Menopausal neurosis symptoms and treatment with folk remedies. Symptoms and treatment of climacteric neurosis

The symptoms of which are quite difficult to eliminate on their own, is an acute problem for middle-aged women. A period like menopause is inevitable for any woman. Most often it occurs at about 45-55 years. In the event that a woman smokes and drinks alcohol, menopause can occur much earlier. At this time, the amount of hormones produced begins to decrease, metabolic processes in the body proceed more slowly, as a result of which cells are updated much less frequently. It is during this period that a large number of pathologies that have not been observed before can develop.

The extinction of the hormonal activity of the ovaries most often occurs within 3-4 years. This process can be accompanied by various changes in the female body, including the mental type. After menopause occurs, women may develop climacteric origin.


Neurosis during menopause does not develop in every woman. According to statistics, 30-60% of female representatives suffer from this character. At the same time, the likelihood of developing such an ailment increases if neuroses of a different origin were previously noticed.

Scientists argue that the development of mental disorders in menopause is in no way connected with a change in the level of hormones in the body. The main reason for this condition is the increased activity of the hypothalamus, which controls the sympathetic division of the human nervous system. This is what explains the appearance of symptoms, consisting in chills, trembling in the limbs and.

Not every woman goes through menopause without inconvenience. Due to the increase in the amount of male hormones, weight begins to gain, which can be very difficult to get rid of. The tone of the skin is reduced, numerous wrinkles appear. The condition of the hair and nails is greatly deteriorating. That is why a woman may develop mental disorders, accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • sudden mood swings (laughter that appears immediately after crying or vice versa);
  • emotional and mental instability;
  • lack of sleep or vice versa increased drowsiness;
  • chronic feeling of fatigue;
  • sharp jumps in blood pressure, chronic hypertension;
  • violations of the activity of the autonomic and cardiovascular systems;
  • a sharp feeling of numbness or tingling in the upper or lower extremities;
  • increased irritability, resentment;
  • regular flushes of heat, sharply flowing into flushes of cold;
  • deviations.

Many menopausal women try to look their best, buy clothes that are inappropriate for their age, and avoid any mention of their aging. The other half of women, on the contrary, completely lose interest in cosmetics and clothing. They focus their attention only on their age-related changes, accompanied by various disorders. Both of these conditions are not normal and may be the main symptom of a developing neurosis.

Treatment of climacteric neurosis

Symptoms and treatment are related, since the method of therapy directly depends on the severity of the problem.

If menopause is accompanied by a mental disorder of mild severity, treatment of climacteric neurosis is not required. With the end of this period, such deviations will pass on their own.

If, with climacteric neurosis, there are serious disorders that worsen life, it is simply necessary to treat such a condition.

Menopausal neurosis, the treatment of which should be complex, requires the following therapeutic measures:

  1. It is necessary to maintain proper nutrition and sleep and wakefulness.
  2. Be sure to completely abandon the use of coffee and alcoholic beverages. In addition, you should reduce the amount of food high in cholesterol.
  3. It is recommended to include more dairy products, fresh vegetables and fruits in the menu.
  4. Sleep should last at least 8 hours a day. If there is insomnia, you can take drugs that have a hypnotic effect.
  5. Regular walks in the fresh air will help relieve stress and improve the condition of the whole body.
  6. In some cases, herbal medicine and therapeutic massage may be required.
  7. Physiotherapy exercises have a good effect in such violations.
  8. In the most difficult cases, regular visits to a psychologist are necessary.
  9. In case of serious disorders inside the body, drugs that restore hormonal balance, as well as drugs that have a sedative effect, may be required.

In addition, regular exercise is recommended. Morning or evening runs in the fresh air are considered especially useful. If there are medical contraindications to serious physical exertion (diseases of the cardiovascular system, joint diseases), regular walks can be limited.

It is imperative that you review your diet. To improve the condition of the body, it is necessary to abandon products that have a stimulating effect on the human nervous system. These include strong tea and coffee, carbonated sweet drinks, alcohol, flour products, chocolate, foods with a lot of hot and spicy spices.

In order to quickly cope with neurosis, it is recommended to increase the amount of fluid consumed. You should drink at least 2 liters of pure water per day.

Disease prognosis

If you follow the treatment prescribed by your doctor, the prognosis is quite favorable. Most often, the disease can be completely cured.

The most important thing during the struggle with neurosis is the woman's attitude towards herself. It is necessary to monitor the state of your body, regularly visit a gynecologist and inform him of any changes in the body, accompanied by unpleasant symptoms. This will help to counter climatic neurosis.

In addition to all the above methods of treatment, we must not forget that the situation within the family greatly affects the mental state of the body. A good relationship with a spouse, children, friends and close relatives often works better than any pill. However, you should not ignore medical assistance, because in most cases it is very difficult to cope with the problem on your own.

A neurosis that arose against the background of menopause can permanently change one's sense of self, the ability to communicate, and even character. It may seem to the woman herself that a dreary mood and a feeling of uselessness are a consequence of age-related changes, while their cause is the fear of growing old. Therefore, neurosis in menopause must be diagnosed and treated.

What is climacteric neurosis? In fact, this is the same conflict between the desired and the real, which is the cause of all types of neuroses. Only in this case, it is aimed at the self-perception of a woman as a representative of her gender.

During the menopause, one has to admit that old age does not happen to someone else, but is not far off, and will soon be knocking on the door. Some roles that a woman is used to performing become difficult - a conqueror of hearts, a lover for her beloved husband. There is a conflict between the desire to stop time and the manifestations of the approaching menopause hidden from itself. It can cause numerous mental and vegetative symptoms.

In addition, during the menopause, a woman experiences hormonal surges, and against the background of mood instability, irritability and tearfulness, it is much more difficult to accept the new realities of life and an unusually working body, which suddenly began to “fail” at the most crucial moments.

Women are ashamed of hot flashes and sweating, angry at themselves for irritability, but any doctor will say: everything that happens to you is absolutely normal and natural, as all changes in the female body are natural - during adolescence, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, during premenstrual syndrome and menstruation.

Classic signs of menopause

For most women, menopause symptoms include:

  • fast fatigue;
  • sweating;
  • flushes of heat with reddening of the skin;
  • heavy falling asleep;
  • sudden awakening and inability to fall asleep again;
  • irritability, tearfulness;
  • suspiciousness;
  • pressure surges;
  • tachycardia;
  • pain in the heart without organic causes;
  • quick mood swings;
  • noise in ears;
  • constipation, flatulence;
  • itching in the genitals;
  • pain when urinating;
  • "flies" in the eyes;
  • dizziness.

All of them are associated with changes in the hormonal background, jumps in estrogen and progesterone, and the adjustment of the body to a new “hormonal reality”. In the future, when the menopause passes and menopause occurs, the listed symptoms will disappear. And their place will be taken by gradually developing changes in posture and elasticity of the skin, gray hair and wrinkles, weight gain. Sometimes develops increased fragility of bones, mastopathy; menopause can also be an impetus for the onset of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

The listed signs of aging develop in different women at different rates and volumes. Much depends on heredity, the amount of movement, the quality of food, the presence of bad habits and, most importantly, on the way of thinking. It is known that cheerful and kind people age more slowly, and even in old age remain mobile and full of strength.

Symptoms of climacteric neurosis

According to various sources, about 40-60% of women aged 45 to 55 years old are overtaken by climacteric neurosis. Treatment in this case is mainly psychotherapeutic. Since, if a woman experiences menopause, as the end of her attractiveness and the loss of the meaning of life, neurotic symptoms can be added to the usual symptoms:

  1. Excessive preoccupation with appearance or emphasized indifference to one's appearance.
  2. Depression, apathy, unwillingness to do anything, disbelief in one's own strength.
  3. Feeling of uselessness, unsuitability, like a woman.
  4. Decreased self-esteem.
  5. Unwillingness to communicate, up to social phobia.
  6. Increased anxiety, fears for yourself and your family.
  7. Fear of loneliness.
  8. Obsessive thoughts and states.
  9. Suicidal thoughts.

In general, the manifestations of climacteric neurosis can be divided into several groups:

  • vegetative (decreased attention and memory, performance, high fatigue, insomnia);
  • depressive (the predominance of despondency and anxiety, sad thoughts about old age, the fading of beauty, the finiteness of life);
  • hypochondriacal (search for diseases in oneself, confidence in their presence; patients read about the symptoms of diseases and try them on themselves, demanding attention from relatives);
  • hysterical (theatrical, "for show", behavior, frequent complaints and whims, excessive touchiness).

Some women try to compensate for their "unattractiveness" with excessive activity, try to be useful to family members, perform more functions than is usual for them. Such a race leads to increased tension and enhances the manifestations of neurosis.

Treatment of neurosis in menopause

The treatment of neurosis is general strengthening and symptomatic.

  1. It is important to establish a comfortable sleep and rest regimen, take care of yourself, not overstrain, even doing your favorite things. During sleep, serotonin is produced, so it is very important to get enough sleep when you have symptoms of depression.
  2. It is necessary to properly nourish the body - include fresh vegetables and fruits, dairy products, fatty fish, nuts in the menu. It is better to minimize the amount of simple carbohydrates, and replace sweets with dried fruits, honey, goats, muesli. It is not recommended to completely abandon the sweet taste. Exciting drinks (tea, coffee, cocoa) and foods (red and black pepper, ginger), doctors advise to limit, as they increase anxiety and mood swings.
  3. It is very useful to regularly walk in the park, on the banks of the reservoir, in the forest or in the mountains. Views of nature, stay in beautiful places - the strongest therapeutic agent for all types of neuroses.
  4. The most important thing during menopause is to accept the ongoing changes, love your age and get rid of the fears associated with the aging process. A competent psychotherapist, whom you need to choose with your “heart”, will help to do this. But this does not mean that the work will be as simple as a conversation with a good friend. You need to tune in to honesty with yourself, approach your condition objectively and not run away from problems.
  5. Auxiliary means in the treatment of such a mental disorder as climacteric neurosis are physiotherapy, physiotherapy exercises, herbal medicine, hydrotherapy and massage. And only in especially severe cases, antidepressants, tranquilizers, antipsychotics or sex hormones are temporarily prescribed.


In the video below, the gynecologist tells what to really expect a woman approaching the age of 45-48. The doctor claims that life does not end with the advent of menopause: it is in many ways similar to the puberty, postpartum period and the usual PMS.

So, what should a woman do who has experienced neurotic symptoms against the backdrop of menopause? First of all, pay attention to the body and get enough sleep, eat well, take a massage course. And after that, be sure to work with a psychotherapist, because anxiety and depression always serve as an outlet for suppressed emotions. We wish you a harmonious life!

Menopause is a natural state in which the transformation of the female body occurs, caused by the extinction of specific (reproductive) female functions preceding menopause. This period of life is always accompanied by a variety of symptoms with varying degrees of severity. climacteric syndrome(it is also called menopausal) - a set of symptoms that are often considered as a complication of natural menopause. According to statistics, climacteric syndrome during menopausal transformations of the body occurs in 40-60% of women.


Symptoms of climacteric neurosis associated with physical and mental disorders. This condition is a reversible mental disorder caused by hormonal changes and changes in the hypothalamus.

The physical manifestations of climacteric neurosis include:

  • hot flashes - sudden attacks of intense heat, which are accompanied by redness of the face and neck,
  • violations of blood pressure, discomfort in the heart, tachycardia;
  • shortness of breath;
  • vestibular disorders - dizziness, noises in the head;
  • gastrointestinal disorders;
  • constant causeless fatigue;
  • numbness of the extremities, tingling in different parts of the body.

Climacteric neurosis with vegetative-vascular disorders similar in symptoms to those beloved by doctors. The difference is that climacteric neurosis affects the activity of female reproductive hormones, and with vegetative-vascular dystonia, it affects the activity of the autonomic nervous system. Often, vegetative symptoms of disorders in menopause are provoked by the mental state of a woman.

Climacteric neurosis symptoms mental sphere:

  • disorders of the psycho-emotional state - increased irritability, attacks of anger and aggression, often a desire to burst into tears;
  • sleep disturbances - inability to sleep, early awakenings, nightmares;
  • increased anxiety;
  • - lack of desire and motivation for activity;
  • Increased suspiciousness and sensitivity;
  • negativism, inadequate quick-tempered emotional reaction;
  • negative assessment or demonstrative indifference to one's appearance;
  • asthenic, depressive, hypochondriacal manifestations.

In the phrases and expressions of the patient, notes of “hopelessness” and “no one needs” slip through - on a subconscious level, she perceives herself as “unsuitable” due to the disappearance of her childbearing purpose.

Provoking factors

The course of climacteric neurosis can be aggravated by previous mental disorders of a woman during her youth, as well as an unbridled lifestyle. Diet also plays an important role in the course of menopause. It is necessary to exclude excessive consumption of sugar, flour products, salty and smoked foods, as well as control the use of caffeinated drinks. Factors that affect how difficult the menopause will be:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • physical activity;
  • character and temperament of a woman;
  • traumatic situations in the past;
  • stressful background in the present and past tense;
  • weakness of the immune system;
  • a sufficient amount of vitamins and other useful elements in food;
  • overstrain of the body, improper distribution of work and rest.

An important point is how the woman herself perceives menopause. An adequate understanding of menopause as a natural aging process is a guarantee that menopause will pass without pronounced complications. The perception of menopause as a tragedy affects the appearance of negative mental and physical symptoms.

Treatment of climacteric neurosis

In modern medicine, climacteric neurosis, especially in the early stages, is considered completely curable. Ignoring a visit to a doctor can lead to serious personality disorders and somatic pathologies.

Symptoms and treatment of menopausal neurosis should be considered by a neuropathologist, gynecologist and endocrinologist. In some cases, work with a psychotherapist is required.

Drug correction includes taking hormonal, as well as massages, psychotherapeutic consultations, adjusting the diet and sleep patterns, physiotherapy exercises.

Menopausal neurosis is a complication that occurs in 45-60% of women during menopause. Occurs for various reasons, has pronounced symptoms. It is treated with medications, psychotherapy sessions.

Causes and symptoms of neurosis during menopause

Initially, experts considered the cause of this condition to be a lack of hormones. Today, its occurrence is associated with problems with the hypothalamus and hormonal levels in women.

External factors contribute to changes in the psychological state. Neurosis can develop due to:

  • character traits;
  • constant lack of sleep;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • weak immune defense;
  • stressful situations;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • body strain.

With menopausal neurosis, symptoms appear at different levels (physical, vegetative). They are expressed in:

  • constipation, flatulence;
  • heart pain;
  • increased fatigue;
  • itching of the genitals;
  • hot flashes;
  • pain accompanying urination;
  • tachycardia;
  • the appearance of noise in the ears;
  • increased fragility of bones;
  • paresthesia;
  • excessive sweating;
  • problems with the cardiovascular system;
  • dizziness.

Among the signs:

  • headache;
  • sleep problems;
  • unstable mood;
  • irritability;
  • touchiness;
  • negative, overly attentive, indifferent attitude to one's appearance;
  • tearfulness;
  • reduced appetite.

Neurosis is dangerous with complications: depression, self-isolation, apathy, panic, mania. Such signs of the disease are the result of the internal state of a woman who has lost her childbearing function. Often, patients develop suicidal thoughts.

Of the severe complications that hormonal failure can lead to, the development of:

  • cancer of the genital organs, mammary glands;
  • mastopathy;
  • osteoporosis.

Among the symptoms of neurosis is the appearance of wrinkles. Along with this, posture, body, weight increase / decrease can change. Difficult is the condition when a woman suffers from both VVD and climacteric neurosis. The symptoms that appear are:

  • pressure surges;
  • the appearance of an unpleasant taste in the mouth;
  • frequent urination;
  • Strong headache;
  • fear, accompanied by hysteria, panic;
  • pain in the region of the heart.

Treatment of climacteric neurosis

The process takes into account the running state. At an early stage, potent drugs are not required. Experts recommend:

  1. Stick to the right diet. It is necessary to exclude alcoholic beverages, give up tea, coffee. Under the ban - the frequent use of spices, foods with a lot of cholesterol. The diet uses vegetables, dairy and vegetable products, fruits.
  2. Full rest, sleep. Short breaks are required throughout the day.
  3. Go outside regularly for fresh air. Useful spa treatment.
  4. Exercise therapy, massage. This helps to maintain a good mental state, maintain the physical performance of the body.


Neurosis often develops against the background of psychological trauma, problems, because its treatment is impossible without the help of a psychologist. Here it is important to communicate regularly with a specialist, to be honest in conversations with him. There are frequent cases when the stabilization of the state occurs after sessions of psychotherapy, without the use of sedative medications, neuroleptics.

Medical treatment

The selection of drugs for menopause is carried out by the doctor individually. Preference is initially given to weak antidepressants, drugs that harm the body less. Among them are sedative sedatives, with which:

  • pulse stabilizes;
  • blood pressure improves;
  • sleep is normalized;
  • the strength and frequency of tides decreases.

To restore the hormonal background, hormone-based therapy is prescribed. The drugs used for this are:

  • synthetic;
  • homeopathic.

Prevention of mental disorders in menostasis

Climax is the period of a woman's life. It occurs in a middle-aged, age period, when it is more difficult for the body to cope with problems. The appearance of disorders at this time depends on the woman's attitude towards herself. For minor ailments, changes, you need to contact a specialist. This helps to detect diseases in a timely manner, treat them without delay.

Prevention of psychological disorders associated with menostasis is a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition. You need to have a positive attitude towards life.

Many representatives of the beautiful half of humanity during menopause against the background of hormonal changes in the body are prone to nervous breakdowns and psychological illnesses. The condition can be so severe that a woman has an IRR. Every second lady after 50 suffers from such a problem to a greater or lesser extent. Menopausal neurosis with vegetative-vascular disorders needs complex treatment.

Characteristics of climacteric neurosis

Neurosis in menopause is a common occurrence. 60% of women are likely to experience symptoms of the disease. In most cases, such negative changes are observed in patients before menopause. Menopausal neurosis is accompanied by mood changes and asthenic syndrome, the development of VVD or the progression of a long-standing disease.

Climacteric neurosis can also be characterized by:

  • depressions;
  • increased aggressiveness;
  • constant fatigue.

Against the background of such reactions of the body, relations in the family change, it becomes more difficult to find a common language with a woman. The more she is without treatment, the stronger the climacteric neurosis affects her behavior and perception of the world around her.

VSD and neurosis

VVD - vegetovascular dystonia - is accompanied by a number of neurological symptoms. VVD can cause neurological manifestations or occur against the background of a constant deterioration in the protection of the psyche. The sleep, day and nutrition of a woman is disturbed - she is in a constant state of stress.

For treatment, therapy is used to eliminate neurological and psychological problems. Work is being done with a patient who is experiencing inevitable changes: a psychotherapist helps to accept the changes and overcome all the negative consequences of menopause (VVD attacks or frequent mood swings).


Menopausal neurosis, the symptoms of which occur gradually, can interfere with a woman: to her detriment, she adapts to new conditions. The reasons for such changes are violations of body processes that accompany menopause:

  • malnutrition affects metabolic processes;
  • bad habits - on the body's resistance;
  • increased stressful environment - on mental stability;
  • an incorrect and sedentary lifestyle interferes with a quick recovery: a woman does not help her own body to switch to a new daily routine.

Each of the factors affects the health of a woman. If she is weakened by diseases or bad habits, a woman cannot resist hormonal changes and their consequences.

Eating junk food leads to increased sweating and heart palpitations. Smoking during menopause - to the drying of the oral mucosa.

Stress makes a woman experience moral discomfort: due to constant stress, the first prerequisites for the development of neurosis appear. Without proper physical activity, the processes inside the body are slower, and the patient takes longer to recover.

Symptoms of the problem

A patient with vegetovascular disorders suffers from characteristic symptoms - these are the consequences of two diseases that develop simultaneously. Neurosis begins against the background of VVD or after the weakening of the body. It depends on the factor what symptoms torment the woman.

Symptoms of negative changes:

  • the woman is constantly tired: she wakes up exhausted and falls asleep completely exhausted;
  • the lady is irritated, everything that happens to her causes a violent emotional reaction;
  • the lady suffers from sleep disturbances (women with menopause have insomnia at night);
  • a woman has hypertension, diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • the fair sex is characterized by mood swings;
  • the lady experiences headaches and dizziness.

The changes that lead to neurosis begin with minor symptoms. A woman begins to look for flaws in herself: she is dissatisfied with herself, she needs to find the cause of discontent.

Over time, a constant negative reaction to what is happening takes root: there is no understanding that the assessment of the situation is erroneous, and the lady harms others. The symptoms of neurosis are often mistaken for natural changes in character during the menopause; only an experienced physician can distinguish between the initial stages of neurosis and the symptoms of menopause.

Menopausal neurosis and its symptoms are warning signs. If the consequences of menopause are not treated, they only intensify: hysteria, depression and mental disorders begin.

Development of climatic neurosis

Menopausal neurosis and its symptoms go through three stages of development. The primary manifestations are barely noticeable - these are sharp mood swings that a woman with vegetovascular disorders can control. Symptoms of the disease do not have a clear picture, they appear and disappear.

In the second stage, the peak of the disease occurs. Symptoms constantly disturb the woman. This stage separates a disease that can be quickly treated and a chronic disease.

With vegetovascular disorders, an obsessive state appears: the lady feels anger and aggression, and then tries to take them out on her close surroundings. The third stage is accompanied by personality changes that are noticeable. Treatment during this period requires drug therapy and psychotherapy.

Treatment of the disease

Treatment of VVD with menopause and neurosis is carried out in a complex. A woman is prescribed a diet that restores metabolic processes in the body.

The patient must organize rest to relieve the tension of the nervous system. She enjoys new activities and trips. Additionally, massage and exercise are prescribed. With menopause, when the symptoms cannot be tolerated, sedatives and painkillers are prescribed.

Drug treatment is prescribed only by the attending physician. Sedatives or tranquilizers are used when the patient is suffering from depression.

Healing folk remedies

The choice of treatment with folk remedies is a safe alternative to taking pharmacological drugs.

Ingredients for tinctures are chosen independently: the fair sex can be sure of their quality. With VVD and disorders in the work of the psyche, it is useful to drink teas with sage or rose hips. If the disease is accompanied by constant aggression, several dried branches of mint and sage are brewed.

The ingredients are boiled and infused for an hour. A decoction is added to the bath, it is taken for half an hour. Homemade preparations can be stored for several days if they are water-based, or several months if they are alcohol-based (stored in a dark container).


VVD and the accompanying neurosis develop against the background of hormonal changes (menopause). To reduce negative symptoms, drug therapy and traditional medicine are used.