Ginseng tablets: beneficial properties for men. The use of ginseng-based preparations

Men are very sensitive to potency, and not one of the representatives of the stronger half of humanity will agree to lose even a small part of it. Unfortunately, the desire of men is not required for impotence to occur, and problems with erections may appear at the most inopportune moment. A one-time failure is not a problem. The situation looks much sadder when a man, despite all his efforts, cannot eradicate the problem of unsuccessful sexual contacts. In this case, we are talking about impotence - a permanent loss of the ability to perform sexual intercourse due to weakening or complete absence of an erection.

A man can cope with impotence using both medication and traditional medicine methods

Treatment of erectile dysfunction is complicated by the fact that men at the initial stage of its development do not turn to a specialist, try to keep silent about the problem, and do not take any steps to restore the functions of the genitourinary system. Meanwhile, even in the absence of drug treatment, you can quickly and painlessly restore male strength. Medicinal herbs, the properties of which have been used by healers for centuries, come to the rescue in this matter. These include ginseng tincture for potency - a medicine known in many countries for its incredible effectiveness.

Why do problems with potency appear?

It’s a rare man who doesn’t think about what caused his sexual weakness, and this is the first step towards regaining his potential. Knowing what exactly affected the body negatively, you can fight back against impotence.

The most common causes of erection problems include:

  • weakened immunity and acquisition of chronic diseases;
  • addiction to bad habits that are harmful to blood vessels and the endocrine system;
  • frequent stress or tendency to depression;
  • overweight;

Problems with potency may arise as a result of abnormalities in the thyroid gland.

  • chronic diseases of the endocrine system (for example, hypothyroidism or diabetes);
  • inflammatory or infectious diseases of the genitourinary area;
  • even chronic fatigue and systematic overwork can lead to the inability to have sexual intercourse.

Ginseng can correct the situations listed above - potency returns quite quickly with its help, and this has been proven by many years of use of the plant root in folk and official medicine.

What are the benefits of ginseng for the male reproductive system?

According to traditional medicine, when consuming the ginseng plant, potency is restored and maintained for a long time, in contrast to treating the problem with medications that give a short-term effect. The secret of such a powerful effect on the body lies in the chemical composition of the roots of this plant.

According to recent studies, in the underground part of ginseng accumulates a huge amount of the following compounds, essential in the treatment of impotence:

  • glycosides that improve heart function and increase smooth muscle tone;
  • peptides are the main building material for tissue rejuvenation;

Thanks to the microelements contained in ginseng, it is possible to get rid of heart problems

  • microelements that participate in the synthesis of male hormones;
  • vitamins involved in metabolism, synthesis of enzymes and hormones;
  • amino acids that are necessary for tissue repair in the body;
  • macroelements that are necessary for metabolic processes at the cellular level.

It was found that the largest amount of valuable substances accumulates in the roots of the plant in the fall, during the end of the growing season. A greater number of them are found in 6-year-old and older plants. Traditional healers recommend taking just this old ginseng, and potency, according to them, is restored forever if the recipe is followed.

Ginseng allows you to improve the psycho-emotional state of a man, which affects potency

This happens due to the fact that ginseng actively affects the state of the vascular system of men and their immunity. It reduces the manifestation of depression, normalizes hormonal levels and reduces inflammatory processes. Even if you take preparations from the plant in short courses, a total renewal of the body occurs at the cellular level, and the immunity and functions of all organs are improved. Thus, ginseng and potency represent a real tandem.

Which ginseng is suitable for treating impotence?

For impotence of any origin, it is important to choose the right herbal raw materials, because not all ginseng roots can improve the condition of a man’s genitourinary system. As mentioned earlier, for medicinal purposes it is better to use the roots of an adult plant. It is not difficult to distinguish them from young specimens.

  • Firstly, you should pay attention to the thickness of the rhizome. Ginseng grows very slowly, and the growth of its underground part per year is several millimeters. To prepare a tincture or water solution for impotence, a root with a diameter of at least 5 cm is suitable.
  • Secondly, it is better to take wild-growing raw materials, since a cultivated plant contains an order of magnitude less active compounds. If you take this ginseng, potency will be restored longer than when using the wild root.

The greatest effect in eliminating potency problems can be achieved if you use ginseng root

  • Thirdly, to treat impotence it is better to take the lateral branches of the root, the so-called “arms”. They contain the most optimal balance of substances beneficial for men.

For impotence, ginseng in its natural form is useful, that is, harvested and stored without heat treatment. The root should be dried at natural temperature without heating.

How to prepare ginseng tincture and how to take it

Important! If a man is diagnosed with nervous or mental pathologies, arrhythmia, hypertension, ginseng tincture is strictly contraindicated for him.

A properly prepared ginseng root tincture will restore a confident erection.

To prepare an alcohol tincture you will need:

  • A piece of root about 2.5 cm thick. If the root is grown in culture, more raw materials will be required - about 5 cm.
  • Medical alcohol 40% or high-quality vodka - 3.5 liters.

The ingredients are placed in a glass container and closed. You need to take the tincture the very next day so that the body gets used to the medicine while it has a weak concentration. For the first week, it is recommended to drink 25 ml of tincture, and then gradually reduce the amount to 15-20 drops per day. It is better if taken in the morning, since ginseng and potency are not the only combination, because the tincture has a very powerful stimulating effect. When used in the evening, a man may experience insomnia.

You can learn about the benefits and possible harms of ginseng from the video:

Important factors for a man’s self-determination and self-esteem are his success, as well as masculine strength. If for some reason problems with potency arise, this becomes a great shock and stress for the psycho-emotional state of every representative of the stronger sex. And, unfortunately, such phenomena are increasingly occurring among the younger generation, which is facilitated by poor ecology, stress and conflicts, bad habits, and a passive lifestyle.

Despite the fact that problems with potency are increasingly common among young men, at the initial stages, the problem can be quickly and easily solved. You should not immediately resort to taking medications to stimulate an erection, since nature offers a person conservative and gentle treatment options. Many medicinal herbs will help restore functional genital organs in a matter of days or weeks, for example, using ginseng for potency.

The effect of ginseng on potency

Ginseng for men has been an indispensable herbal remedy since ancient times, when traditional medicine did not provide many drugs and treatment methods. Today this plant is considered the best libido stimulant.

If you regularly take ginseng tincture for potency, you can increase the sensitivity of a man's penis, awaken and prolong sexual desire, and also activate the organs of the endocrine system that are responsible for the production of hormones.

For reference! Clinical trials have proven that all men who took ginseng root tincture for some time experienced a significant increase in sexual activity.

Most modern medications include ginseng root in the list of ingredients.. Successful results in treatment can be achieved if you combine the use of ginseng root tincture with herbal sedatives.

Ginseng tincture recipes

In order for ginseng root to help a man strengthen his virility, restore erection and energy, you need to know the specifics of preparing medicines based on such a plant. It is easiest to prepare tea using the root, but to obtain quick and stable results, experts recommend preparing a special tincture. The main rule for successful self-medication is the absence of contraindications to it.

Recipe No. 1: Alcohol tincture

To prepare this product, take approximately 200 ml of 70% alcohol, add 20 grams of ginseng root crushed with a knife. In a mixed state, this product is infused in a dark place protected from drafts for 7 days. During this time, it is advisable to shake the tincture regularly. After this, the product is filtered from the sediment and taken orally before meals three times, 20 drops each.

Recipe No. 2: Tincture without alcohol

For people who are contraindicated in taking drugs containing alcohol, the second alternative option for preparing medicine from ginseng for potency is suitable. To do this, take 5 grams of finely chopped ginseng root, stir it in 350 grams of honey, after which the mixture is left to infuse for 10 days. Before each meal (about 30 minutes), you need to take 5 grams of this tincture three times a day.

Recipe No. 3: 4 liters of vodka

Ginseng root needs to be dissolved in 4 liters of vodka, after which the mixture is left to infuse for 12 hours. In the future, this tincture is taken 2-3 times a day, 50 grams between meals.

In addition to the beneficial effect of the product on a man’s sexual function, tincture based on ginseng perfectly strengthens the immune system and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of other systems and organs. According to the recommendations of experts, this treatment should be continued for 1-2 months. According to the experience of many men and medical opinions, this is exactly how long it will take to restore potency even in the most advanced cases.

How to take ginseng tincture for potency?

Ginseng is considered a rare shrub-type plant, the root of which offers many beneficial properties, including for male libido. Over time, this culture began to be artificially popularized and grown in private gardens and vegetable gardens. Today, modern medicine suggests many medicines that contain ginseng root. But the most popular among men is considered to be a tincture of ginseng root to increase potency.

Ginseng will be useful for potency only if it is prepared correctly and consumed in rational doses. If we talk about alcohol tincture, in large doses it can negatively affect the functioning of other organs and systems, for example, the liver or cardiovascular system. Therefore, the tincture is taken in small doses per day, no more than 20 drops three times a day, but half an hour before eating.

If we talk about ginseng root tincture without alcohol, it is usually prepared together with honey. You should also take this remedy half an hour before meals, 5 grams three times a day. To obtain stable and effective results in restoring male strength, treatment with ginseng root lasts 1-2 months.

Benefits and harms

First of all, you need to remember that alcohol negatively affects the functioning of many systems and organs. In addition, prolonged drinking and alcohol abuse, on the contrary, reduces male potency. Because of this, modern medicine and experts suggest controversial reviews and opinions regarding the treatment of impotence with tincture of ginseng root. Constant use of such a drug can lead to intoxication of the body.

For reference! If you give preference to a honey-based tincture, such a remedy perfectly stimulates the immune system and increases libido without being harassed by alcohol-containing components.

When talking about certified drugs sold in pharmacies, there is no point in thinking about their harm. According to the certification, the drugs have been clinically tested in practice, proving their effectiveness. You can improve sexual strength and activity with ginseng tincture if you also exercise, eat right, and give up bad habits.

Problems with potency always mean stress, low self-esteem and a lot of complexes for a man. Unfortunately, prostatitis is not only a disease of older people; it is increasingly common among young people. Mental and physical stress, poor environment, smoking, alcohol, sedentary lifestyle - all this has a bad effect on a man’s sexual performance and can lead to impotence. If you immediately tackle the problem, you can achieve good results without the use of chemical drugs. To restore the functionality of the genital organs, experts recommend ginseng tincture for potency. This remedy has long been known in different countries as a good libido stimulant.

What experts say about the healing drug

Ginseng root, namely, a healing tincture from the root, will help restore male potency. They have been treated with it since ancient times, knowing its ability to improve potency. This plant was used in folk medicine as an antitumor and anti-inflammatory agent. Ginseng strengthens the nervous system, helps eliminate physical and psychological fatigue, which is one of the reasons for decreased libido and deterioration in the functioning of the reproductive system.

Starting from the age of 35, the amount of androgens in a man’s body decreases, the production of testosterone decreases and, as a result, sexual desire weakens and potency deteriorates. Men do not always go to the doctor immediately after erection problems arise. Such negligence most often worsens the course of the disease and increases the time required for recovery.

The use of ginseng root helps:

  • Increased blood flow to the pelvic organs.
  • Elimination of erectile dysfunction.
  • Restoring hormonal balance.
  • Increased sexual activity.
  • Improving sperm quality.
  • Strengthening the whole body.

It is useful to take ginseng to increase potency not only for the purpose of treatment, but also as a preventive measure. To strengthen and speed up the recovery process, you need a balanced diet, more healthy vitamins and microelements.

By taking the “root of life” regularly, you will get quick results in the form of a surge of strength, improved mood and well-being. The erection will gradually increase, and the man will become capable of an active, regular sex life. This is evidenced by numerous reviews from those who have already experienced ginseng for potency on themselves. Ginseng tincture also increases the body's resistance to viruses and stress. This effective drug has virtually no contraindications and is therefore absolutely safe for health.

Tincture components and their properties

Experts say that when consuming ginseng tincture, potency is restored, the sensitivity of the penis is increased, and libido is increased, while the effect remains for a long time, which cannot be said about chemical drugs with a short-term effect. Such a powerful effect on the body is ensured thanks to the valuable chemical composition of the plant:

  • Macroelements are responsible for normalizing metabolic processes in cells.
  • Microelements contribute to the production of male hormones.
  • Amino acids help regenerate tissue.
  • Vitamins improve the production of enzymes and improve metabolism.
  • Peptides promote tissue rejuvenation.
  • Glycosides improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  • Saponins provide activation of the male reproductive system.

The strongest is a 6-year-old plant dug up in the autumn. Herbalists recommend using the old plant to achieve the best results for a long period. Improving potency with ginseng is equally effective both at 40 and at 60 years of age.

The tincture contains many different substances.

You can prepare ginseng medicine yourself or buy it at a pharmacy kiosk. Ginseng for men is highly effective, proven by many years of experience of healers and herbalists. The natural remedy has no side effects if taken strictly according to the instructions. All these factors allow ginseng-based drugs to successfully compete with many well-known libido and potency stimulants.

How to make tincture at home

The recipe for homemade ginseng tincture is quite simple. You need to take 20 grams of naturally dried root, grind it and add 200 ml of 70% alcohol. Place in a glass container, close with a lid and leave to infuse in a dark place for 7 days. The main condition is that the tincture must be shaken regularly. After the specified time has passed, strain through clean, folded gauze in several layers and consume 20 drops 3 times a day half an hour before meals.

Extracts and decoctions of ginseng, which increase potency, are no less effective for men.

Tincture of ginseng in water: pour 20 grams of finely chopped dry root into 3 liters of water. Place on the stove and simmer over low heat until you get about 200 ml of broth. Drink 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day, maybe with honey.

Tincture of ginseng with honey: one small crushed root is added to 1 kg of slightly warmed liquid honey and infused in a glass container for 14 days. How to take: 1 tsp. Use the resulting mixture half an hour before meals 3 times a day. Honey enhances the effect of the tincture, improves immunity, strengthening the body.

These recipes are suitable for people who do not drink alcohol, even in tinctures.

There are recipes for making tinctures at home.

Contraindications to taking medications with ginseng may include infectious diseases, high blood pressure, a tendency to cramps and bleeding, and hyperfunction of the thyroid gland. Also, the tincture should not be taken by persons under 16 years of age.

The recommended single dose of the medicine should not be exceeded. This can lead to gastrointestinal disorders, hives, nosebleeds, increased blood pressure, increased nervous excitability, and sleep disturbances. To combine ginseng tincture with other medications, you should consult your doctor. Remember that alcohol abuse reduces male potency and adversely affects the functioning of most organs and systems.

Ginseng for potency is a valuable natural remedy that can restore a man’s sexual function in a short period of time. Acting on the endocrine system, it not only awakens desire, but also enhances emotional sensations during sexual intercourse. Whether to use ginseng root or not is your choice.

Doctors have been using the healing properties of ginseng root for a long time to treat various diseases and generally strengthen the body. Ginseng tincture is an affordable and natural remedy that can be purchased at any pharmacy or prepared yourself.

The range of indications for the use of ginseng tincture is very wide - it is used in cosmetology, in the treatment of various diseases in men and women, for the prevention of diseases and for the restoration of the body.

Useful properties of tincture

The beneficial effect of the tincture on the body is due to the composition of the ginseng plant:

  • Vitamin B (found in all parts of the plant - rhizome, leaves, trunk) - has a general beneficial effect on the body, gives strength, helps cope with nervous stress, increases the body's resistance to harmful environmental influences;
  • Plant glycosides – contribute to the normalization of the cardiovascular system;
  • Vitamin C – has a beneficial effect on the liver, helps fight viral and colds;
  • Vitamins E, A, D – normalizes hormonal levels;
  • Fatty acids – promote mental activity.

All components of the plant, including essential oils, minerals, sterol and peptide substances, together help cope with a host of diseases.

Ginseng root tincture has the following effects on the body:

  • Metabolic (normalizes metabolism);
  • Antiemetic;
  • General tonic;
  • Adaptogenic (reduces the impact of stress factors);
  • Biostimulating;
  • Increases the body's resistance;
  • Improves appetite;
  • Stimulates sexual function in men;
  • Increases physical and mental activity;
  • Normalizes the amount of sugar in the blood;
  • Relieves inflammatory processes in muscle diseases, arthrosis, rheumatism;
  • Strengthens blood vessels and cleanses them of cholesterol;
  • Reduces.

For vitamin deficiency in the spring, the tincture is used to strengthen, suppress fatigue and drowsiness.

Note! An alcohol tincture of ginseng root tends to increase blood pressure, while a water infusion, on the contrary, reduces blood pressure.

Most often, ginseng tincture is used in alcohol form, but in some cases an aqueous solution of ginseng root can also be used. It is believed that alcohol infusion is more effective because... it retains the greatest number of healing properties even for many months. But what form of infusion to choose should be advised by a doctor, since alcohol tincture of ginseng may not be suitable for everyone according to individual indications.

What is ginseng tincture used for?

The tincture is used to strengthen, for diseases of various etiologies and to improve the general condition of the body after illness.

The beneficial properties of ginseng root make it possible to use an infusion from this plant in many areas of medicine. Most often, the tincture is prescribed:

  • With decreased immunity;
  • For viral and colds;
  • For hyperfatigue and stress;
  • To improve sexual function;
  • For neurasthenia and neuroses;
  • To recover from illnesses;
  • With asthenia;
  • For hair and facial skin care.

Chinese healers use the tincture to treat gastrointestinal pathologies and cancer. Traditional medicine claims that the use of tincture prolongs youth, gives strength, improves performance and stimulates brain activity.

For men

Ginseng tincture is particularly effective for problems with “men’s health”

Ginseng tincture can eliminate male impotence, as well as improve sperm quality, which helps increase the chances of a fertile conception.

Ginseng tincture for older men helps to prolong youth, maintain an active lifestyle, gives vigor, stimulates physical and mental strength.

How is tincture useful for potency? When taking ginseng tincture in the male genitals, blood circulation increases, the production of male hormones increases, which increase male libido. Along with this, fatigue and nervous tension are relieved, and mood improves, which stimulates a man to be sexually active.

To restore “male strength,” you should drink 20-30 drops of healing tincture twice a day, half an hour before meals. You should not prescribe a course of treatment with the drug yourself, because The optimal dosage and duration of treatment is determined by the doctor. Usually the course of treatment is 1-2 months, after which I take a break for 2-3 months and repeat the treatment again.

Important! You cannot take the drug once, like Viagra, this can only harm the body. The body should be gradually accustomed to taking the tincture, so its use is carried out only in courses.

Men often use the tincture in bodybuilding - the medicine helps actively burn fat, adapt the body to heavy physical activity, and regulate the nervous system. For such situations, use a water tincture, because... Alcohol-based drugs should not be used in sports.

For women

The tincture also helps women in solving some problems with sexual life, as well as improving hair growth and increasing immunity after illness.

Ginseng infusion helps improve blood circulation in the pelvis, increase libido in women, improve appearance, and prevents...

During the period, and during any stress, the tincture will help a woman cope with nervousness and fatigue, and will give strength and vigor.

Women are asked to drink the tincture twice or thrice a day for 30-40 days, an alcohol solution - 20-30 drops, an aqueous solution - one tablespoon.

For hair loss, ginseng tincture should be rubbed into the scalp before each hair wash (at least twice a week) for a month. In case of severe hair loss, you can make a mask: 2-3 tbsp. Rub spoons of the product into the scalp and hair with massaging movements, wrap with a towel on top and leave for half an hour, and then rinse.

Important! For sensitive scalp, it is recommended to use ginseng tincture for hair in water.

This application will help strengthen the hair follicles, which will accelerate hair growth and give it shine.

When does a tincture cause harm?

Although ginseng tincture has a lot of healing properties, in certain cases it can be harmful, because Ginseng, like any other plant, has certain contraindications for use.

When not to drink the tincture:

  • For chronic gastrointestinal diseases;
  • Children under 12 years old;
  • If there are tumors in the body;
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • With low blood clotting;
  • With existing liver pathologies;
  • In the presence of excessive nervous excitability;
  • In case of individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • In the presence of inflammatory processes in the body, accompanied by temperature and fever;
  • For chronic pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

Note! When using tincture with alcohol, you should limit the consumption of alcohol, coffee and tea, because this will overstimulate the nervous system.

Exceeding the dosage of the drug may cause side effects such as:

  • Excessive increase in intracranial;
  • The occurrence of nosebleeds;
  • Intestinal irritations;
  • Lack of appetite;
  • Allergic reactions;
  • Vomiting and nausea.

If such symptoms appear, you should immediately stop using the tincture, after which the unwanted manifestations will go away on their own. But it should be noted that side effects usually appear only after the dosage of the drug is exceeded and the course of treatment is violated.

How to drink ginseng tincture

The standard dosage of ginseng tincture is 25-30 drops two or three times a day. For preventive purposes, drink the tincture twice a day, 15 drops.

The medicine should be taken at least half an hour before meals. At the same time, the appointments should be divided so that they take place in the first half of the day, because The tincture promotes nervous excitability and can cause insomnia.

A homeopathic regimen for taking the tincture can be used - the dosage is increased by one drop every day until the volume reaches 30 drops, after which the dosage is reduced in the reverse order.

To restore strength after severe operations and after illnesses, Chinese doctors offer their own dosage regimen - starting with one drop, the dosage is increased by 1 drop daily until it is equal to the number of years of the patient. Then the dosage begins to decrease in the opposite direction in the same way. The drops are dripped onto the sugar, which is kept in the mouth until completely dissolved.

Usually the course of treatment takes 30-40 days, after which a break is taken and a second appointment is scheduled again.

Making tincture at home

Ginseng tincture can be bought at a pharmacy, and its price will only be about 40-50 rubles. But you can prepare the medicine yourself, having dry ginseng root and an alcohol base (vodka or alcohol) on hand.

The advantages of homemade tincture are that it has fewer side effects on the body than pharmaceutical ginseng tincture, and the post-therapeutic effect of taking it lasts much longer.

How to prepare the tincture:

  1. With vodka or alcohol:
  • Grind the dry root in an amount of 100 g;
  • Pour half a liter of vodka (or diluted to 50% alcohol);
  • Leave for a month, shaking the container periodically.
  1. On the water:
  • Grind the ginseng root.
  • Mix half a tablespoon of the plant with honey (400 g).
  • Infuse for ten days.
  1. Chinese recipe:
  • Grind 50 g of the plant and pour half a liter of vodka.
  • Leave at room temperature for a day, then heat over low heat to a temperature of 50 degrees.
  • Infuse for a week in a dark place, shaking occasionally.
  • Take 50 g twice a day.
  • When 1/20 of the tincture remains, add another half liter of vodka and continue drinking. You can top up up to three times.

In different recipes for making tinctures, the proportions may vary slightly, which depends on the scope of use of the drug.

In order for the tincture to bring the expected effect, you must comply with its storage conditions: store in a dark place, at a temperature of no more than 25 degrees, use the opened tincture within 14 days.

Features of treatment

The harm and benefits of the tincture depend on compliance with the rules for taking the drug. Therefore, before using the product, you should study the features of using ginseng tincture:

  • The alcohol tincture should not be used by people who have problems with alcohol, as well as by children.
  • You cannot drink the tincture with analeptics, hypoglycemic and psychostimulant drugs, because the drug may enhance their effect.
  • You cannot use sedatives, anticonvulsants, neuroleptic and antiepileptic drugs, as well as tranquilizers, together with ginseng tincture. Tincture reduces their effectiveness.
  • It is imperative to follow the course and method of taking the tincture recommended by your doctor. You should not stop taking the medicine if it does not give a quick effect, because... the herbal medicine does not have a therapeutic effect immediately, but gradually, like homeopathy.
  • You should report any unusual reactions in your body that occur while taking the medicine to your doctor. Moreover, it should be taken into account that side effects do not always serve as a contraindication to further use of the medicine.

Before taking ginseng tincture, you should notify your doctor about all medications you are taking. This will avoid the occurrence of unwanted complications that arise when interacting with other drugs.

Ginseng tincture has a lot of positive reviews: patients note an improvement in their well-being already from the second week of taking the drug, and doctors indicate that the drug is relatively well tolerated and has a minimum of side effects, provided that the recommendations for use are followed.

If there are contraindications, as an alternative to ginseng, tincture of eleutherococcus can be used, which has a milder effect on the body and beneficial properties similar to ginseng.

How is ginseng useful for men and is it true that it is a powerful aphrodisiac? Can this miracle root cope with prostatitis and other sexual disorders? Agree, these are interesting and very relevant questions, and you will find the answers to them in this article.

Ginseng – a healing “root of life” for men

This is exactly what the name of ginseng sounds like in Chinese, and believe me, this is not without reason. It contains complex organic compounds - triterpene saponins or glycosides, which help the human body fight viruses that attack it at every step, all kinds of acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections, increase immunity and have a positive effect on the heart muscle. Plus, saponins successfully resist stress and have a calming effect on the nervous system. In addition to them, the “root of life” contains essential oils and fatty acids, biologically active polyacetylenes, B vitamins, phosphorus and many other macro- and microelements.

The healing properties of ginseng have been known since ancient times and to this day this root is included in many medicines; medicinal tinctures, syrups, decoctions and tonic teas are made on its basis. This plant has an analgesic effect, it has a positive effect on the circulatory system, normalizing blood pressure, and is also famous for its ability to lower blood sugar levels.

Separately, it should be noted how ginseng affects men:

  • The mentioned glycosides contained in it increase sexual desire and eliminate erection problems;
  • The anti-inflammatory properties of ginseng reduce the risk of prostatitis;
  • In a number of studies, an increase in the number of sperm in the ejaculate and an increase in their activity were also noted.

In addition, the ability of ginseng to fight stress and fatigue, have a beneficial effect on blood flow and stimulate smooth muscles has a positive effect on the sexual function of the male body. It also has interesting medicinal properties.

The use of ginseng in folk medicine in the form of tinctures

The most popular ginseng-based remedy used for treatment and prevention in men is tincture. There are three simple recipes for its preparation, including a version without the use of alcohol. Let's learn how to cook them:

Concentrated ginseng tincture for men

To prepare it, you will need 200 ml of 70 percent medical alcohol and 20 g of crushed ginseng root. The ingredients must be mixed in a glass jar and allowed to brew for a week in a cool, dark place. After this time, take the medicine twice a day half an hour before meals. A single dosage should be 20 drops.

Ordinary tincture

It is usually prepared on the basis of vodka or alcohol diluted with water (up to 40 percent concentration). You will need three liters of vodka and a medium-sized root. Cut the ginseng into small thin strips, put it in a jar and fill it with vodka. The tincture will be ready within a day. Take it 50 ml twice a day an hour before meals.

Honey tincture of ginseng for potency

It is made without the use of alcohol. This tincture consists of only 400 g of fresh honey and a tablespoon of crushed ginseng. Mix these components and leave for one and a half weeks at room temperature, protected from light. You should take one teaspoon of honey tincture three times a day, half an hour before meals.

The course of taking tinctures should be no more than two months. Before starting therapy, you should consult your doctor.

Official medicine and ginseng

Repeated medical studies have proven the effectiveness of ginseng root on the human body. It began to be included in compositions that stimulate the central nervous system, increasing physical activity and potency.

In addition, ginseng extract can be found in anticancer drugs and in medications that lower cholesterol and blood glucose levels.

Thus, ginseng-based medicines are indicated for the following ailments:

  • vegetative-vascular dystonia, accompanied by low blood pressure;
  • depressive neuroses;
  • chronic fatigue and drowsiness;
  • erectile dysfunction and.

Taking ginseng preparations is also prescribed as immunotherapy, for respiratory diseases and for restoring motor functions of the body after injuries.

But, as is the case with all medications, tablets and other preparations made from ginseng root have their own contraindications:

  • hypertonic disease;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • insomnia;
  • epilepsy;
  • increased nervous excitability;
  • acute phase of infectious diseases, fever;
  • liver diseases and erosive and ulcerative lesions of the digestive system;
  • allergy to ginseng root extract.

Ginseng protects men's health

If you do not find any problems that you or your beloved husband have in the list of contraindications, then you can safely purchase ginseng-based medications to increase potency. There are plenty of them on sale now; which of them won’t make you languish in anticipation of a positive effect? We'll tell you.

The most convenient for men will be ginseng in tablets and capsules. They are convenient to take, unlike syrups and tinctures, they are more concentrated. Of those on the market, patients are most often prescribed Gerimax, Doppelgerz and Herbion Ginseng - they have a complex effect on all body systems and are more like vitamins than drugs.

So, Gerimax, in addition to ginseng, which increases potency, also contains Rhodiola rosea, which also has an optimal effect on a man’s sexual potential, plus it adds stamina and improves mood - all this, of course, affects the quality and duration of sexual intercourse. Doppelhertz Ginseng improves potency, gives strength and has a positive effect on the nervous system; a visible effect occurs after two weeks of taking the capsules. Herbion Ginseng also has a beneficial effect on sexual activity, and it also helps strengthen the immune system after a long illness.

Remember, these drugs, despite the fact that they contain ginseng root, are not able to cure prostatitis and adenoma; they are prescribed as an addition to the main course of therapy or for prevention, after cure.

Both the erection-enhancing tincture of ginseng root for men and the tablets based on this “root of life” sold in pharmacies, they all require strict adherence to the dosage and order of administration. Although ginseng is a plant and not a chemical, it has a strong effect on the nervous and circulatory system and its abuse can lead to insomnia, hypertension and other consequences. Don't neglect your health in pursuit of ideal potency.