Simple but effective ways to quickly increase hip width. The best tips on how to enlarge your hips and buttocks

The fashion for a wasp waist forces girls, whom nature has not endowed with such external data, to create a figure on their own with the help of hard training and diets. Even prohibited anabolic steroids, growth hormone and other unsafe substances are used. Making your hips wider than your shoulders is possible in an acceptable time frame and is absolutely safe for health. The main thing is self-discipline and strict adherence to the training process.

Exercises to increase hip width

Really increasing hip width is only possible through heavy weight training in the gym. To start growth processes, you need serious muscle stress, which can be achieved by using exercise machines, barbells and dumbbells.

The width of the hips is formed by the quadriceps muscle - one of the largest in the human body. It is located on the front of the thigh and has four heads, which stand out as independent: the rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis and vastus intermedius.


To trigger the growth mechanisms of the total mass of the quadriceps femoris muscle, the best exercise is the squat with a barbell.

Before starting the training, you need to do the following preparatory steps:

  • Warm up. 15-20 minutes on an exercise bike or treadmill will be enough to warm up your joints and muscles and prepare your heart for anaerobic training.
  • Stretching. Before the main lesson, it would be a good idea to do a little stretching of all the large muscles of the body, and unwind the joints in the shoulders with swinging movements. The knee and hip joints need to be warmed up with rotational movements.
  • Selecting working weight. If this is the first workout, it is very important to decide on the weight with which you plan to perform the working approaches. To do this, you need to make 3-4 warm-up attempts, gradually increasing the weight of the barbell to the level until it is possible to perform 10-12 repetitions. This will be the correct training weight.

It is important that your back is straight while squatting. This rule is very difficult for beginners to follow, since intuitively they will try to ease the effort by shifting the load to the spine. This is dangerous and can lead to injury. Therefore, during the first training sessions, when there are no skills yet, you must definitely use the services of a personal trainer. Or take a person with you to the gym who has such experience.

The exercise itself is performed in this way: remove the barbell from the racks, take half a step forward and squat to the floor, i.e. below the horizontal line of the thigh. After this, you need to straighten up without pausing at the lowest point. After 12 repetitions, the barbell is placed on the racks with the help of a trainer or partner.

The peculiarity of this exercise is that if the legs are spread wider than shoulder level, and the toes are turned to the sides, the load will go to the biceps of the thigh, i.e. on its inner side. In this case, the aesthetic effect will be noticeable on the buttocks, which will become rounder and firmer. But the width of the hips will not change significantly. Therefore, it is important that during the exercise your legs are at shoulder level and your toes are “looking” straight.

Leg extension while sitting on a machine

This variety is an isolation exercise that works well on the muscles of the front of the thigh - the quadriceps. The absence of stress on the back and the need to maintain balance allows women with various injuries and diseases of the hip joint or back to train. The machine has a seat with a backrest to support the spine. It also has a defined trajectory of movement, which reduces the risk of injury from loss of control or falling weight.

The exercise is performed in 4-5 approaches of 10-14 repetitions each. The rest between them should be 1.5-2 minutes.

For a girl who has a low level of fitness or does not have it at all, at the initial stage of training with weights, only squats will be a sufficient load.

The thigh muscles recover after a very long time - 5-7 days. Therefore, squats should be performed no more than once a week. Otherwise, there will be no progress in muscle growth.

3-4 weeks after the start of training, you can add leg extensions while sitting on a machine to squats. This should be the first exercise. This will pre-fatigue the thigh muscles before heavy squats, which will additionally load the desired area.

Waist reduction

Unlike increasing the width of the hips, reducing the waist can be achieved at home.

  • change in diet;
  • performing training;
  • change in diet.

An additional stimulation of the fat burning process in the abdominal area will be an increase in overall physical activity.


There is no local fat burning, and it is impossible to remove fat from the waist while leaving it in the hips. Therefore, the training process will be aimed at increasing the overall energy expenditure of the body, and not just performing abdominal exercises.

In practice, such activities should look like this:

  1. Warm-up – 10 minutes.
  2. Running – 10-15 minutes.
  3. Stretching – 5 minutes.
  4. Abdominal exercises – 20-25 minutes.

To effectively work the abdominal muscles, it will be enough to perform 3 exercises: raising the legs from a lying position, raising the chest to the knees and the horizontal plank.

Raising legs from a lying position

A popular and most effective exercise for working out the lower abs. You need to lie on the floor and put your arms along your body, raise your legs to a position “perpendicular to the body,” then slowly lower them to the starting position. The number of repetitions is at least 80% of the maximum in 3-4 approaches. The break between approaches is 1 -1.3 minutes.

Beginners need to do this exercise with their knees bent so as not to stretch the muscle ligaments that have not yet become stronger.

Raising your chest to your knees

An effective workout to work your upper abs. Performed from a lying position. You need to put your legs under a bench, sofa or chair, bend them at the knees, and clasp the back of your head with your hands. You need to raise your upper body quickly, until your knees touch your chest. After this, you should slowly lower yourself and repeat the rise.

The number of times depends on the girl’s level of training, but not less than 80% of the maximum possible. The number of approaches is 3-4. The break between approaches is 1-1.3 minutes, for rest between exercises - 2-3 minutes.

Horizontal bar

The exercise perfectly loads all parts of the abdominal muscles and helps get rid of not only subcutaneous fat, but also the fat lining the internal organs. You need to lie face down on the floor, lean on your elbows and toes, raise your body and hold it in this position for the maximum possible amount of time. After which you should rest for 1.5-2 minutes and repeat the horizontal plank.

It is more effective to carry out this type at the end of a press workout, alternating it with the “Vacuum” exercise. It allows you to quickly make your waist thinner. This result is achieved not so much by reducing fat, but by increasing the strength of deep muscles that holds the internal organs. You need to sit on a chair, lean forward a little, exhale and pull your stomach in as much as possible. You need to hold it in this position for 15-20 seconds. After resting for 30-40 seconds, repeat.

To reduce the width of your waist, it is strictly not recommended to perform various exercises on the lateral abdominal muscles. A slight decrease in fat in this area is compensated by an increase in the volume of the lateral muscles themselves, which is why visually the waist will remain the same or even increase.

Changing your diet

The width of the waist largely depends on the volume of the stomach. Therefore, changes in diet should be aimed at maximizing the reduction of a single serving of food.

The amount of food that the girl ate 3 times a day should be divided into 8 small portions. You need to eat food every 1.5-2 hours at regular intervals throughout the day.


Making your waist narrow is quite difficult if you have a genetic predisposition to excess weight or other characteristics of the body that prevent you from having a beautiful figure. Changing the diet in such cases should be aimed not only at reducing total calories, but also at the correct selection of foods. You need food that is quickly digested and does not cause a sharp increase in blood sugar levels.

List of light foods that do not provoke obesity:

  • Boiled eggs.
  • Unsweetened cottage cheese.
  • Boiled fish.
  • Protein shakes.
  • Boiled cereals (rice, buckwheat).

Sugary drinks, chocolate and flour products should be completely excluded from the diet. Exception: half an hour before a hard leg workout, you can eat a small chocolate bar. There will be no harm from this, since all the energy from the sweets will be used up during exercise with a barbell.

Sports nutrition

Various sports supplements will help make your hips wider than your shoulders. Their use is especially important for girls who do not have time to prepare their own food in the morning for the whole day.

Effectively use:

  • Whey protein helps replenish the body's supply of essential amino acids. It is a building material for muscles, including the thighs. Take 1 serving (50 g) several times a day.
  • Creatine – provides additional energy during training, increases its intensity, and activates the fat burning process.
  • L-carnitine is a very effective weight loss supplement. The energy deficit during training is replenished by the breakdown of fatty acids. The optimal dose for women is 1-2 g per day.

The task of increasing the width of the hips while reducing the waist is very difficult. This is fine jewelry work on yourself, when the training process needs to be balanced between gaining muscle tissue and reducing fat. But the hardworking and patient will be rewarded in the form of a beautiful wasp figure, which is now so popular among young girls. You won't be able to achieve results in a week. The minimum period under conditions of following a strict diet and training regimen is 4-6 months.

For most women and girls, the issue of acquiring a sexy, toned body is relevant.

The desire to have appetizing buttocks is nothing new to anyone, but other parts of the body, such as thighs, are less popular in this regard.

Namely, wide, seductive hips.

And really, how many people are proud of the width of their hips? Therefore, owners of voluminous hips, you may not be surprised, you have something to rejoice at.

No more shame and suffering because you just can’t fit into those same jeans.

There are several benefits to having wide hips.

Curvy shapes are seductive

Wide thighs usually mean wide hips, and anyone who says Marilyn Monroe's curves aren't sexy is a liar.

If you have been hiding your curves until now due to lack of self-confidence, then stop doing it now! Wear tight-fitting clothing; everyone will appreciate it.

Wide hips = big butt

Naturally, voluminous buttocks look more seductive than narrow ones. Today, women spend more and more time in the gym trying to pump up their buttocks and make their butts rounder and do hundreds of squats to do this.

Plus, women with larger hips are much healthier and stronger.

The lower torso will be strong

The leg muscles are the largest in the entire body, and all thanks to the hips.

The more muscle, the faster the metabolism and the better fat burning.

And who doesn’t want to run hard, squat, and train with heavy weights?

And this is only a small part of the benefits of large hips!

Less risk of heart disease

Here's why: getting rid of fat that accumulates in the thighs and buttocks is much more difficult than that stored in the abdominal cavity, but it is better than having a bulging belly (this was the conclusion of researchers at Oxford).

Having excess belly fat increases your risk of diabetes and heart disease.

Blood sugar levels decrease

Also, the above-mentioned study showed that women with large hips have better blood flow, lower cholesterol levels and better production of hormones that reduce sugar.

Less pain in old age

Iowa researchers have found that strong thigh muscles can help women avoid knee pain in the future.

Unique style

It doesn't matter if you're petite, tall or average, wide hips mean it's difficult to choose the simplest clothes, so the number of a seamstress becomes a favorite in your phone book.

As a result, you have no choice but to stand out from the crowd.

You have great company

What do runners, rock climbers, surfers, and snowboarders have in common? Large muscular thighs. They need them to overcome all obstacles and win medals.

So you should be proud of your thighs.

Large hips – strong muscle corset

It doesn't matter how wide your hips are. Strong hips mean strong muscles, which means a healthy spine and less risk of back injuries.

Endurance on the dance floor

Take Beyoncé for example, have you seen her dance? This is partly due to her amazing thighs.

While your friends are exhausted after several hours of dancing, everything is just beginning for you, because strong thighs are more suitable for night dancing.

Your phone is safe

Your phone will have a soft landing if it accidentally falls at such a piquant moment.

Yes, the advantage is quite controversial, but it’s true that many of us use our phones while in the restroom and often our knees cannot save the phone from falling (especially if there is a gap between the thighs).

Like for wide hips!

Skinny thighs and skinny legs are the envy of many women.

Lack of muscle mass doesn't always look good and can pose a health risk.

You may even become the target of ridicule and bullying, which can greatly affect your self-esteem.

If you are unable to gain mass in certain areas, you can try increasing muscle mass in the hips and legs.

How to make your hips wider

Our body gains weight when we consume more calories than we burn. To gain weight, you should increase your calorie intake by 250-500.

However, it is not for you to decide where the increase in volumes will occur.

If your middle or upper body stands out, and your legs and hips are thin, then as you gain weight, the proportions will remain the same.

It's all about calories

Calories provide fuel for the body and energy for functions such as circulation, breathing, and all muscle activity.

Whenever you consume more calories than your body burns for fuel, the excess is stored in fat cells, causing them to grow.

Excessive consumption of any food leads to increased thigh fat. An extra 3,500 calories roughly equates to 0.5 kg of fat. This process usually lasts for weeks or months if you continuously consume more calories than your body needs.

In most cases, after the age of 8 years, girls' bodies accumulate fat more actively than boys' bodies.

During adolescence, fat cells in girls increase almost 2 times compared to boys.

Most of the fat is deposited in the thighs and buttocks.

If you have not yet reached puberty, then you should not do anything to gain weight; this is very likely to happen naturally due to hormonal changes in the body.

To widen your hips you need to eat

Try to eat healthy foods, but in larger portions than you are used to. Building muscle requires a lot of energy. You will have to eat more often than the standard 3 times a day.

Don't go to extremes, but try to get out of your comfort zone so that your muscles get the food they need.

Aim to consume more calories than you expend.

Daily calorie expenditure can be calculated using an online calculator that takes into account your volume, age and activity level.

Based on the results, add 250-500 calories to your diet. You can also consult a nutritionist about the amount of calories you need.

Don't use junk food as a source of extra calories. This is a mistake many people make because they believe that calories are only found in such foods.

Calories should come from healthy foods such as starchy vegetables (corn, sweet potatoes), fruits, whole grains, dairy products, unsaturated fats and protein.

For example, for breakfast, add 2 tablespoons of walnuts to your porridge.

A second breakfast could consist of 2 slices of whole grain bread with 2 tablespoons of peanut butter and mashed banana.

You may be adding extra calories with each meal.

For lunch, in addition to dessert, you can eat yogurt without fillers, and for dinner, drink a glass of low-fat milk.

Products for wide hips

Anyone who wants to see progress in the growth of their thighs and buttocks should eat as much protein as possible. The most popular misconception is that protein shakes or protein consumption are exclusively for bodybuilders.

This is far from the truth. Every human body on the planet needs protein-rich foods to stay healthy. In fact, it doesn’t matter whether you exercise or not, in any case, increasing the amount of protein in your diet will be beneficial.

If you are training to enlarge your buttocks and thighs, then your protein intake should increase as it is the building material for muscles.

Below are the highest quality sources of protein.

Protein for thigh growth

  • Legumes (beans, chickpeas);
  • Cottage cheese;
  • Eggs;
  • Lean ground beef;
  • Lean meat tenderloin;
  • Protein powder;
  • Salmon;
  • Skinless chicken breasts
  • Soy nuts;
  • Steak;
  • Tilapia;
  • Tuna;
  • Turkey;
  • Sandwich with vegetables;
  • Any fish (not fried).


  • Brown rice;
  • Bread;
  • Couscous;
  • Low sugar porridge;
  • Cereals;
  • Quinoa;
  • Sweet potato;
  • Cookie;
  • 100% whole grain bread.


Fats don't make you fat! Despite this outdated belief (which, by the way, some still adhere to), fat does not make you fat, unless the product contains a horse dose of calories.

Excessive excess calories and unhealthy foods are what lead to obesity.

There are healthy sources of fats that can help you lose weight or improve your figure. They are:

  • Almond oil;
  • Extra virgin olive oil;
  • Fish fat;
  • Nuts (almonds, cashews, etc.);
  • Peanut butter (preferably one that contains peanuts; avoid oils containing sugar and hydrogenated oils, which are harmful to health).


  • Broccoli;
  • Dark green vegetables;
  • Cabbage;
  • Spinach;
  • Tomatoes.

Going forward, start replacing, adding, or mixing these healthy foods to grow your butt.

Protein will help you gain weight

When gaining weight, it is best to focus on muscle growth rather than fat. To grow muscles, you should increase the amount of calories you consume, and also do not forget about training.

If you consume 0.55 grams of protein per 0.5 kg of body weight daily, then your body will quickly recover from training and your muscles will grow.

You can add a protein shake to your daily diet, especially if you are very busy during the day.

When increasing your calories, make sure some of them come from protein-rich foods.

For example, during breakfast, replace butter with nut butter (2 tablespoons - 7 grams of protein); eat porridge not with water, but with milk, thereby adding another 8 grams of protein to your diet; add ½ cup roasted white meat chicken to salad (20 grams protein); 100 grams of ground turkey in marinara sauce or vegetable soup (22 grams of protein).

As a snack, you can use low-fat cheese, Greek yogurt or hard-boiled eggs.

Train your hips and thighs

Strength training will help every girl build muscle mass, her legs and thighs will become strong and elastic. Thanks to such training, you will build muscle and your lower body will increase in size.

You can train exclusively your legs and hips 2-3 times a week (preferably not in a row). For best results, train 3-4 times a week.

If you're new to strength training, start with one set of 10 to 14 bodyweight exercises, such as lunges, step-ups, and squats. After a week or two, include weights in the form of barbells and dumbbells in your workout.

Increase the weights over time.

As you progress, you can start doing single-leg squats, donkey kicks, glute bridges, and deadlifts.

After 8-10 reps, you can increase the weight to maximize muscle growth.

Although your goal is to grow muscle in your legs and thighs, don't forget to train your upper body and do cardio.

Include exercises for the chest, arms, shoulders and back in your workout.

For cardio, you can use running, cycling, brisk walking for 20-30 minutes to maintain healthy respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

Overcoming Difficulties in Gaining Muscle Mass

There are body types that are genetically not inclined to increase volume. In this case, it is important to understand that increasing calories in the diet will help activate the muscle growth process.

To improve your performance in the gym, consume protein-containing foods after workouts. Half a chicken, a turkey sandwich or a protein shake will do you good.

It is imperative to get enough sleep and drink enough water to have a healthy body and build muscle mass. During adolescence, the body requires 8-10 hours of sleep per day.

At a more mature age, the required number of hours of sleep decreases to 6-8.

The best exercises for wide hips

  • Don't be lazy while training, because muscle growth occurs only when you load your muscles to the maximum. When under load, muscle fibers tear, then recover and become stronger and larger;
  • If you do not increase the load, then this process will not occur. Your muscles only respond to exercise when you feel a burning sensation. If you approach training responsibly, the results will not be long in coming;
  • Use adequate load. Beginners can train with their own weight. If it becomes easy, you can use dumbbells or a barbell. The weight should be such that it is enough for 10-15 repetitions;
  • It is imperative to be able to distinguish between when you are on the verge of injury and when the body is already at the limit of endurance. If you are a beginner, you should consult a personal trainer before starting to exercise to learn more about your physical abilities;
  • Always follow the correct exercise technique. If the technique is incorrect, you will not get the desired result and there is a risk of injury. If you are not sure about the technique of performing an exercise, watch training videos or consult a trainer;
  • Remember that you should feel a burning sensation in the thigh area. If you feel it in another place, then most likely you are doing the exercise incorrectly and thereby harming your muscles or joints;
  • Do not use too heavy weights. If the dumbbells are too heavy for you and you cannot fully perform the exercise, then you need to reduce the weight;
  • Over time, increase the number of repetitions and working weights. Every week your muscles will become bigger and stronger. In order for your hips to increase in volume, you should increase the load every 2 weeks.

A little more about nutrition for wide hips

After doing the amazing exercises we suggested, your thighs and buttocks are ready to grow.

Micro tears have formed in the gluteal and adjacent muscles and the muscles are now in recovery mode.

Your muscles now need the right amount of calories and protein. You need the right proportions of protein, fat and carbohydrates to trigger maximum muscle growth.

There's no point in sweating in the gym without eating right.

For those who don't, don't worry, all you need is basic information about macronutrients.

I suspect that most of those reading this article are eating solely to maintain weight.

If I'm right, then you need to reconsider your ineffective diet.

Since training burns calories, you will eat a little more, because your appetite will grow in accordance with your body's needs.

It's time to start consuming 100-150 more calories.

Those who want to gain weight can eat even more. And those who want to shape their buttocks and lose weight should eat a little less.

Don't worry. Your body itself will signal hunger; your task is to feed it the right foods.


How soon will there be visible progress?

As soon as you start following all the rules, the results will be noticeable almost immediately.

In the first week you will see overall weight gain and an increase in hip size.

There is no need to be scared, as most women do, when they see not sexy buttocks and perfect thighs, but excess weight. Just be patient, everything will be soon.

Another couple of weeks will pass, and you will see even more voluminous thighs and even greater weight gain.

Still not a perfect butt and thighs. Do not panic! The best is yet to come.

At this stage you will train 3 times a week plus cardio and you will see significant improvements.

4 weeks of training and the result will be even more noticeable, and training will be a pleasure.

A month will pass and you will be happy to see your perfect hips and sexy buttocks. Keep training and improving your form.

To increase the width of your hips, you need to build up muscle mass and use a number of special exercises. Do them at least 3 times a week. Within a month you will notice that your legs and hips have become smoother and more rounded.

Get on your knees. Clearly fix the positions of your hands, knees and toes - they should be level. Make sure your fingers are pointing forward, your elbows are under your shoulders, and your head is in line with your spine. Raise your right leg and pull your toe towards your head. Then lower it and pull your knee towards your chest. The leg must be supported. Do another 12-15 times. Change leg and do the same. Lie on your right side and rest your head on your hand. Bend the knee of your left leg. Place your foot behind the shin of your right leg. Then lift your right leg and pull it towards you. Strive to turn the top of your inner thigh out. Hold the position for 1-2 minutes. Next, lower your leg, but not all the way. Perform 20-40 repetitions and change legs.

Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Squat down, straighten your back and stretch your arms forward. Hold for 10 seconds. Make sure your thighs are parallel to the floor. Return to the starting position. Do the exercise 10-15 times. For the next exercise you will have to visit the gym. If you have never trained with a barbell, do not lift more than 15 kg. Take the barbell and place it on the edge of your shoulders. Straighten your back, place your feet shoulder-width apart and fix the position. Then begin to gently squat down. Slowly return to the starting position. Repeat 8-10 times. Make sure your knees are level and pointing straight. Look straight while doing the exercise, otherwise you may feel dizzy.

When you can easily perform the above exercise, place your feet not shoulder-width apart, but slightly wider. It is this position that will force the surface of the thighs to work. Try to squat as low as possible, but don't overdo it. The first time you do squats, do them slowly and carefully. If during execution you cannot keep your heels on the ground (they rise unconsciously), place small bars (3-5 cm) under them.

To widen your hips, do the following exercise. Sit down and touch the floor with your hands. Then jump up sharply. Stretch your arms above your head as you jump. Return to the starting position and take another jump. This exercise works the muscles well, so it will help you increase the width of your hips very quickly. Combine the above workouts with waist exercises. Do straight crunches. To do this, lie on the floor and lift your upper body. Press your lower back firmly to the floor. Bend your legs a little and also lift them off the floor. Hold for 1-2 minutes. Do 10-15 reps. Also do oblique crunches. They are performed in exactly the same way as straight ones, only while lifting the body, you should reach with your left elbow to your right knee, and then vice versa. During all exercises, make sure that your diet includes the daily amount of protein, which is necessary for muscle growth. Eat more meat, fish, low-fat cottage cheese and plant foods. If you don't eat meat at all, take extra protein. There are many manufacturers that make plant-based protein shakes and other quality protein products.

Regular exercise will help you make your hips more rounded and attractive. When you achieve results, don’t give up on training – always try to keep your body in shape.

Curvy female figures are increasingly becoming the subject of controversy in the media and society, and we also cannot avoid this topic. In this article, we will share the secrets of how to reduce your waist and remove your belly fat at home. Sometimes, in order to visually reduce your waist, you need to make your hips wider, which you will also learn about if necessary.

The fashion for being excessively thin and curvy is a thing of the past, and today the ideal figure is beautiful proportions with shapes and curves. Read on to find out how to slim your waist, what exercises to do and how to change your diet to lose belly fat and get your dream figure.

Skinny girls who live with the times don't actually need to gain extra weight to have more attractive body curves. And curvy people don’t need to strive to lose weight at all costs.

On the contrary, it is almost the opposite of reality. But since not everyone has the same body structure, therefore, because of this, we used “almost”. Therefore, we will try to figure out how to make your waist thinner and remove your belly, while getting wide hips.

If you are very thin with a completely flat stomach, then this is not for you. Your waist may already be as thin as possible.

And your attempts to become even thinner will only lead to loss of muscle mass in other parts of the body, especially in the buttocks and thighs.

If your current body fat level is between 35% and 40%, you can accentuate your curves by making your butt look bigger by losing weight in your abdominal area.

It's true, you can make your butt bigger and lose weight at the same time.

Take a moment to look at yourself in the mirror to see how much more visible your butt would be if your waist simply shrunk in inches?

Yes it is possible! With proper diet and exercise for a smaller waist. A beautiful pumped up butt, rounded hips and a narrow waist... Dreams come true when you act wisely and apply only effective advice.

1. Be willing to change your diet

  • Narrowing your waist requires weight loss, which cannot be achieved through exercise alone. You must be willing to eat healthier and reduce or eliminate unhealthy foods if you want to see good results. You need to correctly calculate your daily individual calorie intake.
  • You will need discipline and determination. As well as reducing your daily calorie intake, increasing the amount of protein in your diet to help, in particular, with reducing waist size and keeping muscles in the right places.

2. Start your day with a healthy, nutritious breakfast

  • For a perfectly balanced breakfast, you need to combine high-vitamin fruits, eggs as a source of protein and whole grain bread or cereal. When you're snacking on the go, take a fitness bar or smoothie with you, as they are convenient to eat and full of vitamins and nutrients.
  • Before each meal during breakfast, try to drink a glass of water, this will help reduce your appetite and protect your body from overeating.

3. Add more fiber to your diet

  • Include a variety of high-fiber foods in your diet to reap the benefits of both insoluble and soluble fiber. Soluble fibers include barley and oats, citrus fruits and carrots, peas and beans, and apples. Insolubles include nuts, beans and green vegetables, wheat bran and products containing whole grains.

4. Eat healthy fats

  • Polyunsaturated fats such as Omega-3, found in fish oil, flaxseed oil, tofu, walnuts, herring, and salmon, are additional healthy fats you can include in your diet. They help reduce bad cholesterol, increase brain performance, improve the breakdown of fat cells and heart function.
  • Avoid trans fats (found in cookies, crackers, margarine and any other food made with partially hydrogenated oil), they contribute to abdominal deposits so should be avoided if possible.

How to achieve a thin waist and wide hips

To achieve a smaller waist and larger hips, follow a few simple steps:

#1 Determine your body fat content

The first thing you need to do is define .

#2 What is the optimal percentage of body fat for curvy figures?

Once you know your body fat content, what next? If 35% or higher, you need to choose the right diet in which the body can lose some fat.

And don't worry about losing thigh fat. If the diet is followed correctly, you will lose most of the belly fat long before your thighs shrink.

If your result is 25% or lower, then you need to make a few dietary changes. 25% body fat is generally considered optimal for curvy curves.

Your tummy will be moderately flat, so you just need to add weight in the right areas.

You can still try to lose belly fat, but dieting is not the answer.

You should focus on exercises to develop beautiful buttocks.

If your body fat level is around 18%, it's time to start eating better. Your hormone levels may be very low at this rate.

If you go to the gym frequently, you may need to take a break and start eating healthy fats and calories if your estrogen levels are low.

Low estrogen levels have side effects that include completely flat hips and breasts.

#3 Exercises to reduce your waist

If your body fat level is over 18%, it's time to develop a workout plan! This part can be very interesting depending on your goals.

Who doesn't like to look good? So, in creating a regular workout plan, remember the key to achieving wide hips and a narrow waist is training the right areas correctly.

A good option for regular training is to do high reps of tummy exercises and low reps with weights to tone your butt and thighs.

Here are some basic exercises. Select a few from each section, then do them two to three times a week.

Exercises for a thin waist

Here exercise videos that will not only give you good results but will also burn excess fat in your lower belly for a flat, sexy tummy.

How many times a week should I do the exercises from the video?

3 - 4 times a week.

What do I need to eat?

Try to be more careful about what you eat. Make sure to avoid junk foods and eat mostly vegetables, fibrous foods, fruits and drink plenty of water.

Other exercises (optional)

  1. Side plank

Goals - strengthening the inner thighs, oblique and transverse abdominal muscles and pelvic muscles.

Lie on your side, forming a straight line from head to toes, resting on your forearm.

Your elbow should be directly under your shoulder. Tighten your abdominal muscles and lift your hips off the floor, maintaining a straight line.

Make sure your hips and neck form a straight line. Stay in this position for 25-40 seconds and then lower. Repeat the exercise 2-3 times and then switch to the other side. (If this is too difficult for you, do the exercise with your knees bent).

  1. Russian twist

This exercise, through twisting movements, strengthens and tightens the muscles in the sides and burns fat in the midsection.

To perform the Russian twist, sit on the floor with your knees bent and your feet supported, then lean back so that there is a 45-degree or so angle between your torso and hips.

Make sure you keep your back straight and have support under your feet, or have someone help you support them.

Lock your hands together, then turn as far as you can, to the right, pause, then turn to the left as far as you can.

This is one approach, repeat 10 - 15 times.

Exercises for shoulders and chest

By focusing on your upper body, your waist will appear smaller, so you can incorporate chest and shoulder workouts into your regimen to help create the illusion of a narrower waist.

The exercises suggested below will really help you lose midsection fat.

  1. Push ups

One of the classic exercises for the arms and chest muscles. Easy version - you kneel and then lean forward and lower yourself onto your hands, palms down, shoulder-width apart.

Lower yourself down on your hands, keeping your chest off the floor, then return back to the starting position, still only on your hands.

Advanced Version - You start this workout in a plank position.

Lower yourself down on your hands until your chest touches the floor, then return back to plank position with your arms fully extended, repeat several times.

This is an exercise for the arms and shoulders. To perform this you will need a strong chair.

Sit on the edge of a chair, legs extended forward, heels on the ground.

Grab the edge of the chair and lower your body down until your arms form a 90-degree angle.

Bend your arms to return your body back to the starting position and repeat.

  1. Cardio exercises

Cardio is essential to help you create an hourglass figure by burning fat around your midsection, making it look slimmer and your waist smaller, along with strengthening your entire body.

Cardio also keeps the heart healthy and supplies enough blood and oxygen to the muscles, promoting good body health.

Cardio is great for burning calories and maintaining a healthy body weight, which is ideal for achieving a sexy physique.

Dancing, cycling, swimming, and step aerobics are some of the best cardio workouts to lose fat. Ideally, for beginners, you should do 30 minutes of cardio, 4 or more times per week.

For those who would simply like to maintain their current level -2-4 times for 20 minutes per week.

You can choose interval training as your cardio workout if you don't have time for the gym. After warming up, exercise vigorously for about 1 minute, then at a slower pace for 45 seconds, repeat this cycle 10 times.

  1. Exercise vacuum

This exercise will help you reduce your belly fat at home without pumping your abs without going to the gym.

How to achieve a thin waist much faster

Avoid low-rise jeans -nWearing this style when you have excess fat in your sides can create a very unattractive look.

An alternative to these jeans is high-waisted jeans, which hide excess fat on the waist, hips and give the effect of a thin waist.

These jeans look great with a shirt tucked into them.

Wear corrective shapewear -V Choosing the right underwear can really help reduce your waistline.

You can choose the Shapewear line, they have been found to be very effective.

Corsets - this is another suitable option. Many centuries ago, this lingerie was worn by women of almost all age groups; in the 21st century, corsets have again gained popularity for creating a smooth, sexy silhouette, both as an independent item of clothing and as a wearable item under clothing.

Steel wide-boned corsets (which are completely painless) can actually permanently reduce your waist size when worn for a long time!

When choosing a corset, choose one that is 10-12 cm smaller than your waist size.

For example, if your waist is 65 cm, then choose a corset of 50-55 cm. For beginners, it is better to be 10 cm less than 12.5 cm.

To find out your waist size, stand in front of a mirror with a measuring tape and measure the narrowest part of your waist, which is usually 3cm above your belly button.
Don't wear jeans that are too small for you. Be careful when purchasing clothes, especially when choosing pants.

If you're not sure this is your size, take a friend shopping with you who won't be afraid to give an honest opinion, or you can ask a store assistant to help you with fitting.

Wear belts around your waist - Such belts focus attention on the narrowest part of the waist, and it looks smaller than it actually is.

They are great for women with larger hips, wear them with dresses and even winter coats as they accentuate the bust and give the illusion of an hourglass.

The belt can be woven, thin, wide, decorated with precious stones, and the list is endless!

Wear A-line dresses - Such dresses make the waist narrow, but gradually widen towards the bottom.

This makes the waist really smaller, but at the same time highlights any imperfections, if any, around the hips.

A-line dresses are ideal for almost any body shape.

Avoid carbonated drinks and excess sodium is an easy way to avoid excess salt and reduce your processed food intake as much as possible.

Excess sodium contributes to fluid retention in the body and swelling of the body.

If you are aiming for a toned, flat tummy, a well-balanced diet is very effective and has many benefits, such as reducing weight and keeping it off in the long run.

Achieving a big butt and flat stomach is possible!

Getting a big butt doesn't mean getting fat. It doesn't mean a big belly either.

Gradually increasing calories will reduce your waist and increase your butt size.

The key to achieving our goals is to properly distribute nutrients and ensure that we complete our daily workouts.

So much has changed over the years, previously only men worked on shaping a beautiful silhouette of their body, now women are following in their footsteps and using the knowledge they gain to create an attractive figure.

Women with a thin physique dream of more rounded hips. To expand them, it is necessary to pump up the muscles of the buttocks and thighs. To do this, it is recommended to do special exercises at home.

The exercises described below will tell you how to increase the width of your hips. They will help build muscle mass if done three times a week. After 30 days of active exercise, you will become the owner of straight legs and rounded hips.

List of exercises to widen the hips:

  1. Get on your knees. Point your fingers forward, place your elbows under your shoulders, and place your head in line with your spine. Raising your right leg, you need to pull your toe towards your head. Lowering it, pull your knee towards your chest. Try to keep your leg weighted. Repeat twelve times. Do similar actions with the other leg;
  2. Lying on your right side, support your head with your hand, bending your left knee. Place your foot behind your right shin. Raising your right leg, you need to pull it towards you. You need to try to turn the inner thigh up. Stay in this position for about 60 seconds. Then lower the leg a little. The exercise is performed twenty to forty times for each leg;
  3. Spread your legs wide, squat down and straighten your back. Stretch your arms in front of you. Sit in this position for ten seconds. It is important to keep your thighs parallel to the floor. Repeat squats no more than fifteen times;
  4. If this is your first time lifting a barbell, do not attempt to lift more than fifteen kilograms. Taking a sports equipment, place it on the edge of your shoulders. Make sure your back is straight and your feet are shoulder-width apart. From this position, slowly squat down. Carefully rise to the starting position. You need to squat with a barbell eight times. When performing the exercise, it is also important to ensure that your knees are level and straight. To avoid dizziness, you also need to look straight;
  5. To ensure your hips work well, the previous exercise should be performed with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. You need to squat lower and lower. If your heels rise when performing exercises with a barbell, you can place blocks three to five centimeters high under them;
  6. This exercise is suitable for widening your hips. Sitting on the floor, you need to touch it with your hands. After this you need to jump up sharply. When performing a jump, your arms should be extended above your head. Thanks to this exercise, the muscles are well developed and the hips grow very quickly.

It is important to combine the described exercises with physical activity for the waist. Do straight crunches. Lying on the floor, you need to raise your upper body. The lower back should lie strictly on the floor. Bend your legs and lift them above the floor level. Stay in this position for a minute. Repeat ten times.

Do oblique twists as well. They are performed similarly to straight crunches, but when lifting the body, you need to pull your left elbow towards your right knee and vice versa.

In addition to the described exercises, it is important to monitor your diet in order for muscles to grow well. It is important that the body receives the right amount of protein. Eat meat, fish, low-fat cottage cheese and plant foods. Vegetarians need to take additional protein in the form of special shakes and other similar products.

Even after achieving the desired shape, you should not abandon the exercises. Keep doing them to keep your muscles toned.

Increasing volume with a barbell

In order for your legs to match your beautiful, pumped torso, you need to devote time to them. To build bigger thighs, use a barbell and a high-protein diet.

Exercises with a barbell for the beauty of the hips:

  1. Coming close to the barbell lying on the floor, squat down and touch it with your knees. With your arms wide apart, grab the bar. Bend at the lower back, spread your shoulder blades and straighten your arms. Moving powerfully, stand on your feet, straightening your body and shrugging your shoulders. The barbell should be lifted close to the body. Having raised the projectile to chest level, squat under it, bringing your elbows forward, place it on your shoulders. Then carefully place the barbell on the floor and repeat the exercise;
  2. Place the apparatus on the front deltoid muscles and spread your legs wide apart. Tilt your pelvis back a little, bend your knees a little and try to sit down well. It is important to lower the hip joints below the knee joints. Return to the original position and perform the exercise one more time;
  3. With the barbell on your back and your feet shoulder-width apart, bend your knees. Taking a wide step back, bend both legs and try to keep your weight on your front leg. Returning to the starting position, lunge with your other leg. Repeat the exercise several times for each leg;
  4. Wrap your hands wide around the bar. With your elbows straight, place the barbell above your head. Squat down. Returning to the starting position, do this exercise several more times;
  5. Having placed the apparatus on the floor, squat down and touch the bar firmly with your shins. Arch your lower back slightly. Grab the barbell with your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Push off the floor with your feet and lift the projectile. Aligning it with your knees, straighten your body and stand straight. Holding the barbell, lower yourself to the starting position and repeat;
  6. Exercises should be done with both heavy and medium weights. The hip muscles are very well pumped with high-intensity short loads. It is recommended to do five repetitions with the maximum weight possible for you.

Take note! The more weight you train with, the longer you should rest between workouts. Muscles can fully recover only after two days. Therefore, heavy loads should be performed every three days.

Rounding the hips

To round and tighten your hips and become a more attractive woman, you need to systematically perform strength exercises. They need to be performed four times every seven days.

The following exercises will tell you how to make your hips round:

  1. Standing straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart. Place your arms along your body. Exhaling, shift your whole body onto your right leg and lunge to the side. Place your palms on your right thigh. Inhaling, return to the starting position. Then, as you exhale, lunge to the left. The exercise must be repeated twenty times for each leg;
  2. Connect your legs and place your palms on your belt. As you exhale, lunge forward with your right leg. Stay in this position for about a minute. Inhaling, return to the starting position. Do the same for the left leg. You need to repeat three more times;
  3. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, palms back on your hips. As you exhale, squat down, move your tailbone back, and place your hands in front of you. Stay in this position for no more than ten seconds. Your thighs should be parallel to the floor during a squat. Inhaling, take the starting pose. You need to perform fifteen such squats;
  4. Kneel down and place your palms on the floor under your shoulders. Raise your right leg parallel to the floor. In this case, you need to pull the toe towards you. Stay in this position for sixty seconds. After this, rock up and down for a minute. As you exhale, replace your right leg with your left. And do the exercise one more time in the same way;
  5. Sit on a covered mat and straighten your legs. Place your hands crosswise on your chest. Step forward with your buttocks at a distance of two meters. Having reached the finish line, use your buttocks to move backwards, backwards, like a caterpillar.

Thanks to such simple daily workouts, you can achieve beautiful rounded shapes in the hips and buttocks in a short time. It is important to perform all exercises smoothly, without sudden movements and systematically.

In addition to a set of exercises, try to take the elevator less, and rather walk up the stairs. This will be a workout for both your legs, hips, butt and spine.

It is important to walk in the fresh air, drink plenty of fluids, and eat foods rich in proteins, fats and carbohydrates. If necessary, after consulting a doctor, you can take a course of vitamins and minerals to strengthen the immune system and maintain muscle mass. By following all the recommendations described above, any woman can make her figure attractive, and her hips and buttocks rounded and expanded.