Pain in right side radiating to leg. Diseases of the circulatory system

One of the most common causes appeals to a neurologist - back pain radiating to the leg and radiating to the side.

Symptoms are due to a combination of factors, but usually appear after uneven loads on the spinal column. If back pain radiates to the leg, then this is - serious reason for diagnosing the state of health and finding out the causes of pathology. Why there is pain in the lumbosacral region, pulling the leg, breaking the lower back and shooting in the side, how to identify the causes and what to do - we will discuss in the article.

The main causes of pain

To determine the optimal course of treatment and rehabilitation, it is necessary to find out why the symptoms occur and their causes.

Orthopedic diseases

Pain in the lower back, radiating to the right or left leg, is a typical symptom of diseases of the lumbosacral zone of the spine. Occur against the background of tumor processes, bursitis and neuropathy sciatic nerve, but the main reasons lie on the surface. These include:

  • hernia of the vertebral discs of the lumbar;
  • osteoporosis;
  • osteomyelitis of the vertebrae;
  • lumbar spondylosis;
  • ankylosing spondylitis;
  • prolapse and protrusion of the vertebral discs with pain radiating to the side on the right or left;
  • congenital or acquired deformity of the spinal column.

Diseases of a neurological nature

The causes of neurological problems are diverse, and a comprehensive examination is required to establish them.

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  1. Bursitis and neuropathies indicate inflammation or pinching of the sciatic nerve. In this case, the pain spreads to the foot, and if you do not see a doctor in time, atrophy of the sciatic nerve may occur.
  2. Strong pulling pain, covering the area of ​​the buttocks and the lateral side of the thigh, indicates a lesion of the upper lumbar roots. With pelvic pathology hip joint problems are aggravated, causing sharp pains at the bottom of the gluteal zone and impaired motor activity.
  3. The causes of meralgia or Roth-Berngardt disease are caused by compression syndrome (squeezing) of the nerve endings located under the inguinal ligament. The clinical picture is characterized by a feeling of numbness and paresthesia, a strong tingling sensation of the "goosebumps" type and local pain.

Clinical manifestations of the disease

The clinical picture is manifested by a complex of symptoms, which include:

  • pulling, It's a dull pain at the bottom of the lumbar spine, passing through the buttock with irradiation to the right or left side through the thigh, can reach the knee;
  • vascular and neurodystrophic manifestations;
  • limitation of motor activity;
  • loss of sensation and muscle paresthesia;
  • in case of displacement intervertebral disc observed sharp pain when moving, the appearance of swelling;
  • pain radiating to the buttock indicates a displacement of the vertebrae of the lumbosacral region;
  • irregular heartbeat, hypertension or low blood pressure;
  • numbness of the lower extremities, buttocks and inner surface hips below the knee.

The sore leg is cold to the touch, has dystrophic changes in the skin. Pain worsens at night and becomes sharp character- pulls the left or right leg (depending on the side of the lesion), there are convulsions and involuntary twitching of the limbs. When the inflammatory process is running, any movement causes excruciating pain and reduces the quality of life for a long period.

Lower back pain radiating to the side

Pain syndrome in the lumbosacral zone of the spine, extending to the side or spreading in the lower abdomen, indicates somatic diseases and disorders of the internal organs. Pain that radiates to the side (left or right) requires the close attention of a specialist and immediate treatment. If the lower abdomen hurts, then the syndrome may indicate inflammation of the genitourinary system, pancreas, spleen or gastrointestinal tract. The pain syndrome on the right is associated with diseases of the intestines, liver, kidneys and respiratory organs.

Often back pain radiates to the side

Diagnostic measures

If the pain in the lower back radiates to the leg, knee or side, the lower abdomen is tense, then full examination. The most common diagnostic measures are:

  • x-ray of the hip joints;
  • CT or MRI of the lumbosacral zone of the spine;
  • blood and urine analysis;
  • Ultrasound of the vessels passing through the thigh;
  • if necessary, an examination by a gynecologist or urologist.

You may need to consult a gastroenterologist if the side (right or left) hurts, heaviness is felt. Similar symptoms indicate problems with the gastrointestinal tract, the presence of stones in the gallbladder and ducts. If a drawing pains in the back are combined with swelling of the extremities, dizziness and discoloration of the urine, then you will need to consult a nephrologist.

Important! In case of acute pain and disturbance motor functions qualified medical care must be provided. Self-treatment and turning to traditional healers leads to unpredictable consequences, up to paralysis of the lower body.

Back pain treatment

During the period of exacerbation, the treatment of pain radiating to the thigh, buttock and lower leg is aimed at stopping the pain syndrome. In the acute period, it is recommended to limit physical activity and observe bed rest, analgesics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, injections of neurotropic B vitamins are also prescribed. Medicines reduce pain, improve blood flow, relieve swelling and support the function of nerve endings.

Acupuncture treatment is a good way to get rid of discomfort

For stable remission and rehabilitation of the patient, a complex of restorative procedures is selected:

  • acupuncture massage;
  • darsonvalization;
  • spa treatment;
  • manual therapy;
  • acupuncture;
  • physiotherapy and general massage.

Treatment is carried out in a course consisting of 10-12 procedures. If necessary, the complex is repeated after 2-3 weeks.

Important! On the early stages pain syndrome, the main causes of the pathology are identified on the first day of the examination. Treatment of both the main problem and comorbidities for modern medicine is not difficult, so do not delay the visit to a specialist!


In the remission stage, it is recommended to perform a special set of exercises, including strengthening the muscles located on the thigh and its inside. Walking, swimming on the back, wearing a corset are shown. It is forbidden to lift weights of more than 3 kg, work in a bent position with support on the thigh, twisting exercises.

Do you often experience back or joint pain?

  • Do you have a sedentary lifestyle?
  • You cannot boast of a royal posture and try to hide your stoop under your clothes?
  • It seems to you that it will soon pass by itself, but the pain only intensifies ...
  • I have tried many ways but nothing helps...
  • And now you are ready to take advantage of any opportunity that will give you the long-awaited good health!

Pain in the back, lower back, radiating to the leg is one of the most common complaints of the population, especially over 35 years of age. This makes us think about the fact that a modern city dweller, already from childhood, youth, has been leading a lifestyle that is not harmonious with nature, producing uneven loads on the spine throughout the day - with a long sitting, standing position, the state of the back muscles is always in tension, and relaxation does not occur.

Moreover, after a long time in a sitting position, a person can perform sudden excessive physical activity in the gym, swimming pool, etc. There are a lot of causes of pain in the lower back that radiates to the leg, and in order to understand the etiology of its appearance, sometimes you have to turn to several specialists - a neurologist, orthopedist, osteopath, gynecologist, urologist, gastroenterologist.

Cause of pain radiating to the leg depending on the site of irradiation

  • Lower back pain, radiates to upper part legs, hips

This pain syndrome most often occurs against the background of protrusion or prolapse of the intervertebral hernia of the lumbar spine. Also, radicular lumbosacral pain also occurs with tumor processes in the sacral plexus, tumors spinal cord, bursitis of the tendons of the gluteal muscles, if, in addition, there is a violation of sweating, this can also be caused by vasculitis - neuropathy of the sciatic nerve (ischemic).

  • Dull pain in the back, lower back and back of the leg

It can be piriformis syndrome - neuropathy, pinching, inflammation of the sciatic nerve. In this case, most often the pain occurs at the exit of the sciatic nerve in the piriformis muscle and spreads along the back of the thigh, down to the foot. With rough compression, pinching of the sciatic nerve, atrophy of the gluteal region may develop.

  • Back pain radiating to the side of the leg

This localization - lampas-like pain may be due to an intervertebral hernia, when the upper lumbar roots are affected, manifesting as acute lumbago, weakness of the thigh muscle, with pathology of the femoral joint, it may be accompanied by pseudoradicular irradiation. If burning pains occur in the lateral region of the thigh, it may be a tunnel syndrome of the external cutaneous nerve of the thigh - Roth-Bernard paresthetic meralgia.

Meralgia is pain outer surface skin of the thigh due to the fact that the nerve is compressed by the inguinal ligament or fascia. For example, during pregnancy, in obese people who are overweight. In addition to pain during movement, paresthesias (crawling, tingling) or decreased sensitivity (numbness) occur. At rest, all symptoms usually disappear.

  • Pain radiates to the front of the leg, thigh

This syndrome is caused by damage to the femoral nerve, mainly occurring after surgery in the lower abdomen, or hernia repair. These injuries are additionally accompanied by a loss of the knee jerk, sensory disturbances, weakness of the thigh muscle. wherein movement disorders will be more pronounced than pain. Very severe back pain radiating to the limb can occur simultaneously with atrophy of the thigh muscles, which is observed during treatment with anticoagulants and the development of retroperitoneal hematoma (accumulation of blood in the retroperitoneal space), as well as in diabetes mellitus if asymmetric proximal neuropathy develops.

Pain on the anterior surface of the thigh in combination with a violation of the 4-headed thigh muscle (difficulty in extending the lower leg and flexing the thigh) is very pronounced - lesions of 3-4 lumbar roots.

  • Simultaneous pain in the knee and lower back

AT knee joint pain can be combined with low back pain in orthopedic disorders of the hip joint. And also with oncological diseases of the female genital organs, in men with prostate cancer. With fractures of the pelvic bones, numbness of the skin, crawling and pain in the region of the obturator nerve occur, sometimes radiating to the medial region of the knee joint.

  • Pain in the upper, middle back

These pains are caused by excessive muscle activity, overstrain, intercostal traumatic neuropathy, as well as Scheuermann's or Bechterew's disease, spondylitis, transverse myelitis, spondylosis of the thoracic region, tumors of the spine.

  • Pain in the lumbar region

Most of these pains are caused by diseases of an orthopedic nature - spondylosis, osteochondrosis, spondylolisthesis, damage to the discs of the lumbar region or their degeneration. As well as an arachnoid cyst in the sacral region, local muscle seals in the gluteal muscles, with inflammation of the sciatic nerve. Night pains in young men may be due to Bechterew's disease.

However, you should be aware that not in all cases when back pain radiates to the leg, the causes are disorders in the spinal column, there are many other pathological processes that cause this syndrome.

Orthopedic diseases

We will list the possible pathological, inflammatory, degenerative processes in the spine, which can contribute to the development of compression lesions of blood vessels, membranes, roots, spinal cord substance.

  • Osteoporosis
  • Lumbar spondylosis, spondylolisthesis, stenosis, ankylosing spondylitis
  • Prolapse, disc protrusion
  • Vertebral fracture, multiple myeloma, vertebral tumors
  • Recklinghausen's disease, Paget's disease, congenital deformities
  • Sacralization, lumbarization
  • Osteophytes, vertebral osteomyelitis
  • facet syndrome

Diseases not of an orthopedic nature

In addition, the following diseases are not associated with disorders of the musculoskeletal system:

  • Tunnel syndromes are neuropathies of various origins: sciatic nerve, lateral thigh nerve, tibial, obturator, femoral, common peroneal nerve
  • Postherpetic neuralgia, herpetic ganglionitis
  • Metabolic polyneuropathies and mononeuropathies
  • Neurinoma of the spinal root
  • Tumors of the spinal cord
  • spinal syphilis
  • Epidural hematoma or abscess
  • Chronic meningitis or meningeal carcinomatosis
  • Reflex sympathetic dystrophy - regional complex pain syndrome
  • Plexopathy, syringomyelia
  • Cauda equina claudication or intermittent claudication
  • Acute violation of spinal circulation

Other causes of pain

Other causes of back pain that radiates to the leg can be various diseases such as: gynecological inflammatory and oncological processes, multiple myeloma, tuberculosis of the osteoarticular, tuberculosis of the kidneys, female genital organs (tubsalpingitis), diseases of the kidneys, urinary tract, syphilis, sarcoidosis, occlusion of the femoral artery, brucellosis, polymyositis, duodenal ulcer, upsetting aortic aneurysm, pancreatitis, ectopic pregnancy(symptoms), post-injection complications, hormonal spondylopathy, coxarthrosis.

Diagnosis and treatment

Based on the foregoing, it becomes clear that there can be a lot of reasons for such pain in the back, radiating to the leg. If the patient is concerned about such pain, treatment should begin only after a thorough diagnosis. When contacting a doctor, a patient to establish a true diagnosis, a number of different diagnostic procedures and tests can be offered, as a result of which the specialist will establish the disease and prescribe the appropriate treatment:

  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs
  • Neuroorthopedic research
  • X-ray, MRI, CT scan of the sacral and lumbar spine, positron emission tomography
  • EMG - electromyography
  • General, biochemical analysis blood, general analysis urine
  • Sowing and examination of cerebrospinal fluid
  • Sometimes other examinations may be required: determination of glucose tolerance, x-ray of the limb, bone scan, biopsy of the muscle, nerve, lymph node, ultrasound of the blood flow, sigmoidoscopy, check blood pressure in the limbs.

It is clear that the treatment of one pathology may be completely contraindicated in any other violation. Only after establishing an accurate diagnosis, it is possible to carry out appropriate therapy. With very severe pain, the doctor, before the final diagnosis is clarified, may prescribe various painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs - ointments for back pain, injections for back pain.

(Average score: 3)

Pain is one of the most unpleasant signs that always indicates trouble in the body. Pain in the right side is much more often caused by diseases of the liver, biliary tract, head of the pancreas, right kidney and ureter, inflammation of the intestines, diseases of the female genital organs and other pathologies.

Pain is one of the most unpleasant signs that always indicates trouble in the body. Perhaps the most diverse in nature among all types of similar sensations are pains that appear in the abdomen and back, or, as patients often say, pains in the right side or left side. It goes without saying that this is not just so, since most of the organs are located in the abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space. digestive system, urinary organs, internal genital organs, many nerve nodes and blood vessels.

As a rule, the localization of pain sensations coincides with the location of the problem structure, respectively, pains in the right side of the bowl are associated with the pathology of the organs located in this area. But from time to time the pain deceives and appears far from the place of the accident, spreads and gives to the most unexpected points of the body. So the cause of pain in the right side of the abdomen, in its upper part, can be acute appendicitis, despite the fact that the process is located at a great distance from this place - on the right in the lower abdomen.

By nature, all pains, as well as pains in the right side, can be strong, sharp, unexpected, pulling, dull, long, can increase over time or subside. Cramping pains are more often associated with sharp contractions of the muscles of hollow organs, constant pains with stretching of the outer shell of parenchymal structures, and growing pains are more common for inflammatory processes. Acute dagger pain appears, in most cases, with a rupture of any formation, perforation (perforation) of an organ, unexpected intraperitoneal bleeding, or blockage of blood vessels. But whatever the nature of the painful sensations, besides being insignificant, comparable to the usual severity, wherever the pain appears, in the right side or in the teeth, it is invariably obliged to alarm a person and force him to take care of his health.

Pain in the right side is much more often caused by diseases of the liver, biliary tract, duodenum, head of the pancreas, right kidney and ureter, inflammation of the ascending part of the large intestine, caecum and appendix, diseases of the female genital organs and other pathologies. Let us consider in more detail how the pain in the right side differs with these diseases.

Much more often, pain in the right side of the lower abdomen is associated with diseases of the genital organs in women and appendicitis.

Ectopic pregnancy- a disease caused by the pathological development of the fetal egg outside the uterine cavity. In 99%, the embryo begins in the fallopian tube, leading to its stretching, thinning and rupture. During the period when fertilized egg has not yet destroyed its container, the lady is disturbed by pulling dull pains in the lower abdomen, and it is completely natural that if an ectopic pregnancy begins in the right fallopian tube, then pain appears in the right side. At this time, there is often a delay in menstruation, the appearance of spotting bloody discharge from the genital tract and other subjective indicators of pregnancy. Sharp dagger pain in the right side below, radiating to the rectum, is characteristic of a rupture fallopian tube. In this case, the situation becomes critical and can lead to the death of the lady as a result of bleeding. Acute belly, as doctors call this condition, constantly requires immediate emergency care and urgent surgery.

Inflammatory transformations of the right fallopian tube manifests itself as a constant pulling and dull ( chronic adnexitis) or acute and severe (acute right-sided adnexitis) pain in the right side, at the bottom of the anterior abdominal wall, closer to the groin. The pain spreads to the inner thigh, lower back and perineum. Often a lady notes the appearance of purulent or mucopurulent discharge from the genital tract and an increase in body temperature. During the formation of an abscess and its rupture, a feeling of a dagger strike appears and sharp deterioration the patient's condition due to the development of pelvioperitonitis.

Sharp unexpected pain in the right side, below, in the area where the uterine appendages are located, may be a symptom torsion of a cyst or tumor right ovary or fallopian tube. These situations also require urgent timely treatment. When apoplexy (rupture) of the ovary the appearance of pain more often converges with the middle of the woman's menstrual cycle, and in this case, the tactics depend on the nature of the course of the disease and the amount of blood loss.

Acute appendicitis at the beginning of its development is characterized by the origin of pain in the right side of fuzzy localization. Often the pain appears first in the right side in the upper abdomen, which then, as the disease progresses, descends into the right iliac region. The patient also notes an increase in body temperature, often vomiting and a sharp tension in the abdominal muscles.

Pain in the right hypochondrium can be caused by diseases of the liver, biliary system, duodenum or right corner of the large intestine.

The most common causes of pain in the right side under the ribs are biliary dyskinesia and acute calculous cholecystitis. The similar temperament of the pains in these diseases served as the basis for combining them called hepatic colic. A sharp sharp unexpected pain in the right side under the ribs appears more often at night and is the result of overstretching of the bile ducts with bile, which accumulates as a result of a violation of its outflow into the intestines. Pain radiates to right shoulder blade, shoulder and neck, spills over the entire upper abdomen, accompanied by repeated vomiting and patient anxiety. With the passage of the stone and the normalization of the outflow of bile, bright painful sensations suddenly stop, only heaviness in the hypochondrium remains. In the case of acute cholecystitis with the addition of inflammation, in addition to pain in the right side under the ribs, there is fever, chills, weakness and other indicators of intoxication.

Dull constant pain in the right hypochondrium is possibly the result of stretching of the liver capsule, with an increase in the organ due to inflammation, in other words hepatitis A. In most cases, the disease is accompanied by jaundice, in other words, the appearance of a yellow tint of the mucous membranes and skin, which indicates damage to the liver cells and the ingress of bile metabolic products into the blood.

Pain in the right side under the ribs from time to time is a manifestation shingles- inflammation of the spinal ganglia and intercostal nerves caused by herpes infection. In this case, unpleasant sensations are accompanied by characteristic rashes on the surface of the skin along the nerve fibers in the form of bubbles, general malaise and a slight increase in body temperature.

Pain in the right side of the abdomen and, at one point, the back is more often associated with these urological diseases such as urolithiasis, glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, kidney tumors, renal vascular thrombosis, kidney tuberculosis, nephroptosis (prolapse of the kidney), hydronephrosis, and others.

Acute unexpected cramping pain in the side of the back, which develops as a result of blockage of the ureter by a stone, inflammatory masses, products of tuberculous tissue decay or a blood clot, is called renal colic. Renal colic appears in urological patients after heavy drinking, physical overstrain, and from time to time, in addition, in a state of complete calm. Violation of the outflow of urine leads to an increase in fluid pressure in the urinary tract, swelling of the kidney, overstretching of its richly innervated capsule, and, as a result, to the occurrence of pain. Naturally, pains in the right side from behind develop with right-sided kidney damage and often spread and pass to the upper right side belly. The sensations are so sharp and unbearable that patients rush about and look for the most ergonomic body position to alleviate their condition. Over time, when a stone or clot moves along the ureter, the pain migrates to the lower back and abdomen and begins to radiate to the bladder and genitals. When a stone falls out, vivid sensations suddenly stop, changing dull pain in the right side of the back, along the right section of the urinary tract injured by the stone. Renal colic is often accompanied by vomiting, increased urge to urinate and an increase in body temperature.

Right-sided glomerulonephritis and pyelonephritis in acute course are characterized by an unexpected origin and an increase in acute constant pain from above in the right side of the back, and in chronic course - by the presence of dull constant pulling painful sensations. The examination reveals an increase in body temperature, the development of edema, transformation of urine and impaired urinary excretion. Sometimes the presence of impurities in the urine can be noticed by the patient himself. With pyelonephritis, it becomes cloudy due to the presence of pus, and with glomerulonephritis, it turns into the color of meat slops due to the admixture of red blood cells.

It is possible to talk for a long time about what can be brought to the right side of the abdomen, from which pains appear in the right side from behind. There are many diseases that can become the cause of these unpleasant sensations. But only a doctor, having carefully analyzed all the manifestations of the disease, the circumstances that had the opportunity to contribute to the origin of pain in the right side, the dynamics of the development of signs of the disease and the results of research, can put correct diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment.

The conclusion suggests itself: if you have pain in the right side of the abdomen or back, and by and large pain anywhere in your body, you need to contact an expert as soon as possible, and not try to cope with the problem yourself. Unfortunately, sometimes, in order to save health and life, a few minutes lost by the patient in empty thoughts and self-treatment are not enough for the doctor.

For example, when a patient has pain in the right side, and this pain is reflected in the leg, the list of possible disorders and diseases is narrowed, but even so there are many options.


When the right side aches and pulls the leg, and with quick and careless movements the pain aggravates, it is probably the inflammation of the appendix. This happens in people of any gender and age, and stagnation of contents in the intestines due to foreign bodies, kinks, retention of feces or an increase in lymphoid structures.

Usually, pain in the right side, radiating to the leg and groin with appendicitis, begins suddenly, and intensifies with coughing, laughter and movements. Additionally, nausea and vomiting, problems with stools (constipation / diarrhea), an insignificant increase in temperature may appear. It is important to immediately contact a specialist in the clinic, and if the right side hurts badly and the pain radiates to the leg, it is better to call an ambulance.

Inguinal hernia

On the initial stages development of an inguinal hernia, a pulling pain appears in a person’s right side, radiates to the groin and leg. A hernia is not formed immediately, but as a result of an increase in intra-abdominal pressure: constant straining with constipation, long cough, weight lifting, etc.

Pain in the right side, reflected in the leg, is one of the first signs, and there is also a slight swelling. The pain is aching and dull at first, but can persist and become constant, and sometimes manifests itself in periods. On palpation of the patient, doctors detect swelling, which may occur in a standing position, and may disappear when taking a supine position.

At the first stages, almost all hernias are reduced, so if you just started to hurt in your right side, and the pain radiates to your thigh, do not hesitate to visit a doctor. If you start treatment, the pain will worsen when walking, and a noticeable bulge will appear on the body. In such situations, it may not be possible to do without surgery.

Urolithiasis disease

The occurrence of pain in the right side at the level of the waist, radiating to the leg, may indicate stones in right kidney. Deposits of a crystalline structure form inside the organ. Stones pass into bladder on urinary tract which is very painful.

A patient with stones in the right kidney experiences pain in the hypochondrium, radiating to the leg. This changes the color of the urine, becoming pinkish or brownish. It also becomes cloudy and smells unpleasant, and additionally nausea and vomiting occur. If the disease has just begun, the pain will be insignificant, slightly radiating to the lower back, and plentiful drink and taking a painkiller will get rid of it. In more severe cases, it will not be possible to do without a doctor.

Causes of such pain in women

When women complain of pain in the right side around the waist in front or behind, which radiates to the leg, the cause is probably a cyst in the right ovary. A cyst is a sac of fluid that grows and causes discomfort. As a rule, cysts are harmless and sometimes go away on their own, and in some cases they grow and cause pain.

The pain in the woman's side in this case is aching and dull. It is localized below the waist and gives to the leg and lower back. Also, such pains can worsen before menstruation and at the end. Often, cysts disappear on their own, but it is better to consult a doctor if you are constantly haunted by pain in your right side, reflected in your leg.

The right side can get sick, giving in the leg, as a result of an ectopic pregnancy. The pain in this case is very sharp, and sometimes it is mistakenly confused with appendicitis due to its location. In this case, urgent medical advice is important to avoid serious consequences, such as rupture of the fallopian tubes with severe bleeding.

Other causes of pain

Among other reasons why it can hurt in the right side, and the pain radiates to the leg, there are other disorders and pathologies in the human body:

  1. Gastrointestinal disorders, including gastritis, colitis and duodenitis. They always cause pain, which can be localized on the right side of the waist, sometimes radiating to the leg.
  2. Various neoplasms on the internal organs of the right side of the abdominal cavity.
  3. Bladder injury.
  4. Musculoskeletal disorders such as arthrosis, osteochondrosis and vertebral hernia. Among additional symptoms emit dullness of sensitivity and a feeling of soreness in the legs.
  5. Pancreatitis, accompanied by pulling and girdle pains in the right side, often radiating to the leg.
  6. In rare cases, people with diabetes can get pain from the back around the waist, giving to the leg. The pain in this case is short and aching, and usually goes away on its own.
  7. Shingles is another cause of discomfort in the right side with pain radiating to the leg. People often confuse these signs with renal colic or appendicitis, but the doctor easily distinguishes between diseases.

In each case, the nature of pain in the waist area on the right, radiating to the leg, is peculiar. According to the results special surveys doctors determine the root cause that caused the pain syndrome.

The nature of the discomfort

Pain feels like:

By the nature of the attack:

  • sudden
  • temperature
  • physical weakness
  • drowsiness
  • vomiting
  • severe dizziness
  • sweating
  • pains.


  • appendicitis
  • gynecological problems:
  1. suppuration of the uterus
  2. torsion of the fallopian tube

    • provoked by sexual intercourse;
    • menstrual disorders.
    • nausea, vomiting;
    • increase in temperature;
    • disturbance of well-being.

    Treatment and contraindications

    Causes of pain in the right side extending to the leg

    Discomfort in the human body delivers a lot of unpleasant sensations, does not allow you to fully move and enjoy life. The causes of pain in the right side are varied and indicate pathological changes any of the organs, which in this part human body enough.

    Pain manifestations can be acute and chronic, sharp and stabbing, pulling and aching, pulsating and cramping. They can begin gradually or suddenly, accompanied by fever, vomiting and dizziness, increased sweating and weakness.

    The main causes of pain

    Gynecological problems

    Stressful situations, malnutrition and living in an ecologically unfavorable area are the most common causes of the development of diseases in women. Additional factors are weak immunity, ignoring hygiene rules, infectious diseases, promiscuity in sexual relations, developmental pathologies and hormonal disruptions, abortions and miscarriages.

    Adnexitis and inflammation of the fallopian tube with damage to the right side

    Can be caused by chlamydia, viruses, E. coli, staphylococci and gonococci on the background overall decline immunity, unprotected intercourse, difficult childbirth. Accompanied by severe pain in the lower abdomen, fever and gas formation, weakness, headaches and dizziness.

    Non-compliance with the course of taking antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs can lead to a chronic form of the disease, ectopic pregnancy and infertility, purulent complications and surgical intervention on complete removal fallopian tubes.

    Disorders of the ovaries lead to an imbalance of the entire endocrine system, knocking down hormonal background leading to the risk of bleeding, tumor formation and infertility. The inflammatory process is accompanied by painful sensations and elevated temperature, deterioration in well-being and copious secretions, medications as prescribed by a doctor after determining itching and burning, discomfort during urination. Treatment is carried out by the clinical picture of the disease.

    Neoplasms in the ovary at the first stages are asymptomatic and it is possible to determine them only during the examination on the gynecological chair. The luteal cyst is capable of regression without medical procedures, and the endometrioid cyst can spread to all surrounding organs. Accompanied by pain in the abdomen, weight loss and nausea, discomfort during intercourse.

    Suppuration of the uterine appendages

    Infectious lesions of the fallopian tubes and ligaments are caused by bacteria and pathogens. Similar to adnexitis, it is accompanied by severe pain in the pelvic region and during sexual intercourse, weakness of the whole body, fever, vaginal discharge, and impaired urination.

    Diagnosis is carried out by a gynecologist with additional examinations and ultrasound. At acute forms ah requires inpatient treatment, sometimes with surgery.

    Fallopian tube torsion

    It can be caused by their large length, cysts and tumors, disturbances in their peristalsis and congenital pathologies, sudden movements and injuries. Accompanied by acute pain in the lower abdomen, menstrual irregularities, frequent urination, nausea and vomiting, fever and tachycardia.

    Violation of the integrity of tissues leads to a spill of blood into the peritoneum and acute pain syndrome. Provoking factors are injuries, active sports and horseback riding, changes in the walls of blood vessels and endocrine abnormalities.

    Acute pain in the lower abdomen is accompanied by general weakness, pulse failures, chills, vomiting and spotting.

    Increased pressure in the genitals

    It is characterized by a large load on the cardiovascular system and on the human body. Non-elastic vessels prevent a full-fledged intimate life, distort the hormonal background, and can lead to genital varicose veins, impotence, strokes and heart attacks. The reasons are overweight body, sedentary lifestyle, inflammation, hereditary factors, heavy physical exertion, frequent constipation.

    Accompanied by bursting and a burning sensation or numbness, pain in the perineum, especially during sexual intercourse and physical exertion. Required correct diagnosis and effective therapeutic treatment under the supervision of a doctor, exercise therapy, taking vitamins and using venotonics.

    Postoperative pathology of the peritoneum

    Manifested by impaired functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, bleeding, peritonitis and pancreatitis, suture failure and perforation of hollow organs, abdominal pain, vomiting, dizziness, loss of consciousness. The severity depends on the type of operation performed and the general clinical state of health of the patient.

    The appointment of adequate treatment is carried out by a doctor after a full examination and identification of a complete picture of the disease. It is necessary to adhere to dietary recommendations, limit vigorous activity.

    Occurs after surgery, inflammatory diseases, complications during pregnancy and childbirth, endometriosis and diseases immune system. Accompanied by cramping pain and bloating, nausea and vomiting, dry mouth and lack of defecation.

    It is manifested by bulging of the internal organs from the inguinal canal, located on both sides of the inguinal region and representing a gap between the broad muscles of the abdomen. Disease factors are hereditary predisposition, age-related changes, gender, heavy physical work, frequent constipation, chronic cough and difficult childbirth.

    It is characterized by swelling, discomfort and pain in the groin area, urination and digestion disorders.


    Inflammation of the rudimentary appendage of the cecum can begin in people of both sexes at any age. The conditions for its development is the stagnation of intestinal contents due to kinks and feces, foreign bodies and the growth of lymphoid tissues. Food culture and a tendency to constipation mean a lot.

    The pain usually starts abruptly in the right iliac region, aggravated by movement, coughing or laughing. Accompanied by nausea and vomiting, stool retention or diarrhea, a slight increase in temperature. Urgent need to call ambulance to deliver the patient to the surgical department for an operation to remove the appendix.

    Problems of the stomach and duodenum

    Irregular and improper nutrition, stressful situations at work and at home, hormonal disruptions in the body, incontinence in use alcoholic beverages and smoking lead to malfunctions in the digestive tract. It is manifested by aching pains even with a slight feeling of hunger, nausea and vomiting, dizziness and diarrhea.

    Making an accurate diagnosis starts with laboratory research blood, urine and feces, ultrasound and gastroscopy, x-ray of the duodenum and stomach. It is necessary to adhere to a special strict diet and take all prescribed medications.

    Diseases of the pancreas

    It performs the most important endocrine functions in the human body and its violations can lead to irreversible consequences - the occurrence of tumors, acute or chronic pancreatitis, cysts and stones, type 1 diabetes.

    Accompanied by prolonged pulling or cutting pain in the right side of the abdomen, instability of the stool, nausea and vomiting, dehydration, pallor or yellowness of the skin, respiratory disorders, pressure drop and tachycardia.

    Conducted clinical studies of biochemistry of blood and urine, gastroscopy. It is necessary to provide the patient with complete rest, a starvation diet, analgesics and antispasmodics are prescribed.

    Diseases of the right kidney

    Due to genetic predisposition, the influence of pathogenic infections during fetal development, inflammatory diseases with hypothermia, the formation of stones and cysts. With untimely treatment, it becomes chronic, which makes it difficult to completely cure.

    It is manifested by stabbing pains that increase during movement, frequent urination, swelling of the face, a slight increase in temperature, increased heart rate and chills. Collecting necessary analyzes, Ultrasound and MRI procedures.

    Liver disease

    The liver is responsible for cleaning the blood of poisons and toxins, produces bile to break down fats, synthesizes cholesterol. Hepatitis and cirrhosis, neoplasms and lesions, pathologies and disorders, vascular diseases and traumatic injuries lead to irreversible consequences and deaths.

    Accompanied by aching pains in the right hypochondrium, a feeling of fullness and heaviness, appetite disorders and a taste of bitterness, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea or constipation, discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes, general weakness and itching, the appearance of a rash.

    Diseases of the biliary tract

    Manifested by violations of the functioning of the gallbladder and tracts, disrupting the production of hormones, the formation of stones, contributing to the development of pancreatitis and cholecystitis, peptic ulcer and duodenitis. symptomatic phenomena - acute colic on the right side of the abdomen, nausea, vomiting, increased sweating, diarrhea, dizziness and loss of consciousness.

    The clinical picture is determined by a gastroenterologist based on the studies and ultrasound. It is required to strictly follow the diet and all the prescriptions of the specialist.

    Right lower lobe pneumonia

    The oblique location of the right lower lobe bronchus contributes to the accumulation of viruses and bacteria in it much more often than in the left-sided one. Reduced immunity negatively affects the body and leads to an increase in the number of pathogenic bacteria.

    Accompanied by fever, cough and viscous sputum, pain on the right side when inhaling, sweating and severe chills. Delayed treatment can lead to extensive damage lung tissue and an abscess.

    Abdominal form of myocardial infarction

    Vasoconstriction, the presence of chronic heart disease, wrong mode nutrition, increased body weight, alcohol abuse and smoking can lead to abdominal infarction. It is manifested by intestinal disorders, acute burning pain in the right hypochondrium, nausea and vomiting, bloating, tachycardia and increased pressure.

    The preliminary diagnosis begins with the collection of tests, ECG and MSCT, echocardiography and coronography. Treatment is carried out in a hospital with constant monitoring of the patient's well-being.

    First aid, how to relieve pain?

    Knowing about your problems with the gastrointestinal tract or chronic gynecological diseases, you can use the painkillers that you used before. It is necessary to take a comfortable position of the body, drink more fluids and limit food.

    Watch videos with exercises that may be helpful

    When is it necessary to urgently see a doctor?

    Atypical painful manifestations with severe vomiting, diarrhea, fever require radical measures and immediate treatment to medical institutions.

    What to do if the side hurts and gives in the leg

    People may have different attitudes to their ailments. Some are accustomed to running to the doctor with the slightest ailment, while others, even the most severe pain cannot make them see a specialist. Meanwhile, pain is always a signal of alarming problems in your body. For example, ? Do you know what to do in this case and what are the causes of such pain? Of course, the final diagnosis can be obtained only after the examination. We can only try to outline an approximate list of problems.

    Why does the side hurt and gives in the leg

    Pain in the side is an extremely loose concept. No doctor can answer the question - why does the side hurt. Even for an approximate diagnosis, it is very important to know exactly the localization of pain: on the right or on the left, its location relative to such landmarks as the inguinal fold, navel, midline of the abdomen, how many centimeters, up or down, vertically or horizontally. I have a stomachache, side surface or waist. Finally, it is very important to know whether the pain in the side occurs on its own or is it associated with some kind of physical activity, as well as the nature of these pains - constant, periodic, stabbing, cutting, aching, burning, and so on.

    What to do if you have pain in your side? Of course, see a doctor, because pain in the side can be a very alarming signal.

    Why does my right side hurt?

    There can be many reasons why your right side hurts. In this case, the pain may have different localization and different character. Burning, stabbing or sharp pain in the right side is usually caused by an inflammatory process developing here, which is caused by:

    perforation of a stomach or duodenal ulcer;

    If the pain is caused by damage to the diaphragm, for example, with a hernia, then it increases with coughing or sneezing, or with deep breathing, and can also radiate to the shoulder area.

    When describing pain in the right side great importance has its exact localization.

    Pain in the right side from above is usually associated with the following diseases:

    • problems of the stomach and duodenum;
    • diseases of the pancreas;
    • diseases of the right kidney;
    • liver disease;
    • diseases of the biliary tract;
    • right-sided lower lobe pneumonia;
    • appendicitis;
    • abdominal form of myocardial infarction.

    If your right side hurts in the middle, then this may indicate the following problems:

    • volvulus or invagination of the intestines;
    • inflammation of the appendix;
    • disease of the right kidney.

    Finally, if you feel pain in lower section right side, then it can be:

    Why does the side hurt and gives in the leg

    The most common reason why the side hurts in front on the right and gives to the leg is an inguinal hernia. It is characterized by transient acute pain that usually appears after exercise. Often, you may notice a bulge at the site of the pain, which disappears after you take a supine position.

    Very often, throbbing pains in the lower abdomen that radiate to the leg occur with acute appendicitis.

    If your side hurts and gives to the leg, while the pain is localized at the back, then this may indicate the presence of the following diseases:

    • neuralgia - a symptom of tension on the nerve trunk - usually the pain intensifies if you raise the straightened leg;
    • stones in the urinary system;
    • intra-abdominal bleeding caused by perforation of a stomach or duodenal ulcer, intrauterine pregnancy, ovarian apoplexy, trauma, etc.

    Why does the side on the left hurt and gives in the leg

    Pain that radiates to the leg in the left side, as a rule, is caused by problems with the organs located here. First of all, this applies to the spleen. It can be:

    chronic lympho- or myeloid leukemia;

    acute enlargement of the spleen:

    Pain in the left side, radiating to the leg, can be caused by all kinds of diseases of the small or large intestine, as well as the genitourinary system.

    Why does the side hurts below and gives in the leg in women

    The fair sex has a lot specific diseases. The appearance of throbbing pains radiating to the leg in the right or left side from below can indicate such an unpleasant pathology as purulent processes developing in uterine appendages, for example, in the ovaries. Most often they occur as complications after untreated adnexitis - an inflammatory process in the appendages caused by any infection.

    Side hurts and gives in the leg - what to do

    As you have already understood from all of the above, it is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to this question. Therefore, if you feel regular or constant pain in the leg in the right or left side, regardless of their exact localization, you should not try to diagnose yourself - you need to see a doctor as soon as possible, especially if the pain does not go away, but intensifies or accompanied by fever. In many cases, it can really be a matter of life or death.

    Lower back pain radiating to the leg

    One of the most common reasons for visiting a neurologist is lower back pain radiating to the leg and radiating to the side.

    Symptoms are due to a combination of factors, but usually appear after uneven loads on the spinal column. If back pain radiates to the leg, then this is a serious reason for diagnosing the state of health and finding out the causes of the pathology. Why there is pain in the lumbosacral region, pulling the leg, breaking the lower back and shooting in the side, how to identify the causes and what to do - we will discuss in the article.

    The main causes of pain

    To determine the optimal course of treatment and rehabilitation, it is necessary to find out why the symptoms occur and their causes.

    Orthopedic diseases

    Pain in the lower back, radiating to the right or left leg, is a typical symptom of diseases of the lumbosacral zone of the spine. They occur against the background of tumor processes, bursitis and neuropathy of the sciatic nerve, but the main causes lie on the surface. These include:

    • hernia of the vertebral discs of the lumbar;
    • osteoporosis;
    • osteomyelitis of the vertebrae;
    • lumbar spondylosis;
    • ankylosing spondylitis;
    • prolapse and protrusion of the vertebral discs with pain radiating to the side on the right or left;
    • congenital or acquired deformity of the spinal column.

    Diseases of a neurological nature

    The causes of neurological problems are diverse, and a comprehensive examination is required to establish them.

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    1. Bursitis and neuropathies indicate inflammation or pinching of the sciatic nerve. In this case, the pain spreads to the foot, and if you do not see a doctor in time, atrophy of the sciatic nerve may occur.

    Clinical manifestations of the disease

    The clinical picture is manifested by a complex of symptoms, which include:

    • pulling, aching pain at the bottom of the lumbar spine, passing through the buttock with irradiation to the right or left side through the thigh, can reach the knee;
    • vascular and neurodystrophic manifestations;
    • limitation of motor activity;
    • loss of sensation and muscle paresthesia;
    • in case of displacement of the intervertebral disc, there is a sharp pain during movement, the appearance of swelling;
    • pain radiating to the buttock indicates a displacement of the vertebrae of the lumbosacral region;
    • irregular heartbeat, hypertension or low blood pressure;
    • numbness of the lower extremities, buttocks and inner thigh below the knee.

    The sore leg is cold to the touch, has dystrophic changes in the skin. Pain phenomena intensify at night and become acute - pulling the left or right leg (depending on the side of the lesion), convulsions and involuntary twitching of the limbs occur. When the inflammatory process is running, any movement causes excruciating pain and reduces the quality of life for a long period.

    Lower back pain radiating to the side

    Pain syndrome in the lumbosacral zone of the spine, extending to the side or spreading in the lower abdomen, indicates somatic diseases and disorders of the internal organs. Pain that radiates to the side (left or right) requires the close attention of a specialist and immediate treatment. If the lower abdomen hurts, then the syndrome may indicate inflammation of the genitourinary system, pancreas, spleen or gastrointestinal tract. The pain syndrome on the right is associated with diseases of the intestines, liver, kidneys and respiratory organs.

    Diagnostic measures

    If the lower back pain radiates to the leg, knee or side, the lower abdomen is tense, then a complete examination is prescribed. The most common diagnostic measures are:

    • x-ray of the hip joints;
    • CT or MRI of the lumbosacral zone of the spine;
    • blood and urine analysis;
    • Ultrasound of the vessels passing through the thigh;
    • if necessary, an examination by a gynecologist or urologist.

    You may need to consult a gastroenterologist if the side (right or left) hurts, heaviness is felt. Similar symptoms indicate problems with the gastrointestinal tract, the presence of stones in the gallbladder and ducts. If pulling pains in the back are combined with swelling of the extremities, dizziness and a change in the color of the urine, then a consultation with a nephrologist will be required.

    Back pain treatment

    During the period of exacerbation, the treatment of pain radiating to the thigh, buttock and lower leg is aimed at stopping the pain syndrome. In the acute period, it is recommended to limit physical activity and observe bed rest, analgesics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, injections of neurotropic B vitamins are also prescribed. Medicines reduce pain, improve blood flow, relieve swelling and support the function of nerve endings.

    For stable remission and rehabilitation of the patient, a complex of restorative procedures is selected:

    • acupuncture massage;
    • darsonvalization;
    • spa treatment;
    • manual therapy;
    • acupuncture;
    • physiotherapy and general massage.

    Treatment is carried out in a course consisting of 10-12 procedures. If necessary, the complex is repeated after 2-3 weeks.


    In the remission stage, it is recommended to perform a special set of exercises, including strengthening the muscles located on the thigh and its inner side. Walking, swimming on the back, wearing a corset are shown. It is forbidden to lift weights of more than 3 kg, work in a bent position with support on the thigh, twisting exercises.

    Do you often experience back or joint pain?

    • Do you have a sedentary lifestyle?
    • You cannot boast of a royal posture and try to hide your stoop under your clothes?
    • It seems to you that it will soon pass by itself, but the pain only intensifies.
    • Many methods have been tried, but nothing helps.
    • And now you are ready to take advantage of any opportunity that will give you the long-awaited good health!

    It hurts the left side gives in the leg

    Today, it is not uncommon for a person to have pain in his left side and give it to his leg. painful syndrome. And the reasons for this rather unpleasant symptom can be a variety of factors, from mild and minor ailments to serious and even severe pathologies.

    The mechanism of such pain is the result of irradiation (spread) of nerve impulses that occur in a pathological focus, the localization of which is the zone of innervation of nerve fibers that extend far beyond the peritoneum.

    Soreness in the left side with recoil (radiation) to the leg or lower back is characteristic of chronic or acute forms of diseases (pathological processes) occurring in the internal organs located in the peritoneal cavity or pelvic organs.

    In addition, it can be a symptom of diseases of the articular nature or directly related to the bones of the pelvic region.

    Gynecological diseases

    Basically, the female part of the patients goes to the doctor with complaints that the left side often hurts below, this pain radiates to the leg. And this is usually a clear symptom accompanying one of the gynecological diseases.

    This pain syndrome is caused by diseases female organs the fact that the nerve irritation that passes at the bottom of the peritoneum inside appears precisely because of the pathological processes in the genital organs - the ovaries, fallopian tubes, the uterus itself.

    But, not only this symptom indicates the beginning of the course of the disease. The complete clinical picture usually consists of:

    • Pain during intimacy.
    • Defecation and urination increase the pain syndrome.
    • Vaginal discharge has an unpleasant odor, bloody or purulent impurities.
    • Body temperature subfebrile.

    When soreness manifests itself on the left and below, and it doesn’t just radiate to the leg, but is also accompanied by muscle spasms, weakness, low pressure, increased heart rate and dizziness - the diagnosis in most cases is quite unpleasant and dangerous - an ectopic pregnancy. In addition, with such a clinic, one can suspect internal bleeding or accumulation of a large volume of blood in the space behind the uterus, an ovarian cyst, or ovarian apoplexy.

    You can not establish a diagnosis and attempt treatment in this case on your own. All these signs should be a signal for a quick response - calling an ambulance and hospitalizing a woman. While the team of doctors arrives, to reduce the intensity of pain, cold can be applied to the stomach.

    If you do not apply for medical care, the consequences can be very, very sad.


    Cases of the location of the appendix on the left side are extremely rare, but still occur. And therefore, with its acute inflammation, a person will have pain in the left side, give it to the lower back and leg.

    Your doctor may suspect appendicitis if you have the following symptoms:

    • The pain in the abdomen is throbbing.
    • The pain spreads throughout the abdominal cavity, gives to the leg, lower back.
    • Body temperature rises.
    • The chair becomes liquid.
    • There is nausea that does not go away even after a single vomiting.
    • The abdomen is in tension - board-shaped.
    • When lifting the leg up, the painful syndrome intensifies.

    In this case, it is also necessary to immediately call an ambulance doctor, but it is impossible to take any painkilling actions before the doctor arrives (in exceptional cases you can take an antispasmodic - No-shpa, but be sure to tell the doctor about it).

    Osteo-articular pathologies

    When the left side of the lower back hurts and radiates to the leg, diseases of the osteoarticular etymology can be suspected.

    Vertebral problems such as osteochondrosis, sacroiliitis (inflammatory process in the sacroiliac joint), intervertebral hernia, and so on - all of them can cause pain of this nature.

    This pain syndrome differs in that its intensification occurs during physical exertion, sharp turns or inclinations of the body, or with a long stay of the body in an uncomfortable position. That is, in this symptomatology there is a direct dependence on the position of the patient's body. Actually, it is this fact (direct relationship) that helps the doctor to establish the correct and accurate diagnosis.

    kidney disease

    Another reason when the left side can hurt and give to the leg and lumbar is renal pathologies. For example, when urolithiasis when sand or a stone moves along the ureter on the left side, the patient will experience intense pain on the left, closer to the bottom. These pains will spread to the abdomen, and to the leg, and to the perineum. But the final diagnosis can only be established in a hospital setting and exclusively by a nephrologist.

    Diseases of the spleen

    There are several serious splenic diseases in medicine, in the clinical picture of which there is pain in the left side, radiating to the lumbar region and left leg.

    The most severe of these diseases are myeloid leukemia or lymphocytic leukemia in a chronic course. These diseases belong to the section of oncology, and cover not only the spleen, but also the liver, and regional lymph nodes.

    In the first phase of the course of these diseases, pain is not manifested. But in the second progressive phase of the course, with the growth of the tumor, there is increasing pain on the left side. Moreover, this pain can also be given to the lumbar region, and to the lower abdomen, and to the femoral part of the leg.

    Splenic infarction is another disease of which this type of pain is a symptom. This heart attack occurs due to blockage of arterioles and the development in this regard of a necrotic focus located around the thrombus. Sharp pain in the left hypochondrium is one of the main signs of splenic infarction.

    Volvulus of the spleen - occurs due to individual characteristics structure of the human internal organs. Sharp pain in left side, radiating to groin and the thigh of the left leg is one of the signs of this pathology.

    Splenic enlargement in the acute stage of the course (inflammation and impaired blood outflow through portal vein) is also characterized and accompanied by pain in the left side.

    Splenic abscess, cyst on the organ and other pathologies - almost all of them are accompanied by pain syndrome on the right side and extended to the abdomen, lower back and leg.

    Bowel disease

    The left side may hurt due to diseases small intestine- malabsorption of any kind (congenital or acquired) (usually, the inability to absorb milk in the intestines, less often fruit malabsorption), celiac disease (a disease of newborns that begins during the transfer of a child from breast milk to artificial complementary foods - gluten intolerance).

    Also pathologies of the large intestine: irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn's disease, Hirschsprung's disease, ulcerative colitis, diverticulosis, polyposis, atony, and so on - are also manifested through left-sided pain in the side.


    The following conclusions can be drawn from the above:

    • For pain in the left side, radiating to the leg, lower abdomen or lower back, painkillers should not be taken, so as not to cause irreversible complications.
    • Be sure to call an ambulance.
    • Go thorough medical laboratory examination to establish an accurate diagnosis.
    • Follow all instructions of the attending physician.

    This is the only way to avoid the most negative consequences and get complete relief from excruciating pain.

    The left side hurts and gives to the leg

    girls help!

    Term 13 weeks. It hurts the left side from the navel and down, extending to the left side of the groin, periodically shoots through the rectum, gives to the left side of the lower back, and to the left leg. What it is? The pain is not so strong, but as it drips on the brain, it’s just like being poked in the same place with a knife. Before that, it was the same, after that there was an ultrasound. All is well on the ultrasound. The only cyst corpus luteum. But I can not calm down, they are very worried about what it is.

    Sleep problems

    Hello! As a small prehistory, I’ll tell you that before pregnancy I had only 2 problems, this is acute hearing and light sleep. I wake up from the slightest rustle coming from the neighbors, this is PPC, even earplugs do not always help. After I got pregnant, the third problem was connected, my legs began to go numb at night! I just sleep on my right side and then I don’t feel my right leg. If I roll over, everything goes away, and without colic and other discomfort, the sensitivity just returns. But these were flowers, over time, the problem of numbness.

    Who had it? What can be?!

    Good night everybody. I have 33 weeks. Pain in the coccyx, on the right side. Especially when I'm lying on my left side. I get up with difficulty, the pain gives in the leg. as if embracing her knee-deep. And at the same time, it colitises under the frog somewhere, where the bone is. In general, it is difficult to roll over, change the position of the right leg. You just turn around and Bach, as if something had shot into your bones, painfully painfully. I can't lift my leg at all. Thank God I don't have a baby yet. Feet won't just go up. The first pregnancy was an emergency.

    Girls, I'm almost crying in pain. The gut doesn't give up

    Just a whining post. As usual, it should get easier. But it hurts a lot in the stomach, just in the morning. But at night I slept normally, but again on my left side. Now it gives a drop to the leg, and on the right it starts to hurt a little. On the left, there is a sharp pain when I go to sleep, I walk, sitting with my feet sorted out, and in general, if the press is minimally pressed, the intestines go. Terrible (I’ll come back from the tests, insert a candle. I’m writing and there are tears in my eyes, I’m already afraid to move!

    Pain during ovulation

    Good afternoon! Dear girls, your help is really needed, as the doctor confidently says nothing.

    How to recognize an ectopic?

    Girls in that cycle, I had a delay of 16 dpo (with the usual 12-14) hCG was 4.33, after I went M, I decided not to retake hCG. Now I think that probably in vain. It hurts in the left side, pulling cramping pain, which spreads to the left side and radiates down closer to the leg. It hurts not very much, but all the time it will grab and let go. What is it? this may be a symptom of an ectopic or which organ can hurt on the left, not under the ribs, but below. And the question will the test show if I have an ectopic?

    Right thigh hurts

    No, not like that: my right thigh hurts 😢 For the second day, I feel it especially strongly after sleep. I sleep on my left side, with a pillow between my legs, everything is according to the rules :) but the pain is terrible.

    6 weeks)

    Girls and you here, too, decided to write. can you tell me. And the first question. girls, for 3 days now, I’ve been pulling either my stomach or my intestines hurt, I don’t understand. and it began to give a strong pain in the left leg right sometimes up to the knee, sometimes it also gives to the right. and it hurts from below on the side (but it's not me). I drink noshpu and put papaverine, sometimes it goes away, the work is sedentary and when I sit it hurts just like the floor lying down goes away. what could it be?

    Our 6th week

    And the first question. girls, for 3 days now, I’ve been pulling either my stomach or my intestines hurt, I don’t understand. and it began to give a strong pain in the left leg right sometimes up to the knee, sometimes it also gives to the right. and it hurts from below on the side (but it's not me). I drink noshpu and put papaverine, sometimes it goes away, the work is sedentary and when I sit it hurts just like the floor lying down goes away. what could it be? And so, I fly into cherry and Victoria)))))) because of them, most likely, gases. I'm sorry) How are you?

    5 weeks obstetric pulls the left side.(

    I haven’t gone to ultrasound yet, I’ll go in 2 weeks. But I know in terms that the 4th week has already gone after conception. In general, I started to constantly pull my left leg, constantly, and monotonously. Then I stopped, I started to pull my left side. again or something WB. (((Here's the main thing: Yesterday I thought that the kidney hurts, but they say that the kidney doesn’t hurt so much, it buzzes in the back in the left part in the middle and beeps like that, colitis. Then I calmed down. I lay down, decided to press on my left side, not where the appendages are, but just above the pelvic bone (protruding) and gives it to the back exactly where I thought it was a kidney. Sam.

    24 weeks

    25 began. So strange, time flies, and at the same time crawls like a turtle. I can’t wait to take the baby in my arms 🙂 In the evenings I can’t fall asleep because of the activity in my belly. I can no longer lie in the way that is convenient for ME, I have to turn from side to side 🙂 He shoves and beats me with all his strength 🙂 sometimes it already hurts. Verka was more tactful, or something. Here I compare, for the first time I felt movements with her like just a fish, and only about three weeks after the start I felt it with my hand.

    The pelvic bones hurt and radiate to the lower back.

    Girls, help out! It's 21 weeks, the day before yesterday I barely arrived in the morning to donate blood. She walked in small steps, her stomach did not hurt, she only felt below when walking, as if the pubic bone hurts and slightly gave off to the inguinal region. Came home, immediately lay down and vro.

    Girls, help, what's going on?!😞

    Good afternoon girls. I have been with you for several months now. I read, I worry about each of you. but decided to register just now. About myself, I am 29 years old, I have a daughter of 7 years. There were no problems with conception, it turned out the first time. They always wanted one child, but lately, they began to think about a second child. We started planning, we thought that it was all easy🙂 we thought naively. 3 months and no result .. This month, the result was especially expected. there was never a delay in my life .. everything is like clockwork. and this month delay and two strips. we are glad. but for 5 days in a row the left side hurts, gives to the leg. I went to the gynecologist and they did.

    cyst (((

    Girls, hello. The first time I encountered a cyst, instead of ovulation. The follicle did not burst, it turned into a cyst (((the doctor scared that it could burst at any moment (((pain sometimes from the day of ovulation in the left side, gives to the leg and lower back (((prescribed while the suppositories diklovit. After 2 days at the reception. Tell me, who had it like that and how they were treated? Very scary ((

    I'm a little scared. Maybe go to the uzi.

    Girls are very afraid of v / m t.t.t. please tell me what are the symptoms? So far, I have only one hCG 13 dpo - 216.89 Now I will go and rent it again. Today is 15 dpo. I have such pains. The pain in the lower abdomen is not very tolerable and burns a little on the right. Gives a little to the leg. Doesn't seem to radiate to the shoulder. When I sleep on the right side it is not very pleasant, on the left it is easier. Much easier when walking. Hyper I was vryatli. Only 2 cells were taken. No. others were empty. More.

    Why does pain in the right side radiate to the leg

    Discomfort in the right side is more common in women than in men. Children are no exception. The pain does not allow full movement, is characterized by unpleasant sensations, which indicates pathology. This part of the body is associated with organs in which disorders are manifested. Why it hurts, how to deal with it, read on.

    The nature of the discomfort

    Depending on the manifestations of pain, the problem that caused it is distinguished. By duration, sensitivity in the side is:

    • acute (sudden and unexpected, lasts for a relatively short time)
    • chronic (permanent, long-term)

    Pain feels like:

    By the nature of the attack:

    • sudden
    • gradual, ever-increasing

    Discomfort often radiates to other parts of the body:

    Symptoms are often accompanied by:

    • temperature
    • physical weakness
    • drowsiness
    • vomiting
    • severe dizziness
    • sweating
    • pains.

    It may seem to a person that it hurts in one part of the body. But the pain is associated with other organs.

    In such cases, contact a professional immediately. The doctor will answer what causes discomfort in the right section. After examination, tests, doctor's appointments, it is possible to get rid of the pain. Treatment directly depends on the cause.

    If the pain in the right side radiates to the leg, the circle of possible pathologies narrows. But a trip to the doctor is not ruled out.


    When the right side is subjected to unpleasant sensitivity, think about the presence of pathologies:

    • appendicitis
    • gynecological problems:
    1. adnexitis, inflammation of the fallopian tube (affects the right side)
    2. ovarian disease (cyst, ovarian rupture)
    3. suppuration of the uterus
    4. torsion of the fallopian tube
    • increased pressure of hollow organs
    • postoperative pathology of the peritoneum
    • adhesive process
    • inguinal hernia
    • ovarian apoplexy

    Diseases, what to do with them

    Bock is worried for reasons leading to serious consequences requiring a visit to a doctor.

    Appendicitis. A common disease called acute abdomen". The pain is unbearable. You should not ignore it, consult a doctor immediately. Symptoms do not begin with sharp sensations, then the sensations intensify. This is due to inflammation, stretching of the appendix.

    At first, it is not possible to determine the localization of pain. Then the sensitivity will become clearer. Subsequently discomfort move lower, give in the groin, rectum. The pathology is accompanied by tension in the abdominal cavity, temperature (up to 39 degrees), vomiting, sweating are not excluded. Often the sensation is transferred to the leg. Required specialized treatment (surgical intervention). Pain cannot be ignored, call a doctor immediately.

    An increase in the pressure of hollow organs - an increase in intracavitary pressure. Accompanied by throbbing pain.

    Postoperative pathology of the abdominal cavity. Accompanied by throbbing pains, passing into the right lower limb. The resulting pus or blood enters the clusters of nerve endings in the leg. Sensations can affect the leg, other areas. Depends on the direction of the spill of the accumulated liquid.

    Suppuration of the uterine appendages. Pulsating sensations in the lower abdomen, with a return to the leg, often indicate a destructive process. The syndrome is often accompanied by fever, nausea, dizziness, and weakness. Isolation of cold sweat, increased heart rate, low blood pressure, stool disorders, flatulence. If some of the symptoms are present, discomfort radiates to the lower limb - consult a doctor who will prescribe the appropriate treatment.

    Inguinal hernia. Accompanied by sharp sensations in the side. Appear after lifting weights, physical exertion. Subsequently, it gives in the lower limb. A characteristic sign of a violation is a protrusion in the side, which disappears in the supine position.

    Apoplexy of the ovary. A disease provoked by a sudden hemorrhage in the ovary. Leads to rupture of the ovary, pouring blood into abdominal cavity. Women under 40 suffer from apoplexy. Violations in the right ovary are more often observed, there is an unpleasant sensitivity, bleeding. If bleeding prevails - an anemic form of the disease, pain - pain.

    If the symptoms appear equally, it is a mixed form of the disease. The disease is prone to sudden manifestation with sharp, strong sensations. Often gives to the lower back, rectum, thigh. Nausea, vomiting, fainting are not excluded. Abundant bleeding is accompanied by a decrease in pressure, collapse. The ovary is spherical. treated under the guidance of a physician.

    Ovarian cyst. A cavity filled with fluid that can increase the size of the gland. Often the ovary does not hurt. Discomfort manifests itself as follows:

    • affects the right or left side;
    • pulling and aching nature of discomfort;
    • provoked by sexual intercourse;
    • the analogy is the feeling of heaviness;
    • menstrual disorders.

    An increase in the abdomen with an increase in the cyst is not excluded.

    If the cyst is painless, with torsion of the leg, expect:

    • sharp pain in the abdomen and rectum;
    • nausea, vomiting;
    • increase in temperature;
    • pain manifests itself in the right or left ovary;
    • disturbance of well-being.

    Seek medical attention if symptoms occur.

    Treatment and contraindications

    Self-medication is excluded, it will aggravate the situation, lead to irreparable consequences.

    • first of all, consult a doctor who will assess the situation and prescribe the appropriate treatment;
    • to relieve pain, do not use hot (heating pad) and cold compresses;
    • you can not take painkillers, this will relieve the sensations in the side, but will not get rid of the cause. By dulling the symptoms, it is more difficult for the doctor to determine what is wrong;
    • start treatment after the diagnosis is determined;
    • discuss all manipulations with your doctor.

    Unpleasant sensitivity in the side, extending to the lower limb, is the result of a number of pathologies that require professional treatment. Pain cannot be ignored.

    You should consult a doctor. To cope with the symptom, you need to overcome the focus. The sooner treatment is prescribed, the more successful the outcome will be. Self-medication is unacceptable. Wrong actions lead to dire consequences. Turning to the doctor, cope with the pain, forget about the discomfort.

Discomfort in the right side is more common in women than in men. Children are no exception. The pain does not allow full movement, is characterized by unpleasant sensations, which indicates pathology. This part of the body is associated with organs in which disorders are manifested. Why it hurts, how to deal with it, read on.

Depending on the manifestations of pain, the problem that caused it is distinguished. By duration, sensitivity in the side is:

  • acute (sudden and unexpected, lasts for a relatively short time)
  • chronic (permanent, long-term)

Pain feels like:

  • pulling
  • aching
  • stabbing
  • sharp (dagger)
  • burning
  • pulsating
  • like in fights

By the nature of the attack:

  • sudden
  • gradual, ever-increasing

Localization is present:

  • in the side
  • above
  • from below

Discomfort often radiates to other parts of the body:

  • sacrum
  • lower back

Symptoms are often accompanied by:

  • temperature
  • physical weakness
  • drowsiness
  • vomiting
  • severe dizziness
  • sweating
  • pains.

It may seem to a person that it hurts in one part of the body. But the pain is associated with other organs.

In such cases, contact a professional immediately. The doctor will answer what causes discomfort in the right section. After examination, tests, doctor's appointments, it is possible to get rid of the pain. Treatment directly depends on the cause.

If the pain in the right side radiates to the leg, the circle of possible pathologies narrows. But a trip to the doctor is not ruled out.


When the right side is subjected to unpleasant sensitivity, think about the presence of pathologies:

  • appendicitis
  • gynecological problems:
  • increased pressure of hollow organs
  • postoperative pathology of the peritoneum
  • adhesive process
  • inguinal hernia
  • ovarian apoplexy

Diseases, what to do with them

Bock is worried for reasons leading to serious consequences requiring a visit to a doctor.

Appendicitis. A common disease is called "acute abdomen". The pain is unbearable. You should not ignore it, consult a doctor immediately. The symptoms do not begin with sharp sensations, then the sensations intensify. This is due to inflammation, stretching of the appendix.

At first, it is not possible to determine the localization of pain. Then the sensitivity will become clearer. Subsequently, unpleasant sensations move lower, give in the groin, rectum. The pathology is accompanied by tension in the abdominal cavity, temperature (up to 39 degrees), vomiting, sweating are not excluded. Often the sensation is transferred to the leg. Requires specialized treatment (surgery). Pain cannot be ignored, call a doctor immediately.

Increased pressure of hollow organs - increased intracavitary pressure. Accompanied by throbbing pain.

Postoperative pathology of the abdominal cavity. Accompanied by throbbing pains, passing into the right lower limb. The resulting pus or blood enters the clusters of nerve endings in the leg. Sensations can affect the leg, other areas. Depends on the direction of the spill of the accumulated liquid.

Suppuration of the uterine appendages. Pulsating sensations in the lower abdomen, with a return to the leg, often indicate a destructive process. The syndrome is often accompanied by fever, nausea, dizziness, and weakness. Isolation of cold sweat, increased heart rate, low blood pressure, stool disorders, flatulence. If some of the symptoms are present, discomfort radiates to the lower limb - consult a doctor who will prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Inguinal hernia. Accompanied by sharp sensations in the side. Appear after lifting weights, physical exertion. Subsequently, it gives in the lower limb. A characteristic sign of a violation is a protrusion in the side, which disappears in the supine position.

Apoplexy of the ovary. A disease provoked by a sudden hemorrhage in the ovary. Leads to rupture of the ovary, pouring blood into the abdominal cavity. Women under 40 suffer from apoplexy. Violations in the right ovary are more often observed, there is an unpleasant sensitivity, bleeding. If bleeding prevails - an anemic form of the disease, pain - pain.

If the symptoms appear equally, it is a mixed form of the disease. The disease is prone to sudden manifestation with sharp, strong sensations. Often gives to the lower back, rectum, thigh. Nausea, vomiting, fainting are not excluded. Abundant bleeding is accompanied by a decrease in pressure, collapse. The ovary is spherical. treated under the guidance of a physician.

Ovarian cyst. A cavity filled with fluid that can increase the size of the gland. Often the ovary does not hurt. Discomfort manifests itself as follows:

  • affects the right or left side;
  • pulling and aching nature of discomfort;
  • provoked by sexual intercourse;
  • the analogy is the feeling of heaviness;
  • menstrual disorders.

An increase in the abdomen with an increase in the cyst is not excluded.

If the cyst is painless, with torsion of the leg, expect:

  • sharp pain in the abdomen and rectum;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • increase in temperature;
  • pain manifests itself in the right or left ovary;
  • disturbance of well-being.

Seek medical attention if symptoms occur.

Treatment and contraindications

Self-medication is excluded, it will aggravate the situation, lead to irreparable consequences.

  • first of all, consult a doctor who will assess the situation and prescribe the appropriate treatment;
  • to relieve pain, do not use hot (heating pad) and cold compresses;
  • you can not take painkillers, this will relieve the sensations in the side, but will not get rid of the cause. By dulling the symptoms, it is more difficult for the doctor to determine what is wrong;
  • start treatment after the diagnosis is determined;
  • discuss all manipulations with your doctor.

Unpleasant sensitivity in the side, extending to the lower limb, is the result of a number of pathologies that require professional treatment. Pain cannot be ignored.

You should consult a doctor. To cope with the symptom, you need to overcome the focus. The sooner treatment is prescribed, the more successful the outcome will be. Self-medication is unacceptable. Wrong actions lead to terrible consequences. Turning to the doctor, cope with the pain, forget about the discomfort.

There has always been, is and will be a relevant question - what is the danger of aching pain in the right side of the lower abdomen, pulling in the groin and leg? Let's take a look at the causes of this problem.

Definitions and concepts

This article discusses the issue of etiology, pathogenesis and clinic of the phenomenon of pain irradiation in the groin and lower limbs. By itself, the definition of the phenomenon of irradiation implies pain in parts of the body other than the place of origin.

Pain of neurogenic origin

Consider the option of irradiation of pain in the left or right lower extremities. There can be a great many reasons, but the most common is sciatica. After all, the definition speaks for itself - the pain that occurs in lumbar spine, irradiation of which occurs in the lower limbs.

In most cases, the pain spreads through the gluteal muscles, sartorius, triceps and quadriceps muscles. Moreover, it should be noted the predominant occurrence in the proximal parts of the lower extremities.

The etiology of pain in this case is radicular. There is a lesion of the spinal roots, in most cases - the sciatic nerve.

As a rule, the pain in this pathology is aching, gradually increasing in nature. Neurological disorders are also characteristic: paresthesia, numbness.

Most often, pain manifests itself without visible precursors - with improper physical activity.

There are a number of conditions that contribute to the manifestation of lumboischialgia. In most cases, patients are elderly people with an increased body mass index, comorbidities of the musculoskeletal system (osteoarthritis, scoliosis), experiencing (or previously undergone) physical overstrain.

There are frequent manifestations of the disease in pregnant women.

The greatest number of diseases of this nature occurs due to protrusion of the intervertebral disc in the lumbar spine. The polyetiological nature of lumboischialgia becomes clear.

Abdominal pain: causes and effects

Unlike the previous case, the causes of abdominal pain (with possible irradiation to the groin) are numerous and the frequency of manifestations of the consequences is approximately comparable.
Worth highlighting:

  1. Pain of abdominal origin;
  2. caused by the inflammatory process of the digestive system: appendicitis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, peritonitis and others;
  3. caused by inflammation localized in the genitourinary system (adnexitis, metroendometritis, ectopic pregnancy, ovarian pedicle torsion, and others);
  4. Pain of a neurogenic nature - in accordance with the teachings on viscero-cutaneous, viscero-visceral reflexes, pain sensations can occur in organs that are not at all close to the groin and lower extremities.

However, as mentioned at the beginning of the article, the most common and at the same time formidable diseases (from the category under consideration) is appendicitis - inflammation appendix blind gut.

As a rule, the manifestation of the disease is manifested by pain in the epigastric region (Kocher-Volkovich symptom), followed by irradiation to the right side (bottom). Possible irradiation in the groin.

In this case, the patient is shown surgical treatment in an urgent manner - in order to avoid peritonitis and bacterial-toxic shock with a fatal outcome.

It does not matter - the pain will pull in the area of ​​the right hypogastrium or ache for any period of time - in any case, a surgeon's consultation is necessary.
