I have a constant cough to the point of vomiting. Main causes

You are a fairly active person who cares and thinks about your respiratory system and health in general, continue to play sports, lead healthy image life and your body will delight you throughout your life. But do not forget to undergo examinations on time, maintain your immunity, this is very important, do not overcool, avoid severe physical and strong emotional overload. Try to minimize contact with sick people; if forced contact, do not forget about protective equipment (mask, washing your hands and face, clearing your respiratory tract).

  • It's time to think about what you are doing wrong...

    You are at risk, you should think about your lifestyle and start taking care of yourself. Physical education is required, or even better, start playing sports, choose the sport that you like most and turn it into a hobby (dancing, cycling, Gym or just try to walk more). Do not forget to treat colds and flu promptly, they can lead to complications in the lungs. Be sure to work on your immunity, strengthen yourself, be in nature as often as possible and fresh air. Don't forget to go through your scheduled annual examinations, it is much easier to treat lung diseases in the initial stages than in advanced stages. Avoid emotional and physical overload; if possible, eliminate or minimize smoking or contact with smokers.

  • It's time to sound the alarm!

    You are completely irresponsible about your health, thereby destroying the functioning of your lungs and bronchi, have pity on them! If you want to live a long time, you need to radically change your entire attitude towards your body. First of all, get examined by such specialists as a therapist and pulmonologist, you need to take radical measures otherwise everything may end badly for you. Follow all the doctors' recommendations, radically change your life, perhaps you should change your job or even your place of residence, completely eliminate smoking and alcohol from your life, and make contact with people who have such bad habits to a minimum, toughen up, strengthen your immune system, spend time in the fresh air as often as possible. Avoid emotional and physical overload. Completely eliminate all aggressive products from everyday use and replace them with natural, natural remedies. Do not forget to do wet cleaning and ventilation of the room at home.

  • An article on the topic: “treatment of dry paroxysmal cough before vomiting in an adult. Causes” from professionals.

    Cough is one of the most common manifestations of various diseases, not only colds. But often people do not attach importance to it. The disease develops into severe form, and a cough appears that leads to vomiting. The person’s condition becomes simply unbearable and can reach complete exhaustion. Attempts to eliminate coughing before vomiting in an adult without the help of a doctor in most cases end in vain. And sometimes they can cause serious complications.

    A favorable outcome of the disease depends on timely identification of the cause and correctly prescribed treatment. Therefore, let's look at what diseases are accompanied by a debilitating cough and how it should be treated.


    In most cases, cough occurs due to a common cold. But if it is not treated in time, then it can develop into a more serious disease. Convulsive attacks during contraction of the diaphragm can provoke this symptom. Another reason for a vomiting cough is the accumulation of mucus in the nasopharynx. When phlegm flows down the walls of the throat, it causes nausea and provokes vomiting. The reasons for such urges may be an untreated chronic cough, which contributes to the development of serious diseases.

    This unpleasant symptom most often accompanies colds or viral diseases, which include bronchitis, influenza, acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections, pneumonia, and tracheitis. But sometimes it can be caused by other diseases.

    1. Influenza, parainfluenza, ARVI, acute respiratory infections. Most often, the onset of colds or viral diseases passes with an irritating dry cough that does not clear the throat. Then it becomes wet, often with purulent sputum and is accompanied by chest pain. These diseases are accompanied elevated temperature, lethargy, migraine, general intoxication of the body. Sometimes there may be a strong cough to the point of vomiting.
    2. Spicy or Chronical bronchitis. The acute form of the disease is characterized by severe moist cough with discharge of watery mucus. Chronic illness occurs with a more muffled barking cough. Most often, the patient coughs in a cold or dusty room. In the morning, the signs of bronchitis worsen, and an attack can cause vomiting.
    3. Pneumonia. It is always accompanied by a strong deep cough, fever, and pain in the lungs. The coughing attack is quite strong, sometimes leading to vomiting. Specific “rusty” sputum may appear.
    4. Tracheitis. It occurs with a loud cough, specific chest pain, fever, and weakness. The attack begins suddenly, after inhaling cool air or smoke, along with purulent sputum.
    5. Allergy. Convulsive contraction of the diaphragm during allergies often provokes an uncontrollable cough in an adult, sometimes leading to vomiting. In addition, the disease is accompanied by a runny nose and sneezing. Most often, this reaction occurs through direct contact with the allergen. It is usually a seasonal disease, characterized by exacerbations in spring and summer.
    6. Bronchial asthma. This disease is accompanied by attacks of suffocation, dry cough and vomiting. Most often these unpleasant symptoms appear at the initial stage of the disease. But sometimes they bother people with chronic bronchial asthma.
    7. Ascariasis. During the movement of worms in the lungs, an adult develops a dry, painful cough that leads to vomiting. The disease may be accompanied by fever, skin rashes. Ascariasis causes accumulation of pus in the lungs, intestinal obstruction, and liver disease.
    8. Acute heart failure. This disease is characterized by a lack of air and the desire to inhale large amounts of it.
    9. Tuberculosis. When this patient starts coughing, blood and mucus may come out of his mouth. The person’s general well-being deteriorates, an elevated temperature is noted for a long time, and at night the attack only intensifies. Most often at night, patients suffer from severe sweating and chills.
    10. Lungs' cancer. If an adult with a prolonged severe cough has no fever, this may be a sign of lung cancer. Having discovered this symptom, you need to consult a doctor in order to begin treatment as soon as possible.
    11. Gallbladder diseases. A person may experience an uncontrollable coughing attack, leading to vomiting. This usually occurs at night, accompanied by cramps in the thighs and legs, the soles of the feet may also burn, hot sweating and pain in the eyes may appear.

    Often a cough with vomiting occurs in an adult smoker due to the accumulation of mucus in the nasopharynx.

    Vomiting when coughing in an adult has another reason - immune, endocrine disorders, liver disease and taking certain medications.

    How to treat cough before vomiting

    This unpleasant symptom requires very serious treatment. To eliminate it, you must contact a specialist and undergo a series of relevant tests.

    How to treat a cough before visiting a doctor? Until the cause is determined, you can only use methods that alleviate the patient’s condition: inhalation, rubbing, warm, heavy drinking.

    A good drink to drink is warm milk with honey and butter, medicinal tea with ginger, viburnum, linden, raspberries, currants. These drinks help soothe irritated airways. The patient should eat mainly fresh vegetables and fruits.

    Food should be low in calories so that the body does not waste its energy on digesting it. The patient must be given rest so that he rests and does not become overtired.

    These measures can improve the patient’s well-being, but treatment must be prescribed by a doctor.

    Medical assistance

    There are 3 types used to treat cough medicines:

    • antitussives - suppress cough reflex, reducing the sensitivity of receptors;
    • mucolytic agents - dilute sputum, facilitate its removal;
    • expectorants – stimulate coughing and are used to remove mucus from the respiratory tract.

    For a severe dry cough, the patient is prescribed antitussive drugs - Codeine, Oxeladin.

    When coughing with thick, viscous, difficult to separate sputum, mucolytics are prescribed - Ambroxol, ACC, Bromhexine.

    For a productive, wet, profuse cough, expectorants are used - Mucaltin, Pertussin, Solutan.

    You cannot use antitussives and expectorants at the same time, because you can provoke stagnation of sputum in the bronchi.

    An adult, depending on the cause and complexity of the disease, is additionally prescribed the following medications:

    • antibiotics, in the presence of a bacterial infection;
    • antihistamines, if allergies exist;
    • vitamin complexes;
    • warming ointments for rubbing the chest and back with eucalyptus or mint;
    • syrups to soften mucous membranes.

    Domestic medicine provides a wide range of cough medicines, including various forms: aerosols, powders, solutions, syrups, tablets.

    One of the most effective ways Inhalations using a compressor or ultrasonic inhaler with the drugs Ventolin, Dekasan, Lazolvan are considered. The specific design of this device helps medications easily and effectively penetrate all parts of the pulmonary-bronchial system.

    Cough treatment is prescribed by a doctor individually, taking into account the characteristics of the disease and the patient’s condition. The same cough remedy can cause significant harm to the body if used incorrectly.

    Folk remedies

    In addition to medications, there are a large number of folk ways treatments that can be used at home.

    1. This manifestation can be treated with a special breast mixture, which is sold in every pharmacy. It is recommended for adults to drink it 3-4 times a day.
    2. You can take infusions or decoctions from medicinal plants that have an expectorant, anti-inflammatory effect: wild rosemary, oregano, St. John's wort, licorice root, plantain, chamomile, thyme, sage, rose hips, eucalyptus.
    3. Rub the chest and back with honey, badger or goat fat. The procedure is carried out at night, after which you must wrap yourself in a warm scarf.
    4. Mustard plasters and warm compresses help a lot.
    5. You can also do steam inhalations with extracts of fir, sage and eucalyptus.
    6. It is recommended to drink a lot of warm milk, tea, raspberry jam, honey, propolis.

    These methods will make an adult’s cough more productive and improve his overall well-being. But if the symptoms of the disease do not decrease, you should immediately consult a doctor.

    How to quickly relieve the condition

    If you have a painful cough, especially at night, it is very important to provide first aid before being examined by a doctor. The following methods will help alleviate the patient’s condition:

    • systematic ventilation, humidification of indoor air;
    • drinking plenty of warm (but not hot) drinks to help remove mucus;
    • steam inhalations with extracts of medicinal plants: calendula, linden, fir, chamomile, thyme, eucalyptus;
    • attacks of dry cough can be relieved by tinctures of mallow and plantain leaves, inhalations with ventolin;
    • with a wet cough, it is recommended to take drugs to thin the sputum to facilitate its separation and elimination.

    Inhalation and rubbing should not be done at high body temperature.

    What to do to avoid coughing? For prevention purposes, it is enough to follow simple recommendations:

    • do not smoke or stay in smoky areas;
    • do not inhale harmful chemical fumes;
    • avoid hypothermia and sudden temperature changes;
    • Avoid being in crowded places during an epidemic.
    • regularly ventilate the apartment and humidify the air, especially when the heating is on;
    • If a cough has already appeared, then it is necessary to stop its very first manifestations.

    There are always specific reasons for a cough. To determine them, you need to undergo a serious examination, after which the doctor will be able to prescribe adequate treatment. Because medications prescribed for one disease may be absolutely contraindicated for another. Proper treatment will help get rid of the disease, and along with it all the unpleasant symptoms, including coughing and vomiting, will go away.

    The gag reflex can occur because the areas responsible for the development of cough and nausea are located in the cerebral cortex in close proximity. Therefore, when one is strongly irritated, the other immediately responds.

    Some diseases can cause severe attacks spasms of the bronchi, which simultaneously causes a person to gag reflex. This phenomenon in itself only indicates a significant intensity of cough. But in some cases this may be two different symptoms, requiring close attention of a specialist.


    More often, such severe conditions are typical for children whose cerebral cortex is not yet fully formed. Therefore, their development in adults always means serious trouble.
    The attack can be so intense that it irritates neighboring areas of the brain, which causes a gag reflex. A person cannot catch his breath, and in the meantime he is overtaken by a new urge to cough.

    Intense bronchial spasm, which can cause vomiting, usually develops due to the accumulation of secretions in the respiratory tract, which cannot find its way out. It creates significant irritation of the mucous membrane. It causes a severe cough.

    The sputum either accumulates in clots or flows down the inner surface, provoking a gag reflex.

    Usually the attack is accompanied painful sensations in the throat and chest, since the cough in this case usually belongs to the category of barking, having the strongest negative impact throughout the patient's body. It is often a consequence of chronic forms of various pathologies.

    The main factors causing such phenomena may be:

    • Pneumonia;
    • whooping cough;
    • bronchitis;
    • tracheitis;
    • allergic reaction;
    • ARVI;
    • flu;
    • bronchial asthma;
    • cold;
    • tuberculosis;
    • diphtheria;
    • foreign object in the windpipe;
    • heart disease;
    • rotavirus infection;
    • helminthic infestation;
    • cancer;
    • side effects of pharmacological substances;
    • reflux esophagitis, etc.

    These diseases can cause severe coughing, inflammation in the respiratory tract and the spread of infection throughout the body.
    There are cases when severe intoxication, drug poisoning, or a combination of respiratory and intestinal pathological symptoms causes paroxysmal coughing and vomiting at the same time.

    Therefore, you should pay attention to the nature of the attack. It may be accompanied by secretion or occur without it.

    What does the nature of sputum indicate?

    She can be:

    • clear (flu or cold);
    • deep yellow (bronchial asthma);
    • rusty (pneumonia);
    • mixed with blood (tuberculosis or cancer);
    • yellow-green (ARVI);
    • green (lung abscess), etc.

    Therefore, when an adult coughs to the point of vomiting, one should look for the cause of the development of this condition. This is a very serious symptom that requires calling a doctor. Self-medication in such a case is completely excluded. Only a specialist can make a diagnosis and prescribe the necessary therapy. At home, you can only alleviate the patient’s condition.

    What diseases cause vomiting when coughing?

    In addition to the urge to vomit, during such an attack, small capillaries in the respiratory tract sometimes burst, arrhythmia occurs, or blood pressure rises.

    When a patient complains of such a combination of manifestations as: fever, paroxysmal cough, vomiting, then you should not immediately deal with each of them separately or with all of them together.

    The first thing you need to do is call a doctor who will prescribe comprehensive treatment.

    Nausea is most often present with the following diseases.

    • Whooping cough

    This infection provokes such severe spasms of the respiratory tract that no drug can get rid of them. The patient simply starts coughing. During the crisis, sputum begins to separate, after which he feels better. At the beginning of the disease, the secretion does not leave, so the person is haunted by the urge to vomit.

    • Pneumonia

    With pneumonia, attacks begin almost immediately after the initial stage of the disease occurs. At first the sound is dull, then it gets stronger all the time. As the amount of sputum increases, it reaches the stage of coughing and vomiting.

    Accompanied by fever severe malaise, migraines, as well as severe bronchospasms that can even cause nausea.

    • Flu

    Characterized by a dry cough with chest pain. Gradually, the infection takes on such a phase that sputum begins to be released. Its abundant discharge causes severe attacks, literally knocking a person off his feet and provoking a gag reflex.

    • Parainfluenza

    The symptom of parainfluenza is barking cough. It can be so intense that the patient can hear wheezing in the chest, and the phlegm does not come out. Therefore, the attacks become so severe that they can cause nausea.

    • Bronchitis

    In severe cases of bronchitis, a paroxysmal cough may develop, causing vomiting. This is explained by a large accumulation of secretions, which are difficult to remove. Typically, attacks torment the patient in morning hours immediately after waking up.

    • Bronchial asthma

    Adults are also characterized by a similar symptom. The cough is so strong that the person simply suffocates. He may experience a gag reflex, and may also release small droplets of blood from the burst capillaries.

    • Rotavirus infection

    Causes an intense wet cough with chest pain. Subsequently, numerous gastrointestinal symptoms. But at the very beginning of the disease, severe attacks of spasms of the respiratory tract occur, accompanied by vomiting.

    • Tracheitis

    It may occur suddenly, as a complication of bronchitis, flu or pharyngitis. In this case, the cough can also cause nausea with its intensity.

    • Tuberculosis

    It begins with a slight but constant cough. Quite often it is accompanied by a slight increase in temperature, which causes the face to turn red. If treatment is not started in time, the airways become filled with mucus and cellular decay products. In this case, a paroxysmal cough begins, leading to vomiting. The attacks become more and more severe, completely exhausting the patient.

    Therefore, coughing that causes nausea occurs in a number of different diseases. It is usually most severe at night. The patient may suddenly wake up from severe suffocation.

    Often, an attack also torments people in the morning, immediately after waking up, and in the evenings, after the patient has already gone to bed. All this is associated with pronounced congestion in the pulmonary circulation. Read more about what this can lead to here.

    First aid to a patient

    If there is a dry paroxysmal cough leading to vomiting in an adult, then the patient needs emergency care. But even before the doctor arrives, you can try to make him feel better.

    To do this you should:

    • Keep a vent or window in summer time open;
    • constantly give the patient something to drink;
    • give the person a semi-sitting position so that phlegm does not clog the airways;
    • wet the curtains;
    • put mustard plasters on the patient;
    • give him cooled tea with lemon;
    • offer milk with garlic;
    • give him a nebulizer;
    • Steam inhalations can also be used for such a cough if the patient does not have hyperthermia. It is better to add soda, pine needles, eucalyptus, chamomile or coltsfoot to the solution;
    • use herbal medicine for oral administration;
    • Invite the patient to do breathing exercises.

    These effective measures will significantly improve a person’s well-being, create active air circulation in the room and humidify the atmosphere in it. With help large quantity Consumed liquid can achieve a significant dilution of sputum, and lemon and garlic will provide a phytoncidal effect.

    When an adult has a severe cough to the point of vomiting, the patient is recommended to undergo mandatory bed rest.
    You should not feed a person if he is not hungry.

    If he himself asks for food, then the food should be as light as possible and offered in small portions.


    As mentioned above, self-medication in this case is not acceptable. Therapy for this serious condition is based on the fight against the disease of which it is a symptom. After diagnosis, the doctor prescribes:

    • Anti-cough medications (Codeine, Oxeladin);
    • mucolytics (Ambroxol, ACC, Bromhexine);
    • substances that promote expectoration (Mukaltin, Pertussin, Solutan);
    • antibacterial drugs (Azithromycin, Amoxicillin, Sumamed, Suprax);
    • antiviral agents (Interferon, Kagocel, Rimantadine, Ergoferon);
    • antiemetics (Bonin, Motilak, Tropindol, Cerucal);
    • antiallergic medications (Zodak, Loratadine, Suprastin, Cetirizine);
    • drugs and solutions that soften the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract;
    • vitamins;
    • external agents, etc.

    It should be remembered that cough medicines and expectorants should not be used together. If you suppress the paroxysmal reflex, it can cause congestion and blockage of the small bronchi. As a result, suffocation often develops, small vessels or branches of the respiratory tract rupture.

    A dry cough leading to vomiting is quite treatable. But first you need to go through differential diagnosis, since it makes no sense to fight this symptom separately. If the root cause of its occurrence is not eliminated, it will constantly recur.

    In addition, it should also be taken into account that all basic drugs are prescribed taking into account the patient’s age, his state of health, the presence concomitant diseases and individual tolerance medicine. Fighting a cough on your own can only cause harm.


    A severe attack that provokes a gag reflex can occur due to a variety of circumstances. Most often they become infectious diseases of the respiratory tract. The disease develops gradually at first and then progresses severe course with complications.

    In order to avoid the recurrence of conditions such as severe dry cough to vomiting in the future, prevention requirements should be followed.

    These include:

    • Strengthening the body's defenses;
    • smoking cessation;
    • avoiding hypothermia;
    • careful adherence to personal hygiene;
    • regular ventilation of the room;
    • exclusion of contacts with people addicted to tobacco;
    • timely treatment of respiratory infections;
    • drinking large amounts of liquid;
    • mandatory flu vaccination;
    • regular examination by a therapist;
    • annual fluorography;
    • choosing clothes according to weather conditions;
    • wearing a headband in smoky rooms.

    All this will help improve your health, avoid colds, and stop the negative effects of nicotine and harmful tars on the respiratory tract.

    Why do we cough? Unusual reasons cough

    Everyone has had severe coughing attacks at least once in their life. In adults, this phenomenon can be caused by many reasons, the identification of which determines treatment. Every person wonders how to stop coughing when he once again has an attack, during which he feels as if his throat will simply burst from tension.

    Often, a dry cough in an adult reaches such intensity that it is accompanied by vomiting; this is important for people who do not want to consult a doctor in a timely manner and get rid of the disease. Before relieving a dry cough, it is necessary to take into account that any remedy provides only temporary relief; you can completely get rid of the disease only after eliminating the cause of its occurrence.

    A dry cough leading to vomiting contributes to rapid adoption decisions and contacting a specialist, most people do this immediately, after accepting the fact that they cannot live normally due to illness.

    How does a dry cough manifest?

    The peculiarity of a dry cough is that it is not accompanied by the discharge of sputum; the lungs are not cleared during it. The person coughs up only air, thereby seriously injuring the respiratory tract. This ailment can accompany many diseases and is designed to remove the obstacle that prevents the respiratory organs from functioning normally.

    This pathology is usually divided into 3 categories, depending on the extent:
    1. Spicy. Its duration does not exceed three weeks, after which the symptoms disappear.
    2. Infraspinatus. It can last up to two months, practically without stopping.
    3. Chronic. Lasts for a long time, exceeding two months.

    It is impossible not to notice the appearance of such an ailment in oneself - a strong cough to the point of vomiting in an adult in some cases can deprive one of the ability to work.

    There are several types of manifestations of the disease, depending on which we can assume the causes of its occurrence.

    Before relieving a coughing attack, it is advisable to find out what type it is, so as not to aggravate the situation. In adults, the following types are distinguished:

    A dry cough does not bring any benefit to the human body - the lungs are not cleared during attacks, and the airways are injured, leading to various complications. It is imperative to look for the cause and treat it; the sooner the patient sees a doctor, the faster it will be possible to get rid of the disease.

    The reasons for its occurrence

    Attacks of dry cough can occur in a person for many reasons. If they have a cough without fever, adults are in no hurry to see a doctor, as they consider it to be completely harmless and go away on their own. In fact, a paroxysmal dry cough may be a symptom of a serious illness that can lead to fatal outcome in the absence of necessary treatment.

    It is especially important to remember this if it is accompanied by nausea and does not go away for a long time. Often such an attack in adults is paroxysmal, that is, it occurs due to spasms and is uncontrollable.

    It is impossible to contain the attacks, and it is also impossible to stop on your own. Before stopping a coughing attack, its causes are studied. Of course, there are means to immediately relieve an attack, but the effect is very short-lived and the situation is sure to repeat itself. To recover, you need to know what factors can cause the disease:

    These are relatively harmless reasons that are quite easy to deal with. How to treat an illness if it is caused by one of these factors depends on the specific situation. In one case, the doctor recommends taking medications, in the other - getting rid of the allergen and antihistamines, and the third option does not require treatment at all, since for a “residual” cough it is quite enough warm drink and fresh air to get rid of it.

    There are also more serious reasons that require special attention. If your cough excludes the first three factors and it does not go away for more than a month, you should immediately consult a doctor for examination. TO serious reasons painful cough can be attributed to:

    1. Stressful conditions and insufficient indoor humidity. These are not dangerous conditions, but complications may arise if measures are not taken. Dry, dusty air irritates the respiratory tract, so muscles contract to clear the dirt from the lungs. Staying in such a room for a long time can lead to infection due to microcracks that form during a dry cough. A cough under stress often continues only for a moment. nervous tension, after calming down it goes away on its own.
    2. Cardiovascular diseases. Typically, an attack occurs after physical exertion and is also accompanied by shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, pain in the heart area.

      In serious cases, attacks may be accompanied by bleeding, which is why they are often confused with tuberculosis. Its appearance is explained by the fact that blood stagnates in the lung, which comes out when coughing.

    3. Oncological diseases of the respiratory and throat organs. You should be wary if the cough does not stop within a month. It may indicate a malignant neoplasm in the lungs, bronchi, trachea, or throat. The earlier the disease is detected, the greater the chance a person has of beating cancer.
    4. Tuberculosis. Infection occurs by airborne droplets, which is why most people try to stay away from a person who coughs incessantly. With this disease, the cough is dry and very frequent, body temperature can be raised to 37-37.5.
    5. Smoking. Smokers often have persistent cough. It is short-lived and often occurs in the morning. Starts dry and gradually becomes wet throughout the day.

    There are many more reasons; it is simply impossible to list them all. You cannot diagnose yourself, as improper treatment can aggravate the situation, especially if serious illnesses. A timely visit to a therapist will allow you to identify the factor causing the disease and cope with it.

    How to relieve an attack?

    When a person has a very strong cough, his only thought is how to quickly calm the attack and cure the disease. Not a single doctor or pharmacist will tell you how to deal with a symptom, since you need to identify the cause, but both the pharmacy and traditional healers.

    If coughing up sputum occurs, this may be good sign. The lungs are cleansed and the body eliminates everything on its own. harmful substances, sometimes such attacks may be accompanied by vomiting due to copious mucus secretion. In this case, coping with the disease is much easier than treating a dry paroxysmal cough.

    It is necessary to select a remedy that will alleviate the condition and maintain ability to work during the period of examination and prescription of the necessary treatment. Before you stop coughing, you should know that this can be done using folk remedies. It is recommended to postpone taking medications until there is a doctor’s conclusion with a diagnosis.

    It is important that taking any medication helps only temporarily alleviate the condition; it is impossible to completely cure a cough without knowing the reasons for its occurrence.

    Folk remedies

    Traditional medicine offers remedies to get rid of almost any ailment. It is also worth considering when asking questions about how to calm a cough. The most popular remedies to relieve an attack of dry cough are the following:

    These remedies have been used for many generations when such a large selection of medicines was not freely available. Before relieving your cough folk remedies, you should make sure that there is no allergy to the components, otherwise the situation will only get worse.


    Medicines that can relieve attacks are usually prescribed by a doctor. They act on the cause of the cough and eliminate them, after which the disease goes away on its own. Treatment usually involves drugs designed to suppress the cough reflex. Self-medication is unacceptable for the reason that in some cases, suppressing an attack will not get rid of the disease. The drugs include:

    What to do if treatment does not help, only a doctor can tell, based on the specific situation. May be required additional examination and tests to clarify the diagnosis and adjust therapy.

    It is worth remembering that a dry cough is not always a harmless phenomenon. Its appearance often indicates an advanced disease that needs urgent treatment.

    Bondarenko Tatyana

    Expert of the OPnevmonii.ru project

    Coughing to the point of vomiting in an adult can occur with severe diseases of the respiratory organs. But in certain cases similar condition It does not pose any danger to humans and responds well to treatment. Basically, coughing to the point of gagging occurs in adults and children with excessive accumulation of mucus in the upper respiratory organs. Sputum greatly irritates the mucous membrane of the pharynx, which leads to vomiting. Mostly coughing with vomiting occurs at night and immediately after waking up.


    Severe coughing leading to vomiting is quite rare in adults, but this serious reason for a visit to the doctor. This condition is dangerous for people of all ages, as severe swelling of the vocal cords can occur when coughing. Vomiting when coughing can occur with the following pathologies:

    An experienced doctor can determine the cause of a cough to the point of nausea only by the nature of the sputum produced. When yellowish sputum is produced, we can talk about bronchitis or asthma. The cause of orange sputum is most often pneumonia, but sputum interspersed with dark particles indicates pneumoconiosis.

    If an admixture of fresh blood is noticeable in the coughed up sputum, the cause may be tuberculosis or thromboembolism.

    Whooping cough

    A severe, paroxysmal, dry cough leading to vomiting may be a sign of whooping cough. This infection is transmitted by airborne droplets and is mainly diagnosed in children. In adults, the disease is rare, but it does occur. This disease can be diagnosed only by the appearance of the patient. When trying to clear his throat, a person makes a lot of effort, his face turns red and his tongue sticks out, and a gag reflex may appear. No medications can stop coughing attacks.

    The disease is very severe, and the cough lasts about 3 months. Adults rarely suffer from this pathology. This infection mainly affects people with weak immune systems.

    You can protect yourself from whooping cough through vaccination. In this case, even if a person gets sick, the illness is very mild.

    The appearance of paroxysmal coughing leading to vomiting may be associated with bronchitis. This phenomenon is most often observed in acute stage illness, but in weakened people it can also occur in the chronic form of the pathology. With bronchitis, a lot of viscous sputum is produced. If the disease is caused by pathogenic bacteria, then antibiotics are always used in treatment.

    Bronchitis can quickly turn into chronic stage. This happens when a person has not completed treatment or has had severe bronchitis several times in a row. This disease is characterized by a dull, jerky cough, which often occurs when inhaling cool or dusty air. Most often, cough attacks are observed in morning time, and they are so intense that they often lead to vomiting. Bronchitis can occur with or without fever, which often happens in the chronic form of the disease.

    If bronchitis is severely advanced, there may be pus in the coughed up sputum.

    Respiratory pathologies

    Vomiting when coughing in adults can also occur with respiratory diseases such as acute respiratory infections, tracheitis, laryngitis and pharyngitis. In most cases, these pathologies are caused by viral infections of the respiratory organs. With respiratory diseases of a viral nature, the following symptoms are often observed:

    • Chest pain.
    • Loud cough.
    • Coughing up mucus with a small amount of pus.
    • High body temperature.
    • General malaise and weakness.

    Cough due to respiratory infections is mainly observed when inhaling. Often attacks occur when inhaling too cold, dusty or smoky air. In this case, the muscles of the larynx contract, a spasm occurs, which can lead to gagging.

    Respiratory infections must be treated promptly, otherwise they may be complicated by bronchitis or pneumonia.

    This serious pathology begins with a mild, muffled cough, which becomes stronger over time. After some time, coughing attacks lead to nausea and vomiting, while the sputum has the appearance of rust and bloody streaks can be seen in it. Vomiting occurs in acute period illness, while the person feels severe pain in the affected lung. In some cases, pneumonia occurs without a high temperature, so it is very difficult to diagnose. This indicates a severely weakened immune system.

    Bronchopneumonia poses a great danger to humans. The causes of this pathology may be advanced bronchitis and severe hypothermia. With bronchopneumonia, severe pain in the sternum, cough and spasm occurs, which leads to the development of the gag reflex.

    With pneumonia, a person is most often hospitalized, and further treatment carried out in the department of pulmonology.

    • Temperature.
    • Abdominal pain.
    • Dermatitis.
    • Runny nose and lacrimation.

    Worm infestations are often found in childhood, since the immunity of children is still imperfect and cannot fully fight various pathogens. But adults are also not immune from this pathology, so at the first signs of the disease you need to get tested and undergo a course of treatment.

    With cancer of the lungs or larynx, a severe cough occurs. The attacks are so intense that the patient cannot clear his throat and stop; the resulting spasm of the larynx ultimately leads to vomiting. The mucous membrane of the pharynx in these diseases is highly irritated, so sputum is always released interspersed with blood.

    Treat oncological diseases always comprehensive. If conservative methods does not produce any effect, they resort to surgical intervention.

    Heavy smokers often suffer from cancer. This is explained by the harmful effects of smoke components on the mucous membrane of the throat and lung tissue.


    With allergies, coughing attacks also often occur, which lead to vomiting. The strongest spasm of the nasopharynx is observed upon contact with various allergens; the mucous membrane is significantly irritated, which ultimately leads to a gag reflex. An allergic cough attack can be triggered by:

    • Wool and fluff of different animals.
    • Plant pollen.
    • Medications.
    • Food products.
    • Some chemicals.

    It is impossible to completely cure allergies. With help drug therapy You can only eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of the disease. You need to understand that treatment will not be effective if contact with the allergen is not eliminated.

    Special skin tests will help identify the cause of the allergy. This diagnostic method is considered very accurate.

    Bronchial asthma

    Bronchial asthma mainly develops as a complication of bronchitis. This occurs if the disease for a long time not treated. In bronchial asthma, cough attacks begin after contact with allergic substances. Most often, asthmatic attacks begin at night, when a person is sleeping. The patient wakes up from the fact that it becomes difficult for him to breathe. In addition to coughing, the patient experiences severe weakness, shortness of breath and abnormal sweating.

    It is very difficult for a person with bronchial asthma to cough. The patient makes every effort, his face turns red and his heart function is disrupted. During a cough attack, asthmatics take a characteristic position, leaning on a solid support and slightly tilting their torso forward.

    With bronchial asthma, exacerbations of the disease are observed in the spring, when plants bloom.

    At the very beginning of the disease, a person does not cough much, but the coughing attacks are quite long. If the disease has entered the chronic stage, the cough becomes very protracted, the person cannot clear his throat normally and this often leads to vomiting.

    With tuberculosis, the body temperature rises in the evening, the person also sweats heavily during sleep and there is an admixture of blood in the sputum.

    Tuberculosis is a fairly contagious disease that can be infected by anyone, regardless of social status. That is why at the first signs of illness you should immediately consult a doctor.

    Can protect against tuberculosis timely vaccination and regular preventive examinations. The earlier the disease is detected, the better it can be treated.

    Heart pathologies

    In heart failure it can also be severe spasm which leads to coughing and vomiting. This occurs due to the fact that a person tries to inhale as much air as possible, but the bronchi are completely unable to cope with the task. In this case, an urgent consultation with a cardiologist is necessary.

    Digestive tract diseases

    At increased acidity gastric juice periodically enters the esophagus and larynx, causing irritation of the mucous membrane. This can lead to severe coughing and gagging. In this case, treatment is selected by a gastroenterologist.

    How to treat

    Treatment for cough depends on the diagnosis. If this is an infectious disease, then antibiotics are used; for tuberculosis, specific anti-tuberculosis drugs are prescribed.

    In treatment respiratory diseases, bronchitis and pneumonia good effect give inhalations. It is advisable to carry them out through a nebulizer, but it is important to choose the correct size of the sprayed particles.

    To eliminate an intense cough attack, you can take the following measures:

    • Breathe steam in the bathroom.
    • Inhale with mineral water.
    • Drink hot milk with honey and a pinch of soda.

    In the acute period of any disease physical exercise are strictly prohibited. They provoke a severe cough.

    For some people, intense coughing to the point of vomiting is caused by strong emotional distress. This happens especially sensitive people before serious speeches or reports. In this case, you need to consult a neurologist.

    What is a cough? This is our reaction respiratory system to external or internal stimuli. The nature of the cough varies. Dry or wet, with sputum production, which causes quite unpleasant feeling in a sick person.

    A dry, paroxysmal cough leading to vomiting in an adult is an indicator of inflammation, exposure to foreign body or allergic reaction respiratory organs. Air flow leaves the lungs, without discharge, the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract is irritated.

    A dry paroxysmal cough leading to vomiting in an adult is an indicator of inflammation, foreign body entry or an allergic reaction of the respiratory system

    A spasm of dry paroxysmal cough occurs, which can lead to vomiting in an adult, cause small blood vessels to rupture, and damage the mucous membrane.

    Causes of dry paroxysmal cough before vomiting in an adult

    Heart failure

    One of the causes of dry paroxysmal cough leading to vomiting in an adult is insufficient functioning of the heart.

    Blood stagnation is created in the lungs (pulmonary circulation), the mucous membrane swells, fluid from the blood vessels enters the respiratory tract and pulmonary alveoli. Irritation of the nerve endings occurs, and the person develops a dry cough that leads to vomiting.

    One of the causes of dry paroxysmal cough leading to vomiting in an adult is insufficient functioning of the heart.

    Possible types cardiac cough:

    1. Rare cough at night or after activity.
    2. Cardiac asthma with acute failure hearts. Occurs at night due to increased coughing and shortness of breath. Pinkish sputum is formed, resulting from the penetration of red blood cells and fluid in the respiratory organs. The patient wants to sit down, wheezing and rapid heartbeat appear in the lungs.
    3. Pulmonary edema in this disease. Formed during: heart attack, hypertensive crisis. The patient secretes abundant foamy fluid, pinkish in color, and wheezing is heard.

    Attention! In this condition, the person must be hospitalized immediately.

    A cough in a person with heart failure should not always cause panic. Like all people, they may cough due to viral inflammatory diseases, with an increase in temperature, pain and sore throat.

    Usually after morning sleep The patient coughs up gray sputum. Taking some heart medications can cause a dry paroxysmal cough to the point of vomiting in an adult.

    Carefully! When taking prescribed medications, you must be careful and monitor side effects on the body. The source of such a patient’s cough is bronchial asthma, lung diseases that have progressed to chronic form, other diseases that the patient has.

    Nervous cough

    An unhealthy environment, anxiety and stress can become the motive for the formation of such a cough. Having arisen suddenly, it can suddenly stop.

    The culprits of cough are:

    • Troubled, tense environment at home;
    • Anxiety, quarrels, stress, exams, public speaking;
    • Coughing and vomiting at the sight of sick people, blood, death, accidents;
    • Disgust for an unloved activity or activity.

    An unhealthy environment, anxiety and stress can become the motive for the formation of such a cough.

    A dry, paroxysmal cough leading to vomiting of a psychogenic nature in an adult cannot be treated. Providing a calm environment comfortable conditions residence, elimination of nervous and physical stress, maintaining a timely alternation of work and rest will help a person calm down.


    Allergy refers to external reasons cough. Convulsive muscle contractions during an allergic cough cause gagging and are accompanied by sneezing, like a common cold. Cough is caused by an allergy to pollen of flowers, plants, ordinary dust, or any particles - irritants in the airspace.

    Cough is caused by an allergy to pollen of flowers, plants, ordinary dust, any particles - irritants in the airspace

    First of all, the following are at risk:

    • People who are allergic to pollen during flowering, dust, smoke, wool, toxic substances, objects and phenomena;
    • Patients with bronchial asthma;
    • People who inherited allergies from relatives.

    Oncological diseases

    A dry cough lingers in the body for a month or more - this phenomenon is typical and cancer, dangerous to human life. Malignant neoplasms often cause cough dry paroxysmal to vomiting in an adult. Here you need a mandatory check with an oncologist and pulmonologist. It is necessary to do a blood test, x-ray, MRI of organs, bronchoscopy, etc.

    Lungs' cancer

    A scratching in the throat, a tearing cough, and a slight fever appear when a cancerous tumor of the throat develops. This condition is caused by irritated nerve endings in the mucous membrane of the throat, narrowing of the larynx due to swelling and breathing becomes difficult.

    Scratching in the throat, a tearing cough, a slight fever appear when there is a development of a cancerous tumor of the throat

    Certainly, malignant formations They are less common than simple colds; it is not at all necessary to immediately run to the oncologist after sneezing. But, if attacks of dry cough in an adult drag on, it is better to simply consult a doctor. It won't take much time, but will keep you healthy.

    It is important to know! Early diagnosis– this is 90% of the cure for cancer.

    Bronchial asthma

    In bronchial asthma there is inflammation respiratory tract. With the manifestation of bronchial activity, the patient has shortness of breath, congestion, wheezing, a strong suffocating, debilitating cough. These phenomena are noticeable in the morning after a night's sleep.

    In bronchial asthma there is inflammation of the airways

    Cause of bronchial asthma:

    1. Professional. Work with poisonous means, dust deposits, gases, etc.;
    2. Bad ecology;
    3. Household chemicals: aerosol sprays, perfumes, colognes, varnishes, etc.;
    4. Hereditary cause;
    5. The effect of some food as an irritant;
    6. As a result, long-term inflammation of the respiratory system.

    This disease is treated symptomatic means regulating the patient's breathing, dilating the bronchi. They not only relieve coughs, but also relieve spasms and relieve pain.

    These are drugs for asthmatic attack cough, sympathomimetics and corticosteroids, metered dose inhalers, including:

    • Beclamethasone (beclazone, becloforte, becotide);
    • Flunisolide, Fluticasone (loctisod);
    • Budesonide.

    Note! Prescription of medications for asthma is carried out only by a doctor after studying the test results and diagnosis.


    ARVI, acute form pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis. The cough in these diseases is initially dry, and after a few days (2-3) it becomes wet, with heavy discharge thick, yellowish, sputum. Usually people cope with treatment themselves, but in case of a protracted illness, they should see a doctor.

    The cough during ARVI is dry at first, and after a few days (2-3) it becomes wet

    ARVI is an acute respiratory viral infection. Spreads quickly. The source is a sick person, infected birds or animals. The virus is transmitted by air, oral, and handshaking.

    At the beginning of the disease infection multiplies in the nose, in the larynx, a rare dry cough appears, developing into a continuous one, runny nose, watery eyes. After infection enters the bloodstream, general intoxication of the body occurs, headache, chills, and aching limbs. At the end of the disease - a wet cough with purulent discharge.

    Types of inflammation:

    1. Laryngitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx, as a result of colds. infectious diseases. Reason: hypothermia, overheating, transmission of infection from the mouth of a sick person, due to dust or overstrain of the larynx. This is another source of such cough.
    2. Pharyngitis is an inflammation of the pharynx, with symptoms of dryness, sore throat, pain when swallowing, slight fever, hacking cough, headache, mucus from the nose. Pathogens: staphylococci, streptococci.
    3. Tracheitis is inflammation of the trachea. The disease is associated with laryngitis, rhinitis, pharyngitis, and bronchitis. Pathogens: staphylococcus, streptococcus. Symptoms: elevated temperature, severe cough in the morning, at night, chest pain, sore throat. Possible complications: bronchopneumonia, bronchitis.
    4. Bronchitis is an inflammation of the respiratory system, namely the bronchi. Reason: viral or bacterial infection(pneumococci, streptococci, influenza viruses, adenorinoviruses).

    Bronchitis is an inflammation of the respiratory system, namely the bronchi. Cause: viral or bacterial infection

    Non-infectious agents can also influence irritating factors, dust, odors, gases. Spreads by airborne droplets through contact with a sick person. Severe bronchitis causes hemorrhage of the mucous membrane.

    Identifying the source of a cough is only possible through medical tests. Entry of a foreign object. A foreign object entering a person's respiratory tract is one of the reasons for the appearance of an unexpected outbreak of continuous coughing.

    Choking, vomiting, and acrocyanosis may occur. There are many known cases of death. A foreign object enters the respiratory tract from the mouth, through a wound in the neck, or through the chest.

    Coughing, driving fast, taking a deep breath, laughing, talking, dental treatment, loss of consciousness, etc. – can serve as a motive for the penetration of a foreign object.

    Its location can be determined by external examination, percussion, x-ray examination, tracheobronchoscopy. To remove a foreign object, medical, sometimes surgical, intervention is required.

    Other Possible Causes

    Dry paroxysmal cough leading to vomiting in an adult it occurs not only for the reasons listed:

    • Some types of diseases in the gastrointestinal tract are also sources this cough. It appears after eating, when there is a crack, hole, or esophageal diverticulum in the trachea.
    • Diseases thyroid gland(nodular diffuse goiter).
    • Tuberculosis of the lungs or bronchi is the source of a long, dry cough.
    • There are medications for heart and hypertension that have side effects: nausea, dizziness, dry continuous cough. For example, such drugs: for inhalation, ipratropium bromide, beclamethasone; for blood pressure, nitrofurans, ACE inhibitors, beta blockers, aspirin. The patient should report to his doctor if there are side effects from the medications he is taking.

    The appearance of a dry cough is also influenced by the purchased item, the furniture in the room, wallpaper, washing powder, and odors.

    How to find out the cause by sputum

    Dry paroxysmal An adult's cough to the point of vomiting often becomes wet, i.e. with sputum. This is observed with prolonged colds. The doctor always pays attention to the features of the cough: its frequency, sputum color, smell, consistency.

    A dry paroxysmal cough leading to vomiting in an adult often becomes wet, i.e. with sputum

    It is possible to recognize the disease by the state of sputum patient, source of cough:

    1. Transparent and liquid sputum is characteristic of colds, respiratory inflammation, asthma, and allergies.
    2. Thick, yellow-green sputum is characteristic of diseases: sinusitis, bronchitis, pneumonia.
    3. Sputum is brownish-burgundy in color, with bloody discharge that occurs with advanced pneumonia, tuberculosis, lung cancer, larynx, and respiratory injury.

    If you have a cough with sputum, you should definitely contact your doctor, especially if there is blood in the sputum.

    Treatment of dry cough

    This cough compresses the bronchi, producing a spasm. The patient develops shortness of breath, heart failure, ruptured capillaries, and difficulty breathing.

    A dry, continuous cough leads an adult to vomiting and impotence. If the disease drags on, it means it has taken on a chronic form of the disease. The patient needs to see a doctor who will refer you for a test. necessary tests.

    To reduce a dry cough, the doctor usually prescribes mucolytics, secretolytics, antiviral and antibacterial

    To reduce a dry cough, the doctor usually prescribes mucolytics, secretolytics, antiviral and antibacterial drugs, antispasmodics, anti-inflammatory drugs, and bronchodilators.

    If necessary, prescribe antipyretics, hypnotics, anthelmintics products, drugs containing codeine ( narcotic substance) and other drugs that eliminate debilitating cough. You cannot self-medicate; treatment will be prescribed by a doctor.


    Warm compresses to relieve cough. The compress components are different:

    1. Mixture: honey and vegetable oil;
    2. Mixture: honey, mustard powder, vegetable oil;
    3. Medical alcohol, vodka;
    4. Camphor oil;
    5. Mustard wrap;

    Mustard powder with honey for compresses for bronchitis

    They rub the chest and back, do not touch the heart area, apply polyethylene or parchment paper to the rubbed areas, wrap in a warm blanket for 2-4 hours, it is advisable to do this at night.


    An effective method for getting rid of dry cough– inhalation. It helps turn a dry cough into a wet one, which later makes it possible to cough up mucus and cleanse the lungs:

    • open the potatoes with the skins on, breathe in the steam of the potatoes, without water, covering your head with a thick blanket, you can add a drop of fir oil;
    • heat alkaline mineral water add a solution of tea soda;
    • two drops of essential oils: cedar, lavender, mint, eucalyptus per two glasses of boiling water.

    Tinctures for drinking and rinsing

    Any pharmacy sells fees medicinal herbs in packages. There are packages with herbal mixtures specifically against coughs, with brief notes on the composition and use. Dry herbs have such qualities: chamomile, calendula, mother and stepmother, licorice, marshmallow, St. John's wort, marsh rosemary.

    Honey is healthy effective remedy from inflammation and cough. Honey is used independently, with hot tea or boiling water, as part of tinctures, hot milk, and grape juice.

    Decoction: for one glass of milk, two cut onions, let stand for four hours, strain the decoction, take one tbsp after four hours. spoon

    If you clean out the center of a green radish and fill the well not to the brim with honey, then in the morning juice will form, which is a good expectorant (1 tablespoon four times a day).

    Decoction: for one glass of milk, two cut onions, let stand for four hours, strain the decoction, take one tbsp after four hours. spoon.
    Raspberries with hot tea (usually raspberry jam), frozen raspberries quickly warm the body and have an expectorant effect.

    How to provide first aid quickly:

    • Raise the pillow so that the head is at least 15 cm from the bed, in this position the wall of the larynx is at rest;
    • Open the window in the room to let air in;
    • Humidify the room;
    • Give warm, plenty of fluids;
    • Eliminate odors, smoke, dust, etc. from the room;
    • Gargling: decoction or tincture of sage with chamomile. For a glass of water 1 tbsp. herbs, boil the decoction in a water bath. Leave for 1.5 hours. Drink after 2 hours;
    • Compresses, rubbing, inhalation;
    • Chew a slice of lemon slowly in your mouth, after which you should not eat for an hour. Lemon kills germs;
    • Crush a clove of garlic and put it in hot milk, leave. Drink 3 times a day;
    • Yoga exercise: sit in the “Lion pose” on your heels, press them tightly to your buttocks, thighs on your calves. Take a deep breath through your nose, while inhaling, spread your fingers wider, tighten them. Throw your head back, arch your back, open your mouth, stick out your tongue as much as possible and growl as you exhale. And so several times a day.

    The above remedies can give positive results in the patient’s recovery, more the effect will be with complex treatment prescribed by a doctor based on test and diagnostic results.

    Watch a video on how to cure dry cough in adults:

    In this video you will be told about an effective method for treating dry cough:

    In this video, the doctor explains how to treat a dry cough:

    A severe cough in adults and children can provoke vomiting of stomach contents and sputum mixed with blood. Coughing to the point of vomiting occurs at any age, but is more common in adults than in children. Severe attacks are associated with severe diseases of the internal organs, which must be treated under mandatory medical supervision.

    To the main reasons severe cough and vomiting in adults include:

    • diseases of the respiratory system;
    • heart pathologies;
    • gastroesophageal disease - associated with the reverse reflux of food from the stomach into the esophagus;
    • irritant effect of drugs;
    • malignant tumors and metastases;
    • allergies - irritation is caused by swelling of the mucous membrane;
    • ascariasis – during the migration of larvae or adult helminths;
    • pathologies of the thyroid gland - as the size of the gland increases, the trachea is compressed, and reflex tremors occur;
    • neurological diseases - occurs under stress, hysteria;
    • foreign body in the respiratory tract.

    Unlike children, in adults the cough reflex is extremely rarely caused by allergies, helminthiasis or inhalation of a foreign body into the bronchi. More often than in children, the cause of cough with vomiting in adults is heart disease, thyroid disease or oncology.

    Whooping cough in adults

    The cause of deterioration of the condition in an adult, the appearance of a strong cough without a rise in temperature to vomiting, may be whooping cough. Although whooping cough is considered a childhood infection, statistics say that the share of adults in the total incidence is 5%.

    Adults get whooping cough without the characteristic seizure symptoms and can be carriers of whooping cough. According to statistics, 20% of people with a persistent cough are diagnosed with whooping cough bacteria.

    Whooping cough is a highly contagious infection; after recovery, a person remains dangerous for others for another 3 weeks. Symptoms of whooping cough in adults:

    • runny nose, temperature rarely rises, usually remains normal;
    • dry paroxysmal cough with clear sputum;
    • nosebleeds.

    For adults, whooping cough is not dangerous because it does not cause severe complications, is easily tolerated. But adults themselves who suffer from whooping cough pose a serious threat to the children around them. If you have a strong dry cough to the point of vomiting, even if you are feeling well and without fever, it is necessary to treat the disease that caused the cough impulses and gag reflex.

    Cough and vomiting due to respiratory diseases

    As in children, coughing leading to vomiting with mucus in adults most often develops with diseases of the respiratory tract. But if in children the cough reflex with vomiting mainly occurs when severe runny nose, sinusitis, adenoids, then in adults the main causes of mucus accumulation in the respiratory tract and provocateurs of exacerbation are:

    • smoker's bronchitis;
    • pneumonia;
    • bronchial asthma;
    • ARVI – rotavirus infection, parainfluenza;
    • work in harmful conditions affecting the condition of the lungs – pneumoconiosis;
    • pulmonary tuberculosis;
    • Goodpasture's syndrome.

    The type of respiratory disease that caused the cough and gag reflex can be judged by the appearance of the mucus. Yellow vomiting is observed in bronchial asthma and is caused by the accumulation of eosinophils in it.

    With ARVI, coughing shocks can cause vomiting mixed with colorless or yellowish sputum. Purulent sinusitis provokes coughing and vomiting with greenish sputum. This color is given to the mucus by neutrophils that have died at the site of inflammation.

    Vomit from pulmonary tuberculosis may contain streaks of blood or, depending on the stage, significant amounts of blood.

    Cough to vomit from pills

    A dry paroxysmal cough leading to vomiting in adults may be a consequence of taking medications. Like by-effect develops during treatment:

    • ipratropium bromide – asthma, obstructive pulmonary diseases;
    • glucocorticosteroid beclomethasone - for asthma, allergic, vasomotor rhinitis;
    • nitrofurans - synthetic antibiotics wide range actions;
    • aspirin – a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug;
    • cardiac medications - ACE inhibitors (angiotensin-converting enzyme), beta blockers.

    Severe, dry coughs occur in people taking ACE inhibitors to treat heart disease. The drugs Enalapril and Captopril provoke attacks with reflex vomiting.

    The intensity of the attacks depends on the individual sensitivity of the adult to the drug, and manifests itself:

    • slight sore throat;
    • coughing;
    • severe paroxysmal cough with vomiting;
    • Quincke's edema, which can lead to the death of the patient.

    A dry cough leading to vomiting may occur when taking beta-blockers - Beclazone, Anaprilin, Concor, Betalok, Nebilet. These drugs are prescribed to adults to treat arrhythmia.

    However, long-term use of drugs or increased individual sensitivity to drugs can cause a dry cough that worsens to vomiting.

    A cardiologist should treat such a cough. The doctor will select a drug that does not have side effect, under the control of blood tests, ECG, blood pressure. Making your own prescriptions and treating heart disease is dangerous.

    Cough from heart failure

    Dry cardiac cough plagues adults with heart disease venous stagnation in the pulmonary circulation. The pathology worsens at night during sleep.

    In severe cases of the disease, patients cannot sleep lying down and are forced to sleep half-sitting. Symptoms suggest cardiac pathology with a severe, hard cough with vomiting:

    • acceleration of pulse before exacerbation;
    • feeling of pain in the heart area;
    • blue lips, fingertips;
    • pale facial skin;
    • swelling of the veins in the neck;
    • feeling of shortness of breath even at rest, without physical activity;
    • the appearance of blood in the vomit.

    To reduce the frequency of dry reflex cough impulses, it is necessary to treat not the cough itself with a gag reflex, but the heart disease that caused the pathology.

    Cough reflex in oncology

    Can cause painful irritation of the mucous membrane of the palate, the walls of the pharynx, and provoke a strong dry cough and vomiting cancerous tumors throat, lungs, mediastinum. Attacks of coughing tremors in cancer occur more often at night.

    The danger of reflex cough and vomiting is an increased risk of:

    • dehydration, which increases the risk of thrombosis;
    • loss of consciousness;
    • arrhythmias.

    Strong dry coughing tremors can rupture small blood vessels in the lungs, and then the attack is accompanied by hemoptysis.

    What to do when coughing with vomiting in adults

    To get rid of attacks, you need to improve the discharge of mucus in the respiratory tract, for this:

    • perform breathing exercises daily;
    • humidify the air in the room;
    • drink warm drinks throughout the day;
    • give up smoking completely, including passive smoking;
    • ventilate the room;
    • reduce or eliminate physical activity;
    • They walk more in the fresh air, but do not allow hypothermia.

    How to treat cough to vomiting

    Coughing to the point of vomiting is only a consequence of the underlying disease. The attacks will stop as soon as the cause of the reflex cough and vomiting disappears. It is useless to treat cough or vomiting separately.

    The cause needs to be treated causing cough before vomiting in an adult, and only after the doctor diagnoses the disease and prescribes treatment:

    • If the attack is caused by an allergy, take antihistamines such as Suprastin, Zodak, Loratadine.
    • When coughing is caused by the presence of viscous sputum in the respiratory tract, its discharge is improved by taking Mucaltin, Bromhexine.
    • Prospan, licorice syrup, helps with a strong dry cough without phlegm.

    Dry reflex cough is treated in adults with antitussives. These medications suppress the activity of the cough center in the brain, which is dangerous if phlegm has accumulated in the bronchi.

    Stagnation of mucus in the respiratory tract increases inflammation, provokes adherence to inflammatory process opportunistic microflora.

    Only with the permission of a doctor can you treat vomiting with antiemetics, such as Motilak, Cerucal. And to reduce the frequency of attacks, exclude from the diet:

    • alcoholic, carbonated drinks;
    • irritating foods – spices, pepper, smoked meats;
    • fried, fatty foods.

    Folk remedies

    You can relieve coughing and prevent vomiting with home remedies. Simple recipes sometimes help in such cases as effectively as patent medicines.

    Inhalation helps prevent severe attacks. Adults can perform both inhalations with a nebulizer and the old folk method, using a saucepan with warm boiled potatoes.

    Instead of steam inhalation, you can visit a sauna if your condition allows of cardio-vascular system and the disease proceeds without fever. For inhalations folk recipes recommend using:

    • eucalyptus leaf;
    • linden flowers;
    • chamomile;
    • thyme;
    • calendula.

    Warm tea with lemon prevents coughing and vomiting. Traditional healers recommend treating cough with vomiting with warm milk and honey to taste.

    Drinking warm milk at night improves sleep, softens the mucous membrane, moisturizes it, relieving irritation caused by the activity of ARVI or influenza viruses. You can add a pinch of soda or a little natural butter to the milk.