Pain in the right upper part of the head. Causes of a headache on the right side of the head

Pain, especially in the head area, causes a lot of suffering to a person. It is impossible to endure these torments for a long time, since the development of a serious pathology can be the cause of such a condition.

Signs that define pain syndrome, may be many. It will not be possible to recognize them on your own, so you should definitely contact a specialist, especially if the left or Right side headache for a long time.

What causes pain on the right side of the head most often?

Headache can manifest itself in different ways, have a different character and intensity level. Especially alarming are such sensations, predominantly prevailing in a certain part of the skull. Without knowing why the right side of the head hurts, you can not start treatment. Such a symptom can be provoked, both by ordinary fatigue and a change in weather, and by the appearance serious illnesses. Headache can also be due to a strong emotional shock.


This is a very common reason for which the right side of the head most often hurts, however, like the left. Most often, such a symptom is localized at the top in the temples, eyes and behind the ears. Seizures can be both long-term and short-term. protracted migraine often accompanied by additional symptoms:

- hallucinations;
- Intolerance to noise;
- Vomiting, nausea.

The exact causes of migraine have not been determined, so this neuralgic problem has no effective treatment. There are some factors (migraine triggers) that such patients are advised to avoid. Depending on the characteristics of the course of the disease, to relieve attacks, the patient is prescribed painkillers, antidepressants, anticonvulsants, as well as calcium channel blockers.

cluster pain

If it hurts right part head with a certain frequency, then the presence of a cluster headache is quite likely. This syndrome manifests itself mainly in evening time and at rest. Cluster pain in the right hemisphere of the head is considered sharp, arching and shooting, often radiating to the ear. It may be accompanied by severe pain in the eyes, tearfulness, redness of the face.

Pain in the right side of the head from above, of a cluster type, is very difficult to eliminate, drug treatment is powerless. The patient reacts negatively to any attempts to help. The best solution is to maintain complete silence and the absence of other irritants.

Brain tumor

There are many various kinds tumors and brain tumors. They differ in location, size and other features. The tumor may be on the left side, and the head hurts on the right. Pain sensations are dull, bursting the entire cranium, especially right hemisphere, sometimes shooting, may also be accompanied by a disorder of consciousness, dizziness and epileptic seizures.

brain tumor causing headache on the right, is a serious threat to human life, mainly due to its inaccessible location. However, there is a chance for recovery, thanks to modern methods treatment of the disease (chemotherapy, cryosurgery, etc.).

Traumatic brain injury

Any injury brings pain to a person. If the bruise falls on the head area, in the back of the head, then this may lead to serious consequences. Even the smallest injuries require timely processing and treatment. Left or right side headache may occur due to concussion, intracranial bleeding.

A concussion is considered a minor injury because the integrity of the skull is not broken, but requires serious and long-term treatment. Bed rest and pain medications are required. You should also apply a cooling compress to the site of injury. This condition has accompanying symptoms:

Nausea, vomiting;
- Weakness;
- Dizziness;
- Ringing or noise in the ears.

Intracranial bleeding is a more serious problem. A simple bruise or pathology of the cerebral vessels can lead to it. Symptoms of this condition appear rapidly, since an increase in blood volume significantly increases the pressure inside cranium on the hemisphere of the head. The ballroom sufferer has a severe headache on the right, radiates to the ear, lethargy, convulsions, confusion of consciousness is observed. In most cases, patients with intracranial bleeding are urgently referred for surgery, but only after diagnostic procedures(MRI, X-ray, etc.).

Cervical osteochondrosis

Also one of the common causes of headache in the right side of the head and neck is a disease cervical spine, that is, osteochondrosis. Pain syndrome occurs at the slightest movement of the body, even when moving the eyes. This main symptom is complemented by dizziness, ringing in the ears and burning in the cervical region, pain often radiates to the right eye and ear.

To relieve or get rid of the headache in the right hemisphere that arose from the defeat intervertebral discs neck, it is necessary to apply a warm compress to the affected area. The pain will subside if you take horizontal position.


Headache can also be a symptom of sinus inflammation. Such a process can take place on one side or on both sides at the same time. Sinusitis pain is primarily felt in the face, and may radiate to the throat and ears as they are closely associated with the nose. Unpleasant sensations will become stronger while bending forward and while touching certain areas of the skin of the face. Symptoms associated with sinusitis include runny nose, fever, nasal congestion, weakness.

The otolaryngologist deals with the treatment of such diseases. Only this specialist can prescribe medications and pick therapeutic methods. Appointments will depend on the origin and form of the disease. Headache after recovery goes away completely.


Since headaches can vary in cause and intensity, it is worth starting treatment only after consulting a neurologist. If it is necessary to remove or at least weaken the attack urgently, then the main recommendation of specialists is rest. It is necessary to open the windows wide, ventilate the room and try to exclude any irritants: light, noise, pungent odors, etc.

Tolerate severe pain, especially if half of the head hurts, the neck on the right and the ear, you can’t. To reduce its intensity, you should take painkillers that are available without a prescription at any pharmacy. A long course of taking such drugs can only be prescribed experienced doctor after a detailed case study.

If there is no desire to take medications to relieve pain in the head, you can try massage. Fingertips make circular movements in the place of localization of unpleasant sensations. This procedure should be carried out for at least 10 minutes. It is also necessary to take into account that massage is not recommended for tumors and injuries.


Preventive actions are very important, especially if the pain is localized on the right in the head and is not disturbing for the first time. The main recommendation of experts is healthy lifestyle life. It is necessary to observe the daily routine and not to overexert. You can prevent the occurrence of pain and discomfort in the head area by following these tips as a rule:

1. Proper nutrition. Fruits and vegetables should be included in your daily diet. Fatty foods should be avoided, as well as preservatives and food additives.

2. Sufficient fluid intake. Every day you need to replenish your body with 2 liters of water. This amount is sufficient for normal operation vessels.

3. Feasible physical activity. We need to walk as often as possible. You can just go out walking tour, stop using the elevator or sign up for a sports section or pool.

4. Aromatherapy. The smell of mint and eucalyptus has a beneficial effect on nervous system person. Therefore, when an attack begins, you can rub the oils of these herbs into your temples.

5. Yoga and meditation. Classes according to the oriental system of relaxation and concentration will help relieve fatigue, as well as keep the body in good shape. It is very important to be able to control your emotions in stressful situation. This will help prevent severe headache attacks.

People often complain of recurrent headaches. But only half of all people suffering from pain seek medical advice. Of course, head pain does not always require immediate hospitalization. Discomfort in the head can occur after a heavy labor day, with colds and after hypothermia. But also the causes of headaches can be associated with serious diseases.
Causes of headache:

  • overwork;
  • hypothermia of the body;
  • nervous tension;
  • increased pressure in the vessels;
  • infectious diseases;
  • tumors and cysts of the brain;
  • migraine;
  • headaches in case of poisoning;
  • brain injury;
  • smoking.
Hurts left side heads

It is often difficult for patients to describe the discomfort that occurs in the head, clearly localize the pain and determine the frequency of its occurrence. But there are times when a person clearly complains of pain in one half of the head. Discomfort or pain on one side is very feature disease such as migraine.

Migraine is a fairly common cause of headaches. Women suffer from migraines slightly more often than men. Among women, the frequency of migraine is approximately 20%. Men also have cases of migraine, approximately 6% of the male population suffers from this disease. Children almost never suffer from migraines. Most often, migraine headaches bother people aged 25 to 55 years.

Causes of migraine

In most cases, migraine has a genetic heredity. The vessels of the brain during migraine spasm under the influence of endogenous serotonin. A sick person is given a predisposition to migraine attacks, which are provoked by external factors.

In women, sex hormones are of great importance in the development of migraine. The regularity of migraine attacks is often associated with menstrual cycle. The intensity and frequency of headache attacks in women after menopause decreases.

Factors that provoke seizures are called triggers. Headache may result from exposure to altered weather conditions or certain foods. A migraine attack can be triggered strong odors or flashes of light. Some drugs can also cause migraine headaches.

Causes of migraine attacks:

  • bright sunlight;
  • flickering light;
  • loud continuous noise
  • canned meat products;
  • aged cheeses;
  • red wines;
  • nuts;
  • bean products;
  • champagne wines;
  • carbonated sweet waters.

Spasm of cerebral vessels can be triggered by severe dehydration of the body, as well as overuse liquids. Long periods fasting can also cause spasm of cerebral vessels.

Medications that can trigger an attack:

  • nitroglycerin and other nitrates;
  • oral contraceptives;
  • reserpine preparations.

People suffering from seizures need to limit the use of foods that can be triggers and cause spasm of cerebral vessels. Also, if possible, avoid sudden changes temperature and hypothermia.

migraine symptoms

For migraine characteristic symptom is pain on one side of the head. Intense pain spreads to the left or right hemisphere of the brain, as well as to part of the face. If the pain appears on the left, discomfort often given to the left eye or nasal septum. The pain in the left side of the head during an attack is very intense and debilitating. Discomfort begins at the top of the head and spreads to the left or right hemisphere. Often the pain is accompanied by an unpleasant throbbing sensation in the temples or the top of the head.

An attack can develop suddenly, but very often a migraine is preceded by some sensations - an aura. Migraine aura may present with temporary blurred vision, hypersensitivity, or dizziness. Some patients complain of the appearance of a foggy veil half an hour before the pain attacks. There are times when the aura begins with goosebumps on the left or right side of the face. Each person's migraine aura can have its own characteristics.

Migraine attacks are also characterized by nausea and vomiting. The patient is irritated harsh sounds and bright lights. At severe course the patient may experience temporary impaired coordination, and even paresis of the limbs on the left or right.

Migraine attacks usually last longer than two hours. Prolonged attacks can last longer than two days. After the pain passes, the person feels severe drowsiness and fatigue. There may be unpleasant pain in the neck and facial muscles.

Seizure treatment

Migraine pain is not always relieved with conventional painkillers. Migraine is treated by neurologists. Only they can appoint necessary drugs. For the treatment of seizures, drugs of several groups are used.

In mild forms of the disease, combined painkillers containing caffeine are used. Usually, caffeine is released in combination with aspirin, paracetamol or ibuprofen. Caffeine relieves spasm of cerebral vessels, and allows you to stop pain, and the anesthetic component relieves inflammation and swelling.

Combined drugs for the treatment of seizures:

  • citramon;
  • copacil;
  • farmadol;
  • pentalgin.

With more intense pain in one hemisphere, doctors prescribe more strong drugs from the triptan group. The most commonly used drug is sumatriptan. This drug acts on serotonin receptors and relieves spasm of cerebral vessels.

Preparations containing sumatriptan:

  • sumamigren;
  • antimigraine;
  • stopmigraine;
  • amigraine;

In cases of ineffectiveness from the use of painkillers and triptans, the use of anticonvulsants. Anticonvulsants are designed to treat epileptic seizures. But with a deeper study of the drugs in this group, they showed their effectiveness in the treatment of headache attacks. Pregabalin is the most commonly used anticonvulsant drug.

Anticonvulsants to treat seizures:

  • lyrics;
  • habana;
  • algerica;
  • neogabine

You can freely purchase only drugs from the group of combined analgesics. Other medications for the treatment of seizures can only be prescribed by a neurologist or therapist. Summatriptan and pregabalin are generally well tolerated, but they must be taken with particular regularity. Dosages depend on age, weight, as well as the severity of the course of the disease.

Except drug treatment during migraine attacks it is very important to use enough liquids. Don't drink too much water, but repeated vomiting the patient may develop dehydration.

During a migraine attack, it is best for a person to lie down on the bed. Bright light irritates and provokes the continuation of the duration of the attack. In this regard, it is better to turn off the light and close the curtains.

Migraine warning signs:

  • paresis or paralysis of facial muscles;
  • paralysis of one half of the body;
  • speech disorder;
  • the appearance of hallucinations;
  • severe repeated vomiting.

In cases where the migraine lasts longer than two days or there are anxiety symptoms need to call an ambulance or go to the hospital.

Often in adults, the right side of the head hurts, general weakness worries. This condition is explained by overexertion, high blood pressure, problems with nerves, etc. If the right side of the head hurts for more than 2 hours, and the medicines do not help, you should urgently visit a doctor. Only the doctor will prescribe a set of examinations, establish the causes of the disease and prescribe treatment.

Scientists know more than 40 diseases, by studying these pathologies you can find out why the right side of the head hurts.

Causes of pain in the right side of the head

Young people are more resilient external environment and sickness. As adults age, they may develop high pressure or meteosensitivity, while the head hurts on the right side.

Doctors note such a symptom in the following cases:

  1. Migraine. The disease occurs more often in women and is hereditary. Before an attack, in 90% of cases there is an aura, when a person feels intoxicated, a fog before his eyes. After 2-3 minutes, acute and sharp pains in one half of the head, which give into the temples or eyes. The condition lasts from 20 minutes to 1-2 hours. Pain is aggravated by loud sound and bright light.
  2. Otitis media. With this disease, purulent or clear exudate accumulates in the middle ear. As a result, the head hurts a lot behind the ear, backaches, dizziness appear, hearing disappears. Patients also note a rise in body temperature, chills, nasal congestion. Sometimes the pain on the right behind the ear radiates to the eye, lower and upper jaw.
  3. Hypertension. An increase in pressure above 160/95 mm Hg. Art. can provoke the appearance of a headache in the right hemisphere, nausea, blurred vision, tinnitus. In the event of a hypertensive crisis, a person may even lose consciousness.
  4. Stroke. This condition is considered a complication. high blood pressure. A persistent spasm of the cerebral vessels reduces the flow of blood to the brain, which is why sharp headaches begin in the right side of the head, confused speech, swallowing disorders and paralysis of the face and limbs.
  5. A concussion occurs as a result of injuries, accidents, falls. In this case, a person complains of nausea, vomiting, headaches in the right or left hemisphere. Often in a standing position, spinning in the head, gait becomes uncertain.
  6. Chronic paroxysmal hemicrania. The disease affects women middle age. At the same time, burning, stabbing or squeezing pains in the right half of the head are disturbing. Sometimes they pulsate, can last 20-30 minutes, and the number of attacks reaches 15-20 per day. Pain is given to the face and eyes, which is accompanied by reddening of the sclera, blurred vision, tearing and constriction of the pupils.

When the head hurts on the right or left, then you must first establish the cause of this condition.

cluster pain

In other words, cluster pains are called Harris' neuralgia. Main Feature disease is considered a sudden onset of pain in the eye and frontal part of the head.

Patients describe soreness in the eye socket as follows:

  • burning or stabbing;
  • pulsating or squeezing;
  • sharp or dull;
  • accompanied by lacrimation, constriction of the pupil;
  • vision deteriorates sharply when viewing close objects;
  • extends to the zygomatic part of the face and jaw;
  • often gives to the teeth and nose;
  • the temple and parietal region and neck also hurt.

Harris' neuralgia predominantly affects men of different ages, but scientists have not identified a connection with heredity.

An attack of headache on the right side can last up to half an hour. Doctors consider the seasonality of manifestations to be a feature of the disease. Exacerbations occur in spring and autumn, disturb daily and are difficult to stop with painkillers.


Glaucoma can be diagnosed in different ages, it all depends on the characteristics of the structure of the eye. The disease occurs due to sharp increase intraocular pressure. The cells of the iris produce an excessive amount of fluid, which puts pressure on the nerve endings.

The symptoms of glaucoma are as follows:

  • pain covers the right or left eye, rarely appears on both sides;
  • dizziness, rise in pressure;
  • nausea, at the peak of the attack - vomiting;
  • pain in the head on the right or left side;
  • a feeling of fullness, "the eye comes out";
  • eyelid movements and gaze fixation cause sharp shootings in the zygomatic part of the face, orbit, orbit and upper jaw;
  • often a headache in the temple and forehead;
  • vision deteriorates, especially at dusk;
  • with sharp turns of the body, sparks and silhouettes flicker before the eyes.

Important! Glaucoma - emergency which requires immediate consultation with an ophthalmologist

We must not forget about inflammatory diseases that cause pain in the head and eyes. For example, iridocyclitis, conjunctivitis, blepharitis, when dilated vessels lead to tissue edema and severe pain.

Cervical osteochondrosis

Spinal osteochondrosis brings great inconvenience, especially if the cervical region is affected. The disease mainly occurs in adults and the elderly. Due to degenerative changes in one of the places of the intervertebral discs, there is a violation of blood circulation and compression of the nerves.

Symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis:

  • dull pain in the neck, which may radiate to the back of the head;
  • restriction of movements, “electric shocks” with sharp turns of the head;
  • fatigue in case of prolonged tension in the neck;
  • pain in the spine can "shoot" in the right and left side heads;
  • sometimes there is stunning and dizziness;
  • if osteochondrosis is expressed on the right, then the pain is stronger in the right hemisphere of the head;
  • in rare cases, there is numbness and burning in the arms and shoulders.

Increased pain in the head and neck appears after a long day of work, monotonous work in one position. Also after sudden movements the frontal and parietal part of the head may hurt.

Cervical osteochondrosis often provokes the appearance intervertebral hernias. Disk protrusion to the side spinal cord, in severe cases, can lead to complications, such as paralysis of the limbs.

How to deal with a headache

To fight a headache on the right and left, you need to use all methods: massage, folk remedies, acupuncture and hardening. However, everyone should be able to provide first aid if the head hurts badly.


A drug



1 tablet (100 mg) immediately after the onset of an attack. Take 100 mg no more than 2 times a day, one week



2-3 drops in each eye three times a day. Duration of treatment - a week

Paroxysmal hemicrania

1 tablet 2 times a day, but not more than 5 days

cluster pain

1 tablet once after an attack of pain. No more than three doses per day



3 drops are instilled under the tongue. If the pressure decreases, the previously prescribed drugs are used. If the condition does not improve, call a doctor

The drugs described above will help to provide emergency care when pains suddenly appeared in the right side of the head, eyes, face, neck.

Important! Only a doctor knows exactly how to cope with a headache and establish an accurate diagnosis.

The medicines in the table are for fast withdrawal symptoms, it is possible to use medicines for a long time only after consulting a doctor.

Medicine has several dozen types of headaches, radically different in their reasons.

Everyone knows this symptom. Why the right side of the head hurts no one usually thinks, especially if such cases are rare. But when the discomfort is so disturbing that it interferes normal life, supplemented by tinnitus, pain in the eyes or tearing, the question of a visit to the doctor for the diagnosis of the disease becomes acute.

special attention require headaches localized on one side. Ignoring such symptoms may lead to the development or transition to chronic stage serious illness. What kind of headache is considered independent disease, and which one is a symptom of another disease, we will tell you in more detail.

The main reasons why the right side of the head hurts


It is this disease that is necessarily manifested by pain on one side of the head. From the ancient Greek "hemicrania" the term is translated as "half of the head." In this case, the patient has periodic attacks with different frequency - as a rule, no more than eight attacks per month. Pain on both sides of a migraine is uncommon.

Migraine is considered a genetically determined disease, and not only women suffer from it, but also, increasingly, men.

Migraine may be without aura, usually manifested by severe shooting pain in the right side of the head, turning into a throbbing, lasting from four hours to several days. The condition is often accompanied by photophobia and nausea.

Less common with migraine is the aura preceding the attack - concentration is disturbed, the eyes become cloudy and auditory or visual hallucinations appear. After the aura, a headache appears on one side for several hours.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to completely get rid of migraine today. Doctors can only reduce the duration and frequency of seizures with a combination of medications.

Tension pains (tension headaches)

These are the most common cases of headache, manifested by a moderate pain syndrome. The pain is dull, squeezing, it can be in the center of the forehead or on the sides, it gets worse in the evening. Such a violation occurs in an episodic form, only three percent of patients pass into a chronic form. Except the pain itself different intensity sleep disturbance may occur chronic fatigue or hypersensitivity to the sounds.

As a rule, the cause of tension pain cannot be determined.

cluster headaches

Episodic sudden pains on one side of the head in front of it, near the eye. Pain wears sharp character, manifested both by the tension of one of the segments of the head, and by shooting, bursting sensations with pain in the eyes. It can be so strong that it interferes with normal life.

Associated symptoms:

redness of the eyes;


Runny nose;

A rush of blood to the Head.

The main difference between cluster pain is periodicity. The frequency and duration of the attack is different. The pain can last from 15 minutes to 1 hour, occurring at the same time of the day or night, at regular intervals - in a week, month or year. It goes away as abruptly as it comes.

The vast majority of patients are men (about 80 percent). Standard painkillers in this case are powerless with prolonged seizures patients are prescribed oxygen therapy, or medications at the discretion of the doctor.

Trauma, concussion

A sharp throbbing headache on one side is a frequent manifestation of a contact injury of the cervical or head. Damage can be almost imperceptible to the patient and does not appear immediately. In addition, ringing in the ears, dizziness, great weakness and vomiting. The condition worsens when making sudden movements.

Diseases of the neck and dorsal sections spine

In this case, the pain will be localized from the left or right side of the head behind, near the neck. The nature of the pain is aching and dull, can react sharply even to a soft touch and increase with head turning or neck movements. This disease mainly affects people over the age of 35, as well as leading sedentary image life.

intracranial bleeding

A hematoma inside the skull develops after bleeding from a damaged vessel. It is usually caused by trauma, but can also occur as a result of birth defect or severe thinning of the walls of the vessel. An increase in hematoma volume leads to an increase in intracranial pressure.

Intracranial bleeding manifests itself very quickly, the symptoms develop progressively. There is a sharp shooting pain on one side of the head (in the temporal zone), lethargy, bradycardia, confusion, vomiting and convulsions.

Oral diseases

Often, pain on the right side of the head provokes pathological processes V oral cavity. Manifested by a sharp, shooting pain, often in the temples, pain. Analgesics bring temporary relief, but as soon as the pill stops working, the discomfort resumes.

Tonsillitis, sinusitis

At acute sore throat and any manifestation chronic sinusitis sharp, shooting pain can be concentrated on any side. Caused by swelling and irritation of nerve endings.

Costen's syndrome

This is the name of the pathology of the temporomandibular joint. Caused by joint injury infectious diseases, gout, rheumatism and other causes. It manifests itself as pain on one side of the head, in the sinuses and in the ear, dry mouth and burning on the tongue. An x-ray is used to make a diagnosis.

Brain tumor

Not necessarily malignant, a neoplasm in the brain can cause a person a headache and other serious problems including life threatening. Unpleasant sensations are caused, as a rule, not by the tumor itself, but by an increase in intracranial pressure. At first, the right side of the head hurts in the morning, the nature of the pain is dull, shooting or bursting.

Associated symptoms:


Sudden weight loss;

epileptic seizures;

Personality changes.

Symptoms are aggravated in a state of stress and nervous experiences.

Stress and prolonged depression

Strong psychological experiences, stress, anxiety and depression often lead to psychogenic pain. Her character is dull, aching, accompanied by irritability and a feeling of fatigue. Removing a psycho-emotional problem is the only effective method complete elimination of such pain.

Temporal arteritis

autoimmune disease, inflammation of the middle and large arteries, upon detection of which an urgent need is required, emergency treatment. Temporal arteritis usually occurs in people over 50 years of age and is manifested by severe headaches with insomnia, redness of the scalp and depression.

In the absence of appropriate treatment, it leads to complete loss of vision.

Eye strain

Prolonged work at the computer, knitting or reading in low light, or other eye strain can trigger pain on the right side of the head. In this case, it is enough just to regularly distract your eyes from the object, relaxing eye muscle. It will be optimal to perform gymnastics for the eyes.


When the right side of the head hurts from behind, this may mean that the patient has “blew out” and the neck muscles have become inflamed. Myositis is provoked by both injuries and hypothermia (drafts). The pain in this case is aching, begins with discomfort in the neck, spreading to hairy part heads.

After examination and confirmation of the diagnosis, complete rest and warming are prescribed. If there is no result, then non-steroidal anti-inflammatory or hormonal injections (blockades) are used to improve mobility.

What diagnostic methods are used if the right side of the head hurts

To diagnose the source of the headache, depending on additional symptoms and anamnesis, the doctor uses in each specific case different methods diagnostics.

It often happens that they try to remove the “normal” headache with painkillers, without trying to find the cause, the disease itself, which is enough short term without treatment, it becomes difficult to treat chronic form.

A blood test is often sufficient for diagnosis, but more serious methods are sometimes required - CT, MRI, ultrasound, ECG, examination hormonal background- it all depends on the preliminary diagnosis.

The right side of the head hurts: treatment depends entirely on the diagnosis

Headache in some cases disappears by itself. But many disorders in the functioning of the body provoke relapses and increased pain, and such diseases must be treated accordingly.

Treatment of the main causes of pain on the right side of the head:

Tension pain - need painkillers and increased mobility;

Osteochondrosis - is caused in most cases by inactivity, so you need physiotherapy and massage of the cervical spine, to relieve acute pain take a horizontal position and use NSAIDs and warming ointments;

Concussion - bed rest, painkillers and cold compress to reduce pain and prevent hematoma;

Costen's syndrome - prosthetics and bite correction;

Intracranial bleeding - removal of a hematoma from the cranium and diagnosis of the cause of bleeding to prevent relapse (if the rupture of the vessel was not caused by trauma, then the cause may be circulatory system);

Diseases of the oral cavity - treatment by a dentist (orthodontist), since the right side of the head can hurt due to malocclusion or other dental pathology;

For pain caused by ENT diseases, it is required prompt treatment underlying disease;

Tumor pains are treated by removing them and purifying the blood - electro- and radiocoagulation, surgically or laser excision, chemotherapy;

Temporal arteritis - steroid anti-inflammatory drugs, consultation with an ophthalmologist;

Stress - a good rest, auto-training, breathing exercises and other relaxing techniques, and in the absence of effect - consultation of a psychologist or psychotherapist.

Modern painkillers can relieve almost any headache, but we must not forget that if the symptom recurs, it may be a malfunction in the body. A visit to the doctor in this case is required.

Is it possible to avoid the question “Why does the right side of the head hurt?” Is there a prevention?

Based on the above causes of headache, you can definitely determine preventive measures as a moderate physical activity And good rest. But timely appeal behind medical care if the right side of the head hurts, it is main prevention progression of a dangerous disease.

Headache is a symptom that accompanies many pathologies and negative conditions. To date, experts distinguish more than 40 types of pain in the head, differing in the nature of education, the nature of the course, duration and frequency of occurrence.

If right side of head hurts, there is irradiation of pain impulses to the eye area, lacrimation, dizziness - you should not delay visiting a specialist.

Diseases in which the right hemisphere of the head hurts

self-medicate pain in the head is not recommended, although you can stop the unpleasant condition by taking an analgesic. But if the attacks are repeated several times a week, the intensity increases, and the usual pills stop helping, a comprehensive treatment is required. diagnostic examination. Below we consider the most common pathologies that cause pain in the head.


Chronic pathology of the neurovascular nature of occurrence - migraine. If a person periodically has pain on the right side of the head or pain impulses are felt on the left, and before the attack there was a characteristic aura with increased susceptibility to sounds, light or smells - we can talk about migraine.

The frequency of attacks is different: someone migraine makes suffer 1-2 times a month, and someone pain interferes with work and life every 3-4 days. The exacerbation is characterized in the temporal region of the head, often in combination with the urge to vomit, diffuse weakness throughout the body, hyperreactivity to external stimuli.

The main difference between migraine and aura is that auditory and olfactory disorders, visual hallucinations, and concentration imbalance are formed before the attack.

If the right side of the head hurts during a migraine, treatment should be selected only by a specialist. Pathology requires integrated approach to treatment tactics requiring the use of analgesics, anticonvulsants, complex channel blockers, antidepressants. But in most cases it is used symptomatic therapy because there is no cure for migraine completely.

Vertebrogenic cervicalgia

degenerative changes in cervical vertebrae, which provoke pain in the neck, can form in a person at any age category. Most often affected by this pathology are persons after 35 years of age, leading a sedentary lifestyle.

It is they who most often make a complaint to a specialist during a consultation that the right half of the head hurts or the head area on the left, in direct proportion to where the vertebrae are most affected.

Headache increases with physical overload in the shoulder girdle, prolonged sitting at the computer, with sharp turns of the head and is practically not affected by analgesics.

dock uncomfortable state with osteochondrosis, massages and warming ointments help when they are directly applied to collar area wearing a special collar. Night rest it is better to carry out on an orthopedic pillow.


Sometimes, the answer to the question asked by the patient, why the right side of the head hurts, is the presence of a tumor process in the brain. To this point, more than a hundred varieties of neoplasms have been classified.

The severity of the disease may not even depend on the location of the negative focus, its size and the involvement of neighboring structures. In most cases, this is a shooting or bursting pain. Strengthening can occur after psycho-emotional overload, stressful situations, drinking coffee, alcohol.

In advanced cases, a person turns at a stage when, in combination with dizziness, a disorder of consciousness, and sometimes with epileptic seizures. At the same time, it should be taken into account that the sensation of a pain impulse on the right does not at all mean the presence of a neoplasm in this area, it can be located both on the left and in the central part of the brain.

Timely appeal allows you to do relatively favorable prognosis for human life.

Cluster headaches

A special type of pain impulses in the head is cluster (arising in series) pains. Their main symptom is a series of daily attacks that may last for weeks or months, and then disappear for months or years.

Exhausting sensations are one-sided and affect one of the hemispheres. The nature of the pain is varied (from shooting to bursting), which are accompanied by a feeling of tension in one area of ​​the head (face).

Cause specialists cluster pain not fully established, but it has been proven that during the period of exacerbation, an extraordinary attack can be provoked alcoholic products, even to a small extent.

intracranial bleeding

Very negative state, one of characteristic features which is a feeling that the right side of the head is very sore - an intracranial hematoma.

The main reason is a rupture of a thin part of an intracranial vessel, for example, congenital aneurysm or the result of a head injury.

After damage vascular wall blood is poured into the surrounding space, the volume of the hematoma gradually increases, pressure on the structures of the brain increases.

After a short period of time, the following neurological symptoms are observed:

  • Severe lethargy
  • Confusion
  • Intense pain in the head
  • Fuzziness of speech activity
  • convulsions

After the diagnostic studies(CT, MRI of the brain), specialists take appropriate emergency treatment measures.

Costen's syndrome

This is a pathology of the temporomandibular joint, which can occur due to:

  • Transferred infectious diseases
  • Injury to this joint
  • Rheumatism
  • Gout, etc.

The symptoms are:

  • Pain in the corresponding side of the head, extending to the ear and sinuses
  • Burning sensation of the tongue
  • Dryness or excessive salivation in the mouth

To establish this pathology, it is enough to make an x-ray, which will distinguish it from arthritis or arthrosis, which have passed into an acute or chronic stage.

Pathologies of the oral cavity

If a person complains that the right side of his head and face hurts, it will not be superfluous to consult a dentist and an ENT.

A malaise of this nature may well be the result of:

  • Inflammatory manifestations in the root of the tooth
  • malocclusion
  • Inflammation of the jaw joint

Pain may well be intense, shooting, perfectly amenable to the effects of analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs. But the treatment tactics in each case is determined by the specialist individually.

Purulent tonsillitis and otitis media also manifest themselves as pain. There is a toxic irritation of the endings of the nerves of the soft palate, which leads to unpleasant sensations in one area of ​​the head from the side of the lesion. Therefore, if the right side of the head and ear hurts, an ENT doctor's consultation is strictly required.

Antibiotic therapy, detoxification measures, analgesics, and physiotherapy will definitely be present in the treatment tactics.

Whatever the reasons for the appearance of pain in the head, only a specialist can carry out an adequate differential diagnosis. Self-medication is not recommended, as this can provoke the development of serious complications.