Services of veterinary clinics Sterilization and castration - “Cat castration: is it really necessary? Why did we decide to castrate? Tips, our experience of this procedure. And also why I highly recommend neutering cats.”

When a kitten grows up and becomes a sexually mature male, its character and behavior change dramatically. He begins to make attempts to escape in order to meet with the lady of the heart, actively marking the territory, thereby spoiling things and leaving odorous, hard-to-remove traces. Veterinary center VetLekar is ready to help solve this problem by offering cat castration services.

Advantages of castration of cats:

  1. Regulation of the population of homeless animals.
  2. Reducing the risk of morbidity.
  3. Avoiding Appearance bad smell in home.
  4. Increase in life span.
  5. The tranquility of the owners. The animal stops yelling at night and adjusts to the rhythm of the life of the owners.

Disadvantages of cat castration:

  1. There are contraindications for health reasons.
  2. Improper feeding can quickly lead to obesity and urolithiasis.

When should a cat not be spayed?

  1. In the presence of diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  2. When the animal has reached old age.
  3. When a cat is of high breeding value and will definitely be used in breeding.

Ways to castrate cats

Surgical method

It is the most popular and safe way castration of cats. The operation is under general anesthesia and takes no more than 10 minutes. The testicles are removed from the scrotum of the animal, and the seminal canals are also tied up. For rehabilitation, the cat needs no more than a day, during this period he fully recovers after anesthesia.

Chemical castration of cats

This procedure is carried out in two ways:

  1. Irradiation method. It lies in the fact that the testes are exposed to radiation, which leads to the extinction reproductive function and decreased sexual activity. Because the consequences this method not fully understood and should be treated with caution.
  2. Medical way. These are temporary measures. hormonal contraception, which cease to act after stopping the medication. According to studies, their regular use can lead to poor health and the development of oncology.

Where is the best place to have the operation?

Castration of a cat in the clinic

  • guaranteed sterility of working tools;
  • the possibility of providing emergency assistance in case of individual intolerance to drugs;
  • rehabilitation of a pet under the supervision of a qualified specialist.
  • an impressionable animal can experience severe stress.

Castration of a cat at home

  • high risk of infection during penetration into the peritoneum;
  • due to the lack of specialized equipment, effective emergency care is almost impossible.
  • minimizing the emotional burden on the animal;
  • saving time.

Preparing a cat for castration

In order for this important operation passed without complications, it is necessary:

  1. Get examined by a cardiologist for the presence of cardiovascular diseases.
  2. Take a blood test.
  3. Do not feed the cat 12 hours before castration.
  4. Do not give water 3 hours before the procedure.

Rehabilitation of a cat after anesthesia

Full normalization of the state occurs in a maximum of a day. It all depends on the characteristics of the body, and your cat can recover within a couple of hours after the operation is completed. In the first hours after waking up, he will show mild symptoms lethargy and lack of coordination. You can water a cat no earlier than 4 hours after castration, and feed it only the next day. If the animal has problems with stool and urination in the first days, be sure to consult a veterinarian.

Caring for the seams of a cat after castration

No owner wants his beloved pet to suffer, which is why many postpone the castration procedure or do not resort to it at all. The cat will not bring kittens, which will not cause any problems. However, problems can arise, and considerable ones. They are mainly associated with the behavior of the pet after reaching puberty. The cat can become nervous, aggressive, and drugs that reduce cravings for the opposite sex help only for a while. In addition, they can undermine the health of the animal. Advantages of castration Castration of a cat is simply necessary if there are cats in the house. Adopting kittens is a rather difficult task, so if you are not breeding purebred cats, then it is better to go with the pet to the operation. With the onset of sexual hunting, the cat can begin to "mark" furniture, shoes, and anything. This pungent smell is sometimes simply impossible to remove from the apartment. In addition to "tags", other troubles may follow - when prolonged abstinence the cat is likely to develop diseases genitourinary system. It is much easier and more humane to castrate a cat, so you will save both yourself and the animal from problems. The only option in which castration of a cat may not be required is free range. If your pet can leave the house whenever he pleases, then you will not face problems associated with sexual hunting. True, the cat may disappear for several days or suffer in a fight with other males.

Castration of a cat, age

The most optimal age for a cat castration operation is the age of six months, or rather, 7 months. During this period, the animal is already fully formed and quite easily tolerates interventions. this kind. A huge advantage is that the young cat has not yet begun to delimit its territory and has not come into contact with cats. Castration of a cat whose age has already exceeded the mark of seven months is also possible. However, in this case, the likelihood of complications increases, and the cat, which has already gone through mating games, most likely will not stop marking the territory. Of course, the desire to "walk" will decrease, but it will not disappear completely.

Operation and aftermath

Castration of a cat is not the most complicated operation. During it, the animal is under anesthesia and does not feel any pain or pain at all. discomfort. During this procedure, the testicles are completely removed from the cat. Removal occurs through two small incisions, which later heal quickly and do not cause discomfort to the pet.

cat after castration

should not be left alone for at least the first few hours. In no case do not let your pet lick the wounds, as he can scratch them and healing will take much longer. You can put on a special collar on the cat, which will not allow him to reach the scar. Immediately after castration, try to keep the animal calm. It is better to lay the cat on a warm bedding on the floor. Do not leave your pet on a chair, sofa or bed. Until the cat comes to his senses after the medication, his coordination is impaired, the animal can easily fall. A castrated cat does not require increased care or attention, the only thing that may be required is a change in diet and stricter control over nutrition. The thing is that neutered cats tend to set excess weight. It is better to transfer the pet to special food and if he eats homemade food- exclude fish from his diet. More detailed recommendations you can get from your veterinarian.

How much does it cost to castrate a cat and what is included in the price?

The cost of castrating a cat directly depends on where exactly the operation will take place. When carrying out the procedure at home, the price will be slightly higher than in the clinic. The final price is calculated depending on your place of residence. It is much easier and more correct to carry out the operation in a veterinary clinic. After all, the conditions there are much better than at home. Castration of a cat, the price of which is indicated in our price list, includes the preparation of the animal for the procedure, general and local anesthesia and of course, a consultation with a doctor for further care.

In order for the cat to live with you in the apartment, it must be castrated.

Castration is best done in early age- from 7 to 15 months.

Uncastrated cats mark their territory. This means the cat is pissing all over the apartment, which leads to the appearance of a very specific, very persistent smell. In order to prevent this, cats are castrated.

Castration of cats one of the simplest and most frequently performed operations in veterinary surgery.

Despite the simplicity of castration of cats, there are many methods for its implementation. Usually castration of cats is carried out by an open or closed method. After general anesthesia, depilation is usually carried out by plucking or shaving off the hair in the scrotum. The operation site is prepared according to the standard technique.

Castration of cats, with any methodical approach, two or one incision of the skin of the scrotum is made (if there is one incision of the skin, then another incision of the mediastinum of the scrotum, which in my opinion complicates the course of the operation and therefore is unjustified). Further, with the open method, the common vaginal membrane of the testis is dissected, it is husked, the vessels and the spermatic cord are tied with a ligature or connected to each other. With the closed method, the testis is husked along with the common vaginal membrane, and then the testis is removed: by separation, by unscrewing with two clamps, by ligation, or by instrumental tying to the knot of the vas deferens duct.

Most frequent complications castration of cats, bleeding occurs (with methods with tearing and twisting, as well as during ligation without stitching with closed method castration of cats) and response to suture material, with education ligature fistulas. Techniques with non-ligature ligation give complications much less frequently. Optimal can be considered the technique of instrumental tying to the knot of the vascular-semen-conducting bundle. The surgical wound, as a rule, is not sutured.

Postoperative care, after castration of cats, it usually comes down to protecting the wound from licking (by visual observation or putting on a collar), sometimes it is necessary to clean the operation site with treatment with an iodine solution, and to exclude contact of the wound with the cat litter for 3 days (instead of the filler use paper or grid).

Visual propaganda for castration, sterilization of cats and cats

Cat owners have to deal with problems caused by the sexual instincts of their pets. The cat matures at about six months of age and is capable of sexual activity throughout the year. If the cat is not allowed outside, then he begins to mark the territory of the apartment or house, creating a disgusting smell.

Even if you take all the precautions, a cat can sneak out of a door, jump out of a window or balcony unnoticed. Very often it ends tragically, and sometimes animals disappear forever.

If cats walk on their own, then they roam all over the area, go far from home and fight with other cats.

Tramps are often infected with infectious diseases and often become victims of traffic accidents, catchers and flayers.

Neutered cats, with rare exceptions when the operation is done in late age stop marking territory. They pass aggression towards people and other cats, associated with their sexual behavior.

Spayed and neutered cats live longer and longer healthy life. They reduce the risk of infection infectious diseases. They rarely run away or jump out of windows looking for a mate. Animals that do not leave the apartment will no longer ask to go outside and arrange cat concerts. Castration and sterilization does not affect hunting instincts animals.

There is a misconception that sterilized animals become fat and lazy. In fact, not all cats and cats are predisposed to be overweight. In any case, your animal will not put on weight as long as it is reasonably fed and provided with conditions for movement.

The cat is very prolific. At 8-10 months, she can already bring the first offspring. Two or three or even four times a year, she is able to give birth to kittens, an average of five in each offspring. Six months later, young offspring are also included in the reproduction process. American scientists have calculated that one cat and all its offspring can produce 420,000 cats in 7 years.

If you take care of your cat and do not let her out on the street, then during the heat period she will bring a lot of anxiety. The cat will ask to go outside, roll on the floor, roll underfoot, scream day and night, preventing sleep.

If you live in a country house or on the first floor, then local "boyfriends" come to your cat, causing even more anxiety. If she walks on her own, she will definitely bring unplanned offspring.

To drown kittens, even newborns, is to commit murder. It is also unacceptable to throw them away or toss them to someone. Raising offspring will require certain physical efforts and financial costs from you.

Of course, it's nice to watch kittens grow up, but when it comes time to find their owners, there is a big problem. Today it is difficult to adopt even purebred kittens, and some owners pay their own money to adopt their cat's offspring. Unfortunately, the fate of the majority of animals given "in good hands" is deplorable.

Neutering a cat solves all the problems associated with her behavior and offspring. This operation, which makes it impossible to have kittens, is performed under anesthesia in surgical conditions veterinary clinics. On the 8-12th day, the stitches are removed and the cat is completely healthy.

Spayed cats never experience the sadness or discomfort of not being in heat, nor do they suffer the loss of pregnancy or motherhood. They have excluded diseases of the genital organs and extremely rarely (unlike unsterilized cats) have diseases of the mammary glands.

At what age to castrate a cat, how to prepare, care after castration, nutrition

Cats easily tolerate castration. In most cases, no special preparation is required. After the operation, the seams do not need to be processed, but do not let the wound lick. With a normal urinalysis, feeding may be normal.

When - at what age to castrate a cat

Castration can be done at any age. But it's better to castrate young cats, they tolerate the operation more easily and stop marking the territory faster.

None special training not required.

It is desirable that the cat was hungry noticeably 5 - 15 hours.

It is good if the cat has been vaccinated and de-wormed regularly.

How is castration at home

The veterinarian arrives, examines the cat, and if there are no contraindications, then an operation is performed.

After the operation, you can wear protective collar to keep the wound from licking.

Licking is dangerous as it can lead to bleeding.

The veterinarian makes the necessary injections, gives prescriptions and recommendations, leaves his mobile phone for advice if needed.

The state of the cat after the operation

The cat is gradually recovering from anesthesia: he starts moving his paws, tries to get up and walks like a drunk. Sleep and drunkenness can last from 5 hours to 2 days.

Uncontrolled urination may occur several times.

During the day, vomiting can occur, especially if the cat eats a lot, these are the consequences of anesthesia.

Castration of cats at home in Moscow

We castrate cats at home.

We castrate cats in all districts of Moscow and Moscow suburbs.

We castrate cats seven days a week and even at night.

cat after castration

During the day departs from anesthesia, in a half-asleep state.

3 days to prevent licking.

A week later, normal.

In the future, monitor your diet and weight.

Castration of cats consequences Consequences after castration of cats

As a rule, softening of character, a slight decrease physical activity, weight gain, especially in overweight animals.

Cat care after castration

Keep warm, on the floor, make sure that it does not lick, if necessary, the collar.

Behavior of a cat after castration

The first day drunk, during the week of trying to lick surgical wound, after a week the usual state, gradually softening the nature and reducing physical activity.

The nature of the cat after castration

In most cases, the character is more friendly, accommodating, extremely rarely there may be a deterioration in character, possibly as a reaction to stress or hormonal changes.

How does castration affect a cat How does a cat change after castration

Castration affects the cat positively in terms of cohabitation with people in the same apartment.

How to feed a cat after castration Feeding a cat after castration Feeding a cat after castration

In general, nutrition does not change, but for weight control, especially in overweight animals, feeds with a reduced calorie content are needed. In the future, any dietary feed can be used, depending on the examination of the animal. There is no unequivocal connection with the castration operation.

Cat after castration anesthesia How do cats go after castration How do cats move away from castration The state of the cat after castration

Young cats tolerate anesthesia well, usually after 2-4 hours they begin to crawl and walk, a drunken state can persist for 1-2 days. In a week there is a complete normalization of the state.

What to do after cat castration

Make sure that you do not fall, do not freeze, do not lick the surgical wound.

Complications after castration of a cat The cat died after castration

Cat licks after castration

After castration, the cat does not eat After castration, the cat does not eat well

Cat vomiting after spaying Cat vomiting after spaying

Rehabilitation castration of cats Rehabilitation of a cat after castration

How long does a cat leave after castration

The cat is ill after castration

Smell after castration of a cat

How do cats tolerate castration?

Aggressive cat after neutering Aggressive cat after neutering

Cat won't pee after castration

Cat lost weight after castration

Cat sluggish after castration

What does a cat look like after castration?

cat marks castration

Cat marks after castration Do cats mark after castration Cat yells after castration After castration, the cat asks for a cat

Hormones after castration leave the body gradually - for about 6 months. At this time, it is possible to maintain sexual behavior. Everything goes on afterwards.

It is extremely rare due to the production of sex hormones by the adrenal glands, it is possible to maintain sexual behavior after castration - these are very rare cases.

In other cases, negative behavior is not associated with sexual instinct and it is necessary to look for ways to correct behavior.

Castration of cats age

Male cats can be neutered at any age, but it is best to do this between the ages of 7 and 18 months.

Castration time for cats

Castration of cats at what age

Terms of castration of cats

Castration of an adult cat

Castration of old cats

Early castration of cats

Castration of cats price

The price consists of the departure of the veterinarian, the castration itself and after castration therapy

How much does it cost to castrate a cat

cat castration cost

Castration of cats at home price

Free castration of cats

Castration of cats for free

Castration of cats inexpensively

Castration of cats at home

Castration at home is convenient for owners, easier for cats to tolerate, for young cats there is no technical difference.

Castration of cats veterinary clinic

Castration of a cat at home

Castration of cats pros and cons

Logical arguments are all for, and psychological ones are against

Disadvantages of cat castration

Is castration necessary for a cat?

Alternative to castrating a cat

Why do cats need to be castrated?

Pros and cons of cat castration

What does cat castration give?

cat marks castration

The most common cause according to which cats are castrated is that they mark the territory. Castration in young age prevents or solves this problem.

Castration of cats anesthesia

For castration of cats, general non-inhalation anesthesia is used, usually in a small dose.

Anesthesia for castration of cats

Castration of cats video

Castration of cats photo

cat castration operation

The essence of the operation is to remove the testicles, the goal is to stop the production of sex hormones.

Cat castration technique

How is the castration of cats

Types of castration of cats

Castration of a cat operation technique

How is the castration of cats

Methods of castration of cats

Ways to castrate cats

How to castrate cats

cat castration procedure

Castration of a cat operation

Cat castration process

Seamless castration of cats

Chemical castration of cats

Castration of cats complications

Complications are associated with individual sensitivity to anesthesia, with the health of the cat, with violations of the operation technique, with a violation of postoperative care.

Before cat castration

No special preparation is required. It is desirable that the cat was hungry for 12 hours. The cat must be healthy.

How to prepare a cat for castration

Preparing a cat for castration

Do not feed the cat before the castration of the cat

Castration of a cryptorchid cat

Castration of British cats

Features in castration various breeds there are no cats, but there are features in hereditary diseases some breeds of cats.

Castration of Scottish cats

Castration of British cats

Castration of cats reviews

Castration of a cat forum

Castration of cats Moscow

In Moscow, a cat can be castrated at any veterinary clinic or call a veterinarian at home.

Castration of a cat at home 2200 rub.
"All inclusive"

No seam, no pain and no stress

Thinking about neutering your cat? Call! It is possible to castrate a cat on the day of treatment. Qualified staff of veterinary surgeons, many years of experience. You need to provide a table in a lighted room for the operation. Sterility is provided by the doctor. Preparing a cat for castration: at least 8 - 12 hours of a starvation diet. Castration of an older cat deserves more thorough preparation. It is necessary to understand whether the cat will withstand anesthesia. A blood test for anesthesia tolerance, or will make it clear whether it is possible for a cat to be castrated.

Why and when to castrate a cat?

Neutering a cat is a simple, safe and painless way to get rid of bad urine smell throughout the house and the animal's cries. Optimal age castration of a cat - from 8 months to 2 years. After castration, cats no longer want to mark their territory, meow for days and nights, the animal becomes more docile. Moreover, the absence of reproductive organs does not leave psychological trauma as many people think. The instinct to desire a cat disappears after 2-3 weeks after castration. This is due to sex hormones, which gradually leave the cat's blood. At home, spaying a cat is safe, inexpensive, and sterile. The safety of the operation is ensured by high-quality consumables and extensive experience of veterinarians.

Castrate a cat at home in Moscow, price

The cost of castrating a cat at home 2200 r. The price already includes anesthesia for a cat up to 5 kg., cat castration surgery, consumables. That's all you need to castrate a cat. Home visit by a veterinarian within the Moscow Ring Road - 500 rubles, outside - is calculated based on the cost of 50 rubles \ km.

Additional services if you need them:

  • Ultrasound, ECHO of the cat's heart - 2500 rubles. (If you doubt the tolerability of anesthesia. Recommended for the British, Scots and older cats);
  • Introduction to anesthesia using a catheter - 1000 rubles;
  • European anesthesia - 1000 rubles;
  • The withdrawal of the cat from anesthesia - 1000 rubles;
  • Removing the claws of a cat - 4000 rubles (two paws). (Operation "Soft paws" + castration is the best option, with a single introduction to anesthesia, we perform two operations);
  • Postoperative collar - 500 rubles.

Don't skimp on your pet's health. We use only high quality veterinary drugs, we individually approach each furry friend, taking into account his breed and age characteristics.

How to castrate a cat at home

Seamless k astration of a cat

Castration of a cat occurs within 30 minutes. This time, taking into account the introduction of the animal into anesthesia, shaving the site of the operation. Castration itself takes no more than 10 minutes of the total time. When castrating cats using seamless technology, postoperative period passes unnoticed. As soon as the anesthesia is completely out of the blood, the cat will again be joyful and habitually playful. The more liquid enters his body, the faster cure leaves the animal's blood.

pros seamless technology castration of cats indisputable: You will not need to go to the veterinarian twice to remove the stitches, injuring the animal. The wound heals quickly and painlessly. Does not require careful processing.

Castration of a cat, care after surgery

It is important to follow all the rules for caring for a castrated cat in the postoperative period

  • Treatment of the castration site is not required, since there is no seam;
  • Disposable antibiotic therapy - done at the request of the owner veterinarian immediately after castration. Not required, but recommended;
  • Change the litter in the cat's tray from dusty (wood) to silica gel, or just lay down a newspaper. This measure is necessary so that the dust from the filler does not stick to the cat on the wound;
  • With active licking of wounds by a cat, put a collar on it for 5-6 days

By about 8-9 months there is puberty in cats, and they instinctively look for mating opportunities. If the animal is kept at home and cannot satisfy the natural attraction, the owners will inevitably face behavioral problems pet: it marks vertical surfaces, spoils furniture, becomes aggressive. There are two ways to solve the problem: castrate the cat or give him free access to the street. In most cases, the first option is the best.

How to prepare an animal for castration

Castration procedure - is it dangerous?

The operation is performed under anesthesia, so the animal does not experience pain and emotional shock. Regardless of how much castration costs, its essence is as follows: through a small incision in the skin in the groin area, the surgeon removes the gonads without affecting internal organs. Then the doctor sutures from a bioabsorbable biomaterial. Sometimes stitches are not needed at all. After castration, the content of sex hormones in the body of a cat decreases, as a result of which the instinctive desire for reproduction disappears.

Rehabilitation after castration

The recovery period after the operation is painless both physically and emotionally. The kitten has lethargy, drowsiness and apathy within 1-2 days, but on the 2-3 day it returns to normal. The pet does not need special care at this time - you just need to find quiet place where he can recover from anesthesia, cover him, put a plate of water next to him. After castration, you will notice changes in the behavior of the cat - at first he will refuse to eat and behave detached. Give him time to get used to the new state, and very soon his playful mood will take over.

To castrate or not to castrate?

Spaying a cat has its pros and cons. It is carried out in order to save oneself and the animal from its inadequate, from the point of view of the owner, behavior - and this is the main plus of the operation. After castration, the cat will become calmer, lose interest in damaging household items, and the house will no longer have an unpleasant specific smell from cat “marks”.

The disadvantages of the procedure include the fact that the operation may affect the weight of the animal - neutered cats quite often suffer from obesity. In addition, they are more likely than others to be diagnosed urolithiasis disease. If you do not want the cat to become fat after castration or to be overtaken unpleasant disease- buy special food for neutered cats.

Where to apply for castration of a cat?

Castration is one of the most simple species surgical intervention in veterinary medicine. But this does not mean that there is no risk to the health of the animal, and the operation can be entrusted to non-professionals. At the veterinary clinic "Cat Filimon" will perform the operation in sterile conditions, with the least stress for the animal. A young kitten will quickly return to normal life without feeling any changes in his condition, and an adult cat will finally be able to relax and forget about an obsessive desire. You can find out how much castration costs by calling on this page.

Castration domestic cat necessary for both the animal to protect its life and health, and its owners to protect their home and belongings from damage, and keep their nerves calm.