How to make a cigarette for cauterization. I have been using such wormwood cigars for thirty years ...

Ancient methods of oriental therapy are practiced today by doctors all over the world. In Europe, acupuncture (acupuncture) is most commonly used. But to help yourself, there are simpler reflexology techniques that you can use without the help of a doctor. At the same time, their effect on the body is just as effective!

A session of moxibustion is conducted by the doctor of the clinic "Naran" Vladislav Liang

The source of heat coming from the wormwood cigars above the surface of the skin affects the nerve endings, muscles, blood vessels. But the main subject of influence is the energy channels. A person is healthy as long as the continuous movement of energy in each channel is maintained. If the movement is slowed down, illness will set in. In order to recover again, you need to understand where the energy blockage has formed and eliminate it. Blockage of energy can occur deep in the tissues of the organs, and the path to it lies through the outer points of the energy channel. Winding channels run from the fingers and toes to the lungs, heart, stomach, which can be activated through active points and move qi energy deep into the desired zone.

The most authoritative point for cauterization in the countries of the East is the point "zu-san-li". It is cauterized and massaged by many thousands of healthy and sick people who want to live long and not get sick. Activating this point does not cure diseases, but increases the amount of health! In China, it is known as the point of "longevity", in Japan - the point "from a hundred diseases."

A curious legend about the point of longevity exists in the Japanese islands.

My wife is now 173 years old, my son is 153, my grandson is 105 years old.” The old man was richly gifted with rice and money and honorably sent home. 48 years later, Mampe returned to Edo to participate in the celebrations for the opening of the new bridge. He was 242 years old, his wife - 221 years old, son - 201 years old, son's wife - 193 years old, grandson - 153 years old, grandson's wife - 138 years old.

Zu-san-li- its main function is to support and replenish the primary vital energy qi, restore patency in the meridians and branches. Cauterization of the point harmonizes the stomach, normalizes the spleen, removes diseases caused by hypothermia and dampness.

In translation, the name means "leg" and "villages located on the carriageways." The point belongs to the foot canal of the stomach. In different sources, you can find other names for this point (xia-ling and gui-se).

How to find the point of longevity?

The point is found 3 cun below the knee, 1 cun outward from the middle of the lower leg. Cauterization with wormwood heat is performed for 10-20 minutes.
By tradition, they cauterize (or, rather, warm up) this point with wormwood cigars. Ignited cigars slowly smolder, reaching a fairly high temperature. Such a cigar should be brought to the point of longevity at a distance where beneficial warmth will be felt and at the same time you will not get burned, you need to move the cigar back and forth for about 10 minutes. This is how this point is warmed up.

cun - "finger gauge" - the basic unit of measurement. When measuring the length and width of various parts of the body, the main tool is the joint of the finger. One cun corresponds to the distance between the folds of the middle phalanx of the bent middle finger or the width of the thumb.

Zu-san-li is used to treat:

All diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - pain in the epigastric region, vomiting, bloating and rumbling in the abdomen, diarrhea, constipation;

Gynecological diseases - menstrual disorders, dysfunctional bleeding, leucorrhoea, infertility, uterine prolapse, mastitis;

Disorders associated with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - palpitations, increased blood pressure, depression, insomnia, impaired water metabolism, decreased visual acuity;

Allergies and skin rashes, including eczema, hives;

And also for the treatment of leg joints along the foot canal of the stomach.

Method of cauterization (heating) with wormwood cigars - moxibustion, easy to use at home, just buy wormwood cigars on the site or call by phone 8-800-333-14-00 .

Darima Manueva

Dear doctors and healers! My neighbor recently returned from China. Went there on business. And along the way, he decided to visit local healers, especially since he had a reason to turn to them - psoriasis. In the summer, when he went to the sea, the disease temporarily receded, and as soon as the cold began, it came out. In China, someone told him that they treat this misfortune with smoldering cigars, scientifically - thermopunuura

So he decided to trust the local Aesculapius. The effect exceeded expectations. During this time that the neighbor was in China, they were able to save him from the disease.

And during the treatment, he learned that with the help of this method, many other diseases are successfully treated. Which ones, I would also like to know. After all, medicines are now very expensive, and the plants that are used in this method of treatment are available to everyone. And I would also like to know if thermopunkguru can be used in home treatment?

Smoking is harmful - everyone knows, but it's better to have cigars in reserve. They help to become healthy if you suddenly happen to get sick!

We are talking about wormwood cigars. The fact that cauterization of wormwood gives a positive effect is beyond doubt. What is the secret of the healing effect? Heat purposefully acts on the channels, points and connecting branches, activating the circulation of Vital Energy and balancing the functions of internal organs.

The method of treatment that people are interested in is very common in the East, however, it is gaining popularity in our country, because it is an effective means of combating ailments and, unlike acupuncture, can be used in home treatment. True, provided that the one who wants to heal me learns the basic rules that must be observed, setting himself the goal of repelling the disease. It is also important that the material for making healing cigars is wormwood, in which we have no shortage. And patients who do not have the skills of harvesting herbs can buy ready-made cigars in a pharmacy, which will allow them to start a course of treatment and self-healing without any delay and achieve the desired results in a fairly short period to forget about their ailments forever!

There is an old Eastern legend about Zu-san-li or the so-called point of longevity. One peasant inherited from his parents not a beautiful palace or untold wealth, but the greatest knowledge: his father revealed to him the secret of the zu-san-li point. In it was necessary to cauterize in a certain way in order to live a long time and not get sick. The legend tells that this man followed the advice of his parents and always cared about the point of longevity, thanks to which he survived several emperors.

This point in the East is still considered miraculous. They burn it and massage it, and not only sick people, but also healthy people who want to live long and not get sick. Moxibustion with wormwood cigars is a method of treatment in which special

therapeutic cigars affect the bioactive points of the human body. Oriental experts prefer to prescribe this method in conjunction with acupuncture.

How does moxibustion with wormwood cigars work?

The doctor performs cauterization or heat puncture at a distance of one to three centimeters from the surface of the skin. The smoldering cone of cigars made from dried medicinal plants, which are characterized by continuous burning, provides a very soft effective heat with a reflexotherapeutic effect. Each procedure usually takes no more than half an hour.

This technique provides the use of cigars or wicks (tows) that are made from wormwood. They are lit, and the heat generated acts on certain points. Moxibustion with wormwood cigars is a fairly simple yet very effective form of treatment that is widespread in China today.

Oriental doctors distinguish several types of thermal effects. With the help of wormwood cigars, distant thermopuncture is carried out. The infrared radiation emitted from the glowing end of the cigarette is directed to specific acupuncture points. This effect provokes a local increase in skin temperature up to 43-45 ° C, while burns do not form.

Remote impact is of 3 types:

ironing, pecking and thermal .

With ironing chiu

the smoldering end of the cigar must be continuously moved back and forth in a horizontal direction. Patients experience a very pleasant warmth. The doctor spends 10-15 minutes warming up a sufficiently large area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin, until slight redness appears. This method of cauterization with wormwood cigars is excellent for eczema, neurodermatitis and many other skin diseases.

Pecking tszyu -

a type of distant influence, in which the smoldering end of a cigarette is either brought closer to the point, then removed from it. At the same time, they work sequentially with several acupuncture points, two to three minutes each. Used for diseases of internal organs with reduced function and flaccid paralysis.

And finally, thermal chiu

method, as a result of which patients feel a constant pronounced warmth. Each point is affected for fifteen to twenty minutes, and often longer - until there is a feeling of deep warming and even redness. This treatment is recommended with spasms, increased muscle tone and pain syndromes . Wormwood cigars are considered a very effective and convenient way to get moxa.

They are able to freely reach any part of the body and quickly warm up any point on it. It is a method of treatment that absolutely does not need advertising, since it has been around for many centuries, which in itself is the best quality recommendation. . An interesting faet: in the East there is a belief that dried wormwood three years old is capable of expellingseven year sickness.

Indications andcontraindications

Thermal lubrication, or a type of treatment such as cauterization with wormwood cigars, is used mainly to relieve various syndromes coldness and insufficiency when present pain in the abdomen and stomach, in the joints, in the back and lower back. In addition, the method helps with painful menstruation. Apply cauterization with insufficiency of blood and spleen, with insufficiency of "qi".

However, there are points on the human body that have direct contraindications to warming up..

Before carrying out the procedure of cauterization with wormwood cigars, it is necessary to pay attention to some factors, this type of treatment forbidden to patients with fever and thirst , with the so-called "fever syndrome", when the color of the urine is bright yellow, the feces are dry, the pulse is quickened, and the tongue is red and with a yellow coating.

In no case should you cauterize the points located in the head, nose and eyes if the patient has high blood pressure, and pregnant women - on the stomach. If cauterization is carried out with a wick, then it is installed so that it does not roll down, since a person risks getting burned. In this case, if garlic or ginger is used, then the wick should not burn for too long - a blister may jump up in the patient.

Depending on a particular disease, moxa can affect the skin both directly and indirectly - due to other healing substances. For skin problems, neuralgia and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are usually assigned direct cauterization wormwood cigars are kept two centimeters from the skin from five minutes to half an hour.

For vomiting, arthritis and diarrhea patients are advised cauterization through ginger. In this case, a plate of its root 0.3-0.5 cm thick with a small hole is applied to the skin. The wormwood cigar is placed one and a half centimeters, holding at the point until it is moistened and reddened.

The procedure must be carried out every day . Helps with heat puncture and tuberculosis of the lungs or pulmonary nodules. Cauterization is done through a plate of garlic, however, this type of therapy strictly contraindicated in patients, chilly . Interestingly, the method of thermal cauterization, with the permission of a doctor, is also allowed in cases of sunstroke, especially if it was accompanied by loss of consciousness.

Cauterization with wormwood cigars is contraindicated in all blood diseases, as well as in disorders of the sense organs. This method is also forbidden in case of diseases of blood vessels, conductors of white and red germinal fluids, both in men and women - the ego threatens them with infertility and impotence. In addition, the fact that the weather at the time of the procedure is also important.

Moxibustion is not done when there is wind, rain or snowfall outside, as well as on the 1st, 15th, 18th and 22nd days of the lunar calendar . And one more thing: the points of the right ribs are not cauterized in the fall, the left - in the spring.

In the summer months, the navel points are not touched, in the winter - the points of the lower back.

Moxibustion points

Oriental physicians distinguish two main types moxibustion points: points tied directly to the disease. These are places where pain is felt when pressed and relief appears when the pressure is removed; places of arthritic swirls of lymph in the joints of bones; skin areas around malignant wounds, edema and growths; points additionally known to the doctor. These are places that are connected with the circulation channels of bile, wind, mucus, lymph and blood.

In the East they say that depending on the cauterized point procedure has a positive effect , favorably affecting the flow of blood and wind, relieving many types of pain, closing the mouth of blood vessels, strengthening the mind and memory, generating fiery warmth of the stomach, kidneys and the whole body, as well as removing dead tissues and cells from old wounds, abscesses, edema and tumors .

So, first vertebra or the seventh cervical according to the European scheme - this is the point of the wind. As a result of the fact that the wind enters the channel of life, a person may experience headaches, confusion, heart palpitations, poor memory, severe cardiac arrhythmia. In some cases, patients complain of states of hysteria, insanity, trembling in the body, tinnitus, deafness and dumbness, they suffer from insomnia at night, and during the day they are sleepy. The treatment of this point is especially useful for the elderly.

Second vertebra or bile point is suitable for the treatment of jaundice. By influencing this place, it is possible to normalize high blood pressure. It is useful to cauterize with a pathological increase in bile and blood, as well as with the appearance of a goiter.

Third vertebra or slime point. & is recommended for use in the treatment of heart and lung diseases associated with mucus disorders, nausea and indigestion, edema and nasal congestion.

fourth vertebra . Responsible for diseases of the anterior lobes of the lungs. It helps to influence this point with difficulty breathing, asthma, coughing with sputum, as well as swelling of the face due to impaired lung function.

Fifth vertebra - diseases of the posterior lobes of the lungs,

sixth- point of the vessel of life,

seventh- point of the heart. Next come the points of the diaphragm, liver, gallbladder, spleen, stomach and regenerative organs, points of the kidneys, small and large intestines, dense and hollow organs, bladder, sperm and the menstrual cycle.

Method of cauterization with wormwood cigarettes

Thermopuncture or the impact on biologically active points with wormwood cigars has been successfully used for hundreds of years to treat a huge number of diseases. And by various methods. Most often, oriental doctors use thermal cauterization. This is the impact on certain points with the so-called moxas - wormwood cones or cigars.

Often, other medicinal herbs are added to the wormwood, such as chamomile, mint and sage. . The basis of the heat emanating from the smoldering wormwood are infrared rays. Their wavelength ranges from 1 to 5.5 microns, in fact, that is why the constant combustion temperature of wormwood moxa is 825 degrees Celsius.

So, how is cauterization carried out.

longevity point

To begin, carefully prepare the wicks or wormwood cigars. The leaves of this herb must be well dried, then mashed and sifted. Next, dust is removed, and all remaining particles are tightly wrapped in paper in the form of cigars. Diameter - two centimeters, length - up to twenty.

The wormwood wick is called the leaves of a medicinal herb, which are twisted into a small ball. What exactly, a cigar or a wick, to use in each case, the doctor decides - depending on what the patient is suffering from. The cigar is lit and brought to the appropriate point at a distance of three to five centimeters. . The person begins to feel warm.

The wick is placed directly on the point, where it slowly smolders until the patient feels pain. Moreover, only one wick is always applied, and table salt is poured between it and the skin or a cut slice of garlic or ginger is placed. .

Salt has been proven to help treat vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain, garlic has been proven to help treat carbuncles and lung problems, and ginger has been shown to help treat chronic gastrointestinal disorders, nausea, and stiff muscles and joints. It is believed that the treatment with the wick is more powerful.

Cauterization or heating of biologically active points enhances blood circulation. By itself, the reaction of the body to this procedure is similar to that observed during acupuncture, but it proceeds in the absence of damage to the integrity of tissues and in a less obvious form.. For this reason, this type of treatment is recommended for weakened patients, as well as for those who are contraindicated in acupuncture.

What are the benefits of cauterization?

The fact that cauterization of wormwood gives a positive effect is beyond doubt. What is the secret of the healing effect? This procedure gives the patient a feeling of warmth, which not only warms him, but also promotes blood flow to the skin, significantly improving blood circulation.

But the most important thing is heat purposefully acts on the channels, points and connecting branches, activating the circulation of vital energy and balancing the functions of internal organs. Some patients of Chinese clinics are interested in the question,

why wormwood is used for cauterization.

The thing is that when this herb burns, heat is intensively released, which has such a beneficial effect on the entire human body. And flowing smoke with a pleasant smell is extremely useful for improving the functions of muscles and skin. Wormwood burns evenly without throwing sparks, and therefore is the best raw material for cauterization.

This type of treatment is Not only diseases of internal organs, but also epilepsy, trauma, ra diculitis pain, mental disorders, spinal infringement and even tumors. Wormwood cigars can be a very effective remedy for gynecological disorders, infertility and restoration of reproductive function.

How is cauterization carried out with wormwood?

First you need to prepare wormwood cigars or wicks. Wormwood leaves should be well dried. They are kneaded and the resulting mass is sifted. The dust is removed, and the remaining particles of the wormwood leaf are tightly wrapped in paper in the form of cigars up to 20 cm long and 2 cm in diameter. These are wormwood cigars. Wormwood wick is wormwood leaves twisted into a small ball.

Xi Gars and wicks are used in different ways depending on what the patient is suffering from.

When treated with a cigar it is ignited and brought to a distance of 3-5 cm to the corresponding point. The patient should feel warm. The cigar should be kept in this position for 3-7 minutes - until the skin turns red. It is quite simple to carry out such cauterization, patients like it - therefore they resort to it quite often.

As for the wick, then it is placed directly on the point where it slowly smolders. As soon as the patient feels pain, the wick is immediately removed. Only one wick is applied each time. Treatment with a wick is more powerful. Between the wick and the skin, you can put a cut slice of ginger, garlic or pour salt.

Ginger is used in the treatment of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, abdominal pain, nausea, aches, stiffness of the joints and muscles; garlic - in the treatment of pulmonary diseases, carbuncles; salt - in the treatment of abdominal pain against the background of "cold snap syndrome", vomiting and diarrhea.

Methods of cauterization

The process of treatment by cauterization lies in the fact that the thermal effect is directed to sensitive endings - thermoreceptors. These endings are laid in more sensitive areas of the skin.

Remote heating with wormwood cigars is effective for eliminating pain, increased muscle tone, vasospasm (effectively eliminated by prolonged thermal exposure to points), for diseases of internal organs caused by a decrease in their functions, paralysis, neurological diseases (a method is used with variable approximation and removal of smoldering wormwood cigars to the point), for skin diseases, neurodermatitis, eczema (prolonged heating of a large area of ​​the skin), for allergies and other cases to improve health and well-being.


Export quality; without stems, dust and mold; uniform texture; pleasant aroma. Golden moxa is made from extremely pure mugwort, which produces very little smoke.
In Chinese medicine, moxa products are usually classified according to their purity - 1:1, 3:1, 8:1, 15:1, 20:1, 25:1, 50:1. What do these proportions mean? With a purity of 1: 1, 1 kg of the finished product is made from one kilogram of dry wormwood; at a purity of 3:1, 1 kg of product is made from 3 kg of dry wormwood, and so on. The higher the purity of the moxa, the more yellow it is and the more effective it is.
Golden Smoky Moxa 50:1 was made from real 5 year old mugwort using high technology, where 50kg of pure mugwort extracts one kilogram of product, without adding any other ingredients. The product contains more essential oil of better quality than other similar products. The smoke generated during combustion is harmless to humans and animals, and can disinfect indoor air.


The method of treatment with wormwood is used for chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, allergies, diseases of the genitourinary system, skin, blood vessels, spine, joints, and osteochondrosis. Moxotherapy is used when nervous regulation is disturbed, headaches, depression are disturbed, sleep disturbances are observed. Moxas treat any colds and inflammatory, chronic and neurological diseases, mental disorders, depression, epilepsy, vegetovascular dystonia, sciatica, chills, cold syndrome, dysmenorrhea, metabolic disorders of the body.

Soft warming effect. It is often referred to as overhanging warming. After one of the ends of the wormwood cigar is lit, it should be brought closer to a distance of 3-4 cm to the selected point or area of ​​the skin for the procedure. In this way, it is possible to influence both a local point and a vast area of ​​the body surface.

The guiding rule of this heating is that the patient during the procedure should feel only pleasant warmth, but in no case pain. Each area should be warmed up for about 5-7 minutes, until hyperemia of the skin of the place where the exposure is carried out is indicated. For children, as well as patients with impaired sensitivity, the doctor should use his index and middle fingers, between which there should be a site of influence, in order to avoid burns to the patient. The main indications for this method are chronic diseases. At the same time, the movements of the cigar can have a different direction, which will change the name of the exposure technique: Translational-rotational heating. The method of exposure to a wormwood cigar, when the doctor directs its lit end with circular or linear translational movements, most often in a certain area of ​​​​the body surface.

Pecking warming. One of the ends of the cigar is set on fire. With this end, the cigar is quickly brought up, and then just as quickly moves away from the chosen point, like a sparrow pecking at a grain of rice. By the way, in translation from Chinese, the combination que zhuo can be translated as a pecking (rice grain) sparrow. An important condition of the method is the constantly changing distance between the surface of the body and the lit cigar. The degree of tissue heating depends on the purpose of the chosen treatment.

Direct pressure with a burning cigar. The impact on the point is made by a lit cigar by direct pressure on it through several layers of cotton fabric or paper. Simply put out the cigar on a cloth applied to the skin. The method involves repeated repetition for each point during the procedure, i.e. each time after the cigar is extinguished, it should be re-ignited and the extinguishing should be repeated on the fabric covering the body area, etc. The purpose of this method is to receive body tissues, directly skin and muscles from fire. It is used in the treatment of arthralgia, which has developed as a result of the pathogenic effects of wind-moisture.

Contraindications: Strong alcohol intoxication, a state of intense anger, fright, fear, physical overwork, overeating, with infectious diseases with fever provocations, with poisoning.

Do not use in the presence of allergic reactions on the skin, at the locations of the lymph nodes.

Please note that moxa do not have Russian certification, although they have international ISO certification.

Mode of application: Ignite the cigar and direct the smoldering part to the heated acupuncture point. The exposure time is 5-20 minutes at a short distance from the patient's body. After use, the cigar is extinguished.

Package: 6 items

Compound: wormwood leaves

Thickness: 1.8 cm.

Length: 20 cm

Time for complete combustion of a cigar: about 2 hours.

Moxa Purity: 25:1, 50:1

Excerpt: 5 years

Moxa is tightly packed in paper cylinders. Place of origin Nanyang, Henan province.

The method of cauterization (thermopuncture) of biologically active points has long been known in the folk medicine of the East. By the strength of the positive impact on the body, chiu or moxibustion is on a par with bloodletting, massage, therapeutic compresses, baths. In China, for a long time, the procedure was practiced by representatives of the highest nobility, mere mortals. This helped to maintain good health, youth, gave vigor and longevity. In the early 90s. last century, moxibustion has become widespread in Russia. All thanks to the Buryat doctors Svetlana and Bair Choyzhinmaev, who revived interest in forgotten knowledge.

Moxa or wormwood cigar, what is it?

It is a specially twisted tube, consisting of medicinal herbs, sometimes coal. May contain exclusively wormwood, or go with the addition of other plant components, for example, contain juniper, edelweiss flowers, osmanthus, mint. Why are wormwood moxa so healing? Wormwood contains essential oils and natural broad-spectrum components that have the ability to:

  • activate, improve blood circulation;
  • normalize blood pressure, cleanse blood vessels, capillaries;
  • stimulate the immune system, metabolism;
  • treat cold diseases;
  • eliminate diseases of the skin, internal organs, including a protracted one.

When wormwood smolders, an intense release of dry heat occurs, which has a positive effect on the site of exposure, the body as a whole. The smoke flowing during the combustion of the plant mass has a grassy, ​​bitter, but pleasant aroma. Useful for the physical body, positively affects the psyche, emotions, restores immunity, normalizes hormonal levels. In addition, Chinese wormwood herb is considered one of the best, safest moxibustion agents. This is because it burns evenly, without scattering sparks in different directions, heating up to a temperature that is safe for the skin and soft tissues.

Varieties of mox

For chiu-therapy use:

  • Classic cigars with wormwood for remote heating of biologically active points. Everyone can use them, especially weakened patients, persons from 45-50 years old or more, those whose body is exhausted by chronic diseases;
  • wormwood - cylindrical cigars of compact size. They are characterized by the fact that they are hollow inside, when burning, they emit little smoke, while they warm up the impact zone well. Used together with a special stand. Its movable upper part allows you to adjust the distance between the cigar and the dermis, thereby controlling the heat supplied. The number of mini-tubules installed simultaneously on the acupuncture point depends on the strength and nature of the disease. An indicator that the problem area is warmed up is a feeling of persistent heat, but without a burning sensation.
  • Micromoxa, which are installed on the epithelium without stands, other special devices. Solid moxas with an adhesive base, after light pressing, are held on the body on their own. Softer micro-cigars are attached to the epidermis by the following method. First, one of the tips is dipped in a special glue, garlic juice, then pressed tightly against the affected area.


In moxotherapy, other means of heating are also popular, analogues of classic wormwood moxigars:

  • recommended for adhesive capsulitis, lower back pain, leg pain, dysmenorrhea, problems with intervertebral discs, colds, diseases of the respiratory system.
  • Moxa peas, thanks to which they treat anemia, ailments provoked by a weakened immune system.
  • Wooden boxes with dried wormwood. Effective for problems of the musculoskeletal system, for pain in the abdomen. Recommended if you need to warm up large areas of the body.
  • Rice paper cigars containing dried wormwood, popular in home chiu therapy. During heating, the plant tube is brought closer to the site of exposure by 2-3 cm, after which it is gently moved from side to side.
  • Needles with pieces of cigars strung on them. In the process of acupuncture, moxas are set on fire, which enhances the effect of the therapeutic session.
  • Moxa cones affecting the physical body, subtle matters. Recommended for diseases of the thyroid gland, loss of strength, weakening of the immune system. They have a powerful healing effect in severe mental disorders, mental trauma, prolonged depression.

Jiu therapy methods

The name of the heating method


Warming soft or overhanging

It is characteristic that during the session the heat is constant, pronounced. Each acupuncture point is affected for no more than 15-20 minutes or until there is a feeling of deep warming with the effect of redness of the epidermis. The movement of a cigar during a session can occur along different trajectories. This can be rotational-circular, linear-translational heating, along or across the body. Soft overhanging warming is practiced to eliminate muscle spasms, treat pain, spastic syndromes of various etiologies.

The technique, when the end of the herbal cigar is alternately brought, then moved away from the impact zone. Each biologically active point is heated sequentially, for 2.5-3 minutes. The heating technique is recommended for flaccid paralysis, with reduced function, diseases of the internal organs. It is considered a good alternative to acupuncture when it comes to children, teenagers, and the elderly.


The method of heating is that the smoldering end of the medicinal cigar is continuously moved back and forth. The trajectory of the moxa can be different: along, across the body, linear-translational, but always in the horizontal direction. The warm-up time of a separate point or zone is no more than 10-15 minutes, until a slight reddening of the skin occurs. The technique is used in the treatment of various skin diseases: eczema, neurodermatitis, dermatitis, etc.

It is worth noting that after the session, no damage remains on the body. After the session, only erythema is observed, a quickly disappearing, temporary reddening of the skin at the point of exposure. If the patient is very sensitive, it is recommended to use special techniques before the session. Between the impact site and the cigar, it is worth using the middle and index fingers. This will help to avoid burns in people suffering from increased sensitivity to temperature, pain.

How is cauterization with herbal moxibustion done?

The doctor conducts thermopuncture of certain points, areas of the body, holding a cigar at a distance of 1-3 cm from the surface of the epithelium.

  • First, moxa is set on fire from a candle, then they wait until it is good, it warms up evenly.
  • After that, it is brought to the body at the distance indicated above.
  • Each point of influence is worked out for 1-2 or 3-5 minutes.
  • Then the cigar is stewed in a special stew, a vessel with a narrow neck.

The smoldering cone of continuous burning cigars provides a soft, deep heating, which has a powerful reflexotherapeutic effect. In general, a therapy session takes from 15 minutes to half an hour.

The spectrum of effects of thermopuncture on the body

The warming procedure with wormwood cigars is unique in that it heals the physical and subtle body. At the same time, it is ideally combined with the use of pharmaceutical drugs, methods of treatment of traditional medicine. Warming up acupuncture points, meridians is recommended not only for therapeutic, but also for preventive purposes. It is not only safe, but can also be used for the prevention and treatment of children, adolescents, and the elderly.

Wormwood warming affects the body in a complex way, providing:

  • Physiotherapeutic effect. Deep thermal impact on human energy channels activates blood circulation, lymph circulation. Normalizes local immunity, blood supply to tissues and organs. Due to this, the foci of inflammation, stagnation of energy disappear, the tone increases, and overall well-being improves.
  • Relaxing effect. In the process of heating biologically active points of the organ, the impact zone responds reflexively. Thanks to this, the mechanism of regeneration and renewal is automatically launched in the body. Internal reserves are awakened, which guarantees the relief of negative symptoms, a speedy recovery.
  • Aromatherapy effect. Smoke from burning herbal cigars has a pronounced bactericidal, antispasmodic effect. It has a beneficial effect on the respiratory system and skin. Helps to relax, normalize blood pressure, improve overall well-being. Along the way, it will become a good therapeutic and prophylactic agent in the treatment of colds and skin problems.

Due to warming up, the cold dissipates, the movement of Qi energy along the meridians increases, the Yang energy awakens, and strengthens. With their help, rapid relaxation occurs, efficiency increases. Irritability decreases, aging processes slow down, toxins quickly and painlessly leave the body.

Indications for use

Moxibustion has been used in Oriental medicine for thousands of years. Helps improve energy circulation, increases vitality, activates blood flow, metabolic processes. It helps to eliminate foci of stagnation, energy blocks, stimulate the hidden reserves of the body, eliminate the internal cold of the body and organs.

Cauterization is indicated for:

  • any ailments of the type "cold";
  • arthrosis, arthritis, gout, chondropathy, other joint problems;
  • osteochondrosis, hernia and protrusion of the intervertebral discs, dorsopathy, other problems of the musculoskeletal system;
  • diseases of the respiratory system, nasopharynx: asthma of the "cold" type, tonsillitis, otitis media, adenoids, polyps, bronchitis, etc.;
  • problems of the urogenital area: cystitis, enuresis, prostatitis, adnexitis, infertility, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea;
  • dizziness, weak immunity, migraines;
  • psoriasis, pruritus, eczema, dermatoses, other skin problems;

Moxa therapy is indicated for nervous tics, stuttering, neuritis, neuralgia. It will help if you are tormented by fears, phobias, depressive states, impaired sleep and memory. It is prescribed for weak digestion, unstable stools, flatulence, any indigestion of the "cold" type. Thanks to the sessions, it is possible to cope with puffiness, water retention in the body, vascular dystonia, and hypotension. Moxa treatment is prescribed even in the treatment of certain types of tumors.

Are there any contraindications

Warming up is unacceptable when blood pressure is critically high, there are serious chronic diseases, colds, viral and other ailments in the acute phase. Various thermal effects are strictly prohibited in the presence of neoplasms of any etiology.

Thermopuncture (cauterization, moxibustion)- this is one of the methods (cauterization or heating), which consists in a thermal effect on the biologically active points of the body. This practice originated many years ago in Eastern medicine and is called "zhen-jiu" treatment in Chinese (where "zhen" is acupuncture, and "jiu" is thermopuncture).

This method involves the use of such heat sources, when the thermal effect may be limited in area. Thermopuncture is carried out in various ways: non-contact or remote, contacts or remote, as well as stimulation with red-hot needles or by heating the needles already installed at the acupuncture point.

When is thermopuncture used?

Along with other methods, thermopuncture can act as an independent method of treatment, as well as an auxiliary one - in combination with other practices or in addition to drug therapy.

Influencing the meridians and biologically active points, this method is well suited for the treatment of various chronic ailments, as well as individual critical conditions. In addition, thermopuncture is a fairly effective prophylactic and is widely used in rehabilitation activities.

Thermopuncture helps in the treatment of a wide range of allergic syndromes, various types of pain, many neuroendocrine diseases of the skin, some psychosomatic and neurogenic disorders. Also, this practice is resorted to to normalize blood pressure, improve blood circulation, in order to rejuvenate the body, calm the nervous system and for problems associated with vegetative-vascular dystonia.

In accordance with the teachings of traditional Chinese medicine, the effects of thermopuncture are perfectly amenable to symptoms that arose due to a lack of energy or cold (regular colds, inflammatory diseases of the bones and joints).

The essence of the thermopuncture method

The method of thermal exposure is based on the principle of gradual prolonged heating of the skin at reflexogenic points and tissues adjacent to these points. Thermopuncture with the use of low temperatures over a short time period produces a weak stimulating effect.

By changing the temperature and duration of irritation, a therapeutic result occurs. The therapy is carried out due to the activation of the functions of various systems and internal organs, which are interconnected with acupuncture points that act as objects of manipulation.

In ancient times, sulfur powder, a burning wick, and red-hot metal sticks were used to perform the thermopuncture procedure. Smoldering moxas have always been widely used in Eastern countries. They were made from various dried herbs (juniper, wormwood, other medicinal plants), folded into a tube and wrapped in thin paper, forming a kind of cigar. In this situation, it is not so much the healing properties of herbs that are of great importance, but their ability to create the required temperature (about sixty or seventy degrees) during the smoldering period.

Thermopuncture procedure

After a thorough diagnostic examination, and in accordance with each specific ailment, the specialist determines the method, number and duration of procedures. Doctors from China say: the longer the course of moxibustion therapy, the more effective it is.

The minimum period of treatment with thermal exposure is about ten sessions, the frequency of which is from a daily procedure to two sessions per week. The duration of each exposure is about twenty minutes or about half an hour.

When conducting therapy by the method of thermopuncture, it is necessary to strictly observe some rules:

  • do not expose the cauterized areas of the body to getting wet for ten days;
  • do not drink alcohol for two months;
  • do not overcool;
  • don't overeat.

Types of remote cauterization:

  • Until reddening of the affected area. During stable stimulation of the acupuncture point, the heat emitter is placed at such a distance from the skin that the patient feels a strongly perceptible heat in this area of ​​the body. The duration of this procedure is from two to five minutes. In this case, the irritation of biologically active points occurs gently.
  • Before blister formation. The ironing action involves heating not just an acupuncture point, but also a fairly large area of ​​the skin due to the non-stop movement of the heat emitter at a close distance from the skin in parallel to the area of ​​the body that is subjected to heating.
  • Until the burn. Direct contact cauterization is used quite rarely due to the risk of burns. This type of thermopuncture consists in placing various substances on biologically active areas, which provide thermal stimulation during combustion.

The more significant the lesions of the skin in the area of ​​acupuncture, the more tangible and effective the result of therapy. Cauterization is performed using balls of wormwood, which have a different size, which is determined by a specialist. The impact on one point is carried out from five to ten times and is determined by the type and degree of a particular disease.

After the session, water bubbles begin to form around the acupuncture zone for about half an hour, which disappear in three days. After ten days (rarely twenty, but no more than twenty-seven), redness forms around the biologically active point - this indicates that the place has become inflamed and will soon ooze.

There is nothing to worry about, and everything happens as it should. Allocations can be in the form of an ichor or be purulent in nature. This process is determined by the severity of the disease and lasts one or two months. From the moment the inflammation appears, a bactericidal patch should be applied to this area one to two times a day and do this until the wound closes. A keloid scar may remain in its place, which persists for approximately ten years.

“Diseases that are not cured by herbs can be cured with the help of needles, and, in turn, those ailments that are not cured by needles can be cured by cauterization,” say Eastern experts in jiu therapy.

Technique of cauterization with a wormwood cigarette

Nowadays, a convenient method of thermal exposure to biologically active points is widely practiced using tiny wormwood cigarettes (about five millimeters in diameter, about ten millimeters long) connected to heat-resistant pads, the thickness of which is about three millimeters.

The smoldering end of the cigar emits infrared radiation (wavelength from one to five and a half microns), which is directed to specific biologically active points. Such thermal irritation entails a local increase in the temperature of the skin up to 43-45 degrees Celsius, while the burn does not form.

There are three main ways to perform cauterization:

    1. Sedative (soothing) - static heating. The end of the cigar, which is smoldering, is brought to the patient's skin until a feeling of warmth arises. The duration of the procedure is from fifteen to twenty minutes.

    2. Exciting (tonifying) - stabbing effect. The smoldering end of the cigar is then brought to the surface of the skin, then removed from the acupuncture point. The duration of the session is two or three minutes.