Vacuum therapy Mikhailichenko. vacuum massage

This article was written specifically for the seminar "Vacuum Massage: Theory and Practice", which Irista and I conducted on November 29, 2014.


Historical aspects of application

vacuum therapy

The history of the use of cans for medicinal purposes is quite ancient and at the same time contradictory and mysterious. As you know, the fate of therapeutic methods is different. Some, barely having time to appear, disappear without a trace, others, having gone through a thorny path, are preserved for centuries. One of the oldest healing methods in the history of medicine, the vacuum therapy method, can rightly be attributed to the latter.

Its origins go back to the hoary depths of centuries. Since ancient times, judging by the legends, even primitive people, seeking to alleviate suffering, used the “vessels” of health - various vessels, jars, etc., to alleviate pain. It was noticed that as a result of such an impact, relief and even complete cure occurred. The wisdom of many generations contributed to the enrichment and development of this truly folk method of treatment. At present, after many millennia, the vacuum method is experiencing its new birth.

The first information about the use of the principles of vacuum therapy brought us the historical monuments of primitive society. It is known that the natives of Australia and America in the XV-V millennium BC. e. within the framework of magical healing, methods of “exorcising the spirit of diseases” were used with the help of a hollow buffalo horn - a prototype of modern medical jars (Ponomarenko G. N., Bogolyubov V. M., 1998). Medicine jars are featured in one of the most complete sets of surgical instruments of the ancient world, depicted in a relief from the Egyptian temple of Kom Ombo (circa 100 BC).

Made of glass, horn or bronze, they were the most popular instrument of any Greek or Roman doctor (James P., Thorp N., 1997). According to other sources, the use of cups for medicinal purposes originated in China and has a history of more than 4,000 years. As jars, the Chinese used bamboo rings or tall tea cups. It was believed that banks can be successfully used to treat diseases of the joints, colic, acute pain, pneumonia and some other diseases (Kozlov I. M. et al., 1996). At the same time, it was especially emphasized that with the correct setting of the cans, a bruise (extravasation) must necessarily appear under them. It was also shown that banks have an antitoxic effect by activating the secretion of sweat and sebaceous glands, which contains, in addition to water and salts, urea, acetone, fatty acids, barium and other substances.

Considering the history of the development of vacuum therapy, it should be emphasized that most often its use is still associated with the purpose of bloodletting. So, in ancient Rome, the outstanding doctor of the school of gladiators K. Galen (130-200) used cans that were heated by the flame of a lamp and applied to the skin over small incisions. He believed that in this way various poisons, which are the root cause of many diseases, are drawn out of the body.

Blood-sucking jars were very popular in the ancient Arab countries. Abu Ali Ibn Sina, known as Avicenna (980-1037), in his classic work “The Canons of Medicine”, justifying the effect of leeches and cans on the body as “means of extracting bad blood”, wrote: “If the body is clean, then purify only the diseased organ should be used with cans or leeches. Do not postpone and do not delay this, because the delay increases the malignancy of the disease ”(according to Kamenev Yu. P. et al., 1997).

In medieval Europe, in any decent barbershop, not only beards were shaved, but also bloodletting was done using cans. The famous French philosopher Montaigne, in his "Experiences", discussing the poems of Virgil, mentions the use of cans, with the help of which "bad blood" was sucked out.

Vacuum exposure with the help of cans was also widely used in Russia, especially to get rid of a cold. In the folk medicine of Russia, special “rulers” and “rulers” used pots for “umbilical” diseases, hernias, etc. To do this, they smeared the stomach with soap, took the pot and overturned it on the patient’s stomach. The pot played the role of a large dry jar. Throwing pots was undertaken in order to disperse bad blood, as well as to stimulate a miscarriage (Popov G., 1998). It is also known from history that in peasant families, women treated mastitis using cupping. Negative pressure was created in the jars by burning some substance, which made it possible to suck out the purulent contents from the mammary gland.

From folk medicine, the use of such jars was gradually introduced into official medicine. The first attempts to scientifically substantiate the use of the negative pressure treatment factor were made at the end of the 16th century. So, the English doctor Smith used a hermetic chamber in which patients placed their hands or feet. The chamber was created underpressure air, which was maintained for 20 minutes. At the same time, the therapeutic effects were associated with the creation of congestive hyperemia as a source of additional blood supply to the affected tissue areas.

In the first third of the XIX century. J. Junot developed a new method of influencing the limbs with altered atmospheric pressure (“Junot's Boot”), which marked the beginning of barotherapy.

The positive clinical effects of the use of vacuum are reflected in the work of surgeons. So, in the middle of the XIX century. the outstanding Russian surgeon N. I. Pirogov theoretically substantiated his method and called it "external vacuum aspiration". He believed that rarefied air promotes the elimination of inflammatory exudate, mechanically cleaning the wound surface. According to T. Billroth (1869), the effect of negative pressure causes an increase in the migration of leukocytes to the area of ​​inflammation, and an increase in their number has a pronounced “resolving effect” on “sore” tissues. He believed that vacuuming causes an active-forced migration of leukocytes to the area of ​​inflammation. Moreover, Rogowicz (1885) believed that local congestive hyperemia is accompanied by a rapid increase in regional lymph flow, and circulating lymphocytes in the zone of hyperemia are precisely the substrate that provides a pronounced therapeutic effect of vacuum therapy.

An important milestone in the scientific justification for the use of rarefied air for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes are the works of the outstanding German surgeon August Beer "Artificial hyperemia as a method of treatment" (1906) and "Treatment of congestive hyperemia" (1908). Having rich practical experience in the use of artificial hyperemia, A. Beer explained the healing properties of the method not so much by aspiration of pus, but by improving regional nutrition due to "more intimate contact of blood with tissues, as well as a decreasing factor (microbes) and analgesic effect." He used dry cans in the treatment of boils, carbuncles, abscesses, mastitis, infiltrates.

At the same time, A. Beer, calling the effect of congestive hyperemia powerful, suggested using it to prevent infectious complications in clean wounds. He called the incipient acute inflammatory focus "the most fertile ground for the use of this method of treatment." He gave a clear and precise justification for the healing properties of the method, which included mainly "creating a prolonged and thorough hyperemia." The essence of the resolving effect of artificial hyperemia in tissues is the resorption of scars, nodes, blood clots due to the increased content of leukocytes and the enzymes they secrete. He noted the pronounced analgesic effect of the phenomenon of artificially created congestive hyperemia. In addition, A. Beer points to the "suction effect" of congestive hyperemia, the essence of which is the rapid removal of various substances from the inflammation zone due to the accelerated outflow of fluids - a detoxifying effect.

Thus, the outstanding surgeons Billroth, Rogovitz, Pirogov and Beer already in the 19th century. demonstrated the key role of local and regional blood circulation, lymph circulation, and blood cells in the mechanisms of the therapeutic action of vacuum therapy in various general and local soft tissue disorders.

In therapeutic clinics, hospitals, well-known small medical jars began to be used most often for the treatment of the consequences of colds - tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia. But the first attempt to understand how the use of cans affects the human body, an attempt to give a scientific interpretation was made only in the 1920s. The well-known therapist V. Kh. Vasilenko (1926) showed that immediately after the use of cans, there is a decrease in blood pressure by an average of 25 mm Hg. Art., and the pulse rate slows down by 20 beats per 1 min. At the same time, the blood picture changes: the number of leukocytes decreases by 15%, and the number of lymphocytes increases by 20%.

Approximately in the same years, a number of works appeared in which the vacuum method was used to assess the resistance of skin capillary vessels. It is necessary to mention the works of G. Kogan (1925), Z. V. Mikhalchenko (1928), A da Melo-Silva (1929), O. Mengler (1930) and A. I. Nesterov (1932). Professor A. I. Nesterov in his works demonstrated the possibility of using a mercury pump for a functional diagnostic test to determine the permeability of blood capillaries in various diseases. Later, his method was widely used in therapeutic clinics under the name "Nesterov's tests".

Despite the obvious effectiveness of vacuum therapy in one form or another, it should still be recognized that the method did not receive due attention from the medical community. Paradox?! Nevertheless, individual enthusiasts continued to use the method, stubbornly proving its effectiveness (Davydov Yu. A., Larichev A. B., 1999). The well-known engineer-inventor V. A. Kravchenko, who created special vacuum devices for the treatment of a wide variety of diseases, should also be attributed to them. The principle of operation of the Kravchenko pressure chamber is to alternately create decompression and compression drops at a temperature of 40 ° C with an impact on the upper or lower limbs. It should be noted that, having not found official recognition, the method of A. V. Kravchenko has been successfully used in medicine and sports since the 1930s. to the present.

In dental practice, for the first time, the therapeutic effect of reduced pressure was pointed out by Gedhard (1935, 1956), who performed vacuum periodontal massage with a suction syringe. In our country, the treatment of periodontitis with the help of vacuum exposure was proposed by V. I. Kulazhenko (1959). Conducted over the next 20 years, studies by various authors have expanded the indications for the use of vacuum in dentistry. In addition to the treatment of periodontal and oral mucosa diseases, vacuum therapy has been successfully used for the treatment of glossalgia, hyperesthesia of hard dental tissues, periodontitis, trigeminal neuralgia, bone fractures, trophic ulcers of various etiologies (Kulazhenko T.V., 2001).

Interest in the physical factor of vacuum, especially in surgical practice, began to grow from the 1950s. This is described in detail in the brilliant monograph of the surgeons Yu. A. Davydov and A. B. Larichev "Vacuum therapy of wounds and the wound process" (1999). The thoroughness of 20 years of research on the use of vacuum therapy in the field of wound surgery and its high efficiency in severe purulent infections are pleasantly striking. Such results could only be achieved by enthusiasts, professionals dedicated to their work.

Various modifications of the use of vacuum therapy in obstetric and gynecological practice are known. For example, abdominal decompression is currently used as a birthing aid. The vacuum factor for therapeutic purposes is used in pregnant women with early and late forms of gestosis. Haynes (1959) proposed local decompression of the abdomen in pregnant women with preeclampsia (toxicosis) in order to improve blood circulation in the fetus. He described the forced intrauterine development of the fetus during abdominal decompression - such children were later called "Haynes children". Unfortunately, this approach has been met with skepticism by the medical community. A. K. Podshibyakin (1960), using local vacuum therapy on active points in pregnant women with preeclampsia, achieved a positive therapeutic effect within one day: vomiting was quickly stopped, edema was vigorously resolved.

Interesting are the results of the work of T. Hwang and T. Kim (2000), who in their practice also successfully used vacuum therapy as monotherapy and in combination with acupuncture in patients with early and late toxicosis of pregnancy. In this study, the group of pregnant women with preeclampsia who received vacuum therapy included 126 people, of whom 78% of pregnant women had concomitant pathologies - cardiovascular, endocrine, gastrointestinal diseases, nephritis, etc. The control group consisted of pregnant women with preeclampsia, who used traditional drug treatment. The results of treatment in both groups were assessed using the Apgar scale (a scale for assessing the condition of newborns, the norm is 7-10 points). Studies have shown that in sick women who received vacuum therapy during pregnancy, 70% of newborns had an Apgar score of 8-9 points; 22% - in 6-7 and 8% - 4-5 points. At the same time, infant mortality was completely absent in the first group of pregnant women. At the same time, in the second group, only 25% of born children had 8-9 points; 51% - 6-7; 23% - 4-5 points, and infant mortality was 1%. In the mechanisms of the therapeutic effect of vacuum therapy, the authors note, first of all, the normalization of uteroplacental circulation. Thus, the treatment used was highly effective on an outpatient basis, which allows us to recommend it as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent in obstetric practice.

In gynecology, abdominal-vaginal decompression is also used, in particular in patients operated on for benign epithelial ovarian tumors (Nagornaya VF et al., 1996). Vacuum therapy in such cases contributes to the effective restoration of the regulatory systems of reproductive homeostasis. The authors consider the use of this physical therapeutic factor in patients pathogenetically substantiated and very promising.

IA Weller (1971) was the first in the practice of ophthalmology to use local barotherapy (local negative and local positive pressure) for various eye diseases. The impact was carried out with the help of AVMO (apparatus for vacuum ophthalmic massage) and a mini pressure chamber made in the form of plastic glasses. Impulse rarefaction of air acted on the eyeball and orbital tissues. The optimal dose was 25-30 mm Hg. Art., exposure - 8-10 minutes, course of treatment - 10 procedures. The results of the work of D. S. Gorbachev (1982) and A. N. Egorov (1992) made it possible to establish (using radiometric studies and thermometry of various parts of the eye) a distinct increase in blood circulation in the anterior part of the eye.

It was accompanied by a difference in barometric pressures in the blood-tissue system, characteristic of local negative pressure, expansion of the diffusion surface of transcapillary exchange, and an increase in oxygen transport through membranes. Local barotherapy led to a pronounced increase in oxygenation (oxygen saturation) of the chamber moisture of the eye. Such barotherapy is recommended for violations of accommodation, progressive myopia, asthenic conditions and impaired visual performance, moderate and mild myopia, keratitis, acute obstruction of the retinal arteries, retinal dystrophy and optic nerve atrophy, open-angle glaucoma, amblyopia, etc. Pneumomassage is increasingly used in the treatment progressive myopia in children.

In otiatric practice, vacuum therapy is used to stop a purulent process in the ear, as well as in the treatment of sensorineural hearing loss, otosclerosis, sinusitis, sinusitis, vasomotor and allergic rhinitis (Vasin A.N. 2001).

Local barotherapy of the penis is performed for erectile and copulative dysfunctions of various origins, prostatitis, conditions after penile prosthesis (Karpukhin I. V. et al., 1996).

In sports physiology and medicine, vacuum therapy using the Kravchenko pressure chamber was successfully used by A. V. Korobkov and his school. In his fundamental work "Physiological changes in the acceleration of recovery processes and the treatment of sports injuries by using local negative pressure" (1974), A. V. Korobkov and co-authors showed the high efficiency of using the vacuum factor in order to restore the functional activity of athletes, increase the body's resistance to physical stress , treatment of sports injuries and diseases. The performed studies served as the basis for the creation of the theory of the “effect of local negative pressure”. An original concept was put forward about the mechanism of the influence of local negative pressure (LOP) on the body.

According to it, firstly, pressure effects lead to such powerful and massive oxygenation and blood filling (hyperemia) of soft tissues (in quantitative terms), which, under normal atmospheric conditions, can hardly be achieved by any other physiological means (Korobkov A.V. , 1974)! Secondly, the human body was physiologically formed in an environment of uniform atmospheric pressure and has never encountered conditions when some part of its tissues would be at a sharply different atmospheric pressure. Adequate adaptive mechanisms for the impact of the vacuum factor are not genetically programmed in the human body. As a result, the body's reaction to this unusual stimulus is much stronger than is required to maintain the integrity of the organism and its survival. It is this reaction that mobilizes the protective and compensatory mechanisms and internal resources of the body, which explains the effective and rapid cure of many sports injuries, spinal osteochondrosis, radiculitis, etc. In 1971, A. V. Korobkov created a special research laboratory to study the possibilities of using LOD In sports. The impressive results of the use of vacuum therapy in athletes became a prerequisite for the fact that equipment for performing local decompression became mandatory for all Olympic bases in the USSR (Dligach D.L., Ioffe L.A., 1982).

In the 1980s thanks to the work of reflexologists D. M. Tabeeva (1980) and V. S. Goydenko (1982), vacuum therapy developed as part of reflexology. Methods of traditional (static) massage with the help of medical cans, vacuum massage, acupressure therapy have been developed. Vacuum massage was performed with one or two banks, the movements of which were directed towards the venous flow and could be centrifugal, radial or in a circle. It was believed that the movement of blood during the procedure would occur from an area of ​​higher pressure to an area of ​​lower pressure. The mechanism of such a therapeutic effect is similar to the mechanism of autohemotherapy, i.e., treatment carried out with the help of the patient's own blood.

A significant milestone in the development of vacuum therapy of human integumentary tissues was the work of the clinician-neuropathologist E. S. Velkhover and co-authors (1983-1991). He was the first to develop and substantiate in detail the method of using vacuum therapy for the treatment of various diseases of the peripheral nervous system, created vacuum jars of various functional purposes - various volumes, diameters and configurations (for example, for vacuum massage of the thyroid gland, testicles, sigmoid colon).

To carry out medical procedures, a vacuum pump was used, which makes it possible to create various options for air rarefaction in jars and to carry out dosed vacuum therapy. For the first time, an attempt was made to deeply influence soft tissue structures and the therapeutic effectiveness of such procedures was shown. This was of fundamental importance, since it is the deep vacuum therapy of soft tissues that contributes to the extremely effective treatment of various diseases of the peripheral nervous system. The authors demonstrated for the first time the detoxification properties of this healing factor. It is fair to say that, if properly applied, vacuum therapy can replace acupuncture, acupressure, classical, segmental massage combined. Physical therapy (exercise therapy) and physiotherapy, as well as some types of drug therapy, can be added to this list.

The work of the Chinese doctor Wu Wei Xin "Vacuum therapy" (1993) is very interesting, in which some physiological mechanisms of the influence of vacuum therapy are considered, the results of the therapeutic effectiveness of vacuum in a number of diseases are presented. The author proposed an original apparatus - a compact mechanical pump for creating negative pressure in jars and special vacuum jars. “Vacuum therapy is one of the oldest and at the same time the youngest method of treatment. This is a universal method that allows you to cure a variety of diseases. No drug works like this method,” states Wu Wei Xin (1993). And one cannot but agree with this; everyday practice constantly convinces us of the veracity of these words.

Starting from 1990 and up to the present time, researcher P. P. Mikhailichenko in St. Petersburg has been successfully using the vacuum therapy method for the purpose of therapeutic and health-improving effects on the body of healthy people and patients with diseases of the musculoskeletal system and internal organs. Developed and tested in Russia and abroad, the patented original technology for the use of vacuum therapy is called vacuum gradient therapy (VGT). The results of clinical observations have shown that in healthy and sick people, in children and athletes, after the use of VGT, general patterns are found in the reaction of soft tissues in the form of the same type of skin-vascular reaction - the occurrence of congestive extravasation and local edema. This made it possible to reveal new, previously unknown patterns of reaction of the integumentary tissues of the human body and to develop a concept of the formation of the syndrome of venous-interstitial-lymphatic stasis in soft tissues in both healthy and sick people. For the first time, the role of chronic stress in the formation of various soft tissue pathologies was demonstrated, and stress-sensitive areas of the human body were also discovered. The patterns of pathological changes in tissues that lead to the formation of dystrophic processes, and various forms of human diseases associated with them, were established.

Why is soft tissue massage necessary?

The impact of stress and other adverse factors (physical inactivity, heavy physical exertion, environmental conditions) creates the conditions for the occurrence of stagnant processes in soft tissues at any age.

What is vacuum massage?

Under the term "vacuum therapy" understand the local effect on the soft tissues of the body by air with a pressure below atmospheric (Latin vacuum - emptiness). Local (local) exposure to rarefied air is also called " vacuum massage».

Vacuum massage is:

  • Deep study of tissues, restoration of blood and lymph circulation, increased immunity;
  • Deep massage of subcutaneous tissue, blood purification, formation of new vessels, capillary bed, splitting of sclerotic layers, improvement and restoration of skin respiration, depletion of fat cells;
  • The structure of fatty deposits is destroyed, the intensity of fat splitting increases, the skin is strengthened and restored to elasticity, elasticity increases;
  • There is a shift of stagnant processes in the depths of the tissue, regulatory and metabolic processes are normalized, the tissue structures of the body are released from metabolic products, toxins, microcirculation of liquids, oxygen saturation are enhanced, the processes of self-purification of tissues are restored;
  • With the help of vacuum, the deep layers of muscles, ligaments and other tissue structures are worked out. Nerve endings are stimulated, capillaries and larger vessels are included in the work;
  • The procedure allows you to eliminate cellulite formations, unblock tissues, activate lymphatic circulation and metabolic processes in the skin, eliminate swelling and restore the vitality of the whole organism. The intensity and frequency of vacuum exposure are regulated depending on the problematic tissues.

In terms of effectiveness, one session of vacuum massage is comparable to three manual sessions. Already after the first session, the body comes to life, vitality increases, the muscles are filled with energy, and the skin becomes soft and silky. Impact on the body with the help of a vacuum is a universal method that allows you to cure a variety of diseases.

Vacuum therapy sessions cause a phenomenon that experts call "autopharmacology of the body." This is a massive release of biologically active substances, which are energy carriers, circulate freely in the blood and intercellular fluid. Many diseases disappear only due to the mobilization of internal reserves. And this is the best and most harmless way of treatment!

The clinical manifestations of vacuum massage are improved well-being, disappearance of pain syndromes, good muscle relaxation, stimulation of mental and physical performance, and an increase in emotional mood.

Why do spots and itching occur after procedures?

Spots form in areas where muscles perform predominantly large static loads, in places where tendons attach to bones. Almost always, the appearance of spots is accompanied by pain.

Red spots with finely punctate hemorrhages indicate superficial changes in the skin, subcutaneous and adipose tissue, superficial layers of muscles, fascia.

Dark purple spots with a bluish-violet tint, with swollen edges, are a sign of powerful stagnant processes in the depths of the tissues.

Itching is caused by an excess of toxic metabolites (intermediate metabolic products) that accumulate in the body as a result of metabolic disorders and disorders of the excretory tract.

Medical practice of vacuum therapy

In medical practice, treatment methods are used that are based on the effect of a changed air environment on the body as a whole and have a predominantly systemic effect:
Hypobarotherapy- therapeutic use of air under reduced atmospheric pressure. Treatment of patients is carried out in pressure chambers.
Hyperbarotherapy- therapeutic use of air under high atmospheric pressure. Hyperbaric chambers are used for treatment and prophylaxis
tics of decompression disorders, in particular in divers.
Oxygen barotherapy- therapeutic use of gas mixtures with an increased partial pressure of oxygen. Treatment is carried out in pressure chambers, the oxygen content of which is almost 100%.

It is necessary to differentiate vacuum therapy in the traditional sense - in the form of the use of medical cups, including for vacuum massage, and " vacuum gradient therapy"- a scientifically based method of influencing the tissue microcirculation system with the help of dosed exposure to vacuum.

Vacuum Gradient Therapy Method

Modern technology of therapeutic and health-improving effects on the body - vacuum gradient therapy (VGT)- allows you to solve serious health problems at a new, fundamentally different qualitative level. The VGT method is based on the use of a dosed vacuum effect on various levels of the integumentary tissues of the human body, including the deep structures of soft tissues and a very extensive vascular network.

According to modern scientific concepts, the development of a huge number of human diseases is based on circulatory disorders, especially in the capillary-venular sections of the microcirculatory bed of soft tissues, and violations of their vital activity. Objective markers of detectable circulatory disorders in the soft tissues of the human body are extravasates (spots of varying color intensity), local edema, and deep muscle seals that occur in response to vacuum exposure.

For the first time in the world practice of medicine, it was found that the pathological processes that develop in the system "soft tissues - blood vessels - blood - lymph - interstitial fluid" are the fundamental basis on which congestive ischemic soft tissue disease (ZIBMT). MIBMT is a key mechanism that causes the occurrence of most diseases of the human musculoskeletal system and, quite likely, pathologies of internal organs (IHD, stroke, diseases of the lungs, stomach, kidneys, etc.)

Clinical practice indicates that MIBMT, dystrophic processes in skeletal muscles and connective tissue are observed in almost every person, regardless of age, geographic latitude of residence, ecology, physical fitness and the use of known methods of treatment and prevention.

In this regard, the concept was put forward (which found its confirmation in the last 10 years) that numerous human diseases and functional disorders are formed and developed on the basis of MIBMT.

The use of modern technology of dosed VGT leads to the restoration of the microcirculatory bed, tissue-trophic function and normalization of the regulatory and metabolic properties of tissues. This contributes to the morphofunctional restoration (rejuvenation) of cellular and tissue structures and the cure of many diseases.

The essence of VGT procedures is the creation of active local and regional blood supply to blood vessels and an increase in blood flow. Along with this, there is an activation of the outflow of blood (drainage) from a huge number of postcapillaries, venules into the main veins of systemic hemodynamics; at the same time, the viscosity of the gel of the main substance of the connective tissue decreases and the fluidity of the interstitial fluid in the system of fibroducts of the perivascular and perineural connective tissue structures increases.

The effects are achieved by exposing the vascular networks of soft tissues to vacuum jars of various linear sizes and forming in them different values ​​of air rarefaction, which leads to the emergence of a multidirectional pressure gradient at the site of exposure.

High-energy vacuum pushes and pumps the vessels of systemic hemodynamics and microvasculature in the longitudinal and transverse spatial directions. It is due to this that a unique by nature effect of shear stress arises, which plays a key role in restoring and maintaining the function of the endothelium of numerous and multilevel blood-lymphatic and interstitial vascular networks in multilayer structures of soft tissues - these highly concentrated and highly vascularized formations.

The VGT method successfully combines truly unique healing and healing properties, simultaneously including in each procedure:

  • diagnostics of the morphofunctional state of soft tissues;
  • prevention and treatment of diseases;
  • active detoxification of tissues and their rejuvenation;
  • cosmetic correction and dosed physical activity.

Fundamentally important is the fact that these effects are realized exclusively through the inclusion of the body's own resources. VGT has a pronounced prolonged effect on the body, i.e. its influence lasts for 3-5 days or more due to the activation and use of its own physiologically active substances.

Regular use of VGT leads to an increase in mental and physical performance, contributes to a significant increase in immunity and body resistance to various diseases, an increase in its adaptive capabilities and restoration of the structural and functional capabilities of tissues.

Many years of clinical practice and literature data give reason to believe that, in terms of the effectiveness of treatment and prevention of STDV and related diseases, both for untrained individuals and athletes, there is currently no alternative to the VGT method.

The use of known methods or their combination somehow: various types of massage, diet, fasting, acupressure, manual therapy, osteopathy, reflexology, hirudotherapy, oxygenobarotherapy, pharmacological agents, physical training, although they have positive effects on the body, they practically do not affect on the pathogenetic links of STIBMT - ischemia and venous-lymphatic stasis, leading to degenerative changes in tissues.

At the same time, VGT differs significantly from traditional therapeutic and preventive measures precisely in its unique spectrum of action. This is due to the fact that nature itself has not laid down and programmed adequate adaptive responses to the impact of the vacuum factor in the human body, and many recovery mechanisms are simultaneously included in the response and significant resources are mobilized. This is what ensures the high efficiency of a quick cure for sports injuries and diseases.

Thus, the VGT method has a fairly universal spectrum of therapeutic and health-improving effects on the body, which makes it possible to recommend it for wide application in various areas of medicine.

The author's VGT method has been used for more than 20 years in Russia - St. Petersburg, repeatedly tested in USA-Boston, 1992, 1995, St.Rhode Island: Providence, 1995, Switzerland: Geneva 1997, Lugano 1998, Zermatt 1998, Zurich 1998- 1999, within 3 months passed clinical testing in the clinic Kranken und Pflegeneim Lindenegg.

The method received positive feedback from foreign and leading Russian experts, as well as the chief physiotherapists of the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Defense of Russia. An official review of the method was published in the journal of the Ministry of Health of Russia “Issues of balneology, physiotherapy and exercise therapy”, 2001, No. 5, pp. 54-55.

The multifaceted therapeutic and prophylactic effect on multiple pathologies associated with circulatory disorders (diseases of the musculoskeletal system, neurological disorders and pathology of internal organs) makes it possible to single out the following main effects of the application of the VGT method:

  • Blood-filling - provides vessels with powerful and active blood filling and oxygenation by increasing the speed and pressure of blood flow;
  • Endothelium-stimulating - activates and restores the endocrine function of the endothelium of the multidimensional network of vessels, increasing the generation of nitric oxide and prostacyclin and other substances;
  • Vasodilator - relieves vasospasm, pushes and pumps "coin columns" of erythrocytes in multilevel capillary-venular sections of the circulatory system;
  • Anti-ischemic - reduces and eliminates organ ischemia;
  • Decongestant - reduces and eliminates venous stasis of blood;
  • Thrombolytic - starts the process of dissolution of blood clots, blood clots in vessels and extravascular structures;
  • Anti-sclerotic - prevents, blurs and destroys the development of sclerotic lesions;
  • Vascular - causes the formation of new young vessels and the restoration of new vascular networks in damaged tissues;
  • Antitumor - protects the body from the development of malignant tumors, inhibits the growth and reproduction of atypical cells;
  • Anti-inflammatory - inhibits the growth and reproduction of many types of microbes;
  • Immunostimulating - increases local and general immunity;
  • Pain reliever - reduces and eliminates myofascial pain;
  • Anti-edematous - actively drains interstitial spaces, reduces and eliminates local swelling of tissues;
  • Defibrosing - promotes softening, loosening and resorption of coarse fibrous formations, seals, myofibrilloses;
  • Anti-aging - renewal and rejuvenation of the circulatory-lymphatic system of soft tissues, normalization of their nutrition, prevention of the development of premature wilting and aging of the body;
  • Anti-stress - increases stress resistance and stress protection.

Indications for the use of the VGT method:

  • Congestive ischemic disease of skeletal muscles and connective tissue - myofibrilloses and soft tissue infarcts;
  • Osteocondritis of the spine;
  • Arthritis and arthrosis of the joints;
  • Radiculitis, myositis, sciatica;
  • Acute myofascial pain in the neck, back, limbs;
  • Rehabilitation of post-traumatic conditions of the musculoskeletal system;
  • Prevention of sports injuries;
  • Athletes Functional Capabilities Improvement Program;
  • Prevention of coronary heart disease and treatment of vegetative-vascular neuroses;
  • Chronic pneumonia, tracheobronchitis;

Moscow: ACT; St. Petersburg: Owl, 2005. - 318 p. — ISBN 5-17-029946-X. The book summarizes the author's own clinical observations and vacuum gradient therapy as a method of non-drug prevention and treatment of various diseases. This method is used in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system and other somatic pathologies. The book is intended for practicing physicians of various specialties, physiotherapists, chiropractors and massage therapists, sports physiologists, researchers, students of faculties of professional retraining and advanced training of doctors, students of biomedical profile, cosmetologists. Content:
Historical aspects of the use of vacuum therapy.
Microcirculation of soft tissues.

Structure and functional characteristics of the hemomicrocirculation system.
Lymphatic part of the microvasculature.
Structural and functional units of the microvasculature.
The role of endogenous nitric oxide in pathology.
The role of the endothelium in microcirculation.
endothelial dysfunction.
Growth and neoplasm of capillaries.
Features of blood rheology of the microvascular bed.
transcapillary exchange.
The role of microcirculation disorders in the formation of tissue pathology.
Congestive ischemic disease of soft tissues.

Nonspecific indicators of impaired tissue circulation.
Local edema and some of its characteristics.
Specific signs of impaired tissue circulation.
Syndrome of venous-interstitial-lymphatic stagnation and congestive-ischemic disease of soft tissues.
The role of stress in the pathology of the microcirculatory system.
Therapeutic effect of vacuum gradient therapy.
Local vacuum gradient therapy.
Methodology for conducting VGT.
Indications and contraindications.
Equipment and equipment.
Vacuum diagnostics of the functional state of tissue hemo- and lymphatic circulation.
Research methodology.
Rating scale.
Interpretation of the severity of the skin-vascular reaction.
Local changes in tissue microcirculation.
Response of the cardiovascular system in response to local exposure to VGT.
The method of local micronotches in the treatment of congestive ischemic soft tissue disease.
Microincision technique.
Congestive ischemic disease of soft tissues and its treatment.
Vacuum-gradient therapy of the back ZIBMT.
The back is like an organ.
Methodological features of conducting VGT of the back.
Vacuum-gradient therapy of ZIBMT of the scalp.
Vacuum gradient therapy for ZIBMT of the neck.
Vacuum gradient therapy for ZIBMT of the gluteal region.
Vacuum-gradient therapy of SIBT of the lower extremities.
Vacuum-gradient therapy of ZIBMT of the shoulder girdle and upper limbs.
Vacuum gradient therapy of ZIBMT of the anterior chest wall.
Vacuum gradient therapy of ZIBMT of the abdomen.
Vacuum gradient therapy in the clinic of internal diseases, surgery, traumatology and other areas of medical practice.
Congestive ischemic disease of soft tissues in childhood and adolescence.
Some aspects of the use of VGT in the elderly.
Vacuum gradient therapy of ZIBMT in athletes.
Chronic fatigue syndrome and VGT.
The use of VGT in myofascial pain syndrome.
Modern ideas about the mechanisms of therapeutic action of VGT.
Aseptic inflammation as one of the mechanisms of restoration of tissue function under the influence of VGT.
Mechanisms affecting the microcirculation system.
About the author.
List of abbreviations.

M ikhailichenko Pavel Arsentievich - Commander of the 3rd Rifle Battalion of the 1st Guards Rifle Regiment of the 2nd Guards Rifle Division of the 56th Army of the North Caucasian Front, Guard Major.

Born on August 5, 1915 in the city of Yeysk, now the Krasnodar Territory, in a working class family. Russian. Member of the CPSU (b) / CPSU since 1940. He graduated from seven classes of incomplete secondary school.

In 1937, he was drafted into the Red Army by the Yeysk RVC of the Krasnodar Territory. He graduated from the courses of junior political instructors. In the battles of the Great Patriotic War since July 1941. He fought on the Southern (07.1941-08.1942) and North Caucasian (from 08.1942) fronts.

He served as commander of the 1st Rifle Battalion of the 395th Guards Rifle Regiment (later the 3rd Rifle Battalion of the 1st Guards Rifle Regiment) of the 2nd Guards Rifle Division.

On the night of January 3, 1943, Captain P.A. Mikhailichenko, at the head of his battalion, was the first to break into the capital of Kabardino-Balkaria, the city of Nalchik, and cleared a number of streets during the night of hostilities. Despite the fact that the ammunition was running out and every cartridge had to be saved, he and his battalion occupied the city of Nalchik by 10 p.m. on January 3, 1943.

In this battle, the guard captain P.A. Mikhailichenko personally destroyed nine enemy soldiers and officers with a pistol, and destroyed a car, three officers and five soldiers with a hand grenade, for which he was awarded the Order of Alexander Nevsky.

On February 23, 1943, in the battle for the village of Ivanovskaya, Krasnodar Territory, the battalion under the command of the guards, Major P.A. Mikhailichenko destroyed up to 80 Nazi soldiers and officers in the attack, captured two anti-tank guns, two machine guns and one tractor as trophies.

In the period from April 4 to May 2, 1943, in the battle for the village of Krymskaya in the Krasnodar Territory, a battalion led by Guards Major P.A. Mikhailichenko, operating in the conditions of floodplains and massive enemy air raids, fought fierce battles with the Nazi invaders. During these battles, on April 17, 1943, he captured the railway embankment and the MTF of the village of Krymskaya, destroying up to a company of the Nazis, five machine-gun and seven mortar points of the enemy.

On May 26-27, 1943, in offensive battles for a height of 71.0 and the Gorishny farm of the Crimean region of the Krasnodar Territory, a battalion under the command of the guard Major P.A. Mikhailichenko, interacting with artillery in an attack on the heights, overcame minefields and barbed wire and broke into enemy trenches and trenches.

In this battle, his battalion destroyed up to 200 Nazi soldiers and officers, more than 20 machine-gun and mortar points, as a result of which, together with other battalions of the regiment, they occupied Hill 71.0 and the Gorishny farm, and, despite the counterattacks of the infantry and tanks of the enemy, held the occupied line.

When repulsing enemy counterattacks, the battalion under the command of the Guards Major P.A. Mikhailichenko destroyed up to a company of Nazi soldiers and officers, knocked out two tanks and one self-propelled gun, for which the battalion commander was awarded the Order of the Red Banner.

On August 7-9, 1943, in fierce battles for capturing a heavily fortified enemy defense point at a height of 167.4 and the Leninsky farm in the Crimean region of the Krasnodar Territory, the battalion under the skillful leadership of the guard Major P.A. Mikhailichenko, together with other units of the regiment, mastered a height of 167.4 with a swift attack. In this battle, his battalion destroyed two anti-tank guns, seven machine-gun and five mortar positions of the enemy, and up to 180 Nazis.

In the period from September 16 to October 2, 1943, the fighters of the battalion of the guards of Major P.A. Mikhailichenko in the battle to break through the "blue line" of the enemy's defense and liberate the Taman Peninsula, acting as strike groups, interacting with tanks, broke through the enemy defenses in the Tsemdolina region of the Novorossiysk region of the Krasnodar Territory.

Pursuing the enemy to Taman, the battalion destroyed up to 600 Nazis, captured 27 enemy soldiers, captured 5 guns of various calibers, 6 vehicles, 15 light and heavy machine guns, 2 warehouses with food and fodder and 2 warehouses with ammunition as trophies.

On the night of November 2-3, 1943, the battalion of the guards, Major P.A. Mikhailichenko, in separate assault groups, in stormy weather, under fierce enemy fire, crossed the Kerch Strait and landed on the eastern coast of the Kerch Peninsula.

The battalion commander, being on the lead boat, was the first to cross the strait. As a result of fierce enemy fire, his boat was severely damaged and sank. Unable to reach the shore, Major P.A. Mikhailichenko drowned in the Kerch Strait.

On the Kerch Peninsula, the battalion personnel skillfully trained by him, breaking the resistance of the enemy defense on the coast, together with other units of the regiment, captured the village of Mayak, now within the city of Kerch, and the village of Baksy, now the village of Glazovka, Leninsky district (Crimea).

In this battle, the battalion, taking revenge on the Nazis for their beloved commander, destroyed 80 Nazis and captured four more enemy soldiers. Also, the battalion captured one searchlight, two coastal guns, five heavy machine guns, a warehouse with food and ammunition.

At order of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of May 16, 1944 for the exemplary performance of combat missions of the command on the front of the fight against the German invaders and the courage and heroism shown by the guard to Major Mikhailichenko Pavel Arsentievich posthumously awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union.

He was awarded the Order of Lenin (05/16/1944), the Order of the Red Banner (07/19/1943), the Order of Alexander Nevsky (03/07/1943).

In the city of Yeysk, on the building of school No. 5, where the Hero studied, a memorial plaque was erected to him.

Tov. Mikhailichenko, during his tenure as commander of the 1st Infantry Battalion, showed himself to be a courageous, resolute and strong-willed commander of the Red Army. During the fighting on January 3, 1943 for the liberation of the city of Nalchik from the fascist invaders, the Design Bureau of the ASSR comrade. Mikhailichenko, walking ahead of the battalion, with the exclamation "For the Motherland!", "For Stalin!", "Forward to the enemy!" broke into the city of Nalchik and cleared a number of streets during the night of hostilities.
Ammunition was running out, but comrade. Mikhailichenko organized the personnel to save each cartridge, and the fired cartridge should hit the fascist - and, despite this difficulty with ammunition, comrade. Mikhailichenko with his battalion at 10 p.m. on January 3, 1943 occupied the city of Nalchik, honestly and conscientiously carried out the combat order of the command. In this battle Comrade. Mikhailichenko personally killed 9 enemy soldiers and officers with a pistol, and destroyed a car, 3 officers and 5 soldiers with a hand grenade.
Tov. Mikhailichenko is a courageous and brave defender of the Socialist Motherland.
For his heroic actions on the battlefield, comrade. Mikhailichenko is worthy of the Government award with the Order of the Red Banner.
Commander of the 395th Guards Rifle Regiment, Lieutenant Colonel Okhman.
Chief of Staff of the 395th Guards Rifle Regiment Major Lukyanenko.
March 1, 1943.

By decision of the higher authorities, instead of the Order of the Red Banner, he was awarded the Order of Alexander Nevsky (03/07/1943).

From the award list for the Order of the Red Banner:
In offensive battles for a height of 71.0 and the farm Gorishny of the Crimean region of the Krasnodar Territory, May 26 and 27, 1943, comrade. Mikhailichenko showed skill in organizing an offensive battle and skillful interaction with artillery.
Following the barrage, he attacked the enemy, destroying up to 200 German soldiers and officers, captured several dugouts and pillboxes, as a result of which, together with other battalions of the regiment, he occupied the height of 71.0 and the Gorishny farm, deciding the outcome of the defeat of the 2nd battalion of the 228th infantry regiment of the Germans.
Pursuing the retreating enemy, he went out with his units to a height of 95.0, where he repulsed the enemy's counterattack, inflicting heavy damage on manpower and equipment.
Tov. Mikhailichenko showed personal courage, courage and steadfastness mercilessly exterminating the fascist invaders.
Worthy of being awarded the Order of the Red Banner.

Chief of Staff of the 1st Guards Rifle Regiment Major Lukyanenko.
July 3, 1943.

From the award list for the title of Hero of the Soviet Union:
In the battle for the village of Ivanovskaya, Krasnodar Territory, February 23, 1943, comrade. Mikhailichenko, commanding a battalion, destroyed up to 80 German invaders in the attack, captured trophies: 2 anti-tank guns, 2 machine guns, one tractor.
In the battle for the village of Krymskaya, Krasnodar Territory, from April 4 to May 2, 1943, a battalion under the leadership of Comrade. Mikhailichenko, in the conditions of floodplains, massive enemy air raids, fought fierce battles, as a result of which on April 17, 1943, having broken the resistance of the Germans, he captured the railway embankment and the MTF of the village of Krymskaya, destroying up to a company of German invaders, 5 machine-gun and 7 mortar points of the enemy.
In the battle for a heavily fortified German defense point at an altitude of 71.0 and the Gorishny farm of the Crimean region of the Krasnodar Territory, on May 26, 1943, a battalion led by Comrade. Mikhailichenko, interacting with artillery in an attack on a height, overcame minefields and barbed wire, broke into the trenches and trenches of the enemy, destroying 200 German invaders, more than 20 machine-gun and mortar points and, together with other units of the regiment, captured the height and the Gorishny farm and, despite the brutal counterattacks of the infantry and tanks of the enemy, supported by a large number of aircraft, the battalion firmly held the occupied line. Repelling enemy counterattacks, he destroyed up to a company of German invaders, knocked out 2 tanks and one self-propelled gun.
In fierce battles for the capture of a heavily fortified point of resistance of the German defense at a height of 167.4 and the Leninsky farm of the Crimean region of the Krasnodar Territory, on August 7, 8 and 9, 1943, the battalion under the able leadership of Comrade. Mikhailichenko, together with other units of the regiment, mastered a height of 167.4 with a swift attack, exterminating up to 180 Nazis, destroying 2 anti-tank guns, 7 machine-gun and 5 mortar points of the enemy.
Tov. Mikhailichenko skillfully prepared the personnel of the battalion and in the battle to break through the "blue line" of the enemy's defense and liberate the Taman Peninsula from the German invaders, from September 16 to October 2, 1943, acting as strike groups, interacting with tanks, they broke through the German defenses in the Tsemdolina area of ​​the Novorossiysk region and, pursuing the enemy to the city of Taman, having destroyed up to 600 Nazis, he captured 27 German soldiers and captured trophies: guns of various calibers - 5, vehicles - 6, machine guns - light and heavy - 15, 2 warehouses with food and fodder and 2 warehouses with ammunition.
On the night of November 3, 1943, the battalion, in stormy weather in the strait, under fire from the enemy, crossed the Kerch Strait and landed on the eastern coast of the Kerch Peninsula, broke the resistance of the German defense on the coast and, together with other units of the regiment, captured the village of Mayak and Baksy, having destroyed 80 fascist invaders, captured 4 soldiers, took trophies: one searchlight, 2 coastal guns, 5 heavy machine guns, a warehouse with food and ammunition.
Tov. Mikhailichenko in this battle while crossing the Kerch Strait died a hero's death.
For the personal heroism and courage shown in the battles against the German invaders and for the skillful leadership of the battalion in battle, comrade. Mikhailichenko is worthy of submission to the title - Hero of the Soviet Union - posthumously.
Commander of the 1st Guards Rifle Regiment Colonel Povetkin.
Major Vorobyov, Chief of Staff of the Guard Regiment.
November 8, 1943.

Year of issue: 2005

Genre: Therapy

Format: Djvu

Quality: Scanned pages

In preparing the writing of the book, the advice and wishes of my closest fellow associates - doctors Zh. A. Chabaeva (Dagestan), L. A. Tarasyuk (Belarus), specialists M. A. Foris and T. N. Alyabysheva (Sortavala, Karelia) were used , O. A. Borisova (Ukhta, Komi Republic), V. V. Belyakova (Khabarovsk), specialist cosmetologist M. V. Efimova (St. Petersburg), psychologist G. P. Shalashov (St. Petersburg), chief physiotherapist Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Head of the Department of Physiotherapy at BMA named after S. M. Kirov, Professor N. Ponomarenko. Undoubtedly, this book would not have been possible without the tireless support of my friends - engineers A.V. Domansky and E.G. Filippov, as well as vacuum technology engineer V.M. Andreev, who provided the technical embodiment of the author's ideas. It is also impossible not to note the important role of N.P. Zhdanov, General Director of the sports and recreation complex “Litovsky”, who created the necessary conditions for fruitful practice and creative work. To all of them I express my sincere gratitude and gratitude.
The book "Fundamentals of Vacuum Therapy: Theory and Practice" is addressed to doctors of various specialties, chiropractors, massage specialists, as well as to numerous patients and inquisitive readers.
Clearly realizing that this is the first monograph on vacuum therapy in the domestic literature, in which an attempt was made to scientifically substantiate and systematize fragmentary studies of the influence of the vacuum factor on the body, I hope for constructive comments and cooperation from readers.

"Fundamentals of vacuum therapy: theory and practice"


  1. Structure and functional characteristics of the hemomicrocirculation system
  2. Lymphatic part of the microvasculature
  3. Structural and functional units of the microvasculature
  4. The role of endogenous nitric oxide in pathology
  5. The role of the endothelium in microcirculation
  6. Endothelial dysfunction
  7. Growth and neoplasm of capillaries
  8. Features of blood rheology of the microvascular bed
  9. Transcapillary exchange
  1. Nonspecific indicators of tissue circulatory disorders
  2. Local edema and some of its characteristics
  3. Specific signs of impaired tissue circulation
  4. Syndrome of venous-interstitial-lymphatic stagnation and congestive ischemic disease of soft tissues
  5. The role of stress in the pathology of the microcirculatory system
  1. Local vacuum gradient therapy
  2. Methodology for conducting VGT
  3. Indications and contraindications
  4. Equipment and equipment
  5. Vacuum diagnostics of the functional state of tissue hemo- and lymphatic circulation
  6. Research methodology
  7. Rating scale
  8. Interpretation of the severity of the cutaneous-vascular reaction
  9. Local changes in tissue microcirculation
  10. Response of the cardiovascular system in response to local exposure to VGT
  11. The method of local micronotches in the treatment of congestive ischemic soft tissue disease
  12. Methodology for the procedure of micro-notches
  1. Vacuum Gradient Therapy
  2. The back as an organ
  3. Methodological features of conducting VGT of the back
  4. Vacuum Gradient Therapy for ZIBMT of the Scalp
  5. Vacuum Gradient Therapy for ZIBMT of the neck
  6. Vacuum Gradient Therapy
  7. Vacuum Gradient Therapy for SIBT of the Lower LimbsVacuum Gradient Therapy for SIBT of the Shoulder Girdle and Upper Limbs
  8. Vacuum-gradient therapy ZIBMT of the anterior chest wall
  9. Vacuum-gradient therapy ZIBMT of the abdomen
  10. Vacuum gradient therapy in the clinic of internal diseases, surgery, traumatology and other areas of medical practice
  11. Congestive ischemic disease of soft tissues in childhood and adolescence
  12. Some aspects of the use of VGT in the elderly
  13. Vacuum Gradient Therapy for ZIBMT in Athletes
  14. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and VGT
  15. The use of VGT in myofascial pain syndrome