local temperature. Deadly body temperature

BODY TEMPERATURE- a complex indicator of the thermal state of the organism of animals and humans.

Maintenance of T. t. within certain limits is one of the most important conditions for the normal functioning of the organism. At poikilothermic animals (see), invertebrates, fishes, amphibians, reptiles belong to the Crimea, T. t. is close to ambient temperature. Homoiothermic animals (see) - birds and mammals - in the process of evolution acquired the ability to maintain a constant T. t. with fluctuations in ambient temperature.

In a homoiothermic organism, two temperature zones are conditionally distinguished - the shell and the core. The shell consists of superficially located structures and tissues - skin, connective tissue, core - blood, internal organs and systems. The temperature of the core is higher than that of the membranes and is relatively stable: the temperature difference between the internal organs is several tenths of a degree, with the liver having the highest temperature (about 38°). The temperature of other internal organs, including the brain, is close to the temperature of the blood in the aorta, which determines the average core temperature. In a brain at rabbits and nek-ry other animals the temperature difference of a cerebral cortex and a hypothalamus reaching 1 ° is noted.

The temperature of the shell is lower than the temperature of the core by 5-10 ° and is not the same in different parts of the body, which is associated with the difference in their blood supply, the size of the subcutaneous fat layer, etc. The temperature of the body surface significantly depends on the ambient temperature. With short-term heating of the body (for example, in a Finnish sauna at an air temperature of 80 -100 °), the temperature of the skin of the extremities, which is normally about 30 °, can rise to 45-48 °, and when cooled, fall to 5 -10 °.

The presence in the body of zones with different temperatures does not allow to unambiguously determine T. t. To characterize it, the concept of weighted average temperature is often used, which is calculated as the average temperature of all parts of the body. More precisely, temperature can be characterized by a temperature pattern—the distribution of temperature over the surface of a body (Fig.) or in its core. The characteristic of T. t. is also used by the temperature gradient, which is represented by a vector directed towards the highest temperature value, and the magnitude of the vector corresponds to the change in temperature per unit length. The image of the temperature scheme of the body in the form of isotherms and gradient values ​​complement each other: the closer the isotherms are, the greater the temperature gradient of the body parts.

Measurement of T. t. is carried out using various thermometers and temperature sensors (CxM. Thermometry). The core temperature can be measured quite accurately (with an error of less than 0.5 °) by placing a thermometer in the armpit, under the tongue, in the rectum or external auditory canal. Normal T. t. of the person measured in a rectum is close to 37 °. The temperature measured under the tongue is less by 0.2 - 0.3 °, in the armpit it is less by 0.3 - 0.4 °.

Most people have well-defined daily fluctuations in T. t., lying in the range of 0.1 - 0.6 °. The highest T. t. is observed in the second half of the day, the lowest - at night. There are also seasonal fluctuations in T. t .: in summer it is 0.1-0.3 ° higher than in winter. In women, the monthly rhythm of changes in T. t is also expressed: during ovulation, it rises by 0.6-0.8 °. An increase in body temperature is observed with intense muscular work, strong emotional experiences.

Maintenance of life in homoiothermic animals and humans is possible only in a certain range of T. t. (see Overheating of the body, Cooling of the body). The interval between the normal and upper lethal temperature of the internal organs is about 6°. In humans and higher mammals, the upper lethal temperature is approximately 43°, in birds 46-47°. The causes of death of homoiothermic animals and humans in excess of T.t. the upper critical limit is considered to be a violation of the biochemical balance in the body due to the influence of temperature changes on the rates of various biochemical reactions, as well as a violation of the structure of membranes as a result of a thermal change in the conformation of macromolecules, thermal inactivation of enzymes that occurs at a rate exceeding the rate of their synthesis, denaturation of proteins as a result of heating, lack of oxygen. The lower lethal body temperature is 15-23°. With artificial cooling of the body (see Artificial hypothermia), when special measures are taken to preserve its viability, T. t. can be lowered to lower values ​​without risk to life.

Maintaining constant T. t. in humans and homoiothermic animals is carried out by the interaction of the mechanisms of heat production (see) and heat transfer (see). The stability of the internal temperature is provided by a functional system, which includes thermoreceptors of the skin, blood vessels, hypothalamus, thermoregulation centers in the brain and efferent mechanisms that regulate heat production and heat transfer. With an increase in blood temperature, heat transfer increases - the vessels of the skin expand, heat loss increases by convection, radiation, by evaporation of sweat, and the mechanisms of heat production are simultaneously inhibited. With a decrease in T. t., heat transfer decreases due to narrowing of the vessels of the skin and a decrease in its thermal conductivity, heat production increases due to an increase in muscle activity. At the beginning of cooling, thermoregulatory muscle tone increases (non-contractile thermogenesis), and with deeper cooling, muscle tremors arise and increase (contractile thermogenesis). With prolonged and regular cooling, the mechanism of chemical thermoregulation is activated, which causes an increase in cell metabolism and an increase in heat production.

T. t. is one of the most important indicators of the state of the body. An increase in temperature by 1-2 ° is often a sign of pathology (see Fever). The disease may also be indicated by a lower temperature increase (by 0.5 ° and below), which is retained for a long time or occurs periodically (see Subfebrile condition).

A long-term increase in T. t. is connected with a change in thermoregulation caused by the formation in the body of specific substances - pyrogens, which change the limits of the normal installation of T. t. by thermoregulation centers. Pyrogens appear when pathogenic bacteria, viruses, endotoxins act on the body. The increase in temperature (fever) that occurs under the action of pyrogens is an adaptive reaction of the body developed in the process of evolution, which leads to the accumulation of additional heat, stimulates metabolic processes, and in most cases contributes to the body's fight against pathogenic factors. Local temperature increases can occur with local inflammatory processes, the development of tumors. A decrease in the temperature of certain parts of the body is observed in vascular diseases that lead to a decrease in local blood flow - angiospasms, occlusions, obliterations. Measurement of local temperature with the help of special sensors or thermal imagers (see Thermometry, Thermography) allows you to make a diagnosis in a timely manner, localize the violation of the patency of the vessel, and predict the dynamics of the disease.

Features of body temperature in children

In children, T. t. is characterized by relative constancy and is determined by the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the child's body: greater than in adults, the ratio of the body surface to its mass and the imperfection of the mechanisms of thermoregulation. To maintain a constant temperature, a child's body must produce more heat per 1 kg of body weight compared to an adult's body. Accordingly, the intensity of basal metabolism in children, especially in the first months of life, in terms of weight is much higher than in an adult. The imperfection of the mechanisms of heat regulation is manifested by the limitation of sweating in newborns, the high thermal conductivity of the skin associated with the peculiarities of its structure and the insufficient development of the subcutaneous fat layer, the immaturity of contractile thermogenesis (muscle tremors) due to the underdevelopment of the thermoregulation center in the hypothalamus.

T. t. in children is measured in the armpit, oral cavity and rectum. In a newborn, T. in the armpit, after an initial decrease caused by cold stress, is maintained at 37.2° in the first 4 days of life, after which it is set at a level below 37°. In an infant, the temperature in the armpit is 36.7 ^ 0.4 °, in the rectum 37.8 ^ 0.4 °. The same temperature is characteristic of older children.

Daily fluctuations of T. t. in healthy full-term newborns in the first 10 days of life are absent, but as the child grows, they begin to manifest themselves more and more clearly. In the first month of life, the minimum T. t. is observed between 10-11 and 19-24 hours, and the maximum between 6-9 and 16-18 hours. The difference between day and night T. t. in children of the first month of life is 0.4-0.5 °, the second 0.5-0.6 °, 4-6 months 0.8-1.2 °, at the age of one year 1.5°. Fluctuations in body temperature during the day depend on the emotional state of the child, physical activity, clothing, ambient temperature.

Premature children are characterized by sharp fluctuations in T. t. during the day, the intensity of which depends on the age and degree of prematurity, the absence of daily periodicity of T. t. and the difference in skin temperatures between the distal and proximal segments of the extremities, which indicates a pronounced imperfection of the central mechanisms thermoregulation. Rectal temperature in premature infants during the first 10 days of life is lower than in full-term ones, and averages 35.3°, by the age of one month it reaches 37.2°.

An increase in T. t. in children can be the result of both a delay in heat transfer, for example, with prolonged subfebrile condition (see), and an increase in heat production, for example, with thyrotoxicosis (see). T.'s increase in t. at children of early age can have an infectious and noninfectious origin. In the latter case, this is due to improper hygienic maintenance of the child, overheating, dehydration, constant constipation, etc. In older children, infections (mainly of viral origin), collagen diseases, malignant neoplasms, diseases of the endocrine glands, etc. can cause an increase in body temperature. some patol. conditions, napr, hypothyroidism (see), decrease in body temperature is observed.

Bibliography: Akhmedov R. Thermoregulation of humans and animals at elevated temperatures, Tashkent, 1977; Bryazgunov I.P. and Sterligov JI. A. Fever of unknown origin in children of early and older age, Pediatrics, No. 8, p. 54, 1981; Ivanov K. P. Bioenergetics and temperature homeostasis, JI., 1972; To and N Dr. I. S. Essays on human physiology and hygiene in the Far North, M., 1968, bibliogr.; Lurie G. A. Dynamics of changes in body temperature in healthy full-term newborns, Vopr. och. mat. and children, vol. 21, no. 6, p. 83, 1976; M at h and and flee Yu. A. Features of thermoregulation in premature babies of the first months of life, Tbilisi, 1968; Comparative Physiology of Animals, ed. J.I. Prosser, trans. from English, vol. 2, p. 84, Moscow, 1977; Schmidt-Nielsen K. Animal Physiology, Adaptation and Environment, trans. from English, vol. 1, p. 297, M., 1982; Chow M. R. a. about. Handbook of pediatric primary care, N. Y. a. about. , 1979; H e n s e 1 H. Thermoreception and temperature regulation, L. a. o., 1981; Kluger M. J. Fever, its biology, evolution, and function, Princeton, 1979; Mount L. E. Adaptation to thermal environment, man and his productive animals, L., 1979; Silverman W.A.a, Sinclair J. C. Temperature regulation in the newborn, New Engl. J. Med., v. 274, p. 92.1966; Stern R. C. Pathophysiologic basis for symptomatic treatment of fever, Pediatrics, v. 59, p. 92, 1977.

E. A. Umryukhin, I. P. Bryazgunov (ped.).

Body temperature- an indicator of the thermal state of the human body, which reflects the ratio between the production of heat by various organs and tissues and the heat exchange between them and the external environment.

Average body temperature for most people is between 36.5 and 37.2°C. The temperature is in this range. Therefore, if you have some temperature deviation up or down from generally accepted indicators, for example, 36.6 ° C, and you feel great at the same time, this is your normal body temperature. The exception is deviations of more than 1-1.5 ° C, because this already indicates that there has been some malfunction in the body, in which the temperature can be lowered or increased. Today we will talk about elevated and high body temperature.

Increased body temperature is not a disease, but a symptom. Its increase indicates that the body is struggling with any disease, which the doctor should determine. In fact, elevated body temperature is a protective reaction of the body (immune system), which, through various biochemical reactions, eliminates the source of infection, while raising body temperature. It has been established that at a temperature of 38 ° C, most viruses and bacteria die, or at least their vital activity is endangered.

In any case, you need to pay attention to your health even with a slight elevated temperature so that it does not develop into a more serious stage, because. correct diagnosis and timely medical attention can prevent more serious health problems, because high fever is often already the first symptom of many serious diseases. It is especially important to monitor the temperature in children.

As a rule, especially in children, the body temperature rises to the highest point in the evening, and the rise itself is accompanied by chills.

Types of elevated and high body temperature

Types of elevated body temperature:

- Subfebrile body temperature: 37 ° C - 38 ° C.
- Febrile body temperature: 38 ° C - 39 ° C.

Types of high body temperature:

- Pyretic body temperature: 39 ° C - 41 ° C.
- Hyperpyretic body temperature: above 41°C.

According to another classification, the following types of body temperature are distinguished:

- Norm - when the body temperature is in the range from 35 ° C to 37 ° C (depending on the individual characteristics of the organism, age, gender, the moment of measurement and other factors);
- Hyperthermia - when the body temperature rises above 37 ° C;
- Fever - an increase in body temperature, which, unlike hypothermia, occurs in conditions of preservation of the mechanisms of thermoregulation of the body.

Body temperature up to 39°C is elevated, and from 39°C it is high.

Symptoms of fever and fever

An increase in body temperature in most cases is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • general malaise of the body;
  • aching limbs;
  • muscle pain;
  • pain in the eyes;
  • increased fluid loss;
  • body cramps;
  • delusions and hallucinations;
  • heart and respiratory failure.

At the same time, if the temperature rises too high, it depresses the activity of the central nervous system (CNS). The heat leads to dehydration, circulatory disorders in the internal organs (lungs, liver, kidneys), leads to a decrease in blood pressure.

As already mentioned above, an increase in body temperature is a consequence of the immune system's struggle with foreign microorganisms that enter the body through the impact of various negative factors on the body (burns, heat stroke, etc.). As soon as the human body fixes the invasion of bacteria and viruses, large organs begin to produce special proteins - pyrogens. It is these proteins that are the trigger mechanism by which the process of increasing body temperature starts. Thanks to this, natural protection is activated, and to be more precise, antibodies and interferon protein.

Interferon is a special protein designed to fight harmful microorganisms. The higher the body temperature, the more it is produced. By artificially lowering body temperature, we reduce the production and activity of interferon. In this case, antibodies enter the arena of the fight against microorganisms, to which we owe our recovery, but much later.

The body fights the disease most effectively at 39°C. But any organism can malfunction, especially if the immune system is not strengthened, and as a result of its fight against infections, the temperature can rise to dangerous levels for humans - from 39 ° to 41 ° C and above.

Also, in addition to the fight of the immune system against infections, increased or high body temperature and its constant fluctuations can be symptoms of many diseases.

The main diseases, conditions and factors that can increase body temperature:

  • acute respiratory viral infections ():, parainfluenza, adenovirus diseases (, and others, etc.), respiratory syncytial infection (rhinitis, pharyngitis), rhinovirus infection, incl. , ( , ), bronchiolitis, etc.;
  • intensive sports or heavy physical labor in a heating microclimate;
  • chronic mental disorders;
  • chronic inflammatory diseases (inflammation of the ovaries, inflammation of the gums, etc.);
  • infections of the urinary system, gastrointestinal tract (GIT);
  • , infected postoperative and post-traumatic wounds;
  • increased thyroid function, autoimmune diseases;
  • fever of unknown origin, without infection;
  • or ;
  • extreme fluid loss;
  • taking medications;
  • oncological diseases;
  • in women after ovulation, a slight increase in body temperature (by 0.5 ° C) is possible.

If the temperature does not exceed 37.5 ° C, you should not try to reduce it with the help of medicines, because. in this case, the body itself struggles with the reasons for its increase. First of all, you need to consult a doctor so that the overall picture of the disease is not “blurred”.

If you did not have the opportunity to see a doctor or you did not attach any importance to this, and the temperature does not return to normal for several days, but constantly changes throughout the day, especially if at this time you constantly feel general malaise and increased in night time sweating, then consult a doctor without fail.

Particular attention should be paid to this issue in cases with children, because. a small organism is more susceptible to dangers that can hide behind elevated temperatures!

After the diagnosis, the attending physician will prescribe the necessary treatment for you.

Diagnosis (examination) for diseases at high temperature

– Medical history, taking into account complaints
– General examination of the patient
- Axillary and rectal
- to determine the causes of temperature rise
- Taking samples of sputum, urine and stool;
– Additional tests: (lungs or accessory cavities of the nose), gynecological examination, examination of the gastrointestinal tract (EGDS, coloscopy), lumbar puncture, etc.

How to lower body temperature

Once again, I want to note that if you have an elevated body temperature (more than 4 days) or a very high temperature (from 39 ° C), you should urgently consult a doctor who will help bring down the high temperature and prevent more serious health problems.

How to lower body temperature? General events

    • It is necessary to observe bed rest. At the same time, the patient should be dressed in cotton clothes, which must be changed regularly;
    • The room where the patient is located must be constantly ventilated, and also ensure that it is not too hot in it;
    • A patient with a high temperature needs to consume plenty of fluids at room temperature to prevent. A healthy drink is tea with, raspberry, linden. The amount of drinking is calculated as follows: starting from 37 ° C, for each degree of elevated temperature, it is additionally necessary to drink from 0.5 to 1 liter of liquid. This is especially important to observe for preschool children and the elderly, because. they dehydrate the body much faster;
  • If a person has a fever, cool wet compresses help well: on the forehead, neck, wrists, armpits, calf muscles (for children - “vinegar socks”). Also, with cool compresses, for 10 minutes, you can wrap the shins in parallel.
  • At elevated temperatures, you can take a warm (not cold and not hot) bath, but waist-deep. The upper part of the body must be wiped. The water should be around 35°C. This contributes not only to the normalization of temperature, but also to flush out toxins from the skin;
  • It is possible to reduce the temperature with the help of foot baths with cold water;
  • At elevated body temperature, it is necessary to wipe the body with warm water at 27-35°C. Wiping starts from the face, goes to the hands, and then wipes the legs.
  • Food at elevated and high temperatures should be light - fruit purees, vegetable soup, baked apples or potatoes. Further diet will be determined by the doctor.

If the patient does not want to eat, then the body needs it, take a daily diet.

What not to do at high temperatures

  • Do not rub the patient's skin with alcohol, because. this action may increase the chills. This is especially forbidden for children.
  • Arrange drafts;
  • Wrap the patient tightly with synthetic blankets. All clothing, as mentioned, should be made of cotton so that the body can breathe.
  • Do not drink sugary drinks and juices.

Medicines for high fever

Before using any means against high or high fever, be sure to consult your doctor!

Medicines against high fever (antipyretics) should be used only if the general recommendations for lowering the temperature, which were written a little higher, did not help.

Human body temperature is the most important indicator of health status. What is the normal human body temperature? What does an increased or decreased body temperature in a person indicate? This is our article.

Normal human body temperature

Normal human body temperature in the middle of the day at rest is +36.6°C. In the morning, the temperature of a healthy person may be slightly lower (by 0.5-0.7 degrees). In the evening, body temperature may rise slightly (by 0.3-0.5 degrees).

However, experts say that the normal human body temperature should not be lower than +35.9°C and higher than +37.2°C.

Anything that does not fit into this range is a serious cause for concern.

Low human body temperature

Body temperature from +34.9°C to +35.2°C is considered very low.

Important! If a person's body temperature is below +34, 9 ° C - urgently call an ambulance!

What does the temperature around +35°C indicate? This is a signal from the body that you have problems with the blood, or dysfunction of the thyroid gland (hypothyroidism). Also, a similar temperature occurs after radiation exposure, a course of antibiotics and other aggressive therapy. A severe hangover is another reason for the sudden drop in temperature to +35°C.

Moderately low body temperature from +35.3°C to +35.8°C can be an individual feature of a person, but it can also signal diseases. Such as: VVD (vegetative-vascular dystonia), CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome), depression, the initial stage of type 2 diabetes, asthenic syndrome, disruption of the liver and gallbladder, impaired protein absorption by the body, etc.

Subfebrile body temperature

Body temperature from +37.0°C to +37.3°C is called "subfebrile". Such a temperature in rare cases can be an individual norm for someone. But, usually, it indicates some problems in the body, for example, a sluggish inflammatory process.

Also, subfebrile temperature can “signal” about the onset of a cold, hyperthyroidism (hyperthyroidism), blood and lymph diseases, food poisoning, internal bleeding, etc.

In the presence of subfebrile temperature, it is not necessary to take antipyretic drugs. It is also contraindicated to drink anti-inflammatory and non-steroidal drugs without a doctor's recommendation.

High human body temperature

Body temperature from +37.4°C to +40.2°C is considered elevated and high.

This temperature indicates that there is an acute inflammatory process in the body. Medical intervention is essential.

Depending on the condition of the patient, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment. However, lowering the temperature with antipyretic drugs usually starts at +38.5°C.

Important! An increase in body temperature to + 40.3 ° C and above, most often leads to death. Only special preparations can reduce such a temperature.


Any deviation in body temperature from the norm indicates a malfunction in the body. Therefore, you do not need to wait until "it will pass by itself." Consult a doctor!

What do most people know about human body temperature? The best part is that a temperature of 36.6 °C is considered normal. Of course, the facts published below will not be a discovery for knowledgeable people, while others will be interested in learning something new for themselves about the temperature of a person's body - consider the Real Facts.
1. The hypothalamus is involved in thermoregulation in the body, acting as a thermostat.
2. The temperature of a person during the day changes by 0.5-1 degrees, unless of course the person is healthy and does not artificially increase the temperature of his body.

3. The temperature of a person is different in different places of its measurement. For example, the normal body temperature under the arm is 36.5 °C, when measured orally (in the mouth), a temperature of 37 °C is considered normal. With rectal (anus) measurement of human body temperature, 37.5 ° C is the norm.
4. The maximum allowable human body temperature is considered to be 42 °C. Upon reaching it, the metabolism in the brain tissues is disrupted and its cells begin to die.
5. Doctors consider the minimum temperature of a human body to be 25 °C. At this time, irreversible consequences occur in the human body. Although even at a temperature of 27 ° C, a person almost always falls into a coma, a person’s cardiac activity and breathing are disturbed. But the temperature of 32 ° C causes only chills, and practically no danger.
6. The highest human body temperature recorded in medical practice is 46.5°C. This temperature was recorded in an Atlanta hospital in the United States in a man who experienced heat stroke. Fortunately, the 52-year-old American survived and was discharged from a medical facility 24 days later. In what state he was, the source does not specify. However, we are sure that heat stroke seriously affected his health.
7. The lowest body temperature of a living person is 14°C. It was registered on February 23, 1994 rectally in a two-year-old child from Canada. Karlie Kozolofsky was in -20 degrees below zero for six hours. Fortunately, the child was saved.
8. For the first time, human body temperature was measured using a mercury thermometer in Germany in 1891.
9. The beginning of the twentieth century gave mankind the judgment that lowering the constant temperature of the human body prolongs its life. However, this opinion has not been scientifically confirmed.
10. With his consciousness and inner conviction, a person is able to raise the temperature of his body. There are cases when the opposite effect was achieved.
11. The temperature of the human body rises during mental work, from stress, nightmares and sex.

A low body temperature in an adult often occurs due to the individual characteristics of the body and does not pose any harm to health. But more often hypothermia is evidence of the development of pathological processes. In order to return the indicators to normal, it is important to identify the main reason that provoked a sharp decrease in the value.

Prolonged low body temperature indicates the development of the disease

What body temperature is considered low in adults

The indicator changes during the day, both for men and women - in the morning it is slightly lower than the usual value, and in the evening, on the contrary, it begins to rise. For a healthy adult, a temperature below 36 degrees for a long time is low.

Why is low temperature dangerous?

Low temperature poses a danger to the body and leads to a deterioration in work:

  • brain;
  • vestibular apparatus;
  • metabolic processes;
  • nervous system;
  • hearts.

With a critical decrease in body temperature below 32 degrees, a person may fall into a coma. The lack of timely medical attention increases the risk of death.

Why is body temperature low

Unstable temperature occurs due to the influence of external and internal factors.

Causes Symptoms
External factors Internal factors
severe hypothermia weakened immune system headache, general weakness, chills, severe loss of strength, drowsiness, nausea, trembling or numbness of the limbs
stress or shock poisoning with toxic or poisonous substances
tight work schedule exhaustion
drinking excessive amounts of alcoholic beverages lack of vitamins and minerals
lack of rest and proper sleep the presence of burns and other skin lesions that stimulate the expansion of blood vessels
strict diet, starvation prolonged uncontrolled use of antidepressants, tranquilizers or sedatives
A temperature below 35.5 degrees in humans is one of the symptoms of certain diseases.


A decrease in temperature is observed with a cold due to severe hypothermia. It is necessary to warm up the room, lie down in bed and place a heating pad under your feet. In order not to cause more harm to health, it is forbidden to rub with alcohol or vinegar. With ARVI, as a result of severe exhaustion of the patient's body, a drop in body temperature and tachycardia are observed.

If you have a cold, be sure to warm your feet, for example with a heating pad

Vegetovascular dystonia

In addition to lowering the temperature, it is characterized by general weakness, migraine, sudden pressure surges, nausea and dizziness. You should pass , and .

With vegetative-vascular dystonia, frequent migraine attacks are observed.


In case of poisoning, intoxication of the body occurs, which leads to severe dehydration, weakness and a decrease in body temperature. Deterioration of the condition causes convulsions, a decrease in pressure and loss of consciousness. It is necessary to call a doctor as soon as possible, who, depending on the severity of the condition, will prescribe the necessary treatment or take the patient to the hospital. Before the arrival of the doctor, it is recommended to use non-carbonated water, green tea and dried fruit compote.

A decrease in hemoglobin in the blood and a decrease in the number of red blood cells leads to oxygen starvation, and, as a result, a decrease in temperature, deterioration in performance, and severe pallor of the skin.

Anemia lowers body temperature

In the future, the tongue becomes inflamed, there is an addiction to unusual tastes, such as raw meat, brittle hair and nails are noted. There is a general weakness and chilliness in the limbs. Treatment should be selected after passing the analysis for the level of hemoglobin.

Pathology of the adrenal glands

The condition is characterized by symptoms such as pain in the abdomen, frequent dizziness, heart failure, vomiting and loss of consciousness - it requires treatment under the supervision of a qualified specialist.

Frequent pain in the abdomen indicates the pathology of the adrenal glands

Liver failure

It leads to a violation of thermoregulation and a lack of glycogen. The main symptoms are loss of appetite, sudden weight loss, nausea, memory impairment, the appearance of a yellowish tint of the skin. Diagnosis is carried out using a biochemical blood test and ultrasound of the abdominal cavity.

With problems with the liver, the skin turns yellow

Diseases of the endocrine system

In diabetes mellitus, there is frequent urination, intense thirst and dryness in the mouth, numbness of the extremities, weight loss, and increased appetite. Disorders in the work of the thyroid gland are accompanied by a malfunction of the water-salt balance, which leads to jumps in the value - after a high temperature, after a while, a low indicator is noted. Symptoms such as dry skin, unreasonable weight gain, constipation and severe swelling are also highlighted.

It is necessary to take tests for blood sugar levels and determine the hormonal background of the thyroid gland.

In diseases of the endocrine system, limbs swell

Viral and bacterial infections

After the illness, the work of the immune system normalizes gradually, as the recovery progresses, there is a breakdown and hypothermia. The main feature is that during the day the indicator stays at 37 degrees and above, and in the evening it drops to 35, which is accompanied by severe sweating and drowsiness. On average, this condition lasts up to 2 weeks.

Viral pathologies are characterized by severe sweating


The presence of benign or malignant neoplasms leads to impaired coordination of movements, a decrease in temperature, the appearance of headaches and a constant feeling of cold in the extremities. You need to do a CT scan.


In women during pregnancy, the indicator is less than normal - such a condition, in the absence of pain and deterioration in well-being, does not mean the presence of pathologies and does not require the help of a doctor.

A drop in body temperature during pregnancy is normal.

There is a decrease in the indicator before the onset of menstruation or during menopause.

Some people have congenital hypothermia, which means that a low temperature is considered normal for them and does not lead to a feeling of discomfort.

What to do at low temperatures

To combat unstable temperatures, make changes to your habitual lifestyle:

  1. Do exercises daily and take a contrast shower. Go to bed in a pre-ventilated room.
  2. Follow the balance of the daily diet and drink at least 2 liters of water per day. Eat dark chocolate, drink strong coffee, tea with raspberries or warm milk with honey.
  3. Take vitamins to strengthen the immune system. Avoid alcohol and cigarettes.
  4. Pay more attention to rest, avoid lack of sleep, overstrain and severe stress.
  5. Regularly maintain normal body temperature. Choose the right clothes so that it is not too hot or too cold.
  6. Refuse to take medications without a doctor's prescription.

You can increase the temperature with the help of foot baths - add 5 drops of eucalyptus oil or 1 tbsp to a container of warm water. l. mustard powder. Do the procedure for half an hour for several days in a row.

The described complex approach will help cleanse the body of toxins, expand blood vessels, normalize metabolic processes and stimulate blood circulation. After the procedures, it is necessary to take temperature measurements again - if the indicator has reached an acceptable value, it is recommended to monitor the condition for several days. If the temperature either rises or falls, you need to be examined by a doctor.

When to call an ambulance

You need to call a doctor if:

  • the patient has a dangerously low temperature, which led to loss of consciousness;
  • after taking the necessary measures, the indicator continues to fall;
  • a low value was found in an elderly person, while his health is deteriorating;
  • a decrease in temperature is accompanied by frequent vomiting, excessive sweating, suffocation, severe pain, bleeding, too high or low pressure, impaired visual and auditory function.

If the temperature drops to 34 degrees, a heart attack may develop, severe intoxication of the body, anaphylactic shock or internal bleeding - the lack of medical assistance can lead to death.

You should be attentive to your health, there are many reasons for the appearance of hypothermia - an incorrect diagnosis, and an incorrectly selected treatment will cause significant harm to the body.