Is it possible for a child to freshly squeezed apple juice. When can a child be given freshly squeezed juices? How to Introduce Juices into Your Child's Diet

» I talked about the juices that we buy in the store, what is actually in the package. Today I took a closer look at the topic of natural juices - fresh for a child And what are the benefits of juices?

How to drink fresh?

  1. Before preparing fresh juice for a child, make sure that fruits, vegetables or berries are fresh and undamaged.
  2. It is necessary to drink fresh juice 10-15 minutes after preparation. Further, all useful substances under the influence of light and oxygen - disappear.
  3. If you are just introducing a child to fresh juice, then start with one component. For children under 3 years old, fresh is diluted 1:1 with water.
  4. It is undesirable to mix fruits and vegetables for making fresh juice, since it is difficult for the body to cope with such a mixture, because different stomach enzymes are needed to digest fruits and vegetables.
  5. If you mix different juices, then proceed according to the principle of "yellow with yellow", "green with green".
  6. After 3 years, you can gradually introduce mixed fresh juices.
  7. You can drink fresh juice for a child under three years old no more than once a day in an amount of no more than 30 ml.
  8. Children from 3 to 10 years old can drink fresh juice 2 times a day, no more than 30-50 ml at a time.
  9. It is better for a child to drink fresh from a straw to avoid the formation of caries.
  10. For children under 7 years old, it is better not to give juices from apples, grapefruit and pomegranates in their pure form.
  11. Be sure to add a little olive, vegetable oil or cream to carrot juice in order to absorb vitamin A.
  12. During a cold, exclude fresh from the diet, because. it promotes mucus secretion.
  13. Carrot and pomegranate juices are not recommended to drink more than 2-3 times a week.
  14. Do not drink the same juice every day, alternate different juices.

What are the benefits of juices?

Orange juice- rich in various vitamins and antioxidants, useful for the cardiovascular and nervous system, in case of poisoning. It is recommended to use with a lack of vitamin C and B. If you smear orange juice on your skin before going to the beach, then the damage from direct sunlight will be significantly reduced.

pineapple- a natural fat burner, has a microelement - bromelain, which has a rejuvenating effect on the body. Recommended for angina and kidney disease.

Apricot- good for vision, skin, heart and liver.

Grape juice - is traditionally considered for children. Recommend for anemia, apathy, exhaustion.

Pomegranate juice- rich in ascorbic acid. I recommend it for anemia, exhaustion, anemia, atherosclerosis, decreased immunity, bronchial asthma, radiation exposure, tonsillitis, diseases of the biliary tract; helps with gastrointestinal disorders and diabetes; useful for hair, skin, lungs, thyroid gland, spleen, kidneys.

Grapefruit juice- improves digestion and metabolism, activates the liver, which in turn forms a barrier to fat deposition.

carrot juice- improves vision, has a good effect on the liver, kidneys, thyroid gland, improves skin condition in case of skin diseases. It's good to drink carrot juice!

Peach juice- recommended for anemia and cardiovascular diseases. Level up hemoglobin, improves liver function, helps better digestion of fatty foods, contains a large amount of calcium, beta-carotene and vitamin B2.

plum juice- Prevents constipation, improves bowel function.

tomato- contains sodium and vitamin C. It is recommended for diseases of the cardiovascular system and metabolic disorders, prevents oncology, maintains clarity of thinking and memory.

cabbage juice- lowers cholesterol and removes toxins, an ideal remedy for pain in pain in the abdomen, useful for respiratory diseases, hemorrhoids, bronchitis, diathesis, liver diseases.

currant juice- a great tool to improve immunity.

pumpkin juice- useful for men with prostate inflammation (drink a glass of juice for 2-3 weeks), recommended for diabetes, obesity, metabolic disorders, kidney and bladder stones.

Apple juice- streamlines thinking, helps maintain clarity of mind and focus, osc is enriched with B vitamins, iron, potassium and boron.

Here, my dear mothers, I told the whole truth about juices for children. And now it's up to you how to feed a child.

And when choosing what to give your child to drink, do not forget about compotes! Cook compotes for children - natural, tasty, prepared by your loving hands. After such a “analysis” of juices for children, I decided to buy my child less store-bought juices, I will try to cook compotes more often and make freshly squeezed juices, brew light herbal teas, and water with honey and lemon is a favorite treat for kids. I think if you want, you can make your child's drink more natural and healthy.

And of course, you should not faint if a neighbor treats the baby to juice from a bag, because in modern conditions it is very difficult to organize a healthy, environmentally friendly, natural environment for a child, whether it be drinking, food, clothes, etc.

Health to you and your loved ones!

Juices are very useful for a child, as they contain vitamins and organic acids. They have a positive effect on digestion and the functioning of the body as a whole. Some pediatricians recommend introducing complementary foods with juices as early as 4-5 months, but modern experts advise not to rush to give drinks to infants up to six months. In this article, we will analyze in detail how many months you can give juices to babies. And also find out what drinks and at what age they give the kids.

When and how to give juice to a baby

The first complementary foods for babies begin at six months with vegetable and fruit purees, and then after the seventh month they give juices. Remember that juices are not allowed, in exceptional cases you can give drinking water! If the child is on artificial or mixed feeding, complementary foods start from 3-4 months. This means that drinks from fruits, vegetables and berries can be given early, already from 4-5 months.

Juices begin to drink with 5 ml (¼-⅓ teaspoon), then the dosage is gradually increased to 30 ml, each time adding 5 ml. The norm for a one-year-old baby is 50-60 ml. Drink a child with a teaspoon, older kids can be taught to a cup.

Carefully monitor the condition of the baby, it is important that the drink does not cause a negative reaction. Some fruits and vegetables can cause rashes and itching, disrupt digestion and cause indigestion, and worsen stools. If you notice, temporarily exclude the product from the baby's diet and contact your pediatrician. You can repeat the injection attempt no earlier than 4-5 weeks later.

Proper feeding will protect the child from a negative reaction and will only bring benefits. Fruit, vegetable and berry juices perform the following useful functions:

  • Strengthen immunity;
  • Saturate the body with vitamins, minerals and beneficial acids;
  • Raise the mood, give vigor and strength;
  • Improves the work of digestion;
  • Cleanse the body, remove excess salts, toxins and other harmful substances;
  • Improve metabolism;
  • Facilitate digestion and absorption of food;
  • Increase appetite;
  • Positively affect the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

What juices can a baby

At first, juices are given from only one component. Two-component drinks are given only after each ingredient has been introduced separately. You can buy ready-made baby juice. Before buying, check the expiration date and composition, the integrity of the package. The product must be appropriate for the age of the child!

However, experts recommend preparing freshly squeezed juices for babies, as fresh juice is more healthy and natural. Purchased drinks can not be diluted, and home-made drinks are first diluted by half with water. Gradually, the volume of water is reduced, replacing with natural juice. And now let's look at the order of the introduction of juices.

  • Apple juice is given first, starting at seven months. For cooking, take green varieties, as they cause allergies less often than others;
  • A week after the apple, pear juice is introduced. Pears are very healthy and also the least allergenic among fruits;
  • Apricot or peach give after pear and apple. These fruits have a beneficial effect on vision, strengthen bones, teeth and gums;
  • Among vegetable juices, carrots and carrot fresh juice for babies are primarily included. But be careful, because carrots can cause allergies due to beta-carotene and orange color;

  • Then they give pumpkin fresh, cabbage, cherry and plum, currant and pomegranate, banana with an interval of 3-7 days, depending on the characteristics of the development and addiction of the baby to new food;
  • Do not rush to give beetroot juice, as beets are good for weakening. Beetroot drink is not recommended for children under eight months and babies who suffer from diarrhea. But with constipation, such a drink will be an excellent remedy;
  • After nine months, two-component juices are given. An excellent option would be a combination of apple with pumpkin, apricot or peach, banana.

Children under one year should not be given citrus juices, including oranges, lemons, pineapples, grapes and other similar fruits. In addition, you should not drink drinks made from brightly colored berries, including strawberries and raspberries. Such products increase gas formation, negatively affect digestion and the condition of the stomach, and often cause an allergic reaction.

Juicing is about the same. A vegetable or fruit is peeled, cut into slices or pieces and passed through a juicer. After that, the drink is filtered and diluted with boiled drinking water. It is not recommended to give juices with pulp and add sugar to the drink for children under one year old.

Compotes should be given along with juices. Such drinks are digested and perceived more easily than rich fresh juices. Dried fruit compote is especially useful. Such a drink can be introduced from 6-7 months, then drinks from fresh berries and fruits are given. How to cook compote for babies, see.

Autumn is the time for drinking freshly squeezed juices. Most are confident in their extreme usefulness. Is it so?

Turned on the juicer, and a glass of freshly squeezed juice is ready! And tasty, and healthy, and a lot of vitamins, many people think. But they are only partly right. In order for the body to process and assimilate all the benefits of fresh juice, the pancreas must be well adapted to it, but in children, even practically healthy ones, it is not yet ready for such high loads. And for any problems with the gastrointestinal tract or a tendency to allergies, freshly squeezed juices should not be given at all without consulting a pediatrician.

Important point! Of course, freshly squeezed juices are much healthier than juice from a bag or bottle. But you need to understand that juice is not a dessert or a drink, but treatment-and-prophylactic product, so it must be used carefully and correctly.

  • At the age of 3 to 10 years, freshly squeezed juice can be given for medicinal purposes only twice a day, thirty minutes before meals, one serving should not be more than 30 ml, i.e. two dessert spoons. Bigger is not better, overdose can cause cavities and disorders gastrointestinal tract. Juice can be diluted one to one with drinking water.
  • Before squeezing, vegetables and fruits should be thoroughly washed and defective areas removed, for example, an apple with a mashed side or a beaten tomato may contain toxic substances.
  • Fresh must be used immediately after its preparation, it cannot be stored until evening in the refrigerator - in 10-15 minutes it oxidizes and the vitamins contained in it are destroyed.
  • For children with a cold, freshly squeezed juice is contraindicated, as it stimulates the secretion of mucus, which can increase cough or runny nose.
  • If the baby suffers from gastritis, other gastrointestinal disorders, as well as allergies, a doctor's permission is required to drink fresh juice.

A few nuances

Children under the age of 3 are recommended to give unmixed juices, for example, pear or carrot without the addition of other species. In this case, the likelihood of allergies is less, useful substances are absorbed in a larger volume. Mixed juices can be given to healthy children from the age of three. When preparing various combinations of fresh juices, you can not use grapefruit or lemon juice, they are very aggressive for children's ventricles.

Put vegetables or fruits into the juicer separately, and mix after that already squeezed juices. There is only one exception: when squeezing juices from vegetables, you can add celery or parsley to the original products.

For the preparation of berry juice, a specially designed juicer should be used.

By the end of winter, the content of vitamins in fruits and vegetables drops sharply, so it is better to use winter types of fruits, and if the child does not have allergic reactions - oranges, tangerines, you can give him lingonberry or cranberry juice.

Four basic rules:

  1. You can not mix fresh vegetable juice with fruit juice, as their digestion requires different enzymes.
  2. Often served in cafes, mixes of fresh juices of various fruits can only be given to children over ten years old.
  3. Fruit juices are mixed according to the principle: red with red, green with green.
  4. Each fruit for juicing should not be used more than twice a week.

Weekly diet

When and how much juice to give your child depends on the goal that you set for yourself, for example, to wake up the appetite, recharge your batteries or relieve fatigue. Do you still remember that one serving should not be more than 30 ml? A child can drink juice from fruits in the morning, and from vegetables in the evening, or even get by with a mono-fresh.

Well, let's start the "juicy" week!

  • On Monday we drink orange juice, it contains enough vitamin C to help the student successfully withstand the increased workload of the school week, sharpen his memory, and positively affect concentration.
  • On Tuesday, we will prepare tomato juice with the addition of celery or parsley.
  • Wednesday. We will give the child pure carrot juice or mix it with other vegetable juices, excluding tomato juice.
  • Thursday. Grape juice.
  • Friday. Pear juice.
  • Saturday. Blueberry juice helps relieve eye fatigue. Many people believe that blueberries cause constipation. Yes, it has such a property, but 30 ml of blueberry juice will not create such problems.
  • For Sunday, a mix of carrot and cucumber juice with the addition of celery is suitable.

Juice treatment

Freshly squeezed juices are effectively applied and for medicinal purposes. But at the same time, only a nutritionist or gastroenterologist should prescribe them to a child and draw up a regimen. Here the main role is played by the nature of the disease and the general state of health. It is necessary to take into account the tendency to allergies and many other factors. In any case, the doctor will first recommend the juices needed to cleanse the body, and only then prescribe the juice directly for treatment.

For frequently ill children, especially in spring and autumn, the doctor may recommend a ten-day treatment course: once a day, you give the child a mixture of carrot and beetroot juice, mixed in a ratio of three to one. For kidney disorders, it is good to add asparagus juice to such a mix. It, like fresh cucumber juice, has a good diuretic effect.

A few more subtleties

Fresh from apples the child can only be consumed in small quantities, otherwise the acidification process will begin in the stomach, which will cause belching, heartburn and other problems. Preschoolers are generally recommended to eat baked apples: they adsorb and help eliminate toxins from the body. Also, the child is useful apple concoctions and compotes. But pomegranate and grapefruit juice is not recommended for children. Carrot juice should be mixed with cream or “snacked” with bread and a slice of butter, as fats are needed so that the carotenoids contained in carrots can form vitamin A.

And absolutely all parents are convinced of the undeniable usefulness of drinking juices that have just been squeezed out on their own (the so-called. fresh juices(fresh from English "fresh")). Such juices, of course, are much more useful than juices from a bag or bottle, because. contain more vitamins and do not contain any preservatives. But in order for fresh fruit to bring benefits to the child, you need to know a few simple rules for their preparation and use. If these rules are not followed, even the most beneficial properties of natural fresh juices can turn into harm for the child.

Making fresh juice

1. For the correct preparation of fresh juice, it is necessary to select fresh and ripe vegetables or fruits that are not damaged or dented. Defective products may be dangerous due to the toxic substances they contain.

2. Before preparing natural freshly squeezed juice, the selected fruits and your hands must be thoroughly washed, because in the process of preparing fresh juice there is no any thermal or chemical treatment and there is a possibility of dangerous microbes getting into the finished product.

3. When using purchased vegetables or fruits for making fresh juice, be sure to cut off the skin from them, since, as a rule, they are treated with chemicals that adversely affect the human body to extend the shelf life.

4. You can squeeze juice from citrus fruits using a juicer specially designed for them. To make natural juice from apples, pears or kiwis, you can use an automatic juicer, but it would be better if you use a manual one, because. modern electric squeezers grind fruit cells too finely, destroying enzyme proteins that help the juice to be better absorbed. When using a blender for making fresh juice, instead of juice, you get mashed potatoes with an abundance of pulp. You can prepare natural juice simply with your hands, rubbing the fruit on a grater and squeezing the pulp through gauze.

Mix preparation

5. When making mixes (mixtures of freshly squeezed juices), mixing vegetable and fruit juices is not recommended. It is more difficult for the body to cope with the digestion of such a mixture; different enzymes are needed.

6. Load different types of fruits (be it vegetables, fruits or berries) into the juicer separately, and mix them already in finished form, before use. An exception to the preparation of vegetable juices may be the addition of celery or parsley to the load.

7. When mixing different juices, follow the principle: “yellow with yellow”, “green with green”, “red with red”.

How to give your child freshly squeezed juices

8. The time of drinking freshly squeezed juice should not exceed ten to twenty minutes after its preparation. At the end of this period, even the most useful qualities of fresh juice are lost, fermentation processes begin, numerous nucleation of bacteria, and pathogenic ones, especially when the juice was stored outside the refrigerator. The exception to this rule is beetroot juice. Before use, it must be kept for at least 40 minutes or two hours in the refrigerator. This juice is not consumed in its pure form, but added (no more than one third) to carrot juice.

9. Fresh natural juices are strictly prohibited for children under one year old: a rather "aggressive" composition of fresh juice affects the child's gastrointestinal tract.

10. A child under the age of three can be given fresh juice no more than 30 ml once a day. Such juice should be prepared from one component at a time. This will allow beneficial substances to be better absorbed by the child's body. In addition, this reduces the risk of an allergic reaction in a child. It is better to start the first acquaintance of a child with fresh juice with a few tablespoons, diluting it with boiled water in a ratio of 1:1.

11. After three years, if your child is healthy, you can begin to gradually accustom him to mixed natural juices.

12. Children aged three to ten years can be given fresh juices no more than twice a day and no more than 30-50 ml at a time. Exceeding this dose can cause the development of caries in a child and the occurrence of gastrointestinal disorders.

13. Juices from exotic berries and fruits must be introduced into the baby's diet no earlier than five years old, and drink them no more than three times a week.

14. A child under seven years of age is not recommended to use undiluted fresh juices from pears, apples, pomegranate and grapefruit - their "peppy" composition adversely affects the stomach, in particular the mucous membrane.

15. Any fresh, and especially sour, should not be consumed on an empty stomach, because. such juice strongly irritates the intestinal mucosa. Giving juices to a baby during and immediately after a meal is also strongly discouraged, because the sugar in the juices, interacting with food, can cause heartburn and fermentation in the intestines. Experts advise giving fresh juices to children only a few hours after eating.

16. After the baby has consumed fresh, you should go and rinse your mouth with clean water: the acid contained in the juice adversely affects tooth enamel. It is better to use fresh through a straw.

Some more tips

17. To improve the taste, you can add to the juice: sugar, salt (in vegetable juices), vanilla or cinnamon.

18. You should not add salt to tomato juice, because. this reduces its healing properties.

19. In carrot juice, you need to add one or two teaspoons of cream or olive, vegetable oil. Carrots are rich in carotene (provitamin A). Once in the human body, it turns into vitamin A, which is fat-soluble and fats are necessary for its normal absorption by the digestive tract. This vitamin is necessary for the full functioning of the immune system, bones and vision, hair and skin health.

20. A mixture of carrot and beet juice (3:1) contains phosphorus and sulfur necessary for the body, improves blood. You can give such a fresh juice to children in the spring and autumn (with a ten-day course of treatment, once a day).

21. If a child has kidney problems, then for a diuretic effect, asparagus juice can be added to vegetable juices.

And a few warnings

22. Before you start giving your child fresh juices, especially if he has allergies and problems with the gastrointestinal tract, be sure to consult a doctor. Pay attention to such contraindications:

Grape juice should not be given to children with tooth decay;

Apple and carrot juices increase the acidity of the stomach, so you should not give them to a child with gastritis;

23. It is not recommended to drink pomegranate and carrot juice more than two or three times a week.

24. If your child catches a cold, then freshly squeezed juices from his diet should be excluded for the period of illness, because. they contribute to the secretion of mucus, increased runny nose and cough.

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Today, juices from berries, fruits and vegetables are not in short supply - they can be purchased at almost every store, but many parents prefer to use freshly squeezed natural juices prepared at home instead of ready-made purchased products. And it's hard to argue with them.

Firstly, the amount of vitamins in juice prepared at home is much higher in comparison with a store-bought product, because freshly squeezed juice does not need to wait on the shelf in the store for three months until it is bought - you give the prepared juice to the baby immediately.

Secondly: you can be completely sure of the quality of the juice that you have prepared yourself. It completely lacks any preservatives (additives to extend the shelf life), flavor enhancers (enhance the taste of the juice) and dyes (give the juice a natural color).

Benefits of freshly squeezed juices for children

The benefit of freshly squeezed natural juices is that they contain just a huge amount of substances that are useful for a growing child's body. These are organic acids, vegetable sugar, mineral micro- and macroelements, vitamins, essential oils.

Fruit, vegetable and berry juices from fresh products are the main supplier of vegetable sugar for the body: fructose, glucose, sucrose, raffinose, maltose, galactose, cellobiose.

The highest amount of fructose and glucose is found in berry juices made from pitted fruits such as strawberries, wild strawberries, raspberries, gooseberries, black and red currants. Juices from berries with a stone (cherries, sweet cherries, apricots, peaches, plums) contain a lot of sucrose and glucose, and apple, pear and quince juice (pomaceous berry fruits) (apples, quince, pears) contain a high content of fructose.

Juices are an important supplier of minerals that are present in juices in the form of all kinds of salt compounds and due to this they are easily absorbed even by a child's body. The fruits of berries, fruits and vegetables contain macronutrients such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, chlorine, phosphorus, silicon, chlorine. Juices are no less rich in trace elements: manganese, iron, zinc, copper, zinc, iodine, barium, molybdenum, cobalt. The presence of these compounds in the diet depends on the water-salt metabolism in the body, the acid-base balance of the blood, the ability of the child's body to resist diseases (immunity).

Freshly squeezed juices also contain a significant amount of pectins, which play an important role in ensuring the vital activity of the human body - they improve the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract, and also remove toxins from the body.

A significant amount of pectin is found in juices with pulp: apricot (0.5-1.2% by weight), apple (0.6-1.5%), plum (0.8-1.6%), blackcurrant (0 .9-2.2%).

Well, and of course, freshly squeezed juices are just a storehouse of all kinds of vitamins. In the physiology of the child's nutrition and for the normal functioning of the body, vitamins that are contained in juices play an important role. These are provitamin A (beta-carotene), vitamins C (ascorbic acid) and PP (nicotinic acid), vitamins of group B (B1-B12).

Thus, freshly prepared juices can be considered excellent products that are not only useful, but also necessary for a growing child's body. Note that we are talking about freshly prepared, not store-bought juices for children!

Can natural juice be harmful to a child?

From all of the above, it may be believed that the juice does not pose any danger to the child's body, but this is not so. In some cases, the use of juice may be undesirable, if not harmful.

Let's look at how and when juice can be harmful to a child.

  1. Juice, and especially new juice in the diet, can cause allergies. It is better to start giving freshly squeezed juice to a child in a diluted form (dilute in a ratio of 50/50 with boiled drinking water) and in small portions.
  2. Some juices have a significant content of acids (for example, apple, orange) or sugar (apricot, peach, strawberry) and their use in undiluted form can cause intestinal upset or provoke dysbacteriosis. Dilute such juices with water, limit the amount and consume them after meals.
  3. Freshly squeezed juice is prepared at home, so there is always a risk of catching it if you ignore sanitary norms and rules or neglect the process of washing the fruits from which the juice will be prepared.

Basic rules for making juice at home and using it to feed a child

And finally, here are some tips on how to properly prepare juice for a child at home and store it properly.

  • if possible, use fruits, vegetables and berries from homemade breast - only in this case you will be completely sure of the quality of the product. If you buy fruits in a store, give preference to those berries and fruits that are bearing fruit at the moment (you should not buy strawberries and cherries in March, their season is in June);
  • significantly speed up the process of making juice and make it more convenient the most common juicer;
  • you should not squeeze a large amount of juice (its shelf life is limited), it is better to make it so much that it is enough for one time, and if necessary, repeat the procedure;
  • before preparing juice, thoroughly wash your hands, juicer, dishes and related items (gauze, strainer, etc.);
  • berries, fruits and vegetables should be cleaned of stalks, cuttings, leaves, seeds and dead parts, washed and poured over with boiling water;
  • after squeezing, the juice should be filtered using gauze folded in several layers (if the juice is without pulp) or a strainer (for juice with pulp);
  • eat juice and give it to the child better immediately after preparation;
  • Juice should be stored in small glass containers with a lid in the refrigerator. The shelf life of freshly squeezed juice is no more than 4 hours in summer and 6 hours in winter.