Can Tomato Paste Help Prevent Cancer? Approximate daily diet for lowering cholesterol levels. Foods to lower cholesterol

ethnoscience recommends various vegetable and fruit freshly squeezed juices in the fight against excess cholesterol. In the first minutes after cooking, they differ high content vitamins, enzymes, various minerals and even some hormones. Such components are actively involved in the metabolic process, including cholesterol metabolism. Regular use of such products contributes to the regulation and acceleration of metabolic processes.

Having knowledge about the properties of certain fresh juices, you can easily normalize the level of lipids in the blood.

Zucchini juice to lower cholesterol

For the preparation of juice, young fruits of zucchini are used. They contain a large number of vitamin groups and mineral compounds that have a beneficial effect on digestive system and on the body as a whole. They include pectin, sodium and phosphorus, which lowers cholesterol and blood glucose levels. The easiest way to prepare a drink is with a juicer. If it is not there, then you can pass the zucchini through a meat grinder or grate, and then squeeze the juice through gauze. It is better to cook for one, maximum for two receptions.

The intake of such a product in order to lower cholesterol begins with small portions in the size of a tablespoon. Gradually, a single dose is increased and it can reach 300 ml. Take this remedy before meals 30 minutes before meals. For improvement palatability you can add apple or carrot juice as desired. Contraindications:

Carrot juice treatment

Carrots are very helpful. Freshly squeezed carrot juice is rich in β-carotene and magnesium. Carotene contributes to the improvement of many metabolic processes in the human body. Magnesium stimulates the outflow of bile, accelerates the excretion of cholesterol, and thereby reduces its level in the blood. You need to drink it in half a glass before meals. It should not be abused, since an excess of carotene can provoke the so-called carotene jaundice. Enhance medicinal properties can be combined with apple or beet juice.

There is a special course of vessel cleansing using this product. The course is designed for five days:

  • The first day. Carrot juice - 130 milliliters and celery juice (stalks) - 70 milliliters.
  • Second day. Carrot juice (100 ml), cucumber (70 ml), beetroot (70 ml).
  • Day three. A mixture of carrot juice (130 milliliters), apple juice (70 milliliters) and celery (stalks) - 70 milliliters.
  • Day four. To 130 milliliters of carrot add 50 milliliters of cabbage juice.
  • Day five. Orange juice (130 milliliters).


Cucumber fresh

The level of cholesterol in the blood is affected by potassium and sodium, which are found in cucumbers. These elements have positive influence to work of cardio-vascular system. Add a spoonful of honey to a glass of cucumber juice. This mixture should be taken half an hour before a meal. The course lasts at least a week. You can make smoothies. To do this, in addition to cucumber, add mint and lemon. All components are whipped in a blender and diluted mineral water with the addition of ice cubes.



Beetroot juice contains a large amount of magnesium, which helps to eliminate excess cholesterol in the bile. Chlorine, which is also in this drink, also helps this process. Thus, this product has a positive effect on cholesterol and fat metabolism in general. It is not worth taking it in its pure, undiluted form. It can be diluted with carrot, apple juice or just clean water. You need to drink it before meals. The initial dose is one tablespoon. Gradually, the amount of drink for a single dose is increased to 70 ml. Freshly pressed beetroot juice contains some harmful substances. Therefore, it must be defended before taking it in the refrigerator for at least two hours.


  • urolithiasis disease;
  • kidney disease;
  • gout;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • chronic diarrhea;
  • hypotension;
  • gastritis with hyperacidity, heartburn;
  • diabetes.

Tomato juice

The composition of tomato juice includes organic acids, which help to improve digestion and proper metabolism. Tomatoes also contain lycopene. It is an antioxidant that prevents the formation of "bad" cholesterol. You need to drink it in the morning on an empty stomach. As a rule, they drink one glass each. Salt it is not worth it, because salt reduces the beneficial properties of this product. You can season it with herbs to taste. Or mixed with cucumber or pumpkin juice.


  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in the acute stage;
  • allergic reactions;
  • poisoning;
  • diseases of the pancreas.

Birch juice

This product contains saponin, which is able to bind cholesterol to bile acids, which contributes to its excretion and, accordingly, reduces its amount in the blood. It is harvested in March from the trunks of white or silver birch. Fresh, unprocessed product is stored for a short time - a couple of days in the refrigerator. If birch sap is stored at room temperature, the natural fermentation process will begin. With its proper flow, you can get kvass, which is seasoned with ginger, lemon, raisins. The course of admission is long and is one calendar month. Drink one glass of this product per day.


  • peptic ulcer;
  • stones in the kidneys;
  • allergic reaction.

Apple juice

Green apple juice contains antioxidants that prevent the oxidation of cholesterol, thereby preventing the formation of sclerotic plaques. Moreover, it contains substances that increase the level of "positive" cholesterol, which, on the contrary, cleanses the vessels of fatty plaques. Take it in the amount of two or three glasses throughout the day. You need to drink it immediately after preparation. It is better to use a straw as the acids contained in this product can damage tooth enamel. This method is also effective against overweight. The course is from one to three months.


  • gastritis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • ulcer disease.


Pomegranate juice contains polyphenols. These are antioxidants that lower the level of "bad" cholesterol. However, such healing properties possesses only one hundred percent pomegranate product. When purchasing it, you need to make sure of the quality, since the impurities of other berries or the addition of sugar will spoil healing effect. This product has practically no contraindications and you can take it in any quantities in the absence of allergic reactions. It is better to drink it through a straw so as not to damage the tooth enamel.


These citrus fruits contain a large amount of pectin. If you drink a glass of fresh orange juice per day for a month and a half, then such a course reduces the level of harmful sterol by 20 percent relative to the baseline. Contraindications:

  • peptic ulcer,
  • gastritis with increased acid-forming function of the stomach.

Cholesterol is a lipoprotein that is synthesized by the human liver and stored in the body. IN normal amounts this component is necessary substance due to which the flow of many vital important processes. Fatty alcohol is involved in the process of hormone production by the glands endocrine system and in the course of metabolic processes. The formation of an imbalance and the deviation of the indicators of this concentrate from the norm is dangerous for the development of atherosclerosis of the vessels. In general, the development of this disease is influenced by nutrition, because not all foods have the same positive effect on human body. Of course the elements plant origin you can consume, but they also affect the cherished marks of norms in different ways. We need to try to figure out whether it is possible to use tomatoes with cholesterol and how they act on percentage HDL and LDL in the body.

What are the benefits of vegetables?

Leading experts say that it is necessary to consume tomatoes with cholesterol. They also recommend including in the human diet tomato paste, fruit drinks and juices from vegetables. These recommendations are related to useful properties component - scientists came to the conclusion that the consumption of tomatoes is the key to the health of the cardiovascular system and the best prevention formation of pathologies. This fact is clearly confirmed by the inhabitants of countries in which the vegetable is brought into the category of the most common. In latitudes Russian Federation this component is not so popular, perhaps this is the problem high performance frequency of detection, pathologies of the heart and blood vessels.

Interesting to know that tomatoes have cholesterol! But how then can a vegetable benefit a person with atherosclerosis? The mystery is that its composition is truly unique, the vegetable is a source of lycopene, a component of acting out important role in the human body. The benefits of this component are highlighted and confirmed in the course of scientific research.

Fact! Australian scientists say it's good to eat everything natural products the basis of which is a tomato: sauce, ketchup, juice. But the greatest benefit can be extracted from fresh ingredients, it is in this form that all components are best absorbed.

As a result of the activity of lycopene, the process of secretion of low-density lipoproteins is inhibited and the oxidation process is inhibited. Atherosclerotic plaques stop forming.

How is lycopene absorbed and what is this component?

Body tissues have the ability to absorb this useful component. in cases where there is a lack of this element, the individual's body exists at the expense of previously accumulated reserves. The quality of vascular disease prevention is not affected by mass fraction component consumed per day, and indicators of its reserves in the body.

Proven! The risk of manifestation of pathologies of the heart and blood vessels is increased in patients in whom the concentration of lycopene in the blood is lowered.

It should be noted that in order to replenish the concentration of the element, it is necessary to consume tomatoes adjacent to food containing fats (mainly vegetable). It should not be overlooked that the concentration useful element in the body decreases rapidly, therefore, if you refuse to use tomato products, the level of lycopene in the patient's blood will decrease by half and this will lead to an increase in the concentration of low-density lipoproteins.

Tomatoes lower cholesterol, this has been proven by scientists. Based on such information, it should be concluded that such a substance is necessary for the human body, and its consumption should be systematic. Such a menu will form a good basis for the prevention of the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases.

Folk remedies for lowering cholesterol also include freshly squeezed vegetable juices. If you drink such juice on an empty stomach, then all these useful material quickly absorbed into gastrointestinal tract and immediately begin to take part in the complex biochemical reactions that make up the metabolism.

How Juices Help Lower Cholesterol

Freshly squeezed vegetable juices contain carbohydrates, enzymes (substances that greatly enhance all biochemical processes), hormones (substances involved in the regulation of various functions), vitamins (they are part of many enzymes), minerals(not a single biochemical process can do without them), organic acids and some other biologically active substances.

All these substances are necessary for metabolism, including cholesterol metabolism. Activation of cholesterol metabolism contributes to its rapid removal from the body and a decrease in blood levels. That is why folk remedies to lower cholesterol include treatment with freshly squeezed vegetable juices.

Especially useful when high cholesterol the use of carrot, beetroot, squash, cucumber, tomato juices.

Juice from young squash

Young zucchini contain enzymes that promote the digestion of proteins and fats, as well as the excretion of bile and harmful substances formed during the digestion of food. In addition, squash juice has a significant diuretic effect. The body also gets rid of bad cholesterol. Since zucchini juice contains a minimum of calories, it is useful for overweight people to drink it. And weight loss contributes to the normalization of cholesterol metabolism.

Take juice from young zucchini, first a tablespoon 1-2 times a day half an hour before meals, gradually increasing the dose to one or more glasses a day, dividing it into 3-4 doses. Zucchini juice can be mixed with apple and carrot juices.

carrot juice

Carrot juice contains a lot of beta-carotene, vitamins and minerals that help improve all metabolic processes. A large number of Magnesium in this juice helps prevent bile stasis and remove cholesterol from the body.

But, despite the fact that carrot juice has a pleasant taste, it should not be drunk too much - the so-called carotene jaundice may develop. It is better to take carrot juice mixed with apple and beetroot juices, while using no more than half a glass of pure carrot juice in a day.

Carrot juice should not be taken for obesity, exacerbation peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum, acute inflammatory diseases intestines and pancreas.

cucumber juice

Cucumber juice is very useful for atherosclerosis, as it contains organic acids that inhibit the formation of fat from carbohydrates. Cucumber juice also has a diuretic effect, which helps to eliminate toxic substances from the body.

Cucumber juice is often included in folk remedies to lower cholesterol. For the prevention of atherosclerosis, half a glass of cucumber juice per day is enough. It is taken in the morning, on an empty stomach, half an hour before meals. Cucumber juice can be mixed with tomato and garlic juice. For example, you can mix half a glass of cucumber and tomato juice and add a teaspoon of garlic juice.

beetroot juice

Beetroot juice is useful for high cholesterol in that it contains a lot of magnesium, which means it removes cholesterol from the body along with bile. Chlorine contained in beetroot cleanses the liver, bile ducts and gallbladder. Beetroot juice well lowers cholesterol levels in the blood and improves fat (including cholesterol) metabolism.

Take beetroot juice first in a tablespoon, gradually reaching a quarter cup 1-2 times a day. It is taken by mixing with other juices (carrot, apple), or diluting half with water. For juice, only dark red beets are suitable. Freshly squeezed juice should not be taken, it must be kept in the refrigerator for at least two hours.