Contributions to tsn gardeners. Reorganization of SNT into TSN on a specific example (for familiarization of SNT members)

№ ____

on the procedure for using infrastructure facilities

and other common property of SNT "LIPKI"

when conducting gardening, horticulture or dacha farming on an individual basis

Leningrad region,

Kirovsky district "___" ___________ ____

Citizens__ ___________________________________, "__"____________ ____ G.

birth, __________________________________________ ______________________

identity card)

(name of the authority that issued the identity document)

registered ___ at the address: _______________________________, residing ___

by the address: _______________________________________________________________,

hereinafter referred to as "Individual gardener", on the one hand,

and Horticultural non-profit partnership "LIPKI", represented by the Chairman of the Board Ilyina T.V., acting on the basis of the Charter, hereinafter referred to as the "Partnership", on the other hand, collectively referred to as the "Parties", have concluded this Agreement as follows:


1.1. Under this Agreement, the Partnership grants the Individual Gardener, since the Individual Gardener conducts gardening on an individual basis on the territory of the Partnership, the right to use infrastructure facilities and other common property owned by the Partnership specified in this Agreement, and the Individual Gardener pays contributions for the use of this property and payments in the amount and on the terms established by this Agreement.

1.2. An individual gardener has the right to use all infrastructure facilities and other common property owned by the Partnership (hereinafter referred to as the "Property") and located on the territory owned by the Partnership.

Within the framework of this Agreement, infrastructure facilities and other common property owned by the Partnership (“Property”) means:

  • land for common use within the boundaries of the Partnership;
  • streets, driveways, passages from the boundaries of the Partnership to the boundaries of individual garden plots;
  • power lines together with electrical equipment from the borders of the balance sheet ownership between the Partnership and the power supply organization to the borders of the balance sheet ownership between the Partnership and gardeners - consumers of electricity;
  • buildings, structures, equipment created for the maintenance of objects (property) of common use, security;
  • other facilities within the boundaries of the Partnership intended to serve members of the Partnership and gardeners who lead the Partnership on an individual basis, the alienation and transfer of rights to use which may lead to infringement of the rights and interests of gardeners;
  • measures to ensure collective security, incl. fire, sanitary, ecological;
  • maintenance of objects (property) of common use, streets, passages, passages;
  • maintenance of public land, including areas with landscaping elements;
  • expenses for maintenance, current and major repairs, periodic testing of installations, equipment, lines, training and certification of personnel, maintenance of personnel servicing lines and installations;
  • garbage removal;
  • ensuring the safety of property within the boundaries of the Partnership;
  • tax payments of the Partnership as a legal entity;
  • incentives for members of the Partnership working in the management and control bodies of the Partnership;
  • remuneration of labor of persons involved under labor (according to the organizational and staff list) and civil law contracts for solving the general tasks of the Partnership;
  • ensuring the normal activities of the governing bodies, including the organization and holding of a general meeting, postal, representative, stationery, transportation, utility costs, telephone and other types of communication services, consumables for office equipment and other current expenses;
  • protection of the rights of the Partnership and gardeners;
  • consulting services.

The infrastructure of the Partnership also includes other elements, systems and services not specified in this Agreement.

1.3. The use of the Partnership's Property specified in clause 1.2 of this Agreement is carried out at any time if necessary for the Individual gardener.

1.4. An individual gardener has the right to start using the Partnership's Property specified in clause 1.2 of this Agreement from "__" ________ _____.

1.5. An individual gardener is obliged to use the Property of the Partnership specified in clause 1.2 of this Agreement, in accordance with its purpose and in the manner established by this Agreement.

1.6. The Partnership has the right to exercise control over the procedure for using the Property by an individual gardener

1.7. If it is established that the Individual Gardener, when using the Partnership's Property, violates the conditions for using it in accordance with this Agreement, the Partnership has the right to suspend the use of the Property without warning until the violations are eliminated and the damages are compensated (if any).

In this case, the Individual Gardener is obliged to compensate the Partnership for losses caused by improper use of the Property, in the manner prescribed by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

1.8. The Partnership has the right to suspend the possibility of using the Property, in the event of a debt from the Individual Gardener to the Partnership on contributions and payments from the moment of the period following the settlement period until the full repayment of the debt.

1.9. An individual gardener is obliged to participate by personal labor or the labor of his family members in the activities and work carried out on the territory of the Partnership, as well as comply with the requirements established by the Charter of the Partnership, internal regulatory documents and legislation.

1.10. When alienating a land plot by an Individual Gardener as a result of transactions of sale, exchange, donation and others provided for by law, apply to the Board of the Partnership for a certificate of the amount of debt (no debt) to the Partnership. Notify the assignee of the terms of this Agreement and the existence of outstanding obligations under it (if any).


2.1. An individual gardener pays to the Partnership once a year:

reimbursement contributions for the maintenance of infrastructure, facilities, other common property of the Partnership and gardeners, equal to the amount of the membership fee of the partnership, in the manner and within the time limits established for members of the partnership.

earmarked contributions for the acquisition (creation), reconstruction, modernization, maintenance of infrastructure facilities and other common property owned by gardeners, equal in size to targeted contributions for members of the partnership. The target fee for compensation for electricity losses during transmission through the internal networks of the partnership is paid in the manner and in the amount established for members of the partnership, at a time with payment for electricity.

2.1.1. Contributions for the use of the Partnership's Property are paid by the Individual Gardener within the time limits established for the members of the Partnership by depositing it into the cashier's office of the Partnership or transferring it to the account of the Partnership.

In case of non-payment within the terms established by the contract, the calculation of payments is made according to the estimate of the next six months.

2.1.2. The amount of payment for the use of the Property is determined in accordance with the income and expenditure estimate approved by the decision of the general meeting of the Partnership (meeting of authorized persons) for half a year.

2.1.3. The amount of payment for the use of the Partnership's Property during the term of this Agreement may increase, but not more than 1 (One) time in 6 months.

2.1.4. Changes in the amount, terms of payment, the procedure for making contributions and payments, adopted by decisions of the general meetings (meeting of authorized persons) are brought to the attention of the individual gardener in the manner established for notifying the members of the Partnership.

2.2.Payments for consumed utility resources, if any, include electricity, water supply, and are paid by the Individual gardener once every 6 months in the amount of their actual consumption according to the meter readings on the last day of the month that closes the half year.

2.2.1. Accounting for the electricity consumed by the Individual Gardener is carried out by the metering device _____________________________________________ No. _______________________________.

2.2.2. Accounting for water supply is carried out by a metering device _______________________________________________ No. _______________________________.

2.2.3. Payment is made no later than the 10th day of the month following the billing period.

2.2.4. At the conclusion of the contract, the Individual gardener makes an advance payment based on the expected average consumption for 3 (three) months in the amount of five thousand_(_5000_) rubles.

2.2.5. Subsequently, the Individual Gardener has the right to make an advance payment for a period of 3 (three) months in the amount of the expected average daily consumption of electricity, water supply.

2.2.6. Accruals for payment of consumed communal resources are made in accordance with the tariffs in force at the time of payment, established in accordance with the current legislation.

2.2.7. The fact of payment is certified by a strict reporting document with a seal (when paying at the cash desk of the Partnership) or a receipt of payment (when paying through banking institutions).

2.2.8. The Partnership has the right, as necessary and / or within the time limits established by the Partnership, to check the consumption by the Individual Gardener (taking into account other consumers) of the amount of electric energy, water supply, drawing up an act to this agreement.

2.2.9. In the event of a temporary disruption in the operation of instruments and metering devices through no fault of the Individual Gardener, the calculation of the cost of consumed electrical energy, water supply is carried out according to the average daily consumption of the billing period, followed by recalculation after the restoration of accounting at the average daily consumption of the subsequent period at the tariff established for the corresponding period or according to the readings of the instruments and accounting tools, taking into account the magnitude of losses in the network up to the boundary of the balance sheet and operational responsibility of networks.

2.2.10. In the event of a malfunction of devices and metering devices due to the fault of an individual gardener (a broken seal, broken glass, etc.) and / or a change in the scheme for switching on devices and metering devices, the calculation of the cost of consumed electrical energy is carried out according to the installed capacity of electrical receivers for 24 (twenty-four ) hours, for the entire period of the committed violation from the date of the last replacement (check) of instruments and metering devices or verification of their connection by a representative of the Partnership, at the rate established at the time the violation was discovered without subsequent recalculation. These violations are recorded by acts drawn up by representatives of the Partnership, being the basis for the calculations.


3.1. If the Partnership fails to provide the Individual Gardener with the right to use the Property specified in clause 1.2 of this Agreement, or establishes obstacles to the use of the said Property, the Partnership is obliged to grant the right to use or remove obstacles to use within 5 (five) working days from the date of the written request of the Individual gardener.

3.2. In the event that the Individual Gardener fails to pay more than 2 (two) times in a row any contribution or payment for the use of the Property of the Partnership specified in clause 2.1 of this Agreement, based on the decision of the Board of the Partnership or the General Meeting of the members of the Partnership, the Individual Gardener is deprived of the right to use the Property specified in clause 2.1 of this Agreement. 1.2 of this Agreement.

Unpaid amounts of contributions are recovered from the Individual gardener in a judicial proceeding.

3.3. The penalty for late payment of reimbursable, targeted contributions, as well as other obligatory payments is set at 0.1% of the amount of the debt for each day of delay, but not more than the amount of the unpaid amount.

3.4. For violation of other provisions of this Agreement, the Parties shall be liable in accordance with the current civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.5. If it is established that the Individual Gardener, when using the Property of the Partnership, allowed its damage or destruction, the Individual Gardener shall be liable in accordance with the current civil legislation of the Russian Federation.


If __30 days__ before the expiration of the Agreement, none of the Parties declares its termination, the Agreement continues to be valid for another __1 year.__ Subsequent prolongation is possible by written consent of the Parties.

4.2. All disputes and disagreements that may arise between the Parties on issues that have not been resolved in the text of this Agreement will be resolved through negotiations on the basis of the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.3. If disputable issues are not settled in the process of negotiations, disputes are resolved in court in the manner established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.4. The Parties are released from liability for partial or complete failure to fulfill their obligations under this Agreement, if their fulfillment is hindered by an extraordinary and unavoidable circumstance under the given conditions (force majeure).

4.5. This Agreement is made in 2 (Two) copies, having equal legal force, one for each of the Parties.

4.6. Addresses and payment details of the Parties:

Individual gardener: Citizens __ ______________, "__" ____________ ____ year of birth,

(Full name) (date, year of birth)

____________________________________________ ______________________________

(type of identity document) (details of the document,

identity card)

issued on "__" _______ ____, _______________________________________________,

(name of the authority that issued the document,

identity card)

registered ___ at the address: ____________________________________________,

living ___ at the address: _________________________________________________


Partnership: Horticultural non-profit partnership "LIPKI"


Address: 187322, Leningrad region, Kirovsky district, Sinyavino-1 massif

TIN 4706010350 KPP 470601001

account 40703810555320108293

in the North-Western Bank of the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation, St. Petersburg

to / account 30101810500000000653

BIC 044030653


Individual gardener: __________________________/______________________/

(signature) (full name)

Chairman of the Board of the Partnership: ___________________________ / Ilyina T.V. /

(signature) (full name)


Information for information:

<1>By virtue of par. 4 p. 2 art. eight Federal Law of April 15, 1998 N 66-FZ "On horticultural, horticultural and dacha non-profit associations of citizens" the amount of payment for the use of infrastructure and other common property of a horticultural, horticultural or dacha non-profit association for citizens engaged in horticulture, horticulture or dacha farming on an individual basis, provided that they make contributions for the acquisition (creation) of the said property, it cannot exceed the amount of payment for the use of the said property for members of such an association.

AGREEMENT No. _______


On the use of infrastructure facilities and other common property

SNT "Ust-Luga"
Leningrad region, Kingisepp district, Ust-Luga rural settlement, near the village. Mezhniki

Horticultural Non-Commercial Partnership "Ust-Luga",

Hereinafter referred to as the SNT or the "Partnership", represented by the Chairman of the Board of Eligulashvili Marina Mikhailovna, acting on the basis of the Charter - on the one hand, and a citizen of the Russian Federation: ____________________________________________________, who has the right to a garden plot No. _____ on the territory of the SNT Ust-Luga ", but is not a member of the Partnership, hereinafter referred to as the "Individual Gardener" or "Consumer" - on the other hand, collectively referred to as the "Parties", have concluded this agreement as follows:

1. Terms and definitions used in the Agreement
Garden plot - a land plot owned, owned or used by an individual gardener and / or members of his family, with a total area of ​​\u200b\u200b____ sq.m. , vegetables, potatoes and other agricultural crops, as well as for recreation (with the right to erect a residential building and utility buildings and structures);
Common property (hereinafter referred to as Infrastructure) - property (including land plots) intended to provide, within the territory of the Partnership, the needs of the members of the Partnership for passage, travel, recreation and other needs (roads, common gates and fences, garbage collection areas, fire fighting facilities, etc.). The infrastructure of the Partnership, in particular, includes:
. public lands of SNT "Ust-Luga" within the established boundaries;
. streets and driveways (from the borders of the Partnership to the border of the garden plot);
. a fence along the boundaries of the Partnership;
. buildings and structures created for the protection and maintenance of common property

. equipment located outside or inside individual garden plots and serving more than one garden plot;
. other facilities within the boundaries of the Partnership intended to serve members of the Partnership and individual gardeners, the alienation or transfer of which may lead to infringement of the rights and legitimate interests of members of the Partnership and / or individual gardeners.
Utilities - brought to the consumer, received by individual gardeners and members of the Partnership as members of the team and paid from the funds of SNT "Ust-Luga" as an organization authorized by members of the team to settle with specialized organizations - providers of public services.


This agreement is concluded on the basis of:
1. Article 445 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and Article 8 of the Federal Law No. 66 FZ “On horticultural, horticultural and dacha non-profit associations of citizens”;
2. the requirement of the Charter of SNT "Ust-Luga" on the conclusion of individual agreements on the use of infrastructure facilities with citizens who are not members of the partnership;


The Partnership provides the Consumer with utilities and the right to use infrastructure facilities and other common property of Ust-Luga SNT, and the Consumer receives and pays for utilities, and also exercises and pays for his right to use the infrastructure on the terms specified in this Agreement.
1.2 In their relationship, the Parties are guided by this agreement, the Charter of the SNT, the decisions of the General Meeting and the Board of the SNT, agreements concluded by the SNT, the current internal regulations of the Partnership, adopted and approved in the prescribed manner.
1.3 The purpose of this Agreement is to provide all owners, owners and users of garden plots on the territory of the SNT with favorable and safe conditions for using them, as well as to ensure the proper maintenance and development of the Partnership's infrastructure.


2.1The partnership is obliged :
2.1.1 Grant the Individual Gardener, as well as his family members, tenants, other legal users of the garden plot the right to use the Partnership's infrastructure facilities.
2.1.2. Provide utility services to the Consumer, as well as to the Consumer's family members, tenants, other legal users of the garden plot in accordance with the mandatory requirements established by the Decisions of the General Meeting of the partnership in the required amount, safe for life, health of consumers and not causing harm to their property, including:
a) providing access to the site (streets and driveways);
b) ensuring the removal of municipal solid waste (MSW)
2.1.3. Provide other services for a fee in the manner and on the terms stipulated by the decisions of the management bodies of the Partnership and agreements with the relevant organizations.
2.1.4. At the expense of the funds of the Partnership, formed from the contributions of members of the Partnership and payments of Individual gardeners, maintain and develop the infrastructure of the Partnership in accordance with the decisions of the governing bodies of the Partnership, including ensuring the performance of maintenance and current repairs of common property.
2.1.5 On its own behalf, enter into agreements with resource supplying organizations for the supply of communal resources and the removal of household waste, ensuring the provision of utility services to the Consumer. Monitor compliance with the terms of contracts, the quality and quantity of supplied utilities, their execution, and keep records of them.
2.1.6. Accept from the Individual Gardener the payments provided for in this agreement for the maintenance and creation of the infrastructure of the Partnership, as well as utility bills for resource-supplying organizations from the Consumer.
2.1.7. Inform the Individual Gardener of all changes made to the Charter of the SNT during the term of the agreement, as well as all decisions of the management bodies of the Partnership regarding the subject of this Agreement in the same manner as provided for when notifying the members of the Partnership.
2.1.8. Consider proposals, applications and complaints of the Consumer and other persons who use the garden plot legally, keep records of them, take measures necessary to eliminate the shortcomings indicated in them within the established time limits, keep records of the elimination of these shortcomings. Not later than 20 working days from the date of receipt of the written application, inform the applicant of the decision taken on the stated issue.
2.1.9. Inform the Consumer and other persons legally using the land plot about the impossibility to fulfill their obligations for reasons independent of the Partnership, about the reasons and expected duration of interruptions in the provision of public services, the provision of public services with a quality lower than that provided for in this agreement in the same manner that valid for members of the Association.
If the outstanding work or services not rendered can be performed (rendered) later, provide information on the timing of their completion (rendering), and in case of non-performance (non-rendering), recalculate the utility bill.
2.1.10. Inform the Individual Gardener in writing about changes in the conditions and amount of fees for the use of infrastructure facilities (clause 3.2), utilities (3.3), the conditions and amount of contributions for the acquisition (creation) of infrastructure facilities and public property of the Partnership for no more than 20 working days from the date of their change in the manner prescribed by the regulations of the Partnership.
2.1.11. At the request of the Individual Gardener and other persons acting on the order of the Individual Gardener or jointly and severally responsible for the site and buildings on it, issue, within 5 days from the date of written request, acts of reconciliation of payments, certificates of the established form, copies of the Decisions of the Board, the General Meeting and other documents defining the terms of this agreement, the amount and terms of payments under it, the correctness of the calculation of penalties (fines, penalties) and other documents provided for by the current legislation.
2.1.12. Based on the application of the Individual Gardener and other persons who use the garden plot legally, send their employee to draw up an act of damage to the common property of the Partnership or the property of the Individual Gardener.
2.1.13. Do not distribute personal information relating to the Individual Gardener (do not transfer it to other persons, including organizations) without the written permission of the Individual Gardener or other legal grounds.
2.1.14. Represent the interests of the Individual gardener and persons using the site belonging to him on legal grounds, as part of the fulfillment of their obligations under this Agreement.
2.1.15. Do not allow the use of the common property of the Partnership without appropriate decisions of the general meeting of owners in each specific case.
2.2 The partnership has the right:

2.2.1. Monitor the use of SNT infrastructure facilities
2.2.2. In the event that a violation by the Consumer of the procedure for using infrastructure facilities is detected, after a written warning, suspend the possibility of using infrastructure facilities until the violations are eliminated and the damage is compensated in the manner established by the regulatory documents of the Partnership.
2.2.3. Suspend the possibility of using infrastructure facilities in the event of a debt from the Consumer to the Partnership.
2.3. The individual gardener must :
2.3.1 Bear the burden of maintaining the land and the burden of liability for violation of the law;
2.3.2 Use the land plot in accordance with its intended purpose and permitted use, not damage the land as a natural and economic object;
2.3.3 Do not violate the rights of the Partnership as a legal entity, members of the Partnership and other individual gardeners;
2.3.4 Comply with agrotechnical requirements, established regimes, restrictions, encumbrances and easements;
2.3.5 Timely pay the payments provided for by this Agreement and other contributions, and other taxes and payments provided for by law;
2.3.6 Comply with urban planning, construction, environmental, sanitary and hygienic, fire and other requirements (norms, rules and regulations);
2.3.7 Participate in events held by the Partnership;
2.3.8 To comply with the lawful decisions of the management bodies of the Partnership, to comply with the Regulations on the procedure for using infrastructure facilities and other public property of the SNT. Regulations on the procedure for paying contributions of other mandatory payments to the SNT and spending the funds of the partnership”, other regulations of the Partnership approved by the management bodies of the Partnership;
2.3.9 In case of alienation of a land plot as a result of purchase and sale transactions, exchange, donation and others provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, apply to the Board of the Partnership for a Certificate of the amount of debt (no debt) to the Partnership. Notify the right of the acquirer about the terms of this agreement and the existence of outstanding obligations under it (if any).
2.3.10 Notify your heirs under the will and under the law about the terms of this agreement.
2.4. An individual gardener has the right to:

2.4.1 Manage independently on their land in accordance with its permitted use;
2.4.2 Carry out, in accordance with urban planning, construction, environmental, sanitary and hygienic, fire safety and other established requirements (norms, rules and regulations), the construction and reconstruction of a residential building, utility buildings and structures - on a garden plot of land; a residential building or a residential building, utility buildings and structures - on a summer cottage; non-permanent residential buildings, utility buildings and structures - on a land plot;
2.4.3 Dispose of their land and other property in cases where they are not withdrawn from circulation or are not limited in circulation on the basis of the law;
2.4.4 Upon a written request to the Management Board, receive information about the decisions of the management bodies of the Partnership regulating the procedure for using SNT infrastructure facilities and all decisions regarding the obligations and rights of the Parties under this Agreement.
2.4.5 Based on the written consent of the Management Board, personally (without the right of trust) to participate in the General Meeting of the Partnership with the right of an advisory vote, with or without the right to speak.
2.4.6 To participate by personal labor or labor of members of one's family in public works organized by the Partnership.
2.4.7 Carry out other actions not prohibited by law.


      An individual gardener pays to the Partnership:
      . Contribution for the use of infrastructure facilities, equal to membership fee for SNT members
      . Contributions for the acquisition (creation) of infrastructure facilities and public property of the Partnership, equal to the target contribution for members of the SNT
      . Utility payments, same as SNT members

      Land tax for public land on a par with members of the SNT, etc.

      The amount of contributions and payments is regularly approved by the decisions of the General Meeting of the Partnership.
      Changes in the amount and terms of payment approved by the General Meetings are brought to the attention of the Individual Gardener within 20 working days from the date of the General Meeting in the manner approved for notifying members of the Partnership.
      In case I individual grower does not participate in the acquisition (creation) of infrastructure and public property, the amount of the contribution for the use of infrastructure is calculated with a multiplier of 2.0 relative to the amount of membership fees established by the General Meeting of the Partnership.
      Payment for the use of infrastructure facilities does not include payments for communal resources.
      3.4 Contributions for the acquisition (creation) of infrastructure and public property of the Partnership - regularly made by Individual gardeners for the acquisition (creation), overhaul and reconstruction of public facilities, the amount of which corresponds to the amount of Target contributions for members of the Partnership established by the decision of the General Meeting of the Partnership.
      3.5 Utility payments
      3.5.1 The Partnership is not a provider of utility services to the Consumer and does not carry out activities for the removal of waste, etc., and the Individual Gardener is not a sub-subscriber. The use of communal services by members of the Partnership and Individual gardeners is not contractual, but joint and is carried out by members of the Partnership and individual gardeners as a team. In this case, the Partnership acts as a paying agent.
      3.5.2 In the future, by decision of the General Meeting, the Partnership may create, at the expense of contributions for the acquisition (creation) of infrastructure facilities and public property of the Partnership, a common water, gas, sewer, etc. systems. In this case, the tariffs for the use of these systems will be determined on the basis of SNT agreements with specialized organizations - suppliers of utility resources, organizations operating utility networks and taking into account the costs of creating these utility networks.
      3.5.3 The tariffs for utility bills for an Individual gardener cannot differ from these tariffs for members of the Partnership.
      3.6 .1 As agreed with the Management Board, payment is made by depositing funds to the cashier of the Partnership - in this case, the document confirming payment is a strict reporting form issued to the payer by the cashier of the Partnership.
      3.6.2 Non-use of the garden plot by the Consumer or refusal to use common property and / or utilities is not a basis for the release of the Consumer in whole or in part from the fulfillment of obligations under this Agreement.

      4. PENALTY

      In case of delay by the Consumer of any of the payments provided for by this Agreement, the Consumer shall pay penalties in the amount of 0.1% of the amount of the overdue payment for each calendar day of delay.
      4.2 If the Consumer has a debt in paying fees for the acquisition (creation) of infrastructure facilities and common property of the Partnership, the Partnership unilaterally, without special notice to the Consumer, increases the rate of payment for the use of infrastructure facilities by 2 times. The increased rate will be valid until the date of full repayment by the Consumer of his payment obligations.


      5.1. This agreement comes into force from the moment of its signing by the parties and in the event that neither of the parties notifies of its desire to terminate it by June 01 of the next year, it is considered prolonged for one more year, starting from June 01.

      5.2 This Agreement shall terminate in connection with the admission of the Individual gardener to the membership of the SNT;
      5.3 This Agreement shall terminate in connection with the transfer of rights to a garden plot as a result of its sale, donation, exchange and other transactions; provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation. An individual gardener alienating a plot must ensure the transfer of his rights and obligations under this Agreement to a new right holder by signing a new agreement between the right holder and the Partnership before submitting an application for registration of the transaction in the manner prescribed by law.
      When a land plot is alienated by an individual gardener who has a debt to the Partnership, he is obliged to pay off the debt to the transaction or transfer to the Partnership the right to claim the debt (including penalties) from the assignee, notifying the assignee about this.
      In the event of the death of an individual gardener, his successors, in order to exercise their rights to a land plot, are obliged to conclude a new agreement with the Partnership.
      5.4 The Agreement may also be terminated for other reasons, in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.


      6.1. In the event of any dispute between the Parties regarding the interpretation, operation or execution of this Agreement, the Parties will take all reasonable measures to resolve such a dispute through negotiations. The claim procedure for resolving disputes is mandatory. The term for considering a claim is 20 (twenty) calendar days from the date of receipt of the claim by the relevant Party.
      6.2. A dispute on which the Parties have not reached an agreement through negotiations shall be resolved in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

      7. OTHER TERMS

      7.1. In cases not provided for by this Agreement, the parties are guided by the current civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
      7.2. All changes and additions to this Agreement are valid if they are made in writing and signed by authorized representatives of the Parties.
      7.3. Each of the Parties is obliged to notify the other party of the Agreement about changes in its details. If the other party is not notified about the change in the details, the party is not entitled to refer to the fact that it did not receive the items.
      7.4. Unless otherwise provided by specific clauses of the Agreement, the Parties have determined that the proper notification / notification of the second party to the agreement is postal (registered, valuable or with a list of attachments) and / or electronic mail sent to the addresses specified in Art. 8 of this Agreement; and / or personal delivery of the item to the second Party.
      7.5 If any of the Parties intends to amend this agreement, it sends to the other party in the manner prescribed in paragraph 7.4 of this Agreement, its proposals in the form of a properly executed draft Addendum to the Agreement.
      The other Party, within 20 (Twenty) working days from the date of receipt of the proposals of the Initiating Party, must consider them and sign or submit a reasoned refusal to sign. If the proposals of the initiating Party are not signed, but a reasoned refusal to sign the document is not sent, the Parties will consider that the proposals of the initiating Party were accepted without objection.
      7.6. The invalidity of certain conditions (clauses) of the Agreement does not entail the invalidity of other conditions (clauses) of the Agreement.
      7.7. For all clauses of the Agreement, the individual gardener was given exhaustive explanations, all provisions of the Agreement were agreed by the parties, the provisions of Art. 421 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation are known to him and observed.
      7.8. The Agreement is drawn up in two identical copies: one copy for the Individual gardener, the other for the Partnership.


      Attachments to the contract:

      . Extract from the Decision of the General Meeting on the determination of membership, earmarked fees, land tax for public land and other utility payments

      A copy of the Certificate of ownership of the land;
      . A copy of the Extract from the Cadastral passport for the land plot
      . Copy of the Consumer's passport (pages 2-3, registration address)

      SNT "Ust-Luga", "Individual gardener"

      Leningrad region, full name __________________________

      Kingisepp District, ________________________________

      Ust-Luga rural settlement ________________________________

Chairman of SNT "Ust-Luga" Address: __________________________

MM. Eligulashvili


Passport: Series _______, No. __________

Issued by (by) ______________________


Date (issue) "____" ______ 20_____

Signature ___________________________

FULL NAME. ________________________

The acquisition of a garden plot does not end with the signing of an agreement and obtaining a certificate of registration of the right to land in the Registration Chamber. In order for the owner of the site to gain access to communications and infrastructure elements, he needs to conclude an agreement with. It establishes legal relations between the owners of land plots and the administration of the partnership.

This organization operates on a voluntary basis, is independent and non-profit, however, individual members have the right to engage in entrepreneurial activities. In fact, the partnership is a form of self-government by garden farms.

In order to be served on an equal footing with all other owners, the new owner of the garden plot must conclude an agreement

Without concluding an agreement, the partnership has the right to suspend the water and electricity supply of the site, ignore it when removing garbage, etc. In practice, such services are often provided even without the conclusion of an appropriate agreement - but only until the board of the partnership finds out about the violator.

Usually these are new land owners who are not familiar with the procedure for joining a partnership. You may need .

At the initial discovery of a violation, the owner will be asked to sign a document and pay a membership fee. If he refuses, then he may well be disconnected from the existing communications.

To restore them, it will be enough to sign an agreement, get a membership book and pay a fee.

The need to enter into a partnership and conclude an agreement arises for the following reason. By law, all site owners are co-owners of communications, therefore, they are responsible for their exploitation.

You can draw an analogy with multi-storey buildings: they also have common house communications, which are required to be jointly serviced by all residents. Lack of payment entails deprivation of access to civilizational benefits. The situation is the same with garden plots.

What should be in the contract

A typical contract consists of several clauses:

Document's name

Names of the parties. The owner of the site is called "Gardener" in the document, his passport data, the address of the site and his cadastral number are given. On behalf of the partnership, the party to the agreement is its chairman, acting on the basis of the charter.
Subject of the contract. This paragraph discusses on the basis of what documents the relationship between the parties is built - the Civil Code, the Federal Law “On Horticultural, Gardening and Dacha Non-Profit Associations of Citizens”, the Charter of the Partnership, local local acts are usually mentioned. The subject of the contract is usually understood as the infrastructure of the horticultural partnership. It is advisable to describe what exactly is included in its composition:

  • road,
  • gates,
  • power lines,
  • plumbing system, etc.

Garbage collection procedure

Rights and obligations of the parties. In this paragraph, it must be indicated that the gardener has the right to use the entire infrastructure, and the partnership must grant him access to all its elements. The gardener, on the other hand, undertakes to take care of the common property, keep it in order, bear the costs of its maintenance (in other words: pay membership fees). The partnership undertakes to represent the interests of the gardener before other organizations and bodies, and it must also comply with the collective decisions made at the general meeting of all land owners.

Calculation procedure

Here the size and frequency of making membership fees, the method of payment (cash, non-cash, to which account, etc.) are discussed. The procedure for making payments for individual and general meters of gas, water and electricity, fines, penalties and other sanctions for violation or abuse of the terms of the contract, the method of repaying debts, etc. are prescribed.

Responsibility of the parties

It states that the parties are liable for non-performance of the contract, provided for by the Codes and by-laws. It is also necessary to mention the right of the parties to go to court if it is impossible to reach an agreement.

Contract time

The contract may be concluded for a definite period with automatic prolongation, unless otherwise stated by the parties, or it may be concluded for an indefinite period, i.e. valid until terminated. In addition, conditions may be provided for early termination of the contract, caused, for example, by the sale of a land plot to another owner.

Force majeure

It suffices here to refer to the provisions of the Civil Code, according to which the parties are not liable for breach of contract due to unforeseen circumstances.

Other conditions. It describes all additional conditions that are not included in the main text of the contract, indicates the number of copies of the contracts and their location.

- a necessary document to ensure legal security.

The transfer of residential real estate to non-residential may have certain subtleties. They are reviewed and studied in detail.

Turning off the water is a nuisance that should be avoided. In the link you will find

What should you pay attention to when applying

When drawing up a contract, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • read not only the text of the agreement, but also the Charter of the partnership - are there any contradictions, especially in terms of payment of membership fees;
  • ask to indicate all the infrastructure facilities specified in the contract;
  • find out the mode of operation of the board of the partnership and the procedure for resolving conflicts;
  • if security is functioning in gardening, do not forget to take a pass or other permission;
  • do not forget to write an application for joining the partnership, without it you cannot sign the document.

When paying membership fees, you need to keep all receipts in order to prove your case in case of disputes.

AGREEMENT No. ____________

on the right, procedure and conditions for the use of infrastructure facilities

and other common property

Moscow region "_____" _______________ 20___

Horticultural non-profit partnership "Michurinets", hereinafter referred to as the "Partnership", represented by the Chairman of the Board _____________________________________________________________________________, acting on the basis of the Charter, on the one hand,

and the city of __________________________________________________________________, which is the owner of a garden plot of land (certificate of ownership of land No. ______ dated "_______" ______ ________, located on the territory of the Partnership at the address: Moscow Region, Leninsky District, ___________________________________________________, account. No. ______, individual farm owner, hereinafter referred to as "Gardener - individual", on the other hand,

1. The Subject of the Agreement

1.1. The Partnership, in accordance with Federal Law No. 66-FZ of April 15, 1998 “On Horticultural, Gardening and Dacha Non-Commercial Associations of Citizens”, grants the Gardener - an individual the right to use infrastructure facilities and other common property of the Partnership in the manner and under the conditions determined by the decision of the general meetings of its members.

1.2. For all owners of land plots located on the territory of the Partnership, regardless of their membership in the Partnership, a single procedure for the use of infrastructure facilities and other common property of the Partnership is established, which is determined by the Charter and the Internal Regulations.

1.3. The gardener - an individual, along with the members of the Partnership, bears the burden of material costs necessary to ensure the use of infrastructure facilities and other common property of the Partnership, as well as for the acquisition (creation) of common property and for the payment of taxes and fees established by the current legislation.

1.4. A gardener - an individual receives the right to use infrastructure facilities and other common use property of the Partnership and assumes obligations to comply with the procedure and fulfill the conditions for using infrastructure facilities and other common use property of the Partnership.

2. Obligations of the Parties

2.1. The partnership undertakes:

2.1.1. grant the Individual Gardener the right to use infrastructure facilities and other common property of the Partnership;

2.1.2. provide the Gardener - an individual with documents (or extracts from documents) that determine the procedure for using infrastructure facilities and other common property of the Partnership;

2.1.3. fix in writing in the Annex to this Agreement, which is an integral part of the Agreement, the amount of all payments and contributions, as well as the terms for their payment and the amount of penalties for violation of the terms;

2.1.4. provide services for the collection of funds necessary for making payments, including for consumed electricity, water, and contributions;

2.1.5. on the bulletin board of the Partnership and / or via the Internet, promptly inform the Gardener - an individual about changes in the amounts of payments, contributions and current tariffs for electricity, water.

2.2. Gardener-individual undertakes:

2.2.1. comply with the procedure for using infrastructure facilities and other common property of the Partnership;

2.2.2. timely make the payments provided for in clause 1.3 and pay for the consumed electricity and water;

2.2.3. independently take an interest in changes in the amounts of payments and contributions in the Board of the Partnership, on the bulletin board of the Partnership or on the Internet;

2.2.4. if it is necessary to stay in the autumn-winter-spring period, annually report this to the Board of the Partnership in writing.

2.3. In the event of a change in the amount of payments and contributions, the Parties are obliged to re-register the Annex to this Agreement within 14 days from the date of their change.

3. Duration of the contract

3.1. This Agreement shall enter into force from the moment of its signing.

3.2. The term of this Agreement is one year. If neither party declares its termination, the Agreement is automatically extended for the next term.

3.3. This Agreement may be terminated in cases and in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

4. Rights and responsibilities of the parties, the procedure for resolving disputes

4.1. For non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of their obligations under this Agreement, the Parties shall be liable in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.1.1. The Partnership has the right to refuse to fulfill the obligation under this Agreement, provided for in clause 2.1.1. in cases:

a) non-payment by the Gardener - an individual of the established contributions and payments;

b) gross violation by him of the procedure for using infrastructure facilities and other property of the general use of the Partnership.

4.1.2. The gardener - an individual is obliged to pay off debts on payments and contributions, as well as to reimburse all losses and expenses incurred by the Partnership through the fault of the gardener - an individual.

4.2. The Parties shall not be liable for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of their obligations under this Agreement in the event of occurrence after its signing of circumstances of an insurmountable nature that are beyond the control of the Parties.

4.3 . All disputes and disagreements that have arisen as part of the fulfillment of obligations under this Agreement shall be resolved by the Parties through negotiations.

4.4 . If it is impossible to resolve disputes and disagreements through negotiations, the Parties shall be guided by the norms of the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

5. Other terms

5.1. The signing of this Agreement is possible only if the Gardener - an individual repays all debts for all payments, including electricity, water, and fees, if any, at the time of its signing, in order to exclude future disputes on them and mutual claims.

5.2. All Annexes and additional Agreements to this Agreement are valid if they are made in writing and signed by both Parties.

5.3. This Agreement, including the Appendix, is made in 2 copies, having the same legal force.

6. Addresses and details of the Parties


SNT "Michurinets", Moscow region, Leninsky district, SE Moskovsky , KPP 500301001, TIN 5003024231, account 40703810138180133969 in the Moscow Bank of Sberbank of Russia OJSC, Moscow, account 30101810400000000225, BIC 044525225.


_______________________________________________________________(FULL NAME .),

_______________________ (date of birth), passport: series ________ No. _________________

issued (when, by whom) ______________________________________________________________



address (place of registration): ___________ (postcode) ____________________________________




Chairman of the Board of SNT "Michurinets":



Last name, first name, patronymic in full Last name, first name, patronymic in abbreviation

Annex to Agreement No. _____________


Payments, contributions


Size (in rubles)



membership fee

13,000 rubles for 1 plot per year

payment is made at the discretion of the gardener either:

Monthly (within a month, not later than its last day):


* in the event of a change in the amount of the contribution, the amount of the prepayment is recalculated

0.1% of the monthly payment amount for each overdue day

electricity consumption fee

personally consumed electricity

in accordance with the current tariffs of OAO Mosenergosbyt at the time of payment

payment is made monthly until the 21st day of the current month, the payment amount includes payment for the amount of electricity actually consumed according to the established metering system