What does mph mean. Lipolytic complex mpx and its application in cosmetology

Sound recordings, video recordings), but special attention was paid to the phenomenon, then called "Internet memes", with the advent of this name.

Observers were quick to draw a parallel with Oxford professor Richard Dawkins' theory of memetics, presented in his 1976 book The Selfish Gene. In it, he extrapolates the concept of genetics to the information environment and calls a “meme” a “unit of cultural information” capable of “reproducing”. In addition, the authors of articles in the media and some bloggers remembered the book published in 1994 " Mediavirus. How Pop Culture Secretly Influences Your Mind” by American media researcher and conspiracy theorist Douglas Rushkoff, in which he also describes similar phenomena, calling them special media viruses.

Theoretically, any information capable of spreading can be reduced to memetics, but it was “Internet memes” that began to be called phenomena similar to “preved”, since Dawkins’s term most appropriately described the phenomenon outside the context of the Internet. Accordingly, the addition of the prefix "Internet-" localized the phenomenon and gave it a relatively understandable and short name, in connection with which it was established.

In the English-speaking environment, under similar prerequisites, along with the term Internet meme, the term Internet phenomenon (“Internet phenomenon”) also arose, which began to be used by those who did not want to draw parallels with the calculations of Dawkins or Rushkoff.

The following describes some of the most popular Internet memes that have become widespread at various times in Runet. There are a lot of memes, or what is called that, in the list they are selected according to the criteria of significance.


Words, phrases

  • Teh Rei- the phrase originated on 4chan as a response to any hentai with Rei Ayanami from the Evangelion anime series. In fact, it can be used for any appearance of this character (for example, flash drives with her).
  • Ajoke- a meme that was born as an innocent typo of a member of the football community with a nickname fiti_miti . She herself admits in her commentary that she wanted to write “ on the attack". This word instantly spread across blogs and forums. A clear meaning has not yet been formed, however, many are pleased to note the overall positiveness of its sound and writing. At the same time, it is already used as an indefinite exclamation of approval, a replacement for the words “Hello!” and “Bye!”, as well as directly in the meaning of “something indefinite, formless”.
  • Boyan- a word that has firmly entered the Runet jargon, which originally had the meaning "Old, boring joke", but then began to be used in relation to any information material (video, article, book, etc.) already known to a significant part of the discussion participants. The meme appeared on the site Anekdot.ru and was originally called "Bojan Kanatsky". The name comes from the joke “The mother-in-law was buried. They broke two button accordions” and from the stories of a Canadian emigrant, who were often sent to the site by new visitors (an analogy with the fidosh meme “Rocked Hen”).
  • British scientists- was born in response to a large number of publications in the Russian media, for greater credibility, provided with the introductory phrase "British scientists have discovered ...", "British scientists have come to the conclusion ...", etc. The facts themselves, as a rule, are curious, ridiculous or so fantastic that no one undertakes to double-check them. For example: "British scientists have concluded that people begin to lie from the age of six months." The Russian answer to this was jokes about Moldovan scientists - "Moldovan scientists discovered that the earth is not round and not square, but black and crunches in the teeth." The group "Mediavirus" recorded a track dedicated to British scientists.
  • Will the plane take off?- a task used to provoke disputes on the forums. It sounds something like this: “An airplane takes off from a moving runway moving at the speed of the airplane, but in the opposite direction. Will the plane take off? It is believed that there are not enough conditions in the problem to give an exact answer. The MythBusters did an experiment by launching a plane from a moving canvas, and it took off.
  • The horizon is littered- a standard mistake of novice photographers when the horizon line in the photo turns out to be oblique. The meme started with criticism of a photo shared in the community en_hdr (the thread in which this phrase was sounded was subsequently deleted, but the author of the photograph retained a review of it. It is used either when criticizing mediocre photography, or as an ironic apology for the quality of the photograph for its own authorship. As a rule, it is easily corrected in graphic editors.
  • Don Quixote- illiterately written Don Quixote (in which it is decomposed into English words donkey- "donkey" - and hot- “hot” or, in a slang sense, “sexy”), has been used as a meme since someone Pamidor asked to briefly tell him what this book is about, otherwise he is reluctant to read, which caused a wave of sarcastic comments and entries with links to your post (a typical Internet meme phenomenon). "Donkey-hot" is used as an example of a kind of network Mitrofanushka. It is noteworthy that the meaning of the error is clearly visible only in writing.
  • Do you follow Zoichem?- distorted Why are you poisoning?, one example of Kashchenite vocabulary. Born after a rhetorical question at the S. Lukyanenko forum “Why are you poisoning the writer ?!”
  • Hindu code- this is code created using all technologies known to the programmer, redundant code, overloaded with strange constructions and transitions, but, nevertheless, working. At one time in India, there was a practice of assessing the productivity of a programmer based on the amount of code written. The more code, the more the programmer works, and therefore the higher his salary.
  • Crab, Bumblebee, Scolopendra- nicknames of famous politicians V. V. Putin, D. A. Medvedev and Yu. V. Timoshenko, respectively, that appeared in the Internet community "Upyachka".
  • Internets (Internets) is an artificially formed plural of the word "Internet". A consequence of well-known Bushism, when George W. Bush answered an audience question about the possibility of introducing compulsory military service in the United States as follows: “I heard that the rumors are going around ... er ... internet that we will have a call. We won't have a call, period." After that, the word "internets" became an Internet meme. Often used in the phrase "GTFO MY INTERNETS" (get the fuck out of my internets).
  • Ya krivetko!(“shrimp”, “shrimp”, “krivedko”; letters.“I am a shrimp”) - a phrase that, in the general sense, does not have a specific meaning, comes from the following quote with

    Yes… of course, a lecture on physics by our teacher is quite an exciting and serious event… But when you have an inscription on your desk: “YA KRIVETSKO!”…

    Also another quote from the same place, explaining the meaning of the expression:

    Imagine how you look - your head is bent in relation to your body, and your fingers are in front of your face, like the tentacles of a shrimp ...

    The question has firmly entered the vocabulary of Internet trolls and bash.org.ru visitors, and after them it spread more widely across the Internet (for example, in Internet conferences with VIPs). This question gained wide popularity after it was sent to participate in V. V. Putin's Internet conference, organized by the site www.yandex.ru. This question was supported by a large number of Russian-speaking Internet users, along with the question of Putin's attitude to the so-called. "Medved" (see " Preved"). However, the question was never asked to the President. However, it was subsequently asked to the President of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev, and an adequate response was received. On December 27, 2007, during a conference, President of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko answered this question. Question " Mr President? How to patch KDE2 for FreeBSD?” received 37,627 votes in Internet voting. The President of Ukraine gave an unequivocal answer: “Cheap friends, patchers can help the Secretariat of the President with different operating systems. Another option is to take advantage of the new software and don't fool your head". Translation: “Dear friends, the programmers of the Secretariat of the President in different operating systems can help to patch. Another option - I advise you to use the new software and not fool yourself. Perhaps this advice was due to the fact that by that time almost all users from "Cthulhu is killing everyone." The motto of the cultists of Cthulhu, meaning the inevitability of the end of mankind.

Went to continue the work of Cthulhu. - Sink ships, and scare artists ..? - Not. Sleep.

  • I'm only interested in mice, their cost and where to buy- a phrase from a letter to a LiveJournal user who moderates one of the forums. At the initiative of the user has become the occasion for numerous poems. After gaining popularity, it was indicated on the "interests" page in LiveJournal as an example of what should not be written in this section.
  • Pray, fast, listen to radio "Radonezh" and Eternal torment, the last judgment, hell and death- phrases from Alexander Pushnoy's remix from an audio recording of a lecture by Father Superior Pyotr Meshcherinov, in which he was ironic about a certain part of the Orthodox.
  • The moped is not mine, I just posted an ad- a meme that appeared on the forum of one of the Ukrainian sites dedicated to motorcycles. Most often, the expression is used ironically and is addressed to a person who wants to evade responsibility in any situation or show that he has nothing to do with it.
  • male sex dick- dysphemism, presumably first used on the site anekdot.ru. The abbreviation of this expression "MPH" is used as a euphemism for the word " fuck".
  • She darted around like an oscilloscope needle- a quote from Yulia Latynina's book "The Land of War". Gained fame after appearing on the Internet. (In fact, the oscilloscope has arrows usually can not be).
  • Onotole, Onotoleus- errative on behalf of Anatoly Wasserman, especially popular in connection with " Facts about Anatoly Wasserman".
  • Pipiskin- a meme that appeared in mid-September 2007 after the scandal associated with the fact that after the appointment of Viktor Zubkov as Prime Minister of Russia, the editor of a news resource, it became fashionable in the Internet environment to call Viktor Zubkov Pipiskin, as well as to nominate a fictitious candidate Pipiskin for the presidency of Russia . Several LiveJournal users at once undertook to “promote” this candidate).
  • Preved- a greeting distorted from the Russian word "hello". It became widespread after the appearance of the Russian edition of the painting "Bear Surprise" by John Lurie in February 2006.
  • Glory to the robots!(also Glory to the Robots! Kill all humans! and other variations). The primary source of the second phrase is the American cartoon "Futurama", popular in Russia, namely the characteristic phrase of one of the cartoon characters - robot Bender. In Russian translation, the phrase sounds like "Kill all people!".
  • Fofudya- Byzantine fabric. It became a meme after a 2006 LiveJournal report said that at an Internet conference of Ukrainian communist leader Petro Symonenko, a man with the surname Nozdrevatenkov asked a question in which he claimed that his daughters were forbidden to wear fofudya in Ukrainian school, arguing that that the state language is Ukrainian. Initially, the meme was used to ridicule Russian-Ukrainian relations. Later it began to be used to ridicule Orthodox fundamentalism in particular and obscurantism in general (see also: fofudja ).
  • Fofudye-bearers- the meme that appeared in Runet comes from the words fofudya and gonfalon bearers. Used to ridicule SPH activists and Orthodox fundamentalists in general.
  • Encyclones- a meme, the cause of which was the thoughtless copying by the creators of the site http://www.enci.ru of the contents of the Russian Wikipedia, in which all occurrences of the string " wiki"Were automatically replaced by the string" Encyclo", and the sign "-" - the letter "v" . As a result, the Vikings turned into encyclones, for example: " Encyclones in the name of the Scandinavian sailors-warriors who, since the end of the 8th century, have made numerous raids on the coastal lands of European states and founded their colonies there. In connection with the expansion of the Scandinavians, the period from the 8th to the 11th centuries is called by some historians the “epoch of the Encyclones”.» The mention of this phenomenon has been copied to many blogs. A special community was even created in LiveJournal dedicated to encyclones, armored encyclopedia and other words, distorted by the authors of the site.
  • lizards- the result of a poor-quality translation from the Czech language of the site of the near-religious movement Universe People (Universe people). It is used in the plural (indefinite gender) and in combination with the errative construction “to master (whom?)”, mainly by LJ users. "Are you letting the lizards take over you?" - in some way the Russian analogue of All your base are belong to us.

Media files, songs

  • Rickroll- an English-language meme, a video for Rick Astley's song "Never Gonna Give You Up", which is used for pranks in chats, echoes, forums, etc. (for more details, see en:Rickrolling)
  • Molecule Man- a homemade translation into Russian of a parody sketch from the show "Saturday Night Live".

(informal name of the audio supplements to the Great Medical Encyclopedia 2 edition dedicated to psychiatry). The recording spawned many catchphrases (only a few of them are given):

- Murmansk Peninsula; - A well-known economist, a librarian by vocation. Among the people - a collective farmer, in a store - a seller. In the economy, so to speak, is necessary; - Lights a large sheet in the newsreel; - From 120 bricks; - From 120 units; - Will be accepted according to the textbook; - A solid textbook.

  • Schnappi(en: Schnappi) is a Western European Internet meme that in 2004 popularized a children's song created in 2001 from a German TV show. In 2005, the song turned into a musical

In recent years, one of the promising biologically active food additives is the dietary supplement "COPPER CHLOROPHYLL DERIVATIVES" (MPC). It is a product of seaweed processing with maximum preservation of all its valuable qualities. The main technological process: extraction of raw materials at a temperature of 50-60 ° for an hour. The result is a lipid complex (resin) that contains chlorophyll and its derivatives, carotenoids, fats, and polyunsaturated fatty acids with unique properties (for example, arachidonic acid has cancer-protective properties), plant sterols, microelements, and water-soluble vitamins (26). This complex, in turn, is treated with a solution of copper chloride at a temperature of 60-70 ° - an MPC paste is obtained, from which, in turn, various forms of MPC are prepared - water, oil, alcohol. For the production of MPC, such a type of raw material as green coniferous trees can also be used (3).

In Russia, for this dietary supplement, the name "Copper derivatives of chlorophyll" is used. COPPER CHLOROPHYLLS is registered under the name "Copper Chlorophyll Complexes" in the list of food additives approved for use in food production in the SanPiN registry (Moscow -1997). Code E 141. In English sources it is found under the names: Chlorophyllin, Sodium and copper salt of chlorophyll, Cuprofilin.

MPC can be presented in three forms:

  • Water soluble - sodium copper chlorophyllin
  • Alcohol-soluble - copper-pheophorbide
  • Fat-soluble - copper-pheophorbide

An aqueous solution (sodium-copper-chlorophyllin) is prepared on the basis of copper-pheophorbide. Since alcohol- and fat-soluble forms are represented precisely by copper-pheophorbide and received a higher rating due to higher biological activity, we present an analysis of the chemical structure of Copper-pheophorbide.

The chemical precursor of all natural porphyrins (chlorophyll, heme, cytochromes, etc.) is protoporphyrin-9. Chlorophyll and its derivatives - pigments are porphyrins with two carboxyl substituents. Hydrolysis of the phytol ester bond of chlorophyll results in the formation of chlorophyllide (chlorophyllide lacking a metal atom is known as pheophorbide)(17). Pheophorbide treated with copper acetic salt or copper chloride gives a copper analogue of chlorophyll (9) - copper derivatives of chlorophyll (MPC). Copper-pheophorbide is highly stable: copper ions are not removed from porphyrin complexes even under the action of concentrated hydrochloric acid. Divalent copper ions included in the porphyrin cycle have a coordination number of 4. These coordination possibilities are occupied by bonds with the nitrogen atoms of the porphyrin ring; therefore, complexes of porphyrins with these metals cannot add extra ligands, regardless of the structure of the porphyrin included in the complex. Biologically active metalloporphyrins (including chlorophyll) perform their functions only when associated with protein and lipid molecules. Therefore, their ability to form extra complexes is one of the main ones and is determined by the number and properties of free coordination bonds of the central metal atom, not occupied by the bond with the nitrogen atoms of the porphyrin cycle (9) . Chlorophylls form complexes with proteins in vivo and can be isolated in this form (17). The hemoglobin molecule has a similar structure. At the same time, studying the chemical structure of succinate dehydrogenase (SDH), the main enzyme in the tissue respiration cycle in humans, one can note their extremely close relationship. All of them belong to the group of chromoproteins (a class of complex proteins).

Copper-pheophorbide basically has a porphyrin ring with a metal atom in the center, in this case a copper atom, which is coordinated to nitrogen atoms. The metal atoms included in the forbin ring of the metalloporphyrin give the molecule different properties, including different ability to form mixed complex compounds, extraligands (9). The introduction of a metal atom into a chlorophyll derivative molecule leads to an increase in its biological activity.

The choice of the copper atom is due to the high biological activity of this metal, including anti-inflammatory (2). The chemical relationship of chlorophyll, hemoglobin and SDH opens up wide possibilities for the use of chlorophyll preparations in medicine.

The product - MPC-paste contains up to 25% in terms of dry matter of phytol-free derivatives of chlorophyll (pheophorbids "a" and "b", chlorin, rodin), copper-pheophytin, as well as copper salts of resins (abietic, dehydroabietic, isopimaric, etc. .) and fatty (oleic, linoleic, lignoceric, palmitic, etc.) acids (3).

Chlorophyllin forms complex compounds with proteins and their degradation products in the intestine (6). Probably, it is these complexes that have a biological effect when absorbed into the bloodstream. All chlorophyll proteins, including MPC, when entering the human body during the passage through the gastrointestinal tract, for the most part do not break down, are not absorbed in the intestine. Most of it is excreted unchanged in the feces or as decay products by the action of intestinal bacteria, a smaller part is excreted in the urine as degradation products of porphyrins (5).

According to the conclusion of the Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, the daily intake of copper derivatives of chlorophyll in the human body should not exceed 15 mg/kg of body weight. The actual intake of MPC at the usual dosage is two orders of magnitude less than the established amount.

During the use in clinical and laboratory practice, no data on adverse toxic reactions to MPC have been identified.


According to their chemical structure, copper derivatives of chlorophyll are metalloporphyrins, which, like iron porphyrins (for example, heme), are included in the group of hemoproteins. The group of hemoproteins includes hemoglobin and its derivatives, myoglobin, chlorophyll-containing proteins and enzymes (the entire cytochrome system, catalase and peroxidase). All of them contain, as a non-protein component, structurally similar iron- (or magnesium-, or copper-porphyrins), but proteins different in structure and composition, thereby providing a variety of their biological functions (5). Hemoproteins, along with flavoproteins, are included in the subclass of chromoproteins from the class of complex proteins. Chromoproteins are endowed with a number of unique biological functions; they are involved in such fundamental life processes as photosynthesis, respiration of cells and the whole organism, transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide, redox reactions, etc. (5).

In the processes of cellular respiration, i.e. such representatives of the class of chromoproteins as cytochromes, ubiquinone, heme, succinate dehydrogenase take part in biological oxidation. As shown above, MPC is very similar in chemical structure to the listed participants in tissue respiration, and we can reasonably assume the same similarity of their biological functions, that is, the participation of MPC in the processes of cellular respiration.

Determining the place of MPC in the system of bioorganic compounds is very important, since the assignment of MPC to the class of chromoproteins gives us the right to use the provision from the International Program for Chemical Safety (IPCS) jointly with the FAO / WHO Joint Committee of Experts on Food Additives, which states: “any food additive, decomposing completely in the product or the digestive tract into substances that are food or are part of the body, can be assessed satisfactorily ... on the basis of only biochemical and metabolic studies ... "(30).

Representatives of the chemical class of porphyrins and derivatives of porphyrins are widely used and studied in applied chemistry and physics. The study of these chemical compounds is a new promising direction at this stage in the development of science.

The widespread use of porphyrins, including natural ones, in chemistry, the food industry and medicine has raised the question of developing new effective methods for their production, since the existing ones are based mainly on the extraction of these compounds from raw materials of plant or animal (muscle, blood, urine) origin. . It is known that porphyrins are widely distributed in nature among microorganisms, where they perform various biochemical functions, participating in the processes of photosynthesis, respiration, sulfate reduction, methanogenesis, and some others [8].

The introduction of exogenous biologically active porphyrins into cultured cells caused a 2-4-fold greater inhibition of mitotic activity and an increase in the cycle of the first cell division by 1.5-3 times compared to the action of radiation. The delay in proliferation provided, apparently, more time for the repair of damage, which was realized in a decrease in the level of chromosome aberrations, the formation of morphologically complete colonies, and an increase in the overall level of survival. In general, it has been established that certain compounds from the class of porphyrins effectively stimulate the post-irradiation recovery of damaged cells and tissues, including during prolonged irradiation [38].

Study of natural porphyrins in experimental medicine
The possibilities of using chlorophyll salts in pharmacology, in the treatment of CNS pathology, tumorigenesis, atherosclerosis, skin diseases, lung pathology were studied.

Cannon-GB has shown the promise and importance of using porphyrins. Developments in this area of ​​medicine have intensified in the last decade. The greatest interest in the use of porphyrins in the clinic is caused by three areas of medicine - photodynamic cancer therapy, hematological diseases (including porphyria) and the treatment of various forms of jaundice. The effectiveness of the use of porphyrins in the clinical and pharmacological aspect is compared with the use of liposomes. This refers to the ways of delivery of a medicinal substance and its utilization in the body. Currently, we are talking about the creation of new "porphyrin" dosage forms. The biodistribution, stability, binding and toxicology of porphyrins are now being studied (46).

Marks-GS showed that metalloporphyrins, in particular zinc- and cobalt-porphyrins, are involved in metabolic processes via heme-oxygenase and are involved in the formation of the neurophysiological phenomenon of prolonged excitation in the hypothalamus (42).

In recent years, the introduction of porphyrins into the body has been widely used for photochemical therapy of tumors. Due to the low selectivity of porphyrins, they accumulate in various cells, including lymphocytes, which, in turn, are localized in significant amounts in the irradiated affected areas (37).

Park-KK et all demonstrated the chemopreventive activity of chlorophyllin, sodium and copper salts of chlorophyll in an experiment against tumorigenesis induced by benzpyrene and its derivatives in mice. Chlorophyllin was administered at a dose of 15 mg/kg of body weight through a tube 30 minutes before the local application of the carcinogen to the skin. Chlorophyllin was rapidly distributed to the skin and other tissues of the body and resulted in a reduction in the incidence and incidence of skin cancer in mice. Based on this, the author concludes that chlorophyllin is a potential chemopreventive agent (39).
Chlorophyll and chlorophyllin - water-soluble salts of chlorophyll have antimutagenic activity against carcinogenesis caused by heterocyclic amines and aflatoxins. The experiment was carried out on female rats, to which chlorophyllin was added to food in an amount of 1% of the weight of the daily diet for 54 weeks, along with this, the rats received a carcinogen inside, the control group of animals did not receive chlorophyllin. The results showed a significant decrease in the incidence of tumors of the mammary gland and colon intestines in animals that received chlorophyllin (43).

Vlad-M et all in 1995 in the USA demonstrated the effectiveness of cuprophyllin in rats with experimental atherosclerosis. In rats fed a diet rich in lipids, a statistically significant increase in cholesterol, lipids and triglycerides was recorded. One group of animals received 90 g of cuprophyllin as a treatment for experimental atherosclerosis. In these animals, there was a statistically significant decrease in the blood lipid spectrum, as well as a decrease in the concentration of copper in the blood, compared with the group of untreated animals. Moreover, the author notes that in animals treated with cuprophyllin, minimal fatty infiltration of the aorta was noted, compared with the control group (40).

When studying the effects of MPC on the example of a model of fibrosing alveolitis at the Research Institute of Pulmonology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation in animals (using the example of rats) treated with MPC as a therapeutic agent, the following significantly significant differences from control (untreated) animals were revealed: histologically, the formation of connective tissue in the lungs was not detected; the normal values ​​of pulmonary and cardiac weight indices were maintained, the increase in body weight corresponded to age norms; hypertrophy of the right ventricle of the heart and adrenal glands is much less pronounced; increased functional activity of alveolar macrophages. Researchers consider stimulation of proliferation of the bronchoalveolar epithelium, reduction of the damaging effect of reactive oxygen metabolites initiated by bleomycetin on the lung parenchyma as a result of the manifestation of the antioxidant properties of MPC as possible mechanisms for the implementation of the therapeutic effect of MPC and inhibition of the fibrosing process in the lungs (12).

The literature describes pronounced bacteriostatic, virocidal (25), bactericidal (15), antifungal (15) effects of MPC. Among the susceptible microorganisms are gram-positive and gram-negative flora, aerobes and anaerobes, yeast-like and filamentous fungi (15). As a consequence, there is a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect of MPX (15,26).

The mechanism of the antimicrobial action of MPC is provided by a powerful stimulation of phagocytosis by 3-5 times and active copper cations, enhanced by the influence of alcohol - in the alcohol form of the substance (15). This mechanism can only take place in vivo.

Microbiological studies of MPC - water, fat-soluble and alcohol solutions are described in detail (33). Fat-soluble MPCs had an antimicrobial effect at concentrations of 1-4 mg/ml and were especially active against gram-positive bacteria (staphylococci, micrococci, bacilli, sarcins). Water-soluble MPX showed antimicrobial activity at higher concentrations, both against gram-negative microflora (16 mg/ml) and against gram-positive (2-8 mg/ml). In general, gram-negative microorganisms (E. coli, Salmonella and Pseudomonas) were more resistant to the action of MPC, while their growth was inhibited only at concentrations of 4-16 mg/ml. With regard to the antimicrobial activity of a 96% alcohol solution with MPC, due to alcohol, complete cold sterilization of the suture material processed in it is ensured. The bacteriostatic effect of dressings impregnated with 50% alcohol solution with MPC is potentiated due to the synergistic action of the drugs (33).

Own studies of the antimicrobial activity of MPC, produced at the Arkhangelsk Experimental Algae Plant, were carried out at the Department of Microbiology of the Northern State Medical University under the guidance of the head of the department, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor T.A. Bazhukova. Antibacterial activity is exhibited by alcohol solutions of MPC at a concentration of 6.5 g/l and 19 g/l, and as the concentration of the active substance increases, the activity increases. Water- and fat-soluble drugs had no antibacterial effect. MPC concentrations in our studies and literature sources are comparable. The literature provides data on the antibacterial activity of MPC without indicating the percentage of the active principle (15,19,25,26), with rare exceptions (33). In our opinion, the explanation for the discrepancy between in vitro and in vivo antimicrobial efficacy data lies in the mechanism of action of MPC.

Biologically active metalloporphyrins (including chlorophyll) perform their functions only when associated with protein and lipid molecules (9). The antimicrobial, antifungal and even antiviral activity of algae preparations is provided by flavones, on the one hand, and by a sharp stimulation of phagocytic defense, on the other (14).

In other words, the antibacterial effect in vivo, in addition to the actual antibacterial activity, is provided by the stimulation of phagocytosis, which is confirmed by our studies. The activity of immunocytes, in turn, is provided by the metabolic support provided by MPC. In vitro, this synergism between MPC and immunocytes is absent.

Thus, the experimental data make it possible to predict the areas of application of MPC in clinical practice in the near future:

Use of MPC in clinical practice
Preparations from chlorophyll of both algae and land plants have been used for a long time and widely. They are effective in the treatment of arteriosclerosis, gastric ulcer, tuberculosis, and intestinal diseases. Chlorophyllin forms complex compounds with proteins and their decay products in the intestine, thus, when administered orally, the possibility of absorption of protein decay products is reduced. In patients with chronic nephritis with hyperazotemia, chlorophyllin leads to a decrease in residual blood nitrogen. Chlorophyll preparations are used in gynecology for the treatment of trichomonas colpitis.

The deodorizing properties of chlorophyll have been studied. Its mechanism is explained by the intervention of chlorophyll in redox processes or by the effect on bacteria that break down protein. Deodorizing dressings with chlorophyll and "candles" of chlorophyll-carotene paste in the nose were proposed for use as a sanitizing and deodorizing agent. The antianaphylactic effect of chlorophyll was studied, which was explained by blocking the complement involved in anaphylactic reactions.

Many works are devoted to the study of the effect of chlorophyll on the processes of hematopoiesis. It has been proven that chlorophyllin in posthemorrhagic anemia acts like large doses of iron and increases the number of erythrocytes, reticulocytes, and hemoglobin levels. The same effect has been proven in anemia caused by carcinogens. A particularly good effect was obtained with the use of intravenous cobalt-chlorophyllin in patients with post-infectious anemia and cancerous anemia resistant to treatment. The beneficial effect of chlorophyllin in radiation sickness, post-radiation leukopenia has been described (7).

In pediatrics, water-soluble sodium chlorophyllin was used for oral administration at a daily dose of 0.25-0.75 mg / kg of body weight for 8-25 days in children with malignant blood diseases, symptomatic thrombocytopenia, Werlhof's disease, secondary hypochromic anemia. Sodium chlorophyllin prevented leukopenia during cancer chemotherapy, increased the content of erythrocytes, hemoglobin, and platelets (6).

In dermatology, a good effect was obtained with psoriasis, skin ulcers, radiation ulcers, contact and toxic dermatitis, chemical and sunburn, impetigo, acne vulgaris. The inclusion of photoactive synthetic zinc metalloporphyrin in combination with visible artificial light can be successfully used in the treatment of skin diseases. In this way, they treated psoriasis in 31 patients for 1-3 months without significant side effects, which are usually inevitable with traditional treatment (47).

MPC is used as part of complex therapy for secondary immunodeficiency states (15). In St. Petersburg, MPH is used as part of the Fitolon therapeutic composition, which is used in various fields of medicine and cosmetology, as evidenced by numerous reviews of medical institutions. In surgery, MPC is used as an antiseptic, and also to accelerate wound healing in the composition of the dressing material (33). In pediatrics, MPC has been used in the treatment of respiratory diseases (34), in obstetrics and perinatology in order to prevent fetal hypoxic damage in the last trimester of pregnancy (24).

In the last decade, due to the huge number of chemically synthesized drugs, plant products have undeservedly faded into the background. Therefore, the urgency of the problem is beyond doubt. In modern clinical practice, the problem of using drugs with maximum efficiency and minimal side effects is particularly acute.

The spectrum of biological activity of MPC, identified in the course of preclinical and clinical studies of the drug, includes:

  • Prevents the development of connective tissue in the lungs during the pathological process (12)
  • Stimulates the reparation of the bronchoalveolar epithelium in case of damage to the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract (12)
  • Enhances the functional activity of alveolar macrophages in bronchoalveolar fluid (12)
  • Stimulates hematopoiesis (there is an increase in the content of erythrocytes, platelets, hemoglobin, leukocytes in the peripheral blood) (15)
  • Bactericidal effect (15,25,26,33)
  • Virocidal effect (15.25)
  • Immunocorrecting in the form of an increase in the content of functionally active lymphocytes in the blood: CD-25+ with a receptor for interleukin-2; CD-71+ with transferrin receptor; HLA-DR+ -activated lymphocytes, there is an activation of T-cell protection in general (15)
  • Stabilizes cytoplasmic and basement membranes (15)
  • Stimulates reparative processes in injuries (surgical and other) of soft tissues (13.15)
  • Antioxidant effect during sessions of ultraviolet blood irradiation (13)
  • Stimulates the healing of ulcerative defects of the mucous membranes and skin (26)
  • Anti-inflammatory effect when applied topically (26)
  • Correction of energy-deficient states due to high affinity for oxygen (13)

The use of MPH for the recovery of frequently ill children
The food supplement MPH was used by us as part of a health improvement course in an organized children's team. Children received an alcohol solution of MPC at a concentration of 6.5 g/l at the rate of 1 drop per year of life once a day before lunch for a month. BAA MPH was dissolved in 30 ml of water and was offered to children in this form.

A positive effect of MPX on cellular metabolism, in particular, on the activity of the main energy enzyme of the Krebs cycle - SDH, which determines the cellular respiration of immunocytes, was revealed, which obviously underlies all the biological effects of algal products, including immunomodulatory. The results obtained make it possible to recommend MPC for use as a natural immunomodulator, especially among PBD.

When analyzing the electrolyte spectrum of blood in children, a significant increase in the level of phosphorus and magnesium was revealed, especially in winter, when there is a shortage of vegetables and fruits, as the most important suppliers of microelements in the diet. There is an assumption that a decrease in the level of phosphorus in the blood can cause a violation of the function of phagocytosis (4). The concentration of copper increases with a tendency to decrease in the concentration of iron within the physiological norm. The interrelated change in the levels of copper and iron, as conjugated metals, is explained by the antagonism of the two bioelements in most biochemical reactions. Another explanation for the decrease in iron concentration is possible: we are examining the pool of iron in the blood serum. The observed activation of the SDH enzyme against the background of MPC intake is most likely due to an increase in the active centers of the enzyme molecules.

It is known that SDH is a metalloflavoprotein with an iron atom in the molecule, which acts as a coenzyme. An increase in the number of SDH molecules requires the presence of iron atoms for its formation, that is, the redistribution of the extracellular iron pool into the intracellular one occurs, which is accompanied by a decrease in the concentration of iron in the serum. Utilization of iron in cells with increased cellular respiration is a positive phenomenon, indicating that there is an improvement in immunological parameters. This is not a loss of iron, but a redistribution of it for the implementation of the most important vital functions.

Obviously, MPC is a micronutrient donor, and this opens up another beneficial biological effect of MPC. When improving children with reduced indicators of phagocytic protection, the use of MPC is pathogenetically justified.

The use of MPC in the complex therapy of children with chronic pneumonia

BAA "Copper Chlorophyll Derivatives" was used by us as part of the complex therapy of patients with chronic nonspecific lung diseases (COPD), in particular in children suffering from chronic pneumonia (CP). MPH was administered to children aged 5 to 16 years in the absence of symptoms of acute intoxication in the period of subsiding exacerbation or remission after the end of antibiotic therapy. Children received MPC in alcohol form at a concentration of 6.5 g/l at a dose of 1 drop per year of life three times a day, dissolved in pure water, for 1-2 weeks, along with other treatments. MPH has also been used for inhalation.

The results indicate the effect of MPC on the pathological process at the subcellular level in the form of normalization of mitochondrial energy metabolism.

Taking into account the positive effect of MPC on the indicators of nonspecific immunity (phagocytosis function), it is more reasonable to use MPC in the period of remission, so when prescribing MPC during an exacerbation, it leads to prolongation of purulent hypersecretion in the bronchi due to stimulation of the activity of alveolar macrophages.

The use of MPC as part of anti-relapse treatment for CP leads to a more stable remission supported at the subcellular level. MPH treatment courses fit into the general scheme of management of patients with COPD and are carried out 2-3 times a year during the most probable periods of exacerbation of the disease.

MPH with a positive effect was also used by us in the following diseases:

  • fungal (candidiasis) skin lesions resistant to traditional treatment;
  • recurrent periodontal disease;
  • local allergic dermatitis;
  • purulent sinusitis;
  • herpetic eruptions on the lips;
  • ulcerative necrotic stomatitis;
  • carriage of viridescent streptococcus in the nasopharynx (full sanitation achieved);
  • local eczema (disappearance of itching, limitation of the lesion)

In all these cases, MPC was applied topically.

The alcohol form was mainly used for herpes infections, and as a rinse diluted with water.

MPC was used in alcohol form as a local antiseptic instead of iodine in case of traumatic skin injuries with a positive effect and in oil form in case of dry skin of the hands with contact and cold dermatitis.

Indications and methods for the use of therapeutic and prophylactic additive "Copper derivatives of chlorophyll"


Mode of application

Asthenic conditions

Spring hypovitaminosis

Conditions accompanied by micronutrient deficiencies

Preparation for surgery



The course is 2-3 weeks.

Chronic nonspecific lung diseases during remission or subsiding exacerbation



Dilute in 30-50 ml of pure water

Children: 1-2 drops per year of life 3 times a day.

Adults: 0.5-1 teaspoon 3 times a day.

The course is 2-3 weeks.


Course 7-10 procedures.


In its purest form.

Course 7-10 procedures.

Secondary immunological deficiency in frequently ill children, patients with chronic diseases of the respiratory system, etc.



Dilute in 30-50 ml of pure water

Children: 1-2 drops per year of life 2 times a day.

Adults: 0.5-1 teaspoon 2 times a day.

The course is 2-3 weeks.

Diseases of the lower parts of the large intestine: colitis, proctitis, anal fissure.



Children: 5-15 ml at night.

Adults: up to 50 ml at night.

Course 7-10 procedures.

May be combined with sodium alginate gel.

Acute respiratory viral infection



Dilute in 30-50 ml of pure water

Children: 1-2 drops per year of life 4-5 times a day.

Adults: 0.5-1 teaspoon 4-5 times a day.

During the prodrome and the first 2-3 days, then 2-3 times a day until recovery.

Nasal drops

Dilute with clean water in the ratio of 5 ml of MPC to 50 ml of water.

Children: 1-2 drops 3-4 times a day

Adults: 3-4 drops 3-4 times a day.

Throat rinses

Dilute with clean water in a ratio of 5 ml of MPC to 50 ml of water - 4-5 times a day.

Inflammatory processes of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses



Inhalation through the nose

Course 7-10 procedures.

Nasal drops

Nasal drops

In its pure form - 2-3 times a day.

The course is 2-3 weeks.

Diseases of the oral mucosa




Dilute with clean water in the ratio of 5 ml of MPC to 50 ml of water.

Rinse 3-4 times a day.


On areas of damaged mucous membrane.

Local wound processes


Impregnation sterile napkins for dressing.

Trophic ulcers of the skin



At the site of injury

Local manifestations of allergic dermatitis, eczema



At the site of injury

Operational interventions


Impregnation of the suture

in order to prevent a tissue reaction to catgut (96 ° alcohol)

Contraindications to the use of MPH are relative:

    Food allergy to seafood.

    Severe forms of renal and hepatic insufficiency.

    The first half of pregnancy, due to the lack of information about the safety for the fetus.


Physiological properties:

Price: 1070 rubles.

To order

MPC (copper derivative of chlorophyll) alcohol solution

Ingredients: chlorophyll derivatives in the lipid complex of kelp, ethyl alcohol.
Certificate about Mrs. register. No. TU9284-029-57912873-2005

MPH - immunomodulator (interferon inducer),
antioxidant, antiseptic, highly effective antiviral and hematopoietic agent.

Physiological properties:
They have antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, wound healing and immunocorrective action. Stimulates the synthesis of DNA and RNA. Enhances phagocytosis, increases the number of activated T-lymphocytes, stimulates the synthesis of interleukin-1. The drug stabilizes the cytoplasmic and basal membranes. It has a positive effect on blood counts, increasing the content of red blood cells and hemoglobin.

Indications for use:
- Intestinal dysbacteriosis.
- Acute and chronic inflammatory diseases
bacterial, viral and fungal origin (bronchitis, tonsillitis, influenza, SARS, cystitis, pyelitis, dermatitis, furunculosis).
- Dermatitis, eczema, neurodermatitis, trophic ulcers.
- Stomatitis, periodontal disease.
- Anemia of various origins.
- Atherosclerosis.
- Burns. Phlebeurysm. Thrombophlebitis.
- Purulent inflammation of the skin and mucous membranes.
- Sinusitis, rhinitis, sinusitis.
- Erosion of the cervix. Chronic inflammatory processes of the genital area.
- prevention and complex treatment of precancerous and oncological diseases.

Dosage and administration:
Children from 3 to 6 years old, 1 drop per year of a child's life, children from 6 to 14 years old, 10-15 drops, adults and children over 14 years old, 25-30 drops in ¼ glass of water 3 times a day with meals. Duration of admission - 1 month with a second course, if necessary, after 2-3 weeks. For rinsing - 1 teaspoon per glass of water, for inhalation - 10-15 drops. For external use: apply with a cotton swab to inflamed skin areas.

Release form: Contraindications:
solution in vials idiosyncrasy
with a capacity of 20 ml. algae components.

Terms and Conditions Side effects:
storage: None.
2 years.

Price: 1070 rubles.

To order

Most often bought with this product

PhytoCANDLES with kelp concentrate, 10 pcs.

PhytoCandles with algae extracts. Deodorize, restore and tone the mucous membranes. They protect against the effects of poor-quality water, infections and various kinds of contamination in public places of use, baths and pools. Contains antiseptic substances of natural origin. They are produced without the use of chemical emulsifiers, thickeners, dyes and harmful stabilizers.

The MPH complex is one of the most effective lipolytics. In addition to a powerful lipolytic action, it also has diuretic activity. Therefore, many call it liposuction without surgery. So, let's figure out what lipopolitics are, why they are needed and whether it is worth experiencing them for yourself.

How Lipolitics Work

The action of any lipolytic is primarily aimed at body shaping by splitting subcutaneous fats. Everything is quite simple. In a healthy, normally functioning organism, the processes of lipid synthesis and breakdown are in balance. But under the influence of malnutrition and a sedentary lifestyle, the process of synthesis begins to prevail over decay. As a result, a layer of “excess” fat is formed on the walls of blood vessels, in muscle fibers, and, most importantly, in subcutaneous fat. It is on its splitting that most lipolytics are directed. Do not confuse, the fight against extra pounds and sagging skin is from another opera.

Benefits of MPX Lipolytic Complex

MPH complex, like any lipolytic, is administered by injection. But, unlike other drugs, it has a broader effect. According to the instructions, the MPX complex has 3 main active ingredients: sodium deoxycholate, dandelion extract and L-carnitine. In combination, these components enhance each other's action. As a result, the metabolism is stimulated, the process of disintegration and removal of fatty deposits through the circulatory and lymphatic systems is accelerated.

In addition, blood circulation is stimulated, which helps to remove excess toxins from the body and relieve swelling from the connective tissue. Thus, the function of the kidneys and liver, as the organs most actively involved in metabolic processes, is normalized. And besides this, there is a general improvement of the body. And another advantage of the drug is the content in it of 1% lidocaine for an anesthetic effect.

The lipolysis procedure reduces the layer of adipose tissue by an average of 4-6 cm. It is interesting in that it can be performed on such delicate and sensitive areas as the neck, décolleté and eye area. Since the procedure is associated with injections, you should not experiment with it at home. It is necessary to pass it only in proven clinics with experienced specialists. This will significantly reduce the risk of complications and injury. A competent specialist will always conduct a preliminary examination to identify possible contraindications or the risk of allergic reactions.

Contraindications for the procedure

It is important to know that contraindications to the procedure are: pregnancy and lactation; oncology; blood clotting disorder; diseases of the nervous system; inflammatory and infectious processes on the skin; chronic diseases in the period of exacerbation; individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

It is also necessary to know how to inject the MPX complex. It is available in ampoules of 5 ml each. Injections are made with a special needle to a depth of no more than 1 cm. The distance between injection sites should be 2 cm. No more than 10 ml of the drug can be injected in one session. A total of 6 procedures are performed at weekly intervals. Depending on the treated area, the session lasts 15-30 minutes.

Since the lipolysis procedure is an intervention in the metabolic processes of the body, it requires certain precautions to be taken. Immediately after the procedure, the patient needs to rest for 30-40 minutes and drink 0.5 liters of plain water. This is necessary to speed up the process of removing fat from the body. During the first 24 hours, the skin at the injection sites should be cooled to reduce the amount of bruising. Also, a week after the procedure, you will have to abandon the sauna, bath or hot bath. It is necessary to reduce physical activity.

MPH complex, when used correctly, does not give any serious complications. Redness, itching, small bruises and pain are a normal reaction of the body to the procedure. They go away in just a few days. Nausea, vomiting, or an allergic reaction may also occur. If the above symptoms persist, worsen, or new ones begin to appear, consult a doctor immediately.

Due to the above reasons, reviews of the MPX lipolytic complex are varied. Here are some of them.