Exostosis is a growth on the gum after tooth extraction. Bone protrusion on the gum: why did it appear and why is it dangerous? Excision of exostosis

Exostosis is a benign neoplasm that manifests itself in the form of a bone or bone-cartilaginous outgrowth (osteophyte) that forms on the surface of the bone. The protrusions are both single and multiple in nature and can be deployed in various parts of the bone tissue, including the jaw bones. It should be noted that in the overwhelming majority of cases, maxillary osteophytes are located on the outer (buccal) surface of the alveolar process, and mandibular osteophytes are located on the inner (lingual) side. The palatine torus is somewhat less common, which is an outgrowth in the region of the median palatine suture.

At the initial stage of development, exostosis does not cause discomfort. However, with an increase in volume, the neoplasm begins to cause inconvenience. For example, a disease can make it difficult to eat, adversely affect diction, etc. In addition, the presence of multiple or single large osteophytes can become an obstacle to prosthetics. And finally, with an increase in volume, the osteo-cartilaginous outgrowth begins to put pressure on the teeth, which leads to their displacement and pathological changes in the bite.

Khashchenko Stanislav Sergeevich - dentist-surgeon of the center "Dentoklass".

Causes, symptoms, diagnosis

Reliable reasons for the formation of exostosis have not yet been established. However, among the most common factors leading to the development of the disease are injuries, inflammatory processes occurring in the bones, and congenital jaw anomalies. In addition, the appearance of osteophytes may be the result of common diseases, for example, insufficient function of the organs of the endocrine system.

Small osteophytes do not cause complaints from the patient - there is no pain syndrome, mouth opening is free and in full, the mucosa in the area of ​​the growth does not have pronounced pathological changes. Therefore, most often exostosis is detected by a dentist - during a preventive examination or in preparation for prosthetics.

Diagnosis of the disease is carried out on the basis of X-ray data. The picture clearly shows the bone outgrowth, which is not soldered to the surrounding tissues and has clear boundaries.

Mandibular exostosis with the formation of an osteophyte on the inner surface of the alveolar process.

Treatment and prevention of jaw exostosis

Surgical excision of the bone growth is the only effective way to treat exostosis. The intervention is performed under local anesthesia, so the patient does not experience discomfort. It should be said that there are two techniques for performing the operation. The choice of a specific technique depends on the location of the osteophyte:

  • Removal of the palatal torus. In this case, the doctor makes a small linear incision, as well as two laxative incisions - in front and behind. After that, the dentist exfoliates the mucous membrane and removes the osteophyte. Extraction can be carried out as a single block or fragmented. Next, the smoothing of the bone tissue is performed, and then the imposition of interrupted sutures.
  • Removal of alveolar osteophytes. The procedure for performing manipulations is no different from the previously considered technique. The main difference is in the configuration of the incision - in this case, it has a trapezoidal shape. Otherwise, the surgical treatment of upper and mandibular osteophytes proceeds in the same way as the removal of the palatine torus.

As for prevention, there are no specific measures to prevent this disease. The only thing that can be advised is to regularly, at least twice a year, visit the dentist for examinations.

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Exostosis is a cartilaginous outgrowth. It can appear on any bone, including the jaw. This formation is not malignant and does not pose a serious threat to health. However, the growing exostosis can injure the tooth roots, so it often becomes necessary to get rid of this growth. Exostosis on the gum after tooth extraction

Exostosis in dentistry and what causes it

Exostosis is often referred to as a bony protrusion, which is not entirely true. This neoplasm in most cases consists of cartilage tissue- however, sometimes it can grow around the bone "core". Exostosis can appear both on the upper and on the lower jaw. On the upper jaw, it is usually located at the level of the molars, on the lower - in the region of premolars, canines and incisors.

There can be several reasons for the occurrence of exostosis:

  • congenital anomalies in the structure of the dentoalveolar system;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • jaw bone injuries;
  • inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, accompanied by an abscess;
  • general inflammatory process in the body;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • complications after tooth extraction from the alveolus.

Symmetrical cartilaginous outgrowths in the region of premolars are often observed with adentia - partial or complete absence of teeth.

Most often, exostosis occurs as a complication after tooth extraction. The edges of the tooth socket after the extraction of the tooth are not smoothed out, which leads to the formation of sharp spike-like bone protrusions, in this situation, namely bone, formed by the edges of the walls of the alveoli.

Also, pathological proliferation of bone and cartilage tissue is observed when the bone or periosteum is damaged during dental operations.

The growth of bone and cartilage tissue is observed when the bone or periosteum is damaged during dental operations.

Symptoms of exostosis on the gum

The formation of growth in most cases is asymptomatic. Small growths may not manifest themselves at all and are detected by chance, for example, during an X-ray examination. But sometimes the appearance of this neoplasm can be accompanied by characteristic symptoms:

  • change in the surface of the mucous membrane - probing cones and tubercles on it;
  • sensation of a foreign body in the mouth;
  • pain of a different nature in the area of ​​​​the neoplasm;
  • change in the color of the mucous membrane;
  • sometimes - a violation of the mobility of the lower jaw;
  • facial asymmetry on the part of the neoplasm.

By itself, such an outgrowth does not pose a threat. However, in the process of chewing, a thin layer of the mucous membrane covering it is gradually erased on the inner surface of the lip or cheek. The resulting abrasion is often infected and becomes a focus of inflammation, which can lead to an abscess or phlegmon.


Diagnosing exostosis, especially at an early stage, is very difficult - as mentioned earlier, the onset of the disease passes with virtually no symptoms. It is possible to detect the presence of a neoplasm only with the help of radiography, which is prescribed by a doctor based on the patient's complaints and anamnesis.

It should be noted that the cartilaginous tissue is transparent to X-rays, and only the bone "rod" can be seen. Accordingly, in reality, the growth will be much larger than in the picture.

A differential diagnosis of exostosis with a malignant tumor and a cyst is also carried out.

X-ray of teeth.

Removal of exostosis in dentistry

Treatment of exostosis is possible only surgically. If the formation is small and does not bother the patient, then treatment is optional. However, some situations are indications for the removal of exostosis:

  • rapid growth of bone tissue and large neoplasms;
  • pressure on adjacent teeth;
  • cosmetic defect;
  • the need to install implants or prostheses - growths prevent their proper installation.

An unequivocal indication for removal is the location of the growth on the cartilaginous tissue of the temporomandibular joint. Exostosis on the joint severely limits its mobility, prevents normal jaw movement and mouth opening, and also causes severe pain. With such localization, exostosis is subject to immediate removal.

Removal of build-up is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. the surrounding soft tissues are anesthetized first;
  2. then an incision is made in the gum tissue, and the edge of the mucous membrane is lifted to give access to the bone;
  3. the base of the build-up is cut off with a drill or laser;
  4. the surface of the bone tissue is polished and smoothed, the mucosal flap returns to its place;
  5. seams are placed on the edges of the incisions; to facilitate healing, an application with an antiseptic ointment can also be applied - Solcoseryl or Levomekol.

rehabilitation period

The recovery period after removal of exostosis takes 4 to 7 days. To speed up rehabilitation and prevent possible complications, it is recommended to follow some rules:

  1. for the recovery period, limit the use of both too cold and too hot food so as not to provoke a divergence of the seams;
  2. it is also not recommended to use hard and viscous foods - this can also lead to divergence of the seams;
  3. it is recommended to limit physical activity;
  4. to accelerate tissue regeneration, it is extremely important to get enough sleep and observe a sleep schedule;
  5. in order to avoid infection of the seam, it is necessary to carefully observe oral hygiene; rinsing with antiseptic solutions such as Chlorhexidine or Rotokan is especially recommended.

After surgery, swelling and mild pain may occur. This is a normal phenomenon that often occurs after surgical operations on the teeth and gums. In these situations, it is recommended to take painkillers (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as Ibuprofen are best) and decongestants.


Possible Complications

Usually, the operation to remove exostosis passes without complications, however, they can occur if the recommendations are not followed in the postoperative period. This may be a rupture of the seam or inflammation caused by infection of the wound. In both cases, you need to contact a dentist. Self-medication in these situations is highly undesirable.


Special preventive measures to prevent exostosis does not exist- the development of this disease practically does not depend on the actions of the person himself. However, you can reduce your risk of it by visiting your dentist regularly and getting regular checkups.

The doctor will help determine the "problem areas" on the jaw and predict the likelihood of developing a neoplasm. It is also necessary to treat inflammation in the oral cavity in a timely manner, preventing them from moving into a purulent phase and penetrating into the bone. With mechanical damage to the jaw, a thorough examination is necessary for the presence of cracks, over which a bone formation on the gums can “grow”.


Exostosis is not the worst disease of the oral cavity, even if it is small; if the neoplasm is small and does not press on the tooth roots, it can be safely ignored. However, if the build-up interferes with neighboring teeth, or if the mucous membrane covering it is worn out and inflamed, this is a direct indication for removal. This is a simple operation that does not cause complications and will help you prevent serious problems in the future.

A growth on the gum is a pathological formation that may be painless, but should cause alertness and anxiety. Any neoplasm should not be left without attention. After all, if a person does not attach importance to the appearance of fibrous exostosis in time, then it is quite realistic that the problem can only increase in scale. Then treatment with standard or folk methods will not help, the only way out of the situation will be: surgical removal. In order to prevent this, as soon as a growth appears on the gum, it is important to immediately seek help from a specialist.

Gum growth - epulis

What is meant by a cyst (growth)?

When it comes to growth on the gums, most often in such cases they mean a formation or a cyst, which manifests itself for no particular reason. If the growth in the mouth does not hurt, that is, when pressing on it with a finger, it does not cause discomfort, then it is called epulis (also called supragingival in professional terminology). When opening this neoplasm, a liquid and a loose mass stand out. If treatment is not started quickly, then after a certain amount of time, the epulis on the gum will open on its own, but beforehand, a transformation into a small tumor occurs, which has an exit (hole) on the surface. From it, the fistulous tract goes inside the neoplasms. Even through the fistula, pus and ichor come out.

An outgrowth on the gum can cause a deterioration in the general condition of the patient, the period of development of the disease is accompanied by a loss of energy, frequent headaches, an increase in the cervical, ear, and jaw lymph nodes (those that are close to the source of infection).

What does the emergence of education indicate?

Epulis on the gum can be found in people of different age categories. And he does not always say that a person develops some kind of serious pathology. Most often, it appears after the infection has been introduced into a small wound. A similar phenomenon is typical for children, because parents do not always manage to follow the strict observance of hygiene rules, especially when they play outside.

And since epulis are most often painless, diagnosing their appearance is immediately unrealistic.

More fibrous growths on the gums can be found during teething. At this time, there are all factors that contribute to the penetration of microbes and bacteria into the gum cavity (putting various objects into the oral cavity, dirty hands, a decrease in the level of immunity and the formation of small wounds in the gums), and as a result, the development of various diseases, including gastrointestinal intestinal tract. These actions are reproduced by the baby in order to relieve pain and annoying itching in the place where new teeth appear.

Growths during teething

Main characteristics

  • In people suffering from a similar disease, fibrous epulis looks like a slightly enlarged gum that has gone beyond the teeth. This brings some discomfort.
  • The growth on the gum is described as a tumor or process of a rich red hue.
  • If a benign growth is diagnosed in an adult, then its size does not exceed 3 millimeters. It starts from a small inflammatory process (which may be preceded by a microtrauma), then there is a seal and an increase in the size of the growth.

The following varieties of epulis on the gum are classified.

Name and description of growths


This type of growth occurs in children under 10 years old. It looks like a reddish cyst. Such an exostosis on the gum is soft and rough, and if you lightly press on it, then ichor will come out of it. The main uniqueness of this process is that it can not only quickly increase in size, but also reappear after removal.

Angiomatous epulis on the gum


A growth on the gum that does not differ in color. It is characterized by slow development and a slight discomfort. It is painless, that is, if you press on it, then the person will not feel pain, it is also soft and does not bleed.

giant cell

Elastic process from the gums, red-bluish hue. Exostoses are formed from the alveolar bone outgrowth or gingival mucosa. This species is the most difficult, because it appears and grows to an impressive size very quickly. And this leads to a constant secretion of ichor and injuries.

Giant epulis of giant cell type


This is another type of tumor that can appear due to non-compliance with all hygiene rules. By itself, it is not too dangerous, but if treatment is not started on time, then the current situation is transformed into more complex diseases. Epulis removal is only one of the treatments for gingivitis.


A white growth that appears after poor-quality oral care. With poor cleaning, small particles of food remain between the teeth, which eventually begin to decompose. Putrefactive microorganisms, even with minor injuries, begin to penetrate into the wound, after which small swellings appear. They will begin to develop between the dental spaces and gums.

Reasons for the development of growths

The factors that provoke the growth of cysts are very different, but they all lead to the same result: the gums are affected by sores or tumors (soft or hard). Some are treatable, others, on the contrary, need only the removal of fibrous tissue, which negatively affects the tooth, gum, and bone formations.

  • Failure to comply with hygiene standards.
  • Violation of the dentition (it can be acquired in the process of life or congenital).
  • Pathology of the bone structure of the jaw, this may be the result of injuries. Exacerbation of chronic diseases in adults.
  • People abuse alcohol and cigarettes, as a result, warts or white tumors appear.
  • Violation of the normal functioning of internal organs.
  • Another reason for the development of diseases can be an individual reaction of the body to an external stimulus.
  • Traumatic situations (a split tooth) or scratches on tissues.
  • Infection after surgery in a dental clinic.
  • Periodontitis. Poor service (a filling is poorly placed in the tooth).

Common wart on the gum

Nuances of the therapeutic process

Navoobrazovanie on the gums should be examined and treated only by a doctor. Since only a dentist, based on the X-ray of the bone structure and tissue histology, will be able to give a clear indication of how the treatment can be carried out.

It is easiest to carry out therapy on a process that was diagnosed in the initial stage. As soon as it appeared and the person goes to the doctor, he immediately selects the drug treatment. But if nothing can be done with the outgrowth, it was initially soft, but the patient waited until it became hard, then there is only one way out of the situation - you have to remove the tooth in the area of ​​damage.

Epulis laser treatment

It includes methods of washing the cavity, which is formed in the tissues of the gums and jaw bone structure. The whole procedure is carried out using the fistulous canal, where various antiseptic solutions are poured. With such treatment, antibiotics of a new generation, anti-inflammatory therapy are used. The bone outgrowth is washed until all bactericidal microorganisms in the epulis are removed.

For quick recovery, a specialized paste is injected into the root canal and into the cyst cavity. In addition to the regeneration process, this paste helps to resist re-disease. That is, a person does not need to be afraid that a new bone or white formation may soon appear, which will need to be removed.

Bone growth on the side of the gum

Can I treat myself?

In the fight against an outgrowth that sticks out of bone tissue, traditional medicine is only an aid to official therapy. Decoctions, tinctures can be used to accelerate tissue regeneration after conservative (partial) or surgical drug intervention. To do this, use calendula, oak bark, sea buckthorn, chamomile, violet. Even when white sores appear, which have a solid structure, you can rinse your mouth with soda solution, with severe swelling, you can use sea salt.

Traditional healers offer another treatment option: natural-based ointments (sorrel, yarrow, Kalanchoe, aloe, tansy, sweet clover, dandelion root).

They can be applied as soon as a hard growth appears, that is, on the affected area.


Many do not attach importance to these neoplasms, since the bone tissue is soft, there is a slight swelling, but the growth does not “smell” here yet, and as soon as it appears, they still wait until it is overgrown with a hard shell, although the infection has already got deep into gum. Self-treatment in such cases leads only to removal. After all, the disease begins to progress, harmful microorganisms penetrate even deeper into the dental pulp, from there they reach the inner bone tissue through small root canals.

Gum tumor - cyst degeneration

The next stage of development is osteomyelitis. During which a person has a lot of other symptoms, such as fever, general weakness, swollen lymph nodes. This complication is typical for children.

In addition, infection from hard bone tissue can circulate throughout the body. Indeed, during inflammatory processes, a stronger blood flow is directed to the affected area. Lymphocytes collect and settle in the cavity as a purulent secret, after which everything comes out through the channel. The most dangerous consequence is blood poisoning. Given the proximity to the brain, pus can easily get there. And this will lead to irreparable, and sometimes fatal consequences.

Preventive measures

The main preventive measure is a timely appeal to a specialist. In addition, you need to know the following simple, but no less effective care rules:

  • It is mandatory to brush your teeth twice a day, in addition to this, you can use dental floss and herbal decoctions.
  • After eating, you need to rinse your mouth (if possible, then do it with soda, salt, herbal or pharmacy remedy, you can still chew gum).
  • In order to prevent injury to gum tissues, timely eliminate all uncomfortable factors while wearing dentures or braces.
  • Once every 4-6 months, undergo examination and therapy in dental clinics.

Neoplasms that appear in the oral cavity do not tolerate neglect.

Indeed, in addition to pain, they poison the body, which leads to the development of other inflammatory processes, including in the internal organs. You do not need to solve the problem yourself, it is best to entrust your health to a specialist. Then you can avoid many serious problems and consequences. The expression will pass by itself, it does not fit this situation.

After the extraction of a tooth, a neoplasm in the form of a bone growth sometimes occurs on the gum. Pathology is called "exostosis", and it is easy to detect by touch by running your tongue along the gum or by feeling it with your hand. It is necessary to get rid of pathology. Outgrowths are treated only by their removal. After the operation, follow the doctor's recommendations, otherwise serious complications are possible.

Exostosis in a healthy tooth

What is exostosis

Exostosis - the growth of cartilage tissue on the bone in the form of a bump or spike, can appear on the upper and lower jaws. Among all neoplasms, this pathology can be considered one of the most “safe”, because it does not cause pain. This does not mean that the disease should not be treated, the consequences can be very serious. The growths gradually increase in size, put pressure on the roots of the teeth, and in advanced cases they can turn into a malignant tumor. A growth that touches the nerves causes severe pain. The presence of growths makes dental prosthetics impossible.

The spike tends to form not only in the oral cavity, but also on other parts of the body, including the shoulders, forearms, wrists, shoulder blades, and even on the vertebrae, so it is necessary to monitor not only the condition of the gums, but the whole body.

Symptoms of exostosis that appeared in the oral cavity:

  1. The appearance of bumps on the mucosa.
  2. Bursts of toothache or soreness in the gums.
  3. The color of the gums changes to unnatural.
  4. Occlusion.

Multiple exostoses due to bruxism

Traditional medicine in this case can not help. If symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor. Due to the fact that bony outgrowths do not cause discomfort to people, they are detected too late, and treatment is delayed.

Preventive check-ups at the dentist will help with the problem.

Reasons for the formation of growths

When an outgrowth formed on the gum, it is necessary to understand what could lead to its formation, although it happens that their appearance is in no way connected with external factors. The reasons why growths may form after the removal of a wisdom tooth:

  • Inaccurate operation or poor-quality treatment.
  • Injury to the bone and periosteum during treatment.
  • The bone did not heal properly after surgery.

Often there are situations when exostosis is not formed due to surgery. It can appear due to a genetic predisposition; people from 8 to 18 years old are at risk. The appearance of bone growths is associated with bone fractures, widespread inflammation of the oral cavity, and anomalies in the structure of the jaw. Sometimes a bone spike begins to grow against the background of an endocrine disease.

Large exostoses due to the installation of crowns

Treatment of exostoses

“If the dentist said: “Remove!” - pray to God that your tooth will be pulled out, the whole tooth, and nothing but the tooth.”

The only cure for thorns is removal. Alternative methods will not help, and do not try to remove the bone formation yourself.

Stages of removal of exostoses:

  1. An anesthetic is administered.
  2. Disinfected with an antiseptic.
  3. The gum is cut. Remove the bone lump. When removing, a laser or other instrument is used.
  4. The bone is polished.
  5. Stitches are applied.

Removal of exostosis - scheme

Postoperative period: complications

Usually, the recovery period for removing exostoses lasts about a week, if the patient carefully monitors hygiene and has strong immunity. But after the removal of exostoses, complications are possible:

  • Divergence of seams. The problem arises from eating hot and hard foods or icy drinks.
  • Inflammation and swelling that occur due to neglect of hygiene.

The operation to remove exostosis - grinding off the build-up

  • Treat the site at the site of the removed growth with agents that relieve inflammation. Here you can already use folk remedies.
  • Do not drink alcohol or smoke, because these bad habits interfere with the recovery process.
  • Rest more and sleep at least 8 hours a day. Limit physical activity.
  • Do not worry. Stress is harmful to health.

Some diseases of the oral cavity do not give pain, so patients consider them harmless and are in no hurry to see a doctor. A small hard outgrowth on the gum occurs after inflammation or suppuration, it is formed completely asymptomatically. But it gives constant discomfort when chewing or talking in adults, it can disrupt the normal development of bite in children. Therefore, the doctor must examine the protrusion and decide how to treat or remove it further.

Signs of a bone spike on the gum

The appearance of a separate bony septum near the tooth is a fairly common occurrence in dental practice. A more accurate name for the pathology is “exostosis”, which means “bone located outside”. This is not so much a disease as a pathological process that requires control over development. It is considered benign and is not capable of leading to serious malignant tumors of the jaw.

Exostosis is a bony protrusion on the gum that comes out at the base of the teeth. It can appear outside in any area. It is not uncommon for round or sharp bumps to be found on the palate or felt just under the tongue. Usually there are no painful symptoms and a person absolutely accidentally gropes them with a toothbrush or finger. Characteristic signs of the development of such a bone spike in the mouth:

  • a tubercle or a very hard bump and does not push through when pressed;
  • gradually the language does not have enough free space to maneuver when pronouncing certain sounds, a person’s speech changes;
  • the inside of the cheek is rubbed against the thorn, slight erosion may appear;
  • there is aching pain inside the jaw.

Unlike many inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity, exostosis does not cause fever, itching, or burning. In the vast majority of cases, patients learn about the problem after an examination on an x-ray machine before installing an implant or prosthesis. In the picture, the doctor notices whitish neoplasms near the roots of the teeth, which resemble purulent foci.

Causes of the appearance of a hard protrusion on the gum

A bone spike in the oral cavity may grow from cartilage or affect the base of the jaw. In the first case, the basis of the neoplasm is the smallest plates in the roots of the teeth, which separate them from the maxillary sinus. In the second, growth occurs from the cells of the periosteum - a dense layer laid under the mucosa. Outwardly, they will look exactly the same.

If you find a hard or sharp thorn in your mouth, you should not panic: according to dentists, such a pathology is one of the most common in terms of the number of calls. It is formed due to various negative factors:

  • congenital defects of development and pathology of bite;
  • genetic diseases in which the growth of bone tissue in the body is disrupted;
  • malnutrition, diets that deprive a person of important trace elements and minerals;
  • severe jaw injuries or base fractures;
  • hormonal disorder;
  • viral diseases, herpes.

With such complications, most often several growths appear in the mouth, located symmetrically to each other. Often they go side by side and resemble a line of tubercles, occupy the space under the tongue or near the inner surface of the cheek. From the side, you can notice some distortion or roundness under the skin on the face.

Often a bone spike grows after tooth extraction. Usually, a small hole remains in place of the molar, and an experienced dentist tries to press it from the edges to reduce the gap. If this is not done and the technique is violated, a slight deformation and displacement of periodontal tissues may occur. Such changes provoke the formation of a hard growth in the mouth. Patients often notice it when rinsing the wound or accidentally touch the tongue, automatically feeling the damaged area.

Despite the proven good quality of the bone protrusion, it can provoke a number of serious complications for the patient:

  • The pronunciation of some sounds is disturbed in a person, slurred speech or whistling appears. Children with this pathology do poorly in school and are ashamed of their lack.
  • Some types of osteophytes that grow from bone can grow continuously. Cases of build-up the size of a chicken egg or an apple have been recorded.
  • When sprouting inside, the thorn interferes with chewing food thoroughly, joint immobility may occur.
  • The growth will not allow you to properly install the prosthesis and will invariably lead to the destruction of fillings on the teeth.
  • If the neoplasm has passed through the cartilaginous plates at the top, the person is faced with frequent rhinitis and sinusitis.

How to get rid of a bone spike on the gum

In half of the cases, a dense formation can resolve itself even without special treatment or removal. Doctors suggest that this happens after the elimination of nutritional problems, the use of vitamin complexes. They make up for the lack of minerals and help to establish salt metabolism in the body.

In other situations, it is possible to remove a hard growth on the gum only through a small surgical operation. It is performed by an orthodontist under local anesthesia. It consists of several stages:

  • The oral cavity is carefully disinfected with a special antiseptic so that dangerous microorganisms do not get into the wound.
  • A small incision is made on the gum.
  • The base of the spike is bitten with a dental instrument or cut off with a laser.
  • Using the attachment on the drill, the doctor gently grinds the bone to smooth out any sharp corners.
  • Stitches and wound healing ointment are applied.

The rest of the treatment is carried out at home under the supervision of a specialist. Every day, until the wound is completely closed, it is necessary to rinse your mouth with any antiseptic: Miramistin, Chlorhexidine or soda solution. An application with Solcoseryl or Levomekol ointment is applied to the incision. So that the seams do not open, the first two weeks the patient should eat semi-mashed food, broths and soups.

Prevention of the appearance of exostosis

Unfortunately, the patient practically cannot influence the formation of a bone outgrowth on the gum. If he had a fracture or dislocation of the jaw, he is engaged in a traumatic sport (boxing, wrestling), it is necessary to periodically visit the orthodontist for examination.

At home, a person should carry out diagnostics in front of a mirror: gently probe every centimeter of the mucosa, make sure that the gums are elastic and intact. You need to examine the surface of the sky, the area under the tongue and the inside of the cheek. It is important to maintain cleanliness in the oral cavity, do not forget about the rules of hygiene and use high-quality toothpastes. With monotonous diets or limited nutrition in winter, you can saturate the diet with a mineral complex, eat more dairy products and raw vegetables.

Exostosis - a complication after tooth extraction: how to get rid of a bone growth on the gum?

The appearance in the oral cavity of neoplasms of various origins is not uncommon. Cysts, ranulas, lipomas often affect the mucous membranes and soft tissues.

There is another type of benign growths - exostoses. What is such a pathology? Why does it occur, and most importantly, how to get rid of it correctly and effectively?

What is exostosis?

Exostosis is a benign growth on the bone of one of the jaws. This is a pathological proliferation of bone and cartilage tissue. Pathology can appear not only in the oral cavity, but also on other bones of the skeleton, for example, the collarbone.

Visually, in the photo, exostosis (osteophytes) looks like bumps, spikes or nodes. At the same time, there may be one or more neoplasms in the oral cavity. In the second case, they will be separated by convolutions or membranes.

Exostosis affects both the upper and lower jaw. In the first case, the growths are localized at the level of the molars from the palatine or outer side of the gum. In the second case, bumps appear in the region of premolars, canines or incisors (that is, on the bend of the jawbone). When osteophytes are formed due to trauma, fracture or extraction of teeth, their location coincides with the area of ​​\u200b\u200bpathology.

Usually the bumps or growths are quite small. However, osteophytes tend to grow and enlarge, in rare cases they reach the size of an apple.

Why does exostosis sometimes occur after tooth extraction?

There are several reasons for the occurrence of exostosis:

  • genetic predisposition (the most common cause, sometimes the pathology is already congenital);
  • injuries and fractures of the jaw bones;
  • extensive neglected inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, accompanied by suppuration and abscess;
  • diseases that provoke inflammation throughout the body (syphilis);
  • congenital or acquired anomalies in the structure of the jaw system;
  • diseases of the endocrine system (rare cause);
  • tooth extraction using alveolotomy.

Despite the fact that the pathology is classified as a genetic disease, it can develop in an adult after tooth extraction, especially when the manipulation was accompanied by surgery. The development of exostosis indicates that the procedure was performed incorrectly or was accompanied by complications.

In this situation, the growth of bone or cartilage tissue of the jaw appears for the following reasons:

  • during the procedure, a significant area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bone or periosteum was injured or destroyed;
  • during the period of recovery and healing, the bones did not grow together correctly;
  • the absence of a stage of smoothing the edges of the hole after surgery.

Symptoms of bone growth

It was previously noted that in the initial stages the disease is almost asymptomatic, therefore it is diagnosed at the dentist's appointment. However, pathological bone growth is accompanied by a number of symptoms and signs that vary depending on the location of the tubercles.

The main symptoms of the disease:

  1. the formation of a bump or growth of unexplained origin (the surface of the mucosa may be smooth or spiky);
  2. sensation of a foreign body in the mouth, as if there was not enough room for the tongue;
  3. periodic or constant pain of a different nature;
  4. impaired mobility of the lower jaw (when osteophytes have affected the articular process);
  5. change in the color of the mucous membrane;
  6. the appearance of occlusion (obstruction of blood vessels).

Stages of bone growth removal

The removal process takes several steps:

  1. administration of anesthesia (usually local anesthesia is used);
  2. disinfection of the oral cavity by treatment with a special antiseptic;
  3. incision on the gum;
  4. removal of the lump with a dental chisel or laser;
  5. bone grinding with a drill;
  6. suturing and local dressing.

Possible complications after surgery

In general, complications appear due to the fault of the patients themselves. If hygiene rules, doctor's prescriptions and a temporary diet are not followed, the following symptoms may appear:

  • divergence of seams (after eating solid food or excessive physical exertion);
  • inflammation, prolonged swelling or suppuration of the wound (appears with insufficient hygiene, ignoring the rules of wound care).

The rehabilitation period lasts 4-5 days - no more than a week. At this time, pain will be felt and a slight swelling will appear, which is quite normal after surgery. It is necessary to take prescribed antibiotics, treat the oral cavity, strictly follow the regimen.

Prevention of exostosis

A person cannot influence the occurrence of the disease. The development of pathology occurs independently, it is not influenced by external factors. It is necessary to take care of your health responsibly and carefully, which will help diagnose and cure exostosis on the gums.

You should visit the dentist twice a year for a preventive examination. It is important to regularly self-examine the oral cavity. In front of a mirror in good light, examine and feel the gums, palate, floor of the mouth for deviations or discomfort.

How to get rid of bumps on the gums after tooth extraction?

Tooth extraction is one of the most serious dental operations, which often becomes cause various complications..

One of the signs of the development of pathology is a hard bump on the gum. This neoplasm should not be ignored, for the reason that it can signal about activation of processes hazardous to health in gum tissue.

Reasons for the appearance

Bumps on the tissues of the oral cavity grow for various reasons. In terms of its origin, Neoplasms on the gums are of two types:

  1. infectious arising from the multiplication of bacteria that release toxins as a result of their vital activity;
  2. non-infectious, which is a consequence of trauma to the gum tissue, as well as arising as an adverse reaction while taking medications.

However, the vast majority of doctors are sure that the main one among them is poor oral hygiene, which leads to the accumulation of plaque on the surface of the teeth and gums - a source of bacteria reproduction.

Often, patients notice that a hard bump on the gum has appeared after a tooth has been removed.

If the blood clot, which was supposed to grow in the open hole, came off or did not form at all, which often happens when rinsing too often, they can get into the wound pathogenic bacteria causing inflammation.

It also happens at the moment penetration of food particles into the wound. It is in order to avoid this that dentists advise after this operation to refrain from eating until the bleeding stops and a blood clot forms.

Education hard white bud after tooth extraction is an extremely alarming signal and a reason to immediately contact a specialist.

Due to improper tooth extraction possible hematomas. They are fluid-filled tumors.

This kind of bumps do not pose a serious danger, they are under no circumstances can't be pierced or disturbed in any way, if this condition is met, after a short time they dissolve without a trace.

The danger of neoplasms

The formation of bumps on the gums precedes the development serious mucosal disease. For this reason, you need to know about the possible causes of their appearance and methods of treatment.

In any case, if a lump forms on the gum after tooth extraction, this is sign of the development of pathology flowing in the soft tissues of the mucosa, which in the worst case can lead to severe gum disease.

The appearance of a bump refers to the type of jaw anomalies, characterized by the appearance of bony protrusions in the oral cavity. Gradually, the growth can grow, causing discomfort.

However, if there are no painful sensations in the neoplasm above the tooth, then the decision to remove exostosis, the term for this pathology, can be made by the patient.

Exostosis, even if it proceeds completely painlessly, is dangerous for the following reasons:

  1. as they grow, the bony protrusions exert tangible pressure on the teeth, especially on their roots;
  2. over time, the growth can turn into a malignant formation.

Self-diagnosis of this pathology is not possible in all cases. Usually the patient feels only external signs in the form of a ball on the gum. The reasons for its appearance can be determined only specialist.

Bump Treatment

In order to establish tons of reasons for the growth of cones in the oral cavity, different methods are used. diagnostic methods:

  • palpation;
  • radiography;
  • CT scan.

Only a doctor can choose the right one among them. So, the development of exostosis can be detected first by visual inspection, the results of which must be confirmed X-ray.

If the lump is filled with pus, chances are that the dentist will treat her surgically. More about it in the video:

Folk methods

For the treatment of bumps on the gums, there are numerous methods of traditional medicine.

However, it should be remembered that any home remedies can only bring temporary relief of pain.

Actions such as rinsing with furatsilin or cauterizing the bumps with iodine will help temporarily reduce pain and disinfect inflammation.

Only a dentist can completely cure a purulent formation., which will correctly determine the methods of therapy based on the differential diagnosis of the causes of the bumps.

In order to temporarily alleviate the patient's condition and prevent the spread of infection, The following remedies can be used at home:

    saline solution- this is one of the means of first necessity in the formation of cones of any etiology. In order to cook it, you need to dilute 4 tbsp. sea ​​or iodized salt in a liter of warm water, stirring thoroughly, waiting for complete dissolution. Immediately before rinsing, the solution is slightly heated.

Herbs that have an antiseptic effect, such as calendula, chamomile, eucalyptus, etc., can be added to the treatment solution;
vodka- also a good antiseptic, but when using it, you should beware of a burn on the mucous membrane. It is best to prepare a tincture from it. To do this, 300 g of horseradish should be placed in 0.5 liters of liquid and infused for three days, then diluted with water. Rinsing is required to be done every 3 hours and so on for up to five days;

  • tincture of garlic- this alcohol tincture is even more effective than the previous one. To prepare it, take 5 small heads of garlic, 70 ml of alcohol and 5 lemons. Peeled lemons are rubbed on a fine grater. Garlic is passed through a press. The ingredients are mixed, poured with alcohol and left to infuse for 5 days. Rinsing should be done every 4 hours for up to three days;
  • kalanchoe- in addition to a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, it helps to strengthen the enamel, has a neutralizing effect on bacteria. The juice of this plant is recommended to be rubbed into the area where the bumps appear. In addition, the leaves, washed and peeled from the film, can be chewed;
  • soothing and anti-inflammatory effect will have tincture of sage, chamomile and calendula. It will perfectly help the resorption of cones, as well as tumors on soft tissues. To prepare a healing decoction, you will need 4 tbsp. herbal collection, which must be brewed in a liter of boiling water and left for 30 minutes.

    Pharmacy means

    The necessary course of drug therapy is determined by the causes of bumps on the gums. The doctor will be able to determine the necessary methods of treatment after diagnosis. You can get rid of the problem only if the root cause of the appearance is completely eliminated.

    In some cases, after tooth extraction for the purpose prevent the development of inflammation the doctor may prescribe antibiotics. These can be tablets, drops, ointments, injections and rinse solutions.

    Read about the most commonly used antibiotics in dentistry here.

    May be added to a course of antibiotics therapy with immunomodulators and vitamins to support immunity and avoid the risk of exacerbations of chronic pathologies.

    Sometimes a specialist can give an injection with an antibiotic already before the operation to remove the tooth, indications for which are:

    • removal of a wisdom tooth;
    • high level of complexity of the operation;
    • inflammation and infection;
    • profuse bleeding;
    • indications for antibiotic therapy;
    • strengthening immunity;
    • serious violations of the integrity of bone tissue;
    • in order to speed up wound healing.

    Also, technologies of highly concentrated injections with an antibiotic can be used, which can be introduced after surgery, replacing the course of taking the drug in its usual form.


    In order to notice changes in the lump on the gum, being a hematoma, you do not need to take any action.

    It usually resolves on its own after a couple of days. If this does not happen, you should immediately consult a doctor.

    The results of the measures taken at home, such as pain relief, are temporary, because. unable to deal with the root cause of the disease. A lump that appeared on the gum, which is not a hematoma, requires examination by a specialist.

    If this does not happen, then it is necessary either to change the drug, or to re-diagnose, casting doubt on the previously established cause of the growth of the bump.


    Among the main preventive measures, to prevent bumps on the gums, should be called:

    • regular sanitation of the oral cavity: daily two-time brushing, using incl. dental floss;
    • the use of foods rich in calcium and vitamins of groups B, C, PP;
    • for several hours after tooth extraction, do not eat, and also do not rinse your mouth too intensively and often so as not to wash off the blood clot in the injured hole.

    To do this, you need to visit the dentist regularly, systematically take preventive measures, carefully monitor the condition of the oral cavity, noticing any adverse changes, consult a doctor in a timely manner.

    Subject to these conditions unpleasant and dangerous consequences can be avoided and keep your teeth and mouth healthy for a long time.