How to stop coughing fits. Prolonged dry cough

Unpleasant cough at any time of the day. But if it occurs or greatly increases only at night and continues for a long time, then this is very bad. Firstly, a person is deprived of a full-fledged night's sleep, and if a child coughs, then his parents do not sleep either. Secondly, it can be a symptom of serious broncho-pulmonary diseases, and therefore requires examination and treatment. Therefore, during an attack, everything must be done to alleviate the cough, and the next morning begin to find out its causes.

TEST: Why are you coughing?

How long have you been coughing?

Is your cough combined with a runny nose and is most noticeable in the morning (after sleep) and in the evening (already in bed)?

Cough can be described as:

You characterize cough as:

Can you say that the cough is deep (in order to understand this, type more air into the lungs and cough)?

During a coughing fit, do you feel pain in your abdomen and/or chest (pain in the intercostal muscles and abdominals)?

Do you smoke?

Pay attention to the nature of the mucus that is released during the cough (no matter how much it is: a little or a lot). She:

Do you feel dull pain in the chest, which does not depend on movements and is of an “internal” nature (as if the focus of pain is in the lung itself)?

Do you suffer from shortness of breath (during physical activity Are you quickly "out of breath" and tired, breathing becomes more frequent, after which there is a lack of air)?

Non-infectious causes

The reasons why coughing fits occur at night can be very different. The easiest way to check if the cough is caused by banal household reasons that can affect a sleeping person:

  • too dry or hot air in the room, which leads to drying of the mucous membranes;
  • allergy to bed linen - down or feather pillow, synthetic fabrics, etc.;
  • bed mites - a tiny insect that, getting into the respiratory organs, irritates them and provokes a cough;
  • incorrect position of the head during sleep - disrupts normal blood circulation and oxygen flow, giving the impression of a lack of air;
  • accumulated dust that clogs the lungs and can become a strong allergen;
  • pets, and not only cats and dogs, but also any other living creatures;
  • indoor plants can not only provoke an allergic cough, but also create a lack of oxygen if there are too many of them in the bedroom (photosynthesis does not take place in the dark, and flowers breathe oxygen in the same way as people).

Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to inspect the premises and make sure that the influence of all the above factors is absent. In principle, this should be done in any case, even if you are convinced of the infectious nature of the cough. Such preventive measures will contribute to a speedy recovery with any diagnosis.

If after you have eliminated all possible non-infectious causes of a night cough, the situation has not changed, then the situation is serious, and the cough is not caused by external stimuli, but by internal inflammatory processes. The mechanism of the appearance of such a cough is completely different, and it requires mandatory treatment.

Cough as a symptom

Night cough can be a symptom of not only an infectious disease, although most often it happens that way. It usually appears after an untreated cold, ARVI, or flu on the legs. And this is a signal that the body is still not all right.

At chronic bronchitis or sluggish pneumonia increased secretion thick mucus continues - in this way the body tries to extinguish inflammatory processes. During the day, it is imperceptibly coughed up or washed off with tea (or other liquid) and enters the stomach. Constant coughing during the day after an illness is considered normal and is called " residual cough". It's really not scary if it lasts no longer than 2 weeks.

When a person assumes a horizontal position, the mucus can no longer exit and accumulates in the bronchi or lungs, interfering with normal breathing. A reflex cough appears, with the help of which the body tries to push the mucus out.

By the way, such a cough is easy to distinguish from an allergic one - it does not occur soon after falling asleep, but in the second half of the night, closer to the morning, and requires mandatory treatment.

It may turn out to be a night cough and a symptom of even more serious diseases:

  • heart failure;
  • tumors of the lungs or larynx;
  • cystic fibrosis;
  • emphysema;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • acid reflux.

To put accurate diagnosis, you need to additionally be examined and pass a series of tests. Therefore, it is better not to self-medicate - you can miss the time and let the disease move to a later stage.

stop attack

But what to do while the doctor finds out true reason? Of course, look available ways how to soothe a nocturnal cough and normalize sleep. Even if it gives a temporary effect, a rested body will have the strength to fight the underlying disease. After all, if a person does not get enough sleep, his immune defense is sharply reduced.

Here is the easiest way to stop a coughing fit:

  1. Change the position of the body, giving it a semi-sitting position - this will facilitate the coughing up of accumulated sputum.
  2. Open the window, providing an additional flow of oxygen.
  3. Drink something warm, it is better if it is milk - it softens the cough faster, but herbal or green tea and even warm water.
  4. If there is a lack of air, take the bronchodilator "Bronholitin", "Gedevit", etc.
  5. Restore breathing by slowly inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the mouth (without effort!).

When the cough subsides, you need to try to fall asleep again. Soft lighting and an aroma lamp with lavender oil will help in this. It is better to replace the pillow with a higher one so that the head is in an elevated position during sleep.

Do not forget that the only way how to alleviate the condition bronchial asthma, is the use of a special inhaler. The measures listed above will not help here, but as an additional comfort they will be useful for such patients.

Adult treatment

What to do to get rid of a night cough forever, only a doctor can say for sure after making the main diagnosis. Treatment is individualized and may include drug therapy, physiotherapy and proven folk remedies.

With "grandmother's" methods, you can try to treat a nocturnal cough on your own if it has recently appeared, and it was preceded by a respiratory disease.

Here are some proven effective ways to relieve coughs and speed up the final recovery for adults:

In addition to the above recipes, there are others. folk ways how to stop a bad cough at night. The main thing is not to leave the problem unattended. And if the cough is repeated from night to night, you need to look for and treat the underlying cause.

For kids, the above "adult" methods are not suitable - they contain alcohol. The child can be prepared and given the usual eggnog, warm milk or herbal tea with honey.

It makes breathing easier by rubbing the chest with camphor oil (not a massage!), Which warms up the bronchi, expanding them and relieving spasms, and at the same time, getting into the airways, gives the effect of anti-inflammatory inhalation.


It is important to understand that if a nocturnal cough is caused by the accumulation of mucus in the lungs, then taking antitussive drugs is strictly contraindicated! They can cause bronchostasis (stagnation of mucus in the lungs), as a result of which breathing becomes difficult and inflammatory processes will develop rapidly. That's why it's so important to find out the cause of the cough first.

Expectorants in the middle of the night - also not the best the best way. They contribute to liquefaction of sputum and facilitate its excretion, but then until the bronchi are freed from mucous accumulations, the cough will not let you fall asleep.

It is better to take a medicine that will relieve throat irritation and bronchial spasms:

  • "Pectusin";
  • "Ambroxol";
  • "Pectolvan";
  • "Doctor Mom";
  • "ACC-100".

Most of these drugs are suitable for both adults and children (only the dosage differs).

If the cause of the nocturnal cough is bronchitis or pneumonia, rapid and effective treatment impossible without antibiotics. The infection has already penetrated so deeply that it will not be possible to cope with it with folk remedies. Antibiotics a wide range actions are detrimental to most pathogenic microbes, and many of them have excellent anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore, already 2-3 days after the start of treatment with properly selected drugs, there is a noticeable relief.

Often help to quickly cope with a cough, including nocturnal, antihistamines. Chronic inflammatory processes cause swelling of the mucous membranes, and swelling always increases at night. And if during the day it does not interfere with breathing too much, then at night it blocks the normal access of air, causing a cough. Taking her away antihistamines, you can quickly alleviate the condition.

Physiotherapeutic procedures also give a good therapeutic effect: ultrasound, electrophoresis, quartz, paraffin therapy, laser heating, darsonvalization. They stop inflammatory processes, activate blood circulation, stimulate immune system significantly speeding up recovery.

Some procedures can be done at home: put mustard plasters or a vodka compress, warm the bronchi with a blue lamp or solux, rub the feet and / or chest with a warming ointment with essential oils. Performed at bedtime, such procedures, although not a direct way to calm a cough, improve general state, accelerate falling asleep and serve as an excellent prevention of nocturnal coughing fits.

It is advisable not to perform active activities the next day after warming procedures. exercise and do not go outside in wet weather or sub-zero air temperatures.

During treatment, you need to beware of drafts and stay away from the included air conditioner. And also make sure that the bedroom does not have the non-infectious causes listed at the beginning that can provoke a cough.

An attack of dry cough in adults, as well as in children, especially at night, is a difficult condition and a problem. You need to know the cause of the paroxysmal nocturnal (and daytime) cough and know how to provide first aid at home. Therefore, in this article we will consider bouts of dry cough in an adult at night, its causes, how you can and how to quickly relieve a coughing fit, how to stop it at home.

A dry cough is considered more dangerous and severe than a wet cough. This is due to the fact that with a wet cough, sputum is removed from the lungs, which helps to clear the bronchi of mucus and microbes.

With a dry cough, sputum is not excreted, it accumulates in the lungs, increasing inflammation, making it difficult to breathe. Dry cough attacks can be very painful and prolonged, causing pain and gag reflexes.

Why do we cough: reasons

The main task of coughing is to remove mucus from the lungs and bronchi. If this task is not performed, the cough becomes excruciating and does not lead to relief. Dry cough is an alarming symptom, especially if it lasts a long time and appears for no reason.

There are many ways to relieve an attack of dry cough, but eliminating one attack is often ineffective.

Causes of coughing are:

  1. Bronchial asthma. This is a chronic disease, accompanied by shortness of breath, dry exhausting cough, lack of air. The disease is treated only symptomatically. As a rule, along with an attack of dry cough, the patient begins to panic, as he expects another attack of suffocation. Asthma is often associated with allergies and occurs after exposure to an allergen.
  2. Heart failure. In heart failure, the cough is reflex and is not accompanied by other pathological signs. As a rule, first there is a rapid heartbeat, then shortness of breath and dry reflex cough. Eliminate cough in this case is possible only after treatment of the cardiovascular system.
  3. SARS And flu. In viral diseases, dry cough occurs at the very beginning of the disease. Over time, a dry cough turns into a wet cough, which allows mucus to be pushed out of the lungs. If a dry cough lasts for a long time, more than a week, you need to see a doctor.
  4. Allergy. An allergic reaction is very often accompanied by cough and shortness of breath. This type of allergic reaction is called respiratory. As a rule, dry cough occurs after inhalation of pollen, dust, vapors and other allergens that cause irritation of the mucous membrane. You can remove such a cough with antihistamines after stopping contact with the allergen.
  5. Rhinitis And sinusitis. With diseases of the nose, accompanied by edema, a person is unable to breathe through the nose. For this reason, he begins to breathe through his mouth, the throat dries up, becomes irritated, and a dry cough occurs. You can eliminate it by moisturizing the mucous membrane of the throat and eliminating swelling of the nose.

When to see a doctor

If bouts of dry cough are accompanied by other symptoms, you need to see a doctor for an examination.

Dry cough is considered not only unproductive, but also dangerous. It helps to remove phlegm from the bronchi and damages the airways, irritates the throat, and causes asthma attacks.

It is not difficult to distinguish a dry cough from a wet one. With a dry cough, the patient emits barking sound, expectoration does not occur, and the coughing attack itself not only does not bring relief, but only irritates the airways even more, provoking a new attack.

When contacting a doctor, you should describe in detail the coughing attacks, after which they occur and how long they last. There are a number of signs that require immediate medical attention. Dry cough lasts a long time. If it does not disappear within 2 weeks or more, you should consult a doctor and undergo an examination.

A prolonged dry cough can be a sign of a serious illness, infection, or pathology of the respiratory tract.

An attack of dry cough causes vomiting. In some cases, cough occurs due to diseases of the stomach, reflux, heartburn. Anyway persistent vomiting dangerous because of the cough. It leads to dehydration of the body, weakens it, irritates and injures the esophagus and throat.

During an attack of coughing, wheezing and whistling are clearly heard. Similar symptoms are found in chronic bronchitis, as well as in the cough of a smoker. As a rule, they occur at night or in the morning.

A concomitant increase in body temperature indicates an infectious disease. It could be pneumonia, tuberculosis, or another disease. In tuberculosis, dry cough and fever are also accompanied by severe sweating.

Dry cough accompanied by severe allergic reactions. If shortness of breath, swelling occurs with a dry cough, you should immediately consult a doctor and remove the swelling before it passes to the larynx, as this can be fatal.

Painful sensations when coughing. If the cough is accompanied severe pain in the chest area, this may indicate damage to the pleura. In this case, an examination is necessary.

How to relieve an attack of dry cough with medication

Treatment of dry cough should be aimed primarily at eliminating the causes of its occurrence. However, symptomatic treatment is also very important. An agonizing attack of coughing should be relieved as quickly as possible to prevent irritation of the throat and larynx.

In the pharmacy you can find many drugs for dry cough. When choosing one or another remedy, it is necessary to take into account the age of the patient and the appropriateness of treatment. Antitussives are not always useful, as they do not allow you to remove sputum.

Medications are prescribed by a doctor after examination and identification of the cause of dry cough attacks

Therefore, it is important to consult a doctor and determine which remedy is needed: antitussive or mucolytic.

Dry cough medicines:

  1. bluecode. Antitussive drug based on butamirate. Produced in the form of syrup and drops, it is intended for the treatment of dry cough of any etiology. Sinekod can be given even to children from 2 months. The drug actively suppresses the cough reflex and begins to act after 15-20 minutes.
  2. Codeine. Codeine can be attributed to narcotic drugs, which, when the dosage is exceeded, quickly become addictive, so it should be used carefully and only according to indications. Codeine has a pronounced antitussive and analgesic effect.
  3. Bromhexine. Bromhexine is classified as a mucolytic drug used for dry cough. It does not relieve the cough reflex, so you should not expect instant action. Bromhexine thins phlegm and removes it, which allows you to turn a dry cough into a more productive wet one. The drug stimulates the production of surfactant in the bronchi, which allows you to clear them.
  4. Antihistamines. If an attack of dry cough is caused by allergies, it is necessary to take an antiallergic drug such as Zodak, Zirtek, Diazolin, Suprastin. They will relieve swelling and eliminate allergy symptoms within half an hour. For best results, stop contact with the allergen.

It is worth remembering that it is impossible to use mucolytic and antitussive drugs at the same time, since sputum will be actively secreted and linger in the lungs.

How to stop an attack of dry cough: folk remedies at home

Folk methods of dealing with paroxysmal dry cough, for example, warm drinks perfectly soothe bouts of dry cough.

When applied folk remedies need to be careful. Not all of them are effective for dry cough caused by infection. Before using any means, you should consult your doctor.

Some traditional medicines provoke an allergic reaction and swelling, so a small reaction test should be done before using them.

Folk recipes:

  1. warm drink. Warm drinks, such as milk with butter, warm tea with honey or lemon, will help relieve an attack of dry cough and soothe an irritated throat. These are safe and fairly effective. Oil and honey moisturize the mucous membrane of the throat and instantly soothe it. Do not drink hot liquids, as they further irritate the throat and lead to burns of the mucous membrane.
  2. Inhalations. With a dry cough, steam inhalations with eucalyptus leaves help. It is necessary to brew the leaves with boiling water and breathe over the steam. Eucalyptus relieves irritation, eliminates inflammation, improves local immunity.
  3. Herbs. Decoctions of herbs can be drunk or gargled with them. Chamomile soothes and relieves inflammation, St. John's wort has an antitussive effect. Chamomile decoction is great for gargling, it will soothe an irritated throat.
  4. Radish with honey. In a black radish, you need to cut out the core and pour liquid honey into it, let it brew. This medicine is taken in a teaspoon several times a day. It perfectly relieves inflammation, sore throat, moisturizes the mucous membrane.
  5. Compresses. Warm compresses are put on at night. They relieve coughing spells. As such a compress, you can use heated honey, vegetable oil, radish with honey. From above, the compress is insulated with polyethylene and a warm scarf.
  6. Vitamin Blend. A mixture of lemon with zest and peel, ginger and honey will help relieve a sore throat, relieve a cough, and also boost immunity. This mixture can be eaten as is or added to warm tea and drunk.

Particular care should be taken in choosing folk remedies for pregnant women and children. Not all herbs essential oils safe for infants and fetuses. They can cause a severe allergic reaction or provoke contraction of the uterine muscles.


Maria. Bronchobos always helps me from both dry and wet coughs. This drug not only helps to eliminate sputum, but also perfectly restores the bronchial mucosa after an illness.

Valeria. I try to get to the doctor as soon as I get sick. For a cough, the doctor prescribed Prospan syrup or tablets. More like pills, they need to be taken only 2 times a day. As for me, it is very convenient. It helps, the next day sputum begins to come out. Well, and, of course, have more rest!

Dinara. And pills don’t help me, well, or it takes a lot of time. Bought a compressor nebulizer New Year. Relatives did not appreciate it, but when two of mine caught a cold at the rink, I cured them in 5 days with inhalations with Prospan drops, they said that my mother did a great job!

Kseniya. With a dry cough, I always inhale with soda. But with perspiration and dryness in the throat, the ENT prescribed Isla-Mint lozenges to me. They moisturize the throat, dryness passes quickly. Such complex treatment helps eliminate cough very quickly.

Alexandra. I don't take codeine pills anymore, it's too bad. Switched to vegetable syrups. Last time, Prospan syrup helped well, turned a dry cough into a wet one and brought out the mucus. Until I stop on it, it also turned out to be delicious.

Snezhana. I caught a cough on a trip, it was good to have a couple of Prospan cough sachets with me. At the hotel I drank a couple of pieces, then bought more. A good thing returned home without coughing.

Related videos

How to get rid of a cough in 1 day and one night

On the Ed Black video channel, you will learn an old folk recipe for getting rid of an unbearable strong cough very quickly. This will happen almost after the expiration of one night, or a maximum during the day.

Great remedy for dry cough

Everything is simple and easy with Irina Volovik. It's simple but very effective remedy from dry and old cough. And for its preparation you need milk, baking soda and natural honey.

Take no more than 3 glasses a day. And be sure to take at night to sleep peacefully.


Khan Kasim. Coughing began at night, in the morning I found this clip. I did it in the morning, the burning sensation in my chest, during coughing, decreased. I will continue, thanks. Indeed, live and learn.

Tatyana Cooking Channel: actually - a great recipe and simple.

Tatochka Life: Irishenka, thanks for the recipe! The principle is like Borjomi with milk, but only more economical. You can go broke on Borjomi!

Valentina Anikina. Thanks for the recipe.

Maftun Nasirjonova. Super, just punched, the result is already there. Thank you very much.

Axper Axper. Dear woman I did this back when there were no cell phones. It helps me. You're right!

Alexandra Rakovskaya. Only a good bite with honey, otherwise it tastes nasty!

Source: revision of the article from the site

How to stop a coughing fit using home remedies?

There are many different types of cough, and they need to be treated in different ways. But it is worth remembering that in case of illness, you must first consult a doctor in order to avoid undesirable consequences. If this is not possible, you can fight a cough at home.

Cold cough. There is a recipe for how to relieve a coughing fit with a cold. To do this, stock up on milk, butter, soda and mineral water. After boiling the milk, add 1 tablespoon of butter and a quarter teaspoon of soda or water. Drink the potion hot, the result will not be long in coming.

Folk recipe to stop coughing fits. There are cases of sudden onset of coughing. And the more you cough, the harder it is to stop. I can't clear my throat or stop coughing. In such a situation, try to do this: Raise your right hand as high as possible and stretch well. The cough will subside. This procedure helps not only from prolonged coughing attacks, it is a means of treating and preventing cough, if done constantly. But you should not give up other folk remedies for treating cough. It is better to use everything in combination.

Attacks of coughing. If you suffer from coughing attacks at night, first of all, you need to change your position from horizontal to vertical, sit or stand, leaning forward a little. So the coughing fit will pass sooner. Another exercise that will help get rid of a cough not only at night, but also during the day. To do this, you need to raise your right hand and stretch up strongly. Soon the cough will subside. Also, ordinary chamomile flower tea, bought at a pharmacy, helps with coughing fits.

Children's cough. There are also methods that can stop a child's dry cough attacks. To do this, you need to prepare an egg mixture. First you need to boil a glass of milk, add a tablespoon of butter, the same amount of honey. Add to this mixture egg yolk, pre-whipped, as well as a quarter teaspoon of soda. Drink the mixture warm. Soon the child will forget about coughing.

As for children's syrups, the most effective for dry cough is Erespal. However, regarding the dose and duration of taking this cough syrup, and any other syrups and medicines it is imperative that you consult with your doctor. Also, children's cough perfectly treats tincture of pine buds. To do this, boil half a liter of milk, add pine buds there, no more than a tablespoon, leave the mixture for an hour, and then drink in small doses throughout the day.

Dry cough. Great recipe how to stop a coughing fit in an adult. To do this, you need 250 grams of white grape wine and 60 grams of ground pepper roots. This mixture is brought to a boil, then filtered and drunk hot three times a day. If it is necessary to stop a dry cough in a child, this mixture can be rubbed into the chest.

Running cough. You can also stop severe coughing fits with compresses. This type of treatment is perfect for advanced forms of cough. To create a solution for compresses, you need to mix a tablespoon of dry mustard, honey, a little flour, sunflower oil and one and a half tablespoons of vodka. All this is heated in a water bath, put in cheesecloth and applied to the throat. The compress is wrapped in cellophane, and on top with a scarf to create the effect of a sauna. Doing this procedure for a couple of days in a row, you can get rid of the cough.

How to stop a coughing fit

A coughing fit is a sudden contraction of the respiratory organs when they are cleared of mucus or foreign bodies. Very often dry cough worries patients at night. At this time, attacks follow one after another and do not allow a person to rest. Causes attacks of dry cough colds, flu, bronchial asthma. It can be caused by an infection in the tissues of the lungs. How to stop frequent and nocturnal coughing fits? What can be done to relieve them?

We fight cough with folk remedies

When the cause of a cough is a cold, it is safest to treat it with folk remedies. Herbs, onions and healing fruit pastes will help alleviate the attack of such a cough at night. So, use our recipes:

  1. The easiest way to stop a dry cough at night is to brew herbs. Oregano helps well. To do this, pour a tablespoon of dry grass with a glass of boiling water and strain after 10 minutes. You need to keep such tea near you at night, wrapped in a towel so that the tea is warm (a cold remedy can only harm during an attack). You can also make ginger tea. It is great for soothing an irritated throat. At night, as a prophylactic for coughing, you can drink warm milk with honey. It well envelops the throat, mucous membranes and relieves spasms.
  2. Onion juice. Its taste is not very pleasant, but the phytoncides contained in onions, vitamin C will help to quickly relieve an attack of dry cough. To do this, you need to take an onion, grate it and squeeze the juice through cheesecloth. It is desirable to combine it with honey.
  3. Fruit pastes. It is best to make raisin paste. For this purpose, 100 grams of raisins are crushed and combined with 100 grams of sugar. Then you need to add a little water to the composition and boil the resulting mixture. The finished pasta should be the consistency of a sauce. You can take it not only during an attack.

Prevention of attacks of dry cough is frequent airing of the room. After all, sometimes a person simply does not have enough moisture in the air. In apartments, especially during the heating season, the air is too dry. You can use humidifiers during periods when there is a sick person in the house. Do not be superfluous and daily wet cleaning. Sometimes the dust in the room irritates the throat, causing coughing fits.

How to relieve a coughing fit in a child

It happens that children in their sleep often begin to cough heavily. In such cases, the child should be planted or picked up and given a warm drink. It could be alkaline water, warm milk, chamomile tea. The liquid will immediately soften the larynx, and the cough will stop. Another option is butter with honey. During nightly attacks of coughing in a baby, you should keep this remedy on hand and in case of an attack, let the baby swallow. Thus, the throat will soften, the mucous membrane will be covered with a greasy film - and the attack will subside for a long time. It is important that at night in the room where the sick child is located, the air is humid - so the child will breathe easier and coughing fits will not be frequent.

To avoid nocturnal bouts of coughing, the baby needs to be given a warm, plentiful drink during the day. This is tea with lemon, and milk with honey, and herbal decoctions and infusions, warm raspberries.

Radish with honey cures cough very well and relieves attacks at night. To do this, you need to take a black radish, cut a recess in it and place honey there. It must be infused for at least 3 hours. The radish should release juice. It has excellent antitussive properties. A viscous sweet liquid should be given to a child in a teaspoon during the day and during an attack.

beautiful prophylactic against coughing both at night and during the day is a nebulizer. The device for inhalation treats the throat, relieves inflammation of the respiratory system and thus accelerates the excretion of sputum from the body of a sick baby. Great for inhalation of lemon, eucalyptus, fir and orange oils.

Also, as a preventive measure, a coughing child should rub the chest and neck at night. You can also apply a warm compress.

How to stop a cough

Cough is a reflex action of the body in response to irritation of the respiratory tract by pathological contents, a foreign body, or some kind of inflammatory process. An unexpected cough may turn out to be harmless and be just a response of the body. But when there are other symptoms besides coughing, it is worth paying attention to it. If it lasts for several weeks, it is a chronic disease.

To understand how to deal with a cough, you first need to understand its causes.

How to stop a cough in a child

The structure of the larynx in the place of the vocal cords in children is slightly different. It is located slightly higher than that of an adult, and in place cricoid cartilage(in the region of the subglottic space) has a narrowing. Thus, the larynx of the child has the shape of a funnel. The vocal cords form the glottis and are thin and short. The lumen of the larynx is narrow, has many nerve endings, and mucosal edema may occur. Therefore, children most often suffer from laryngitis. Cough in babies can also occur due to SARS or allergies.

If the cough caught the child during a night's sleep, you should calm him down and give him a drink of mineral water, chamomile decoction or a glass of warm milk. These products will soften the mucous membrane of the larynx and pharynx, which will calm the cough and remove the sore throat.

You can give a teaspoon of honey or butter for resorption. This method also has a calming effect on the delicate children's mucous membranes. Do not give honey if the child is allergic to it.

In the event that the cough does not subside, try inhaling the child: pour into the pan hot water and add essential oil (for example, cedar or eucalyptus) there. Inhalation with boiled potatoes is unlikely to be appropriate, since a coughing fit will not wait. In an emergency, with severe increasing suffocation, you can simply turn on the hot water in the bathroom and tilt the child over the steam. At this point, the humidity of the room also increases, due to which the airways are moistened, and the cough disappears.

You can use syrup for children. containing essential oils. This often helps to calm a cough.

When a child coughs during SARS, you can use some tricks:

  • Give sweetened almond butter.
  • Mix 50 g of honey and 50 g of olive oil. Give 1 tsp. three times a day.
  • Put the lemon in boiling water and boil for ten minutes, then take it out and wait until it cools. Squeeze lemon juice into a glass, add the same amount of glycerin and add honey so as to fill the glass. This mixture is taken to clear the respiratory tract.
  • Cut the orange into small pieces without removing the peel from it, sprinkle with sugar and cook for half an hour over low heat. Give the child during a dry cough (if there is no allergy to citrus fruits).

Despite getting rid of the cough, if it appears again, you need to see a doctor, as a dry cough can be laryngitis, a complication of which is an asthma attack. This condition requires emergency medical attention and is called false croup.

How to stop a cough at night

At night, the blood flow in the lungs slows down, the mucus dissolves with difficulty, sputum accumulates, while the person is constantly in one horizontal position. Because of this, most often coughing attacks are tormented at night, preventing relatives and the patient himself from sleeping. Throughout sleep, it is recommended to change the position of the body in bed more often.

The main cause of night cough is acute inflammatory processes in the bronchi caused by viruses or bacteria, but other factors may also occur: an allergic reaction (to fluff or feathers in pillows), dry air in the room, body position during sleep, bronchial asthma, chronic diseases respiratory system.

It is worth noting that if a coughing fit is accompanied by tachycardia (increased heart rate), shortness of breath and lack of fresh air, it is most likely a cardiac cough. With such a cough, sputum does not go away, in some cases hemoptysis may appear, it is dry and intensifies when a person assumes a horizontal position. People suffering from a heart cough should be treated first of all with the heart, but a coughing fit that occurs at night must be stopped.

Before going to bed, you can prepare special water that will alleviate the condition with a sudden nighttime cough: heat sugar in a frying pan until it turns brown and dissolve it in a glass of plain boiled water.

Warm decoctions of herbs will help soothe a nocturnal cough, alkaline drink(milk with borjomi).

For an allergic cough, you need to take an antihistamine.

Don't forget to moisturize your bedroom.

In the absence of the effect of home methods and increased coughing, you need to call an ambulance.

How to stop a dry cough

There are very simple folk methods that will relieve a painful dry cough in a matter of minutes:

  1. Pour 100 ml of boiling water into a glass and add 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil. For taste, you can add a pinch of salt so that it is not disgusting to drink, then the solution will look like meat broth. Drink the entire half glass in small sips.
  2. Beat the yolk from the egg and, stirring, add hot milk (pour in a neat stream), mix in 1 tbsp. l. honey and butter. Drink the resulting “mogul-mogul” hot, then go to bed.
  3. With a dry cough, mulled wine will help. This drink will be both tasty and healthy. To prepare such a drink, you need to boil half a glass of water, throw in two dried cloves, two small pieces of ginger root and sprinkle with a pinch of cinnamon. Remove from heat and let stand for 10 minutes. Add 200 ml red wine, 1 tbsp. l. honey and a slice of lemon. Drink a hot drink, lie down in bed and wrap yourself up.
  4. A quick way to eliminate dry cough: grate a piece of ginger on a fine grater and get 1 tsp from it. juice, add 1 tsp. honey, mix the ingredients and drink.

Dry, debilitating cough can be a symptom of such dangerous diseases, like whooping cough and tuberculosis, so you need to go to the doctor for a consultation and an examination.

How to stop a bad cough

With a strong prolonged cough, the main task is to eliminate it. Before drinking pills, you can use natural remedies:

  1. Take a spoonful of lime or other honey with propolis, put on the tip of the tongue and slowly dissolve. Perform this procedure several times a day for half an hour before meals. It is impossible to swallow honey immediately, since its help lies precisely in the thorough irrigation of the oral cavity and pharynx.
  2. 3 art. l. lime flowers pour 500 ml of boiling water, cover and leave for half an hour. After that, strain the infusion, take 20 minutes. before meals, 100 ml three times a day.
  3. Mix a large chopped onion and 2 tbsp. l. Sahara. Infuse the mixture for five hours. Take without pouring juice, 1 tsp. half an hour before meals 4 p. per day.
  4. Wash the black radish. cut off two-thirds of the top. Make an indentation at the bottom with a knife, fill it with sugar or honey is better. Cover with the top and leave in a warm place to form juice. Take 1 tsp. twice a day.
  5. Inhalations with fir oil have an excellent effect with a strong cough. Add five drops of oil to a pot of hot water, bend over the steam, cover with a towel and breathe for five minutes. During illness, perform such inhalations three times a week.
  6. Grind lingonberries with sugar (1:1), pour into a glass jar and insist for a day in a warm place. Take lingonberry syrup 1 tsp. 4 p. a day before meals.
  7. A great remedy is raspberry syrup. Since raspberries have a diaphoretic effect, it will help not only eliminate a strong cough, but also improve the general condition. Crush 200 g of raspberries, add 100 g of sugar. Insist for a day and take 1 tbsp. l. before meals three times a day.
  8. Place a large head of garlic in 200 ml of milk and cook until it softens. Put 1 tbsp. l. honey, mix and drink 1 tbsp. l. an hour before meals 3 times a day.

Cough is a normal phenomenon, moreover, our body needs it, as it has a protective and cleansing effect. You should carefully consider the cough that has arisen and find out its etiology.

How to stop a coughing fit

It is a wet cough that is effective, because together with sputum it removes pathological substances and helps to cleanse the respiratory tract. Dry cough, on the contrary, increases irritation and spasm of the respiratory system. In order to remove all toxins, it is necessary to provoke the separation of sputum and its active discharge. Therefore, in the presence of a dry cough, one should drink sputum-thinning drugs - mucolytics (Bromhexine. Ambroxol). There are also plants that have a mucolytic effect - eucalyptus, sage, chamomile, thyme. In addition to stimulating sputum discharge, these drugs have an anti-inflammatory effect and soothe cough. To increase the amount of sputum discharge and thin it, you need to drink plenty of water.

Smokers are often haunted by a sore throat and dry cough. They can be helped by drugs such as Gedelix. "Bonhosan". "Doctor MOM". tincture of eucalyptus. Traditional medicine recommends treating cough in smokers in this way: dilute milk with mineral water, drink the solution three times a day.

Medicines such as "Stoptussin" and "Libexin" have an antitussive effect and help to cope with a persistent exhausting cough.

How to stop an asthma attack

Asthmatic cough is loud, hacking, accompanied by tightness in the chest and dry rales, worse in the evening. This problem occurs in the background asthmatic bronchitis. The temperature does not rise.

During an asthma attack, it is very important to relax your muscles and calm down. A special pose will help to do this: sit on a chair facing its back, put a pillow on top and lean on it. Take deep breaths. If possible, use an inhaler to stop an attack (Salbutamol, Berotek), taking two breaths. If there is no effect, the drug is inhaled again. When a person knows that he has a similar disease, he should always have an inhaler with him.

Do not use mustard plasters and steam baths, as they further increase bronchospasm.

In the case when it is impossible to remove the attack, it is called urgent care. The doctor assists with an injection of eufilin, which allows you to instantly expand the bronchi and remove the spasm. In emergency cases, an injection of dexamethasone or prednisolone is given.

How to stop an allergic cough attack

Symptoms of an allergic cough are very similar to an asthmatic attack, but it occurs in response to an active allergen (plant pollen, pungent odors, animal hair, dust, household chemicals). Often, allergies are accompanied by lacrimation, redness of the skin, swelling of the face.

At the very beginning of the attack, it is necessary to remove the source that caused the allergic reaction, then take an antihistamine (suprastin, diazolin, tavegil). nasal and oral cavity rinse with water.

To prevent allergies, you should ventilate the rooms, regularly perform wet cleaning. If you do not know what you are allergic to, but you feel its symptoms, you need to organize a trip to the doctor and not start the condition.

How to stop a coughing fit with SARS

In inflammatory processes of the respiratory tract, cough occurs after a few hours. At first it is dry, then it becomes wet. With laryngitis, for example, the cough is dry and barking. pronounced hoarseness of voice. With tracheitis, a loud, pronounced cough with pain in the chest. Bronchitis is characterized by a painless cough with shortness of breath and wheezing.

Dry air in the room provokes bronchospasm and laryngospasm. Therefore, humidifiers should be present in the room. If there are no humidifiers, you can arrange water containers in different places. IN winter period they are placed near the battery or heater. Inhalations with simple hot steam or boiled potato steam can moisten and soften the respiratory mucosa.

During an attack, it is better to take a sitting position, leaning on a pillow. If the cough is dry, it is recommended to drink ginger tea or warm milk, adding butter or honey. Onion juice with honey improves: the ingredients are diluted in equal proportions, the resulting mixture is infused for four hours. Take 2 times a day for 1 tsp.

Breathing exercises also help during a coughing fit. First you need to take a deep breath and exhale, then hold your breath. Repeat the exercise 4-5 times.


A sudden cough may not portend anything dangerous and is a natural reaction to some kind of irritant. A cough that lasts for weeks is a sign of a chronic illness. Ways to stop an attack depend on the origin of the cough - more than 50 reasons are named. We will tell you how to deal with a cough on your own, but there are also cases in which specialist help is needed.

Medicines against different types cough

Moist cough It is considered productive, as it clears the airways. This process needs to be helped by taking mucolytic (sputum thinning) agents: acetylcysteine, ambroxol.

Dry cough, respectively, is unproductive - it only irritates the larynx and increases bronchospasm. It is necessary to call the separation of sputum, dilute it, improve its discharge and thereby remove toxic substances. For this, bromhexine preparations are used and herbal remedies(sage, eucalyptus, chamomile, thyme). They reduce inflammation, relieve coughing, stimulate sputum production. With a mild dry cough, lollipops with herbal extracts will help. You also need to drink more.

At dry cough smokers are helped by the drugs "Bronchogen", "Fluimucil", "Gedelix", "Doctor MOM", eucalyptus tincture. And traditional healers treat the cough of smokers with milk mixed with mineral water, which must be drunk three times a day.

At stubborn, exhausting cough, you need to take the means to stop it: "Stoptussin", "Libeksin".

Cough with SARS Infections cause a cough that develops over several hours and changes from dry to wet. You can determine the disease by the nature of the coughing fit - here are some of these diseases:

  • laryngitis - husky voice, cough dry, "barking";
  • tracheitis - loud cough with chest pain;
  • bronchitis - wet rales, loud painless cough with difficulty breathing.

Dry air contributes to bouts of bronchitis or laryngitis. If there is no humidifier, place water containers everywhere, in winter - near heating radiators for better evaporation. A good way is to breathe in steam that softens the airways, including steam from boiled potatoes.

To alleviate the attack, it is not recommended to lie down - it is better to sit with a pillow under your back. With a dry cough, you need to drink tea with ginger or hot milk with honey (or butter). A mixture in equal proportions of juice squeezed from chopped onions and honey helps. The mixture is insisted for 4 hours and taken twice a day for a teaspoon.

At night cough, when the blood in the lungs moves more slowly and the mucus does not resolve, it is recommended to turn over in bed more often. Before going to bed - drink some water with burnt sugar dissolved in it (regular sugar should be heated in a dry frying pan until it turns brown).

If we talk about children's cough, only a pediatrician can determine the method of treatment. It is not worth choosing medicines on your own. But you can use some natural remedies to help relieve a cough before visiting a doctor.

  • In a 1:1 ratio, mix olive oil with honey - give your child three times a day in a teaspoon. You can also give sweet almond oil.
  • To cleanse the bronchi and lungs: boil the lemon for 10 minutes over low heat, cool, remove the peel and squeeze the lemon juice into a glass. Add the same amount of glycerin, then add liquid honey to the rim of the glass.
  • For dry cough(if there is no allergy to citrus fruits): pour the orange, finely chopped together with the peel, with sugar, cook for half an hour over low heat. The mixture can be taken several times a day.

An attack of sudden coughing can occur even in healthy person. It is easy to cope with such a cough: inhale, exhale, hold your breath longer. This must be done four or five times, and the attack will stop.

asthmatic cough A loud, violent and hysterical cough with dry wheezing, a feeling of fullness in the chest, especially worse at night and in the absence of high temperature, indicates asthma.

During an attack, much depends on the ability to calm down and relax. You need to sit on a chair astride, facing the back, put a pillow on the back to lean on it. Try to normalize breathing by making full exhalations, and use an inhaler (Berotek, Berodual, Salbutamol), inhaling twice. If there is no improvement, take two more doses after 10 minutes. If it is impossible to stop a coughing fit, call an ambulance. Most often, the doctor makes an injection of aminophylline, a fast-acting agent for expanding the bronchi (the action of the tablet of the same name occurs only after 40 minutes). In severe cases, prednisolone or dexamethasone is administered.

Cough with allergies Asthma-like cough occurs under the influence of allergens: Poplar fluff, dust, pungent odors, animal hair, pollen, etc. when the immune system attacks foreign particles. At the same time, the skin sometimes turns red, the face swells, the eyes are watery.

At the beginning of the attack, you should take an antiallergic agent (claritin, suprastin, tavegil, diazolin) and, if possible, eliminate the source of the allergy. It is recommended to rinse the mouth and nasopharynx with clean warm water.

In order to avoid a recurrence of an attack, it is necessary to ventilate the premises more often, do wet cleaning, and get rid of “dust collectors”. If the cough does not go away (and the temperature does not appear), you need to contact an allergist.

If a person chokes Upon penetration foreign body suffocation occurs in the respiratory system. It is impossible, contrary to popular belief, to slap the victim on the back: the foreign body will go deeper into the airways. Encourage the person to inhale slowly and exhale strongly. If natural coughing is ineffective, use the Heimlich method. Stand behind the casualty with your arms wrapped around their waist and leaning forward. clenched fist put it on his stomach above the navel, put the other hand on top and make sharp pressure until you can get rid of the foreign body.

If the child is choking, encourage coughing. If the cough is quiet or silent, and the child begins to choke, place him on your knees with his head down, gently holding lower jaw fingers of one hand. With the other hand (the base of the palm), tap between the shoulder blades several times, directing the movements towards the child's head. After that, lay the child on his back and, with your fingertips, sharply press several times on the stomach at the junction of the ribs. Check your mouth. If the foreign body does not come out, call an ambulance and repeat from the beginning.

Self-treatment of any type of cough is possible only in mild cases. Seek immediate medical attention if you have a persistent cough, wheezing that is clearly audible at a distance, chest pain, blood or greenish sputum. Do not delay visiting a doctor for nocturnal coughing attacks, and even more so when a high temperature appears.

How to stop a dry cough

To alleviate bouts of dry cough, it is necessary to provide high humidity in the room. Dry air causes stagnation of mucus, makes it difficult to expel sputum and contributes to the further spread of bacteria.

  • How to stop a dry cough
  • How to soothe a nocturnal cough
  • How to relieve an attack of dry cough in a child?
  • What childhood diseases can be accompanied by coughing fits?
  • For what symptoms should you call an ambulance?
  • How to help at home?
  • Sufficient indoor humidity
  • Bathing
  • Inhalations
  • Folk remedies
  • Pharmacy preparations
  • What to do when you have a cough healthy child?
  • Eliminate the possibility of allergies
  • When a foreign body is inhaled
  • Arising without any reason
  • How to calm a cough: useful tips
  • How to calm a cough in a child and an adult?
  • How to calm a strong cough with medicines?
  • How to soothe a dry cough?
  • Recipes with onions
  • Recipes with honey
  • Healthy drink recipes
  • Other recipes and recommendations
  • Cough soothing agents
  • Dry cough: how to recognize and soothe
  • Folk recipes to relieve coughing attacks
  • Medications for dry cough attacks
  • Signs and treatment wet cough
  • Folk remedies for wet cough
  • Productive Cough Remedies
  • How to calm a cough in a child at home?
  • Causes of cough in children
  • What is a cough?
  • Wet cough or dry: how to distinguish?
  • Signs of a dry cough
  • Characteristic differences of wet cough
  • How to help a child with a cough?
  • Basic recommendations for getting rid of a cough of any kind
  • Humid air and regular cleaning of the premises
  • A lighter diet and plenty of fluids
  • Inhalations and lozenges
  • Folk remedies
  • How to help a child with a wet cough?
  • Warm compresses
  • Massage
  • home remedies
  • How to help a baby with a dry cough?
  • Inhalations
  • Grandma's recipes
  • How to relieve a coughing fit with false croup?
  • What do we have to do?
  • In what cases is it necessary to urgently consult a doctor?
  • News DELFI - The largest news portal in Russian in Estonia
  • Insidious laryngitis: how to relieve coughing fits with folk methods
  • Dry cough attacks in a child
  • What could be the causes of coughing?
  • How to stop an attack of dry cough in a child?
  • Cough medicines
  • cough syrups
  • Mucolytics and expectorants

To humidify the air, use special devices or use the old proven methods: hang wet towels on central heating radiators, place basins of wet water on the floor. Make sure that the air temperature in the room is not higher than 21 ° C, ventilate the room regularly.

Wet inhalations act very well on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. You can buy an inhaler and breathe in vapors with the addition of essential oils. Instead of an inhaler, you can use a regular pan. Pour water, bring it to a boil, throw in some dry chamomile, linden, St. John's wort flowers, add a drop of eucalyptus essential oil and breathe in the healing steam. From above, you should cover yourself with a towel or a terry sheet, and so that the steam gets directly into your lungs, make a funnel out of paper and breathe through it.

The preparation of various potions will help facilitate the discharge of sputum, thin the mucus, and relieve spasms. With a dry cough, it is recommended to drink warm milk with the addition of butter or soda. Such a drink is also useful - heat the milk, add a spoonful of honey. spoon onion juice. Infusion of figs (boil chopped figs in a glass of water for several minutes), mix with fresh lemon juice and take a teaspoon after meals. Onion mixture - finely chop a large onion, add two tablespoons of sugar, leave to infuse overnight. The next day, you will need to eat the onion and drink the resulting juice.

Take before bed to stop cough next remedy- prepare a mixture of radish juice with honey and take a teaspoon shortly before bedtime. You can grate the radish and squeeze out the juice, you can make a hole in the whole root crop and pour honey into it. During nighttime coughing spells, it is helpful to drink a few sips of warm milk with a pinch of baking soda added to it. Can be made hot in the evening foot baths(if there is no temperature).

Articles on the topic "How to stop a dry cough"

How to stop a dry cough - print version

A source:

How to soothe a nocturnal cough

If you or your child regularly has bouts of nocturnal coughing, you should see a doctor right away. The fact is that cough itself is not a disease. It may indicate a viral or bacterial infection, bronchitis, laryngitis, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as a host of other diseases. Only a doctor can correctly diagnose the disease and prescribe treatment. don't try to do it yourself.

You can try to relieve your nighttime coughing spells during treatment. Try to drink as much milk or warm tea as possible - the liquid coats the tissues, softens them and makes the cough less hard. A cup of warm broth will provide you with deep sleep for at least a few hours.

If the attack still began, then it can be stopped. Take a glass of milk, add a teaspoon of butter to it and boil it. Now add a small pinch of baking soda to the milk. Drink the mixture while it is hot. This will help you sleep peacefully. If the attack is so strong that you are simply not able to boil milk, then drink plain warm water - any liquid can calm the night cough for a while.

If your cough is caused by allergic reactions, swelling of the respiratory tract, then you should take an antihistamine drug (Suprastin, Loratadin, Tavegil) before going to bed - they will relieve swelling and prevent spasms. Before you start taking it, be sure to consult with your doctor - he will prescribe you a daily dose and regimen.

If the night cough is dry. then you should try taking expectorants that your doctor should prescribe for you.

A decoction of pine needles is very useful, the steam of which you need to breathe. Before going to bed, inhale or simply prepare a decoction and place a container with it near the bed. Inhalation of steam will relieve spasms of the respiratory tract and stop the attack.

Articles on the topic "How to calm a night cough"

How to soothe a nocturnal cough - print version

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How to relieve an attack of dry cough in a child?

Cough is an important and useful phenomenon. It is needed in order to cleanse the lungs and respiratory tract of extraneous irritants - dust, dirt, but most often - mucus.

If the body cannot do this, we are faced with a phenomenon called "dry" cough. Its difference from wet is that a child or an adult tries to cough up, but the sputum does not go away.

Before trying to stop a coughing attack on your own, you should consult a doctor and determine which disease caused this unpleasant symptom.

What childhood diseases can be accompanied by coughing fits?

  1. In 90% of cases in children, cough is caused by SARS or a cold. Accompanied by familiar symptoms: fever, runny nose, sneezing.
  2. Acute bronchitis. It starts suddenly, is complemented by moist rales, quickly turns into a wet cough.
  3. Tracheitis. As a rule, in children it begins at night and intensifies in the morning. Accompanied by pain in the throat and behind the sternum.
  4. Whooping cough is a common viral infection. The baby coughs very strongly and often, and at night the situation worsens. During an attack, you can notice that his tongue is stuck out and rolled into a tube. Often the child turns red / blue, the face swells.
  5. False croup - swelling of the mucous membrane of the larynx. Cough rough, barking. The child has difficulty breathing. Most often, the attack begins at night.

If you notice that your baby has begun to cough periodically, and attacks are accompanied by signs of the diseases listed above (or other symptoms, such as redness or itching of the skin, watery eyes, and others), you should urgently make an appointment with a doctor.

Attack false croup may suffocate the baby. In this case, it is very important to get medical care As soon as possible. If you notice that the child is coughing, choking and turning blue - this is a reason to urgently call an ambulance.

For what symptoms should you call an ambulance?

So, we repeat once again, urgently calling an ambulance for a heavily coughing baby is necessary in cases where the cough:

  • appeared suddenly and does not stop;

arose against the background of high body temperature (above 38 ° C); accompanied by suffocation, a change in complexion (the child turns pale / blue) or loss of consciousness.

How to help at home?

Sufficient indoor humidity

The main assistant in an attack of dry cough is moist cool air. Put a humidifier, a bucket of water, put a damp towel on the pipes. Remove heaters. This will clear the baby's airways of germs, viruses and accumulated mucus.

Bathe the child. In this case, the purpose of taking a bath will not be cleanliness, but moist air. This is the simplest and effective view inhalation. At the same time, you should not tightly close the doors and windows in the bathroom, otherwise the humidity will be too high and the weak children's lungs will not be able to cough up the accumulated lump of mucus.


Steam inhalations with decoctions of herbs, essential oils will also help relieve a coughing fit in a child. Chamomile decoction is often used as a way to quickly remove discomfort in the throat. If there is no inhaler, then you can help in a way proven by generations: let him breathe over potato vapors.

Note! Contrary to popular belief, inhalations should not be carried out before going to bed. The child during sleep will not be able to get rid of the mucus accumulated in the lungs.

Children under one year of inhalation are contraindicated, in principle! In infants, the lungs are not strong enough to self-removal sputum through the respiratory tract.

Folk remedies

Also, a plentiful alkaline warm drink effectively helps with a cough: milk, alkaline mineral water, tea with chamomile. To enhance the effect, these drinks can be consumed with honey or butter. This will soften the mucous membrane and relieve coughing in children.

Herbal infusions: thyme, coltsfoot leaf, plantain are excellent expectorants. But! Before using such a remedy, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician and remove all cough preparations that suppress expectoration away!

Otherwise, the child will not be able to get rid of the mucus that has accumulated in the lungs and bronchi.

Pharmacy preparations

If a baby's "dry" cough is a symptom of SARS, treatment should begin with a visit to the doctor. Usually, expectorants are prescribed in this case. plant origin in the form of syrup or tablets.

Against the background of SARS, a cough can be a consequence of a runny nose: mucus from the nose of the crumbs flows down the back of the throat and settles in the lungs, causing a cough. In such a situation, before going to bed, you can drip into the child's nose saline solution, or, prescribed by a doctor, vasoconstrictor drops.

Pediatricians usually resort to sputum thinners if expectorants have not had a positive effect.

Attention! Before you start drug treatment, be sure to consult your doctor and carefully read the instructions for the drug. Remember, when self-medicating and choosing the wrong remedy from coughing, you risk only aggravating the condition of a sick child.

What to do with a coughing fit in a healthy child?

Eliminate the possibility of allergies

If a seemingly healthy baby regularly suffers from bouts of dry cough, including those that occur at night, allergies can serve as its source. The only method struggle: consult a doctor, identify the allergen and remove it away from the child.

When a foreign body is inhaled

If a healthy child who is out of sight of a parent has a sudden paroxysmal cough with choking, then it is quite possible that the young researcher mistook something small for an edible object. Thus, coughing, he tries to get rid of the foreign body in respiratory tract.

The cessation of coughing serves as a reason for parents to begin providing first aid to the child: tilt him so that his head is below the priests and lightly hit him several times on the back, between the shoulder blades, moving towards the head, as if knocking out foreign object out.

Arising without any reason

Sudden, occurring for no reason violent attack night cough should necessarily entail an ambulance call. While waiting for an ambulance, help the baby plentiful drink and humidification of the air in the room.

A source:

I know there are a lot of topics about coughing, but I urgently need an answer. The child is 2 years and 10 months old. runny nose since Thursday, cough joined yesterday. Many walked and drank. On the street practically did not cough, at home more. I put my daughter to bed - a strong cough began, a couple of times with vomiting. The child wants to sleep but cannot. Cough dry, no cough (at least I can't hear). The humidifier is working, the temperature is normal. Prompt, than to remove an attack?

adamovna. stoptussin. Although the event is very unsafe.

Adamovna wrote: Excuse me, what are the symptoms of croup?

Difficulty inhaling with wheezing, the child convulsively tries to inhale and coughs. If there were croup, you would understand that you can’t confuse it with anything. Most likely, the mucus collects in the larynx and is irritating, causing a cough. An antitussive is indicated only if the cough is throaty, not deep

With posterior rhinitis, when snot flows down the back wall, a vasoconstrictive and semi-sitting position helps.

I hope you are vaccinated against whooping cough.

I would not give antitussives.

In any case, the pillow is higher and drink more.

It does not look like croup, although when he coughs, he sighs abruptly and coughs again.

Syringa wrote: Most likely the mucus collects in the larynx and is irritating, causing a cough.

Optimist wrote: With posterior rhinitis, when snot flows down the back wall, a vasoconstrictive and semi-sitting position helps.

I really hope for it.

Syringa wrote: Antitussive is indicated only if the cough is throat, not deep

Who knows, I don't understand.

Maybe give milk and butter to “lubricate” (just what is there to lubricate?)

Added after 50 seconds:

mamasha-irina wrote: warm fatty drink, for example milk with a piece of butter

ABOUT! Thanks, that's exactly what I'm talking about!

A source:

Many people suffer from severe bouts of coughing during colds, which cause pain and other problems. They occur not only in adults, but also in children. Coughing helps clear the airways of the infecting mass and secretions.

This is important for a quick recovery. But severe attacks, especially at night, bring a lot of discomfort, so you need to know a few rules that will help get rid of them. During sleep, it intensifies due to the fact that it is much more difficult to remove mucus from the body in a horizontal position.

If you or your child are suffering from seizures, be sure to consult a doctor. The specialist will help determine the cause, as well as prescribe the necessary drugs. In parallel with prescribed medications, you can use folk remedies.

How to calm a cough in a child and an adult?

It is important that the secretions in the airways are liquid and constantly in motion.

There are several conditions that must be adhered to during the period of illness of the baby:

  • Tap the sick person on the back. Such movements can be considered chest physiotherapy. Spend similar procedures 4 times a day and do at least 10 strokes on each side. You can find out from the doctor exactly where the discharge has accumulated in order to knock in this particular place;
  • Clear the air. Microbes and various irritants that are in the air can not only exacerbate infections, but also cause a chronic dry cough. Ventilate the room, and also purchase a special device for air purification;
  • It is necessary to choose the right cough remedy, as the wrong drug can cause complications. In general, there are 3 options: antitussives, expectorants and mucolytics. To make the right choice, be sure to consult a doctor.

How to calm a strong cough with medicines?

In no case do not self-medicate and when the first symptoms appear, go to the doctor who will prescribe the necessary drugs for you.

  • People who have asthma, heart problems, high blood pressure, glaucoma, and an enlarged prostate should be wary of cough medicines. Do not combine them with sedatives and some antidepressants;
  • It is necessary to be careful for people who are over 60 years old, as well as those who have chronic respiratory diseases;
  • Be sure to read the instructions, as many preparations and syrups contain a large amount of alcohol and codeine;
  • Never exceed the allowable dose, as this may cause other problems to develop;
  • Do not use medicines that contain substances that cause you allergies.

How to soothe a dry cough?

There are several ways to deal with seizures. Thanks to this, you will be able to more easily endure daytime duties and sleep peacefully.

Plentiful drink. Most often, a strong cough occurs in case of intoxication of the body, therefore it is recommended to drink liquid frequently, as this can remove the waste products of viruses from the body.

The daily volume is at least 2.2 liters. This is a great tip to calm an attack at night. It is recommended to drink warm water, tea, herbal decoctions, chicken broth and other healthy drinks.

Recipes with onions

This vegetable has been used since ancient times to treat viral diseases, including dry and wet coughs.

There are several recipes with its use, consider a few of them:

  • Take a medium-sized onion, cut it into small cubes and sprinkle with sugar. After a few hours, you will notice how the vegetable has isolated juice, which must be consumed 4 times a day, 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Another option on how to calm a cough with onions is a decoction in milk. To do this, simply boil the onion in milk and take the resulting broth for 1 tbsp. spoon every 2 hours;
  • You can make another version of the syrup. To do this, connect 0.5 tbsp. water and the same amount of honey. Send a chopped clove of garlic, a quarter of an onion and a small amount of thyme there. Leave the mixture overnight. The next day, drain the resulting syrup and consume it 3 times a day. Keep it in the refrigerator.

Recipes with honey

Such options are very popular, since everyone loves sweet medicines. This is a great option for soothing a dry cough at night, as by eating just a spoonful, you can lubricate your throat and get rid of discomfort.

We offer you such folk remedies:

  • You can prepare a healthy drink, which consists of 1 tbsp. hot water, lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of honey;
  • Another drink that allows you to quickly get rid of the problem is very popular - a mixture of hot milk and honey. One recommendation: do not add it to hot liquids, as honey loses all of its beneficial substances;
  • Another option is a mixture of boiled onions and honey, which must be consumed every 4 hours;
  • Many folk recipes to get rid of a cough contain horseradish, we offer this recipe: combine 1/8 teaspoon of horseradish and 1/4 tbsp. honey. Leave the mixture for a few hours and then consume throughout the day;
  • Black radish will help calm coughing spells, as it contains substances that act as a warming agent. Take a root crop and make a hole in it, in which you put honey. After a few hours, you will see how the juice has formed and it must be consumed 3 times a day, 1 tbsp. spoon.

Healthy drink recipes

As we said earlier, to get rid of a cough, you need to drink plenty of water.

You can prepare ordinary herbal infusions, but we offer the following drinks:

  • It is necessary to make tea in warm water, and not in boiling water, since all the beneficial substances will simply disappear. Put thyme and basil into the water to improve the taste and effect - add a little honey;
  • You can make a drink based on turmeric. For this, 1 tbsp. water, take 1 teaspoon of turmeric and the same amount of azhgon seeds. Heat up and cook over low heat until half of the liquid has boiled away. Cool and put a small amount of honey there. Consume 3 times a day;
  • Ginger can be used to soothe bouts of dry coughs as it has a warming effect. Grind a small amount of the root and fill it with warm water;
  • Connect 0.5 tbsp. water, 2 cloves, 2 pieces of minced ginger and a pinch of cinnamon. Boil everything and leave to infuse for 10 minutes. Then add 1 tbsp. red wine and heat up to no higher than 80 degrees. Then put a slice of lemon and 1 teaspoon of honey. Drink medicinal mulled wine hot.

In order to weaken and eliminate the occurrence of an attack at night, it is necessary to put more pillows under the head. Lozenges can be used throughout the day. It is recommended to stop smoking, as well as to avoid various respiratory irritants, for example, smoke, dust, etc.

Do not forget about the lemon, which contains a large amount of ascorbic acid. This substance helps in the treatment of coughs and colds. medicinal sage acts as an excellent expectorant and anti-inflammatory agent that dries up a wet cough.

We can't help but think of raspberry jam, which acts as a soothing and anti-inflammatory agent. It can be added to tea or simply eaten with spoons.

Other effective recipes:

  • If you have an attack of coughing, then it can be stopped with the help of such a drink: combine 1 tbsp. milk, 1 teaspoon of butter and boil everything. Then add a pinch of soda and drink hot;
  • Another effective remedy that will help calm even the most severe cough. Connect 0.5 tbsp. boiling water and 2 tbsp. spoons of sunflower oil. It is necessary to drink in small sips;
  • Whisk the egg yolk and slowly pour in the hot milk. Then, stirring constantly, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of butter and the same amount of honey. It is necessary to drink hot.

Now you know all the proven ways to quickly calm a coughing fit, both for an adult and a child, so you can easily find the right option for yourself.

If after a week of using folk remedies you still feel pain or burning in your chest, it is difficult for you to swallow and the situation has not changed in any way, then be sure to consult a doctor.

It is a symptom of many diseases. It comes in different types and intensities. Dry cough is considered the most debilitating and painful, since this condition significantly worsens the quality of a person’s life (it interferes with rest, work, sleep).

To avoid unwanted complications, it is important to treat dry cough. For this, drug treatment is used, as well as alternative therapy.

Causes of dry cough, signs

Medical treatment

First of all, treatment should be aimed at alleviating the human condition, softening and moisturizing the mucous membranes of the larynx, and eliminating irritation.

For this, the following forms of drugs are used:

  1. Syrups and medicines.
  2. Lozenges for resorption.
  3. Combined drugs.

Treatment features:

  • In the treatment of laryngitis and whooping cough, antitussive drugs are used, for example, Libexin, Theophylline or Sinekod. These medicines act on the brain by suppressing cough reflexes. It is important to remember that these drugs are not allowed to be taken simultaneously with expectorants.
  • Specialists may prescribe expectorants for coughing. Effective in this regard are,.
  • If the patient has a sore throat, then in order to soften the vocal cords, Tonsilgon, Lizak, Lisobakt are prescribed.
  • When a dry cough occurs as a result of bronchial asthma, an allergic reaction, then hormone-based aerosols are used - Ventolin, Pulmicort. When coughing on an allergic background, antihistamines are prescribed.
  • To reduce dry cough, smokers are advised to use syrups such as eucalyptus tincture, Bronchosan,.

Also for get well soon it is necessary to humidify the air. To do this, it is recommended to use a special humidifier. In addition, you can hang wet towels for this purpose and arrange a container of water.

It is necessary to monitor the optimal temperature and often ventilate the room where the patient is located. These rules will help alleviate the condition and reduce dry cough.With a dry cough, you can not self-medicate, because you can only harm your health and aggravate the situation. Choice medications should be trusted to the doctor.

Traditional medicine against cough without sputum

Various potions are used in alternative therapy. Such funds help to remove sputum, thin the mucous secretion, and relieve spasms.

The following recipes are considered effective:

  1. Onion tool. The crushed plant should be covered with sugar and left to infuse for twelve hours. After that, onion syrup is consumed inside.
  2. Warm milk with honey. It is recommended to add a little juice from the onion to the product. You can also use butter and egg yolk instead of onions. It is better to use such a solution before going to bed.
  3. Decoction in milk. It is taken before bed at night.
  4. Radish syrup. To prepare it, the core of the vegetable is cut out, and a few tablespoons of honey are poured inside. After the syrup appears, it is drunk.
  5. Fig infusion. The fruit should be finely chopped, boiled in water. After that add lemon juice. It is necessary to use one teaspoon after a meal.
  6. Honey with butter. This medicine is recommended for resorption. It relieves cough reflexes.
  7. Hot milk with a pinch of soda. Such a remedy is advised to use for coughing attacks at night. You can add mineral water to milk, for example, Borjomi.
  8. Ginger juice. For preparation, ginger is rubbed finely on a grater, honey is added to this mixture.
  9. A mixture of raisins and sugar. The ingredients are ground in a blender to a paste-like state. The medicine is consumed by 30 grams in the morning and evening hours.
  10. Used to get rid of dry cough lingonberries rubbed with sugar, raspberry syrup. Such funds help in the discharge of sputum, reduce cough urges.
  11. With absence elevated temperature you can do foot baths. Mustard plasters can also be effective in this case.

It is important to know that the possibility of using alternative means must be approved by a specialist, since they are only auxiliary.

Inhalations and compresses

The inhalation method is one of effective methods cough treatment. Decoctions are used for the procedure medicinal plants, which have an anti-inflammatory, expectorant effect.

These medicinal herbs include:

  • Linden
  • chamomile
  • St. John's wort
  • Eucalyptus
  • Mint
  • Sage

In addition, essential oils can be used for inhalation. The most effective in this regard are eucalyptus, cedar, mint, fir, lavender oils.In this case, inhalation with mineral water will also help. You can also use a soda-iodine solution. Medical saline will also work.

The procedure can be performed traditional way- inhalation of vapors over a kettle or other container. IN Lately a special device is used, which is called. Such a device is very convenient for the treatment of cough in children.

For dry cough effective method compresses count.

For this procedure, crushed potatoes can be used. It is wrapped hot in a dense cloth and applied to the sternum and covered with polyethylene.For compresses, a cabbage leaf smeared with honey is also used. It is placed on the back.

It is important to remember that such procedures are preferably performed at night. After inhalation method It is recommended not to go outside during the cold season. It is better after carrying out these methods to go to bed and cover yourself with a blanket.

You can learn more about how and how to treat dry cough from the video:

It is important to know how to prevent the development of dry cough. For this, it is necessary to comply the following measures prevention:

  1. Live a healthy life.
  2. Limit the use of alcoholic beverages.
  3. Give up smoking.
  4. Eat rationally and nutritiously.
  5. Go in for sports and exercise.
  6. Adhere to hygiene rules.
  7. Get regular preventive checkups.
  8. Follow the instructions of the experts.
  9. Sleep fully.

Everyone should know how to relieve a coughing fit. The problem occurs under the influence of various factors, but in 90% of cases the main reason is various diseases- viral, infectious. You can effectively stop an attack at home, medications and traditional medicine help relieve manifestations. It is important to bear in mind that a sudden and severe attack of coughing can be not only a symptom of the disease, but also defensive reaction organism, for example, on a piece of food or a foreign object.


A severe or prolonged bout of coughing can occur for a variety of reasons. This manifestation should not be left unattended, since the list contains diseases such as:

  • bronchial asthma - in the case when this disease is the main one, then in addition to this symptom there is severe shortness of breath. As a result, there is a pronounced lack of air. You can remove the manifestations using special preparations (sprays);
  • allergic reaction - bouts of dry and loud coughing occur after contact with an irritant has occurred. Shortness of breath in this case appears rarely. In 90% of cases, a reaction in this form occurs after inhalation of pollen, dust, a chemical component. The reason is active irritation of the mucous membrane;
  • heart failure - when a person has a pathology associated with the cardiovascular system, the characteristic sound is a reflex, and not a symptomatic manifestation of the problem. Additionally, shortness of breath and a rapid pulse occur. The therapeutic effect is aimed at treating the heart and strengthening blood vessels. Elimination of coughing fits is in this case a secondary task.

An attack of irritating dry cough appears against the background of such diseases:

  1. SARS.
  2. Colds.
  3. Flu.

Cough here is a symptom of the disease, manifests itself at its very beginning. Attacks of dry cough in an adult eventually turn into a wet one. In this case, there is a discharge of sputum and a mucous component that has accumulated in the lungs.

Also among possible causes seizures of a number of the following diseases:

  • pneumonia;
  • bronchitis;
  • whooping cough;
  • tuberculosis;
  • damage to the thyroid gland;
  • problems with the esophagus;
  • pleurisy;
  • nervous strain;
  • laryngitis;
  • helminthiasis;
  • pulmonary emphysema.

Symptomatic manifestation can be observed if there are malignant neoplasms in the lungs.

Important! If a dry cough persists for more than 7 days, then you should consult a doctor (Laura) for detailed advice.

Also, coughing fits can be encountered if sinusitis or one of the types of rhinitis develops. The patient ceases to fully breathe through the nose, congestion and swelling are observed. The problem occurs in the background inflammatory response and a large accumulation of mucus. To eliminate the problem with seizures, you need to moisten the mucous membrane of the throat, carry out steam inhalations.

How to quickly stop a coughing fit at night in an adult

If the attack occurred at night, then in this case it is necessary to take a number of simple actions:

  • take a sitting position;
  • often, but deeply inhale air through the mouth, holding it for a few seconds, then exhale;
  • drink a few sips of water.

Additionally, you can take a drug that allows you to push mucus out of the lungs. Nettle decoction helps a lot.

How to stop coughing attacks in an adult with medication

It is important to know how to stop an attack of dry cough in an adult patient using medication. It must be remembered that to provide qualified assistance only a doctor can. He will write out a regimen for taking one of the following medications that help remove bouts of daytime or nighttime coughing:

  • Sinekod - this drug allows you to stop suffering from seizures, as it has a powerful antitussive and bronchodilator effect. The components included in the composition directly affect the cause of the problem, due to which changes for the better are observed after 20-30 minutes;
  • Codelac - a medicine relieves a cough that is suffocating and paroxysmal. It acts on the receptors, so half an hour after taking it, relief comes. This cough syrup, despite the long-term effect of exposure (on average 4 hours), should not be used during pregnancy and lactation, given to babies;
  • Libexin - the drug protects the respiratory mucosa, actively removing inflammatory process. It should not be used during bouts of wet coughing. The maximum effect occurs 40 minutes after administration. It is forbidden to use pregnant and lactating women, children;
  • Omnitus - the drug is used during a cough caused by bronchitis in acute form, SARS or other infections. It has a powerful antitussive effect. It can only be drunk by adults;
  • Eufillin - the drug allows you to relieve attacks of severe coughing, as it acts on receptors. It is included in therapy when bronchial asthma is at the heart of the problem. You cannot use it without permission, because the tool has many side effects. Contraindications: heart disease, pregnancy and childhood.

Methods for the treatment of dry cough in an adult

Any antitussive drug based on herbs and medicinal plants can cause an allergic reaction, so they should be used only after consulting a doctor.

How to relieve coughing fits: additional methods of treatment

If the question arises of how to quickly relieve a coughing attack quickly or at home, then you need to remember: the treatment methods depend on the underlying cause that causes it. If you managed to find out negative factor, then the therapy includes:

  • medicines with a bronchodilator effect;
  • drugs that can relieve inflammation (steroidal and non-steroidal in composition);
  • antibiotics (if viruses, bacteria, fungi are affected, complications have appeared or the disease is in an advanced stage);
  • medicines that affect viruses;
  • mucolytics;
  • drugs with expectorant effects;
  • antihistamines (cough caused by allergies and occurring after contact with an irritant disappears after 20-30 minutes).

You may also need diuretics, immune-boosting drugs, and vitamin complexes. Sometimes compositions for external use are used - ointments and gels for rubbing and heating. The number and variety of drugs depends on the form of the disease and its severity. In the case when there is no high temperature, then apply also different kinds inhalations (steam, using a nebulizer). Among the procedures, physiotherapeutic measures may be present - electrophoresis, UHF or iontophoresis. The complex effect allows for a short time remove bouts of dry or wet cough.

How to relieve coughing fits: doctor's advice

It is possible to effectively treat attacks of dry cough in adults only after passing the diagnosis. Only then will the treatment be successful and correct. An appeal to a specialist will be required if there are additional manifestations that indicate pathological manifestations in the body.

So dry cough occurs with bronchial asthma or the effects of infections on the body. Its sound is loud and barking. Expectoration of sputum and mucus at the time of the attack does not occur, which can lead to congestion or cause further irritation of the throat. Relief of well-being after the end of the cough does not occur, it strains the airways, provoking a new attack, which can become protracted.

Signs and symptoms of whooping cough in adults

During the diagnosis, you must tell the doctor:

  • features of dry cough attacks - duration, number of repetitions per day;
  • about sounds (barking, deaf, wheezing);
  • about the presence or absence pain during or after an attack.

Seek professional help:

  • if attacks are repeated often;
  • there is a strong cough at night or immediately after waking up;
  • when the problem does not disappear within 14 days;
  • if the cough is accompanied by severe manifestations of sweating;
  • in case of an increase in body temperature;
  • when nausea and vomiting occur.

Important to remember! The manifestation may indicate the development of a disease of the stomach, chronic diseases, the influence of infection.

Also, the condition of a patient who constantly experiences bouts of dry or wet cough may worsen due to the general tension of the body. In the event that the problem is accompanied by severe allergic reactions, you need to see a doctor to remove or reduce swelling. This is necessary in order to prevent its transition to the larynx. In the presence of pain and discomfort, we can talk about damage to the pleura. Given the information received, the doctor will tell you how to relieve an attack of dry cough.

An attack of severe coughing: how to stop folk remedies

To eliminate a coughing fit with bronchitis or another disease allows the use together with the traditional complex therapeutic impact traditional medicine recipes. Here you need to be careful and choose the components carefully, since the substances that make up the composition have a different effect on the body.

The most popular folk recipes:

  • warm drinks - it can be tea with herbs or you can be treated with warm milk with honey, warm water with honey and lemon. Drinks should be warm, but not hot, to prevent burns;
  • lubrication of the throat with melted butter (moisturizing the mucous membrane, the effect of soothing the irritated surface);
  • inhalation - as a result, the cough becomes not dry, but wet, which allows you to push out the mucus. The most effective will be formulations with medicines or eucalyptus leaves (irritation is removed, the immune system is strengthened);
  • if you need an antitussive, you can use herbs to create it. Decoctions are used for drinking, rinsing, creating compresses. Chamomile is used for this purpose - it relieves irritation in the throat;
  • when coughing, radish (grated) with the addition of honey is quite effective. Accept folk remedy should be 1-2 times a day for a teaspoon. As a result, rapid hydration of the mucosa and relief of the symptom will be produced.

If different illnesses and a complication from a cold affect the occurrence of attacks, then compresses can be applied. They are best left overnight. Compositions for compresses, how to relieve a coughing fit with their help:

  • heated honey - in this case, you can apply it to a cloth or gauze folded in several layers;
  • vegetable oil (warmed);
  • radish with honey (juice) - helps with a runny nose and when there is a cough (cough of any nature).

To increase efficiency, the compress is insulated. For this purpose, polyethylene and a warm woolen scarf are used.

To strengthen the body, a very effective solution is the use of vitamins. It is recommended to make a mixture of lemon, ginger and honey. As a result, it is possible to relieve redness and relieve coughing attacks in an adult, the various causes of which are associated with a weakening of the body. A good remedy for dry or wet cough is to drink more warm milk, tea, water with the addition of various vitamin formulations.

Before using a folk technique for treating a child, you need to find out if he is allergic to the selected component. If after taking allergy symptoms within half an hour, you need to use antihistamines to stop the manifestations.

An important symptom of diseases of the respiratory system is a constant, debilitating cough. In some cases, it is associated with colds. Sometimes with infectious processes, and even less often - with pathologies of other body systems.

People suffering from the manifestation of this symptom often ask the question: "How to stop a cough in an adult?" The article will be devoted to the answer to this question.

It usually occurs with reflex irritation of receptors located in the mucous membrane of the upper airways. Irritants can be microorganisms or mucus flowing down the pharyngeal wall.

Another cause of cough is stagnation in the terminal sections of the lungs - the alveoli, where difficult-to-separate sputum accumulates during the disease. The secret is aggravated by the constant forced position of the body in bed.


  1. A persistent cough without stopping can be caused by smoking. It's for the lovers cigarette smoke pathological changes in the lungs and upper respiratory tract are more often observed (see). This is due to the fact that tobacco contains nicotine and resins that irritate the bronchial mucosa;
  2. A persistent cough can develop a common cold, not subjected to active treatment, proceeding in a chronic form, with periods of peak and calm. In the presence of adverse conditions in a person, the disease may progress from a common cold to bronchial asthma or pneumonia;
  3. Laryngitis, tracheitis- important diseases that contribute to the development of a dry excruciating cough, "tearing" a person's throat. The standard complaint for this disease is "can't stop coughing into morning hours" (cm. );
  4. Pleurisy disappears with fever, chills, shortness of breath, severe cough and unpleasant pain in the chest (see);
  5. Bronchial asthma is a disease requiring immediate treatment. The cough that occurs against its background is paroxysmal, more often at night.

It should be remembered that it is possible to quickly stop a cough without eliminating the underlying pathology in only rare cases.

Types of chronic cough

Distinguish according to manifestations the following types cough with various clinical manifestations:

  1. Hypnotic;
  2. dry barking;

Basically, the strong cough that has arisen is dry in nature and appears in a person not only in the morning or evening, but throughout the day. Dust, cold, or vice versa, high humidity in the room can be provoking factors for an attack.

The appearance of a person with a long debilitating cough is very characteristic and is shown in the photo.

Why won't the cough stop?

Depending on the factor that caused the unproductive cough, the causes of disease progression may be different. This is often associated with overall decline immunity, deformation of the bronchial wall, a change in the nature of the mucous secretion in the respiratory tract (often observed in smokers).

Joined pathogenic flora(bacteria or viruses) can also delay the cure of a cough.

Attention! The cough is aggravated and with serious oncological processes, for their diagnosis, you should contact a specialist.

How to stop a cough?

In cases where a cough has developed in a person with a cold, it is recommended to limit yourself to improvised means to eliminate pathological symptoms. If the cough is caused by diseases such as pleurisy or bronchial asthma, then only a doctor can prescribe adequate treatment.

To diagnose the cause of the disease in a person, an anamnesis is collected, as well as necessary tests which usually includes:

  1. General analysis of blood, urine, biochemistry;
  2. Bacteriological seeding on flora;
  3. Serological research methods;
  4. X-ray diagnostics (if necessary).

Based on the results of research, we can talk about the presence or absence of certain diseases in a person. Drug therapy is prescribed in accordance with the identified pathological syndrome, which contributes to the formation of a strong incessant cough.

Folk methods

How to quickly stop a cough without the use of drug therapy? Is it possible? Yes, sure.

For relax prolonged cough in adults can be used:

  1. Milk, butter and honey.

Since ancient times, the famous drink that helps to defeat colds due to a large complex of vitamins and useful trace elements;

  1. Warm plentiful drink.

Stop cough with milk or decoctions from medicinal fees(licorice, chamomile) can be even a child. They have a general strengthening effect on the body, stimulate the formation and separation of liquid sputum, which facilitates the course of coughing;

  1. Inhalations with decoctions of herbs (linden, coltsfoot) have a calming effect on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract.

The video in this article contains detailed instructions for cooking effective means for the treatment of chronic cough. With the ineffectiveness of treatment, one should switch to medical methods, which, although they have a higher price, have proven effectiveness.

Drug therapy

When visiting a doctor, a study should be made to identify the pathogen that caused the disease and an unbearable cough.

Depending on its nature: viral, bacterial or fungal, direct treatment of the disease is applied:

  • If pathogen it turned out to be a bacterial cell - they actively use broad-spectrum antibiotics (summamed), and if possible, narrowly targeted ones;
  • With a viral reason for the development of a cough, antiviral drugs (acicrovir, arbidol) and immunomodulators (viferon, interferon) are popular, which allow not only to reduce the activity of the pathogen, but also to increase the body's natural defenses;
  • And, accordingly, the fungal flora is cured with antifungal drugs (nystatin);
  • It is mandatory to prescribe mucolytic drugs (bromhexine), expectorants (ACC), affecting the muscle fibers of the bronchi and the structure of the existing sputum. Thereby specific treatment there is a "softening" of cough;

And if the cough is of an allergic nature, how to stop it in this case?

  • It is necessary to prescribe antiallergic drugs (loratadine, suprastin), which relieve hypersecretion and spasm of the respiratory muscles.
  • Effective antitussives - libeksin, sinekod, weakening the hyperexcitability of the bronchi.


The dry cough that many people experience may be more than just a symptom. colds. And, therefore, its treatment will be significantly different from that of SARS.

Only a doctor can prescribe therapy for stopping a coughing fit in bronchial asthma and pleurisy (and other serious illnesses). However, in other cases, every modern person should know how to stop a cough in an adult.