The human energy meridians and how to clean them to cure MS. Points on the hand, responsible for the organs, and their projection on the palm

Thanks to Chinese medicine, treatment by massaging a certain point of the organs on the foot has become widely known. It is known that the human foot is a kind of body control panel, on which biologically active points associated with internal organs are concentrated. No wonder walking barefoot on freshly cut grass or small pebbles brings a pleasant feeling. During this process, there is a mechanical effect on the points of the foot, which stimulates the corresponding organs, improving blood flow and increasing the overall tone of the body.

Acupressure is a simple and affordable method of healing

The acupressure technique is the younger sister of acupuncture, it involves all the same points into which acupuncture needles are inserted. However, acupressure does not accept the use of piercing objects, which guarantees a softer and safer, but at the same time effective treatment. In this case, metal needles are replaced with their own fingers or with the hands of a massage therapist.

Biological points on the foot

Based on the theoretical knowledge extracted from traditional Chinese medicine, we note that on the feet there is a peculiar scheme of biologically active points and zones of influence on each of the available organs. Over time in human body slags and toxins accumulate, preventing normal blood circulation and thereby provoking various diseases. In this way, you can influence the active points on the foot, stimulating work and creating a balance in the general condition of the body as a whole.

By massaging the feet, you can remove nervous stress, a state of fatigue and psycho-emotional arousal, strengthen the defense mechanisms of the whole organism, improve metabolism, normalize the functioning of the nervous system, cure gynecological diseases and much more.

Reflexology as a method of non-drug treatment

Reflexology is a method of non-drug therapy, firmly entrenched in Western medicine. will help not only the sick, but also healthy people who want to strengthen their immunity and nervous system. By acting on the points on the foot that are responsible for the organs, you can effectively influence the functioning of the body: to reduce coughing attacks, you just need to massage the point of the trachea, to normalize the digestive process, you can gently massage the points of the stomach and intestines. A narrow strip of the entire inner surface of the foot is connected to the spine. Systematically acting on these points, you can alleviate the condition of osteochondrosis, radiculitis, myositis, lumbago.

By pressing on the points of the corresponding organ, you can remove, for example, a rapid heartbeat, affect the urinary system and even cure chronic diseases.

Varieties of biological points

The points on the foot responsible for the organs have their exact location. Their location is defined on 14 lines, also called meridians. Each meridian has its own name: "Master of the heart", "Guverneur" or "Three-degree heater".

Each meridian has three types of points:

  • Exciting point (one on each meridian), its activation stimulates the efficiency of the organs associated with a particular meridian.
  • Harmonizing points. The impact on these zones, located at both ends of the meridian, relaxes and creates a harmonious work of the organs related to this type meridian.
  • Calming point (one for each meridian). Creates the feeling of the most pleasant and painless massaging, calms the nerves, relaxes the body.

Projection of internal organs on the soles of the feet

Every organ human body can be reflected on the "canvas" of the feet. For the most clear representation of the projection of each organ, one can imagine the feet located next to each other, and the person depicted on them facing forward.

  • Thus, the toes will reflect the head area, while massaging the pads of the fingers affects the back of the head, and the upper surface from the side of the nail affects the face.
  • The inner edges of the sole will reflect the mid-body and spine, the outer arch of the foot will correspond to the face, and the toe-tips will reflect the back of the skull.
  • Both heels correspond to the buttocks.
  • The ankle joint reflects the genitals.
  • Shoulder points are located on the outside of the heel in the area of ​​​​the little fingers.

The principle of massage

During the massage, pain points can be detected that signal a weakening of one or another organ; more attention should be paid to these areas. It is important to understand that pressing only the acupuncture points on the foot will not help health, it is necessary to touch the neighboring zones with massage, even if they do not cause pain. During the massage, you should alternate pressure on pain points and pauses between them. The result of the correct treatment of the pain zone should be the disappearance of any discomfort. Each such point is warmed up for at least a minute.

Emotional and spiritual connection

Points on the feet of a person are associated with almost all internal organs, glands and limbs in his body. In addition to fulfilling their physiological purpose, the organs are responsible for the emotional and spiritual development of a person.

For example, in the spleen, projected on the left foot, the features traditionally attributed to women are concentrated - grumpiness and anger. The heart area is located on both feet, and yet it is reflected more on the left foot, which is a confirmation of the emotional female essence. Similarly to the heart, the liver zones are present on both feet, however, the projection of the organ predominates on the right foot, which is associated with coarse masculine qualities, a lively disposition, anger and perseverance. The same applies to other organs, so for physical health and spiritual purity, you need to monitor the health of each organ.

How to start a foot massage?

For the improvement of the whole organism and the prevention of diseases, it is necessary to carry out a full complex foot massage. It is desirable to carry out procedures every evening just before going to bed.

Before the massage, you should stretch your feet for several minutes, walking barefoot, rising on your toes or alternating the transfer of body weight from the outer edges of the feet to the inner ones. At the end of the warm-up, you can arrange a warm foot bath.

For self-massage, you should take a comfortable position in order to most completely relax your legs:

  • Resting your foot so that the foot is comfortably located on the chair.
  • Bending the leg so that the foot rests comfortably on the thigh of the other leg.
  • In the supine position, raise and bend the leg.

A few simple self-massage rules

Massage should be warm hands, pre-heating massage oil in them so that the points on the foot, which are responsible for the organs, are gently but effectively kneaded. You need to act on the feet with both hands, use all the fingers, alternating massaging them with the knuckles and fists, moving from the tips of the toes to the heel.

  • During the sole, the sole should be treated most carefully, while the fingers can be gently and gently kneaded, heading from the nail to the base.
  • Each finger must be massaged separately.
  • Do not forget about the ankle and ankle, gently massaging them in a circular motion.
  • You can alternate between different techniques: pinching, light blows, rubbing, stroking, intermittent touch.

At the end of the procedure, it will be useful to walk on a bumpy massage mat, shifting from foot to foot and alternating body transfer to each foot.

Contraindications for acupressure

  • Severe diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • The period of pregnancy and lactation.
  • Strong fatigue.
  • Skin diseases on the feet in the form of suppuration and lichen.

Massaging points on the foot, responsible for the organs, may not give a positive effect in case of serious diseases that require immediate medical care. The use of acupressure techniques can be useful as an additional treatment, pain relief and strengthening of the body as a whole.

How to get the most out of the procedure?

  • To begin with, you should take the most comfortable position in a chair, on a bed or on the floor.
  • You can turn on relaxing music, get distracted from external irritant sounds, turn off the phone for a while.
  • Find the right starting point. If the massage is performed for the first time, the scheme of points on the foot can help with this.
  • Slightly pressing on the desired point, circular movements should be carried out, while not removing the finger from the biological point.
  • The duration of manipulations should be no more than 5 minutes. The result of such a massage, as a rule, comes quickly and has a long-lasting effect.

Foot: points, organs that are directly connected with them - additional useful tricks

  1. In a small 50*50 cm box filled with pebbles or legumes, you can walk barefoot on the spot for 10-15 minutes. In summer, if possible, walk barefoot on grass, sand, and pebbles as often as possible.
  2. A contrast shower for the legs is a great addition to acupressure, besides, it hardens the body well.
  3. Figurative breathing. In a sitting position, relaxing the body, with free and easy breathing, you should transfer your attention to the feet, imagining that breathing is carried out precisely by them. A kind of meditation can be continued for 4-5 minutes.
  4. Compresses with honey have a beneficial effect on blood vessels and skin, preparing massage points for further actions. After treating the feet with honey, put plastic bags on them and cotton socks on top. It is advisable to carry out such applications in the evening: during the night, the skin of the legs will absorb useful elements honey, and by morning the feet will become silky, the calluses will disappear, the good health.


Acupressure refers to reflexology, but unlike the above types of massage, the place of its influence is acupuncture points (TA) - biologically active points (BAP), the irritation of which causes a targeted reflex reaction to a specific organ or system. Based on this, it can be considered as one of the methods of acupuncture, in which a needle prick or cauterization is replaced by a finger or brush (Fig. 37).

Rice. 37. The position of the fingers and hands when performing acupressure techniques

Mechanism of physiological action

The initial link is the mechanical impact on the acupuncture points located along the meridians and collaterals (Scheme 5). The difference between TA and surrounding tissues lies in their biophysical parameters, which include:

Relatively low electrical resistance;

Increased value of electrical potential;

High skin temperature;

Increased infrared radiation;

Absorption of oxygen.

TA is a collection of nerve elements and vascular plexuses located at different depths from the skin surface.

Scheme 5. mechanisms of physiological action of acupressure

AT reflex massage both local and distant TAs are often used: in total, about 260 corporal TAs, i.e., located on the head, trunk, and limbs, and more than 50, located on the auricle (auricular). Among the corporal TA are:

local(local) - located directly in the affected area or close to it;

segmental - located in areas of segmental innervation spinal cord; impact on them affects certain parts of the body or internal organs that receive innervation from these segments (for example, the use of points of the collar zone is indicated for lesions of the head and upper limbs, and TA of the lumbosacral region for diseases of the lower limbs and pelvic organs);

points a wide range actions, massaged with lesions various bodies and both local and distant parts of the body; many of them have a specialized effect: TA G14 he-gu and E36 zu-san-li - analgesic, F2 xing-jian and F3 tai-chun - antispasmodic, etc.;

along the meridians(mainly in the distal parts of the limbs), which have a directed effect on certain organs and systems.

Table 6

The main points for massaging with pathological foci of various localization (according to Meng, 1981)

Localization of TA is determined in the corresponding areas of the body on conditional topographic lines according to certain anatomical landmarks (folds, pits, bony prominences available for palpation, etc.), supplemented by the division of each area into individual segments.

The measurement of segments is made using the unit cun. There are the following types of tsuna:

Individual cun - distance between skin folds radial surface middle phalanx, formed with full flexion in all joints of the third finger (for women, the measurement is taken on the right hand, for men - on the left). The total width of II–V fingers is equal to three cun, II–III is one and a half cun (Fig. 38);

Proportional cun - determined by proportional division into equal parts of the distance between known landmarks. For example, it is known that the distance between the points yin-tang and nao-hu is 12 cun. Finding these points, measuring the distance between them and dividing it by 12, we get a proportional cun (Fig. 39).

All parts of the body are conditionally divided into a certain number of cuns, and, as a rule, the BAP is located on the border of the segments and often coincides with the depression on palpation (Fig. 40–42).

Finding (palpation) BAT.

The emergence of the patient's "foreseen sensations" aches, numbness, dull, non-intense, bursting pain. And sometimes shooting pain and "crawling" that spread in one or more directions.

When the massage therapist finds BAP under the fingers, a feeling of failure into an oval hole filled with soft dough-like contents with dense walls.

During palpation, one should strictly adhere to a certain line, without moving to neighboring meridians.

Rice. 38. individual cun (quoted by Dubrovsky V.N.)

Rice. 39. Projection lines and proportional segments of various parts of the body, adopted in reflexology (diagram): left- front surface of the body; on right- posterior surface of the body

Rice. 40. Lines and topography of points on the upper limbs: a- palmar surface; b- back surface

Rice. 41. Lines and topography of points of the anterior (a), rear (b) and internal (in) leg surface

Rice. 42. Lines and topography of points on the back (a), on the chest and abdomen (b)

Meridian - it is a functioning system that connects the higher nerve centers with acupuncture points and various internal organs for energy transfer, ensuring the coordinated work of all body systems. Meridians are usually indicated by conditional lines connecting the BAP. In ancient Eastern medicine, 12 paired and 2 unpaired main meridians are divided. These ideas were significantly supplemented by the discovery by the German specialist R. Voll in the 1950s of 8 more paired meridians and BAPs (Table 7).

Table 7

List of meridian names (according to R. Voll)

* Meridians discovered by R. Voll.

Meridians (channels), like all organs of the body, are divided into "YANG" and "YIN".

The meridians that connect the parenchymal organs and run along the inner side surfaces of the body are YIN meridians.

The meridians that run along the outer side surfaces of the body and connect the hollow organs are Yang meridians.

According to the peculiarities of the "route" and the nature of the internal organs, the main meridians are divided as follows.

The task of the YANG channels is to transfer energy to the YIN organs.

Yang channels correspond to energy producers: a) stomach, large and small intestines; b) gallbladder; c) the bladder; d) channel of "three heaters" ( endocrine system).

The task of the YIN channels is to accumulate energy and preserve it.

The YIN channels correspond to organs - “treasures” (energy stores) - lungs, spleen, pancreas, liver, kidneys, heart.


All YIN channels and YANG channels are interconnected, follow each other in a certain order and form a cyclic system for each half of the body.

In accordance with the ideas about the daily rhythms of the circulation of vital energy in the body, which successively passes through all organs, each organ has its own hours of maximum and minimum activity (Table 8). In this case, the inhibitory effect on the excited organ is best done by acting on the points of the corresponding meridian during the hours of its maximum activity, and the stimulating effect - during the hours of minimum activity. In addition, organs that are in oppositely conjugated relationships have a calming effect on each other when one of them is stimulated during the period of maximum activity and a tonic effect when it is inhibited.

Table 8

Daily mode of meridian activity

All organs, and consequently, the meridians corresponding to them, are in a certain relationship, exerting a stimulating (creative) or inhibitory (destructive) effect on each other. Based on the philosophical ideas about the five primary elements that make up the whole world and man, in particular, and referring each organ to a specific element, these relationships were represented as follows (Fig. 43).

Rice. 43. Functional relationships between meridians (scheme). Solid lines show creative connections, dotted lines - destructive ones.

For an appropriate stimulating or inhibitory effect on the organ (meridian), it is recommended to act on the standard points of the meridians - the main (tonic and sedative) and auxiliary (accomplice point, stabilizing, sympathetic, herald point) (Table 9).

Table 9

Standard meridian points

Note. The meridian of the three parts of the body has 4 herald points: common - VC5; respiration VC17, digestion - VC12, urogenital functions - VC7.

toning point is located on the main meridian and has a stimulating effect on the organs associated with it (meridians) when exposed to it by an exciting (weak) method of irritation.

sedative point is located on the main meridian and has an inhibitory effect on the organs associated with it (meridians) when exposed to strong stimulation methods (Table 10).

Table 10

Tonic and sedative points

Helper Point It is also located on the main meridian and serves to enhance the inhibitory or tonic effect on the organs (meridians), exerted by influencing the first two points (Table 11).

Table 11

Helper points (sources)

Stabilizing (gateway) points(lo-points). These points, like a valve, regulate the transfer of energy from one meridian to another if its balance is disturbed in one of them. Lo-points are ordinary, group and general. The ordinary lo-point is located on its own meridian and regulates the functions of organs in paired channels: the heart - the small intestine; liver - gallbladder; kidneys - bladder, etc. Balancing the energy balance between the meridians is carried out either by inhibition lo- point of the excited meridian, or excitation of the lo-point of the weakened meridian (Table 12).

Table 12

Ordinary lo-points

Sympathy Point located on the "bladder meridian", on its first branch on the back, approximately at a distance equal to the thickness of two fingers, laterally from the dorsal midline. The point is stimulated in the treatment of chronic diseases, spastic conditions and convulsions (Table 13).

Table 13

Empathy Points

dot herald, or alarm point, located on the front (ventral) side of the body, most often on the meridian of its body or near it. An alarm point can be arbitrarily sensitive, and sometimes even very painful (especially in chronic diseases of an organ that is of particular importance in relation to this meridian). The appearance of spontaneous pain at the alarm point is a signal of a developing disease (Table 14).

Table 14

Alarm points

In some cases, points of inflow and outflow (Jing) and the point of "accumulation" are used (Tables 15 and 16).

Table 15

Points of inflow and outflow (Jing)

Table 16

Points of "accumulation"

When choosing an AT, it is necessary to take into account the multi-segment nature of the innervation of organs, as well as the fact that individual parts of the same organ can be innervated by nerves of different segmental affiliation (Table 17).

Table 17

Innervation of some internal organs and acupuncture points recommended for their pathology

The basic techniques of acupressure

? Stroking- circular plane movements: a) continuous movements (braking technique); b) energetic intermittent movements (stimulating technique). It is carried out with the fingertips, the edge of the palm, the supporting part, depending on the location of the points and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe painful area. The direction of movement is circular (counterclockwise) or arcuate (in different directions. Reception refers to the braking effect if the pressure is applied with sufficient force (stroking gradually turns into friction): when stroking with light pressure, at which the intended sensations are almost not expressed - reception refers to the stimulating effect.

? Linear stroke perform with the pad of the first finger, the crest and the back surface of the nail phalanx ( reverse stroke) or in one direction with a pad, in the other - with the back surface of the nail phalanx, with the pads of several fingers in different directions. This is a stimulating method.

? intermittent pressure carried out with pads of I or several fingers perpendicular to the massaged surface. You can use the crest of the third finger, elbow, palm with weights. The pressure should be strong (until a feeling of pronounced warmth appears). Reception refers to the braking effect (Fig. 44).

? pinching. The massage therapist grabs the crease in the TA area with one or two fingers and applies strong pressure (until severe hyperemia appears). Reception refers to the braking effect (Fig. 45).

? Rotation perform with fingers, palm, palm edge with a frequency of 50-60 movements per minute and with a depth of penetration into the tissue up to the muscles. Stimulating method - the impact is made with light pressure.

Rice. 44. Intermittent pressure: a) thumb and b) one finger over the other

Rice. 45. Pinching technique performed with two fingers

? tapping or patting is carried out with the edge of the palm, fist, fingers gathered in a pinch or back side fingers and hands (the blow is applied by the back surface of the metacarpophalangeal joints). This is a stimulating move.

? Vibration, performed with one or more fingers ( nail phalanges), palm. The effort is short and strong, the pressure is combined with vibration and is performed perpendicular to the massaged surface. This is a brake method.

? Stretching and rotation. Used to massage the joints. The masseur with one hand fixes the proximal segment of the limb (above the joint), with the other - bend the limb in this joint, causing tension in the periarticular tissues (passive movements) (Fig. 46).

Oriental acupressure manuals distinguish, in addition to the above techniques, three main techniques - rotation, vibration and pressure.

Rice. 46. Pull and rotate method

Rotation is carried out with the pads of the I-III fingers or the lateral surface of the I finger, the back surface of the middle phalanges. The reception has three phases:

screwing- circular movements of the fingers or other massaging surface should not be accompanied by sliding over the skin; pressure force should increase gradually;

fixation- at the reached depth, the rotational movements of the finger stop. At the same depth and with the same pressure, the finger is left (for 7–12 s);

unscrewing- slow return of the finger or other massaging surface to its original position (pressure force gradually decreases).


At the end of the reception, the finger is not taken away from the skin - the massage therapist must immediately begin the 1st phase of the next cycle.

The pressure is the pad of the first finger; the reception can also be performed with weights - the distal phalanx of the first finger of the other hand is superimposed on the massaging finger crosswise. The force of pressure depending on the technique may be different. Possibility of use of tools with spherical tips is allowed.

Vibration is carried out by oscillatory movements on the surface of the TA or on a larger surface with the pads of one or more fingers, elevation of the first finger, palm. It is carried out: continuous vibration (without tearing off the finger from the tissues) and intermittent vibration - the massage therapist's hand after each movement comes off the massaged surface, and the movements are performed in the form of successive pushes (Kondrashov A. V. et al., 1999).

During the massage necessary:

Influence symmetrically located points. For example, in diseases gastrointestinal tract combine points Zu-san-li on both limbs;

Combined to influence the points of the upper and lower extremities. For example, a violation of the function of the stomach and intestines (points He-gu + Zu-san-li);

Influence the points of the front and back surface of the body. For example, in the treatment of osteochondrosis of the spine - Huan + Zu-san-li;

Combined impact on the points of the inner and outer surfaces of the limb. For example, points of the hand (Nei-guan + Wai-guan) or (Qui-chi + Shao-hai) to improve the therapeutic effect in paresis of the upper limb;

Determine the points located directly at the site of pain or violation of the organ. For example, in osteochondrosis of the spine, the Chshi-bian, Da-chang-shu, Bilyao points are affected;

During the full moon, massage using a sedative technique; during the new moon - according to the tonic method; after sunset - by a sedative method.

In the process of treatment, acupressure is carried out:

a) with inhibitory effect - daily; with stimulating - in 1-2 days;

b) at the first procedure, massage 3–4 TA, then their number is increased to 6–12 (with inhibitory effect) or 4–8 (with stimulating effect);

c) with a combination of acupressure and therapeutic massage, a smaller amount of massaged TA.

The course of treatment consists of 10–15 procedures for pain syndromes and stimulating effects and 15–20 procedures for inhibitory effects.

Indications for massage treatments. Massage is indicated for both adults and children older than 1 year.

Contraindications to the purpose of massage: malignant and benign neoplasms any localization, acute febrile illnesses, active form of tuberculosis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum (complications and a tendency to bleeding), cachexia, damage to internal organs with severe disorders of their function, blood diseases, a state of acute mental arousal, pregnancy.

Periosteal massage

Periosteal massage is a type of acupressure and is performed on bone surfaces. The method was developed in 1928 by Volgler.

The effect of periosteal massage on the body:

Local increase in blood circulation;

Cell regeneration, especially periosteal tissues;

analgesic effect;

Reflex effect on organs connected by nerve pathways with the massaged surface of the periosteum;

Increasing the efficiency of cardiac activity;

Improved respiratory excursions;

Normalization of tone and excitation of peristaltic movements of the stomach.

Periosteal massage is characterized by a local effect on the periosteum, the ability to approach hard-to-reach layers of tissues that cannot be worked out with therapeutic or connective tissue massage, an intense and prolonged reflex effect on internal organs.

Massage technique. The position of the patient - lying on his back, on his stomach, on his side or sitting.

For better contact with the bone surface, it is necessary to move the soft tissues and, first of all, the muscles in the area of ​​the treatment point (TP). Massage is carried out with the tips or phalanx of the finger, carefully selecting the intensity of pressure in accordance with the individual characteristics of the patient (Fig. 47).


The strong irritant effect of periosteal massage is painful, but the patient should never experience discomfort.

By increasing the pressure with a finger, even a slight resistance of the tissue is determined, the massage therapist then makes circular movements in the LT zone with a finger. The diameter of the circle should not exceed 5 mm. Finger pressure is gradually reduced, but contact with the skin is not interrupted.

Rice. 47. Hand positions during periosteal massage


Small circular movements should not be boring.

Indications for a massage appointment. Massage is indicated for patients who, during a clinical examination, have distinct reflex or pain zones on the periosteum.

Contraindications for a massage appointment:

Tissue soreness;

Tumor process;

Severe osteomalacia;

Traumatic injuries of the musculoskeletal system (ODA), requiring rest.

Clinical signs of intolerance to this type of massage are considered primarily discomfort pain and the onset of pronounced autonomic reactions, especially of the vasomotor type.

Choice of periosteal massage area:

Head (for headaches): spine of the scapulae, spinous processes of the cervical vertebrae, occipital bone, mastoid processes, zygomatic arch, forehead area between the eyebrows above the root of the nose.

Heart: I-VI ribs on the left, especially the anterior sections, sternum.

Gallbladder and bile ducts: right costal arch and sternum, including the xiphoid process, paravertebral sections of the ribs at the level of the middle of the shoulder blades.

Stomach and duodenum: costal arches on both sides, lower half of the sternum.

Pelvic organs: iliac crest, sacrum, IV and V lumbar vertebrae.

Spine: massage is carried out mainly over the transverse processes (in all segments) in the direction - from the head to the sacrum.

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Acupressure Acupressure refers to reflexology, but unlike the above types of massage, the place of its influence is acupuncture points (TA) - biologically active points (BAP), the irritation of which causes a targeted reflex action.

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Acupressure Acupressure originated in ancient times in the countries of the East. In the process of human cognition, ancient physicians, observing the functioning of the human body, noted certain relationships between natural phenomena, their conditionality and

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Acupressure Massage Acupressure (shiatsu), which appeared in the 20th century, is a kind of modern interpretation of the traditional amma massage in Japan, practiced for centuries in oriental medicine. The wide popularity of this method in the East (and in recent times and on

From the book How to Get Rid of Back Pain author Irina Anatolyevna Kotesheva

Acupressure Born in the 20th century. acupressure (shiatsu) is a kind of modern interpretation of the amma massage, traditional for Japan, which has been practiced for centuries in the framework of oriental medicine. The wide popularity of this method in the East (and recently

From the book Back pain ... What to do? author Irina Anatolyevna Kotesheva

Acupressure Born in the 20th century, acupressure (shiatsu) is a kind of modern interpretation of the traditional Japanese amma massage, which has been practiced for centuries within the framework of oriental medicine. The popularity of this method in the East (and more recently in

Acupressure is an ancient oriental method of treatment. It originated, apparently, in the territory of modern China, Korea, Mongolia and Japan. It is based on the same principles as in segmental massage: treatment should be complex (a disease of an organ is a disease of the whole organism); treatment should be unhurried, thorough; Finally, it must be individual. But if segmental massage is based on a schematic division of the human body into segments, then acupressure appeared after the discovery of certain points on the body that are closely related to the internal organs and systems of a person.

Acupressure also has much in common with acupuncture, since both the impact of a needle and finger pressure on certain points restore impaired functions and improve the patient's condition.

The points involved in acupressure are called "vital points" or - in modern science - "biologically active points" (BAP). Studies have shown that these points have specific features. Firstly, they have low electrical resistance, secondly, high electrical potential, thirdly, high skin temperature, as well as high pain sensitivity, increased oxygen uptake and a high level of metabolic processes.

The basic rules of acupressure are associated with the ancient ideas about "vital energy" - "chi", according to which "chi" moves along a certain trajectory along invisible meridian channels and provides each organ with "nutrition". Life energy moves from one channel to another, in total there are 12 paired and 2 unpaired channels. Under normal circumstances, when each channel receives a certain amount of vital energy, a person is healthy. As a result of a violation of the “tides” of vital energy, an excess of energy is observed in one part of the body, and a deficiency in another. In this case, any disease develops.

From a scientific point of view, this theory does not have enough justification, but it echoes the ancient Eastern ideas about the division of nature into two parts: “yin” (negative) and “yang” (positive). Day is yang, night is yin; the sun is yang, the moon is yin.

Yin is the maternal principle, which is characteristic of everything cold, wet, dark, secretive, passive, changeable. It carries a negative charge. Yang is the paternal principle, which, on the contrary, is inherent in everything warm, dry, bright, explicit, initiative, constant. The paternal principle carries a positive charge. And since each person's body has both maternal and paternal principles, then a person is a combination of yin-yang, and all processes occurring inside the body can be both positive and negative.

Eastern medicine has long sought to bring the "yin" and "yang" to harmony. According to the ideas of ancient Eastern physicians, the five primary elements of the earth have correspondences with vegetativeness, increased oxygen absorption and a high level of metabolic processes.

Pressing on the "vital points" causes a feeling of aches, numbness, even pain, which is absent when pressing on other areas of the skin. Studies have shown that these sensations are constant, so they serve as a criterion for the correctness of finding such points.

Acupressure has a positive effect on the functions of various organs and systems: it calms or stimulates the nervous system, increases blood circulation, improves tissue nutrition, regulates the activity of endocrine glands, relieves pain, reduces muscle tension.

The widespread use of acupressure is largely due to its simplicity, a small area of ​​influence. Acupressure is also good because it can be used as first aid as well as in conjunction with medical therapy.

Why does this or that disease occur? The disease occurs because the flow of "vital energy" is disturbed. And you can restore the normal flow of this energy if you act on the points located along the meridian channels.

Total"Vital points" - 365. Their location does not depend on where the diseased organ is located. In other words, in order to relieve pain in the heart, it is not necessary to act on the region of the heart - biological points are located, for example, on the foot. Moreover, there are points on the foot that affect many other organs and are used for various diseases. Often, to eliminate pain on the right side, you have to massage the points located on the left, and vice versa.

Theoretical foundations of acupressure

Acupressure is a mechanical effect of fingers or devices on strictly defined areas of the body.

Acupressure is a type of traditional Chinese medicine - zhen-jiu therapy, called acupuncture (acupuncture) in most countries. The term "acupuncture" comes from Latin words"acus" (needle) and "punctura" (prick, point). In China, acupuncture is called "zhen" and moxibustion "jiu". These two types of treatment are almost always combined, the method is considered as a single one and is called zhen-jiu therapy. The basis of acupuncture and acupressure, or finger zhen, is the doctrine of acupuncture points (TA) on the surface of the body, the total number of which, according to recent data, is more than 1500. Of these, 695 are called classical, that is, enjoying full recognition. However, approximately 100-150 points of influence are used in practice.

On average, the diameter of a classic dot is 0.2-5 mm. Some special cell structures not in TA. According to the latest biology, more loose connective tissue gravitates to the points, the fibers of which are arranged in the form of a grid (G. D. Novinsky); they have a little more bodies and flasks that act as receptors (G. Kelner); there are small groups of mast cells that affect metabolism due to the release of active substances (F. G. Portnov). The impact points have their own signs: they absorb oxygen more and more infrared radiation is registered, they are more sensitive to pressure and have their own electrical status. Indicators of electrical individuality in TA are manifested by a lower electrical resistance of the skin (J. Ni-boye), an increasing value of the electrical potential, especially in cases of illness (AK Podshibyakin).

The boundaries of active points are vague. In a sleeping person, the diameter of the dot decreases to 1 mm, after rest it reaches 1 cm, and in case of illness it increases to several centimeters.

The theoretical substantiation of zhen-jiu therapy is the "jin-lo" theory, or the meridian theory of the body's physiology. Jin-lo is a system of invisible channels (meridians) connecting acupuncture points with similar (when exposed to them) therapeutic effects and reactions. There are many channels: 14 main - 12 paired and 2 unpaired, 15 secondary and 8 miraculous channels, bypasses connecting the points assigned to the main channels. Despite such an abundance of channels, a considerable number of TAs (281) are not covered by them. The main channels are called (from the standpoint of Chinese medicine) internal organs. The lungs, the liver, etc. have their own channel. The shortest channels - the heart and pericardium - have 9 points each, the longest channel is the bladder: it has 67 points of influence and it covers the entire head, neck, back and descends to the fifth toe. Through these meridians in the human body, the vital energy "CHI" (or "Qi") circulates, the philosophical interpretation of which is difficult even from modern scientific positions. According to one of the leading domestic experts V. G. Vogralik (1961), CHI is an integral function of the entire activity of the organism, its energy, vitality tone. Each organ and system has CHI as an expression of exchange and function at a particular moment. The resultant of all these CHI is the CHI of the body.

According to the theory adopted in Oriental medicine, vital energy enters the body through acupuncture points with food, from the environment and circulates through the body, passing sequentially through all organs and making a complete circuit during the day. This position on the circulation of energy is consistent with research on biological rhythms, which are increasingly recognized in modern medicine and biology.

The form of manifestation of vital energy is the interaction and struggle of two opposites, or "polar forces" - YANG (positive force) and YIN (negative force). On the principle of YANG-YIN, the founders of Oriental medicine base the relationship of organs with each other and their connection with the integument of the body. Illness is considered as an imbalance in the normal distribution of energy between YANG and YIN. If the symptoms indicate a "lack of energy", then the organ is in a state of YIN, and it needs to be toned. If there are signs of "excess energy" corresponding to the state of Yang, the latter should be reduced (dissipated). This change in the distribution of energy is achieved by influencing the acupuncture points (see Appendix, Table 3).

From the point of view of modern knowledge, the idea of ​​channels, vital energy, proposed since ancient times in the East, looks naive and archaic. But the positive effects of the healing method force scientists of all countries to study the constructions of Chinese natural philosophy.

Depending on the tasks of acupressure, a targeted effect on the TA of certain zones is applied:

1) to influence the central nervous system, they act on points of a general or broad spectrum of action;

2) to influence the cervical vegetative apparatus, use the points of the collar zone (C V 1 II -T);

3) so-called segmental points are used to influence the function of internal organs;

4) to influence the radicular syndrome and peripheral nerves, acupressure is carried out at regional points along paravertebral lines;

5) to influence the joints, muscles, tendons, ligaments, mainly local points are used.

In addition, a number of meridian points have certain functions and are called standard. There are six of them on each meridian:

1) tonic point;

2) inhibitory (sedative) point - serves to enhance the inhibitory process;

3) point - "accomplice" - is used to enhance the excitatory or inhibitory action;

4) a stabilizing point is a point of energy transition from one body system (meridian) to another (LO-point);

5) sympathetic, or point of agreement - is outside the meridian and is also used to enhance the impact on the first two points;

6) a herald, or an alarm point, has a diagnostic value.

The tonic and inhibitory points of the meridian are processed, respectively, by inhibitory or stimulating methods of influence, a description of which will be given below.

Thus, acupressure is a method of reflexology, the area of ​​​​impact of which are acupuncture points; method of influence - massage. The founder of acupressure is E. D. Tyko-chinskaya (1969), who first developed and implemented this method for the treatment of patients with movement disorders. In sports practice, acupressure has been used by us since 1975, and already in 1977, at the Republican Scientific Conference in Minsk, results were reported confirming the expediency of using this method to influence muscle tone (V. I. Vasichkin, G. N Vygodin, A. M. Tyurin).

General about acupressure

Massage as a healing and rejuvenating remedy has been known since ancient times. One of the first references to massage is found in Chinese manuscripts dating back to the 9th century. The great Greek physician Hippocrates wrote: "Massage can bind a joint that is too loose and soften a joint that is too tight."

Like acupuncture and moxibustion, massage can be considered the oldest creative discovery of Chinese medicine. The difference between these methods essentially lies only in different ways of influencing the biologically active points of the human body. So, in acupuncture, various needles made of metal alloys are used. In ancient times, sharp edges of stones, fragments of porcelain, bamboo needles were used as annoying objects, and only later, with the appearance in the 6th century. BC metal, began to make iron, silver and gold needles. Currently, acupuncture is carried out by means of the thinnest metal round needles, which are introduced depending on the place of application of irritation to different depths. The tip of the needle is somewhat blunted so as not to injure the tissue, not to violate its integrity and not to cause pain. However, the methods of administration and the acupuncture technique itself are available only to specialist doctors who have completed the appropriate training course.

Cauterization is carried out with a red-hot metal stick, applying pieces of garlic to certain areas of the skin. However, wormwood cigars are the most widely used. For their manufacture, dried wormwood is crushed and cigars are made from it with a diameter of 1 to 20-30 mm. Sometimes medicinal substances are added to wormwood: dry ginger, garlic, etc. In ancient China, it was believed that the key to success when using cauterization is the formation of blisters, in the absence of which the effect does not occur. However, the lack of sterile conditions during these procedures led to the appearance of purulent complications in the area of ​​burns. The safer and more painless use of acupuncture and acupressure has led to the fact that the method of cauterization is now practically not used.

As special method acupressure, used under certain conditions instead of acupuncture and cauterization, pressure is applied with a finger or the tip of a nail on the skin in the area where the biologically active point is located. This method is known in the East under the name "finger zhen", in Western countries- as a method of pressing, and in our country - as a method of finger point pressure. This method is especially indicated as a self-massage for children and adults who are afraid of injections.

The mechanism of action of massage is the same as that of all the above methods (acupuncture, cauterization) of reflex therapy. It is based primarily on irritation of mechanoreceptors of the skin (nerve endings that perceive mechanical irritation), subcutaneous tissue, muscle fibers, nerve plexuses around the vessels.

Depending on the purpose, various types of acupressure are distinguished - hygienic, cosmetic, therapeutic, restorative, etc. The use of acupressure is shown as a self-massage for various diseases, as well as a means to relieve physical fatigue.

The effectiveness of the massage depends on the correct choice and definition of the point and on the massaging technique.

Before you start acupressure, you need to learn how to locate biologically active points. For this purpose, two methods are used that complement each other. The first way is to determine the location of points according to anatomical landmarks (for example, ear, eye, spine, nail, various skin folds, etc.). Another method that allows you to determine biological points is the use of cun. According to the ancient Chinese method, the whole human body is divided into puni. Cun is not a specific distance, but a value that is individual for each person, depending on the height of a person, his fullness, physique, etc. In modern clinical practice, the finger cun is the basis for finding points. To determine the length of one cun, it is necessary to bend the middle finger so that, closing with the thumb, it forms a ring. The distance between the skin folds of the second phalanx of the middle finger and will be equal to 1 cun. Width of your thumb, measured slightly below nail fold, also equals 1 cun.

It should be noted that the second method is not suitable for people with deformed altered joints. Thus, by measuring your individual cun, you can get a universal, personal unit of measurement, with which you can find the biologically active points of the body. To facilitate the task, it is advisable to take a white ribbon or a narrow ribbon and put on it up to 15 divisions (each equal to 1 cun). It is advisable to determine cun in men on the left hand, and in women on the right.

Armed with knowledge about the individual tsun, you need to get acquainted with the techniques of acupressure. For a non-specialist, the most accessible and easily digestible are the three main methods of acupressure: light touch, stroking, light and deep finger pressure.

Finger pressure during acupressure should always be strictly vertical, without displacement. The movement of the finger can be rotational or vibrating, but it must be non-stop. The stronger the impact on the point, the shorter it should be. One of the main techniques of acupressure is thumb pressure. Many modern authors believe that the impact should be made with the pad of the thumb, however, other experts recommend that pressure be applied to the joint between the first and second phalanges of the thumb. In their opinion, with this method it is easier to regulate the force of impact, besides, the finger is less tired. However, regardless of the method of exposure, in all cases, pressure with the fingertip should be excluded, as this can lead to skin injury, the appearance of microabrasions and the development of infectious complications. It should be noted that there is a special technique that is used in acupressure and is called "finger-needle" - when the effect is carried out precisely with the tip of the finger.

There are several methods of thumb pressure.

1. Normal pressure. This method consists in one constant pressure on the point for 3-5 seconds, then the pressure is gradually stopped.

2. Repetitive pressure. The essence of the method is that pressure is carried out in several steps. First, pressure is applied to the point for 5-6 s, then, without removing the finger, the pressure is stopped and resumed again, repeating this procedure 3-4 times.

3. Pressing with two thumbs at the same time. With this method, the thumbs touch either the outer edges or the nail ends.

4. Pressing with overlapping thumbs. When using this method, the thumbs are not next to each other, as described in the previous case, but one on top of the other, and pressure is applied simultaneously with two fingers. This technique is used when massaging points located in those parts of the body where there is a large muscle mass.

When massaging different areas of the body, it is advisable to use different techniques for massaging points. So, when exposed to the back of the nose, supra- and infraorbital regions, it is convenient to apply pressure with the pads of two or three fingers at once. When massaging the back, the effect of the palm or its edge can be used, however, such an effect is not on a point, but on the entire reflex zone. In some cases, it is possible to apply the technique of capturing the skin over the area of ​​​​the point with three fingers like a pinch.

Using the finger-needle method requires certain skills in its application. The end of the thumb or middle finger is set strictly vertically above the active point and “sticking” is carried out, which is carried out until an expanding feeling of an ache of heaviness appears in the “needle finger”. Usually pressing lasts 4-5 s. Three-finger piercing is also used - with the thumb, index and middle fingers.

When conducting acupressure, in addition to the correct technique of conducting essential has a tactic to use it. Acupressure is advisable to carry out no longer than 10 minutes. Foot zones can be massaged several (3-4) times a day. For a therapeutic effect, it is usually enough to hold a few clicks on the points for several seconds. In case of acute pain (headache, toothache, etc.), exposure can be continued for 1-2 minutes. It is extremely important to observe the most important principle of medicine “do no harm”. When conducting acupressure, a person should not experience any unpleasant, and even more so pain. If during the massage there is a heartbeat, sweating, a feeling of heat or nausea, the effect must be stopped.

The most effective use of acupressure is for preventive purposes: to relieve feelings of fatigue, anxiety, excessive stress, etc. It is possible to successfully treat functional diseases of internal organs with acupressure: neurocirculatory dystonia or heart neurosis, initial manifestations of hypertension, functional indigestion, etc. Less effective use of acupressure in the treatment of organic diseases.

There are also a number of conditions and diseases in which acupressure is contraindicated.

These include tumors of any localization, acute diseases accompanied by high fever, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, blood diseases (leukemia, lymphogranulomatosis), pregnancy, conditions associated with a severe disorder of the functions of internal organs (heart failure, stroke, heart attack, severe disorders heart rate, etc.), as well as active forms tuberculosis and varicose veins of the lower extremities. Absolutely unacceptable to massage inflamed joints. In any case, when you are going to start treating a disease with acupressure, you need to consult a doctor. It should be remembered that there is no single remedy for all diseases and acupressure can be used in a complex of therapeutic measures. It can complement the ongoing drug therapy or physical therapy.

After a massage session, it is advisable to lie down a little, relax.

Finding points

In order to correctly find the location of certain points, first of all, it is necessary to determine the individual "cun". "Cun" - proportional segments, the size of which depends on the distance between the ends of the folds of the bent middle finger (Fig.).

This distance is different for each person, for a woman it is determined on the right hand, for a man - on the left.

So, to determine where a certain point is, you need to divide all parts of the body into several cun. The following rules will also help you find a particular point:

1. The point is, as a rule, on the border of these segments.

2. Most often, it coincides with a recess that can be felt with a finger.

To correctly locate a particular point, you can also use the following landmarks (Fig.).

Landmarks for finding points: 1 - anterior median line; 2 - zygomatic arch; 3 - auricle; 4 - tragus; 5 - clavicle; 6 - supraclavicular fossa; 7 - subclavian fossa; 8 - styloid process radius; 10 - rear of the hand; 11 - front surface of the thigh; 12 - front surface of the lower leg; 13 - inner ankle; 14 - rear of the foot; 15 - base of the I metatarsal bone; 16 - head of the I metatarsal bone; 17 - arch of the foot; 18 - posterior median line; 19 - supraspinous fossa of the scapula; 20 - scapula; 21 - wrist; 22 - back surface of the thigh; 23 - back surface of the lower leg; 24 - outer ankle; 25 - heel tendon

The most important thing in locating points is accuracy. Only in the case of an accurate determination of the point can the desired effect be achieved. If you act on neighboring points, you can harm the body.

Other important condition conducting acupressure is a systematic impact on a specific set of points. It is important here both the systematic impact, and the fact that it is necessary to massage the entire complex of points, and not just one point. Only under all these conditions can the greatest effect be achieved.

Technique and methods of acupressure

Before you start, you should learn the basic rules. First, before starting a massage, you need to undergo an examination and establish a diagnosis.

Secondly, work only with warm hands. Thirdly, press with such force that the pressure is clearly felt, but at the same time it does not hurt.

The process of influence on BAP should not be long - it is enough to spend 10 minutes for the entire session, but it should be carried out regularly. Massage should be done in a calm mood, you need to relax and tune in to success.

The massage procedure itself is carried out as follows.

1. Put the pads of the index and (or) middle fingers on the desired acupressure points, which in most cases are located symmetrically. often in small depressions.

2. Carefully feel for the “vital” points with your fingertips, press them with your fingertips and slowly increase the pressure.

3. The pressure should not be rough and sharp, should not leave bruises. The finger should be applied carefully, perpendicular to the surface of the skin and strictly at the indicated point.

4. The average duration of pressure should be between 10 and 30 seconds.

5. Pressing should be stopped as soon as there is a feeling that the body no longer perceives irritation.

6. One point can be pressed consecutively 3-5 times, but after each pressing it is advisable to make a short pause.

7. When self-massage, do not press on a large number of points. You need to watch the reactions of your body.

8. By choosing BAPs that affect the disease, you can determine the sequence of pressing them yourself. In this case, you need to focus on the needs and reaction of your body. At the same time, the positive effect of the procedure manifests itself in different ways: for some, the effect is noticeable immediately, for others - only after a few sessions.

The main techniques of acupressure include rotation ("zhu"), vibration ("tseng") and pressure ("qia").

Reception of rotation performed mainly by the palmar surface of the terminal phalanx II, III or the first fingers of the hand (finger pads), less often the back of the middle phalanges, the terminal phalanx of the first finger, the base of the palm and the fist. Rotation occupies a large place in almost any type of massage, and symmetrical points are processed simultaneously with two hands. Therefore, in order to correctly rotate with both hands, it is necessary to master this technique separately with the right and left hands.

The reception of rotation can be divided into three phases.

1. "Screwing" - the imposition of a fingertip or other massaging area of ​​​​the hand on the acupuncture point and then penetration by smooth, slow rotational movements into the tissues of the body (skin, subcutaneous tissue, muscles) to different depths depending on the location of the point. Slow circular movements are performed without sliding on the skin, but always with an increase in pressure.

There is evidence in the literature that the shift in potassium-calcium balance occurring in the tissues affects the neuro-reflex mechanism (V. Natsuk, VS Goydenko). If you massage, that is, perform circular movements in a converging spiral, potassium ions will begin to collect from the surrounding tissues towards the center, which will give an exciting effect. When performing circular movements along an unfolding spiral, the same ions, as more mobile ones, will scatter, leaving inactive calcium ions in the TA, which will give an inhibitory effect. This opinion is difficult to argue scientifically, but practice confirms it.

2. Termination of rotational movements and retention of the finger at a depth with pressure.

3. "Unscrewing" - the return of the finger to its original position. In the third phase, slow circular movements

are also performed without sliding on the skin, but with a decrease in pressure force. At the end of the phase, the finger does not leave the massaged area, and the first phase of a new reception cycle begins immediately, etc.

The frequency of rotational movements is on average equal to one per second.

At the depth of pressure, the so-called intended sensations in the form of bursting, numbness and soreness should occur. The number of rotations, the degree of pressure, the time the finger is held at a depth with pressure depend on the goals of the massage. The direction of rotational movements can be different, although the works of Japanese authors indicate that clockwise rotation of the massaging finger has a tonic effect, counterclockwise - a sedative effect.

When performing a rotation reception, there are errors: rough, painful rotations with a tense brush, causing discomfort and pain; movements on the skin, and not with the skin, which reduces the effect of the reception; injury to the skin with a nail; uneven pace of rotational movements; constant (small or large) force of pressure on the tissues in the first and third phases of the reception, which is unpleasant for the person being massaged and quickly tires the massage therapist.

Vibration reception consists in the application of oscillatory-trembling movements to a point or painful areas of the body, produced by the pads of one or more fingers, the palm, the elevation of the first finger, or all fingers clenched into a fist. Fingers are usually placed perpendicular or at an acute angle to the acupuncture points. On painful areas of the body, vibration is performed with the palm, fist, or elevation of the First Finger. In all cases, the massaging surface should fit snugly against the massaged area, and oscillatory-tremulous movements are directed into the depths of the tissues.

The force of pressure on the tissue can be constant or variable, then increase, then decrease. Therefore, the intended sensations can be different - from feelings of fullness to pain with irradiation.

Vibration is performed stably, that is, in one place, or labile - along the meridian or the entire painful area of ​​​​the body (see "Linear massage"). In addition, the vibration may be intermittent. In this case, the masseur's hand, in contact with the massaged surface of the body, each time breaks away from it, as a result of which the technique takes on the character of separate oscillatory-trembling shocks following one after another.

The amplitude of vibrations should be minimal, and the frequency - maximum, on average 160-200 vibrations per minute.

Vibration reception can be combined simultaneously with rotational movements, mainly in the delay phase at depth with pressure.

Vibration is a tedious technique for manual execution, and therefore special devices can be used to transmit vibration to the massaged area at different frequencies.

Most common mistakes when performing vibration reception: large amplitude and non-maximum rate of oscillatory movements; injury to the skin with a fingernail.

pressure reception it is mainly carried out with the help of the first finger, and you need to press on the point with the second phalanx from the shoulder, arching the finger, with the arm straightened (Fig. 76). If it is necessary to press on a point with greater force, it is necessary to place the fingers crosswise so that the force of both fingers passes along the same line, but the lower finger would be more rounded. In addition to pressing with the 1st finger, the following varieties are used in acupressure: the second phalanges of the 2nd-4th fingers, the elevation of the 1st finger, the edge or base of the palm, with the burden of the 1st finger with the ulnar edge of the hand.

Direction of effort when performing pressure reception.

Fluoroplastic tip (1) with handle (2).

The pressure on the tissue can be constant or variable, then increase, then decrease. The force of pressure is different - from weak to strong, so the sensations envisaged are also different - from the appearance of a feeling of warmth and the appearance of redness to numbness.

Reception is laborious for a massage therapist, and in this regard, in acupressure, spherical tips with a diameter of 1 to 20 mm, made of plexiglass, hardwood (oak, boxwood), duralumin, ebonite, fluoroplast, can be used. The upper figure shows a fluoroplastic tip with a handle, which we use on large muscles (rational proposal No. 51020 dated 06/05/86).

Main mistakes when performing pressure reception: pressing with the first phalanx of the finger, which can lead to injury.

Three methods of acupressure are used: strong, medium and weak.

Strong- inhibitory, analgesic and relaxing (decrease in muscle tone) action. Pressure is allowed with the force necessary to penetrate through all tissues to the skeletal system and reaching in intensity up to the pain threshold and irradiation. Rotational movements, vibration and pressure are performed periodically, that is, 20-30 s with increasing force and 5-10 s with decreasing pressure on the point. The total exposure time for each point is 5 minutes or more. As guidelines for dosage, the appearance of a vasomotor reaction in the form of disappearance can be used. pale spot after the cessation of pressure or the onset of muscle relaxation, clearly felt by the massaging finger.

In sports practice, a strong, inhibitory version of acupressure is mainly used for myogelosis, a distinct muscle hypertonicity.

Average method - a brake option that has a relaxing effect. The pressure is applied with a force penetrating to the muscles, until the intended sensations in the form of bursting, numbness and aches are obtained. The frequency of movements is small, 10-12 s with increasing effort and 3-5 s with decreasing pressure on the point. The total exposure time is 2-3 minutes for each point. The dosage criterion can be a vasomotor reaction in the form of a noticeable reddening of the skin at the massage sites.

It is widely used in all conditions and diseases associated with increased muscle tone.

Weak- an exciting option that has a stimulating effect in the hypotonic state of the muscles. To achieve a stimulating effect, the finger, rotating, vibrating or pressing, goes deep into the skin and subcutaneous tissue for 4-5 seconds, after which it comes off the skin for 1-2 seconds. The duration of exposure at each point is on average 1 min. It is used mainly in medical practice in combination with complexes of physiotherapy exercises.

With deep pressure in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe point under the finger, a small hole should form.

Applying this or that technique, you should carefully act on the point, perpendicular to the surface of the skin. Stroking and pressure should not disturb skin covering cause severe pain.

Stroking should be continuous, and the movement of the fingers should be horizontal-rotating clockwise or vibrating. Vibration or rotation must be done at a certain pace (slowing down or accelerating). Rotation can be combined with slight pressure. Strong pressure should be short-lived. Usually pressure is applied with the pad of the thumb or middle finger, sometimes with the help of other fingers. Depending on the duration and intensity of exposure, there is a tonic or calming effect. From this follow two main methods of acupressure: tonic and soothing.

The tonic method is characterized by short strong pressures and the same quick removal of the finger from the point. Intermittent vibration is also characteristic of this method. The duration of exposure to a point by this method is from 30 to 60 seconds.

The soothing method is characterized by smooth, slow rotational movements (not shifting the skin) or pressure with the fingertips with a gradual increase in pressure and holding the finger at a depth. The movements are repeated 3-4 times, while the finger does not come off the point. The impact on the point with the calming method is continuous. The duration of exposure to each point is from 3 to 5 minutes.

The conditions for conducting a massage by one method or another are the same: before the massage, take a comfortable position, completely relax, distract yourself from extraneous thoughts, focusing all your attention on the massage. The desired result occurs sometimes during a massage session, sometimes - after it, in some cases - after a course of massage, consisting of several sessions. Often it is enough to act on 2-3 points to feel the positive effect of massage. Therefore, you should not rush to massage all the points. Firstly, it is necessary to follow a certain sequence, and secondly, do not rush to move from one point to another.

Indications and contraindications for acupressure and linear massage

Acupressure and linear massage has a number of advantages over other types of reflexology:

1) learning finger massage is much easier than, for example, acupuncture;

2) hygiene requirements during massage sessions are minimal and do not require any complex devices, disinfectants;

3) these types of massage can be carried out on an outpatient basis and in any forced conditions (on the street, in industrial premises);

4) the effectiveness of exposure in experienced massage therapists is not inferior to acupuncture;

5) Finger massage is very comfortable when giving emergency assistance, as well as in the form of self-massage;

6) point and linear self-massage is very effective for restoring working capacity and with physical fatigue.

Hygienic requirements for acupressure and linear massage are similar to those for manual classical massage and are widely described in the literature.

When using methods of reflexology in medical and sports practice, one should be guided by the indications and contraindications for these types of massage.

Main indications

The main indications for the use of acupressure and linear massage in practice are pain sensations of functional origin and hypertonicity of the muscular system, as well as the following diseases:

1. Neuroses.

Neuroses of fear.

hysterical neurosis.

Depressive neurosis.


Separate neurotic syndromes such as hiccups, aerophagia, etc.

2. Diseases of the nervous system.

Neuritis of the facial nerve.

Trigeminal neuralgia.

Neuritis of the radial, ulnar, median nerves, brachial plexitis, sciatica.

Vegetative-vascular syndromes.

3. Diseases of the circulatory system.

Essential benign hypertension I stage.

Reflex angina.

Heart rhythm disturbances (extrasystole) not associated with severe pathology of the heart muscle. Hypotension.

4. Diseases of the digestive system.

Functional disorders of the esophagus.

Functional disorders of the stomach.

Functional bowel disorders.

5. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system connective tissue.


Osteoarthritis, deforming arthrosis, spondylosis, traumatic spondylopathy.

Arthritis (rheumatic, allergic).

Lumbago, intercostal myalgia, humeroscapular periarthritis.

6. Osteochondrosis of the spine.

Neurodystrophic syndromes of cervical and lumbar osteochondrosis.

Shoulder sciatica.

Radiculitis cervical.

Thoracic sciatica with visceral pain.

Lumbosacral sciatica.

Relative readings

Acupressure and linear massage can be considered as a symptomatic therapy for organic diseases of the nervous system and internal organs, in which there are structural changes in organs and systems. However, in some cases, positive changes and even delays in the process of the disease may appear, not to mention the general strengthening and psychotherapeutic effect of reflexology.


The main group of contraindications are:

1) benign tumors;

2) all malignant neoplasms of the organs of the lymphatic and hematopoietic tissue;

3) blood diseases and hematopoietic organs;

4) acute infectious diseases and febrile conditions of unclear etiology;

5) myocardial infarction;

6) thrombosis and embolism of veins in acute period;

7) sharp exhaustion;

8) physical overstrain;

9) acute inflammatory processes of the musculoskeletal system;

10) tuberculosis;

11) gastric and duodenal ulcer;

12) mental disorders;

13) pregnancy;

14) advanced age.

It is not recommended to carry out acupressure in case of severe heart diseases, in the presence of pathology in the work of the kidneys, lungs, as well as at high body temperature. Do not resort to acupressure during menstruation, while intoxicated and on an empty stomach. Sudden changes in atmospheric pressure can also adversely affect the body if acupressure is performed.

It is forbidden to drink coffee, strong tea, alcoholic drinks, spicy and salty foods throughout the course of the massage. It is also not recommended to take a bath during a therapeutic massage course. It is best to take a short warm shower or wash each part of the body separately, taking a break of several hours.

In matters of indications and contraindications for the use of acupressure and linear massage, it is not enough to be guided only by the nosological principle, it is necessary to take into account individual symptoms and syndromes of diseases, individual reactivity. For example, acupressure as a method of analgesic (pain-relieving) action can be used for benign tumors with a sharp pain syndrome and for other diseases.

Additionally, it should be borne in mind that acupressure and linear massage after physiotherapeutic procedures can be carried out after 3-4 hours and not earlier than 3 months after X-ray therapy, taking large doses of narcotic, psychotropic drugs and steroid hormones.

Acupressure for nausea and vomiting

All points are shown in the figures (see below)

Nausea and vomiting are symptoms that accompany many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It is completely futile to treat them without knowing the causes that caused them, since the main cause of these conditions will not be eliminated. However, using acupressure, you can alleviate your condition. To do this, it is advisable to massage the following points:

3.36 - Zu-san-li.

8.21 - Yu-men. The point is symmetrical, located 2 cun below the junction of the sternum with the xiphoid process and 0.5 cun away from the midline.

9.6 - Nei Kuan ("Inner Opener"). The point is located 2 cun above the wrist crease on the median line of the forearm, between the tendons in the depression between the ulna and the radius. Refers to points general action. The location of the point corresponds to the median nerve passing in depth.

The point is also used in the treatment of pain in the heart, tachycardia, myocarditis, pain in the elbow and shoulder, with increased blood pressure, peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum, as well as bronchial asthma and neuroses.

12.2 - Xing-jian. The point is located on the foot, 0.5 cun outward from the interdigital fold, between the thumb and second toe.

14.12 - Zhong-wan ("Middle Channel"). The point is located 4 cun above the navel in the midline of the abdomen.

Acupressure for chronic gastritis

Treatment of chronic gastritis must be comprehensive. Acupressure can be successfully used in the treatment of chronic gastritis in combination with other traditional methods.

In the treatment of chronic gastritis, the following points should be massaged.

3.25 - Tian-shu. The point is used in the treatment of chronic diseases of the stomach, intestines, chronic cholecystitis, menstrual disorders, urinary retention.

3.36 - Zu-san-li. The point is stimulated in the treatment of gastric ulcer, gastritis, functional diseases of the central nervous system, diseases of the oral cavity, hypertension, psoriasis.

8.21 -Yu-men.

12.2 - Xing-jian. The point is located on the foot, 0.5 cun outside the interdigital crease between the big and second toes.

13.14 - Da-zhui.

14.12 - Zhong-wan. Refers to points of general action.

In the region of the point are the epigastric artery and branches of the intercostal nerves.

The point is also used in the treatment of pain in the stomach, intestines, nausea, stomach ulcers, gastroduodenitis, gastritis, cholecystitis, asthenic conditions and neuroses.

14.14 - Ju Que. The point is located 2 cun below the junction of the sternum with the xiphoid process.

It is advisable to massage the lower thoracic spine with your hands or with a masseur. Massage your feet using a rolling pin.

To do this, sitting on the floor, put your feet on a rolling pin and roll it.

Beneficial for work digestive tract next exercise.

Massage your index fingers.

Then sit on a chair, rest your palms on the seat, straighten your arms, lift your legs, keeping them parallel to the floor, and try to lift your body off the chair. If you succeed, stay in this position for 5 seconds and repeat the exercise 5 times, and then, after a short break, do the exercise again.

Acupressure for neurocirculatory dystonia

Neurocirculatory dystonia is a functional disease of the cardiovascular system, which is accompanied by pain in the region of the heart; possible increase or decrease in blood pressure. The diagnosis of neurocirculatory dystonia is established by a doctor. Pain in neurocirculatory dystonia is burning, shooting, pulling, piercing in nature, as a rule, localized in the region of the heart, does not radiate, lasts a long time, is stopped (removed) by taking validol, corvalol, and also during exercise. In the complex of measures for the treatment of neurocirculatory dystonia, along with the normalization of lifestyle, a decrease stress loads, compliance with the regime of work and rest and the use of medications, an important role may belong to acupressure, which helps to reduce pain or get rid of it. In this disease, massage of the following points is recommended.

5.5 - Tun-li. The point is located 1 cun above the proximal fold of the wrist joint, between the flexor tendons.

5.7 - Shenmen ("Gate of the Spirit"). The point is located on the arm, in the anterior region, in the inner section of the proximal wrist fold, between the tendons of the flexors of the fingers.


It is also possible to use other points.

3.36 - Zu-san-li.

4.6 - San-yin-chiao.

13.48 - Bao Huang. The point is located outward from the center of the gap between the vestiges of the spinous processes of the 2nd and 3rd lumbar vertebrae.

2.37 - Huh. The point is located outward from the center of the gap between the spinous processes of the 3rd and 4th thoracic vertebrae.

Contrast foot baths also help relieve pain in the heart area. To do this, you need to take two basins, one of them with water at a temperature of 40-42 ° C, and the other half as much (20-21 ° C). The feet are dipped into a hot bath; when they get warm, put their feet in cool water; as soon as a feeling of chilliness appears, they again lower their legs into hot water. This procedure is repeated several times, ending cold water and then rub your feet with a terry towel until redness. For the elderly, the water temperature may be reduced to 37°C, while the use of a contrast shower may be recommended for young people.

To relieve pain, you can use a hot bath (41-42 ° C) for 7-10 minutes for the right hand.

Acupressure for hypertension

Using acupressure can be powerful auxiliary means in the treatment of hypertension. However, before

use acupressure, you must always consult with your doctor, as only he can determine the presence of contraindications to such treatment. In the treatment of hypertension, it is necessary to control the level of blood pressure. It is also necessary to take into account the individual reaction, as well as the dynamics of blood pressure when exposed to certain groups of points, and the most favorable of them should be used for repeated exposures. It is not recommended to carry out acupressure on your own in case of cerebrovascular accident and other complications of hypertension.

Most often, massage of the following points is used to treat hypertension.

3.36 - Zu-san-li.


4.6 - San yin chiao.

The point affects both the maximum (systolic) and minimum (diastolic) blood pressure and is one of the most important in the treatment of hypertension.

2.11 - Qu-chi.

3.44 - Nei-ting ("Lower Hall"). The point is located between the heads of the II and III metatarsal bones. This is where the dorsal artery and dorsal nerve are located. The point is used for diseases of the stomach, small intestine, oral mucosa, headache, inflammatory diseases of the joints of the feet, sleep disorders.

2.15 - Jianyu (“shoulder bed”). The point is located above the shoulder joint, between the acromial process of the scapula and the greater tubercle of the humerus and corresponds to the cavity formed during passive abduction of the arm. The location of the point corresponds to the middle of the deltoid muscle.

Point massage is recommended for diseases of the upper limbs, radiculitis, shoulder plexitis, neuritis, arthritis and arthrosis of the shoulder joint. The point is part of the collar zone, which is why it is used for autonomic disorders, pathology of the small pelvis.

12.14 - Qi-men 403].

5.7 - Shen-men. Point massage is carried out with a decrease in appetite, pain in the region of the heart, paroxysmal tachycardia of a neurogenic nature. The impact on this point is especially indicated for neurosis, depression, anxiety, fear, memory loss and attention.

1 and 5-Jiu-wei.

9.7 - Da-ling ("Big Hill"). The point is located in the middle of the wrist fold in the area of ​​the wrist joint, between the tendons of the long palmar muscle and the radial flexor of the hand. The median nerve passes at the location of the point.

The point affects the maximum (systolic) blood pressure.

Acupressure for osteochondrosis of the spine

All points are shown in the pictures (see the article general about acupressure)

Osteochondrosis is one of the most common diseases of the ligamentous-articular apparatus. The development of the disease is associated with a sedentary and sedentary lifestyle, poor posture, excessive physical activity. Using acupressure at home can be effective tool in the treatment of this disease.

Before starting a massage session, it is advisable to use universal points that are used for various diseases:

3.36 (Tzu-san-ly). Then you should start massaging the points located on the meridian of the bladder. All of them are located on the back.

7.22 - San-jiao-shu. The point is symmetrical, located 1.5 cun away from the depression under the spinous process of the 1st lumbar vertebra.

7.23 - Shen-shu. The point is used in the treatment of kidney diseases, pain in the lumbar region, menstrual disorders, hearing impairment, diabetes, hemorrhoids and intestinal colic.

7.24 - Chi-hai-shu.

7.25 - Da-chan-shu.

7.26 - Kuan-yuan-shu. The location of the point is the same as 7.25 (Da-chan-shu), only under the 5th lumbar vertebra.

7.60 - Kun-lun ("The name of the mountain in Tibet"). The point is located in the middle of the depression between the center of the outer ankle and the calcaneal tendon, at the level of the top of the ankle. Refers to points of general action. The location of the point corresponds to the location of the short peroneal muscle, the posterior artery of the ankle and the sural nerve.

Point massage is indicated for headaches, dizziness, pain in the neck, back, lower back, diseases of the pelvic organs, ankle joint, arterial hypertension, neurosis and insomnia.

13.4 - Ming-men ("Gate of life"). The point is located directly between the spinous processes of the 2nd and 3rd lumbar vertebrae. In this area are the posterior branches of the lumbar artery and the posterior branches of the lumbar plexus.

The point is massaged with headache, radicular pain syndrome of lumbar localization, neurosis, especially combined with insomnia, asthenic conditions, hemorrhoids, intestinal colic, dysfunction pelvic organs.

Acupressure for neurasthenia

Neurasthenia is one of the most common types of neurosis, which is manifested by increased excitability and irritability in combination with fatigue and exhaustion. A patient with neurasthenia quickly falls asleep, but also quickly wakes up from the slightest rustle, reactions of irritation, resentment and anger easily occur, but they are short-lived, as exhaustion sets in quickly. In some cases, neurasthenia is the result of mental overwork or the chronic effect of a psychotraumatic situation. There are two main forms of neurasthenia: a) hypersthenic, which is clinically manifested by symptoms of increased excitability, and b) hyposthenic, which is characterized by lethargy, apathy, and drowsiness. The choice of a formula for acupressure depends on the clinical manifestations of the disease and is determined by the leader. pathological symptom. The principles of treatment of neurasthenia and the main points for acupressure are as follows.


7.60 - Kun-lun.

13.20 - Bai-hui.

2.11 - Qu-chi.

In the case of pronounced tearfulness, emotional instability, a good effect has an effect on the following points.

2.4-He-gu. 7.10 - Tian-chzhu 399].

7.15 Gao-huang.

7.34 - Xia-lyao. The point is located below the waist, above the 4th sacral foramen.

14.4 - Guan yuan. The point is located in the midline below the navel by 3 cun.


If you suffer from insomnia, instead of using sleeping pills, we recommend massaging the following points before going to bed.

4.6 - San-yin-chiao.

5.7 - Shen-men. 7.10 - Tian-chzhu 399]. 9.6 - Nei-guan. 11.20-Feng-chi. .Ш4-Da-zhui,"es":["LWViGgS4dBg","LWViGgS4dBg","9RW7IBk3Cic"],"pt":["MElTai3kOaA","s1VpOtntPeE","7z-9c1BX2Ls","MElTai3kOaA"]," fr":["qIQqO4KazpA","IEznxscAI6g"],"it":["mSupjQpI-4U","F9y9MQ4FQXk"],"bg":["gFE8UGMIht4"],"cs":["cTvw22ZL9ps"]," pl":["q7KZf4kZNa4","lS1Nic2WWjk"],"ro":["zzWY9X-ZksA"],"lt":["e070IZ0QCbc"],"el":["NmGek1hYOCY","H-f9nAHa7aY"] )

Chinese medicine uses points on the human body to lose weight. Active weight loss can be achieved with acupuncture. According to the teachings of the ancient sages, the human body is like an atlas in the form of a crystal with 365 points lying on 12 meridians and faces. The energy of life Qi flows through the channels. By influencing the energy passage zones, one can achieve health improvement, weight loss and elimination of ailments.

What are weight loss points

Among the many areas of the body responsible for health and energy storage, acupuncture points for weight loss stand apart. By pressing on them according to the rules or by doing acupuncture, you can achieve a decrease in appetite, weight loss and normalization of the work of the digestive department. There are several points for losing weight. When you press them, metabolism is activated, blood circulation and digestion improve, fat is broken down.

Acupuncture for weight loss at home can lower the concentration of glucose in the blood, stabilize the functions of internal organs. By clicking on the weight loss zones, a person receives the hormone of happiness, forgetting about hunger. Impact on the centers of the body with a needle or self-massage helps to reduce weight, the increase of which is caused by the following reasons:

  • excess food intake;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • low physical activity;
  • stress, depression;
  • sleep disorders;
  • chronic fatigue, emotional burnout.

In addition to losing weight, exposure to acupuncture gives a person the following benefits:

  • improving the condition of the whole organism;
  • not limited by age;
  • compatible with massage, gymnastics, diet;
  • safely.

At the same time, body reflexology has a number of contraindications, in which exposure is dangerous:

  • the first trimester of pregnancy and immediately after childbirth;
  • nervous excitement;
  • tumors;
  • blood diseases;
  • rheumatism;
  • pulmonary, heart failure.

Acupuncture points on the human body

In order for the massage points on the human body to work for weight loss, you need to look for them correctly and act on them. The cun, which is equal to the width of the first phalanx of the thumb, is adopted as a measuring unit of distance in therapy. To avoid inconvenience in the difference in the width of fingers in different people, men and women, one cun is considered equal to 2.4 cm.

Experts identify from 12 to 20 zones that promote weight loss. Among them, Tai Chun is considered to be famous, pressing on which, in addition to weight loss, cleanses the liver and removes toxins from it. Most of the points are located on the auricles - they control appetite and are responsible for metabolic processes. The slimming zone is located in front of the protruding cartilage on the ear. Tragus should be pinched for about three minutes to dull the feeling of hunger.

Other Special Interest Areas:

  1. San-yin-jayu - removes swelling on the legs, gives a person the opportunity to lose weight, get rid of toxins and toxins. It is located 3 cun above the protruding tibia bone.
  2. Yin-ling-quan - in combination with the first removes excess weight. Located on the crease in the bend of the knee. For a greater effect, you need to hit the biopoint with the fist of the opposite hand 30 times.
  3. Bai Hui - able to save a person from excess weight on the background of chronic fatigue. Located on the top of the head, for the effect, press with the pad of your finger for five seconds.
  4. Dai-mai - stimulating it controls appetite, removes overeating from emotional burnout, burns fat from the abdomen and waist. It is located between the extreme rib and pelvic bones at the waist in line with the navel.
  5. Feng Shi - eliminates fat from the thighs, is important for the normalization of sleep. You can find it on the outer femoral side at the level of the tips of the middle fingers of the outstretched hand.


Correct exposure and a certain stimulation time require acupressure for weight loss, or Su-jok. Each point has its own method of pressing - with a finger, pads or a fist. Following the scheme, you can achieve impressive results. For a week, the feeling of hunger decreases, a person eats little. In addition to losing weight, you can get rid of other diseases.

12 active points for weight loss

The most famous are 12 active points for weight loss, located on different parts of the body. If you follow the method, you will be able to lose weight by tapping on them. Each area requires its own exposure time - from five seconds to a couple of minutes. It is better to massage on an empty stomach in the morning or in the evening, you need to relax and calm down in advance.

Tai Chun

The top of the tide, or the Tai Chun point, in addition to losing weight, is responsible for the liver channel and getting rid of insomnia. It is located on the back of the foot, in the deepest place between the joints of the first toes. To stimulate, sit down, inhale deeply, exhale and press on the skin, holding in the starting position for five seconds. Do 30 times, switch to the other leg.

Guan Yuan

The most famous is the Guan Yuan zone, the stimulation of which allows you to achieve weight loss. In women, it is located three cun below the navel, in men - four. For the effect, lie down, relax your stomach, massage the area with uniform, medium-speed movements for half an hour twice a day. Soon a person feels that he is losing his appetite, losing 3-5 kg ​​in a course of 25 days. It is better to carry out manipulations in the morning before meals. Instead of using fingers, it is allowed to take a massager or a smooth object with a rounded end.

The best results can be obtained by dieting and exercising. In addition to weight loss, the point is important in the treatment of diseases genitourinary system. With hormonal problems and weight gain, stimulation is different - stand up straight, put your feet on your shoulders. Inhale deeply, exhaling, tighten your stomach, bend your legs, tilt your head. Squeeze intensely with your thumb, after four seconds, ease the tension, return to the original stance. Repeat 30 times. There is an option to press with the bases of closed palms.

Nei Guan

The inner border, or Nei Kuan, is responsible for the pericardial canal, located on the threshold of the shoulder 2 cun from the crease of the wrist, between the tendons. To stimulate, stand up straight, inhale, stretch your arms up. Exhale, stretch your hands to the chest line, press hard, release after two seconds. Repeat 30 times and then on the other side. Stimulation helps to get rid of stress, mental tension, overeating. In addition, it relieves headaches, eliminates discomfort in the heart, chest areas, abdomen, and improves mood.

Da Zhui

A solitary asymmetric zone is Da Zhui, which lies between the processes of the extreme thoracic and cervical vertebrae. To detect, place the middle finger with the index finger over the vertebrae, move your head and find a point between them. Sit down, tilt your head slightly, massage for a few minutes. Stimulation relieves hunger, reduces muscle tension.

Lao Gong

The most accessible and easy to detect is the Lao Gong zone, located in the middle of the palm (its deepest place). Exposure to massage for five minutes daily in the clockwise direction will help normalize the functions of the digestive tract, reduce appetite. By reducing the volume of food consumed, a person loses weight by 1.5-2 kg per month.

Shao Shan

The complex of massage for weight loss includes the Shao Shan point, located at the thumb near the nail. You can find it like this: measure from the outside of the finger 1/10 cun (3 mm) from the growth line of the nail plate. It is recommended to press on the area daily for a couple of minutes with a force of medium intensity. The touch will be painful, in addition to losing weight, it relieves the common cold and diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Zi Gong

deal with overweight caused by hormonal changes, will help Zi Gong. It is located outside the channels, has a symmetrical pair, is located 4 cun down from the navel plus 3 cun in both directions. To stimulate, stand up straight, place your feet on your shoulders, bend your knees. Put your hands on your waist, squeeze the areas with your thumbs, perform circular rotations of the hips 30 times in a clockwise direction. Keep a small amplitude, repeat against the direction of the arrow. You can do 2-3 sets per day. This massage is effective for infertility.

Zu San Li

The Zu San Li point is considered the most bioactive. With daily massage of the site for a third of an hour a day, a person achieves a loss of 400 g per week. It is located under the knee, for impact, grab it with your palm, with the pad of your ring finger, feel for a small recess under the cup, massage. Massage clockwise in circles 9 times one leg, then the other.

During the process, not the most pleasant tingling is felt on the forehead, in the shoulder blades and legs, but after completion, lightness comes. Before going to bed, point massage is not recommended, as well as too strong action- energy is lost. In addition to improving digestion and relief excess weight caused by constant depression, the effect increases immunity, eliminates osteochondrosis, convulsions.

Gian Ging

In the area of ​​​​the articulation of the shoulders and neck from the back is the Gian Jing zone, which is responsible for controlling appetite. It must be stimulated strictly for a minute, then go to the parallel arm. Daily exposure to integrated scheme with similar points helps a person lose weight by a couple of kilograms per month. Massage should be of medium intensity, do not press hard.

Feng Chi

With excess body weight, which appeared due to menopause, the Feng Chi point is massaged. The site is located in the middle of the depression on the back of the head up from the hairline to the cun. To massage, fold your fingers in a cross, massage in a circle 9 times inward and the same outward. Move the brushes to the front of the neck under the cheeks of the face, stroke with four fingers, release. During the process, a pull or radiation is felt when exposed to a small force. In addition to losing weight, massage helps to get rid of headaches, dizziness, weakness.

Yu Pe

Responsible for nerve endings in the brain saturation department effective point Yu Pe. It is located in the center between the joints of the elbow and shoulder of the outer surface of the arm. It should be acted upon with light circular movements for half a minute, constantly changing hands. If you feel hungry, stimulation will allow you to forget about it, although it will be a little painful in sensations.

Tian Shu

The last popular area on the human body for weight loss is called the Tian Shu point, which lies in the navel region for two cuns on each side of it. Stimulation is carried out for a minute with the index finger, pad or smooth massager. To reduce weight by 2-5 kg ​​per month, massage daily for three weeks.


Energy channels (meridians) this is an association of biologically active points located on the body on energy channels. A channel is a path through which energy is distributed to feed the organs of the physical body. In the usual view, the organ is a light bulb, the channel is a wire, the points are switches. Energy meridians connect the etheric body of a person and the physical. These points were discovered by ancient Chinese medicine. They are distinguished by increased electrical conductivity, increased painful sensitivity. The circulation of energy through the channels is carried out regardless of its awareness by a person. But awareness can increase circulation. In addition, the channels can be poorly passable and this passability needs to be strengthened.

Ancient Chinese medicine studied 14 main channels: lung channel, large intestine channel, stomach channel, spleen-pancreas channel, heart channel, small intestine channel, bladder channel, kidney channel, pericardial channel (sexual channel), triple heater channel, bile channel bladder, liver canal, posterior canal - median and anterior canal - median.

Ancient Chinese medicine believed that the circulation of energy begins with the lungs. Air is not only the main supplier of oxygen for body tissues and excretion. carbon dioxide but also the main energy supplier. There is one little secret In order for the energy to remain in the body during breathing, you need to hold your breath after inhaling, although at the expense of one, two.

Energy sequentially passes 12 main paired meridians in 24 hours, being in each for 2 hours. They, of course, work around the clock, but the activity in them is reduced. The maximum energy in the channel is reached during the passage of energy through it, and a minimum after 12 hours. Time-wise knowledge of the energy maximum and minimum in the channel is important for influencing the channel. All channels are paired, i.e. exactly the same on both sides of the body. 2 non-paired channels anterior - median and posterior - median work around the clock.

An arousal point massage means that you excite the type of energy that circulates in the channel, and a soothing point massage means that you are calming, i.e. reduces the circulation of this energy. For example, if you have inflammation on the channel of some organ, and this channel is with warm Yang energy, you need to slow down the movement of energy, since the inflammatory process occurs from an excess of Yang energy. Yang energy overheats the body, and Yin energy supercools. The optimal method of exposure is soft rotational movements in a clockwise direction, accompanied by light continuous pressure for about 30 seconds. at every point. Usually massage points are performed with the thumb or forefinger. With a balance of Yin and Yang energies, thermoregulation works perfectly in the body. The main ones are marked in red 20 points for all channels. Click on the picture to enlarge it.

The energy is polar, it can be positive - Yang and negative - Yin, channels with positive energy are located on outside limbs, but with negative energy on the inside. The disease begins with an imbalance in the channel of the opposite energy.

LUNG CHANNEL. yin. Energy begins to circulate from 3 am to 5 am, and the minimum will be from 3 pm to 5 pm. The lung meridian runs through the arms from the chest to the thumb. By activating the channels with a point-by-point massage, in the hand, the points of which will be more painful, then this lung is weaker. If the energy in the lung channel is disturbed, shortness of breath, coughing, and suffocation in the chest are observed. Hypersensitivity to the cold. Lung disease worsens at night and, of course, massage to improve the energy of the lungs should be done at night from 3 to 5 o'clock. If you wake up constantly at 3-5 a.m. and realize that there are problems with the lungs, you can independently begin to strengthen the lungs, stimulating with acupuncture magic point channel - point 10 Yu Ji, one of the main points of the channel. In this way, the condition of the lungs can be harmonized. Try to stimulate it and you will quickly notice the result.

The lung channel is considered a yin channel and the movement of energy goes from top to bottom. This channel can also be called thyroid canal and when it increases, calm the energy in the channel, and when it weakens, excite the energy in the channel. The main points are marked in red.

The lungs are not only located next to the heart, belonging to the Metal element, they absorb the fire of the heart, thereby regulating the heart rhythm. With a rapid heartbeat, we begin to breathe deeply and often. Breathing helps to direct the Fire of the heart to the lungs and thus normalize the heartbeat.

very effective point 10 Yu Ji and to fight with shortness of breath and asthma. It needs to be massaged in a circular motion. Many complain about the lack of air, as if they cannot breathe the right amount of air. In this case, I advise you to massage the point 9 Tai Yuan, this point is the source of the lung channel, it is very effective. Dot 8 Jing Qu can be used to deal with a cough, it is very comfortable and easy to massage. To nourish the kidneys, it is very good to use the point 5 Chi Ze, this will help bring the excess qi of the lungs to the kidneys. THOSE. this point regulates the fluid in the lungs. Dot 5 Chi-chie soothing point, and the point 9 tai yuan exciting point.

Active from 5 am to 7 am COLON CHANNEL. E then the channel Yan. Minimum energy in the colon canal from 15:00 to 19:00. Known in the stomach acidic environment and alkaline in the intestines. And if the intestines act up, then acidity prevails and he is not able to neutralize it. If at this time the intestines "growl", then you need to clean the large intestine with a laxative and an enema. This channel is paired, that is, it is located on both hands, it begins with index finger inside the brush and, moving to the outside, ends near the nostril. The large intestine is alkaline and when cleaning it, you need to add a little apple cider vinegar to the water. In time, the intestines can be cleaned both in the morning and in the evening. Key points are marked in red. Dot 11 Qu-chi exciting and is the most important point for calming the heat in inflammatory processes, as well as massaging it, you can lower blood pressure and reduce heart rate. Dot 1 Shang-yang soothing, also relieves heat, used for sunstroke.

GASTROMA CANAL active from 7 am to 9 am. This is the YANG channel. It's breakfast time. It starts on the face and ends on the middle toe. When the canal becomes dirty, the fire of digestion decreases and the canal needs to be “repaired”. Exciting point 41 Tza-si located in the bend of the leg at the transition to the foot. soothing point 1 Li-dui channel endpoint. Dot 36 Zu san li considered a point of longevity, its massage should be carried out according to the lunar calendar. Cauterization of this point is also practiced. wormwood cigars. Dot 34 Liang Qiu counts analgesic point, it is 2 cun higher than the upper edge of the patella, at the site of palpation of a small depression. Massage of this point relieves pain in the lower back and lower limb, restriction of movement and pain in the knee joint, decreased sensitivity of the skin of the lower limb, with mastitis, pain in the mammary gland, with heaviness in the stomach and diarrhea.

CHANNEL OF THE SPLEEN AND PANCREAS active from 9 am to 11 am. This is the YIN channel. It starts with the big toe moving up the inside of the foot. With improper nutrition, the big toes increase. Imbalance in the channel manifests itself in drowsiness during the day and weakness in the legs. The trigger point is 2nd point Yes doo on the big toe. soothing, 5th Shang qiu, on the ankle bone.

HEART CHANNEL works from 11 am to 1 pm. This is a channel YIN, it starts near the armpit and ends on the conic of the little finger on the inside. Exciting point 1 chi quan located in the middle of the armpit with a raised arm, a calming point 7th Shenmen located at the beginning of the wrist. 3rd point Shao hai is considered a water point, it sends water from the pericardium to the kidneys, it is located in the place where we take blood from a vein. Of course, if the pulse is disturbed, massage is carried out throughout the channel to ensure the free movement of energy. I have massaged this channel so many times that I find points with my eyes closed.

At the end, I will write how the points are found, but additional literature is needed to know all the points. It is possible and approximately to find them, looking at the picture, when exposed to points with traffic jams, they will feel pain or bursting. Listen carefully to these feelings. Point massage can also be carried out with the help of essential oils. If you feel pain at a point, put oil on your finger and massage.

CHANNEL OF THE SMALL INTESTINE works from 13 to 15 hours. This is a channel YAN. It starts on the outside of the little finger and runs along the outside of the arm and shoulder blade and ends on the face. Small intestine carries out chemical transformations of food and their violation is manifested by pain throughout the canal and especially in the neck area. Exciting point 3 Hou si a point along the line of the little finger near the bone of the beginning of the little finger. soothing 8 Xiao hai located in the elbow area.

BLADDER CHANNEL active from 15:00 to 17:00. This is a channel YAN. It starts on the face and passes through the skull through the crown of the head down the spine and back of the leg and ends at the little toe. This is a complex channel with many active points. On the channel of the bladder there are points from other channels. Excess Yang causes frequent urination and pain along the canal. The end point on the little finger is the stimulating Yang point, the calming point is 3rd point along the channel from the little finger.

KIDNEY CHANNEL active from 17:00 to 19:00. This is a channel with Yin energy. It starts in the middle of the sole. This channel is very sensitive to cold, not without reason they say: "Keep your feet warm." Since the kidneys are closely connected with the adrenal glands and with the production of hormones, the normalization of energy in the channel normalizes the potency of the genital organs. Well, you know about the function that cleanses the body of toxins from the body. Exciting yin point Shui Quan 7th point from the sole. soothing point yong quan first a point located in the middle of the sole of the foot. Since the kidneys love heat, it is necessary to rub this point vigorously.

PERICARDIAL CHANNEL(sexual channel) is active from 19 to 21 hours. This is a channel with Yin energy. It starts on the chest near the armpit, goes down the arm and ends on the inside of the arm on the third finger. This channel circulates energy in the liver, gallbladder and genitals. The most important features 6th point nei guan are calming the heart and vital spirit Shen, which is stored in the heart, as well as normalizing the condition of the spleen and stomach. Exciting point on the channel 9th Zhong chun at the tip of your finger, but soothing 7th Da ling . 3 point Qu jie located in the middle of the elbow bend, the function of this point is to cool the blood and expel heat, the word jie in translation, the lake, this is a water point, it sends water from the pericardium to the kidneys. I remind you that they are marked in red 20 main points for all channels.

CHANNEL OF THREE HEATERS active from 21:00 to 23:00. This is a channel with Yang energy. It starts at the tip of the ring finger on the outside of the hand and runs up the hand and ends on the outside of the eye, crossing other channels along the way. This channel has two internal inputs. Entering the upper part (1st heater) provides energy for oxidative processes in cells due to oxygen. Its branch (2nd heater) descends to the diaphragm and provides energy for the processes of assimilation and oxidation of food. By connecting with the pericardium (3rd heater), it provides additional energy to the genitals. The channel provides bioenergy for the respiratory, digestive and reproductive system, supplying energy to the following organs: the lungs (breathing), the small intestine (absorption process), the kidneys and associated genital organs and the heart. As you understand, this is a very important channel and, judging by the picture, it is very accessible for massage and, accordingly, rejuvenation of the body. The stimulating point on the arm of the 3rd channel is called zhongzhu, and it enhances the processes of food oxidation and is one of the points for losing weight. Calming point 10.

GALLBLADDER CHANNEL active from 23:00 to 01:00. This is a channel Yan. There are many dots on it, it intersects with other channels. It starts at the outer corner of the eye, runs along the side of the body and ends at point 44 at the end of the little toe. Along the way, the channel enters the body in the region of the diaphragm, communicates with the liver, enters the gallbladder and, descending, enters the hip joint. So if the hip joints begin to act up, then the Yang energy in this channel is weakened, as well as the energy of the gallbladder. Exciting point on the foot 43 . soothing 38 there. They write that this channel strongly stimulates the work of the gallbladder and at night it completes everything to purify the blood, until we load it with food. Dot 25 Ching-men refers to the foot shao-yang channel of the gallbladder, is the point of the abdomen of the kidneys, can reflect the condition of the kidneys, and also help to replenish the qi of the kidneys. The point can be used in the treatment of lower back pain caused by a lack of kidney qi. The point is located in the hypochondrium, near the point 26 Give May and can be used in the treatment of certain digestive disorders - bloating, rumbling in the abdomen and diarrhea.

LIVER CHANNEL active from 01:00 to 03:00. This is a channel with Yin energy. It starts from the big toe and enters inward, rising further to the head, passing along the parietal region of the head and connecting on the back with the back - the middle meridian. The imbalance of liver energy begins with overeating, apparently there is not enough energy to detoxify modern products. Also, even a little food before bed disrupts her work. The excitatory point 8 is located in the area of ​​the knee, the calming point 2 is on the foot.

The anterior-median canal is not included in the general circulation of the canals and begins in the center of the perineum and ends in the center of the chin, it unites all the Yin channels.

The posterior-middle channel runs along the spine, its energy is directed from the bottom up, uniting the Yang channels.

The circulation of energy through these channels is called DAOIST CIRCLE. We can direct it consciously.

Here is the exercise: Sit on a chair, press your tongue to the sky, closing the upper chakra. At the bottom, squeeze the perineum and the circle closes. Mentally take the energy from the 2nd chakra, lower it to the first one and raise it along the spine to the top of the head, then lower it down the front - the middle channel down to the 2nd chakra. And so several times. It won't be easy at first. Along the way, the work of all energy centers will be normalized. But the effort is worth it. Even if you do not do any acupressure through the channels, but only this exercise, you will gradually eliminate energy plugs and normalize energy in the body. This method is more suitable for young people whose sexual energy is still full.

There is a more complex option that is suitable for older people. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, toes inward, knees bent. Hands in front of you, palms open up. The tongue is pressed against the palate.

Now imagine that a network of capillaries comes out of the legs and sinks into the ground to the level of magma. The magma starts to rise up, feel its warmth. It reaches the sacrum and the second chakra is filled with energy. When it is full, lift it up the spine and through the middle line of the head we lower it down and through the compressed perineum we raise it to the second chakra at the back. At shoulder level, let the energy run through your arms and push it out through your hands. Here is the removal of energy plugs with the help of the energy of the Earth, the connection with which we have mostly lost. Do this as many times as you need.

I don’t know why I wrote so much, I had to give this exercise from the very beginning and that’s it. I wish you success.

One of the ancient methods of treatment and healing of the body is acupressure. This practice has become widespread in such eastern countries as China, Korea, Japan, and Mongolia. Many centuries ago, healers of the East paid attention to special places on the body, the impact on which can significantly improve work. internal systems and organs. Later, ideas about them found their scientific confirmation in the studies of scientists. In the process of experimental research, acupuncture points located on the human body were identified, and the basics of their massage were developed.

Today, the treatment of various diseases based on massage effects on bioactive points on the body is a widespread practice in the official and traditional medicine. It is based on the following principles:

  • implementation of an integrated approach;
  • thoroughness and slowness in treatment;
  • individual approach to each person.

Knowing where the healing points are located on the human body, and the competent use of their healing properties helps to get rid of both symptomatic pain (for example, toothache, menstrual pain) and to overcome more serious problems. So, knowing how the massage points are located on the back, as a result of applying the course of acupressure, you can get rid of problems with the lower back that have tormented you for years.

The technique of acupressure is quite simple and does not require the use of special equipment and expensive materials. Massage can be used both as an independent means of pre-hospital medical care, and in combination with other methods of treatment. Let us consider in more detail what is acupressure, what is its principle of action and features of application.

Chinese acupressure is one of the types of influence on acupuncture points on the human body.

Acupuncture is a therapeutic method based on the impact on special points located on the different areas, and related to the work of internal organs and systems. It has been scientifically proven that the mechanical impact during the massage of active points helps to release endorphins. These are hormones, the effect of which on the body has a pronounced analgesic effect. Thus, by acting on active points on the body, we "start" the process of self-healing of the body.

Chinese medicine offers several ways to influence points on the body - it can be either a manual (acupressure) massage or the use of acupuncture.

However, in order to properly act on the points to get rid of various diseases, the use of the acupuncture method should be performed exclusively qualified specialist educated in medicine and physiotherapy. But acupressure, or, as it is also called, is a type of reflexology that is quite affordable for use at home with a sufficient level of preparedness.

The influence on the healing points is carried out with the help of the fingers. This allows you to activate the work of neuroreceptors in the subcutaneous tissue, which, in turn, send an irritating signal to the brain. The reaction to such an irritant when exposed to Chinese points is either a complete cessation of the pain symptom, or its minimization.

An interesting fact: there are more than 750 acupuncture zones on the human body (in another way they are also called “health points”). Chinese medicine knows various points on the human body, or acupressure zones, thanks to which you can overcome health problems and improve the general condition of the body. There are even so-called points of longevity, and it is quite possible that the possession of information about their location explains the secret of longevity of the inhabitants of the East. In addition to the “zone” of longevity, there is also a “point of youth” on the human body, as well as many others, the features of which we will consider below.

However, before trying the healing possibilities of reflexology, you should know that this method of influencing points on the body has a number of contraindications that you need to familiarize yourself with.

Contraindications to acupressure

Chinese point or acupuncture massage is a safe, however, rather serious method of influencing the body.

As a rule, the main indications for the procedure are pains of various kinds: “female”, back pain, as well as chronic diseases, general fatigue of the body. Energy points on the human body, located in different parts of the body, function in such a way that a rash impact they can be seriously harmed. Therefore, we note that the Chinese massage technique, acupuncture, is contraindicated in such conditions and symptoms as:

  • tumors or suspected tumors;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • colds or other conditions accompanied by fever;
  • cardiovascular diseases, as well as previous strokes or heart attacks;
  • mental disorders;
  • age younger than 1 or older than 70 years;
  • second half of pregnancy in women.

Care should be taken when acting on, which led to a significant deterioration in well-being. In this case, you should not hesitate and self-medicate, but it is better to immediately seek medical help.

A doctor's consultation is also necessary regarding the use of this method in the first half of pregnancy and during menstruation in women.

How to find the right acupuncture points - location map

Chinese acupressure is based on the impact on special acupuncture points, which, as we have already found out, are located in large numbers almost throughout the body. It is thanks to this type of impact, such as pressing on a specific acupuncture, that this massage is called point (acupuncture).

In order to understand how to do acupressure, you need to know what is the scheme according to which the acupuncture of the human body is located.

In general, there are main places where acupuncture points are located on the human body. These include:

  • on the back;
  • on the fingers and toes;
  • on hands;
  • on the chest;
  • on the neck;
  • on the face.

This is interesting: many years of research experience has even made it possible to create a special atlas that clearly and in detail illustrates the places where acupuncture points are located on the human body.

A detailed layout of each acupuncture point on the body allows you to successfully use this method of oriental medicine, for example, during the acupuncture procedure, but for everyone who does not plan to use acupuncture, but simply wants to master the skills of self-massage, it will be enough to know how the main points are located. Therefore, before doing acupressure, you should remember the location of the desired channels of influence, for example, by studying a photo or picture with their schematic location.

Points for massage have features due to which there is a healing effect on the body:

  • low level of electroskin resistance;
  • high electrical potential;
  • high skin temperature;
  • increased level of pain sensitivity;
  • high rate of metabolic processes due to accelerated absorption of oxygen.

All this ensures the high efficiency of acupressure, but the types of this procedure may differ and depend on which places are affected. So, it can be, for example, acupressure of the chest, or a type of exposure in which active acupuncture points on the hands and feet are stimulated.

This is interesting: the impact on special zones on the arm allows you to activate the centers responsible for the internal organs, which makes this type of massage useful in the complex therapy of various diseases.

Let us consider in more detail the location of important points on which Chinese acupuncture and modern acupuncture are based.

Active points on the feet

Foot acupuncture is designed in such a way that there are points on the feet that are responsible for important human organs: the liver, kidneys, gallbladder, bladder, thyroid gland. In addition, massage on the points of the foot allows you to get rid of pain in the back and lower back.

Having examined the biologically active acupuncture points on the feet in the diagram, you can see which of them are responsible for what. In the scheme of correspondence of points on the foot to the internal organs, one can see the connection between their correct stimulation and the corresponding beneficial result.

Let's list the main acupuncture points on the foot.

  • On the second finger, slightly above the nail;
  • At the base of the last finger (located on the outside, in a small depression);
  • On the first finger, closer to the second, slightly above the base, there is a tai chun point.

Dot tai chun- This is a channel of the liver, its stimulation allows you to overcome the symptoms of exacerbation of chronic diseases and helps to cleanse this organ.

  • Between the first and second toe, located on the outside of the foot;
  • On the side of the inside of the foot, close to the lower leg, in the depression at the highest point of the arch.

So, according to acupuncture, important acupuncture points are located on the foot, acting on which can alleviate the condition in diseases of various internal organs, and, as evidenced by foot acupuncture, improve the functioning of the brain, cardiovascular system, and the supporting apparatus. To do this, it is enough to regularly do acupuncture foot massage, which is performed by massaging the above points on the sole.

Active points on the hands

On the hands and on the palm, important acupuncture points are symmetrically located, which allow you to get rid of migraine attacks in a short time:

  • at the junction of the index and thumb (in a small depression);
  • in the depression between the radius and ulna on the forearm;
  • on the folds of the elbow joints.

These zones are "responsible" not only for the well-being of a person in the event of a headache, but also help get rid of other health problems.

So, for example, acupuncture highlights points on the hands, which are actively used in acupuncture to solve diseases such as diseases of the lungs, digestive system, heart, liver, and legs. The points on the hands responsible for these organs are located on the hand, while such points can be found on all fingers, from the thumb to the little finger.

To achieve a healing effect, the areas are massaged alternately on both hands.

General strengthening points

Consider also the main zones, which, according to Oriental medicine, are able to have a general strengthening effect on the body.

  • Point Nei Guan- This is a zone located on the inside of the forearm, in the middle area. In order to determine exactly where the nei guan is located, it is necessary to attach four fingers of the hand folded together to the forearm at the level of the wrist crease. The nei guan point is responsible for the operation of the pericardial canal. Knowing where the nei guan point is located, one can have a calming effect on the cardiovascular and nervous systems. To do this, slowly and deeply pressing on it, perform the massage procedure;

  • Point Wei Zhong located in the popliteal fold, in its very center. It is easy to determine the Wei Zhong point in a sitting position (legs bent at the knees) or lying on your stomach. Chinese experts say that the wei zhong point is the bladder canal, respectively, its stimulation helps with problems of the genitourinary system;

  • Shenmen point- located near the left edge of the wrist crease on the hand. The Shen Men point is the channel of the heart, responsible for the task of healing it when various diseases. Its stimulation is also practiced in oriental medicine in the treatment of mental illness;

  • Shen Shu Point also responsible for the functioning of the kidneys and excretory system. Massage of this point, located on the back, or rather, on the spine, helps with kidney diseases and related side problems, such as dizziness, weakness, chills, dry mouth, fever. Thus, knowing where Shen Shu is is useful to anyone who suffers from acute or chronic diseases kidneys;

  • Point Yin Ling Quan is located on the inside of the knee and, according to the general interpretation, is responsible for the work of the spleen. At the same time, the acupuncture zones responsible for the work of this organ perform many functions. Massage performed on this area allows you to get rid of pain, dizziness, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite. Also, the impact on this area on the legs will help get rid of pain in the knee joints.

  • Point Shen Men also refers to general strengthening, and it is located on the ears - at the top of the triangular dimples on the auricles. Her massage helps to increase the efficiency of the body, overcome depression, apathy, improve immunity. Also, acupressure Shen Men is used in the fight against tobacco addiction;

  • On the crown of a person, in its very center, if you draw a conditional vertical and horizontal line, there is bai hui point, or Baihui. In this place, all the channels of the body are actually connected, and therefore the list of possibilities that a properly performed massage has is very wide;

  • "Canal of Youth" or san yin chiao. The name speaks for itself - her massage provides beauty and a youthful appearance. If you want to know how to find the place where the San Yin Jiao point is located, you should put four fingers on the bone on the inside of the lower leg. Where the fourth finger will be, and there will be its location. Armed with this information and proper massage skills, women can not only improve the appearance of their skin and hair, but also normalize the menstrual cycle, the functioning of the nervous system, reduce the appearance of the first wrinkles, and even prevent the onset of premature menopause.

So, if you want to achieve longevity, you should definitely know that the impact on these points is the secret. good health and longevity of many Eastern sages.

Other useful points on the body

In addition to those discussed above, there are other active points on the body, the massage effect on which helps to improve well-being and the general condition of the body. These can be, for example, points of longevity, so named due to the fact that their stimulation has an active effect on the work of many organs and systems at once.

Longevity points can be located in different places of our body, for example, Tzu-san-li- the point of longevity on the knee, the impact on which is widely used in acupuncture.

Many areas located on the head (for example, in the center of the forehead, above the bridge of the nose, or symmetrical areas located at the inner edges of the eyebrows) help even in cases where medicines are powerless.

Renders beneficial effect on the whole body, since the ears also have projections on all human organs.

In addition to the fact that there are acupuncture points for various diseases, relaxing, there are those that help women look younger and more beautiful. So, among the secret methods of oriental beauties, you can find a point or point even with menopause.

So, Chinese acupressure or acupuncture massage is a special technique that has been used for many years to improve well-being and treat various diseases. - safe method non-drug treatment However, a doctor's consultation before starting the course is still mandatory.

The palms of a person are the entrance to his energy field. The knowledge that there are points on the hand that are responsible for the organs came to us from Ancient China: the inner side is responsible for the front of the body, the back is for the back, the right side of the palm reflects right side body, left - left. Doctors have noticed a connection between exposure to them and a person's well-being. This is how acupuncture was born - an effective method of treatment by massaging biologically active points on the body.

These are special places on the hands that are responsible for the work of internal organs and the general condition of the body. Their location is chaotic: they are scattered over the entire area of ​​​​the hands at a distance independent of each other. It is simply impossible to see them with the naked eye, but if you start to slowly feel your palm, you will soon find small depressions on it. When you press these pits, as a rule, a person experiences pain or at least discomfort.

These areas are affected in three ways:

  • massage;
  • acupuncture;
  • pressure.

When exposed to a specific biological point, a signal is sent to the brain, and it, in turn, redirects it to the desired organ. It is enough to memorize these places well once, and in the future you yourself will be able to regulate your physical and emotional state, as well as relieve nervous tension and resist stress.

According to experts, the main point on the human body responsible for organs and general health is the place located in the center of the palm.

If, when you press it, you experience a sharp pain, this means that an energy imbalance has occurred in the body. This indicates possible diseases that are worth checking.

Organ projection

Thanks to the study of bioactive points, it is possible to cure a person from skin diseases, depression and neurosis. And also acupuncture has great success in the fight against various chemical addictions, for example, alcohol.

So, The projection of the organs on the palm is as follows:

The benefits of influencing reflex places have been proven by various sources. Doctors say that with the help of acupuncture it is possible to stop developing viral diseases.

If the child is delayed speech development, he will also benefit from such a therapeutic massage. And also, using various methods in this area, it is possible to reduce weight, normalize hormonal levels and metabolism, which affect the work of all internal organs.

Of course, a Chinese massage specialist will bring more benefits, but self-massage can also have a positive effect. At home, you can independently massage active points on a person’s hand, the diagram is as follows:

A similar procedure must be performed several times a day for 10-15 minutes. It has no contraindications, so the number of sessions is unlimited. According to experts, it is best to knead the points in the palm of your hand that are responsible for the organs in the morning. This will help wake up dormant organs and improve blood circulation.

When doing a massage to yourself, you need to listen carefully to what you feel: sharp and severe pain when pressed indicates a failure in the organ corresponding to this place. A gentle but constant acupuncture effect on it can miraculously heal. It is important to make movements in the clockwise direction, since it is with such a massage that the energy resources of the body are activated and it enters the active phase.

It is possible that in the near future acupuncture will become the only way of treatment and medicines will disappear from the shelves as unnecessary.

In appearance, color and general condition skin on the palm of your hand can tell about diseases of the internal organs of a person.

Red and yellow color indicates liver problems. If only the fingertips are red, then it is possible that there are problems in the gastrointestinal tract. But similar spots at the base of the thumbs signal a malfunction of the reproductive system and its organs.

Pigment spots on the back indicate the need turn your attention to the gallbladder.

The autonomic nervous system is disturbed if the palms are marbled.

Peeling of the skin warns of beriberi, and specifically, of a lack of vitamins A and D in the body. Large scaly flakes are a sign of a fungal disease.

Ice brushes indicate a violation of peripheral circulation. Conversely, a too hot palm in winter and summer indicates that the liver simply cannot cope with toxins and needs help.

The feeling of goosebumps in the palms is a sign of a malfunction of the endocrine system. Moisture on the hands - hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, dryness and pallor - hypofunction. Even pale colored palms may indicate a lack of hemoglobin in the blood.

Are your fingertips numb, especially your little fingers? There is a problem in cardiovascular system. The respiratory system is at risk, provided that only the thumbs are numb.

What can tell the shape of the brush itself, from the point of view of Chinese medicine? short human fingers indicate a predisposition to hypertension and general violations circulation. And thin and long fingers betray the emotional sensitivity and weak nervous system of their owner.

Fleshy palms are mainly possessed by people prone to thyroid diseases and metabolic failures.

Miniature pens and fingers indicate that the human autonomic system is too receptive to the outside world. The most common diseases in such people are bronchial asthma, problems with the rectum and hypotension.

Acupuncture and acupuncture points on the hand can help a person get rid of various types of pain, such as toothache, headache, heart, stomach pain, back pain, and many others.