Classical homeopathy gastritis. Treatment of gastritis with homeopathy

2. Homeopathy

Homeopathy refers to alternative methods of treatment officially approved by science.

But homeopathy still does not have a modern justification, since scientists have not yet understood why such methods have a therapeutic effect.

Today, homeopathy is used in their practice by a quarter of doctors in Germany, almost half of British doctors and a third of specialists in France.

Homeopathy is based on two defining principles: the use of small and ultra-low doses of active substances in homeopathic medicines and the principle of similarity (like is treated with like).

Minerals, plants, metals, even living organisms, as well as waste products of some insects and animals are used in the production of homeopathic preparations. At the same time, obviously poisonous substances from plants that poison metals are included in the preparations. But the unique technology of preparing homeopathic medicines makes them safe. Toxic constituents are present in small or ultra-small volumes. Homeopathic medicines are produced at specialized enterprises and sold in specialized pharmacies.

Homeopathic medicines are divided into: monopreparations, which contain only one active ingredient, and complex medicines, which consist of several active substances.

Only a certified homeopath can prescribe homeopathic monopreparations. Complex homeopathic preparations can also be done by a general practitioner (therapist). This is done in the usual way. The specialist establishes the diagnosis and selects the necessary drug.

In homeopathy, the individuality of the patient is always taken into account. At the same time, the same homeopathic medicine can be prescribed for different diseases. This principle of prescribing medicines in homeopathy is considered the only possible one. It is considered the pinnacle of the art of healing.

Homeopathic doctors believe that each person is unique, and each body reacts to the disease in its own way. Therefore, when prescribing a medicine, homeopathic doctors are guided not by the diagnosis, but by the totality of the symptoms of the disease. To begin with, they find out the individual characteristics of the course of the disease, pay close attention to the personal manifestations of pain and symptoms that are unique to this patient.

To prescribe a remedy, such a doctor looks for similarities between the symptoms of the disease and those that occur in a healthy person who takes the substances contained in the homeopathic medicine in high doses.

The structure of the body is also taken into account and only one drug is selected that suits both the symptoms of the disease and the individual constitution of the patient.

However, even a very experienced homeopath is not always able to find this ideal remedy for the patient. And for this reason, homeopathic doctors often use the method of two similarities. Namely: the first similarity is between the drug and the patient, the second similarity is between both the drug and the disease.

It is for this reason that it is impossible to self-medicate with the help of homeopathic remedies. This process should be controlled only by a doctor.

However, most often patients with chronic gastritis can be prescribed arsenicum album (white arsenic oxide), argentum nitricum (silver nitrate), potassium bichromicum (potassium bichromate), belladonna (belladonna), sulfur (sulfur), phosphorus, nux vomica (chilibuha , emetic nut).

Arsenicum albumum (white arsenic oxide)

This medicine belongs to non-metals. In significant doses, Arsenicum album is a poison. In homeopathy, thanks to the technology of preparation, arsenicum album serves the recovery of patients.

It is prescribed to patients who have a protracted, undulating course of gastritis, with periods of deterioration.

Also, this medicine is suitable for long-term ill people suffering from a general breakdown. When taking this drug, characteristic symptoms appear. For example, nausea, which may come from the sight or smell of food, or increased thirst, which patients quench with small sips of liquid. Patients who are suitable for Arsenicum like milk, bread, alcohol, but are less enthusiastic about meat, vegetables and fatty foods.

Often such patients have allergies, runny nose, asthma, dermatitis and even eczema. Homeopaths believe that skin reactions in patients may be related to eating meat. They often feel sick and vomit, they suffer from diarrhea, burning pains in the epigastric region.

Such sick people only get worse from cold food. It also worsens the state of health in cold weather and at night.

Argentum nitricum (silver nitrate)

This remedy, according to homeopaths, is more suitable for fussy patients who eat quickly, chew food poorly, because of which they experience belching, discomfort in the stomach, bloating, characteristic pains that decrease when the body bends forward. For such patients, the relationship between emotional experiences and digestive disorders is characteristic.

The choice of this remedy may be influenced by complaints of dizziness, pallor of the skin, headaches ameliorated by covering the head with a handkerchief.

Symptoms of gastritis in this type of patients may be exacerbated after eating sweets. For such people, it is believed that silver preparations are the most effective.

Especially for the treatment of lean patients with swarthy skin, who are characterized by haste, claustrophobia, fear of loneliness, stubbornness and restless sleep. Symptoms such as reduced frost resistance and a desire to constantly be in the fresh air are also noticed.

Antimonium (black sulfurous antimony)

This metal is intended, according to homeopathic doctors, for such a symptom as a white coating on the tongue. In addition, a combination of symptoms is taken into account: skin manifestations and damage to the stomach. Skin manifestations mean rashes on the body like urticaria, corns, acne, warts. These patients experience paroxysmal headaches like migraine and diarrhea. Also, the connection between the onset of the disease and the cooling of the body is revealed.

Actea racemosa (cimicifuga)

This is most often a female remedy. Manifestations of the disease are associated with the menstrual cycle. And while eating, the patient's condition improves.

Bryonia alba (white step)

This drug is indicated in the case of the gradual development of the disease in swarthy, lean brunettes with such properties as increased irritability, resentment, combined with commitment, responsibility, courage in making decisions.

Such a patient is characterized by exacerbation of symptoms of gastritis after eating fatty and plentiful food. Pain in the stomach is described by patients as stabbing. Nausea in such patients occurs with a change in body position.

Belladonna (Belladonna)

The drug can be used for exacerbation of chronic gastritis, when there is a pronounced thirst, a feeling of dry mouth. For patients requiring the appointment of this drug, indications are increased reactivity, a strong reaction to irritation, hypersensitivity. Such patients feel better at rest and warmth.

Kalium bichromicum (potassium bichromate)

The drug is prescribed in cases where pain appears immediately after eating, is burning in nature, accompanied by a feeling of fullness in the stomach, nausea and vomiting are possible. The characteristic reason for prescribing this remedy is the fact that pain occurs after drinking beer.

This homeopathic remedy is prescribed for burning pain in the epigastric region, accompanied by pronounced heartburn and increased thirst. Characteristically, the patient prefers to drink cold water.

A typical sign for the appointment of phosphorus to a patient with chronic gastritis is paroxysmal night hunger. Often such patients get up and eat at night. Fluctuations in appetite are also characteristic - from its complete absence to normal. The drug is more suitable for tall, thin, stooped subjects, which are typically hypersensitive to strong odors, color, sound, touch.

Nux vomica (chilibucha, emetic nut)

This is a fairly well-known homeopathic remedy. The drug is prescribed to patients who feel spasms - squeezing inside the abdomen. These patients are characterized by a feeling of heaviness, fullness of the stomach, belching bitter and sour, heaviness in the stomach after eating.

Abdominal pains are of the so-called delayed nature: they have a clear connection with food intake and appear an hour later (on average) after eating. A feeling of nausea, an urge to vomit, and a whitish-yellow coating on the tongue are typical. There may be alternating diarrhea and constipation, although constipation is more common. As noted, such patients are fans of alcohol and coffee. If the symptoms of gastritis worsen after neuro-emotional stress or cooling, then the use of this medication is indicated.

Podophyllum (nail-flyer)

The medicine is prescribed for patients with poor appetite, disgusted by the smell of food. When prescribing the drug, the doctor takes into account symptoms such as the occurrence of rotten and sour belching, rumbling in the abdomen, and bloating. The medicine is used for chronic gastritis with reduced secretion.

Iris (iris multi-colored)

Complex homeopathic drugs based on iris are prescribed if the patient complains of a lack of appetite in the morning, heaviness after eating in the epigastric region, pain of a burning nature, as well as sour belching and heartburn. In addition, nausea and vomiting may occur. It is characteristic that the pain often radiates to the back or to the left hypochondrium.

Sulfur (sulphur)

Homeopathic doctors prescribe this drug quite often, as it has a multilateral effect on different tissues of the body. In those suffering from chronic gastritis, sulfur helps digest food, and also helps with recurrent vomiting.

Complex homeopathic preparations


The drug has a complex effect on the body, regulating the activity of not only the digestive, but also the nervous system. The drug has an anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antispasmodic effect, regulates the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

The drug can be used for any form of gastritis.

Nux vomica Homaccord

The drug has anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and choleretic effects, regulates the functions of the digestive tract.

Mucosa compositum

The drug contains extracts of various mucous membranes, anti-inflammatory components and substances that target the organs of the epigastric region - the stomach, pancreas, intestines.


It has antispasmodic, analgesic, sedative and anticonvulsant effects, and therefore is used in spastic conditions of the stomach and intestines.

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2. Homeopathy Homeopathy refers to alternative methods of treatment officially approved by science. But homeopathy still does not have a modern justification, since scientists have not yet understood why such methods have a therapeutic effect. Today, homeopathy

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8. Homeopathy Arsenicum album (white oxide of arsenic) This medicine belongs to non-metals. In significant doses, Arsenicum album is a poison. In homeopathy, thanks to the technology of preparation, arsenicum album serves to recover patients. Argentum nitricum (nitrate

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The principles of treatment of diseases, as a rule, are based on the suppression of negative factors. If the mucous membrane is irritated, an anti-inflammatory agent is prescribed, if a bacterial infection is detected, it is recommended to take it.

Practice shows that such an approach is not effective in one hundred percent of cases. Sometimes it allows you to drown out the pathological process only for a certain period of time, and then the disease overcomes the body with renewed vigor.

Desperate to overcome the manifestations of gastritis or gastroduodenitis in classical ways, some patients timidly turn to unofficial methods, in particular, to homeopathy.

For those who wish, we will explain the essence of the latest branch of medical science, and then we will talk about specific drugs. If you wish, read immediately from the middle of the article.

The essence of homeopathy in a few words

The sphere of knowledge that interests us has existed since the 18th century (it is believed that the German doctor Samuel Friedrich Christian Hahnemann was a pioneer in it), but it has not gained a clear, intelligible theoretical foundation to this day.

Certain remedies are used simply because they tend to heal quite often.

Basic principles

First, it is believed that like should be destroyed by like. The doctor compares the symptoms named by the patient with the symptoms that may occur in a healthy person when a significant amount of any active substance is consumed.

Different diseases can be treated with the same means, but the treatment of each patient must certainly be carried out according to an individual program, drawn up taking into account a number of important points (from the characteristics of the manifestation of the disease to the characteristics of the patient's physical complexion).

Medicines are recommended to be used in small, almost microscopic doses - this is a well-founded principle, given that in some cases the use of obviously toxic substances (for example, mercury) is considered acceptable.

As Sh. Zuhair, S.V. Oleinik, I.V. Vishnevskaya write (2),

There is no direct relationship between changes in the concentration of a substance and changes in therapeutic activity. The effect of various homeopathic dilutions is determined primarily by the individual sensitivity of the organism to irritation by this substance.

medicines may be recognized:

  • various plants;
  • metal derivatives;
  • minerals;
  • materials of animal origin (including waste products).

Curiously, the principles of preparation of preparations practically do not change - many homeopathic tablets are made in almost the same way as a couple of centuries ago.

V.S. Zilber says:

If the raw material is the tissue of an animal, insect or plant, then this material is processed according to a technology similar to Western medicine, the so-called "galenic production". If it is a mineral, then it is processed by a special method invented by Hahnemann - dry grinding in sugar.

Homeopathic remedies for gastritis and gastroduodenitis: an overview

Either drugs consisting of a single component are used (only a narrow-profile professional is entitled to prescribe them), or complex formulations (any certified general practitioner can recommend them).

Question: Hello, Sergey Vadimovich!
Two years ago, the gallbladder was removed due to acute calculous cholecystitis. This spring 4 weeks ago pains on the right have begun. She underwent FGDS (gastroscopy), was diagnosed with erosive gastritis. The doctor said it was because of the large amount of bile.
At the moment I am on a diet, but periodically there are pains in the upper abdomen in the epigastric region. It gets worse after eating, especially after milk.
Nervous situations also contribute to the manifestation of pain. I feel my stomach tighten inside. When there is a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, I immediately want to lie down so that no one bothers.
Thank you very much!

Answer: Hello Maria! If possible, then for the treatment of erosive gastritis, take a homeopathic remedy - Octopus 6c (lat. Octopus vulgaris) - 5 granules under the tongue outside of food daily in the morning and evening, until improvement.
A simpler treatment option is a homeopathic medicine - Sepia 6c (lat. Sepia) 5 granules in the morning and Nux vomica 6c - 3 granules at night.

Question: Thank you very much Sergey Vadimovich! I have been taking sepia and nux vomica homeopathic remedies for 2 weeks. There was no more heaviness, but the aching pains returned on the right side. Sometimes the day aches, the day doesn't. Sometimes the state changes several times a day.
This does not cause me much discomfort, but the morale is greatly worsened because of this. I can’t even understand what affects the appearance of pain, as I follow a diet.

Answer: Good afternoon! Next, take a homeopathic remedy for treatment - Pulsatilla 6c (lat. Pulsatilla pratensis) 5 granules outside meals daily in the morning and - Nux vomica 6 - 3 granules at night until improvement. Sepia is temporarily not needed.

Question: Thank you very much! Sergey Vadimovich, that's just the opportunity to read your answer. I treated my erosive gastritis, according to the result of the last gastroscopy: superficial gastritis and reflux of bile into the stomach. She also had liver tests done and everything was normal. And the right side continues to whine.
I should continue your previous treatment, or perhaps a new one is needed. Thank you very much for your responsiveness.

Answer: Good afternoon! Now take a homeopathic remedy - Sepia 6 - 5 granules outside of meals daily in the morning, and - Nux vomica 6c (lat., Strychnos nux vomica)
5 granules in the evening. Other drugs are not needed yet.

Question: Sergey Vadimovich, hello! I take everything according to your recommendations. For 2 weeks, the pain disappeared completely, but now it has returned again - on the right, where the ribs are, under them. Sometimes the pain radiates to the back.
The pains are aching, they don’t cause much discomfort, but I’m still worried. All sorts of thoughts come into my head because of this. Pain is not every day and is not the whole day. They subside at night.
What should I take next? Or continue treatment?

Answer: Hello! Replace Sepia with a homeopathic remedy - Chelidonium 6c (lat. Chelidonium majus)
take 5 granules daily in the morning, and can be taken additionally in the evening if pain occurs during the day.

Question: Sergey Vadimovich, I remembered what caused the pain again. For two weeks I was visiting my mother, for these 2 weeks nothing hurt. I just arrived and ate jelly with mustard, the pain almost immediately began! Sorry I just remembered!

Question: Sergey Vadimovich, tell me, should I take Sepia 6, or just Chelidonium? The pain is now every day, very exhausting. Not by my pain, but by the fact that they are present in my body, I want to get rid of them, cleanse myself of them. Want nothing...
The feeling that a snowball fell on me, all these diseases. It goes one by one... A terrible fear of death, that I won't be able to raise my son, he is 3.5 years old, I really want a daughter, but my body won't let me get pregnant... Apathy for everything as soon as the pain starts. Irritating loud sound, bright light.
I can't stand the heat, my head and neck hurt. I love it when it's cold, when there's no sun outside.
And one more question, Sergey Vadimovich. When will the medicine start working? I'm going for an ultrasound the other day, the most important thing is to check the ducts, I'm very worried about them.
Thank you very much!

Answer: Good afternoon! By itself, the medicine begins to act immediately, the only question is how quickly the body will fight the disease.
Do not take Sepia yet, now you only need Nux vomica (up to 5 granules per dose 2 times a day) and Chelidonium. The only thing that can help clarify the remedy is to understand what makes the pain better or worse (movement, rest, body position, food, drink, and so on).

Question: Thank you very much! And then I only take Helidonium. Diet has no effect on pain. It starts to hurt when I wake up in the morning. When there is pain, I want to lie down, I lie down, when the child is sleeping, during the day, it becomes a little easier. As the night progresses, the pain subsides. Started taking Chelidonium on Thursday. On Saturday the whole day there was almost no pain. Sunday, same thing.

Answer: Good afternoon! Keep taking. See if the pain changes if you drink hot milk.

Question: Sergey Vadimovich! She underwent ultrasound diagnostics of the abdominal cavity: nothing changed. Gastroscopy: superficial gastritis. So the pain is not coming from that area. Unless it's soldering.
Now the pains are mainly from the back, under the right shoulder blade and between the shoulder blade and the spine. Sometimes this pulling pain radiates to the right arm. Periodically it is unpleasant to swallow (throat on the right).
I also noticed a small swelling under the right armpit (possibly a lymph node, the surgeon could not feel it, it is not palpable, but sent for ultrasound diagnosis).
Back in August, the doctors diagnosed him with cervical osteochondrosis and scoliosis. Went in for severe neck and neck pain. Maybe this will help somehow?
I feel that the right side of the body is, as it were, numb, in a weakened position. The leg can also be included here. By the way, I drank a glass of hot milk, nothing happened. On the contrary, it became pleasant, from how warm liquid spilled inside.

Answer: Good afternoon! Clear. Because of osteochondrosis, there will be no pain in the liver area, and superficial gastritis will not give pain in it.
Let's strengthen Chelidonium 6 - take it 5 granules in the morning, afternoon and evening. And in addition to it, instead of Nux vomica, take the drug - Phytolacca 12c (lat. Phytolacca americana) 5 granules per night.
Breast before menstruation bothers?

Question: Good afternoon, Sergey Vadimovich! I will try, thanks! The chest does not hurt before menstruation, only 5-6 days before them, the right leg begins to hurt. Straight up and down, in attacks, several times a day, twists. Everything is fine in gynecology.
Doctors don't know what it could be. It started a year and a month after giving birth. During a period of strong nervous tension (stress).
And I still can't get pregnant. In June there was a biochemical pregnancy. And now it's possible too. Pregnancy starts but ends on its own. Menstruation is coming. And there are all signs. Nausea, chest pains (poured, as if milk were coming in there). But my leg started hurting again and I'm waiting for my period.

Answer: Good afternoon! Clear. Take an additional drug - Dioscorea 30c (lat. Dioscorea villosa) outside meals 5 granules.

Question: Sergey Vadimovich, thank you! Tell Dioscorea to take it once? Was on an ultrasound. A lymph node is visible under the right armpit, during the examination. And so you can see a little that the armpit is swollen. The doctor said he was "good". That it was possible that a disease of some organ on the right was transferred, or it blew. Does it need to be treated somehow? Very worried. Thank you!

Answer: Good afternoon! Yes, homeopathic remedy - Dioscorea 30c, take once. Regarding the lymph node - Barium carbonicum 6c - 5 granules outside of meals daily in the morning and evening, until improvement.

Question: Thank you very much. But now it is necessary to make examination of a breast. Because it started hurting. Before menstruation, the day and in the first 2 days, both breasts hurt, they hurt, I never had this. And now the right one hurts. Immediately terrible thoughts climb! You see how many sores have piled on me, this is probably already abnormal.

Answer: Good afternoon! With mastopathy like yours (such pain in the mammary glands in women is not uncommon), Conium 6c (lat. Conium maculatum) can help
if it is taken during the pain before menstruation up to 4 times a day.

Homeopath Grigor Sergey Vadimovich

When treating chronic or acute gastritis, the homeopathic doctor will be interested in the following points:

  • What, according to the patient, was the root cause of gastritis: perhaps for the first time the symptoms of gastritis appeared after parting with a loved one, or after losing a job, or as a result of constant stress at work, after sleepless nights, worries about certain events, during pregnancy, after operations on another organ, as a result of regular use of painkillers, were the result of insomnia, etc.
  • Further, the nature and characteristics of the symptoms of gastiritis are important: pain in the stomach is constant, aching, sudden, cutting, stabbing. Is it accompanied by heartburn, bad taste in the mouth, nausea, vomiting, manifestation of stomatitis on the oral mucosa, constipation or diarrhea, symptoms of "bloating", etc.
  • What is the nature and characteristics of accompanying symptoms.
  • The patient's reaction and his attitude to the disease itself is important: Some patients worry a lot about this, constantly go to doctors, try to find the cause of the disease, others, despite constant pain in the stomach, do not attach much importance to this and are mainly busy with their careers. and work.

Based on such detailed information, the homeopathic doctor selects one single homeopathic mono-drug, according to the description of various authors, as similar as possible to the manifestations of all the features of the main and concomitant diseases, all the features and traits that caused the disease of this patient at the same time. This is the so-called constitutional homeopathic remedy. Such a homeopathic remedy is not a remedy specifically for stomach pains or a remedy commonly used for migraines that may be troubling the patient in parallel. A constitutional homeopathic remedy has a therapeutic effect on the entire body as a whole. Often, even in the case of an online consultation, it is possible to choose such a homeopathic medicine

For example, the patient is very emotional, subject to constant stress at work, where he occupies a managerial position, smokes a lot, often drinks coffee, after which he experiences a particular aggravation. Pain in the stomach is aching and sharp in nature, occurs more often in the morning, after waking up, is accompanied by heartburn and decreases after eating. By nature, this patient is very unrestrained, impatient, often irritable, for whom success in his career is of paramount importance. At the same time, this patient suffers from frequent headaches, and therefore uses painkillers, which additionally have a negative effect on an already sick stomach. With a detailed questioning of the patient and careful analysis, a very large list of such features is collected that are characteristic, precisely in this combination with each other, of this patient and at the same time of one single homeopathic monopreparation, which the homeopathic doctor must choose from the currently known several thousand.

The correct choice of a homeopathic medicine is primarily influenced by the experience and knowledge of the homeopathic doctor, as well as the detail, maximum coverage and detail of information about the patient. The first detailed homeopathic history, i.e. a conversation between a doctor and a patient, during which the doctor questions the patient in detail, can be very lengthy. In my practice, its duration is from 2 to 4 hours.

With careful analysis and questioning of different patients, it becomes clear that despite the same diagnosis - chronic gastritis, the features of the manifestation, and even more so the accompanying life situations, the reaction to them, the character traits and attitudes towards the disease are very different for everyone. It is this combination of features, as a whole, that should be taken into account by the homeopathic doctor when choosing an individual homeopathic medicine. Only in this way, the action of the homeopathic remedy will be effective and deep, and the homeopathic treatment carried out will be long-term.

Homeopathic treatment of acute gastritis is usually not difficult. Usually, improvement is observed already within the first two days, and the first relief occurs within the first 4-6 hours after taking an individually selected homeopathic medicine.

Homeopathic treatment of chronic, complex, long-term gastritis, is also often very effective, but takes much longer. In the case of chronic gastritis, the indication of successful homeopathic treatment is gradual improvement in the acute symptoms of gastritis described above. Relief of the manifestation of gastritis can be expected already in the first days, at the latest the first 2 weeks after the start of taking a homeopathic medicine. A complete cure can take from several months to a year, depending on the complexity and duration of chronic gastritis and the severity of concomitant diseases.

For patients who have to take regular medication due to another disease, which have a side effect on the condition of the gastric mucosa, there are additional advantages of the homeopathic method. They lie in the fact that when choosing an individual constitutional homeopathic medicine by a homeopathic doctor, it has a positive effect not only on gastritis itself, but also on concomitant diseases. So in patients suffering from migraines, forced to constantly take painkillers, in the process of homeopathic treatment, headaches can become more rare, less intense. Usually, a migraine attack can be relieved or significantly reduced by taking a specially selected homeopathic medicine. That. it is possible in parallel, at first, to significantly reduce the intake of chemical painkillers, and in the future, with a high probability, completely abandon them. At the same time, the same homeopathic medicine has a direct therapeutic effect on the stomach, in fact, as it imposes the work of all other organs and systems of the body. Such a complex action of a homeopathic mono-preparation is possible only in the case of its individual selection, for a given patient. In this case, of course, we are not talking about complex homeopathic medicines, in the appointment of which only the main diagnosis of the patient is taken into account, and at the same time, all other features inherent in this patient, his main disease are completely ignored and manifestations of concomitant diseases are not taken into account at all.

That. with the correct application of classical homeopathy in the treatment of gastritis, there are observed: improvement in general well-being, sleep, increased stress resistance, improved immune system, improvements in terms of the course of concomitant diseases.

Homeopathic treatment is a treatment that we, in the event of an illness, first of all, successfully applyon themselves, their children and relatives. Therefore, with a pure heart, we offer it to our patients!

We wish you a speedy recovery!

The general practitioner often encounters gastrointestinal symptoms. To recognize the organic pathology of the digestive system using modern diagnostic technologies, at present, in most cases, is not difficult. It is much more difficult to diagnose and treat functional disorders and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The scope of duties of a general practitioner (family doctor) also includes the organization of rational nutrition of the family as a whole and its individual members.

Nutrition is ultimately the basis of life, its core. Hence the enormous psychological significance of the functions of the digestive apparatus. Let us recall I. L. Pavlov: “It is not for nothing that concern for daily bread dominates over all the phenomena of human life. It represents that ancient connection that connects all living beings, including man, with all the surrounding nature. Nutrition is the first step in the material and energy support for the life of the body, being a source of metabolism, the basis for assimilation, growth and renewal of tissues.

But the role of nutrition cannot be assessed only from purely materialistic positions. Eating gives a person satisfaction, joy, mental comfort. Food compensates for the positive emotions that a person lacks. While eating, somatic manifestations often subside, which is taken into account when prescribing some homeopathic remedies. On the other hand, the influence of emotions on the gastrointestinal tract is great, which sometimes becomes an "organ of expression" in patients with neuroses. Psychosomatic relationships often acquire the opposite direction: with organic pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, neurotic disorders are often formed. Here it is difficult to overestimate the role of homeopathy with its regulatory influences on the body, while constantly taking into account the constitutional types of patients.

Now there is no doubt that the digestive tract is not only regulated by the central nervous system, but is also the largest endocrine apparatus of the body, the producer of many regulatory peptides and gastrointestinal hormones. Gasgrin, serotonin, motilin, glucagon, somatostatin, prostaglandins, histamine, secretin, cholecystokinin, pancreozymin and other biologically active substances are produced in the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines by special cells. More than 30 peptide hormones have already been found in the digestive system, and many of them are also formed in the central nervous system. This strengthens the understanding of the neurohumoral regulation of digestion and makes it possible to understand the specific mechanisms of the therapeutic homeopathic effect.

Appetite disorders

Disorders of appetite (decrease, increase, perversion) occur in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, pathologies of other organs and systems, as well as under the influence of neuropsychic factors. In each case, an individual plan of examination and treatment is carried out. A certain, but, as a rule, additional role can be played by homeopathic remedies.

Magnesia muriatica 6.12; Ignatia 6,12,30. Bulimia against the background of increased neuroticism (more often in emotionally labile women).

Lycopodium 6, 12. "Wolf" hunger with rapid satiety, in accordance with the constitutional type.

Graphites 3, 6,12, 30. Increased appetite in an obese subject, chilly and lethargic, prone to depressive reactions.

Acidum fluoricum 3, 6. Constant feeling of hunger with feeling of emptiness in the stomach.

Iodum x3, 6, 12. Hunger with inner restlessness; weight loss despite eating a lot of food.

Fucus vesiculosis x3, 3. An appetite suppressant in obese patients.

Arsenicum album 6, 12; Sepia 6, 12; Colchicum 3, 6. Loss of appetite, with aversion to the sight and smell of food.

China 3, 6; Chininum arsenicosum 6. Loss of appetite in patients with long-term debilitating diseases.

Ferrum 3, 6, 12. Decreased appetite in emaciated persons with chronic anemia.

Acidum sulfuricum x3.3. Lack of appetite in people who abuse alcohol.

With a decrease in appetite against the background of increased neuroticism, appropriate constitutional remedies are prescribed - Ignatia 6, Platina 6, Pulsatilla 6, etc.

The state of the tongue as a guideline when choosing a homeopathic remedy

Antimonium crudum. The tongue is white, coated with a thick white coating (like sour cream).

Ipecacuanha. Tongue swollen, with impressions of teeth around the edges. Smell from the mouth.

Nux vomica. The root of the tongue is covered with a thick yellowish coating.

Rhus toxicodendron. Tongue dry, red, cracked. Sometimes - red tubercles on the tip of the tongue in the form of a triangle. In some patients, the tongue is white on one side, with imprints of teeth.

Veratrum viride. Narrow red stripe down the middle of the tongue.

Dryness of mucous membranes

This symptom can either be a sign of somatic diseases (diabetes mellitus) or have a neurotic origin. In the latter case, constitutional homeopathic remedies are indicated, in particular, Pulsatilla (dry mouth in the absence of thirst), Actea racemosa, Nux moschata, etc.

Dryness of the mucous membranes is an important detail in the pathogenesis of Alumina 3, 6, 12. This drug can be successfully used in Sjögren's syndrome.

With dry mucous membranes with severe thirst, Aconite, Arsenicum, Bryonia, Rhus, Sulfur, etc. may be prescribed.

Increased salivation

Iris x3, 3, 6. With salivation, with a burning sensation.

Graphites 3, 6, 12, 30. Profuse salivation with salty or bitter taste in the mouth, thirst, constipation.

Iodum 6, 12, 30. Salivation during weight loss, enlargement of the thyroid gland, diarrhea.


Mercurius solubilis x3, 3, 6. The main homeopathic remedy for stomatitis, inflammation of the salivary glands.

Mercurius corrosivus 6, 12; Mercurius cyanatus 6, 12. In more severe ulcerative stomatitis.

Borax x3, (trit) 3, 6. Aphthous stomatitis with a tendency to diarrhea, hyperesthesia of hearing, feeling of cobwebs on the face.

Baptisia tinctoria x3, 3. With ulcerative stomatitis (25 drops per half glass of water; drink in sips for 2 hours).

Belladonna 3, 6, 12. Acute stomatitis. The mucous membrane of the oral cavity is bright red, edematous. Crimson tongue. Flushing of the face, desire to drink cold water. Pupil dilation. The patient sweats but does not open up.

Apis x3, 3, 6. Stomatitis with severe swelling of the mucous membrane, the color of which is pale red. There is a burning stabbing pain (as if stung by a bee), aggravated by hot drinks and ameliorated by cold drinks.

Phytolacca x3, 3, 6 (Indian ivy). The mucous membrane of the oral cavity is dark red. The pain radiates to the ears. More suitable for full pale patients.

Muriatic acid 6,12,30. It is prescribed for both aphthous and ulcerative stomatitis.

Acidum nitricum 6, 12, 30. Ulcerative stomatitis. Stitching pain, like pricking with needles.

Ammonium muriaticum (ammonia) 3,6,12. Recurrent aphthous stomatitis. The aphthae are covered with a white coating, with a rim of redness.

Rhus toxicodendron. Stomatitis, manifested by vesicular rashes on the hyperemic mucosa.

Cantharis vesicatoria x3, 3, 6 (Spanish fly). Acute stomatitis with vesicular-ulcerative changes in the mucous membrane. Burning, "pinching" pains.

Iris versicolor (multi-colored killer whale) x3, 3, 6. Stomatitis, manifested by burning and increased salivation.

Arum triphyllum (arizema) x3,3,6. Stomatitis predominantly affecting the tongue, which becomes bright red and swollen ("like scalded").

Thuja occidentalis (thuja, tree of life) x3, 3, 6. It is used for proliferative forms of stomatitis, when seals and thickening of the mucous membrane are formed.

Calendula. Used as a mouthwash (2 teaspoons of tincture in a glass of water).

The family doctor often encounters teething in infants, which is accompanied by the child's anxiety, fever, diarrhea, etc. ("teeth coming"). Homeopathic remedies can help with this.

Chamomilla 3, 6, 12. The child is restless, screams, asks to be held, calms down when carried around the room. Possible diarrhea.

Borax 6, 12, 30. Great restlessness and irritability. Anxiety and crying increase when the child is picked up and tilted forward. Swelling of the gums, salivation.

China 3, 6, 12. Anxiety, cries, groans. Irradiation of pain in the ears. Tendency to bite things.

Podophyllum 3, 6, 12. Teething with diarrhoea. The child seeks to put pressure on the gum, clenching his jaw.

Magnesium carb. 6, 12, 30. Teething with vomiting, green frothy stools. Sour body odor.

Zincum metallicum, valerianicum 6, 12, 30. Difficult dentition accompanied by motor excitement and jerky movements of the legs.

With a delay in teething, the following can be prescribed:

Calcarea carbonica 6, 12, 30. More suitable for a full, plump, "raw" child with a large head and belly.

Silicea 6, 12, 30. Remedy for premature babies, weak, asthenic, timid.

Calcarea phosphorica, Calcarea fluorica 6, 12, 30. Late dentition in a child with rickets.

For diseases of the teeth and periodontium, a consultation with a dentist is required. In this case, homeopathic remedies can be prescribed for symptomatic purposes (Apis, Belladonna, Kreosotum, Staphysagria, Mezereum, Mercurius solubilis, Phytolacca, Causticum, etc.). The old homeopaths used Aconite, Bryonia, Chamomilla, Agaric, Coffea, Antimonium crudum, Gelsemium and others for toothache.

Appropriate constitutional remedies (Pulsatilla, Ignatia, Lachesis, etc.) can be prescribed to reduce fear and tension 2-3 days before visiting the dental office. Arnica, Bellis, Millefolium are indicated before the forthcoming tooth extraction and after extraction.


The causes of dysphagia are diverse (functional changes, iron deficiency in the body, spasms and stenoses of the esophagus, esophagitis, erosion and ulcers of the esophagus, diverticula, cancer of the esophagus, mediastinal tumor, mitral stenosis, etc.), and therefore a patient with newly emerging dysphagia needs careful examination. Homeopathic remedies are used mainly for functional disorders, esophagospasm, esophagitis.

Magnesium phosphoricum x3, 3, 6, 12. In spastic conditions.

Asa foetida x3, 3, 6, 12. One of the main remedies for gastric discomfort; "a lump going up the esophagus."

Acidum hydrocyanatum 6, 12. Cardiospasm with feeling of constriction of the chest, feeling of suffocation, changes in heart rhythm. V. I. Varshavsky recommends connecting Cuprum 3, b and Naja 6, 12 to this tool.

Abies nigra 3, 6. Sensation of a "stone" in the lower third of the esophagus during or immediately after eating.

Arsenicum album 6, 12; Arsenicum nitricum 3, 6. Burning pains along the esophagus from esophagitis.

Bryonia alba x3, 3. With esophagitis (pain associated with the passage of food through the esophagus).

Plumbum metallicum 6, 12; Hyosciamus niger 3, 6, 12. Mainly antispastic.

Apis x3, 3. In acute swelling of the mucous membrane of the esophagus with burning and stabbing pain.

Mercurius corrosivus 6, 12. In ulcerative esophagitis with profuse and offensive salivation.

Acidum fluoricum 3, 6, 12; Calcarea fluorica 3, b; Silicea 6, 12. With cicatricial stenosis of the esophagus, with systemic scleroderma.

A frequent subjective symptom of neurotic origin - Globus hystericus - a peculiar sensation of a "lump" in the throat. It is observed mainly in women suffering from hysterical neurosis. It is characteristic that swallowing is usually not disturbed. With manometric studies in such patients, it is sometimes possible to detect an increase in the tone of the esophageal sphincters. Some homeopathic medicines can help - Ignatia, Ambra grisea, Belladonna, Gelsemium, HiHyosciamus, Lachesis, Moschus, Nux moschata, Platina, etc.


Pain in the upper abdomen, conditionally called gastralgia, goes beyond the limits of gastroduodenal pathology and requires a careful differential diagnosis. The source of pain can be the liver and biliary tract, pancreas. A general practitioner often encounters gastralgia of a functional origin. With persistent or frequently recurring abdominal pain, homeopathic remedies can be used, which are selected taking into account the nature and mechanism of the pain. Of great importance is the correct choice of a constitutional remedy in cases where the pain syndrome is determined mainly by functional changes.

Colocynthis x3, 3, 6. Severe cramping pains, forcing the patient to bring the knees to the chest ("double up") or press the abdomen against something hard. The pains are more on the left, better from warmth, sometimes provoked by negative emotions and anger.

Magnesia phosphorica 3, 6, 12. The pains are like those of a colocynth, relieved by warmth, worse from cold and at night. The tool is used for course treatment.

Dioscorea x3, 3, 6. The pains are also acute, but unlike the two previous remedies, they decrease when the trunk is extended. The pain begins in the navel and spreads throughout the abdomen, and sometimes to the limbs.

Plumbum 3, 6, 12. Pain in patients with spastic constipation ("sheep" feces); retracted belly.

Cuprum 3, 6. Sharp convulsive pains, may be associated with vomiting and diarrhoea, worse from cold and pressure, better from heat.

Magnesia muriatica 3.6. Spasmodic pains, more often right-sided, are accompanied by constipation and dysmenorrhea.

Arsenicum album 3, 6, 12. Pains of spasmodic origin, with a burning sensation, at 2-4 am, ameliorated by warmth.

Anacardium orientale 6, 12. Hungry pains, better after eating.

Kalium bichromicum 3, 6. Shooting pain of various localization, punctate (“painful area can be covered with one coin”).

Bryonia x3, 3; Calcarea fluorica 3, 6. Pain from visceroptosis.

Argentum nitricum 6, 12, 30. Pain from erosions and ulcers.

Chelidonium x3, 3. Pain in the right side of the abdomen, radiating to the right shoulder blade.

Berberis x2, x3. Pain radiating to the lower abdomen.

Calcarea carbonica 30. For stopping hepatic colic.

Podophyllum x3, 3, 6. Pain in the right side of the abdomen, relieved in the position on the abdomen (with a combination of peptic ulcer with gallstones).

Veratrum album 3, 6. Pain with cold sweat on forehead.

In addition, pain in the abdomen of a predominantly functional nature, depending on the constitutional type, may be the reason for the appointment of Nux vomica x3, 3, 6, 12; Ignatia 6, 12; Chamomilla x3, 3, 6, and other means.

Dyspeptic syndrome

Asa foetida 3. Loud eructation of air in patients with neurotic disorders.

Argentum nitricum 3, 6, 12. Aerophagia in excitable, hasty subjects, with fears and anxieties according to the constitutional type.

Stramonium x3, 3, 6. A remedy recommended for hiccups in combination with other convulsive syndromes in the absence or insignificance of pain. You can also use Agaricus 6, 12, 30 for hiccups; Gelsemium x3, 3, 6; Hyosciamus x3, 3, 6, supplementing this with constitutional remedies (Ignatia, Nux vomica, Platina, etc.).

Calcarea carbonica 3, 6. Eructation in neurotic aerophagia.

Kalium carbonicum 3, 6. Belching of air in elderly, asthenic, stout patients.

Carbo vegetabilis x3, 3. Eructations with swelling of the upper abdomen after eating and drinking.

Arsenicum album 6, 12. Excruciating heartburn, burning sensation in epigastrium, mostly at night.

Capisicum x3, 3, 6. Heartburn in patients with high acidity of gastric contents.

Robinia x3, 3, 6. Severe heartburn due to gastroesophageal reflux.

Phosphorus 6, 12; Natrium phosphoricum 3/6. Heartburn in severely debilitated patients, "when the burning of the stomach spreads along the entire length of the esophagus" (J. Charette), with pain and a tendency to bleed.

Nausea and vomiting

Vomiting is a common and somewhat universal symptom that requires thoughtful differential diagnosis. Distinguish vomiting: neurotic, central, intoxication, infectious, reflex, esophageal, gastric, stenotic. With hematemesis, it should be mainly excluded: ulcerative bleeding, erosive gastritis, bleeding polyp, tumor, cirrhosis of the liver, hemorrhagic diathesis.

Homeopathic remedies for nausea and vomiting are often used.

Ipecacuanha x3, 3, 6. With vomiting after eating, with previous persistent nausea, against the background of general malaise and loss of strength, with increased salivation and bradycardia. The language is pure.

Antimonium crudum 3, 6. Vomiting from excesses and errors in food, "indigestion." Pre-nausea is not typical. A massive white coating on the tongue is characteristic.

Nux vomica x3, 3, 6, 12. Morning sickness and vomiting according to constitutional type.

Anacardium 6. Vomiting, mostly on an empty stomach, with acidic gastric contents; with relief while eating.

Cocculus indicus x3, 3, 6. With dizziness, nausea and vomiting while driving in transport or regardless of driving, in the morning, at the time of awakening.

Tabacum x3, 3, 6. Vomiting with motion sickness, with dizziness, pallor, salivation (acute vagotonic syndrome).

Teridion 6, 12. Vertigo with vomiting.

Acidum sulfuricum x3,3,6. Vomiting in alcoholics with hangover syndrome.

Millefolium x1, x2, x3. Hamamelis x1, x3, 3. When blood appears in the vomit.

Arsenicum album 6, 12. Vomiting with prostration, pain, thirst (drinks cold water little and often). Aversion to the sight and smell of food.

Colchicum x3, 3. Vomiting at sight and smell of food.

Sepia 6, 12. Nausea and vomiting at sight and smell of food, more in the morning.

Kreosotum 3, 6, 12. Reflex vomiting shortly after eating. It is used for vomiting in patients with tumors, with glomerulonephritis, etc.

Phosphorus 6; Ferrum phosphoricum 3, 6. Nausea and vomiting (including bloody) in severe, debilitated patients.

Nausea is a common symptom in neurotic patients. Neurotic nausea often succumbs to the action of constitutional remedies: for example, Pulsatilla 3 is used for nausea without thirst and in connection with food intake.

Functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract

Functional diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are understood as conditions characterized by a discrepancy between the expressed complaints of patients and the scarce objective data found in modern clinical examination. Their leading difference is the psycho-emotional genesis, when the psychotherapeutic approach to the patient is of particular importance, and homeopathic constitutional remedies often have a greater effect than traditional gastroenterological drugs.

Psychosomatic patients in gastroenterology can be divided into three groups: 1) patients with primary psychogenic variants without organic pathology of the gastrointestinal tract; 2) patients with identified organic "micropathology" of the stomach (chronic superficial gastritis, duodenogastric and gastroesophageal refluxes) in the presence of neurotic disorders and hyperbolization of subjective experiences; 3) patients suffering from both neurosis and undoubted pathology of the gastrointestinal tract. The diagnostic measures of a homeopathic doctor should be aimed at both clarifying the gastroenterological part of the diagnosis, and the psychogenic variant at the level of neuroticism. In the selection of homeopathic treatment, emphasis is placed on constitutional remedies.

Ignatia 3, 6, 12. According to the constitutional type. The drug reduces spastic manifestations, stops neurotic vomiting and hiccups, and is effective in gastralgia.

Chamomilla x3, 3, 6, 12. With the exact constitutional appointment, signs of functional gastroenterological disorders subside (gastralgia, intestinal colic, flatulence, nausea, vomiting, etc.). With spastic pains, it is advisable to simultaneously appoint Ipecacuanha.

Pulsatilla 6. Pains of varying localization, with chilliness, loose stools.

Lachesis 6, 12. In nervous dyspepsia with menopause.

Actea racemosa 6, 12, 30. With neurotic gastroenterological disorders (dry mouth, nausea, belching, gastralgia, etc.) in women due to menstrual disorders and menopause.

Nux vomica 6; Lycopodium 6, 12. In functional disorders of the stomach and intestines according to the constitutional type.

Asa foetida x3, 3. With "neurosis of the stomach", in the presence of fear, various phobias.

Nux moschata x3. Dry mouth, without thirst, bloating, tendency to faint (in hysterical neurosis).

Acidum phosphoricum 3, 6; Magnesia phosphorica 3, 6; Kalium phosphoricum 6. With functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract against the background of increased excitability of the autonomic nervous system.

Chronic gastritis

Chronic gastritis is a heterogeneous group of degenerative and inflammatory diseases of the stomach of exogenous, endogenous and mixed origin, accompanied by impaired secretory and motor function. In this case, homeopathic remedies are prescribed taking into account the constitutional type of patients, the severity of pain and dyspeptic syndromes, the nature of functional changes. The following drugs act on the morphological substrate of the disease.

Argentum nitricum 3, 6. Reduces inflammation in the gastric mucosa.

Kalium bichromicum 3, 6, 12. Reduces inflammation and mucus production.

Bryonia x3, 3, 6. Reduces the inflammatory process in the mucous and serous (perigastritis) membranes of the stomach.

Belladonna x3, 3, 6. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, inhibits secretion, regulates motor function.

Arsenicum album 3, 6, 12. Reduces the inflammatory process, relieves spastic pain with a burning sensation in the stomach.

Phosphorus 6, 12, 30. Anti-inflammatory effect, improves trophic processes.

Calcarea carbonica 6, 12, 30. Inhibits secretory function.

Magnesia carbonica 6, 12, 30. Antisecretory and antispastic effect.

Natrium carbonicum 6, 12, 30. Reduces the acidity of gastric contents, reduces pain and dyspepsia.

Acidum sulfuricum 3.6. It is used in chronic gastritis of alcoholic origin.

Natrium phosphoricum x3, 3, 6. Reduces the secretory function and the severity of dyspeptic symptoms.

Sulfur 3.6. In chronic gastritis with poor digestion of food, vomiting.

Colchicum x3, 3, 6. With gastritis with duodenogastric reflux.

Podophyllum x3, 3, 6. Gastritis with reduced secretory functions, vomiting, secondary enteral disorder, reactive hepatitis.

Gastroduodenal ulcers

Despite the fact that modern medicine has a large number of antiulcer drugs aimed at reducing the aggressive properties of gastric juice and improving reparative processes, the problem of treating patients with peptic ulcer remains unresolved. In this regard, the experience of homeopaths in the treatment of this disease attracts attention. Homeopathic preparations, in our opinion, can be used mainly after the removal of ulcerative pain syndrome, to accelerate the scarring of the ulcer and for anti-relapse purposes.

V.I. Varshavsky divides antiulcer homeopathic preparations into 4 groups:

1) drugs that affect the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum (Kalium bichromicum 3, 6; Arsenicum album 3, 6, 12; Argentum nitricum 3, 6, 12, etc.);

2) drugs that affect the pain syndrome (Colocynthis 3, 6; Magnesia phosphorica 3, 6; Dioscorea x3, 3; Anacardium 3);

3) drugs that affect the motor and evacuation function of the stomach through the central mechanisms and the autonomic nervous system (Aloe x3, 3; Opium x3, 3, 6, 12; Nux vomica 6, 12; Lycopodium 6; Podophyllum x2, x3; Sulfur 3, 6; Hydrastis x2, x3; Aesculus x3, 3, etc.);

4) drugs that promote scarring and resorption of adhesions (Bryonia x3, 3; Arnica 3, 6; Calcarea phosphorica 6, 12; Silicea 6.12; Sulfur 6.12; Alumina 6.12; Sepia 6,12,30; Graphites 6 , 12).

Argentum nitricum 3, 6. Exacerbation of the disease, increased acid-forming function.

Kalium bichromicum 3, 6. Reduces inflammatory swelling around the ulcer, used in high cardiac ulcers.

Arsenicum album 3, 6. Burning pains at night, vomiting after eating and drinking.

Phosphorus 6, 12. It is prescribed for burning ulcerative pains, feeling of hunger, with a tendency to bleed.

Bismuthum subnitricum 3, 6. Ulcerative pains radiating to the back.

Bryonia x3, 3. In perivisceritis, worse from motion.

Anacardium x3, 3. For hungry night pains, persistent heartburn.

Magnesia phosphorica 3, 6. With significant spastic phenomena, when "the patient is forced to bend from pain."

Silicea 3, 6; Alumina 12; Graphites 6, 12. With a tendency to cicatricial narrowing of the pylorus.

With persistent peptic ulcer, conservative treatment, including homeopathic, should not lead to a delay in the consultation of the surgeon.

Chronic pancreatitis

Iris x3, 3. Improves pancreatic function, reduces burning sensation, salivation. Pairs well with Mercurius dulcis, Mercurius corrosivus, Belladonna.

Colocynthis 3, 6. In pain variants of the disease.

Iodum 3, 6. Pancreatogenic diarrhea with weight loss.

Podophyllum x2, x3, 3, 6. Diarrhea in early morning hours.

Arsenicum album 6, 12. Chronic pancreatitis with occasional burning pains, thirst, emaciation.

Bryonia x3, 3. Pain on motion from perivisceritis.

Diseases of the liver and biliary tract

Sparing the diseased liver is the main condition for the rational treatment of the pathology in question. Each drug prescription is an additional burden on the liver, in which the drugs taken are metabolized. Fewer drugs, only the essentials! The selection of homeopathic remedies is carried out taking into account the characteristic symptoms of the disease, the constitutional features of the patient, the state of the nervous system. It is always necessary to diagnose the disease in a timely manner.

Carduus marianus (milk thistle) x3, 3, 6. Feeling of fullness and heaviness in the right hypochondrium, pain on palpation of the liver, skin itching, increased bleeding, constipation.

Taraxacum (dandelion) x3, 3, 6. Pain in the region of the liver and gallbladder, especially when sitting, tendency to diarrhea. Apathy with periods of irritability ("bilious" character).

Leptandra virginica (veronica virgin) x3, 3, 6. Sharp pains in the right hypochondrium, bloating, tendency to diarrhea.

Phosphorus 6, 12, 30. Severe chronic diseases of the liver, with portal hypertension, hemorrhagic tendency.

Mercurius dulcis 3,6,12. Fever and pruritus due to cholestasis. Effective in giardiasis.

Arsenicum album 6, 12. Skin itching of hepatic origin, worse at night.

Dolichos pruriens. 3. Cholestatic pruritus.

Crotalus 6, 12, 30. Cholemic bleeding.

Aesculus 3, 6. Portal hypertension, varicose veins.

China 3, 6, 12. Portal hypertension, bloating.

Nux vomica 3, 6. Alcoholic affections of the liver.

Bryonia x3, 3. In perihepatitis and pericholecystitis, with pain worse on motion.

Lycopodium 6, 12, 30. In chronic liver diseases with pain and dyspeptic syndrome, portal hypertension.

Graphites 3, 6; Silicea 3, 6. To control the growth of connective tissue in the liver.

Aurum 3,6,12; Aurum iodatum 3,6,12. With fatty hepatosis with depressive syndrome.

Magnesium muriaticum 3.6. In chronic liver diseases with pain syndrome.

Iris x2, x3, 3, 6. With hepatitis and concomitant pancreatitis with nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, salivation.

Chelidonium x3, 3, 6. Pain in the right hypochondrium radiating to the right shoulder blade.

Cuprum 6, 12; Zincum 6, 12; Magnesium phosphoricum 6. Spastic conditions of the gallbladder.

Calcarea carbonica 30; Berberis 3, 6. With hepatic colic (alternate, take every 5-10 minutes).

Belladonna x1, x2, x3, 3. In acute cholecystitis with pain and fever.

Lachesis 6, 12, 30. Fever due to cholecystitis and cholangitis.

Baptisia 3, 6, 12. In cholecystitis and cholangitis with feverish reaction.

Natrium phosphoricum 6, 12, 30. Functional hyperbilirubinemia (Gilbert's syndrome) in phosphorus patients.


Intestinal pathology is diverse in clinical manifestations, approaches to diagnosis and treatment, and prognostic assessment. The field of vision of a general practitioner includes patients with both functional intestinal pathology, which causes unpleasant, but not dangerous subjective sensations, and patients with serious organic and oncological pathologies. There are actually intestinal manifestations of these diseases (pain, flatulence, constipation, diarrhea) and extraintestinal syndromes (asthenia, metabolic and multiple organ disorders, dystrophy, etc.). At the doctor's appointment there are always a lot of patients suffering from neuroses and various variants of psychosomatic disorders.

The widespread occurrence of constipation is explained by the predominance of a low-slag diet with a deficiency of coarse fiber in food, insufficient physical activity of people, and suppression of the defecation reflex. It is important to ask the patient about the duration of constipation and the nature of the stool. If constipation has appeared recently or has increased significantly in a short time, the patient should be examined to exclude an organic disease (tumor, stricture, etc.). Constipation is characteristic of irritable bowel syndrome, often observed in pregnant women. Psychogenic and neurogenic constipation are now of particular importance.

Treatment tactics depend on the type of constipation and the nature of the underlying disease. With habitual constipation, a diet with a high content of dietary fiber is prescribed. Preference is given to medicinal plants (rhubarb, buckthorn, joster, cassia, etc.). The use of homeopathy is useful in patients with an increased level of neuroticism. The best effect is achieved when, at the beginning of treatment, homeopathy is used in conjunction with herbal medicine. In the future, after the normalization of the stool, the effect is fixed by homeopathic remedies against the background of an appropriate diet.

Nux vomica 6, 12, 30. In spasmodic constipation with frequent and ineffectual urges according to the constitutional type.

Alumina 6, 12. Atonic constipation with dry, hard stools, without urging, requiring great effort to stool. It is advisable to combine with Bryonia x3, 3.

Opium 6, 12. Atonic or spasmodic constipation without colic or urging ("sheep's feces").

Plumbum 3.3 (trit), 6.12. Spasmodic abdominal pain, inverted abdomen, "sheep feces" (combination with arterial hypertension).

Hydrastis x3, 3, 6. Constipation without urge and pain, with abuse of laxatives, in asthenic depressive subjects. There is a lot of yellow mucus in dense feces.

Graphites 3, 6, 12, 30. Constipation with lack of urge in obese, apathetic, depressed subjects.

Anacardium orientale x3, 3, 6, 12. Constipation with frequent, but ineffectual desires, sensation of a "plug" in the rectum against the background of asthenic or hypochondriacal syndrome.

Lycopodium 6, 12. Atonic constipation with flatulence, associated with uric acid diathesis and cholelithiasis, according to the constitutional type.

Podophyllum x3, 3. Constipation associated with morning diarrhea in patients with liver pathology.

Sulfur 6.12. Constipation with ineffectual desires, painful defecation due to skin diseases, in accordance with the constitutional type.

Thuja 6, 12. Constipation alternating with diarrhea in "splenic angulation" syndrome according to the constitutional type.

Magnesia muriatica 6. Constipation in women with menstrual disorders, with a tendency to migraine.

Bryonia x3, 3. Atonic constipation in the absence of urge and resemblance to other constitutional features,

Silicea 6, 12. Constipation due to anorectal pathology in asthenic subjects, more often in children. “Stools, even half-passed, return to the intestine again” (F, Charette).

Platina 6. Constipation of neurotic origin. Traveler constipation. In accordance with the constitutional type.

Sepia 6. Constipation in women with gynecological disorders, depression, venous insufficiency, visceroptosis. It is advisable to combine with Arnica and Calcarea fluorica.

Veratrum album 3, 6, 12. Constipation, with a tendency to faint during stool.

The child's body often reacts with diarrhea to various changes in the factors of the external and internal environment. Acute diarrhea in adults in most cases is a manifestation of an acute infectious disease (dysentery, salmonellosis, cholera, etc.). Chronic or often recurrent diarrhea have a different origin and require examination, differential diagnosis. Often there are neurogenic diarrhea due to changes in the function of the autonomic nervous system. In many cases, diarrhea is combined with dysbacteriosis. Homeopathic remedies are used mainly for the non-infectious nature of diarrhea.

Camphora Rubini 0. On the first day with acute diarrhea, especially in children (2 pills every 15 minutes).

Nux vomica x3, 3. Morning diarrhea in excitable subjects of the appropriate constitutional type.

China x3, 3. Diarrhea after every meal; morning painless diarrhea in the summer in asthenic persons.

Chininum arsenicosum x3, 3. A useful remedy "for the most common forms of simple acute diarrhea" (J. Charette).

Dioscorea x3, 3, 6. Diarrhea in the morning, with flatulence, accompanied by pain in the abdomen (better when leaning back and worse when bending forward), general weakness.

Ipecacuanha 3, 6. Diarrhea with cramping pain after breaking the diet.

Apis 3, 6. "Violent diarrhea" as a manifestation of food allergy.

Aloe x3, 3. Diarrhea with rumbling in the abdomen, pain around the navel and in the lower abdomen, with much mucus, with weakness of the anal sphincter.

Arsenicum album 3, 6. Diarrhea when the general condition worsens, with fever, great thirst, burning pains in the abdomen, worse at night.

Veratrum album x3, 3, 6. Wasting diarrhoea, with a tendency to collapse (cold sweat on forehead).

Argentum nitricum 3, 6. "Bear disease" with the corresponding constitutional type.

Natrium sulfuricum 3.6. Painless morning diarrhoea, in wet and cold weather, and on the seashore.

Iris x3, 3. Diarrhea in pancreatitis.

Oleander x3, 3. Chronic diarrhea from undigested food. Feces appear after the passage of even a small amount of gases.

Antimonium crudum 6. Diarrhoea, in violation of the diet in patients with a thick white coating on the tongue.

Colchicum x3, 6. Diarrhea with mucus, combined with aggravation of gout ("intestinal asthma").

Podophyllum 6. In sudden morning diarrhoea, with offensive flatus.

Sulfur 3. Diarrhea on awakening in patients with skin changes and other typological features.

Acidum sulfuricum x3,3,6. Diarrhea in persons who abuse alcohol.

Acidum phosphoricum x3, 3, 6. Diarrhea, mainly in the morning, in asthenized persons, with depressive reactions.

Ferrum phosphoricum 6, 12, 30. Diarrhea with fever during teething (2-3 drops 5-6 times a day).

Diarrhea of ​​functional genesis is eliminated by the exact appointment of some constitutional remedies: Pulsatilla, Chamomilla, Nux moschata, Platina, etc.


In connection with flatulence, which often becomes the dominant complaint of the patient, the following drugs are prescribed.

Graphites 3, 6. Flatulence in obese subjects suffering from constipation and hemorrhoids.

Thuja 3, 6. Flatulence with aerophagia ("splenic angle syndrome").

Lycopodium 3, 6, 12, 30. Flatulence in the evening, chiefly from the lower abdomen, with constipation and haemorrhoids.

Cina x3, 3, 6. Bloating with increased sensitivity of the abdominal wall, alternating constipation and diarrhea, against the background of chronic liver pathology.

Nux moschata 3, 6. Flatulence, aerophagia in neurotics.

Carbo vegetabilis x3, 3. Distension of upper abdomen after eating, with belching.

Argentum nitricum 3, 6, 12. Flatulence from aerophagia, with loud eructations, according to the constitutional type.

Colitis, enteritis

In order to influence the main, more often inflammatory process in the intestines, homeopathic preparations are used.

Mercurius solubilis 6.12. Colitis with tenesmus before and after stool with restlessness, perspiration without relief, worse at night.

Mercurius corrosivus 6.12. Diarrhea with tenesmus, bloody mucosal stools with clinical and endoscopic picture of nonspecific ulcerative colitis.

Mercurius cyanatus 6.12. With the most severe forms of this disease.

Sulfur 6, 12, 30. In sluggish colitis with flatulence, persistent morning diarrhoea,

Staphysagria x3, 4, 6. With colitis, proctitis, proctosigmoiditis, rectal polyposis with periodic bleeding.

Phosphorus 6, 12. Colitis with tendency to haemorrhage, with reactive hepatitis in general emaciation.

Arsenicum album 3, 6. In colitis, wasting diarrhoea, with great pain, burning, thirst with fever and anemia.

Podophyllum 3, 6. In superficial colitis according to the constitutional type.

Kalium bichromicum 3, 6. Erosive or ulcerative colitis with frothy liquid stools, occasional constipation, increased thirst.

Belladonna x3, 3. In colitis with frequent urging, tenesmus, spasms; dilutions 6, 12 - with intestinal atony, flatulence.

Arnica x3, 3, 6. With hemorrhagic colitis due to necrosis and damage to the intestinal vessels.

Alumina 6, 12, 30. Colitis with dry mucous membranes, pain in ileocecal region; dry tongue covered with yellow coating, itching and burning sensation.

Apis x3, 3, 6, 12, 30. Remedy for acute enteritis and allergic colitis.

Bryonia x3, 3. In colitis, when the pains are aggravated by motion and relieved by pressure.

Baptisia x3, 3. It is prescribed for colitis with intoxication and fever.

Aloe 3.6. Colitis with weakened function of the anal sphincter.

Lachesis 6, 12. Colitis with sepsis, with high fever.

Anorectal diseases

In connection with the relevance for the general practitioner of anorectal diseases (hemorrhoids, anal fissures), some homeopathic preparations attract attention.

Aesculus x3, 3, 6. With painful external and internal hemorrhoidal nodes with pain in the lumbosacral region, with a feeling "as if the rectum were filled with small chips", against constipation with ineffectual desires. The drug, in addition to oral administration, is also used topically in the form of an ointment.

Aloe x3, 3, 6. Painful prolapsed hemorrhoids against the background of anal sphincter relaxation.

Graphites 3, 6, 12, 30. Hemorrhoids in an obese subject with itching in the anus according to the constitutional type.

Anacardium orientale x3, 3, 6, 12. Hemorrhoids on the background of constipation with a feeling of a "plug" in the rectum, while feeling better from eating.

Carbo vegetabilis x3, 3, 6. Prolapse of hemorrhoids with burning pain against the background of pronounced dyspeptic disorders in accordance with the constitutional type.

Chelidonium 3, 6. Hemorrhoids in a patient with chronic liver disease.

Zincum valerianicum x3, 6, 12. Hemorrhoids on the background of neurosis (hysteria and hypochondria), "with general trembling", the need to "constantly move the legs", with menstrual disorders and associated increased excitability.

Dioscorea x3, 3, 6. "Swollen, painful hemorrhagic nodes of a bunch-shaped bluish color with the expiration of sticky mucus from the anus" (J. Charette).

Acidum muriaticum 3, 6, 12. External inflamed haemorrhoids, very sensitive to touch.

Acidum sulfuricum 3,6,12. External hemorrhoids with constant moisture and itching in the anus.

Peonia x3, 3, 6. Hemorrhoids associated with ulcers in the rectum and fissures in the anus.

Hamamelis x3, 3. External and internal hemorrhoids with bleeding.

J. Charette for anal fissures, in addition to Pionia, recommends Graciola, Ratania, Berberis, Arsenicum, Graphites, Hydrastis, Ignatia, Lachesis, Sepia, Sulfur, Thuja, etc.