Premature aging: causes, factors, signs, how to avoid. Causes of early aging

It can develop at the genetic level. This is a progeria disease. Also, factors that are not related to genes can affect the occurrence of the condition.


Premature aging syndrome is extremely rare. This fatal character develops only in children. Premature aging syndrome is detected in approximately one child in four to eight million newborns. The likelihood of developing the disease is the same in both girls and boys.

Newborn babies who are diagnosed with premature aging syndrome look quite healthy. However, when they reach the age of ten to twenty-four months, they show symptoms of progeria.

Among the main signs of the disease, it should be noted:

A sharp slowdown in growth;


Weight loss;

Stiffness in the joints;

Generalized atherosclerosis.

Despite the fact that the syndrome of premature aging can be detected in children belonging to different ethnic groups, patients are surprisingly similar. As a rule, patients rarely live more than twenty years. The average life expectancy of such patients is about thirteen years.

Children with progeria are genetically susceptible to premature progressive heart disease. In almost all cases, death occurs precisely because of these diseases. Among the complications of cardiovascular origin, stroke, hypertension, angina pectoris are detected.

Premature aging of non-genetic origin

With natural aging, corresponding to old age, almost everyone manages to put up with it. However, when premature aging sets in, the condition becomes a serious problem. Women react very painfully to the development of this condition.

Under the influence of certain factors, first appears premature then internal systems and organs. As a result, often the actual age of many people is much less than the biological age.

Early skin aging manifests itself in different ways. As a rule, the cover becomes wrinkled, dry, swelling of the lower and corners of the mouth appears.

The main reasons for the development of the condition, first of all, include lifestyle, diseases, climate, nutrition, as well as the condition environment.

Among the types of skin aging, photoaging is also distinguished. The condition develops as a result of insufficient moisture and an overabundance solar exposure. At the same time, it should be noted that it is impossible to replenish the concentration of moisture in the skin simply by consuming a large amount of liquid. For it, it is necessary to use special means, in the properties of which - the ability to retain water molecules.

One of the destructive factors is smoking. As you know, it contributes to vasoconstriction, depriving the body of oxygen. As a result, nutrients do not reach the upper skin layer, it begins to break down, succumbing to free radicals.

The penetration of toxins can paralyze important functions of the body, which, in turn, will provoke a lack of necessary products in the skin.

Specialists pay great attention to vitamins. You should remember about the right, balanced diet containing healthy foods.

Psycho-emotional factors also influence the condition of the skin. In the conditions of modern, often stressful, life, the body is depleted very quickly. In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to the daily routine, control working hours and rest periods.

Thus, it is possible to prevent early aging not only of the skin, but of the whole organism.

Aging is a complex complex process that affects the whole organism as a whole and each cell individually. Aging of the body and skin in particular is a consequence of deep processes of wear and tear of internal resources. Meanwhile, aging can be both natural and accelerated. Premature aging of the skin is manifested by early age-related changes: wrinkles, pigmentation, loss of firmness and elasticity, muscular atrophy and a change in the oval of the face. How does modern science view the issue of aging? What kind physiological processes and factors that activate the mechanisms of aging?

What causes wrinkles

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Leading theories about the causes of aging

  • Harman's theory (free radical)

Explains aging by the negative effects of free radicals on cellular metabolism. Proteins, lipids, nucleic acids are exposed to harmful oxidative processes. The beauty and youthfulness of the skin largely depends on the state and full functioning of two proteins - elastin and collagen. As a result of the negative impact on elastin and collagen of free radicals, destructive changes occur in them, leading to a loss of elasticity and firmness of the skin. If this theory is correct, then the use of active antioxidants: beta-carotene, vitamin E, melatonin, etc., can prevent premature skin aging.

  • Maillard's theory (glycation theory)

Explains the aging process by a specific non-enzymatic interaction between the protein amino group and monosaccharides. Glycation is due to the ability of proteins to interact and bond with sugary substances. Scientists associate the action of sugary substances with disruptions in the normal functioning of cells and the development of diseases such as glaucoma and atherosclerosis.

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What activates the mechanisms of aging

The primacy in launching and accelerating the mechanisms of aging belongs to disorders in metabolism, in the work of the nervous, endocrine and digestive systems.

  • Estrogens and premature aging

Deficiency in the body of a woman of specific female hormones, estrogen, is one of the main causes of premature aging of the body and skin. At the same time, an excess of these same hormones significantly increases skin pigmentation, often leading to the appearance of dark spots on the skin.

  • Androgens and skin aging

Androgens are male sex hormones. It is their excess that activates the excessive production of sebum, leading to the formation of acne and oily seborrhea, also leads to baldness as a result of an atrophying effect on hormone-sensitive hair follicles.

  • Excessive sun exposure

Ultraviolet rays of the solar spectrum can reach the deepest layers of the dermis, damage capillary walls, cause photoallergic and photoatactic reactions, lead to photoaging of the skin and oncological diseases. The alpha rays of the solar spectrum, although they have a less deep and aggressive effect, nevertheless, they can damage the epidermis and increase its keratinization.

  • Harmful substances

We all know the negative impact harmful substances on the human body, meanwhile, few people think about what adversely affects the condition of the skin and a number of medicines we use: antibiotics, diuretics and anti-inflammatory drugs, sleeping pills.

  • Bad habits

Studies show that smokers develop premature wrinkles three times earlier. This is due to intense oxidative processes and the contraction of small blood vessels and capillaries in skin. For stable uninterrupted formation of collagen, vitamin C is needed, most of which in smokers goes to fight free radicals.

  • Stress

Stress adversely affects the state of all organs and systems, and all its blows are reflected on the skin as in a mirror. Constant intense physical, mental and mental stress depletes the nervous system, disrupting the blood supply to all tissues. Adrenaline, which is actively produced during stress, leads to vasoconstriction, depriving the skin of vital oxygen and nutrients.

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How does our skin age?

The general condition of the skin, its firmness and elasticity largely depend on the health of microcirculation and metabolic processes in the skin. Due to the aging process, the epidermis, especially its malpighian layer, is significantly reduced and flattened, which in turn leads to lethargy and flabbiness of the skin. The stratum corneum, on the contrary, thickens, as a result of dehydration, the water-lipid balance of the skin is disturbed, and the efficiency and activity of fibroblasts is significantly reduced. The structure of elastin and collagen fibers changes, microcirculation is disturbed, capillary walls thicken, the supply of essential nutrients is reduced, facial muscles weaken, which leads to a change in its oval, skin color and texture change.

All of the above factors and causes are associated with premature skin aging that occurs before the age of 50 years. The natural aging of the skin that occurs after the age of 50 is associated with slightly different functional and structural changes disrupting tissue trophism.

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Prevention of premature aging

Prevention of premature aging should be considered in terms of preventing the wear and tear of the body's internal resources. This can be achieved in two ways:

Through a healthy lifestyle, i.e. through creating conditions for the most natural functioning human body: giving up bad habits, providing varied and adequate physical activity, observing the daily routine, forming a culture of nutrition, a culture of thinking and a culture of emotions. It would seem that it could be simpler, but, as it turns out, in fact, a change in lifestyle is a huge shake-up for the brain, because you will have to change, first of all, consciousness and habits that have been established for years. Denying yourself or limiting yourself to something for a day, a week, or even a month is not so difficult, but constantly keeping yourself in “hedgehog gloves” and not indulging your own weaknesses is a daunting task that requires iron discipline, endurance and great strength will. But the result is worth it!

By preventing age-related physiological dysfunctions in order to improve the adaptive capabilities of the body. The solution to this problem lies in the use of rational and versatile support different systems of the human body: targeted physical training, anti-aging cosmetic procedures, mild pharmacological correction, the use of natural nutritional supplements. These measures are aimed at regulating metabolic and trophic processes in cells and activating synthetic processes in tissues.

With a properly selected complex anti-aging therapy, the activity of key cellular enzymes and many other physiological phenomena increase, which are expressed in a significant increase in both functional and reserve capabilities of all organs and systems. All this is extremely important not only for slowing down the aging of the body as a whole, but also for the effective prevention of skin aging, since external measures alone do not always lead to the desired result.

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Correction of the effects of premature aging

To date, the arsenal of the beauty industry has a large number of methods and methods for correcting and rejuvenating the face and body:

Before embarking on radical methods of correction and rejuvenation, you should definitely contact a specialist - a dermatocosmetologist who will help determine the type of skin aging and choose the most gentle and effective method of correction in a particular case. You should also review and make changes in your lifestyle: nutrition, daily routine, sports. This will certainly have a positive impact not only on the condition of the skin, but also on health in general.

The human body is an amazing self-regulating system with a huge supply of vitality. It is rather difficult to draw a line between the elderly and senile age, because, firstly, there are different views on this border, and secondly, it is very individual, as some people age faster and others slower. It is customary to distinguish between biological and calendar (passport) age. With physiological aging, the biological age can be significantly less than the passport one. In persons with premature aging, the biological age is ahead of the calendar. The multidirectionality of age-related changes is associated with the suppression of some and the activation of other processes in an aging organism. There is a concept that explains these processes.


Dear readers, in response to your many questions, comments and appeals on the topic of nutrition for the elderly, the editors decided to open a new section - "Gerontodietology". Previously, we published publications on the peculiarities of the diet of elderly people on the pages of the journal "Practical Dietology", raised the most acute issues of diet therapy for representatives of this age group. In the new section, we plan to analyze in detail all areas of this difficult topic. And let's start with its basics - by identifying the causes of aging.

Aging of individual organs and systems occurs at different times and is expressed differently in the tissues and structures of the same organ. In some tissues, age-related changes can occur early and progress slowly, in others they develop later, but rather quickly.

The cells of the body have two types of functions. One is aimed at maintaining the vital activity of the cell itself, the other - the whole organism. With aging, more effort falls on the first type of functions, which leads to a decrease and limitation of the vital activity of the whole organism.

Aging rate individual systems, apparently, is proportional to their contribution to the maintenance of viability and reproductive potential, and, probably, the uneven aging of organs and systems is associated with the degree of their importance for life.

Age processes can be characterized by a change functional state organism, its capabilities. They go through several stages:

  • optimal initial level of the function and its high potential;
  • preservation of the initial and potential level of function, despite age-related changes, due to the inclusion of adaptive-compensatory mechanisms that maintain its initial level;
  • preservation of the initial level of functions, but a decrease in its capabilities due to the limitation of adaptive-compensatory mechanisms and the growth of age-related disorders;
  • drop in the original level of the function.

Types of aging

It is customary to distinguish between physiological and premature aging.

The term "physiological aging" refers to the natural onset and gradual development of senile changes that are characteristic of this species and limit the body's ability to adapt to the environment.

Premature aging is defined as any partial or total acceleration in the rate of aging that causes a person to "ahead" the average level of aging in their age group. With premature aging, age-related changes occur earlier than in healthy people of the corresponding age. In other words, with premature aging, the biological age of a person is ahead of his calendar (passport) age.

With physiological aging, there is high level adaptive capacity, disease resistance and relatively slow pace of aging processes. With premature aging, metabolic, functional and structural disorders are more pronounced than with physiological, adaptive and protective mechanisms are weakened to a greater extent, and predisposition to various diseases increases. A number of pathological processes occur in the body (hypoxia, dystrophy, inflammation, allergies, etc.), a combination of many diseases is characteristic, as well as their protracted and latent course. This gives reason to consider premature aging pathological. It's called progeria.

Age-related changes in the human body must be assessed taking into account not only the calendar (passport), but also biological age.

Calendar age is the number of years lived, biological age is a measure of changes in the functional state of various body systems over time. It is generally accepted that if the biological age is ahead of the calendar age, that is, a person looks older than his years, then aging proceeds in a premature (accelerated) type, and, conversely, if the calendar age is ahead of the biological, then the rate of aging of the body is slowed down.

Aging diagnostics

To diagnostic criteria premature accelerated aging include:

1. Subjective manifestations of accelerated aging.

Such manifestations are nonspecific and can be observed in many diseases. They are signs of accelerated aging if, with the help of clinical and laboratory methods examinations did not diagnose the disease. Manifestations of accelerated aging can be fatigue, general weakness, decreased ability to work, loss of vigor and vitality, bad mood, memory impairment, sleep disturbance, emotional lability.

2. Objective signs of accelerated aging.

These signs can be detected by objective methods of examination. These include a decrease in skin elasticity, the appearance of wrinkles at a young age, early graying and loss of teeth, the appearance of warts and hyperpigmentation of the skin, decreased hearing and visual acuity, changes in the spine, manifested by a change in posture.

3. Biological age of the organism.

This is a special calculated indicator that allows assessing changes in the organs and systems of an aging organism, its state of health and the rate of accelerated aging.

Based on the determination of biological age, it is possible to objectively evaluate the effectiveness of methods for increasing life expectancy, to determine the characteristics of the aging process and its mechanisms. As promising direction it is possible to consider the possibility of using methods for determining biological age for the individualization of issues of social services, employment.

There are a number of methods for determining biological age, which are most often based on the determination of such indicators as blood pressure, pulse wave velocity, heart rate, ECG, respiratory rate, maximum duration of breath holding, bone mineral density, memory and attention test results, etc.

Causes of premature aging

Causes (risk factors) contributing to the occurrence of premature aging can be both internal, including genetically determined, and external. Premature aging is manifested by the early and often progressive development of atherosclerosis and its complications.

Risk factors for premature aging:

1. External environmental factors:

  • Social:
    1. low income;
    2. low level of medical care;
    3. low level of social protection;
    4. chronic stress.
  • Environmental (pollution of water, soil, air, food, etc.).
  • Wrong lifestyle:
    1. bad habits (smoking, alcoholism);
    2. malnutrition;
    3. low physical activity;
    4. violation of the regime of work and rest.
  • Infections.

2. Endogenous factors:

  1. intoxication;
  2. metabolic disease;
  3. dysregulation;
  4. impaired immunity;
  5. heredity.

Thus, the development of accelerated aging is promoted by many factors of the external and internal environment. Identification of these factors and their timely elimination contribute to slowing down the rate of aging.

Age discrepancy

The study of the mechanisms and clinical manifestations of premature aging in various diseases and pathological processes has a huge theoretical and practical value. In modern society, physiological old age is extremely rare, most elderly and old people experience some form of premature old age due to various diseases, stressful conditions and many other factors. At the same time, there is a clear discrepancy between the calendar (passport) age of a person and the functional age.

The literature describes hereditary syndromes premature aging. According to the mechanism of development, they are closest to natural aging. These are Werner and Hutchinson-Gilford syndromes.

Werner's syndrome is a genetically determined disease, the main symptoms of which are growth retardation, juvenile cataract, graying, baldness, skin atrophy, diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis and neoplasms, impaired development of the gonads - are pronounced by the age of 15-25 and are associated with defects in receptor proteins on which hormones act. Parents of patients are often distant blood relatives.

The Hutchinson-Gilford syndrome - actually progeria - was described in 1886. This is a rare hereditary disease childhood, begins at 8-12 months with stunting and by the age of three has distinct symptoms. Similarities were noted in the appearance of patients: dwarf growth (up to 110 cm), emaciation (body weight up to 15 kg), bird's face with a hooked nose, graying, baldness; pronounced superficial blood vessels, especially the veins of the head, the limbs are thin, the joints are enlarged and inactive. Intellectual development corresponds to age. Death occurs most often from myocardial infarction between 10-18 years of age. The average life expectancy is 13 years, the maximum is 26.

However, there is currently no evidence that progeria and physiological aging are caused by the same genetic program. They are considered as a model of the state of old age. The level of science allows so far to analyze only external manifestations hidden true aging processes. Specific indicators of aging have not yet been identified. Based on the results of conventional analyzes, it is not possible to conclude whether aging proceeds according to physiological or pathological type. The severity of aging processes is indicated only by changes in controlled clinical and laboratory functional parameters, the general appearance of the patient, his well-being, activity, performance, the state of protective and compensatory mechanisms, the presence of diseases and pathological conditions.

Postpone old age

It should be noted that now unique technique predicting premature aging of the organism, foreseeing development in life cycle human diseases and pathological conditions.

On the basis of ongoing targeted genetic studies, individualized complexes are selected medicines, special diets and nutraceuticals that block the mechanisms of a number of diseases and early onset of old age in the body.

The described methods of prognosis and preventive treatment were created in St. Petersburg by researchers from various scientific institutions. A significant contribution to the prognostic orientation of measures to prevent early and accelerated aging has been made, including the individualization of geronto-dietology tools.

About longevity

The maximum life expectancy causes an ambiguous assessment of experts. Archaeological studies of the skeletons of primitive people indicate that the maximum life expectancy of a Neanderthal who lived in the Ice Age reached 40 years, the inhabitants of the new Stone Age - 50 years.

In popular science literature, many examples of longevity are known - the greatest painter of all time, Titian (1477-1576), the unsurpassed violin master A. Stradivari (1643-1737), the French philosopher Voltaire (1684-1778), the English playwright D. B. Shaw ( 1856-1950)... The world's longest-liver, listed in the Guinness Book of Records, is the Japanese Shigitso Itsumi, who lived 128 years 7 months and 11 days.

What determines the life span of a species? What factors influence it? Life expectancy depends on the range of adaptive capabilities determined genetically and the rate of aging.

The rate of ontogenesis in nature, namely the totality of successive morphological, physiological and biochemical transformations of the body from its inception to the end of life, the duration of individual ontogenetic stages (embryonic development, growth, puberty and maturity) is not the same for different species of living beings, differing from each other in maximum life expectancy. But in general, the patterns of aging are similar. Rapid growth is combined with greater life span and vitality.

The role of natural selection in determining lifespan is due to genes whose effect is favorable on early stages development, although the same genes can lead to negative consequences in later periods of life. The result of this "delayed" action of genes is aging, a by-product of the developmental program. Natural selection in nature is aimed at increasing life expectancy: a longer life expectancy indicates viability.

Lifespan Formula

Researchers have tried to find quantitative factors that determine the lifespan of animals and humans.

The relationship between the longevity potential and the coefficient of cephalization has been established. The coefficient of cephalization is the ratio of the weight (mass) of the brain to the weight (mass) of the body.

K \u003d E / p, where

E is the weight (mass) of the brain, p is the weight (mass) of the body.

The product of the cephalization coefficient and the metabolic rate (the rate of oxygen absorption per unit weight) determines life expectancy.

A developed brain provides plasticity of behavior and reduces the risk of death from external causes. The higher the ratio of the volume of intellect to the volume of somatic (body-related) brain functions, the higher the life expectancy.

How to prolong life

To confirm the hypothesis formulated above, a group of Japanese authors (Miyata T. et al., 1997) conducted a study that included clinical observation of large groups of elderly people - their compatriots for many years of their life after retirement. The results were stunning (see Fig. 1). Thus, people who have been engaged in mentally non-intensive activities throughout their working lives (miners in underground works, agricultural workers, carpenters, steel workers, workers in the oil, gas, pulp and paper, woodworking industries, fellers, masons, concrete workers, workers in the production of building materials and etc.) after retirement at the age of 60, as a rule, they retain the same, i.e. minimum, level of psycho-emotional load and intellectual activity. Their life expectancy averaged 68 years.

Rice. one. The average life expectancy of people with different intensities mental activity(Miyata T., Yokoyama I., Todo S. et al., 1997)


A - non-intensive mental activity.

B - mental activity of medium intensity (short).

C - mental activity of medium intensity (long).

D - intense mental activity (short).

E - intense mental activity (long).

As for pensioners, whose professional experience and the nature of everyday life before retirement was associated with mental activity of medium intensity (service workers, nurses, shop assistants, secretaries, dispatchers, workers in automated processes, radio-electronic and watch industries, etc.), the results were received inconsistent.

Those pensioners from the survey group under consideration who, after retirement, significantly reduced the intensity of their mental activity, preferring to work in the garden, housework, caring for children, engaging in predominantly physical labor in their usual past activities and spiritual life (group B), lived to an average of 74 years. If the elderly (Group C), having retired, continued to live in their usual rhythm of psycho-emotional stress and mental work of medium intensity (reading literature, participating in public life, fascination with theater, fine and other arts, helping grandchildren study, systematic fulfillment of professional orders, etc.), then prolonged stimulation of the mental sphere contributed to an increase in the life expectancy of a person, on average, up to 78 years.

The most impressive results of a direct dependence of a person's life expectancy on the duration of habitual (in relation to the period before retirement) intensive mental activity were shown by Japanese researchers in two comparable groups of pensioners. The professional and everyday life of these people before retirement was associated with intense, creative, mentally, spiritually and mentally developing activities. These included heads of enterprises, public and private companies, engineering and technical, cultural and educational, social and political workers, doctors, pharmacists, teachers and educators, assistant secretaries, workers in science, literature, printing, planning and accounting, etc. Those of them who, after retirement, significantly reduced the intensity of their mental activity (group D), as a rule, had the shortest life expectancy, which did not reach an average of 75 years. A striking contrast to this was the average life expectancy of people who, after retirement, retained the need and the possibility of intense mental activity, which did not differ much from previous years (Group E). It was 88 years, i.e., at least 15 years more than for people who, at retirement age, prefer not to “overload” their emotional, mental and mental spheres.

Basal metabolic rate

At the beginning of the XX century. the idea was expressed that a living organism is a system of organized energy. Gerontologists believe that the pace of life and, ultimately, its duration are determined by the basal metabolic rate, which is the ratio of body weight (mass) to body surface and is expressed in kcal / g per day. So, animals of small sizes, in which this figure is higher and therefore higher heat losses and heat production, live less. The basal metabolism of a mouse is 166 kcal / g per day, an elephant - 13.

Increase in life expectancy

Science today cannot yet determine the species life expectancy of a person. Gerontologists still give a figure of 90-100 years and ask the question: if we take the species life expectancy of a person as N years, then why can't we live N years and two seconds? There will always be someone who will live longer.

Raising the general standard of living, reducing mortality from infectious diseases, achieving preventive and clinical medicine, declining fertility has led to an increase in the number of older people, especially in Western Europe, and to a significant increase in life expectancy. Life expectancy rates depend on environmental and genetic components. in Europe in the 16th century. the average life expectancy was 21.2 years, in the XVII - 27.2, XVIII - 33.6, XIX - 39.7. In Tsarist Russia, these figures for men were 31 years old, for women - 33.

Today, the lowest life expectancy in the developing countries of Africa, the highest - in Japan, Sweden and the Netherlands.

Why do women live longer?

An interesting fact is the difference in the average life expectancy of men and women. The biologically determined difference is 2-3 years, in reality this figure is 4-10 years in different countries. To a certain extent, the high mortality of men is due to wars, alcohol and nicotine intoxication. Long duration women's lives are associated with a better metabolism, monthly cycles, etc. Therefore, women are more resistant to stress, although they get sick more often.

There is another point of view.

Theories of aging

Scientists of the ancient world considered the aging process as a gradual expenditure of natural heat, the loss of natural heat. Doctors XVIII century explained the aging process as a weakening life force that a person receives at birth.

What are the current positions?

Currently, several hundred theories of aging have been described, each of which explains the mechanisms of this in its own way. complex process. Some consider the processes of aging at the level of the organism, while others associate aging with a violation of a particular structure or process. Each theory has its own pros and cons, but they are all interesting and give a general idea of ​​the aging process. Let's characterize some of them.

Mutations in the cell

One theory explains aging by the accumulation of uncorrected mutations in a cell over a lifetime.

Normal metabolism is always accompanied by errors, the action of defense mechanisms may not always be clear, this leads to the appearance of toxic products that can affect the genetic apparatus of the cell. DNA molecules (deoxy ribonucleic acid- a polymer consisting of many nucleotides) store and transmit information about the structure, development and course of all chemical reactions and manifestation individual signs. Irreversible changes in the chemical structure of DNA lead to a distortion of the information encrypted in it that controls the functioning of cells. Each RNA (ribonucleic acid) molecule read from DNA is responsible for the synthesis (reproduction) of many copies of protein molecules, which serve as the basis of life processes in the body. These are biological substances such as enzymes and hormones, as well as cell receptors, antibodies, etc. Altered DNA causes the synthesis of functionally defective RNA.

Both strands of DNA are normally interconnected by weak cross-links. With aging, the nature of the bonds changes, they become strong and have the form of cross-links that are not amenable to destruction by enzymes. Such bridges prevent the participation of DNA in the process of cell division and interfere with RNA synthesis, disrupting the processes of protein formation. This theory explains one of the mechanisms of violation of the structure of matter. Similar processes take place in connective tissue. For example, wrinkles in the skin are formed when collagen crosslinks.

cell division

Studies conducted in cell culture have shown a limitation in the ability of some cells to divide over time. In the cytoplasm of senescent cells, a factor has been found that inhibits (slows down) DNA synthesis. There are examples of three main types of cell aging:

  1. primary aging - neurons (nerve cells), the aging process of which goes on for many years;
  2. secondary aging - epithelial - as a result of regulatory influences, the life expectancy of which is several days;
  3. mixed type - muscular.

Based on the type of cell division, it can be said that cell death in response to certain physiological stimuli is predetermined. The limited ability of some cells to divide creates the prerequisites for a decrease in the body's regenerative capabilities and the number of functioning cells, which are observed with age.

Mitochondrial DNA

As a result of numerous studies in such cellular formations as mitochondria, their own DNA was found, the structure of which is unstable.

Mitochondria serve as the powerhouses of the cell. An important aspect of aging is the lack of energy supply to the cell. In cells that stop dividing, mitochondrial DNA is rearranged, some of the genes leave the mitochondrial chromosome into the nucleus and are located near the nuclear membrane in the form of rings, forming aging plasmids. In the process of aging, plasmids multiply so intensively that they replace b about most of the mitochondrial DNA, in connection with which genetic information is lost. Plasmids are integrated into regions of chromosomal DNA similar to mitochondrial DNA and block the process of reading hereditary information.

loss of genes

There is a hypothesis that explains the mechanism of aging and cell death through the loss of genes in the cycle of somatic cell division. There is a shortening of chromosomes and, as a result, the loss of genetic material.

Influence of free radicals

The aging process is considered as the sum of changes that occur in cells under the influence of free radical damage.

Free radicals are molecules, their fragments or individual atoms that have an unpaired electron in the outer orbit, which has great activity. They are formed in cells to facilitate the metabolic process during reactions that use oxygen to burn carbohydrates. They can occur accidentally as a result of the combination of cell molecules with oxygen present in the cell, which has a high activity. Free radicals during non-enzymatic oxidation enter into chemical reactions with unsaturated fatty acids of membranes, forming peroxide compounds. Toxic products of lipid peroxidation cell membranes and other cellular formations and compounds violate the integrity of cell membranes, change intracellular metabolism.

Excess formation of free radicals is detected during stress, hypoxia, radiation exposure, burns, deficiencies in tissues of amino acids and vitamins, when the system is weakened. antioxidant protection, which includes special enzymes, retinol, vitamins E, C, group B, coenzymes, phospholipids, amino acids, etc.

neuroses and aging

The condition plays an important role in the aging process. nervous system. In the laboratory of I. P. Pavlov, studies conducted on animals showed that during breakdowns in nervous activity, neuroses develop, manifested by aggression, excitation, fearfulness or oppression.

Experimental neuroses lead to early decrepitude of the body and the appearance of premature aging. In animals, hair turns gray and falls out, long-term non-healing trophic ulcers, benign tumors. Repeated breakdowns contribute to disruption of the cardiovascular and digestive systems, metabolism and the development of malignant neoplasms.

The aging process is closely related to the state of the immune system.

The immune system and aging

The human immune system is a complex, centuries-old well-established mechanism for protecting a person from the occurrence of both acute and chronic diseases. infectious diseases and development of benign and malignant tumors. Besides, the immune system plays important role in wound healing, recovery of the body after surgical interventions.

Depends on the state of the immune system physical health a person, it determines those who get sick, for example, with the flu during an epidemic, and who remains healthy; who will take the flu easily, and who will have complications; who has a meeting with a patient with an open form of tuberculosis lungs will pass without consequences, and who may be infected with tuberculosis.

As a person ages, many important protective functions of the immune system decline. That is why acute diseases are more severe in older people, for example, influenza, acute pneumonia can be very life-threatening. Chronic diseases in the elderly often remain generally incurable (chronic bronchitis, chronic colitis, chronic cholecystitis, chronic conjunctivitis).

Labyrinth of Immunity

The immune system is present in all organs and tissues. The main cell of this system is the lymphocyte. The cradle of lymphocytes is Bone marrow. There are progenitor cells that, as they mature, give rise to both red (erythrocytes) and white cells (leukocytes). Lymphocytes, which make up 20-25% of the total number of leukocytes, penetrate into all human organs and tissues, for which they are called "ubiquitous".

In the circulating blood there is only a small part of lymphocytes, their bulk is localized in the tissues of the body. A person has organs in which an accumulation of lymphocytes is noted. For example, lymph nodes, spleen, pharyngeal tonsils, appendix (vermiform appendix of the caecum). A very important organ located in the upper part of the chest cavity is the thymus, or thymus gland. It "trains" lymphocytes, they must be able to distinguish "own" from "alien" and, accordingly, respond to foreign elements (microbes, cancer cells, transplanted tissue).

Action of vaccines

In the second half of the XX century. science has intensively studied the differences between types of lymphocytes. It turned out that they differ from each other. Among them are B-lymphocytes, which, under certain conditions, are able to change and form antibodies. These antibodies, entering into various reactions, can prevent the development of the disease or contribute to a milder, sometimes even imperceptible course.

When carrying out vaccination, it is possible to just stimulate the formation of such antibodies. It is known, for example, that vaccination of people against tuberculosis, smallpox, mumps, typhoid, poliomyelitis, measles and other diseases has sharply reduced the number of cases of the above infections, and increased the survival rate of the sick.

Cancer antibodies

Of no less interest are T-lymphocytes. They know how to fight cancer cells even at that stage of their development, when cancer cells are just emerging and cannot yet manifest themselves clinically.

In older people, the function of T-lymphocytes is weakened, so cancerous tumors are less common in children and young people than in people of older age groups.

Destruction of the immune system

It is quite obvious that the immune system, with its good, full-fledged work, contributes to longevity. Only a person with a good immune system can be a long-liver. All factors that inhibit the work of the immune system shorten a person's life expectancy.

Yes, in last years 20th century society learned about one of the most dangerous diseases - AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome). This disease is also called HIV infection, as it is caused by the human immunodeficiency virus.

It must be understood that in addition to this terrible disease there are many more factors that depress the work of the immune system (smoky air atmosphere, car exhaust fumes, contaminated drinking water, sources of ionizing radiation, insufficient sealing of hazardous industries, etc.). They also shorten human life expectancy and, due to their wide distribution, have a decisive influence on human health. These factors are less often discussed, they are less feared, and therefore appropriate prevention has not yet been carried out.

Environmental problems

In the first place among the environmental factors that have a great influence on the health of the population, of course, is the quality drinking water and inhaled air.

The governments of all developed countries are intensively working to improve the external environment. For example, in Moscow, a ring road was created to reduce the passage of freight transport through the city. It is known how proud the Japanese are of the fact that there is no longer any need to put oxygen machines on the street for pedestrians choking on car exhaust, and policemen at street intersections no longer need to wear gas masks.

Huge economic and organizational efforts are required to reduce dust emissions from production, facilities for drinking water treatment are very expensive, and a high price in Russia and Ukraine has to be paid for the elimination of the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster. The environment, if the necessary rules of hygiene are not observed, can cause damage to society much more than AIDS. It is able to wrest huge masses of people from life, cause premature aging processes, contribute to the emergence of cancer and many serious diseases. All this is closely related to the suppression of the immune system.

In many countries, the struggle for healthy air and water, for the conservation of forests, and for the reduction of the amount of nitrates in vegetables is expanding. Journalists write about "patching ozone holes" in the atmosphere, about latest systems protection of nuclear power plants. Measures proposed by environmental scientists are more effective for public health than great amount drugs that are produced by pharmaceutical companies and are swallowed by sick people. Understanding of this situation is expanding in all segments of the population, so we can expect success in this direction in our country.

Alcohol, smoking, drugs, stress

It is known that bad habits of a person dramatically depress his immune system. Many countries of the world, such as the United States, note success in reducing tobacco smoking, this effect is especially noticeable in the more educated stratum of society.

In addition to promoting a healthy lifestyle, many countries have adopted legislation restricting smoking in vehicles and in public places. More important, however, is the change in public opinion. For example, in the United States, a private practitioner cannot gain respect if he appears in society with a cigarette.

The world is stubbornly fighting alcohol and drug addiction, but neither in our country nor in other countries has there been a turning point in solving this problem. It is known that alcohol depresses the immune system and therefore alcoholics have a higher mortality rate from acute pneumonia, liver and pancreas diseases, etc.

Of the bad habits that depress the immune system, in addition to smoking and alcohol abuse, one can note physical and mental overwork, various manifestations of stress, unreasonable consumption of certain drugs (antibiotics, prednisolone, etc.), too intense sun exposure (especially among people who come to the southern beaches from the northern regions of the country), strict vegetarianism (dramatically reducing the consumption of animal proteins and some trace elements), long-term use in everyday life (for space heating) of gas burners that emit toxic products, abuse of herbicides, insecticides, washing powders, untested cosmetics, use of low-quality food additives, the use of dishes, clothing, furniture, carpets, etc., which release harmful chemicals into the environment.

social diseases

It has long been known that there are many diseases that are commonly called social (for example, tuberculosis and rheumatism are more often ill for poor people with malnutrition).

In their clinical practice, doctors from economically developed countries have stopped seeing patients with an open form of tuberculosis. In such countries, the incidence of severe rheumatic heart disease has declined sharply, and poliomyelitis has disappeared. Of course, great importance in reducing the frequency of social diseases has the country's economic stability and improvement living conditions people's lives. Equally important are the well-thought-out vaccination programs for children, which were developed after the Second World War. The children of the post-war years have already grown up and now live longer than their parents lived.

Thus, there are a number of non-specific factors that improve the functioning of the human immune system. These include, first of all, good living conditions, the absence of fear for one's future and the future of one's loved ones, satisfaction with one's work and good relations in the family, individually selected, well-tolerated physical and mental stress, implementation of timely programs preventive vaccinations, good nutrition and clean water, a long stay in clean air, a sufficient amount of sunlight.

There is no cure for old age

Many people read various publications and rely on the large number of remedies currently offered to stimulate the immune system. A large number of proposed drugs are really useful (vitamins, trace elements, biologically clean products etc.). However, many remedies are still being studied, and since studies give conflicting results, only doctors can prescribe them and carefully monitor the condition of their patients.

It must always be remembered that no medicine can replace good nutrition, clean air, quality water, good family, good mood, job satisfaction. Most centenarians enjoyed their work, family, and quality food, although, of course, they also had hereditary factors that affect all body systems, including the development of the immune system. But we do not choose our parents, but bad habits are only our choice.

Thus, one of the keys to health is a good immune system, requiring a healthy lifestyle, including balanced diet and healthy environment.

// P D

The aging process sooner or later affects all living organisms in the world and man is no exception. In science, there are two types of aging: internal and external. The first is the result of heredity, while the second is due to factors such as poor lifestyle or exposure to UV rays. And even if a person has good genes, heredity, a combination of bad external factors leads to early premature aging of the skin.

When do we get old?

With the onset of menopause (and the associated decrease in the hormone), hypertrichosis appears - hair over upper lip and chin. subcutaneous fat begins to move from the middle of the face, creating a double chin, the skin on the eyelids sags. Wrinkles on the forehead, around the eyes and mouth become deeper, more noticeable. Aging begins.

After forty years, the complexion turns pale, the skin becomes thinner. This is due not only to the external influence of the environment, nutrition, heredity, but the rapidly decreasing hormonal activity especially affects the process of skin aging. There is a slowdown in the regeneration of the epidermis while reducing the production of collagen and elastin fibers. The body decays, ceases to fulfill its biological functions which leads to flabbiness of the skin and changes in the contour of the face. For this reason, it is necessary to use special cosmetics designed for mature and aging skin.

When the skin ages and when it recovers

Some women believe that since cosmetologists recommend especially intensive skin care in the evening and at night, this means that at night the skin wears out more, and that is why it is better to do masks in the evening and apply nourishing creams at night.

It turns out the opposite is happening. During the day, the skin is more exposed negative impacts: sun rays, frost, wind, heat, stress, emotions and facial expressions - all this leaves its traces on beautiful faces.

But at night, the process of restoring tired skin takes place, and she gladly accepts courtship: cleaning, masks, creams. Before going to bed, the effects of various kinds of stress are removed, the skin is soothed, nourished, and restore youth and beauty.

Olga Rose

By the way, vitamins are better absorbed in the morning. Usually this applies to fruits and vegetables taken orally, but the skin also needs to be nourished and masks will come to the rescue here. To improve the condition of the skin, they use vitamin A, which also has a positive effect on vision, the condition of teeth and bones.

I have a friend who won't go to work without making a mask in the morning. And it looks, I must admit, just great. There is only one conclusion, do not be lazy to cleanse and nourish the skin at night, and in the morning fill the skin with vitamins. The day will go much better. To remove excess stratum corneum from the face, it is recommended to exfoliate dead skin cells once a week with scrubs and peels.

Causes of premature skin aging

To avoid skin aging, you need to reduce exposure to direct sunlight. Less sunbathing, abandon the solarium. And if it is not possible to do this for some reason, then it is advisable not to neglect protective creams. The more sunscreen contains a degree of UV protection, the better for the skin.

Strong wind dries the skin (makes it scaly), especially at low humidity. Air humidity has a negative effect on the epidermis: low, leads to dehydration, high, causes sweat glands constantly work and makes the skin oily. The epidermis needs to be hydrated to withstand the drying effects of the weather on the body.

Smoking causes premature aging of the skin. Nicotine, which enters the body with cigarette smoke, causes irreversible biochemical changes that make the skin decrepit and painful. A smoker can always be recognized by a yellowish complexion, as well as by numerous wrinkles. The sooner you give up cigarettes, the more likely you are to return your skin to a healthy look.

One of the most common causes of premature aging is prolonged stress. In this disease, hormones produced by the body: adrenaline and cortisone contribute to aging. The first narrows the thin capillaries at the surface of the skin and it does not receive the necessary amount of oxygen and nutrition. The second stops the formation of collagen fibers. Stress makes the facial muscles tense and causes cramps. Such constant pressure tires the elastic muscles of the face, so the contour sags, wrinkles become deeper. Soothing drugs and facial massage (video at the bottom of the article) will help prolong youth.

Dehydrates the skin and robs it of useful substances - alcohol. The constant use of alcoholic beverages dilates the blood vessels on the face, so a cobweb of red-blue streaks appears under the skin. Disease of the liver and pancreas are reflected in the aging of the skin, making it yellow, withered. common cause diseases of these organs is excessive alcohol consumption. It is advisable to give up any alcohol, it is allowed to drink a glass of red wine. Under the skin of grapes, a large amount of phytoestrogens was found to help the body produce hyaluronic acid.

How to slow down aging

Apart from radical methods skin restoration, such as facial reconstruction or laser therapy, there is a range of aesthetic medicine. Suspend rapid and premature aging injections of botulinum toxin and hyaluronic wrinkle fillers.

Chemical peeling helps skin cell renewal and activates collagen production. After the procedure, the elasticity and density of the epidermis increase, wrinkles are smoothed out.

It is possible to delay the process of early aging with the help of medical cosmetics. Preparations are used in courses broken down by age groups. From skin lightening to integrated solutions deep folds and age spots. For example, Filorga NCTF 135 therapeutic meso-cocktails show good results.

Visible signs of skin aging

  • change in appearance (sagging muscles of the facial contour);
  • the appearance of nasolabial folds;
  • loss of smoothness (small folds around the eyes, mouth on the forehead);
  • feeling of tension and fatigue in the muscles of the face;
  • pigmentation.

The effect of diet on skin aging

Cosmetics alone cannot provide complete care and hydration, the skin needs a regular supply of nutrients. A balanced diet helps to delay the process of premature aging, including the skin. Compliance with the regime of drinking and sleep is common, but it has a very positive effect on the appearance of a person. During sleep, intensive skin regeneration occurs, cleansing of dead cells.

Olga Rose

For long-term preservation of youth, it is necessary to consume a sufficient amount of vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids. These substances naturally nourish the epidermis and allow the skin to better withstand the aggressive influences of the outside world.

An effective combination of healthy products helps the body rejuvenate and clean Negative consequences from smoking, sweets, drinking. Especially for this purpose, the right one is suitable, and helping to produce elastin, hyaluronic acid in large quantities.

Violations of defense mechanisms

The lipid (epidermal) barrier protects the skin; it prevents moisture from evaporating and microbes from penetrating. The effectiveness of the epidermal barrier depends on a complex physiological balance in which nutrients play an important regulatory role.

The stratum corneum on the surface of the skin, the first protective element of this barrier, in case of its violation:

  • The skin no longer retains moisture, and it begins to evaporate rapidly. Dryness, tightness, discomfort, peeling, red spots appear, elasticity disappears.
  • UV radiation from the sun releases large amounts of free radicals in the skin. This oxidation process damages cells, destroys collagen and elastin fibers, and skin becomes hypersensitive.
  • Allergens, toxins and microbes freely penetrate the epidemiological barrier. Skin inflammation, acne, rash, dermatitis appear.

The skin is subject to genetically programmed aging from birth. Each cell of the body has a limited lifespan, which is determined by the genes. For example, fibroblasts produce collagen and elastin fibers in the skin and undergo only 30-50 division cycles in their lifetime. After that, they turn into mature fibrocyte cells and lose the ability to reproduce the substances necessary for skin rejuvenation. Each person's fibroblast life process is individual, so some people have fewer wrinkles at the same age than others.

In aesthetic medicine, rejuvenation has been carried out with the help of regenerative biotechnologies since the 90s. Restoration of the skin with fibroblasts introduced artificially into the body makes the fibrocytes start working (they seem to return to their original state). Many famous people use the technique of cellular rejuvenation. The cost of such a procedure abroad is from 5 to 7 thousand dollars. The Russians even came up with a new type of tourism - to travel to Europe and America to rejuvenate with fibrocytes.

Skin nutrition: preparations for internal use

Vitamin C

Vitamin C stimulates the production of collagen - thereby helping to maintain the strength and density of the skin. Strengthens the attachment points of collagen fibers between the dermis and epidermis.


These substances of plant origin belong to the group of phytoestrogens, mimic female estrogen, but are less active. Their help with menopause during hot flashes, night sweats, osteoporosis is widely known. Isoflavones are effective not only for climatic symptoms, they help improve metabolism in the body, have anti-carcinogenic properties (reduce the risk of cancerous tumors), and have a positive effect on the heart system and skin.

  • Isoflavones are found in plant products: soy, red clover.
  • The most famous isoflavone complexes (BAA): Genistein, Daidzein, Glycitein, Biochanin A.


Lycopene stimulates cell renewal, promotes skin hydration, protects collagen, supporting fibers in the dermis. Lycopene is the most powerful keratonoid antioxidant:

  1. suppresses the painful microflora in the body;
  2. normalizes cholesterol metabolism;
  3. supports the cardiovascular system (prevention of atherosclerosis);
  4. helps to reduce weight;
  5. provides DNA protection (may prevent the birth and development of cancer cells).
Olga Rose

This antioxidant is not produced by the body at all and is supplied only with food. After a single dose, the maximum of lipin is found in the blood after 24 hours, in the tissues of the body it appears much later (at least after a month of regular use). Consume lycopene about 5 mg per day, maximum 10 mg. Cases of overdose are known.

The most famous food with a lot of lycopene is the tomato. Depending on the color (the redder the better), it contains between 5-50 mg/kg. The most interesting thing is that when heat treatment the amount of lipin in the product does not change, but with strong evaporation and frying it becomes very large, for example, ketchup contains 60-140 mg / kg, tomato paste– from 50 to 1500 mg/kg.

But the tomato is not the champion in the amount of lycopene:

  1. 6800 mcg - wild rose;
  2. 5204 mcg - guava;
  3. 4532 mcg - watermelon;
  4. 2573 mcg - tomato;
  5. 1828 mcg - papaya;
  6. 1419 mcg - grapefruit;
  7. 159 mcg - persimmon.

Two glasses of tomato juice contain daily allowance lycopene.

Dermocosmetics: creams for aging skin

Most reputable companies specializing in medical cosmetics distribute a line of products by age groups. For example, if you stop at the Vichy cosmetics line, which is one of the most prestigious, you can take care of aging skin in several stages throughout your life:

  • care against mimic wrinkles at the age of 25-30 years,
  • corrective anti-wrinkle care at the age of 30 and more,
  • skin care at the age of 40 and older helps to strengthen and renew the structure of the skin, protect against wrinkles;
  • skin care in the category 50 years and over restores density,
  • regenerating care at 60 years and older prevents deep wrinkles, loss of elasticity.

Similarly, medical cosmetics of other companies (La Roche-Posay, Avene, Eucerin, Doliva) operate, and most of them manufacture their products in various options(day, night, etc.).

Olga Rose

To have an idea of ​​what problem needs to be solved in order to return and maintain a young look, it is necessary to undergo a diagnosis by a cosmetologist. A good doctor will help you choose the right product for your skin type. Each woman is different, so when choosing medical cosmetics, an individual approach is required.

Loss of elasticity: preparations containing hyaluronic acid

Sufficient quantity hyaluronic acid increases the skin's ability to bind water, restores firmness, elasticity, promotes the formation of new collagen and elastic fibers. The skin becomes softer, radiant and has a youthful natural look.

Hyaluronic acid is found in:

  • Eucerin Hyaluronic Filler;
  • FC Botoceutical;
  • La Roche-Posay REDERMIC;

Preparations for skin pigmentation

With aging, various age-related modifications appear on the skin. These include discoloration in some areas of the skin - dark spots. If age spots (melanin) appear, then you should pay attention to whitening preparations:

  • VICHY NEOVADIOL SLOW AGE (against various signs of aging);
  • La Roche-Posay MELA D (it is desirable to use an integrated approach, combining with other means);
  • Bioderma White Objective.

Remove wrinkles on the face and restore a youthful appearance to the skin with botulinum toxin type A. It is a cosmetic form of the Clostridium bacterium.

Botox removes wrinkles on the forehead, at the root of the nose, outer corners of the eyes, reduces wrinkles on the neck. These are injectable forms, the procedure lasts 5-10 minutes. The resulting effect is visible on the skin for up to three months, injections are safe for health, and can be repeated constantly.

Video: the correct technique for performing a rejuvenating massage.

Mankind has long been looking for a recipe for eternal youth and is trying to create an elixir of beauty. Thanks to technological progress, scientific advances and centuries of experience medical practice many have been defeated deadly diseases and the average life expectancy of people is steadily increasing. However, the aging process remains relevant and continues to interest both scientists and practitioners. The first signs of aging are observed on the face, even when the whole body is in good physical shape. Often, chronological (fixed by passport data) and biological (determined by the state and functional characteristics relative to the average statistical norm) age do not match.

Activation or suppression of the activity of certain genes underlies the development of a particular pathology and the mechanism of aging in general. Based on these findings, a gene regulatory therapy was proposed to prevent genetic disorders influencing the development of age-related diseases.


Stochastic or probabilistic theories explain aging as a result of mutational changes occurring at the DNA level. Random mutations accumulate in chromosomes and are repeatedly reproduced during cell division.

Free radical theory

Scientists D. Harman and N. Emanuel almost at the same time (respectively in 1956 and 1958) put forward a theory called the theory of free radicals. With the help of this theory, they explain both the very principle of the mechanism of aging, and the occurrence of many age-related diseases: cardiovascular pathology, cataracts, decreased immunity, impaired brain activity, cancer, etc. The “culprits” of what is happening in the body pathological changes D. Harman and N. Emanuel call free radicals - oxygen molecules involved in many biochemical processes in cells.

Free radicals are unstable particles with a missing electron, so in search of their missing particle, they react with healthy molecules, taking an electron from them and turning them into free radicals. Due to chain reaction The formation of free radicals in the body causes damage to cells and a violation of its biochemical balance. The formation of free radicals can also be caused by harmful exogenous factors: ultraviolet radiation, polluted air, nicotine, etc.

Free radicals strike the first blow on the skin, provoking the appearance of wrinkles, rashes, signs of inflammation, and in addition, the development of more than 60 various diseases and aging.

In the skin, collagen, the protein that gives skin firmness and elasticity, suffers the most from free radicals. Free radicals cause biochemical changes - the formation of cross-links that prevent the free movement of collagen fiber molecules relative to each other. Collagen molecules are soldered into bundles, lose elasticity and become stiff, which is manifested by signs of skin aging.

The reasons that trigger the mechanism of the harmful effects of free radicals in the skin are different, but the most insidious is the effect of ultraviolet radiation on the skin. The sun's rays stimulate the formation of free radicals and the production of proteins-enzymes that break down fats with the formation of arachidonic acid. Arachidonic acid causes the formation of molecules that promote inflammation and skin aging. And free radicals, in turn, activate special molecules inside the cells - the so-called copy factors.

Copy factors are neutral molecules, but if they are activated by free radicals, they begin to migrate to the cell nucleus. In the nucleus, integrating into DNA, copying factors cause the synthesis of toxic substances. The copy factor NFk-B causes inflammatory processes in the cell and accelerates its aging. Copy factor AP-1 leads to the destruction of collagen, the formation of microdefects and wrinkles in the skin.

Free radicals can damage the DNA and RNA of cells, lipids, fats. Inside the cells, there is a protective mechanism against the aggression of free radicals - these are superoxide dismutase enzymes, etc. Substances consumed with food have an antioxidant (neutralizing free radicals) effect: vitamins (A, E, C), vegetables, fruits, green tea, coffee, etc. True, an excess of antioxidants can cause the opposite reaction in the body - an increase in oxidative intracellular processes.

Error catastrophe theory

In 1954, the American physicist M. Szilard put forward a hypothesis about the mutational nature of aging or “aging by mistake”. Learning action ionizing radiation on the different kinds living organisms, he came to the conclusion that radiation shortens the lifespan of animals and humans. It leads to the development of mutations in DNA and causes signs of aging: disease, gray hair, etc. Szilard came to the conclusion that mutations are the cause of aging of biological species, but could not explain the mechanism of aging of living organisms that were not exposed to radiation.

Following Szilard, researcher L. Orgel considered mutations in living cells not only as a result of exposure to external aggressors (ultraviolet and ionizing radiation, free radicals, toxic effects of viruses and other mutagenic agents), but also as a spontaneous process. That is, errors in the genetic apparatus of cells can be caused by both external and internal reasons. They entail a violation of the functions of cells and the whole organism, lead to their aging and death.

Theory of apoptosis(cell suicide)

The theory of cellular apoptosis (from the Greek "leaf fall"), put forward by academician V.P. Skulachev, considers cell death as an inevitable, programmed process. To preserve the integrity of the body, each cell, having lost its viability, must die and give way to a new one. Infection with a virus or mutations that cause diseases and malignancy become a signal for the “suicide” of cells so as not to endanger the death of the entire organism.

In contrast to the violent death of cells as a result of burns, injuries, hypoxia, poisoning, etc., during apoptosis, the affected cells independently disintegrate into structural fragments and are used by other cells as a building material.

The process of self-destruction of mitochondria (an organelle that provides cell respiration) V.P. Skulachev called mitoptosis. It occurs when a large amount of free radicals accumulate in the mitochondria. The decay products of dead mitochondria can poison the cell and lead to its death (apoptosis). The aging process according to V.P. Skulachev occurs when the number of dead cells in the body exceeds the number of newly formed ones, and the dead cells are replaced by connective tissue.

According to Academician V.P. Skulachev, the way out is to prevent the destruction of cells by free radicals. That is, he views old age as curable disease if you cancel the programmed aging of the body.

V.P. Skulachev believes that the most detrimental effect on cells and mitochondria is active forms oxygen, in particular hydrogen peroxide. As a cure for aging, the academician developed and proposed the drug SKQ, clinical trials which have not yet been completed.

Prevention of skin aging


To prevent premature skin aging caused by increased insolation, anti-aging agents are used. ultraviolet irradiation. The action of some of these agents is aimed at capturing ultraviolet radiation, under the influence of which their chemical transformation occurs. As a result, part of the radiation energy is spent on a chemical reaction and does not reach the dermal cells. Such funds may have contraindications, tk. their penetration into the body with the bloodstream through the skin is possible and side effects allergic reactions. A good alternative to similar sunscreens are photoprotectors, which include finely ground mineral pigments (titanium dioxide or zinc oxide), which do not penetrate deep into the skin, but reflect ultraviolet rays from its surface. Sunscreens include water, fats, vitamin E, softening and moisturizing ingredients. It is useful to use post-sun products for cooling, nourishing and moisturizing the skin.


Good hydration is an indispensable condition for the prevention of premature skin aging. The impact of any climatic and atmospheric factors on the skin negatively affects its hydration, especially in urban environments, where the air contains many aggressive chemical components. With low air humidity, the body loses water, with high humidity, sweating and sebum production increase. Even at high humidity, if there is fever air, the skin needs protection from drying out under the influence of the sun, moisturizing and thorough regular cleansing. Low temperature and low humidity dry out the skin, depriving it of moisture. At low humidity and high temperatures, the skin also actively loses moisture. Drying of the skin is possible from strong winds at elevated or vice versa low temperatures. Under the influence of the wind, the skin not only becomes thinner, it becomes scaly, begins to peel off. Adverse atmospheric influences should be countered additional measures for moisturizing and protecting the skin: the use of a high-quality day cream and a long stay in the fresh air in a favorable ecological zone.

Healthy lifestyle

Care for the skin and prevention of its premature aging should begin, first of all, with the organization rational regime work and leisure, giving preference healthy lifestyle life. An organism deprived of a complete and enough sleep, is doomed to the development of adverse effects, the first of which is a tired skin condition. The formation of new cells occurs during sleep, so the skin naturally restores its structure while we sleep.

Regular exercise trains the skin, increases its elasticity. Under the influence of increased loads, an additional blood flow to the skin occurs, which has a good stimulating effect. Sports and exercise are good for coping with stress - worst enemy healthy skin.

Prolonged stress causes convulsive contraction of facial muscles, prolonged stretching of elastic fibers and their overwork. Under stress, the skin experiences a lack of oxygen and nutrition, because. under the influence of increased adrenaline, a violation of capillary circulation occurs. Another stress hormone - cortisone - disrupts the process of skin regeneration and collagen formation. A reasonable attitude to life events, resistance to stress is an effective way to protect against premature skin aging.

Healthy young skin and smoking incompatible concepts. If you want to resist skin aging, you will have to give up the bad habit of smoking to avoid the appearance of wrinkles around the mouth and eyes. Smokers require an additional intake of vitamins A, E, C, provitamin A (beta-keratin) to prevent the formation of a large number small wrinkles.

Even more significant harm to the health and condition of the skin causes alcohol intake. Under its influence, capillaries expand, which become noticeable, changing the appearance of the skin. Alcohol intake adversely affects the functioning of the liver, which inevitably affects the condition of the skin. The same adverse effect on the liver, and hence on the skin, has an excessive consumption of strong tea and coffee.

Skin aging can be caused by the use of certain types of drugs, so you should not self-medicate and uncontrolled use of drugs.

And finally, a balanced diet rich in vitamins and microelements and sufficient fluid intake (up to 2 liters per day) contribute to maintaining a normal life balance in cells and tissues, and prevents premature aging of the skin.