Foot baths at home recipes. Foot baths at home - various recipes

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious!

Mar 17 2016


How nice after a long walk to come home, relax your legs, relax. And what if you combine a feeling of relaxation with benefits for the skin? A foot bath will help you with this. Relaxing baths with hydromassage, softening and cleansing the skin - the choice is great. To choose the right one, you will need information about the correct use of products, the nuances in terms of skin care.

Types of foot baths

There are such types of baths:

  1. Therapeutic. With colds, procedures with warming properties are highly effective. For her, 50 g of mustard powder is diluted with water heated to 60C and the legs are steamed until perspiration appears.
  2. Emollient. To give the skin softness, a glass of herculean flakes is poured with a glass of boiling water. After 20 minutes, add to a bowl of warm water.
  3. Purifying. In a liter of warm water dissolve a tablespoon of sea salt and two teaspoons of soda. If there is no sea salt, then it is replaced with ordinary table salt or soapy water.
  4. Contrasting. You will need two bowls of water. In one, the water temperature should be 40C, in the other - 15C. Alternately for 20 seconds we lower our feet into each of the basins.
  5. Tonic. In warm water, add 2 drops of lavender oil, eucalyptus, rosemary, 2 tablespoons of sea salt.
  6. From excessive sweating. Pour two tablespoons of wormwood, rowan leaves, oak bark with boiling water (0.5 l). After 20 minutes of infusion, dilute the warm water with a decoction.
  7. To maintain immunity. We make an infusion of flaxseed: pour 4 tablespoons of grass with a glass of boiling water, after insisting, add to a bowl of water.

Carrying out the procedure at home

It is not necessary to allocate special time for the bath. You can do the procedure as an addition while sitting at the computer or reading a book. A lot of time is not required, the most optimal period is from 15 to 20 minutes. You can’t leave your feet in the container for more than half an hour, because of this, ugly folds form on the skin, it wrinkles a lot. The temperature of the water in the basin depends on the type of bath. This is a great way to cleanse the skin, its relaxation, rest after the day's fuss.

From edema and to relieve fatigue

Edema is well relieved by apple cider vinegar or lemon juice diluted with two liters of water. For this you need:

  1. Take half a glass of any of the funds.
  2. Do not use too hot water for this type of bath.
  3. To relax your legs, relieve fatigue from them, you need to add an infusion of chamomile and lime blossom to a bowl of water.
  4. To prepare it, add 2 tablespoons of linden and chamomile to 0.5 liters of boiling water.
  5. Insist 20 minutes, prepare a bath.

From calluses and corns

Calluses, cracks on the skin and corns are an unpleasant thing and bring discomfort, pain when walking. Calluses on the legs are not as harmless as it might seem - they provoke a curvature of posture and gait. A very interesting and beneficial recipe for the skin of the legs using prunes, which should be used before bedtime. After you have done the whole procedure, you need to walk carefully at night: the structures on your legs are too slippery and there is a risk of falling.

Cooking process:

  1. For one procedure, you will need 8 pieces of pitted prunes and 1 glass of milk.
  2. Boil prunes in milk until soft, leave to cool to a warm state, beat the broth with a blender or mixer and add to a bowl of water.
  3. After the liquid has cooled, we stretch the legs and process them with a pumice stone, a file.
  4. We lubricate with a thick cream, put plastic bags on our feet and go to bed.

To eliminate bad odor

Do your feet smell bad after a hard day? Sets of herbs will help here: lavender, chamomile, sage, celandine, yarrow. With the help of herbs, a decoction is prepared, which is poured into a bowl of warm water. The naturalness of the product allows it to be used even by the most staunch opponents of cosmetic materials.

Cooking process:

  1. All of the above herbs in an amount of 2 tablespoons each are poured with 5 cups of boiling water.
  2. After 30 minutes, we combine the decoction in a bowl with 2 liters of water, a spoonful of sea salt and essential oils to soften the skin.
  3. You can take rosemary oil, lavender, pine, grape seed oil.
  4. The procedure will not only eliminate the bad smell of the skin, but also soften the feet.

Before you start using the bath, be sure to test the remedy for an allergic reaction on the bend of the elbow. Components in the form of oils of some herbs are not suitable for everyone. Find out the availability of the product, its presence in the right amount and the main purpose of the bath. The temperature regime and components will not cure you of cold manifestations, and the sweat remedy will not soften the corns.

with soda

Excessive sweating, corns, cracked skin of the feet are a good reason to use a multifunctional soda bath. Cooking process:

  1. You can dissolve pure soda for the bath.
  2. Add 1 tablespoon of soda powder to 1 liter of warm water and apply for 20 minutes.
  3. After this procedure, it is advisable to apply a nourishing cream on your feet and put on socks.

When adding a decoction of chamomile, calendula or celandine to such a soda bath, the procedure will help soften the heels and roughness of the skin. It will be easier to conduct a pumice stone treatment session, a special file for problem areas of the legs after such a soda bath. Calendula and celandine additionally heal small cracks in the skin of the feet.


Paraffin bath for hands and feet is becoming more and more popular among clients of fashionable beauty salons. With the help of paraffin therapy, you will be able to moisturize, soften the skin, relieve stress, fatigue and strengthen nails. Good warming up of the legs eliminates pain in the joints. The procedure is very simple even for home use. Frequency of use: 1-2 times a week.

To achieve the correct consistency of the product, follow these steps:

  1. Melt cosmetic paraffin in a water bath until warm. It should not burn the skin.
  2. While melting the main ingredient, clean the skin of the feet well with lotion and scrub.
  3. Lower your legs for a maximum of 10 seconds and take them out. Repeat the process 5 times until a thick layer of paraffin appears on the feet.
  4. Put on bags, warm socks on the legs and leave for half an hour (all night). Then the paraffin is removed and a cream is applied to the skin.

with mustard

Very highly effective remedy for combating colds, infectious diseases. The procedure has been familiar since childhood, mothers used mustard powder as soon as a cough or runny nose appeared. A mustard bath is contraindicated in case of illness for people with high fever. Table mustard is not suitable for such a bath, you will need dry mustard powder.

Cooking process:

  1. Take a liter of hot water, add a tablespoon of mustard.
  2. We dip our feet for a certain time: from 10 to 30 minutes, but as the water cools, you need to add hot liquid to the bowl, the feet should not cool sharply.
  3. The procedure should be carried out daily until the symptoms of the disease pass and the person fully recovers. 1-2 procedures will be required per day.

With sea salt

A bath with sea salt relieves not only the physical tension of the legs, but also helps to get rid of heavy emotional energy, relieve stress and tension. Such sessions have healing properties for colds, preventive for venous diseases. For colds, baths are used every day until recovery, and for weakness and vascular diseases - twice a week.

Multifunctional salt bath recipe:

  1. For a liter of warm water, you need to take a drop of coniferous oil, a tablespoon of coarse sea salt. We dissolve the ingredients.
  2. We lower the feet into the liquid and hold for about half an hour.
  3. As soon as the water cools, add hot water with diluted sea salt.

With hydrogen peroxide

It is quite possible to return smoothness, softness and tenderness to the heels without visiting salons. An assistant for the legs in such an important matter is the usual hydrogen peroxide. In using the product, the moment of the correct proportion is very important so as not to harm the feet. Peroxide is allowed to be used if the roughness of the heel was not caused by a serious illness.

Cooking process:

  1. To soften the heels we need: 4 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide, 1.5 liters of hot water.
  2. We dilute a weak solution of peroxide in a liquid, soar the legs for 5 minutes, remove and clean the softened heels with a pumice stone or a special grinding file.
  3. When carrying out the procedure for the first time, it is better to hold your feet in the water for 2.5 minutes.
  4. Peroxide is a caustic product, so baths are allowed to be done no more than twice a week.

From oak bark

A safe remedy for combating sweating of the feet can be prepared independently with the help of oak bark. When conducting such a session 1-2 times a week, you can cope with an unpleasant pathology and increased sweating. To create a useful decoction, do the following:

  1. We take 500 ml of water, a tablespoon of fine oak bark.
  2. We put the water on the fire, wait for it to boil and lower the oak bark.
  3. Cook for about 7 minutes, cover and insist. Add 200-300 ml of hot water to the finished liquid, place the feet in a bowl. When the water starts to cool - take it out, wipe it dry.


The healing properties of the turpentine bath have a beneficial effect not only on the health of the skin of the legs, but also on the whole organism. Indications for such cosmetic sessions are:

  • arthrosis;
  • arthritis;
  • hypertension;
  • viral infections;
  • the period of treatment after a stroke;
  • weakened immunity.

Cooking process:

  1. 20 ml of turpentine pharmacy solution is added to 3 liters of warm water, mixed thoroughly.
  2. We lower our feet, sit for no more than 10 minutes, after which our feet are wiped dry.
  3. We put on cotton socks and let the legs rest.
  4. Full course: 10-20 procedures.

How to choose a hot tub

Wondering which massage foot bath is better? Beurer, Rowenta, Bosch are companies that produce quality electric foot care devices. Here are some tips for choosing the best hydro massager.

  1. It is very convenient if the device has a water heating function.
  2. When the device has the ability to use it without liquid, it is additionally also a massager, the feet are treated by blowing with an air jet. Such a device will be convenient to take with you on a trip.
  3. The more operating modes of the hydro massager, the more healing properties it can provide to the feet. The function of vibration massage is for relaxation, infrared mode is for diseases, bubble mode is for relieving spasms. Pedicure mode promotes improved skin cleansing.
  4. Ease of use is important: stable position on different surfaces, remote control.

Contraindications for use

There are a number of reasons why you should refuse such a cosmetic session. It is strictly forbidden to carry out the procedure without the permission of a doctor if:

  • pregnancy;
  • frostbite;
  • varicose veins;
  • vascular diseases;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • allergies to components that make up decoctions, infusions, etc.;
  • high body temperature.

Find out what it is, how to use it, its types and characteristics.

The turmoil of the modern rhythm of life affects primarily health. It is from here that the legs of many female diseases “grow”. High heels, nylon tights, tight shoes, on your feet all day, brisk walking - all this leads to arthritis, varicose veins, bursitis, heel spurs, corns and many other misfortunes associated with beautiful female legs. In addition to the main course of treatment, all these troubles can be relieved by foot baths at home, which are not only easy to prepare, but also pleasant to the touch.

Useful properties of foot baths

The versatility of home foot baths is explained by the fact that there are many reflexogenic, vital zones on the feet. Any impact on them affects human health, affecting almost all body systems. Firstly, water therapy is in progress, which gives rest, relieves fatigue and stress, improves mood, soothes and relaxes. Secondly, the thermal effect on the skin of such baths is the acceleration of blood circulation, on which the processes occurring in the body largely depend. Thirdly, the healing power of such procedures is determined by the composition of the prepared solution. You can make salt, mustard, herbal, turpentine, soda foot baths - and each of them will have specific properties. In general, they solve a variety of problems:

  • are an additional tool in the treatment of colds (bronchitis, pneumonia, acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections);
  • help with cardiovascular diseases;
  • lower the pressure;
  • relieve pain during inflammation of the joints, rheumatism;
  • treat purulent and fungal lesions of the legs;
  • increase body temperature for a short time, thereby causing profuse sweat, with which harmful substances are removed from the body through the skin;
  • have a calming effect on the nervous system, help to quickly and soundly fall asleep until the morning;
  • relieve headache and muscle pain;
  • soften corns, remove heel spurs, make rough skin on the feet softer;
  • eliminate unpleasant foot odor, prevent excessive sweating;
  • treat all kinds of foot diseases listed above.

Choosing the right bath to solve your problem, you can alleviate the condition, recover faster from the underlying disease, improve the physical and psycho-emotional state. All this is possible if not only indications are observed, but also contraindications for such foot water procedures.


It is impossible to do foot baths at home without the permission of a doctor for the following diseases and conditions:

  • with varicose veins;
  • with thrombosis;
  • with diseases of peripheral vessels;
  • with diabetes;
  • with frostbite;
  • with individual intolerance to the components of the bath;
  • during pregnancy;
  • at temperatures above 38.5°C.

Failure to comply with these contraindications is fraught with deterioration and various side effects that will require serious treatment. If there are no such health problems, you need to find a suitable recipe and use it.

The Best Foot Baths: Recipes

Before choosing a particular foot bath recipe, pay attention to its composition: are you allergic to these components, are all of them available to you in the required volume. Consider the medicinal purpose of each bath. It would be foolish to wait for the effect of the cold treatment if you need to get rid of sweat.

  • Salt

In order to relieve stagnation of the vascular system, it is recommended to do salt foot baths, which very effectively relieve negative energy and emotional stress. There are a lot of recipes. For example, to bring down the temperature and relieve a cold, you can make a pine-salt bath. Dilute a few drops of pine oil in water and dissolve coarse sea salt. For a liter of warm (the temperature should be comfortable for your body) water, 1 drop of oil and 1 tablespoon of salt should go. The procedure lasts only half an hour, but it is advisable at this time to gradually pour hot water into the basin with salt previously dissolved in it. From a cold, salt baths for the feet can be done every day, to prevent venous diseases and relieve fatigue - twice a week.

  • mustard

In childhood, many people probably made foot baths with mustard, which improved blood flow, warmed them and saved them from colds, coughs and stuffy noses. For this procedure, only mustard powder is used, and not table mustard in its pure form. Per liter of water - 1 tablespoon of powder. You can hold your feet in a mustard bath for 10 minutes, you can - for half an hour, but at the same time constantly pour hot water into the basin. Such baths should be done daily until complete recovery.

  • Soda

Soda foot baths are very popular because of their versatility, which soften corns and save feet from excessive sweating. To prepare such a healing bath, ordinary baking soda is dissolved in a basin of warm water. 1 tablespoon of powder is consumed per liter of liquid. If you add half a glass of chamomile and calendula decoction to soda foot baths, they will perfectly heal microcracks and remove the layer of rough skin on the heels.

  • Turpentine

Recently, turpentine foot baths, which are prepared using a special pharmacy solution, have become widespread. They are recommended for arthrosis, arthritis, viral infections, hypertension, weakened immune system, after a stroke. First, the feet must be immersed in 3 liters of warm water (approximately 37-38 ° C), add 20 ml (this is 1 cap) of the solution to it, mix. Sit like this for no more than 10 minutes. The full course of treatment is from 10 to 20 baths.

  • From sweat

Pour 50 g of oak bark with 500 ml of boiling water, keep on fire for 20 minutes. After cooling and straining, mix the decoction with 5 g of propolis tincture in alcohol and 1 tablespoon of fresh honey. Dissolve 100 ml of the resulting mixture daily in warm water and make foot baths from sweat and odor for ten days in a row.

  • From fatigue

If you are not alien to herbal medicine, you can make herbal foot baths for fatigue, which perfectly relieve tension and pain. Directly into the basin, you need to lay 2 tablespoons of lime blossom and chamomile (in any form - dry or fresh), pour a liter of boiling water, leave for 5-10 minutes. After that, add another liter of water of the desired temperature and dissolve a couple of tablespoons of honey in the bath. The procedure time is about 20 minutes.

Properly prepared and properly used homemade foot baths are an additional treatment to the main course of therapy for many diseases. A pleasant, relaxing, healing procedure will help relieve stress, fatigue, tension before going to bed and have a beneficial effect on the entire body.

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All women and girls know how useful foot baths are - but not everyone does them, limiting themselves to more or less regular visits to the pedicure master and a shared bathroom. Meanwhile, this procedure can work wonders, having a beneficial effect not only on tired legs and hardened heels, but also on general well-being.

It is not difficult to prepare foot baths at home - you will need the most elementary and inexpensive ingredients. In addition, this procedure can be combined with other useful activities: while your legs are soaking in a basin of warm water, you can make a couple of calls, finally clean the memory on your phone or laptop, or just relax in front of the TV.

What does this procedure give?

Conventionally, foot baths can be divided into:

  • medicinal, acting as an adjunct in various diseases;
  • cosmetic - preparing the skin and cuticle around the nails for further procedures and caring for them;
  • preventive and relaxing- for example, when you need to relieve fatigue at the end of the day. Such procedures also prevent the formation of corns, cracks, soften and moisturize the skin of the feet.

For the preparation of baths, salt, soda, soap, ammonia, essential oils and herbal infusions are most often used - we have collected only proven and simple recipes that actually give a good result.

General rules for doing foot baths

Not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance. You can pour hot water into the basin, add salt and foam to it, lower your legs and enjoy. But if you follow the simple advice of experienced cosmetologists, the effect and pleasure will increase significantly.

  1. Water temperature. Depending on what goal is set, the temperature is also selected. For a softening bath that prepares the feet for a pedicure and removal of dead skin and calluses, the water should be hot. For therapeutic baths, warm water is used.
  2. Quantity. Ideally, three to five liters. Do not submerge your feet in knee-deep water, this can be hazardous to your health.
  3. duration. A quarter of an hour is enough to soften the skin, and the substances added to the water have had their effect. Soaring your feet for too long is also harmful.
  4. Additives. Do not abuse even ordinary salt, so as not to overdry and injure the skin. Stick to recipes if you want to get the expected result.

After a foot bath, you should always treat your feet with a pumice stone, then wipe dry and apply a nourishing oily cream. You can wear socks.

Tip: If the skin is very rough, treat your feet with lemon juice before the bath. To do this, cut the lemon into slices and apply to problem areas and calluses, fix it with special cosmetic socks or simply wrap it in cellophane and hold this compress for 15-20 minutes. Natural acid softens dead skin layers more naturally and safely than chemical formulations.


Far from everyone and not always, you can soar your legs - this will be confirmed by any qualified cosmetologist and physician. Foot baths are contraindicated if:

  • you are pregnant, especially in the early stages - there is a threat of termination of pregnancy;
  • you have high blood pressure - the exception is mustard baths, since mustard normalizes pressure, but even then the water should not be hot;
  • you suffer from skin allergic and infectious diseases - dermatitis, urticaria, etc.;
  • feet suffered from burns or frostbite, there are cuts and wounds.

Nail fungus is considered an infectious disease, but in this case, foot baths are shown on the contrary.

Therapeutic baths for fungus

Many people suffer from nail fungus, it is very easy to catch it, but getting rid of it is problematic. If you can not afford expensive drugs, try folk recipes that improve the condition of nails:

  1. Celandine. Fresh stems with leaves and flowers are crushed a little and poured with boiling water - 1 liter. Let it brew and cool to room temperature, add to two or three liters of warm water and immerse the feet. You need to soar your legs for about 20 minutes.
  2. Salt. Baths with salt can be done only if there are no cuts and irritations. First you need to combine two tablespoons of sea or iodized table salt with warm water and stir to make a gruel. Apply it on the surface of damaged nails, leave for a few minutes, then lower it into a basin of warm water and soar for a quarter of an hour. Salt in high concentrations perfectly kills fungal spores. After the bath, be sure to rinse your feet with clean water and wipe dry.

Tip: never apply a healing or emollient cream to your feet unless they are dry or poorly wiped, especially if you have fungus. A humid environment encourages spores to thrive, and the cream won't absorb, leaving your skin dry and unhydrated.

Cosmetic baths with soda and herbs from corns and cracks

Soda foot baths are good for rough skin, prone to the formation of calluses and cracks. Soda is a simple and affordable remedy for softening and disinfecting the skin, well known to our mothers and grandmothers, when there was not such a wide selection of various cosmetic products for foot skin care. Modern cosmetologists also do not refuse it. Why is soda so good and what does it give if you soar legs in it?

  • soda perfectly softens even very rough skin with old keratinized areas, corns and corns;
  • this substance has bactericidal and disinfectant properties;
  • soda kills an unpleasant smell and prevents its occurrence;
  • it penetrates deep into the pores of the skin and dissolves even stubborn dirt;
  • with the help of soda baths, you can prepare the nail cuticle for a pedicure - it will be much easier to remove it.

Do you want perfect legs and heels like a baby in a week? Try this recipe: in five liters of hot water, dissolve two tablespoons of soda, two tablespoons of white clay, two tablespoons of liquid soap and a few drops of ammonia. Soak your feet for 20 minutes, then treat with a pumice stone, rinse with cool water, wipe and brush with cream.

Tip: even if you are not a professional beautician, but take care of yourself and take care of your health, do not spare money for the purchase of a hot tub. You will not only enjoy the procedure, but also improve your health - after all, there are a huge number of nerve endings on the feet that are associated with almost all internal organs. Depending on which of them stimulate vibrations, you will get a relaxing or tonic effect.

Preventive relaxing baths with salt

After a long working day, active shopping or a stormy party in the club, relaxing foot baths with sea salt and essential oils perfectly restore strength and relieve fatigue.

  • Dissolve two tablespoons of sea salt in five liters of warm water, add a few drops of lavender oil. To better combine with water, you can drop it directly on the salt crystals. Steam your feet until cool, then do the necessary care procedures, rinse your feet with clean water, wipe and smear with cream.
  • For nails and skin, a bath with salt and a decoction of herbs is very good. Pour a liter of decoction of chamomile or calendula into three liters of water, add salt. Steam your legs for no more than 15 minutes.

If you don’t have time and suitable means at all, and you need to put your feet in order very quickly, take a bar of laundry soap, soak it and apply soap suds on your feet. Hold for five minutes, then lower into a basin and keep in hot soapy water for another ten minutes. Then treat your heels and calluses as usual.

It is not difficult to look your best, be well-groomed and beautiful, even if you do not have enough money to visit a trendy spa - you can arrange it at home using folk recipes.

When caring for the face, neck, arms and other parts of the body, we often undeservedly forget to pay attention to our legs. And in vain, on the surface of the feet there are many active points that affect different organs, so the well-being of a person depends on this. A good solution for the care of our feet is the use of foot baths at home.

What are foot baths used for?

Foot baths are not only a pleasant procedure. They are a great way to relieve the fatigue accumulated during the day. Using different recipes for such procedures, you can bring your legs into perfect shape and get rid of many problems with them: cure fungus and other inflammations, remove cracks and rough skin, and also get rid of the smell of sweat. Having given the feet a neat look with soft heels, it is not a shame to wear open shoes.

Rules for the procedure

In order for the procedures to be as pleasant as possible, to be beneficial and to become an effective tool for relieving problems with the feet, certain rules must be followed:

  • It is advisable to carry them out before rest or before going to bed in order to relax as much as possible;
  • It is better to perform the procedures immediately after preparing the composition, while the water is warm, then they will be of maximum benefit;
  • the concentration of the incoming components must correspond to the amount indicated in the recipes, this will help prevent irritation of the skin of the legs and allergic reactions;
  • the duration should be at least 20 minutes, after which it is necessary to rest lying down to consolidate the effect;
  • after steaming the legs, it is recommended to do a peeling on the heels using a pumice stone or scrub, blot the legs with a soft towel, lubricate them with a nourishing cream and put on woolen or cotton socks;
  • baths should be taken up to 3 times a week, the entire course should include 10-15 sessions, then reduce the frequency of taking baths to 1 time per week, performing them only for the purpose of prevention.

Contraindications for use

Foot procedures, including different components, have contraindications:

  • in the presence of tumors, not necessarily malignant, as well as various pathologies;
  • in case of elevated temperature and during exacerbation of diseases;
  • with vascular problems and heart diseases;
  • if a diagnosis of oncology is made;
  • with varicose veins and thrombosis;
  • if there is an allergy to the components in the composition of the bath;
  • in the presence of long-term non-healing wounds or fresh cuts in the feet.

Foot bath recipes

From fungus and other diseases

A common problem of the feet are fungal diseases, even more serious is the presence of eczema or lichen. The fungus is usually transmitted when visiting public baths and swimming pools, as well as when using other people's things. This disease is manifested by itching, cracking of the skin, redness and swelling, yellowing of the nails and their thickening.

  • With salt (preferably sea) and soda. Preparation: in 2 liters of warm water, stir sea salt and baking soda, 1 tbsp each. spoon and add some liquid soap.
  • With tar soap and soda. Preparation: prepare a soap solution using tar soap in warm water and add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of soda.
  • Using infusion from a mixture of lilac, calendula, oak bark and celandine. Method of preparation: all ingredients taken in 1 tsp. mix and put in a glass container, then fill with boiling water. Infuse the mixture for 2 hours and pour into a container for the procedure, diluted with a small amount of boiling water.

Baths from the fungus should be carried out for at least 30 minutes. After finishing them, wipe your feet with a soft towel, lubricate with a healing ointment and put on socks.

Sweating and bad foot odor

Many people face the problem of sweaty feet. This may be due not only to diseases, but also to simple non-compliance with hygiene and the constant wearing of deaf shoes. To get rid of sweaty feet and smell, you can use the following recipes:

  • Baths based salt, herbal infusion and cinnamon. How to use: mix 30 g of dry herbs from wormwood, chamomile flowers and pine needles, pour boiling water over them and leave for at least an hour. Pour the infusion into a container, add hot water, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt and a little cinnamon.
  • Based chamomile infusion. Cooking method: steam 40 g of dried chamomile flowers with boiling water, insisting them for about half an hour, then pour into a basin through a colander, adding hot water.
  • Using vinegar. How to use: add a little vinegar (preferably apple cider vinegar) to a bowl of warm water. The procedure should be carried out for at least 20 minutes.

From swelling and fatigue in the legs

When the legs get tired, they often swell. If this is not a sign of a serious illness, then foot baths may well help get rid of edema. The following recipes are used for them:

From cracked heels

Cracks on the heels appear when the skin is too dry. You can get rid of them by steaming the rough skin of the feet, scraping the skin with a pumice stone and taking special baths:

  • From a decoction of dry leaves of St. John's wort with the addition of vinegar. Preparation: 1 tbsp. Pour a spoonful of St. John's wort leaves with boiling water (2 cups) and simmer for 10 minutes. After cooling the broth to a warm state, add 2 tbsp. spoons of vinegar.
  • From a decoction of potato peel. Preparation: boil the potato peel in 2 liters of water, then drain the broth through a sieve and after cooling to a warm state, take baths for about half an hour, then clean the heels with pumice. The procedure is allowed to be carried out every day.
  • Made from potato or corn starch. How to use: 1 tbsp. l. starch, pour 1 liter of warm water, stir and keep the feet in the solution for 15-20 minutes, gradually add warmer clean water. After that, get your feet wet and spread with cream. Procedures must be carried out daily.

For leg numbness

Numb legs can be for various reasons. This can be when wearing tight shoes and sitting. Worse, when the legs go numb with spinal disease, diabetes and other serious diseases.

Baths for numbness can help if circulation is simply temporarily interrupted, and they help restore it. The most common recipes are as follows:

  • Contrast baths. How to use: Pour hot and cold water into two containers. Hot must be at a temperature that can be sustained. Cold water should be ice cold. Alternating (every minute) a cold bath with a hot bath increases blood circulation, and the numbness disappears.
  • Usage edible salt, ammonia and camphor alcohol. How to use: Dissolve 1 tbsp in 1 liter of water. a spoonful of salt, add camphor alcohol in the amount of 10 g, ammonia 10% - 50 g. Stir everything and take baths at room temperature for 10 minutes, and also rub the joints with this remedy. Procedures are best done at night. These drugs effectively increase blood circulation.
  • Using sea ​​salt, dry mustard and baking soda. How to use: in 2 liters of warm water, add 1 tbsp. spoon of sea salt, dry mustard and 0.5 tbsp. spoons of baking soda. Mix everything well and use the composition for the procedure for numbness of the legs for at least 30 minutes. After finishing the procedure, wipe your feet with a towel and put on warm socks.

From calluses and corns

A common foot problem in the summer is calluses and rough skin. This is due to uncomfortable open shoes. Softening baths with such phenomena are especially helpful. Recipes may be as follows:

  • Using sea ​​salt and ammonia. How to use: add to 1 liter of warm water 2 tbsp. spoons of sea salt and ammonia, mix everything and keep it in the foot for about 15 minutes. The skin after such a procedure will become soft, which will make it possible to remove corns.
  • Using liquid soap, ammonia and soda. Method of application: in 2 l. warm water add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of soap, alcohol and soda and keep the feet in this composition for about 30 minutes. Then remove the softened skin with a pumice stone and remove the calluses.
  • With boric acid. How to use: add 50 ml of boric acid to 0.5 l of water and take such a bath for 10-15 minutes. After that, wet your feet with a towel and grease with petroleum jelly. Seal the corns with a medical plaster and put on cotton socks. The procedure is carried out at night. In the morning, wash your feet with hot water and then wipe dry.

To cleanse the feet of keratinized skin

To soften rough skin, you can make baths using the following recipes:

  • Based baking soda and essential emollient oil. How to use: in 1 liter of water add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of soda and a few drops of rose or tea tree oil.
  • Based sea ​​salt and essential citrus oil: orange, lemon or grapefruit. You can use their mixture. How to use: add salt and citrus oil to 1 liter of water.

You need to perform the procedures for at least 30 minutes, and then remove the steamed skin from the feet with a pumice stone.

From joint diseases

One of the most common joint diseases is gout. It occurs when uric acid salts in the joints are exceeded, as a result they become inflamed and change over time.

This is a serious disease that requires medical attention. Foot baths can only be used to prevent exacerbations of joint diseases. Common recipes are:

  • Based soda with iodine. How to use: For 3 liters of hot water, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of soda and 8-9 drops of alcohol iodine. The bath should be taken immediately after the onset of the reaction of the interaction of the active components with the release of foam. Then the effect on the joint is maximum. The duration of the procedure is about 10 minutes.
  • Cooking based salt and iodine. How to use: 4 tbsp. Dissolve tablespoons of salt in 2 liters of water and add about 20 drops of alcohol iodine. It is better to carry out the procedure for about half an hour at night. After the end of the procedure, you can lubricate the problem area with camphor oil.
  • Based decoction of chamomile and iodine. How to use: add salt to a decoction of dried chamomile flowers in a ratio of 100 g to 5 liters of warm water, and after stirring, drip 1 tsp. iodine. Take baths to relieve puffiness if necessary.

Video: foot baths

Using folk recipes for baths, collected in this article, you can always keep your feet in order and prevent serious problems with them.

Hello dear readers! Our article today shares homemade recipes for healthy foot baths. We have selected the best of them, read to the end.

Take care of your feet, they, like your face, require careful care and care on your part! They have a lot of pressure on them that you can relieve.

Each of us, having spent the whole day on the move, dreams of being at home in the evening to take off our shoes, relax our legs, stretch them out on a couch, ottoman, or armchair. We just want to relax!

And what could be better than preparing foot baths at home, slowly dip your feet in hot water and wash away the day's painful fatigue. It is very easy to cook it! To help a huge variety of ingredients for recovery and removal.

Why are they useful:

  • Disinfect;
  • Deodorize;
  • Harden the skin and body;
  • Have an astringent effect;
  • Improve blood flow;
  • Tone up the skin;
  • Remove puffiness;
  • Increase elasticity;
  • Relax;
  • Nourish the skin of the feet;
  • Heal the fungus
  • Exfoliate dead skin cells;
  • Relieve inflammation;
  • Heal the skin;
  • Remove corns and cracks;
  • Heals calluses;
  • Recommended for gout;
  • Normalize metabolism.

Foot baths with sea salt help eliminate the smell of sweat for a long time, improve skin condition, kill germs and bacteria. Copes with the smell of sweat and ordinary soda. But, a special place is always occupied by herbs.

  • succession;
  • tansy;
  • centaury;
  • plantain;
  • thyme;
  • wild rosemary;
  • burdock;
  • elder;
  • chamomile;
  • St. John's wort;
  • Melissa;
  • Birch;
  • lilac;
  • sage;
  • calendula.

Herbal baths have many positive qualities. With their help, you can disinfect your feet, relieve swelling, and eliminate the smell of sweat. Herbs refresh, soften the skin of the feet, relieve itching, pain and save from colds.

herbal foot bath recipes

St. John's wort (healing effect of cracks, inflammation).


  1. 2 tbsp. l. hypericum;
  2. 2 tbsp. l. nettles;
  3. 1 l. hot water.

Cooking: Pour hot water over the herbs, immerse your feet in slightly cooled water.

Time: Until cool.

Chamomile water (relieves inflammation).


  1. 2 tbsp. l. chamomile;
  2. 1 l. hot water.

Cooking: Pour chamomile with water, and immerse your feet in slightly cooled water.

Time: Until cool.

Sage and oak bark (deodorant, disinfectant).


  1. 250 ml of boiled water;
  2. 1 st. l. sage;
  3. 1 st. l. oak bark;
  4. 1 l. hot water.

Cooking: Pour boiling water over sage and oak bark, let it brew. Dip your feet in there.

Time: Until cool.

Linden (soothing).


  1. 50 gr. lindens;
  2. 2 l. boiled water;
  3. Moisturizing cream.

Cooking: Pour boiling water over lime. Soak your feet in warm water. After the procedure, lubricate the legs with cream.

Time: 15 - 20 minutes.

Mint (calming, relaxing).


  1. 3 art. l. mint;
  2. 2 liters of boiling water;
  3. 3 art. l. bath salts.

Cooking: Mix mint in water and add salt. Soak your feet in the tub.

Time: Until cool.

antifungal prescription.


  1. 5 st. l. chamomile;
  2. 5 st. l. flax seed;
  3. 5 st. l. field horsetail;
  4. 2 l. boiled water.

Cooking: Pour boiling water over the herbs, cool. Soak your feet in warm water.

Time: Before cooling, the course is 4 weeks, 2-3 times a week.

Oak (from sweat).


  1. 100 gr. oak bark;
  2. 2 l. boiled water.

Cooking: Pour boiling water over the bark and leave to brew a little. Dip your feet in the decoction.

Time: 15 minutes, 2 - 3 weeks, 3 - 4 times a week.

Firming for nails and skin of legs.


  1. 1 glass of sour cabbage juice;
  2. 4 tbsp. l. plantain;
  3. 500 ml. boiled water.

Cooking: Mix plantain with boiling water, let it brew. Add cabbage juice, and dip your feet into the warm broth.

Time: 10 minutes.

Celandine bath (for pain, itching and inflammation).


  1. 2 tbsp. l. celandine;
  2. 1 l. boiled water.

Cooking: Fill the celandine with water and dip your feet in the bath.

Time: Until cool.

Herbal (aromatherapy, cooling effect, relaxation).


  1. 2 tbsp. l. chamomile;
  2. 2 tbsp. l. hypericum;
  3. 2 tbsp. l. lavender;
  4. 2 tbsp. l. mint;
  5. 2 tbsp. l. centaury;
  6. 2 tbsp. l. plantain;
  7. 2 - 3 l. hot water.

Cooking: Pour hot water over the herbs. Dip your feet in slightly cooled water.

Time: Until cool. You may not rinse!

Bath oils

Feel free to add different oils:

  • castor;
  • lavender;
  • olive;
  • orange;
  • almond;
  • pink;
  • fir;
  • tea tree.

Often oils are used to nourish and exfoliate the skin.

During colds, foot baths with mustard are used.

They are used:

  • with colds;
  • when coughing;
  • from a runny nose;
  • from weakness.

However, it is strictly forbidden to use mustard baths during fever and inflammation!


If we talk about general contraindications for hot baths, then they can not be used for diseases such as:

  • ARI and ARVI with high temperature;
  • Inflammatory processes in the body;
  • With exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • Severe varicose veins;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Hypertension;
  • Oncological diseases;
  • Trophic ulcers;
  • Tachycardia, arrhythmia;
  • problems with blood vessels;
  • Allergy.

Easy Homemade Recipes

Foot bath with baking soda and salt


  1. 1 l. boiled water;
  2. 2 tbsp. l. sea ​​salt;
  3. 1 st. l. soda.

Cooking: Mix everything in water, cool a little and submerge your feet.

Time: Until the water cools down, 10 days in a row, then 2-3 times a week.

Soap and soda bath (from keratinized cells and corns)


  1. 1 st. l. liquid soap;
  2. 1 st. l. baking soda;
  3. 1 st. l. ammonia;
  4. 2 l. hot water.

Cooking: Mix the ingredients in hot water and soak your feet.

Time: 30 - 40 minutes.

Salt (for calluses)


  1. 2 tbsp. l. sea ​​salt;
  2. 3 art. l. ammonia;
  3. 1 liter of hot water.

Cooking: Mix salt and ammonia in water, dip your feet in slightly cooled water.

Time: 15 minutes.

With boric acid (from cracks, wounds and corns)


  1. 50 gr. boric acid;
  2. 1 glass of hot water;
  3. Petrolatum.

Cooking: Add acid to the water, dip your feet in warm water. After the procedure, lubricate the legs with petroleum jelly.

Time: No more than 10 - 15 minutes before bedtime, 4 - 5 days.

Salt with oils recipe (nourishing)


  1. 2 - 3 l. boiled water;
  2. 3 art. l. sea ​​salt;
  3. 1 drop of ylang-ylang oils;
  4. 1 drop of orange;
  5. 1 drop of lemon;
  6. 1 drop of rosemary.

Cooking: Mix the ingredients and soak your feet in a warm bath.

Time: 10 - 15 minutes.

Salt (disinfector, odor, fungus)


  1. 1 liter of water;
  2. 4 tbsp. l. sea ​​salt;
  3. 2 tbsp. l. plantain.

Cooking: Pour the plantain with water and add salt. Dip your feet in the water.

Time: Until cool.

With vinegar (for fungus, for sweating)


  1. 2 l. boiled water;
  2. 1⁄2 cup vinegar.

Cooking: Mix vinegar with water and cool slightly. Soak your feet in vinegar water.

Time: 15 - 20 minutes.

Paraffin baths: buy and use

If you want a more modern way to care for your legs, you can purchase. This equipment is specially designed for heating paraffin. You simply dip your feet into the bath and get an amazing effect. You can buy paraffin itself in a specialized store.


Important to remember!

  • Any procedure has indications and contraindications;
  • Check your skin for allergic reactions to herbs and oils;
  • Even at home, foot baths have medicinal and cosmetic properties;
  • Do these procedures regularly for maximum effect.

On this, dear readers, the article ends. We would be grateful if you click on the social media button below.

See you in the next article!