Folk recipes, cleansing a wound, quickly healing a trophic ulcer. Trophic ulcer on the leg - treatment at home

It is quite possible to cure a trophic ulcer, but it is worth stocking up on time and patience.

Many folk remedies have a similar effect with pharmaceutical preparations.

Before you start treatment, you should learn more about the disease, as well as find ways that will really bring results.

The appearance of trophic ulcers on the legs is associated with several reasons. The disease may appear due to varicose veins veins. It also negatively affects the condition of the legs diabetes. With the disease, blood circulation and tissue nutrition are disturbed, which negatively affects human health. In addition, wounds appear after severe burns or frostbite of limbs.

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Alexander Vitalievich

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Most effective method treatment is surgical intervention, but not all people are ready to go under the surgeon's knife. Therefore, there are other ways.

Expert opinion

Alexander Vitalievich

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Self-medication is not a good idea, it is recommended to carry out therapy under the supervision of a specialist who, in case of deterioration, will prescribe a more effective medicine.

We should not forget about washing the wounds during treatment - this will prevent the appearance of pathogenic bacteria. It is necessary to perform washing with hydrogen peroxide or decoctions of herbs. Various gels, creams and ointments can be used for treatment, for example, Troxevasin, Lyoton, Levamekol and Trombless. The ointment must be applied to clean skin, fix the medicine on top with a plaster or bandage. During rehabilitation, it is necessary to limit the load on the lower limbs.

Rules to follow

During therapy, it is important not only to exercise proper care behind the wounds, but also to follow the rules. They will make the treatment more effective.

  1. Proper nutrition should be followed. It is better to limit the intake of food that contains a large number of carbohydrates. They need to be replaced with fresh vegetables and fruits. It is strictly forbidden to eat too spicy, fatty foods with large quantity spices.
  2. You need to give your body regular rest. Of course, it is not recommended to lie in bed all the time, but sometimes it will be more correct not to burden the legs.
    Don't do heavy physical labor. In this case, one should not forget about a special set of exercises. They help restore blood circulation and improve tissue nutrition. Most simple exercises- these are bends and stretching of the legs lying down, as well as smooth circular rotations of the legs.
  3. During treatment at home, shoes should be changed. It should be with an orthopedic sole, which reduces the load and prevents tissue injury.
  4. Self-treatment does not exclude the use of antibiotics and drugs to relieve inflammation, as well as washing wounds. In addition, you should take vitamins that will positively affect the immune system.

If home treatment for a long time does not work, must visit medical institution. Timely access to a doctor allows you to get rid of trophic ulcers without surgery.

Traditional medicine recipes

Expert opinion

Alexander Vitalievich

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The most popular products for home treatment- this is various oils, chicken eggs, useful herbs and juices of medicinal plants.

One of the safe recipes homemade ointment. It is prepared from 1 tablespoon of honey and two chicken eggs (only protein is needed), the components are thoroughly mixed and left for 3 hours. The resulting mixture is applied to the treated wound with a thin layer.

Tatarnik (or camel thorn) is an excellent tool in the fight against trophic ulcers. First you need to grind the leaves of the tatarnik to a fine powder and put it in a dark, dry place for storage. Ulcers are treated with rivanol, which is sold in a pharmacy, and then a small amount of a dry plant is applied. The wound should be sealed with a breathable plaster or covered with a bandage and left for 12 hours, then rinsed. The procedure must be performed every evening until the ulcer becomes dry.

Curd whey is also effective method. To obtain whey, it should be made from half a liter of homemade cow's milk curdled milk and hang it in gauze. The resulting serum must be treated with wounds every evening. For more fast healing you can apply cottage cheese on sore spots and fix with a bandage. In the morning, it is recommended to wash the ulcers with peroxide or chamomile decoction.

Relief from pain

Get rid of pain and inflammation will help streptomycin. Powder should be used to treat dried trophic ulcers on the legs. The tool helps not only relieve pain, but also heal wounds.

wood ash - available remedy in the fight against skin ulcers. Powder is poured hot water and insist 2-3 hours. The resulting solution should be washed 1-2 times a day the affected areas. After that, it is necessary to clean the wounds from the ashes by treating them with a sterile cotton swab and an antiseptic. After the sore has dried up a little, it is better to sprinkle it with streptomycin.

Yolk chicken egg and a few crushed hazel kernels should be mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Add 1 teaspoon of iodoform powder to it and mix again. A small amount of the resulting ointment is applied to the ulcer treated with an antiseptic and left to dry. The skin must be covered with a bandage and left for up to 2 days.

From a chicken egg, you can use not only the yolk, but also a thin film under the shell. To begin with, the wound is washed with a solution of potassium permanganate or a decoction of calendula and dried with a clean napkin. A film is applied to the sore spot and closed with a bandage. You need to perform these actions until complete recovery.

Folk remedies

Hydrogen peroxide is cheap and easy. They can not only wash wounds, but also cook more effective medicine. Peroxide must be mixed with streptocide and treated with a wound solution. The sores must be bandaged with a sterile bandage after application and covered with a plastic bag with a warm cloth. Visible results should occur within 10 days.

Expert opinion

Alexander Vitalievich

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Another natural remedy- this is tar. Previously, it can be bought at a pharmacy and lubricated with sore skin areas with the help of cotton swab or a sterile cotton swab, and then cover with a bandage. Compress with tar must be changed every 2 days.

Cabbage is in the house of every person. It is also possible to make useful medicine helping to cope with trophic ulcers. A small sheet should be cut in several places, lubricated with sea buckthorn oil and fixed with a bandage to the diseased area. cabbage compress need to be changed every day until the wounds are completely healed.

In order to quickly relieve inflammation of the affected areas of the skin, you should use this remedy. Fry the onion in a small amount of oil until golden brown. After that, drain the oil into a separate container and treat dry sores with it.

You can wash the ulcers with calendula, chamomile and peroxide, as well as sea or table salt. It is necessary to prepare a solution of pure water and salt in proportion to 1 liter of liquid 1 tablespoon of salt. Moisten a sterile bandage in the resulting solution and apply to diseased areas of the body. From above, fix the compress with a bandage and leave for several hours. Repeat the procedure 2 times a day, allowing the wound to dry between treatments.


For self-treatment you can use not only traditional medicine recipes, but also pharmacy products. There are various ointments, gels, tablets and special patches for skin restoration.

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Causes, symptoms, stages, photos, initial stage, ointment, reviews. Stages of the disease, treatment for varicose veins, complications, diabetes mellitus.

Trophic ulcer on the leg - what is it

A trophic ulcer on the leg is a section of the epithelium and tissues under it that does not heal for a long time after its damage (more than 1 month).

"Trofika" means nourishment. And since the skin acts as a protective barrier against the effects of aggressive factors on the body external environment, then malnutrition of the epithelium and adjacent tissues leads to a gradual extinction of this function.

Ulcers can form anywhere on the human body where, due to various reasons tissue nutrition is disrupted. However, the lower extremities are more commonly affected. The reasons are as follows:

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  • legs furthest from the heart;
  • the circulatory system of the lower body experiences the greatest effect of gravity, complicating blood circulation.


The occurrence of a trophic ulcer can be compared to a dam break in a river. As soon as there is a place that can no longer hold pressure from outside, a gap appears there. If in healthy body if its protective cover (skin) is damaged, the recovery mechanisms are instantly activated, then in the case when tissue nutrition is disturbed, the opposite happens. Any damage to the epithelium can cause a problem:

  1. A cut.
  2. Broken corn.
  3. Rubbing.
  4. Scratch.
  5. Hematoma (usual bruise).
  6. A bite of an insect.

Among the reasons for the occurrence are the following:

  • damage to the epithelium of a chemical and thermal nature (frostbite and burns);
  • diabetes;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • that cause violation of the outflow of lymph and edema;
  • obesity;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • varicose veins and thrombophlebitis;
  • bedsores;
  • various diseases that affect the functions of the blood and blood vessels;
  • some types of neurological diseases.

Risk factors contributing to the emergence and development include:

  • metabolic disease;
  • weakened immunity;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • food and chemical poisoning;
  • allergic reactions leading to skin injuries;
  • wearing tight shoes.


As a rule, a trophic ulcer on the leg does not appear immediately. Negative side This is because the disease can sneak up on a person unnoticed. But there is also positive side. By being attentive, a person has the opportunity, having noticed alarming symptoms, to have time to respond to them.

Symptoms that precede the appearance on the body may be as follows:

  • discomfort on the surface of the skin of a stable nature (from a feeling of discomfort and light pain to itching and burning);
  • swelling of the legs and heaviness in them (especially in the calf muscles);
  • decreased sensitivity in the foot and a feeling of cold (typical for patients with diabetes mellitus);
  • enlargement of veins;
  • leg cramps (especially at night);
  • a symptom of "wet feet", when the skin becomes shiny, as if it were wet, and darken.

It should also alert if the wound does not heal for a long time (more than 1 month). This is a worrying symptom. And if the process is delayed for more than 2 months, this is already a problem.

Types of trophic ulcers

Depending on the causes that cause them to appear, a trophic ulcer on the leg belongs to the following main types:

  1. Arterial.
  2. Diabetic.
  3. Venous.
  4. Neurotrophic.
  5. Hypertensive.
  6. Infectious (pyogenic).

The foot is usually affected in patients with pathologies of arterial vessels. Symptoms in such cases are especially painful, since the affected areas are constantly injured when walking. Painlessness is characteristic of ulcer complications diabetes mellitus, since tissue necrosis is preceded by death nerve fibers. The disease begins most often on the finger, then moving to the entire foot.

Ulcers caused by varicose veins often appear on the inside of the lower leg with a further transition to the outside. The defeat of the foot in the heel is typical for neutrophic ulcers caused by damage to the spine or craniocerebral trauma.

Ulcerative complications on the background hypertension are rarely observed. They are red-blue in color and usually appear on both legs at the same time. Harbingers of infectious diseases can be furunculosis, eczema purulent type as well as respiratory infectious diseases caused by a decrease general level immunity.

Such ulcers are characterized by localization in the lower leg and a relatively small depth of tissue damage. Also, the status of infectious can be assigned to an ulcer of any origin if it becomes infected.

Stages of development

There are 4 stages in total:

  1. . In this case, a slight reddening appears, and then a wound appears (one or more). After that, the surface of the lesion expands by combining several wounds into one, or, conversely, the growth of one.
  2. Purification stage . The contours of the wound acquire, as a rule, rounded shapes, and unpleasant and pain symptoms intensify. At this stage, the main task is to clean the surface of the wound. Particular attention should be paid to the nature of the discharge emerging from it. Turbidity, darkening and the appearance of a purulent component are indicators of infection.
  3. scarring stage . The area of ​​the wound gradually decreases in size due to the contraction of its edges, the activity of regeneration of the tissues of the surface layers increases.
  4. Final . There is a granulation of the ulcer and its further healing.


Even though the leg ulcer itself is unpleasant disease, they are even more dangerous possible complications. These include:

  • sepsis . It is caused by the ingress of fungi and non-spore-forming microorganisms into the wound area. Development is characteristic of an anaerobic environment;
  • eczema, gangrene and dermatitis. Occur due to necrosis of the layers of the epidermis;
  • arthrosis of the lower leg;
  • inguinal lymphadenitis;
  • erysipelas, as well as the addition of other types of infection;
  • oncological complications (skin cancer). Causes partial or complete degeneration of ulcerated tissues.

Treatment for varicose veins

Treatment should begin with a fight against the causes that caused it. Therefore, in the case of varicose veins, it is necessary to take measures to help normalize blood circulation in them. This problem is solved through pathogenetic therapy, which includes:

  1. Arrangement of the bed for sleeping in such a way that the legroom is raised.
  2. Treatment of affected areas of the skin with antiseptic solutions (Furacilin, Chlorhexidine, etc.) This will prevent the attachment of a secondary bacterial infection, or prevent its penetration deep into the tissues.
  3. Preventive treatment of skin areas, alarming like places likely occurrence new lesions (Venoruton, etc.).
  4. Improvement of blood microcirculation in problem areas(Reopoliglyukin, etc.).
  5. The use of external agents based on broad-spectrum antibiotics (Argosulnan, etc.). It is indicated for use in cases where the addition of a secondary infection has nevertheless occurred, or if the likelihood of this is high.
  6. overlay wound healing ointments. To stimulate tissue regeneration processes (Levomekol, etc.).
  7. Usage compression underwear and the imposition of elastic bandages on the legs. Bandages are applied in the direction from the periphery to the center with a gradual release of pressure.
  8. Phytotherapy. The imposition of compresses with decoctions and infusions, indicated in the treatment of varicose veins ( Walnut, horse chestnut, white willow, etc.).
  9. Taking drugs to prevent thrombosis.
  10. Taking diuretics, venotonics, etc.
  11. Supportive care immune system, including the intake of multivitamin complexes, and in some cases antihistamines, such as Suprastin, Tavegil, etc.
  12. Physiotherapy. vacuum therapy, UHF, laser irradiation, magnetotherapy, electrophoresis, ozone therapy, balneotherapy, mud treatment, etc. In some cases, the success of the planned surgical treatment directly depends on the quality of the preliminary measures of the physiotherapy complex.

Pathogenetic therapy can be carried out both in a hospital and at home. It should be borne in mind that despite the typical development of the main forms in varicose veins, the clinic of the disease in each specific case may have significant differences. Therefore, the whole complex of the above measures should be carried out in agreement with the attending physician, and especially the intake medicines.

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Of the hardware methods, laser and UVI treatment is currently the most in demand. Cauterization of wounds with their help is aimed at stimulating the processes of scarring of damaged tissue.
Sustained success of treatment can be achieved only in the case of complete or partial elimination of the causes that caused the disease.

With varicose veins, the cause is varicose veins. Despite the large number various means medical treatment, the only effective way The solution to the problem currently remains surgical operation. It should be remembered that only in time Taken measures lead to the best result.

Treatment at home with folk remedies without surgery

  • treatment with hydrogen peroxide and streptocide;
  • applying a bandage with silver and a bandage Hartman;
  • the use of Vishnevsky ointment, etc.

Traditional medicine also knows a large number of ways to deal with trophic ulcers.


In the treatment of value are the cleansing and healing properties of this plant.
Before use, cut the sheet in two and immerse in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for about an hour. Then treat the wound antiseptic and lay the aloe cut down on it. Cover with polyethylene and bandage. Repeat the procedure for at least 5 days. The scabs will start to fall off.

Ointment dressings

There are many options for ointments. Especially popular are those that do not require special costs and are easy to prepare. Here is one of those options:

Heat half a glass of vegetable oil and dissolve a tablespoon in it beeswax. Add half the egg yolk, let stand for an hour and strain through nylon. The ointment is ready. Store in the refrigerator and warm to room temperature each time before use for application to a wound healing dressing.


The choice of solutions is large. It is important to choose the most effective one. In addition, it is convenient to use healing substances in solutions as a supplement to the main active elements. So, inflicting on the wound any medicinal substance, on top you can cover it with gauze dipped in a solution of another substance. It is only important to make sure they are compatible.

Salt - saline solution

People have been using the wonderful properties of salt for a long time. Its pulling ability is effective here as well.
Prepare a solution: 2 tsp. salt in a glass of water. Moisten the bandage folded in several layers in the solution and apply to the wound overnight. Even greater effectiveness can be achieved by alternating exposure to salt at night and bee propolis in daytime.

Gel dressings

Gel bandages are similar to ointment bandages. It all depends on the substances that make up their composition. But the difference is that the gel tends to be somewhat gentler on the skin, so the time it takes to apply a bandage with it may be longer.

Birch tar

Treatment with tar, like salt, gives a delaying effect, but it should be used with caution, observing the reaction of the skin. Apply tar swabs to the wound, changing them at least 1 time in 2 days.
If this remedy is suitable, the effect will appear in a couple of days. If not, don't waste your time and try other options.


The tool is strong. Particularly effective when applied to early stages peptic ulcer. However, it also works in advanced cases. It is important to be patient and apply bandages regularly.

Soda and laundry soap

The impact of laundry soap and soda on the wound is favorable. It is also important that it is combined with the use of almost any other means. It is better to wash the wound with soapy water using dark soap.


Healing wipes are especially needed in cases of weeping wounds, when the materials used must have the greatest absorbency.


Due to their adhesive ability, the patches are well suited in cases where a rigid fixation of the material applied to the wound is required, but the use of a conventional dressing is difficult for any reason.

How to treat on your feet: photo, initial stage

The main thing with which to begin treatment is to determine the causes of the disease. And the result of the treatment of the trophic ulcer itself will depend on how successful the tactics of dealing with these causes chosen by the doctor will be. However, regardless of the cause of the disease, the following actions are necessary at the initial stage:

  • improve blood microcirculation and nutrition of affected tissues;
  • destroy the infection
  • relieve pain;
  • activate healing.

Where to buy ointment in a pharmacy - drugs

The selection of drugs should be carried out taking into account the etiology and stage of the disease:

  1. On the initial stages the cleansing and anti-inflammatory effect is important in combination with the improvement of tissue trophism. It will be advisable to use drugs such as Levosin, Levomekol, Solcoseryl, Actovegin, Algofin, Vulnuzan, Argosulfan, Sulfargin, Dermazinin.
  2. At the granulation stage, preparations will be required that combine antibacterial properties and the ability to anesthetize and heal wounds. Wundehill, Thiotriazoline, Betadine, Methyluracil, Thiotriazoline are suitable.
  3. At the stage of scarring, drugs accelerating recovery processes, such as Curiosin, Mefenat, Bepanthen, etc.

With diabetes

The initial stage of treatment is aimed at stopping the development of the disease. It includes:

  • vascular strengthening therapy;
  • therapy aimed at improving the nutrition of damaged tissues;
  • fight against the accession of a secondary infection;
  • wound cleansing and healing therapy.

Further treatment includes A complex approach, which has two main goals:

  • treatment of the underlying disease that caused the appearance of ulcers (diabetes mellitus);
  • restoration of body surfaces damaged by ulcers.

Propolis treatment

The combination of propolis with honey gives the greatest effect in the treatment of trophic ulcers. One of the recipes is as follows: a tablespoon of honey, a tablespoon of 20% alcohol solution of propolis, a tablespoon of sunflower oil. Mix. Apply as a compress. Healing can be expected soon. However, for a sustainable effect, a course should be carried out within a month.


Success in the prevention of occurrence directly depends on the effectiveness of the treatment of the disease that causes them. To general preventive measures can include the following:

  • moderate physical activity and regular classes physiotherapy exercises;
  • prevention of hypothermia and overheating;
  • injury prevention;
  • diet;
  • control of blood sugar levels (diabetes);
  • giving up alcohol, smoking and other bad excesses;
  • the use of compression underwear and elastic bandages (for varicose veins);
  • reasonable selection of shoes.

Activtex wipes

It's comfortable dressing on affordable price which also has antioxidant properties. The composition includes: chlorhexidine, vitamins E and C.

Sponge Methuracol

The active drug is made on the basis of collagen. It has anti-inflammatory and hemostatic properties, stimulates the growth and formation of granulation tissue.
The sponge adheres tightly to the surface of the wound, actively absorbing its secretions.

Ointment Stellanin

An innovative tool. Particularly effective in difficult cases. It comprehensively solves the following problems:

  • restoration of blood microcirculation;
  • acceleration of wound healing;
  • destruction of the infection;
  • removal of inflammation.

Proteox-TM bandages on the lower leg

A modern tool that accelerates wound healing. Made from natural cellulose. It has disinfecting properties, including trypsin and mexidol. Capable for short term relieve inflammation and clean the wound from and pus.

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  • Trophic ulcers - deep purulent-necrotic skin lesions limbs that have not healed for more than 1.5 months. The feet and legs are most commonly affected. The size of the ulcer varies widely: from 1 cm in diameter to the wound surface, which occupies the entire surface of the calf.

    This pathology is not an independent nosological form. It develops as a complication of certain diseases, is characterized by a persistent course and is often cured only by surgery.

    The reasons

    Ulcers are formed against the background of tissue hypoxia, caused by impaired microcirculation, metabolism and tissue innervation. The skin becomes very vulnerable, and even superficial microdamages lead to the formation of a poorly healing deep defect.

    The entry of a secondary infection and stagnation of blood contribute to the accumulation of toxins in the affected area, which accelerates the development of necrosis and the progression of pathology.

    What causes trophic ulcers on the legs? These disorders can develop against the background of the adverse effects of various causes.

    Exist external factors capable of provoking the formation of a peptic ulcer. These include the following skin lesions:

    • wound (scratches, cuts, bruises);
    • frostbite;
    • thermal or chemical burns;
    • chronic inflammatory and allergic skin diseases (furunculosis, eczema, dermatitis);
    • radioactive damage to the skin;
    • bedsores with prolonged immobility of the patient.

    The causes of a trophic ulcer on the leg can be complications of the following diseases:

    • chronic vascular insufficiency- thrombophlebitis, arterial circulation disorders due to stenosing processes;
    • endocrinological pathology - diabetes mellitus, obesity;
    • arterial hypertension;
    • any etiology;
    • autoimmune diseases;
    • immunodeficiency states, including HIV infection;
    • damage to the central nervous system - trauma to the brain or spinal cord, strokes, degenerative diseases nervous system;
    • infectious pathology (tuberculosis, syphilis);
    • blood diseases;
    • poisoning with arsenic, chromium and heavy metals.

    Often, experts state a combination of external and internal factors which led to the formation of a trophic ulcer.


    How does a trophic ulcer begin? A person complains of rapid fatigue when walking, a feeling of heaviness in the legs with minor loads, which persists at rest. There is itching of the skin, a burning sensation, crawling in the area of ​​​​the foot or lower leg, cramps in the calf muscles, especially at night.

    On examination, the doctor discovers the following initial signs trophic ulcer:

    • pastosity of soft tissues lower extremities;
    • thickening, coarsening of the skin of the affected area;
    • discoloration of the skin in the affected area - a growing spot of grayish or blue-violet color, resembling a hematoma with a glossy tint;
    • increased sensitivity at the site of ulcer formation, sharp pain with a light touch to it;
    • there may be serous-mucous discharge on the skin in the area of ​​the spot.

    With a minor injury, overload, nervous fatigue, the disease progresses rapidly. In the center of the spot, an area of ​​atrophy of the epidermis of a whitish color is formed, a bloody discharge appears.

    Symptoms of a trophic ulcer at the height of the disease are as follows:

    • severe swelling of the lower leg or foot;
    • the presence of an ulcerative lesion, which, if left untreated, is prone to rapidly increase and deepen;
    • bloody purulent discharge With bad smell;
    • excruciating pain in the legs, aggravated by exertion and at night, limiting motor activity;
    • violations general condition(fever, chills, fatigue, poor appetite).


    Ulcers are classified according to the cause that caused their formation.

    Venous trophic ulcer occurs in 8 patients out of 10. The cause is stagnation due to disorders venous circulation. A trophic ulcer of the lower leg is most often formed in the lower third on the inner surface of the leg.


    The background for the development of pathology in 20% of patients is obliterating diseases of the arteries of the lower extremities. Arterial stenosis leads to ischemia and necrosis of the soft tissues of the legs. Provocative moments are most often injuries or hypothermia of the extremities, the use of uncomfortable shoes.

    Features of this type of trophic ulcers: most often occurs in old age, a person has difficulty walking up stairs and a feeling of cold in the leg.

    On examination, the leg is cold. Most often, small ulcers are found with suppuration in the area of ​​​​the heel, thumb and outer surface feet. They have an oval shape, dense edges, the skin around them acquires a yellow tint.


    Trophic foot ulcer - common complication diabetes mellitus. Typical localization - thumb or injured corns in the sole area. It develops in diabetic angiopathy against the background of sharp fluctuations in blood glucose levels.

    Characteristic signs: decreased sensitivity in the legs, extinction of tendon reflexes, rapid increase defect in size, tendency to develop necrosis, resistance to therapy.


    With damage to the central nervous system, ulcers are located in the heels, on the soles.

    Features of neurotrophic ulcers: small size and significant depth of wounds (up to the bone), abundant purulent discharge with an unpleasant odor in the absence of pain.


    They are rare, usually in older women against the background of long-term arterial hypertension.

    They are distinguished by slow formation, and on two legs at once, pronounced pain syndrome, high frequency purulent complications.


    Formed on the shins when running skin diseases against the background of unsanitary conditions and layering of a secondary purulent infection. Features: semicircular shape, small size and depth.

    Which doctor treats trophic ulcers?

    Trophic ulcers with varicose veins are treated by phlebologists and vascular surgeons. Patients with ulcerative skin defects of any etiology are subject to mandatory hospitalization, since effective treatment trophic ulcer is possible only in stationary conditions. Complex therapy and dynamic observation are necessary.

    It is permissible to treat a trophic ulcer at home only at a very early stage.


    A trophic ulcer on the leg is accompanied by specific complaints and has characteristic appearance upon inspection. The main task of specialists is to find out the cause of the disease. Only by establishing the etiology of ulcerative lesions, it is possible to prescribe adequate therapy.

    The following diagnostic measures are carried out:

    1. Careful history taking and examination by a therapist, phlebologist, angiosurgeon.
    2. Laboratory methods: general blood and urine tests, including glucose levels, biochemical analysis blood, immunogram, bacteriological analysis ulcerative secretions and biopsy of biomaterials taken.
    3. Instrumental methods: rheovasography, angiography with the introduction of contrast agents, ultrasound of the vessels of the lower extremities (Dopplerography, duplex study).


    The main directions of therapy are the impact on the underlying disease, the fight against a secondary infection, and the stimulation of the healing of the ulcerative surface.

    Treatment of a trophic ulcer depends on the following factors:

    • the cause of the appearance and duration of the skin lesion;
    • the age of the patient and the presence of concomitant diseases;
    • size and depth of the skin defect, growth rate;
    • the condition of the skin around the ulcer.

    How to cure a trophic ulcer? The therapy is extremely complex, complex and lengthy. It is often regarded as preparation for surgery, since conservative methods not very efficient.

    If the operation is contraindicated for the patient for some reason, the goal of therapy is to prevent the increase and deepening of the skin defect.

    In a hospital, a patient with a trophic ulcer is provided with bed rest, the affected limb should be in an elevated position to improve blood and lymph circulation.


    A universal cure for trophic ulcers, equally effective for all types of disease, has not been developed. Treatment of a trophic ulcer on the leg includes taking drugs from various pharmacological groups.

    How to treat trophic ulcers with varicose veins? Specialists appoint complex therapy, the purpose of which is to stop inflammation and tissue necrosis, to stimulate healing processes.

    Medicines from the following groups are used:

    1. Vasoactive drugs , including phlebotonics (Troxevasin, Detralex) and antiplatelet agents (Trombo-ass). Contribute to the expansion of blood vessels, improve microcirculation, strengthen the walls of the veins and reduce venous congestion.
    2. Infusion therapy - solutions of hemodez, rheopolyglucin in cases of intoxication.
    3. Decongestants . They are used according to strict indications, periodically, under the supervision of a physician. When they are taken, the content of electrolytes in the blood is monitored.
    4. Antibiotics - with an infectious etiology of an ulcer or a layering of a secondary infection. Appointed after selection pathogenic agent from ulcerative secretion and elucidation of its sensitivity to antibiotics of various groups.
    5. Anti-inflammatory drugs - in the presence of purulent discharge, inflammatory reaction of surrounding tissues and severe pain syndrome.
    6. Hyposensitizing drugs reduce the secretion of the ulcer surface.

    These same medicines in various combinations are used in the treatment of trophic ulcers of any etiology.

    During the regeneration period, antioxidant, metabolic and immunostimulating therapy is prescribed - injections of mexidol, actovegin, ascorbic acid, B vitamins.

    Physiotherapy is used to heal trophic ulcers. UHF is used to enhance the anti-inflammatory effects of drugs, electrophoresis with solutions of wound healing, anti-inflammatory and vascular preparations. Laser treatment is practiced to reduce pain and inflammation.

    During the regeneration period and in the postoperative period, it is recommended ultraviolet irradiation, ozone therapy, mud therapy, hyperbaric oxygenation, plasmapheresis.

    Treatment of trophic ulcers of the lower extremities complements proper nutrition. To avoid an increase in swelling in the legs, a person should eat more vegetables and fruits, control the amount of fluid consumed, and exclude salty, spicy, pickled foods. With diabetes, patients eat according to the recommendations of the endocrinologist and regularly monitor blood glucose levels.

    Local therapy

    To cleanse the wound of pus and dead tissue, it is treated with disinfectants.

    The following antiseptics are used:

    • an aqueous solution of chlorhexidine;
    • 3% boric acid solution;
    • a solution of potassium permanganate of a certain concentration;
    • Rivanol;
    • enzymes.

    How to treat trophic ulcers on the legs after cleansing them from pus? For healing and accelerated scarring of skin defects, therapeutic ointments are used: Solcoseryl, Ebermin, Actovegin. It is effective to use special dressings and sponges with antibacterial, antisecretory and wound healing effects (Allevin, Algipor, Geshispon).

    It is mandatory to use an elastic bandage, which is replaced as needed several times a day. It not only protects the affected area from the penetration of a secondary infection and injury, but also helps to reduce swelling.

    Surgical intervention

    You can finally cure a trophic ulcer on the leg with the help of surgery. In order for the operation to be successful, it is necessary to competently prepare the patient for the upcoming intervention, to achieve an improvement in well-being, stabilization of the general condition and the beginning of healing of the wound surface.

    The following methods have been developed in angiosurgery:

    • shunting in vascular diseases;
    • removal of a section of a vein with varicose nodes ().

    In the presence of a large and deep ulcer, a skin flap is transplanted.

    Folk methods

    The question of possibility outpatient treatment trophic ulcers are solved only by the attending specialist. With a short duration of the disease, small single sores that are at the stage of regeneration, the patient can use folk recipes as an adjunct to basic therapy.

    How to treat a trophic ulcer at home? They clean the wound surface from the remnants of pus, as it slows down healing. For this, decoctions are used chamomile, celandine, succession, calendula.

    After washing the ulcer, with the permission of the doctor, apply pharmaceutical ointments, contributing to the removal of inflammation and healing, including Vishnevsky's ointment, ichthyol ointment.

    Can be processed ulcer defect juice of a golden mustache, make a bandage with an ointment prepared on the basis of propolis, comfrey, arnica. Apply compresses with powdered leaves of the tartar, golden mustache, willow or oak bark, which can be left overnight.

    Hope only for folk medicine impossible, rejection of the complex inpatient treatment can lead to life-threatening consequences.


    In advanced cases and in the absence of active treatment, a number of dangerous complications appear:

    • layering of a secondary infection, possibly erysipelas;
    • skin diseases (eczema);
    • damage to the osteoarticular system (arthritis, periostitis, contractures);
    • vascular disorders ();
    • skin neoplasms (in extremely advanced cases).

    Why is the disease dangerous?

    Ulcers are dangerous because of their rapid progression severe course underlying illness. At the same time, they not only increase in size, but also become numerous, can merge into an extensive wound surface.

    Also, this pathology is distinguished by the following features:

    • tendency to relapse;
    • resistance to all methods of therapy, except for surgical treatment, which may have contraindications;
    • the possibility of developing sepsis - with ulcers of venous origin, gangrene - with diabetic ulcers, osteomyelitis.


    The main rule is to consult a doctor in a timely manner in case of health problems. After surgery, to avoid recurrence, it is important to adhere to the following recommendations:

    • annual Spa treatment in sanatoriums of the corresponding profile;
    • healthy lifestyle, balanced diet and control of body weight;
    • exclusion of prolonged static loads, hypothermia of the legs;
    • regular use and elastic bandage, especially when walking;
    • constant monitoring of blood glucose levels in diabetes mellitus;
    • the use of comfortable shoes, crutches and sticks to reduce the load on the feet;
    • course intake of vitamin and mineral complexes recommended by the doctor to strengthen the immune system, antithrombotic agents.

    Ulcers are formed as severe complications of advanced diseases. They progress steadily, are resistant to therapy, and often recur. Only a few varieties early stages development can be treated therapeutic methods. Treat at home without resorting to medical assistance, impossible.

    The prognosis depends on timely treatment, careful implementation of medical recommendations and treatment of the underlying disease, against which the ulcer appeared.

    The pathological condition of the lower extremities, which exists outside the classification of diseases, is trophic ulcers. This ailment is observed on the feet and lower legs. The reason is serious illness- diabetes mellitus, chronic venous or arterial insufficiency, injuries or burns.

    Before starting to treat the problem, it is necessary to establish the exact cause of the wounds. Many experts recommend treating a trophic ulcer at home using alternative medicine, because in certain cases they are more useful.

    Treatment folk remedies trophic ulcers of the lower extremities long time, but at the same time, relapses are minimized and scars are not formed.

    It should be noted that alternative medicine has the following advantages:

    • They don't leave scars.
    • Virtually no contraindications.
    • Non-toxic, do not have a detrimental effect on the state of the body.
    • Affordable ingredients.


    Only a dermatologist is required to select therapy. Experts recommend:

    • Adhere to a special diet. Refuse spicy foods and spices, reduce carbohydrate intake. Give preference to vegetables and fruits.
    • Completely rest.
    • Perform exercises against blood stasis.
    • Wear shoes with orthopedic insoles and special soles that will protect your foot from injury.


    Treatment of trophic ulcers with folk remedies is based on the use of medicinal plants, compresses, oils and inexpensive pharmaceutical products. It's easy to prepare these common man, and the effect will be achieved within 3 months. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the most effective ways get rid of the disease.


    Taking certain decoctions and tinctures will help to quickly get rid of ulcerative lesions on the lower extremities.

    Burnet. Tincture from the root allows you to heal wounds and restore the skin. You need to grind burnet in a coffee grinder to get 2 tablespoons of powder. Raw material is poured 100 ml cold water. When the liquid has stood for 10 hours, it is necessary to start taking the medicine. Dose - 1 tablespoon, three times a day. The course is 30 days.

    You will need licorice root, succession and St. John's wort 20 g each, plantain, coriander fruits and swamp grass 15 g. Stir thoroughly medicinal herbs and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. The decoction must be infused for at least 2 hours. 1.5 cups of medicine should be taken per day (divided into 3 parts). The product is taken warm 30 minutes before meals.

    Alcohol tincture with horse chestnut - relieves pain and has antimicrobial properties. You will need 50 g of chestnut fruits and 500 ml of vodka. The ingredients are mixed and infused for 14 days in a dark, cool place. The medicine is drunk 40 drops 4 times a day. Course - 15 days. It can also be used to treat wounds.


    You will need chopped onions and carrots. The ingredients are fried in sunflower oil, squeezed out a little and applied to the ulcer when chilled. The procedure is carried out 3 times a day. After a week, you will notice that the skin has begun to heal.

    Pig meat. Once every 5 days, fresh pork meat is placed on the ulcer, covered with cellophane and the limb is bandaged. The compress should be left for 24 hours. After removing the agent, the wound is washed with laundry soap and an antiseptic.

    You will need 3 tablespoons of honey and 10 miracle cure tablets. Mix the ingredients thoroughly, wait for the mummy to dissolve completely and apply the remedy on the ulcer. Cover with plastic wrap and secure with a bandage. The medicine is left for a day. Stop treatment after complete recovery.

    Golden mustache. Rub the leaves into a pulp and apply to the damaged area. The procedure is carried out at night. Note that you may experience burning or itching at the site of the ulcer. You should endure discomfort, because as a result you will get smooth skin without scars.

    Dairy. Wash the ulcers with drained serum, and apply the curd as a compress. The procedure is carried out before bedtime. In the morning, a yellow crust forms on the wound. Gradually, the ulcers disappear, and the scars do not remain.

    Washing ulcers with infusion of ash. After the procedure, clean the damaged skin with a cotton swab and rinse with an antiseptic solution.

    Applying tampons with birch tar to wounds.

    Solidol for 2 days. Cleanse the wound and apply the remedy. After removing the compress, rinse the ulcer with an antiseptic solution.

    Before using the product, test for an allergic reaction. You can lubricate the bend of the elbow with the medicine, and if after 30 minutes there is no redness on the skin, you can use the mixture to treat trophic ulcers.

    Oils and ointments

    Excellent allow you to remove trophic ulcers on the legs of various oils. You can use one of the suggested means.

    Recipe 1. Ferula ointment, the therapeutic effect is achieved regardless of the cause of the disease. You will need petroleum jelly and ferula root juice in a 1:1 ratio. Ulcers are lubricated 4 times a day.

    Recipe 2. 8 procedures are enough for wound healing. Ingredients: 100 g resin, and the same amount of internal lard and wax. The components are mixed and boiled over low heat. The ointment is applied to the wound and secured with a sterile bandage. The exposure time is 4 hours.

    Recipe 3. Egg yolks. You will need 1 egg yolk and the same amount of iodine solution. The ointment is applied only to the ulcer, healthy areas of the skin should be avoided (may cause burns). The mass on the skin begins to harden, after 12 hours the crust is removed. Course - 7 days.

    Recipe 4. Sea buckthorn oil is applied to a cabbage leaf and applied to the affected skin. Secure the compress with a bandage. The remedy is removed in a day. The course of therapy until the ulcers heal.

    Recipe 5. St. John's wort oil. You will need 25 g of dry plant and a glass olive oil. The ingredients are mixed and infused for 2 weeks in the refrigerator (shake daily). After 14 days, the wound can be treated up to 5 times a day.

    Recipe 6. Onion oil. Fry a medium-sized onion vegetable oil until golden. Collect the oil in a container and squeeze the onion there. The resulting remedy to treat the ulcer.

    Pharmacy funds

    As a medicine for disinfecting a trophic ulcer, you can use the following drugs:

    • Streptomycin is inexpensive natural antibiotic. For therapy, you will need several tablets that are ground into a powdered state. Means sprinkled with ulcers.
    • Baths with a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate. The exposure time is 30 minutes.
    • Tincture of calendula . Baths with this drug are also useful. For 1 liter of water, 100 ml of medicine is required. The procedure is carried out 3 times a day.
    • Hydrogen peroxide. The wound is cleared of blood and pus. After that, the ulcer is sprinkled with streptomycin and a napkin soaked in a peroxide solution is applied on top (25 ml of water 1 teaspoon of the drug). With a daily application of a compress after 10 days, there will be no trace of the ulcer.

    Now you know how to properly treat trophic ulcers at home. However, to prevent their reappearance on the legs, you should choose a set of exercises aimed at increasing the elasticity of blood vessels, and be sure to consult a doctor.

    Treatment (video)

    Long-term non-healing defects of the skin and surrounding tissues are called trophic ulcers. They appear as a result of a disorder of the lymph and blood circulation, which provokes the rejection of the necrotic area. The treatment of ulcers is to treat by special means.

    Drug treatment of trophic ulcers on the legs

    Therapy medications carried out in two main directions. One of them is the improvement of the blood circulation process. Additionally, measures are taken to eliminate the cause of the defect. For treatment in this direction are used the following medicines:

    • Antiplatelet agents: acetylsalicylic acid(Aspirin). These drugs inhibit platelet aggregation, thereby preventing the formation of blood clots.
    • Antibiotics: Ofloxacin, Clindamycin. They are prescribed for infection, which is indicated by abundantly suppurating wounds and serous contents.
    • Phlebotonics: Troxevasin, Phlebodia. Contribute to strengthening vascular walls.
    • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: Ibuprofen, Diclofenac. Reduce the intensity of local inflammation.

    The second direction of treatment is local therapy. It consists in treating the wound and applying dressings with medicinal ointments or gels. The main drugs for local treatment:

    • Furacilin;
    • Streptolaven;
    • Solcoseryl;
    • Levomekol;
    • Dioxycol;
    • Actovegin;
    • Ebermin;
    • potassium permanganate solution;
    • Vishnevsky ointment.

    The wound is bandaged every 3 days. Too frequent dressings can cause tissue injury

    The most common drugs used to treat trophic ulcers at home:

    Name of the drug

    Main action

    Mode of application



    Price, rubles


    Improves metabolic processes, activates regeneration processes and improves trophism.

    Apply to the surface of defects in the form of dressings, which are changed 1 time every 4 days.

    A variety of forms of release - in addition to the ointment, there are Actovegin gel and cream.

    Efficiency unconfirmed by studies.


    It activates the processes of tissue metabolism, stimulates tissue repair.

    Apply the gel in a thin layer on wet wounds 2-3 times a day. Use the ointment for dressings already at the healing stage.

    Fast recovery of damaged tissues.

    A slight burning sensation may be felt at the site of application.


    Acts as an antiseptic and antimicrobial agent.

    Use a sterile solution of Furacilin to treat wounds before bandaging.

    Low price.

    Not detected.


    It has proteolytic activity and antimicrobial activity.

    Before applying the ointment, all loose necrotic tissues must be removed, treated with hydrogen peroxide. Next impose thin layer Streptolaven on the remaining areas of necrosis. Fill the wound cavity with gauze pads soaked in ointment.

    High rate absorbency.

    Local reactions in the form of a burning sensation, which disappears on its own after 10-15 s.

    Wound dressing at home

    It is possible to carry out the treatment and dressing of a trophic ulcer not only in the clinic, but also at home. Instructions for the procedure:

    1. Treat the area around the defect with 70% alcohol.
    2. Irrigate the wound itself with hydrogen peroxide, blot the remnants with a napkin.
    3. Apply the ointment to the ulcer and surrounding areas.
    4. Close the wound. It is better to use special dressings such as Silkofix or Hartman.
    5. At copious excretion lymphatic fluid to be processed every day. If there is little discharge, then it is allowed to change the bandage after 2-3 days.

    Treatment of trophic ulcers of the lower extremities with folk remedies

    Alternative medicine offers a variety of products that have healing properties. They should be used regularly until the defect is completely healed. For the treatment of trophic ulcers, the following compositions can be used:

    • Crumble several Streptomycin tablets onto the defect area. The wound must be clean and dry. This procedure has healing and analgesic effects.
    • Cut a leaf of fresh white cabbage, grease with sea buckthorn oil and apply to the wound, fix with a bandage. Change the bandage once a day.


    Judging by the reviews, the combustion products of linden or birch are especially effective for trophic ulcers.

    How to use this wood ash:

    1. Pour a glass of boiling water 2-3 tbsp. l. ash.
    2. Stir, let it brew for 3-5 hours.
    3. Moisten a cotton pad in the resulting infusion, wipe the trophic ulcer on the leg with it.
    4. Then pour abundantly on the wound with infusion of calendula.
    5. Repeat the procedure with each dressing until the defect is completely healed.


    Treatment of trophic ulcers with folk remedies is also carried out with the help of resin. It is understood as a thick resinous mass that stands out from cuts on coniferous trees. Instructions for using resin:

    1. Place the resin in a glass container.
    2. Top with alcohol so that its level is 1 cm higher.
    3. Leave the product for 3 days until it softens.
    4. Rinse the ulcer, apply resin, bandage, leave the bandage for 3 days.
    5. Repeat the procedure for a month.


    Aloe juice gently relieves redness and swelling around trophic ulcers on the legs. The use of this plant is also recommended for accumulation of purulent exudate in the depths of the wound. Instructions for using aloe:

    1. Rinse the aloe leaf, process with a meat grinder or food processor.
    2. Put the mixture on a sterile gauze cut, attach to a trophic ulcer.
    3. Secure with a bandage or other bandage. Leave the compress on for 1-2 hours.
    4. Repeat the procedure until the defect is completely healed.