Sterilization of cats by laparoscopic method exhibition center. How to reduce undesirable consequences after surgery to zero

Sterilization is used if the owner of the dog is not going to breed offspring for sale, unable to feed the born puppies. There are other circumstances - indications due to the health of the pet: inflammatory processes occurring in reproductive organs.

There are 2 ways to sterilize dogs:

  • The first one consists in dissection of the abdominal wall and is called a laparotomy - in more detail.

  • The second is called laparoscopic. It costs more, but is becoming more and more popular. Let's consider its features in more detail.

Preparing your dog for laparoscopic sterilization

To laparoscopic sterilization was successful, four-legged friend should be prepared. Make it simple. It is the owner's responsibility to make sure that the animal is in good condition by ridding it of fleas and worms. In the latter case (if there is a problem), deworming is required.

  • An important factor is preventive vaccinations. They are made 3 weeks before the operation. Before ordering sterilization, it is important to accurately assess the condition of the pet. It is best to have the animal examined by a veterinarian on the spot. He'll probably order an EKG. Then it will become clear whether it is appropriate to use anesthesia, and you will also be able to choose a more suitable type of dog sterilization (out of the 2 mentioned above).

The process of laparoscopic sterilization of a dog

The process of laparoscopic sterilization of a dog is as follows:

  • The veterinarian makes 2 incisions in abdominal wall or on the scrotum.

  • Through them, instruments and an apparatus called a laparoscope are inserted.

  • A miniature camera is used. The actions performed by the doctor are visible on a special monitor in an enlarged view, and the operation is recorded.

In males

Laparoscopy of the testes in males can be done no earlier than 6 months of age. With incomplete descent of the glands into the scrotum (cryptorchidism), the dog can be helped by the laparoscopic method. The organ is quickly found in abdominal cavity and then removed.

AT certain cases the testes are preserved, but the deferent ducts are crossed. The operation takes only 15 minutes or less. "Male" appearance animal is saved.


Laparoscopic sterilization in bitches (with removal or preservation of the uterus) is acceptable at the age of 5-9 months. Spaying is indicated for young individuals when puberty hasn't arrived yet. And the uterus can be removed at any age, but on condition that a pathology has arisen, for example, a violation reproductive function or inflammation develops in the organ. The operation takes approximately 30 minutes.

Dog after laparoscopic sterilization

  • It is easier for a pet to recover from this type of treatment.

  • Rehabilitation is faster, because the animal is less injured, and the pain is almost imperceptible.

By about 9 months there is puberty cats, she is completely ready for procreation. However, not all owners are willing to spend most time to care for kittens, so they resort to a more humane method - sterilization of their pet. Today, the most popular method is laparoscopy. Let us consider in more detail what cat sterilization is, why it is needed, and when it is better to do it.

Sterilization: what is it?

Sterilization, or castration (the term refers to cats), is a surgical intervention that allows in the future to protect the female from unwanted pregnancy, and the male from the possibility of reproduction. How to properly prepare a cat for sterilization and protect it from undesirable consequences, we will tell further.

Exist the following types sterilization of cats:

  1. Blocking or cutting fallopian tubes, - simply bandaging fallopian tubes. Not a very popular type of sterilization, veterinarians do not recommend resorting to this type of contraception. In this case, estrus is completely preserved and the risk of inflammation of the uterus and ovaries is quite high.
    Ovarian extraction - the procedure involves complete removal paired organs, while the uterus is not affected. The advantage of this surgical intervention is the complete cessation of estrus. However, the risk pathological processes in the uterus will still be high.
  2. Extraction of the uterus along with the ovaries is the most best option protect the cat from breeding. This is the method most commonly used today. It allows you to eliminate estrus, and also minimizes all inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs and mammary glands.

What is the right age for spaying cats?

On the this moment There is no exact answer at what age cats are castrated or cats are sterilized. Some doctors say that the procedure is carried out at any age, even after 5-6 years, in particular, when there is a direct prescription from a doctor. Other experts say about the age of 6-7 months, which is also correct.

Perform a sterilization operation young age before the onset of puberty, it is justified by the fact that the cat will more easily tolerate anesthesia, and the recovery time will be minimal. If you decide to get a cat, then consider in advance when it is preferable for you to sterilize a cat.

Preparing your pet for surgery

Like any other type of surgery, laparoscopic sterilization of cats requires some preparation, which will include the following manipulations:

  • worming and flea control are particularly necessary for outdoor cats;
  • cutting the claws so that during the recovery period the animal does not harm itself by scratching the surgical sutures;
  • sterilization is carried out by vaccinated animals and not earlier than 21 days after vaccination;
  • before the operation, the animal must be fully examined, it is recommended to conduct a blood test for the tolerance of anesthesia;
  • in case your cat is older or of a breed that is characterized by disease, such as Thai or Scottish, it is necessary to biochemical analysis blood and ECG.

Pay attention to feeding your cat, which should be 12-15 hours before surgery, not earlier. In this way, vomiting can be prevented after anesthesia has passed.

Also, the following question is often heard from owners: is it possible to sterilize a cat using laparoscopy during estrus? Surgery during such a period is strictly prohibited, since the risk of bleeding is much higher.

How is the operation going?

Sterilization of cats by laparoscopic method, although not the most complex operation, but should be carried out exclusively qualified specialist in a veterinary clinic.

If all tests are normal, and there are no contraindications for surgical intervention, then preparations for the procedure itself can begin. Before starting, it is necessary to shave off the hair in the place where the incision will be made, after which the animal is introduced into a state of anesthesia. The next step will be the operation itself and, finally, suturing.

What is feline laparoscopy?

Most owners, if surgery is required, prefer to perform laparoscopy of cats rather than the classical method of sterilization. This is justified by the minimally invasive operation, where the incision itself is no more than 2 cm, even when the uterus and ovaries are removed. After the incision, a special surgical instrument, which is equipped with a camera and light, which allows the doctor to detail and enlarge the insides of the animal on the monitor. This manipulation allows you to qualitatively and as correctly as possible to carry out the removal of the pelvic organs. Next, we will consider in more detail such an operation as cat sterilization, its pros and cons.

Positive aspects of laparoscopy:

  • due to the minimally invasive type of intervention, the operation can be performed on young cats from 6 months old, also older ones, up to 15 years old;
  • minimal incisions minimize postoperative complications and possible infectious diseases;
  • postoperative sutures do not require detailed care, only 1 time per day is enough, in some cases it is completely absent;

  • due to small incisions, the pain syndrome is reduced to a minimum;
  • laparoscopy does not require wearing a postoperative bandage;
  • the ability to suture with special threads that dissolve on their own or apply medical glue;
  • the rehabilitation period is short, so the animal will experience a minimum of discomfort.

Avoidance Tips unpleasant consequences operations:

  1. If you have decided to sterilize your beloved pet, then do not try to save money on this by resorting to classical methods of surgery or by contacting doctors who have such a procedure “on the line”. Beware of too low a laparoscopy, think about what tools the operation can be performed in this case, and how qualified the doctor is. Free sterilization of cats, covered under various promotions, should also not attract you.
  2. This operation requires the clarity of movements, the experience of the doctor and the understanding that the life of a defenseless animal is in his hands, which is very expensive for the owners, and whose loss can be a real tragedy. Therefore, do not be too lazy to find out as much professional information about the doctor as possible: where he studied, how long he has been working, how many operations he has performed, etc.
  3. There were cases when doctors offered to perform laparoscopy at the owners' home. Never, under any circumstances, agree to this. Yes, this method gentle, performed with minimal incisions, but this is an operation that requires anesthesia and a sterile room.
  4. Run from doctors who try to assure you that the preparation of a cat for sterilization is not required at all, and the operation can be performed even today. Preparation is required, and is a prerequisite. You can read more about preparation below.

In this section, we will talk about the behavior of a cat after sterilization. If such a manipulation was carried out using laparoscopy, then, as a rule, a cardinal change in the behavior of the animal may not be observed. The exception is drowsiness and weakness, which is observed after the action of anesthesia. But after about a day and even earlier, the cat begins to feel normal, appetite appears, defecation and urination resume.

Sterilization classical method more a long period recovery and, unfortunately, less forgiving.

Another minus classical operation- This is a long passage of the effects of anesthesia. During the day, the animal will be too lethargic, sleepy, coordination of movement will be impaired, so the owner will have to follow the cat, without exaggeration, on his heels, which will prevent a fall and possible bad bruise. After such an operation, it is forbidden to drink and eat food for at least 10 hours.

After laparoscopy, cats quickly recover and return to their usual way of life. However, if the doctor recommends leaving the pet in the clinic for at least 8-10 hours, then it is better not to refuse. This will allow you to be as sure as possible that your cat is in in perfect order. Such measures are necessary due to the fact that sterilization, unlike castration of cats, is a more serious operation, so do not take the doctor's recommendations as unnecessary and unnecessary measures.

As mentioned above, on the first day after the operation, the animal will be sleepy, without mood and appetite. As a rule, this condition disappears within a day, but if you notice this phenomenon and the next day, you need to contact the veterinarian. Make sure that the animal does not lick the place where the incisions were made or, alternatively, purchase a special collar with which to reach postoperative sutures will be impossible.

If the sutures are not self-absorbable, then they are removed after about 10 days. pay attention to important detail- food after sterilization. Cats that have experienced this surgical intervention, tendencies to weight gain, i.e. obesity. Therefore, changes in the pet's diet should be considered. It is best to purchase special dry food for sterilized and castrated animals. The advantage of such feeds is the maximum content beneficial vitamins and a minimum of carbohydrates, as well as fats that provoke weight gain. If you prefer to feed the cat natural food, For example, various types meat, then be sure to reduce the portion size. It is best to consult a doctor, he will be able to tell you exactly how much food per day your cat needs.

Sterilization: pros and cons of the procedure

In fact, as such, laparoscopy has no disadvantages. Perhaps, only the emotional aspect remains here, the fear of the owners that the procedure may end lethal outcome pet.

As for the pluses, they are as follows:

  • restriction from unwanted pregnancy and childbirth;
  • the risk of pathologies of the pelvic organs, including cancer, is significantly reduced;
  • during sexual activity, the cat behaves much calmer.

Pricing policy for sterilization

It should be noted right away that laparoscopic surgery will cost more, but in this case the price is 100% justified. The average cost of sterilizing a cat in Moscow will start from 4000-5000 rubles.

Benefits of Laparoscopic Spaying for Cats was last modified: July 22nd, 2016 by Maxim Bartsev

Laparoscopy requires a special high-tech instrument.

Neutering cats

The laparoscope is both a "scalpel" and video monitoring. The device is equipped with a trocar - a special needle, a manipulator and an internal video surveillance system. All manipulations are performed through two small punctures.

Laparoscopy can be used to sterilize females. Sometimes laparoscopic intervention is also required for males: if the testes have not descended into the scrotum.


Actually, it is necessary to prepare a cat not for surgery, but for anesthesia. A few days before sterilization, it is necessary to undergo a medical examination: examination and consultation with a cardiologist in the first place, since anesthesia can provoke serious cardiac pathologies.

The type of anesthesia and preparations for it are selected in advance, taking into account individual characteristics, health and age.

Before laparoscopy, the cat does not need to be fed. The last feeding should be at least 8 hours before the start of the operation. A couple of hours before the introduction of anesthesia, the animal should not drink.

Operation steps

Postoperative period

After laparoscopy, cats do not require serious care.

After operation

Difficulties can arise only in the first hours: since cats recover from anesthesia after sterilization quickly enough, they try to move actively, but long time will be disoriented. Therefore, a place for animals must be selected safely: always on the floor and away from objects that you can hit or jump on. Main danger in the fact that in the state after anesthesia, the cat does not notice the height of the couch, and when it falls, it is not possible to group correctly due to a clouded consciousness. But, despite not having yet passed anesthesia, cats often try to jump on high furniture to get into a secluded place - and the coordination is not yet balanced. It is best not to let the animal out of sight the first day after the operation.

Possible Complications

It should also be remembered that after anesthesia, animals do not control urination: a waterproof absorbent diaper will be required for the bed.

At first, you need to make sure that the cat's head does not throw back - this is dangerous because of the probability.

Wounds after laparoscopy do not require serious care. All care comes down to the periodic treatment of wounds with antiseptics - sprays have proven themselves best. If the trocar was of a large diameter and the sutures were still applied, then they must be removed after a week, if an intradermal suture was not used - these resolve themselves. But even if significant wound care is not required during the week, it is still necessary to examine them periodically. And at the slightest suspicion of a complication (redness, discharge, bleeding), consult a doctor.

Sometimes a doctor may prescribe a prophylactic course of antibiotics. But such treatment is rarely required, since during laparoscopy there is no contact of the surgeon's hands with the skin of the animal and sterility is practically not violated.

Behavior of a cat after sterilization

Any obvious changes in the behavior and psychology of the animal should not be expected. Usually, animals become a little more affectionate and calmer, the old instincts are preserved, especially hunting. Even at first, sexual instincts may spontaneously appear (if at least one ovary was left) - but this is temporary. Females with pronounced leadership inclinations may begin to mark the territory, but this also passes quickly. In males, the territorial instinct is preserved, but it will be weakly expressed. A sterilized animal is more people-oriented.

The main danger after surgery is some hormonal changes resulting in increased appetite. In itself, sterility is not a predisposition to obesity. But if you do not follow the diet and diet, the animal can get fat. This should not be allowed, as for cats, obesity can often end tragically.

Laparoscopic sterilization of cats is the newest and most advanced type of surgical intervention in veterinary medicine. The operation is performed through very small openings in the abdominal cavity and practically does not injure the animal. This procedure requires special expensive equipment, which significantly affects the cost of the service.

Sterilization and its types

Neutering is called intervention in the body of a cat in order to deprive her of the opportunity to have offspring. This procedure has a beneficial effect on the health of the animal, increases life expectancy, and also relieves the owners of many problems and inconveniences associated with sex life pet.

Modern veterinary medicine carries out several types of sterilization:

  1. Ovariectomy. surgical procedure for removal of the ovaries. It is made through a three-centimeter incision in the abdominal cavity. After the procedure, the individual ceases to produce sex hormones. It is used for young nulliparous animals.
  2. Ovariohysterectomy Suitable for giving birth cats older than 1 year. The operation consists in removing the uterus along with the ovaries. This intervention is also called castration.
  3. Tubal ligation prevents pregnancy, but does not affect the production of hormones. During estrus, the pet will behave restlessly, and even mark the territory.
  4. Hysterectomy is to remove the uterus. The ovaries remain and continue to produce their hormones, which affects the cat's sexual behavior. In general, the effect of this operation is the same as tubal ligation.
  5. Cat laparoscopy- sterilization using a special endoscopic instrument, which is inserted through a small (no more than 1 cm) puncture on the side of the animal.

Pyometra in cats: causes and treatment purulent inflammation uterus

When starting a pussy at home, you need to think in advance that it will bring offspring. For those who are not going to breed kittens, it is better to immediately resolve the issue of sterilization - this will save the owners and the animal from unnecessary problems and suffering.

Castration of a cat by laparoscopic method is carried out under general anesthesia and last no more than 45 minutes. This type of intervention is considered humane and least traumatic.

Procedure steps:

  1. Laparoscopy. First, the animal is examined and selected optimal location for a puncture. After that, the pneumoperitoneum is applied and a puncture is made using a stylet. A tube with a video camera is inserted into the abdominal cavity, which transmits the image to the monitor. Internal organs are carefully examined.
  2. Surgery. A second puncture is made to introduce instruments. With the help of a special clamp, the ovarian ligament is captured and cut off with the help of current. Both ovaries and all cut-off tissues are removed one by one. On the final stage excess gas is evacuated from the abdominal cavity and an adhesive bandage is applied.

Getting out of anesthesia is quite long time. rehabilitation period short due to low traumatism and lack of seams.

The operation is carried out by specialists high level on modern equipment, which reduces the risk postoperative complications to a minimum. The price of laparoscopic cat sterilization ranges from 3,000 to 15,000 rubles.

Pros cons and contraindications

When choosing a sterilization method for domestic cat need to carefully consider the advantages, disadvantages and possible risk this procedure. Choose a clinic with a good reputation and consult with a veterinarian.

Contraindications for laparoscopic surgery are the same as for conventional sterilization. The animal should not have serious diseases of the reproductive system and tumors. You can not perform surgery for heart and respiratory failure, as well as for problems with the diaphragm.