Rox tooth enamel strengthening gel. Strengthening teeth with Remineralizing gel R.o.c.s and a little secret

Oral care is an important hygiene procedure designed to protect and preserve teeth from decay and disease. Unfortunately, daily use of toothpaste is not enough to keep your teeth and gums healthy. It is necessary to visit the dentist regularly, as well as to use special means for preventive purposes. One such remedy is Roks remineralizing gel for teeth.

What is its use, how it is used in dentistry and at home - we will understand below.


What is remineralization

Tooth enamel is the outer protective layer of the tooth, which is subject to the constant negative influence of both external and internal factors. She suffers from improper and unbalanced nutrition, bad habits, irregular care, diseases of internal organs. Over time, its density and structure are disturbed, cracks, sensitivity appear, demineralization of the teeth occurs. To reverse the degradation process, remineralization is carried out.

Remineralization is a preventive procedure to correct defects in tooth enamel, replenish mineral components, strengthen the tooth and prevent caries. With the help of absolutely painless and safe methods, it allows you to prevent pathological processes, preserve and give a healthy appearance to your teeth.

The remineralization method is indicated as a prevention of dental problems at any age, as well as in the following conditions:

  • the formation of plaque;
  • enamel damage of varying degrees;
  • hypersensitivity of gums and teeth;
  • the appearance of white streaks after dental whitening;
  • after alignment of the dentition with braces;
  • at the initial stage of caries.

Ultimately, the procedure improves the general condition of the teeth and gums, preventing negative factors from damaging them.

Gel Rocks - composition and purpose

Remineralizing gel is a thick transparent mass with a pleasant smell and taste. It looks like regular toothpaste. Production packaging involves a soft tube in a cardboard box with instructions inside. Sold in the pharmacy chain without a prescription, can also be found in cosmetic stores.

The main feature and at the same time the advantage of this gel is that it does not contain fluorine, which adversely affects the enamel and oral mucosa. This allows you to use it at any age, even for babies, because swallowing is absolutely not dangerous to health. People with fluorosis, thyroid disease, liver gel can also be used.

The composition includes calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, xylitol. Three minerals in the complex have a positive effect on tooth tissues, restoring and strengthening them. At the same time, they easily penetrate the enamel and have a prolonged effect. An additional enhancer is xylitol, which increases the effect of minerals and prevents the growth of bacteria in the gums. In addition, the components are selected in such a way that during application a film is formed on the teeth that protects the enamel for a long time after rinsing.

The scope of the Roks gel is quite extensive, which makes it popular in most dental clinics and private offices.

Assign a remedy for the following purposes:

  • for the prevention of bacterial infections in the oral cavity and carious formations;
  • for the treatment of caries at the initial stage, when a white spot appears;
  • to improve the aesthetic appearance of teeth;
  • to eliminate hypersensitivity of tooth enamel;
    to restore the appearance of teeth after leveling devices;
  • to lighten teeth by 4-5 shades;
  • to restore the structure of tooth enamel;
  • to normalize the microflora in the oral cavity;
  • as an adjunct therapy in orthodontic treatment;
  • to eliminate non-carious lesions;
  • in the complex therapy of periodontal diseases.

Dental gel Rox is absolutely safe, therefore it is used to treat young children, pregnant and nursing mothers. High efficiency has been proven by many years of research and positive feedback from patients.

How does remineralization work with Rox gel?

Gel Rox acts directly on the enamel of the teeth, while capturing the area of ​​​​dental pockets and gums. It envelops the entire tooth from the inside and outside, penetrating into the most inaccessible interdental spaces. Thus, a kind of elastic protective film is formed on the surface of the tooth, which has its restoring effect even after washing off the gel.

The most important functions performed by Rox can be divided into three main groups:

  • enamel strengthening;
  • prevention and control of caries;
  • aesthetic action.

The gel contains three important minerals involved in the formation of strong enamel. When the natural structure of the tooth is destroyed for some reason, they quickly and effectively restore it, thus strengthening the dental tissue. This action extends not only to the surface of the tooth, but also to its internal channels.

Rox Dental Gel fights harmful bacteria in the mouth that cause cavities. It cleans all the places hidden from the usual hygiene procedure from germs. Thus, the formation of tartar and plaque is prevented, behind which all sorts of pathologies of dental tissue and periodontium are often hidden.

An important effect of the use of the gel is the aesthetic effect. In just a few weeks of using Rox, the smile becomes noticeably whiter and brighter, age-related pigmentation is removed. Light spots with fluorosis disappear in a matter of days, especially since this remedy is indicated for this disease. It will also become saving after removing the bracket system, which leaves stripes on the surface of the teeth. Whitening of tooth enamel occurs in a gentle way, without destroying or cleaning it off.

All components of the Roks gel work to restore health and original appearance to the teeth.

Various ways to use Roks gel

The instruction that is attached to the preparation allows different ways of using the gel - it can be both professional application in a dental office, and at home.

The doctor usually uses the mouthguard method. What does he represent? Inside a special polymer, matched to the dentition, a cap is applied with a small layer of gel. Then it is put on tightly on the teeth and left for about 30 minutes. After that, it is carefully removed, but Rox does not wash off for another half an hour. At this time, you can not drink, eat, rinse your mouth. This completes the procedure. It should be carried out in a course of 2-4 weeks, depending on the problem.

At home, dental treatment with Rox dental gel can be carried out without special devices. The tool is simply applied with a brush to the surface of the dentition and left for 1 hour, after which you can rinse with plain water. For young children, the procedure is recommended to be reduced to 10-15 minutes. It is important not to drink or eat anything at this time, otherwise the effect will be reduced to zero.

The minimum treatment course should last 14 days. For preventive purposes, the number of such receptions is two per year. In case of poor condition of the enamel, as well as the presence of caries, the frequency of repetition of the procedure can be increased up to 3-4 times a year. Increased tooth sensitivity requires daily use of the gel until the unpleasant symptoms disappear completely.

The effectiveness of treatment depends on several important nuances. Firstly, the first application of the Rox gel should be a test, lasting up to 10 minutes. If after that no undesirable reactions occurred, then the following procedure can be carried out according to the instructions. In childhood, it is especially important to pay attention to this point, because children are prone to allergies. Secondly, the remedy should be used regularly and in combination. You can not skip procedures or reduce their duration.

The optimal treatment regimen can be selected by the dentist based on the severity of dental pathology. She needs to follow steadily. Thirdly, the gel is not a substitute for toothpaste. It is impossible to cancel daily oral hygiene. Moreover, before using Rox, it is recommended to brush your teeth with a regular paste, then the effect will be much better.

Strengthening teeth during pregnancy

Often women wonder how to strengthen their teeth during pregnancy and lactation. During this period, the enamel is especially fragile and demineralized, and many medicines are prohibited. But Roks gel is exactly the drug that can and even needs to be used in this interesting period. The scheme of the procedure is no different from the standard. The main thing is that in the anamnesis the woman does not have allergic diseases. To determine the features of treatment, it is better to first consult with your doctor.

When used correctly, Rox Gel is very convenient, does not bring any discomfort and is absolutely harmless.

Varieties of dental gel

Gel Roks is produced by manufacturers in several forms for ease of use:

  • classic Rocs Medical Minerals remineralizing gel recommended for the whole family;
  • Rocs Medical Sensitive gel for sensitive teeth;
    Rocs baby gel with strawberry flavor;
  • remineralizing fruit gel.

All these types are available in the pharmacy chain at an average price. You can choose the option you like on your own or ask for a doctor's recommendation according to the existing problem.

Gel Roks is an excellent modern tool for the prevention and treatment of tooth enamel in adults and children, without resorting to dental procedures.

Rocs remineralizing gel is specially designed for high-quality restoration of enamel structures at home. A feature is its versatility, it is shown to children (also babies) and adults, it can be used constantly and in courses. The composition of the drug is completely safe for health, the effectiveness has been proven by clinical trials - no contraindications for use have been identified.

What is Roks tooth gel intended for?

Gel for strengthening teeth Roks of a special series was created for a qualitatively new care for tooth enamel and oral cavity. With regular use, the effect after applying the Roks gel is significant:

  1. Decreased tooth sensitivity to irritating factors: cold, heat, hyperacidity;
  2. Whitening effect - more than 4 shades;
  3. Return of natural shine as a result of plaque removal;
  4. The fight against the development of caries (the greatest effect in the white spot stage);
  5. Prevention of carious manifestations;
  6. Improving the aesthetics of enamel even after prolonged wearing of braces;
  7. Alignment of the microflora of the oral cavity.

Features of the composition of the gel Rocks Medical Minerals

The result of the use of the drug is the formation of a special film on the tooth enamel. The composition contains xylitol, which is responsible for improving the microflora of the oral cavity, fighting the development of caries.

It is also bioavailable compounds rich in minerals and elements such as phosphorus, calcium, magnesium. They have a strengthening effect on the enamel and, accordingly, reduce the risk of concomitant manifestations.

Remineralizing gel Rox is indispensable for those who are not shown to use fluorine-containing drugs - these are people who have a mineral metabolism disorder, suffering from thyroid diseases, kidney stones, kidney failure, various forms of osteoporosis and some others.

Gel Roks for strengthening teeth in children

An important feature of the Roks gel for children is its complete safety, it can be used even for infants. The composition does not contain fluorine, which means that there is no risk of poisoning if swallowed.

Rocks mineralizing gel was specially developed for children and adolescents, a distinctive feature is a pleasant fruity taste.

Rocs medical minerals gel has been successfully tested among a group of schoolchildren. According to the results, it was possible to fix a decrease in the growth of caries up to 3-4 times. This is a good indicator, given that no special equipment was used. The decompensated form of caries is taken into account, when fluorides cannot give a qualitative result.

Remineralizing gel Roks - instructions for use

Everyone can independently choose how to use Rox Teeth Enamel Gel - as a temporary remedy or on a permanent basis. Regular use is acceptable, as no side effects have been found according to the results of clinical studies.

If you still want to use the Rox teeth mineralization gel in courses, in total, from one to three are carried out annually. At the same time, its standard duration is two weeks.

An important point is the method of using the drug, the stability of the effect obtained depends on the correctness of the procedure and compliance with the recommendations. First, the teeth are brushed with the usual means, the composition is then applied with a toothbrush on the entire surface of the teeth. It is recommended to use 2 times a day, usually in the afternoon and in the evening.

For optimal results, it is important to keep the gel for half an hour, while not eating or drinking yet. Experts advise using dental caps for better action, this is a plastic product made according to an individual cast of the jaw. They are completely safe and allow the gel to most effectively affect the enamel.

Remineralizing gel Roks - drug reviews

Vladimir, Samara. “I was advised Rox tooth gel as a therapy for my child's growing teeth - strengthening the enamel, protecting against the effects of caries. We have been using it for three years now on an ongoing basis. True, not twice a day, but only at bedtime, but the effect is still good. It is quite thick, so somewhere a couple of small peas is enough for all the teeth.

Ekaterina, Magnitogorsk. “I started using Rocks gel for sensitive teeth at the 5th month of pregnancy, the dentist advised me as an effective and safe remedy. Then it cost no more than 200 rubles, I don’t remember exactly. I began to notice improvements after two months of daily use, my teeth stopped crumbling. She also noted that the sensitivity has decreased, which I have always suffered from. I didn’t use a cap, and so there is a result. ”

Alexey, Vladimir. “I found Rox Medical Minerals Dental Gel in an online store, I use it periodically as needed. In addition to high sensitivity, I have always had a problem with caries - some fillings replaced others, so this remedy helps me as a preventive therapy. It has a mint flavor, pleasant, minimal consumption.

Prices in pharmacies for remineralizing gel Rocks

You can buy remineralizing gel Roks in a tube of 45 and 35 grams or in the form of 25 bags of 11 grams each. It is recommended to use disposable packaging, since then the substances are more reliably protected from environmental influences, that is, they are more effective.

The gel is produced with a neutral taste, mint and fruit. The price per pack varies depending on the store you have chosen or the region. On average, this amount is from 270 to 360 rubles. Often, together with the gel, it is recommended to buy a special universal cap.

Proper oral care can help prevent a number of problems; This applies to children as much as parents.

Remineralizing gel Rox is a universal remedy. It can be used by adults and children.

Consider what it is when applied.

Is it possible to use the remedy in childhood

The tool is universal, can be used from infancy.

For many kids, the hospital and the doctor cause panic and stress.

To improve the condition of your baby's teeth at home, you need to take care of proper nutrition. But the young body cannot fully absorb the necessary substances.

This negative effect is the active use of sweets, poor-quality brushing of teeth.

Then Rox helps. You can use it even for the smallest, whose milk teeth are just beginning to grow.

The main task of Rox Minerals dental gel for children is to strengthen teeth and prevent a number of problems with the oral cavity.

Composition, release form

The drug is available in the form of a gel., which contains magnesium, phosphorus, xylitol, strengthening the surface, whitening enamel. Xylitol also helps to protect the tooth from infectious lesions, helps other components to better penetrate inside to protect teeth and gums.

The peculiarity of the composition is the absence of fluorine in it. Therefore, the gel has practically no contraindications, it is safe if accidentally swallowed, and can be used in areas with a high fluorine content in water.

Properties, effect on the child's body

The main action of the Roks Medical Minerals gel for children is to strengthen the teeth. It helps to provide high-quality care for enamel and oral cavity.

The medication is one of the best for enamel restoration, its whitening.

Helps fight existing cavities, helps to restore the microflora of the oral cavity, to improve the appearance of the dentition, reduce sensitivity, prevent caries and a number of other problems.

For children, Rox is most often prescribed to strengthen tooth enamel.. Studies have shown that it reduces the risk of tooth decay by almost four times.

It has a pleasant fruity taste, which is an additional advantage.

Indications and contraindications Rocs Medical Mineral

For young children, Rocs can be used when they are just starting.

The indication for use may be caries or the need for its prevention., increased susceptibility and sensitivity of teeth to temperature changes, change in taste. Assign it to strengthen and prevent diseases of the teeth, after removing the braces.

There are no contraindications, age restrictions. The composition contains the protein casein. If the baby is allergic to this component, the use is not recommended.

Instructions for use

Rocks mineral gel can be used for children both permanently and temporarily. If you use it as a course, then it is usually 14 days, repeated no more than 1-3 times a year.

The effectiveness of the remedy will be determined by the correct use. First, the teeth are cleaned in the usual way, then the composition is applied to the toothbrush and distributed over the tooth enamel.

The drug is usually used twice a day, in the morning and in the evening.. After application, it is recommended to withstand half an hour without eating and drinking. Similarly, the remedy is used when caries appears at the stage of a white spot or to prevent a problem.

For these purposes, it can be used in courses or permanently., but the decision on this should be made by a specialist.

Also, dentists are sometimes advised to use dental caps that improve the effect of the gel. They are made of plastic according to an individual cast of the jaw.

Thanks to caps, the active substances in the gel composition have a maximum effect on tooth enamel.

How to use correctly

The composition is applied to the cleaned surface of the teeth using a toothbrush. It is left for a while to soak.

Can be used instead of toothpaste although the gel consumption will be quite large.

If the child is small, the product can be applied with a finger or a very soft brush, lightly rubbing into the gums and enamel.

Even if the baby swallows a small amount of the drug, it's not scary. The gel is much better than the paste: it gets into hard-to-reach areas, promotes mineralization, enamel restoration.

For general strengthening of teeth, prevention of caries, and other problems mineralizing gel Rocks with calcium used for children in the usual way - by brushing.

For small children, one small pea is enough, which is distributed over the enamel.

How effective is the drug for strengthening teeth and against caries

After a few days of using the product, the teeth become smoother, become whiter.. If you use the remedy for some more time, then the sensitivity of the teeth will decrease, they will react less to cold or hot, and the risks of the appearance and development of caries will decrease.

If Rox is unable to cope with the tasks assigned to him, you need to consult a dentist.: He may prescribe other drugs or certain dental procedures.

Side effects, overdose, interaction

Side effects of the drug were not found. The same applies to cases of overdose. Even if accidentally swallowed, there will be no danger. Caution is needed only if you are allergic to the components of the gel.

It is important to make sure that there are no allergies to the components.

Parents should take care of the proper diet of the baby. It is necessary to limit the amount of flour, sweets in it, enrich the menu with products containing calcium, fresh fruits and vegetables.

Proper nutrition determines not only the condition of the teeth, but also the health of the baby as a whole.

The condition of the enamel is affected by infections of the oral cavity, malocclusion, diseases of internal organs.

Learn more about the effectiveness and rules for using the Rox gel from a specialist in the following video:

In addition to the use of the drug, you should think about taking vitamins, regular sanitation of teeth. It is best to start taking care of the health of the baby's oral cavity even at the stage of pregnancy, using the Rox composition, which is allowed for both children and expectant mothers.

In contact with

Until recently, toothpaste was perceived exclusively as a means of oral hygiene, the only requirement for which was to remove soft plaque from the enamel surface and freshen breath.

But manufacturers of oral care products are not standing still. Today, home remedies for teeth can strengthen enamel as well as professional treatments in the dental office. And a perfect example of this: Roks gel for cleaning and strengthening teeth.


Rocs Medical Minerals has an innovative formula that really strengthens tooth enamel.

Rocks has three main components: phosphorus, calcium and magnesium. Once on the surface of the teeth, these three components have the ability to penetrate into the dentin through the edentulous tubules and microcracks, thereby restoring the tooth from the inside. It is noteworthy that the gel has a consistency that promotes faster penetration of the components.

Wrong lifestyle, lack of a complete diet, chronic diseases make teeth less resistant to decay. In this case, doctors recommend taking minerals with food or with special vitamin complexes that will eliminate this cause. However, ingestion of microelements in excess is fraught with problems with the kidneys, bones, joints, therefore, in this case, using a remineralizing gel locally is the most correct and safest way.

Prevention of caries

Like any other paste, Rocs Medical Minerals gel allows you to fight the cause of caries - bacteria. When a person does not conduct oral hygiene properly, consumes a lot of sweet foods that leave an invisible film on the teeth, pathogenic bacteria multiply actively. Due to this, plaque forms and turns into stone much faster, and therefore the enamel cannot resist resolution.

It is noteworthy that bacteria on the surface of the teeth entail not only caries, but also serious diseases of the connective tissue, kidneys, heart, and joints. If the human body has pathologies in the immune system, and according to scientists, this applies to more than half of the world's population, and this number is steadily growing every year, the immune system begins to produce antibodies.

The anii of the kidneys and heart are similar to bacterial cells, so the immune system begins to attack them instead of bacteria. Autoimmune diseases today are incurable, and maintenance therapy has a whole range of side effects that negatively affect well-being and appearance. Therefore, meticulous oral hygiene is extremely important, and Rocs Medical Minerals will find its rightful place on the shelf of any bathroom.

Aesthetic effect

It is also important that Rox is able to make a smile visually more beautiful in just a couple of weeks of regular use.

  • Gel for cleaning teeth eliminates white spots that appear on the surface of the enamel - fluorosis.
  • The composition of Rocs Medical Minerals includes soft abrasive particles, which, without damaging the enamel, make it possible to achieve a pronounced lightening of the color of the teeth. In addition, the gel will restore shine to the smile: using the gel for daily cleaning, a person contributes to the effect of polishing the enamel. This not only enhances the aesthetic qualities of a smile. But it also serves as a prevention of plaque formation: it is much more difficult for it to accumulate on a smooth enamel surface.
  • Rocs Medical Minerals is very effective at the stage of removing orthodontic braces. The fact is that wearing a system of arches and locks demineralizes the teeth, they become more sensitive to cold and hot, their color becomes darker. The remineralizing composition makes it possible to quickly and effectively restore dentin and enamel.

How to use the tool

Rocs Medical Minerals gel can also be bought at pharmacies and simple cosmetic stores. Rocks has established itself as an absolutely safe tool for cleaning teeth, it can be used even during pregnancy and lactation. Its effect is especially pronounced with a deficiency of minerals in the body, which cannot be replenished by taking drugs: for example, with kidney or liver failure, osteoporosis. In this case, Rocks solves two problems at once: it works to strengthen the teeth and eliminates unnecessary side effects.

The instruction suggests using Rocs Medical Minerals in the following way: you need to brush your teeth twice in the gel, applying it like a regular paste on a brush, foaming on the surface of the enamel and leaving it for a couple of minutes so that the minerals can penetrate through the edentulous tubules into the canal.

In order to clean the child's oral cavity, it is necessary to use the Rox Medical Minerals product, no larger than a pea. The instruction suggests distributing this amount over the surface of a special soft brush for cleaning the teeth and gums of children, gently massage the mucous membrane, and then rinse with water. Even if the baby swallows part of the Roks Medical Minerals product, this will not bring the slightest harm to his body.

Roks is suitable for continuous use, it is not necessary to use courses in case of problems. On the contrary, the prevention of oral diseases with the help of Roks Medical Minerals is guaranteed to eliminate the need for treatment, which will not only save the budget, but also avoid the most unpleasant minutes of therapeutic treatment of caries.

Why does caries occur?

Several factors are involved in the development of this process. First of all, these are carbohydrates and microorganisms. Bacteria are able to break down carbohydrates that come with food and linger on the crown. As a result, lactic acid is released, which destroys the enamel. Additional provoking factors are the acidic reaction of saliva, insufficient salivation, as well as a deficiency of calcium, phosphorus and other elements. Prevention of caries with a remineralizing gel is associated with the delivery of these substances, as well as with a decrease in the number of bacteria. For the procedure, dentists recommend Rocs-gel remineralizing. Feedback from those who have used it will be given below.

Enamel: features and composition

The hardest tissue is the enamel of the tooth, which covers its crown and is located above the dentin. The thickness of this layer is different in different areas. Thus, in the region of the neck, the enamel is the thinnest, and on the occlusal (chewing) surface, its thickness is maximum.

The hardness of tooth enamel can be explained by its composition, because it consists of 96% inorganic substances. The main ones are hydroxyapatite and fluorapatite. An important role is played by elements such as calcium, copper, aluminum, which are evenly distributed in the tissue. Iron, zinc and lead are also of no small importance - they are concentrated mainly in the surface layer. Remineralizing therapy is based on replenishing the amount of these elements, which makes it possible to strengthen the enamel and stop the initial stage of caries.

Roc's product

Rocs (remineralizing gel) has long established itself on the market. Many dentists recommend this drug as the most affordable and effective. It contains the elements necessary for tooth enamel, namely those described above - calcium, magnesium and phosphorus.

It should be noted that this list does not contain fluoride, which makes the gel safe for children. In addition, the composition contains xylitol, which has a bacteriostatic effect, due to which the hygienic condition of the oral cavity improves, and additional prevention of caries is carried out. Rocs tooth gel (instruction below) has a convenient consistency, which allows you to evenly distribute it over the surface. It forms a film that is hardly washed off with saliva, therefore, the gel components penetrate the enamel longer, exerting their effect. However, for greater convenience during home remineralization, dentists recommend using mouth guards. This option is also necessary for children who will definitely try to taste the gel.

Although fluorine is also an important component of enamel, it should not be allowed to enter the body in large quantities. The absence of this element in the gel makes it completely safe to swallow and can be used for children and in regions where there is a high content of fluoride in the water. In addition, this element is contraindicated in certain diseases, including pathologies of the thyroid gland and kidneys, osteoporosis. It will not be difficult to use Rocs (remineralizing gel). The instructions will help you figure it out.

What is the gel for?

The main function of the drug is to strengthen the enamel.

l is recommended to be used for the prevention of caries, and also if there are already active carious processes at the initial stage - in the white spot stage. During this period, enamel damage is small, and the defect appears as a white matte area. In order to prevent the progression of the process, dentists prescribe a course of remineralizing therapy. In addition, the drug helps with increased sensitivity of the teeth. Additional positive effects are a slight whitening and the appearance of shine. Xylitol, which is part of the gel, helps maintain hygiene, which not only reduces the risk of developing caries, but also improves the condition of the mucous membrane. Rocs tooth gel must be prescribed after whitening and correction with a bracket system.

Rocs (remineralizing gel): instruction

How to use Rocs remineralizing gel? Reviews for this drug are not always positive, but this can only be associated with improper use.

The gel is applied to the surface of the teeth in the form of a film. Before this, the enamel should be thoroughly cleaned of plaque, which is necessary to achieve the maximum effect. The frequency of remineralizing procedures is 2 times a day. Dentists recommend using the gel in the morning after meals on cleaned teeth, as well as before bedtime.

There are two options for using the drug. Everyone can choose the one that he considers convenient. The first is without the use of a tray, when the Rocs remineralizing gel is applied with a brush or a special applicator. After that, you can not rinse your mouth and eat for about 40-60 minutes. The second method involves the use of a mouth guard. It is considered more convenient, especially when performing remineralization in children. The gel is placed first in a kappa, after which it is put on the teeth. The exposure time should be no more than 30 minutes. If the procedure is performed in children, it is reduced to 10 minutes. However, the action of the gel does not end there. Excess drug after removing the mouth guard should be spit out, but you can not rinse your mouth and eat food for about 30 minutes.

Use in children

There is no doubt that the drug is safe for adults, but can it be used in children? Due to the gentle composition, it will not harm the children's body. The gel is recommended to be applied even to infants for the prevention of caries. If a child swallows a little gel, this will not affect his health in any way. On the contrary, there is an improvement in the condition of not only enamel, but also the oral cavity as a whole due to the fact that the gel affects bacteria, inhibiting their growth and reproduction. It is especially necessary to use such a product if the child was treated with a bracket system. And it is worth choosing exactly Rocs - remineralizing gel. Reviews on it prove high efficiency.


Rocs tooth gel is completely safe for both children and adults, but one should not forget about the possibility of an allergic reaction to the components of the drug. To begin with, it is recommended to use a small amount of gel for 10-15 minutes. If hyperemia and itching appear after the procedure, do not use the drug. It is better to contact a dentist who will offer an alternative option. Cases of allergy to Rocs remineralizing gel are very rare, therefore, as a rule, the drug is suitable for almost all patients. The advantage of the gel is the absence of fluorine, which allows it to be used by people with osteoporosis and diseases of the thyroid gland and kidneys.

Rocs (remineralizing gel): reviews

They are usually positive. Dentists say that most patients notice a decrease in tooth sensitivity, as well as a slight lightening of their color and the return of natural shine. On examination, there is a suspension of the carious process in the stain stage, and with a full course of remineralization, its complete disappearance. In addition, those who have tried this gel have noticed an improvement in the condition of their gums. The lack of effect can only speak of incorrect or irregular use of the drug. Rocs, a gel for strengthening teeth, cannot but affect the enamel in a beneficial way.

Why use toothpaste if the gel cleans your teeth perfectly?

The mistake of some patients is to apply the gel on uncleaned teeth. They argue that the gel already has antibacterial properties. In no case should you forget about brushing your teeth, because the gel does not replace it, but only complements it. Such misuse will not only not lead to the desired effect, but will also worsen the situation. Rocs, gel should be used correctly (the instruction comes in addition to the preparation).

Remineralization allows you to effectively strengthen tooth enamel, which is an excellent prevention of caries. Regularly carrying out such a procedure will help maintain the health and aesthetic appearance of the teeth. However, it should be remembered that Rocs (remineralizing gel) should be used only after consulting a dentist.

What is Roks tooth gel intended for?

Gel for strengthening teeth Roks of a special series was created for a qualitatively new care for tooth enamel and oral cavity. With regular use, the effect after applying the Roks gel is significant:

  1. Decreased tooth sensitivity to irritating factors: cold, heat, hyperacidity;
  2. Whitening effect - more than 4 shades;
  3. Return of natural shine as a result of plaque removal;
  4. The fight against the development of caries (the greatest effect in the white spot stage);
  5. Prevention of carious manifestations;
  6. Improving the aesthetics of enamel with fluorosis and after prolonged wearing of braces;
  7. Alignment of the microflora of the oral cavity.

Features of the composition of the gel Rocks Medical Minerals

The result of the use of the drug is the formation of a special film on the tooth enamel. The composition contains xylitol, which is responsible for improving the microflora of the oral cavity, fighting the development of caries.

It is also bioavailable compounds rich in minerals and elements such as phosphorus, calcium, magnesium. They have a strengthening effect on the enamel and, accordingly, reduce the risk of concomitant manifestations.

Remineralizing gel Rox is indispensable for those who are not shown to use fluorine-containing drugs - these are people who have a mineral metabolism disorder, suffering from thyroid diseases, kidney stones, kidney failure, various forms of osteoporosis and some others.

Gel Roks for strengthening teeth in children

An important feature of the Roks gel for children is its complete safety, it can be used even for infants. The composition does not contain fluorine, which means that there is no risk of poisoning if swallowed.

Rocks mineralizing gel was specially developed for children and adolescents, a distinctive feature is a pleasant fruity taste.

Rocs medical minerals gel has been successfully tested among a group of schoolchildren. According to the results, it was possible to fix a decrease in the growth of caries up to 3-4 times. This is a good indicator, given that no special equipment was used. The decompensated form of caries is taken into account, when fluorides cannot give a qualitative result.

Remineralizing gel Roks - instructions for use

Everyone can independently choose how to use Rox Teeth Enamel Gel - as a temporary remedy or on a permanent basis. Regular use is acceptable, as no side effects have been found according to the results of clinical studies.

If you still want to use the Rox teeth mineralization gel in courses, in total, from one to three are carried out annually. At the same time, its standard duration is two weeks.

An important point is the method of using the drug, the stability of the effect obtained depends on the correctness of the procedure and compliance with the recommendations. First, the teeth are brushed with the usual means, the composition is then applied with a toothbrush on the entire surface of the teeth. It is recommended to use 2 times a day, usually in the afternoon and in the evening.

For optimal results, it is important to keep the gel for half an hour, while not eating or drinking yet. Experts advise using dental caps for better action, this is a plastic product made according to an individual cast of the jaw. They are completely safe and allow the gel to most effectively affect the enamel.

Prices in pharmacies for remineralizing gel Rocks

You can buy remineralizing gel Roks in a tube of 45 and 35 grams or in the form of 25 bags of 11 grams each. It is recommended to use disposable packaging, since then the substances are more reliably protected from environmental influences, that is, they are more effective.

The gel is produced with a neutral taste, mint and fruit. The price per pack varies depending on the store you have chosen or the region. On average, this amount is from 270 to 360 rubles. Often, together with the gel, it is recommended to buy a special universal cap.

The composition and properties of the gel

Xylitol is an ingredient in this drug. The substance inhibits the development of microorganisms, prevents bacterial infections, protects teeth and gums from inflammation. The antibacterial protection that the drug provides reduces the likelihood of caries. Other components of the gel, and these are calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, protect the teeth by forming a stable film on their surface. The drug itself has a light consistency, which facilitates its penetration into the chewing organs. The active substances of Rox act longer than other drugs of the same purpose.

The gel helps to carry out preventive cleaning to avoid caries; removes pigmentation; improves the appearance of teeth with fluorosis; restores enamel after wearing braces. This drug helps to whiten teeth by 4-5 tones. After applying the gel, they acquire a natural shine, and the bacterial composition of saliva is maintained in a stable state.

Since the instructions say that there is no fluoride in the preparation for strengthening the teeth, even if it is swallowed, it will not cause harm. Gel Rocks can be used for young children, for whom it is specially produced with different tastes.

When drinking water contains a lot of fluorine in its composition, the medicine penetrates into those places where it accumulates, eliminating it. It is worth noting that this particular remedy is suitable for strengthening teeth for those people who cannot use fluoride-containing preparations for this purpose. This is a category of patients with kidney and endocrine diseases.

The aesthetic effect of the drug is that in just a few weeks it will significantly improve the appearance of the teeth, make the smile of a man or woman attractive.

One of the main advantages of Rox gel for strengthening teeth is its safety. It can be used by nursing mothers and pregnant women.

If a person suffers from osteoporosis, then such a drug will help keep the teeth healthy and protect them from destruction.

About the use of adult gel

According to the instructions, the gel should be applied to the toothbrush and brush your teeth like a regular toothpaste. After the procedure, it is necessary to leave it for a few minutes in order for the minerals to penetrate into the edentulous canals of the tooth. It is enough to clean the gel once a day. If the teeth are sensitive, then soon after applying the gel this problem can be forgotten.

Gel Rocks and strengthening children's teeth

It's no secret that children are afraid of doctors. This also applies to dentists.

But today, the condition of the teeth of babies wants the best. Therefore, using a gel to strengthen their chewing organs is an excellent option for caring for children's teeth at home.

Baby gel has the following advantages: maintains the balance of minerals; reduces tooth sensitivity; restores their aesthetic appearance; eliminates harmful microorganisms; has a pleasant taste.

The only limitation in its use for babies may be the presence of casein in the composition. It is a protein found in cow's milk. And if the child has an allergy to this substance, it is better to refuse the use of the drug. This limitation is the only one in its use for young patients.

If we are talking about the use of Rox gel to strengthen children's teeth, then it is applied to a soft toothbrush in the size of a pea. Teeth are brushed, gums are massaged, the mouth is rinsed with water. There is nothing wrong with swallowing the drug by a child.

By the way, parents note the effect of using the gel in the care of the milk and permanent organs of chewing their children.

So, Rox gel is an affordable, safe and reliable way to get a radiant and healthy smile.

What is remineralization

Tooth enamel is the outer protective layer of the tooth, which is subject to the constant negative influence of both external and internal factors. She suffers from improper and unbalanced nutrition, bad habits, irregular care, diseases of internal organs. Over time, its density and structure are disturbed, cracks, sensitivity appear, demineralization of the teeth occurs. To reverse the degradation process, remineralization is carried out.

Remineralization is a preventive procedure to correct defects in tooth enamel, replenish mineral components, strengthen the tooth and prevent caries. With the help of absolutely painless and safe methods, it allows you to prevent pathological processes, preserve and give a healthy appearance to your teeth.

The remineralization method is indicated as a prevention of dental problems at any age, as well as in the following conditions:

  • the formation of plaque;
  • enamel damage of varying degrees;
  • hypersensitivity of gums and teeth;
  • the appearance of white streaks after dental whitening;
  • after alignment of the dentition with braces;
  • at the initial stage of caries.

Ultimately, the procedure improves the general condition of the teeth and gums, preventing negative factors from damaging them.

Gel Rocks - composition and purpose

Remineralizing gel is a thick transparent mass with a pleasant smell and taste. It looks like regular toothpaste. Production packaging involves a soft tube in a cardboard box with instructions inside. Sold in the pharmacy chain without a prescription, can also be found in cosmetic stores.

The main feature and at the same time the advantage of this gel is that it does not contain fluorine, which adversely affects the enamel and oral mucosa. This allows you to use it at any age, even for babies, because swallowing is absolutely not dangerous to health. People with fluorosis, thyroid disease, liver gel can also be used.

The composition includes calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, xylitol. Three minerals in the complex have a positive effect on tooth tissues, restoring and strengthening them. At the same time, they easily penetrate the enamel and have a prolonged effect. An additional enhancer is xylitol, which increases the effect of minerals and prevents the growth of bacteria in the gums. In addition, the components are selected in such a way that during application a film is formed on the teeth that protects the enamel for a long time after rinsing.

The scope of the Roks gel is quite extensive, which makes it popular in most dental clinics and private offices.

Assign a remedy for the following purposes:

  • for the prevention of bacterial infections in the oral cavity and carious formations;
  • for the treatment of caries at the initial stage, when a white spot appears;
  • to improve the aesthetic appearance of teeth;
  • to eliminate hypersensitivity of tooth enamel;
    to restore the appearance of teeth after leveling devices;
  • to lighten teeth by 4-5 shades;
  • to restore the structure of tooth enamel;
  • to normalize the microflora in the oral cavity;
  • as an adjunct therapy in orthodontic treatment;
  • to eliminate non-carious lesions;
  • in the complex therapy of periodontal diseases.

Dental gel Rox is absolutely safe, therefore it is used to treat young children, pregnant and nursing mothers. High efficiency has been proven by many years of research and positive feedback from patients.

How does remineralization work with Rox gel?

Gel Rox acts directly on the enamel of the teeth, while capturing the area of ​​​​dental pockets and gums. It envelops the entire tooth from the inside and outside, penetrating into the most inaccessible interdental spaces. Thus, a kind of elastic protective film is formed on the surface of the tooth, which has its restoring effect even after washing off the gel.

The most important functions performed by Rox can be divided into three main groups:

  • enamel strengthening;
  • prevention and control of caries;
  • aesthetic action.

The gel contains three important minerals involved in the formation of strong enamel. When the natural structure of the tooth is destroyed for some reason, they quickly and effectively restore it, thus strengthening the dental tissue. This action extends not only to the surface of the tooth, but also to its internal channels.

Rox Dental Gel fights harmful bacteria in the mouth that cause cavities. It cleans all the places hidden from the usual hygiene procedure from germs. Thus, the formation of tartar and plaque is prevented, behind which all sorts of pathologies of dental tissue and periodontium are often hidden.

An important effect of the use of the gel is the aesthetic effect. In just a few weeks of using Rox, the smile becomes noticeably whiter and brighter, age-related pigmentation is removed. Light spots with fluorosis disappear in a matter of days, especially since this remedy is indicated for this disease. It will also become saving after removing the bracket system, which leaves stripes on the surface of the teeth. Whitening of tooth enamel occurs in a gentle way, without destroying or cleaning it off.

All components of the Roks gel work to restore health and original appearance to the teeth.

Various ways to use Roks gel

The instruction that is attached to the preparation allows different ways of using the gel - it can be both professional application in a dental office, and at home.

The doctor usually uses the mouthguard method. What does he represent? Inside a special polymer, matched to the dentition, a cap is applied with a small layer of gel. Then it is put on tightly on the teeth and left for about 30 minutes. After that, it is carefully removed, but Rox does not wash off for another half an hour. At this time, you can not drink, eat, rinse your mouth. This completes the procedure. It should be carried out in a course of 2-4 weeks, depending on the problem.

At home, dental treatment with Rox dental gel can be carried out without special devices. The tool is simply applied with a brush to the surface of the dentition and left for 1 hour, after which you can rinse with plain water. For young children, the procedure is recommended to be reduced to 10-15 minutes. It is important not to drink or eat anything at this time, otherwise the effect will be reduced to zero.

The minimum treatment course should last 14 days. For preventive purposes, the number of such receptions is two per year. In case of poor condition of the enamel, as well as the presence of caries, the frequency of repetition of the procedure can be increased up to 3-4 times a year. Increased tooth sensitivity requires daily use of the gel until the unpleasant symptoms disappear completely.

The effectiveness of treatment depends on several important nuances. Firstly, the first application of the Rox gel should be a test, lasting up to 10 minutes. If after that no undesirable reactions occurred, then the following procedure can be carried out according to the instructions. In childhood, it is especially important to pay attention to this point, because children are prone to allergies. Secondly, the remedy should be used regularly and in combination. You can not skip procedures or reduce their duration.

The optimal treatment regimen can be selected by the dentist based on the severity of dental pathology. She needs to follow steadily. Thirdly, the gel is not a substitute for toothpaste. It is impossible to cancel daily oral hygiene. Moreover, before using Rox, it is recommended to brush your teeth with a regular paste, then the effect will be much better.

Strengthening teeth during pregnancy

Often women wonder how to strengthen their teeth during pregnancy and lactation. During this period, the enamel is especially fragile and demineralized, and many medicines are prohibited. But Roks gel is exactly the drug that can and even needs to be used in this interesting period. The scheme of the procedure is no different from the standard. The main thing is that in the anamnesis the woman does not have allergic diseases. To determine the features of treatment, it is better to first consult with your doctor.

When used correctly, Rox Gel is very convenient, does not bring any discomfort and is absolutely harmless.

Varieties of dental gel

Gel Roks is produced by manufacturers in several forms for ease of use:

  • classic Rocs Medical Minerals remineralizing gel recommended for the whole family;
  • Rocs Medical Sensitive gel for sensitive teeth;
    Rocs baby gel with strawberry flavor;
  • remineralizing fruit gel.

All these types are available in the pharmacy chain at an average price. You can choose the option you like on your own or ask for a doctor's recommendation according to the existing problem.

Gel Roks is an excellent modern tool for the prevention and treatment of tooth enamel in adults and children, without resorting to dental procedures.

Caring for the oral cavity for a modern person is as natural as washing your face in the morning and cutting your nails. It is difficult to imagine now a cultured person who does not pay due attention to his teeth. But the rhythm and conditions of modern life often create conditions in which standard brushing with toothpaste is no longer enough. In this case, specialized means for special care come to the aid of a person.

Of course, teeth are made of hard tissues, but even they can experience discomfort for a number of reasons and eventually collapse, bringing a lot of suffering to a person. First of all, tooth enamel is subject to carious processes, since it does not have the ability to recover. The main enemies for enamel are various microorganisms and carbohydrates. Bacteria break down the bits of food left on the teeth, which creates lactic acid, which destroys the enamel.

Other reasons may also cause problems with teeth, for example:

  • insufficient amount of calcium, phosphorus and other necessary substances;
  • acid reaction in saliva and / or insufficient salivation;
  • smoking;
  • malnutrition;
  • metabolic disease;
  • Improper dental care, such as frequent whitening.

Most of the problems are solved by filling, completely removing teeth or using orthopedic structures. And only specialized products can protect tooth enamel from damage through remineralization. It is this process that improves the quality and strength of tooth enamel by balancing the balance of minerals.

For this purpose, a number of special preparations saturated with minerals are used. Dentists very often recommend the use of Rocs-gel from the Medical line.

Who needs Rocs Medical Minerals gel

The question of its use should arise when you have discovered a number of alarming signs:

How Rocks Minerals works

When applying the "Rocks" gel, a thin layer appears on the teeth. film. Bioavailable minerals penetrate deep into the enamel and make it stronger. Good bioavailability is achieved due to the very light consistency of the gel. Active substances enter through the enamel directly into the dentin of the tooth and restore it from the inside.

There is no fluoride in the gel, so it is safe if accidentally swallowed, and is also approved for use by people with fluorosis, thyroid problems, kidney problems, and those diagnosed with osteoporosis. Another plus is the ability to use the gel in areas with a high fluorine content in the water.

What is Rocs Medical Minerals made of:

  • phosphorus and calcium - to strengthen the enamel;
  • magnesium - for closer interaction between active components;
  • xylitol - for remineralization, as well as to combat gum disease and caries.

What is useful remineralizing gel "Rocks":

Advantages of the gel "Rocks Medical Minerals"

The gel has a not very high cost and is available for people with different incomes. It differs from many similar preparations with a pleasant taste, and the presence of a large selection of flavors can satisfy the request of even people who are especially sensitive to the taste and smell of the paste. Has a clinically proven high efficiency.

Fully safe in use and does not cause any side effects after use. It does not contain fluorine, which is a definite plus for people who have contraindications to fluoride-containing drugs. The composition of the gel is ideal for use by both adults and children, which allows the whole family to use one tube. This allows you to save money on oral care and at the same time get the desired result.

Remineralizing gel Roks Medical Minerals after removal of braces

If you have to shoot braces, you should take care in advance to choose a means for oral care. Due to the long wearing of braces, the teeth can be stained unevenly, due to the white stripes of remineralized enamel with increased sensitivity. Gel "Rocks" will help reduce hyperesthesia and make the shade of the teeth more even.

There are several types of Rocs gel on sale:

Gel "Rocks" for children

Many babies are afraid of hospitals and react with fear to people in white coats, and every visit to the doctor turns into stress for the child. But not everyone knows that at home, you can also help your baby improve the condition of their teeth. Of course it's very important balanced nutrition.

But eating meat, dairy products, fish, fruits and vegetables does not always give a 100% guarantee that a child's teeth will receive everything they need and develop without any problems. Poor quality of brushing teeth, lack of micronutrients or their insufficient absorption by the body and / or excessive consumption of sweets do their job, and then the child may begin to experience discomfort in the oral cavity.

In this case, parents can resort to the help of special baby care products and start using the same gel. Roc Medical. Its use is allowed for children of any age, including infants, when milk teeth are just beginning to erupt.

The only difference in application for children may be a slightly different pattern of using the product. To make sure that the actions are correct, parents can consult with a dentist and get clear recommendations. Gels for children are produced with different flavors, which is very important for little ones. Very often, it is the nasty taste of the paste that makes the child act up and avoid the procedure.

Contraindication only the presence of casein in the preparation can be indicated. This is a protein found in cow's milk that is not safe for everyone. Some children, less often adults, have intolerance to the component, so if you are allergic to it, you will have to abandon the drug.

Safety of the gel for nursing mothers and pregnant women

Pregnant and lactating women often have dental problems due to hormonal changes in the body and a lack of calcium. Lactation and pregnancy are not contraindications for use, and in this case, on the contrary, support from the drug is considered desirable during these periods of life. Instructions for strengthening teeth for this category of women will not differ from the general instructions.

The gel is sold in cosmetic stores and pharmacies, it enjoys a large popularity, therefore, has a wide distribution network among consumers.

Instructions for use for strengthening teeth

After brushing your teeth with your paste, you need to apply the gel on your teeth and do not eat or drink for 30-60 minutes. You can apply the gel with a special applicator or brush. To get a more pronounced effect, experts recommend using kappa. Filled with gel, it should be put on your teeth, then rinse your mouth. You can also use it instead of toothpaste.

For children, there are several options for instructions for use. You can simply apply the gel as described above, reducing the exposure time to 10 minutes. It is important not to overdo it with the amount, it should not be more than a pea. And you can massage the gums themselves with a soft bristle and gel, then rinse the drug off with plain water. If accidentally swallowed, there will be no serious consequences.

Of the disadvantages of the gel, only one can be answered: after opening the tube, it can be stored for no more than a month.