Methods. Alternative medicine

Alternative medicine has been accompanying mankind for more than one millennium. Only before the term alternative medicine did not exist - it was just healing
And in our time, concepts have appeared: official medicine (traditional) and alternative medicine or integral, as it is sometimes called ..

Some people are very skeptical about the results practical application these treatments. And this is normal - each of us has the right to choose our own path ...

To the concept not traditional medicine includes all areas that are not provided for by the university course and the treatment standards developed by departments of the Ministry of Health. Although nowadays many medical universities include in their course the study of biological active additives(BAA), different types massage, acupuncture and other areas of alternative medicine.

Directions of alternative medicine

Traditional medicine is the experience accumulated by the peoples of the world over the centuries.

We are accustomed to understand the methods of treatment that were used by our ancestors by traditional medicine. These are decoctions and infusions medicinal plants, poultices, lotions, compresses, massage ...

But there are other ways to heal by influencing the body of animals, stones, massage, exercise, ozone, structured water and so on.

Integral or alternative medicine involves the use of the experience of all the peoples of the world and new types of treatment that have not yet been included in official methods:

  1. Traditional medicine is the experience accumulated by the peoples of the world over the centuries. We have on our website the treatment of various diseases with the use of medicinal plants and some of the available substances
  2. Integral Medicine:
  • – acupuncture has been successfully used by Eastern healers for several millennia
  • is traditional Indian medicine, but for us it is non-traditional medicine. Actually, this is not only a treatment of the physical body, but also of the spiritual nature of a person.
  • - diagnostics and treatment based on the phenomenon of resonance with the body's own vibrations of the causative agent of the disease. This is one of the new methods of integral medicine, which is disputed by many. But I want to say that my youngest son was relieved of atopic asthma and gastritis by the methods of bioresonance therapy. And the positive results of this treatment have been preserved for more than 20 years.
  • - this is general concept, which includes several areas of integral medicine
  • - treatment with ultra-low doses of substances that, by their action, cause symptoms similar to the disease. Positive result of application homeopathic remedies depends on the qualifications of the homeopathic doctor, since when prescribing a remedy, it is necessary to take into account many features of the state of the body of a particular person
  • Voll's method - diagnostics by exposing biologically active points (BAP) to weak currents and measuring the resistance of these points. Usually this technique is combined with bioresonance and homeopathic treatment.
  • Nutrition is the science of rational nutrition providing for the replenishment of the missing nutrients and minerals with the help of nutriceptics, probiotics and. Oddly enough, this is also alternative medicine ...
  • – treatment with bees and bee products. This type of alternative medicine has been known for many centuries and is used in all countries where there is beekeeping.
  • – treatment with smell and aroma oils. When using this type of alternative medicine, be very careful about whether you have allergic reactions!
  • – treatment of animals, birds, fish and insects
  • , the methods of integral medicine used by the peoples of the world for more than one century.
  • - treatment by dolphins, a method of alternative medicine, the origins of which go back to Ancient Greece.

Gets everything these days more development in connection with the expansion of the network of dolphinariums

  • Snake therapy - treatment with snakes, a direction of integral medicine, born in the East
  • Insect therapy is the treatment of insects and their larvae. It's more of a folk rather than an integral medicine
  • Hippotherapy - treatment with horses
  • (cinema therapy, canistotherapy) – treatment by dogs
  • , alternative medicine uses it widely. The use of cooking and sea ​​salt for warming up, baths, inhalation of air saturated with salt ions and compresses
  • Felinotherapy - treatment by cats
  • Hypnotherapy is the treatment of hypnosis and suggestion. Before agreeing to this method of treatment, be sure to check the documents confirming the permission to engage in this species. medical activities, since the intervention in your psyche of an incompetent or dishonorable person is very fraught ...
  • Clay therapy - clay treatment different types: compresses, masks and body anointing
  • different kinds breathing exercises ancient and modern
  • Sound therapy - treatment with various sounds that cause certain emotional and psychophysical reactions
  • Callanetics - static exercises, which, thanks to aerobic training, burn fat
  • - treatment with cold in the form of compresses, swimming in the hole, use of cryosauna and cosmetic ice
  • Lithotherapy - treatment with stones, including precious ones. It, in turn, is divided into the impact of various stones on the chakras, mineral therapy, stone therapy, crystal therapy and astromineralogy.
  • – treatment with a magnetic field using various physiotherapy devices, massagers, magnetic bracelets and pendants
  • Massage. There are many types of massage. Of these, ancient Chinese: gouache massage (scraping), used for the diagnosis and treatment and vacuum massage
  • - cauterization biologically active points(BAT) with a smoldering cigarette or stick made from vegetable raw materials, by contact or non-contact method
  • – treatment with music of various styles
  • – treatment with ozone in the form of gas, or ozonated water
  • – sea treatment: sea ​​bathing, baths with sea ​​water
  • - use in medical and cosmetic purposes water specially prepared according to a certain method: freezing, insisting on, exposure to direct electric current.
  • Thermotherapy - treatment high temperature
  • - color treatment
  • - used in southern sanatoriums and clinics

And this is not all types of alternative medicine. Each nation has its own methods of treating various diseases, sometimes very exotic.

These are shamans, spells, swallowing frogs and other living creatures, burying in the ground and much more.

We have considered only those types of alternative medicine that are used partially. traditional doctors, and partly non-traditional, but obtaining licenses for their activities

Currently, people are beginning to turn their faces to non-traditional methods of treatment and diagnosis, alternative medicine is finding more and more of its adherents.

In Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan Russian Federation, the International Conference of Integral Medicine is held annually, in which specialists from many countries of the world take part and report on their new achievements and methods.

Alternative medicine at this International Conference is presented with interesting recommendations, confirmed by concrete examples practicing doctors. Many of these recommendations are the experience of previous generations, others are the achievements of modern science.

I would like to point out that when acute diseases it is necessary to use the achievements of modern (traditional) medicine, since only it can provide ambulance or perform a timely operation!

But with chronic and sluggish diseases, integral medicine shows very good results.

In subsequent publications, we will get acquainted with many of these methods of treatment and diagnosis.

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From time immemorial, mankind has been looking for ways to quickly cure diseases. And today there are three main groups of methods used: modern, traditional and non-traditional.

Having fallen ill, first of all they turn to classical doctors who write out a prescription and explain the treatment regimen for a particular ailment.

But, along with medicines, they often resort to proven "grandmother's": brew chamomile, or eat lingonberries with honey.

And when all the methods have been tried, they turn to healers and healers. With the belief that they can help where medicine is powerless.

Classical medicine. Pros and cons

Evidence-based (modern) medicine has undoubtedly achieved a lot: surgery, resuscitation, effective ways control of epidemics and severe diseases. Inflammation of the lungs, compound fractures and appendicitis are unlikely to be successfully cured by means traditional medicine.

However, for every plus there is a minus. And it consists in the fact that official medicine in most cases is concerned about the removal of symptoms and pain. Yes, and the patient is already satisfied that the head no longer bothers, but acute phase illness has passed.

The new magic pill is popular, not good health making it unnecessary to go to the doctor.

Alternative medicine, its principles

Official medicine has generally accepted standards. In all institutions that train future doctors, they adhere to them. Accordingly, everything that does not fall under the standards refers to alternative medicine.

She is looking for the root cause of health problems, disorders in the body that led to the disease. In addition, unlike the classical principles, which consider a person as a system of separate organs, an unconventional approach takes him as a whole, takes into account the interconnection of all organs.


Folk (traditional) medicine includes ancient, time-tested methods

treat diseases. It was to them that for many centuries they turned for healing. The treatment is mainly with herbs and medicinal plants, infusions and decoctions are prepared from them.

In addition to healing potions, prayers and conspiracies are used. Prayers are read to protect themselves from an evil spirit, and conspiracies came to us from paganism, their words are passed down from generation to generation.

Eastern folk medicine

Eastern traditions teach diseases to prevent, maintain health and thereby prolong human life. The basis of philosophy is the unity of not only the spiritual and physical bodies, but also merging with the outside world. It is in this harmony that healers see the solution to problems.

Traditional and alternative medicine is often referred to as alternative medicine, it deals with the treatment of a person, and not a specific disease.

Alternative medicine. Trust or not

Adherents of alternative medicine claim that it is safe and effective. Many people believe in it. However, refuse classical ways treatment is not worth it. It is possible to apply the recommendations of a doctor and the achievements of alternative medicine together. This should be done with caution, since the effectiveness of most methods is poorly studied, and clinical evidence is also lacking.

Any clinic of alternative medicine promises to get rid of all ailments, but the patient has to seek help from such centers practically at his own peril and risk, since there is no regulatory regulation of this activity.

There are frequent cases of not only disappointment, but also harm to health, especially if you get an appointment with a charlatan who recommends another miracle remedy or technique. It is difficult to determine the level of qualification of such doctors. Often you have to rely on patient reviews.


Get trained

Now many centers offer to master palmistry, physiognomy, graphology, astrology - all this is alternative medicine. Training in alternative techniques is carried out in specialized educational institutions or remotely. It is believed that it is much more difficult to master the methods and techniques of alternative medicine than classical medicine, so is it worth trusting such dubious educational institutions or not, everyone's business. Unfortunately, the institute of non-traditional medicine, after which an official diploma of a healer will be issued, is still only a fantasy.

Now in Russia only acupuncture and manual practice have received official recognition. You can get an additional profession if there is a special medical education. For example, only neurologists can master acupuncture.

Folk remedies of the West and East

There are many areas of alternative practice. Every year their number is growing. In order to somehow understand this diversity, they tried to classify them.

The first group includes the following methods:

Bioelectromagnetic methods of influence on the body

AT ancient China biologically active points were found. These points are also called acupuncture points, about 700 are described in total. By irritating them in a certain way, various ailments can be cured, as well as disease prevention.

Methods of alternative medicine, which belong to the second group, involve the impact on biologically active points with magnetic, electric fields and biofields. Moreover, both diagnosis and treatment are carried out.

These include:

  • bioresonance therapy - stimulation of the areas of the cerebral cortex that are responsible for a particular organ with ultra-low frequencies of electrical impulses;
  • electroacupuncture reflexology - stimulation on the surface of the skin with electrical impulses;
  • magnetopuncture - impact magnetic fields, variable or constant;
  • information-active drugs - water or health-improving drugs that carry the "correct" information to the cells of the body. Means are multifunctional and have no contraindications;
  • exposure to fields of stones, metals and plants.

diet therapy

Alternative medicine uses numerous diets. Therefore, the third method includes vegetarianism, macrobiotics, fasting, all kinds of ways to use nutritional supplements.

A variety of power systems are also included here: according to Bragg, Shelton, Dukan, Semenova, Protasov.

Psychic energy and body

The ability to control the body and emotions is also alternative medicine. Treatment is carried out with the help of influence on the sense organs and through physical movement. These are Chinese and music therapy, color therapy, aromatherapy, visualization technologies, religious healing, extrasensory perception.

The fourth group also includes yoga and meditation. Techniques are popular and widely known around the world as Indian alternative medicine. .

Hands as the main tool in treatment

The methods that belong to the fifth group are mainly massage techniques. Traditional and alternative medicine have accumulated vast experience for centuries of history. Moreover, it is these methods of treatment with the help of the hands of a doctor that are recognized official medicine as effective enough.

This includes:

  • manual therapy - special techniques performed by the hands of a doctor, with the help of which the work of the patient's musculoskeletal system is improved;
  • massage - mechanical effect on tissues: joints, muscles, skin to achieve a therapeutic effect;
  • acupressure- finger stimulation of biologically active points;

Biologically active additives

The use of pharmacological agents also provides for alternative medicine. Treatment is carried out with the help of apitherapy, biological preparations based on products of animal or mineral origin.

The sixth group includes the following:

  • oxygen, is carried out for body cells that experience hypoxia;
  • cellular, using stem cells;
  • metabolic to improve metabolism;
  • antioxidant, that is, the prevention of oxidation inside the cells of the body.

In addition, there are such methods of alternative medicine that cannot be attributed to any group, for example, astrology, feng shui, psychopuncture.


  • the first level includes healers and herbalists, they work only with physical body person;
  • the second level implies an appeal to the Higher Forces with a request for help;
  • the third is psychics who literally see the cause of problems;
  • the fourth, spiritual level, involves the impact on the root cause of misfortune.

Whether this is true or not is difficult to verify. In most cases, the result of visiting a magician depends on the degree of faith the patient has in him.

Diagnosis of the state of the body

Traditional and alternative medicine in its arsenal has many tools and methods for both treatment and diagnosis.

Unlike official methods, an alternative study allows you to check in one session general state body and identify any diseases and problems present.

There are many popular diagnostic methods with confidence. However, classical medicine does not recognize and does not apply them.

If you contact the center of alternative medicine, patients can be offered the following methods:

  • Kinesiology is the study of human muscle movement. It is believed that each organ is associated with a specific muscle, by determining the degree of tone in it, you can detect the problem and get rid of it;
  • iridology examines the state of the body on the iris of the eyes;
  • auriculodiagnostics is a system that examines points on auricle associated with organs and systems of the body;
  • thermopuncture diagnostics measures temperature and sensitivity to it in the zone of biologically active points;
  • measures the pulse and correlates its characteristics with the state of the internal organs.

This is far from complete list techniques available in traditional medicine. However, it should be understood that there is no absolute certainty in their reliability. And if such a diagnosis is nevertheless addressed, it is better to clarify the results using the means and methods of official medicine.

What is traditional medicine, perhaps, is known to all. But with alternative medicine, which is also often called "alternative" or "non-conventional", everything is somewhat more complicated.

If you stop a person on the street and ask him what “alternative medicine” is, he will most likely answer that these are any methods of treatment that do not involve surgery and medication. However, this definition will not be entirely correct: after all, such “traditional” methods of treatment as physiotherapy exercises, massage and climatotherapy are suitable for it.

It could be said that no traditional methods treatments are treatments that have not been shown to be effective clinical trials, or the result of which largely depends on the personality of the doctor. However, this definition does not cover the entire range existing species therapy.

And most exact definition, probably will be the following: non-traditional methods of treatment are those methods whose effectiveness has not been proven by clinical trials, but which can be justified in terms of medical science and therefore have the right to life. These include, in descending order of effectiveness and evidence:

  • Phytotherapy (treatment medicinal herbs). The essence of the method is the use of decoctions, infusions, decoctions, extracts, ointments and others. medicines derived from medicinal plants. Some plants, depending on their species, place of growth, season and other factors, contain a large number of biologically active substances and alkaloids, which can have certain effects on the human body.
    Many methods of herbal medicine are actively used in traditional medicine - for example, cardiac glycosides are obtained from digitalis leaves, which are used in heart failure, and " breast collection No. 5" perfectly helps with diseases of the upper respiratory tract.
    However, there is also reverse example: many phytopreparations, including bioadditives that are fashionable today, are intended rather to enrich the manufacturing company than to treat diseases.
    Phytotherapy can also be attributed to fungiotherapy (treatment with mushrooms).
  • Reflexology. This is a fairly large branch of medicine, which is based on the assumption that exposure to certain points of the body activates the peripheral nervous system and allows you to start recovery processes.
    Impact by nature can be very different: it can be needles from different metals, immersed in the body to a certain depth (acupuncture), this can be a point vibration effect (acupressure), cauterization with burning sticks (su-jok) or a laser.
  • Hippotherapy and rayterrotherapy (treatment with horses and treatment with riding, respectively). The method is based on the activation of reflex mechanisms for maintaining balance in combination with vibration during the movement of the horse and psychological effect from interacting with her.
  • Naturopathy (treatment natural remedies). This is an extremely wide area of ​​alternative medicine, including heliotherapy (treatment sunlight), climatotherapy (treatment with a specially selected climate), balneotherapy (treatment mineral waters), pelotherapy (treatment with mud), apitherapy (treatment with bee products), hirudotherapy (treatment with leeches) and many other types of therapy.
  • Therapeutic fasting and therapeutic diets. The method is based on the correction of digestion and cleansing the body of toxins with the help of a specially selected diet and a certain order of eating.
  • Kinesitherapy (treatment by movement). In fact, kinesitherapy is not much different from conventional methods. physiotherapy exercises, except that it affects the entire body as a whole, and not on individual affected organs and parts of the body.
  • Physiotherapy, which includes magnetotherapy (exposure to magnetic fields), laser therapy and EHF-therapy (exposure to light and non-light range radiation), electrotherapy (exposure to electrical potential difference), vibrotherapy (exposure to vibration of a certain frequency), hydrotherapy (exposure to water flow) and others .
  • Psychotherapy and hypnotherapy, including autosuggestive therapy (self-hypnosis). The method is based on the theory of the organizing influence of the central nervous system on the body. In other words, "all diseases are from the nerves", and, having corrected psychological condition a person, it is possible to achieve a correction of his physiological state.
  • Osteopathy: a doctrine that suggests that a disease in the body occurs due to a violation of the structural and anatomical relationships between organs, and, accordingly, offers their correction by manual and hardware methods.
  • Homeopathy: a doctrine that suggests that the effect on the body of minimal concentrations of substances, in usual doses causing the same symptoms as the disease itself, through the feedback mechanism will allow the body to restore its functionality. In a number of homeopathic recipes, the degree of dilution medicinal product is such that in one dose of the drug there may not be a single molecule of the active substance.
  • Aromatherapy: treatment with aromas and essential oils, quite often used as an additional relaxing component of therapy.

Interestingly, there has been a recent trend towards gradual acceptance of non-traditional therapies and their transition from “unofficial” to “official” as clinical trials confirm their effectiveness.

It is also worth saying a few words about unreasonable methods of "treatment": methods that exist and are used, but which, nevertheless, cannot be attributed to medicine, even non-traditional. This is for example:

  • Healing, witchcraft, magic, manipulation life energy and various bioelectromagnetic influences. The essence of all these methods lies in the impact on the patient's body of a certain "psychic energy" of the magician-healer.
  • Urinotherapy, coprotherapy, bile therapy. The essence of the method is the impact on the human body of the waste products of the same (or another) person.
  • Medetherapy, zirconium therapy, lithotherapy. The method is based on the interaction of the body with copper and zirconium bracelets, as well as processed stones of various breeds.

As a rule, people practicing these methods try to avoid participating in any clinical research and do not allow to verify the results of their actions by objective methods of research.

A very interesting video seminar, which discusses various non-traditional methods and means of treatment, gives their classification and recommendations for the use of certain methods, recipes and devices of non-traditional, as well as traditional medicine. In particular, the results of studies on the effectiveness of Chinese and Oriental medicine, reflexology, homeopathy, as well as various extrasensory, healing and magical practices are presented.

The seminar provides an exciting personal history Vyacheslav Gubanov, Rector of MISE, who tells about the long and difficult path of the search effective means self-help without medication, the final of which was the development of our own scientific direction "Infosomatics" with a large arsenal of innovative thought-like technologies based on the physics of the human brain, the concept of subconscious control stresses and metrology subtle plans the existence of matter.

Watch and adopt the unique experience of a practicing researcher!

Classification table of methods of helping a person:
traditional, alternative and folk medicine

More detailed explanation of this table, see the video seminar presented above on this page.

This table provides a systematic classification of methods and means of treatment of alternative and traditional medicine, as well as various areas of traditional medicine.

You can also find a more detailed explanation of this tabular in our special article "New millennium - a new worldview"

Detailed content of the video seminar:

This video seminar was held as part of the fundamental online training course "Expert of Life"

  1. Introduction. Welcome to the webinar participants
  2. Tabgraphic: Distribution various methods and means of treatment, both traditional and non-traditional, traditional medicine in terms of their effectiveness and applicability, depending on the change in frequency environment(evolution of the mind). practice table
  3. On the fight against pseudoscience in Russia
  4. Genetics, Cybernetics and Bioenergoinformatics as pseudosciences. History reference
  5. Software virus 666 that kills programmers - classified materials. History of Antivirus creation. Birth of the first Infosomatics technology
  6. History of Vyacheslav Gubanov. Search effective methods self-help and remedies in alternative and traditional medicine
  7. The history of the formation of science Infosomatics: the path from a hydroacoustic, programmer, specialist in radio electronics and military analyst to a specialist in energy informatics and "software" of the human brain
  8. Interesting story creation of the first non-traditional medicine device in the Soviet Union "Axon 02" for electro-acupuncture based on the secret literature on Chinese and Oriental medicine in 1987
  9. Qi energy - what is it ?! An interesting explanation from the point of view of the theory of semiconductors: electrons and holes
  10. What is space from the point of view of elementary particle physics
  11. Principles of an unconventional method of treatment due to electrical effects on energy meridians person, saturating them with electricity in accordance with the measured potential of the channel
  12. Explanation of the principle of operation of the alternative traditional medicine device "Denas" and its differences from the device "Axon 02". Advantages of frequency electrical influence on human energy channels. Resonance principle
  13. Explanation of the principles of EHF-therapy. Information medicine and correction of the human software shell. Evaluation of the effectiveness of this non-traditional method of treatment in contrast to other means of providing assistance to traditional medicine. Examples of using
  14. The current state of affairs in healthcare in the Russian Federation and in other countries
  15. Ethnoscience. Real example treatment effectiveness folk remedies and methods
  16. Dialectical materialism as a method of cognition of the surrounding reality. Basic Laws
  17. The human brain is like an onboard computer. Human thinking is like software - its influence on somatics (body)
  18. The story of Vyacheslav Gubanov about learning the language of dolphins in order to create instrumental means of communication with them. Application this experience when working on contact with objects of subtle-material reality
  19. The history of V.V. Gubanov on the study of various methods and means of treatment of alternative and traditional medicine, medicine and magical practices in order to create a new scientific and practical direction based on imaginative thinking and the laws of Nature
  20. Phantoms are like electron clouds generated by the human brain.
  21. Explanation of the principles of effective counteraction to the enemy in hand-to-hand combat due to pre-emptive reading of thought forms, neutralization of phantoms and "sucking" of the enemy's manpower. Paralyzing the enemy
  22. An explanation of the physics of the technology "Love your enemy". Fundamentals of effective energy-information protection
  23. Secret works of Vyacheslav Gubanov in GIDUV ( State Institute for the improvement of doctors). An unconventional method for selecting medicines for treating patients is by taking a graph of the frequency response (amplitude-frequency response) of a person. Example efficient work with phantoms of investigational drugs. Alternative folk medicine in action!
  24. A funny story about "Brigade in a row" for a female oligarch
  25. The fast and effective treatment headaches with the help of figurative technologies of Infosomatics. Why homeopathy, reflexology, and many others known means traditional and alternative medicine treatments may be ineffective
  26. Physics and causes of headaches from the point of view of energy informatics
  27. macromolecules of water. How water carries information. Fundamentals of Homeopathy
  28. Aura-Soma. Principles of action. An interesting story of discharging a person's negative program on bottles with aura-soma
  29. An interesting example of treatment with folk remedies. Non-traditional medicine and the method of treating diseases among Komi healers. The prototype of modern homeopathy, but at the energy-informational level
  30. An alternative method of information charging water with the help of thought forms. The secret recipe of alternative folk medicine for the selection of herbs with very good efficiency. Healing practice of Vyacheslav Gubanov
  31. The reverse side of healing practices and methods of assistance, which few people know about. Healing as energy-informational donation. What do healing practices ultimately lead to, how do they affect the health of the healer himself. ( Personal experience Gubanova V.V.)
  32. Energy-information technology of Infosomatics to restore your energy and break energy-information ties with clients and patients - for healers, healers, bioenergetics, psychics and all those who work in the field of alternative medicine
  33. Reflexology 2.0. Technology of energy-information acupuncture: how to conduct an acupuncture session on biologically active points (BAP) on your own using mental images and connecting to an informator Chinese medicine. Acupuncture with phantom needles as a method self-treatment no contraindications
  34. Placebo effect - what is it in simple words. The physics of the placebo effect on the human psyche and physiology. How it works?!
  35. How traditional medicine (pills, pharmaceuticals) act on the human body, in contrast to non-traditional methods of treatment. What are the consequences of ways to correct health with the help of chemicals
  36. Thought forms of man operating basis placebo effect in the treatment of traditional medicine. How does it affect logically oriented (left-brain) people and how creative, intuitive (right-brain) people. Differences
  37. A funny example of a real deliverance from a woman's infertility with the help of a "super-device" of alternative medicine. The power of beliefs, their impact on human physiology and psychological method breaking the stereotype of thinking as an alternative way to effectively correct health
  38. Water, as a keeper and carrier of information, as a medicine for the body and soul. Research by Masaru Emoto. Mantras, prayers, conspiracies - their effect on water crystals
  39. The use of structured water as an easily accessible method of traditional medicine and a means of treatment (as well as prevention) of many diseases. Recipe for water treatment at home using freezing. Crystallography
  40. Consequences of the 2012 quantum transition from the point of view of elementary particles. Proton size change by 4% as a scientifically proven fact
  41. Why MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging), as a tool of traditional medicine, often leads to errors in diagnoses
  42. Information homeopathy. An example of "infection" and healing with the help of thought forms
  43. Homeopathy - what is it in simple words. Physics of influence. How does homeopathy, as a kind of alternative medicine, differ from the pharmacology of traditional medicine. Teaching the body at the program level to resist various diseases with the help of homeopathic treatment, that is, exposure to doses of ultra-low concentrations
  44. The impact of virtual reality (computers, gadgets) on human health
  45. Figurative technology of infosomatics for disconnecting (mismatch) of the human body and brain from virtual reality and returning to natural processes. An example of effective self-help (alternative self-healing) with the help of mental images
  46. Information non-traditional medicine based on "targeted" imaginative thinking (structured mental images) and its effectiveness in comparison with homeopathy
  47. The law of negation of negation and the principle "You should have listened better to Mommy", that is, Nature
  48. When Does Chinese Medicine Work Well? oriental medicine(herbs, aromatherapy, acupuncture, su jok, juju therapy), and in which - Western medicine
  49. results contemporary research Chinese medicine BAP (biologically active points) of a person. Weighty scientific evidence of the reality of their existence in the human body at the physiological level! Anti pseudoscience
  50. The brain is like a human operating system. On the importance of working with software(human thinking), and not just with the "iron" (human body).
  51. Phantoms as a product of human mental activity. What does a tomograph actually measure?
  52. About programming and damage by diagnosis
  53. On the role of women in men's health. How positive emotions and the energy generated by the female body and brain can heal. Pro-Nature Healing
  54. about pseudoscience and right attitude to magicians, sorcerers and psychics. How methods and means of treatment of non-traditional, traditional medicine of the past can and should be effectively used in the present. The influence of the active transition of most people from the Natural reality to virtual reality entailing the need to update the methods of care and treatment through the connection and development alternative methodologies work already with human software - with the mechanisms of his thinking and energy-information structures
  55. culture brain activity as the basis of health
  56. The relationship between the laws of the dense-material and subtle-material worlds
  57. On the need to take into account the impact of reincarnations and incarnation programs on human health
  58. Modern methods of informational (software) corrections for self-recovery and long-term preservation of your health!
  59. Topic Completion

It is a set of methods for diagnosing, treating and preventing diseases that are not used in everyday work. medical institutions. Wherein alternative methods have common roots with official medical practices, however, have not received convincing scientific confirmation of their effectiveness. Therefore, they did not enter the usual medical arsenal.

The differences between traditional and alternative medicine begin with the definition of "health". The doctor who has professional education, will say that it is the absence of disease. He will explain the appearance of an illness by the presence of a provoking factor, for example, the introduction of pathogenic microbes from the environment. When the disease is found, the patient will be prescribed physiotherapy or surgery.

Experts in non-traditional thinking think differently. They perceive a person not in terms of anatomy and physiology, but as a complex of functions and energy. Therefore, health is a balance of all body systems: physical, spiritual, emotional. The disease disturbs this balance, but a person is able to overcome it on his own. Alternative healers see their main task in activating internal energy flows and increasing the vitality of the body.

An unconventional approach seems more natural to many. Most commonly used for treatment natural ingredients, such as herbs (herbal medicine and aromatherapy), honey and other bee products (apitherapy), mushrooms (fungotherapy), stones, algae, salts (thalassotherapy, lithotherapy), etc. Along with them, various physical and emotional manipulations are used: acupuncture, acupressure , purification of bioenergetic fields, etc. Some non-traditional methods use completely unexpected means, for example, the patient's own urine (urine therapy).

In most cases alternative ways prevention and treatment of diseases are chosen subjectively and depend on the personal preferences of the healer. Strict rules dosing of medicines and their schemes, as a rule, are absent. The effectiveness of treatment is also often directly dependent on the degree of trust the patient has in his doctor. In addition, alternative medicine specialists are reluctant to share their experience with colleagues.

Current practice makes it difficult objective research alternative methods to assess their effectiveness and safety. The World Health Organization (WHO) currently does not recommend the widespread and massive use of alternative medicine. However, she suggests