Is it possible to become a massage therapist without a medical education. Everyone can learn massage

The work of a massage therapist requires a certain amount of energy and strength. It cannot be called easy, but it is in demand. In addition, working with people is always interesting. This is constant communication, the acquisition of new acquaintances and the expansion of contacts.

Where to study to be a massage therapist?

It takes from three weeks to several months to learn to be a massage therapist. If you have a medical education, then it is enough to complete massage courses at a medical institution, which last a couple of months. There you will learn different techniques and get certified as a professional massage therapist. With this certificate, you can start working in any sports or medical institution.

If there is no medical education, but you want to learn all the intricacies of the profession, then it is better to enroll in a medical treatment center. These are long courses in which they study anatomy, physiology, and massage techniques. After training, a special certificate is issued.

Learn to be a massage therapist

It should be noted that before undergoing training, it is necessary to decide what kind of procedure techniques you want to master: Western, Eastern; what part of the body you will specialize in massage: face, whole body; what is your goal of training: a professional procedure, a procedure for yourself and friends; how much money and time you can spend on training.

Based on all this, it is necessary to approach the choice of courses. Remember, if they promise to teach you all massage techniques in a few lessons, do not trust such courses. When choosing a training center, be sure to check for a certificate. It will be useful to conclude a written contract for training.

Courses for students without special medical education pay a lot of attention to theory, physical therapy, and help in learning various types of massage. After graduation, students receive a certificate. Very often they resort to the services of specialized centers, since massage is one of the constituent parts of their work.

Completion of a course does not guarantee employment. In beauty and spa salons, as well as in sports centers, qualified specialists with a medical education are most likely to take. Having a massage therapist certificate will allow you to engage in private practice and earn your regular clients. And over time, you will be able to open a massage parlor.

Perhaps you will be interested.

There are many different opinions about the profession of a massage therapist, but, whatever one may say, most massage therapists recognize her as one of the best for two reasons. Firstly, this profession allows you to bring real benefits to people. Secondly, you can make good money, while working exclusively for yourself, and not for your “uncle”.

How to become a massage therapist, and where to start?

What does a massage therapist do - features of the profession and types of massage

What is a massage, no one needs to explain. This is an impact with the help of skillful hands of a specialist on the soft tissues of a patient with specific goals.

This method of treatment and relaxation has been used by people since ancient times. True, today the classification of massage types has expanded significantly.

The main types are…

  • Massotherapy. The most complex and responsible, requiring not only a couch and talcum powder, but also specific knowledge.
  • Children's. Children's massage therapists are especially in demand today. Every 3rd mother turns to a massage therapist with certain problems in a baby, or even just for the development of a toddler.
  • Sports. Every professional athlete needs the services of a massage therapist, so specialists in this area are also in demand.
  • Cosmetic. It is usually carried out in beauty salons and massage parlors to return the skin to a blooming healthy look.
  • Relaxing. This type of massage helps to relieve tension, relax muscles, activate the right points in the body, eliminate back pain, etc.
  • Spot.
  • Ayurvedic.

Also, massage can be using an apparatus or other devices (brushes, cans, etc.), it can be oriental (Thai, Korean, Shiatsu) and European, etc., deep or superficial.

In the Russian system, massage is usually referred to as European, and the founder of our therapeutic school recommended that it be combined with gymnastics and indispensable hydrotherapy for the proper effect (note - M.Ya. Mudrov).

Massage is becoming one of the effective treatment tools for a variety of problems and diseases, which include flat feet and cellulite, impaired digestion and spinal problems, beer tummy, and so on.

For whom is this profession - for men or for women?

Despite the individual nuances of the profession, it is still suitable for both. Of course, a man has more strength, and a power massage will be more effective, but for a massage for children (or for cosmetic, relaxing), gentle female hands are preferable.

Well, and most importantly: this profession will always be in demand, and everyone will find a job for themselves in it.

Pros and cons of being a massage therapist

Knowledgeable people say that the pros of this work outweigh all the cons.

Is it so?

The benefits of the profession include the following:

  1. An opportunity to realize yourself in a profession that will be useful not only for you, but also for others. Double joy when your activity brings tangible benefits to someone.
  2. Opportunity to work for yourself.
  3. Decent earnings (massage now - an expensive pleasure).
  4. Demand. The stronger the progress, the less people move, and the more health problems arise. A sedentary lifestyle affects absolutely everyone, which ultimately leads to the need to treat emerging problems. And, of course, no one cancels children's massage, massage therapists in sanatoriums and salons, etc.
  5. Low competition. There are few real professionals today. There are many massage therapists who have completed standard courses, but there are very few specialists who have the official right to conduct therapeutic massage.
  6. Regular contact with people.
  7. Free schedule (when working for yourself, you plan the sessions yourself, based on free time).

Disadvantages of the profession:

  1. Physically hard work. A fragile little girl simply cannot handle a serious power massage.
  2. Regular professional development is a must.
  3. When working for yourself, you will have to periodically spend money on consumables (not such serious bills, but they are inappropriate).
  4. Clients will have to look for yourself.
  5. Massage will have to be done by a variety of people, including those whom you would not much like to see naked on your couch.
  6. High responsibility. This is one of the most important cons. For example, with certain problems with the spine in the cervical region, it is possible to make a person disabled by a careless movement. That's why amateurs are never allowed to get massage therapy.
  7. The presence of a massage "cabinet" in the apartment may raise questions - from neighbors, family members, SES, and so on. Therefore, the ideal option is to rent your own office in a suitable institution.
  8. Over time, a professional massage therapist can acquire diseases such as varicose veins (note - constant work on the legs), problems with the spine and with the joints of the hands.

As you can see, there are many more shortcomings, but for a person aimed at success, this is not a problem!

What skills and talents does a future massage therapist need?

The qualities and talents that a massage therapist should possess include ...

  • Communication skills and personal charm. The massage therapist must inspire confidence in the patient.
  • Endurance and patience.
  • Craving for knowledge (you will have to constantly develop).
  • Stress tolerance.
  • Confidence and calmness.
  • Ultimate care.

What should a massage therapist be able to and know?

  • Human anatomy, including the location of muscles, all tendons, as well as large vessels, nerve fibers, organs. And, of course, the features of the impact on the body of each massage.
  • Key massage techniques.
  • All the features of the massage.
  • The nuances of the use of oils and other means for massage.
  • All requirements/rules regarding sanitary control.
  • All possible indications / contraindications for a particular type of massage.
  • Psychology, physiology.
  • The ability to choose the right type and technique of massage for a particular person in accordance with contraindications, etc.

What can a massage therapist do without?

  • Appropriate education.
  • License (certificate).
  • Sufficient skill level for the job.
  • Strong arms and legs, good physical condition in general.
  • Location for sessions.

I will go to masseurs, let them teach me - where to go to study?

Unfortunately, in our time there are very few professional masseurs, and they simply dissolve in the general mass of amateurs who proudly call themselves masseurs.

Of course, in fairness, it is worth saying that among amateurs there are people who are fluent in the art of massage - but, alas, not everyone is able to master this art.

That is why professional training is so important, and not a month-long course "listened on the Internet."

So, you can master (at different levels!) a profession in 2 ways:

  1. Courses at a medical educational institution. Affordable and fast option. The duration of training depends on the program. After graduation, you receive a certificate that gives you the right to work, but with limited powers and, accordingly, with a reduced income bar.
  2. Obtaining an appropriate education in a medical school, and only then - additional massage courses. This is an ideal option for those who have already received a medical education (nurses, paramedics, doctors), or for those who are just looking for their own path of development in life.

Will you be able to fully and legally work as a massage therapist without a medical education?

No and no again.

Therapeutic massage, the most sought after, will be an unattainable dream for you with only a certificate.

Do I need to graduate from medical school to become a massage therapist?

No. It is enough to get the specialty "nurse" (the training period is only 2 years with a little) - and complete the courses there (for a fee).

What's next?

New techniques appear quite often, and the preferences of patients change just as often, whose horizons regarding new techniques are also expanding, so improving skills is necessary and inevitable.

You can improve your skills in domestic or international schools (there are a lot of them today).

How much does a massage therapist earn, career ladder and demand for the profession

A massage therapist can have a small salary only in 2 cases:

  1. He does not want to work (or too lazy to look for clients).
  2. He lives in a region where almost no one needs massage.

Each massage therapist working for himself determines the threshold of his salary independently.

The salary depends on the desire to work, on the availability of clients and on the very way of working:

  1. The average salary in the salon is 20000-80000 rubles, depending on the city, the prestige of the salon, the skills of the massage therapist.
  2. The average salary at a polyclinic is 15,000-30,000 rubles.
  3. The average salary when working for yourself is from 50,000 rubles and more, depending on the number of clients and performance. One massage session, depending on its complexity, today costs 500-3000 rubles. The masseur himself determines the maximum number of sessions per day. One gets tired after the 1st session, and the other spends 4-5 sessions a day easily and “with a song”.

Demand for the profession

We have already mentioned it above, but it is worth noting that this profession is in the TOP-10 most popular in the modern labor market.

Masseur needed for…

  • Polyclinics and hospitals.
  • Health centers and sanatoriums.
  • Massage parlors and beauty salons.
  • In sports clubs.
  • In baths and so on.

Speaking of a career, it should be noted that its pinnacle is its own massage parlor.

True, you will have to work hard so that it pays for itself in terms of costs, but then you can work for yourself with a clear conscience, without worrying that difficult moneyless times will come.

How and where to look for a job as a massage therapist - what do you need to start, and where to start?

Even if you want to work exclusively for yourself, it’s still better to start from work “for your uncle” in order to gain the necessary experience. It is not recommended to start independent swimming without practice.

If you have a medical education and an appropriate certificate, then you will not have problems with getting anywhere (massage therapists are required everywhere today). The ideal option is a private clinic, a sanatorium.

If you have enough experience, then it's time to think about your own office. Find a convenient place with inexpensive rent, purchase a massage table and related tools / supplies, and go!


Clients who need constant massage quickly get used to their massage therapist and do not want to change him. In addition, they will recommend a good massage therapist to their friends and relatives.

Therefore, when working in a clinic, you can have time to acquire your own client base.

How to look for clients?

  • The surest way is word of mouth. It is from regular customers that the main income is formed, so the more people you make happy, the better. And it’s worth starting with free sessions so that you are reached for high-quality and professional massage.

Well, here are the standard methods:

  • Social networks and forums, bulletin boards on the Internet.
  • Advertisements in newspapers.
  • Business cards, flyers.
  • And so on.

Don't forget about your physical form- the massage therapist must be strong, physically hardy, capable of long hard work in every sense.

The profession of a massage therapist attracts many people. After all, it brings a good income, and mastering it is not difficult. What does it take to become a massage therapist? The article will discuss the features of the profession and the necessary skills.

What is the job of a massage therapist?

Like any other profession, it has its own peculiarities and nuances. Massage is a system of dosed effects on the skin and tissues of a person to improve his well-being. In the process of work, it is not necessary to adjust the spine or joints. The massage therapist acts only on the surface of the body. However, a specialist can achieve a stunning effect. How to become a massage therapist? As in any profession, to become a specialist, you need to have a large amount of knowledge.

Massage as a remedy has been used since ancient times. Currently, it is conditionally divided into sports, medical and cosmetic. Different forms of massage have their own areas of application. Therapeutic is used during the period of sanatorium therapy and in rehabilitation centers. Sports massage specialists work with visitors to the fitness center and professional athletes. This is necessary to improve the condition of the muscles after training. Cosmetic massage is aimed at improving the condition of the skin. It is mainly used in beauty salons.

How to become a good massage therapist? To engage in such a profession, it is necessary to understand all its features and possess many skills. In all types of massage, the same technique is used, which consists in kneading, patting, stroking and other actions. Massage is divided into several types: fast, slow, superficial, relaxing, erotic, deep, superficial, etc. Masseurs most often work with their hands, using small mechanical devices: brushes, massage jars. However, their work also contains modern technologies that involve the use of various devices. They are used for vacuum massage, vibration massage. Such procedures are referred to as hardware.

What qualities should a massage therapist have?

The profession requires a person to have personal qualities that will be needed to do their job perfectly:

  • Being in good physical shape is one of the most basic minimums, because giving a massage requires considerable strength in the hands. Indeed, otherwise, it will not work to stretch the muscles qualitatively.
  • Endurance and patience. This is one of the main qualities that are required for the work of a massage therapist. In some cases, the sessions are stretched for a long time.
  • The need for constant professional self-improvement. After all, a person who has several massage techniques will be in demand in different areas of its application.

If the applicant for this position has most of these personal characteristics, then it will be completely easy to master the profession. Where to begin? You can become a massage therapist only after receiving the appropriate education. Only special skills will allow you to fully master the profession.

What education does a massage therapist need?

The presence of an appropriate diploma will simplify the process of mastering a profession. Therefore, when professionals are asked the question of whether it is possible to become a massage therapist without a medical education, they receive a negative answer. A massage therapist does not have to have a higher education, it is enough to graduate from a medical school, and then take special courses. After all, he must have at least minimal knowledge about the anatomical structure of a person, because by acting on biologically active points, you can harm the patient. A regular relaxing massage requires fewer skills than a therapeutic one. Indeed, in the second case, one has to deal with elements of the musculoskeletal system.

Where can you study?

How to become a professional massage therapist? As already mentioned, in order to have the necessary skills, you need to complete special courses. You can sign up for them in almost any city. What are the positive aspects of such training:

  1. Availability. Everyone will be able to pay for the course because the price is low.
  2. Fast result. The basics of massage are taught in 2-3 months.
  3. At the end of the course, a certificate is issued, according to which you can officially work in this area.

How to become a massage therapist without medical education? There is a minus in training in courses, because the diploma does not allow for therapeutic massage. This limits the list of jobs and significantly lowers the upper bar for a specialist's income.

Choice of specialization

How to become a massage therapist? Mastering a profession is not enough, the main thing is to decide on the direction of your activity. Currently, there are many varieties of massage. These include:

  • Cosmetic or relaxing massage. This direction does not require medical education. To conduct such a massage, it is enough to take special courses. You can improve your specialization and choose one of the narrow areas - aromatic or energy.
  • Wellness massage. Such procedures require certain knowledge in medicine. The practical skills of a massage therapist are especially valuable, because one wrong move can harm the patient's health.
  • Oriental massage. It belongs to new, albeit very popular today areas. Thai massage salons can be found in almost every city in the country.

The right choice of the direction of activity will allow the massage therapist to perform his work qualitatively and receive the appropriate income.

Types of massage therapists

People involved in this type of activity include:

  1. Children's masseur. His activities include working with children, even infants. It is aimed not only at correcting physiological deficiencies, but also at their prevention. This will allow the child to grow up completely healthy.
  2. Sports masseur. This type of activity is aimed at increasing the physical capabilities and performance of a person, provided that it is completely safe for his health. Such masseurs work in fitness rooms and with professional athletes.
  3. Masseur-beautician. In medicine, this type of activity does not exist, but there are similar positions in many institutions. Such a massage allows you to improve the appearance of a person (face and body). The procedure involves a combination of medical massage techniques and beauty treatments that make people look attractive.

The choice of the type of activity depends entirely on the abilities of the massage therapist and his preferences.

What will have to be learned?

How to become a massage therapist? Regardless of the specialization of his activity, he will need to master the following skills:

  1. General human anatomy.
  2. Basic techniques of manual massage.
  3. Features of the use of vegetable and essential oils.
  4. Sanitation rules in the workplace.

All these skills allow the massage therapist to perform their work more efficiently.

Where to go to work?

The massage therapist can work at home. To do this, you will need a special table, as well as some accessories and consumables (these include essential oils). Conducting several sessions a day, the massage therapist can return the money invested in inventory in a short time.

People who want to expand the scope of their activities should consider opening a massage parlor. Thanks to the constant influx of clients, it will be possible to develop practical skills. In the future, they will allow a specialist to become a real professional.

If he has a medical education, then a private clinic or sanatorium, where wages are quite high, will become a prestigious place of work. The profession of a massage therapist is considered to be in demand, but it requires special skills and abilities from its owner, because in the course of his work he encounters the health of the patient. Over time, with the acquisition of certain skills, a specialist can become a real guru.

classical massage courses .

How much do you need to study?

What is a good massage?

Massage should be enjoyable!

- Sports massage
- Medical massage
- Rehabilitation massage
- Anticellulite massage


Good massage therapists

How to make a good massage?

1) Use body weight

2) Focus on the customer

4) Keep your back straight

5) Remember yourself

Happy massage!

To take a massage course at the Elixir Center


    How to take a massage course

    How do you become a massage therapist?

    It usually starts like this: your relatives, friends and girlfriends, at first occasionally, and then more and more often, ask you to “knead your back a little, massage your neck, stretch your legs.” You are good at it, you see the result, you like it, and at some point the thought comes: “Should I go to study as a massage therapist?” Someone you know enthusiastically shouts: “Come on! You can do it! You have great hands!” Someone doubts: “It is necessary to have a medical education there. Yes, and a lot of power is needed!” Which of them is right? Is it possible for everyone to be a massage therapist?

    Our many years of experience in classical massage courses says that everyone can learn how to do massage correctly! You need to get some knowledge of human anatomy and place your hands correctly. For this, it is best to go through special massage courses without medical education. An ordinary, non-medical person can learn how to do massage in 40-50 training hours.

    Is it possible to learn how to do massage on your own, from books and video courses? Theoretically, this is possible, but it is better to put hands with a teacher. Because many things you just need to feel with your hands and with your whole body. The teacher must literally take the novice massage therapist by the hand and form the correct movements. Massage training is mainly about developing practical skills, not theory.

    How much do you need to study?

    A lot depends on the person, on his coordination. Someone grasps everything on the fly, someone needs more time.Capable people can be given the basics of massage in just one or two days. But on average, a person needs to do 5-6 massages in order to consolidate the skills. It is usually believed that the main thing in massage is a set of massage techniques, all sorts of kneading, stroking, rubbing, percussion and others. In fact, this is only the formal side of the matter and far from being the main one! You can literally know 3-4 tricks and at the same time be an excellent massage therapist. The essence of massage is the general culture of touching and influencing the body, it is the ability to feel the body, understanding where and how to press, and most importantly, this is the attitude towards the client. Unfortunately, these subtleties are rarely included in the course of study and are transmitted mainly by word of mouth by experienced massage therapists.

    What is a good massage?

    Now there are a lot of types of massage and massage therapists and it is very difficult to understand all this diversity. Often we see “masseurs” who cannot be allowed to approach people for a kilometer. And we really feel sorry for the clients who go for a massage, like a dentist.

    You need to start with what kind of massage you need. What kind of massages are there? Simply put, it's all about the goal. If a person needs treatment, then this is a medical massage, which is prescribed by a doctor, and which is done in medical institutions. If a girl wants a toned figure and a smooth, beautiful face, then this is a cosmetic massage. If a person is an athlete, and he needs to keep his body in great shape, then this is a sports massage. For prevention, pleasure and relaxation is hygienic massage. Often it is also called classic. Next, you need to find the appropriate massage therapist.

    I don’t know about you, but we only agree on a great massage and only a great massage therapist. A person trusts the most valuable thing he has - his body. A great massage is a massage that gives results, and immediately. If you have come for a cosmetic facial massage, then after the massage the face should look several years younger, it should breathe freshness, be soft and elastic. If you came to relax and unwind, then the massage should be a pleasure, and after the massage you should feel like after a few hours of sleep. The body should be light, the mood should be cheerful and optimistic. If you didn’t feel anything special during the massage and after it, then this is not the right massage and the wrong masseur.

    Massage should be enjoyable!

    There is one very tenacious myth, thanks to which it feeds great amount unfortunate massage therapists. Namely: “A real massage should be painful!” Maybe there is a special category of people who like to be tortured. But pain in massage is the exception rather than the rule.
    When pain during massage is justified:

    - Sports massage when you need to put your muscles in order, as quickly as possible.
    - Medical massage Yes, treatment can be painful.
    - Rehabilitation massage when newly injured body parts are developed.
    - Anticellulite massage when there is a rupture of adhesions of the connective tissue.

    But even in these cases, the pain should be quite tolerable. In other cases, pain and bruising is a sign of an unskilled massage therapist. Massage is pleasure, not suffering!We teach how to make a pleasant massage.

    How to distinguish a good massage therapist?

    The most important indicator is, of course, the result. Is it possible to find a good massage therapist in advance? Yes, there are a number of signs that distinguish the masters of their craft.

    Good massage therapists

    Usually calm, energetic, healthy people;
    - friendly and attentive, be sure to ask a question about contraindications to massage, ask about your wishes and feelings during the massage;
    - adapt to you, try to help you and make you feel good;
    - do massage "from the heart", not mechanically, touch the body confidently, but carefully and smoothly;
    - the massage therapist's hands are warm, smooth, dry, pleasant to the touch, "energetic".

    Therefore, when you come for a massage, say hello to the masseur by the hand, take a closer look at him. If he seems unhealthy, lethargic, and his palm feels like a dead fish, then you should look for another massage therapist.

    How to make a good massage?

    1) Use body weight
    Try to exert influence not at the expense of fingers or hands - so they will quickly get tired - but by transferring body weight. It's like you're leaning on the customer! To release the pressure, swing your whole body back, to increase the pressure, swing forward again.

    2) Focus on the customer
    Feel that you want to help the client, feel tenderness for him, take care of him. Listen to him, to his emotions and feelings. Listen to your feelings. What would you like to do now to help your client. If the client wants to talk, keep the conversation going, listen to him!

    3) Relax and relax again
    When the massage therapist is relaxed and at peace, the client also relaxes and feels calm. In psychology, this is called “emotional contagion.” You literally convey your mood to your client. When you massage, periodically be aware of your body. Are you comfortable? Is there tension somewhere? Don't stick to one place, change your position, come in from the other side, come closer. Relax, exhale tension. When the massage therapist is tense, his tension is transmitted to the client.

    4) Keep your back straight

    Pay special attention to your lower back. Incorrect position of the spine leads to rapid fatigue and back pain. You don't want the client to be forced to give you a massage after the session to bring you back to your senses! Adjust your height with your legs. Spread your legs wider, bend them at the knees, so you will feel more stable and confident.

    5) Remember yourself
    Take some time to relax after your massage session. Drink tea or just water, take a deep breath, feel the satisfaction of a job well done. It is also good to do some exercises to restore your energy.

    Happy massage!

Masseur(from fr. masser- rub) - a specialist in superficial mechanical effects on the body that improves well-being. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in labor and farming (see the choice of profession for interest in school subjects).

Features of the profession

Massage is a system of dosed mechanical effects on the skin and soft tissues to improve well-being. The masseur does not adjust the joints, does not touch the spine, he works only with the surface of the body. But the touches of a skilled craftsman give a stunning effect.

Massage has been used as a remedy since ancient times. Today, massage can be conditionally divided into therapeutic, sports and cosmetic. Therapeutic massage is used in hospitals, rehabilitation centers, during spa treatment. Specialists in sports massage work with professional athletes and visitors of fitness centers. Cosmetic massage is used to improve the condition of the skin. Usually this is done by specialists from a massage parlor. Different types of massage use similar techniques. Usually these are rubbing, kneading, stroking, vibration, patting, etc.

With the help of rubbing or patting, for example, you can relax too tense muscles, warm up stiff joints. But also massage gives an effect, at first glance, unexpected. For example, by massaging the feet, you can improve the functioning of the stomach. The fact is that massage activates reflex and metabolic processes in the body by improving lymph flow, blood circulation, and affecting the nervous tissue.

Massage can be deep (great strength) and superficial, fast and slow, exciting and relaxing. It can be manual or hardware. Most often, masseurs work with their hands, and even if they use small mechanical devices (brushes, massage cups, etc.), such a massage is called manual. But modern technologies replenish the arsenal of massage therapists. And if the massage therapist uses devices (for vacuum massage, vibration massage, etc.), then this is a hardware massage. Also, massage systems can be divided into European and Oriental.

The domestic system - familiar and widely used in medical institutions - is among the European ones. It is also called the classical Russian system. It considers the body as a whole and has a long history. M. Ya. Mudrov (1776-1831), the founder of the Russian therapeutic school, recommended massage along with hydrotherapy and gymnastics. And in late XIX centuries in Russia began to train specialists in massage and gymnastics. Among the European ones, the Swedish and Finnish systems are also distinguished. Oriental massages include Japanese massage (shiatsu massage), Thai massage, Korean massage su jok, etc.

It may seem to someone that everyone can do massage, just remember a few massage movements. This is a harmful misconception. In order for massage to help, and not harm a person, you need to understand exactly how and what each technique acts on, know the right place and measure of impact.

Pros and cons


The profession of a massage therapist allows you to earn good money. However, employers pay special attention to the experience and quality of education of a specialist. Short-term courses for good employment are not enough.

A good massage therapist always has his own clientele - people who prefer to receive their massage only from this master.


The disadvantages of the profession include significant physical effort (in some types of massage), which can provoke hand diseases.

Masseur training

Massage Therapists Colleges

Medical colleges train specialists in the Russian classical school. But a massage therapist can specialize in other systems, enrich his arsenal with techniques from other traditions. Gaining experience and learning different types massage, the specialist expands his employment opportunities.


A massage therapist can work in hospitals, clinics, massage and spa salons, fitness centers and sports organizations.
With extensive experience and clientele, you can engage in private practice.


Salary as of 20.02.2019

Russia 20000—90000 ₽

Moscow 30000—130000 ₽

Important qualities

The profession of a massage therapist implies high responsibility, strong sensitive hands, physical endurance, goodwill, a tendency to communicate and the ability to find a common language with different people.
You need a tendency to constantly replenish your skills, to master new techniques.

Knowledge and skills

The masseur must master massage techniques, know the basics of anatomy, physiology, and understand what techniques should be used in certain cases.