg is cold. In winter, my leg became very numb and was very cold and frozen. I did rheovasography of the lower extremities in the winter at the Institute of Cardiology named after. Strazhesko, they said that the blood flow seemed normal. It's easier for the leg when lying down, but it still aches and pulls and shoots. I have stage 1 hypertension and elevated cholesterol levels. I bought an exercise bike, but after 5 minutes of exercise I feel a strong pulsation in my right sore leg. Maybe I shouldn't practice on it? There is a venous network on the legs. There is osteochondrosis of the spine. What do I have and what should I do? Thanks in advance for your answer.

Answers Tarasyuk Yuri Anatolievich:

Hello, Elena! The symptoms you described are typical and may be caused by a disease of the nervous system or arteries of the right lower limb. Considering that arterial disease is less common in women and that some symptoms are still more characteristic of neuropathy, I recommend starting an examination with a neurologist. Take an x-ray of the lumbosacral spine in two projections (direct and lateral) and electroneuromyography (ENMG) of the right lower limb.

Concerning possible pathology vessels, then completely excluding it would also be wrong. Therefore, find time and contact the Institute of Surgery and Transplantology (Shalimov Institute) to Guch Alla Alekseevna. She is an excellent specialist in ultrasound diagnostics of vascular diseases.

2014-03-21 08:13:16

Elena, 41 years old, asks:

Hello! The last 2 months have been very stressful for me due to women's problems in the form of a 1.5 month delay. which was the end of all my nerves. With this matter, everything returned to normal, but during this period everything went wrong in my body. To begin with, at first my sacrum and legs began to hurt, then my legs seemed to go away and the sacrum too, I anointed it a little with ketoprofen (I thought these were signs of pregnancy, but this turned out not to be the case). I also had migraine-type headaches, after one of which I had a veil in front of my right eye for a week and a feeling of vacuum pressure inside my head , at the same time, the right leg began to go numb from the foot to the knee, then golf sensations appeared on both legs; there was no pain, just unpleasant, then these sensations passed, but others appeared; it began to pierce the legs as if with a knitting needle, first on one side, then on the other, then this has now gone away with the remainder of the pain in both legs of a pulling nature in the buttocks and thighs from the back to the knee, in calf muscles and in the lower leg there are also periodic, but not constant, pains as with a sprain, pain sometimes in the feet, heels and ankles, sometimes as if a cramp will happen. There is also pain in the muscles of the arms and joints of the fingers. At the same time, when the nagging pain in the hips and buttocks intensifies .something is also wrong with the head sometimes. It seems to swell and there is a second feeling of rage, although it goes away quickly, but the legs still hurt. And some symptoms are added, that is, at first there was the butt and thighs, then calves and shins were added , then the ankles, heels and feet, and all of them can hurt at the same time, but also separately, that is, something hurts and something doesn’t. Then more unpleasant sensations were added: some kind of looseness in the calves. As if they were pouring sand there through the sieve, goosebumps began to run from the feet to the knee at first. Now they have gone higher, yesterday a new one appeared as if someone was biting me, I immediately want to scratch it sharply, and on my arms and legs and on my back, which also all hurts in the upper parts. I examined myself all over, there is no rash, my legs and arms are normal, not blue, good color, I walk on my heels, on my toes, nothing hurts, it doesn’t hurt in my shins and calves either, I spin my feet and it doesn’t hurt either, I do squats, I spin the bike with my legs, although it’s all a little bit, but nevertheless there are no special pain sensations. Only sometimes, somewhere far inside in the area of ​​​​the lower edge of the lower back and sacrum, a nagging painful sensation appears, but not to say that much, but I’m easily I bend and unbend, but if I stay in a bent position for more than 2 minutes, then it’s as if a rolling pin was placed in the sacrum, and yet as soon as I start to walk, lie down, sit, it doesn’t matter, I’m especially bothered by nagging pain in the gluteal-femoral area and goosebumps. All this brings me down I’m crazy, I can’t be distracted by anything, at first there was a delay, headaches, now I only think about one thing or another, I went through all the diseases from the simplest to the most terrible and they all fit: diabetes mellitus (but I don’t I drink a lot of water, I don’t run to the toilet and I don’t eat a lot and I don’t crave sweets, but they say it can be asymptomatic), varicose veins, but my legs seem to be clean, coxarthrosis, multiple sclerosis, at least I can decide on something. At the moment I I take vitamins, inject nicotine and B1 and B6, drink picamilon. Yes, sometimes it seems that I’m dragging my legs with force, especially on the street, and weakness appears, and I start to shake. At the same time, the temperature is normal, the pressure is like that of an astronaut, especially. pressure and pulse, everything is normal, it’s just that my upper does not rise above 110, it is often low, pulse is no less than 30 and no higher than 50. Tell me what’s wrong me, to the doctor I’ll only get there next week, we have such a system, first you have to go to see a therapist, and then if the therapist decides that I need a consultation with a neurologist, then I’ll see him, this system really drives me crazy. Well, no, I don’t. strength to go there first. And then there. At the same time, sitting through huge queues especially to the neurologist. I have already diagnosed myself with the following - neurasthenia, senestopathies and fibromyalgia, well, it can’t all hurt so strangely at the same time, adding more and more new symptoms, or maybe ?At the same time, I can barely cope with wild irritation when I generally try to remain silent at home. Smart, educated people, advise something or give at least some definition of what is happening to me, a serious illness or time to go crazy, thank you.

Daily stress over a long period can cause pain in the leg from the hip to the knee, the causes of which are very different.


The occurrence of pain in the leg from the hip to the knee does not always indicate that the problems and the source of pain lie in the same area. The leg may ache or be tugging or sharp, but impulses of sensation may come from various points Due to the complexity of the structure of the lower extremities, it is therefore important to understand the possible source of pain. It could be:

  • leather;
  • subcutaneous fatty tissue;
  • tendons and ligaments;
  • muscle complex;
  • bones or joints of the hip, pelvis or knee;
  • arteries or veins, other large vessels;
  • nerves and nerve endings, including the sacral spine.

Neurologist M. M. Shperling (Novosibirsk) will tell you about all the causes of pain in the leg, including from the hip to the knee:

Obviously, there can be many sources of pain, what is the reason origin or hip can only be identified by a specialist. Necessary .

Substrates of occurrence:

  • traumatic injuries to the soft tissues of the thigh, which can be abrasions, bruises, sprains of ligaments, muscles or tendons, their tear, rupture;
  • bone injuries of various types - fractures or bruises;
  • development of inflammatory processes that are caused by infections (abscesses, lymphadenitis, etc.);
  • inflammatory lesions of the thigh bones - tuberculosis, osteomyelitis,;
  • tumor neoplasms - sarcomas, metastases, leukemia;
  • intra-articular fractures and various and, including all kinds of arthritis, and one joint may be affected - right or left, or both;
  • pathologies of large venous vessels and veins in the thigh - varicose veins, thrombophlebitis or phlebothrombosis;
  • arterial pathologies - atherosclerosis, reduction in aortic diameter and large arteries legs, Leriche syndrome, embolism, thrombosis;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system - intervertebral, injuries of the spine and its tumors, with lesions, neuritis;
  • other reasons - overwork, muscle weakness, old injuries or back injuries, consequences of surgery, weather sensitivity, pregnancy.

Associated symptoms

For a competent diagnosis of the reasons why the leg hurts, it is also necessary to pay attention not only to pain in the hip, but also to various accompanying symptoms, which will help narrow down the range of possible sources of pain.

But this or that set of manifestations may well relate to both one disease and several different ones, so you should stop self-medicating and immediately consult a doctor.

If your leg hurts from the hip to the knee, then this phenomenon may be accompanied by certain symptoms:

  1. High body temperature, which often accompanies various problems and is not a specific symptom. Temperature is not typical for pathologies affecting the nervous system.
  2. A state of being tired for a long period of time.
  3. External swelling, which is often localized at the back or front of the thigh, or in the pelvic area, can also appear on the left and right. Edema indicates or, hidden damage as a result of injury or disruption of the normal functioning of blood vessels.
  4. The formation of a small compaction or tumor, which may indicate very unpleasant malignant processes. If the tumor appears from behind, then the reason probably lies in development.
  5. Decreased skin sensitivity, numbness, and the appearance of “pins and needles”, the outer edge of the thigh is especially affected. Most often, the area of ​​numbness is located in the front and signals nerve damage.
  6. If the skin turns red in places where pain is felt, this indicates that there are problems with blood vessels and large veins, or that inflammation of the soft tissues of the thigh is developing.

Sometimes pain should not be considered a sign of the development of any pathology. In some cases, the body reacts with painful sensations after physical strain as a result of active movement during the day or the next day. Therefore, if your leg hurts, you should listen to the sensations - they can go away on their own within next day. In this case, there is most likely no reason to worry.

Also many people who suffer from overweight, as well as those who lead a sedentary lifestyle, often experience discomfort and pain in the legs, as well as problems in the functioning of the joints of the knee and pelvis.

Nature of pain

Pain in the hip or knee can be of a different nature, but this aspect has great importance during diagnosis. Acute pain in most cases indicates very serious problems in the functioning of the body as a whole. For example:

  1. About the presence of a suppurative process in the area of ​​the hip, pelvis, knee or adjacent areas between them. As accompanying symptoms swelling can be recorded, high level temperature. The pain may gradually increase.
  2. Also sharp pain in the thigh is typical upon receipt traumatic injuries, but does not always appear immediately at the time of injury, especially if it does not demonstrate external character damage.
  3. Acute pain between the pelvis and knee often becomes a symptom of the development of an intervertebral hernia, since the growth and unstable position of the latter can cause sudden pain.
  4. Also, another disease whose symptom is hip pain is thrombophlebitis. As the pathology develops, the pain usually intensifies with movement.

Sometimes the leg may ache, the pain is nagging in nature. Such manifestations of pain are more common than acute attacks. Worried painful sensations over a period of time, often accompanied by numbness, especially in the front, and may occur with some frequency.

Elena Malysheva also shared information about in her program. More details in this video:

There is more than one reason for such pain:

  1. Osteochondrosis, which provokes irritation of the nerve roots, so the pain can radiate to the hip or even the knee. In parallel, the leg experiences numbness and occasionally muscle weakness.
  2. Varicose pathology provokes periodic pain. As a rule, the leg begins to ache in the hip area, inner surface from groin to knee.
  3. Chronic degenerative, for example, as a result, or provokes problems with the joints and tissues around them. As a result, stretching occurs and inflammation occurs in the joint capsule. This leads to compression of tissues and blood vessels, and therefore gives off pain, the pulling nature of which often signals similar degenerative processes. Localization is usually posterior, but periodically spreads below and above. The left joint is affected less frequently, the right joint more often.
  4. Overfatigue or overstrain of muscles or periarticular tissues can also provoke a painful condition. However, the leg passes quickly.
  5. The cause of the appearance may lie in fascial tunnel syndrome. If the muscle that stretches the femoral fascia (a plate of connective tissue on the outside of the thigh) is constantly tense, this causes pressure on the nerves and interruptions in the blood supply.


If pain appears in the knee or hip, then this is evidence of some disturbances in the functioning of the body, and in the absence of serious diseases, the problem can be solved independently. This is especially true for those people who lead a sedentary and sedentary lifestyle, as well as those who have excess weight. Sometimes the load on the limbs is uneven, so a separate hip or knee joint - left or right - suffers.

To neutralize the risk of developing a number of diseases associated with such a lifestyle, a number of preventive measures should be taken.

First of all, you need to take care of changing your diet by adopting a healthy and healthy food. Fatty, overly seasoned, fried foods should become a thing of the past along with processed foods and fast food. Food should be easily digestible and balanced so that the body receives the necessary useful material, and microelements.

And also find a comfortable option for yourself physical activity. It is not necessary to visit the fitness room and exercise on exercise machines if you are passionate about dancing or swimming. Physical activity should be regular and even. You can refuse the elevator and walk more often.

Pay the necessary attention to your own routine, allocate the required number of hours for sleep (at least 7-8 per day). Make sure not to overload the body and give it enough time to relax and recover.

Take place regularly medical examinations and not to trigger existing diseases, which with this approach will not be able to provoke the emergence of new diseases and problems. If you follow such recommendations, then there is a high probability that many diseases will not arise, and nothing will need to be treated.

Treatment of pathologies

Obviously, treating the symptom of hip or knee pain in itself is not justified. Before starting treatment, you must undergo full diagnostics and examination, after which the doctor will make an appropriate diagnosis.

Depending on which disease has been diagnosed, the appropriate course of treatment for a particular disease will be prescribed. Obviously, the treatment process for intervertebral hernia or vascular pathologies will differ significantly from each other.

For example, for osteochondrosis, it is recommended to prescribe and accompanying treatment methods, most of which are used in the non-acute phase of the disease. In the acute phase of the pathology, rest is needed. In an approximate manner, it is necessary to treat intervertebral hernia, in combination with wearing a specialized corset and.

Therapy of a disease such as thrombophlebitis requires the presence of the patient in a hospital; in some situations it will be necessary surgery to excise detected blood clots to reduce health risks. Rest of the limbs is necessary, as well as the use of restorative therapy and medication. Self-medication for such pathologies can be fatal.

For joint pathologies, since they exist sufficient quantity, treatment will be differentiated, depending on accurate diagnosis. With carpal tunnel syndrome, symptomatic therapy occurs primarily, aimed at reducing pain and increasing motor activity. Until completion of treatment, it is recommended to avoid stress and ensure rest of the injured limb.

Methods for reducing pain

In the event that the occurrence of pain in the knee and hip is not associated with inflammation or other pathologies and appears as a result of fatigue or excessive physical activity (which must first be verified by visiting a doctor), then there are a number of methods that will help you get rid of the pain, and the reasons for its occurrence. Methods can be used if no additional treatment is required accompanying illnesses or if your doctor approves their use along with other therapeutic methods.

You can take a warm, but not hot, bath at home, to which you can add various medicinal herbs or mixtures that help relieve tension and promote muscle relaxation. Herbs that are recommended for use in such conditions are chamomile, oak bark, calendula, linden, nettle, mint and others. The collection needs to be poured with boiling water in a separate container, let it brew for a while (about 15-20 minutes). Then apply as directed. As an alternative to directly using plants, essential oils can be used.

Important: heating the affected areas of the body is under no circumstances recommended. It is better to apply the compress with ice cubes wrapped in a clean cloth or gauze, while making light movements, without fixing the compress in one place to avoid hypothermia.

You should also perform a light massage using creams or essential oils. Movements must be done carefully and lightly to avoid damage. If the skin gives out allergic reaction or irritation appears, you should stop the massage immediately.

And if there is no time or opportunity to carry out such actions, then it is recommended to do the following: lie on a horizontal surface and move your legs to the upper level so that they are above the level of your heart. Most easy way to carry out a similar physical exercise - lie on the bed face up and rest your feet on the wall. Each leg in this position will quickly restore normal blood flow and eliminate the feeling of heaviness in the legs.

It is also possible to use folk remedies. For example, prepare a mixture of 1 tsp. regular unperfumed cream with mint essential oils, tea tree and lavender, you can add extract of St. John's wort or pumpkin seeds. Gently rub the resulting mixture into problem area until completely absorbed.

How to give yourself an injection in the thigh, watch this video:

Recently, complaints have been increasingly received that a person’s leg muscles above the knees and buttocks hurt. Most likely this is the result of a disease of the musculoskeletal system. With the modern way of life, such pathologies have become increasingly common. And all because the current generation leads wrong image life. Insufficient physical activity, poor nutrition and other factors lead to a weakened immune system.

If the muscles of any leg from the hip to the knee are very sore, this indicates the presence of some kind of disorder. The first suspicion indicates the development pathological processes femoral or pelvic muscles. However, pain in the lower extremities can be a symptom of some diseases associated with the musculoskeletal system. Very often, the following factors become the cause of this type of manifestation:

  • mechanical damage to joints, bones or muscle tissue;
  • inflammatory processes of various types - myositis, tendinitis, fasciitis;
  • disease blood vessels associated with poor cross-country ability;
  • water-electrolyte imbalance;
  • osteoarthritis of the pelvic or knee joints;
  • structural pathologies of connecting tissues;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • childbirth in women;
  • the presence of chronic diseases of the skeleton or muscles.

The best prevention of soreness in the muscular structure of the legs and buttocks is the treatment of the most striking manifestations and accompanying diseases.


The symptoms of pain from the hip to the knee, as a result of various diseases, can be accompanied by many signs. To find out the exact cause of pain, a comprehensive diagnosis is necessary. To evaluate clinical condition patient, more information about the accompanying disorders needs to be collected.

Pain is just one of the symptoms developing pathology, but they can be a sign of other diseases, so doctors prefer to be guided by all the results, considering the most common pathological conditions that have similar symptoms.


The cause of pain from the knee to the hip may well be damage to the soft fibers. Most often, the cause of such injuries is sports training, accidents at home or at work. The manifestation of symptoms depends on which muscles are affected. In each part - the front, back, side of the thigh or the muscles of the buttocks, they manifest themselves differently.

With bruises, symptoms manifest themselves in the form of swelling, cyanosis skin or hematomas. Any movement of the knee joint provokes pain in the femoral or popliteal region, and can be very painful. When tendons are torn or sprained, strong pain, which limits motor functions damaged muscles, as a result of which it hurts a person to step on his foot.

In any case, if a person receives such an injury, he needs urgent hospitalization. The result, as well as the duration of the health course, will depend on this.

Inflammatory diseases

Inflammatory processes in the soft tissues of the lower extremities contribute to the formation of myositis or tendinitis. The reason for this may be mechanical damage open nature, complicated by an infectious disease.

With myositis, the pain syndrome is constant, which means that it can occur both during movement and at rest. In addition, the following symptoms may be observed.

  1. Consolidation of muscle fibers.
  2. Change in skin color.
  3. Feeling of pain as a result of palpation.
  4. Muscle flaccidity.

Similar symptoms can occur with tendinitis. In addition, a characteristic crunching sound may be observed when a person moves his legs. This indicates damage to the tendon. Inflammatory processes in fasciitis are caused by a physiological disorder of the skin, which appearance reminiscent of citrus peel. He may be hiding under the guise infectious disease, the source of which is an external source. Most often, the pathology affects the gluteal tissue.

Vascular pathology

If the muscles of the lower extremities behind the knee hurt, this may indicate a disease of the blood vessels. This manifestation is typical for pathological narrowings vascular walls that interfere with normal blood flow. In addition to pain syndromes, the following symptoms are likely to be present.

  1. Intense burning pain of a pulsating nature.
  2. Swelling of the lower extremities.
  3. The skin takes on a pinkish-blue tint.
  4. When palpated, painful lumps can be observed.

Chronic thrombophlebitis is caused by the destruction of blood clots. This can cause heart muscle disease, stroke or thromboembolism pulmonary artery. If a person is exposed to such conditions, he needs urgent hospitalization. Otherwise, the consequences may be death. This concerns many vascular diseases lower extremities.


Typically, osteoarthritis provokes pain in the joints, but it is not an exception that the pain can spread to the gluteal muscles or groin area, and if the kneecap is damaged, it can spread to the front of the thigh on the side. If complications occur, there may be inflammatory lesion periarticular muscles of a dystrophic nature.

The main symptoms of osteoarthritis are as follows:

  1. Painful sensations that occur during exercise, which in the future can be permanent.
  2. Characteristic sounds in the joints.
  3. Damage to cartilage tissue.
  4. Pain in the pelvic joints when walking.
  5. Pain when palpated.

Arthrosis of the joints hip area significantly reduces motor activity and can lead to disability.

Diagnostic measures

It is possible to determine the exact reason why the leg muscles above the knee in front hurt only after comprehensive research. There will be few usual initial diagnostic methods, so to establish a final diagnosis the following studies need to be carried out:

  1. Biochemical blood tests for electrolytes, coagulogram.
  2. X-ray.

Ultrasound examination and magnetic resonance imaging are used to identify disorders in muscle tissue. Diseases circulatory system detected using angiography or Dopplerography. X-ray will indicate the presence of bone or joint fractures.

For pain in the legs, specialists often use antibacterial agents or pathogenetic therapy, which is aimed at eliminating the main focus. Symptomatic treatment is important, as it helps reduce the manifestations of the disease - swelling, itching or numbness, so do not forget about this. For better effect doctors combine both methods, which are adjusted based on the individual characteristics of the patient.

For more effective results, doctors use the following treatment methods:

  • taking medications;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures;
  • recreational gymnastics and massage;
  • surgical manipulations.

The healing process is determined by the type of disease and depends on first aid to the victim.


Taking medications is part of the treatment of any disease. They are used in various dosage forms - tablets, topical applications such as ointment or gel, and intramuscular or intravenous injections. For pain in the muscle structure, the following medications are used:

  • painkillers;
  • antiseptics;
  • muscle relaxants;
  • antitumor;
  • vitamin complexes.

If there is an infection, the patient is prescribed antiseptic drugs. The use of anticoagulants promotes normal blood clotting in case of vascular disorders. If damaged cartilage tissue, ligaments or tendons, the patient is prescribed cytostatics, hormonal agents, and for osteoarthritis, the use of chondroprotectors is appropriate.


Physiotherapy methods contribute to the healing process and significantly accelerate it. They are characterized by a physiological effect on the bones, joints and muscles of the lower extremities. Usually these procedures are safe, but in some cases they have contraindications for use. The most common of them are:

  • electrophoresis;
  • magnetic resonance therapy;
  • exposure to ultrasound;
  • laser therapy;
  • mud treatment.

Exercise therapy and massage

Therapeutic gymnastics and massage treatments are part complex treatment for diseases musculoskeletal system, especially if it concerns injuries, osteochondrosis or osteoarthritis. There are many sets of exercises that can treat various pathologies. They are mainly based on squatting, as well as alternate extension and flexion of the lower extremities. They can be performed both when pathologies occur and for their prevention. Professional massage is very useful for muscle structure disorders.

At serious illnesses In the circulatory system, unnecessary movements or strong pressure can cause destruction of blood vessels - blood clot rupture or other mechanical damage.


The surgical treatment method is used for complicated injuries, severe cases of blood vessel pathology, osteochondrosis or osteoarthrosis. Whenever possible, doctors try to use methods that allow the operation to be performed with minimal damage to the outer tissues of the skin. Such activities are carried out using special equipment and computer technology. In other cases, when it is necessary to suture affected vessels or collect bone fragments, it is necessary to use open access.

If muscle pain in the lower extremities becomes permanent, this is a reason to consult a doctor. Timely assistance can prevent the occurrence of undesirable consequences.

Unconventional methods of treatment

Medicinal herbs and folk remedies They can always help in the fight against illnesses, but before using them, it is better to consult a doctor. Although they are based on herbal and natural ingredients, they can still cause harm in some cases. Therefore, it is better not to take risks, but to trust a specialist.

Homemade ingredients and recipes that will help relieve pain in the lower extremities.

  1. Propolis has always been an excellent remedy to relieve joint pain.
  2. Warm paraffin compresses will help relieve pain, but only in the absence of viral infections.
  3. The use of contrast baths based on chamomile or sage helps reduce pain.
  4. For thrombosis, it is recommended to consume tomatoes, onions, beets, cherries, and other products that thin the blood.
  5. To relieve inflammation, you can use decoctions of hogweed.
  6. A compress of cabbage leaves and honey also has the ability to relieve inflammation and soreness in the muscles of the lower extremities. For this purpose washed cabbage leaf they pierce it so that it begins to secrete juice, and then smear it with honey and apply it to the sore spot overnight.
  7. Lotions based on chamomile decoction are considered a good remedy for muscle pain. This plant has antiseptic properties, perfectly relieves pain, skin irritation and tones muscles.

In addition, to prevent pain from the knee to the hip, you must adhere to the following recommendations, creating favorable conditions:

  1. Until the pain finally subsides, you should try to avoid putting stress on the sore leg by using crutches or a cane.
  2. During the health and rehabilitation period It is better to wear light, comfortable shoes, preferably one that matches your size.
  3. For people who are obese, it is better to take measures to correct their weight. Overweight give a significant load on the musculoskeletal system. Pregnancy in women has the same effect.
  4. An important factor is lifestyle, which should include proper nutrition and physical activity.

In addition, you should not ignore your doctor’s requests or advice. Everything he says matters and can help prevent unwanted symptoms from occurring.

When pain occurs in the leg muscles, few people take it seriously. Well, it really hurts above the knee, big deal! Perhaps he pulled a muscle or turned his leg poorly. In fact, the inflammatory process in any muscle can have its own cause. Of course, if the pain is not constant and goes away after a short rest, there is probably nothing really to worry about. And it’s a completely different matter if pain in your leg above the knee appears with some regularity.

Why it hurts above the knee - possible causes.

In medicine, muscle pain is called myalgia. The legs contain several different groups of muscles. Therefore, it is very important to correctly determine the location of the pain. Most often, pain in the leg muscles occurs in an untrained person under heavy loads, for example, after a long run, physical exercise or long journey. and this is completely normal, the cause of such pain is the excessive accumulation of lactic acid in overworked muscles. If there is pain above the knee or in the lower leg, or in the thigh after intense physical activity, then such pain is called in medical language sore throat. This is an aching pain that intensifies somewhat with movement. If you have pain above the knee, remember, perhaps yesterday you squatted too intensely?

There is another, directly opposite reason for the appearance of pain in the leg muscles. This is a long stay in one position without moving. For example, during long-distance plane flights, riding on an intercity bus or in a seated train carriage. Reverse blood flow and microcirculation are disrupted in the legs, and endotoxins accumulate in the muscles. Begins oxygen starvation cells, and pain appears due to the activation of the corresponding receptors in the vein walls. It is aching or dull in nature, and there is a feeling of heaviness in the legs. it seems as if they are bursting from the inside. Such pain can appear in the most different groups muscles, including those located above the knee. As a rule, they pass quickly after a short rest. But you can also help your legs, for example, by placing them on a slight elevation. This will facilitate the return flow of blood.

But muscle pain can also occur for more serious reasons. For example, if your leg hurts above the knee, it may be caused inflammatory process of various origins. Probably everyone knows how muscles ache with the flu. However, the same pain can occur with various connective tissue lesions. Or be a reaction to an injury - a bruise, a sprain.

If it hurts above the knee - pathology of the joint or spine

Joint diseases also usually cause muscle pain. This is a kind of disguise. The sensation of muscle pain occurs with rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, gout, osteoarthritis. To establish an accurate diagnosis, you need to see a doctor and undergo an examination.

Some diseases of the spine can also cause nagging pain in the muscles of the legs, in particular the back of the thigh. For example, if the back of the leg hurts above the knee, this may be due to osteochondrosis of the lumbar region. Usually the pain occurs suddenly when bending sharply or when trying to lift a load. An attack of such pain has the character of a lumbago, lasts about 20 minutes, and then the pain goes away, although the aching soreness persists for some time.

At intervertebral hernia and constant compression of nerve endings in the muscles of the leg, chronic pain may be observed, aggravated by movement. Constantly taking painkillers does not achieve the desired effect.

Why does it hurt above the knee - other reasons

There are several other common reasons why you may feel pain in the muscles of your leg, including above the knee. This:

In any case, if you feel regular pain in the muscles of your legs above the knee, it makes some sense not to take painkillers, but to get examined and find out what they are the real reason. In most cases, after necessary treatment the pain will disappear. In addition, without treatment, the disease can move into its next phase or lead to the development of some unpleasant complications.