What is the name of a doctor of alternative medicine? Traditional and alternative medicine

Alternative medicine is a set of methods that claim to be able to prevent and even treat diseases. However, complete safety and effectiveness are not guaranteed, since the prescribed procedures have not been tested scientifically. This name is used when non-traditional treatment processes are used instead of conventional ones.

Types of Alternative Medicine

There are many unconventional methods for treating various diseases. The most famous of them are the following:

  1. Phytotherapy which involves taking decoctions and infusions different plants. This has a beneficial effect on the functioning of individual organs. They are used to cleanse the blood of toxins, improve immunity and other purposes. However, there are no side effects, which often appear when taking artificial medications.
  2. Urine therapy– use of animal or human urine. In this case, the application can be both external and internal.
  3. Aromatherapy- treatment with aromatic oils and sticks.
  4. Homeopathy. Alternative medicine is used to treat various diseases that cause similar symptoms, like the main disease. Only these drugs are prescribed in minimal doses.
  5. Minerals. These can be healing baths or warming procedures.
  6. Sound. Some believe that certain frequencies and combinations of words can cure a person of a disease.
  7. Acupuncture. This includes acupressure, moxibustion and acupuncture.
  8. Naturotherapy. Applicable only medicines of natural origin.
  9. Apitherapy. Honey is used for internal and external use.
  10. Manual therapy. A set of exercises performed by a specialist. This alternative medicine is aimed at relieving pain in the joints, including the spine.
  11. Hirudotherapy- on different areas bodies are applied, which help remove blood clots.
  12. Bioenergy therapy– use of so-called biological energy.
  13. Hydrotherapy– the use of baths, rubbing, dousing and other procedures involving water.
  14. Stonetherapy– massage is performed using stones of different weights and geometries.
  15. Hunger. The technique involves a strict diet, even to the point of prohibiting the intake of even water.
  16. Magnetotherapy. Treatment is carried out magnetic fields by using appropriate materials.
  17. Diet. This includes separate meals, intake without protein or carbohydrate foods.
  18. Metal therapy. Plates of different metals are applied to the body.

All these remedies are used to treat diseases of various kinds and origins, ranging from chronic illnesses and ending with a simple headache.

Effective methods of alternative medicine for varicose veins

Separately, it is necessary to say about treatment with non-traditional options. Many experts believe that this disease can only be gotten rid of using proven and tested laboratory methods. However, there are many cases proving the opposite. Some managed to cope with the problem through yoga, others through daily baths with warm water– it all depends on everyone’s personal predisposition individual person, stage of the disease, lifestyle and other factors.

The most common alternative method The treatment of the disease is considered to be taking nutmeg.

Recipe for the product


Preparation and use

All nutmeg need to be crushed - it is best to do this in a coffee grinder. One teaspoon of the resulting powder is poured into a glass of boiling water and honey is added. The infusion is left for half an hour. The resulting mixture is drunk one hour before breakfast and two hours after meals in the morning. The first changes will be visible within a month.

Herbs for diseases

- there are several treatment options various pathologies. There are principles, diagnostics and methods of non-traditional treatment of people.

Alternative medicine is a collective name for methods that claim to be able to treat (or prevent) diseases, the effectiveness and safety of which has not been scientifically proven. Typical examples are homeopathy, acupuncture and naturopathy.

For several centuries, people have been looking for ways to be healthy. Currently, humanity uses three methods of medicine: modern, traditional and alternative. As soon as a person gets sick, he goes to the doctor. He is given a prescription, tests are prescribed if necessary, and the treatment regimen is explained. At the same time, many people are starting to brew herbs and make infusions. And only a few go to witch doctors and healers.

Alternative medicine, treatment

If official medicine has classical and generally accepted standards, then this does not apply to Not traditional medicine and treatment. Its goal, first of all, is to find the beginning, where the health problem came from, under what circumstances the failure and disturbances occurred, which led to the disease, when modern and traditional are primarily about relieving symptoms and only then treatment.

Another difference from the classical medicine we are used to is that it does not study internal organs separately, but as a whole.

Honey and lemon

Traditional medicine, also called traditional, is an ancient treatment method that has been tested by time. For a long time, before the advent of such a science as medicine, people resorted to similar methods for healing. Herbs, flowers, bark, and roots were taken as the basis. All this was necessary for preparing infusions and decoctions.

Healers supplemented their potions with prayers and spells. According to old beliefs, this helped protect against evil spirits. These prayers are still used today, passed down from generation to generation.

Eastern healers

Eastern traditional medicine is popular all over the world. Faith in it comes from the longevity of the local residents, their good health, slim figure and non-aging appearance. Eastern traditions prevent and maintain health. It is based on a spiritual philosophy that prolongs life physical body. Harmony with the outside world helps healers solve problems.

Alternative medicine

Alternative medicine is both traditional and non-traditional, which treats a person, but not a disease. Those people who trust this technique consider it as safe and effective as possible. Those who believe in it and refuse classical treatment, can cause even more harm to themselves.

Doctors have a positive attitude towards all methods and, but only when they are used together and the doctor’s recommendations are followed. This must be done carefully, listening to the behavior of your body, since not all methods are known and studied.

Unfortunately, many clinics promise complete relief from diseases through alternative medicine, but then people end up in inpatient departments in in serious condition. This says that there are charlatan doctors and you cannot believe in miracles. Even qualified doctors cannot fully determine correct method treatment.

The topic of health will remain central as long as man lives on Earth. Because nothing worries him more than his own well-being and the well-being of those close to him. There is no health - and all “important” issues fade into the background.

When we are overcome by illness, we turn to a doctor. And until he recovers, he becomes the main person for anyone who is “most important and important.” Doctors are our saviors, they are our traditional medicine. Usually we go to them (and do the right thing!) when the disease is in acute form, and we need to remove all the unpleasant ones as soon as possible painful symptoms. IN medical institutions we get quick relief from the disease with the help chemicals– drugs or surgery (and other methods depending on the disease).

But today we will talk about a completely different approach to human health. And in my opinion, this is no less important question. After all, it includes preserving and using the capabilities of the body itself to fight diseases, as well as the experience of mankind accumulated over centuries in the prevention and treatment of diseases. This is unconventional or alternative medicine.

By the way, we all quite often resort to alternative medicine methods without even thinking about it. They are so familiar to us that we consider them traditional. This includes treatment with honey, herbs, homeopathy, hydrotherapy, massages, manual therapy, hirudotherapy, etc. And many doctors, supporters of traditional methods of treatment, also resort to help traditional medicine, combining these and other methods to combat the disease. After all, many medicines are produced using plants and minerals - this is the great connection between traditional and alternative medicine.

Alternative medicine methods

There are many methods of alternative medicine. After all, she has gathered under “her wing” all the experience of the peoples of the world in the treatment and prevention of diseases. Therefore, I will focus on the most common and familiar methods. This:

Apitherapy – treatment with bee products
- treatment with scents
Acupuncture – acupuncture, moxibustion
Acupressure – acupressure
Hydrotherapy – general and local baths, showers, douches and rubdowns
Hirudotherapy - treatment with leeches
Sound therapy - treatment with music and sounds
Healthy eating
Chinese medicine
Hypnosis treatment
– use of minerals in the treatment of diseases
Manual therapy
Metal therapy – use of various metal plates in the treatment
Turpentine baths
Stone therapy - massage using stones
Thalassotherapy - the use of algae, salts, mud
Tibetan medicine
Urine therapy
Herbal medicine – treatment using medicinal plants
Fungotherapy - treatment with mushrooms
Color therapy - treatment with color

Not all traditional medicine methods have scientific confirmation. But perhaps they have not yet been studied enough? Although many of them are successfully used, especially in sanatoriums. Therefore, today we can say that diseases in their acute form undoubtedly need to be treated traditional methods. And alternative medicine can be used as an assistant or for the prevention of diseases. Alternative medicine methods can also be used for chronic diseases during the period of remission.

Traditional medicine has many supporters. But you shouldn’t experience everything that your friends advise you to do. To begin with, at least study the proposed method and consult with specialists. Before buying “overseas” drugs, ask if there are perhaps analogues in our domestic folk medicine? After all, they probably suit us better.

So let's be reasonable. In my opinion, you should not rely on “miracle” remedies. Better lead healthy image life. That's what it is - best prevention illnesses and your well-being.

And methods of alternative medicine can be successfully used for hardening, maintaining good physical fitness, for the prevention of diseases and hygiene of your nervous system.

Today, more and more people are resorting to alternative methods of treatment. It is worth noting that many doctors welcome some types of alternative treatment and recommend combining them with the main treatment. This article will discuss what non-traditional treatment methods exist today.

Of course, many alternative medicine methods are considered safe and quite effective. But this does not mean that you can resort to them without a doctor’s recommendation. Even the simplest herbal medicine can cause serious harm to the body if not treated correctly.

There are specialists in every field. Therefore, if you decide to resort to treatment with unconventional methods, then first find yourself a good, highly qualified specialist who will not harm your health. Unfortunately, you really can't find good specialists quite difficult, because there are many charlatans who profit from people. To avoid this, you need to contact only trusted people or those who have a lot of good reviews About work.

Also, before starting treatment with unconventional methods, you need to take into account one more factor. Such treatment does not always give the desired results. Therefore, you should not rely only on unconventional methods of treatment. It is best to combine them with the main treatment. But this can only be done with the permission of a doctor and under his close supervision. After all, not all herbs are combined with medications.

The most effective alternative treatments


Many people probably know what herbal medicine is. This method of treatment uses medicinal plants. To cure any disease, it is necessary to take decoctions and infusions of herbs and plant extracts. All kinds of rubbing and other products obtained from medicinal plants are also used.

Many plants contain useful material, which have a certain effect on our body. But in order to achieve positive results from treatment, you need to collect plants correctly: at certain times of the year and day, in certain places of growth, and the like. It is equally important to prepare them correctly.

Herbal medicine is also actively used in traditional medicine. Very often doctors prescribe various tinctures And herbal teas for coughs, for gargling, for rubbing and the like. For example, valerian extract is used in heart drops, " breast collection No. 5" perfectly helps to cope with cough.

Today you can find a huge number of herbal medicines in pharmacies. They are very effective and generally cause fewer side effects than medications synthetic drugs. Herbal medicine also includes fungiotherapy - treatment with mushrooms.


Reflexology is also very popular today. It includes many areas of medicine. The treatment is based on the impact on certain points of the body. As a result of this effect, nerve endings are activated, the peripheral nervous system is activated, and the body’s restorative functions are launched. Thanks to this, a person’s overall well-being improves, the immune system is strengthened, and the like.

Impact on active points may be different. This may be the effect of needles. With this method of treatment, the specialist inserts needles made of a certain metal alloy to a certain depth. This method is called acupuncture. It can also be a targeted effect using vibrations (acupressure), cauterization with a laser or burning sticks (su-jok).

Such treatment is quite effective if it is carried out by a specialist. Using these methods you can get rid of pain and fatigue.

Hippotherapy and rayterrotherapy

This is treatment using horses and riding them. It has long been proven that communication with animals has a positive effect on our body. Some animals, such as horses and dolphins, can have powerful effects on our bodies. After such therapy, a person feels better not only physically, but also psychologically. Such methods are especially good for the treatment of psychological diseases, for the treatment of autism, stress, depression, and the like.


This type of treatment uses natural remedies. Any treatment can be used Natural resources: sunlight(heliotherapy), climate (climatotherapy), treatment mineral waters(balneotherapy), treatment with leeches (hirudotherapy), treatment with bee products (apitherapy), mud treatment (peloidotherapy) and the like.

These types of treatments are suitable for improving body tone and strengthening immune system. They are recommended for children and elderly people who suffer from frequent colds, from chronic ENT diseases, from problems with blood pressure and so on.

Therapeutic diets and therapeutic fasting

Such methods are suitable for the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, thyroid gland, cardiovascular system and other diseases. Thanks to a therapeutic diet or fasting, the body is cleansed of waste and toxins. The patient's menu consists of certain products and a certain order of food consumption.


This method is based on movement therapy. In fact, this method is practically no different from the generally accepted methods of physical therapy. However, there is still a difference. With kinesitherapy, the effect is on the entire body as a whole, and not on specific parts of the body and organs.

This method is very helpful in recovering from injuries or cardiovascular diseases. An individual training program is being developed, according to which the patient must exercise under the supervision of a doctor.


Absolutely everyone knows about this method of treatment. Physiotherapy uses various methods:

    magnetotherapy, which involves exposure to magnetic fields;

    electrotherapy – applied with electrical impulses;

    EHF – exposure to non-light and light ranges;

    vibration therapy – exposure to vibrations of a certain frequency;

    hydrotherapy - exposure to streams of water.

Physiotherapy helps speed up recovery after various injuries, sprains, injuries skin. Physiotherapy methods are also used to treat inflammatory processes, for the treatment of ENT diseases and the like.


Using this method of treatment, they affect the entire body as a whole, as well as individual organs using homeopathic medicines. Needs to be bred homeopathic remedy in water, and then drink it according to a certain pattern.


This method uses the aromas of essential oils to treat stress and nervous tension. Essential oils can have a powerful effect on our body.

Less popular traditional medicine methods

Not all traditional medicine methods are officially recognized and considered effective. For example, the following treatment methods are in doubt:

    urine therapy;

    bile therapy;

    medical therapy, lithotherapy;

    healing and the like.

A very interesting video seminar that examines various alternative methods and means of treatment, gives their classification and recommendations for the use of certain techniques, recipes and devices of alternative and traditional medicine. In particular, the results of studies on the effectiveness of Chinese and Oriental medicine, reflexology, homeopathy, as well as various extrasensory, healing and magical practices are presented.

The seminar contains a fascinating personal story Vyacheslav Gubanov, rector of MICE, telling about the long and difficult path of search effective means self-help without medications, which culminated in the development of our own scientific direction“Infosomatics” with a large arsenal of innovative mental technologies based on the physics of the human brain, the concept of subconscious control stress and metrology subtle plans existence of matter.

Watch and learn from the unique experience of a practicing researcher!

Table of classification of methods of helping a person:
traditional, alternative and folk medicine

More detailed explanation For this table, see the video seminar presented above on this page.

This table provides a systematic classification of methods and means of treating alternative and traditional medicine, as well as various areas of traditional medicine.

You can also find a more detailed explanation of this tabular chart in our special article “For the New Millennium - a New Worldview”

Detailed content of the video seminar:

This video seminar was conducted as part of the fundamental online training course “Life Expert”

  1. Introduction. Greetings to webinar participants
  2. Tabular chart: distribution various methods and means of treatment, both traditional and alternative, folk medicine, according to the degree of their effectiveness and applicability, depending on changes in frequency environment(evolution of the mind). Practice table
  3. On the fight against pseudoscience in Russia
  4. Genetics, Cybernetics and Bioenergy informatics as pseudosciences. Historical reference
  5. Software virus 666, killing programmers - classified materials. History of the creation of Antivirus. Birth of the first Infosomatics technology
  6. The story of Vyacheslav Gubanov. Search effective methods self-help and treatments in alternative and folk medicine
  7. History of the formation of the science of Infosomatics: the path from hydroacoustics, programmer, radio electronics specialist and military analyst to specialist in energy informatics and “software” of the human brain
  8. Interesting story creation of the first alternative medicine device in the Soviet Union “Axon 02” for electro-acupuncture based on secret literature on Chinese and oriental medicine in 1987
  9. Qi energy - what is it?! An interesting explanation from the point of view of the theory of semiconductors: electrons and holes
  10. What is space from the point of view of elementary particle physics
  11. Principles of an unconventional method of treatment due to electrical influence on energy meridians person, saturating them with electricity in accordance with the measured potential of the channel
  12. Explanation of the operating principle of the alternative traditional medicine device “Denas” and its differences from the “Axon 02” device. Advantages of frequency electrical influence on human energy channels. Resonance principle
  13. Explanation of the principles of EHF therapy. Information medicine and adjustment of the human software shell. Assessing the effectiveness of this non-traditional treatment method in contrast to other means of providing traditional medicine. Examples of using
  14. The current state of affairs in healthcare in the Russian Federation and in other countries
  15. Ethnoscience. Real example effectiveness of treatment folk remedies and methods
  16. Dialectical materialism as a method of understanding the surrounding reality. Basic laws
  17. The human brain is like an on-board computer. Human thinking is like software - its impact on somatics (body)
  18. The story of Vyacheslav Gubanov about studying the language of dolphins in order to create instrumental means of communication with them. Application this experience when working on contact with objects of subtle-material reality
  19. The story of V.V. Gubanov on the study of various methods and means of treating alternative and folk medicine, witchcraft and magical practices with the aim of creating a new scientific and practical direction based on imaginative thinking and the laws of Nature
  20. Phantoms are like electron clouds generated by the human brain
  21. An explanation of the principles of effective counteraction to the enemy in hand-to-hand combat through proactive reading of thought forms, neutralization of phantoms and “sucking out” the enemy’s manpower. Paralyze the enemy
  22. Explanation of the physics of the “Love your enemy” technology. Fundamentals of effective energy and information protection
  23. Secret works of Vyacheslav Gubanov in GIDUV ( State Institute for the improvement of doctors). An unconventional method of selecting medications for treating patients is by taking a graph of the frequency response (amplitude-frequency characteristic) of a person. Example efficient work with phantoms of study drugs. Alternative traditional medicine in action!
  24. A funny story about “Team contract” for a female oligarch
  25. The method is quick and effective treatment headaches using figurative technologies of Infosomatics. Why homeopathy, reflexology, and many others known remedies Traditional and alternative medicine treatments may be ineffective
  26. Physics and causes of headaches from the point of view of energy informatics
  27. Macromolecules of water. How water carries information. Basics of homeopathy
  28. Aura-Soma. Principles of operation. An interesting story of the discharge of a person’s negative program on bottles with aura-soma
  29. An interesting example of treatment with folk remedies. Alternative medicine and method of treating diseases among Komi healers. A prototype of modern homeopathy, but at the energy-informational level
  30. An alternative method of informationally charging water using thought forms. A secret recipe for alternative folk medicine using a selection of herbs with very good effectiveness. Healing practice of Vyacheslav Gubanov
  31. The other side of healing practices and methods of assistance, which few people know about. Healing as energy-information donation. What do healing practices ultimately lead to, and how do they affect the health of the healer himself. ( Personal experience Gubanova V.V.)
  32. Energy-information technology of Infosomatics for restoring your energy and breaking energy-information ties with clients and patients - for healers, healers, bioenergeticists, psychics and all those who work in the field of alternative medicine
  33. Reflexology 2.0. Technology of energy-information acupuncture: how to conduct an acupuncture session on biologically active points (BAP) independently using mental images and connecting to the information center Chinese medicine. Acupuncture using phantom needles as a method self-treatment no contraindications
  34. Placebo effect - what is it? in simple words. Physics of the effect of placebo on the human psyche and physiology. How it works?!
  35. How traditional medicine (tablets, pharmaceuticals) act on the human body in contrast to alternative methods of treatment. What consequences can the methods of correcting health with the help of chemicals lead to?
  36. Human thought forms, like operating basis placebo effect in treatment with traditional medicine. How it works on logical-oriented (left-hemisphere) people and how it affects creative, intuitive (right-hemisphere) people. Differences
  37. A funny example of a real woman getting rid of infertility using a “super device” of alternative medicine. The power of beliefs, their influence on human physiology and psychological method breaking the stereotype of thinking, how alternative way effective health adjustment
  38. Water is a keeper and carrier of information, a medicine for the body and soul. Research by Masaru Emoto. Mantras, prayers, spells - their effect on water crystals
  39. Drinking structured water is an easily accessible method of traditional medicine and a means of treatment (as well as prevention) for many diseases. Recipe for water treatment at home using freezing. Crystallography
  40. Consequences of the 2012 quantum transition from the point of view of elementary particles. Change in proton size by 4% as a scientifically proven fact
  41. Why MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), as a tool of traditional medicine, often leads to errors in diagnoses
  42. Informational homeopathy. An example of “infection” and healing with the help of thought forms
  43. Homeopathy - what is it in simple words. Physics of influence. How does homeopathy, as a type of alternative medicine, differ from the pharmacology of traditional medicine? Training the body at the program level to resist various diseases using homeopathy treatment, that is, exposure to doses of ultra-low concentrations
  44. The impact of virtual reality (computers, gadgets) on human health
  45. Imaginative technology of infosomatics for disconnecting (mismatching) the human body and brain from virtual reality and returning to Natural processes. An example of effective self-help (alternative self-treatment) using mental images
  46. Informational alternative medicine based on “targeted” figurative thinking (structured mental images) and its effectiveness in comparison with homeopathy
  47. The law of the negation of negation and the principle “You should have listened better to Mommy,” that is, Nature
  48. In what cases does Chinese medicine work well? oriental medicine(herbs, aromatherapy, acupuncture, sujok, Tszyu therapy), and in which - Western medicine
  49. results modern research Chinese medicine human BAP (biologically active points). Strong scientific evidence of the reality of their existence in the human body at the physiological level! Anti pseudoscience
  50. The brain is like the operating system of a person. About the importance of working with software(human thinking), and not just with the “hardware” (human body).
  51. Phantoms as a product of human mental activity. What does a tomograph actually measure?!
  52. About programming and damage by diagnosis
  53. About the role of a woman for a man’s health. How positive emotions and the energy generated by the female body and brain can heal. Pro-Nature Healing
  54. About pseudoscience and the right attitude to magicians, sorcerers and psychics. How methods and means of treating alternative, folk medicine of the past can and should be effectively used in the present. The influence of the active transition of most people from Natural reality to virtual reality, entailing the need to update methods of care and treatment through connection and development alternative techniques working with human software - with the mechanisms of his thinking and energy-information structures
  55. Culture brain activity as the basis of health
  56. The relationship between the laws of the dense-material and subtle-material worlds
  57. On the need to take into account the influence of reincarnation and embodiment programs on human health
  58. Modern methods of information (software) corrections for independent recovery and long-term preservation of your health!
  59. Completing the topic