Brazil nut - a description of how to choose and store; useful and medicinal properties; contraindications and harm; application in cosmetology and cooking. Harmful properties of brazil nuts

Brazilian nut- edible seeds of a South American tree that grows in the Amazon forests of Brazil, Peru, Colombia and Ecuador. The Brazil nut is called castanha do para or Para nut. It is grown as a commercial crop.

Brazil nuts are eaten raw or blanched. They are high in protein, dietary fiber, thiamine, selenium, copper and magnesium. The oil is often used in shampoos, soaps, hair conditioners, and skin care products.

When are brazil nuts ripe?

The hard, flat fruits are pods, up to 18 cm in diameter, that resemble large coconuts hanging from the ends of thick tree branches.

A mature tree produces over 300 pods, each containing up to 24 nuts. The ripening season is from January to June. They are harvested, seeds are taken out, dried in the sun, and then washed and sent for export.

Brazil nuts are among the most valuable non-timber foods in the Amazon. Trees only produce fruit in natural habitats and cannot be cultivated artificially. They need local bees to pollinate flowers and agouti rodents to distribute their seeds.

Agoutis are rodents that spread seeds.

Brazil nuts are harvested from the wild by locals. For many communities, this is the main source of income. Brazil nuts provide protein and calories to the inhabitants of the tribes, villages and cities of Brazil. The people of the Amazon use the empty pods as utensils and boil the bark to treat liver diseases.

Thanks to its pleasant taste and high nutritional value, the Brazil nut has become a popular food item throughout the world. It is called "vegetable meat". The benefits of brazil nuts are that they are a high energy food, rich in proteins and micronutrients.If you're looking for a nutritious, quick snack, Brazil nuts are the perfect option.

There is one minus - the nut is often infected with fungi. This is a problem in many countries and affects the marketing of the product.

The composition and calorie content of brazil nuts

Brazil nuts are rich in proteins, carbohydrates, unsaturated fats, vitamins and minerals. They are valuable due to the fact that they are a source of organic selenium, an antioxidant that is useful for cancer prevention.

Brazil nuts are low in carbs at 3.5 grams compared to other types of nuts.

Eating Brazil nuts reduces age-related mortality nerve cells by 43%. Such death provokes the development of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease.

Nuts reduce the risk of respiratory diseases by 39%.

Due to the presence of unsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E improves skin condition, softens and smoothes it.

Brazil nuts are a source of selenium, an antioxidant that is beneficial in cancer prevention. It can help prevent and reduce chronic disease by improving resilience immune system.

Eating nuts five times a week has been shown to reduce the risk of death from heart disease by 29% and reduce the risk of death from cancer by 11%. Even those who ate nuts less than once a week reduced their risk of death by 7%.

Dutch researchers found that people who ate only 10 gr. nuts a day reduced the risk of death by 23%. This study spanned 10 years and included over 120,000 men and women aged 55 to 69.

Brazil nuts improve metabolism and reduce the risk of diabetes by 30%. Eating Brazil nuts is beneficial for type 2 diabetics.

brazil nuts for weight loss

Brazil nuts can help you lose weight. Adding a small amount to the diet will keep ideal weight for a long time.

In one study, those whose diets included lots of Brazil nuts lost about 1.4 kilograms and a few centimeters at the waist. A review presented at the 6th International Congress on Vegetarian Nutrition highlighted the role of Brazil nuts in reducing the risk of obesity.

A diet that includes Brazil nuts is one of the effective ways get rid of sustainable excess weight because it helps with place the process of burning sugar before burning fat. This type of diet promotes mitochondrial health, which is important for overall health and the prevention of many diseases.

Harm and contraindications of brazil nuts

Nuts should be eaten in moderation, but not because they are high in fat and calories, high content squirrel. Excess dietary protein in Brazil nuts can lead to:

Brazil nuts during pregnancy and for children

Recent studies have shown that regular use nuts during pregnancy increases the risk of asthma in a child by almost 50%.

Since ancient times, locals have revered the Brazil nut for much-needed protein, fats, and other essential nutrients. nutrients. Brazil nut trees grow in the forests of Brazil, Bolivia, Ecuador, Venezuela and Peru.

They are, in fact, one of the tallest, longest-lived plant species of all rainforests. Each tree can grow up to 50 meters tall with a large erect stem and a wide umbrella.

Each mature tree produces about 300 fruit pods in one season. After pollination, the fruit needs 14 months to ripen. After the expiration date, the pod falls off the tree on its own, usually with a thud.

In its natural habitat, the Brazil nut is solely dependent on the agouti rodents, which have the ability to gnaw on the exposed woody shell, thereby freeing and dispersing the remaining seeds for germination.

Inside one pod there are approximately 10-25 seeds (kernels) arranged in segments. Each nucleus, in turn, is enclosed in its own dark brown shell. The edible white pulp of the kernel has triangular base with sloping sides, and a sweet nutty flavor.

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What is useful for women and men?

Heart health: One of the healthiest aspects of Brazil nuts is their high content of unsaturated fats, known as the "good" forms of cholesterol. Nuts also include oleic acid (18:1) and palmitoleic acid (16:1).

These varieties of unsaturated fats normalize cholesterol levels and improve general state heart health. Balancing cholesterol can help prevent the development of atherosclerosis, heart attack and stroke (how to provide first aid, read).

However, Brazil nuts still contain dangerous saturated fat and calories, so you need to be careful with how much you consume.

Skin Benefits:
The complex vitamin and nutrient profile in Brazil nuts makes them especially beneficial for protecting skin health. The selenium present in the product gives the skin a healthy glow and elasticity, preventing premature aging.

In addition to selenium, the nut contains other useful minerals such as copper, magnesium, potassium, iron, phosphorus and zinc. Copper helps prevent anemia and osteoporosis. manganese important factor for the antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase.

Digestive system: The fiber content in Brazil nuts helps to tune your digestive system. Fiber contributes to good peristalsis in gastrointestinal system, moving food through the body, extracting as many nutrients and nutrients as possible.

Hormonal function: Selenium plays an important role in correct work thyroid gland. Great content this mineral guarantees the preservation healthy metabolism substances.

The immune system: Any product that contains so many nutrients and minerals will be beneficial for the immune system. However, the antioxidants and organic compounds that are also found in the nut make it one of the most immune-boosting nuts in the world.

Vitamin C together with selenium and zinc affect the production of white blood cells and stimulating antioxidant compounds throughout the body neutralize free radicals, preventing the body from many chronic diseases.

Weight loss: High fiber concentration, total density of nutrients, proteins and complex carbohydrates, which is present in each brazil nut makes it very nutritious, which means that you are much less likely to want to snack. There are about 650 calories in 100 g of Brazil nuts, so you shouldn't get too carried away with them.

Nutritional value and calories

Since the brazil nut contains high amounts of polyunsaturated fats, it can quickly spoil and become rancid if still exposed to air, humidity and sunlight.

Unshelled Brazil nuts are best stored in a dry, cool place for several months. And in order for the nuts to remain fresh and tasty as long as possible, they should be stored in air-sealing bags in the refrigerator. This method will prevent them from going rancid.

Brazil nuts can be eaten roasted, salted, or sweetened. They are also used in puddings, pesto, chocolate bars and crunchy snacks.

Coarse-grained ground Brazil nuts can be sprinkled on fruit/vegetable salads. They are also used in desserts, especially muffins. Brazil nut oil is used in salad dressing and cooking.

Are there any contraindications and harm?

In people who are sensitive to tree nuts, Brazil nuts can cause allergies. Symptoms of the reaction range from urticaria to severe anaphylactic manifestations, including difficulty breathing, abdominal pain, vomiting, and diarrhea.

If you already suffer from heart disease, eating saturated fat can be dangerous. Scientific research proved that brazil nuts are better for the prevention of heart problems, and not as a remedy.

Excess consumption of Brazil nuts may be the result of selenium toxicity. Often the symptoms are very serious: vomiting, the smell of garlic on the breath, nervous disorders. Also possible: hair loss (how to strengthen hair folk remedies, read ), neuropathic pain etc.

Use in traditional medicine

O miraculous powers, which the Brazil nut possesses, recognizable by the color of the creamy shade of rose petals, there are many legends. And it is no coincidence, because the benefits of the product have been scientifically proven. Meanwhile, this fruit, in order to improve health, must be used correctly, then there will really be benefits from eating!

What is a brazil nut

The fruit of the Bertoletia tree or Brazil nut is biologically a grain, but in its own way appearance it is very similar to the cups of the coconut fruit, which has numerous stamens. In addition to the fact that this product has a natural earthy taste, and smells like flower nectar, it is also famous for its various beneficial properties. For themselves, the product is chosen by those who want to look perfect, have slim figure, reliable immunity and clear radiant skin at low cost.

How it grows

Bertoletia nut is a native of Brazil, grows everywhere throughout the Amazon Valley, and is also grown on artificial plantations. The tree itself, the age reaches 500 years, grows up to 60 m, has a smooth trunk and is about 3 m wide. Fruiting is not a fast process, it begins at the 12th year of the plant's life, and the grains are located at the very top. There is no need to remove them, because the ripe fruits themselves fall down, and the dense peel protects them from damage. Growing walnut from Brazil in artificial conditions almost impossible.


Unique properties brazil nuts are determined by the components that make up the fruit. Approximately 70% of them are fats, the remaining 30% are trace elements that regulate “bad” cholesterol. Besides, chemical composition brazil nuts includes:

  • antioxidants;
  • amino acid;
  • protein;
  • vitamins of groups A, B, E;
  • glutathione;
  • iron;
  • calcium;
  • fiber;
  • copper;
  • minerals;
  • magnesium;
  • sodium;
  • thiamine;
  • selenium;
  • phosphorus;
  • zinc.


The energy value brazil nuts is approximately 680 kcal per 100 g pure product. Even after eating a few grains from the rainforests of the Amazon and the Bolivia region, a person feels full for several hours. Such a calorie content is not suitable for those who practice diets and suffer from extra pounds. And this is perhaps the only drawback of the product. At the same time, the body receives nutrition and the spectrum of vitamins it needs, energizes and improves the state of its immune system.

brazil nut benefits

Numerous beneficial features brazil nuts different areas human life. Often the fruit is used:

  • to strengthen the immune system;
  • to prevent the development of oncology;
  • in the process of cupping inflammatory processes;
  • to make up for a persistent deficiency of mono- and polyunsaturated fats;
  • to normalize work hormonal system(mainly thyroid hormone);
  • to prevent the development of cataracts;
  • for support of cardio-vascular system, better absorption of vitamins;
  • to restore protein in the blood;
  • in the implementation of the need to cleanse the intestines, liver, blood;
  • to restore muscle tone;
  • for weight loss, improving the condition of the skin, hair, nails, protection from harmful substances that enter the body;
  • to improve the condition of a woman during pregnancy and lactation.

The daily rate of this supplement does not depend on what goal a person pursues. It is a fixed value, the value of which will have to be considered. The South American nut included in the diet does not provide instant positive result: minor changes for the better become noticeable after about a month of regular use, because the composition contains useful polyunsaturated acid.

For women

Selenium, which is part of the fruit that Brazil gave, plays a key role in preserving reproductive function. However, a woman is not only a future mother, but also a representative of the fair sex, who must be beautiful. And the benefits of brazil nuts for women are invaluable. Antioxidants and vitamin E will help maintain skin condition, the composition also contains 60% of polyunsaturated fats that lower cholesterol. Regular use of this product, you can get rid of excess weight.

For men

For men, the nut, whose homeland is Brazil, is a powerful aphrodisiac that stimulates potency and increases the amount active sperm. The benefit of brazil nuts for men is that the kernels can be used as a prophylactic, having previously undergone a complete medical examination. Replace completely with brazil nuts drug treatment a man can't


Like any other product, the Brazil nut has a number of contraindications that you should definitely take into account: it is important to use nuts in moderation. The daily dose is no more than 3 pieces, this will be enough for the body to receive its daily norm of vitamins and trace elements. At the same time, brazil nuts can be harmful when following conditions:

  1. In the presence of overweight and lack of desire to exercise.
  2. When a product is abused, which includes dangerous radium (the shell is especially rich in it).

Medicine does not interpret the fruit of the lecithis family as a radioactive product, however, minor negative changes can be observed. This may be an increase in body weight for no reason, a weakening of the immune system, an exacerbation of chronic diseases, etc. In addition, free radium is very slowly excreted from the body, so a negative echo can make itself felt much later. The cleansing of the body is naturally.

Application of brazil nuts

Often the use of Brazil nuts is divided into two possible options: external and internal. The first of them allows you to achieve a cosmetic effect: heal wounds, relieve inflammation, smooth the skin. Best suited for these purposes is oil, which can be used as independent remedy or added to cosmetic products. If the fruit is used for the prevention of diseases internal organs, it is better to eat the whole kernel, trying not to exceed daily allowance.

With oncology

The selenium present in Brazil nuts is the right way prevent cancer of the prostate / breast, thyroid, lung and gastrointestinal tract. In addition, selenium prevents premature cell aging. Recently, the South American cream nut has been imported without the skin, because aflatoxin, a substance that can cause liver cancer, was found in it. Brazil nut for oncology is excellent prophylactic supporting immunity. However, drugs should not be abandoned in any case, because oncological process may recur!


Experts do not recommend giving Brazil nuts to children under the age of 3 years. The baby's body is very prone to allergic reactions, so familiarity with the new richest source of selenium can produce reverse effect. This product it is better to introduce it into the diet gradually, for example, first in a crushed form, adding it to cereals, flour products. If each active substance will work for the good without causing backlash, the baby can be given nuclei and whole.

Oil in cosmetology

natural oil Brazilian nut is actively used in cosmetology, mainly as a component for all kinds of masks and creams. With their help, it is possible to have a complex effect on the skin, which, with systematic care, becomes healthier and more elastic. Localized skin problems can also be treated with pure brazil nut oil. However, a special, but by no means fast cleansing effect is achieved only with regular use.

How to use

There are several variations on the topic of how to use a Brazil nut:

  • as an additive to salads, second / first courses;
  • as a popular nut butter;
  • in the form of cosmetic products.

The desired form is selected in accordance with the goal pursued. If there is a need to feed internal systems body, the core must be systematically consumed fresh. For cosmetic procedures Oil-based products are great. It will be useful to provide the epidermis with nourishment from the inside, so it is worth eating such dishes periodically.

How much can you eat per day

In order for a Brazil nut, similar to the inner fruit of a coconut, to really benefit the body, you need to choose the right “dosage” for it. For adults, the norm of a Brazil nut per day is up to a couple of pieces, while children can limit themselves to one. If the fruit is eaten once, you can eat 5 pieces at a time. The reason for such strictness lies in selenium, radium and barium, increased concentration which in the body is very undesirable, because each substance has a small echo of radioactivity.


Like any other food product, this one has a number of limitations for use. Brazil nut contraindications are as follows:

  • the presence of individual intolerance;
  • persistent allergic reaction for protein;
  • chronic diseases Gastrointestinal tract, in which patients are restricted from eating solid food (at the discretion of the doctor, the product can be allowed to be consumed in crushed form);
  • immunity to a number of monounsaturated fats;
  • excess weight.

In order not to suffer from the healthy brazil nut in the pursuit of health promotion, but to comprehensively protect the body and get a quick effect, it is necessary to observe the measure and evaluate in detail possible risks. It is better to take as a basis the minimum daily level vitamins, fats, carbohydrates, saturated fats, but consume their source in food systematically. abuse even natural products can backfire and cause harm.


Application, recipes and medicinal properties of Brazil nuts.

Bertoletia (Brazil nut) - the genus of South American plants is monotypic. Family: Lecythis. View - Bertoletiya high.

Bertoletiya, better known as Brazilian or american walnut most common in Guyana, Brazil, Venezuela, Bolivia, Peru, Colombia.

brazil nut off liver cancer. Video

This nut let it be called Brazilian, the main exporter is Bolivia, though. Brazil nut, as a cultivated plant is grown, but in terms of yield, the wild counterparts are far ahead, because they need an abundance of bees and large bumblebees for pollination.

Brazilian walnut tree it can reach huge sizes, in height - up to forty-five meters in height and up to a couple of meters in its diameter! Lives for a very long time, five hundred - a thousand years!

Very unusual the fruit of this tree how the box looks like in diameter - up to fifteen cm and weighing up to two kg.

These trees reproduce in a very interesting way. Agouti small rodents in these fruit get in and out from the inside nuts, nuts some of them are buried in the ground, and then some of them grow.
But agouti not the only one who can get to nuts! They still know how to open them. capuchins - monkeys with the help of stones.


Properties healthy nuts, composition and their calorie content.
Nut grains of this many useful substances contain: magnesium, iron, potassium, phosphates, copper, zinc, calcium, selenium, manganese, omega three and six, riboflavin, phosphorus, flavonoids, choline, niacin, betaine, thiamine, vitamins "E", "D", "B6", "C", and amino acids. Calorie content: 680 kcal. one hundred grams.

Brazilian nut. Benefit and harm. Video

Substances useful in Brazil nuts contained, normalize blood sugar levels, fight fatigue, improve metabolism, strengthen immunity.


USE OF BRAZIL NUT FOR SLIMMING. Two brazilian nuts daily dose Selena contain. nuts beneficial due to amino acids, , for muscles, if they are not abused. AT brazil nuts contained unsaturated fats, development risks diseases of the cardiovascular reduce and cataracts.


It should be noted that brazil nuts contain a small amount of very radioactive harmful substanceradium. This can be attributed to one of the reasons why you should not abuse nuts these, two things a day - that's quite enough. in the shell aflatoxins are contained, contribute to the development of which liver cancer, exist therefore strict rules when importing brazil nuts introduced by the European Union. The shell is removed beforehand and checked for each batch. , also cause a reaction allergic maybe. If a allergy you have on mango and others nuts, then it is quite likely that it will also manifest itself at brazil nuts use.


How to choose a brazil nut and how to store?

Need nut shake, fresh walnut and healthy should not rattle and not easy to be.

store nuts long, up to 2 years.

brazil nuts purified it is best to store in the refrigerator, and so that they do not absorb odors, place them in a closed container of some kind.

Application, recipes and properties healthy oils brazil walnut.




The most widespread in cosmetology. It contains a lot of vitamin E, very useful for the skin. It also possesses moisturizing and revitalizing excellent action and applied during treatment skin diseases various, as well as burns. Oil also used in cosmetics per hair care. By the way, you can enrich yourself cosmetics their oil painting useful brazil nut, approximately 10% by adding it from the total mass.


The effect of brazil nut oil is cosmetic.
Brazilian walnut oil has a moisturizing, anti-inflammatory, wound healing, nourishing, tonic, emollient and antioxidant effect. Is it nourishing and moisturizing agent great not only for integuments of the skin, but also for strength hair vital recovery. Deeply penetrating into tissues, forms oil a protective natural layer that prevents moisture from evaporating from skin surface, thanks to which its natural moisture content is preserved. Oil is the same a good remedy wound healing, it is successfully used for irritated, inflamed and problematic skin, and for the treatment of ulcers and wounds that do not heal.
His emollients nutritional properties the composition of the oil is determined, and it is the content of unsaturated fatty acids in a unique ratio, as a result, it has everything nutrients necessary, physiologically and biochemically involved in the processes for the formation epithelium. In faction oils not saponifiable found alpha and beta, delta tocopherols, powerful antioxidants being, easily absorbed, cellular damage preventing and warning, Consequently premature aging.


Recipes for the use of brazil nuts in folk medicine.

BRAZILIAN NUT. Beauticians not recommended to use brazilian nut oil as clean or basic, claiming that its impact optimal for the skin appears when it is concentrated in oil mixtures and cosmetics up to ten percent.


EXTERNAL USE OF BRAZIL NUT OIL. When used in pure form it will not harm the skin. The oil is ideal when added to moisturizing lotions, massage mixtures, bath oils, shower gels, solid soaps, hair masks, shaving products.

The best source of natural selenium. Video

Brazil Nut Massage Oil: mix fifty ml. base oils (peach,) and ten ml. Brazilian nut oil, add (five drops) santala, roses, ylang-ylang. Finger tips to drive the mixture into areas massaged.

Brazil nut oil for enriching cosmetics: five ml. pour brazil nut oil add ten gr. cream or ten ml. tonic. To balms and shampoos add ten ml. oils one hundred gr. basics. In the ratio of such a cosmetic product nourishes, improves blood circulation and tones, and.

Nourishing mask from Brazil nut oil. Mix twenty ml. avocado oil, twenty ml. and five ml. Brazilian nut oil, ethers add (a couple of drops) , santala, . Apply at least one - two times a day for thirty - forty minutes, then blotting with a paper napkin. No need to rinse. Is mask anti-aging and improves skin color(aligns).

Therapeutic baths with the addition of oils. Seven to ten drops essential oils neroli, mix with twenty ml. natural brazil nut oil, add after that in with warm water bathroom.

Brazil Nut Oil - Hand Blend: mix one by one brazil nut oil with jojoba oil and shea butter(melt), add ten drops oils essential lemon fifty ml. mixtures. Hand skin and nails lubricate natural lemon, after that in rub the skin, nail cuticle and platinum oil mixture. Put on cotton gloves for thirty to forty minutes. This procedure is best done at night.

Brazil Nut Hair Care:

Food for the treatment of the thyroid gland. Video

After Shave Brazil Nut Oil: brazil nut oil mix in equal parts with and avocado add essential oils(a couple of drops) tea tree, lavender, and sandalwood, for every 20 ml. mixtures produced.

Brazil nut oil for wrinkles. You need to mix ten ml. jojoba oils, ten ml. oils from natural brazil nuts and twenty ml. wheat and, add essential oils a couple of drops mint, geranium and neroli. Apply once or twice a day, do not rinse, blotting with a paper towel.

Brazil nut oil for firmness revival and skin elasticity. Prepare: (for scars, scars, effectively) twenty ml. cocoa oil(melt), twenty ml. oils macadamia, ten ml. oils and ten ml. . Add a couple of drops rosemary esters, mint, neroli.

Another use of brazil nut oil. Oil this is the best remedy is for lubrication hours. So it is used in the food, perfume industry and in the preparation and dilution of artistic paints.

Shelf life of Brazil nut oil: store up to two years, in a cool place, away from sunlight.

Oil used in cooking making sweets and pastries.

Be healthy!

Brazil nut, Brazil nut treatment. Video