Healthy sleep is very important. Healthy sleep is the key to your good health Opinion of medical experts

A good night's sleep is the key to a healthy life. How to learn to sleep correctly?

Normal sleep is a daily human need. And, if this need is not satisfied, or is satisfied poorly, the body begins to suffer. Scientists have proven that sleep disorders can lead to diseases of the gastrointestinal and cardiovascular systems, diabetes, obesity and other equally complex health problems. How to avoid all these things and learn to sleep properly?

What is a normal dream like?

The rules of healthy sleep are not as complicated as it might seem at first glance. The main condition is the regularity of their implementation.

So, for proper sleep you need:

Compliance with sleep and wakefulness. It may sound trite, but for a normal night's rest, your body needs to go to bed and get up every day at the same time. At the same time, scientists recommend going to bed on average no later than 22 hours, and waking up before 6 in the morning.

Of course, on weekdays it is easier to follow this rule, because we usually get up for work at the same time. But you should not sleep until noon on weekends, supposedly "for the whole week." Such excessive sleep will not make you healthier, on the contrary, it will reward you with lethargy and a headache. But a charge of vivacity is unlikely to interfere with you both on Saturday and Sunday, isn't it?

Fresh air. The best temperature for sleeping is 22-25 degrees. Therefore, before going to bed, it is necessary to ventilate the bedroom well, and even better - leave an open window for the night.

Not a very full stomach. Here the doctors are unanimous - food is not a friend to sleep. A full dinner should be no later than 4 hours before bedtime. Otherwise, food will force your digestive system to work at night, and this will not give you the opportunity to get a good night's sleep.

It is also undesirable to use tonic and caffeinated products before bedtime - coffee, strong tea, cocoa, chocolate. They can lead to insomnia, and, as a result, to a broken state of health the next morning.

Normal bed. This means that the bed should not be too soft or too hard. The mattress should support the spine well. If the bed is too soft, the muscles will not be able to relax, and if it is too hard, there will be excessive pressure on the skeleton and muscles.

The pillow should also be chosen correctly - small and not too soft. If the pillow is chosen incorrectly, the neck and upper back are tense, the blood supply to the brain is disrupted, resulting in headaches and fatigue in the morning.

Physical exercise. Scientists say that an active lifestyle is the best prevention of stress. It is most useful to practice from 17 to 20 hours. But just before going to bed, you should not be very active - excessive excitement of the body will not let you fall asleep.

Minimum clothing. The less dressed a person is, the better his sleep. Clothing should be loose-fitting and made from natural fabrics, preferably cotton or linen. Socks and sleeping caps should be avoided, even if the bedroom is cool.

Special sleep rituals. Following certain procedures before going to bed - reading your favorite book, a warm bath, meditation, pleasant music - you will develop conditioned reflexes. Every time you perform a ritual, the body will automatically begin to prepare for sleep.

Fast, but not a sharp rise. Don't lie in bed in the morning. This will only lead to a feeling of weakness and headache. But there is no need to jump out of bed abruptly either. Stretch, smile, roll from side to side - and hello, new day!

Probably all of us at least once in our lives faced with the problem of lack of sleep. It looks like you want to sleep, but you can't. The head is full of some extraneous thoughts about the events of the past day, unresolved problems and difficulties.

Most of all, insomnia affects people engaged in mental work, as well as those who are unsure of themselves, too sensitive to stress and anxiety. One of the factors for poor sleep is information overload - a working day at the computer, then tense problematic television programs, social networks - and now, you have been spinning in bed for hours, trying to fall asleep.

If you feel symptoms of insomnia, do not rush to swallow sleeping pills. First, try these simple tips for falling asleep easily and quickly:

  • Meditate before bed. The representation of wildlife will help you relax and let go of intrusive thoughts.
  • Walk outside in the evening. Fresh air, beautiful starry sky, unhurried measured walking - all this will help your nervous system to calm down and give you a good sleep.
  • Treat yourself to a massage. Ask a loved one to stretch your back a little, or learn the basics of self-massage. This will help relax your body and mind as well.
  • Take water procedures - coniferous baths, baths with salt, chamomile, mint, valerian extract. Pleasant, useful, and for the coming dream.
  • Use aromatherapy. Oils of rose, cedar, lemon balm, mint, lavender, basil will help to cope with insomnia.
  • Get yourself an herbal pillow. This is, in fact, a small bag with soothing herbs - lavender, hops, valerian, bay leaf. You can either buy it ready-made or make it yourself.
  • Drink herbal tea (with the same motherwort, valerian, mint) or warm milk with honey at night.
  • And, of course, create a calm environment in the bedroom. No extra information, horror movies and action movies before bed.

The dreams that we dream about are one of the biggest mysteries that scientists still cannot fully solve. Dreams can be pleasant and scary, cause many questions and a desire to somehow interpret them. Someone dreams every night, and someone in the morning cannot remember what he dreamed about.

The father of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud, was the first to speak about the scientific interpretation of dreams. He argued that dreams are a product of our unconscious, and they, in fact, reflect the hidden desires of a person. But at the same time, it is important to understand that only the dreamer on his own can most fully unravel the meaning of his dream. This is due to different life experiences, temperament, character of people. For different people, the same dream, with the same plot, can mean different things. Therefore, you should not trust the dream books too much - they can give approximate guidelines that you can pay attention to, but in general they will not be able to accurately explain your dream.

By the way, it is interesting to know that scientists distinguish a separate category of dreams - meaningless dreams. This is when pictures, images, faces, events change in a chaotic order before your eyes, there are no emotions and logical connections between them. After such a dream, a person usually wakes up broken. You should not try to somehow interpret such a dream - it signals an overload of information. All that is needed in this case is to add physical activity during the day and try to reduce intellectual activity a little, at least shortly before bedtime.

The position in which you sleep is also important. According to scientists, there is no ideal sleeping position - they all have their pros and cons. Let's place "sleepy" poses in descending order of utility:

  • On the back. This posture contributes to the greatest relaxation of the bones and muscles of the body, helps with heartburn, avoids the appearance of unnecessary wrinkles and sagging breasts. But there are also contraindications: this pose is not recommended for pregnant women and the elderly, as well as those suffering from certain diseases (epilepsy, bronchial asthma, etc.).
  • On the side. In this position, the optimal position of the back and neck is ensured, and snoring is prevented. This pose is great for pregnant women and has no contraindications.
  • On the stomach. It is considered the most harmful posture, in which the whole body is twisted, the load on the joints and muscles increases, as well as on the skin of the face and chest. The only plus of this provision is the prevention of snoring.

There are additional options with the use of accessories designed to reduce stress on certain muscle groups, it is advisable to select them individually.

Now that we've covered the quality of sleep a bit, it's time to talk about quantity.

Modern medicine claims that the optimal duration of sleep is 8 hours a day. However, new research conducted by British scientists has shown that people who sleep for 6-7 hours feel much better and live longer than others. Other studies have shown that those who sleep less than 6 hours or more than 8 hours have poorer memory and more difficult decision-making.

But besides the duration of sleep itself, the time of going to bed and waking up is important. Here the opinions of scientists differ: someone claims that sleep is optimal from 23 to 7 hours, others - that from 21 to 4-5 hours. The science of biorhythms - biochronology - states that the middle of a night's sleep should be at midnight. Ayurveda, the oriental science of health, is of the same opinion. According to Ayurveda, sleep should be tied to sunrise and sunset, and the best time to sleep is from 21:00 to 3:00 in the morning. At the same time, the most important and indispensable hours for rest are from 10 pm to 2 am.

And, of course, do not forget about constancy - a clear sleep schedule will bring you health and energy.

Secrets of a healthy awakening

So we quietly crept up to the climax of our night's rest - awakening. A few tips on how to make your morning pleasant and tune in to a good day:

  • Soft awakening. It is advisable to refuse an alarm clock with a sharp loud signal. Let a pleasant melody wake you up. It is also not recommended to immediately get out of bed quickly. Lie down for a while (but don't fall asleep!), stretch well, and only then get up.
  • Smile. A positive attitude in the morning will create a good mood for the whole day.
  • water procedures. Elastic and strong jets of water will complete the awakening of your body and give strength.
  • Morning work-out. Do not neglect this simple and affordable way to always stay in shape. Choose a set of exercises that you like and enter a new happy day to soft music!

It is argued that a full-fledged healthy sleep allows you to preserve beauty, prolong youth.

If we consider the phenomenon of sleep from the point of view of human physiology, it acts as the most important state of brain activity. For this reason, healthy sleep is important.

When a person sleeps anxiously, his brain does not completely relax, hence the morning state cannot be called good, and lethargy will be observed during the day.

Sleep disturbance is a common occurrence these days. Almost 30% of people suffer from various types of sleep disorders. As a result, in the daytime, productivity and efficiency decrease, the general condition and health worsen. A person who has sleep disorders is often prone to stress and disease.

Characteristics of healthy sleep

Healthy sleep for a modern person is a deep immersion after falling asleep for 7-8 hours, after which it is felt that the body and brain have rested, ready for daytime work.

There are three main signs of healthy sleep:
- a person falls asleep easily and quickly, without making any special efforts;
- intermediate completely absent;
- In the morning, awakening is quick and free, without a long turning from side to side.

Return to a healthy sleep pattern

Healthy sleep is observed in almost all children of school age, until the time comes for falling in love and testing. Nervous experiences, severe stress can bring down the rhythm of sleep. As a result, falling asleep becomes more difficult, and at night there are frequent causeless rises.

To return to a healthy sleep regimen, it is necessary to calm the nervous system, and add a number of procedures to the very process of going to bed. It can be a warm bath, a leisurely walk outside, light music. The main thing is that the procedures lead to relaxation.

For healthy sleep, it is important to determine for yourself what time is optimal for going to bed. Most people are physically and mentally active before 21:00. After that, a gradual attenuation of activity is observed. Physiologists and psychologists advise going to bed between 22:00 and 23:00, and waking up from 6:00 to 7:00. Then the dream will be healthy and full.

Probably, many have noticed that after a long sleep, one feels lethargy in the body, lethargy. This suggests that healthy sleep cannot be too long. In our life, everything is good in moderation, so it is best to sleep in the usual way, without allowing yourself big indulgences.

Are you sleeping right? How well do you rest during sleep? What happens in the body when we sleep? These questions are natural, because a person spends about 24 years of his life in a dream! Agree, you need to get the most out of this - well, you can’t spend 24 years of your life somehow. Scientists conduct numerous studies of sleep, doctors use healing sleep in their work, even traditional healers claim that sleep is health. But speculation is speculation, and in the study of the topic, one can and should rely only on scientific facts.

Oversleeping or undersleeping - which is better?

How much sleep do you need to get enough sleep? Almost everyone knows that a night's sleep should last at least 8 hours - so doctors tell us. Indeed, many of us will agree that only after 8 hours of sleep do they feel rested. And it is even better to sleep 9-10 hours ... But the psychiatrist, Professor Daniel Kripke, specifically conducted research on the duration of sleep and made an interesting conclusion:

People who sleep between 6.5 and 7.5 hours per night live longer. They are more productive and happier. And too much sleep can even be harmful to your health. And you may feel worse after sleeping 8.5 hours than if you slept 5.

Try to experiment on yourself and sleep not 8 hours, but only 7.5 - just listen carefully to your inner state, to your well-being. Kripke claims that the body feels more energetic with this sleep pattern, the person is ready to literally “move mountains”, and the mood will be excellent.
Are you more likely to be satisfied with 4 hours of sleep a night and consider yourself a hero? Wrong! Lack of sleep is just as bad as oversleeping. Moreover, it is not known for certain what will affect health more negatively. It's like choosing the size of underwear - each person needs an individual approach. Therefore, you should gently and unobtrusively experiment with your own body - if you sleep 8 or more hours every night, then boldly reduce this time by half an hour. Do you feel that 7.5 hours is enough for rest? Try another half an hour to reduce the duration of rest. Important:less than 6 hours of sleep at night is harmful. Therefore, when setting up experiments, do not overdo it - you need to find a "golden mean". An interesting fact is that a person who has slept for 4 hours will be quite adequate and even attentive enough that he can be compared with a person who has slept for 7.5 hours. And even the tests/exercises carried out by these two people will give the same results. What's the catch? The fact is that even with a complete rash, from time to time the human brain loses focus on the task. And this is where the difference between the two people mentioned at the beginning manifests itself - with a full amount of sleep, the brain returns attention, but if there is lack of sleep “on the face”, then there will be no refocusing. In order not to put pressure on you, the readers, with scientific terms, but to convey the idea, it can be formulated as follows:

The brain of a sleep deprived person works normally, but from time to time something similar to a power failure in an electrical device happens to it.

The quote is from Clifford Saper, a professor at Harvard who studies sleep with a team of other scientists. Just look at the table below:
As soon as a person loses focus, the processes of its activation automatically begin in the brain - they are indicated in the figure in yellow. If a person has not slept enough, then such activity is very weak, or even absent. But the so-called “center of fear” begins its work (amygdala - they are highlighted in red on the table) and the brain works in a specific mode - as if a person is in danger from all sides. Physiologically, this is manifested by sweating of the palms, rapid breathing, rumbling and colic in the abdomen, and tension of individual muscle groups. Important:The danger of sleep deprivation lies in the fact that a person, losing attention and focus, is unaware of it. He believes that he adequately responds to the circumstances, his performance does not suffer. That is why doctors recommend not driving a vehicle in case of lack of sleep.

Research on the effects of sleep on humans

Conducting research on the effect of sleep on a person has led to several stunning conclusions:

  1. Sleep disturbance, namely its insufficiency, leads to memory impairment. An experiment was conducted with bees - after they were forced to change their usual route of flying around the territory, a violation of rest (the bees do not sleep in our understanding of the word) led to a loss in space - not a single representative of these insects could repeat the flight path studied for the day before.
  2. Lack of sleep leads to an increase. This is also confirmed by research, scientists associate such a manifestation of lack of sleep with that experienced by an overworked / unrested body.
  3. Normal, full sleep greatly enhances creativity. For example, in a dream, unexpected solutions to global problems come to a person, an understanding / vision of some theories comes to a person - and you don’t have to go far for an example: Mendeleev dreamed of a table of chemical elements!
  4. Sleep disturbance can be triggered by increased background lighting in the evening. On this occasion, quite serious studies were carried out by the medical center at the University of Chicago. It was found that this fact provokes a later bedtime, reduces the duration of the sleep phase that precedes awakening.

In addition, sleep duration may affect food preferences. An experiment was conducted with children aged 6-7 years: with regular lack of sleep, children began to consume more meat, carbohydrates and fats, almost forgetting about fruits and vegetables. All this happened against the background of the absence of any diet - scientists noted classic overeating in a group of children tested. It has long been known that the lack of proper sleep negatively affects the neurotransmitters in the brain - they are corny depleted. The result of such an impact can be stress, because it is the neuroregulators that are responsible for a good mood. It turns out the chain: lack of sleep-irritability-stress. And the consequence of a stressful state can be a dangerous and complex condition that should be subjected to professional treatment.

How to regulate sleep

We recommend reading:

Oversleeping is harmful, not getting enough sleep is also dangerous. What to do and how to determine how much sleep you need specifically? Firstly, if a person feels constant fatigue and always wants to sleep, then this means only one thing - it is necessary to adjust the time of daily sleep. And this does not mean that it is necessary to set aside a day, banally get enough sleep, turning off the phone and the doorbell - this will only have a short-term effect. Need to increase nighttime sleep:

  • try to go to bed as early as possible;
  • before going to bed do not watch TV and do not engage in too active work;
  • it is advisable to take a short walk in the fresh air before going to bed (without beer and strong coffee!), you can read a book - is this advice too banal? But it is very effective - it has been tested, as they say, for years.

Secondly, accustom your body to rest during the daytime. Some people absolutely need to sleep in the daytime for at least one and a half hours - they will feel great in the evening, not feel tired. But it would be wiser to gradually accustom yourself to rest during the day for a maximum of 30 minutes - do not be surprised, such a quick sleep is quite enough to restore the normal functioning of the whole organism. Thirdly, you need to adjust your sleep schedule. You need to go to bed and get up at the same time - if this is problematic, then use the alarm clock. And even if it’s very hard to get up at 7 in the morning, don’t stay in bed - a couple of minutes of active wakefulness (going to the toilet, hygiene procedures, making coffee and a sandwich) is enough to wake up. If you do not know how much time you need to sleep, then pay attention to the data below:


babies At least 16 hours a day. Most babies need up to 18 hours of sleep per night.
preschool age Children should sleep at least 11 hours a day. It is better if the child gets an average of 12 hours of sleep.
School age (up to 15 years old) Students should sleep at least 10 hours a day. Given the activity of children and the available concomitant factors, the duration of sleep can be increased up to 12 hours.
Adolescence Sleep takes at least 9 hours a day, but not more than 10 hours.
adults Sleep should take at least 7 hours a day, ideally you need to sleep 8 hours in a row.
Old men Daily sleep should last 7-8 hours. But given the frequent awakenings and intermittent sleep (an age feature), it is imperative to rest during the day - at least 1 hour.
Pregnant women at any time The duration of sleep is 8 hours, during the day you should definitely rest for at least 1 hour, but not more than 2.
Sick Sleep duration - 8 hours, additional hours of sleep are needed.

Of course, the table cannot be taken as indisputable data - these are just recommendations. But you can “push off” from them when drawing up an individual schedule of sleep and wakefulness. In some cases, the body requires more sleep than indicated in the table. This may indicate health problems, or simply be a necessity in a particular case. For example, pregnancy, emotional outbursts (exams, competitions, and so on), too much physical activity - this is all considered the norm, but automatically prolongs sleep time. Note: if suddenly, for no apparent reason, sleep disturbances, fatigue and irritability appear, then you need to see a doctor. Most likely, these signs will indicate health problems. Sleep is absolute health. Therefore, do not ignore the emerging problems with falling asleep, intermittent sleep, feeling tired after waking up. And drinking sedative and hypnotic drugs also does not make sense - they should be selected by a specialist, and these medicines will not solve the problem. Even with small but persistent sleep disorders, it is necessary to undergo a complete examination - the cause of this condition can lie in any organ / system. Tsygankova Yana Alexandrovna, medical observer, therapist of the highest qualification category.

Hello everyone, friends. We would like to ask you the following questions. How important is sleep to you? Are you a lark or an owl? Today our topic is about healthy sleep. Sleep is a natural physiological process of being in a state with a minimum level of brain activity and a reduced reaction to the outside world.

Such is the nature that sleep is very necessary for a person, in addition to his active existence. The longer a person does not sleep, the worse he begins to feel. This is an axiom. Believe it or check it out.

your dream

Sleep is an invaluable source of not only well-being and good mood, it also contributes to the preservation of beauty and youth. In the process of sleep, all the vital functions of the human body are restored. Waking up in the morning, and most importantly after sleeping, you become wiser, stronger, you have new emotions, immunity is restored.

After all, it is not in vain that when a person falls ill, he always wants to sleep. And why? The fact is that the body requires its own reboot in order to help. Remember such a famous phrase: "Morning is wiser than evening" or "Lie down, sleep and everything will pass." These old sayings never lose their relevance. But not everything is as simple as it might seem to us at first glance.

It would seem that it could be simpler, went to bed when I felt like it and that's it ... Business something)) But, for example, sleep cannot be healthy if you spent half the night walking in a bar, drinking alcohol, returned home at 3-4 in the morning. At 7 o'clock in the morning you need to get up abruptly on an alarm clock and run to college or work. This process is most often called - "youth" or "it turned out as always."

The results of disturbed sleep

Anxious sleep, unlike healthy sleep, has few advantages: the brain cannot relax, and when you wake up in the morning, you feel tired. Mankind complains of insomnia, resorting to sleeping pills in desperation. But this is a double-edged sword - at first you can fall asleep, but in the future, sleep becomes more restless, and then the sleeping pills completely stop working.

And, here the opinion appears that you are an OWL, not a lark, and the nightlife is very suitable for you, because it is very interesting in its essence. But this is a very big mistake. Yes, youth is a feeling when you want everything and everything is possible. You need to try everything in your life, but everything has a measure. Remember yourself now, if you don’t get enough sleep, what happens to you at the moment when you are awakened and you need to go somewhere, but you really don’t want to.

I am sure that you are very annoyed at this moment, swearing or angry at the whole world around you. But who is to blame for the fact that it was you who did not get enough sleep? Your friends or acquaintances? Perhaps someone else? No, believe me, except you, no one is to blame for the fact that you woke up in a bad mood due to the fact that you slept for only a few hours.

I can't argue with the fact that there are many people in our world who have no problem sleeping! They go to bed when they feel like it and wake up refreshed and refreshed. They fall asleep perfectly everywhere and always, and can afford a cup of coffee in the evening. But alas, there are also many people suffering from sleep disorders.

Sleep factors experts

Experts have proven that more than a third of the population suffers from insomnia or other sleep disorders that prevent night rest and recovery. In the absence of healthy sleep, the possibility of a productive day life is sharply reduced.

Healthy, restful sleep is an important factor that positively affects health, especially in our stressful time. Sleepless nights can and should be left in the past. Establish healthy sleep habits and you will be able to get rid of insomnia and achieve healthy sleep without intermediate awakenings.

It has been found that the human body tolerates lack of sleep much harder than hunger. Normal people cannot stand without sleep for more than two days - they involuntarily fall asleep, and during daytime work they may experience short-term dreams and naps, even imperceptible to others.

Usually an adult needs 7-8 hours of sleep. But of course, all people sleep differently, some need more time to rest, some less. Determine how many hours of sleep you personally need to get enough sleep and feel good in the morning. But remember that trying to sleep more than your body needs will make you feel bad all day long. No wonder some people notice: "I've been rushing about all morning, now I'm all broken." But it was simply necessary to get out of bed on time.

Following simple tips, you can not only normalize your sleep, but also make it healthy, and you are guaranteed good health!

  1. Try to go to bed before 24:00 approximately between 22:00 and 23:00.
  2. Do not eat before bed at least 1-2 hours before ...
  3. Try not to take stimulating drinks in the evening.
  4. Breathe fresh air before bed.
  5. Do not engage in mental and physical work immediately before bedtime - this leads to overexcitation and difficulty falling asleep. And it also contributes to the fact that in everything you begin to dream. But if you don’t know, then during this period your brain is actively working, and not resting.
  6. Try not to watch TV in bed. The bedroom is a sleepy abode, it should tune in the appropriate way. Even if you are watching some interesting movie, turn off the TV, do not immediately go to bed. Take a shower.
  7. A warm shower or bath with soothing herbs can help you fall asleep quickly and sleep soundly.
  8. Instead of watching TV, make love to your loved one. Sex before bed sometimes helps to relieve tension, usually after it they quickly fall asleep and sleep soundly.
  9. Don't use high pillows. The neck should be flush with the body.
  10. Sleeping on your side is good for your spine and also reduces the chance of snoring.
  11. The bedroom should be quiet and ventilated. Keep all electrical appliances away from you.
  12. Pleasant music, recordings of the sound of the surf or birdsong contribute to a pleasant bedtime.
  13. Do not drink alcohol and drinks containing caffeine (cocoa, coffee, tea) before going to bed.
  14. Before going to bed, you should not think about problems and experiences, you will have time to think about them during the day. And in the evening it is best to relax and help the body fully relax and recover during a night's sleep. Relax your muscles as much as possible and think about something pleasant.
  15. Turn off the light in the bedroom, otherwise the sleep is likely to be superficial, which will not allow your body to fully rest and recover.
  16. Scientists recommend sleeping with your head to the north or east.
  17. It is best to sleep more naked, and in case of freezing, take cover with an extra blanket, and not put on warm clothes.
  18. The bed should be flat, not too soft and not too hard.
  19. It is necessary to sleep in a horizontal position, preferably alternately - either on the right or on the left side. Sleeping on your stomach is not recommended.

The posture on the stomach is rejected, because, firstly, in this position the lower back is tense, the lumbar curve increases, the paravertebral muscles are shortened, which can cause pain in the lower back. Secondly, sleeping on the stomach limits mobility at the level of the cervicothoracic junction. Thirdly, in the position on the stomach, blood flow in the vertebral arteries that feed the trunk, cerebellum, and also the posterior parts of the cerebral hemispheres can be disturbed.

You need to wake up no later than 5-6 o'clock in the morning. The most healthy sleep is from 21-22 pm to 5-6 am, but in order to accustom yourself to such an early rise, you need to give yourself evening instructions, for example, "Tomorrow I have to get up at 5 o'clock in the morning."

In order to start a good mood in the morning, do not stay in bed for a long time, immediately after waking up, stretch, smile and get up. Do it slowly and with pleasure. It is best to start your morning not with breakfast, but with exercise.

Let your body wake up, do not immediately throw sandwiches or any other food into your stomach. The best way to get in a great mood and vivacity for the whole day from early morning is a light jog, doing stretching exercises. By introducing elementary and uncomplicated physical exercises into your morning life, you will change not only your life, but also yourself.

Within a few months, you will become a completely different person. You will start to do everything both in your studies (if you are still studying at school or university), and in work. You will be ahead of all your competitors if you are an entrepreneur.

Try it! You have nothing to lose if you try to innovate in your life. Just two actions will change your life:

  • Go to bed earlier and wake up earlier;
  • Do exercise after waking up. If you don’t like or for some reason can’t run, we suggest you read the article on our blog about Nordic walking. If you want to run, but haven’t decided what time you should do it, for example, in the morning or in the evening, read about the benefits of running in the morning at.

After you have done these two points, you can take a contrast shower and have breakfast. After that, you will still have a huge amount of time that you can spend on self-development or a leisurely walk to your place of work or study.

That's all the advice! Don't neglect your health! If you liked the article, share it on social networks. Write comments, we will be very happy. If you have not yet subscribed to our blog updates, do it right now. You will not regret.

That's all for today. We wish you good health! Be happy!

The attitude to sleep in most people cannot be called competent, from the point of view of physiology and medicine. It is believed that the sleep regime is necessary only in childhood, and adult life itself will decide how to deal with such an invaluable resource. This attitude turns into disruptions in biorhythms, weakened immunity and chronic diseases.

More important than water and food

A person cannot live normally without satisfying his physiological needs. Rest is a necessary component of human existence, it replaces wakefulness and allows the body to rest and replenish the resources used. Sleep is as important as food, but we are much more careful not to be hungry and consume the right amount of calories. At the same time, a person allows sleep deprivation, driving himself into chronic fatigue.

If you break the schedule, failures in the body will begin. Chronic violation of the "sleep" routine leads to serious health problems, which are then difficult to correct.

Body protection

Immunity is the guardian of health, and proper rest of a person plays a crucial role in maintaining the body's defenses. Melatonin is produced at a time when we are in the arms of Morpheus. While we sleep, melatonin strengthens the immune system. Around midnight, the process of activating the immune system is at its peak: at this time, the body conducts an audit and destroys pathogens.

If a person for some reason does not sleep at midnight, the body needs to rebuild. It's actually not as difficult as it seems. Scientists have proven that the correct sleep regimen, including rest at this time of day, strengthens the human immune system and reduces the risk of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

All diseases from nerves

Midnight wakefulness will result in the fact that the daily level of cortisol and adrenaline in the blood will not decrease enough. This will cause stress and chronic fatigue. If the weakening of the immune system leads to chronic colds and other infectious diseases, then the daytime adrenaline trail does not allow the nervous system to fully relax at night.

The psyche also suffers: all the negativity and nervous stress received during the day do not disappear if a person cannot set himself up for the right rest. The brain and the central nervous system should have enough time to cleanse themselves, get rid of emotional and informational slags that clog the psycho-emotional sphere.

Wrong rest is the one after which you get up with a feeling of fatigue, heaviness of thoughts. But if you align the schedule and fully satisfy the need for rest, the awakening will be easy and clear, and the day will begin with a charge of vivacity and good mood.

When you want to sleep after sleep

Rest is different for rest, and a person will correctly replenish his strength only when he can:

  • sleep enough time;
  • develop a sleep schedule;
  • properly arrange for bedtime.

If you constantly lack sleep, sleep in fits and starts, you will not be able to get rid of the feeling of fatigue, lethargy. Overwork is a constant companion of those who cannot adjust their sleep patterns.

Extra hours for sleep also affect not in the best way: instead of freshness and vigor, there is a feeling of weakness. Therefore, you need to sleep exactly as much as you need. Each age corresponds to the norm, which is not recommended to be violated.

When the stomach also rests

The gastrointestinal tract also needs rest: during sleep, beneficial intestinal microflora is restored in this part of the body, which is necessary for normal digestion and assimilation of food. In order for the digestive tract to rest, doctors advise not to eat late in the evening. The best option is a light snack three hours before going to bed.

A disturbed sleep schedule can turn into such an unpleasant consequence for the stomach and intestines as dysbacteriosis, when beneficial microorganisms are not enough for normal digestion.

A well-rested person says that they feel rejuvenated, and this is not only a subjective feeling. The correct rest schedule promotes cell regeneration and restoration of the body's performance as a whole. Sleep deprivation leads to premature aging. Someone who can't get enough sleep can be easily identified by reddened whites, dark circles under the eyes, and an unhealthy skin color. A healthy 8-hour rest contributes to the fact that mimic wrinkles are smoothed out by morning, the skin is “straightened out”.

These are only external signs. The same thing happens inside: the body recovers, gains strength. They say that children grow in their sleep, and an adult who sleeps at least 8 hours a day ages more slowly and gets sick less often.

How to sleep properly

The rules of sleep are the same for everyone, and the features of rest may depend on:

  • age;
  • type of activity;
  • physical conditions;
  • individual biorhythm.

The older the person, the more steadily the duration of sleep is reduced. This is a normal process, which is explained by the fact that as you grow older, all processes in the body gradually slow down. More time to restore the central nervous system is needed for hard mental workers.

People who are weakened after serious illnesses and who have undergone nervous shocks sleep a lot. During sleep, they restore physical and mental health. As for biorhythms, the division of people into owls and larks has long been proven, but, nevertheless, the importance of this factor should not be exaggerated.

Don't make a cult out of insomnia

Owls are called people who go to bed late and wake up late. In fact, often an owl is just a person who could not establish a normal rest. A true owl can be considered a person whose biorhythms are slightly shifted at a later time of the day: the peak of performance does not occur at the beginning of the morning, but later. And in the same way, a little later he will want to sleep.

But for him, just as for the lark, two points are important:

  • at midnight you already need to sleep;
  • rest should last an average of 8 hours.

Features of an owl may lie in the fact that it will have a shift in the evening snack time. If the lark can calmly not eat after six or seven in the evening, then the owl will not be able to fall asleep at a later time, because he will be tormented by hunger. Otherwise, it is important for owls to follow a sleep schedule and not swap day and night.

Who gets up early

Larks are those who go to bed early and wake up easily early in the morning. In fact, a lark is a person with a normal sleep pattern. Such people have stronger immunity, they are less likely to get sick and have a higher working capacity. Each person can adjust his daily routine “under the lark”, and such changes will only benefit, because we are created to sleep at night and stay awake during the day.

Who sleep well

They say about a healthy person that his body works like a clock. And this is especially true for sleep. Healthy good rest is determined by the fact that a person goes to bed and wakes up according to his daily routine. Comfortable rest of the average person lasts from 21-23 pm to 5-7 am.

If you develop a daily routine and strictly observe it, then the necessary physiological prerequisites for various processes will be created in the body at certain hours: appetite will arise before eating, and you will want to sleep at night. In this case, a person will learn to fall asleep at the same time.

Proper rest: who and how much you need to sleep

This table lists the physiologically reasonable sleep time required for a healthy person at certain age intervals. This is not necessarily only a night's rest, this number of "quiet" hours can be total for daytime and nighttime. These figures will help you edit your sleep schedule and adjust your rest time.

How to start living and sleeping properly

Although they say that breaking is not building, and it’s easier to knock down a sleep pattern than to fix it later, nothing is impossible. The main thing is to start accustoming yourself to an orderly rhythm of life. This includes control over all life processes.

How to properly plan a diet

You can't sleep on a full stomach. Large meals are allowed only at lunchtime. Breakfast should quickly and easily replenish the body's energy reserve after waking up in the morning, and the right dinner consists of easily digestible low-calorie foods in small quantities. To sleep well and calmly, you can drink a glass of kefir or yogurt with crackers two to three hours before bedtime, eat a large apple. Fall asleep easier after a glass of warm milk, chamomile tea.

Overeating at night means poor rest and poor digestion. And the calories learned in a dream, being unused in physical activity, will calmly be deposited on the stomach, hips and sides. Therefore, non-compliance with proper nutrition threatens to gain excess weight.

Do not drink a lot of fluids before going to bed and drink alcoholic beverages.

Sleep calmly

Daily activity should gradually fade away in the evening so that a person quickly and calmly falls asleep. Therefore, before going to bed it is not recommended:

  • emotionally overexcited;
  • play computer games;
  • watch films that cause an adrenaline rush, etc.

If we are talking about children, then closer to sleep you need to distract them from violent games and outbursts of emotions. It is best to read a good children's book to them in bed and sing a lullaby. Children who “run across” and get overexcited in the evening do not fall asleep well and may wake up at night.

Tell me where you sleep and I'll tell you about your health

Sleep hygiene is very important for proper rest. This includes the quality of bedroom furniture, and bedding, and the temperature regime of the room, and other factors. Perfect sleep is possible in a well-ventilated room, in silence and in the absence of light. Even the color and pattern of the wallpaper affects the quality of sleep: it is best to sleep in a bedroom upholstered in soft pastel wallpaper with a floral pattern.

If you need to equalize your sleep pattern, you can additionally stimulate yourself with natural sleeping pills (herbal teas, decoctions), quiet soothing music or the sounds of wildlife. In winter it is better to sleep in warm soft socks.

Consequences of non-compliance with the rest regimen

It is also important for well-being and how a person awakens. Get out of bed as soon as you wake up. It is all the more wrong to try to fall asleep again after waking up - this is often done by those who have not had enough sleep during the week. You can’t drive yourself into a swing of lack of sleep and oversleeping, it’s much more useful to learn how to compensate for the need for sleep during the day. That's what day breaks are for.

Sleeping turns into a headache, lethargy and a feeling of drowsiness throughout the day. The result of lack of sleep is irritability, increased fatigue, inability to concentrate.

Both are equally harmful to the body. Therefore, you need to establish a rule for yourself to fall asleep and wake up on schedule. If a night's sleep is not enough, you can take a 30-40 minute nap during your lunch break.

Opinion of medical specialists

For rest to be correct, healthy sleep habits must be formed in early childhood. According to Dr. Komarovsky, as the child grows up, it is necessary, on the one hand, to look closely at him, and on the other hand, to set an example for him. There are things that the child determines for himself (although not without the help of parents), these are the so-called sleeping rituals: favorite toy, favorite fairy tale, etc.

Completely parental task is to arrange a comfortable stay. From Komarovsky's point of view, it is better if the children's bedroom is cool than hot. Given all the individual factors, you need to be adamant in the process of forming a daily routine. This will allow the child to grow up healthy.