Antibiotics for purulent inflammation of the muscle fibers of the arm. Myositis - inflammation of the muscles

Muscles allow you to be not only strong, but also mobile. It is the muscles and tendons that are involved in the process of moving the bones that a person moves, transferring his body. It becomes much more difficult to move when the muscles hurt. Everyone can remember the pain in the muscles after physical training or unaccustomed sitting. No matter how strong the muscles are, they are difficult to move, strain, which ..

What is myositis?

What is myositis? It is an inflammation of the muscle structure that is involved in musculoskeletal system. It affects many residents of metropolitan areas. Why? Because it is they who often lead a sedentary image. Myositis is an office disease, as well as those people who strain the same muscle group long time. They are sick of musicians, office workers, machine operators, etc.

Types of myositis

The disease has a diverse classification, since the muscles are located throughout the body and can be affected along various reasons. Consider the types of myositis:

The causes of myositis are conditionally divided into:

Autoimmune disease occurs when the body is damaged by itself. The immune system produces antibodies against tissues (connective, of which muscle fibers are composed), on which the antigen (virus, bacterium, fungus) is located. In some systems, the existence of some harmful microorganisms is quite normal. In this case, the person does not get sick. If the body reacts abnormally to their existence, then these diseases are called autoimmune. This cause often becomes a factor in the development of polymyositis in people with a genetic predisposition.

Intoxication of the body, affecting muscle fibers, often occurs against the background of alcohol abuse, medicines and insect bites.

With injuries, the muscles first rupture, then swelling occurs, the gradual formation of scars and, as a result, shortening of the muscle. Sometimes areas of ossification are formed at the site of the rupture.

Symptoms and signs of muscle myositis

Signs of muscle myositis are more often considered by type. Polymyositis is manifested in such symptoms:

  1. Fatigue and muscle weakness;
  2. Symptoms develop over weeks and even months;
  3. Weakness intensifies and turns into moderate pain;
  4. Motor activity is slow and passive. It becomes difficult to get out of bed, raise arms, legs, strain them;
  5. There are symptoms, as with laryngotracheitis or tonsillitis: pain when swallowing, shortness of breath and hoarse speech.

With dermatomyositis, along with all the signs, skin rashes appear, few protruding above the skin and having a purple tint.

Symptoms of neuromyositis include:

  • Decreased or increased sensitivity;
  • Severe pain that is aggravated by movement of the muscles. Soon the pain comes on at rest;
  • Muscle tension;
  • Pain in the joints;
  • Decreased muscle strength and tone.

Polyfibromyositis is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Thickening of the affected muscles;
  • Nodule formation;
  • Arising pain on palpation and movement;
  • Pathological muscle contractions;
  • Decreased mobility and range of motion;
  • Swelling and enlargement of the muscles.

Ossifying myositis is characterized by the following features:

  • Muscle tightness;
  • Limited movement;
  • Limb deformity;
  • Pain on movement.

Common symptoms and signs of muscle inflammation are:

  1. Bruises, wounds, bruises and other signs of injury;
  2. Pain;
  3. Changes in the color and shape of the skin;
  4. weakness and fast fatiguability muscles;
  5. Change in sensitivity;
  6. Decreased (restricted) mobility;
  7. Abnormal arrangement of limbs. With the cervical form - curvature of the neck - torticollis; at breast form- scoliosis;
  8. Changes in muscle tissue.

In acute myositis after injuries, the following symptoms will be observed:

  • redness of the skin;
  • soreness;
  • Hematoma;
  • Edema;
  • Subcutaneous hemorrhages;
  • An increase in local temperature.

Pain that occurs with lumbar myositis is often confused with sciatica. However, with sciatica, the pain is more intense, and with lumbar myositis, it is moderate.

Myositis in children

Polymyositis in children is not common. It most often appears in skin rash in children 5-15 years old, which is called dermatomyositis. It is observed after injuries and wounds - ossifying myositis, which is sometimes congenital and develops over the years.

Myositis in adults

Polymyositis is more common in women than in men. More common in adults middle age(30-60 years). Myositis ossificans occurs in men (30-40 years old) as a result of frequent muscle injury.


Diagnosis of muscle myositis begins with the patient turning to the doctor in the area in which he has pain: to the therapist - for pain inside the neck and sternum, a neuropathologist or dermatologist - for dermatomyositis, etc. By collecting complaints and general inspection the doctor will additional procedures and send the patient for examination to those doctors who are associated with the area of ​​​​inflammation:

  • Rheumatic tests;
  • Blood analysis;
  • Biopsy and analysis of muscle tissue;
  • Electromyography to assess muscle mobility;
  • Muscle ultrasound.


The general treatment for muscle inflammation is as follows:

Treatment of myositis depends on the type and form of the course of the disease. It is carried out in a hospital. The main complex of drugs consists of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs.

How to treat a non-purulent infectious form of myositis?

  • Ointments: fastum gel, apizartron, dolobene;
  • Injections: diclofenac, meloxicam, midokalm;
  • Medicines: aponil, traumeel C.

How to treat polymyositis and dermatomyositis?

  • Injections of prednisolone;
  • Tablets: prednisolone, methotrexate, azathioprine.

How to treat myositis ossificans?

  • Hydrocortisone;
  • Massages and rubbing ointments are prohibited.

Polyfibromyositis is treated with the following procedures:

  • Rubbing ointments: gevkamen, traumel gel;
  • Doing injections of lidase;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • Tablets: butadione, ibuprofen.

Treatment of a purulent infectious form of myositis includes antibiotics, antipyretic and analgesic drugs. Sometimes it happens surgical intervention. Rubbing with ointments is contraindicated, as they can contribute to the spread of pus to nearby tissues. What is the treatment?

  • Injections of penicillin, cefazolin, tetracycline;
  • Medications: amidopyrine, reopyrin.

Treatment of the autoimmune form of myositis is carried out as follows:

  • Appointment of anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs;
  • Bed rest;
  • Ointments: nise gel, voltaren, finalgel;
  • Injections: ambene, baralgin M;
  • Medications: ketoprofen, nurofen, flugalin.

Possible treatment at home folk remedies, however, these procedures are not replacing, but supplementing the main treatment in the hospital.

  1. Compresses from chamomile, sweet clover, linden, horsetail, cabbage, boiled potatoes;
  2. Herbal ointments: ginseng or horsetail And lard;
  3. Onion tinctures and camphor oil, from lilac flowers;
  4. Pepper oil, collection of herbs;
  5. Decoctions from willow bark or physalis fruits.

As a preventive measure, following a special balanced diet is suitable:

  • The use of fatty polyunsaturated acids: salmon fish, tuna, halibut, herring;
  • Products containing salicipates: potatoes, beets, carrots;
  • The use of easily digestible proteins: chicken, soy, almonds;
  • Raise calcium levels through dairy products, celery, currants, parsley, gooseberries;
  • Beans and cereals;
  • Drink at least 2 liters of fluid per day.

Basically, treatment is carried out in the following areas:

  • Elimination of stagnation in the muscles;
  • Increased local immunity;
  • Elimination of inflammation and pain;
  • Eliminate spasms and reduce muscle tone;
  • Restoration of nervous functionality;
  • Elimination of toxins and toxins from the muscles;
  • Improving the circulation of lymph and blood;
  • Improvement of metabolic processes;
  • Normalization of blood supply and tissue nutrition;
  • Increase general immunity.

The complex of physiotherapy includes procedures:

  1. Acupuncture (acupuncture);
  2. electrophoresis;
  3. Point, relaxation, lymphatic drainage massage;
  4. Magnetotherapy;
  5. Laser therapy;
  6. Pharmacopuncture;
  7. mud applications;
  8. Breast therapy;
  9. Electromassage;
  10. Vacuum therapy;
  11. Electropuncture;
  12. Vibration massage.

With a purulent form, surgical intervention is performed to remove suppuration.

life forecast

How many live with myositis? This disease does not affect the prognosis of life. People can only suffer the consequences of a disease that is not cured. There may be limited movement and incorrect setting of the bones, muscle atrophy, or the spread of infection to neighboring tissues. To prevent this from happening, you should active life especially if you have sedentary work, avoid hypothermia, do not sit in a draft, avoid prolonged loads on one muscle group.

The proposed article will be the answer to the most common questions about myositis. We will consider the symptoms of the most common myositis lesions of the muscles of the back, neck and limbs. This article will also talk about drug treatment and treatment folk ways muscle myositis.

  • First of all, it is worth deciding what muscle myositis is and what are its causes of development.
  • Myositis is characterized by muscle pain and may have different etiology origin (chemical, traumatic or inflammatory). Literal translation from Latin it sounds like inflammation of the muscle
  • Inflammation of the muscles is a fairly common pathology, which is accompanied by the formation of dense nodes in the inflamed area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe muscle
  • Most often, this disease affects the skeletal muscles of the back, shoulder girdle and neck, as well as the muscles of the limbs and chest. Of all the options listed, myositis of the neck muscles is the most common.

We list the most common causes of this disease:

  • Hypothermia after warm procedures
  • Increased physical activity
  • Traumatic lesions and bruises
  • Muscle infection
  • Intoxication and chemical damage to the muscles
  • Sometimes stressful situations with nervous system stimulation

With the reasons found out, it is worth knowing what are the general symptoms of this lesion in any localization.

We will consider the general symptoms, and a little later we will try to analyze these symptoms separately for each localization. inflammatory process.


Swelling at the site of the inflamed muscle

Not always, but there may be hyperemia of the skin over the site of inflammation

Pain in a limited area, which increases with palpation of the site of inflammation or movement of the body in this area, movement in a nearby joint may be limited

Pain may worsen at night calm state and not just while moving. It can also happen when changing weather conditions for wet and rainy weather

Muscle weakness of the whole body increases, it is difficult for the patient to perform the most elementary movements and keep himself in good shape

The muscle is compacted to the touch and has a nodular formation at the site of inflammation

Possible presence elevated temperature body and headache

Now let's take a closer look at those inflammations, the localization of which is most common.

This type of inflammation is diagnosed quite often. The provocative factor is characteristic inflammation muscle tissue, with the following symptoms:

In the inflammatory process of the muscles of the chest, in addition to the symptoms listed above, the patient's condition may be aggravated by the following conditions:

  • Swelling and soreness often cause stiffness and inability to breathe full chest, this causes partial tissue hypoxia, possibly dizziness
  • General weakness and weakness
  • Complications in the form of a purulent process leads to an increase in temperature and the manifestation of symptoms of a general disease

Well, everyone has probably experienced this form of muscle inflammation. A common cause of this form of inflammation is exposure to low temperatures especially during the autumn-spring period of the year.

Symptoms cervical myositis characteristic is:

Pain in the area of ​​​​inflammation, which gives to the back of the head and shoulder

The pain may even extend to the lower back.


It's hard to lift your head off the pillow in the morning

In order to put accurate diagnosis and not to confuse cervical myositis with similar diseases, doctors recommend taking x-rays of the affected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe muscle.

Myositis of the leg, symptoms

  • Myositis of the leg is frequent pathology professional athletes, since this category of people most often injures muscles during a game or training. Also common cause in this case, it is an overload of the muscles in the process of active physical exercise
  • Muscle stretching can also cause the development of an inflammatory process in it. For those who do professional sports this problem is not rumored, and can be the reason for the end of a career. For these reasons, the issue of therapy for this pathology becomes the most relevant and raises questions. We will try to answer them
  • Before you get acquainted with the methods of treating this inflammation, it is necessary to establish an accurate diagnosis, and for this you need to know how to accurately diagnose

  • For the diagnosis, the collection of an anamnesis of the disease and the presence of the main symptoms of myositis, which are voiced by the patient, play a decisive role.
  • In this case, the physician must full inspection patient and palpation of the inflamed area. To clarify the diagnosis of myositis, an x-ray of the area of ​​​​inflammation is performed, general clinical tests are prescribed, which indirectly indicate the presence of inflammation.
  • However, electromyography provides the greatest information content. This is a kind of ECG, only for the muscles of the skeleton.

As with any disease, the treatment of myositis directly depends on the reason for which it arose. First of all, treatment is aimed at eliminating symptoms and relieving inflammation. Therapy should be started as early as possible and under the supervision of the attending physician, in order to avoid complications.

For treatment, the following general tactics are used:
The inflamed area is provided with peace and warmth, for this, they are usually wrapped in a warm scarf or scarf

It is desirable to provide a sedentary lifestyle for the period of illness and semi-bed rest

The inflamed muscle is rubbed with a warming ointment up to 3 times a day, this relieves symptoms and relieves pain, you can also rub it with pepper tincture, which also has an irritating and warming effect. Ointments: Indomecine, Kapsikam and Diclofenac. Such ointments have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Orally take tablet forms of anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs): Ibufen, Ortofen, Reopirin

Conventional medicine does not abandon methods folk treatment, however, it must accompany the main medical measures

Traditional medicine has a lot of recipes for the treatment of this disease, but they are not always effective. We list the most popular ones.

1. Recipe: Leaf white cabbage lather generously with soap and sprinkle baking soda, then applied to the inflamed area, wrapped in a warm cloth (scarf). It is stated that this procedure relieves pain

2. Recipe: homemade ointment from myositis, which, according to the description, has an analgesic effect. It is prepared as follows - fresh lard or butter and dried field tail powder is mixed in a ratio of 4:1. This ointment is rubbed into the sore muscle

3. Recipe: mix 1 tablespoon of vinegar and 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 cup of warm clean water. You need to drink this mixture 2-3 glasses a day, and rub the inflammation with apple cider vinegar

Remember that the methods folk therapy should be combined with traditional treatment.

Massage for myositis

Since it is quite difficult to describe this topic, we suggest you watch the video:

After reviewing some reviews on this topic, it can be noted that recipes traditional medicine for the treatment of myositis quite a lot and they are quite effective. However, for get well soon and more fast withdrawal symptoms of this disease require medication. The drugs of a number of NSAIDs show the greatest efficiency.

Video: How to do a neck massage at home?

Inflammation of the muscles of the neck, back, chest, shoulders or hips is medically called myositis. With the development of this disease, one or several muscles are affected. Nodules form in the muscle tissue, and this in turn leads to pain. If you do not start treating inflammation in time, then muscle myositis will go into a chronic stage.

It happens that the disease spreads to one (locally) or several muscle groups (polymyositis). The disease can develop in acute and chronic form. Acute, as a rule, appears spontaneously, abruptly, in particular, after an injury or after a strong physical activity. If the treatment course is not started on time, then the stage becomes chronic and periodically makes itself felt. painful sensations. They appear when severe hypothermia, weather change, long load.

Symptoms of the disease

  • soreness in the cervical region, gives to the back of the head, frontal zone, ears, shoulders;
  • pain in the chest, lower back, back, leg muscles;
  • the pain syndrome becomes stronger during movement or when feeling, on the street in cold weather;
  • pains do not calm down even after rest, a person constantly experiences them at rest;
  • swelling is formed muscle becomes denser, tense;
  • when probing, you can observe the nodules inside;
  • the head turns with difficulty to the sides, it hurts to straighten and bend;
  • rises local temperature, there is swelling, local redness;
  • weakness in the muscles, they can atrophy.

The treatment, for example, of cervical myositis will also depend on the symptoms. And the earlier it starts, the lower the risk of complications.

Why disease occurs

The disease develops for the following reasons:

  • injury;
  • severe muscle spasms;
  • severe hypothermia;
  • constant physical activity;
  • violation of metabolic processes inside;
  • diabetes;
  • padagra, lupus erythematosus;
  • osteochondrosis, scoliosis, arthritis;
  • heredity.

The muscle tissue of the back becomes inflamed as a result of:

  • colds (flu, SARS, tonsillitis, tonsillitis);
  • development of rheumatism.

Most often, this disease affects people who are constantly in the same position, in which the same muscle group is tensed. These are programmers, office workers, violinists, pianists, drivers.


  1. Cervical myositis is the most common form. Most often it develops due to colds, heavy loads physical plane. The pain is felt on one side of the neck, it is impossible to turn the head to the side;
  2. Spinal - the pain is felt in the lumbar region, has a aching character. Even at rest, it does not go away, it becomes strong during movement and when feeling the lower back. Often, the inflammatory process occurs during pregnancy, because the load on the back at this time is large;
  3. Thoracic - here the muscular intercostal tissue becomes inflamed. It becomes difficult to breathe. Symptoms are similar to intercostal neuralgia;
  4. Infectious - develops due to penetration enterovirus infections, the development of tuberculosis, syphilis, influenza. The main symptoms are pain and weakness. May turn into purulent;
  5. Ossifying - affects the hips, shoulders, buttocks. Most often occurs after trauma. Muscle tissue becomes dense, atrophies;
  6. Polymyositis is a severe form. Here several muscle groups are affected at once. She is characterized by severe pain and weakness.

Why is muscle inflammation dangerous?

With the inflammatory process, weakness of the muscle tissue develops. The patient can hardly climb stairs, walk, get out of bed, dress, etc. Further progression of the disease affects the state of health. It becomes more and more difficult to raise your head from the pillow, you have to keep it upright all the time.

In addition, inflammation can spread to other muscle groups. The danger of cervical myositis is that it affects the tissue of the pharynx, larynx and esophagus. When swallowing, pain is felt, a cough appears, muscular atrophy, shortness of breath. Treatment for cervical myositis depends on the symptoms. If this disease is not treated in time, atrophy will occur and then weakness will remain until the end of life.

Carrying out diagnostics

The symptomatology of the disease is very similar to osteochondrosis, because it also causes pain in the back and neck. Kidney diseases can also give aching pains felt in the lumbar region. For the ruling correct diagnosis you need to see a doctor and get a full examination.

The examination begins with a survey, examination and palpation of the patient. An electromyography is also done, which shows the state of the skeletal muscles, a blood and urine test is taken.

How is myositis treated: methods

IN without fail appointed symptomatic therapy. The doctor prescribes painkillers and vasodilators. At acute form the patient must observe the recumbent regimen and rest, no physical exertion.

Treatment of myositis of the back muscles is longer in time, the course is 3-6 weeks.

The course may include the following procedures:

  1. Hirudotherapy - hirudin enters the bloodstream, due to which edema is removed, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened, blood circulation is normalized;
  2. Acupuncture - needles affect biologically active points. With the help of this procedure, pain, inflammation, vasospasms disappear, tissue nutrition is normalized;
  3. Kinesiotherapy is physiotherapy. Helps relieve pain, normalizes blood pressure, metabolism, joint mobility;
  4. Massage - kneading, rubbing is done. The procedure relieves pain and tension, eliminates pain in the head, straightens posture.

Comprehensive treatment of the disease helps to relieve inflammation, eliminate pain, improve health, strengthen muscle tissue tone, normalize blood circulation and pressure, and strengthen immunity. You can treat myositis at home. Do special exercises to consolidate the effect.

It is equally important to eat right, follow a diet. Avoid anything fatty and spicy. Include vitamins, vegetables, vegetable oil, fruits, lemons, lean meat, fish, dairy products, nuts, berries, eggs, liver cheese. Drink 1.5 liters of water a day, you can decoction of wild rose, green tea, dried fruits compote.

Myositis treatment cervical area at home can be carried out using dry heat. Tie the sore spot with a warm woolen scarf. Physiotherapy will do. You can gently massage the neck yourself, stroke and rub it. For this you can use essential oil lavender, eucalyptus or marjoram, heated and diluted with water.

Often in medical practice there is such a pathology as inflammation of the muscles of the hand, the treatment of which can be carried out at home. Inflammation of the skeletal muscles that are involved in human motor acts is called myositis. It can occur in any person. Most often, this disease is associated with lifestyle. It has been established that inflammation of the muscles of the hands is occupational disease. More often this pathology diagnosed in adults, but can also be detected in children. What is the etiology, clinic and treatment of hand myositis?

Features of inflammation of the muscles of the hand

Myositis is large group diseases skeletal muscles occurring with similar symptoms. The etiology in this case can be very different. Muscle inflammation can be an independent disease or a manifestation of another pathology, such as tuberculosis. Often the muscles are affected systemic diseases(lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, dermatomyositis). The muscles of the hand are responsible for purposeful action, they are responsible for the accuracy of movements. A person does all the work with his hands, so it is very important that the muscles of the hands function well. In area upper limbs many muscle groups. In the event that only one of them becomes inflamed, local myositis occurs. Very often, several muscle groups are involved in the process at once, then given state called polymyositis.

Depending on the etiology and course of the disease, the following forms of inflammation of the muscles of the hands are distinguished:

If the lesion of the arm muscle is independent disease, then it is called myositis ossificans. It is known that the muscles are in direct contact with the skin of the human body. Sometimes the inflammatory process affects skin and dermatomyositis occurs.

Etiological factors

Inflammation of the muscles in the arm can occur due to different reasons. In this case, the muscles of the shoulder girdle, forearm, shoulder and hand can be affected. All reasons can be conditionally divided into external and internal.

External causes include:

  • heavy loads on the muscular apparatus of the hand;
  • unpreparedness of muscles before playing sports;
  • prolonged muscle tension during work;
  • local hypothermia;
  • stay in cold water(bathing in the hole);
  • alcohol abuse;
  • drug use (cocaine);
  • mechanical injury to the hand.

Myositis of the muscles of the hands is often found in people involved in a certain kind activities. The risk group includes drivers, programmers, musicians (pianists, violinists). In the process of their activity, the muscles are constantly in tension. This is facilitated by an uncomfortable working posture. The most simple reason- injury to the muscles of the hand. As a result of injury, rupture of muscle fibers may occur. This leads to swelling and inflammation.

Symptoms of myositis of the hands

Clinical manifestations of inflammation of the muscles of the hands are few. The main symptoms are:

  • pain in the arm, aggravated by movement;
  • the appearance of nodules in the muscles;
  • swelling of the affected area;
  • skin redness;
  • weakness in the limb;
  • muscle tension.

Myositis can occur in acute and chronic form. Acute inflammation is characterized by a rapid onset. Most often this happens when infectious diseases, injuries. If the injury is open, then inflammation develops as a result of infection of the wound. Acute purulent inflammation may be accompanied by fever and other symptoms of intoxication (weakness, malaise). The function of the joints is often disturbed. When acute inflammation hand muscles a person can not do the job.

As for chronic form myositis, it often develops against the background of acute inflammation, when proper health care. In terms of prevalence, inflammation of the muscles of the hands is inferior to that of the lower back. With inflammation of the muscles of the hands, the mobility of the latter is limited. A sick person is not able to raise his arms (in case of damage to the muscles of the shoulder girdle). Sometimes neuromyositis occurs. Its peculiarity is that, along with the muscles, the nerves are affected. This contributes to a violation of sensitivity in the hands, a decrease in muscle strength, severe pain. characteristic feature neuromyositis is a symptom of tension. Sometimes nodules or areas of hardening can be felt deep under the skin. These symptoms indicate fibromyositis. In this situation, muscle tissue is replaced by connective tissue.

Diagnostic measures

Myositis can be confused with others (tendonitis, tendovaginitis, arthritis). You can contact a therapist, rheumatologist, neuropathologist about pain in the arm. Diagnosis includes questioning the patient, external examination, palpation of the affected area, laboratory tests (blood and urine tests), determination of sensitivity, assessment of movement in the affected limb. When interviewing a patient, the doctor should pay attention to the sequence of symptoms, the main complaints of the patient, previous diseases, a history of chronic pathology. big diagnostic value have indications of injury, the nature of work, sports.

The patient is first examined visually. Then the affected area is palpated. Palpation can reveal local pain, the presence of seals. Laboratory research allows you to identify signs of the inflammatory process. For exclusion autoimmune diseases rheumatic tests are carried out. At the same time, the content of acute phase proteins (C-reactive protein), rheumatic factor, and antinuclear antibodies in the blood is assessed. If polymyositis or dermatomyositis is detected, a biopsy may be done.

How to cure myositis

With inflammation of the arm muscle, treatment should be comprehensive.

Therapeutic measures include the use of ointments, gels that have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects; massage, acupuncture, manual therapy, elimination of the main cause of inflammation.

With non-purulent myositis of infectious etiology, the following gels can be used: Fastum Gel, Apizartron, Finalgel. These agents reduce inflammation, improve metabolic processes in muscles, relieve muscle tension. For elimination pain syndrome analgesics are used in the form of tablets. For the treatment of children, Doctor Mom ointment is often used. Treatment of acute myositis also includes resting the affected limb. In case of development of purulent inflammation, apply antibacterial drugs. They can be given by injection or orally.

The working conditions are great importance V complex treatment hand myositis. For any symptoms of myositis, you should consult a doctor in a timely manner.