What foods burn fat and promote weight loss. List of products for a slim figure

There comes a moment in the life of every person when he begins to take care of his health, monitor his weight and the products that he consumes daily. We know that there are foods with different calorie content, so we try to count calories and not overeat. But not many have heard about what foods burn fat. Our body, in order to process them, spends much more energy than it consumes, so it has to give up stored fats. We'll talk about which foods have a negative calorie content.

What foods help burn fat in the human body

The body requires energy for all processes occurring inside it. The process of digestion is no exception, therefore, during the processing of food, part of the energy that comes with it is spent. For example, apples in 100 g contain only 55 calories, and in fatty meat - about 500. To process 100 g of any food, the body will need to spend 70 calories. With an elementary calculation, it turns out that if you eat 0.5 kg, then the body will have to pull out an extra 15 calories from its fat reserves.

The average person consumes 2,000 to 3,000 calories a day. If you play sports, give physical activity, then calorie consumption increases, but if you include the right foods in your diet, then it will be even easier to achieve a reduction in extra pounds. If you approach your health comprehensively, combining proper nutrition and daily physical activity, it will not be difficult to achieve an excellent figure and strong immunity.

You need to be able to distinguish between products: some burn fat, others accelerate fat metabolism. To burn excess body fat, you should include in your diet:

  • Berries: strawberries, cranberries, raspberries, strawberries.
  • Fruits: grapefruits, peaches, plums, oranges, apples, melons, tangerines, watermelons, lemons.
  • Vegetables: cabbage, carrots, celery, cucumbers, turnips, tomatoes, pumpkins, beets, radishes.
  • Sour-milk: kefir, yogurt, curdled milk, cottage cheese.

It is necessary to include green tea in the daily norm, because it also has a negative calorie content due to the alkaloids included in the composition: nofilin, caffeine, paraxanthine, xanthine, hypoxanthine. Scientists have proven that green tea prevents the development of malignant tumors, improves the functioning of the heart muscle and speeds up metabolism. 15 minutes after eating, it is recommended to drink a cup of green tea - it will speed up digestion, and if you drink about 5 cups a day, the body will release 70 calories.

When compiling your menu with a minimum calorie content, consider the amount of salt in dishes. It retains water in the body, impairing metabolism, causing swelling. But do not eat only low-calorie foods. They are able to reduce the proportion of high-calorie foods, but will not be able to completely replace them. Nutrition must be balanced to meet the needs of the human body for nutrients and energy.


About what foods burn fat, you should know not only people who are overweight. If extra pounds haunt you, then fat-burning vegetables are an ideal alternative to any diet. This method of losing weight is safe, but long, so you need to be patient. Vegetables, unlike fruits, contain almost no natural sugar, so even people with diabetes are allowed to eat them. Vegetables are rich in vitamins, healthy fiber and perfectly satisfy hunger.

Negative-calorie vegetable crops are a separate category, and it is difficult to distinguish from it which “work” with body fat the fastest. We will try to highlight the top main vegetables that burn fat:

  1. Cabbage is number one. Beijing, white, colored or broccoli - it doesn’t matter, they all burn fat perfectly.
  2. Cucumbers follow cabbage as they are the leaders in water content and minimum calorie content. Tomatoes are also not far away, and we will boldly put them in second place next to cucumbers.
  3. Zucchini is the perfect vegetable for weight loss. It contains almost no calories, removes excess fluid from the body and has a wonderful taste.
  4. Onions, celery not only burn fat, but also saturate the body with useful vitamins and minerals that increase our immunity. These vegetables are part of many weight loss diets.
  5. We can't forget the pumpkin. It contains a huge amount of carotene, it easily satisfies hunger and is well absorbed.
  6. Beets are no less a unique product - burning fats, cleansing the body of toxins, it is also a mild natural laxative. Beets have excellent taste qualities both raw and boiled, and dishes from it are an excellent prevention of atherosclerosis, thrombophlebitis and anemia.
  7. Bell pepper is the king of autumn vegetables. It contains a large amount of vitamin C. According to studies, even the smell of bell pepper provokes the body to lose weight.


Everyone knows that fruits contain active acids that help the body burn fat. Therefore, many diets for weight loss are based on fruits. We learned which staple foods burn fat, but there are certain fruits that are low in calories. When asked about fat-burning fruits, citrus fruits will immediately come to mind. And this is true, but not only citrus fruits are able to remove excess weight. Consider a list of fruits:

  1. Grapefruit is number one. It contains only 35 calories, and it can beat off the appetite for a long time. This magician is very useful for the body, because it affects the level of insulin in the blood. Scientists have calculated that if you eat half a grapefruit a day for three months, then without any exercise and diets, a person will lose up to 2 kg.
  2. Pineapple is second. This world-famous fat burner contains a special enzyme that breaks down fat deposits, even old ones. In addition, pineapple promotes an active metabolism due to the large amount of simple fiber, which helps the intestines to work properly.
  3. Kiwi contains only 47 calories, so it rightfully takes 3rd place among fat-burning fruits. Kiwi's unique enzymes help eliminate artery-blocking fats, while high levels of vitamin C help boost immunity.
  4. Avocado has a high calorie content - 208 kcal, but it got to 4th place due to its unique ability to suppress appetite for a long time and control hormone levels. The fat-burning properties of this fruit can be easily explained by the amino acid L-carnitine, which contributes to this.
  5. Apples will help out any person who wants to lose weight. Our native fruits are in no way inferior to overseas ones and contribute to weight loss due to the large amount of pectin. Apples contain: phosphorus, calcium, iron, sodium, folic acid, magnesium, which makes them a valuable product.

Milk products

When asked what foods burn fat, any woman will answer: "Cabbage or grapefruit", not paying attention to dairy products. But it has been scientifically proven that low-calorie dairy products are not only healthy, but also help the body burn fat. They are rich in calcium, magnesium, B vitamins, and they contain more than 200 types of mineral and organic substances.

Fat burning with cheese, cottage cheese or low-fat milk is due to calcium, a large amount of which is contained in this product. It releases fat at the cellular level while reducing the absorption of new fat deposits. Low-calorie dairy products include:

  • Low fat cheese.

It is allowed to eat low-calorie varieties of cheese during any diet, for example, Adyghe or mozzarella. There is even a cheese diet, in which extra pounds are burned, and the figure becomes slender. Low-fat cheeses are made from sheep's milk, so they have a low calorie content.

  • Cottage cheese.

Much has been said about the value of cottage cheese. As for its ability to burn fat, I would like to cite one fact: low-fat cottage cheese contains lipotropic substances that reduce fat accumulation in the liver, as well as remove them from the body.

  • Yogurt.

How fat burning products work

Usually you want to reduce the volume of the body, but not to reduce muscle mass. But fat has a disgusting feature of accumulating unevenly on the body, distorting the proportions of the figure: it sags at the waist, stomach or in the form of cellulite on the legs. Fat-burning foods work in different ways, but there are a few key factors that unite them:

  • They are low in calories, so the body spends more energy processing them than it receives.
  • Contribute to the acceleration of metabolism, so fats not only go away, but are not absorbed in the body.
  • Trace elements and vitamins activate the production of hormones that use fat stores for their growth.

Protein (dairy) products, which are fat burners, are considered a building material for cells, therefore they contribute to an increase in muscle mass, which, as it grows, draws on additional energy. The body is forced to give energy as fat deposits. The main thing is not to mix them with sugar when using dairy products, then the effect of them will be greater.

Spices have always been considered strong fat burners. They not only have a beneficial effect on the state of the whole organism, but also cause an acceleration of metabolism due to the essential oils contained in them, which can dilate blood vessels. This ability requires additional energy output from the body, so fats are burned intensively.

At home, you should eat at least 5 times a day and in small portions, the size of a dessert plate. Every meal should include foods that speed up metabolism and burn fat.

In order for the weight to go away effectively, you should drink at least a liter of purified non-carbonated water per day.

Sport is a prerequisite for losing weight. The fact is that many fat-burning foods not only improve metabolism, but also act as natural thermogenics, and also contribute to fat burning in the body.

With the right choice of diet, food contributes to weight loss. What foods burn fat? The weight loss menu recommended for men and women should consist of products that have fat-burning properties:

  • chicken, turkey, fish, eggs, in particular egg white, fermented milk products. They contribute to fat burning during physical exertion, as they contain carnitine;
  • red meat and liver, which contribute to the normalization of fat metabolism;
  • linseed and olive oil, fatty fish (saury, halibut, mackerel, eel, silver carp). These products contain polyunsaturated fatty acids that prevent the formation of subcutaneous fat;
  • citrus fruits. Due to the unique composition, in particular vitamin C, they contribute to the breakdown of subcutaneous fat;
  • green tea and coffee contain caffeine, antioxidants, chlorogenic acids. Promote the burning of fat in the human body.

Forbidden food for losing weight:

  • fast food;
  • sausages, semi-finished products, smoked products;
  • pastries, sweets;
  • excessively fatty and salty foods;
  • alcohol, sweet carbonated drinks;
  • mayonnaise, purchased sauces.

The most effective fat burning foods

Eat and not get better - the dream of many losing weight. But for this you need to know which foods burn fat. A prerequisite for losing weight is that the food consumed should have a fat-burning property and help improve metabolism. The list of foods that promote weight loss is presented in several categories.

Whole grain foods are good because they contain fiber, which requires a lot of energy to process. With a low-calorie menu, the energy for food processing is consumed from body fat. In addition, whole grain cereals improve digestion and intestinal motility.

Low-calorie fruits are good for weight loss. The list of fruits that burn fat and promote weight loss includes:

  • apples - help break down fats, remove excess moisture from the body;
  • quince - a powerful natural fat burner, helps to remove subcutaneous fat;
  • kiwi - contains flavonoids that burn fat.

You should beware of bananas and grapes. They can provoke the accumulation of subcutaneous fat.

Vegetables are excellent fat burners, as they require a lot of energy to digest the fiber they contain, and are low in calories. Due to their low calorie content and unique composition, they are good fat burners and promote weight loss. Among the vegetables that burn fat, it should be highlighted:

  • tomatoes containing carnitine;
  • celery, which has powerful fat-burning properties;
  • zucchini and cucumbers, which help reduce fat deposits on the abdomen and sides. They are also low in calories;
  • broccoli, which improves metabolism and helps to lose weight;
  • Pepper, which, due to its unique composition, contributes to an increase in body temperature, has a powerful fat-burning effect.

Among legumes, red beans should be distinguished. It is she who contains zinc and B vitamins in large quantities. It is these substances that contribute to fat burning.

Dairy products are required for weight loss, as they are a source of calcium. Its deficiency negatively affects metabolism, which can lead to obesity. Among dairy products, you should choose low-fat, low-calorie options. For example, low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk, natural yogurt without filler.

Spices are widely used for quick weight loss at home. Among them are the following fat burners:

  • ginger - improves digestion, increases body temperature, contributing to the breakdown of fats;
  • cinnamon and chicory - help control sugar levels in the body, normalize carbohydrate metabolism.

Of the drinks, green tea, ground coffee and plain water contribute to weight loss. Tea and coffee speed up the metabolism. In addition, green tea has antioxidant properties, reduces appetite and lowers bad cholesterol.

Water removes toxins, normalizes glucose levels. Without enough fluid, fat deposits will actively accumulate in the body.

Foods that burn fat

There are the most effective foods and drinks that act specifically on subcutaneous fat, removing extra centimeters from the abdomen and sides. The list of these products includes:

  • lemon. Plain water with lemon will help cleanse the intestines, remove fat from the abdomen and sides, remove toxins;
  • bran blocks the absorption of fat in the human body;
  • olive oil - the owner of polyunsaturated fatty acids, due to which the formation of fatty deposits is reduced;
  • green tea. If you drink in the morning at lunchtime and in the evening a cup of brewed green tea without sugar, you can burn subcutaneous fat.

The lowest calorie foods

Low-calorie food is recommended for all losing weight. This food does not add energy to the body to digest coarse fibers, as a result of which the missing resources are consumed from body fat. In order for those who are losing weight to properly compose their menu, there is a table of low-calorie foods.

How to effectively burn fat at home

Burning fat at home is easy. To do this, losing weight use fat burning products. Properly selected food will help burn fat at home. The best fat burning foods and drinks are listed below.

Sassi water will help remove fat from the abdomen and sides, which removes excess fluid from the body, improves metabolism and is good for quick weight loss. Preparing this water is easy. For 2 liters of purified non-mineral water, put a teaspoon of grated ginger, one peeled and thinly sliced ​​cucumber, thinly sliced ​​lemon, 12 peppermint leaves. Leave in the refrigerator overnight and drink all or a smaller amount during the day.

Help to lose weight not only drinks, but also food. Celery soup will help remove excess fat from the sides and abdomen. Recipe: cut a head of cabbage, two red sweet peppers, 4 tomatoes, 100 g of celery and half of the root of this plant, add herbs to taste. Pour 0.5 liters of tomato juice, bring to a boil and simmer for 15 minutes.

Kefir cocktail will also help to lose weight. Recipe: add a pinch of red pepper, half a teaspoon of cinnamon and ginger to a glass of kefir. Ideal to drink before bed. With the help of such a cocktail, they lose weight on many diets.

Celery-apple smoothie will help to effectively remove subcutaneous fat. It contains natural fat burners. To prepare a smoothie, you need to cut 200 g of celery stalks, 2 large apples, 100 ml of water, add the juice of half a lemon or lime. Mix everything in a blender, if desired, add ice.

What foods burn fat? The question is by no means new, but always relevant. By including these ingredients in your diet, you will more intensively lose extra pounds. For quick weight loss, add one of the following products to the menu every day, or several. The main thing is that the food is balanced, and life is active.

Some fat-burning foods speed up the metabolism. Others increase and decrease the content in the body of various hormones that promote the breakdown of lipids. Still others help to remove accumulated toxins and toxins from the intestines. For effective weight loss through fat burning (especially on the sides and abdomen), it is better to use warming provisions.

If you overeat with sweets, and then have a bite of “miracle foods”, there will be no result.

The daily menu should be balanced in terms of protein, fat and carbohydrate content. It is necessary that its calorie content is 10% less than what you spend during the day. When calculating the energy value of the daily diet, take into account physical activity. Too much of a calorie deficit will cause the body to release the accumulated weight very slowly.

If the menu is balanced, then a few fat-burning foods a day will help you lose weight twice as fast.

For healthy weight loss, you need to focus on the following foods:

Make a variety of salads out of them. Top the mixture with olive oil or natural low-fat yogurt. Limit your intake of salt, because it not only retains fluid in the body, creating swelling, but also slows down metabolism. This, in turn, slows down the process of losing weight.

Top five

Now we will look at which foods burn fat more efficiently than others. Meet the rating of the most-most:

  1. Sour milk.
    These products increase the production of the hormone calcitriol in the body, which stimulates the breakdown of fat in the abdomen and buttocks. Pay attention to low-fat ingredients - cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt, yogurt. Milk proteins, which contribute to the destruction of lipid tissue, are concentrated in whey, so do not give up on it.
  2. Ginger.
    It is very good for weight loss in the abdomen, legs and arms. The product stimulates blood circulation in the stomach and increases its secretion, thereby accelerating the metabolism. Essential oils contribute to the rapid destruction of lipid structures.
  3. Cinnamon.
    Few fat-burning foods can compete with cinnamon. It reduces the concentration of glucose in the blood, thereby dulling the feeling of hunger. Another product is almost 20 times faster sugar metabolism and improves intestinal motility. Add the product to tea, coffee or mix with honey.
  4. Grapefruits.
    For many, these citrus fruits are the best way to lose weight. They help to effectively burn fat on the abdomen, buttocks, thighs and arms. Allow yourself half a grapefruit for three months and you will lose 1.5 kg doing nothing. The product has a choleretic effect, reduces the level of insulin in the body. But the fruit should be eaten with bitter skins, since they stimulate the breakdown of lipids.
  5. Horseradish.
    The root of this plant improves metabolism, activates digestion, stimulates the intestines and does not allow excess food to turn into fat or be deposited in the form of toxins. But it should not be eaten with ailments of the liver, kidneys and stomach. It is also better for pregnant and lactating women to refrain from vegetables.

How to speed up metabolism.

We partially answered the question of which foods burn fat. But this is far from a complete list. For weight loss, eat pineapple, cabbage, papaya, raspberries, mustard, and coconut milk from time to time.

They contribute to the breakdown of lipid mass in the abdomen and lower body, improve metabolism and have a general healing effect. Also look for foods rich in vitamin C, B4 (choline), magnesium, iodine, taurine, and methionine.

Here is a table-picture that will acquaint you with a few more useful ingredients - fire burners.

Mono- and polyunsaturated fats on guard of a chiseled figure

People sometimes underestimate the importance of fats. In this case, we are talking about useful components - mono- and polyunsaturated acids. They speed up the metabolism and normalize the production of the hormone leptin. The amount of the latter determines whether belly fat will be burned or, conversely, accumulated.

Foods with good and bad fats.

Therefore, you need to include a number of healthy foods in your daily menu.

  1. Olive oil.
    It is completely absorbed by the body and supplies the system with valuable components.
  2. Fish.
    Marine products such as herring, mackerel, salmon, trout, tuna, cod and halibut do a great service to the body.
  3. Almond.
    Only 40% of the lipids from this nut are digested, the rest leaves the body. It turns out that the fetus creates a feeling of satiety and at the same time does not load the body with excess fat.
  4. Avocado.
    This high-calorie fruit satisfies hunger very quickly, but the energy received is not transformed into fat. Its active substances normalize cholesterol levels.

This table will help you navigate the "good" and "bad" fats.

Use these products for weight loss. Even without intensive training, you will feel that you have lost a lot of weight. But physical activity still speeds up the process of achieving the goal.

Liquid vs. fat

The main fluid our body needs is water. Without it, metabolic processes do not occur, and if there is not enough water, then the metabolism slows down. According to studies, just 500 ml of pure water speeds up metabolism by 30%. What happens if you drink 1.5 liters? You will not only provide yourself with beautiful skin, hair and nails, but also prevent toxins, toxins and salts from accumulating in the body.

Another positive property of water: it dulls hunger. Often people confuse the desire to eat with an elementary thirst and get better from it. When you feel like you don't mind a snack, drink a glass of water. If the hunger passes, then it was a false signal.

It contains powerful antioxidants that fight free radicals. The product is considered the elixir of youth and good health. Green tea removes not only subcutaneous fat, but also visceral fat - the enemy of many men. Drink 3 cups of this liquid a day, and the result will not be long in coming.

And the last “miracle product” in this category is red wine. The drink contains the active ingredient resveratrol. It promotes the production of a protein that blocks receptors in fatty structures. This is one of the substances that contributes to the destruction of lipids and slows down their formation. A day is enough to drink ½ glass of good red wine.

Spend your day as active as possible, walk in the fresh air more often, drink plenty of water and eat only healthy foods. After a couple of months of this lifestyle, you will forget what excess fat is.

By burning fat, foods give the body an impetus to get rid of body fat on its own. But this does not mean that knowing about the unique quality of grapefruit to quickly burn fat, you will eat only this fruit. Firstly, you will ruin your stomach, and secondly, along with the use of fat-burning foods, you need to actively engage in sports, because physical activity remains the main condition for losing weight and a healthy lifestyle.
Some low-calorie foods have the unique ability to increase metabolism, resulting in the burning of the entire layer of fat, reducing weight. These foods have the necessary vitamins and amino acids to produce the right amount of growth hormones to help burn fat, converting it into energy and then using it to renew cells.

13 Best Fat Burning Foods

1. Walnuts

Alpha-linolenic acid (Omega-3) is found in all types of nuts, but usually in negligible amounts (unlike monounsaturated fats).
However, walnuts are considered the record holder for the content of omega-3 fatty acids.
Thus, 30 g of walnuts provide almost 3 g of alpha-linolenic acid.

For many centuries, ginger has been used by humans to normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as to prevent inflammation, improve blood circulation in muscle tissues and accelerate the rate of muscle recovery.
In addition, it has been proven that ginger stimulates the breakdown of fats in the body.

3. Oatmeal

Slowly digestible carbohydrates that help maintain normal blood sugar and insulin levels, which, in turn, favorably affects the breakdown of fats.
So, in the course of a scientific study, it was found that athletes who consumed slowly digestible carbohydrates in the morning burned more fat throughout the day and during training than athletes from the control group who consumed easily digestible carbohydrates.

4. Avocado

Monounsaturated fats from avocados are used as fuel during physical activity, which contributes to rapid weight loss.
In addition, avocados contain a very interesting carbohydrate - mannoheptulose (sugar that inhibits insulin production and enhances calcium absorption). The more mannoheptulose in the body, the faster the person loses weight.

Salmon is one of the best sources of essential omega-3 fatty acids: eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexanoic acid (DHA). Unlike flaxseeds, which provide a precursor to these acids, salmon provides pure EPA and DHA.
That is, we get fatty acids that accelerate fat burning and block its accumulation in the body.

6. Soy (soybeans)

Soy is a source of soy protein that is as effective as other types of protein (from whey or beef) in terms of gaining muscle mass.
In addition, soy contributes to weight loss (probably due to a decrease in appetite and a decrease in the calorie content of food).

It is quite possible that this is the best assistant in the fight against extra pounds. Scientific research results show that 2 cups of cold water increase metabolic rate by 30%.
Scientists have determined that if a person drinks 2 cups of cold water before breakfast, lunch and dinner, then the annual energy expenditure will increase by 17,400 calories, which corresponds to more than two kilograms of fat!
Water is perhaps the best assistant in the fight against extra pounds.

8. Flax seeds

9. Grapefruit

In the course of a study conducted by specialists from the clinic. Scripps (San Diego, California), it was found that people who ate half a grapefruit or drank 240 ml of grapefruit juice three times a day (adhering to a standard diet) lost an average of 2 kg over 12 weeks; with some participants dropping more than 5 kg without any diet at all!
Obviously, these results are evidence that grapefruit lowers insulin levels in the blood. In addition, the grapefruit contains the so-called. naringin - a compound that prevents the deposition of fat reserves.

Yes, it is sugar, but it has a very low glycemic index. Maintaining low insulin levels is an important and necessary condition in the fight against extra pounds.
Honey is also a rich source of nitric oxide metabolites; in simple terms, this means that it accelerates the breakdown of fat cells in the body.

11. Peanut butter

Another source of monounsaturated fatty acids needed for weight loss. The irony is that many manufacturers produce reduced-fat peanut butter!
Of course, they replace healthy monounsaturated fats with carbohydrates, in particular sugar. Avoid such products.
Buy natural peanut butter that is free of harmful trans fats.

Yes, yes, we mentioned eggs when we looked at the list of foods for gaining muscle mass. So why are they also included here?
Scientific research suggests that people who eat eggs for breakfast not only consume fewer calories throughout the day, but also lose extra pounds more easily.

13. Chili pepper

Hot peppers contain the active ingredient capsaicin, a chemical compound that can stimulate the breakdown of fat, as well as reduce hunger and food cravings.
The effectiveness of capsaicin is enhanced when combined with caffeine.

I would like to warn fans of fast weight loss from using one type of product, even if it is a wonderful fat burner. Eating one grapefruit or pineapples is a frivolous undertaking that can end in big health problems. It is necessary to add all the products that have been listed to the diet, and then the loss of kilograms will be not only effective, but also beneficial for health: you will raise your vitality and saturate your body with vitamins.

As you know, in order to look your best, first of all, you need to say goodbye to extra pounds. A huge number of all kinds of diets offer us ways to deal with excess weight, requiring remarkable willpower and threatening to devastate a credit card and wallet. Is there a panacea that gives harmony without severe sacrifices? Unfortunately, the famous adage “beauty requires sacrifice” has not yet been canceled, and without sufficient physical activity, it will not be possible to lose weight safely and effectively.

However, science does not stand still, and scientists are discovering more and more new methods of dealing with excess weight. One such way to lose weight is to eat foods that burn fat.

1. Milk products.

Dairy products (except milk) increase the amount of the hormone calcitriol in the body, which forces cells to burn fat. Low-fat dairy products: yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese, yogurt - according to experts, will help to lose weight and reduce the amount of newly digestible fats. Whey contains high-quality milk protein, which accelerates fat metabolism. It contributes to the expenditure of subcutaneous fat in order to compensate for the energy consumption of the body.

2. Ginger.

Ginger belongs to the so-called "hot" products. It provides excellent secretion and blood supply to the stomach, thereby accelerating the body's metabolism. Due to the high content of essential oils, ginger enhances metabolism, which contributes to the fastest burning of fat cells. In addition, ginger improves the condition of the skin, making it young and beautiful.

3. Cabbage.

White cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli are constant helpers in the fight against excess weight. White cabbage works like a brush in the body, thereby cleansing it of toxins. Broccoli is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. The main one is indole-3-carbinol, which normalizes the exchange of estrogens - female sex hormones. Cauliflower is second only to broccoli in terms of vitamin content. Cabbage is a low-calorie product, so it can be eaten with almost no restrictions.

4. cucumbers.

Cucumbers are an effective way to lose weight, however, like most other plant products, they are seasonal and bring maximum benefit during their natural ripening. They are recommended to be eaten at that stage of maturity, when the fruits are still small, hard, crispy, and the seeds have not fully developed. If possible, the peel from cucumbers is not peeled off, since it is in it that most of the vitamins and minerals are concentrated. Cucumbers have a diuretic effect on the human body, which, combined with a low calorie content, makes them an indispensable food product for people struggling with excess weight.

5. Cinnamon.

This spice has been used in the fight against excess weight relatively recently, but has already managed to establish itself as an excellent fat-burning agent. Cinnamon lowers blood sugar levels, thereby slowing down the accumulation of fats. You can add cinnamon to tea, coffee, kefir, and if you drink a drink from a mixture of ½ teaspoon of cinnamon, steamed with boiling water with 1 teaspoon of honey, the fat will simply melt.

6. Grapefruit.

The grapefruit diet is not a myth. Researchers at the Scripps Clinic found that those who ate half a grapefruit for 12 weeks lost an average of 1.5 kg. Thanks to its chemical properties, this citrus, literally stuffed with vitamin C, reduces insulin levels, which contributes to weight loss.

7. Green tea.

The most powerful fat killer is green tea. Studies show that green tea extract speeds up metabolism and may help with weight loss. This tea improves mood and may have anti-carcinogenic properties, as well as help prevent heart disease. This is a very trendy drink among the stars. It contains a large amount of natural caffeine, which speeds up the metabolism in the body by 15-20%. Green tea easily flushes out not only subcutaneous fat, but also the most dangerous so-called visceral - internal fat. By drinking three cups of green tea a day, even the fattest person will lose weight.

8. Water.

9. Raspberry.

Raspberries contain fruit enzymes that promote the breakdown of fats. Half a glass of raspberries, eaten half an hour before a meal, will help the stomach cope with a plentiful feast. This berry speeds up metabolism. In addition, 100 grams of raspberries contain only 44 calories.

10. Mustard.

Mustard stimulates the secretion of gastric juice and improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

11. oranges.

Who said that fat-burning foods are necessarily something dull and dietary and tasteless? One orange "weighs" only 70-90 calories. And most importantly, after this fruit, the feeling of satiety lasts about 4 hours.

12. Almond.

Only 40% of the fat in almonds is digested. The remaining 60% leave the body without having had time to go through the stages of splitting and absorption. That is, almonds saturate and at the same time do not leave behind unnecessary calories.

13. Horseradish.

The enzymes found in horseradish root help burn fat. Flavor fish and meat dishes with horseradish.

14. Beans.

Legumes are a source of vegetable protein, which is so necessary for our body. The protein itself is metabolic, which gives it the ability to easily burn fat cells. In other words, in order to assimilate protein foods, the body spends a lot of energy, which it takes from its own fat reserves. Nutritionists recommend eating beans instead of a side dish or adding them to a salad.

15. Coconut milk.

Coconut milk contains fats that speed up the metabolism.

16. A pineapple.

Pineapple contains the enzyme bromelain, which until recently was considered an active fat burner and was widely advertised in weight loss products. Unfortunately, scientists have found that under the influence of gastric juice, it loses its enzymatic properties. But still, pineapple helps to improve digestion and successfully reduces the feeling of hunger.

17. Papaya.

Papaya contains enzymes that act on lipids and break down proteins. However, it does not make sense to go on a papaya diet, because the enzymes lose their activity 2-3 hours after ingestion. To get the desired effect, papaya should be consumed immediately before a meal, during a meal, or immediately after it.

18. Red wine.

Red wine contains the active ingredient resveratrol, which stimulates the production of a protein that blocks receptors in fat cells. Resveratrol promotes the breakdown of fats and slows down the formation of new fat deposits. This wonderful ingredient is found in the skins of grapes and white wine, but in these products it quickly oxidizes and becomes less effective. Red wine is a unique source of effective fat burner, however, like any alcohol, it should be consumed in limited quantities. Half a glass of red wine a day will provide you with a beneficial effect on the body.

19. Apples and pears.

Overweight women who ate three small apples or pears a day lost more weight on a low-calorie diet compared to those who did not add fruit to their diet. This conclusion was made by researchers from the State University of Rio de Janeiro. Those who ate vegetables consumed fewer calories overall. So the next time you're craving a sweet tooth, grab this low-calorie, high-fiber snack. You will feel full longer and eat less.

20. Oatmeal.

Excellent source of soluble fiber (7 g per 2 cup serving). Gives a feeling of fullness and energy needed for physical exercise.

Products - fat burners - our faithful assistants in the fight against excess weight, but we must not forget that not a single food product will get rid of body fat without a balanced diet and sufficient physical activity.